zotero/translators/NYPL Menus.js

276 lines
210 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-08-27 21:48:20 -05:00
"translatorID": "df9dca51-1f66-4dc6-a3e1-09b4c416db23",
"label": "NYPL Menus",
"creator": "Abe Jellinek",
"target": "^https?://menus\\.nypl\\.org/",
"minVersion": "3.0",
"maxVersion": "",
"priority": 100,
"inRepository": true,
"translatorType": 4,
"browserSupport": "gcsibv",
"lastUpdated": "2021-06-23 00:03:16"
Copyright © 2021 Abe Jellinek
This file is part of Zotero.
Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Zotero. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
function detectWeb(doc, url) {
if (/\/menu(s|_pages)\/\d+/.test(url)) {
return "document";
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return "multiple";
return false;
function getSearchResults(doc, checkOnly) {
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let href = attr(row, 'a[href*="/menus/"]', 'href');
let title = ZU.trimInternal(text(row, 'a:not(.thumbportrait)') + ' '
+ (text(row, 'div').match(/([0-9]{4})/) || [''])[0]);
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function doWeb(doc, url) {
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ZU.processDocuments(attr(doc, '#carousel li:first-child a', 'href'), scrape);
else {
scrape(doc, url);
function scrape(doc, _url) {
let item = new Zotero.Item('document');
item.title = text(doc, 'div.modes') + ' menu';
item.libraryCatalog = 'New York Public Library Menu Collection';
item.numPages = '' + doc.querySelector('.pages').childElementCount;
item.url = attr(doc, '.pages a', 'href').replace(/\/explore$/, '');
if (item.url.startsWith('/')) {
// only one case (/menu_pages/12345) to deal with here.
// no HTTPS.
item.url = 'http://menus.nypl.org' + item.url;
item.extra = 'genre: Restaurant menu\n';
for (let p of doc.querySelectorAll('.metadata p')) {
let text = ZU.trimInternal(p.innerText);
if (text.startsWith('Location')) {
text = text.substring('Location'.length).trim();
item.extra += `Restaurant Location: ${text}\n`;
else if (text.startsWith('Date')) {
text = text.substring('Date'.length);
item.date = ZU.strToISO(text);
else if (text.startsWith('Place')) {
text = text.substring('Place'.length).trim();
item.extra += `Place: ${text}\n`;
else if (text.startsWith('Physical description')) {
text = text.substring('Physical description'.length).trim();
item.extra += `Physical Description: ${text}\n`;
else if (text.startsWith('Call number')) {
text = text.substring('Call number'.length);
item.callNumber = text;
else if (text.startsWith('Notes')) {
text = text.substring('Notes'.length);
item.abstractNote = text;
let note = '<h1>Dishes</h1><ul>';
for (let row of doc.querySelectorAll('.dishtable > tbody > tr')) {
let name = text(row, '.name');
let price = text(row, '.price');
if (price == '-') {
note += `<li>${name}</li>`;
else {
note += `<li>${name} (price: ${price})</li>`;
note += '</ul>';
item.notes.push({ note });
var testCases = [
"type": "web",
"url": "http://menus.nypl.org/menus/26680",
"items": [
"itemType": "document",
"title": "Zum Durnbrau menu",
"creators": [],
"date": "2005-01-14",
"abstractNote": "Dieter Zander Collection; includes three paper inserts.",
"callNumber": "Zander 324",
"extra": "genre: Restaurant menu\nRestaurant Location: Zum Durnbrau\nPlace: Zum Durnbrau\nPhysical Description: Tri-fold; 11.75 x 16.5 inches folded",
"libraryCatalog": "New York Public Library Menu Collection",
"url": "http://menus.nypl.org/menu_pages/46080",
"attachments": [],
"tags": [],
"notes": [
"note": "<h1>Dishes</h1><ul><li>Gebrannte Grieβsupp'n 3.90 (price: 3.9)</li><li>Broccolirahmsupp'n 4.10 (price: 4.1)</li><li>Gebrannte Grießsupp'n, Seelachsfilet Gebacken, Remouladensoße, Kartoffel Gurkensalat (price: 9.7)</li><li>Seelachsfilet Gebacken, Remouladensosse, Kartoffel Gurkensalat (price: 9.7)</li><li>Saure Brez'n Knödel, Dünn Aufgeschnitten, Mit Regensburger Wurst (price: 7.2)</li><li>Heringssalat Mit Zwiebelringen Und Hausbrot 8.20 (price: 8.2)</li><li>Blattsalat In Kräuterrahmdressing Mit In Butter Gebratenen Austernpilzen (price: 6.4- 0.0)</li><li>Schweinskopf Sülze, Hausgemacht Mit Röstkartoffeln 9.20 / Klein 6.40 (price: 6.4- 0.0)</li><li>2 Ochsenaugen Auf Rahmspinat, Dazu Salzkartoffeln (price: 6.6)</li><li>Schweinsleber Geschnetzelt, Sauer, Mit Röstkartoffeln Und Grünem Salat 8.70 / Klein 6.10 (price: 6.1- 0.0)</li><li>Käsespätzle Hausgemacht, Mit Röstzwiebeln Und Gemischtem Salatteller 8.70 / Klein 6.10 (price: 6.1- 0.0)</li><li>Tagesgemüse Blumenkohl Mit Schinken Und Käse überbacken, Salzkartoffeln (price: 9.2)</li><li>Kassler Vom Rost, Mit Gemischtem Kartoffel Gurkensalat 9.20 (price: 9.2)</li><li>Hühnerbrüstchen Goldgelb Gebacken Mit Remouladensoße Und Gemischtem Salat 9.70 (price: 9.7)</li><li>Geschmorte Ochsenwade In Zwiebelsoße Mit Brezenknödel Und Grünem Salat 10.20 / Klein 7.10 (price: 7.1- 0.0)</li><li>Schweinsbraten Mit Kruste, Dazu Kartoffelknödel Und Speckkrautsalat 10.20 / Klein 7.10 (price: 7.1- 0.0)</li><li>1/2 Schweinshax'n Knusprig Gebraten, Mit Kartoffelknödel Und Speckkrautsalat 12.30 (price: 12.3)</li><li>Spanferkel Knusprig, In Dunkelbiersoße Mit Kartoffelknödel Und Speckkrautsalat 16.40 / Klein 11.50 (price: 11.5- 0.0)</li><li>Schellfisch Gekocht, In Senfrahmsoße Mit Petersilienkartoffeln Und Blattsalat 10.20 (price: 10.2)</li><li>Dampfnudel Mit Heißer Vanillesoße 5.10 (price: 5.1)</li><li>Castell Castell [Ww) Silvaner Qb A Qualitätswein Trocken Duft Nach Pfirsich Und Banane, Jung, Frisch, Handlese, Cremig Und Weich (price: 0.25- 0.0)</li><li>Spatenbräu Hell, Feinstes Münchner Lagerbier 0,5 L 3,20 (price: 3.2)</li><li>Spatenbräu Pils 25 L 1,90 / 0,3 L 3,20 (price: 1.9- 0.0)</li><li>Spatenbräu Dunkles Bier 0,5 L 3,20 (price: 3.2)</li><li>Schloss Castell [Ww) Bacchus Qb A Qualitätswein 0,25 5,00 (price: 5.0)</li><li>Schnitt (Schaumhalbe), Hell Oder Dunkel Lagerbier 0,25 L 1,90 / 0,4 L 2,80 (price: 1.9- 0.0)</li><li>Franziskaner Hefeweissbier Hell O,5 L 3,50 (price: 3.5)</li><li>Radler (Lagerbier Mit Brauselimonade) 0,3 L 2,30 / 0,5 L 3.20 (price: 2.3- 0.0)</li><li>Grüner Veltliner Vom Urgestein Trocken [Ww) Weingut Franz Türk 0,25 7,50 / 0,75 22,00 (price: 7.5- 0.0)</li><li>Russen (Hefeweissbier Mit Brauselimonade) 0,5 L 3,50 (price: 3.5)</li><li>Pfälzer Landwein Rheinpfalz, Landau (Ww), Deutscher Tafelwein Steiner'scher Keller 0,35 5,00 (price: 5.0)</li><li>Franziskaner Hefeweissbier Dunkel 0,5 L 3,50 (price: 3.5)</li><li>Spaten Alkoholfrei, Ein Herbfrisches Schankbier 0,5 L 3,20 (price: 3.2)</li><li>Light Bier, Das Kalorienarme Mit Weniger Alkohol 0,5 L 3,70 (price: 3.2)</li><li>Triumphator, Dunkles Starkbier 0,5 L 3,70 (price: 3.7)</li><li>Spaten Diätpils 0,33 L 3,20 (price: 3.2)</li><li>Castell (Rose), Rotling Qb A Qualitätswein Trocken 0,25 5,00 (price: 5.0)</li><li>Hefeweizen Leicht 0,5 L 3,50 (price: 3.5)</li><li>Reichsgraf Von Kesselstatt (Rw), Riesling Feinherb Qualitätswein Mosel Saar Ruwer 0,25 5,50 (price: 5.5)</li><li>Gerolsteiner Original Mineralwasser 0,25 L 2,20 (price: 2.2)</li><li>Staatlich Fachingen Mineralwasser 0,5 L 3,20 / 0,25 L 2,40 (price: 2.4- 0.0)</li><li>Zweigelt Weingut Markowitsch (Rw), Landwein Qualitätswein Aus Dem Carnuntum 0,25 5,50 (price: 5.5)</li><li>Libella Zitronenlimonade 0,5 L 3,40 (price: 3.4)</li><li>Pepsi Cola (Coffeinhaltige Limonade) 0,33 L 2,50 (price: 2.5)</li><li>Mirinda 0,33 L 2,50 (price: 2.5)</li><li>Spezi Schwip Schwap (Coffeinhaltige Limonade) 0,5 L 3,50 (price: 3.5)</li><li>Ap
"seeAlso": []
"type": "web",
"url": "http://menus.nypl.org/menus/28929/explore",
"items": [
"itemType": "document",
"title": "The Famous Anchor Sea Food House menu",
"creators": [],
"date": "1962-07-29",
"abstractNote": "German is secondary language",
"callNumber": "1962-0040_wotm",
"extra": "genre: Restaurant menu\nRestaurant Location: The Famous Anchor Sea Food House\nPhysical Description: 33.5x25.5cm folded; 33.5x51cm open",
"libraryCatalog": "New York Public Library Menu Collection",
"url": "http://menus.nypl.org/menu_pages/54352",
"attachments": [],
"tags": [],
"notes": [
"note": "<h1>Dishes</h1><ul><li>Fresh Fruit In Season</li><li>Manhattan Clam Chowder (price: 0.35- 25.0)</li><li>Tomato Juice (price: 0.25)</li><li>Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail (price: 1.2)</li><li>New England Fish Chowder (price: 0.35- 0.5)</li><li>Fresh Fruit Cup (price: 0.45)</li><li>Crab Lump Cocktail (price: 1.5)</li><li>Fresh Seafood Cocktail (price: 2.25)</li><li>Tomato Juice (price: 0.25)</li><li>Clam Broth (price: 0.25- 50.0)</li><li>Lobster Cocktail (Fresh Picked) (price: 1.95)</li><li>Filet Of Marinated Herring, Cream Sauce (price: 0.55)</li><li>Cherrystone Clams (6) (price: 0.75)</li><li>Clams A La Casino (price: 2.25)</li><li>Fried Clams, Tartare (price: 1.95)</li><li>Oysters: Blue Points (6) On The Half Shell (price: 0.95)</li><li>Clam Stew In Milk (price: 1.5)</li><li>Clam Stew, Half And Half (price: 1.85)</li><li>Oysters: Cape Cods (6) On The Half Shell</li><li>Broiled Oysters (Crumb) (price: 2.25)</li><li>Oysters A La Casino (price: 3.25)</li><li>Oyster Stew: Half And Half (price: 2.35)</li><li>Oyster Stew: Milk (price: 2.1)</li><li>Oyster Fry, Sauce Tartare (price: 2.1)</li><li>Basket Steamed Soft Main Clams, Broth, Drawn Butter (price: 1.95)</li><li>Oyster Fry With Bacon, Sauce Tartare (price: 2.1)</li><li>Sea Scallops Saute (price: 2.45)</li><li>Sea Scallops Newburg (price: 2.45)</li><li>Peconic Deep Sea Scallops, Fried (price: 2.15)</li><li>Peconic Deep Sea Scallops, Broiled (price: 2.45)</li><li>Long Island Bay Scallops, Fried (price: 2.5)</li><li>Long Island Bay Scallops, Broiled (price: 2.75)</li><li>Long Island Bay Scallops Saute (price: 2.75)</li><li>Sea Scallops Au Gratin (price: 2.75)</li><li>Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail (price: 1.2)</li><li>Curried Shrimps, With Steamed Rice, Chutney (price: 2.75)</li><li>Fried, Florida Shrimps (price: 2.45)</li><li>Shrimps A La Newburg (price: 2.75)</li><li>Shrimps Creole (price: 2.75)</li><li>King Sized Jumbo Shrimp Salad (price: 2.65)</li><li>Shrimps Saute In Butter (price: 2.75)</li><li>Shrimps Au Gratin (price: 2.75)</li><li>Cold Half Lobster Platter (price: 2.25)</li><li>Lobster Thermidor (price: 4.25)</li><li>Lobster Saute (price: 3.45)</li><li>Lobster A La Newburg (price: 3.45)</li><li>Lobster Stew In Milk (price: 2.25)</li><li>Lobster Stew In Half And Half (price: 2.65)</li><li>Lobster Au Gratin (price: 3.25)</li><li>Lobster A L'americaine (price: 4.95)</li><li>Bouillabaise Marseillaise (price: 4.95)</li><li>Broiled Jumbo Deviled Crab (1) (price: 1.75)</li><li>Broiled Jumbo Deviled Crab (Pair) (price: 2.45)</li><li>Broiled South African Lobster Tail, Drawn Butter (price: 3.75)</li><li>Crabs A La Newburg (price: 2.95)</li><li>Crab Lump Salad (price: 2.65)</li><li>Crab Meat Au Gratin (price: 2.95)</li><li>Crab Flakes, Dewey (price: 2.75)</li><li>Crabmeat Saute (price: 2.95)</li><li>Soft Shell Crabs Broiled Fried</li><li>Broiled Mushrooms (price: 0.75)</li><li>Grilled Tomato (price: 0.35)</li><li>French Fried Onion Rings (price: 0.45)</li><li>Green Vegetable (In Season)</li><li>Shrimps, Scallops And Clams, Fried, Tartare (price: 2.35)</li><li>Shrimps, Scallops And Clams, Saute In Pure Butter (price: 2.5)</li><li>Lobster, Shrimps And Crab Meat Stew In Milk (price: 1.75)</li><li>Crabmeat Salad (price: 2.65)</li><li>Lobster, Shrimps And Crab Meat Stew Au Gratin (price: 3.25)</li><li>Shrimp Salad (price: 2.65)</li><li>Lobster (Fresh) Salad (price: 3.5)</li><li>Lobster, Shrimps And Crab Meat Saute In Butter (price: 3.25)</li><li>Combination Salad (Lobster, Shrimp And Crab Meat) (price: 3.25)</li><li>Lobster, Shrimps And Crab Meat A La Newburg (price: 3.25)</li><li>Chef's Salad Bowl, Anchor's Special Dressing (price: 0.25)</li><li>Hearts Of Lettuce Salad (price: 0.35)</li><li>Lettuce And Tomato Salad (price: 0.5)</li><li>Sliced Tomato Salad (price: 0.35)</li><li>Melon</li><li>Cup Of Chowder</li><li>Fresh Fruit Cup</li><li>Lump Crabmeat, Shrimp And Rock Lobster Au Gratin En Casserole (price: 3.25)</li><li>Broiled Boneless Shad And Shad Roe, Parsley Butter Crisp Bacon (price: 3.25)</li><li>Cold 1/2 Lobster (price: 2.25)</li><li>Broiled Eastern Halibut Steak
"seeAlso": []
"type": "web",
"url": "http://menus.nypl.org/menus/31054",
"items": [
"itemType": "document",
"title": "Plaza Hotel menu",
"creators": [],
"date": "1933",
"abstractNote": "62 menus bound into 1 volume",
"callNumber": "1933-0128_wotm",
"extra": "genre: Restaurant menu\nRestaurant Location: Plaza Hotel\nPhysical Description: 30x21",
"libraryCatalog": "New York Public Library Menu Collection",
"url": "http://menus.nypl.org/menu_pages/62720",
"attachments": [],
"tags": [],
"notes": [
"note": "<h1>Dishes</h1><ul><li>Cherry Stone Clams (price: 0.5)</li><li>Cocktail Sauce (price: 0.1)</li><li>Little Neck Clams (price: 0.45)</li><li>Sea Food Cocktail Plaza (price: 1.0)</li><li>Crab Flake Cocktail (price: 0.75)</li><li>Clam Juice Cocktail (price: 0.35)</li><li>Shrimp Cocktail (price: 0.75)</li><li>Tomato Juice Cocktail (price: 0.35)</li><li>Grapefruit (price: 0.65)</li><li>Orange (price: 0.65)</li><li>Melon (price: 0.65)</li><li>Fruit Supreme (price: 0.65)</li><li>Pineapple Paradise (price: 0.75)</li><li>Filet Of Herring (price: 0.5)</li><li>Fresh Caviar (price: 2.25)</li><li>Petit Artichoke Mariniere (price: 0.5)</li><li>Smoked Salmon (price: 0.75)</li><li>Tomato Monegasque (price: 0.75)</li><li>Stuffed Celery (price: 0.5)</li><li>Hors D'oeuvre Varies</li><li>Anchovy Canape (price: 0.6)</li><li>Salami (price: 0.5)</li><li>Maquereau Au Vin Blanc (price: 0.5)</li><li>Little Neck Clams (price: 0.45)</li><li>Cocktail Sauce (price: 0.1)</li><li>Crab Flake Cocktail (price: 0.75)</li><li>Clam Juice Cocktail (price: 0.35)</li><li>Tomato Juice Cocktail (price: 0.35)</li><li>Shrimp Cocktail (price: 0.75)</li><li>Grapefruit Supreme (price: 0.65)</li><li>Melon Supreme (price: 0.65)</li><li>Fruit Supreme (price: 0.65)</li><li>Pineapple Paradise (price: 0.75)</li><li>Petit Artichoke Mariniere (price: 0.5)</li><li>Filet Of Herring (price: 0.5)</li><li>Fresh Caviar (price: 2.25)</li><li>Smoked Salmon (price: 0.75)</li><li>Plaza Appetizer (price: 1.25)</li><li>Tomato Monegasque (price: 0.75)</li><li>Hors D'oeuvre Variés</li><li>Anchovy Canape (price: 0.6)</li><li>Stuffed Celery (price: 0.5)</li><li>Salami (price: 0.5)</li><li>Antipasto (price: 0.5)</li><li>Wesphalia Ham (price: 1.25)</li><li>Maquereau Au Vin Blanc (price: 0.5)</li><li>St. Germain Soup (price: 0.4)</li><li>Chicken Okra Soup (price: 0.5)</li><li>Tomato Soup (price: 0.4)</li><li>Home Made Chicken Soup (price: 0.5)</li><li>Bortsch A La Russe (price: 0.5)</li><li>Jellied Gumbo Consomme, Cup (price: 0.4)</li><li>Jellied Consomme, Madrilene, Cup (price: 0.4)</li><li>Jellied Chicken Consomme, Cup (price: 0.4)</li><li>Jellied Beef Consomme, Cup (price: 0.4)</li><li>Planked Boneless Shad And Roe Lady Duveene (price: 1.25)</li><li>Filet Of Sole Cafe De Paris (price: 0.9)</li><li>Brook Trout Au Bleu, Sauce Escoffier (price: 1.0)</li><li>Frogs' Legs A La Cavour (price: 1.25)</li><li>Baked Lobster Beaugency (1/2) (price: 1.5)</li><li>Supreme Of Kingfish Fin De Siecle (price: 1.1)</li><li>Grilled Bluefish Baltimore (price: 1.1)</li><li>Soft Shell Crabs Under Glass Archiduc (price: 1.25)</li><li>Sea Bass Saute Nicoise (price: 1.1)</li><li>Chicken Halibut Au Beurre D'anchois With Potatoes Allumette (price: 1.1)</li><li>Salmon Steak Meuniere With Bananas And Sweet Peppers (price: 1.25)</li><li>Smothered Squab Chicken A La Dickens With Asparagus Tips (1/2) (price: 1.5)</li><li>Roast Hindquarter Of Baby Lamb, Potatoes Parisienne, Succotash Virginia (price: 1.5)</li><li>Glazed Virginia Ham, Sauce Porto With Sweet Potatoes Dixie, Braised Celery (price: 1.25)</li><li>Grilled Kernel Of Sweatbread With Bacon And Heart Of Artichoke Princesse (price: 1.5)</li><li>Escalopines Of Milk Veal Au Vin Blanc With String Beans And Veloute Crecy (price: 1.25)</li><li>Larded Tenderloin Of Beef, Melba (price: 2.0)</li><li>Imperial Squab Souvaroff (price: 2.0)</li><li>Planked Porter House Steak Aux Primeurs (price: 3.0)</li><li>Quenelle Of Capon National (price: 1.25)</li><li>Grilled Egg Plant And Tomato Baltimore (price: 0.9)</li><li>Noisette De Pre Sale Parisienne (price: 1.5)</li><li>Hot House Chicken L'athuile (1/2) (price: 1.75)</li><li>Supreme Of Guinea Hen Tour D'argent (price: 1.75)</li><li>Patty Of Mushrooms A La Reine (price: 1.0)</li><li>Calf's Head En Tortue (price: 1.1)</li><li>Roast Beef (price: 1.0)</li><li>Roast Baby Lamb (price: 1.5)</li><li>Broiler (price: 3.0)</li><li>Broiler (1/2) (price: 1.5)</li><li>Roast Royal Squab (price: 1.75)</li><li>Roast Squab Chicken (price: 2.0)</li><li>Jersey Asparagus (price: 0.9)</li><li>Cauliflower (price: 0.7)</li><li>Beets In Butter
"seeAlso": []
"type": "web",
"url": "http://menus.nypl.org/menu_pages/55739",
"items": [
"itemType": "document",
"title": "Legal Sea Foods menu",
"creators": [],
"date": "1998-01-26",
"callNumber": "1998-0005_wotm",
"extra": "genre: Restaurant menu\nRestaurant Location: Legal Sea Foods\nPhysical Description: 37.5x23 folded; 37.5x46cm open",
"libraryCatalog": "New York Public Library Menu Collection",
"url": "http://menus.nypl.org/menu_pages/55736",
"attachments": [],
"tags": [],
"notes": [
"note": "<h1>Dishes</h1><ul><li>Cherrystone Clams. Six On The Half Shell...With Any Of The Littleneck Garnishes (price: 6.95)</li><li>Oysters. Six On The Half Shell...Several Varieties Available...With Your Choice Of Lemon And Pepper, Champagne Migonette, Grated Horseradish, Green Tabasco Or Cocktail Sauce (price: 8.95)</li><li>Littleneck Clams. Eight On The Half Shell...With Your Choice Of Lemon And Horseradish, Lime And Chile Salsa, Green Tabasco Or Cocktail Sauce (price: 7.95)</li><li>Steamers With Drawn Butter (price: 9.95)</li><li>Mussels With Garlic And White Wine (price: 8.95)</li><li>Mussels With Fragrant Seafood Sauce (price: 8.95)</li><li>Baltimore Peel N' Eat Shrimp (price: 9.95)</li><li>Legal's New England Clam Chowder. Served At The Past Five Presidential Inaugurations And Boston's Fenway Park, Too! (price: 3.5- 4.25)</li><li>Rhode Island Red Clam Chowder (price: 3.5- 4.25)</li><li>Fish Chowder (price: 3.95- 4.95)</li><li>Fried Smelts. Butterflied And Boneless (price: 4.95)</li><li>C Bar Coconut Shrimp. With Ginger Orange Sauce (price: 8.95)</li><li>Shrimp Wontons. Steamed Or Fried (price: 6.95)</li><li>Fried Oysters. With Cassia Salt And Seaweed Salad (price: 9.95)</li><li>Legal's Smoked Bluefish Pate. The Original...Rolled In A Walnut And Herb Crust (price: 5.95)</li><li>Onion Strings. Thinly Sliced, Battered And Fried (price: 3.95)</li><li>Kung Pao Chicken Wings. Spicy...Served With Blue Cheese (price: 6.95)</li><li>Rhode Island Fried Calamari. Hot Peppers & Garlic (price: 7.95)</li><li>Mussels Au Gratin. With Garlic (price: 5.95- 9.95)</li><li>Oysters Legal. Baked With Spinach, Cheese & Crumbs (price: 9.95)</li><li>Jonah Crab Claws. On Ice (price: 9.95)</li><li>Smoked Salmon. Thinly Sliced...Pumpernickle Toast (price: 11.95)</li><li>Maryland Crab Cake. With Apple And Mesclun Salad, Cider Mustard Vinaigrette (price: 10.95)</li><li>Clam Fritters. With Bacon...Roasted Red Pepper Sauce. Great With Chowder! (price: 5.95)</li><li>Shrimp Cocktail (price: 8.95)</li><li>House Salad. A Mix Of Romaine And Mesclun With Red Onions, Tomatoes And Cucumbers...Choice Of Dressing (price: 3.5)</li><li>Caesar Salad (price: 4.95)</li><li>Winter Salad. Endive, Pear And Maytag Blue Cheese With Toasted Walnuts (price: 5.95)</li><li>Seafood Antipasto. Grilled Shrimp, Clams, Mussels And Calamari...With Greens, Provolone Cheese And Olives...Tomato Vinaigrette (price: 14.95)</li><li>Warm Marinated And Grilled Calamari. With Grilled Onions And White Beans (price: 8.95)</li><li>Steamed Vegetables (price: 3.95)</li><li>Steamed Broccoli...With Or Without Cheese (price: 3.95)</li><li>Mashed Potatoes (price: 2.25)</li><li>French Fries (price: 2.25)</li><li>Sugar Snap Peas...Oyster Sauce (price: 3.95)</li><li>Baked Idaho Potato (price: 2.25)</li><li>Rice Pilaf With Orzo (price: 2.25)</li><li>Vegetable Of The Day (price: 2.25)</li><li>Onion Strings (price: 2.25)</li><li>Jasmine Rice (price: 2.25)</li><li>Vegetable Slaw (price: 2.25)</li><li>Lobster Bake. Steamed 1 1.25 Lb Lobster, Steamers, Mussels, Corn On Th Cob, And A Cup Of Clam Chowder...With One Side (price: 34.95)</li><li>Steamed Lobster (price: 19.95- 39.95)</li><li>Baked Stuffed Lobster With Buttery Crabmeat Stuffing (price: 22.95- 44.95)</li><li>Salmon Fillet (price: 18.95)</li><li>Tuna. Prepared Medium Rare (price: 19.95)</li><li>Assorted Dinner. Shrimp, Scallops & Three Cuts Of Fish (price: 19.95)</li><li>Rainbow Trout (price: 12.95)</li><li>Sirloin Steak 12 Oz. (price: 18.95)</li><li>Bluefish. Also Available Baked With Mustard Sauce (price: 11.95)</li><li>Arctic Char (price: 19.95)</li><li>Filet Mignon 8 Oz. (price: 22.95)</li><li>Haddock Loin (price: 16.95)</li><li>Skewered Shrimp (price: 18.95)</li><li>Chicken Breast (price: 13.95)</li><li>Mahi Mahi (price: 17.95)</li><li>Sea Scallops (price: 19.95)</li><li>Homemade Seafood Sausage. Made With Shrimp, Salmon And White Fish...Served With Savoy Cabbage And Mashed Potatoes. (price: 16.95)</li><li>Portuguese Fisherman's Stew. Cod, Mussels, Clams And Chorizo In A Saffron Tomato Broth...Garlick Toasts (price: 14.95)</li><li>
"seeAlso": []
"type": "web",
"url": "http://menus.nypl.org/menu_pages/35364/explore",
"items": [
"itemType": "document",
"title": "American Asiatic Association menu",
"creators": [],
"date": "1906-02-03",
"callNumber": "1906-126",
"extra": "genre: Restaurant menu\nRestaurant Location: American Asiatic Association\nPlace: MERCHANTS CLUB,NY\nPhysical Description: BOOKLET; ILLUS; 4.5X7;",
"libraryCatalog": "New York Public Library Menu Collection",
"url": "http://menus.nypl.org/menu_pages/35366",
"attachments": [],
"tags": [],
"notes": [
"note": "<h1>Dishes</h1><ul><li>Oysters</li><li>Cotuits</li><li>Clear Green Turtle Soup In Cups</li><li>Amontillado</li><li>Olives</li><li>Celery</li><li>Radishes</li><li>Filet Of Sea Bass, White Wine Sauce</li><li>Cucumber Salad</li><li>Carbonnieux 1889</li><li>Parisienne Potatoes</li><li>Noisettes Of Lamb, Bonnefoy</li><li>G. H. Mumm's Selected Brut</li><li>Fresh Artichokes, Sauce Hollandaise</li><li>Roast Chicken</li><li>Roast Squab</li><li>Salad Romaine</li><li>Ices</li><li>Assorted Cakes</li><li>Cheese</li><li>Fruit</li><li>Coffee</li></ul>"
"seeAlso": []
"type": "web",
"url": "http://menus.nypl.org/dishes/9512",
"items": "multiple"
"type": "web",
"url": "http://menus.nypl.org/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=aspic",
"defer": true,
"items": "multiple"