1(8) The Sagnac Effect Explained Using the Special Relativity Theory By Jan Olof Jonson Jan. 27, 2009 ABSTRACT The discovery by Sagnac in the 1910s that a light beam that is forced to travel in a circular path along an orbiting circular disk needs different time to make a revolution, dependent on the direction, along or against. the direction of revolution. Kelly in a paper discusses efforts being made by different scientists in order to explain the Sagnac effect. Kelly himself succeeds in deriving a model able to explain the numerical results, thereby claiming that the Special relativity theory is not needed; a classical approach suffices. Another author, Post, analyses the Sagnac experiment thoroughly and uses the relativistic concept of time dilatation when evaluating an expression for the different propagation time along the two directions of the rays. He thereby uses a model developed by Langevin, which results in an expression for the times for the two rays as if they had a relative velocity approximately equal to c-v and c-v with respect to the sender. He claims this to be in line with the SRT He is speaking of a ‘recasting’ of the Lorentz transformation into polar coordinates. Einstein on his part basically pretends that the relative velocity of light is c, but is also hesitating, when the question of non-liner movement arises. In one connection for example he claims that the time loss for a clock being moved between two points is independent of which way the journey is being performed; it might even be ‘along any polygonal line’, he claims, which is problematic when regarding the results of the Sagnac experiment. However, in this paper it is being shown that the Special Relativity Theory (SRT), too, is able to explain the Sagnac effect, thereby giving just the same results as Kelly. This is a pure matter of coincidence and if velocities increase, the similarity begins to disappear. There are problems in connections with the Kelly theory, as his model implies observers’ seeing velocities higher than that of light, whereas the usage of SRT presumes the velocity of light to be the highest one can ever observe. The SRT succeeds through the usage of the concept of time dilatation, extended in a differential sense when applied to a circular orbit. 2(8) 1. Introduction The Special relativity theory (SRT) has continuously been questioned by the scientific community. The results by Sagnac in the 1910s, entitled the “Sagnac effect”, were such that it has been difficult to use the SRT straightforwardly in order to explain the effect. The Sagnac effect means the phenomenon that light emitted on a circular disk, forced to follow a circular path back to its origin along a clock-wise and an anti-clock-wise circular orbit along the disk 2. The Sagnac effect, referred to by Kelly. Kelly in a paper makes an effort to explain the Sagnac effect [1]. The following figure may be used in order to visualize the process, but Kelly has written a more detailed figure in his paper [2]. Figure 1. A rotating disk with a sender of light S. S’ denotes the position of the disk, when an anti-clock-wise signal arrives to the sender; S’’ the position of the disk, when a clock-wise signal arrives. Kelly is performing his analysis strictly classically, i.e. he uses coordinates, velocities and time without taking into account the SRT. And he succeeds, too. However, the velocities are low, v<