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2024-08-27 21:48:20 -05:00
(12) United States Patent
Wang et al.
(10) Patent No.: US 7,586,587 B1
(45) Date of Patent:
Sep. 8, 2009
(76) Inventors: Ruyong Wang, 917 21st St. SE., St.
E. MN 'S E. Yes, so
rizzlya. Sarrell,
sley, 35 Edward Dr., St. Cloud,
(*) Notice: St. tO E. site th still
p p ls. e4i.d justed under
M YW- (b) by ayS.
(21) Appl. No.: 11/035,659
(22) Filed: Jan. 14, 2005
Related U.S. Application Data
(60) Provisional application No. 60/536,410, filed on Jan.
14, 2004.
(51) Int. Cl. GOIP3/36
GOIC 9/72
(52) U.S. Cl. ....................... 356/28.5: 356/460,356/482 (58) Field of Classification Search ................... 35628,
356/285.459,460. 477 482
See application file for complete search history s
References Cited
3,791,738 A * 2/1974 Newburgh .................. 356,472
3,941,481 A 3/1976 Kramer ...................... 356,472
4,588,296 A * 5/1986 Cahill et al. ... ... 356,462
4,997.282 A * 3/1991 Pavlath .......... ... 356,460
S.S. A 88: Siya - - - - - - - - 33 E.
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6,462.825 B1 * 10/2002 Wiebesick ..... ... 356/475
6,650,682 B1 * 1 1/2003 Diels et al. .................... 372,94
2006/0145063 A1* 7/2006 Steinberg et al. ....... 250,227.18
Ruyong Wang, “From the triangle Sagnac experiment to a practical
crucial experiment of the constancy ofteh speed of light using atomic
clocks on moving objects”, Europhysics Letters, Sep. 15, 1998; 43.
pp. 611-616.* Wang et al., “Modified Sagnac experiment for measuring travel-time difference between counter-propagating light beams in a uniformly moving fiber'. Jun. 2003, pp. 1-4.*
* cited by examiner
Primary Examiner Isam Alsomiri
A stand-alone speedometer directly measuring the transla tional speed of a moving body comprises a source emitting
two spaced light beams which interfere each other, mirrors or beam splitters changing directions of propagation of light
beams, and a detector measuring the phase difference of light beams. Compared with the phase difference when the speed ometer is stationary, the detector measures a first-order change of phase differences, which indicates the motion
2 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Sep. 8, 2009 Sheet 1 of 4
US 7,586,587 B1
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Detectoil T
U.S. Patent Sep. 8, 2009 Sheet 2 of 4
US 7,586,587 B1
Light paths in the speedometer.
- - - Pathl 1, W1-M1 l-M12-BS1-Detector 1 o Path21, W2-M21-M22-BS2-Detector1
Path 12, W1-M1 1-BS1-Detector2 Path22, W2-M21-BS2-Detector2
Detector 1
Fig. 3
M Detector
Fig. 4
U.S. Patent Sep. 8, 2009 Sheet 3 of 4
US 7,586,587 B1
NC 1
Detector2 Coupler with
a mirror
Coupler with
a mirror 22
Fig. 5
La. S e
: 3
N a VN
Detector2 coupler with a mirror
- a 2A
N-4 1
Coupler with), Detector
a mirror
Fig. 6
U.S. Patent Sep. 8, 2009 Sheet 4 of 4
US 7,586,587 B1
Ring Laser
NC 1
Detector2 Coupler with
a mirror
Coupler with
a mirror
Fig. 7
US 7,586,587 B1
FIG.5 shows an alternative construction of the stand-alone
speedometer with the two spaced laser beams emitted from the front and the back ends of a laser using fiber technology.
FIG. 6 shows an alternative construction of the stand-alone
This application claims the benefit of Provisional Patent Application No. 60/536,410, filed Jan. 14, 2004 by Ruyong Wang, Yi Zheng and Aiping Yao.
speedometer with the two spaced laser beams emitted from a wide laser cavity.
FIG.7 shows an alternative construction of the stand-alone
speedometer with the two spaced laser beams emitted from a ring laser.
This invention is generally related to instruments of navi gation and more specifically related to a speedometer.
The Sagnac effect shows that there is a travel-time differ ence between two counter-propagating light beams traveling
along a rotating path. In the recent generalized Sagnac experi ments conducted by Wang et al. (Ruyong Wang, Yi Zheng,
Most speedometers measuring translational speed of a
moving body either are not stand-alone or do not directly measure the speed. A speedometer that is not stand-alone uses contact information from outside of the moving body. For example, the speedometerina car only works when the wheel
of the car contacts with the ground, the Pitot tube of an airplane only works when the Pitot tube probes the surround ingair, theSonarofaSubmarineonly works when Sound wave reflects from some reference objects, and the GPS receiver
Aiping Yao, “Generalized Sagnac Effect”, Physical Review Letters 93 (2004) 143901), which publication is hereby incor
porated by reference, the travel-time difference of two counter-propagating light beams has been observed in a uni formly and translationally moving glass or air-core fiber
while the light source and detector are moving together with fiber in a fiber optic conveyor. The stand-alone speedometer and method directly measuring the translational speed
according to this invention utilize the discoveries of the experiments.
only works when it receives the signal from the GPS satel lites. A speedometer that is not directly measuring the moving speed calculates the speed based on other measurable infor mation. For example, an accelerometerina navigation system
measures the translational acceleration and the translational
speed is determined by integrating the accelerometer output with an initial speed.
A patent (U.S. Pat. No. 6,813,006) has invented a stand alone speedometer directly measuring the translational
30 35
The new speedometer is also related to the following gen
eral calculation.
In an apparatus, we have two spaced laser beams which interfere with each other. Light beam 1 starts from A and goes through path I to B, and light beam 2 starts from A and goes through path II to B (FIG. 1).
Neglecting all terms of higher than the first-order, we have the speed of light u,
speed. The present invention provides a new method and a
new speedometer that utilizes two spaced laser beams emitted
from a laser and measures their travel-time difference.
where v is the velocity of the apparatus relative to the pre
ferred frame, c is the constant speed of light in the preferred 40 frame, n is the refractive index and e' is a unit vector in the
direction of the path.
In accordance with one aspect of the present invention, a Hence,
stand-alone speedometer directly measuring the translational
speed of a moving body comprises a source emitting two 45
spaced interfering light beams, mirrors or beam splitters changing directions of propagation of said light beams, and
We have the travel-time of light beam 1 in path I,
detectors measuring the phase difference of said light beams.
According to another aspect of the invention, a method directly measuring the translational speed of a moving body 50
comprises selecting a light Source emitting two spaced light
beams which interfere each other, changing light beam direc
tions, and measuring the phase difference between the two where ds=e'ds.
beams, converting the phase difference to the translational
speed of the moving body.
55 The travel-time of light beam 2 in path II,
FIG. 1 shows the propagation of two spaced light beams in
a medium.
FIG. 2 shows an example of the basic construction of the The travel-time difference between two beams is: stand-alone speedometer with the two spaced laser beams
emitted from the front and the back ends of a laser.
FIG.3 shows the paths of light beams in the basic construc tion of the stand-alone speedometer.
12 - i. = (1/c?rds
(1/e (Ids)-
FIG. 4 shows standing wave detectors in a laser cavity.
US 7,586,587 B1
(1fc) nds +(1/e (as 5
At2 = t2 - 122 = (1?o nds-f nds) vLic
where the projection of path W1-W2 on the direction of the velocity v is -L. Thus,
which can be measured by detecting a fringe shift Af-vL/ c. on Detector2. Comparing D1 with D2, we have
where III is a virtual and arbitrary path from A to A, we have 15 It indicates that the difference between the fringe shift on
Detector1 and the fringe shift on Detector2. Af-Af, is 2vL/
cw when the speedometer moves at a speed V.
In this configuration, each fringe shift on Detector 1 or
Detector2 is sensitive to the stability of the optical path having
the length of L, but the value of the difference between them, It indicates that the travel-time difference between two (Af-Af.), is not sensitive to the stability of the optical path beams is related to V, the speed relative to the preferred frame. and it is optically stable.
Therefore, the change of travel-time difference between two If the air can be removed from the apparatus, the fringe
beams from stationary to moving is:
25 shifts on two detectors will be more stable.
As an example, if we can detect the difference between the
fringeshifts, Af-Af, with a sensitivity of10'fringe, wecan
(-)-(1-t) = (1/onds - (1/e) nds: (1/e ("I ds)-
detect a speed or a speed difference as small as 10'c/ 2L=310 m/s with L=0.3 m and 0.6 um.
(1 fo)
inds - (1 fo) nds
(1/e (e. ds) = vLf c.
There is an implied assumption in the calculations above that the phase difference between two spaced beams is con
stant when they leave the laser cavity. This assumption is true
because only standing waves are built in the laser resonant
which means that the travel time difference of the two spaced
laser beams is the first-order effect of V, VL/c, where the
speed is relative to the preferred frame and L is the projection
cavity and the phase difference of two ends of a standing wave is nat. To check this, standing-wave detectors 14, transparent
photodetectors, can be located in the resonant cavity (FIG. 4). Otherwise, the changes of measurements of the standing
of the path III on the direction of the velocity v. The projection wave detectors measure the motion.
could be positive or negative, depending on the angle between This speedometer has several features:
the path and the velocity. It is positive in FIG. 1.
40 1) Two beams in the main part of the speedometer propa
The basic construction of the stand-alone speedometer is gate in the same path but in opposite directions for the two
described hereunder with reference to FIG. 2. There are two detectors. Therefore, this speedometer is optically stable if
spaced light beams emitted from a laser 11. Both light beams are changed the directions on the mirrors and beam splitters
12, and the interference fringes and travel-time differences are detected at two detectors 13. The light paths are shown in
the difference of the two detectors is used. It is very important for a speedometer mounted on a moving object.
2) When the speedometer is moving at a speed V, the speed can be measured by comparing travel-time differences before and after turning the speedometer 90 degrees because we
FIG. 3. The propagation time intervals via different paths in the speedometer can be specifically calculated below.
have (Af-Af.)oo-0 after turning 90 degrees. Therefore, the measurement is V-(Af-Af.)-(Af-Af,)oolch/2L.
The travel-time difference between path21 and path11 is: 50 3) After turning the speedometer 180 degrees, the speed V
becomes speed -v and we have (A?-Af.), so -2vL/c.
Therefore, the measurement will be doubled by comparing
the fringes before and after turning 180 degrees, it is (Af
Af,)-(Af-Af,) so-4VL/cv.
55 This speedometer can be also constructed with fiber tech
nology. An alternative construction of the stand-alone speed
where the projection of path W2-W1 on the direction of the ometer is described hereunder with reference to FIG.5. There
velocity v is L. Thus,
are two spaced light beams emitted from the front and back ends of a laser 21. Both light beams are changed the directions
(At), -(At)o (ti-tii), (ti-tii)o-vL/c
60 on the couplers with mirrors 22, and the interference phase
and travel-time differences are detected at two detectors 23. A
which can be measured by detecting a fringe shift Af=VL/cw modulator 24 can be utilized to increase the sensitivity of the
on Detector1 when the speedometer has a speed V relative to speedometer if it is necessary. This fiber speedometer is simi
the preferred frame.
lar to the fiber optic conveyor. Therefore the difference
65 between the phase shift on Detector1 and the phase shift on
Similarly, the travel-time difference between path12 and Detector2. Acp-A?p is 4CVL/cw when the speedometer
path22 is:
moves at a speed V. If we can detect the difference between the
US 7,586,587 B1
phase shifts, A?p-A?p2, with a sensitivity of 107 radians, we variations are considered within the scope and spirit of the
can detect a speed or a speed difference as small as 10'c/ invention. Accordingly, the protection sought herein is as set
47t|L=8 um/s with L=0.3 m and -1 um. The fiber can be glass, forth in the claims below.
air-core or vacuum-core fiber.
Another alternative construction of the stand-alone speed
ometeris described hereunder with reference to FIG. 6. There
are two spaced light beams emitted from the same end of a
What is claimed is:
1. A speedometer, comprising: a. a laser cavity directly and immediately emitting two
spaced light beams which interfere each other, and hav ing an internal standing-wave detector to measure the
wide laser cavity 31. Both light beams are changed the direc
phase difference between said two spaced light beams,
tions on the couplers with mirrors 32. The interference fringes 10 b. mirrors and/or beam splitters changing the directions of
and travel-time differences are detected at two detectors 33.
said two beams,
Another alternative construction of the stand-alone speed c. a detector for measuring the phase difference of said two
ometeris described hereunder with reference to FIG. 7. There
are two spaced light beams emitted from the same ring laser 41. Both light beams are changed the directions on the cou plers with mirrors 42. The interference fringes and travel-time differences are detected at two detectors 43. A standing-wave
whereby said speedometer will be a stand-alone speedom eter for measuring the translational speed of a moving body.
2. A method of directly measuring the translational speed ofa moving body comprising,
detector 44 can be located in the ring laser cavity.
a. Selecting a laser cavity directly and immediately emit
An apparatus using three stand-alone speedometers can
ting two spaced light beams which interfere each other,
measure motion in three-dimensional space.
and having an internal standing-wave detector to mea
The particular embodiments disclosed above are illustra
sure the phase difference between said two spaced light
tive only, as the invention may be modified and practiced in different but equivalent manners apparent to those skilled in the art having the benefit of the teachings herein. Further 25
more, no limitations are intended to the details ofconstruction or design herein shown, other than as described in the claims below. It is therefore evident that the particular embodiments
beams, b. changing the light beams directions, c. measuring the phase difference between said two light
beams, d. converting said phase difference to the translational
speed of the moving body.
disclosed above may be altered or modified and all such
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