Abe eS. ΤΟΝ os Seite = rise ee ' PAaRtRiOaNetnncτς τοὑσὶSee σιν eenone᾿ Ι Pottxe fhe AMARA ΝᾺ Set aAnhynwa re \ aa ‘7 M A Ἴ ΩΝ ARC an ἈλnλA \ . AMNG MRAENG AMἣ RNi BEEceΝS Ao ERe A AMAR ἀξ Ae eae SEIERRAR ον AMAIA NS ee ; ὶ Hn “atl!Naan EREANON suet A: NWΤ ARᾺΣAS Rm en Se~ SNEa αὶ Sean nenA acut! — aS Δλλαλὰ AAT Annas NON AN Ma — qd (sin: usin: ν) τα— wd=e si. n FU.sinἾ UK. sςin FUK or after reduction The equations é€ . δος 4 = - Ὁ --- Β1ὴ “.COSyp du Gri εν tania. . 4: —dt * e-, ττ -=-:)}.--t-ττaς n+y+ a @) = 0...... . A and (2) together ne tle two equations (B) serve to determine (after eliminating «4 and ») —τand oo, when "4—~» ~~€ > dt are gi. ven, that iF s, when the iὅ ntensi.ty and VELOCITIES, ἄς. WITH RESPECT TO AXES MOVEABLE IN SPACE. 5 variation in direction of the acceleration of τ are given for every instant. from the triangle FU’F” ultimately dy ᾿ a . ee a —. 810 μιΞΞ ----- 8581 And we have also to determine πὶ and therefore we have equations to determine the intensity and variation in direction of τὸ itself. Hence we have obtained a solution of the problem, ‘‘ Given the path of F and the variable intensity of f, to determine the path of U and the intensity of w,” the whole being referred to intrinsic elements. ; 7. It will be useful to obtain results analogous to equation (C) for three rectangular axes in a somewhat different form. Of course these might be obtained from that equation itself, but it will be better to investigate them independently by the same kind of reasoning. Let w,, Uy, τύ, denote the resolved parts of w along the moveable rectangular axes Ow, Oy Ox, and let Q,, Q, Q, and f,, f,, f, denote in like manner the resolved parts of Q and f. Now by reason of the acceleration f, τό, receives in the time dé the increment f,d¢: also Ox changes its position by reason of the rotations Q,, Q,, the first of which shifts it in the plane of xa through the angle Q,dt from O,, and the latter in the plane of wy through the angle Q,dt towards O,; and from the first of these causes w, receives the increment τ; COS (=+ Q, 4)+ u, cos (Q,dt) -- τι,» or — u,Q,dt ultimately, while from the second it receives the increment U,y COS G - 0,4t)+ Uz cos (Q,dt) -- uz, or τὸ,ἀξ ultimately. Hence the total increment of w,, being the sum of these partial increments, we obtain the equation : or =f, + uy,Q, - u, Ay Similarly for w,, τὸ, we should obtain το κὸν ΩΝ 0,0, Γ st d$uF]=f, + Uz Qy — Uy Qu, 1} 8. Τὸ illustrate the applicability of these last obtained equations, we will select a few particular kinematical problems. a. Relative velocities of a point in motion with respect to revolving axes. From the nature of the quantity u, it will be seen that it may be taken to denote the radius vector OP of a point P, and τι,» uy, u, may then be replaced by the co-ordinates, w, y, x: also Ff, denoting the acceleration of u, will in this case denote the absolute velocity of P, and /,, fy, Ff. the absolute velocities resolved in the directions of the axes, which we will denote by »,, Vy v,. Then by the equations above we have three equations, of which the type is 6 Mr R. B. HAYWARD, ON A DIRECT METHOD OF ESTIMATING ἀν 1 Ox - τῶ and which determine the relative velocities mp Ὥς = of the point with respect to the co-ordinate axes. If the point be fixed relatively to the axes, and a, Y, % be its co-ordinates, the above equation becomes Oy = Qy.πο= Ὡς.Yos one of a set of well known equations, determining the linear velocity of a point in a body revolving with given angular velocities. If the point lie in the axis of w, so that y, x both vanish, —=v, O0=0,-aQ,, 0=4,+ ay In these, if δ᾽, y, x are in the directions of the radius vector, a perpendicular to it in the vertical plane, and a perpendicular to this plane respectively, and if r, 0, @ denote radius vector, altitude and azimuth, then ἀφ dé ὥ τεῦ, Qy = τις cos 8; Q,= 7 whence dr αθ d τ ΣΉΝ soa haere υ, τ τοοθ 2, the common expressions for the components, relatively to polar co-ordinates, of the velocity of a point. ὃ. Accelerations, radial, transversal in the vertical plane, and perpendicular to that plane. In our general formule wu will now denote a velocity, and f an acceleration strictly so called. And in this case dr dé dp τι wore uy = τος 0s ἀφ. ἀφ dé Q, = ποτὶ and, Oy = — τ; “956, Q,=7 wherefore, by equations (1) radial acceleration =f, = a2, - (,: 4 2 Foca ὃ | ‘ transversal acceleration in the vertical plane = Ἢ -5dt(\+5d)t - (-rsin6. cox odft " - τdt“dt| 1d/,d\ υοἱ de]? ΞΞ =eel (¢PP alen) Ὁ 7 5159 ὁ con 0— 66} ’ azi:muthal. acceleration rat Pad πὲ[τος θ a ὧς (= τ σῶς θ -- Υ si: n widτ VELOCITIES, &c. WITH RESPECT TO AXES MOVEABLE IN SPACE. 7 = ab Wit a (,ps cos ν9ὰ.2Op). c. Let the axes of a, y, x be always parallel to the tangent, principal normal and normal to the osculating plane of any curve. Then ds Ue Uy = 0, u, = 0, dr Q,= 755° Q, = 0, de Q,= 7? where de, dr denote respectively the angle between consecutive tangents, and that between consecutive osculating planes. Hence tangential acceleration = f, = aF. ; acceloeeration iCen prisnceicpaal normal 1 =f, = Ἔ ds Κde_ (eah ) edree,_ :1 (s5al):3 acceleration in normal to osculating plane =f, = 0. SECTION II. Dynamical Applications. 9. I propose here to consider the problem of the motion of any material system, so far as it depends on external forces only, and to develop the solution in that case in which the entire | motion is determined by these forces, namely, in the case of an invariable system. 10. This problem naturally resolves itself into two: for, since every system of forces is reducible to a single force and a single couple, we have to investigate the effects of that force, and the effects of that couple. Now we know that the resultant force determines the motion of the centre of gravity of the system, be the constitution of the system what it may. In like manner the resultant couple determines something relatively to the motion of the system about its centre of gravity, which in the case of an invariable system defines its motion of rotation about that point, but which in other cases is not usually recognised as a definite objective magnitude, and has therefore no received name. This defect will be remedied by adopting momentum as the intermediate term between force and velocity, and by regarding as distinct steps the passage from force to momentum and that from momentum to velocity. In accordance with this idea we proceed to shew that as in our first problem we shall be concerned with the magnitudes, force, linear momentum or momentum of translation, and linear velocity or velocity of translation, so in the other we shall be concerned with the corresponding magnitudes, couple, angular momentum or momentum of rotation, and angular velocity or velocity of rotation ; and that, as all these magnitudes possess the properties characteristic of the magnitude ὦ in the previous section, the Calculus there developed is applicable to them. 8 Mr R. Β. HAYWARD, ON A DIRECT METHOD OF ESTIMATING 11. Consider a material system at any instant of its motion. Tach particle is moving with a definite momentum in a definite direction, which may be resolved into components in given directions in the same manner as a velocity or a force. Let this momentum be resolved in the direction of a given axis OP, and its moment about that axis taken, the resolved part may be called the linear momentum, and the moment the angular momentum, of the particle relatively to the axis OP. Let the same be done for every particle of the system, and the sums of their linear and angular momenta taken, these sums may then be called respectively the linear and angular momenta of the system relatively to the axis OP. 12, Let the linear momenta relatively to the three axes Ov, Oy, Ox be denoted by u,, uy, w,, and the corresponding angular momenta by h,, h,, h, respectively ;then it may easily be shewn that the linear momentum relatively to the axis, whose direction-cosines are /, m, m, is lu, + mu, + NU,, and that the angular momentum relatively to the same axis is th, + mh, + nh, The first expression will be a maximum, and equal to {u,” + u,’ + u7}3, when LiMim Up?: Uy :πὸ} and if this be denoted by τι, it is plain that the linear momentum along any line inclined to the direction of w at an angle @ will be wcos@. Hence we may regard the whole linear momentum of the system as equivalent to the single linear momentum wu determinate in intensity and direction. In like manner we may conclude that the whole angular momentum is reducible to a single angular momentum A determinate in intensity and direction. 13. Thus, just as a system of forces is reducible to a single force and a single couple, the momenta of the several particles of a system are reducible to a single linear and a single angular momentum, which we shall speak of as the linear and angular momenta of the system. It is to be observed that the linear momentum w is independent of the origin O both as regards direction and intensity, but the angular momentum ἢ is in both respects dependent on the position of O, Also it may be proved, as in the case of a system of forces, that the angular momentum ἢ remains constant, while O moves along the direction of the linear momentum u, but changes, as Ὁ moves in any other direction; and finally, that its intensity will be a minimum and its direction coincident with that of u, when O lies upon a certain determinate line, which (from analogy) may be termed the central axis of momenta. 14, Now let us consider the changes in the linear and angular momenta, as the time changes, when the system is acted on by any forces. In the time dt any force P generates in the particle on which it acts the momentum Pdt, and these momenta, being resolved and summed as was done above, will give rise to a linear momentum Rdé in the direction of the resultant force R of the forces (P), and an angular momentum Gd¢ relatively to the axis of the resultant couple G of the same forces, Since however the internal forces consist of pairs of equal and opposite forces in the same straight line, by the nature of action and reaction, the momenta produced by them will vanish in the VELOCITIES, ἃς. WITH RESPECT TO AXES MOVEABLE IN SPACE, 9 summation over the whole system; we may therefore regard R and G as the resultant force and resultant couple of the ewternal forces. Then the linear momentum w along the line OU must be compounded with the linear momentum #d¢ in the line OR in order to obtain its value at the time ¢ + dt: and in like manner the angular momentum hf relatively to the axis OH must be compounded with the angular momentum Gd¢ relatively to the axis OG. 15. Hence the method of the previous section applies to momenta of both kinds, replacing f in one case by R and in the other case by G. Thus the equations (B) give us du qi = Roo RU; d ε uP = Rsin RU, where ἀφ is the are through which U moves towards # in the time dt: and dh αἰ F008 GH, hoday, = Gainἡ GH, where dy is the are through which H moves towards G in the time dé. Also for fixed rectangular axes, with respect to which the components of R and G@ are X, Y, Z and L, M, N respectively, it is plain from the above reasoning that we should have diy yyy =ty deck we. cat dt . dh, " dh, _ ee — dh, eo. which are really the six fundamental equations of motion of our works on Dynamics. For rectangular axes moveable about O, the equations (Z) of the last section furnish two sets of three equations, of which the types are du, dt = Χ σοι, -- τ,» dh, Leh dt be] a νῶ, = "Ὧν. 16. If the system be acted on by no external forces, it follows that both w and h are constant in intensity and invariable in direction. This result might by analogy be named the principle of the Conservation of Momentum. This principle, as applied to linear momentum, is obviously equivalent to the prin- ciple of the conservation of motion of the centre of gravity: as applied to angular momentum, the constancy of direction of the axis of h and therefore of a plane perpen- dicular to it shews that there is an invariable axis or plane, while the constancy of its intensity and therefore of its resolved part in any fixed direction is equivalent to the asser- tion of the truth of the principle of the conservation of areas for any fixed axis. It may also be noted that there is an infinite number of invariable axes, and that, if the origin O be taken on the central axis of momenta, the corresponding invariable axis will coincide with the central axis, and the angular momentum about it will then be Vor. X. Part I. 2 10 Mr R. Β. HAYWARD, ON A DIRECT METHOD OF ESTIMATING a minimum: also that for any other position of the origin the direction of the invariable axis and the intensity of the momentum about it will depend upon the position of the line, parallel to the central axis, in which the origin lies, just as in the corresponding propositions relative to couples, 17. Any one of the different sets of equations in § (15) may be used to determine completely «w and h, when the forces are given or vice versa. It is to be observed that the equations involving A, refer either to a fixed origin, or to an origin, whose motion is always in the instantaneous direction of u the linear momentum, for, as we saw, a change of the origin in this direction does not produce a change in h, as its change in any other direction does. It would be easy to introduce terms depending on the motion of the origin; in the last set of equations, for instance, if a,a,ya, denote the linear velocities of the origin in the directions of the axes, the equation for h, becomes dh, ; Ξ 7 hyQ, -- hQy + τἰγας -- τὐ,αν» The equations involving uw, are entirely independent of the origin, and will there- fore not be affected, however the origin be supposed to move. 18. It appears then that the linear and angular momenta are determined solely by the external forces acting on the system, and not on the system itself otherwise than the forces themselves depend on it: in fact, they are simply the accumulated effects of the forces and the initial momenta. To proceed to the determination of the actual motion of the system from these momenta, the system must be particularised, and as one system may differ from another both as to the quantity of matter included in it, and as to its arrangement, we may consider separately how much farther particularisation in either respect will enable us to carry our results. 19. If the quantity of matter or mass of the whole system be given, it is well known that the linear momentum of the system is that of its whole mass collected at its centre of gravity, so that, M denoting this mass, the velocity of the centre of gravity is a in the direction of the linear momentum: thus the motion of a certain point definitely related to the system is obtained, and this is usually regarded as defining its motion of translation. For any other point definitely related to the system, the motion will in general depend also on h and the arrangement of its matter. 20. If then the translation of the system be referred to its centre of gravity, its motion about the centre of gravity will depend solely on ὦ and the arrangement of its mass; for the direction of motion of the centre of gravity being that of the linear momentum, h referred to that point as origin will be independent of w. Now the arrangement of a system of matter. may be either permanent or variable. If the former, it is spoken of as a body VELOCITIES, ἄς. WITH RESPECT TO AXES MOVEABLE IN SPACE. 11 or system of invariable form*, and the investigation of its motion about the centre of gravity requires only the determination of its axis of rotation and the intensity of rotation about that axis. If the arrangement be variable, the laws of its variation must be given, and according to the number of possible laws will be the number of different solutions of the problem: here then the problem diverges into special problems; such as that of the motion of a body expanding or contracting according to a given law and the like, where the law of variation is geometrically expressed; and such as the problems of the motion of fluids, of elastic bodies, or of systems of bodies like the solar system, where the law of variation is mechanically expressed by defining the nature of the internal actions and reactions of the system. We shall confine our attention to the simpler problem of the motion of a system of invariable form, which we proceed to discuss. 21. The motion of an invariable system is always reducible to the motion of translation of some point invariably connected with it combined with a motion of rotation about a certain axis through that point. Let v,, v,,v, denote the resolved velocities along Oz, Oy, Ox of the point O, to which the translation is referred, and let w,, ων» w, denote the resolved angular velocities about the same lines; then the velocity of any particle m, whose co-ordinates are ὦ, Y, ὧν ἰδ, +ωγῷ — wy in the direction of Ox, with similar expressions for the directions Oy, Ox. Hence summing the linear and angular momenta of the several particles of the system, we find τ; = =(m) οὖ, + w,. =(mz) — w,=(my), * T avoid the use of the term rigid body because of the mined. ‘This view presents Statics as a natural preparation for mechanical notion conveyed in the term rigid. The pro- Dynamics, instead of as a science of co-ordinate rank separated positions usually enunciated with reference to a rigid body by a gulf to be bridged over by a fictitious reduction of dy- must, if that term be retained, be understood of a geometrically, - namical problems to problems of equilibrium through the intro- not a mechanically, rigid body; that is, of a body the disposi- duction of fictitious forces. In several of our more recent works tion of whose parts is by hypothesis unaltered, not of one in the terms accelerating force and centrifugal force have been which the disposition cannot be altered or can only be insensibly rejected or explained as mere abbreviations, the one as not altered by force applied to it. But itis difficult (and perhaps not desirable) to divest this term of its mechanical meaning, being properly a force, the other as being a fictitious and not an actual force : this it would be well to carry out still more com- as is seen in the modes of expression commonly adopted in the pletely, to restrict force in fact to that which is expressible by case of flexible strings, fluids, &c., where it is frequently de- weight and to admit only actual forces (to the exclusion of cen- manded of us to suppose our strings to become inflexible, our trifugal forces, effective forces and the like) under the two fluids to become rigid, or to be enclosed in rigid envelops, and divisions of internal forces, or those whose opposite Reactions the like—a process which must always stagger a beginner and are included within the system, and eaternal forces, or those leave a certain want of confidence in his results, until this is whose opposite Reactions are not so included. If then Statics gained by familiarity with the process, or until he learns that it and Dynamics were defined as above, one great division of simply amounts to asserting that what has been laid down to Rational Mechanics would be formed of the Statics and Dyna- be true of a rigid body is no less true of a non-rigid body, mics of a system of given invariable form, without the par- while there is no change in the disposition of its parts. As ticular constitution of the system being defined and there- another instance of a needless limitation in our current defini- fore independent of Internal Forces ; while the other great tions, we may cite that of Statics as the science which treats of division would include the Statics and Dynamics of special the equilibrium of forces, whereas the truer view would be to systems of defined constitutions, as flexible bodies, fluids, regard it as treating of those relations of forces which are inde- elastic solids and the like, in which the laws of the internal pendent of time, and thus every dynamical problem would have forces must be more or less completely known. These re- its statical part in which the state of the system and the forces marks are thrown out as suggestions for a more natural is considered αὐ each instant, and its truly dynamical part in system of grouping the special mechanical sciences than has which the changes effected from instant to instant are deter- yet been commonly received. 2—2 12 Mr R. B. HAYWARD, ON A DIRECT METHOD OF ESTIMATING and h, = Σρι(ψ οὖ, + WY το Wt το2. Vy + WH — W,8) = (my) .v, — E(msz).v, + T(m.y? + 2°). ὦ, — X(may)wy — U(mxx) .w, with similar expressions for u,, u, and hy, h;. From these equations it appears that, when the linear and angular velocities of the system are referred to an arbitrary point Ὁ, each depends in general on both the linear and the angular momentum. If however O be the centre of gravity, the linear velocity depends on the linear momentum only, and the angular velocity on the angular momentum only, for in this case =(mwx), =(my), =(mz) all vanish, and the equations become those, of which the types are Uz = X(M) . Ves hy, = =(my’ + 2)w, — =(may) . ὦν — =(mzxa)w,. 22. Thus the motions of translation of the centre of gravity and of rotation about it are independent, a property which is true of no other point. Also it is to be observed that the direction of motion of the centre of gravity coincides with that of the linear momentum, while that of the axis of angular velocity does not in general coincide with that of the angular momentum. This is the cause of a greater complication in the problem of rotation than in that of translation. In the former the passage from momentum to velocity involves the changing of the direction of the axis as well as division by a quantity of the dimensions of a moment of inertia, whose value depends on the position of the momental axis in the system: in the latter the corresponding step involves simply division by a constant quantity, the mass, without change of direction. If the operation by which the step is taken from momentum to velocity, be considered as the measure of the inertia, we may express the above by stating that the measure of the inertia of a system relatively to translation (the centre of gravity* being the point of reference) is the mass of the system, and that the measure of its inertia relatively to rotation is not a simple numerically expressible magnitude, but, in Sir W. Hamilton’s language, a quaternion, dependent on the position of the axis of angular ‘momentum or of that of angular velocity in the system. 23. Confining our attention henceforth to the problem of rotation, we must first obtain a more distinct idea of the relation between the axes of angular momentum and _velocity. We may obtain this from our previous equations for h,, h,, h., in their general form; but more simply when we consider our axes as coincident with the principal axes through the centre of gravity. If A, B, C denote the moments of inertia about these axes, the equations become (substituting 1, 2, 3 as subscripts for a, y, # respectively) h, = Aw, hz = Bor, hz = σὰν hence the axis of angular momentum OH, whose equation is @o ey 8 is parallel to the normal to the central ellipsoid * It will be observed that, if the translation be referred to any other point than the centre of gravity, the measure of inertia relatively to translation is also a quaternion. VELOCITIES, ἄς. WITH RESPECT TO AXES MOVEABLE IN SPACE. 13 Aa? + By? + Cx* = 1, at the point, where the axis of angular velocity OJ, whose equation is eo oY 8 ? @, We ως meets it. Also reciprocally OJ is parallel to the normal to the ellipsoid, whose equation is y” 2? 4*B'C at the point where OH meets it. Thus a simple geometrical construction enables us to determine OJ, when OF is given, and vice versa. If now ὦ be the angular velocity about OJ, and J the moment of inertia about the same line, the angular momentum about it must be Jw, since w is the ¢otal angular velocity, and therefore the angular velocity about a line perpendicular to OI is zero; hence Iw =h.cos HI, an equation connecting h and , the quantities J and HJ being known when the above construction has been made. 24, If h be constant, and its direction OH invariable, it is plain from the above con- struction that OJ will not in general remain fixed, nor ὦ constant, for, by the motion of the system about OJ, the position of OH in the system is altered, and to this new position of OH a new position of OJ will correspond, and then w will change by reason of the variation of cos HI There is an exception however in the case where OH and OJ coincide, for then the rotation does not change the position of OH in the system: this can only be the case when the radius OJ of the central ellipsoid is also a normal, that is, when it coincides with one of the principal axes. Hence the principal axes are the only permanent axes of rotation of a body acted on by no forces (as is implied in our supposition of h being constant): in all other cases the axis. of rotation moves in the body and in space, and the angular velocity about it varies. ‘ 25. If w be constant and its axis OJ fixed in the body, OH will also be fixed in the body, and h will be constant; but OH will then in general move in space, and the system must therefore be acted on by forces, whose resultant couple has its axis perpendicular to OH and in the plane of motion of OH. Hence the plane of the couple is ΠΟ], if OJ be fixed in space as well as in the body, and its moment is constant, since the velocity of OH is constant; thus the constraining couple on a body revolving uniformly about a fixed axis through its centre of gravity is determined. In the exceptional case of a principal axis, OH is also fixed in space, and there is no constraining couple. 26. Before proceeding to the solution of the problem of a body’s rotation about its centre of gravity by a method more in accordance with the plan of this paper, it will be well to shew how readily Euler’s equations may be obtained from our principles. 14 Mr R. Β. HAYWARD, ON A DIRECT METHOD OF ESTIMATING If the moveable rectangular axes in § (15) be supposed fixed in the body and coincident with the principal axes, we must substitute ὧι» We, ὡς for Qy, Q,, Q,, and hy hy, hg, or Aw, Bw, Cw; for ἢ,» hy, ἢ,» _and then we obtain three equations, of which the type is, either dh, ἀν (sd dé =[D+ (ς- 5)hls or A—ἃdt = ἢ +(B- C). 0,0 The latter is the well known form of Euler’s equations. 27. Instead of employing these equations, let us endeavour to solve our problem more directly. Our object is to determine the motion of OJ, the axis of rotation, both in the body and in space, and the variation of w, the angular velocity about it. This may be conceived to be due to an angular acceleration of definite intensity about a definite line; and this may be regarded as compounded of two similar accelerations, the one arising from the acceleration of momentum produced by the couple G about its axis OG, the other being the angular acceleration which would exist if no forces acted. Now the forces in the elementary time dé produce the angular momentum Gdt about OG, and this momentum gives rise to a corresponding angular velocity Kdt about an axis OK related to OG, just as OI is OH: thus the angular acceleration « due to the forces is determined as to direction and intensity. The other component of the angular acceleration is in like manner due to a corresponding accele- ration of momentum, which it is now necessary to determine. 28. Regard any line OP fixed in the body and moving with it by reason of the velocity w about OJ; and apply equation (C) of section I., putting ἢ for wu; therefore we = —hw.sin JH.sin HP.sin JHP, which determines the acceleration of momentum for any line OP. This acceleration will be zero, if OP bein the plane ΠΟ, and a maximum, if OP be perpendicular to HOJ, when its value is hw sin HI: we may therefore regard the total acceleration* (f) due to the motion of the body as being about the line OF, perpendicular to HOI, and equal to + hw sin HJ, when OF is taken on that side of HOI on which a positive rotation about OF would move OH towards OI. Now to this acceleration of momentum (f) about OF will correspond an acceleration of angular velocity (A) about a line OL which is related to OF, just as OL is to OH. 29. Tosum up our results, we have shewn that, if OH be the axis of angular momentum (h) and OJ that radius of the central ellipsoid at whose extremity the normal is parallel to OH, OF is the axis of angular velocity (w): if OG be the axis of the impressed couple (6); and OK the radius for which the normal is parallel to OG, OX is the axis of angular accele- * This result is that which M. Poinsot states thus: “‘The | sion.’’”—M. Poinsot’s “couple d’impulsion” is our angular axis of the couple due to the centrifugal forces is perpendicular | momentum. at once to the axis of rotation and to that of the ‘ couple d’impul- VELOCITIES, &c. WITH RESPECT TO AXES MOVEABLE IN SPACE. 15 ration due to the forces («): lastly, if OF be perpendicular to the plane HOJ, it is the axis of acceleration of angular momentum in the moving body, and OL, the radius for which the normal is parallel to OH, is the axis of angular acceleration due to the motion of the body (A). Also we have the three equations for w, x, d, Iw =h cos HI, Kr = GeosGk, ΤᾺ =f cos FL, wherfe= hw sin HJ, I, K, L denoting the moments of inertia about OI, OK, OL respectively. It will be observed that OJ is the direction, to which the plane through O perpendicular to OH is diametral, and that OL is the direction to which the plane ΠΟ] is diametral, hence OL lies in the plane perpendicular to OH. Also if the rectangular planes HOI, FOL intersect in OM, it will be seen that the axes* OJ, OL, OM are conjugate diameters of the central ellipsoid. 30. We will develop the solution in the simpler case of OG coinciding with OH and therefore OK with OZ. In this case OH remains fixed in space, and the motion of OJ is conveniently referred to its motion in the plane HOJ and the motion of that plane about OH. LT = ἤ 2 Let the conjugate radii ΟἹ, OL, OM be denoted by r, γ΄, γ΄, then the moments of inertia about them are “:> = ‘ aa by the property of the central ellipsoid : also let the angles HOJ, FOL be denoted by 6, 6’: then our last equations become (1) w=hr'cos@, (2) «=Gr'cosO, (8) A= (hwsin θ). τ΄" cos. Resolve w, x, along the axes OH, OM, OF; the component velocities are then w cos@ along OH, wsin@ along OM, and zero along OF, while the component accelerations are «cos@ along OH, «sin @ + sin @ along OM, and ἃ cos @ along OF ; whence, by applying either the equation (C) or the equations (£), ἕω 6080) =.«.008.0 = Gr* COS? O...005.0crercccrcvecceccees(e4) * Hence if no forces act, the instantaneous motion of the axis of rotation OJ will be towards OZ, the radius with respect to which the plane ΠΟΙ is diametral. . 16 Mr R. B. HAYWARD, ON A DIRECT METHOD OF ESTIMATING w sin @.Q =) cos θ΄ = (hw sin 0) . 7 cos? 0',... 002000 νον κεν σον ..(6) where © is the angular velocity of OM (i. e. of the plane HOTZ) about OH. Also we have bent WR he innpaieec vas vos sec ccecccccctessesteeuernehieee Let p, p’ denote the perpendiculars from O on the tangent planes to the central ellipsoid at I, L respectively, then p = r cos 0, p’ = γ΄ cos 6’. Equation (4) becomes by (1) τ (hp*) = Gp, whence by (7), p is constant. This shews that the tangent plane at J to the central ellipsoid is fixed, and that the central ellipsoid therefore rolls on it as a fixed, plane. Also by (4) and (5) d(tian6) -5d(/w*s=in@5\ ) = Asign’t , hp ,, =n θ.. τη 9; sicgeysuas (8) and from (6) Se ee eee eee ΔΝ μενλυσάνον ἐς,τ 31. Now 7, τ΄, γ΄ being conjugate radii of the central ellipsoid, there exist three relations between them and the conjugate axes; these are, (putting psec 0, p’sec @ for 7, στ΄ respectively and denoting the angle JOL by x) p’ sec? 0 + p® sec? θ΄ + 7? = 5 1 .1 "1 E, suppose, pr”2?/2 + prΩ”Σ + pp3”.,3 sec’ coc? θ secἘ ’ θ΄ς , sin’ χ BOb1eed© tὉ1Α 481 ar F,, suppose, »» Fag (- aH = G, suppose, and by reason of the rectangularity of the planes JOM, LOM, we have cos x = sin @ sin 6’. Eliminating r” and x, we obtain pr sec! O + p'* sect R+UG = Β, G = + δ + p’p*(sec? @ + sec’ θ΄ -- 1) =F. From these eliminating sec® θ΄, we obtain f2o? {ly 4 (1-pLτoςpokὅς- PGὦp)cot* a, which, (remembering what E, F, G denote, and putting a, β, Ὑ for the three quantities ag ce 1 - 1 - 1 : respectively) is equivalent to p® = p°(1 + aBy cot? @); VELOCITIES, &c. WITH RESPECT TO AXES MOVEABLE IN SPACE. 17 also, since ρ΄, θ΄ are involved in precisely the same manner as p, 6, it follows that p? =p(1 + a'p'ry cot? 6’) ; where a’, β΄,γ΄ are what a, B, Ὕ become, when p’ is put for p. From these equations we obtain wit cot® αaβpΎy 1+ acoyt?@τοῦθ᾽ but a 7 el-—1=1- —1—. 1 -Ξα 1 + By cot? τθο 4" Ap? τ-ὸοβγοοῦῦθ 1 + αβγ cot’ é whence, with the corresponding expressions for β΄, +’, (1 + aBry cot? 6)? cot? 0’ = -- cot? @. (1 + By cot’ 0)(1 + γα cot® @)(1 + αβ cot* 6)’ hence ρ΄, 6’ are known in terms of p, 0. 32. Substituting now for μ΄, θ΄ in terms of p, 0, we obtain from equation (8) d(cot @) soi ,, ecotta8 dt P cot = + hp*S - (1 + By cot® 6)(1 + γα cot? O)(1 + a cot® θ)}},.....6.6 010) and from equation (9) Q = hp? (1 + aBy cot? 6). If h be known by means of (7), these two equations determine completely the motion of OI the axis of angular velocity in altitude and azimuth, since p, and therefore a, B, Ὑ, are constants. If @ denote the azimuth at any instant, τ =Q, and dividing the last equation by the preceding, we obtain a relation involving @ and @ only, which will therefore be the differential equation to the conical path of OJ in space; and it is worth notice that, this relation being independent of ἡ, the path of OJ is the same whether the body be, acted on by a couple whose axis coincides with OH, or whether it be acted on by no forces. The effect of the couple in this case is in fact only to alter the velocities of the different lines, not the paths which they describe. Also equation (1) gives w = hp? sec θ, from which ὦ is known when 6 is known by means of equation (10), and thus the velocity about OJ is known completely as well as its position at any time, 33. If there be no forces acting, i. 6, if G= 0, ἢ is constant, as is also ὦ 605, the resolved angular velocity of the body about OH. Also the vis viva of the body w =],?=—= r h’p! 2 cos@ and is therefore constant; and hence ~ is constant, or ὦ « 7; both well known results. It may r Vou. A. Pant ck, 3 18 Mr R. B. HAYWARD, ON A DIRECT METHOD OF ESTIMATING also be well to note that p® = iaigncviswisveiovumaneengteummay" even if G do not vanish, and thereforeἢ that the vis viva « (angular momentum)*, when the angular momentum has a fixed direction. It is needless to carry the solution farther by investigating the path of OJ in the body, the position of the principal axes relatively to OH, ΟἹ at any time, &c., since all these questions are discussed with the utmost completeness and elegance in M. Poinsot’s Théorie de la Rotation. 34. We will conclude this paper by solving the problems of Foucault’s Gyroscope as applied to shew the effects of the earth’s rotation, as it will furnish a good illustration of the advantages of the methods of this paper in enabling us to form our equations immediately with respect to the most convenient axes. The Gyroscope is essentially a body, whose central ellipsoid is an oblate spheroid by reason of its two lesser principal moments being equal, and which is capable of moving freely about its centre of gravity. In this case, if a rapid rotation be communicated to it about its axis of unequal moment, that axis will evidently retain a fixed direction in space however the centre of gravity move, and therefore relatively to a place on the surface of the earth will alter its position just like a telescope, whose axis is always directed to the same star. But there are two other remarkable cases, where the motion about the centre of gravity is partially constrained ; the first, where the axis of rotation is compelled to remain in the plane of the meridian, the second, when it is compelled to remain in the horizontal plane. These we will now consider. σ ᾿8ὅ. When the polar axis of the central spheroid always lies in the plane of the meridian, let 9 denote the north polar distance of its extremity 4. Let OB coincide with the equatorial axis in the plane of the meridian, and OC with that perpendicular to the same plane, and refer the motion to the axes OA, OB, OC. Now if Q denote the angular velocity of the earth about its axis, the motions of OA, OB, OC will be due to the velocities Q cos θ, Q sin θ, = about them respectively: also the actual velocities of the body about the same axes are respectively w, Q sin 0, d=,and the consequent angular momenta 4w, BQsin 0B, where w, τᾷ are reckoned positive when the motion about their axes is in the same direction as the earth’s about its axis. VELOCITIES, ἄο. WITH. RESPECT TO AXES MOVEABLE IN SPACE. 19 It is evident that in this case the constraint is equivalent to a couple, whose axis coincides with OB, let this be denoted by G. Then the equations (£) in the first section applied to the case before us give ad 4”) “5:do. .5'ηθ -- BQ sian e8. = qdi BO siμ n θ)- α + do.dé πο dé“ἂν cos 0, (d;8_,3d0)o -- ΒΩ siPn θ. οο5θ -- 4ω. Ὡ si; n 6; from the first equation, w is constant, and from the last ἂν -- (Fe - Q cos 6)asin θ: now in this case Q the velocity of the earth’s rotation is very small compared with w, neglecting therefore the second term of this equation, @0 dt? =— < sin0, whence the motion of the axis OA is precisely similar to that of the circular pendulum, whose length is J, where ©= RA oe and therefore /= Ξ 3 the direction of the earth’s axis taki: ng the ω place of the direction of the force of gravity. 2, Also since 75 = 0, when sin 9 = 0, there are two positions of equilibrium of the axis OA, namely, when θ = 0, and@ = 7: the former is stable and the latter unstable, when w: and Q have the same sign. Hence the axis of rotation will remain at rest, if originally placed in the ‘direction of the earth’s axis, stably or unstably according as the rotation regarded from the end directed to the north pole is in the same direction, or the contrary, with the earth’s rotation regarded from the same pole. If placed originally in any other position, it. will oscillate about its position of stable equilibrium according to the same laws as a circular pendulum. 36. Next, let the polar axis OA always remain in the horizontal plane, and let @ denote its azimuth from the south towards the east. Taking OB and OC as before, the latter will now coincide with the vertical. If ¢ denote the co-latitude, Q may be resolved into Ω cose vertical and Q sinc horizontal in the north direction: hence the angular velocities by which the axes move, are relatively to OA, OB, OC respectively dp -Qsinecosd, —Qsincsingd, ag + cose, and the corresponding angular momenta are 4w, --BQsin ὁ sin ᾧ: a(t + Ω cose), 40 Mr R. B. HAYWARD, ON A DIRECT METHOD, &c. whence as before, d(4w) - -- 0, dt ale ΒΩ sine sin Φ) = G+ Aw (t+ cosο + B(Z + 2cose) .Qsin ecos p, α(ἀ{. 22αἱ + Qeos¢) = BQ sine sind .Qsin 6 cos ᾧ + Aw. Qsine si: n d, dt\ dt and therefore w is constant, and i "δ.= ΞΖ εἰ esin φ + QO? 5ἰπ"6. sinᾧ cos φ, or approximately α' ΤῸΝ the ordinary equation of conduction. It appears therefore that the distribution of pressures is not altered by ‘the existence of the coefficient 1. Professor Thomson has shewn how to conceive a substance in which this coefficient determines a property having reference to an axis, which unlike the axes of P,, P,, P, is dipolar. For further information on the equations of conduction, see Professor Stokes On the Conduction of Heat in Crystals (Cambridge and Dublin Math. Journ.), and Professor Thomson on the Dynamical Theory of Heat, Part V. (Transactions of Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. X XI. Part I.) It is evident that all that has been proved in (14), (15), (16), (17), with respect to the superposition of different distributions of pressure, and there being only one distribution of pressures corresponding to a given distribution of sources, will be true also in the case in which the resistance varies from point to point, and the resistance at the same point is different in different directions. For if we examine the proof we shall find it applicable to such cases as well as to that of a uniform medium. (29) We now are prepared to prove certain general propositions which are true in the most general case of a medium whose resistance is different in different directions and varies from point to point. We may by the method of (28), when the distribution of pressures is known, construct the surfaces of equal pressure, the tubes of fluid motion, and the sources and sinks. It is evident that since in each cell into which a unit tube is divided by the surfaces of equal pressure unity of fluid passes from pressure p to pressure (p -- 1) in unit of time, unity of work is done by the fluid in each cell in overcoming resistance, The number of cells in each unit tube is determined by the number of surfaces of equal pressure through which it passes, If the pressure at the beginning of the tube be p and at the end ρ΄, then the number of cells in it will be p — p’. Now if the tube had extended from the Mr MAXWELL, ΟΝ FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 41 source to a place where the pressure is zero, the number of cells would have been p, and if the tube had come from the sink to zero, the number would have been p’, and the true number is the difference of these. Therefore if we find the pressure at a source ,ϑ' from which S tubes proceed to be p, Sp is the number of cells due to the source δ: but if S’ of the tubes terminate in a sink at a pressure p’, then we must cut off Sp’ cells from the number previously obtained. Now if we denote the source of S' tubes by S, the sink of S’ tubes may be written — S", sinks always being reckoned negative, and the general expression for the number of cells in the system will be = (Sp). (30) The same conclusion may be arrived at by observing that unity of work is done on each cell, Now in each source S, § units of fluid are expelled against a pressure p, so that the work done by the fluid in overcoming resistance is Sp. At each sink in which S’ tubes terminate, ,5΄ units of fluid sink into nothing under pressure ρ΄; the work done upon the fluid by the pressure is therefore S’p’.. The whole work done by the fluid may therefore be expressed by W = Sp -- 3S"p’, or more concisely, considering sinks as negative sources, W = X(Sp). (31) Let S§ represent the rate of production of a source in any medium, and let p be the pressure at any given point due to that source. Then if we superpose on this another equal source, every pressure will be doubled, and thus by successive superposition we find that a source nS would produce a pressure mp, or more generally the pressure at any point due to a given source varies as the rate of production of the source. This may be expressed by the equation p= RS, where R is a coefficient depending on the nature of the medium and on the positions of the source and the given point. In a uniform medium whose resistance is measured by k, oe R k PS 4πΆ ry ° =Aa R may be called the coefficient of resistance of the medium between the source and the given point. By combining any number of sources we have generally p= (RS). (32) Ina uniform medium the pressure due to a source S ew Pt" At another source §” at a distance 7 we shall have SPR ar ge TOP if p’ be the pressure at § due to S’. If therefore there be two systems of sources =(S’), and if the pressures due to the first be p and to the second ρ΄, then =(S"p) = =(Sp’). For every term S’p has a term Sp’ equal to it. Vou. X. Past I, Σ(8) and 6 42 Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. (38) Suppose that in a uniform medium the motion of the fluid is everywhere parallel to one plane, then the surfaces of equal pressure will be perpendicular to this plane. If we take two parallel planes at a distance equal to & from each other, we can divide the space between these planes into unit tubes by means of cylindric surfaces perpendicular to the planes, and these together with the surfaces of equal pressure will divide the space into cells of which the length is equal to the breadth. For if A be the distance between consecutive surfaces of equal pressure and s the section of the unit tube, we have by (13) s = kh. But s is the product of the breadth and depth; but the depth is &, therefore the breadth is ἃ and equal to the length. If two systems of plane curves cut each other at right angles so as to divide the plane into little areas of which the length and breadth are equal, then by taking another plane at distance k from the first and erecting cylindric surfaces on the plane curves as bases, a system of cells will be formed which will satisfy the conditions whether we suppose the fluid to run along the first set of cutting Jines or the second *. Application of the Idea of Lines of Force. I have now to shew how the idea of lines of fluid motion as described above may be modified so as to be applicable to the sciences of statical electricity, permanent magnetism, magnetism of induction, and uniform galvanic currents, reserving the laws of electro-magnetism for special consideration. I shall assume that the phenomena of statical electricity have been already explained by the mutual action of two opposite kinds of matter. If we consider one of these as positive electricity and the other as negative, then any two particles of electricity repel one another with a force which is measured by the product of the masses of the particles divided by the square of their distance. Now we found in (18) that the velocity of our imaginary fluid due to a source § at a distance x varies inversely as γ΄. Let us see what will be the effect of substituting such a source for every particle of positive electricity. The velocity due to each source would be proportional to the attraction due to the corresponding particle, and the resultant velocity due to all the sources would be proportional to the resultant attraction of all the particles. Now we may find the resultant pressure at any point by adding the pressures due to the given sources, and therefore we may find the resultant velocity in a given direction from the rate of decrease of pressure in that direction, and this will be proportional to the resultant attraction of the particles resolved in that direction. Since the resultant attraction in the electrical problem is proportional to the decrease of pressure in the imaginary problem, and since we may select any values for the constants in the imaginary problem, we may assume that the resultant attraction in any direction is numerically equal to the decrease of pressure in that direction, or * See Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, Vol, 111. p. 286. Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 43 By this assumption we find that if V be the potential, dV = Xdxv+ Ydy + Zdx = — dp, or since at an infinite distance V = 0 and p=0, V = —p. In the electrical problem we have v= -Σ( 7. Inthe Auid-pim Z (= =); 4nr 7 4 . S= = am. If & be supposed very great, the amount of fluid produced by each source in order to keep up the pressures will be very small. The potential of any system of electricity on itself will be k k = (pdm) = ---, =(pS)=— W. 4π 4π If =(dm), = (dm’) be two systems of electrical particles and pp’ the potentials due to them respectively, then by (32) Σ (pdm) =,k Σ(»5γ-k=, Σ( ,8) --Σ ’ἀπὸ, π 4π or the potential of the first system on the second is equal to that of the second system on the first. So that in the ordinary electrical problems the analogy in fluid motion is of this kind : V=—-p, : Χ-d-=ku, k dm = — 8S, Amr whole potential of a system = — 2Vdm = -w, where W is the work done by the fluid in over- π coming resistance. The lines of force are the unit tubes of fluid motion, and they may be estimated numerically by those tubes. Theory of Dielectrics. The electrical induction exercised on a body at a distance depends not only on the distribution of electricity in the inductric, and the form and position of the inducteous body, but on the nature of the interposed medium, or dielectric. Faraday * expresses this by the conception * Series XI. 6—2 44 Mr MAXWELL, ΟΝ FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. of one substance having a greater inductive capacity, or conducting the lines of inductive action more freely than another. If we suppose that in our analogy of a fluid in a resisting medium the resistance is different in different media, then by making the resistance less we obtain the analogue to a dielectric which more easily conducts Faraday’s lines. It is evident from (23) that in this case there will always be an apparent distribution of electricity on the surface of the dielectric, there being negative electricity where the lines enter and positive electricity where they emerge. In the case of the fluid there are no real sources on the surface, but we use them merely for purposes of calculation. In the dielectric there may be no real charge of electricity, but only an apparent electric action due to the surface. If the dielectric had been of less conductivity than the surrounding medium, we should have had precisely opposite effects, namely, positive electricity where lines enter, and negative where they emerge. If the conduction of the dielectric is perfect or nearly so for the small quantities of elec- tricity with which we have to do, then we have the case of (24). The dielectric is then considered as a conductor, its surface is a surface of equal potential, and the resultant attraction near the surface itself is perpendicular to it. Theory of Permanent Magnets. A magnet is conceived to be made up of elementary magnetized particles, each of which has its own north and south poles, the action of which upon other north and south poles is governed by laws mathematically identical with those of electricity. Hence the same application of the idea of lines of force can be made to this subject, and the same analogy of fluid motion can be employed to illustrate it. But it may be useful to examine the way in which the polarity of the elements of a magnet may be represented by the unit cells in fluid motion. In each unit cell unity of fluid enters by one face and flows out by the opposite face, so that the first face becomes a unit sink and the second a unit source with respect to the rest of the fluid. It may therefore be compared to an elementary magnet, having an equal quantity of north and south magnetic matter distributed over two of its faces. If we now consider the cell as forming part of a system, the fluid flowing out of one cell will flow into the next, and so on, so that the source will be transferred from the end of the cell to the end of the unit tube. If all the unit tubes begin and end on the bounding surface, the sources and sinks will be distributed entirely on that surface, and in the case of a magnet which has what has been called a solenoidal or tubular distribution of magnetism, all the imaginary magnetic matter will be on the surface*. Theory of Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic Induction. ‘ Faraday+ has shewn that the effects of paramagnetic and diamagnetic bodies in the magnetic field may be explained by supposing paramagnetic bodies to conduct the lines of force better, * See Professor Thomson On the Mathematical gst of Magnetism, Chapters III. & V. Phil. Trans. 1851. + Experimental Researches (3292). Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 4 and diamagnetic bodies worse, than the surrounding medium. By referring to (23) and (26), and supposing sources to represent north magnetic matter, and sinks south magnetic matter, then if a paramagnetic body be in the neighbourhood of a north pole, the lines of force on entering it will produce south magnetic matter, and on leaving it they will produce an equal amount of north magnetic matter. Since the quantities of magnetic matter on the whole are equal, but the southern matter is nearest to the north pole, the result will be attraction. If on the other hand the body be diamagnetic, or a worse conductor of lines of force than the surrounding medium, there will be an imaginary distribution of northern magnetic matter where the lines pass into the worse conductor, and of southern where they pass out, so that on the whole there will be repulsion. We may obtain a more general law from the consideration that the potential of the whole system is proportional to the amount of work done by the fluid in overcoming resistance. The introduction of a second medium increases or diminishes the work done according as the resist_ ance is greater or less than that of the first medium. The amount of this increase or diminution will vary as the square of the velocity of the fluid. Now, by the theory of potentials, the moving force in any direction is measured by the rate of decrease of the potential of the system in passing along that direction, therefore when κ΄, the resistance within the second medium, is greater than &, the resistance in the sur- rounding medium, there is a force tending from places where the resultant force v is greater to where it is less, so that a diamagnetic body moves from greater to less values of the resultant force *. In paramagnetic bodies k’ is less than ὦ, so that the force is now from points of less to points of greater resultant magnetic force. Since these results depend only on the relative values of k and ζ΄, it is evident that by changing the surrounding medium, the behaviour of a body may be changed from paramagnetic to diamagnetic at pleasure. It is evident that we should obtain the same mathematical results if we had pinned that the magnetic force had a power of exciting a polarity in bodies which is in the same direction as the lines in paramagnetic bodies, and in the reverse direction in diamagnetic bodies +. In fact we have not as yet come to any facts which would lead us to choose any one out of these three theories, that of lines of force, that of imaginary magnetic matter, and that of induced polarity. As the theory of lines of force admits of the most precise, and at the same time least theoretic statement, we shall allow it to stand for the present. Theory of Magnecrystallic Induction. The theory of Faraday + with respect to the behaviour of crystals in the magnetic field may be thus stated. - In certain crystals and other substances the lines of magnetic force are a Experimental Researches (2797), (2798). See Thom- son, Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, May, 1847. ‘ ath + Exp. Res, (2429), (3320). See Weber, Poggendorff, Ixxxvii. p. 145. Prof. Tyndall, Phil. Trans. 1856, p. 237. + Ezp. Res, (2836), &c. 46 Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. conducted with different facility in different directions. The body when suspended in a uniform magnetic field will turn or tend to turn into such a position that the lines of force shall pass through it with least resistance. It is not difficult by means of the principles in (28) to express the laws of this kind of action, and even to reduce them in certain cases to numerical formule. The principles of induced polarity and of imaginary magnetic matter are here of little use; but the theory of lines of force is capable of the most perfect adaptation to this class of phenomena. Theory of the Conduction of Current Electricity. It is in the calculation of the laws of constant electric currents that the theory of fluid motion which we have laid down admits of the most direct application. In addition to the researches of Ohm on this subject, we have those of M. Kirchhoff, Ann. de Chim. x11. 496, and of M. Quincke, xivir. 203, on the Conduction of Electric Currents in Plates. According to the received opinions we have here a current of fluid moving uniformly in conducting circuits, which oppose a resistance to the current which has to be overcome by the application of an electro-motive force at some part of the circuit. On account of this resistance to the motion of the fluid the pressure must be different at different points in the circuit. This pressure, which is commonly called electrical tension, is found to be physically identical with the potential in statical electricity, and thus we have the means of connecting the two sets of phenomena, If we knew what amount of electricity, measured statically, passes along that current which we assume as our unit of current, then the connexion of electricity of tension with current electricity would be completed*. This has as yet been done only approximately, but we know enough to be certain that the conducting powers of different substances differ only in degree, and that the difference between glass and metal is, that the resistance is a great but finite quantity in glass, and a small but finite quantity in metal. ‘Thus the analogy between statical electricity and fluid motion turns out more perfect than we might have supposed, for there the induction goes on by conduction just as in current electricity, but the quantity conducted is insensible owing to the great resistance of the dielectrics +. On Electro-motive Forces. When a uniform current exists in a closed circuit it is evident that some other forces must act on the fluid besides the pressures. For if the current were due to difference of pressures, then it would flow from the point of greatest pressure in both directions to the point of least pressure, whereas in reality it circulates in one direction constantly. We " See Exp. Res. (371). + Exp. Res. Vol. 111. p. 513. Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 47 must therefore admit the existence of certain forces capable of keeping up a constant current in a closed circuit. Of these the most remarkable is that which is produced by chemical action. A cell of a voltaic battery, or rather the surface of separation of the fluid of the cell and the zinc, is the seat of an electro-motive force which can maintain a current in opposition to the resistance of the circuit. If we adopt the usual convention in speaking of electric currents, the positive current is from the fluid through the platinum, the conducting circuit, and the zinc, back to the fluid again. If the electro-motive force act only in the surface of separation of the fluid and zinc, then the tension of electricity in the fluid must exceed that in the zinc by a quantity depending on the nature and length of the circuit and on the strength of the current in the conductor. In order to keep up this difference of pressure there must be an electro-motive force whose intensity is measured by that difference of pressure. If F' be the electro-motive force, J the quantity of the current or the number of electrical units delivered in unit of time, and K a quantity depending on the length and resistance of the conducting circuit, then F=IK=p-p, where p is the electric tension in the fluid and p’ in the zine. If the circuit be broken at any point, then since there is no current the tension of the part which remains attached to the platinum will be p, and that of the other will be ρ΄. p—p’,, or F affords a measure of the intensity of the current. This distinction of quantity and intensity is very useful *, but must be distinctly understood to mean nothing more than this:—-The quantity of a current is the amount of electricity which it transmits in unit of time, and is measured by J the number of unit currents which it contains. The intensity of a current is its power of overcoming resistance, and is measured by F or JK, where K is the resistance of the whole circuit. The same idea of quantity and intensity may be applied to the case of magnetism t. The quantity of magnetization in any section of a magnetic body is measured by the number of lines of magnetic force which pass through it. The intensity of magnetization in the section depends on the resisting power of the section, as well as on the number of lines which pass through it. If & be the resisting power of the material, and ,ϑ' the area of the section, and Z the number of lines of force which pass through it, then the whole intensity throughout the section ἘΠ 7tsk When magnetization is produced by the influence of other magnets only, we may put p for the magnetic tension at any point, then for the whole magnetic solenoid Pal fedo=K=p-y. * Exp. Res, Vol. 111. p. 519. + Exp. Res. (2870), (3293). 48 .Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. When a solenoidal magnetized circuit returns into itself, the magnetization does not depend on difference of tensions only, but on some magnetizing force of which the intensity is #. If i be the quantity of the magnetization at any point, or the number of lines of force passing through unit of area in the section of the solenoid, then the total quantity of magnetization in the circuit is the number of lines which pass through any section I = Sidydz, where dydz is the element of the section, and the summation is performed over the whole section. The intensity of magnetization at any point, or the force required to keep up the magnetization, is measured by ki =f, and the total intensity of magnetization in the circuit is measured by the sum of the local intensities all round the circuit, F = (fda), where dz is the element of length in the circuit, and the summation is extended round the entire circuit. In the same circuit we have always 1 = IK, where K is the total resistance of the circuit, and depends on its form and the matter of which it is composed. On the Action of closed Currents at a Distance. The mathematical laws of the attractions and repulsions of conductors have been most ably investigated by Ampére, and his results have stood the test of subsequent experiments. From the single assumption, that the action of an element of one current upon an element of another current is an attractive or repulsive force acting in the direction of the line joining the two elements, he has determined by the simplest experiments the mathematical form of the law of attraction, and has put this law into several most elegant and useful forms. We must recollect however that no experiments have been made on these elements of currents except under the form of closed currents either in rigid conductors or in fluids, and that the laws of closed currents only can be deduced from such experiments. Hence if Ampére’s formule applied to closed currents give true results, their truth is not proved for elements of currents unless we assume that the action between two such elements must be along the line which joins them. Although this assumption is most warrantable and philosophical in the present state of science, it will be more conducive to freedom of investigation if we endeavour to do without it, and to assume the laws of closed currents as the ultimate datum of experiment. Ampére has shewn that when currents are combined according to the law of the parallelogram of forces, the force due to the resultant current is the resultant of the forces due to the component currents, and that equal and opposite currents generate equal and opposite forces, and when combined neutralize each other. He has also shewn that a closed circuit of any form has no tendency to turn a moveable circular conductor about a fixed axis through the centre of the circle perpendicular to its plane, and that therefore the forces in the case of a closed circuit render Xda+ Ydy+Zdz a complete differential. Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 49 Finally, he has shewn that if there be two systems of circuits similar and similarly situated, the quantity of electrical current in corresponding conductors being the same, the resultant forces are equal, whatever be the absolute dimensions of the systems, which proves that the forces are, ceteris paribus, inversely as the square of the distance. From these results it follows that the mutual action of two closed currents whose areas are very small is the same as that of two elementary magnetic bars magnetized perpendicularly to the plane of the currents. The direction of magnetization of the equivalent magnet may be predicted by remembering that a current travelling round the earth from east to west as the sun appears to do, would be equivalent to that magnetization which the earth actually possesses, and therefore in the reverse direction to that of a magnetic needle when pointing freely. If a number of closed unit currents in contact exist on a surface, then at all points in which two currents are in contact there will be two equal and opposite currents which will produce no effect, but all round the boundary of the surface occupied by the currents there will be a residual current not neutralized by any other; and therefore the result will be the same as that of a single unit current round the boundary of all the currents, From this it appears that the external attractions of a shell uniformly magnetized perpendicular to its surface are the same as those due to a current round its edge, for each of the elementary currents in the former case has the same effect as an element of the magnetic shell. If we examine the lines of magnetic force produced by a closed current, we shall find that they form closed curves passing round the current and embracing it, and that the total intensity of the magnetizing force all along the closed line of force depends on the quantity of the electric current only. The number of unit lines* of magnetic force due to a closed current depends on the form as well as the quantity of the current, but the number of unit cells+ in each complete line of force is measured simply by the number of unit currents which embrace it. The unit cells in this case are portions of space in which unit of magnetic quantity is produced by unity of magnetizing force. The length of a cell is therefore inversely as the intensity of the magnetizing force, and its section is inversely as the quantity of magnetic induction at that point. The whole number of cells due to a given current is therefore proportional to the strength of the current multiplied by the number of lines of force which pass through it. If by any change of the form of the conductors the number of cells can be increased, there will be a force tending to produce that change, so that there is always a force urging a conductor transverse to the lines of magnetic force, so as to cause more lines of force to pass through the closed circuit of which the conductor forms a part. The number of cells due to two given currents is got by multiplying the number of lines of inductive magnetic action which pass through each by the quantity of the currents respectively. Now by (9) the number of lines which pass through the first current is the sum of its own lines and those of the second current which would pass through the first if the * Exp. Res. (3122). See Art. (6) of this paper. Vous.) Parr dl, + Art. (13). ῆ δ0 Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. second current alone were in action. Hence the whole number of cells will be increased by any motion which causes more lines of force to pass through either circuit, and therefore the resultant force will tend to produce such a motion, and the work done by this force during the motion will be measured by the number of new cells produced. All the actions of closed conductors on each other may be deduced from this principle. On Electric Currents produced by Induction. Faraday has shewn * that when a conductor moves transversely to the lines of magnetic force, an electro-motive force arises in the conductor, tending to produce acurrent in it. If the conductor is closed, there is a continuous current, if open, tension is the result. If a closed conductor move transversely to the lines of magnetic induction, then, if the number of lines which pass through it does not change during the motion, the electro-motive forces in the circuit will be in equilibrium, and there will be no current. Hence the electro-motive forces depend on the number of lines which are cut by the conductor during the motion, If the motion be such that a greater number of lines pass through the circuit formed by the conductor after than before the motion, then the electro-motive force will be measured by the increase of the number of lines, and will generate a current the reverse of that which would have produced the additional lines. When the number of lines of inductive magnetic action through the circuit is increased, the induced current will tend to diminish the number of the lines, and when the number is diminished the induced current will tend to increase them. That this is the true expression for the law of induced currents is shewn from the fact that, in whatever way the number of lines of magnetic induction passing through the circuit be increased, the electro-motive effect is the same, whether the increase take place by the motion of the conductor itself,or of other conductors, or of magnets, or by the change of intensity of other currents, or by the magnetization or demagnetization of neighbouring magnetic bodies; or lastly by the change of intensity of the current itself. In all these cases the electro-motive force depends on the change in the number of lines of inductive magnetic action which pass through the circuit f. * Exp. Res. (3077), &c. + The electro-magnetic forces, which tend to produce motion of the material conductor, must be carefully distinguished from the electro-motive forces, which tend to produce electric currents. Let an electric current be passed through a mass of metal of any form. The distribution of the currents within the metal will be determined by the laws of conduction. Now let a constant electric current be passed through another conductor near the first. If the two currents are in the same direction the two conductors will be attracted towards each other, and would come nearer if not held in their positions. But though the material conductors are attracted, the currents (which are free to choose any course within the metal) will not alter their original distribution, or incline towards each other. For, since no change takes place in the system, there will be no electromotive forces to modify the original distribution of currents. In this case we have electro-magnetic forces acting on the material conductor, without any electro-motive forces tending to modify the current which it carries. Let us take as another example the case of a linear con- ductor, not forming a closed circuit, and let it be made to traverse the lines of magnetic force, either by its own motion, or by changes in the magnetic field. An electro-motive force will act in the direction of the conductor, and, as it cannot produce a current, because there is no circuit, it will produce electric tension at the extremities. There will be no electromagnetic attraction on the material conductor, for this attraction depends on the existence of the current within it, and this is prevented by the circuit not being closed. Here then we have the opposite case of an electro-motive force acting on the electricity in the conductor, but no attraction on its material particles. Mr MAXWELL, ΟΝ FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 51 It is natural to suppose that a force of this kind, which depends on a change in the number of lines, is due to a change of state which is measured by the number of these lines: A closed conductor in a magnetic field may be supposed to be in a certain state arising from the magnetic action. As long as this state remains unchanged no effect takes place, but, when the state changes, electro-motive forces arise, depending as to their intensity and direction on this change of state. I cannot do better here than quote a passage from the first series of Faraday’s Experimental Researches, Art. (60). “While the wire is subject to either volta-electric or magneto-electric induction it appears to be in a peculiar state, for it resists the formation of an electrical current in it; whereas, if in its common condition, such a current would be produced ; and when left uninfluenced it has the power of originating a current, a power which the wire does not possess under ordinary circumstances. This electrical condition of matter has not hitherto been recognised, but it probably exerts a very important influence in many if not most of the phenomena produced by currents of electricity. For reasons which will immediately appear (71) I have, after advising with several learned friends, ventured to designate it as the electro-tonic state.” Finding that all the phenomena could be otherwise explained without reference to the electrotonic state, Faraday in his second series rejected it as not necessary; but in his recent researches* he seems still to think that there may be some physical truth in his conjecture about this new state of bodies. The conjecture of a philosopher so familiar with nature may sometimes be more pregnant with truth than the best established experimental law discovered by empirical inquirers, and though not bound to admit it as a physical truth, we may accept it as a new idea by which our mathematical conceptions may be rendered clearer. In this outline of Faraday’s electrical theories, as they appear from a mathematical point of view, I can do no more than simply state the mathematical methods by which I believe that electrical phenomena can be best comprehended and reduced to calculation, and my aim has been to present the mathematical ideas to the mind in an embodied form, as systems of lines or surfaces, and not as mere symbols, which neither convey the same ideas, nor readily adapt themselves to the phenomena to be explained. The idea of the electro-tonic state, however, has not yet presented itself to my mind in such a form that its nature and properties may be clearly explained without reference to mere symbols, and therefore I propose in the following investigation to use symbols freely, and to take for granted the ordinary mathematical operations. By a careful study of the laws of elastic solids and of the motions of viscous fluids, I hope to discover a method of forming a mechanical conception of this electro-tonic state adapted to general reasoning +. Part 11. On Faraday’s “ Electro-tonic State.” When a conductor moves in the neighbourhood of a current of electricity, or of a magnet, or when a current or magnet near the conductor is moved, or altered in intensity, then a force * (3172) (3269). tion of Electric, Magnetic and Galvanic Forces. Camb. and + See Prof. W. Thomson On a Mechanical Representa- | Dub. Math. Jour, Jan. 1847. 7—2 52 Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. acts on the conductor and produces electric tension, or a continuous current, according as the ‘circuit is open or closed. This current is produced only by changes of the electric or magnetic phenomena surrounding the conductor, and as long as these are constant there is no observed effect on the conductor. Still the conductor is in different states when near a current or magnet, and when away from its influence, since the removal or destruction of the current or magnet occasions a current, which would not have existed if the magnet or current had not been previously in action. Considerations of this kind led Professor Faraday to connect with his discovery of the induction of electric currents, the conception of a state into which all bodies are thrown by the presence of magnets and currents. This state does not manifest itself by any known phenomena as long as it is undisturbed, but any change in this state is indicated by a current or tendency towards a current. To this state he gave the name of the ““ Electro-tonic State,” and although he afterwards succeeded in explaining the phenomena which suggested it by means of less hypothetical conceptions, he has on several occasions hinted at the probability that some phenomena might be discovered which would render the electro-tonic state an object of legitimate induction. These speculations, into which Faraday had been led by the study of laws which he has well established, and which he abandoned only for want of experimental data for the direct proof of the unknown state, have not, I think, been made the subject of mathematical investigation. Perhaps it may be thought that the quantitative determinations of the various phenomena are not sufficiently rigorous to be made the basis of a mathematical theory; Faraday, however, has not contented himself with simply stating the numerical results of his experiments and leaving the law to be discovered by calculation. Where he has perceived a law he has at once stated it, in terms as unambiguous as those of pure mathematics; and if the mathematician, receiving this as a physical truth, deduces from it other laws capable of being tested by experiment, he has merely assisted the physicist in arranging his own ideas, which is confessedly a necessary step in scientific induction. In the following investigation, therefore, the laws established by Faraday will be assumed as true, and it will be shewn that by following out his speculations other and more general laws can be deduced from them. If it should then appear that these laws, originally devised to include one set of phenomena, may be generalized so as to extend to phenomena of a different class, these mathematical connexions may suggest to physicists the means of establishing physical connexions; and thus mere speculation may be turned to account in experimental science, On Quantity and Intensity as Properties of Electric Currents. It is found that certain effects of an electric current are equal at whatever part of the circuit they are estimated. The quantities of water or of any other electrolyte decomposed at two different sections of the same circuit, are always found to be equal or equivalent, however different the material and form of the circuit may be at the two sections. The magnetic effect of a conducting wire is also found to be independent of the form or material of the wire Mr MAXWELL, ΟΝ FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 53 in the same circuit. There is therefore an electrical effect which is equal at every section of the circuit. If we conceive of the conductor as the channel along which a fluid is constrained to move, then the quantity of fluid transmitted by each section will be the same, and we may define the quantity of an electric current to be the quantity of electricity which passes across a complete section of the current in unit of time. We may for the present measure quantity of electricity by the quantity of water which it would decompose in unit of time. In order to express mathematically the electrical currents in any conductor, we must have a definition, not only of the entire flow across a complete section, but also of the flow at a given point in a given direction. : Der. The quantity of a current at a given point and in a given direction is measured, when uniform, by the quantity of electricity which flows across unit of area taken at that point perpendicular to the given direction, and when variable by the quantity which would flow across this area, supposing the flow uniformly the same as at the given point. In the following investigation, the quantity of electric current at the point (yz) estimated in the directions of the axes w, y, x respectively will be denoted by a, ὅ; cs. The quantity of electricity which flows in unit of time through the elementary area dS’ = dS (la, + mb, + ne), where Jmn are the direction-cosines of the normal to dS. This flow of electricity at any point of a conductor is due to the electro-motive forces which act at that point. These may be either external or internal. External electro-motive forces arise either from the relative motion of currents and magnets, or from changes in their intensity, or from other causes acting at a distance. Internal electro-motive forces arise principally from difference of electric tension at points of the conductor in the immediate neighbourhood of the point in question. The other causes are variations of caemical composition or of temperature in contiguous parts of the conductor. Let p, represent the electric tension at any point, and X, Y, Z, the sums of the parts of all the electro-motive forces arising from other causes resolved parallel to the co-ordinate axes, then if a, B, ry, be the effective electro-motive forces a, = X,- d“pδ, ε dp, phage (A) aw ierdp, ἢ| Now the quantity of the current depends on the electro-motive force and on the resistance of the medium. If the resistance of the medium be uniform in all directions and equal to k,, ας = KA, Be = Κ,}.» y= kCo, (B) but if the resistance be different in different directions, the law will be more complicated. These quantities a, (8, Ὑ5 may be considered as representing the intensity of the electric action in the directions of wyz. δ4 Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. The intensity measured along an element do of a curve e=la+m3+ny, where Zmn are the direction-cosines of the tangent. The integral fedo taken with respect to a given portion of a curve line, represents the total intensity along that line. If the curve is a closed one, it represents the total intensity of the electro-motive force in the closed curve. Substituting the values of aB-y from equations (A) fedo= [(Χάω + Ydy + Zdz) -—p+C. If, therefore (Xdx + Ydy + Zdz) is a complete differential, the value of feda for a closed curve will vanish, and in all closed curves Jedo = {(Xdx + Ydy + Zdz), the integration being effected along the curve, so that in a closed curve the total intensity of the effective electro-motive force is equal to the total intensity of the impressed electro- motive force. The total quantity of conduction through any surface is expressed by fedS, where e=la+mb +n¢, inn being the direction-cosines of the normal, fedS= ffadydz + [[bdzdx + f{edxdy, the integrations being effected over the given surface. When the surface is a closed one, then we may find by integration by parts fas = [2 + ἦνὉ 12)4 dy de. If we make feds = 40 |[fedadyde, where the integration on the right side of the equation is effected over every part of space within the surface. In a large class of phenomena, including all cases of uniform currents, the quantity p disappears. Magnetic Quantity and Intensity. From his study of the lines of magnetic force, Faraday has been led to the conclusion that in the tubular surface* formed by a system of such lines, the quantity of magnetic induction across any section of the tube is constant, and that the alteration of the character of these lines in passing from one substance to another, is to be explained by a difference of inductive capacity in the two substances, which is analogous to conductive power in the theory of electric currents. * Exp. Res. 3271, definition of “ Sphondyloid.”” Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 55 In the following investigation we shall have occasion to treat of magnetic quantity and intensity in connexion with electric. In such cases the magnetic symbols will be distinguished by the suffix 1, and the electric by the suffix 2. The equations connecting a, 6, 6, k, a, β, y; p, and p, are the same in form as those which we have just given, a, 6, ὁ are the symbols of magnetic induction with respect to quantity ; 4, denotes the resistance to magnetic induction, and may be different in different directions; a, β, ‘y, are the effective magnetizing forces, connected with a, 6, c, by equations (B); p, is the magnetic tension or potential which will be afterwards explained; p denotes the density of real magnetic matter and is connected with a, ὃ, ¢ by equations (C). As all the details of magnetic calculations will be more intelligible after the exposition of the connexion of magnetism with electricity, it will be sufficient here to say that all the definitions of total quantity, with respect to a surface, and total intensity with respect to a curve, apply to the case of magnetism as well as to that of electricity. Electro-magnetism. Ampére has proved the following laws of the attractions and repulsions currents : I. Equal and opposite currents generate equal and opposite forces, of electric II. A crooked current is equivalent to a straight one, provided the two currents nearly coincide throughout their whole length. III. Equal currents traversing similar and similarly situated closed curves act with equal forces, whatever be the linear dimensions of the circuits. IV. A closed current exerts no force tending to turn a circular conductor about its centre. It is to be observed, that the currents with which Ampére worked were constant and therefore re-entering. All his results are therefore deduced from experiments on closed. currents, and his expressions for the mutual action of the elements of a current involve the assumption that this action is exerted in the direction of the line joining those elements. This assumption is no doubt warranted by the universal consent of men of science in treating of attractive forces considered as due to the mutual action of particles; but at present we are proceeding on a different principle, and searching for the explanation of the phenomena, not in the currents alone, but also in the surrounding medium. The first and second Jaws shew that currents are to be combined like velocities or forces. The third law is the expression of a property of all attractions which may be conceived of as depending on the inverse square of the distance from a fixed system of points; and the fourth shews that the electro-magnetic forces may always be reduced to the attractions and repulsions of imaginary matter properly distributed. In fact, the action of a very small electric circuit on a point in its neighbourhood is identical with that of a small magnetic element on a point outside it. If we divide any given portion of a surface into elementary areas, and cause equal currents to flow in the same direction round all these little areas, the effect on a point not in the surface will be the 56 Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. same as that of a shell coinciding with the surface, and uniformly magnetized normal to its surface. But by the first law all the currents forming the little circuits will destroy one another, and leave a single current running round the bounding line. So that the magnetic effect of a uniformly magnetized shell is equivalent to that of an electric current round the edge of the shell. If the direction of the current coincide with that of the apparent motion of the sun, then the direction of magnetization of the imaginary shell will be the same as that of the real magnetization of the earth*. The total intensity of magnetizing force in a closed curve passing through and embracing the closed current is constant, and may therefore be made a measure of the quantity of the current. As this intensity is independent of the form of the closed curve and depends only on the quantity of the current which passes through it, we may consider the elementary case of the current which flows through the elementary area dyds. Let the axis of # point towards the west, x towards the south, and y upwards. Let ayz be the position of a point in the middle of the area dydx, then the total intensity measured round the four sides of the element is τῇ (x oF) ax Total intensity = [d,- --oS)aydz. The quantity of electricity conducted through the elementary area dydz is a,dydz, and therefore if we define the measure of an electric current to be the total intensity of magnetizing force in a closed curve embracing it, we shall have πος ὐμαν .} 2 ds ~ dy’ δ: τὼ dry, _day yada? Sih eg da, dB, Cy dy da ant nee tee These equations enable us to deduce the distribution of the currents of electricity whenever we know the values of a, β, yy, the magnetic intensities. Ifa, β, Ὑ be exact differentials of a function of wyz with respect to #, y and s respectively, then the values of a, ὃς ὁ5 disappear; * See Experimental Researches (3265) for the relations between the electrical and magnetic circuit, considered as mutually embracing curves. Mr MAXWELL, ΟΝ FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 57 and we know that the magnetism is not produced by electric currents in that part of the field which we are investigating. It is due either to the presence of permanent magnetism within the field, or to magnetizing forces due to external causes. We may observe that the above equations give by differentiation da, db, de, da rfdy μὲdz which is the equation of continuity for closed currents. Our investigations are therefore for the present limited to closed currents; and in fact we know little of the magnetic effects of any currents which are not closed. Before entering on the calculation of these electric and magnetic states it may be advantageous to state certain general theorems, the truth of which may be established analytically. The equation Tueorem I. oot eV as : 0, +ay? * Sagick: Sp= (where V and p are functions ενwys never she and vanishing for all points at an infinite distance,) can be satisfied by one, and only one, value of V. See Art. (17) above. Tueorem II. The value of V which will satisfy the above conditions is found by integrating the expression pdrdydx ie -a'|bty- ψ + z- z' |)! where the limits of zyx are such as to include every point of space where p is finite. The proofs of these theorems may be found in any work on attractions or electricity, and in particular in Green’s Essay on the Application of Mathematics to Electricity. See Arts. 18, 19 of this Paper. See also Gauss, on Attractions, translated in Taylx’s Scientific Memoirs. Tueorem ITI, Let U and V be two functions of vyz, then ΟὟ at av CGY dUdV dUdV I e Se ἐμ .5 +feg 1.5) ttyl Τ=ῊΝ { ada da * dy dy * de adzp)ἀπάγάς . where the integrations are supposed to at over all the space in which U and Vhave values differing from 0.—(Green, p. 10.) This theorem shews that if there be two attracting systems the actions between them are equal and opposite. And by making U = V we find that the potential of a system on itself is proportional to the integral of the square of the resultant attraction through all space; a Vor. X. Part I. 8 58 Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. result deducible from Art. (30), since the volume of each cell is inversely as the square of the velocity (Arts. 12, 13), and therefore the number of cells in a given space is directly as the square of the velocity. Turorem IV. Let a, 3, y, p be quantities finite through a certain space and vanishing in the space beyond, and let & be given for all parts of space as a continuous or discontinuous function of wyz, then the equation in p d i dp dil dp ac are (6-3 vafae τίν - SE)+ 4x0 το, has one, and only one solution, in which p is always finite and vanishes at an infinite distance. The proof of this theorem, by Prof. W. Thomson, may be found in the Cambridge and Dublin Math. Journal, Jan. 1848. If aBy be the electro-motive forces, p the electric tension, and & the coefficient of resist- ance, then the above equation is identical with the equation of continuity day Poni de, da * d dy y* dz +47p = 0; and the theorem shews that when the electro-motive forces and the rate of production of electricity at every part of space are given, the value of the electric tension is determinate. Since the mathematical laws of magnetism are identical with those of electricity, as far as we now consider them, we may regard α β as magnetizing forces, p as magnetic tension, and p as real magnetic density, k being the coefficient of resistance to magnetic induction. The proof of this theorem rests on the determination of the minimum value of " d a= (if, («- a avy ἢ d dV\2 1 d τ} Ls(8 - ar ia) εχίν- Ἢ ε dV a ‘Steay de where Vis got from the equation Vv ¢g av ie Beedyoere * ae + 47p= 0, and p has to be determined. The meaning of this integral in electrical language may be thus brought out. If the pre- sence of the media in which & has various values did not affect the distribution of forces, then the “quantity” resolved i: n # would be sPimply dnVm and the i: ntensi:ty & ἼdVΣ But the actual quan- 1 d, d tity and intensity are τ(« - =) and a -- τῇ, and the parts due to the distribution of media alone are therefore Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 59 Now the product of these represents the work done on account of this distribution of media, the distribution of sources being determined, and taking in the terms in y and z we get the expression Q for the total work done by that part of the whole effect at any point which is due to the distribution of conducting media, and not directly to the presence of the sources. This quantity Q is rendered a minimum by one and only one value of p, namely, that which satisfies the original equation. TuHeorEM V. If a, ὃ. e be three functions of w, y, z satisfying the equation i Backes spe de dy dz Ὁ it is always possible to find three functions a, 8, Ὑ which shall satisfy the equations GePy dz dy ᾿ dy ἀα. ἀν dz ᾿ da ἀβ ὩΣ Let A = fedy, where the integration is to be performed upon ὁ considered as a function of y, treating w and κ' as constants. -Let B = Jadz, C = [bdv, A’=/bdz, B’ = fedx, C’ = (κὰν, integrated in the same way. Then ee Pa ghdx a B= B-B + oA, i y=C-C 7 } aἃ: will satisfy the given equations; for d d d db τ -τῆς [τ ds -{¢abi pi dv + [Fay and om (Bde + [dos [Fass ai 8 a dτyσ αν ἂdaν + fdaa dy + [dπa =a. 00 Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. In the same way it may be shewn that the values of a, , Ὑ satisfy the other given equations. The function y, may be considered at present as perfectly indeterminate. The method here given is taken from Prof. W. Thomson’s memoir on Magnetism (Phil. Trans. 1851, p. 283). As we cannot perform the required integrations when a, 6, 6 are discontinuous functions of ἃ, y, 2, the following method, which is perfectly general though more complicated, may indicate more clearly the truth of the proposition. Let A, B, C be determined from the equations dPAat*@αAν * aadea 7 sens TB aB ὌΣPΣΕhe dya?] aeaa b=0, ard o.PC @&C da * dy? * ae +c=0, by the methods of Theorems I. and II., so that 4, B, C are never infinite, and vanish when a, y, or αὶ is infinite. Also let "aἀβ deC edy dC dA <& Bs dx dz * dy’ . 44 dB LWdy “dy da dz’ then ἀβ dy _ Ὁ (442, ὩΣ ἘΞ +54+ 54) ds dy daw\duw ἂν ἀξ da dy ds d (dA dB adc * da (= dy * ay If we find similar equations in y and x, and differentiate the first by , the second by y, and the third by x, remembering the equation between a, ὃ, c, we shall have eda?s*dy’ * +dz.? )((4τ dB 2dC)" _o.; and since A, B, C are always finite and vanish at an infinite distance, the only solution of this equation is and we have finally with two similar equations, shewing that a, 8, y have been rightly determined. Mr MAXWELL, ΟΝ FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 61 The function y, is to be determined from the condition da dB dy ee - αἵ ad Ldaaγα * odrye + Ἔ oe Σ ΣῊ if the left-hand side of this equation be always zero, ψ' must be zero also. Tueorem VI. Let a, ὃ, ὁ be any three functions of #, Y, 2, it is possible to find three functions a, β, Ὕ and a fourth V, so that du *dy * ds" ” dB dy dV and hace hag ἣν + ao? b dy da dV de dz dy’ ᾿ da dB dV dy ἄν dz Let da db de ‘ dx * dy dz BE? and let V be found from the equation ¢ BV ον dav da® + dy? * age =~ ΠΡ then ; dV a ee > δ ἢ αὶ | dy | satisfy the condition ee dV a ee da db dé ὃ ἀφ * dy Ἢ ἀπ᾿ Ὁ and therefore we can find three functions 4, B, C, and from these a, B, Ὑ, so as to satisfy the given equations. TueEorEm VII. The integral throughout infinity Q = fff(aa, + 6,8; + evy:)dadydz, 62 Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. where a,b, 6)» a; 3; Ὑι are any functions whatsoever, is capable of transformation into Q = + [iff4mrppr — (acts + Bobo + γ.0.}} dadydz, in which the quantities are found from the equations ag a ee da, μὲdb, δι ie ‘ adἼeaΣ, Bdedpayt, = —aΝ—Δ] ++ 4 4701, = 0; a, Bo yo V are determined from a, ὃ, ¢, by the last theorem, so that ya eee πως OE dz dy ‘dx a, b, c, are found from a, 8; y, by the equations . and p is found from the equation pd ς ΞῚ Ἐπ at &e ἀξ dy For, if we put a, in the form dBy ἀγ. dV dz dy da’ and treat b, and 6) similarly, then we have by integration by parts thfugh infinity, remembering that all the functions vanish at the limits, 9- - Π γα τὰ+B) το φῇ) als-ἀ):» (dka>,y dip,a)[αυάγάς, or and by Theorem ITI, so that finally Q=+ [ἀπ Κρ) = (a,d,+ Bobo + yote) }dadydz, [[[Vp'dadydz = [[/ppddydz, Q = [Ifξ4πρρ — (αγας + Bibs = yr}sda)dyds. If a,b, οἱ represent the components of magnetic quantity, and a, βι γι those of magnetic intensity, then p will represent the real magnetic density, and p the magnetic potential or tension. ὧς ὃ; c, will be the components of quantity of electric currents, and ay By Ὑο will be three functions deduced from a, 6,¢,, which will be found to be the mathematical expression for Faraday’s Electro-tonic state. Let us now consider the bearing of these analytical theorems on the theory of magnetism. Whenever we deal with quantities relating to magnetism, we shall distinguish them by the suffix (,). Thus a,6,¢, are the components resolved in the directions of #, y, z of the Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 63 quantity of magnetic induction acting through a given point, and a,B,y; are the resolved intensities of magnetization at the same point, or, what is the same thing, the components of the force which would be exerted on a unit south pole of a magnet placed at that point without disturbing the distribution of magnetism. The electric currents are found from the magnetic intensities by the equations When there are no electric currents, then a,dx + B,dy + yidz = dp,, a perfect differential of a function of a, y,z. On the principle of analogy we may call p, the magnetic tension. The forces which act on a mass m of south magnetism at any point are —m—ddpx,’,—-m—dd,py,’ and —m—dz’ in the direction of the axes, and therefore the whole work done during any displacement of a magnetic system is equal to the decrement of the integral Q = S/ppidadyds throughout the system. Let us now call Q the total potential of the system on itself. The increase or decrease of Q will measure the work lost or gainedby any displacement of any part of the system, and will therefore enable us to determine the forces acting on that part of the system. By Theorem III. Q may be put under the form 1 Q = + re [[faa + b,B, + yy: )dadydz, in which a, 8, γι are the differential coefficients of p, with respect to a, y, x respectively. If we now assume that this expression for Q is true whatever be the values of a, βι γι» we pass from the consideration of the magnetism of permanent magnets to that of the magnetic effects of electric currents, and we have then by Theorem VII. ‘Q= [ff\pe -- = (aes+ Bib. + γι) ἡμιάγαν. So that in the case of electric currents, the components of the currents have to be multiplied by the functions a,3,ry. respectively, and the summations of all such products throughout the system gives us the part of Q due to those currents. We have now obtained in the functions ay 8, yo the means of avoiding the consideration of the quantity of magnetic induction which passes through the circuit. Instead of this artificial method we have the natural one of considering the current with reference to quantities existing in the same space with the current itself. ΤῸ these I give the name of Electro-tonic functions, or components of the Electro-tonic intensity. 64 Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. Let us now consider the conditions of the conduction of the electric currents within the medium during changes in the electro-tonic state. The method which we shall adopt is an application of that given by Helmholtz in his memoir on the Conservation of Force*. Let there’be some external source of electric currents which would generate in the conducting mass currents whose quantity is measured by a, 6, ¢, and their intensity by a, B. ys Then the amount of work due to this cause in the time dé is dt {ff(α;ας ὙΠ b3. + Cxry2)dadydz in the form of resistance overcome, and 4BπeddtSfif(α,ας + b, By + Cory))dudydz in the form of work done mechanically by the electro-magnetic action of these currents. If there be no external cause producing currents, then the quantity representing the whole work done by the external cause must vanish, and we have Ὶ dt d dt ffjf(aya.+ ὃ.. + Cyty2)dadydz+ oe I[f/(fasa + 6,3, + Cory )dadydz, where the integrals are taken through any arbitrary space. We must therefore have Az 1d + b.B. + ΡΝ Δ = ree a) + 8, a C20) for every point of space; and it must be remembered that the variation of Q is supposed due to variations of αὐ 3,7, and not of a,b,c,. We must therefore treat a,b,c, as constants, and the equation becomes α[α,e- e1)daa,) a+b b(y |βPεyεicαt1ςee1sa5.) +6,(v+e + —51 dry, x) =0. In order that this equation may be independent of the values of a, ὃ; ¢,, each of these coefficients must =0; and therefore we have the following expressions for the electro-motive forces due to the action of magnets and currents at a distance in terms of the electro-tonic functions, It appears from experi:ment that the expressi2o5 n Τoα n refers to the change of electro-tonic: state of a given particle of the conductor, whether due to change in the electro-tonic functions themselves or to the motion of the particle. Ifa, be expressed as a function of a, y, x, and ¢, and if a, y, x be the co-ordinates of a moving article, then the electro-motive force measured in the direction of a is 1 (= dx da, dy da dz day’ Cg Ssσο 4π ἀν dt + dy dt” ds dict sae} * Translated in Taylor’s New Scientific Memoirs, Part 11. Mr MAXWELL, ΟΝ FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 65 The expressions for the electro-motive forces in y and x are similar. The distribution of currents due to these forces depends on the form and arrangement of the conducting media and on the resultant electric tension at any point. The discussion of these functions would involve us in mathematical formule, of which this paper is already too full, It is only on account of their physical importance as the mathematical expression of one of Faraday’s conjectures that I have been induced to exhibit them at all in their present form. By a more patient consideration of their relations, and with the help of those who are engaged in physical inquiries both in this subject and in others not obviously connected with it, I hope to exhibit the theory of the electro-tonic state in a form in which all its relations may be distinctly conceived without reference to analytical calcula- tions. Summary of the Theory of the Electro-tonic State. We may conceive of the electro-tonic state at any point of space as a quantity determinate in magnitude and direction, and we may represent the electro-tonic condition of a portion of space by any mechanical system which has at every point some quantity, which may be a velocity, a displacement, or a force, whose direction and magnitude correspond to those of the supposed electro-tonic state. This representation involves no physical theory, it is only a kind of artificial notation. In analytical investigations we make use of the three components of the electro-tonic state, and call them electro-tonic functions. We take the resolved part of the electro-tonic intensity at every point of a closed curve, and find by integration what we may call the entire electro-tonic intensity round the curve. Prov. I. Jf on any surface a closed curve be drawn, and if the surface within it be divided into small areas, then the entire intensity round the closed curve is equal to the sum of the intensities round each of the small areas, all estimated in the same direction. For, in going round the small areas, every boundary line between two of them is passed along twice in opposite directions, and the intensity gained in the one case is lost in the other. Every effect of passing along the interior divisions is therefore neutralized, and the whole effect is that due to the exterior closed curve. Lawl. The entire electro-tonic intensity round the boundary of an element of surface measures the quantity of magnetic induction which passes through that surface, or, in other words, the number of lines of magnetic force which pass through that surface. By Prop. I. it appears that what is true of elementary surfaces is true also of surfaces of finite magnitude, and therefore any two surfaces which are bounded by the same closed curve will have the same quantity of magnetic induction through them. Law II. The magnetic intensity at any point is connected with the quantity of magnetic induction by a set of linear equations, called the equations of conduction*. * See Art. (28). Vor. X. Part I. 9 66 Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY'S LINES OF FORCE. Law III. The entire magnetic intensity round the boundary of any surface measures the quantity of electric current which passes through that surface. LawIV. The quantity and intensity of electric currents are connected by a system of equations of conduction. By these four laws the magnetic and electric quantity and intensity may be deduced from the values of the electro-tonic functions. I have not discussed the values of the units, as that will be better done with reference to actual experiments. We come next to the attraction of conductors of currents, and to the induction of currents within conductors, Law V. The total electro-magnetic potential of a closed current is measured by the product of the quantity of the current multiplied by the entire electro-tonic intensity estimated in the same direction round the circutt. Any displacement of the conductors which would cause an increase in the potential will be assisted by a force measured by the rate of increase of the potential, so that the mechanical work done during the displacement will be measured by the increase of potential. Although in certain cases a displacement in direction or alteration of intensity of the current might increase the potential, such an alteration would not itself produce work, and there will be no tendency towards this displacement, for alterations in the current are due to electro-motive force, not to electro-magnetic attractions, which can only act on the conductor. Law VI. The electro-motive force on any element of a conductor is measured by the instantaneous rate of change of the electro-tonic intensity on that element, whether in magnitude or direction, The electro-motive force in a closed conductor is measured by the rate of change of the entire electro-tonic intensity round the circuit referred to unit of time. It is independent of the nature of the conductor, though the current produced varies inversely as the resistance; and it is the same in whatever way the change of electro-tonic intensity has been produced, whether by motion of the conductor or by alterations in the external circumstances. In these six laws I have endeavoured to express the idea which I believe to be the mathematical foundation of the modes of thought indicated in the Eaperimental Researches. I do not think that it contains even the shadow of a true physical theory; in fact, its chief merit as a temporary instrument of research is that it does not, even in appearance, account for anything. There exists however a professedly physical theory of electro-dynamics, which is so elegant, so mathematical, and so entirely different from anything in this paper, that I must state its axioms, at the risk of repeating what ought to be well_known. It is contained in M. W. Weber’s Llectro-dynamic Measurements, and may be found in the Transactions of the Leibnitz Society, and of the Royal Society of Sciences of Saxony *. The assumptions are, (1) That two particles of electricity when in motion do not repel each other with the same force as when at rest, but that the force is altered by a quantity depending on the relative motion of the two particles, so that the expression for the repulsion at distance r is * When this was written, I was not aware that part of M. | tal and theoretical, renders the study of his theory necessary to Weber’s Memoir is translated in Taylor’s Scientific Memoirs, | every electrician. Vol. V. Art. x1v. The value of his researches, both experimen- Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 67 e7e’ (1atea r es br d=r) : (2) That when electricity is moving in a conductor, the velocity of the positive fluid relatively to the matter of the conductor is equal and opposite to that of the negative fluid. (3) The total action of one conducting element on another is the resultant of the mutual actions of the masses of electricity of both kinds which are in each. (4) The electro-motive force at any point is the difference of the forces acting on the positive and negative fluids. From these axioms are deducible Ampére’s laws of the attraction of conductors, and those of Neumann and others, for the induction of currents. Here then is a really physical theory, satisfying the required conditions better perhaps than any yet invented, and put forth by a philosopher whose experimental researches form an ample foundation for his mathematical investigations, What is the use then of imagining an electro-tonic state of which we have no distinctly physical conception, instead of a formula of attraction which we can readily understand? I would answer, that it is a good thing to have two waysof looking at a subject, and to admit that there are two ways of looking at it. Besides, I do not think that we have any right at present to understand the action of electricity, and I hold that the chief merit of a temporary theory is, that it shall guide experiment, without impeding the progress of the true theory when it appears. There are also objections to making any ultimate forces in nature depend on the velocity of the bodies between which they act. If the forces in nature are to be reduced to forces acting between particles, the principle of the Conservation of Force requires that these forces should be in the line joining the particles and functions of the distance only. The experiments of M. Weber on the reverse polarity of diamagnetics, which have been recently repeated by Professor Tyndall, establish a fact which is equally a consequence of M. Weber’s theory of electricity and of the theory of lines of force. With respect to the history of the present theory, I may state that the recognition of certain mathematical functions as expressing the “ electro-tonic state” of Faraday, and the use of them in determining electro-dynamiec potentials and electro-motive forces, is, as far as I am aware, original ;but the distinct conception of the possibility of the mathematical expressions arose in my mind froin the perusal of Prof. W. Thomson’s papers ‘‘On a Mechanical Representation of Electric, Magnetic and Galvanic Forces,” Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, January, 1847, and his “‘ Mathematical Theory of Magnetism,” Philosophical Transac- tions, Part I, 1851, ‘Art. 78, &c. As an instance of the help which may be derived from other physical investigations, I may state that after I had investigated the ‘Theorems of this paper Professor Stokes pointed out to me the use which he had made of similar expressions in his “Dynamical Theory of Diffraction,” Section 1, Cambridge Transactions, Vol. IX. Part 1. Whether the theory of these functions, considered with reference to electricity, may lead to new mathematical ideas to be employed in physical research, remains to be seen. I propose in the rest of this paper to discuss a few electrical and magnetic problems with reference to spheres. These are intended merely as concrete examples of the methods of which the theory has been given; I reserve the detailed investigation of cases chosen with special reference to experiment ‘till I have the means of testing their results, 9-- 68 Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. EXxamPLes. I. Theory of Electrical Images. The method of Electrical Images, due to Prof. W. Thomson*, by which the theory of spherical conductors has been reduced to great geometrical simplicity, becomes even more simple when we see its connexion with the methods of this paper, We have seen that the pressure at any point in a uniform medium, due to a spherical shell (radius = @) giving out fluid at the rate of 47Pa? unitFiat s iie n unit> of ti: me, iἾ s ΚΙ —ar 2 outsi:de the shell, and /Pa iΠnΡside iΒΥ)t, where r is the distance of the point from the centre of the shell. If there be two shells, one giving out fluid at a rate 47Pa*, and the other absorbing at the rate 4a P’a’, then the expression for the pressure will be, outside the shells, a 2 a "Ὁ p =4rP r—-4rP’—r, where 7 and γ΄ are the distances from the centres of the two shells. to zero we have, as the surface of no pressure, that for which Equating this expression s P 'q'2 Pa*® Σ Now the surface, for which the distances to two fixed points have a given ratio, is a sphere of which the centre O is in the line joining the centres of the shells CC’ produced, so that _ Pay CO = CC χης Path and its radius Pa’. Pa? Ὁ Ree a ae hae Pa‘? - Pa? a If at the centre of this sphere we place another source of the fluid, then the pressure due to this source must be added to that due to the other two; and since this additional pressure depends only on the distance from the centre, it will be constant at the surface of the sphere, where the pressure due to the two other sources is zero. We have now the means of arranging a system of sources within a given sphere, so that when combined with a given system of sources outside the sphere, they shall produce a given constant pressure at the surface of the sphere. * See a series of papers “On the Mathematical Theory of Electricity,” in the Cambridge and Dublin Math. Jour., beginning March, 1848. Mr MAXWELL, ΟΝ FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 69 Let a be the radius of the sphere, and p the given pressure, and let the given sources be at distances ὃ. ὃς &c. from the centre, and let their rates of production be 4aP,, 4aP, &c. Then if at di:stances aar a &c. (measured i: n the same diBrielcitnion as b,b, &c. from the 1 % centre) we place negative sources whase rates are the pressure at the surface r= a will be reduced to zero. Now placi: ng a source 4 ΜaΗat the centre, the pressure at the surface will be uniform and equal to p. The whole amount of fluid emitted by the surface r= ὦ may be found by adding the rates of production of the sources within it. The result is To apply this result to the case of a conducting sphere, let us suppose the external sources 4nP,, 42P, to be small electrified bodies, containing e, ¢ of positive electricity. Let us also suppose that the whole charge of the conducting sphere is = E previous to the action of the external points. Then all that is required for the complete solution of the problem is, that the surface of the sphere shall be a surface of equal potential, and that the total charge of the surface shall be E. If by any distribution of imaginary sources within the spherical surface we can effect this, the value of the corresponding potential outside the sphere is the true and only one. The potential inside the sphere must really be constant and equal to that at the surface. We must therefore find the images of the external electrified points, that is, for every point at distance b from the centre we must find a point on the same radius at a distance aξ2 and at that poiFnt we must place ἃ quanti: ty=-e ᾿aΞof i. magi:nary electriocsity. 1 1 At the centre we must put a quantity EZ’ such that E'=E++e,0—5a +e, a —ὃ,+ &e.; then if R be the distance from the centre, 7,7, &c. the distances from the electrified points, and 1’,r’, the distances from their images at any point outside the sphere, the potential at that point will be 70 Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. This is the value of the potential outside the sphere. At the surface we have τ so that at the surface ὃ a Rea and e+e = —, γι ὃ a +=— &e. T] *1Ts Pp —+ἀ-—ῶθι 4+ -6vΞ4agὧς, and this must also be the value of p for any point within the sphere. For the application of the principle of electrical images the reader is referred to Prof. Thomson’s papers in the Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal. The only case which we shall consider is that in which ool and 6, is infinitely distant along axis of «, 1 and ΕΞ. The value p outside the sphere becomes then and inside p=0. pale(— 5ae), 11. On the effect of a paramagnetic or diamagnetic sphere in a uniform field of magnetic . force *. The expression for the potential of a small magnet placed at the origin of co-ordinates in the direction of the axis of w is d (m Φ -- (=) =-lm—. dx \r 7 The effect of the sphere in disturbing the lines of force may be swpposed as a first hypothesis to be similar to that of a small magnet at the origin, whose strength is to be determined. (We shall find this to be accurately true.) Let the value of the potential undisturbed by the presence of the sphere be p=In. Let the sphere produce an additional potential, which for external points is p= we, and let the potential within the sphere be P= Bu. Let k’ be the coefficient of resistance outside, and k inside the sphere, then the conditions to be fulfilled are, that the interior and exterior potential should coincide at the * See Prof. Thomson, on the Theory of Magnetic Induction, | induction (not the intensity) within the sphere to that without. Phil. Mag. March, 1851. The inductive capacity of the sphere, according to that paper, is the ratio of the guantity of magnetic It Ἔis ΡtΙheΣrefore eqaual to 1‘° MoRll"Eeaese cceeording to our notation : Mr MAXWELL, ΟΝ FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 7? surface, and that the induction through the surface should be the same whether deduced from the external or the internal potential. Putting «=r cos θ, we have for the external potential 8 p= (w+ 45) cos0, and for the internal p= Br cos 6, and these must be identical when r = a, or Lf + A = iB: The induction through the surface in the external medium is 1 dp = (I-24) c0s 6, ki dr r=a and that through the interior surface is dp, 1 B cos@; ya Je These equations give and .". Η(I-24) = ;B. 1- κα A= cba k 3k Be= The effect outside the sphere is equal to that of a little magnet whose length is ἐ and moment ml, provided . [= —2k_a——+-_kk_ ενa] Suppose this uniform field to be that due to terrestrial magnetism, then, if & is less than Κ΄ as in paramagnetic bodies, the marked end of the equivalent magnet will be turned to the north. If k is greater than k’ as in diamagnetic bodies, the unmarked end of the equivalent magnet would be turned to the north. III. Magnetic field of variable Intensity. Now suppose the intensity in the undisturbed magnetic field to vary in magnitude and direction from one point to another, and that its components in zyx are represented by a, B,y;, then, if as a first approximation we regard the intensity within the sphere as sensibly equal to that at the centre, the change of potential outside the sphere arising from the presence of 72 Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. the sphere, disturbing the lines of force, will be the same as that due to three small magnets at the centre, with their axes parallel to Δ᾽, y, and x, and their moments equal to The actual distribution of potential within and without the sphere may be conceived as the result of a distribution of imaginary magnetic matter on the surface of the sphere; but since the external effect of this superficial magnetism is exactly the same as that of the three small magnets at the centre, the mechanical effect of external attractions will be the same as if the three magnets really existed. Now let three small magnets whose lengths are J, /,,, and strengths m, m, m, exist at the point 2yx with their axes parallel to the axes of wy x; then, resolving the forces on the three magnets in the direction of X, we have Substituting the values of the moments of the imaginary magnets , ! 43 The force impelling the sphere in the direction of w is therefore dependent on the variation of the square of the intensity or (αὐ + β᾽ + y*), as we move along the direction of #, and the same is true for y and x, so that the law is, that the force acting on diamagnetic spheres is from places of greater to places of less intensity of magnetic force, and that in similar distributions of magnetic force it varies as the mass of the sphere and the square of the intensity. It is easy by means of Laplace’s Coefficients to extend the approximation to the value of the potential as far as we please, and to calculate the attraction. For instance, if a north or south magnetic pole whose strength is M, be placed at a distance b from a diamagnetic sphere, radius a, the repulsion will be R24 8.2 @ 4.3 at R= k-¥)5 (Sy + waar e tee ate) When τa. small, the first term giὃves a suffici:ent approximil atioan. The repulsiἐoξnόν is then as the square of the strength of the pole and the mass of the sphere directly and the fifth power of the distance inversely, considering the pole as a point. Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 73 IV. Two Spheres in uniform field. Let two spheres of radius ὦ be connected together so that their centres are kept at a dis- tance b, and let them be suspended in a uniform magnetic field, then, although each sphere by itself would have been in equilibrium at any part of the field, the disturbance of the field will produce forces tending to make the balls set in a particular direction. Let the centre of one of the spheres be taken as origin, then the undisturbed potential is p = Ircos0, and the potential due to the sphere is ; k-k a =e 4 - Κ' r οὐδ el hae: Pἀ ar(i-2sak+idk<τ,)£08 6, 1 dp k-Kk a, τ αθ ΤῸ πεν =) ἴα θ, - ----Ξ -- ---------.-- — dp ἀφ-Ξ =0, dp|? 1 ah 1 A k-k αϑ k—-¥ |'a° & Ps eos pease pepe toes heoe -- 13}1 Rea oe, na 2 ἘΣ 2 : Te te ἘΠ dd asrsin’?@ dp εἰ + oe 7 (1 pack dey ary πα + eos] This is the value of the square of the intensity at any point. The moment tending to turn the combination of balls in the direction of the original force aoe os VFiTπ my ὶ 1 τΠ ssὴ when r = 6, of the couple = 8. eka—-Kl|* ama8 Poe ks-oky, @ΤΥ oe 9, 5 ΤΣ ΣῊ πὶ οὗ +k 5) anda: ᾽ This expression, which must be positive, since 6 is greater than a, gives the moment of a force tending to turn the line joining the centres of the spheres towards the original lines of force. Whether the spheres are magnetic or diamagnetic they tend to set in the axial direction, and that without distinction of north and south. If, however, one sphere be magnetic and the other diamagnetic, the line of centres will set equatoreally.. The magnitude of the force depends on the square of (%— Κ΄), and is therefore quite insensible except in iron *. V. Two Spheres between the poles of a Magnet. Let us next take the case of the same balls placed not in a uniform field but between a north and a south pole, + M, distant 2c from each other in the direction of «. Vor, X. ἈΠ See Prof. Thomson in Phil. Mag. March, 1851. Paezr I. 10 74 Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. The expression for the potential, the middle of the line joining the poles being the origin, is M 1 Ps (FS cos @cr 1 4 c?7++2 cos i)" From this we find as the value of 1", ΤΣ re - 18“ γ sin 26, and the moment to turn a pair of spheres (radius a, distance 2b) in the direction in which @ is increased is k-k Mab? ar ara co sin 20. This force, which tends to turn the line of centres equatoreally for diamagnetic and axially for magnetic spheres, varies directly as the square of the strength of the magnet, the cube of the radius of the spheres and the square of the distance of their centres, and inversely as the sixth power of the distance of the poles of the magnet, considered as points. As long as these poles are near each other this action of the poles will be much stronger than the mutual action of the spheres, so that as a general rule we may say that elongated bodies set axially or equatoreally between the poles of a magnet according as they are magnetic or diamagnetic. If, instead of being placed between two poles very near to each other, they had been placed in a uniform field such as that of terrestrial magnetism or that produced by a spherical electro-magnet (see Ex. VIII.), an elongated body would set axially whether magnetic or diamagnetic. In all these cases the phenomena depend on k—K, so that the sphere conducts itself magnetically or diamagnetically according as it is more or less magnetic, or less or more diamagnetic than the medium in which it is placed. VI. On the Magnetic Phenomena of a Sphere cut from a substance whose coefficient of resistance is different in different directions. Let the axes of magnetic resistance be parallel throughout the sphere, and let them be taken for the axes of a, y, x. . Let k,, ἴω» ks, be the coefficients of resistance in these three directions, and let ζ΄ be that of the external medium, and a the radius of the sphere. Let 7 be the undisturbed magnetic intensity of the field into which the sphere is introduced, and let its direction-cosines be J, m, n. Let us now take the case of a homogeneous sphere whose coefficient is k, placed in a uniform magnetic field whose intensity is 11 in the direction of 2 The resultant potential outside the sphere would be : k,-k αὐ = 1 —_—_—- — P u( toa a)” Mr MAXWELL, ΟΝ FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 75 and for internal points 3k, Pi = 1] a—h——+k a. So that in the interior of the sphere the magnetization is entirely in the direction of «. It is therefore quite independent of the coefficients of resistance in the directions of w and y, which may be changed from k, into k, and &; without disturbing this distribution of magnetism. We may therefore treat the sphere as homogeneous for each of the three components of J, but we must use a different coefficient for each. We find for external points p arnω t my + Ns + (ρπαὰν ey Ke See 2Ikn,-+KKenz)aN=a ; and for internal points oe ( 38k, a Pi= ΕΝ χ' 3k, ss 3k, 2k, + Kk Yy + 2hs+ i na). The external effect is the same as that which would have been produced if the small magnet whose moments are kake,sn-mka’gk)”πο kp— κ 2k,+Iere Ne (Becdadets PETaa fekayta—eskeK ia 3 had been placed at the origin with their directions coinciding with the axes of a,y,x. The effect of the original force J in turning the sphere about the axis of # may be found by taking the moments of the components of that force on these equivalent magnets. The moment of the force in the direction of y acting on the third magnet is and that of the force in s on the second magnet is iy hed 2k,+ hemni*a’*. 2 The whole couple about the axis of 2 is therefore 3k! (Key — ks) (le, + I’)(2k, +) 7": tending to turn the sphere round from tlie axis of y towards that of =. Suppose the sphere to be suspended so that the axis of δ is vertical, and let J be horizontal, then if @ be the angle which the axis of y makes with the direction of 7, m= cos 0, n = — sin@, and the expression for the moment becomes 8 K (k.- ks) (2h, +k’) (2h,+ k’) I*a? sin 20 tending to increase 0. The axis of least resistance therefore sets axially, but with either end indifferently towards the north. Since in all bodies, except iron, the values of & are nearly the same as in a vacuum, 10—2 70 Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. the coefficient of this quantity can be but little altered by changing value in space. The expression then becomes ne ἡ k,—k 3 733 sin 20, the value of k’ tok, the independent of the external medium *. VII. Permanent magnetism in a spherical shell. The case of a homogeneous shell of a diamagnetic or paramagnetic substance presents no difficulty. The intensity within the shell is less than what it would have been if the shell were away, whether the substance of the shell be diamagnetic or paramagnetic. When the resistance of the shell is infinite, and when it vanishes, the intensity within the shell is zero. In the case of no resistance the entire effect of the shell on any point, internal or external, may be represented by supposing a superficial stratum of magnetic matter spread over the outer surface, the density being given by the equation p= 81 cos 0. Suppose the shell now to be converted into a permanent magnet, so that the distribution of imaginary magnetic matter is invariable, then the external potential due to the shell will be 3 »κ--- 1 5 cos 8, and the internal potential p,= — Ir cos 0. ’ Now let us investigate the effect of filling up the shell with some substance of which the resistance is ἔφ the resistance in the external medium being k’. The thickness of the magnetized shell may be neglected. Let the magnetic moment of the permanent magnetism be Ja’, and that of the imaginary superficial distribution due to the medium k= Aa*, Then the potentials are 3 external p’= (I + A) = cos@, internal p, = (J + A) r cos θ. The distribution of real magnetism is the same before and after the introduction of the medium &, so that Gnd fo 1 4 τιν πετῶ εν(1:4), 5- ἢ Ὁ The external effect of the magnetized shell is increased or diminished according as & is greater or less than ζ΄. It is therefore increased by filling up the shell with diamagnetic matter, and diminished by filling it with paramagnetic matter, such as iron. * Taking the more general case of magnetic induction referred to in Art. (28), we find, in the expression for the moment of the magnetic forces, a constant term depending on 7’, besides those terms which depend on sines and cosines of 0. The result is, that in every complete revolution in the negative direction round the axis of 7', a certain positive amount of work is gained; but, since no inexhaustible source of work can exist in nature, we must admit that 7'=0 in all substances, with respect to magnetic induction. This argument does not hold in the case of electric conduction, or in the case of a body through which heat or electricity is passing, for such states are maintained by the continual expenditure of work. See Prof. Thomson, Phil, Mag. March, 1851, p. 186. Mr MAXWELL, ΟΝ FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 77 VIII. Llectro-magnetic spherical shell. Let us take as an example of the magnetic effects of electric currents, an electro-magnet in the form of a thin spherical shell. Let its radius be a, and its thickness ¢, and let its external effect be that of a magnet whose moment is Ja*. Both within and without the shell the magnetic effect may be represented by a potential, but within the substance of the shell, where there are electric currents, the magnetic effects cannot be represented by a potential. Let p’, p, be the external and internal potentials, αϑ p'= 1-r- οο5θ, p, = Ar cos 0, : ἄρ’ ἃ and since there is no permanent magnetism, — = =, when r = a, Α - -- 4]. If we draw any closed curve cutting the shell at the equator, and at some other point for which @ is known, then the total magnetic intensity round this curve will be 3Ia cos @, and as this is a measure of the total electric current which flows through it, the quantity of the current at any point may be found by differentiation. The quantity which flows through the element ¢d@ is — 87. sin θάθ, so that the quantity of the current referred to unit of area of section is - 31:a si; n 8. If the shell be composed of a wire coiled round the sphere so that the number of coils to the inch varies as the sine of 0, then the external effect will be nearly the same as if the shell had been made of a uniform conducting substance, and the currents had been distributed according to the law we have just given. If a wire conducting a current of strength 7, be wound round a sphere of radius a 6 fe Ξ Fi . 24 so that the distance between successive coils measured along the axis of w is —, then n there will be m coils altogether, and the value of J, for the resulting electro-magnet will be = Gnal” The potentials, external and internal, will be p=; τςn aτ?ε088, Pp, =~ 21,n=r=cos 8. The interior of the shell is therefore a uniform magnetic field. . IX. Effect of the core of the electro-magnet. Now let us suppose a sphere of diamagnetic or paramagnetic matter introduced into the electro-magnetic coil. The result may be obtained as in the last case, and the potentials become Τ. ΞΕ,,-nΥ,3k α= cos 8, di =— 21,—n ——88. — The external effect is greater or less than before, according as # is greater or less than &, that is, according as the interior of the sphere is magnetic or diamagnetic with 78 Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. respect to the external medium, and the internal effect is altered in the opposite direction, being greatest for a diamagnetic medium. This investigation explains the effect of introducing an iron core into an electro-magnet. If the value of & for the core were to vanish altogether, the effect of the electro-magnet would be three times that which it has without the core. As & has always a finite value, the effect of the core is less than this. In the interior of the electro-magnet we have a uniform field of magnetic force, the intensity of which may be increased by surrounding the coil with a shell of iron. If k’ = 0, and the shell infinitely thick, the effect on internal points would be tripled. The effect of the core is greater in the case of a cylindric magnet, and greatest of all when the core is a ring of soft iron. X. Electro-tonic functions in spherical electro-magnet. Let us now find the electro-tonic functions due to this electro-magnet. They will be of the form a = 0, By = 8, Yo= - ὧν. where ὦ is some function of γ. each = 0, and this implies Where there are no electric currents, we must have dy», ὃ» cs d (s 73: me dec fey” the solution of which is Ὁ a= Ο᾽ + τ . Within the shell ὦ cannot become infinite; therefore w = C, is the solution, and outside α must vanish at an infinite distance, so that o=—Cs "3 is the solution outside. The magnetic quantity within the shell is found by last article to be -21,26—na a—k—+8;k=+a4= dB, dr dry ἀν therefore within the sphere H=- — Outside the sphere we must determine w so as to coincide at the surface with the internal value. The external value is therefore "ga Ske τῇ where the shell containing the currents is made up of m coils of wire, conducting a current of total quantity J,. Let another wire be coiled round the shell according to the same law, and let the total number of coils be m’; then the total electro-tonic intensity EZ, round the second coil is found by integrating 2π El,= f wa sin Ads, Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. 79 along the whole length of the wire. The equation of the wire is cos 9 = —φ—, n'a where 7 is a large number; and therefore ds = a sin 6ddq, = — an'x sin*6d0, “ς. Ε1,πae---4-π Weswan =~ 28—πann [3k——+1 k. E may be called the electro-tonic coefficient for the particular wire. XI. Spherical electro-magnetic Coil-Machine. We have now obtained the electro-tonic function which defines the action of the one coil on the other. The action of each coil on itself is found by putting n? or mn” for nm’. Let the first coil be connected with an apparatus producing a variable electro-motive force F. Let us find the effects on both wires, supposing their total resistances to be R and R’, and the quantity of the currents 1 and J’. Let NW stand for p8 o(8nk+ok) , then the electro-motive force of the first wire on the second is dI — Nnn Ud ae That of the second on itself is - Nnd” ta—r.’, The equation of the current in the second wire is therefore — Nnn ,a al aei)acaemmEae Peeves ὙΠ ΞΟ ἢ The equation of the current in the first wire is dI al’ ni Ἢ Nnn ae Fe RI (2) = 3 ΤΥ ΑΞ: = eeeeeeveseeoe Eliminating the differential coefficients, we get pagy tiΤΣον n n n τ dN (nR>GR4)mEn’) aαἱtἘΞ RFGtten® GdaF o ἰὼ from which to find Zand I’. For this purpose we require to know the value of F in terms oft. Let us first take the case in which F is constant and 7 and J’ initially = 0. This is the case of an electro-magnetic coil-machine at the moment when the connexion is made with the galvanic trough. Ρ ἂ 80 Mr MAXWELL, ON FARADAY’S LINES OF FORCE. n2 12 Putting 37 for N (7 +7) we find - F # T= (1-67) , n’ -Ξ ΤΑ," . The pri9 mary current i. ncreases very rapi.dly from O to RF and the secondary commences at wes F , ~and speedily vanishes, owing to the value of + being generally very small. The whole work done by either current in heating the wire or in any other kind of action is found from the expression ἐνP Rat. 0 The total quantity of current is fo Tat. 0 For the secondary current we find τὰPRRdiitt==T > τ—ἄ—ρα —τ΄ [ PABἄ! kτoτFarςc