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Maurice ALLAIS
O 1997 Editions CLÉMENT JUGLAR ISBN 2-908735-
This book is dedicated to :
- To all those who do not consider today's "wellestablished truths" to be intangible, and who do not have blind faith in their durability,
- And to all those who believe that any real progress in our knowledge can only be based on experience.
"The scientist should be a man willing to listen to euery suggestion, but determined to judge for himself. He should not be biased by appearances ; haue no favorite hypothesis ; be of no school ; in doctrine haue no master. He should not be a res- pecter of persons but of things. Truth should be his primary object".
Michael Faraday -
"Experience shows that the ideas of 'competent' men are often completely at odds with reality, and the history of science is the history of the errors of 'competent' men".
Vilfredo Pareto --
"The physicist who has to give up one of his hypotheses should be full of joy, for he has found an unexpected opportunity for discovery. His hypothesis, I imagine, had not been adopted at face value: it took into account all known factors that seemed likely to intervene in the pMnomenon. If the uërification doesn't happen, it's because there's something unexpected, something extraordi- nary: it's because we've found f'inconntz and notzuenii".
Henri Poincaré
"The history of science shows that the progress of science has constantly been hindered by the tyrannical influence of certain conceptions that have come to be regarded as dogmas. For this reason, the principles that have come to be accepted without further discussion should be periodically subjected to a very close examination".
Louis de Broglie ----
This ostracism of innovators is by no means an exception; very few innovators escape it, and we can, without hesitation, formulate the general rule that any scientist who discovers a principle that differs from c o n v e n t i o n a l conformism, finds it impossible t o have his ideas accepted, no matter how rigorous the arguments that formally demonstrate their accuracy. ..
The cort i q/uste of the nouateurs, the rnéconnaisaisaisance and f'ouòfi of their 'euvres, the iniquitous judgments which one pronounces against them, the persecutions even which one inflicts to them, are the rule, many sauonts and philosophers pointed out and deplored them, maig it does not seem that one thought still to react against this state of things...
The conformists occupying the highest social positions continue, as in the past, to fight or stifle all discoveries that do not fit in with their prejudices and with the dogmas in force in the classic Z'raités ...
We, personally, are well placed to know this. What's the point of encouraging scientific research if the fruits of these investigations are destined to be buried and their authors condemned to oblivion or even persecution?
Auguste Lumière*****
Citd by H.C. Dudley, Neui Printiplea in Quontum 3fecfionic, 1959, Exposition Press, New York, p. 6. --Vilfredo Pareto, 1917, 'ProifJ dr Hociologie GénJrofe, Payot, p. 320. Henri Poincaré, 1906, m Science et l'H ypotMzt, Plammarion, 1927, p. 178.
kouis de Broglie, 1953, Zo P/tysigue guantï@ue reatera-I-ells Indétsrminisle, Gauthier-Villaró, p. 22. -*Auguste Lumitre, 1942, Z-ca Foazoytura du Pmgrèa, Lee 3fondorina tontrt lca Pionniere de lo Scienze, Imprimerie Léon Sézanne, Lyon, p. X, III, and XYI.
La nèceeøa:ice rèuiøion de oertaine postulate deø thou-ieø eo 4emporair ø
A - Why this book Â
1 - New experimental data, contributions to the
dtbots on the foundations of Mtconics and Optics ...
2 - The purpose of this book ................................
B- 3Ees rec7zer Zzea espéz-ïmenZ'zfes et ï/séorïquea
1 - The origins of my experimental research ............
2 - My experimental research on the paraconic pendulum, 1954-
1960, and on optical deviations of test patterns,
1958 ..............................
3 - My theoretical research, 1950-1996 ....................
C- What eaf in question
1 - Connections between observations of the paraconic pendulum and optical deviations of sightings on test sights with Ernest Esclangon's 1927-1928 optical e:xptrieuces and experiments Dayton C. Miller's interferometric Miller from 1925-1926 ........
2- Two fundamental and authentic discoveries ..........
D- !fiIozatiene and oppoei Ioz'a
1 - Exceptional support
................... ........
2- The interest aroused by experiments
3 - Fierce opposition ............................
1- ............... ...........
£- Against the current ....................................
1954 - 1960
1 - Experimental conditions .............................
2 - Embedded observations. Illustration in the case of the monthly
series for June-July 1955 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .
3 - Realist experiments 1954-1960 ......................
4 - Eddy current .....................................
5- The diurnal periodic structure of enchanted observations of the paraconic pendulum with anisotropic support . .........
103 1 - The validity of periodicity ....................
2 - Observed lunisolar effects and current gravitational theory
3- Periodic components that cannot be explained by phtno-
known menes .............................
1 - The two laboratories at Saint Germain and Bougival ......
2 - No diurnal periodic structure of the two series o f observations at
Bougival and iSaint-Germain ................
3- Lunar monthly sidereal periodicity ..................
4 - Overview .....................................
D- O4riîitions o6seruéee dora che
desécfipaes jointes de eoJoif
J - The total solar eclipse of June 30, 1954 ..................
2- The total solar eclipse of October 2, 1959 .................
3- Comparison of disturbances observed during the two
total isoleil eclipses of June 30, 1954 and October 2, 1959 ....
2š - 6acčeuza easenčšets du mouuezzzenf zfu penzfuče poz-aconique čs
1 - An extremely complex movement ..................
2- Foutault effect . .............. ........... .......
3- Support anisotropy ...............................
4 - Influence of beads .......................... ......
5- ïn/periodic astronomical observations .........
ö- Other factors .....................................
7 - Existence of a time-varying boundary plane in the enchanted së- ries
of the poraconic pendulum with anisotropic support
8 - Overview
6 - C'
7zč7t4se de č 'azziaofzopi de č'espace zf'čnerYče
J - Theory and experience
2 - Precise verification of the laws of gravitation
0 - The anisotropy of inertia space hypothesis and its
implications ...... ........ ............. .........
G - V'tce zf'eneemčZe suz- mea expčržences suz- fe pendufe poracončque'
1 - isignificance and scope of para- pendulum experiments conical with onisotropic support .... ...................... 213
2- Le publicotion de mes trovaux .......................... 215
3- Summary chronology of experiments carried out within the
IRISID framework. J954-1960 .................................
4 - The cofit of experiences ................................ 221
5- Dogmatic oppositions ............................ 2M
6 - A scientifically incomprehensible decision. The total cessation of
experiments after the complete success of the cruciole
J958 Z31
zs on
1959 - 1960
Zo '2dtermiruztion 'Ze la direction ':f'oziiæfropie dè l è espèce
A - The dêmrzninnfton of the species' anisotropy direeMon
1 - My experiments on the paraconic pendulum with the anisotropic support
P - Determining the direction o f anisotropy i n space.
Une Etape fondomentole .........................
1 - Experimental device ...................... ...... 2A practically zero R "+ onisot of the support ..........
C- the determination of t h e azimuth X of the space' s aiso0ropy. amaIge method
1 - Two possible methods of analysis. S!éries enchatnëes and moving
correlations ........................ .......
2 - Principle of the moving correlation method .
3 - Illustration of the moving correlation method ........
4 - The moving correlation method and i t s appJi- difficulties
D - Zea tioriÖfioria de l''zzimin d'anisotropie de f'ecpace. Novemberdeeeznbze J959 e0 mona-avril 1960
1 - Series of observations from November-December 1959 and March-April 1960 ................................ ........
£- Citizen anisotropy of space
8 - Determining the variation over time of the X direction of space anisotropy during the two periods November-December 1959 Z59 and March-April 1960 .
4 - Variations or time course of cos 2 X corresponding to t h e X
direction o f space onisotropy from November-December 1959
and mid-April 1960 ...............................
2f - the diurnal and monthly peiodic otuetuee of the oniaoteopie space dir-eetion. N'ouembee-dêeembr-e J959 et mara-
1 - Diurnal periodicity of azimuth X space anisotropy
2 - Monthly sidereal lunar periodicity of the X azimuth of space ani-
sotropy ..................................
3- Monthly lunar sidereal periodicity of the cumulative values of the
differences cos £ X - cos 2 X ........................
ZS' -wzccnzz-epérïodi@ue dizzz-ne et mensuetle des déplxa ezneztfs du plana d'oecitIatIazzdu pendccfeparaeon/@ue Ò supporf iúofzope òjzantiz-des dizeoffo as fiIoz-d-Sud et Est-Oczest.
1 - Deviations ö of the oscillation plane of the paraconic
pendulum from the meridian .........................
2 - Diurnal periodic components of deviations in the plane of os-
cillation of the paraconic pendulum from the mêridian .....
3- Monthly lunar sidereal periodicity of deviations A of the oscillation plane of the paraconic pendulum from the meridian 288
4 - Strict correspondence between the directions o f anisotropy X in
space and the deviations ö of the pendulum's plane of oscillation 292 paraconigue ö partir du mëridien .........................
5 - Men cumulative differences ö - ö between deviations ö
and their ö averages in the North-South and East-West azimuths .
6 - Structural similarities in the cumulative values of ö - ö and
cumulative values of cos 2 X - cos 2 X .................
G- Z-es pAaæa des comjzoson£es péz-fôdig'ues fuzzoire4 sidéza7es zzzen-
1 - Paraconic pendulum with anisotropic support, directions X o f
space ani-sotropy, and deviations A from the directions
North-South and East-West plane of oscillation of the
isotropically supported para-conical pendulum. Comparative
phases of the 27.322-day sidereal lunar periodicity
2 - Dêuiations ö of the plane of oscillation of the isotropically
supported poraconic pendulum from the North-South and East-
West directions
and cumulative Z values (ö - ö ). Comparative phases of the monthly
sidereal lunar periodicities of 27.322 days
3 - Space anisotropy X directions and cumulative values
Z ecos 2 X - cos 2 X). Comparative phases of monthly sidereal
lunar periods of 27.322 days .............
4 - Overview ....................................
H- Erich eperiences fnèes from September 28 to Sabre 4 1959 and Helen's total ôcbps from 2 œtobre 1959
1 - Variations in the azimuth of the oscillation plane of the
isotropically supported paraconic pendulum
of the
oscillation plane of the isotropically supported paraconic
pendulum .......................
2 - Variations in cos 2 ) and sin 2 corresponding to the azimuth of
the isotropic suspension paraconic pendulum ............
during the September-October 19159 experiments.
I - Movement of the oscillation plane of the isotropic paraconic pendulum in the anisofr pie hypothesis of ir rtn space 1 - equations of motion and calculation of aniso- coefficients
tropie ............................................ 320
2 - differential equation of the second order in u --. - X ....... 323 J - Overview ....................................... 326
nxr-cms sun msnsmnoom or riqum
A - Zeø exy'érieiiøeø øtir feø óéuiotiÒits opfiques deø eiséeø sur mireø
and øur eoIIimcM:earø JRIS£D J958 and UN' 1959. ............... A2
Ø - Men e pfizfiem'eø øuz- ten dfiuiotiorzs optfiqzzee dev uiséee sur mtres ò i'a sza e )uaiet 9ifi&
1 - Experimental set-up for optical observations a t IRSlID in July
P - Harmonic analysis o f diurnal deviations on meters
3- Correspondence between the optical deviations of the s i g h t s and the azimuths of the paraconic pendulum from July 1958 .
4 - Le rems par l'Académie des lsciences de publier ma Note du
23 {évrier 1960 sur fes obseruotions optiques de juillet 1958
à l'IRlSID ...... ... ..
5- Some further observations on the July 1958 optical
observations at IRSlID ................
6- Scientific report on experiments carried out at IRSlID in July 1958 .........................................
C- Zæø ezpériezcceø øur feø détiiofïoris opfiqiceø dèø uisdeø øur mireø
et ør eollimateu
Jnstitut G'êographigue 2V tionaL FéuMee-
Mare J959
1 - Optical experiments on test charts and collimators carried out a t IGN in [éurier-march 1959
2 - Diurnal variations in optical vision on test patterns and on colli-
mators to t h e íGN in February-March 1959 ..................
3- Monthly lunar sidereal sighting patterns on sights and
coflimators at IGN in [February-March 1959 .........
4 - Scientific significance of experiments carried out at IGN in
February-March 1959
0 - Zæs jзżтzsses des composazt¢es péríodčques čunaire4 sióéraJes zzsezs-
øuelleø de 27,322 Joure deø déuiaMons deø viséeø optiqueø øur mireø
et an collier zteitra de juillet 19158 à l'JREMf3 et de février-
mrøJ959 è f'Jt 2V ...
.... .. .. ..... ... ... .. ..
2f - Yue 'f'eneemòfe titr feø ezpérženceø de uiséeø opfi9ueø de,juiffet 1958
à f'fRHJ22ct de fêurier-mnzø J959 à f'JGN ...............
SI. 1I7I
A - Zen obser-c''ifioits of Eoelangon and Miller.....................................................374
B- Erneet Eselangon's optical obser aMone of 1927-19 8
1 - Ernest Esclangon's research into the anisotropy o f es-
poce 2926-1928............................................................................................376
2 - 7-'onoIyse of Esclongon's optical observations from 192?'-1928
C - obse n'atiazas intez/'érométHques by Damon C. Miller from J925-
1 - The experiments and analyses of Dayton C. Miller, 1925-1933 .
2 - Miller's experimental processos ...................................................................385
3 - Miller's observations.....................................................................................386
4 - Three fundamental questions .....................................................................391
D - U'ae tz'èa gz'az'xJe oohé -eiane sozzs-,jacenfie avr abse'-oatfio'ae de Mêler
1 - Consistency of sidereal time observations....................................................392
£ - Lo correspondence of speed and azimuth graphs .
3 - diurnal adjustments to daily speed values
and azimuths . . .
4 - speed hodogrophs .......................... 5- Semi-
annual and annual periodic structure of obser-
vations from Miller ....................................
8- An indisputable and very great coherence underlying the
of'serunttoris de Stifler ................................
22 - ezfit gzzea adz'easées au expézfie
es de 3fiffer
1 - Miller's results are due t o t h e combined effect of random
per- turbations and temperature disturbances ...
.. 412
2 - I- negative results from other interferometric experiments
that Miller's experiments are invalid.
3 - Totally unoriginal reviews.............................................................................416
P' - L-'i ferpNtnffon des obsem'nfio e de Stifler
1 - Miller's interpretation of his observations .......
2 - I nterpretation corresponding to observational data
anisotropy of the optical species ......................
C- - Hignifiec Mon el portée des obeemations de Miller .............
A - The obcer atione of the poraeonic pendulum, bec uisêec cw mieeo,
bec abner tronc optiques d'Eeelanyon, Ier obcem'a:tions in e êro-
Stifler's nose, and the movement of the Z'erre cw con orbit .
B - Përiodicitêo cemi-annuelles et de longue dw êe dec obcervationo
1 - Semi-annual periodicity of monthly mean azimuths of the
paraconic pendulum with anisotropic support ..........
2 - Semi-annual periodicity of the amplitudes of the diurnal
lunar wave of 24 h. 50 min. paraconic pendulum with
anisotropic support ....
S- lsimilitudes of semi-annual and long-term adjustments of mean azimuths and amplitudes of the 25 fi wave ......... . ... .... ... .. ..... .
4 -
Overview of semi-annual and annual periodicity
long-life paraconic pendulum with anisotropic support
C - Semi-annual fishing of uiséeo opft9ues on mires ef 'des uieêea op 'nouer d'2fsclangon
1 - Semi-annual opt ical sights on test sights . ..
2 - Semi-annual frequency o f Esclangon optical observations .... 450
O - Semi-annual and annual obsei- oft iis iritez- peModicitya /éroméfz-i9ues de ñfiffer
1 - The determination of the Earth's position on its orbit ö from
Miller's observations independently of any hypothesis
................ ............ ....
2- Direct estimation of fititt characteristic parameters
Fundamental Miller graphs ..................
3- he semi-annual and annual periodic structure of the characteristic parameters of Miller's Fundamental Graphs
d - A double periodicity .............................. 5-
Structural interdependencies of uitess observations and azimuths from Miller ......................
6 - Aspects essentiels de lo structure périodique semi -annuelle et
annuelle des obseruoftons de Miller . .................
2f - Structure,p'ériocfique semi-cannelle et nouvelle comparée ches
obsertions du pendule p'zroconique à support anisotrope, dee
c'iséee sue mir ey dee oboeri'atione optiques d'Esclangon, et dee
obsemations interféro
Miller bricks
1 - Comparative phases of semi-annual periodic tomposants for the
four observation series
2 - A double periodicity centered on March 21 ............
3- A simplified global approach: considering only the dominant
periodicities of the four observation series with their
maxima or minima on March 21 ...............
d - A triple conclusion ...............................
F - Enoemb le eur lo sûr ucture périodique diurne, mensuelle, nemi-annuelle et annuelle, et de longe durée de4 obeer a:tions dii pendule p'zroconique à support anisotroj , des c'isées eur mirep, dee i'iséee optiques d'Esclango , et des obseruofions i ferferornetri uen de Miller
2 - If 'attitudes of the four series o f experiments
2 - Coherence of the periodic structures of the four series of observations
3- Prolêgomënes essential to any synthetic theory of the four
series of anaJ ysèes observations
d - The anisotropy of space ............................. 5-
determining the Earth's position on its orbit
through purely terrestrial experiments ................
A - Highly significant connections between phenomena4 appa-
rerrirrient trèa di@érento ..............................
1 - Three key ideas .... ..
£- The anisotropy of space
3 - Nordic influences and space anisotropy .
4 - The undeniable existence o f an intermediate environment
i - The evolution of potential theory
2 - The anisotropy of space .............................
O- flots prêtendues opposi:tions dans les thëoz-es eont:empor-aines
1 - The wave and corpuscular aspects of light .
2 - Continuity and quonto ..... ........ . . ..........
3 - Causality and indeterminism...........................................................................523
2 - Zo réalité che f'ëfftez-
1 - Conceptions of ether ....... ... .. ....
£- Experimental evidence .......................... 3-
The foundations of a unitary theory of physics .. .
4 - The ether, a key explanatory factor ................
A - Z.o gezzčse zfe fa Z7zdorže de fo 7gefoYčuizč. Oes čdde4 jzrčconpues
1 - Experimental results in 1900
2 - The Earth's rotation and its preferred frame of reference .........
8- The Earth's translational motion and Poincaré's principle
of relativity . . . . . ..........................
4 - Einstein's theory of Special Relativity ........... 5- Einstein's
theory of General Relativity
6 - Einstein and his predecessors
7 - The alternative hypothesis of space anisotropy ......
2 - Za t7zčoz-fe de fa J?e/afiuif et /
1 - A legend: the "negative" result of Michelson's experiment
2 - The "negative" result of Michelson's experiment and Miller's
experiments ..............................
3- The fundamental postulates of the theory of relativitë res-
treinte et générale invalidated by experience .........
4 - A few comments
5 - The rejection of the theory of restricted and general relativities
as incompatible with observational data
déuefojzjзenzenč de fa č/zéorźe de fп refofźučł4: a consZz-ucZźón dézneøozde atau fomJatiozas incertoines et fz-a¿fiIeø
1 - The foundations of Relativitë theory ............. P - Z-o
Lorentz transformation .......................... 3- the
constancy of the speed of light
4 - The principle of invariance of the laws of nature .
5 - Ła Fresnel formulation from 1818 ......................
6 - Yes experimental data
7 - be masque des mathématiques
8 - One-way critical thinking ..........
9 - Obvious exaggerations ..........................
0 - Z s č7téorźer cfossźgues eč f'ančsočropiè de /'esjzoce
1 - From classical theories to relativity theory .........
P - Mechanical anomalies of the paraconic pendulum
. . ...
3 - Optical anomalies in sights on test patterns and collimators
4 - Esclangon and Miller optical anomalies
IS - Remarkable similarities ...
. ......
6 - The theory of universal gravitation ..................
f- wi a/omdsmeVu "rdèfonŒyaestœVi/îgse
1 - Yes bases de la mèthode scient ifique .
2 - Principles of any scientific approach ...............
6 - U'zтe nécessoźre revision des théoz-ieз eonYemporaines
1 - Yes facts ..........................................
2 - I-'interpretation of waxes .............................
3 - Dogmatism .
........... . ...
. . . 638
4 - An inevitable review of the foundations of current theories
5 - A single criterion. The absolute supremacy of experience data over
theoretical conceptions ....................
A - Zo zfip-fifiifiion des eizzp séries ¢t'expérîences: - sur feperzdufejzaro-
oozt@zze è sujzporY oztîsofzojze e¢ è sujzjzorf îsofzxq e ; - 8uz° te8 uîsées
op "fzg'zaes sur mIz-es, et sur eollimateuze; - sur les uisées optiques d'J2solangon; - et szzz-t'inte éromètœ de Miller
1 - Observed periodicity
2 - An overall proJect ...............................
B- The eo zfitione of re'zfisofioii experimentsa
1 - Five separate projects ................................
P - Conditions for success ...
S - A tndtspensoòfe progression
4 - A set o f experiments of excep- tional scientific interest.
tional ...........................................
A - m genie aetué léo établies
1 - Truth makers .........................
2 - An e:temple means:otif .... .............. .. ..
3- Authority versus truth ........................
B- The age-old obscurantism of cursed pseudoscience
1 - A long history ....
2 - Two illustrations. Golileo and Kepler
3 - Contemporary science ..................... .
A - Dezcx phenoznfiiaes entÜreznezst oouueo
1 - Paraconic pendulum motion anomalies and optical sighting
anomalies on test patterns ............
2- New data on two streaks o f earlier experiments. The
optical vists of Ernest Esclangon and the inter[erometric
obseniations of Dayton C. Miller .
3 - A series of highly significant facts .............
Zï - 8ozztiens et opposfiiozts
1 - Invaluable support
2 - Fierce opposition
3 - The crucial experiences of July 19158
4 - Stopping experiments
C - Flo foi damas the future
1 - T h e santtion of experience .......................
2- .......... .....
3- The search for truth ..........................
A - Paraconic pendulum..............................................................................698 B - Sights on sights and collimators............................................................703 C - Esclongon, Miller and other experiments
related .................................................................................................704 D - Statistical analysis.................................................................................707
ZI - Z'héo'-ées physiques A - General works ........................................................................................708 B - Mechanics, Gravitation, Celestial Mechanics .......................................709 C - Optics, electromagnetism, wave mechanics, Quanta, Geophysics...............................................................713 D - Relativity ...............................................................................................716 E - Principles o f scientific analysis ...........................................................720 F - Mathematical works. ...............................................................722
INDEX OF NAMES ..............................................723
TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................731
A - Ezpererieitces sur fe Peiufufe porncoriique à suspension
oziisotrope & - 27iéorie 'flo Pendule
anisotropic suspension
A - Experiments on the paraconic pendulum with isotropic suspension & - f7uiorïe du Pendule p'zz-aconigue à support isotrope C - Previous experiments with the Foucault Pendulum
A. - 2//'ets čunč9ofočz-es e¢ ¢žrermčg'zzes sur les dčučafžons opfžg'ues des uis'fies on miz-es
B - 2ssaie d'enzegiatz-eznerzY conzžnu e¢ aufoma¢fg'ue des učsč'es stcr ezaz" miles z-'fiaIiaAs h Palalseacset a l'žC-W. And-tI 1993 - danufier 1993
C - RAaulta:te eaeentiela dea ennais
A - huif Groph@ws /oWomeMoux Me 4fiWr žf - Zo d ferznžzzcUžon '7e fžnxfognojo7že ene fo uBesse de /o Zbrre C - Azta7yae crž 'žg'ue de čo th ozfie de Miller et de san inYerprd¢afž@n
de aes oBservazžona
D - Dezzx thfi'aee.£'anieofz-opie de l'eepace et Ia uitease eosmiqzze de Ia Z'erre veze la Constellation d'žtemuIe
A - Overview
A - Peržodžcifes as¢zozsomi 'ues B - Z'ests dep z-ž@džcizš
A - Zččpč¢ifčon des expčržences sur fe pendule par-aconi@ue Zš - J?fi'p'fintžon dee exp'fizfiences de uisfi'es optix/tzes
A - £fne frfis /orte opposifion dc cerfniris membeee dc l'Acadkmie dcc
B - Articles de presse piitifiés cuz- mec expéMencec - Ma Iettz-e du 14
fêvrioe 1958 Secrétaires perpéfuefs '2e f
'zdéznieches Sciences
C - Z-e red du 5 mci 1958 de l'Académie dec lsciencee de publier ma fVote on faith speed '2e ïn ïuinûère
D - Ze re Ze f ozfémie 'des Sciences de publier mn N'ote du 23 février 1960 sur les anomalies optiques misec en évidence lore des expériences cruci'zfes de Juillet 1958
A - 7nuitatlon à nm Conférence du 22 féuzfier 1958 B - Zào "zY-on reconsióérer fee fočs de fa GrauźYaJżon
7 (Mémoire de 1958) C-ÆeruFAsoreflcożomdErpeńmsntMAæeorcßWorbonGrAu
(Mémoirededécembrel958) D - Z'est cfepériodïcifé:Générofisofion 'fs test cfc Sćheater on ear
de séMeø emporelleø autocorreléeø &uztø l'hypotNee d'un proaeøø a '2e perYurbofJo ø oféotoiœø 'f'uzi øyatème tfabfe (Mdmoire de 1961)
Z2 - Z ч 2 q u e n c e , proóaóičifé eč /tгzsarct, aoec dezcx Appendices: 1. fi-'z'éqzaezaneø empizfipтzeø and qfzez neø nmtł éznxatùg'zaes - 2-. Z Z'fzéorènze Z'. simufafźon cfu Aosarzźpazdes/onc- fźonepresg'uejзérźódiğues (Memoir of 1982)
f' - Ser fa distribution iiormufe deø modern ò cms citstozits régufifirement espocés 'f'une sonime 'fe øinusoiï2eø (Note by Maurice Allais presented4 by Robert Fortet, CRAS, May 30, 1983)
G - C! itsiźférofione str fes łhéories pfiysi9ues (Excerpts f r o m my 1983 dissertation: Les fondements de la théorie de l'utilitë et du risque)
Zf - hea expézfienc eв by Damon C. MÛIer 1925-1926 and the Z7séoz-ie (Memoir published in "Ln ufatine et la Rouge", revue polyteehnicienne, September 1996, pp. 29-37).
I - Zteø rêguIaMt:ê's trimti,g'nifîc'M:rues in leø obsertiaM s in e êromètr new de Dafon C. Miller J92S-192õ (Comptes Rendus de l'Acadèmie des Slciences, March 1997).
A - E Correspondence lines J958-J960 Zf - ñfon memory of J957 on the speed of light C - Amiclen de Preøøe O - Sr'zridofe ô Poïyfecfiniqite (Louis Rougher, July 1959)
Notes presented to the Académie des Sciences and not published in the Comptes Rendus
Harmonic analysis of muffles
fa of the paraconic pendulum
mur l'existence d'une Composante Périodique de Période Voisine de 24h CO' dans les Mouvements du Pendule Paraconique à Slupport Anisotrope dans les observations de Novembre-Décembre 1954 et Juin-Juillet 1955
IRSID, November 20, 1958, 11 p.
Paraconic Pendulum Movement - Searching for Hidden Peri- dicities by Considering Gram Frequencigrams Associated with the Generalization of the Slchuster Test
IRSID, November 2, 1959, 8 p.
Paraconic Pendulum Movement - Searching for Ticked Peridicities by Considering Corrêlogrammes
IRSID, November 26, 1959, 9 p.
Mechanics - Movements of the Paraconic Pendulum el Total Sloleil Eclipse of October 2, 1959
IRSID, November 10, 1959, 7 p.
Experimental determination of the coefficient of friction of the ball swivel of a paraconic pendulum.
IRSID, November 20, 1958, 9 p.
Zhéoz-ie dia Pendulum Pazaoonfiqzze
Application of Bour's Theorem to the case of earth movements in t h e most general case
IRSID, March 19, 1958, 9 p.
Equations of Motion of the Paraconic Pendulum with Anisotropic Support at Small Oscillations - First and Second Approximation
IRSID, August 18, 1958, 7 p.
Variations of the Osculating Parameters of the Ellipse Described in the Motion of the Poroconic Pendulum with Ani-sotropic Support and Small Oscillations - First and Second Appro- ximat ion
IRSID, August 18, 1958, 6 p.
First Approximation Corrections of the Paracoid Pendulum with Anisotropic Support and Small Oscillations
IRSID, August 18, 1958, 4 p.
Second Corrections Poraco-Pendulum Approximation niqtie ô lsupport Anisotrope et à Petites Oscillations
IRSID, August 18, 1958, 5 p.
Paraconic pendulum with isotropic support - Reeherc ec Expêz-imen:talea
Paraconic Pendulum. Creation o f a support as iso-tropic as possible.
IRSID, November 5, 1959, 10 p.
Paraconic Isotropic Suspension Pendulum. Determination of the Variations over Time of the Characteristics of the Correlation of the Movement with t h e Azimuth.
IRSID, November 10, 1959, 7 p.
C-éocféoie et Optique - Search ExpérimenfaJec
Anomalies in Triangulation and Levelling Operations - Possible Explanation and Comparison with Experience
IRSID, May 21, 1958, 5 p.
Existence of Periodic Components in Variations of Readings Corresponding to Tracks Performed with a fixed bezel on a fixed sight in conjunction with the movements of the paraconic pendulum
IRSID, February 23, 1960, 6 p.
"The theory must give as simple a description as possible of the moitde of physics...
"It must call upon a new gran- deur, accept a new hy pothesis only when an inescapable necessity compels it to do so.
"When, therefore, the physicist discovers facts unknown to him, when his experiments have enabled him to formulate laws which the theory had not foreseen, he must first o f all seek with the greatest care whether these laws can be presented, to the degree o f approximation required, as consequences of the accepted ideas . ..
"It is only when we are certain that the quantities hitherto treated by theory cannot serve as symbols for the qualities obtained, and that the established laws cannot be derived from the hypotheses received, that we are authorized to enri- chir the physi que of a new quantity, to complicate it w i t h a new hypothesis.
"These pri nci pes are the very esse rice of our physical theories".
M.P. Duhem * "It is the conslatable facts that alone have a physical reality".
Max Born **
"There's always a nutsiòfes te ndance in letting
opt ntons crystallize into beliefs. This tendency
manifested sptcioleme nt
when an eminent author . . . begins to be
recognized as an autoritt . "But "to err is human"
and tf should always be allowed to criticize ou-
vrages metffeurs. lsi instead of welcoming, as
òtenue- nues, recherches, et
critiques, odmtroteurs d'un grand auteur accept
l ' autori té de ses
writings this is most detrimental to the cause the truth.
"In the su jets of philosophy and sctence, outoritt
has always been the great adversary of vêrité.
Despotic calm is usually the triumph o f error .
"En sctence et en pAtfosop/ite rten ne doit être
tenu pour sacré".
Stanley Jevons ***
Debates on the foundations of Mechanics and the Optics 1- This book deals with one of the most debated areas of physics over the last three centuries, that of the foundations of mechanics and optics, especially with regard to the transmission of actions to the observer. distance and the influence of the Earth's motion on terrestrial phenomena 1
(-) M .P. Duhem, 1899, des théories Electriques de -f. Clerl 2'faxwelf. Etude hisse - ri9ue ef critique, Annales de la Socièt4 Scientifique de Bruxelles, 24*^ annèe, 1899- 1900, p. 2d5. (- - ) Max Born,l920,Lo tAdorie de fn refotiuitd d'Einstein et ses boses physiques, Gauthier-Villars, 1923, p. 291. (---) Stanley Jevons, 1888, Théorie de l'économie f-oïitique, French translation o f the Third Edition, Giard, 1909, pp. 369-370. (1) For the pre-relativist period, see in particular four synthesis papers:
W. Maacart, 1872-1874, Sur les modi/ïcotions qu'tprouut la lumière par cuite du mouvement de fe source lumineu se et du mouvement de l'obceruofeur, Annales de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, 1872, p. 157-214 ; et 1874, q. 361420. Oliver Lodge, 1893, Atierrntion Problemc. A Discussion concerncng' the mo- tion of fée Eorth, ond concerning the connection bel ween Ether ond Gross 2'fofter, ioitfi some nez Axperiments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1894, VEodlm. 1u8n4d, pW. 7h2it7ta-8k%er., History o[ the theories o(Aether and Electricity, Tome I, 'Flic Cloasicof 7'heories, 1951 YO*F especially Chapter XIII, Clœsical 7'/seory in ï/te age o/ Wrentz, Augustin Sesmat, 1937, 2-'Optique des Corps en 3'fouvement, Hermann, Paris.
This field has been the subject of the most heated controversies, where passion has all too often won out over objectivity, especially since the progressive domination of relativit4 theory in literature2,
For this reason, this book will confine itself to the analysis of experimental data, the only true source of our knowledge, and in particular to the analysis of new experimental data that opens up new perspectives.
New experimental data in four areas
2- The new experimental data analyzed in this book cover four fields that are considered o a priori to be different yet closely related to each other:
my experiments at the Institut de Recherche de la Sidérurgie (IRSID) on the paraconic pendulum on an anisotropic support (Chapter ïJ, and my experiments on the paraconic pendulum on an isotropic support (Chapter II);
my experiments on the optical deviations of sightings on test patterns, and the subsequent sighting experiments on test patterns and collimators carried out by the Institut Géographique National (IGN) (Chapter III);
regularities characterizing optical aiming experiments d'Esclangon and not seen by him (Chapter ' V) ;
regularities characterizing interferometric observations by Dayton C. Miller and not seen by him (Chapter IV).
(2) Edmund Whittaker, id. in Volume II, 2 "fie Modem 'ï "fieories, 1953; see especially
Chapter II, the 2telotiuity o[ Theory of Poincoré end Z-orentz, pp. 27-77, and Chapter
pp. 144-146; and Chopitree IV, VI, and Wfiittaker planned to publish a third
VII below. volume covering
Due to its disappearance, this third volume was unfortunately never
All these experiments differ from all those that preceded them in their fields in one essential respect. They were based on a large number of continuous observations, day and night, over long periods of time.
The danger of preconceived ideas
3- There are at least two reasons why this work refrains from any general interpretation. Secondly, and more importantly, the very nature of the new phenomena highlighted in this book, if it is to be fully defined, would first require a great many complementary experiments, which are indispensable if we are to identify the precise laws of the new phenomena.
Given the current state of available information, such an overall theoretical construc- tion would be quite premature. In fact, the new experimental data analysed in this book, the existence of which is quite indisputable, are manifestly so complex, and involve so many phenomena, that it is the experimental appro[ondissement prêola ble of their structure and regularities that conditions any overall theoretical construction 3.
We absolutely must avoid the kind of preconceived ideas that have been so detrimental to the development of theoretical physics over the last two centuries.
(3) In his memorandum of January 3, 1980, "An inïerim 2teport on o 2temeni o/ the erimenl Robert Latham (Imperial College of Science and Technology, 70 p.)
'Indeed in all hic trorh there is a complete absence of any delailed al tempt ct explnnntion, coupled However with very greet cere end fho- roughnesc in the conducl oj" tùe ezperiments". It's 18, in fact, a principle I've always followed: never prematurely present a general theory to explain my results. All that can be reasonably advanced at present is an onisotropie de l'espott.
The new experimental data presented in this book, when considered as a whole, appear to be just as incompatible with the theories of Mechanics and Optics of the pre-relativistic era as they are with the theory of Relativity4 , whether restrained or general.
In the long conflict of doctrines, we must never forget that science is always in perpetual evolution. In science, there is no such thing as a definitive truth. The fundamental characteristic of scientific progress is a constant effort to understand the profound nature of a world that more often than not remains indecipherable.
May the new data on experience presented in this book inspire a new effort at reflection, free from all preconceived notions, prejudices, b i a s e s and passions.
Little by little, science is reaching new heights in its progressive discovery of the profound, hard-to-decipher nature of the world we live in.
Nature always responds to our questions, but all too often she seems to answer like the oracle at Delphi. Indeed, her answers don't always appear very clear to us, not so much because they are ambiguous and incomprehensible, but because we are too often imprisoned by preconceived ideas and established truths that prevent us from understanding them.
Four objectives
1- This book has four basic objectives.
The first is to present an overview of my experiments with the paraconic
pendulum on an anisotropic support from 1954 to 1960 (Chapter I), my
experiments with the paraconic pendulum on an isotropic support from 1959 to
1960 (Chapter II), my experiments with optical sights on test patterns in 1958,
and my experiments with optical sights on t e s t patterns and collimotors in
1959 (Chapter III); and the analyses I have c a r r i e d out from 1954 to the
present day.
The second objective is to present an analysis of two very significant
and fundamental earlier experiments, those of Esclangon in 1927-1928,
and those of Dayton C. Miller in 1925-1926 (Chapter IV). Miller in 1925-
1926 (Chapter IV).
The third objective is to highlight the common features of these
five series of experiments: observations that are inexplicable within the
framework of currently accepted theories, very marked structural
connections, and very significant temporal correlations with
astronomical data, particularly with the position of the Earth in its orbit
(Chapters Y, VZ, and VII).
Finally, this book aims to encourage all those who are in a position to
do so to carry out, or have carried out, a series of ensemble experiments,
which are likely to provide major informa- üon6 mq on the very
foundations of con- temporal physical theories (Chapter VIII).
My 1958 memoir
2 - In the magazine "Perspectives X" of the Ecole Polytechnique in 195 1$, I published an overview of my work on the anisotropic paraconic pendulum from 1954 to 1957, under the title "Doit-on Reconsidérer les Z.ois de la Gravitation î". The English version of this thesis was published in 1959 by the American journal "Aero-IS pa ce Engi neeri ng" of the institute of the Aeronautical lsciences under the title: "Slhould the Laws of
Gravitation be Reconsidered î" *.
This dissertation was followed by a two-page * Note Complémentaire in which I reported on crucial experiments carried out simultaneously with identical dis- positives in July 1958, o n t h e one hand in my laboratory at the Institut de Recherche de la Sidérurgie (IRSID) in Saint Germain, and on the other in a laboratory set up in April 1958 in an underground quarry at Bougival with 57 m. of cover and 6.5 km away.
The publication of my physics work
3 - Naturally, I intend to publish all my theoretical and experimental work in physics as soon as possible... but the best is the enemy of the good, and I felt it necessary to present this overview of the five highly significant, and indeed fundamental, series of experiments on which this book is based.
(1) p. 90-104. This memoir is reproduced in Appendix B of the second volume of this ouvrage, "Compltmenlz expérimentaux et théoriques" ( see Contents above, p. 31).
(2) Aero-S!poee Engineering, September 1959, ri° 9, p. 46-52 ; October 1959, ri° 10, p. 51-55 November 1959, n° 11, p. 55.
The translation was made in the United States on the recommendation of Werner von Braun, di recteur de la Net ionol Aemnn utics end Spnce Administration.
(3) This Supplementary Note, which will be sent to the Perspectioez X Editorial Office at a later date, is
subject to the following conditions
/e8 ezp4rïence8
es de 'Juiîîet 1958, a ét4 simplement en car t4e sans pagination dans cette
publication after proofreading.
The English version of this Supplementary Note was included in my Aero-Spoce
Engineering dissertation (November 1959, p. 55).
(4) I-e first volume will be published sous8 le titre: "Rechercher €z#4rimento/e8 el ' héoriques sur les Théories Phyaiguez 19S3-1960". It will include my main publications and dissertations (see the Rtftrencec below at the end of this volume). It will also present the numerical values of all observations made between 1954 and 1960 during periods o f one month or two w e e k s .
This volume will be followed by two others: "Théorie du Pendule Poroconique" and "Anol yee s Compltmenfoirez des Données de l'Obzeruofion".
Like the two volumes of the present work, these volumes will be published by Editions Clément Juglar with the help of my friend Guy Berthault.
My passion f o r exploring the "physical unknown
1- First of all, I'd like to clarify the origins of all my physics research over the last half-century.
I owe my passion for physics research and the exploration of physics to my physics course at the Ecole Polytechnique, and it has never ceased to motivate me.
It was she who sparked off my research into theoretical physics and my experiments with pa- raconic pendulum movements. I carried out these experiments from 1953 to 1960. Since 1960, and on several occasions, I have pursued theoretical research on the uniI've also worked on t h e interpretation of my experimental results, particularly in 1967, 1978, 1981, 1985, 1987, 1989, and from 1992 to 1996 1.
(1) I carried out all this work in parallel with my work as an economist, for which I was awarded the Nobel Prize i n Economic Science in 1988.
All in all, since 1950, I've certainly spent 9uorf of all my time on my theoretical and experimental research into physical theo riee.
In f a c t , originally, I wanted to devote myself entirely to physics. It was only as a result of the war that I was led to turn gradually towards economics (see the Third Edition of my 7'roité d'économie Pure, 1994, T'roiaiàm- Introdtzction, p. 19 and 26).
A conviction
2- I've always been convinced that the propagation of gra- vitation and electromagnetic actions takes place from near to near, and that it implies the existence o f an intermediary medium, t h e "ethe r" of Fresnel and the physicists of the XIX* century, without, however, being able to consider, as was generally accepted in the XIX! c e n t u r y , that the "ethe r" of Fresnel and the physicists of the XIX* century was the "ethe r" of Fresnel and the physicists of the XIX* century. all parts of this medium are perfectly immobile in relation to each other, and in particular in relation to the fixed stars 2
This conviction led me to consider in the early fifties that a magnetic field corresponds to a local rotation of this intermediary medium. I deduced that it should be possible to establish a link between magnetism and gravitation by observing the action of a magnetic field on the movement of a pendulum consisting of a glass ball suspended by a wire about two meters long.
Anomalies in the motion of the Foucault pendulum
3- To detect such an action, I began by observing the motion of such a pendulum in the absence of any magnetic field other than the earth's field.
To my great surprise, I found that this movement w a s by no means reduced to the Foucault effect, but that it exhibited very significant and timevarying anomalies in relation to this effect 3 It was the study of these completely unforeseen anomalies that formed t h e essential object of my experiments from 1954 to 1960.
(2) See Chopitre Yí below.
(e3x)citingCaesrtiatiwnlays, Iturwnaesd ofauvt otorebde ebxytrleumcekl.yBdui[tficmualtkaint glouthcepominotsctdoefuuthea.t luck, as
The action of a magnetic field on pendulum motion
4- From the very limited number of observations made at IRSID in 1953* and again in 1954 and 1955, of the movement o f a glass ball oscillating in a magnetic field of the order of a few hundred gauss, I was unable to draw any definitive conclusions at the time. Today, however, I consider that the effects to be expected are too small to be conclusive. can be detected with the magnetic chomps that can be made 5.
Experimental study of paraco- nic pendulum anomalies
5 - In view of the anomalies in the movement of the pen- dule, which had been indisputably demonstrated as early as February 1953, I devoted myself from 1954 onwards to the study of anomalies in the movement of a short pendulum suspended by a ball, which I called the "paraconic pendulum" 6.
So I wasn't driven to these experiments by theo- ritical ideas. They were merely a by-product o f a completely different research project, which was not successful.
(4) Thanks to the help of my friend Emmanuel André-Martin, my first experiments were carried out in February-June 1953 in a lo cal belonging to the Compagnie Clemençon (34, rue Milton, Paris) (see below § D. l).
(5) So, in 1989, I gave up suggesting any new experiments on t h e action o f a magnetic field on a pendulum, as I had previously intended to do. In fact, in my experiments from 1953 to 1955, the magnetic field produced at the center of the sold-noid where the pendulum oscillated was only of the order of d00 gauss.
This question will be the subject of a future publication on my part.
(6) From October 16, 1953, thanks to the powerful support of Pierre Ricard (see G D.1
below), I was given a basement laboratory with two very large rooms (ten by ten meters) at
IRSID in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, with two collaborators, Jacques Bourgeot and Annie
IRSID's highly competent mechanics' workshop never ceased to help me.
invaluable assistance in the precise construction of the various
equipment I used from l95d to 1960.
My experiences at IRSID continued from February 1954 to June 1960.
For me, the results were totally unexpected in every respect, both in terms of their nature and their scope.
I t was experience, and experience alone, that prompted me to carry out systemic experiments on the paraconic pendulum. It was experience that constantly guided me, and it was experience that finally led me to the conviction that the observations I made did indeed correspond to a very real new phenomenon, totally inexplicable within the framework of currently accepted theories.
Z- Mes rec7uercAes eqpéz€mezufo£es sur flej>9nô'uZe poxoconJqane 7954-7960, e7 sin" Ms déuicuNona opfi#ues des uBées sur zmMes J9S8
The existence o f a 24 h 50 min Jtinoire periodic component in the motion of the ani- trope-supported paraconic pendulum of an amplitude totally inexplicable within the framework of currently accepted theories.
1- To study anomalies in the movement of a short pen- dule, I mainly used a meter-long paraconic pendulum, consisting of a vertical bronze disk fixed to a bronze rod suspended from a stirrup resting on a steel ball.
In the absence of any magnetic field other than the terrestrial magnetic field, I have observed, on the basis of continuous observations followed for periods of the order of one month from 1954 to 1960, some very remarkable cir- constances, most notably the existence of a significant lunar diurnal periodicity of 24 h 50 min. of considerably higher amplitude than that calculated according to ac- tually accepted theories. The observed amplitude is about twenty or one hundred million times higher than the calculated amplitude, depending on whether we consider the anisotropicsuspension paraconic pendulum or the isotropic-suspension pa- raconic pendulum 1. In fact, such a lunar diurnal peridic component is completely inexplicable within the framework of currently accepted theories.
In addition, the experiments carried out suggested the existence of a direction of anisotropy i n space at each i nstont.
(1) See below Chapter f, § A.5.3, p. 98 eC B.2.1, p. 118, and Chapter II, § Ê''.2.2, p. 285.
(2) See Chapter f, § B.2.6, and B.2.7, pp. 123-125, and Chapter II, § F.2.2, pp.
The two crucial experiments in July 1958 on the movement of the paraconic pendulum with anisotropic suspension
2- Identical results regarding the existence of a lunar diurnal periodicity of significant amplitude were found, in the two crucial experiments of July 1958, in two laboratories about 6 km apart, one underground in Saint Germain, the other in an underground quarry in Bougival with 57 m of cover*.
Associated optical sighting experiments on test patterns from July 1958
3- The existence of anomalies in precision levelling and triangulation operations 4$ reconciled with the anomalies observed in the movement of the paraconic pendulum, prompted me to carry out, in parallel with my experiments on the anisotropic-supported paraconic pendulum at Saint-Germain and Bougival in July 1958, a series of optical North-South and South-North sightings on fixed sights at SaintGermain. Due to technical difficulties, these optical sights could only be properly carried out in the second half of July 1958.
In fact, during this period I observed a remarkable torrespondance between the observations of the azimuths of the paraconic pendulum and the observations corresponding to the azimuths of the reci- procal optical sights of two azimuth glasses on two test patterns having the same supports as these glasses 5.
In any case, the amplitudes of the optical deviations observed, considered in themselves, are inexplicable within the framework of currently accepted theories.
(3) See Chapter 7, Section C below.
(4) See my Note of May 21, 1958, Anomnlies des opérations de trionguloiion el de nivellement. Explicol ion possible ef confrontation o avec l'expériente. This note is
reproduced in Appendix II of the second edition of this book (see above, p. 33). (5) My initial intuition was thus re morquobly confirmed. f6) Cfiopitre JJ, Section B, below.
Anomalies observed during the two total solar tclipses of 1954 and 1959
4 - During the total solar eclipse of June 30 1954, a remarkable deviation of the oscillation plane of the paraconic pendulum was observed, a deviation that is inexplicable within the framework of currently accepted theories. A similar total deviation was again observed during the total solar eclipse of October 2, 1959.
The existence of an anisol ropy direction of uarioble space with time deduced from observations of the paraco- nic pendulum with isotropic support
5- Finally, while in all my experiments from February 1954 to July 1958 the support of the paraconic pendulum was anisotropic, in October 1959 I realized tin isol rope support in order to be able, by a new me- thod o f analyBe, to determine at each instant the anisolropic direction o f space.
In two series of monthly observations, in November-December 1959 and March-April 1960, this approach, which differs from the previous one, confirmed the existence of a periodic lunisolar structure that is totally inexplicable within the framework of current theories, and demonstrated t h e existence of a time-varying direction o f spatial a ni sot ropy (Chapter II).
(7J Cùepitre J, Section D, below.
Two indisputable discoveries
6 - At the end of the 19th century, many experimenters pointed out anomalies in the movement of the conical pendulum, but nothing definite had emerged from these experiments, and I believe that the indisputable evi- dence of the anomalies of the paraconic pendulum and their periodic struc- ture constitutes a genuine discovery for which I can claim full authorship.
The same is true o fortiori of the optical deviations of sighting patterns and their periodic structure, which are completely independent of any trivial influence, since n o one had even suspected t h e i r existence.
These are, in fact, two incontestable discoveries of nourenuz phenomena which, as things stand at present, seem to b e explained only by the onisotropy of space.
(81 See for example Dejean de Fonroque, July 1879, Du Pendule, 7'héorie de ses un- rintions, Chamerot, 32 p., and Note du 14 avril 1979 à l'Académie des Sciences, présen t4e par M. A. Cornu, Sur diverses expdrÎences /oites ouec un pendule oscillont ouec de grandes emplit udts. (see a detailed analysis of Dejean de Fon roque's memoirs in the second volume o f this work, Chapter Cf, Section C, above, p. 28).
bc mJmoires de Dejean de Fonroque are only quolitotives ef they canuenï foire l'objet d ' une onnlyse quonliloti ae. (9) See below § C.2, p. 60-63.
My Notes to the Academy of Sciences
7 - From November 1957 to February 1959, my observations on the anisotropic suspension paraconic pendulum were the subject of eight Notes à l'Académie des Sciences presented by Albert Caquot, and two Notes sur leur signifi- c£ttioZl statistiqtle presented by Joseph Kampé de Fériet *0.
Visits to my laboratories
8 - From September 1955 onwards, I became convinced that the movements of the paraconic pendulum on an anisotropic support did indeed constitute a new phenomenon, totally inexplicable within the framework of currently accepted theories.
(10) These notes are as follows:
Note of May 13, 1957
- Ptriodicitt Test - Cenerology of the Ptriodicitt Test
Note of November 13,
S!thuster au cos de séries femporellec autotorreltes 1957 - Observation of the movements of the poroco pendulum nique.
Note from November 2S 1957 -Harmonic analysis of pendulum movements
Note dated December 4, 1957
Mpoorvoecmoennitqof the paraconic pendulum and eclipse of the sun on June 30, 19S4.
Note of December 16,
1957 - Poroconic pendulum theory and influence
Note of December 23,
1957 - Application of the Generalized S!chuster Test ö
Note of November 3, Note to December 22, 1958
dec azimuth harmonic onolysis of the paraconic pendulum. 1958 - Noncelles experiments on the poroconic pendulum onisotropic support. - PSpeooriironodïc-iGocnseilrrcmizwcaliiutnhreiononJfiuspoleytnr1od9pu5iluc8m.sumppoovrteömBeonttisgiuol et
Note of January 19, 1959
Note dated February 9, 1959
Experimental determination o f t h e influence of the inclination of the load-bearing surface on the motion of a paraconic pendulum with onisotropic support. - Experimental determination of the in 'luence of support onisotropy on poroconigue pendulum motion.
The dates given are those of publication in the Comptes Rendus (and not the earlier dates of presentation). The dates of presentation were as follows: May 6, 1957, November 4, 1957, November 18, 1 9 5 7 , November 18, 1957, November 25, 1957, November 4, 1957. December 1957, October 20, 1958, November 10, 1958, December 1, 1958 and January 26, 1959.
Sn addition to their publication in the Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, these various Notes were published aèpardment by Gauth ier-Villara in two Fascicules entitled: "S!lrucf ure périodig tie dec mou sementc du pendult poroconique à cuc - pension anisotrope el in/Ïueztce Iz/nisoIaire. Rêsullals expérimentaux et anomalies" (25 eC 17 p.1. The first includes the first six Notes, the second the last four.
I disseminated the main results of my research to various personalities, and organized visits to my laboratory at IRSID, puts visits to my laboratory in Bougival after the crucial experiments in July 195g 11,
Mes Confêrences
9.- My work has been the subject o f three Conferences organized by the Certle Alexandre Du our :
- the first, "Faut-il reconsidérer les lois de la Gravitation? Slur une nouvelle expérience de Mêtanique", on Saturday February 22, 1958, in the Henri Poincaré amphitheatre a t Ecole Polytechnique 12.
- the second, "Faut -il reconsidêrer les lois de la Gravitation? Nouueaux résultats, bilan et perspectives", on Saturday November 7, 1959, at the Société des Ingénieurs Civils de France lÖ
- the third, "Lees përiodicitès constatëes dans le mouvement du pendule paraconique sont-elles réelles on non? Generalisation du test de Slchuster an cas de séries temporelles autocorrélèes", Saturday March 18
(11) A total of 127 people took part in these visits. (12) 14 wall charts; 34 projections; stenotype of the Conference and the Discussion, 80 p.
An overview of this Conference was given in my 19б8 Memorandum (§ A2.2 above). (13) 13 'tableaux muraiix ; 50 p[0 'ections ; stenotypie de la Con férence et de la Discusson,69p. (14) The text of this conference was published in Bulletins 120, 121 and 122 of the Cercle Alexandre Dufour, April, May and September 1967, pp. 80-97, 107-124, and 130-132.
In fact, I never had the time to publish my first two Conferences of February 22 1958 and November 7 1959, of which I have only the st4notypies and wall charts and projections appended.
My 1958 memoir I§ A.2.2 above) presents an overview of my Conference of February 22, 1958.
Two Awards
10 - My work on the paraconic pendulum with anisotropic support was marked by two prizes to which I was very sensitive: one French, the Prix Galabert 19Ei9 from the Société Française d'Astronautique 1', and the other American, in 1959, from the Greuity Research Foundation!!!.
Stopping experiments
11 - In the end, despite the resounding success of the two cruciform experiments in July 1958, the very promising results of my experiments on optical deviations in sighting sights in July 1958, and my experiments on the isotropic-supported paraconic pendulum in November-December 1959 and March-April 1960, I had to close my IRSID laboratory in June 1960 for lack of funds, and part company with two exceptional collaborators. Jacques Bourgeot and Annie Rolland 17, 1 .
(15) The dissertation presented to the Soeidtd Pronçoise d'Astronoutique was entitled '2R1ecph.)e.rcher théoriques et expérimertto/es rtouue/les sur lo firouitoliozz' (December 1958,
Attached to this memoir are my memoir of May 13, 1958 "Anomoiies du mou- ue ment du pendule poroconique à cupport 'anisotrope" (68 p.), my first eight Notes è l'Académie des Sciences (note 8 above), and my memoir of November 4, 1957 on the speed of light (see § S.S below).
(16) The dissertation presented to the U.S. Grovity Research Foundot ion in MRI was entitled: "Neur Theoreticol ond Azperimentof 2teseorcfi Word on Crranit y" (January 1959, 9 p.). (17) W h e r e a s in 1868 Van der Willingen was able to write (de Pendule de Foucault ou ñfusde 7'eyïer, Arch. Musée Teyler, I, 1868, p. 342)
In the experiments on the Poueouït pendulum, in terms of ezpèri- menant or moina, we stopped precisely at the point where utri - lablea difficulties began". in 1959, the responsible French scientific authorities deliberately put an end to my work. ezpé nothing these on the pendulum paraconique clore that porodozofemenï the difficulties essentiellea believe ttt aurmonttes. However, progress could not be made by refusing to examine the anomalies of the paraconic pendulum carefully and appropriately. In fact, from a scientific point of view, the unjustified decision to put an end to my experiences was4 totally incomprehensible. See below § D.S.1, p. 69-70, and Chapter f, Section G, p. 213-235. (18) At my request, and in view of their very high qualities, my two colleagues The engineers were immediately integrated into IRSID's technical departments.
s.- Me" wc e r n i e " ihéo'-ivres, 9so- s9s
Analysis of paraconic pendulum movements
1 - Since 1953, I've never stopped working on the analysis and signification of paraconic pendulum movements and the op- tical deviations I've associated with them, particularly as regards their rela- tionships with the search for a unitary theory of physics. In particular, I have elaborated a general theory of paraconic pendulum movements. conics and wrote numerous memoirs on physical theories and the statistical significance of observations 1.
Two major di//iculties
2- In fact, in my theoretical work on the paraconic pendulum I had to overcome two major difficulties.
Firstly, and as incredible as it may seem in view of the immense literature on the Foucault pendulum, etzctzn author had not calculated the lunisolar influence on the motion of the Foucault pendulum. In view of the fundamental importance of the theo- rique estimation of this influence, I was obliged to develop a complete theory. paraconic pendulum movements 2.
(I) §A2.3. (2) See my Mé moire d ' ensemble "Théorie dti Pendule Poroconique", September 1956, 441 p.
In 1958, I prepared summary presentations of some of the essential principles followed in this Memoir in five ?\fotes intended for the Aeadémie des Sciences but which could not beApyupblilcisohlieodn(dsetie'Fabfioévoerépm. 3e3d)e. Bour ou c'is des mouvements terrestres dons le cos le pIzEzqsugoelnioenrael,dMu marocuhv1e4m, e1n9t5d8u, 9pepn. dule parocon ique b support onisotrope b petites oscillolions. Premiére et deuxième approximation, August 18, 1958, 7 p. - Yoriotions des poromètres ostuloteurs de /'etïipse décrite dons ïe mouvement du pendule poroconique à support anisotrope et d petites osciffoïions. Première et deux ième opprosimol ion, 18 aoùt 1958, 6 p. - Corrections of first opproximotion dti pendulum poroconi9ue d'support onisotrope et d'petites osciffotions, August 18, 1958, 4 p. - Second opproximotion corrections of the isotropic supported poroconic pendulum el à pelites oscillations, August 18, 1958, 5 p.
I asked Henri Villat to present the first Note, but was refused.
Secondly, I had to admit that, in the vast literature on periodicity research in physics and economics, there was no periodicity test applicable to the general case of self-correlating time series. It wasn't until April 1957 that I was able to overcome this diffi- cult4 by developing a test generalizing the Slchuster Test, which was only suitable for time series made up of independent terms!
Investigations into the foundations of a unitary theory of physics
3- From 1950 to 1960 I continued my research into the foundations of a unitary theory and wrote various Notes*.
(3) My gënëralisation of the Schuster test nu cos de stries temporelles o ufocorrtltes was the subject of my two Notes è l'Académie des Sciences of May 13 and November 13, 1957, and of my overall dissertation "Test de périodicité. Généralisation du test de Sthuster ou tes de ctries temporelles outotorréltes dons l'hypothèse d'un pro:icessus de perturbe lions oltoloirez d'un système s fable", prësent4 en 1961 à l'I nstitut International de Statistique. This text is reproduced in Appendix D of the second volume o f this book.
See Chapter ï below, § B.1.3, note (6). (4) Several of these Notes have been distributed in limited editions, including : - On a possible interpretation of the terrestrial magnetic thomp, October 24, 1957, 7 p. - is on a solution of t h e part derivative equation such that
k2 Q + 4 x K 6 = 0
el on an interpretation of the constancy of the speed of light, November 4, 1957, 12 p. - Sur une interpréfntion possible des anomalies de la grauitè et ses applications, November 5 1957, Sd p. - Interpretation of gravity anomalies as a screen effect of group ections, March 1960, 29 p.
On my dissertation on the speed of light of November d, 1957, see below Chapter I, § G.5.2, p. 226; Chapter VI, § C.1, p. 511-51d; and Chapter VII, § C.4, note d, p. 599.
Esclangon and Miller experiments
1- The paraconic pendulum anomalies and the sighting anomalies I've highlighted have striking connections with the anomalies encountered in the study of many other phenomena.
In what follows, I examine two series of anomalies in particular: those corresponding to Esclangon's optical experiments of 1927-1928, and those corresponding to Miller's interferometric experiments of 19251926. Both of these anomalies, whose existence is very real, turn out on analysis to be of exceptional importance.
A general correlation with the Earth's position in its orbit
2- What characterizes the observations of anisotropic and isotropic paraconic pendulum motion, the optical obser- vations I've associated with them, Esclangon's optical observations, and Miller's interferometric observations, is their correlation with the Earth's position on its orbit, in contradiction with a fundamental postulate of the Theory of Relativity, Restricted or Gëntrale *.
(1) Chapter IV below.
(2) CChhaapptteerrsYVi,sVeIntairnedlyVdIeIvboetleodwto. the quantitative analysis of this correlation. tion.
No interpretation
3- Dana mes Wotes à l'Atadtmie des Slciences de 1957-1959, et tout particulièrement dans mon mémoire d'ensemble de 1958, "Doit -ori reconsidérer les lois de la gravitation?"I systematically abstained from any interpretation of the anomalies observed in the movement of the paraconic pendulum, for two reasons: firstly, because in my eyes, what was essential were the facts observed; and secondly, because I wanted to steer clear of any pointless polemics on dogmas regarded as definitively untenable in contemporary theories, and considered intangible by certain members of the Académie des Sciences 3.
Consistent anomalies
4- In fact, the analysis of the observations of the paraconic pendulum with anisotropic sup- port and isotropic support, the analysis of the sighting observations on sights that I associated with them in 1958, and that of the sighting observations on sights and collimators that followed them in 1959, the analysis of Esclangon's optical observations, and the analysis of Miller's interferometric observations, all demonstrate the existence of a very remarkable coherence underlying all these observations, and they all lead to the same conclusion:
- The Earth's position on its trajectory can be determined by purely terrestrial experiments.
They all lead equally to three guiding conceptions: the existence o f a
nnisotropy of space, the determination of this anisotropy o f space by astronomical in- fluences, the existence of an intermediary medium, the material support for the transmission of these influences.
f3) To avoid any difficulties with certain members of the Académie des Sciences who were very attached to Einstein's Relativit4 Theory, Albert Caquot never ceased to urge m e to refrain from any interpretation (see in particular note 3 of § A 1.3 abovIet,saenedm§sDpr.3efbeerlaobwle; stoeemalesotoSdeacytitoonfGreoefmCyhsaepltfercoImbeplloewte)l.y from any con Crainte whatsoever.
In-depth analysis of these five sets of observations does not, of course, allow us to assert the intrinsic validity of these three guiding concep- tions, but it does allow us to assert that Motif behaves as if these three guiding concep- tions ef/ectively corresponded to a reala-
In any case, the validity, coherence and properties of the observations analyzed in the first ciii9 chapters of this book are totally independent of any hypothesis* or theory whatsoever.
Only one certain conclusion
5- Any theoretical interpretation of all five sets of observations would be premature at the present time. Numerous complementary experiments are obviously necessary before sufficient regularities emerge to lead t o precise laws and a general theory.
Only one certainty is currently emerging. Non-new phenomena have emerged that currently accepted theories a r e unable to explain.
I have therefore limited myself in this work toonlythedata from observation, systematically avoiding any theoretical synthesis 7
(4) See Chapter YC below. (5) En fort l'onisotropie de l'espèce el so déterminer ion por des in/tuences astronomics are not hypotheses. They are observational data. (6) See A.1.1 above. (D The only exception I have made to this principle is to show that the observations of the paraconic pendulum can be exphq ner /oci1emen ï à porttr de f fiypotfiêse d'une anisotropie de f'espece d'inertia (see below, Chapter f, § F.3, p. 206-212, and Chapter ff, Section I, p. 320-325).
La Théorie de la Relatiuitë
6 - In reality, the reason why there has been so much discussion and so much passion about the Theory of Restricted and General Relativity is quite simple: a fundamental error of judgment concerning the prete ndu nêgati ca rattère of Michelson's experiment, and the failure to take into account Miller's observations of 1925-1926. The result has been a kind of persistent misguidance in contemporary physics and the intolerant dogmatism that has accompanied it.
Nothing illustrates this kind of misguidance better than this judgment by Fénelon:
"Most men's errors are not so much t h a t they reason wrongly from true principles, but rather that they reason rightly from false principles or inaccurate judgments".
A golden rule
7 - As for me, all my research and all my work have been guided by one absolute conviction: that to be valid, all theories, whatever they may be, must be confirmed, both in their hypotheses and in their consequences, by t h e data available.
This conviction is expressed by the maxim that has inspired me throughout my life in every field: "Submission to the data of experience is the golden rule that dominates every scientific discipline"!
f8) See below the C/inpifre YES, § A.4 (9) Lettrt dt Ftnelon, dite de Port -Royal, for the education of the Duc de Chevreuse.
(10) Maurice Allais, 1989, en Philosophie de ma Vie, Autoportraits, Montchrestien, 1989, p. 70.
2.- Oezzx decuerYes/ondamenfafes e¢ ouïzren "fzques
Two new phenomena
1 - As I have already indicated 1, in my experiments from 1954 to 1960, I found highly significant anomalies in the movement of the paraconic pendulum with anisotropic and isotropic supports, and in the optical sights on test patterns. I have not demonstrated their existence, independently of any perverse effects. T hese anomalies are totally inexplicable within the framework of currently accepted theories.
In fact, the optical anomalies I highlighted in July 1958 show a striking connection with the anomalies of the anisotropic paraconic pendulum. By the same token, a relationship has been established between two phenomena a priori quite foreign to each other, Optics and Nutromechanics
This is undoubtedly the discovery of two new phenomena, both unprecedented in literature, and whose implications have a major impact on the very foundations of contemporary theories.
These are two fundamental and authentic discoveries, made in 1958, and totally unknown to official science for thirty-eight years now!
(1) § B.2.6 above, p. 50.
(2) Cfiopitre III, § B.3, p. 338, and B.6, p. 345, below.
(3) Perhaps some readers will accuse me of a lack of modesty here, but the fact that I can claim authorship of these two discoveries doesn't change their notoriety, and I don't really see why I should underestimate them, when their co-pilot importance is so obvious.
For the past thirty years, official science has succeeded in maintaining a hotellike silence on these two discoveries. It is in the interests of science itself to put an end to this silence.
Ge really isn't unethical to claim authorship of discoveries. Didn't the great Ampère himself say
One cannot deny t h e importance of these experiments, nor refuse to agree that No décou nerf e de l'oct ion de lo Terre cur les fils conducteurs m'opportient ouser compidtement que celle de l'oct ion mm nelle de deux corps". (André-Marie Ampère, 1826, Théorie mothémotique des phénomènes dlectrody only deduced from experience, p. 103).
See next page.
The two crucial pendulum experiments of July 1958 paraconic ô anisotropic support
2 - In fact, the two crucial experiments, carried out continuously and under identical conditions for one month in July 1958, one in a basement at the Institut de Recherche de la Sidérurgie (IRSID) in SaintGermain, the other in an underground quarry in Bougival, six kilometers away and with a fifty-seven meter cover, radically swept aside all the objections presented earlier, giving the same results as to the existence of a lunar diurnal periodicity of 24 h. 50 mn. diurnal periodicity in the motion of the anisotropically supported paraconic pendulum, of an amplitude inexplicable within the framework of currently accepted theories.
It is remarkable that during the same month of July 1958 in SaintGermain, optical deviations of the North-South and South-North sights on two azimuth glasses revealed t h e same periodic components of 24 h. 50 min. components, and that these are exactly in phase with those of the paraconic pendulum in Saint-Germain and Bougival 5.
How can we fail to recall w h a t André-Marie Ampère wrote in 1826
"The periods when phenomena previously considered to be due to absolutely different causes have been reduced to a single principle have almost always been accompanied by the discovery of a large number of new facts, because a new way of conceiving causes suggests a multitude of experiments to be attempted and explanations to be verified.
(4) For many, the fact that two fundamental discoveries were made "in one amateur" is completely incomprehensible and, to put it mildly, impossible.
For my detractors, it's beyond comprehension that essential phenomena could have escaped the sagacity of knowledgeable experimenters for decades. For them, these so-called discoveries can only be based on errors and illusions. There is therefore no reason t o take them into consideration.
See § D.3 below. (5) The validity and scope of these two discoveries are now considerably reinforced by analyses based on the nonueoux colcuts prësent4s in this ouwage. (6) André-Marie Ampère, 1826, 7'/Mathematical theory of electro-dy- phenomena namigues uni9uezzienï deduced f r o m experience, p. 118.
Relatively large-scale effects
3.- If one considers contemporary research, the consi- deable efforts deployed to highlight extremely small effects, and the extremely complex and costly equipment used, and if one compares them with my experiments on the paraco- nic pendulum and associated optical effects, one cannot fail to be struck by the very great simplicity of the experimental processes I used to study them, and the considerable relative quantitative importance of the effects observed, particularly for the paraco- nic pendulum, one cannot fail to be struck by the very great simplicity of the experimental processes I have used to study them, and the considerable relative quantitative importance of the effects observed, particularly for the paraconic pendulum, whose observed amplitude of the 24 h 50 min periodic component is twenty to one hundred million times greater than the amplitude calculated by the currently accepted theory of gravitation 7, Ü
New perspectives
4 - Like all new phenomena which, at a given moment, prove inexplicable
within the framework of accepted theories, and which controversially
call them into question, the anomalies of the paraconic pendulum and the optical anomalies I have highlighted open up new perspectives from a great many points of view, particularly with regard to the existence of a time-varying anisotropy of space 9
(7) Depending on whether we consider the paraconic pendulum with anisotropic support or the
paraconic pendulum with isotropic support. See below, Chapter I, § B.2.1, p. 118, and Chapter II, § F.2. 2, p. 285.
(8) If we consider, for example, the advance of d2 sexagtsimal seconds per century of Mercury's perihelion, whose explanation to within 5" is considered a great success of relativity theory (see Chapter VII below, § C.6.2), and if we consider the lunar influence of 24 h. 50 min. of the order of 105 rodians per second of time on the paraconic pendulum (note 5 above), this corresponds to 6.51 billion sexagesimal seconds per century. The orders of magnitude differ greatly.
D* rad/sec = lo ' ( . 60 . 60) (100 . 365.25 . 24 . 60 . 60) seconds per century
= 6.51 10 seconds per century
Some may wonder why I waited so long to publish this book. The reasons are simple. In
the soi xante years, the hostility that was mani - fest4e was so powerful, the rumors about
the invalidity of my experiments so numerous and unstated, some of them coming from
personalities o f great reputation and influence, that nothing could have enabled me to fight
them. They persist to t h i s d a y .
What's more, in the years following the end of my experiments, I was
completely absorbed by my economic work on monetary analysis, the theory of the capitalist optimum, surplus theory, the theory of random choice, and the theory of proba bili t4s, all of which gave rise to numerous publications on my part (see Allais, 1989, Autoportroits, p. 121-144).
As Max Planck 10 pointed out: "Whenever there is a revision or transformation of a physical theory, we find that the starting point is almost always the observation of one or more facts which could not fit into the framework of the theory in its present form. facts are in fact always the keystone on which the stability of any theory depends, h o w e v e r important it may be. For the theoretician truly worthy of the name, there's nothing more interesting than a fact that contradicts a theory hitherto held to be true, and that's when the real work begins.
And as Henri P o i n c a r é wrote "I imagine that his hypothesis had not been adopted lightly: it took into account all the known factors that seemed to play a part in the phenomenon. If verification d o e s n 't take place, then there's something unexpected, something extraordinary: we're going to find the unknown and the new".
(10) Max Planck, 1941, Animations à la Physique, Flammarion, p. 40. (11) Henri Poincaré, 1906, La lstiente el l'H ypothèse, Flammarion, 1927, p. 178.
• I owe a debt of gratitude to Emmanuel André-Martin, Pierre Ricard, Albert Caquot and René Dugas 1$, who have since passed away, and who placed their trust in me. and thanks to their support, from 1954 to 1960 I was able to continue my experiments on the paraconic pendulum and the optical sighting experiments on test sights that I associated with them.
It was Em man nel Andrè -Mortin who provided me with my first laboratory in January 1953 2.
I owe it to Pierre Ricard that in October 1953 I was able to set up a laboratory at
the Institut de Recherche de Loisiderurgie in Saint-Germain with two colleagues,
Jacques Bourgeot and Annie Rolland. It's thanks to them, and especially to Jacques
Bourgeot, w h o s e efficiency, professionalism and sense of-
sion, intelligence and dedication were exemplary, that my experiments could be carried out with full success 4
Emmanuel André-Martin (July 16, 1900 - June 23, 1978J, Pierre Ricard (April 3, 1899 - 4
avril 1956), Albert Caquot (1 4-* juillet 1881 - 27 novembre 1976), Renè Dugas (11 août 1897 - 15
June 1957).
On the premises of Compagnie Clem ençon, 34 rue Milton, Paris, whose
president was André-Martin with the very active and efficient assistance of Mr. Cou pry,
Engineer with Compagnie Clemençon. See § B.1.4 above.
At the time, Pierre Ricard was Chairman of Industries Métallurgiques et Minières.
In May 1953 I telephoned Pierre Ricard to ask if he could help me to continue the
experiments I had carried out at the Compagnie Clemençon with sufficient resources. His reply
was4 astonishing
I have read our 1943 economics book. I consider it to be absolutely fundamental and comparable to Lagrange's "Métonique Analytique" f o r economics. 'Je fois nous donc con mnce. What do you nine-if?
"ñfof/ieureusement je pars demoin oux Etats -Unis, mois adressez nous de m'i part ou Directeur de f'ïnsfif ut de Recherche de lo lSidArurgie. He will do whatever is necessary".
Ten days later, the decision was finally taken to assign me to IRSID, a large two-storey labIonraatlol rmyywliifthe,tIw'voe enmevpelrosyeeeens.such decision-making capacity based on confidence in men.
When I hired Jacques Bourgeot (who had already worked for several months at t h e
Institut Géographique National) in October 1953, he was only 23 years old, but his exceptional
abilities were confirmed in the years that followed.
My laboratory at IRSID operated from October 16, 1953 to June 30, 1960.
I am indebted to Albert Caquot for the presentation, despite numerous and persistent oppositions, of eight Notes ö l'Académie des Sciences sur le pendule paraconique '. These Notes dealt respectively with the experimental set-up, the observation process and the harmonic analysis of the paraconic pendulum's movements, the effects of the total solar eclipse of June 30, 1954, the theory of the paraconic pendulum and the lunisolar influence, the crucial new anisotropic-supported paraconic pendulum experiments in Bougival and Saint-Germain in July 1958, the periodic structure of the azimuths observed during these experiments, the experimental determination of the effects of the inclination of the bearing surface and the anisotropy of the support. My last communication was4 that of February 9, 1959 6
I am indebted to Ztené Dugas 7 for his constant and effective support of numerous personalities, and in particular of many members of the Académie des Sciences.
The untimely deaths in 1956 and 1957 of Pierre Ricard and René Dugas deprived me of two vital sources of support.
I am indebted to Joseph Kampé de Fdriet for having presented my two Notes on harmonic analysis to the Académie des Sciences, the first on the generalization of Schuster's test to the case of self-correlated time series, and the second on the application of this test t o harmonic analysis. nique des azimuts du pendule paraconique 8
(5J CRAS, November 13 and 25, 1957, December 4 and 16, 1957, November 3 and December 22) 1958, January 19 and February 9, 1959 (see above § B.2.7, p. 5l). (6) From that date onwards, a powerful cabal was launched against both my work in physics and my liberal positions in economics.
See below, Cfinpii re f, § G.5, p. 225-230, and Chapter X, § B.2, p. 685-686. See also Louis Rougier, Juillet 1959, Scendnte d Polytechnique (This text is reproduced in the Second Volume of this work in Appendix I.D, p. 31 above). (7) René Dugas was a director at the SNCF, but he had one violin d'lngres, the analysis of the foundations of Mechanics, and he published two fundamental works: ffistoire de la Mtconique (1950), and Lo Mtcanique au Vlllème siècle (1954), both with apepnrdefualcuRemebinnyétLoDouuurmilseasdseombBasredoregulaaielpo.rierdeiscdtiuonmtoonmdee".atHtohwe etivmeer:h"isCf errivero un jour où notre prediction has so far failed to materialize. (8) CRAS, May 13 and December 23, 1957 (see above § B.2.7, p. 51).
It was thanks to the constant support of several members of the
Académie des Sciences, including Albert Caquot, Donation Cot, Georges
Darrieus, Joseph Kampé de Fériet, André Léauté, Albert Pérard, Maurice
Roy, Pierre Tardi and René Thiry, and of Generals Paul Bergeron and Jean
Guérin, successive presidents of the Comité d'Action Scientifique de la
Défense Nationale, and to the impact of my Conference of February 22,
1958, that funds were granted to me by the Comitê d'Action lstient ifique
de la Défense Nat ionale and by the Centre National de la Recherche
lScientifique, and that it was thus possible to carry out the two crucial
experiments, pursued continuously and under identical conditions, for one
month in July 1958, one in a basement at the Institut de Recherthe de la
Slidèrurgie in Saint-Germain, the other in an underground quarry in
Bougival, six kilometers apart and fifty-seven meters above ground*.
The full success of these experiments was marked by the 1959 Prix Galabert from the Slociété Française d'Astronautique, and a 1959 award from the Gravit y Research Foundation!
These experiments in July 1958 were accompanied at IRSID by sighting experiments on test patterns, which gave quite de- cisive results [1].
See § C.2.2 above.
(10) See above t B.2.10.
(11) CAnpitre IM, Section B, p. 334-344 below. In 1992 and 1993, thanks to my friend Guy Berthault, we were able to carry out
continuous sighting tests on test patterns. An analysis is given in the second volume of this book, CAopitre III, Section B (see p. 29 above).
It's thanks to Guy Berthault that we'll be able to publish the present xc lume and most of my physics work.
P.- Z-'inférét raised by rries expêrierinez
From 1953 to 1956, I refrained from publishing anything, because I wanted to be absolutely sure of the reality of the new phenomenon I had
highlighted: lunisolar effects whose amplitudes were totally different from those of the lunar effect. inexplicable within the framework of currently accepted theories.
In 1956, I considered that I was in a position to publish most of my results. They were the subject of five communications to the Académie des
ScieRceS by Albt rt Cäquot and Joseph Kampé de Fériet 1.
On February 22, 1958, I presented a summary of my results at the of my Conference, "Faut-il reconsidérer les lois de la gravitation î Slur une nouvelle expérience de mécanique", chaired by Albert Caquot, in t h e Henri Poincaré amphitheatre at Ecole Polytechnique 2
Between 1956 and 1958, one hundred and twenty-seven leading figures from the world of science, including more than fifty specialists in mechanics and geophysics, visited my laboratory in Saint Germain, then the one in Bougival. None of them was able to come up with a valid explanation for the effects observed within the framework of accepted theories.
In 1958 the Polytechnic journal Perspectives X published my comprehensive dissertation "Doit -on Reconsidérer les Lois de la Gravitation î". The English translation was published in 1959 by the American journal Aero-IS pace Engineering, under the title "!Should the Laws of Gravitation be Reconsidered î" *.
(1) See above, § B.2.7, p. 51, and below, § D.3.1, note 1, p.69. (2) § B.2.9 above, p. 52
The amphitheatre was packed. Over 600 personalities attended my conference. It was widely reported in the press. See in particular: Pierre de Latil, £e pendule /nto1 eux lois de to méconi9ue, Le P-igaro Littéraire, January 18 1968; René Sudre, L'#nigme de to grayitotion, Revue des Deux Mondes, February 1 e* 1958; Henri François, f'-out-iÎ reconsidérer les fois de to grouitotion?, Le Monde, February 22, 1958; Pierre Devaux, ñfoni/este scientifique à Polytechnique, Le Figaro, February 25, 1958. The main analyses are reproduced in Appendix C in the last volume of this book. (3) Including fourteen members of the Académie des Sciences: Albert Caquot, Pierre Chévenard, Donation Cot, Jean Coulomb, An dré Dan ion , Georges Darmois, Joseph Kampé de Fériet, André Léauté, Albert Përard, Joseph Pérès, René Perrin, Maurice Roy, Pierre Tardi, René Thiry. (4) Vokci above§A.2.2, p.42.
All in all, my experiments have aroused considerable interest o n all sides, in France and abroad 5
In fact, anyone who has seriously analyzed my work have never ceased t o be struck by the consistency of my analyses and results
ô$ and by their scientific value 7,
IS) I received a huge amount of mail from all over the world. For example, j u s t recently, on August 1 -* 1996, I received a
letter from a phys'ici'in Chinese S.W. Zhon of the Department of Physies, Huazhong €fniuersity of Slctence ond Technology, informing me of research and publications on the anomalies observed in mechanics, optics and atomic physics during the solar eclipses of 1987, 1992 and 1995, undertaken following my observations of the anomaliec of the paraconic pendulum during the tclipse of June 30, 195d, and underlining my role as a pioneer in the field of research into gravitational anomalies. (6) See in particular the judgment of the English physicist Robert Latham (note 3 of the § Il.3 above, p. 39). See also the assessment made in May 1959 by General Paul Bergeron, Chairman of the Comitë d'Action Scientifique de la Défense Nationale, in his letter to Werner von Braun, Cfinpitre f, § G.6, note 2, below, p. 231. (7) Following the publication in September 1996 of my article "Les exptrientes de Doyton C. Miller et lo Thtorie de l'i relatiuité" in the Revue Polytechnicienne, Lo Jaune et la Bou,ge, one of my 1958 correspondents, Paul Ernest de Montaigne, a former s t u d e n t of the Eeole Polytechnique, wrote to me in the following terms
"-f'oi suivi ouec un tres Rif inltret vos conftrences sur le pendule porc conique .
"J'oi éf I, font- il le dire, un peu {m ztrt de veus uoir Prim Nobel d'Economie. Je nous oltendois douontoge Prim Nobel de Physique. Yous Voici reuerin à lo Physique, et com ment! I hope you won't obondonn it again". When I was awarded the 1988 Nobel Prize in Economics, Robert Latham, of Imperial College of Science ond Technology, wrote to me
"Pleose occept iny most heort y congrotulations 'II is a pit y, ctiente being uihat it is, ifiot you con'I get a si miler recogni lion for the pendulum worn. I Sinew I cm in o minorit y but my personal Grew is that it is just cc important, and will be ccii nowledged os such in due tourze".
A very strong and growing opposition
1 - In fact, ever since the results of my exper iments were published in 1956, I've constantly come up against "established beliefs" and dogma. esloblishmenls" of all kinds who dominate 1.
Many objections kept coming my way, most of which were unfounded, or even totally unfounded, and some of which were based on unspoken rumors spread in the corridors, all too often by p r o m i n e n t figures, and to which it was q u i t e impossible for me to respond. I asked, in vain, to be heard by a Commission of the Académie des Sciences. N o t h i n g happened.
A leaden silence masked the full success of the 1958 cru- ciole experiments and their significance *.
(1) My first two Notes to the Académie des Sciences, "3fouuements pdrio- digues du pendule poroconique" eï "Anolyse harmonique des mouvements du pendule pnroconique", presented by Albert Caquot in 1956 were initially ët4 refused by the two Secrétaire perpétuels, R. Courier and Louis de Broglie (see their letter of November 20, 1956 to Albert Caquot reproduced in Anneze Y.A of the Second Volume of this work. See p. 31 above). These two Notes were not published until a year later, on November 13 and 25, 1957.
Fortunately, opposition to the publication o f all my Notes continued to mount at t h e Acodtmie des Sciences. (2) In a recent book, "L'uniuers de lo relatiuitt gtntrale", Editions Vues nouvelles, May 1996, Ecole Polytechnique alumnus Marcel Macaire writes (pp. 11 and 66-67):
tL'onol yse de Maurice Allois) ou mit dm susciter un intérêt passionné turieusement, il n'y avait que très peu d'éthos et quelques critiques gtntrolement hostiles. Yet his orgumentot ion étoif solide...
'Lo trifique qui a Ht forte - en 1958 - des résultats de Meurtre Allois est dtpouruue d'objettiuité
Finally, for lack of funds, and despite the resounding success of the crucial experiments in July 1958, I had to close my laboratories at IRSID and Bougival and stop all my experimental research in June 1960.
An urgent protest
2- In fact, this resistance to new ideas, all the more violent for being more ignorant and incompetent, derives f r o m an underlying assumption: any theory, model, experiment or study that deviates from or contradicts established truths can only be wrong.
(note 2 continued) What strikes you about Maurice Allais's work is the profusion of results that
invalidate Neu/ton's faith. Many experiments show anomalies. If there were only one, one could doubt it; but their number and rtpttition should have induced the scientific community to analyze the results and take them into account. However, their publication only aroused izzdiffiéreme ef /'7zosfi/ifé. A lo udrit4, les arguments ïnuogués por tes oduersoires des thèses de Meurtre Allois sont contradictoires. Les ans - por exemple - confestenï la périodicité des courbes représentoliues des récul tot s obzeruJs, clore que d'entrer l'odmef tent, mois prétendent que lo Ioi de 7Veu/ton sufj'iI à les expliquer.
'Mois il y o pire que l'indi{férente; le silence. In the specialized press, one would expect to find an orderly critique of the results of Meurtre AI1oi#, and in t h e general press, editors would be pleased with the nouueouté of the reszzllots obtained, equalling the argztmenls of their opponents. However, nothing of the sort happened, and in J 958, disinterest was shown in experiments that put into question theories that had been held for three centuries". (3) See below, Chapter f, § G.2, G.5 and G.6 , pp. 2 15-216 and pp. 225-235; and Chapter X, § B.2, B.3, and B.4, p. 685-689. See also Chapter VIII, Des oppositions dogmotiques, and Appendices I.h and I. D (see Contents above, p. 30 - 31).
This resistance, too often blind and but4e, to new ideas is certainly one of the greatest obstacles to the progress of science in all fields. Discoveries in all eras have met with /enefÎque opposition from the mandarins of science *.
But whatever opposition I have encountered, and whatever obstacles of all kinds they have placed in my way, they have never Jomnts rë used to prevent me and they never will prevent me from defendingR: cR: who I pensSR: to be the verilë S.
(4) The most formidable and treacherous tactic against new ideas is the conspiracy
o f silence, against which n o defense is possible.
If, in the who first
ednedfe, nadnedddietsipsitoeftaelnl
the obstacles placed in its way, dep0utised of it, and William
an idea triumphs, the 'lames w a s right to
write (Allais, 1966, L'ñconomique en tent que isciencel
Tome doctrine trouerse trois êtots: on l'attaque d'abord, en la déclo ront absurde; puis on admet qu'elle est craie, évidente, mois insigni- toute. Then it's accepted that it's chalky, self-evident, but not insigni- all. It's retonned in(in so mérite ble importance and its ad uersoires reuendiquent mort l'honneur d e l'oooir découverte".
(5) N o n e t h e l e s s , I felt that t h e rejection by the Acadèmie des Sciences of the
publication of my Hole of 23 [éurier 1960 on the purely experimental results of my optical
observations of July 1958 (see below Chapter III, § B.4), and the development of a veritable
cabal against me, were very harsh and unfair.
which finally forced me to close my laboratory at IRSIDand, for lack of funds, to cease all experimental research (see below).
Section G, pp. 213-235, and Chapter X, § B.2 and B.3, pp. 685-689, and Second Portie of
this work Chapter VIH, see above p. 30).
of'fîcielle mondarins de lo science of'fîcielle pu participer à ceSte cobale n'en
chonge unfortunately nothing lo n'iture. It only 'cit the oggroner. A c'ibole remains a c'ibole.
This cabal was not limited to the Académie des Sciences. Louis Armand,
president of the Ecole Polytechnique's Conseil de perfectionnement in 1958-1959, used
rumors about the invalidity of my work on the paraconic pendulum to help defeat my
bid for the Ecole Polytechnique's economics chair in 1959.
See Troisième Introduction ä mon Unité d'économie Pure, § 3d, p. 124-126, and
Louis Rougier, July 1959, "lscondole à Pol ytechnique". Louis Routier's memoir is
reproduced in Appendix I.D in the Second Volume o f this work (see p. 31 above).
I am fully aware of the risks I am taking by persisting in engage in a field that, by all official standardsela , is not mine. But would that b e a major reason to keep quiet 6 7
In [ait, this book is an urgent protest against the entrenched prejudices and blind fanaticism of all those w h o oppose the progress of science with all their might. A s Rabelais once wrote: "Ignorance is the mother of all evils".
(6) In my Con[trence of February 28, 1958, at the Ecole Polytechnique and bored the ex crucial events of July 1958 I was already saying
"Il est fiors de doute du i y a pour moi de très grands risques, étant un économiste, à [aire des recherches de physique, et d'encourir le risque de me tromper. You can forgive a pro/essionneJ to be wrong, but you can't pordon nero connors d someone who ri'est pos de lo pro;fession, to be wrong". As for whether I'm wrong, or whether it's my opponents who are wrong, only the strong can decide.
7.- Zo récfoc¢ïôn of this work
the two-volume presentation
l.- On reflection, I felt it would be preferable to present this work, "L'anisotropie de l'espace. la nécessaire révision de certains postulats des théories contemporaines", in two volumes entitled respectively, "Les données de l'expérience" and "Compléments expérimentaux et théoriques", and to immediately publish the first volume 1,
The first volume
2- In what follows, I examine 2 :
My experiments with the paraconic pendulum on an anisotropic support (Chapter I), My experiments with the paraconic pendulum on a n isotropic support (Chapter II), My experiments on optical deviations in sighting sights in 1958, and their extension in 1959 (Chapter III), Two sets o f highly signi ficantearlier experiments, those of Esclangon and Miller (Chapter IV), The semi-annual and annual periodic structure of the analyzed observations and their interdependencies (Chapter V), The anisotropy of space (Chapter VI), Interpretation and scope of analysts' observations (Chapter VII), A plan o f simultaneous experiments to be carried out (Chapter VIII), Incessant opposition to new ideas throughout history (Chapter LX), - Finally, the new perspectives that a r e opening up today (Chapter X).
(1) The second volume won't be published for a few months yet. (2) The present work owes a great debt of gratitude to my wife Jacqueline, whose suggestions and constructive criticism have always been extremely helpful.
At the end of Part I, you'll find all the references to the developments in this book*, as well as an index of nOm s.
The second volume
3- In the second volume of this work, I will examine some of the most essential developments of the questions dealt with in the various chapters of Part One, which, for lack of space, could not be analyzed there.
In addition, I am enclosing in Appendices to this volume various Memoranda directly related to the developments of the ten Chapters of this First Part, as well as texts relating to the oppositions made to me and which I had to face (Appendices I) and the Notes prepared for the Academy of Sciences and which could not be published in the Comptes Rendus (Appendices II) 4 .
Unavoidable difficulties
4- Some passages in this book are highly technical. As far as possible, I have avoided any mathematical formalism by rejecting in principle all developments i n v o l v i n g mathematical developments in the Second Volume of this book.
But certain questions, such as the presentation of the principles of the theoretical calculation of t h e lunisolar influence on the motion of the paraconic pendulum according to the current theory of gravitation, are so important that I felt it necessary t o include them in my presentation.
The text also contains a large number of notes and cross-references, which may present a few difficulties for the reader; but above all, I wanted my developments to be rigorous and unambiguous.
(3) I particularly recommend that readers always refer to out leader ori,ginoiu, et non pos aun: commentires de seconde main.
(4) See Sommnire above, p. 28-33. (5) See in particular Cfiopiire f, § B.2, and F.3.2, pp. 118-129, and 206-212; and Chapter II, Section I, p. 320-325.
Finally, the following text contains a few repetitions. These were unavoidable in this case, since the presentation in each chapter is in itself a whole, linked to the presentations in the other chapters, and all the questions studied are linked to each other by numerous and relatively complex re- lations.
Quant Platines analyses
5- A large number of calculations carried out since January 1995 have complemented my 1954-1960 analyses. All have fully confirmed the high degree of coherence underlying all the observations made between 1954 and 1960, and have clarified their significance and port4e. In fact, these observa- tions are c o m p l e t e l y inexplicable within the framework of currently accepted theories.
In any case, the quantitative analyses presented in the first five Chapters of this Part One are totally independent of any hypothesis or theory whatsoever.
Editing is all about rigor and precision.
6- As it stands, and despite the many successive versions it
underwent during the period from July 1995 to February 1997, this work
is certainly highly imperfect. The drafting process was fraught with
difficulties, due to the complexity of the issues involved.
and the need to limit the number of presentations ,6 were only
partially overcome.
A single principle has guided me "Sacrifice everything to rigor and clarity.
(6) I also had to track down all the materials I needed to write the story.
tion of this book. After more than thirty-five years, it hasn't always been4 easy.
(' ) I'd like to take this opportunity to extend my warmest thanks to Anne-Marie and Alain Villemur, exceptional collaborators. Anne-Marie Villemur presented the successive versions of this book with remarkable efficiency. Alain Villemur ezécut4 with great intelligence the numerous calculations and graphs corresponding to the
quantitative analyses.
There's no doubt that the analyses in this book, which run totally
counter to today's "established truths", will provoke violent reactions. It's
hard to believe that the economist I am could, through his experiences and
Bee analyses, defeat the physical theories taught everywhere as definitive
Against the fanatics, I remain convinced, as I was in 1959, that there is nothing to be done. Blind and deaf, stubborn in their certainties, they will deny everything en bloc 1. But today, as in 1958 2, there are honest men, ready to examine the facts, even if they may be wrong. appear, at first glance, to be opposed to their own convictions.
I've been told that my claim to two fundamental discoveries is bound to exasperate some readers. Admittedly, such a warning is not without value; it is indisputable. But, once again, it is not by underestimating the significance of the new phenomena I have highlighted that it would be possible to really alert the scientific world, or at least that part of it which is not blinded by prejudice, b i a s and blind faith in established truths.
There can be no doubt that the undisputed existence of the paraconic pendulum and optical anomalies I have highlighted, the implications of Esclangon's optical observations, and those of Miller's interferometric observations, are likely to lead to a profound revision of the very foundations of current theories.
(1) More likely, they will try to remain silent. In Chapter X, I'll give a particularly significant recent example of this, relating to the quantitative analysis of Miller's observations present4e in Chopifre IV below. fd2e) IFné1ri9e6t0, ,La4t laeuatsdt ,niPnèermaredm, bRerosyo,fTthaerdAi,caTdhémiryie)dweseSreciecnoncevsin(Cceadquooft, tChoet,nDeaerdriteousc,oKnatimnupeè my experiments, the results of which they considered absolutely essential, and they made every effort to ensure that I was granted the necessary resources. (3) Implications l ar g e ly unnoticed by these two authors.
This is a certainty, but as in the 1950s, it will come up against opposition as blind as it is relentless from all those who base their thinking solely on established truths.
• At first sight, some of my judgements in this Introduction and the following Chapters may appear somewhat excessive. But what is really excessive, and indeed inadmissible, is the kind of indifference with which the ob- servations of the paraconic pendulum movement, the optical observations I have associated with them, and Miller's interferometric observations have been ignored and buried*. As Bouasse once said:
"One would not be o6figured to use such harsh terms if one were speaking to pure minds; but naked and de- charmed truths touch little and leave in the brain only light traces that are easily erased.... the great advantage of the hard way is to force people to think".
May I paraphrase here what Alexis de Tocqueville once wrote in an entirely different context:
"I hope I have written the present book without prejudice, but I do n o t pretend to have written it without passion.
"Whenever I have encountered manifest errors in accepted theories or recognized facts, I have taken care to shed light on them, so that when we see the obs- tacles opposed to the progress of science, we can better understand their nature.
"To achieve this goal, I have not feared, I confess, to hurt anyone, neither individuals, nor opinions ... however respectable they may be. I have often done so with regret, but always without remorse. May those to whom I might have thus offended forgive me, in consideration of the unselfish and honest aim I pursue".
The motte /ondnmenfnf of my approach is to express what I believe to be vêritê.
Saint-Cloud, February 15, 1997
(4) See below Chapter f, Section G, pp. 213-235; Chapter X, § B.2, B.3, and B.4, pp. 685689; and in the Second volume of this work, Chopitre VIII, and Appendices IA è ID (see
Sonimnire above, pp. 30-31).
I'd be very grateful if readers of this publication could send me their comments.
Thank you very much in advance.
Maurice Allais 15, rue des GâteCeps 92210 - SaintCloud
19M - 1SKI
The important facts are the crucial ones, i .e. those that can confirm or refute a theory. After that, if the results are not as expected, the learned orats don't feel a sense of embarrassment, which they are eager to shake off with the help of nudges; on the contrary, they feel their curiosity utuement surexitte ; They know that their efforts, their momentary discomfort, are going to pay off a hundredfold, because the truth is there, nearby, still hidden and adorned, as it were, with the allure of mystery, but on the verge of unravelling.
Henri Poincaré*
Me6 Expériences sur II pendtlle par£fco£llque à Stlpport anisotrope 1 se poursuivies de 1954 è 1960. They gave rise to ten Notes to the Académie des Sciences in 1957, 1958 and 1959 2$and to an overall presentation in 1958, "Do We Need to Reconsider the Laws of Gravitation?
In addition, I have written a large number of papers, the references of which are given at the end of this b o o k , and which will be published in a forthcoming volume *.
My work was the subject of three Lectures organized by the Cercle Alexandre Du[our: "Faut -il reconsidérer les lois de la Gravitation î lsur une nouvelle expérience de Mécanique", February 22, 1958; "Faut -il re- consider fes lots de la Gravitation? Nouveaux résultats, bilan el perspec- tives", November 7, 1959; and "Les périodicités constatées dans le mouvement- ment du pendule paraconique soul -elles réelles ou non î Crénéralisation du test de lschuster au cas de sêries temporelles autocorrélêes", March 18, 1Œi7 .
In view of the very conception of the present work, the presentation The following discussion of anisotropic paraconic pendulum anomalies will necessarily be confined to the essentials 6
Henri Poincaré, 1913, Dernières Pensées, Flammarion, p.336.
(1) My 1959-1960 experiments on the isotropic paraconic pendulum are examined in Chapter II below.
(2) See above, Introduction, § B..2.7, p. 51.
(3) See above, fntreduction, § A.2.2, p. 42.
(4) See above, Inlrodutlion, § A.2.3, p. 42.
(5) See above, Introduction, § B.2.9., p. 52.
(6) All useful supplements are presented in the Second Volume of this book (see introduction § E.1.3 above, p. 74).
Pendufe utifisé
1- Although I have successively used various types of pendulum, I will limit myself here to a very brief description of the device most commonly used 1,
The photographs opposite show the entire device, pendulum and supply 2.
The pendulum was a dissymmetrical pendulum consisting of a vertical bronze disk weighing 7.5 kg, 21.8 cm in diameter, fixed to a bronze rod suspended from a bronze stirrup E resting on a steel ball 6.5 mm in diameter, capable of rolling in any direction on a flat horizontal surface S.
This surface in turn rested on a 4.5 cm thick, circular, hollowed-out S' aluminum support with an A appendage. The recess allowed the pendulum to rotate through a total angle of 210 degrees. This support S' was supported by three screws miV attached to a support S" bolted to a beam, itself clamped to the ceiling by a system of joists ,3
(1) This pendulum was notably used in the monthly observation series o f November-December 195d, June-July 1955, July 1958, November-December 1959, and March-April 1960.
These four photos
from November 13, 1957
è dule poroconique
h' have reproductions of nnzes I to IV of my Note des Sciences "Obseroement des mouoementz du pen-
In addition, I've reproduced (p. 83) a photo of my laboratory head making an observation
(taken in 1958 by Georges Lacoste).
f3) The direction of these beams is indicated o n Appendix i by the vector PQ . This vector is perpendicular to the beam supporting the pendulum.
Source: Noie du 13 novembre 1957è l'Académie des Sciences "Obserrotion des mouv emenIz du pendulep or n coni9ue".
Photo of my lab manager Jacques Bourgeot
Georges Lacoste, progress in our ph ysiq nal knowledge of the fields orurend the drowning à de passionnonles recherches, Sciences et Avenir, n° 135, May 1958, p. 272.
With the pendulum rod and stirrup weighing 4.5 kg, the total weight of the pen- dule was 12 kg, and the length of the equivalent single pendulum was around 83 cm*.
The steel balls were high-precision S.K.F. balls, and the bearing surfaces were tungsten carbide and cobalt. Because it was suspended by a ball, I called it a paraconic pendulum.
Experimental process
2- The experiments took place in the basement where my la- boratory was located, and the pendulum's center of gravity moved about 1.50 m below the natural ground surface.
The pendulum was released every 20 minutes with an initial amplitude of about 0.11 radian f r o m a rest position by burning a wire. The pendulum's movement was observed for around 14 minutes, aiming at the tip of a needle located at its lower end and dis105 cm 6.
In general, the point described a curve similar to a flattened ellipse, whose major axis was observed with a sighting system placed on a circle C, centered on the axis of the pendulum at rest and bearing a grade division and a vernier. This system made it possible to determine the azimuth of t h e nrec ti oscillation plane with an accuracy of t h e order of a tenth of a grade.
(4) The corresponding pendulum period T = 2 z lig
was 1.828
The moment o f inertia B of the pendulum with respect to an axis passing through the
center of the ball and perpendicular to the disk was 83.11.10 and the moment of inertia A
with respect to the axis passing through the center of the ball and parallel to the disk was
82.89.10 in. unit4s CGS. The coe;f/icient dt dissymtfrie b -- 2(B-A) / (B+A) was thus 0.269.10 '2. The
moment of inertia C of the pendulum about its vertical axis was 270.10 '. £r coefficient
gyrostoticifd= 2C/(A+B) was y = 0.325.10 '2
The amplitude chosen corresponded to the maximum value to avoid any slippage.
of the ball on surface S.
In a 14-minute experiment, the amplitude increased from 11 cm to in-
Yi£O0 Û CT0.
(6) This distance l' = 105 cm is naturally different from the length l = 83 cm of the equivalent pendulum.
In addition, a system of two movable parallel bars B, which could be moved in relation to the reading circle, made it possible to measure the two axes of the ellipse in cm and to determine the azimuth of the disk plane, i.e. of the pendulum's central inertial trihedron.
After 14 minutes, the pendulum was stopped. Six minutes later, it was released again in the plane of the last azimuth observed. The series of azimuth observations were thus chained together, with successive releases every twenty minutes, day and night. Each 24-hour period thus comprised 72 series of chained observations 7.
To avoid any systematic influence, the ball supporting the pen- dule was changed every 20 min in each experiment, and the surface S was changed at the start of each week of observation.
Anisotropy of the substrate
3- The S" support was characterized by a very /otbfe difference in its elasticity in two rectangular planes. Due to this anisotropy of the support, the plane of oscillation was located in a plane of direction Z perpendicular to the beam, the azimuth of which was approximately 171 grades, counting azimuths from North in the direct direction.
The result was a tendency to form ellipses when the pendulum w a s released in a different plane.
(7) ** A monthly 30-day observation series corresponded to 2160 20-minute - experiments.
(8J This Z direction is parallel to vector PQ (note 3 above). (9) This influence of the support has been precisely determined by lflooring experiments in different azimuths, eliminating the in8uence of time by a random
choice o f starting azimuths (see § E.3 below).
Continuous embedded observations
4- During a series of continuous observations, day and night, the observers took turns averaging every 3 hours 10
To my knowledge, this is the only example in the literature ofR observations of continuous moniëre for durations of the order of months!
(10) The average number of observers was seven. In the July 1958 simulated experiments at Bougival and Saint-Germain (Section C below), the total number of observers was fourteen.
These observers were IRSID technicians working overtime. Their c o n s c i e n t i o u s n e s s was remarkable. (11) The Eselangon experiments fCfiopitre iY, § B.2, below) continued for around a year, but averaged only around 15 observa - tions a month.
Miller's experiments continued continuously, but only for 6 or 8 days at four different times of the year (see Chapter IV, § C.3, below). fl2) Some experiments were carried out in 1954 using a long pendulum suspended by a grñee wire from a circular aperture about one metre in diameter between the two superimposed rooms in the laboratory (note 6 in § B.1.5 of the above Introduction).
In the course of a continuous series of observations, the tendency of the plane of oscillation was not to settle in the vicinity of the Z direction of the support's anisotropy, and the variation o f its azimuth as a function of time showed itself to be a highly irregular oscillation, at least at first sight.
So, during the continuous observation session of June 7 at 12 noon. U.T. at July 7, 12 h. U.T. of 1955, the variations observed were considerable *. O v e r the same 2 4 - h o u r period, azimuth variations were
sometimes reached and exceeded 100 grades. The average azimuth was 150 grades, 21 grades below the Z anisotropy azimuth of 171 grades, azimuths being counted in the direct direction from North.
Graph J shows the chained azimuth observations of the June 7 12 h. to June 12 14 h. The times of the Moon's transits at midday are indicated b y 12 o'clock TL 2. Graph II represents the azimuth variations for the entire period from June 7, 12 p.m. to July 7, 12 p.m. . Similar azimuth variations were observed in the other series of monthly observations*.
(1) * In all experiments, the time considered is Universal Time (U.T.).
t2) The indication 12 h. TL means 12 hours in lunar time. 131All graphics drawn from 1954 to 1960 are reproduced by photography. without any change. (4) For illustration, see GrepAi9ue XXff corresponding to the monthly series of chained observations from Bougival in July 1958 (§ C.2.4 below).
Angles are counted in grades from North in the direct direction. The 100-grade azimuth corresponds 1 to the direction perpendicular to the meridian. The 200-grade azimuth corresponds to the meridian. 12h T.L.: time when the Moon crosses the meridian. lsources : Note b l'Académie des Sciences du 18 novembre 1957, "Analyse /inrmonique des mouvements du pendule poracon ique" i eL Grophique III A de ma Conférence du 22 février 1958.
GropAiguei t60°
DadEeVAT/DWd/7e zv/W-zN/zzeT z9zz 0l5ğUE VER TU AL
I de s ur/ace
140' 130' 120'
1 II
L 1 1 1 1 1
7 8 9 10 'II IZ 'I3 'IN IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 23 14 25 26 2 7 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1 1 1 1 í
Legend: Angles are counted in degrees in a direct direction from North. Azimuth 100 grades corresponds to the direction perpendicular to the meridian. Azimuth 200 grades corresponds to the meridian.
S!ource: Graph II B 3 of my Conference of February 22, 1958.
From 1954 to 1960, a large number of experiments were carried out either for B periods o f one month, or for shorter periods, with different types of pendulum. Below I confine myself to one-month and two-week series.
General characteristics of t h e seven observation series monthly incùef nées
1- From 1954 to 1960, seven series of continuous monthly observations of the asymmetrical paraconic pendulum with anisotropic support were4 carried out.
The T'oöfeou I opposite shows for each monthly series the duration in
days, t h e mean azimuth $, t h e minimum azimuth $",
mum JM , their mean ($", + $M ) / 2 , the ratio ( + QM) / 2 $ , the total azimuth varia- tion D = $M - Qp , the amplitude 2R2 of t h e 24 h wave , the amplitude 2R25 of the 25 h wave , the ratio @5 / @q , and the ratios
/ D and / D 1, These values are presented in both grades and de-.
sandstone 2t 3
The total azimuth variation always remains below 166 grades, due to the support's anisotropy. In fact, the average azimuth of 164 grades is relatively close to the support's anisotropy direction of 171 grades.
The pendulums used during the series of chained monthly observations were always identical to those used for the June-July series.
(1) On the 24 h. and 25 h. diurnal waves, see § A5 below, p. 96-101. (2) The graphs in Chapter Y, Section B are presented in degrees to make it easier toand their comparison with representative graphs from Miller's experiments. (3) In view of the limited computing resources available at the time, the largest part of the calculations were carried out using a period o f 25 h. instead of 24 h. th mn, thus avoiding the need to interpolate observations from 10 mn to 10 mn when applying the Buys-Ballot filter (on the Buys-Ballot filter, see § 5, note 1, p. 96).
l9S5* except for the June-July 1954 series, where the pendulum consisted of one vertical and two horizontal bronze disks 5,
As can be seen from Table I, the amplitudes of the 24 h. and 25 h. periodic components are relatively much larger for the NovemberDecember 1954 and June-July 1955 series than for the November-December 1954 and June-July 1955 series. for all other series. It was only recently, in 1995, that I was able to give a plausible explanation 6,
Observation series chained over two weeks
2- Two further series o f two-week observations with the bronze disc were carried out from March 18 to April 2, 1955 and from June 14 to June 30, 1958 in Saint-Germain and Bougival.
In addition, from September 21 to October 6, 1955, a continuous series of chained observations was made with a symmetrical pendulum (A = B) consisting of a 12.2 kg lead sphere. Azimuth variations were quite comparable to those corresponding to the asymmetrical pen- dule constituted by the bronze disk 7.
Presentation of observations
3- The azimuths observed at the end of each 1 4 - m i n u t e experiment were presented in large tables, with each column corresponding to a given day.
(4) § A1 above. (5) Its total weight was 19.8 kgs. After t h e series of experiments, I lightened the pendulum to reduce the disruptive influence of aous
§ E.4).
ri-july 1954 (see below)
See Chapter Y below, § B.2 ('7} §
A. 1 above.
(8) These Tables will be published in the Second Yofume of this work, Cùopi - tre i, Section A (see p. 28f. above).
Azimuths and periodic components of 24 and 25 hours in grades and degrees X = Azimuth of support onisotropy -- 171.16 grodes -- 154.04 degrees
Duratio Average
n in
'!2s' R2g
4 / D is D
1 1954
174,5 164 102 268 185
2,0 3,2 1,58 0,012 0,019
June 9 - July 9
(148) (92) (241) (166)
2 1954
337,5 161 Sg 253 173
160 10,3 12,9 1,25 0,064 0,080 p
Nov. 16 - Dec. 22
(145) (84) 1228) (156)
(9,3) (11,6)
3 1955
June 7 - July 7
537,8 150 g9 180 140
(135) (89) (162) (126)
4 1958 B
1658,5 161 145 177
July 2 - August 1
(II) (130) (159)
5 1958
July 2 - August 1
1658,5 164 141 187
(148) (127) (168)
11,7 14,0
(73) • (10,5) (12,6)
1,20 0,129 0,155
1,60 0,044 0,068
2,71 0,017 0,045
6 1959
Π2161,75 171 142 200 171
0,54 0,043 0,023
Nov. 20 - Dec. 15
(154) (128) (180)
7 1960
March 16 - April
31 2282
174 150 206 178
(157) (135) (18S)
0,84 0,032 0,027
164 I25 210 167
(148) (112) (189)
Norm 1 - All experiments, with t h e exception of Experiment 4 at Bougival, took place at IRSI D in Saint-Germain.
2 - All measurements are given in grodes. Angles are counted from North in the direct direction. Measurements in degrees are
indicated in brackets.
3 - The average date of each monthly series is counted in days from II ^ Jonaier 1954.
0,049 0,060
4.- $p and sM denote the minimum and maximum values of the ostillation plane azimuth. $ represents the mean values of the azimuths §.
In fact, it is particularly significant that in chained series, the
tangent at the start of the mean curve of the different azimuth curves
corresponding to the series of elementary observations of 14 minutes corresponds exactly to the Foucault 1 effect.
Graph III shows the azimuth displacements of the plane of oscillation and the inertial trihedron for the lead sphere (symmetrical pendulum) during the series of observations from December 7 to 13, 1955, and for the bronze disk (asymmetrical pendulum) during the series of observations from December 7 to 13, 1955. series of January 4, 1956 2.
In both cases, the average azimuth of the oscillation plane corresponds exactly to Foucault's movement. This is only different when the minor axis of the ellipse has a significant value.
Graphs IV show the average azimuths of the oscillation plane and the central inertial trihedron for the lead sphere from September 21 to October 5, 1955, from 0 to 12 h., from 12 h. to 24 h., and from 0 to 24 h. Here again, on average, we initially observe the Foucault effect. It disappears with the appearance of ellipses 3.
In general, the azimuthal movement of the central inertia trihedron is different from that of the plane of oscillation. In the case of the asymmetrical pendulum, we demonstrate, and experience confirms, that the plane of the disk tends to merge with the pendulum's plane of oscillation *.
(l) At Saint-Germain, the angular rotation of the Poucault effect - m sin L is - 0.55.10 radian/sec., which in ï4 minutes corresponds to an angular displacement of
- 0.55.
1060 . 14 = - 2.94 grades in 14 minutes
(2) Choosing the lead sphere corresponding to a symmetrical pendulum (B = A) has the advantage of better d e m o n s t r a t i n g the movement of the inertial trihedron than in the case of the asymmetrical pendulum (Bw A) made up of a disk. (3) Trophies III and ïV show that over the course of a 14-minute experiment, the amplitude decreases from 11 cm to around 9 cm, i.e., for 1' = 105 cm, from around 0.105 to around 0.086 radians, with an average value of around 0.10 radians. (4) A detailed analysis of the motion of the l'support aniso trope asymmetrical paraconic pendulum is presented in the Second Volume of this book, Chapter I, Section
B (see above, p. 28).
Graph III
P t c t m b r t 1 9 5 5 t t J o n v ier 1 9 5 6
December 7 to
1319554 January 1956
100 elementary series of 1^mn20 elementary series ofUmi P L A N D D 'O S
azimuth o f the oscillation plane
azimuth of the main inertia trihedron
Source: Graph I I IA 2 from my Conference of February 22, 1958.
CfiraQhiqzaeo 7V
Z rJ srr1BU DE LA P£RI0O£
J5j0urs J080 siries ilime ntoirc" dc14'
SÄ 0 cIc mentary series dc14'
PL A N D '0 5 CI LL AT I D N AND PL A N D 6 L'E TRIE R 'îÂ0 sirie s ¿ltm¢ntoir¢ s dc JÄ'
0 Ic""
-- azimuth o f the
oscillation plane- - " - - - - azimuth of the main inertia trihedron
Source: Graph III ñ 1 of my Conf4rente of February 22, 1958.
S.- Zo afructurepériödi9ue fierre 'leo obeeruofioria encfiotnées de penzfuJe
he harmonic analysis of enchanted observations
1- The sequence of azimuths of the oscillation plane of the anisotropically supported paraconic pendulum, observed over a series of chained observations, forms a time series that can be analyzed by various means: graphical representation, harmonic analysis (Buys-Ballot filter, Darwin or least-squares wave group fitting, pdriodogram and correlogram), re-presentation by autordgressive diagrams.
The results obtained can be assessed according to three criteria:
- the probability of obtaining an amplitude by chance greater than a given value for a given harmonic component 2
(1) Because o f its convenience, and given the very limited computational resources at our disposal, we made extensive use of the Buys-Ballot method at the time.
The principle behind this method is essentially as follows Consider a series of N = pq values x¡ where q is the period under consideration. The observations are arranged in a table of p rows, each containing q successive values, and the averages are calculated for each column.
q+1pp - 1)q+2
Averages :
The trend may be eliminated by considering a (q + 1)*^-column whose mean is xqqj . The trend is defined by the ratio Cxqq - xq) / q .
(2) See § B.1.3. below, and Part II of this work, Chapter VI.
the concordance of the phaaes for the original adrie and for the sum of its periodic compoBents for each of the two seriesa of 15 jourB into which a series of 30 can be decomposed
The quality of the fits is characterized by a low dispersion of the pointsa around thefitting sinusoida.
All these analyses applied to various series of observations have shown that the series of observations obtained present a remarkable periodic structure, including the existence of a periodic component of 24 h. 50 min. *
the series of em:holmes obsen'ations of June-July J955
2- B y way of illustration, I shall limit myself here to the results obtained from an overall harmonic analysis of 13 tidal theory waves applied to the monthly series of 2163 chained observations from June-July 1955 5 ('Pobleau II).
By way of comparison, I also indicate the results corresponding to the series of atmospheric pressures observed at Le Bourget during the same period (Z'obleou ff).
The Ki (T = 23.93 h.) and Mi (T = 24.84 h. = 24 h. 50 mn.) components of the azimuth series are particularly significant.
It is worth noting that for all 13 waves, the total number of percentages relating to atmospheric pressure is around four times lower.
3) °° See § B.1.2. below.
24.8412 h = 24 h.50mn 28"
(24.8d12 / 2d = 1.03505)
oiï 29.5S05 days represents the Moon's synodic period.
(5) The anal d
and atmospheric pressure analyses were carried out by
the Sltraice Hamburg.
Nat ional dt Ports and by 1
Hydrograph iqut dt
The 13 waves considered are those generally used by Hydrographic Institutes.
lea azimuths, although atmoaphöric pressure is not a purely random quantity and includes well-known p4riodica luniaolara compoaantea 6,
For illustrative purposes, Graph V shows the ajusŁement obtained directly by applying the Buys-Ballot method to the June-July adrie. 1955 of the paraconic pendulum for the 25 h wave. 7 T h e amp1itude of this pćriodic component is 14 grades.
Orders of magnitude
3 - T h e minor elliptical wave Mb corresponding to a period of 24 h. 50 mn. (24.84 h.) of amplitude equal to 10.46 grades (Table II) corresponds t o an angular displacement velocity of 0.37.10 * rad./sec., i.e. approximately one-fifteenth of the Foucault effect equal to 0.55 10-° rad./sec.
Again, we see that the total amplitudes of the 13 components above for the June-July 1955 azimuth series are of the order of half the Foucault effect*. The forces involved are therefore of the order of magnitude of
the eddy current force corresponding to the acctltration of
(6) For coefficients corresponding to tidal theory, see below § M Z'oôîeou X7, p. 187. (7) Once again, given the extremely limited resources available at t h e time (hand calculations with an electric calculating machine) (see below § A3), most of the calculations were carried out by substituting, as a first approximation, a period of 2S h. for a period of 24 h. 50 min.
In fact, 1e ca1cuI shows that if we analyze a wave w i t h a period T = 24 h. 50 min. with At a period T2 = 25 h, the amplitude of the eat wave is reduced by 6 m and the phase shift is 2.25 h.
(See Chapter Vf of the Deusidme uofume of this work, p. 30 above). f8) For a period of 2d.84 hours and an amplitude of 10.46 grades, we have a average variation
9' = 10,
d6= 0.367 10 rad/sec.
0.55 10 / 0.367 10 -5q 15.0
If instead of taking 2R = 10.46 grades fTobleor II), we take 2R = 5.3 grades (average correaponding to Z'o&/eou ł) we have
10.46 0.3fi7 10 = 0.186 10 rad/sec.
which corresponds to approximately one thirtieth of the eddy current effect (0.186 10 / 0.55 10
= 1/ 29.6). t9)
67.04 /10.46 = 6.41
.41/ 15.0 =
(10) The set of results corresponding to this 1p9o5r7aco&nilq'Aucea'd. +mie des Sciences, "Ano/yse
§ A5 was presented in my Note /zormonique des mouuemenfs
odfuNopveenmb- edr u2f5c,
Ajuotemento à 13 pêrîodez de lo théorie dee morêeo iservice Hydrographique de Poris el Institut Hydrographique de Hambourg
2R wave diameter
kB¢iB tl0EI total
observed 23* 93
Mi 24* 84
Oi 25h 82
9i 26* 87
M2 12 42
s values in grades
13,00 10,46
N2 î\/Lt **' TOTAL
12* 8* 28 8* 12h 87 12* 19 12* 66 6* 21 6* 10
3,94 2,54 4,88 3,70 5,30 5,30 1,64 2,32 67,04
in 1/10 of 281,00 11,20 4,24 1,20 3,00 4,40 8,80 1,46 1,96 5,20 1,40 3,40 3,80 3,60 53,66 millibar
Diameter of the de en No of the riation total observed 2R/D va
15,64 12,59 5,75 9,36 1,69 4,74 3,06 5,87 4,45 6,38 6,38 1,97 2,79 80,67
3,99 1,50 0,43 1,07 1,57 3,13 0,52 0,70 1,85 0,50 1,21 1,35 1,28 19,10
Tourr:es: Noie du 25 novembre 1957 a l'Atadémie des Sciences, Anolyze harmonique des mouvements du pendule poroconique, and Tableau III A de ma Conférence du 22 février 1958.
Monthly serie of jciin-JtiiIfeP 1955 JJtistemeiit by fr Buys-Belloc method at a
fine orb of 25h.
A- I49,8 z F, D cœEZ(t- t.1 T g
12H T. L.
6 8 10 12 1Ä 16 18 IO 2Z 2t
Source : Ma Noie du 25 novembre 1957 è l'Académie des Sciences, An'ilyee hormoniq ue iconic pendulum movements, and Crrophiq ue III A of my Conference of February 22, 1958.