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2024-08-27 21:48:20 -05:00
College Park, MD 2011
The Neutrino: Doomed from Inception
David de Hilster B.S. in Mathematics, M.A. in Linguistics 726 W. 28th Street, Long Beach, California, 90806
e-mail: david@dehilster.com
Neutrino existence has been embraced by numerous scientists with new theories despite grave problems. It appears to have desirable characteristics for many new theories. Yet, if scientists with new theories were to study the origin and evidence for neutrinos, they would discover neutrino existence as a folly. This is all due to the neutrinos direct link to its progenitor: special relativity. If special relativity is wrong, then its bastard son the neutrino cannot exist. This paper reports some of the work of Argentinean physicist, Ricardo L. Carezani.
1. Introduction
Independent scientists with new theories are attracted to the neutrino for two basic reasons: 1) They pursue something in mainstream physics that could be identified as the particle to explain electromagnetic transmission or gravity. 2) They believe they add credibility to their theory by explaining more of the universe in this case, neutrinos. A theory explaining neutrinos is better than one that does not, so they think.
For these reasons, scientists working outside the mainstream, normally quite skeptical about anything mainstream, forego verifying the neutrinos existence. But despite the allure, the neutrino is doomed to non-existence from its inception, and a growing number of scientists argue that neutrinos, in fact, do not exist.
2. Decay (Radiation)
Ask most scientists who use the neutrino in their new theories and they will spout off data as to the neutrinos characteristics and the overwhelming evidence of neutrinos in neutrino detectors. Ask them about the origin of the neutrino however and they know almost nothing, most citing neutrinos as essential in balancing equations in sub-atomic interactions. Yet the lack of understanding of the origin of the neutrino holds the most important fact as to why neutrinos cant and dont exist.
Radium E decaying to Polonium
5 days
Radium E
p e Radium E
n = p +e neutron proton electron
1/2 Polonium
1/2 Radium E
unstable Radium E atoms with neutrons in nucleus
Neutron emits an electron leaving behind a proton
5 days later, 1/2 Polonium atoms & 1/2 Radium Atoms
Fig. 1. Bismuth (Radium E) decaying to Polonium
In 1927, before the neutrino was postulated, two physicists, C. D. Ellis and W. A. Wooster, set out to measure the energy given off by Radium E (RaE or Bismuth) decaying into Polonium [1]. The experiment was simple: place the most pure form of RaE available at the time into a calorimeter and measure the output.
Beta decay was well understood at the time: each RaE atom naturally decays into one electron and one proton. The electron is emitted at a high velocity and the proton is recaptured by the atom to become a Polonium atom. The half life of this process is five days, meaning, it takes five days for half of any amount of RaE to transform into Polonium. See Fig. 1.
Electrons in the innermost part of the RaE sample collide into other atoms on their journey to the surface. Since the number of atoms in the sample was known, Ellis and Wooster only had to measure the heat given off by the Radium E sample to discover the amount of energy emitted in the process of decay. From experimental results, they calculated that each RaE atom naturally emits 0.36 MeV: exactly equivalent to the energy of one electron. There was no need for a neutrino. Everything balanced without it. The neutrino was not yet postulated or suspected. The process of measuring this well-understood process is found in Fig. 2:
Original Radium E Experiment
3 Radium sample raises water temperature
Radium E
e e
1 Radium atoms emit electrons e
Electrons bombard water creating heat
e e
Fig. 2. Calorimeter measuring the heat from the decaying of Radium E
3. Applying Kinetic Energy Equation to Decay
Another damning piece of evidence for the neutrino led Dr. Ricardo Carezani, an Argentinean physicist, to his lifetime work resulting in the Autodynamic equations and the non-existence of the neutrino: the application of kinetic energy equations to decay. No external energy is needed for the decay process to happen. Yet, in the 1930s, scientists were applying relativistic kinematic equations to decay including Wolfgang Pauli. This makes no sense at a fundamental level. Kinetic energy equations by definition are the application of outside forces to a system and thus
de Hilster: The Neutrino: Doomed from Inception
Vol. 8
adding energy to that system. This is not what happens in decay. Decay is a self-contained system with no energy coming from outside the system. All energy is contained within the system at the start.
Therefore, the use of kinetic energy equations to decay is wrong. This simple conclusion by Dr. Carezani was what led him to discover the folly of the neutrino among many other things. The neutrino owes its existence to this application and that application is incorrect.
4. Neutrino Origin: Special Relativity
It is important to remember that Ellis and Wooster were not interested in confirming or refuting special relativity. They did not use Einstein's equations in their calculations. They were only interested in discovering the total amount of energy generated in the experiment. Once the experiment was performed and everything was measured and everything balanced (without the neutrino), they moved on to other research. This paper was discovered by Dr. Ricardo Carezani, who was suspicious about neutrino existence.
During the next few years, other physicists carried out numerous related experiments, more or less confirming Ellis and Wooster's initial findings. Several of the physicists performing similar experiments used a mass spectrograph to measure the velocity of the Radium E emitted electrons allowing them to apply Einstein's special relativity equation to calculate the total energy. In 1931, Viennese physicist Wolfgang Pauli, a strong proponent of Einstein's theory, compared these later studies to the original Ellis and Wooster experiment and noticed a discrepancy. From Einstein's equations, Pauli saw that each Radium atom should emit 1.16 MeV: almost 3 times what was measured by Ellis and Wooster's experiment. This is because some electrons are travelling over 80% the speed of light and therefore are under the influence of Einsteins relativistic velocities, creating relativities “magical” energies.
Believing whole-heartedly in special relativity's equations, Pauli could only assume that 0.8 MeV was real and had to be accounted for in order to agree with Einstein's theory. In December 1930, Pauli, wrote a letter to Hans Geiger and Lise Meitner suggesting a new "massless", "chargeless" particle for explaining the discrepancy which carried away energy without detection. Pauli died soon after. A few years later, a contemporary, Enrico Fermi, tried to publish Pauli's theory of the new particle which Fermi named the "neutrino" in the English magazine, Nature. At the time, it was rejected as being too speculative and fantastic to publish.
Postulating an "invisible" particle which magically carries away energy without a trace is quite a tale to tell in the land of physics. After all, no other particle in the universe is so much "nothing" with exception of the photon (which has momentum but no mass or charge and which is also continuously debated). Yet during the earlier part of the 20th century, physicists were abuzz with the fantastic stories of Einstein's relativistic world where time, space, and mass flow and change as readily as waves in the ocean. The universe turned out to be an even stranger place than anyone had imagined, yet there were many experiments which supposedly confirmed Einstein's predictions. The
neutrino eventually gained popularity with their biggest confirmation coming from experiments close to atomic explosions and the 1987 super nova explosion where neutrinos were thought to have been confirmed.
Postulating the Neutrino = 1.16 MeV per atom
1.16 MeV per atom 0.36 MeV per atom
+ 0.8 MeV per atom
0.36 MeV per atom
E = moc2
1 1 - v2 - 1
Radium E
N e
e N
Radium E e N
e N
Spcecial relativity predicts Experimental results yield
1.16 MeV per Atom
only 0.36 MeV per atom
Postulate new 0.8 MeV
Neutrino Particle
Fig. 3. Bismuth (Radium E) decaying to Polonium
Before the neutrino, we have the equation (where E is the concept Energy):
Einitial  Efinal
Now with the introduction applying special relativity and thus having to postulate the neutrino, we have:
  Einitial  Especial relativity Eneutrino  Efinal
Using Occams razor, equation (1) certainly is simpler than equation (2). The absurdity is evident.
It is interesting to note that on the Wikipedia page for the neutrino, there is no mention whatsoever as to the application of special relativity to decay cases. They talk about conserving energy without ever mentioning special relativitys application to decay.
5. Neutrinos and Sub-Atomic Interactions
Given that we dont need neutrinos in decay cases, we also dont need them in particle accelerators and naturally occurring sub-atomic interactions. Dr. Ricardo Carezani, a physicist from Argentina has spent many years tackling the sub-atomic interactions without the neutrino. With his Autodynamic equations which remove the redundancy of frames from relativistic equations, Carezani has succeeded in using his equations in place of the relativistic kinematic equations, thus eliminating the need for the neutrino [2].
Again, we go back to Eqs. (1) and (2), where the simply presence of special relativity in sub-atomic equations requires a way to take the “magic” extra energy produced by special relativity, and thus the need for Pauli to postulate the neutrino.
6. Experimental Proof Against
Carezani when researching the subject of neutrinos came across an experiment published in 1946 in Physical Review, a notable mainstream publication conducted by W. W. Buechner and R. J. Van de Graaff of Massachusetts Institute of Technology [3].
College Park, MD 2011
Van de Graaff is the same scientist who invented the Van de Graaff machine.
In this experiment, Buechner and Van de Graaff set out to prove or disprove the existence of the electron neutrino, the most prominent of the neutrinos. They found as follows: [3]
“It thus appears that the large energy losses which have been previously reported cannot be accounted for by the suggested emission of the neutrinos or other extremely penetrating radiation. A has been referred to in a previous footnote, this result is in accord with the experiment of Ivanov, Walter, Sinelnikov, Taranov, and Abramovich[11] who, employing lead and aluminum targets and a different calorimeter arrangement, find no evidence of neutrino emission and that the radiation losses of electrons in the general energy range are adequately accounted for by the Bethe-Heitler theory.” The experiment not only clearly refutes the existence of the electron neutrino, it also sites other experiments that showed similar results:
“Since the experimental work here reported was completed, we have seen the paper of Ivanov, Walter, Sinelnikov, Taranov, and Abramovich, J. Phys. U.S.S.R. 4, 319 (1941). These authors describe a somewhat different calorimetric experiment on the radiation losses of fast electrons incident on lead and aluminum. The results of the two experiments are consistent.”
Fig. 4. Calorimeter run at 2 Mev. At the time indicated by the arrow, the target was shifted from beryllium to gold.
It is important to note that the line is constant and no dip occurs once neutrinos were eliminated from the experiment.
There are other modern scientists who currently refute neutrino existence [3].
7. Neutrino Detectors
Carezani writes in his paper on neutrinos at Fermi Labs: “It is universally accepted by the scientific community that any
neutral particle such as the pion, kaon, neutron, gamma ray and cosmic ray, yields the same neutrino-like reaction inside a bubble chamber. It is universally accepted that it is necessary to install shields or filters to reduce the background, that is, those particles, or penetrating radiation, that would yield the same neutrinolike reaction.”[4].
One of the most frequent questions this author gets is “if there are no neutrinos, what are the detectors detecting?” The answer lies in the physical setups of the detectors themselves.
Neutrino detectors have shields that help shield the detectors from false hits. False hits are particles that are being detected that are not neutrinos. They include the particles mentioned above by Carezani.
The answer to the question of neutrino detections is the following: neutrino detectors do detect something, but they are not neutrinos.
There are too many problems and examples of problems regarding neutrino detectors to cover in this summary paper. So let us choose one, the Homestake Mine Neutrino detector started in the late 1960s. The experiment involved 100,000 gallons of cleaning fluid and interactions were detected by the presence of argon atoms resulting from neutrinos supposedly hitting the cleaning fluid molecules and creating argon atoms. As many as 30 argon atoms were collected each month. There are some fundamental questions and problems that can be applied to this detector and others:
1. The purity of the cleaning fluid how can we be certain of the purity of such a liquid at such colossal volumes?
2. Origin of the argon atoms are the appearance of argon atoms caused by other particles known as “false hits?”
3. Does burying the detector in a mine provide sufficient shielding from false hits? Neutrinos supposedly can travel 100,000 light years of lead without an interaction.
4. How can evidence be based on low-level statistics? In no other science are such astronomically small numbers accepted as STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT evidence.
The Kamokande Solar neutrino detector of Japan is one of the premier neutrino detectors and Carezani has mounted substantial evidence to how it is in fact not detecting neutrinos from the sun. [5]
8. Other Neutrino Evidence & Characteristics
It is important to note and remember that neutrinos have never and can never be directly detected. This is a fact known to mainstream scientists.
When one studies the dubious neutrino, one gets a feeling that it is more magic than real. Again, this makes sense in the light of its origin being directly tied to special relativity.
There are many absurd characteristics attributed to the neutrino but none is more absurd than what is called “neutrino oscillation.” For every type of decay, there must be a unique neutrino. This fact produces a myriad of neutrino types whose variety has stupefied scientists to the point that they have concluded that neutrinos change type in mid-flight through space. The reason for their change is not known as well as how it happens. It simply stems from the problem that neutrino detectors almost never detect what they are supposed to and therefore neutrino science has to keep inventing properties and characteristics to explain away what has been called for decades as the “neutrino problem.” Neutrino scientists continue to discuss the miniscule details of unicorns scoffing at the idea that unicorns dont exist.
de Hilster: The Neutrino: Doomed from Inception
Vol. 8
9. Conclusion
Often scientists with new theories try to fit the characteristics of the neutrino to match their own theory or ideas. Any correspondence to such theories such as solar events, super-nova events and the like produce hits in neutrino detectors and thus somehow verify these new theories. Neutrino detectors are indeed detecting high energy particles from those events but they in fact are not neutrinos. Call them something else, but they are not neutrinos since they are the theoretical bastard child of special relativity.
Dissident scientists, who cling to the neutrino even after being confronted with this evidence, choose to ignore it in the same way the mainstream refuses to look at dissident work. When it comes to neutrino non-existence, dissidents take on the very characteristics they despise in the mainstream: closing their eyes and ears to very solid arguments and evidence in order to preserve their theory or ideas.
Yet, scientists using neutrinos as an integral part of their work need not worry that their theory will fall apart or suffer greatly if the neutrino does not exist. If those scientists agree that special relativity is wrong, then it is impossible to philosophically state that the neutrino exists. You cannot have both. Likewise, simply applying a name “neutrino” to a particle that is completely unrelated to the history of the neutrino is philosophically a folly. After all, we ride on top of, or jump off of the shoulders of giants and to take a name and apply it to something completely different is wrong.
Given this dilemma, it is the recommendation of this author that scientists name their aether particle or graviton to a name other than neutrino. If they have included a particle called the neutrino as a part of their sub-atomic structure models, they simply need to call it something else, or simply remove it from their model all together.
If scientists dont replace or eliminate the neutrino from their work, it will happen with our without them. It is better to do it sooner and have control of ones work than to leave it to future generations who will accept the neutrino, special relativity, the big bang, black holes, and a non-growing earth as historical nonexistent curiosities.
Change now and your theory will not suffer the repercussions, including a particle that was doomed from inception.
This represents my best attempt to convey some of the brilliant lifetime work of Ricardo Carezani, my scientific mentor. Any errors or unintended misrepresentations of Carezanis work are entirely my responsibility.
[ 1 ] Charles D. Ellis & W. A. Wooster, “The Average Energy of Disinte-
gration of Radium E.”, Proceedings of the Royal Society A117 (776):
109-123 (London, 1927).
[ 2 ] Ricardo Carezani, “Nuclear-Nuclear Collisions”, http://www.
[ 3 ] W. W. Buechner & R. J. Van de Graaff, MIT, “Calorimetric Experi-
ment on the Radiation Losses of 2-MeV Electrons”, Physical Review
70 (3 and 4): 174-177 (Aug 1946).
[ 4 ] Ricardo Carezani, “Neutrinos at Fermi Lab”, http://www.world
[ 6 ] Thomas Lockyer, “Debunking Neutrino Detection Experiments”,
Proceedings of the NPA 7: 293-297 (2010).
[ 7 ] Ricardo Carezani, “Super-Kamiokande: Super-Proof for Neutrino