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The Dynamic Ether
of Cosmic Space
Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science
James DeMeo, PhD
The Dynamic Ether
of Cosmic Space
Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science
James DeMeo
2019 Natural Energy Works Ashland, Oregon, USA
The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space
Page Table of Figures ......................................................... x Table of Tables .......................................................... xii Acknowledgments ..................................................... xiii
Authors Introduction ................................................ 1
Part I: Cosmic Ether as Theory and Experimentally Confirmed Fact 23
The Matter of Space, Light Waves and Motion ........ 25 Positive Results of Michelson-Morley ...................... 45 FitzGerald, Lorentz and Morley-Miller ..................... 57 Millers Positive Ether Experiments, 1921-1926 ....... 79 Which Way Drifting? Millers Mis-Step ................... 115 Sagnac and Michelson-Gale ...................................... 131 Michelson Returns to the Ether ................................. 141 Recent Confirmations of Ether ................................. 167
Page Part II: The Empire Strikes Back: Erasure, Mystification and Falsification of History 191
Einstein Rising ......................................................... 193 The Shankland, et al. Hatchet Job on Miller ........... 213
Part III: Into New Territory: Additional Evidence for a Material, Motional and Dynamic Ether 227
Ether and Cosmic Life-Energy ................................ 229 Direct Evidence for the Dynamic Ether ................... 265 Implications and Consequences of Ether ................. 297 Conclusions .............................................................. 337
Appendix 1. Model to View Earth-Ether Motions ... 347 Appendix 2. Newtons Letter to Boyle 1687 ........... 349 References ................................................................ 361 Web References ...................................................... 375 Newspaper Clippings ............................................... 376 Glossary ................................................................... 378 Index ........................................................................ 381 About the Author ...................................................... 389
The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space
Table of Figures Page 1. Newtonian Static Ether “Absolute Space” 11 2. A Static but Dragged Ether 12 3. Competing Theories of a Material Cosmic Ether 14 4. A Motional-Material Dynamic Ether 16 5. Earths Net Motion Through the Galaxy? 17 6. The Earths Spiral Path Through the Cosmos 18 7. Youngs Double-Slit Experiment 38 8. Fizeau & Foucaults Experiments 43 9. The Michelson 1881 Interferometer 47 10. Michelsons Two-Swimmer Analogy 48 11. Light Paths of the M-M 1887 Interferometer 51 12. The Michelson-Morley 1887 Interferometer 52 13. Millers Review of the Michelson-Morley Data 55 14. Morley-Miller Magnetic Experiment 62 15. The Morley-Miller Wood Interferometer 65 16. The Morley-Miller 64-meter Steel Interferometer 67 17. Morley-Miller 1905 Error in Computations 70 18. Millers 1933 Graph of Ether Drift Measures 75 19. Light Paths of Morley-Miller Steel Interferometer 83 20. Light-Interference Fringes 83 21. The Mt. Wilson Observatory 84 22. Miller's Ether Rocks Interferometer House, Mt. Wilson 85 23. Miller's Rebuilt Interferometer, 1921 Ether Rocks 86 24. Millers Concrete Interferometer, 1921 Ether Rocks 87 25. Millers Interferometer, 1922 Case School Physics Lab 90 26. Rockefeller Physics Building 91 27 Miller's Interferometer, Grass Knoll, 1924 Mt. Wilson 93 28. Miller's Interferometer House, 1924, Grass Knoll 94 29. Millers Calculations of Azimuth vs Velocity 95 30. Millers Preliminary Computation 97 31. A Typical Interferometer Data Sheet 102 32: Velocities and Azimuths of Ether-Drift 105 33: Shifting Global Ether-Drift Azimuths 106 34: Average Velocity and Azimuth of Ether Drift 107 35. Millers Determination for a Northerly Axis 111 36. Millers Interferometer Orientations 112 37. A Conventional View of Solar System Motions 126 38. Northern Orbital Plane Poles of the Planets and Sun 128 39. Sagnacs Rotating Interferometer 132
40. Sagnac Interferometer & Optical Gyroscope 134 41. The Michelson-Gale Experiment 137 42. Variability in the Michelson-Gale Results 138 43. Dayton Miller and Albert Michelson 141 44. The Michelson-Pease-Pearson Invar Interferometer 143 45. Michelson-Pease-Pearson Mount Wilson Experiment 147 46. Concrete Base of the Mt. Wilson Observatory 148 47. Michelson-Pease-Pearson Experiment at Irvine Ranch 156 48. The Irvine Ranch Experiment 157 49. The Joos-Zeiss Interferometer 160 50. The Kennedy-Thorndike Experiment 163 51. Galaevs Radiowave Antenna 169 52. Galaevs Radiowave Experimental Diagram 169 53. Galaevs Radiolink Interference Variations 170 54. Diagram of Galaevs Optical Interferometer 172 55. Galaevs Optical Interferometer 173 56. The Galaev Interferometer on a Rooftop 175 57. Galaevs Ether-Wind Velocity Determinations 177 58. Galaevs Sidereal Azimuth Determinations 178 59. Ether-Wind Velocity Versus Altitude 179 60. The Múnera Teams Stationary Interferometer 181 61. The Múnera Interferometer, in Bogotá 182 62. Ether-Wind Velocity versus Altitude 186 63. Mercurys Orbital Perihelion Advance 202 64. Eddingtons Eclipse Observations, Principe 204 65. The 1919 Eclipse Expeditions 205 66. Exaggerated Starlight Bending 206 67. The Solar Corona at Larger Distances 207 68. The Orgone Energy Accumulator 233 69. Orgone Accumulator Thermal Anomaly (To-T) 234 70. Biological Effects of the Orgone Accumulator 235 71. Kreiselwelle and Cosmic Superimposition 241 72. The Orgone Anti-Nuclear Radiation Effect 242 73. Planetary Motions and Gravitational Superimposition 245 74. The Kreiselwelle or Spinning Wave 246 75. Kepler Incongruent with Spiral Ether-Wind Velocities 248 76. Millers Ether-Drift and Reichs Spiral Motions 250 77. The Earths Spiral Path Through the Cosmos 253 78. Polar Map of Cosmic Vectors, Update 1 254 79. Piccardis Helicoidal Earth-Orbit Diagram 259
The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space
Table of Tables Page 1. Summary of the Morley-Miller Experiments 72 2. Millers 1921 Results at Mount Wilson 88 3. Millers 4-Epoch Ether Drift Determinations 102 4. The Epoch-Average Daily Swing of Ether Wind 105 5. Millers 1928 versus 1933 Determinations 109 6. Millers 1931 Table on the Absolute Motion of the Earth 121 7. Millers Ether Velocity “k-Factor” 123 8. Velocities of Post-Miller Ether Drift Experiments 164 9. Summary of Successful Ether-Drift Experiments 187 10. Orbital Properties of the Planets and Solar Surface 203 11. Millers 4-Epoch Averages of Ether Wind Velocity 248
80. Piccardis Animated Model of Helicoidal Motion 260 81. Sidereal-Hour Variations in Biological Clock 261 82. Seasonal Cosmic Variations in Biological Clocks 262 83. Kuiper Belt Planetoids & “Planet 9” 271 84. Direction of “Planet 9” Gravitational Anomaly 271 85. Andromeda Galaxy: Tilting of the Core Mass 273 86. Satellite Images of Earths Plasmasphere 275 87. UV-Glowing Charged Clouds of Interstellar Medium 278 88. The Super-Kamiokande Neutrino Detector 282 89. Galactic Rotation Anomaly for M33 284 90. Seasonal Variations in Dark Matter Wind 286 91. 17 Independent Vectors of Cosmic Motion 289 92. Spectroscopic Changes in ORAC-Charged Water 291 93. The Two LIGO Experiments 299 94. Massive Mirror Ends of the LIGO Light-Paths 301 95. One LIGO Event, 18 August 2017 303 96. Variation in Raw GPS Signal Data 308 97. Unit-Elements of Film Emulsions and CCDs 311 98. Low-Intensity Lightwaves through a Double Slit 311 99. Galaxies in Hubble Extreme Deep Field Image 316 100. Structure of Galaxy Distribution in the Universe 317 101. Close-up Center of the Milky Way Galaxy 325 102. The M87 “Black Hole” Image 328 103. Is This the Unprocessed M87 “Black Hole” Image? 328 104. Superluminal Motion in the M87 Jet 332 105. Vortex-Spiral Motion Yields Apparent Straight Lines 336 106. Apparent Straight Line Motion is Curved in Space 336
The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space
“I believe that I have really found the relationship between gravitation and electricity, assuming that the Miller experiments are based on a fundamental error. Otherwise, the whole relativity theory collapses like a house of cards.” — Albert Einstein, letter to Robert Millikan June 1921
“My opinion about Millers experiments is the following. ... Should the positive result be confirmed, then the special theory of relativity and with it the general theory of relativity, in its current form, would be invalid. Experimentum summus judex. Only the equivalence of inertia and gravitation would remain, however, they would have to lead to a significantly different theory.” — Albert Einstein, letter to Edwin Slosson, 8 July 1925, Hebrew Univ. Archive Jerusalem.
“The effect [of ether-drift] has persisted throughout. After considering all the possible sources of error, there always remained a positive effect.” — Dayton Miller, 1928, p.399
“You imagine that I look back on my lifes work with calm satisfaction. But from nearby it looks quite different. There is not a single concept of which I am convinced that it will stand firm, and I feel uncertain whether I am in general on the right track.” — Albert Einstein, on his 70th birthday, letter to Maurice Solovine, 28 March 1949
Authors Introduction
Authors Introduction
Intergalactic Medium! Interstellar Medium! Interstellar Wind! Neutrino Sea! Neutrino Wind! Dark Matter! Dark Matter Wind! Gravitational Waves! Higgs “God” Field! Cosmic Strings! Cosmic Ray Anisotropy! CMBR Anisotropy! Zero-Point Vacuum Fluctuation! Torsion Fields! Solitons!
Modern astrophysics and astronomy describe the cosmic space between the planets, stars and galaxies as an empty void, a hard vacuum lacking in inherent properties or substance. And yet, scientists working in these disciplines continue to discover “empty space” to be saturated with energy and particles, with turbulence and motion, as with the above concepts. Each is considered, by convention, to be a completely separate phenomenon from all the others, in spite of numerous points of similarities and agreement. Each term stands for its own presumed “soup” of discrete mystery particles. No matter how fantastically abundant, the space between them remains an empty void, save for scatterings of light and other electromagnetic waves. The scientists have identified all these specific “trees”, but deny the existence of any “forest”, whereby their basic nature could be more logically understood. As with the example of 10 blind men in a room with an elephant, each describes in exceedingly precise detail what they have individually grasped the trunk, tusk, body, tail, legs but the word “elephant” has become taboo. Like the proverbial naked emperor, nobody dares speak about a possible single ocean of cosmic energy, which offers a more unified and simpler understanding of all the diverse particles and “winds”. In a related manner, a casual look at images of deep space shows us billowing clouds of nebulae, of objects pushing through an unknown fluid and leaving behind a trail within a resisting transparent medium, all frozen in time. They appear more like something seen in the depths of the oceans or lakes. In some areas, a surrounding cosmic substance glows brilliantly with luminating stars, while elsewhere, everything appears darkened and dirty, as if smoke blanketed a patch of space.
Part I:
Cosmic Ether as Theory
and Experimentally
Confirmed Fact
The Matter of Space, Waves and Motion
The Matter of Space,
Light Waves and Motion
“...when primordia are being carried downwards straight through the void by their own weight, at times quite undetermined and at undetermined spots they push a little from their path, but only just so much as you could call a change of trend. But if they were not used to swerve, all things would fall downwards through the deep void like drops of rain, nor could collision come to be, nor a blow brought to pass for the primordia. So nature would never have brought anything into existence.” Lucretius, Roman Poet, c.75 BC De Rerum Natura, Book II
Lucretius primordial “swerve”, quoted above, was a reference to curved or circular motion in the Great Void of the Cosmic Heavens, an early concept of creation in motion, resting upon ideas that ranged back to Greek philosophers such as Aristotle, and the Roman Epicureans. For those ancient philosophers, creation was a role played out by the gods, but they also put reasoned explanations to the physical world they could touch and see. The nature of cosmic motions, the passage of the Sun, Moon, stars and “wandering” planets, was always a central human interest, but only dimly understood, and set apart from the confined material existence of humankind on the Earths surface. Aristotle divided the material world into four elements, of fire, air, water and earth, but the heavens were composed of a fifth element, a
Lucretius (c.75 BC)
The Positive Results of Michelson-Morley
The Positive Results of the
Michelson-Morley Experiment
The history of science records the July 8-12, 1887 ether-drift experiment of Albert Michelson and Edward Morley as a pivotal turning point, after which the energetic ether, filling all of cosmic space, was discarded by mainstream physics and astronomy. Thereafter, the postulate of “empty space” devoid of ether was embraced, along with related concepts which demanded constancy of light speed in all directions, in harmony with Albert Einstein's relativity theory. The now famous Michelson-Morley experiment continues to be widely cited today, in nearly every physics textbook, for its claimed “null”, “zero”, or “negative” results. These claims, however, are not true, something easily determined by a careful reading of the original MichelsonMorley paper, which appeared in the American Journal of Science in November 1887. In fact, their experiment reported a slight positive result, later to be independently replicated by others, including by both Michelson and Morley, working separately from each other, with different research associates. Twentieth Century science nevertheless ignored all such positive evidence for the cosmic ether, as if psychologically compelled to make a wrong turn.
Albert Michelson (1852-1931)
Edward Morley (1838-1923)
FitzGerald-Lorentz and Morley-Miller
The FitzGerald-Lorentz Theory
and Morley-Miller Experiments
“Strictly speaking, the condensation [of ether] must be still more considerable than the value we have found to be necessary. If the ether be attracted by the earth, it is natural to suppose that it is acted on likewise by the sun; thus the earth will describe its orbit in a space in which the ether is already condensed. In this dense ether, the earth must produce a new condensation.” — Heinrik Lorentz 1899, p.446.
The years before the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887 were characterized by a scientific discourse on the nature and properties of the ether, and its role in the properties of light and space. Nearly all had accepted the ether theory for most of their professional lives, and also accepted the wave theory of light, which demanded such a medium for light-wave transmission. Disagreements persisted on just what kind of ether might actually exist. Into that discussion came the 1887 result, variously described as “null” or “zero”, but which as pointed out in the last chapter was a substantial quantity. A significant ether-wind velocity was recorded, of up to 5 to 7.5 km/sec by Michelson-Morleys own statements, or an average of ~8.4 km/sec as their data was later recalculated by Miller in 1933, using a new theory and understanding about Earths net motion in space. The Michelson-Morley result was too small to accommodate the static ether of Newton, but it was significant and sufficient enough to warrant further investigation along the lines of a partially entrained ether-drag effect. Such an ether drag would by definition reduce the conventionally (at that time) “expected” velocity close to the surface of the Earth. A trend was also set into motion following a new theory of “matter contraction”, to dismiss the Michelson-Morley result as purely “null”, and to explain away the cosmic ether itself, as if it were a nuisance. And
Dayton Millers Experiments
Dayton Millers Positive
Ether Drift Experiments, 1921-1926
“I believe that I have really found the relationship between gravitation and electricity, assuming that the Miller experiments are based on a fundamental error. Otherwise, the whole relativity theory collapses like a house of cards.” — Albert Einstein, letter to Robert Millikan June 1921 (in Clark 1971, p.328)
In the decades following the MichelsonMorley experiment of 1887, the worlds of physics and astronomy were thrown into confusion, given how the cosmic ether had been a foundational theory for understanding the wave-theory of light, as well as a variety of astronomical and physical phenomena. While the Michelson-Morley experiment obtained a slight positive result, as already discussed, the phrase “null result” and similar misrepresentations came into widespread use when referencing their experiment. Conference lectures and published papers of that period, as by FitzGerald and Lorentz, also previously described, carried forward with an increasingly mystified matter-contraction postulate, as a means to “explain” why the cosmic ether was not, or could never be detected even though it had already been detected, repeatedly. Astrophysics thereby retreated away from real, tangible results on a critical experiment, in what psychologists might call emotional denial, substituting in its place a new metaphysics, which had its historical foundation in Newtons metaphysically-demanded static ether concepts.
Dayton Miller (1866-1941)
Which Way Ether Drifting?
Which Way Ether Drifting?
Millers Mis-Step, and Last Years
Ether Confirmed, Ether Velocity Confirmed, Axis of Ether Drift Determined, but...
In Which Direction Does Earth Move Along That Axis?
The preceding chapter reviewed Dayton Millers exceptional work on the ether-drift question, his confirmation of both ether and ether drift or ether wind, with a set of velocities and azimuths determined at four different seasonal epochs atop Mount Wilson. He also plotted the axis of ether drift, finding it close to the axis of the solar systems ecliptic plane. However, by the time of his comprehensive 1933 paper on the subject, he had reversed his long-standing view on the northerly direction of Earths motion along that axis, and instead argued for a southerly direction. I object to his change in direction of motion along the ether-drift axis, but not to the axis itself. My claim requires a clear discussion of the evidence, both pro and contra. As noted by Miller in the preceding chapter, the interferometer could determine the axis of ether drift using the Michelson interferometer, but not the direction of ether motion along that axis. For that determination, one needs to logically compare the axis of ether-drift findings against other astronomical observations related to the Earths velocity and movements relative to nearby stars, and other cosmic coordinates and determinations.
After Mount Wilson
By 1926, after Miller concluded his four major seasonal epochs of ether experiments, he began to reveal his thinking as to the larger issues of the Earths net velocity through the universe, as well as about an Earth pushing through a dragged ether. His writings on these matters reveal a level of comprehension and skill certainly equal to that of
Sagnac and Michelson-Gale
Sagnac and Michelson-Gale:
Ether Detection by Rotation
Another variant of the ether-drift experiments employed a rotating platform which sent two light beams around an irregular “racetrack” path by use of mirrors, one moving clockwise and the other counterclockwise. After completing the circuit, the two beams were recombined back into one beam, whereupon interference fringes would appear for observation. The experiment could evaluate for both the existence of an ether, and for changes in light speed dependent upon direction of rotation. The success of these experiments, reported below but nearly forgotten or obfuscated by the Einstein followers today, provided even more direct proof that light has variable velocities, dependent upon the speed of the emitter and observer, but irrespective of whether the cosmic ether is static, is in motion along one or another preferred direction, or is even fully stagnant as per the Stokes concepts.
1913-1914: George Sagnac Proves Variable Light Speed and Ether
Enter Georges Sagnac, who undertook the original rotating interferometer experiment in 1913, only 8 years after Einsteins 1905 published papers on the subject of his new relativity theory. In this experiment, Sagnac created a rotating tabletop interferometer, turning at a speed of 2 revolutions per second. On the surface of the rotating table, two light beams were sent to bounce along different mirrors, so as to move either with the direction of the rotating disk, or in opposition to the rotation. The two light beams originated from the same light source, being split into two beams, much as in the Michelson interferometer. After moving around the rotat
Georges Sagnac 1869-1928
Michelson and Others Return to the Ether
Figure 43. Dayton Miller (left) and Albert Michelson (right) at a Conference on the Michelson-Morley Experiment held at Mount Wilson Observatory, February 1927.
Michelson and Others Return
to the Ether-Drift Question
1926-1928: Michelson, Pease and Pearson Confirm, but Nevertheless Deny an Ether-Drift
In apparent efforts to replicate Millers results as obtained at Mount Wilson in 1925 and 1926, Albert Michelson, with assistance from F.G. Pease and F. Pearson (hereafter “MPP”), undertook a new set of ether experiments. Their results, with the title “Repetition of the MichelsonMorley Experiment”, were published in the January 1929 issue of Nature magazine, followed by a nearly identical article a few months later in the Journal of the Optical Society of America. Unfortunately in both cases only a frustratingly vague and short report was given, exposing shortcomings well below the standards an optical expert such
Recent Confirmations of Ether
Recent Confirmations
of an Ether Wind
Yuri Galaev, Kharkiv Ukraine Experiments, 1998-2003
Yuri Galaev is a radio engineer at the Institute for Radiophysics & Electronics, a part of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in Kharkiv4. His work, using both optical light and radiofrequencies to investigate the cosmic ether produced a confirmation of Dayton Millers work, “down to the details”. His methods were unique, employing new designs, including both a radio wave analysis and a simplified Michelson-type apparatus. Like Miller, Galaev was one of the very few who embraced rather than ignored the material nature of the ether and the importance of removing shielding materials in the surroundings of the interferometer. This appears as a major reason for his success, and for the failure of so many others. He summarized the matter succinctly:
“In 1933, Miller has marked the shielding property of metal covers in his work. However the scientific community did not react properly to such peculiarity, shown by him in this work... there was a lot of experiments with zero results obtained with the interferometers screened by metallic chambers by that time. ...proper significance [had not been given] to Millers conclusions 1933 about the inapplicability of metal boxes in the experiments with an ethereal wind. Thus, proper checks of Millers experiments werent conducted yet until nowadays, in spite of numerous physicists attempts to repeat his experiments! All his followers carefully screened the devices from an ethereal wind by metal chambers, and, according to A.A.
Yuri Galaev
4. Kharkiv is the Ukranian city once called “Kharkov” during the Soviet era.
Part II:
The Empire Strikes Back:
Erasure, Mystification,
and Falsification
of History
Einstein Rising
Einstein Rising
“My opinion about Millers experiments is the following... Should the positive result be confirmed, then the special theory of relativity and with it the general theory of relativity, in its current form, would be invalid. Experimentum summus judex. Only the equivalence of inertia and gravitation would remain, however, they would have to lead to a significantly different theory.” — Albert Einstein, letter to Edwin Slosson, 8 July 1925 (Hebrew U. Archive)
The Rise of Einsteins Theory of Relativity
In 1905, Albert Einstein published several research papers that are considered to be cornerstones of modern physics and astronomy. Upon first reading his works decades ago, I found his relativity theory to be deeply mystical, referencing unseen forces such as “curved spacetime”. He ignored measured real-world cosmic motions that affected the velocity of light, and conjured up cosmic motions in a space-time unreality, which still remains as sheer speculation, heavy with maths but never convincingly affirmed by empirical reality. Today I accept him as a humanitarian, and his ideas on energy-mass equivalency (E=mc2) as approximations. However, the proofs of variable light-speed, as from the successful ether-drift experiments, completely destroy a central assumption of Einsteins relativity theory, that of light-speed constancy. Above that concern, when the evidence claiming to prove the accuracy of his relativity theory is critically examined from the viewpoint of the
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
The Shankland, et al. Hatchet Job
The Shankland, et al.
Hatchet Job on Miller *
Over the years after Millers death in 1941, his Mount Wilson etherdrift results continued to trouble Einstein and his followers. A postmortem of Millers work was finally undertaken in the early 1950s by a team from Case School, led by Robert Shankland, and with “extensive consultations” with Einstein. As one might anticipate, the new evaluation of Millers findings made all the wrong assumptions about the cosmic ether as previously exposed in prior chapters, with a clear bias to “disprove Miller”. Given how Einsteins supporters continue to place a high value on the Shankland, et al. study, I will go into some detail to expose its serious flaws and biases. Shankland in fact was Millers graduate student for many years, and only emerged to become a professional advocate of Einsteins relativity after the death of Miller in 1941. His early career as a scientist got off to a rocky start, in his first published paper (1936) “An Apparent Failure of the Photon Theory of Scattering”. In that paper, Shankland
Robert S. Shankland, former student of Dayton Miller and later Chairman of the Physics Department at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland Ohio. Shanklands academic career soared following publication of several widely read interviews with Einstein, and after he organized a post-mortem on Miller's work in cooperation with Einstein, pronouncing Millers work as worthless. Shankland subsequently became a bureaucrat within the Atomic Energy Commission.
* This chapter was originally presented to a meeting of the Natural Philosophy Alliance, in Berkeley, California, May 2000, titled “Critical Review of the Shankland, et al. Analysis of Dayton Millers Ether-Drift Experiments”.
Part III:
Into New Territory:
Additional Evidence
for a
Material, Motional
and Dynamic Ether
Ether as Cosmic Life Energy
Ether as Cosmic Life-Energy
“There is no such thing as empty space. There exists no vacuum. Space reveals definite physical qualities [which] can be observed and demonstrated. Some can be reproduced experimentally...” Wilhelm Reich,
Ether, God and Devil, 1948, p.111
In the years after the historic ether-drift experiments were concluded, and figuratively “driven into exile”, multiple converging lines of evidence from other scientific disciplines indicated the discovery of an interconnecting self-organizing cosmic medium, a cosmic life-energy with ether-like dynamic and plasmatic properties. The discovered lifeenergy functioned within living systems, influencing chemistry and biology, and could change the physical structure of water. It also existed as a background medium filling the atmosphere and vacuum of space. Experimenters such as Jacques Benveniste (memory of water), Frank Brown (external biological clock mechanisms), Harold Burr (electrodynamic fields), Björn Nordenström (bioelectrical circuits), Giorgio Piccardi (physical-chemical fields), Wilhelm Reich (orgone energy) and Viktor Schauberger (living water) independently documented different aspects of this phenomenon. Entire bodies of scientific work and literature have been developed over the years by these and similar scientists, far too large to review here. For some, I can only give a general citation to their work in the References. For those in the 20th Century up to c.1995, an annotated bibliography was developed by John Burns (1997), Cosmic Influences on Humans, Animals and Plants. Science journals such as Cycles and the Interdisciplinary Journal of Cycle Research published numerous papers on these subjects. Today their journals have nearly vanished, their leading scientific luminaries passed away. When alive, most were subjected to public “skeptic” attacks, academic misrepresentations, and unethical erasure.
The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space
Regrettably, nothing of the most insightful and productive of the above list of life-energy scientists, Wilhelm Reich, is found in Burns annotations, and little of fact about him is found elsewhere in mainstream science, pop-media or internet. This was the result of a deadly 20th Centurys slander and book-burning campaign directed against him in the 1940s and thereafter, as discussed in the Introduction. (WebRef.1) He published his findings in his own institutes journals and books, which were eventually reprinted in the 1970s, after the book-burning epoch. In this chapter I will survey the facts on Reichs experimental findings, speak to my own positive replications of his experiments over the last decades, and end with a short discussion on Piccardi and Brown. These latter two scientists identified specific cosmic components in their investigations which, I will show, are agreeable in the details with Reich and Miller. Taken together and merged with the prior findings on cosmic ether under discussion, these studies collectively document a major scientific breakthrough, the discovery of a unitary cosmicatmospheric-biological energy, ignored, suppressed and dismissed prematurely during the 20th Century.
Wilhelm Reichs Dynamic Ether-Like Orgone Energy
From 1934 to 1957, Wilhelm Reich produced a series of experimental reports documenting the existence of a unique form of energy, called the orgone, or orgone energy. Reichs line of research began with the clinical and experimental investigation of Freudian libido theory, including a milestone study on the bioelectric nature of emotions, somatic impulses, sexual excitation and sensory perception. Reichs research proceeded also into microbiology, with a study of motility and impulse-creation within simple microbes such as the ameba, which has no brain, nerves or muscle tissue by which to move its protoplasm towards food or away from irritating influences. His studies (Reich 1934, 1938) identified bioelectric commonalities in the motions of raw protoplasm in ameba, to nervous and muscular impulses in humans. The work by Seifriz (1936) and others on motile slime molds suggests related findings. Slime molds are a large single cell of
Wilhelm Reich 1897-1957
Evidence for a Dynamic Ether
Direct Evidence
For a Dynamic Ether
Motional, Dynamic, Spiralling, Luminiferous, Variable Density, Matter-Forming, Substantive
A Review of What We Know
Lets start this chapter by reviewing the specific nature and properties of the cosmic ether as learned from the different experiments already recounted in this work. From Michelson-Morley 1887, we learned a cosmic ether wind with an upper value of ~5 to 7.5 km/sec was detected, able to partially penetrate through the stone basement building in which the light-beam interferometer experiment was conducted. Their results were a much lower velocity than the ~200-300 km/sec anticipated from Newtonian static ether “absolute space” assumptions. While the 36 turns of their interferometer were minimal, over only a few days, their results were never “null” or “zero”. They stated the experiment would have to be repeated again at a higher altitude over intervals of three months. This repetition was never conducted by them. From Morley-Miller 1898 to 1906, we learned that light speed is not affected by a strong magnetic field. They later constructed a larger and more sensitive light-beam interferometer, used for experiments over several years, with nearly a thousand individual turns of the instrument over different months. They experimentally tested their interferometer for the postulated “matter contraction” of FitzGerald-Lorentz, which was never confirmed. This was accomplished by mounting the interferometer optical components on a base of different density materials, such as wood, concrete or steel, and comparing that to the sandstone base used in the Michelson-Morley experiment. However, in the process, Morley-Miller repeatedly confirmed a real ether drift of ~7.5 to ~9 km/sec. The highest ether velocity was obtained when the
Implications of Cosmic Ether
Implications and Consequences of a Material-Motional Cosmic Ether for Modern Astrophysics
The Cosmic Ether Changes Everything!
For more than 100 years, empirical experimental evidence identifying a real material and motional ether has been consistently ignored, overlooked and suppressed, while at the same time, ambiguous and speculative, mystical theories have been promulgated and hungrily devoured. And whenever evidence was asserted to support such mysticisms, it was never so unequivocal that opposing ether theory could not equally or better explain it. Factually, proof for a motional and material cosmic ether changes everything!It upsets the modern applecart, and forces us back to unfinished discussions of the early 1900s. To this we must add the considerable work of Reich, who independently and experimentally confirmed an ether-like life energy, and described how it moved in living tissues, in the atmosphere and in the cosmos, thereby adding additional detail to what is known about cosmic ether. The two objective discoveries, and their respective bodies of evidence of cosmic ether and cosmic orgone are at root, functionally identical. And not accidentally, some of the same players, notably Einstein and his followers, worked towards the erasure of both Reich and Miller. In this closing chapter I will review modern cosmological concepts and experiments currently underway, and will challenge their basic foundational assumptions from the viewpoint of a dynamic cosmic energy in space. As a prelude, I would remind the scientific reader of a major fallacy in contemporary physics, where modern theories as from Einstein, the big bang and quantum entanglement, are stretched so thin in efforts to basically “explain everything”, that in the process must resort to increasingly fantastic and unbelievable claims. By contrast, the cosmic ether of space already has considerable independent evidence and equally valid explanatory and predictive power, resting firstly upon the historical proofs of its own existence.
Figure 105 on the facing page was first presented in the Introduction. The lower part is Figure 106, also reproduced for emphasis from the chapter on Ether and Cosmic Life Energy. Together with all the other figures in Part III, they present a concluding, though generalized and non-mathematical, ether/life-energetic understanding of cosmic forces ruling celestial motions, gravitation and other aspects of matter and life. Figure 106 depicts Mass 1 moving towards Mass 2 in a straight line, but only if one is standing upon the rotating Earth. It is only an apparent straight-line motion. Standing as an observer out in space, what we call “gravitation” is seen as a curve of motion, with both objects captured in a sweep of merging, negatively entropic and self-attracting cosmic energy, carrying matter with it. Ether/life-energy, orgone energy as Reich described it, superimposes in a curve of energetic attraction which brings the two objects together. This is standard old-fashioned Galilean relativity, which often gets lost in the modern discussions about Einsteins relativity and imaginary “space-time gravity wells”. The old master Galileo had, in the 1600s, already proven basic properties of gravitation in his famous experiments at the Tower of Pisa, where balls of unequal weight were dropped from a height of around 55 meters, arriving at the ground at the same time. This refuted the older view of Aristotle that different weight objects fell at different velocities. Galileo also wrote several logical premises, today called “thought experiments”. He imagined (and possibly confirmed by experiment) a man on horseback riding in a straight line, who holds a ball off to the side of his direction of motion, and then drops the ball which falls downwards. From the perspective of the horseback rider, the ball moves downwards in a straight line, with a forward motion the same as the horse, until landing directly next to where the horse is galloping. From the perspective of someone standing on the ground, watching the horseman ride by and drop the ball, however, the ball falls downwards in a long curve, not a straight line. This observation led Galileo to go beyond his initial weight-drop experiments at Pisa, to
Appendix 2: Newton Letter to Boyle
Isaac Newton's 1679 Letter to Robert Boyle, on the Cosmic Ether of Space
Appendix 2
Newton the Younger (1689) Newton the Elder (1712)
Prefacing Comments
Below is a letter on the question of the cosmic ether of space, written by Isaac Newton in 1679 to Robert Boyle, a fellow scientist about 15 years older than Newton at the time, and who is remembered with a fame nearly equal to that of Newton. This letter first came to my attention when it was reprinted in a relatively-unknown journal edited by the heretic-scientist Wilhelm Reich, his International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone Research (vol.3 1944, p.191-194). The original reference from Reich's journal is found in the 1938 volume Isaac Newton: 1642-1727, by J.W.N. Sullivan (Macmillan, NY, p.118124). However, a longer and more complete version of the letter was thereafter found in an 1846 publication of lengthy title by William Vernon Harcourt, cited (as Newton 1679) in the Reference section of this book, containing pertinent information not previously available. The letter below is significant firstly because it is not well-known outside of a few historians. Where it is quoted, significant parts as I have now restored, are often left out.
A chronologically-ordered list of the historical ether-drift citations, with download links, is found at: www.orgonelab.org/energyinspace.htm
Abbot BP (2018) GWTC-1: A Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog of Compact Binary Mergers Observed by LIGO and Virgo during the First and Second Observing Runs. arXiv:1811.12907v2 Alfven H (1981) Cosmic Plasma, Springer.
Allais M (1997) LAnisotropie de LEspace:La nécessaire révision de certains postulats des théories contemporaines, Clément Juglar, Paris.
Allais M (2002) Experiments of Dayton C. Miller (1925-1926) and the Theory of Relativity. Pulse of the Planet #5, p.132-137.
Arp H (1987) Quasars, Redshifts and Controversy, Interstellar Media. Arp H (1997) Seeing Red: Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science, Aperion. Canada.
Arp H (2003) Catalogue of Discordant Redshift Associations. Aperion, Montreal. Asimov I (1966) The Neutrino, Ghost particle, Doubleday, NY. Baker CF (pseud. Rosenblum CF) (1972) An Analysis of the United States Food and Drug Administration's Scientific Evidence Against Wilhelm Reich, Part II, the Physical Concepts. J. Orgonomy, 6(2) 222-231. Baker CF (pseud. Rosenblum CF) (1973) An Analysis of the Food and Drug Administration's Scientific Evidence Against Wilhelm Reich, Part III, Physical Evidence. J. Orgonomy, 7(2) 234-245. Baker CF (1980) The Orgone Energy Continuum. J. Orgonomy, 14(1) 37-60. Baker, CF (1982) The Orgone Energy Continuum: the Ether and Relativity. J. Orgonomy, 16(1) 41-67.
Becker RO (1998) The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, Wm. Morrow, NY. Bauer I (1987) Erethrocyte Sedimentation: A New parameter for the measurement of Energetic Vitality. Annals, Inst. Orgonomic Sci.4:49-65. Baumer H (1987) Sferics: Die Entdeckung der Wetterstrahlung. Rowohlt Verlag, Hamburg. Becker RO, Selden G (1985) The Body Electric. Wm. Morrow, NY. Bernabei R (2007) DAMA sheds light on dark-matter particles. Nature 449, 24, 6 September. Bernabei R (2010). Particle Dark Matter in the Galactic Halo: Recent Results from DAMA//LIBRA. CRIS 2010 lecture, September, Catania Italy; see WebRef.10 Beloussov L, Popp FA, Voeikov V, Wijk RV, eds. (2000) Biophotons and Coherent Systems: Proc. 2nd Alexander Gurwitsch Conference. Moscow U. Press; republished by Springer Press 2007.
aberration, stellar 12, 37-39, 59-60, 74, 82, 116, 119, 208-209, 340 absolute space 10-11, 139, 181,185, 187, 198, 208, 265, 269, 319, 350 Aether 2, 4, 26 Allais, Maurice 9 Andromeda Galaxy 32, 124, 272273 blue halo 287, 292-293 Aristotle 25-26, 337 Arp, Halton 4, 6, 211, 321-322, 334 astrologers 2, 318 atomic clocks 304-307
Bell, Alexander Graham 46 Benveniste, J. 229 Bernabei, R. 251, 286-287 Biblical creationism 320 big-bang creationism 2, 4-6, 13, 22, 212, 236, 280-281, 283, 297, 300, 303, 314-324, 335, 341-344 biophotons 293 Biretta, John 331-332 black holes 2, 22, 212, 285, 301303, 324-331, 333-335, 341, 345 as ring of stars 328-330 as ether vortex Sagittarius-A 325 M87 image, problems 326-330 Bodes Law 341 book-burning 19-21, 230, 319, 343344 Boyle, Robert 32-24, 60, 349-360 Brace, D.B. 63 Bradley, James 37 Brown, Frank 4, 6, 15, 229-230, 252, 254, 261-263, 268, 286, 288-289, 242
Bruno, Giordano 27 Burr, Harold S. 8, 15, 229, 263
Cahill, Reginald 184-187, 190, 252, 254, 268, 288-289 Campbell 119, 209 Carnegie 119 Case Western Reserve University 8, 52, 54, 80, 130, 213, 225 Case School of Applied Science, Pierce Hall 50-52, 54, 62, 66-67, 69, 73, 80, 86, 90-91, 101, 118, 122, 130, 161, 213-216, 221, 266 Western Reserve University 50, 73, 80, 130 Catholic Church 5, 26, 33, 314-315, 318-319, 333, 350 Cedarholm 188 Champeney, D.C. 188 Chappell, John xi, 8 cloudbuster 5-6, 236 Copernicus, Nicolaus 3, 13, 27, 335 Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, CMBR, 1, 5, 118, 323 cosmic strings 1, 335 cosmic superimposition, see Reich, Wilhelm cosmic rays 1, 119, 238, 276, 279280, 283, 285, 288-289, 293-294 winds, anisotropy 279 Courviosier 118
dark matter 1, 236, 242, 251, 272, 276, 280, 292-293, 295, 334 MACHOS 285, 294, 334 WIMPS 285-286, 294, 334 wind, anisotropy 283-289
The Dyamic Ether of Cosmic Space
DAMA Project, see Bernabei DeMeo findings, theory, graphics Atomic clock variable inertia 307 blue glows 292-295 comet velocities 354 correlations of cosmic motions 111, 128, 254, 288-290 dubious black holes 326-330 ether lens effect 210 ether velocity/altitude 186-187 ether-vortex tornado 325, 330 galactic and solar tilting 272-273 GPS experiment 308 LIGO 302-304 Millers ether velocities 248-250 Millers data sheets 8, 225 planet nine 270 Reich and Kepler, 248-250 orgone accumulator 233-235, 242 rotation of plasmasphere 274-275 spectroscopical analysis 290-292 spiral-form vortex motions 16, 18, 250, 253, 325, 328 Descartes 15, 19, 29-33, 36, 39, 42, 257 Dewitte, Roland 189-190 dowsing 7
Edison, Thomas 344 Einstein, Albert xiv, 5, 8, 15, 22, 61, 193-212, computational error 77 E=mc2 15, 193 Einstein rings 210-211 equivocal nature 200 ether concept 198-199 gravity wells 198, 211, 334, 337, 341, 345, 339, 345 last years 200, 223 mysticism 199, 342 perihelion of Mercury, problems 200-203
relativity theory 5, 8-9, 15, 45, 74, 76-77, 79, 84, 87-88, 98-100, 110, 131, 136, 138, 140, 143, 162-164, 185-187, 190-213, 224, 236, 240, 256, 266-267, 298, 305, 313, 318, 324, 331-334, 337-344 Shankland affair 200, 223-224 space-time distortion 15, 22, 76, 187, 193, 195, 210-211, 236, 304, 326, 330 , 334-335, 342 starlight bending near Sun, problems 203-210 Epicureans 25 epicycles 2, 27, 333, 335 Esclangon 119 Essen, Louis 188, 305 ether, cosmic blocking by materials 54, 63 dielectric 39, 63, 231-232, 293, 295, 305, 346, 197-198, 265, 267 entrained, dragged, static, as cosmic braking force 13-14 ether turbulence in LIGO 303 experimental summary 186-187 luminiferous 2-3, 19, 26, 32, 36, 53, 58, 60-61, 133, 237, 240, 292 magnetism 11, 33, 39, 62-63, 8788, 231, 265, 304 prime mover 13-14, 26, 28, 3233, 35, 42, 113, 236, 257, 268269, 319, 339, 341, 350 properties 178-179, 339-341 static-dragged versus dynamicmotional 10-15, 32-37, 265-295 tornado vortex 325, 330 velocity and altitude 186-187 velocity zero in December 251 water drag experiments 42-43 winds, substitute names for 276 Event Horizon Telescope EHT 326329
Faraday, Michael 304, 345 Faraday cage 231, 233, 236 Fibonacci 340 Fickinger, William xiii, 8, 225 first order/second order 172 FitzGerald, George 58-76 FitzGerald-Lorentz matter contraction 57, 60-65, 67-68, 70, 73, 76, 79, 117, 129-130, 198, 265, 352 Fizeau, Hippolyte 40-43, 171 Food and Drug Administration, see book burnng Foucault, Léon 41-43, 54, 155, 171 fractals 340 freedom of speech, loss in universities 9-10, 335 Fresnel, August-Jean 38-40, 60-61, 74, 133, 135, 139
galactic core and solar rotational tilting 272-273 galactic redshifts 320-322 Galaev, Yuri 9, 49, 167-179, 183189, 252, 254, 260, 267, 269, 288-289, 306, 351 galaxy distribution in universe 317 Galilei, Galileo 3, 5, 13, 21, 27-28, 33, 36, 40, 301, 333, 335, 337338, 350 Galilean relativity 194, 337-338 Gell-Mann, Murray 314 Gerson, Max 344 golden section 340 GPS 307-309 gravitational redshifts 210-211 gravitational waves 1, 298-304 Grusenick, Martin 189-190 Grimaldi, Francesco 29-30 Gurwitsch, Alexander 263
Hafele and Keating 306 H-bombs 345 Heisenberg uncertainty 313-314 Helmholtz, Hermann von 46 Hicks, W.M. 70 Higgs “God” particle field 1, 276, 287 Holy Ghost, ether as 28, 33, 37 Hoxsey, Harry 344 Hubble, Edwin 32, 314 Hubble constant 334 Hubble telescope 277, 315-316, 326, 331 deep-field image 316 Huygens, Christiaan 37, 359
IMAGE satellite, see plasmasphere intergalactic medium or wind, see interstellar medium International Society for Biometeorology, Piccardi Group 7 interstellar medium or wind 1, 236, 276-278, 280, 283, 288-289, 292293
Jaesja 188 Joos, Georg 158-162, 216, 206
Kelvin, Lord 64, 77, 224 Kennedy, Roy 149-151, 266 Kennedy-Thorndike 162-163, 266 Kepler, Johannes 28, 33, 37, 39 theory and equations 20, 96, 127, 202, 245, 247-252, 268, 287, 339 Kervran, Louis 263 Kreiselwelle, spinning wave, see Reich, Wilhelm Kuiper Belt planetoids 271
The Dyamic Ether of Cosmic Space
Lemaitre, George 315 life-energy, see Reich, Wilhelm
light phenomena double-slit experiment 38, 309313 refraction 29-30, 37, 39, 74, 206, 210, 304, 353 corpuscular photons or particles 10, 36-38, 194-195, 199, 208, 210, 213, 238, 309-314 Light Interferometric Gravitational Observatory LIGO/ALIGO 298304 ether turbulence 303 results not unequivocal 301-303 light flashes, visible, background radiation 294 visible orgone energy phenomena, see Reich, Wilhelm Lodge, Oliver 59, 209, 319 Lorentz, Heinrik 57-74, 76, 79, 116-117, 129, 186, 198, 220, 305, 340, 342 Lorentz-FitzGerald matter contraction, see FitzGerald-Lorentz Lucretius, primordial swerve 25 luminiferous ether, see ether, luminiferous Lysenkoism 10
mainstream media “fake news” and slander 6, 19-21, 230, 233, 243-244, 343 hysteria, hype, bias 56, 74, 98100, 198, 200, 205, 208-209, 212, 224-225, 230, 233, 318, 326, 335, 343 Marett, David 279 Marinov, Stefan 188
Massive Compact Halo Objects MACHOS, see dark matter Maxwell, James Clerk 39 Mersenne, Martin 29 Messier, Charles, spiral nebulae 32 Michelson, Albert 45-56, 134-140, 141-149, 154-158, 265-267 1881 experiment 46-47 early studies 46 invention of the interferometer 46-50 last years 149, 165 two swimmer example 48 Michelson-Morley experiment 4556, 60-61 absence of null-zero result 53-58 re-calculation by Miller 53-56 Conference on, at Mt. Wilson 103, 108, 117, 141, 220 Michelson-Gale experiment 134140, 196, 266 Michelson-Pease-Pearson experiments 141-149, 154-158, 266 Milian, Viktor 240 Millikan, Robert xiv, 79, 88, 197198 Miller, Dayton 61-77, 79-113 1921 Mt. Wilson experiments 8489 1922-1924 Cleveland control experiments 90-92 1924 Mt. Wilson experiments 9396 1925-1926 Mt. Wilson experiments 96-110 axis of drift closer to Vega 251 early studies 80 error of southerly apex 115-130 Joos, response to 161-162 last years 130 phonodiek 77, 122, 224 rebuilt interferometer 81-83
work with Morley 61-77, 265266 Morgan, J.P. 344 Morley, Edward 45-56, 61-77, 80, 265-266 Morley-Miller experiments 4, 80. 61-77, 265-266 absence of null result 68-69, 73 compute error 69-70, 73-74, 76 Euclid Heights 69-76 magnetic experiment 62 new computation by Miller 7072, 75-76 new interferometer 64-67 Morse, P.M. 122, 124-125 Mount Wilson Observatory 84-85, 148 1927 Conference on Ether Drift 103, 108, 117, 141, 220 also see Miller and MichelsonPease-Pearson experiments Müller 189 multiple universes 22, 313, 335 Múnera, Héctor 180-187, 190, 252, 254, 267-268, 288-289
Nassau, J.J. 122, 124-125 Nazis 19, 255 neutrinos 1, 236, 242, 276, 285, 288-289, 293-294 wind, anisotropy 280-283 Super-Kamiokande detector 282 Newtonian static ether, see ether, static Newton, Isaac 10-13, 19, 32-38, 42, 57-60, 79, 124, 135, 139, 181, 183, 187, 198-201, 204, 208-211, 245, 265-267, 301, 304, 313, 319, 335, 339 on precession of Mercury 201, 204 on bending of starlight 208-210
letter to Robert Boyle 32-33, 349360 Queries 34-35 Noble, H.R. 63 Nordenström, Björn 229
Occams Razor 13, 196, 294 Oracles of Delphi 330 Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory 7 orgone energy, see Reich, Wilhelm orgone energy accumulator, see Reich, Wilhelm
Pauli, Wolfgang 280 pendants, pyramids, gizmos 21 Penzias, Arno 5, 318 perihelion of Mercury, problems, see Einstein ether explanation for 200-203 photomultiplier tube detectors PMTs in water or ice, for neutrinos 281283, 285, 293 with NaI(Tl) for dark-matter WIMPs 285, 293 for cosmic ray and gamma ray detection 293 for biophoton detection 293-294 Piccardi, Giorgio 4, 7, 15, 229-230, 251-254, 257-261, 263, 268-269, 288-289, 306, 342, 351 Piccard-Stahl 151-154, 266 Planck, Max 239, 322, 346 Planet 9 gravitational anomaly 270271 plasmasphere 208, 274-275 Pollack, Gerald 263 Pope John Paul II 319
The Dyamic Ether of Cosmic Space
prime mover 13-14, 26, 28, 32-35, 42, 113, 236, 240, 252, 257, 268269, 319, 339, 341, 350 Ptolemy, Claudius 29
quantum magic 22, 310, 313-314, 342 quantum vitamin pills 22 quantum flapdoodle 314 quasars 292-293 ejected from Seyfert galaxies 321-322, 292 high redshifts 322, 334 superluminal jets 333-334 water-drenched 294-295
Rankine, A.O. 63 Rayleigh, Lord 59-60, 63, 292 redshifts, see galactic, gravitational or quasar redshifts Reich and Miller 20, 258-259 Reich, Wilhelm 4, 19-22, 229-264, 268-269 bions 236, 320 cosmic superimposition 15, 20, 32, 236, 239-247, 255, 257, 336 discovery of orgone energy and accumulator 230-231 effects of orgone energy accumulator 231-235 Einstein, meeting with 256-258 kreiselwelle, spinning wave 236, 239-241, 245-249. observations of orgone energy 235-242 orgone energy, summaries 236, 339-341 orgone lumination 32, 237, 281, 321, 339 orgone pulsation 19, 232, 236, 238, 244, 319, 340
Reichian relativity 336, 338 slander and destruction of 19-22 spiral motions agreeable with Miller 247-250, 258-259 vacor tubes 237, 240, 242 visible fog-like form 238 visible orgone units 238-239, 281, 294 Royal Society (British) 64 Russell, Walter 18
Sagnac, Georges 78, 131-134, 139140, 161, 196, 266, 298, 307-308 Sagittarius-A 324-325, 330 Schauberger 229 Seaver, Jay 187 self-organizing principle 19, 33, 36, 229, 268-269, 318-320, 341 Shankland, Robert 8, 92, 186, 200, 213-225 biased study of Miller 213-225 betrayal of Miller 223-224 Shapley, Harlow 343 skeptic clubs 6, 21-22, 225, 229, 294 Silvertooth, E.W. 188 Slosson, Edwin xiv, 99, 193, 197 Shnoll, Simon 263 solitons 1 Solovine, Maurice xiv, 200 solar flares 17, 239 solar extended corona 206-208 solar pulsation 17 spinthariscope, see light flashes spiral vortex motions 13, 15-20, 3132, 39, 42, 61, 70, 96, 107, 112, 127, 133, 171, 201-202, 211, 232, 236-239, 241, 244-260, 268-269, 272-273, 277, 283-287, 324, 326, 328, 330, 339-340 starlight bending near Sun ether explanation for 203-210
Stokes, George 39-40, 54, 59-60, 74, 129, 131, 135-138 stratospheric and planetary winds 276 Suns Way 113, 116, 120, 125-129, 171, 251, 254, 269, 273, 288-289 superluminal objects 330-334 Swenson, Lloyd 4, 87, 96, 122, 142-143, 149-150, 224
Tchijevski, A.I. 263 Tesla, Nikola 344 torsion fields 1 Tromp, Solco 7 Trouton, Fredrick 63
University of Kansas 4
vacor high-vacuum tubes, see Reich, Wilhelm Velikovsky, Immanuel 343
Weakly Interacting Massive Particles WIMPS, see dark matter Wedler, Eric 7 Westinghouse 344 Wheeler, Raymond 263 Wikipedia, disreputable 21
Young, Thomas 37-38
zero-point vacuum fluctuation 1, 4
The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space
Other Books by James DeMeo
Saharasia: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence In the Deserts of the Old World, Revised Second Edition.
The Orgone Accumulator Handbook: Wilhelm Reichs Life-Energy Discoveries and Healing Tools for the 21st Century, with Construction Plans, Third Revised Edition.
In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: Opposing the 80-Years War of Mainstream Defamatory Slander Against One of the 20th Centurys Most Brilliant Physicians and Natural Scientists.
Marx Engels Lenin Trotsky: Genocide Quotes. The Hidden History of Communisms Founding Tyrants, in their Own Words.
Preliminary Analysis of Changes in Kansas Weather Coincidental to Experimental Operations with a Reich Cloudbuster: From a 1979 Research Project, reprinted 2010.
(as Editor) Heretics Notebook: Emotions, Protocells, EtherDrift and Cosmic Life-Energy, with New Research Supporting Wilhelm Reich.
(as Co-Editor) Nach Reich: Neue Forschungen zur Orgonomie: Sexualökonomie, Die Entdeckung der Orgonenergie.
(as Editor) On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy.