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PHYSICS ESSAYS 37, 1 (2024)
Special relativity and the Lorentz equations. Errors in Einsteins 1905 paper
Alasdair N. Beala)
10 King George Avenue, Chapel Allerton, Leeds LS7 4LH, United Kingdom
(Received 3 July 2023; accepted 18 December 2023; published online 9 January 2024)
Abstract: The explanation of Einsteins special theory of relativity in his original 1905 paper is examined. His analysis is confusing, as terms x, y, z, t, etc., have different meanings at various points, and he presents equations based on different and inconsistent assumptions. Adding subscripts clarifies these issues but exposes errors in his reasoning. To calculate his transformation equations, he selects a combination of equations which gives results matching the Lorentz transformation but he ignores other possible valid solutions. Also his calculations contain serious errors. Therefore, he fails to prove that his theory leads to the Lorentz equations as a unique solution. Einsteins analysis includes “moving” clocks which show “stationary” time t, so the idea that a moving clock should run slower than a stationary clock is incompatible with his theory. Also, his calculation of time dilation contains serious errors. As a result, he fails to provide a theoretical justification for his famous “clocks paradox.” VC 2024 Physics Essays Publication. [http://dx.doi.org/10.4006/0836-1398-37.1.46]
Resume: Lexplication de la theorie de la relativite restreinte dEinstein dans son article original de 1905 est examinee. Son analyse pr^ete a confusion, car les termes x, y, z, t, etc. ont des significations differentes a differents moments et il presente des equations basees sur des hypothe`ses differentes et incoherentes. Lajout dindices clarifie ces proble`mes mais induit des erreurs dans son raisonnement. Pour calculer ses equations de transformation, il selectionne une combinaison dequations qui donne des resultats correspondant a la transformation de Lorentz mais il ignore les autres solutions valides possibles. Ses calculs contiennent egalement de graves erreurs. Il ne parvient donc pas a prouver que sa theorie conduit aux equations de Lorentz comme solution unique. Lanalyse dEinstein inclut des horloges en onseque qui affichent un temps stationnaire t, donc lidee selon laquelle une horloge en mouvement devrait fonctionner plus lentement quune horloge stationnaire est incompatible avec sa theorie. De plus, son calcul de la dilatation du temps contient de graves erreurs. En consequence, il ne parvient pas a fournir une justification theorique a son fameux paradoxe des horloges.
Key words: Einstein; Special Relativity; Lorentz Equations; Time Dilation; Transformation Equations; Clocks Paradox; Mathematical Errors.
Einsteins special theory of relativity was first published in 1905.1 In this paper, he presented calculations to demonstrate that his theory leads to transformation equations for time and distance matching those previously derived by Lorentz from ether theory2 and thus the idea of an ether is “superfluous.” Most scientists now accept Einsteins theory and his paper is regarded as one of the most important in modern physics. In 2007, Hawking stated:
“The details of Einsteins reasoning, and the simple algebra behind it, are explained nowhere better than as found here, in Einsteins own words.”3
However, there are still some who have raised theoretical objections to Einsteins theory and also questioned its reconciliation with results from experiments and the satellite global
positioning system (GPS), e.g., Refs. 416. The present paper examines the logic and validity of Einsteins analysis and calculations in Part I (Kinematical Part) of his 1905 paper.
As terms such as x, x0, y, and t have more than one possible meaning in his calculations, subscripts are added in the present paper to identify these and clarify the analysis. For ease of cross-reference, Einsteins symbols and general notation are adopted rather than modern notation.
In his introduction, Einstein states:
“… the view to be developed here will not require an absolutely stationary space provided with special properties.”
However in subsequent passages he refers to “the stationary system,” “the stationary system of co-ordinates,” “a stationary rigid rod,” “the time of the stationary system,” “stationary space,” “stationary clocks,” and “the time of the
ISSN 0836-1398 (Print); 2371-2236 (Online)/2024/37(1)/46/9/$25.00
VC 2024 Physics Essays Publication
Physics Essays 37, 1 (2024)
stationary system;” he also compares the timekeeping of “travelled clocks” which have “moved” with clocks which “remained at rest.” To understand this it is necessary to refer to his definition of “stationary system” in Sec. I:
“Let us take a system of co-ordinates in which the equations of Newtonian mechanics hold good. In order to render our presentation more precise and to distinguish this system of co-ordinates verbally from others which will be introduced hereafter, we call it the stationary system.’”
Thus Einsteins “stationary system” is not stationary as normally understood: To comply with his definition it need only be in uniform translatory motion. Also it is not unique: It could be any of the coordinate systems he introduces in Secs. II and III, as these are all in uniform translatory motion. This should be borne in mind whenever he describes an item as stationary.
In Sec. II, he defines the principle of relativity and the principle of the constancy of the velocity of light:
“1. The laws by which the states of physical systems undergo change are not affected, whether these changes of state be referred to one or the other of two systems of co-ordinates in uniform translatory motion” (the principle of relativity).
“2. Any ray of light moves in the stationary system of co-ordinates with the determined velocity c, whether the ray be emitted by a stationary or by a moving body” (the principle of the constancy of the velocity of light).
Based on Einsteins definition of the stationary system, principle “2” could be more clearly stated as:
“In a system of coordinates in uniform translatory motion, any ray of light moves with the determined velocity c, whether the ray be emitted by a body which is stationary or moving relative to that system” (the principle of the constancy of the velocity of light).
At the heart of Einsteins analysis is a procedure for synchronising clocks by light flashes. In Sec. I, he states that if observers and clocks at A and B are at rest in the stationary coordinate system:
“Let a ray of light start at the A time tA from A towards B, let it at the B time tB be reflected at B in the direction of A, and arrive again at A at the A time t0A. In accordance with definition the two clocks synchronise if
tB À tA ¼ tA0 À tB
Einstein then states:
“It is essential to have time defined by means of stationary clocks in the stationary system.”
For this synchronisation method to work, the velocity of light must be constant relative to the observers carrying out the measurements, so these observers and their clocks must be at rest in the relevant coordinate system. However if clock B has a reflective mirror face, observer A can read time tB directly in its reflected image and it is unnecessary to have an observer at B. Time tB depends only on the location of clock B at the moment when the light flash reaches it, not its state of motion, so, although Einstein does not discuss this, his light flash synchronisation method will work equally well if clock B is moving.
Therefore, it is possible for a moving clock to be synchronised to show stationary system time. Einstein implicitly accepts this in Sec. II, where he describes a moving rod on which:
“… clocks are placed which synchronise with the clocks of the stationary system, that is to say that their indications correspond at any instant to the time of the stationary system at the places where they happen to be. These clocks are therefore synchronous in the stationary system.’”
In Sec. III, Einstein describes thought experiments which compare time and space measurements in stationary system K with those in moving system k travelling at velocity v relative to K. Each system has an observer and clock at rest at its origin. In system K, space coordinates are x, y, and z and clocks show time t; in system k, space coordinates are n, g, and f and clocks show time s.
In the first thought experiment (referred to here as “experiment A”) a light flash emitted at time s0 by an observer at the origin of system k is reflected at s1 from a clock on the X-axis remote from the origin and it returns to the origin at s2. As the remote clock is synchronised with the observers clock,
1=2ðs0 þ s2Þ ¼ s1:
Einstein then analyses this scenario as seen by the system K observer. He defines
x0 ¼ x À vt;
and states
“… it is clear that a point at rest in the system k must have a system of values x0, y, z, independent
of time.”
He then expresses s as a function of (x0, y, z, t):
 1=2 sð0; 0; 0; tÞ þ s 0; 0; 0; t þ
x0 !
cÀv cþv

¼ s x0; 0; 0; t þ x0 :
In Einsteins equations (1) and (2) different values of variables are identified by subscripts, without which the equations would be meaningless. However, in Eq. (4), there
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are no subscripts, despite some of its terms appearing to
have more than one meaning
First set: ðs ¼ s0Þ : x0 ¼ 0; y ¼ 0; z ¼ 0; t ¼ t;
second set: third set: ðs
ðs ¼ ¼ s1Þ
s2Þ : x0
: x0 ¼ ¼ x0;
0; y y¼
¼ 0;
0; z z¼
¼ 0;
0; t t¼
¼t tþ
cþÀx0 vc.Àx0v
cþx0 v;
Before proceeding further, the meanings of these terms
need to be determined. In the first set, it is fairly obvious that
the meaningless “t ¼ t” should actually be “t ¼ t0,” i.e., the
system K time when the flash is emitted, corresponding to s0 in Eq. (2). Similarly, in the second set, having x0 ¼ 0 and also t ¼ t þ ðx0=ðc À vÞÞ þ ðx0=ðc þ vÞÞ makes no sense; logically, the first x0 must be the coordinate of the system k ori-
gin but the second x0 (in the expression for t) must represent
some other value, e.g., the coordinate of the remote clock. Likewise, in the third set x0 and t must represent particular
values of these variables. Values of (x0, y, z, t) which would make sense of Eq. (4)
are listed below. In the analysis which follows, these are
assumed to have been Einsteins intended meanings.
first set: ðs ¼ s0Þ : x0 ¼ 0; y ¼ 0; z ¼ 0; t ¼ t0,
second set:
x01 cÀv
third set: ðs
ðs ¼ ¼ s1Þ :
s2Þ : x0 ¼
x0 ¼ x01; y
0; y ¼ ¼ 0; z
0; ¼
z t
¼ ¼
0; t ¼ t2 ¼ t0 t1 ¼ t0 þ cxÀ01v,
where x01 is the K coordinate of the remote clock, t0 is the
system K time when the light flash is emitted (corresponding
to s0), t1 is the system K time when the light flash reaches the remote clock (corresponding to s1), and t2 is the system K time when the reflected flash reaches the origin of k (corre-
sponding to s2) (Fig. 1). With these subscripts added to identify the meanings of
individual terms and “A” added throughout to identify this as an Experiment A equation, (4) becomes
 s 0;
0; 0; 
x0A1 cÀv
x0A1 ! cþv
x0A1 cÀv
FIG. 1. Experiment A (a) light flash on X-axis as observed in system K. (b) Light flash on X-axis as observed in system k.
For the system k observer, the corresponding equation with coordinates (n, g, f, s) is

1=2 sð0; 0; 0; sA0Þ þ s
2nA1 c

nA1 c
where nA1 is the k coordinate of the remote clock. Note: In this experiment, the light flash velocity is c rela-
tive to the system K observer and it is also c relative to the
system k observer, although these observers are moving rela-
tive to one another. To make the analysis easier to under-
stand, in the following discussion the flash is described as if
it is a pair of flashes, one travelling at velocity c relative to
system k and the other at c relative to system K. In system k
the flash travels between points which are all at rest in the
system. However, in system K the flash is reflected at t1 from a point which is moving at velocity v (it is “at rest in the system k” and has coordinate x ¼ x0 þ vt) and it returns at t2 to the origin of system k, which is also moving at velocity v.
Times t1 and t2 could be determined by stationary system K observers positioned beside the locations where these occur
or, alternatively, moving system K clocks could be posi-
tioned alongside the system k clocks and the times on their
reflected images could then be read directly by the observer
at the system K origin.
After Eq. (4), Einstein states
“Hence, if x0 be chosen infinitesimally small:

1 @s @s 1 @s
1=2 c À v þ c þ v @t ¼ @x0 þ c À v @t
@s @x0
v À
@s @t
Since s is a linear function, it follows from these equa-
tions that

v À
where a is a function u(v) at present unknown, and where
for brevity it is assumed that at the origin of k, s ¼ 0 when t ¼ 0.”
Note: At the origin of k, n ¼ x0 ¼ x À vt ¼ 0, so if t ¼ 0
the origins of k and K coincide.
Again, Einstein fails to identify the meanings of terms clearly: In Eqs. (6)(8) do x0, t, and s represent general varia-
bles, or particular values of these? If Eq. (4a) interprets Einsteins intended meanings correctly, then in Eqs. (6)(8) x0 should be xA0 1, the system K coordinate of the remote clock. However t is probably not the t which appears three times in
Eq. (4), which is the experiment start time t0: it is probably t1 but is it t1 ¼ t0 þ ðx01=c À vÞ, or is it t1 ¼ 1=2ðt0 þ t2Þ¼ 1=2ðt0 þ ðx01=ðc À vÞÞ þ ðx01=ðc þ vÞÞÞ? This is unclear, as these are both combined in Einsteins subsequent calcula-
tions and (as discussed below) there are incompatibilities
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between the “events” t1 and t2 are based on. To reflect this
uncertainty, the subscript 1? is applied here to t and s:

sA1? ¼ a
vx0A1 c2 À v2
Equation (4a) includes three pairs of events:
(i) outward flashes emitted by the system K and k observers at s ¼ t ¼ 0;
(i) reflection of these flashes from the remote clock at sA1 and tA1; and
(iii) the reflected flashes in both systems reaching the system k origin at sA2 and tA2.
For event (i), the origins of k and K coincide, so both flashes are emitted simultaneously from the same location.
For event (ii), in system K the flash path length and arrival time are
x0A1 À v=c
xA1 c
x0A1 cÀv
In system k, the flash has path length nA1 and arrival time
sA1 ¼ nA1=c:
For event (iii), in K the flash path length and arrival time are
x0A1 þ v=c

tA2 ¼
x0A1 cþv
x0A1 þ x0A1 : cÀv cþv
In k the flash path length is nA1 and its arrival time is
sA2 ¼ ðsA1 þ nA1=cÞ ¼ 2nA1=c:
As noted earlier, when synchronising clocks the flash should have equal outward and return path lengths and travel times. Thus if it leaves and returns to the system k origin s2 ¼ 2s1 and if it leaves and returns to the system K origin t2 ¼ 2t1. However in Einsteins equation (4) both flashes return to the origin of system k. Therefore, the outward and return travel times of the flash are equal in system k but in system K they are unequal: tA1 ¼ ðx0A1=ðc À vÞÞ and ðtA2 À tA1Þ ¼ ðx0A1=c þ vÞ. Therefore, sA2 ¼ 2sA1 but tA2 6¼ 2tA1; also 1=2ðs0 þ s2Þ ¼ s1 but 1=2ðt0 þ t2Þ 6¼ t1.
Therefore, if the outward flashes are assumed to reach the remote clock simultaneously in both systems [event (ii)], the reflected flashes will not arrive simultaneously at the origin of k [event (iii)]—and vice versa. Therefore, events (ii) and (iii) are incompatible.
Einsteins time calculations in Eqs. (4)(8) are based on a two-way light flash, including both its outward and return paths. However, he now considers a light flash which travels in only one direction:
“For a ray of light emitted at time t ¼ 0 in the direction of increasing n:
n ¼ cs

n ¼ ac
v À
But the ray moves relatively to the initial point of k, when measured in the stationary system, with the velocity cv, so that
x0 ¼ t:
If we insert this value of t in the equation for n, we obtain
c2 À
[With subscripts added, these equations become
nA1 ¼ csA1;

nA1 ¼ ac
v À
(15a) (16a)
x0A1 cÀv
c2 À
(17a) (18a)
Note: X0 ¼ x0A1? in (18a) because t ¼ tA1? in (16a).] Einstein does not explain his reasons for the change
from a 2-way flash to a 1-way outward-only flash, or how the
obvious differences between these scenarios are to be recon-
ciled in his calculations. The change to a 1-way flash does
not significantly affect equation (15), as the corresponding equation for a 2-way flash is: sA2 ¼ 2sA1 ¼ 2nA1. However, Eq. (17) is affected by both the change to a 1-way flash and
the choice of flash direction: [see Eq. (4)] the time for a 1-way return flash is t ¼ ðx0=c þ vÞ and the mean of the 2way outward and return flash times is t ¼ 1=2ððx0=c À vÞ þðx0=c þ vÞÞ. Therefore, Eq. (8), which is based on a combination of 2-way flash times, is not compatible with (17) and
Eq. (18), which Einstein derives by combining Eq. (8) with
(17), is invalid.
After Eq. (18), Einstein states:
“In an analogous manner we find, by considering rays moving along the other two axes ….”
In this scenario, the origins of k and K coincide at t ¼ s ¼ 0 and the system k origin moves along the X-axis at velocity v but instead of the light flash travelling to a clock
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nB1 ¼ 0:
FIG. 2 Experiment B Light flash along Y-axis of system k.
at coordinate n on the X-axis, it travels to a clock at coordinate g on the system k Y-axis. Einstein compares how these events are seen by the system k and K observers but, unlike in experiment A Eq. (4), he considers only a 1-way outward flash. As this scenario is significantly different from experiment A (see discussion below), it is considered here separately as “experiment B” (Fig. 2).
Einsteins equations are
g ¼ cs;
pffiffiffiffiyffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ t;
c2 À v2
x0 ¼ 0:
Unfortunately, once more he fails to identify the meanings of individual terms with subscripts or to identify these as experiment B equations. This is important because
• In experiment A, x1 ¼ ct1 but in B (see below) x1 ¼ vt1 (22);
• in experiment A, x01 ¼ t1ðc À vÞ (17) but in B, x01 ¼ 0 (21); • in experiment A: y1 ¼ 0pffi(ffi4ffiffiffiaffiffi)ffi,ffiffiffisffiffi1ffi ¼ n1=c (11) and g1 ¼ 0
(4a); but in B: y1 ¼ t1 c2 À v2 (20a), n1 ¼ 0 (23), and g1 ¼ cs1 (19a).
In each case, it is clear that the experiment A and experiment B equations are incompatible, so any results obtained by combining them will not be meaningful.
If suffix “B” is added generally, together with numerical suffixes as in experiment A, Einsteins experiment B equations become
gB1 ¼ csB1;
pffiffiyffiffiffiBffiffi1ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi c2 À v2
x0B1 ¼ 0;
(19a) (20a) (21a)
where sB1 is the system k time when the light flash reaches the remote clock, gB1 is its system k coordinate, tB1 is the corresponding system K time and yB1 is the system K coordinate.
xB1 ¼ vtB1;
After experiment A equation (7), Einstein stated:
“It is to be noted that instead of the origin of the co-ordinates we might have chosen any other point for the point of origin of the ray, and the equation just obtained is therefore valid for all values of x0, y, z …”
He provided no evidence or analysis to support this
assertion but he relies on it in his subsequent analysis, where
he assumes that equations from experiment A will be valid
in experiment B and vice versa.
He combines experiment B equation (19) g ¼ cs with
experiment A equation (8) to obtain

g ¼ ac
v À
He combines Eq. (24) with (21) to obtain
g ¼ act:
He combines Eq. (25) with (20) to obtain
g ¼ a pffiffiffifficffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi y:
c2 À v2
He then substitutes
a ¼ uðvÞ=b;
b ¼ 1= 1 À v2=c2;
to obtain
g ¼ uðvÞy:
To obtain his transformation equations Einstein com-
bines (27) and (28) with experiment A equations (8) and (18)

v À
¼> s ¼ uðvÞb t À vx=c2 ;
c2 À
¼> n ¼ uðvÞbðx À vtÞ;
g ¼ uðvÞy;
f ¼ uðvÞz:
He states
“If no assumption whatever be made as to the initial position of the moving system and as to the zero point of s, an additive constant is to be placed on the right side of each of these equations” (see Refs. 17 and 18).
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With subscripts added, Eqs. (30) and (31) are
sA1 ¼ uðvÞb t1? À vx1=c2 ;
n1 ¼ uðvÞbðx1 À vt1?Þ:
(30a) (31a)
Einstein then introduces “a third system of co-ordinates K0” which, according to the Perrett and Jeffery translation,
“… relatively to the system k is in a state of parallel transla-
tory motion parallel to the axis of X, such that the origin of coordinates of system k moves with velocity Àv ….”19 How-
ever this is incorrect: The phrase “of system k” is not in the
original German text, so it should read: “… relatively to the
system k is in a state of parallel translatory motion parallel to
the axis of X, such that the origin of coordinates moves with velocity Àv ….” Thus K0 is moving at Àv relative to k and it
is simply system K viewed from system k.
By combining transformation equations for these sys-
tems, he obtains
t0 ¼ uðÀvÞbðÀvÞ s þ vn=c2 ¼ uðvÞuðÀvÞt;
x0 ¼ uðÀvÞbðÀvÞðn þ vsÞ ¼ uðvÞuðÀvÞx
(NB: Here x0 is the system K0 coordinate of the system K origin, not x0 ¼ x À vt as elsewhere.)
Einstein concludes that K0 and K must be identical, so
uðvÞuðÀvÞ ¼ 1 and, because the length of a rod perpendicular to the X-axis must be the same for þv and Àv,
uðvÞ ¼ uðÀvÞ, so:
uðvÞ ¼ 1:
Thus his transformation equations become
s ¼ b t À vx=c2 ;
n ¼ bx0 ¼ bðx À vtÞ;
g ¼ y;
f ¼ z;
b ¼ 1= 1 À v2=c2
Although he does not mention it, Einsteins previous statement again applies: a constant must be added if the origins of k and K do not coincide at t ¼ 0.
In these equations x and n are x1 and n1, the system K and k coordinates of the remote clock when the light flash is reflected back from it; t and s also relate to this event but, as noted earlier, Einstein does not define their meanings clearly in Eqs. (6)(8).
There is a major error at the heart of Einsteins calculation of transformation equations:
(i) He combines experiment A equation (8) s ¼ aðt À vx0=ðc2 À v2ÞÞ with Eq. (15) n ¼ cs to obtain Eq. (16) n ¼ acðt À vx0=ðc2 À v2ÞÞ; and
(ii) he also combines (8) with experiment B equation (19) g ¼ cs to obtain Eq. (24) g ¼ acðt À vx0=ðc2 À v2ÞÞ.
Therefore if Eqs. (16) and (24) are both true:
g ¼ cs ¼ n.
(iii) in experiment A, n1 ¼ cs1 (11) and g1 ¼ 0 (5), so g 6¼ n; and
(iv) in experiment B, n1 ¼ 0 (23) and gB1 ¼ csB1 (19a), so again g 6¼ n.
Therefore, Einsteins assumption g ¼ cs ¼ n is false and his calculations based on this are invalid.
Also, as noted earlier, some of his equations are based on a 2-way light flash in experiment A, some are based on a 1-way flash in experiment A and some are based on a 1-way flash in experiment B. As these are not compatible with one another, when combined they will produce false results.
Furthermore, Einstein calculates his transformation equations by selecting one particular combination of experiment A and experiment B equations and he ignores other possible combinations. His analysis is summarised below, with relevant equations included for ease of reference.
(i) As noted above, he combines experiment A equations (8) and (15) to obtain Eq. (16) n ¼ acðtÀvx0=ðc2 Àv2ÞÞ
and he also combines (8) with experiment B equation (19) g ¼ cs to obtain (24) g ¼ acðtÀvx0= ðc2 Àv2ÞÞ;
(ii) he combines (24) with experiment B equation (21) x0 ¼ 0 topoffibffiffitffiaffiffiffiiffinffiffiffiffi(ffiffi2ffiffi5ffiffi) g ¼ act and combines this with (p20ffiffi)ffiffiffiffiffiffiyffiffi=ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiðffi c2 À v2Þ ¼ t to obtain (26) g ¼ acy= ðc2 À v2Þ;pbyffiffiffifficffiffioffiffimffiffiffiffibffiffiffiiffinffiffiffiing this with (27) a ¼ uðvÞ=b, (28) b ¼ 1= 1 À v2=c2 and (36) uðvÞ ¼ 1 he obtains
his transformation equation (39) g ¼ y;
(iii) by combining experiment A equation (8) with (27),
(28), and (36), he obtains his transformation equation (37) s ¼ bðt À vx=c2Þ.
However, Einstein has ignored other possible combinations of his equations, which produce different results. Examples are listed below:
a. If experiment B equations (19) g ¼ cs and (25) g ¼ act
are combined with Eqs. (27), (28), and (36) the result is
s ¼ t 1 À v2=c2:
b. If experiment A equations (8) s ¼ aðt À vx0=ðc2 Àv2ÞÞ and (17) x0=ðc À vÞ ¼ t are combined with Eqs. (27),
(28) apndffiffi(ffiffi3ffiffi6ffiffiffi)ffiffiffitffihffiffie result is
s ¼ t p1ffiffiffiffiÀffiffiffiffiffivffiffi=ffifficffiffi :
1 þ v=c
c. If experiment A equations (8) and (17) are combined with experiment B equation (21) x0 ¼ 0, the result is
s ¼ t ¼ 0:
These alternative transformation equations are all calculated from combinations of Einsteins equations, yet they differ from his Eq. (37). [Note: In (37) s appears to depend on x, t and v/c, whereas in Eqs. (41) and (42) it depends on only
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t and v/c and in Eq. (43) it depends on neither. However this difference is illusory: x and t can be interchanged via his Eqs. (3) x0 ¼ x À vt and (17) x0=ðc À vÞ ¼ t.] Einstein does not explain why he selected only the particular combination of equations which produces transformation equation (37) and ignored other possible combinations. Alternative transformation equations (41)(43) are all equally valid solutions to his analysis.
Thus Einstein has failed to prove that calculations based on his theory produce the Lorentz equations as a unique solution.
In Sec. IV, “Physical Meaning of the Equations Obtained in Respect to Moving Rigid Bodies and Moving Clocks” Einstein states that if a rigid body moving at velocity v is viewed from system K:
“the X-dimension will appear shortened in the ratio 1:ͱ(1 À v2/c2) … It is clear that the same results hold good of bodies at rest in the stationary sys-
tem, viewed from a system in uniform motion.”
Thus its length only appears shortened and reciprocity applies: a rigid body at rest in the stationary system will also appear shortened when viewed from the “moving system.” This is logical as, by Einsteins definition, the stationary system could be either system K or system k.
Einstein now considers a clock:
“… located at the origin of the co-ordinates of k and so adjusted that it marks the time s. What is the rate of this clock, when viewed from the stationary system?
Between the quantities x, t, and s, which refer to the position of the clock, we have, evidently, x ¼ vt and
À t
Á vx=c2 :
1 À v2=c2
s ¼ t 1 À v2=c2 ¼ t À 1 À 1 À v2=c2 t;
whence it follows that the time marked by the clock p(vffiiffieffiffiwffiffiffiffieffiffidffiffiffiffiiffinffiffiffiffithe stationary system) is slow by
1 À 1 À v2=c2 seconds per second, or— neglecting magnitudes of fourth and higher order—by 1=2v2=c2.”
If reciprocity applies to relativistic shortening, logically it should also apply to time dilation but Einstein does not mention this. Also there are errors in his calculations.
(i) As noted previously, it is possible for a moving clock to be synchronised to show “stationary time” t and this was implicitly accepted by Einstein in Sec. II.
(ii) His equation x ¼ vt applies to a clock at the origin of system k but in his transformation equation (37) t is the time on a clock which is remote from the origin— and in experiment A the relevant equation for this is (10) x1 ¼ ct1.
(iii) As shown previously, Einsteins calculation of his transformation equation contains serious errors.
(iv) Furthermore his time dilation calculation is fundamentally flawed. If a clock is at the origin of k, its k coordinates are n ¼ g ¼ f ¼ 0 and its K coordinates are x0 ¼ y ¼ z ¼ 0. In experiment A, if nA1 ¼ x0A1 ¼ 0 then according to Einsteins equations (4), (15), and (17): sA1 ¼ tA1 ¼ 0. In experiment B, if gB1 ¼ yB1 ¼ fB1 ¼ zB1 ¼ 0 then according to his Eqs. (19) and (20) sB1 ¼ tB1 ¼ 0. Therefore if the clocks timekeeping is analysed correctly on the basis of experiments A and B only one conclusion is possible: s ¼ t ¼ 0 (cf. Ref. 20).
Therefore, Einsteins calculation of time dilation is flawed and does not support his claipm ffitffihffiffiffiaffiffitffiffiffiaffiffifficffiffilffioffiffiffick at the system k origin will run slow by 1 À 1 À v2=c2 s/s relative to a clock at rest in system K.
After his time dilation calculation, Einstein states:
“From this there ensues the following peculiar consequence:”
a. a clock moving at velocity v between two synchronised stationary clocks will be found to run slow by 1=2tv2=c2 where t is its journey time;
b. the same is true if the clock moves on a polygonal line, including if its start and finish points coincide;
c. if a clock moves at speed v around a closed curve, it will be slow by 1=2tv2=c2when it returns to its starting position; and
d. a clock on the Earths Equator will run slow by1=2tv2= c2 relative to a clock on a Pole.
These are his famous “clocks/twins paradox” thought experiments, which have led to much argument over the years (e.g., Refs. 4 and 813). Kelly21 lists 54 different explanations of the “twins paradox” proposed by various authors (including Einstein). The present analysis adds further objections.
(i) In his main Sec. III analysis, Einstein defines v as the relative velocity of coordinate systems, not the relative velocity of clocks, or the velocity of a clock relative to a coordinate system.
(ii) It is possible to synchronise a moving clock by the light flash method to show stationary time t and this is implicitly accepted by Einstein in Sec. II. However if a moving clock shows time t, his predicted “peculiar consequence” will not occur.
(iii) Because of the errors in Einsteins calculation of time dilation, he fails to justify his claim that his theory
Physics Essays 37, 1 (2024)
FIG. 3. (a) Clock paradox: Clock A stationary, clock B travels away and returns at velocity v. (b) Clock paradox as amended by Ives: Clock A travels away and returns at velocity v/2; clock B travels away and returns at velocity v/2. Relative to observer A, clock B travels away and returns at speed v, as in the classic scenario, so, by Einsteins reasoning, at the finish it should be slow compared with A. However, relative to observer B, clock A travels away and returns at speed v, so at the finish it should be slow compared with B.
requires a clock at the system k origin to run slower than system K clocks by1=2tv2=c2. (iv) Einstein does not say whether reciprocity applies to time dilation. If it does, this would invalidate his “clock paradoxes.” (v) The classic clocks paradox scenario [Fig. 3(a)] is asymmetrical, as accelerations are applied to the moving clock, but Einstein does not discuss the possible effects of these. In a revision proposed by Ives to eliminate this asymmetry,22 clock B travels away eastwards and returns at speed v/2 and clock A travels away westwards and returns at v/2 [Fig. 3(b)].
(vi) In Einsteins comparison of clocks on the Equator and Pole what is velocity v? As both clocks are at rest in a system rotating about the Earths axis and the distance between them is constant, it could be argued that v ¼ 0. Alternatively, if the equatorial clock is thought of as moving in a series of short straight lines at v relative to the polar clock, then the latter is also moving at v in short lines relative to the former. Einsteins assumption that the equatorial clock has velocity v and the polar clock has velocity 0 is only true if there is a preferred stationary system which travels with the Earth but does not rotate.
1. By Einsteins definition, “the stationary system” can be any system in uniform translatory motion. In his analysis v is the relative velocity of the observers coordinate systems, not the velocity of a clock relative to a coordinate system. Using light flashes, it is possible to synchronize a moving clock to show stationary time t and this is implicitly accepted by Einstein in Sec. II. Therefore, it cannot be true that his theory requires a moving clock to run slow relative to a stationary clock.
2. Einstein identifies times tA, tB, t0A, t0B, s0, s1, and s2 by subscripts in Eqs. (1) and (2) but although terms such as t and x also have multiple possible meanings in his later equations, these are not identified by subscripts. Similarly, he does not identify equations derived from different assumptions to distinguish them from one another. This leads to confusion and errors in his analysis.
3. Einsteins main analysis considers two thought experi-
ments. In the first (referred to here as experiment A) all
observers, clocks and light flashes are on the X-axis but
his equations are based on a variety of different assump-
tions. In the second (experiment B) the remote clock
and light flash are on the system k Y-axis.
Einstein then combines equations from experiments A
and B, despite the fact that these are based on incompat-
ible assumptions. He assumes g ¼ cs ¼ n but this is
false: in both experiment A and in experiment B, g 6¼ n.
Furthermore, to calculate his transformation equations
he selects a particular combination of equations which
produces a result matching the Lorentz equations and
ignores other possible combinations of equations which
produce different results.
Therefore Einstein fails to justify his claim that calcula-
tions based on his theory lead to the Lorentz transforma-
tion equations as a unique solution.
4. Einsteins calculation of time dilation s ¼ t 1 À v2=c2
for a clock at the origin of system k contains further fun-
damental errors in addition to those in “3”.
5. As Einstein has failed to prove that his theory requires a moving clock to run slow by 1=2tv2=c2 relative to a sta-
tionary clock, any detailed discussion of his clock para-
dox thought experiments is largely pointless. However
these also contain further illogicalities and anomalies of
their own.
Thanks to David Watson for German translation. Thanks to Gertrud Walton, the late Professor John Field, Dr. John McMillan, Steve Bannister, Des McLernon, David Sellers, Nicholas Percival, and Dr. Philip Webber for advice and comments.
1A. Einstein, Ann. Phys. 17, 891 (1905). H. A. Lorentz, A. Einstein, H. Minkowski, and W. Weyl, The Principle of Relativity, translated by W. Perrett and G. B. Jeffery (Methuen, London, 1923/Dover reprint, Mineola, NY, 1952). 2H. A. Lorentz, Proc. Acad. Sci. Amsterdam 6, 809 (1904). H. A. Lorentz, A. Einstein, H. Minkowski, and W. Weyl, The Principle of Relativity, translated by W. Perrett and G. B. Jeffery (Methuen, London, 1923/Dover reprint, Mineola, NY, 1952). 3The Essential Einstein: His Greatest Works, edited by Stephen Hawking (Penguin, London, 2008, p. x); (Published in USA as A Stubbornly Persistent Illusion, Running Press, 2007.) 4H. Dingle, Science at the Crossroads (Martin Brian & OKeefe, London, 1972). 5J. H. Field, arXiv:physics/0612041 (2011). 6G. Walton, see https://www.gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Research%20Papers/View/9346 for “The reciprocal Lorentz Factor.” 7W. Engelhardt, Int. J. Sci. Res. Methodol. 9, 159 (2018). 8L. Essen, The Special Theory of Relativity—A Critical Analysis (Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1971). 9H. Ricker, see https://www.naturalphilosophy.org/site/harryricker/2015/ 07/09/special-relativity-is-irksome/ for “Special Relativity Is Irksome.” 10A. Kelly, Challenging Modern Physics: Questioning Einsteins Relativity Theories (Brown Walker Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2005), pp. 160165. 11I. McCausland, Phys. Essays 3, 157 (1990); reprinted in I. McCausland, A Scientific Adventure: Reflections on the Riddle of Relativity (C. Roy Keys Inc., Montreal, QC, Canada, 2011).
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12R. M. Kassir, Mathematical Conflicts in the Special Theory of Relativity,
3rd ed. (CreateSpace, North Charleston, SC, 2018). 13N. Percival, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2197, 012022 (2022). 14G. N. Pellegrini, and A. R. Swift, Am. J. Phys. 63, 694 (1995). 15R. R. Hatch, Escape from Einstein (Kneat Kompany, 1992). 16R. P. Hatch, GPS Solutions 8, 67 (2004).
17Einstein, Ref. 1, p. 46. 18J. H. Field, arXiv:1210.2270v1 (2012). 19Einstein, Ref. 1, p. 47. 20R. M. Kassir, Phys. Essays 27, 198 (2014). 21Kelly, Ref. 10, pp. 279289. 22H. E. Ives, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 27, 305 (1937).