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J_ID: PEP DOI: 10.4006/0836-1398-31.2.215 Date: 28-April-18
Stage: Page: 215 Total Pages: 4
PHYSICS ESSAYS 31, 2 (2018)
Circular and rectilinear Sagnac effects are dynamically equivalent and 1 contradictory to special relativity theory
Ramzi Suleimana)
Triangle Center for Research and Development (TCRD), PO-Box 2167, Kfar Qari 30075, Israel, Department
of Psychology, University of Haifa, Abba Khoushy Avenue 199, Haifa 3498838, Israel, and Department of
Philosophy, Al Quds University, East Jerusalem and Abu Dies, P.O.B. 51000, Palestine
(Received 19 June 2016; accepted 14 April 2018; published online xx xx xxxx)
Abstract: The Sagnac effect, named after its discoverer, is the phase shift occurring between two
beams of light, traveling in opposite directions along a closed path around a moving object. A
special case is the circular Sagnac effect, known for its crucial role in the global positioning system
(GPS) and fiber-optic gyroscopes. It is often claimed that the circular Sagnac effect does not contra-
dict special relativity theory (SRT) because it is considered an accelerated motion, while SRT
applies only to uniform, nonaccelerated motion. It is further claimed that the Sagnac effect, mani-
fest in circular motion, should be treated in the framework of general relativity theory (GRT). We
counter these arguments by underscoring the fact that the dynamics of rectilinear and circular types
of motion are completely equivalent, and that this equivalence holds true for both nonaccelerated
and accelerated motion. With respect to the Sagnac effect, this equivalence means that a uniform
circular motion (with constant w) is completely equivalent to a uniform rectilinear motion (with
constant v). We support this conclusion by convincing experimental findings, indicating that an
identical Sagnac effect to the one found in circular motion, exists in rectilinear uniform motion.
We conclude that the circular Sagnac effect is fully explainable in the framework of inertial sys-
tems, and that the circular Sagnac effect contradicts SRT and calls for its refutation. VC 2018
Physics Essays Publication. [http://dx.doi.org/10.4006/0836-1398-31.2.215]
Re´sume´: Leffet Sagnac, nomme´ dapre`s son de´couvreur, est le de´phasage qui se produit entre
deux faisceaux de lumie`re voyageant dans des sens oppose´s le long dun chemin ferme´ autour dun
objet en mouvement. Un cas particulier est leffet circulaire de Sagnac, connu pour son roˆle crucial
dans le syste`me Global Positioning System (GPS) et les gyroscopes a` fibre optique. On dit souvent
que leffet circulaire de Sagnac ne viole pas la the´orie de la relativite´ restreinte, parce quil
sagirait dun mouvement acce´le´re´, alors que cette the´orie ne sapplique quaux mouvements
uniformes non acce´le´re´s. On dit aussi que leffet Sagnac, qui se manifeste dans le mouvement
circulaire, doit eˆtre traite´ dans le cadre de la the´orie de la relativite´ ge´ne´rale. Nous allons a`
lencontre de ces affirmations en soulignant le fait que les dynamiques des mouvements rectilignes
et circulaires sont absolument e´quivalentes, et que cette e´quivalence vaut pour les mouvements
aussi bien non acce´le´re´s quacce´le´re´s. En ce qui concerne leffet Sagnac, cette e´quivalence signifie
quun mouvement circulaire uniforme (a` constante w) est totalement e´quivalent a` un mouvement
rectiligne uniforme (a` constante v). Nous soutenons cette conclusion par des re´sultats
expe´rimentaux convaincants qui indiquent quun effet de Sagnac identique a` celui trouve´ dans le
mouvement circulaire existe en mouvement rectiligne uniforme. Nous concluons que leffet
circulaire de Sagnac est pleinement explicable dans le cadre des syste`mes inertiels, quil contredit
la the´orie de la relativite´ restreinte et quil appelle a` la re´futation de cette the´orie.
Key words: Sagnac Effect; Special Relativity Theory; Lorentz Invariance; Systems Equivalence; GPS.
41 The Sagnac effect is a phase shift observed between two 42 beams of light traveling in opposite directions along the 43 same closed path around a moving object. Called after its 44 discoverer in 1913,1 the Sagnac effect has been replicated in 45 many experiments.25
The circular Sagnac effect is a special case of the general 46
Sagnac effect, which has crucial applications in fiber-optic 47 gyroscopes (FOGs)610 and in navigation systems such as the 48 global positioning system (GPS).2,11 The amount of the cir- 49
cular Sagnac effect is calculated using a Galilean summation 50
of the velocity of light and the velocity of the rotating frame 51 (c 6 xr). The difference in time intervals of two light beams 52
sent clockwise and counterclockwise around a closed path 53 on a rotating circular disk is Dt ¼ 2cv2l, where v ¼ xR is the 54
ISSN 0836-1398 (Print); 2371-2236 (Online)/2018/31(2)/215/4/$25.00
VC 2018 Physics Essays Publication
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Stage: Page: 216 Total Pages: 4
Physics Essays 31, 2 (2018)
55 speed of the circular motion, and l ¼ 2pR is the circumfer56 ence of the circle. In fact, the Galilean summation of c and 57 6wr contradict special relativity theorys (SRTs) second 58 axiom and the Lorentz transformations. Nonetheless, it is 59 consensual that the Sagnac effect does not falsify SRT,12 60 because it is manifested in circular motion, which is consid61 ered an accelerated motion,1315 while SRT applies only to 62 inertial (nonaccelerated) systems. Based on this consensus, 63 in the GPS, concurrent corrections for the Sagnac effect and 64 SRTs time dilation are made. Moreover, some theoreticians 65 claimed that the Sagnac effect manifest in circular motion, 66 should be treated in the framework of general relativity the67 ory (GRT) and not SRT.16,17 68 The view that the Sagnac effect is a property of rota69 tional systems is strongly disproved by Wang and his 70 colleagues1820 who conducted experiments demonstrating 71 that an identical Sagnac effect, to the one found in circular 72 motion, exists in rectilinear uniform motion.21 Using an opti73 cal fiber conveyor, the authors measured the travel-time dif74 ference between two counter propagating light beams in a 75 uniformly moving fiber. Their finding revealed that the 76 travel-time difference in a fiber segment of length Dl moving 77 at a speed v was equal to Dt ¼ 2vDl/c2, whether the segment 78 was moving uniformly in rectilinear or circular motion. The 79 existence of a Sagnac effect in rectilinear uniform motion is 80 at odds with the prediction of SRT, and with the Lorentz 81 invariance principle and, thus, should qualify as a strong ref82 utation of both theories. However, despite the fact that Wang 83 and his colleagues published their findings in well-respected 84 mainstream journals, their falsification of SRTs second 85 axiom, and the Lorentz transformations, has been completely 86 ignored. To the best of my knowledge, no effort was done by 87 SRT experimentalists to replicate Wang et al.s falsifying 88 test of SRT. 89 In this short note, we provide strong theoretical support 90 to the aforementioned findings regarding the identity 91 between the rectilinear and circular Sagnac effects, by under92 scoring the fact that, in disagreement with the acceptable 93 Newtons definition of inertial motion, the dynamics of 94 rectilinear and circular types of motion are completely equiv95 alent, and that this equivalence holds true for both nonaccel96 erated and accelerated motion. We elucidate this fact in 97 Section II and in Section III we draw conclusions regarding 98 the contradiction between the rectilinear and circular Sagnac 99 effects, and the predictions of SRT.
102 The common view in physics is that the above103 mentioned two types of motion are, in general, qualitatively 104 different. Linear motion with constant velocity is considered 105 inertial, while circular motion, even with constant radial 106 velocity, is considered an accelerated (noninertial) motion. 107 The above view is not restricted to the Sagnac effect, or to 108 relativistic motion, but it is believed to be a general distinc109 tion in classical mechanics as well, and is repeated in all 110 books on physics. This common view maintains that the cen111 tripetal force acting on a rigid rotating mass causes continual
change in its velocity vector, reflected in change in its direc- 112
tion (keeping it in a tangential direction to the circular path). 113
Here, we challenge this convention by claiming that 114
there is a one-to-one correspondence between the linear and 115
circular types of motion. In the language of systems analysis, 116
the two types of motion are completely equivalent sys- 117 tems.22,23 The proof for our claim is trivial. To verify that, 118
consider a dynamical system of any type (physical, biologi- 119
cal, social, etc.), which could be completely defined by a set 120
of dynamical parameters pi (i ¼ 1, 2, …, 6), and a set of 121
equations R defined as

R ¼ p2 ¼ p_1; p3 ¼ p€1; p5 ¼ p3p4;

p6 ¼
1 2
If we think of p1, p2, p3, as representing rectilinear posi- 123 tion x, velocity v, and acceleration a, respectively, and of p4, 124 p5, p6, p7, as mass m, rectilinear force F, work W, and kinetic 125 energy E, respectively, then the dynamical system defined by 126
R gives a full description of a classical rectilinear motion 127
(see Table I). Alternatively, if we think of p1, p2, p3, as rep- 128 resenting angular position h, velocity w, and acceleration a, 129
respectively, and of p4, p5, p6, p7, as radial inertia I, torque s, 130 work W, and kinetic energy E, respectively, then the dynami- 131
cal system defined by R gives a full description of a classical 132
circular motion (Q.E.D.).
It is worth noting that the equivalence between rectilin- 134
ear and circular dynamical systems is not restricted to the 135
special case of rotation with constant angular velocity or 136
even with constant acceleration.
We note here that the equivalence demonstrated above 138
between the dynamics of uniform rectilinear and uniform cir- 139
cular types of motion is inconsistent with Newtons first law, 140
which states that, unless acted upon by a net unbalanced 141
force, an object will remain at rest, or move uniformly 142 forward in a straight line.24 According to this definition of 143
inertial motion, which was adopted by Einstein, a circular 144
motion with uniform radial velocity is considered an acceler- 145
ated motion. However, the above demonstrated equivalence 146
is at odds with Newton and Einsteins views of inertial sys- 147
tems. In fact, based on Newtons mechanics, the first law for 148
TABLE I. Dynamical equations of rectilinear and circular systems.
Variable Position Velocity
Mass/Inertia Newtons second law Work Kinetic energy
x v ¼ dx
dt a ¼ dv
dt M F ¼ ma Ð W ¼ Fdx E ¼ 1 mv2 2 …….
h x ¼ dh
dt a ¼ dx
I s¼Ia
Ð W ¼ sdh E ¼ 1 I x2
2 …….
dp1 dt
dp2 dt
p5 ¼ p4 p3 Ð
p6 ¼ p5dp1
1 2
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J_ID: PEP DOI: 10.4006/0836-1398-31.2.215 Date: 28-April-18
Stage: Page: 217 Total Pages: 4
Physics Essays 31, 2 (2018)
149 circular motion could be derived simply by replacing, in the 150 original statement of the law, the words “straight line” by the 151 word “circle,” thus yielding the following law:
“A body in circular motion will continue its
rotation in the same direction at a constant
angular velocity unless disturbed.”
155 Quite interestingly, our view of what defines an inertial
156 system is in complete agreement with Galileos interpreta-
157 tion of inertia. In Galileos words: “All external impediments
158 removed, a heavy body on a spherical surface concentric
159 with the earth will maintain itself in that state in which it has
160 been; if placed in movement toward the west (for example), 161 it will maintain itself in that movement.”25 This notion,
162 which is termed “circular inertia” or “horizontal circular
163 inertia” by historians of science, is a precursor to Newtons 164 notion of rectilinear inertia.26,27
165 A deeper inquiry of the different opinions of the notion
166 of “inertia” throughout the history of physics is beyond the
167 scope and aims of the present paper. Nonetheless, we dare to
168 put forward the following definition of an inertial motion,
169 which agrees well with Galileos conception. According to
170 the proposed definition, a rigid body is said to be in a state
171 of inertial motion if and only if the scalar product between
172 the sum of all the forces acting on the body, and its velocity
173 vector is always equal to zero, or
 X !FiðtÞ :~vðtÞ ¼ 0 for all t:
174 Note that the condition in Eq. (2) is satisfied (under ideal 175 conditions) only by two types of motion: The rectilinear and 176 the circular types of motion.
178 Although it is not the subject of the present paper, our dem-
179 onstration of the complete equivalence between the circular
180 and the rectilinear dynamics, based on Newtonian dynamics,
181 calls for a reformulation of Newtons first law, which is in line
182 with Galileos view of inertial motion. Such reformulation is
183 far from being semantic. By accepting the fact that the circular
184 and rectilinear dynamics are completely equivalent, it becomes
185 inevitable but to conclude that the Sagnac effect in uniform cir-
186 cular motion is completely equivalent to the Sagnac effect in
187 uniform rectilinear motion, and that both effects contradict
188 SRT.
189 Moreover, the claim that the circular Sagnac effect
190 should be treated in the framework of GRT simply does not
191 make sense. In most Sagnac experiments, the experimental
192 apparatus is of small physical dimensions, allowing us to
193 assume that the gravitational field in the apparatus is uni-
194 form, thus excluding any GRT effects.
195 Another erroneous justification for the coexistence
196 between SRT and the Sagnac effect is that the observed 197 effect could be derived from SRT,28,29 e.g., by using Lorentz
198 transformations expressed in coordinates of a rotating frame.
199 This claim is based on fact that the difference between the
200 detected effect, and the one predicted by SRT, amounts to
1 2
and applications. We argue that this line of reasoning is erro- 202
neous in more than one aspect: (1) The directionality of the 203
Sagnac effect is dependent on the direction of light travel 204
with respect to the rotating object, whereas the time dilation 205
effect is independent of the direction of motion; (2) Special 206
relativity is founded on the axiom postulating that the motion 207
of the source of light, relative to the detector, has no effect 208
on the measured velocity of light, whereas in the Sagnac 209
effect, the Galilean kinematic composition of velocities 210
(c þ v, c-v) is the reason behind its appearance; (3) At rela- 211
tivistic velocities, for which SRT predictions become practi- 212
cally relevant, the second order of v/c can amount to values 213
approaching one; and (4) The aforementioned difference, 214
even if infinitesimally small, as in the case of GPS, could not 215
be overlooked because it is a systematic deviation between 216
the models prediction and reality, and not some kind of sta- 217
tistical or systems error.
Finally, we note that the abundance of experimental 219
findings in support of SRT, mainly its prediction of time 220 dilation,3033 is no more than what Carl Popper calls 221
“confirmation tests” of the theory. What is needed is to sub- 222
ject SRT to stringent tests, i.e., to what Carl Popper has 223 termed a “risky” or “severe” falsification test.34,35 Evidently, 224
the Sagnac effect, arising in rectilinear and in circular 225
motion, qualifies as a severe test of SRT. But such experi- 226
ments have already been performed in linear and circular 227 motion by Wang and his colleagues,1820 and we have shown 228
here that the two types of motion are completely equivalent. 229
We have no other way but to conclude that the physics 230
community is acting irrationally and unscientifically. The logic 231
behind the second axiom of SRT is shaky, and Herbert Din- 232 gles argument3638 that it leads to contradiction has never 233
been answered without violating the principle of relativity 234
itself. On the experimental side, the Sagnac effect detected in 235
linear motion is a clear falsification of the theory, and we have 236
closed the loophole by showing here that what applies to recti- 237
linear motion applies to circular motion.
In science, it takes one well-designed and replicated 239
experiment to falsify a theory. As put most succinctly by 240
Einstein himself: “If an experiment agrees with a theory it 241
means perhaps for the latter… but If it does not agree, it 242 means no.”39 (p. 203). Meanwhile, an experiment falsify- 243
ing SRT is flying above our heads in the GPS and similar 244
systems, but there are no good and brave experimentalists to 245
observe them and register their results.
We are not aware of a similar case in the history of 247
modern science, where a theory, which defies reason, and 248
contradicts with the findings of crucial tests, holds firm. We 249
believe that it is due time for a serious reconsideration of 250
SRT and the Lorentz transformations.
I thank Dr. Ibrahim Yehia, and two anonymous 253
reviewers for their helpful remarks on earlier drafts of the 254
1M. G. C. Sagnac, R. Acad. Sci. 157, 708 (1913).
2 N. Ashby, Relativity in Rotating Frames (Springer, New York, 2004).
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