Electric Charges and Fields Part -1 Electric Field Charges are additive in nature. q1 q2 q3 q1 q2 q3 Q= Q ++ Like charges repel;Unlike charges attract + + + } Repel Attract +ve -ve Charges COULOMB’S LAW r Fe = kq1q2 r2 F21= q1 q2 r2 21 1 4 Ꮛ0 q1 q2 k= 1 4 Ꮛ0 Ꮛ0 = permittivity of vaccum =8.854 x 10-12C 2N-1m2 Vector form of Coulomb’s Law r21 r21= r2-r1 F21= -F21 A region around a charged particle or object within which a force would be exerted on other charged particles or objects. E=E 1 + E 2 +......+ E n = kq 1 /r 1 2 + kq2 /r 2 2 +..... + kq n /rn 2 It is equal to the electric force per unit experienced by a test charge whi The electric field intensity is the measure strength of an electric field at any E= = F q E= k.Q d2 = k.Q d2 k . q. Q/d 2 q/ / Newton / Coulomb Electric Field Lines: Properties Electric field lines start from a positive charge and end at a negative charge. In case of a single charge, electric field lines end at infinity. In a charge-free region, electric field lines are continuous and smooth. Two electric field lines never intersect or cross each other. Electric field lines never form a closed loop because electric field is conservative in nature. +_ +_ Field lines The electric field from an isolated positive charge The electric field from an isolated negative charge + + Cable jacket A leg insulator B leg insulator Conductors Electrical Conductors Electrical Insulator Conductors have free electrons on the surface which allows current to pass through. Insulators don’t. Electric charge is quantized. Q=n e x ( NC-1) The electric field intensity between two points is the vector sum of all the electric fields acting at that point. Charge is a conserved quantity. Net Charge q=0 (neutral) gains 2 electrons loses 2 electrons Steel Wood Glass Rubber Plastic Oil Silver Gold Sea Water Copper CONDUCTOR a llows the energy to pass through it INSULATOR does not a llows the energy to pass through it of the point. charge ch is placed at that point