BOSTON UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES m Mugar Memorial Library gAz^k^ IS^€eiAy'^lia'^c>i^Ai^, Qna^a/i/etl^t, ^io^laM^-^ .S^-,{r,). Tlie Traced Curve, Equation, = 6^ 4>.,{r^. When it is more convenient to make use of equations between rectangular We co-ordinates, we shall use the letters x^^, x^^, x^ij^. shall always employ the letters s^s^^ to denote the length of the curve from the pole, p.p^p^ for the per- pendiculars from the pole on the tangent, and q^q/i^ for the intercepted part of the tangent. Between these quantities, we have the following equations: r = ^/^T?, ^ = tan-|, = a? r cos ^, y = r sin 6, r" jm'S ydx — xdy ""^w+w' — THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. rdr dS 2=-r=7x!fi' _ xdx + ydy r- J{dxy + (dyY' W ' "^ '^d^ daf We come now to consider the three equations of rolling which are involved in the enunciation. Since the second curve rolls upon the first without slipping, the length of the fixed curve at the point of contact is the measure of the length of the rolled curve, therefore we have the following equation to connect the fixed curve and the rolled curve = «! Sj. Now, by combining this equation with the two equations it is evident that from any of the four quantities 6{r^6^r^ or x^^x^^, we can obtain the other three, therefore we may consider these quantities as known functions of each other. Since the curve rolls on the fixed curve, they must have a common tangent. Let PA be this tangent, draw BP, CQ perpendicular to PA, produce CQ, BR and draw BA perpendicular to it, then we have CA=r^, = r^, and CB = r,; CQ=p„ PB=p,, and BN=p,; AQ = q„ AP = q„ and CN=q,. Also r,'=CR=CR + RR = (CQ + PBY+(AP-AQf + + + - =p,' 2p,p, +p,' r,' -p,' 2q,q, r," -p,' fz = n' + n' + 2piPa - 2q,q^. Since the first curve is fixed to the paper, we may find the angle 6,. Thus e, = DCB = DCA + ACQ + RCB = e?. + tan-| + tan-|§ ^, = ^, + tan--^ + tan-^ ^^^^ TjdO^ Pi +pi THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. » Thus we have found three independent equations, which, together with the equations of the curves, make up six equations, of which each may be deduced from the others. There is an equation connecting the radii of curvature of the three curves which is sometimes of use. The angle through which the rolled curve revolves during the description of the element ds„ is equal to the angle of contact of the fixed curve and the rolling curve, or to the sum of their curvatures, ds^ ds^ ds. But the radius of the rolled curve has revolved In the opposite direction through an angle equal to dO,, therefore the angle between two successive posi- tions of r, is equal to -^-dd,. Now this angle is the angle between two successive positions of the normal to the traced curve, therefore, if be the centre of curvature of the traced curve, it is the angle which ds^ or ds^ subtends at 0. Let OA^T, then _ ds^ r4d^ ds, ,^ ds^ ds, ,. ^J__J_ 1 _^ T~ •*• '^'ds, R, R, ds/ -tAt^tJ RJR.' As an example of the use of this equation, we may examine a property of the logarithmic spiral. R —m In this curve, ^p = mr, and = , therefore if the rolled curve be the logarithmic spiral /I 1\ 1 ^m "^[t^tJ-r^v/ m_ 1 t~r:,* ^0 AO therefore -^ = in the figure ?ni2i, and = m. Let the locus of 0, or the evolute of the traced curve LYBH, be the KZAS curve OZY, and let the evolute of the fixed curve be FEZ, and let FEZ OZF us consider as the fixed curve, and as the traced curve. 10 THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. ^y Then in the triangles BPA, AOF, we have OAF=PBA, and ^='^ = FOA APB OF therefore the triangles are similar, and = = - , therefore is perpen- OF dicular to OA, the tangent to the curve OZY, therefore is the radius of the curve which when roUed on FEZ traces OZY, and the angle which the OFA=PAB curve makes with this radius is = %mr^m, which is constant, there- fore the curve, which, when rolled on FEZ, traces OZY, is the logarithmic spiral. Thus we have proved the following proposition : " The involute of the curve traced by the pole of a logarithmic spiral which rolls upon any curve, is the curve traced by the pole of the same logarithmic spiral when rolled on the involute of the primary curve." It follows from this, that if we roll on any curve a curve having the — property _2:»i Wjri, and roll another curve having = Pi 'm^r^ on the curve traced, and so on, it is immaterial in what order we roll these curves. Thus, if we roll a logarithmic spiral, in which jp = mr, on the nth involute of a circle whose radius is a, the curve traced is the w+lth involute of a circle whose radius is Jl-m\ m Or, if we roll successively logarithmic spirals, the resulting curve is the n + mth involute of a circle, whose radius is aJl—m^ sll- m/, Jkc. We now proceed to the cases in which the solution of the problem may be simplified. This simplification is generally effected by the consideration that the radius vector of the rolled curve is the normal drawn from the traced curve to the fixed curve. In the case in which the curve is rolled on a straight line, the perpendicular on the tangent of the rolled curve is the distance of the tracing point from the straight line ; therefore, if the traced curve be defined by an equation in iCg and y„ '^.°p.= / "'„... (1)' and '••=^'^©^ ^'^- X THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. 11 By substituting for r, in the first equation, its value, as derived from the second, we obtain -©[©-]=©' If we know the equation to the rolled curve, we may find (-7-^') in terms of r,, then by substituting for r, its value in the second equation, we dx (1 have an equation containing x^ and -^, from which we find the value of ' -t— dy, du, in terms of x^; the integration of this gives the equation of the traced curve. As an example, we may find the curve traced by the pole of a hyperbolic spiral which rolls on a straight line. The equation of the rolled curve is 6^ = a fdrA' _ rl ,ddj ~ a' - •©-[(IJ-]' dx^ _ ^3 '* dy,~Ja'-x,'' This is the differential equation of the tractory of the straight line, which is the curve traced by the pole of the hyperbolic spiral. By eliminating x^ in the two equations, we obtain dr^_ /dxA This equation serves to determine the rolled curve when the traced cuive is given. As an example we shall find the curve, which being rolled on a straight line, traces a common catenary. Let the equation to the catenary be 'l(e' + e-^. 12 Then THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. dy,~N a' ' dr then by integration ^ =cos'^ ( 1 j r = 2a 1+COS0' This is the polar equation of the parabola, the focus being the pole ; there- fore, if we roll a parabola on a straight line, its focus will trace a catenary. The rectangiilar equation of = this parabola is af Aay, and we shall now consider what curve must be rolled along the axis of y to trace the parabola. By the second equation (2), V n = ^9 /-4- + l> but x^^Pi, ^» + .-. r/=^/ 4a", .-. 2a = Vr/-jp/ = g'„ but q^ is the perpendicular on the normal, therefore the normal to the curve always touches a circle whose radius is 2a, therefore the curve is the involute of this circle. Therefore we have the following method of describing a catenary by con- tinued motion. Describe a circle whose radius is twice the parameter of the catenary; roll a straight line on this circle, then any point in the line will describe an involute THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. 13 of the circle ; roll this curve on a straight line, and the centre of the circle will describe a parabola ; roll this parabola on a straight line, and its focus will trace the catenary required. We come now to the case in which a straight line rolls on a curve. When the tracing-point is in the straight line, the problem becomes that of involutes and evolutes, which we need not enter upon ; and when the tracmgpoint is not in the straight line, the calculation is somewhat complex; we shall therefore consider only the relations between the curves described in the first and second cases. — Definition. The curve given radius whose centres which are in cuts at a given angle all the circles of a a given curve, is called a tractory of the given curve. Let a straight line roll on a curve A, and let a point in the straight line describe a curve B, and let another point, whose distance from the first point is b, and from the straight line a, describe a curve C, then it is evident B that the curve cuts the circle whose centre is in C, and whose radius is b, 5 at an angle whose sine is equal to r, therefore the curve is a tractory of the curve C. B When a = b, the curve is the orthogonal tractory of the curve C. If tangents equal to a be drawn to the curve B, they will be terminated in the curve C; and if one end of a thread be carried along the curve C, the other end will trace the curve B. B When a = 0, the curves C and are both involutes of the curve A, they are always equidistant from each other, and if a circle, whose radius is 6, be rolled on the one, its centre will trace the other. A If the curve is such that, if the distance between two points measured along the curve is equal to 6, the two points are similarly situate, then the B curve A is the same with the curve C. Thus, the curve may be a re- entrant curve, the circumference of which is equal to 6. B When the curve -4 is a circle, the curves and C are always the same. The equations between the radii of curvature become 1 1_ r — 14 THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. B When a = 0, T=0, or the centre of curvature of the curve is at the C point of contact. Now, the normal to the curve passes through this point, therefore "The normal to any curve passes through the centre of curvature of its tractory," In the next case, one curve, by rolling on another, produces a straight line. Let this straight line be the axis of y, then, since the radius of the rolled curve is perpendicular to it, and terminates in the fixed curve, and since these curves have a common tangent, we have this equation, If the equation of the rolled curve be given, find -j-^ in terms of r^, sub- stitute Xi for r^, and multiply by x^, equate the result to -^ , and integrate. Thus, if the equation of the rolled curve be d = Ar-"" + &c. + Kr-^ + Lr'^ + if log r + iVr + &c. + Zr"", ^ N+ = - n^r-(»+^) - &c. - 2Kr-' - I/p-' + Mr'' + &c. + wZr"-^ dr M+ a-rx-= - nAx~'* - &c. - 2Kx~"- - Lx~^ + Nx + &c. + nZx", -^ -^ y = Aa^-"" + &c. + 2Kx-' -L\ogx + Mx + ^Naf + &c. + Zx""^', which is the equation of the fixed curve. If the equation of the fixed curve be given, find -^ in terms of cc, sub- stitute r for X, and divide by r, equate the result to -t-, and integrate. Thus, if the fixed curve be the orthogonal tractory of the straight line, whose equation is y = a log a + . \la^ — x^ + Ja^ dy _ Jo' — af dx~ X THE THEORY OF ROLUNG CURVES. 15 de _ Ja?-7* dr r* = cos"^ this is the equation to the orthogonal tractory of a circle whose diameter is equal to the constant tangent of the fixed curve, and its constant tangent equal to half that of the fixed curve. This property of the tractory of the circle may be proved geometrically, — P CD thus Let be the centre of a circle whose radius is PD, and let be BCP a line constantly equal to the radius. Let be the curve described by C D the point when the point is moved along the circumference of the circle, CD then if tangents equal to be drawn to the curve, their extremities will ACH BCP OPE be in the circle. Let be the curve on which rolls, and let CDE be the straight line traced by the pole, let be the common tangent, let it cut the circle in D, and the straight line in E. Then CD = PD, .'. LDCP^ LDPC, and CP is perpendicular to OE, .'. L CPE= LDCP+ LDEP. Take away LDCP-^ L DPC, and there remains DPE=DEP, .-. PD=^DE, .-. CE=2PD. 16 THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. ACH Therefore the curve haa a constant tangent equal to the diameter of ACH the circle, therefore is the orthogonal tractorj of the straight line, which is the tractrix or equitangential curve. The operation of finding the fixed curve from the rolled curve is what Sir John Leslie calls " divesting a curve of its radiated structure." The method of finding the curve which must be rolled on a circle to trace a given curve is mentioned here because it generally leads to a double result, for the normal to the traced curve cuts the circle in two points, either of which may be a point in the rolled curve. Thus, if the traced curve be the involute of a circle concentric with the given circle, the rolled curve is one of two similar logarithmic spirals. If the curve traced be the spiral of Archimedes, the rolled curve may be either the hyperbolic spiral or the straight line. In the next case, one curve rolls on another and traces a circle. Since the curve traced is a circle, the distance between the poles of the fixed curve and the rolled curve is always the same; therefore, if we fix the rolled curve and roll the fixed curve, the curve traced will still be a circle, and, if we fix the poles of both the curves, we may roU them on each other without friction. Let a be the radius of the traced circle, then the sum or difference of the radii of the other curves is equal to a, and the angles which they make with the radius at the point of contact are equal, .. n-=±(a±r,)andn^^ = r,^\ dO, _ ±(a±r^ dS, drt~ r, dvi' If we know the equation between ^j and r,, we may find ^— in terms of r„ substitute ± (a ± r,) for r„ multiply by ^ \ and integrate. Thus, if the equation between 6^ and r^ be = r, a sec $,, — TEU: THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. 17 which is the polar equation of a straight line touching the traced circle whose equation is r = ay then dd _ a dr, ~ r, -Jr.'-a' a {r,±a)Jr,'±2r,a dO^ r^±a a dr, r, (r,±a) Jrf±2r^ a _ 2a _ 2a Now, since the rolling curve is a straight line, and the tracing point is not in its direction, we may apply to this example the observations which have been made upon tractories. ^ Let, therefore, the curve ^ = 2a 7 be denoted by A, its involute by B, and B the circle traced by C, then is the tractory of C; therefore the involute — of the curve ^ = 2a ^ r is the tractory of the circle, the equation of which is ^ = cos"' — /— — I. The curve whose equation is ^'=s ; seems to be among spirals what the catenary is among curves whose equations are between rectangular co-ordinates ; for, if we represent the vertical direction by the radius vector, the tangent of the angle which the curve makes with this line is proportional to the length of the curve reckoned from the origin ; the point at the distance a from a straight line rolled on this curve generates a circle, and when rolled on the catenary produces a straight line ; the involute of this curve m the tractory of the circle, and that of the catenary is the tractory of the straight line, and the tractory of the circle rolled on that of the straight line traces the straight line ; if this curve is rolled on the catenary, it produces the straight line touching the catenary at its vertex ; the method of drawing . 18 THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. tangents is the same as in the catenary, namely, by describing a circle radius is a on the production of the radius vector, and drawing a tangent to the circle from the given point. In the next case the rolled curve is the same as the fixed curve. It is evident that the traced curve wiU be similar to the locus of the intersection of the tangent with the perpendicular from the pole ; the magnitude, however, of the traced curve will be double that of the other curve; therefore, if we n = = call <^o^o the equation to the fixed curve, r, that of the traced curve, ,6, we have also, £^ = f. A^ ^ SimUarly, r, = 2p, = 2r,f = Ar, 0,^6,-2 cos- . (^J, ^ 2^ Similarly, r„ = 2p„., = 2r„_, &c. = , (^^J and ^^f. ^„ = ^„-7lC0S-f-\ 'o 0n = 6. — ncos~^ -V^ ^ ^. Let e, become 6^'; 0„ 6,' and , Let ^„^-^„ = a, ^„^ = ^;-ncos- ^, » «. ^ a = ^„^- e„ = ^.^-^o-ncos-^ ^' +n cos-^ — = ~ \ -1 cos ^ ^P^-n^ -1 COS * P-^n— -O- ^0 4, ^0 . ; THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. 19 — Now, cos"^ is the complement of the angle at which the curve cuts the 'n — radius vector, and cos"' —cos"' -^ is the variation of this angle when 6^ varies by an angle equal to a. Let this = variation (^ ; then if — = 6^ 6J fi, ^n n Now, if n increases, will diminish ; and if n becomes infinite, ^ ^ = <^ + = when a and )8 are finite. Therefore, when n is infinite, <}> vanishes ; therefore the curve cuts the radius vector at a constant angle ; therefore the curve is the logarithmic spiral. Therefore, if any curve be rolled on itself, and the operation repeated an infinite number of times, the resulting curve is the logarithmic spiral Hence we may find, analytically, the curve which, being rolled on itself, traces itself. For the curve which has this property, if rolled on itself, and the operation repeated an infinite number of times, will still trace itself. But, by this proposition, the resulting curve is the logarithmic spiral therefore the curve required is the logarithmic spiral. As an example of a curve rolling on itself, we will take the curve whose equation is n=2"a(cos|)". -1=2". (sing (oosf-; 2"a'(cos^")'" = .'. r^ 2p,= 2 ^2-a'(cosg%2-a^(sing (cosg"^'^ 2"a cos — r, = 2 ^^cos-j+(sm-j / n\ „+i 20 THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. Now ^1-^0= -cos-^^"= -cos-' cos -" = -^, " n+1 substituting this value of 6^ in the expression for r^, r. = 2-'a^cos--J , similarly, if the operation be repeated ni times, the resulting curve is *a\fcosn—+^m^jy When n=l, the curve is r = 2a cos 9, the equation to a circle, the pole being in the circumference. When n = 2, it is the equation to the cardioid r = 4a (cos -J . In order to obtain the cardioid from the circle, we roll the circle upon itself, and thus obtain it by one operation ; but there is an operation which, bei6g performed on a circle, and again on the resulting curve, will produce a cardioid, and the intermediate curve between the circle and cardioid is => / r2 20\i As the operation of rolling a curve on itself is represented by changing n into (n + 1) in the equation, so this operation may be represented by changing n + into (w i). Similarly there may be many other fractional operations performed upon the curves comprehended under the equation r = 2"a(cos-j. We may also find the curve, which, being rolled on itself, will produce a given curve, by making 7i= — 1. THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. 21 We may likewise prove by the same method as before, that the result of performing this inverse operation an infinite number of times is the logarithmic spiral. As an example of the inverse method, let the traced line be straight, let its equation be = r<, 2a sec d^, P^^p,^2a^2a_ then therefore suppressing the suflSx, = ar, * • \d0j a ' dr r 7i-'' &-') - 2a ^~l-cos^' the polar equation of the parabola whose parameter is 4rt. The last case which we shall here consider affords the means of constructing two wheels whose centres are fixed, and which shall roll on each other, so that the angle described by the first shall be a given function of the angle described by the second. = + = — = Let 0^ then r^ (f}0i, r^ a, and -j^ ; d0^ a-r^' Let us take as an example, the pair of wheels which will represent the angular motion of a comet in a parabola. , ' Here THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. 6^ = tan -^ . ^_ 2 cos' -^ a + 2 cos ^1 therefore the first wheel is an ellipse, whose major axis is equal to | of the distance between the centres of the wheels, and in which the distance between the foci is half the major axis. Now since = ^i 2 tan"' B^ and r^ = a - r„ '• a 1+^2(2-1 ^)' '-'-±;' a which is the equation to the wheel which revolves with constant angular velocity. Before proceeding to give a list of examples of rolling curves, we shall state a theorem which is almost self-evident after what has been shewn pre- viously. Let there be three curves. A, B, and C. Let the curve A, when rolled on itself, produce the curve B, and when rolled on a straight line let it C B produce the curve C, then, if the dimensions of be doubled, and be rolled on it, it will trace a straight line. A Collection of Examples of Rolling Curves. First. Examples of a curve rolling on a straight line. Ex. 1. When the rolling curve is a circle whose tracing-point is in the circumference, the curve traced is a cycloid, and when the point is not in the circumference, the cycloid becomes a trochoid. Ex. 2. When the rolling curve is the involute of the circle whose radius is 2a, the traced curve is a parabola whose parameter is 4a. THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. 23 Ex. 3. When the rolled curve is the parabola whose parameter is 4a, the traced curv^e is a catenary whose parameter is a, and whose vertex is distant a from the straight line. Ex. 4. "When the rolled curve is a logarithmic spiral, the pole traces a straight line which cuts the fixed line at the same angle as the spiral cuts the radius vector. Ex. 5. When the rolled curve is the hyperbolic spiral, the traced curve is the tractory of the straight line. Ex. 6. When the rolled curve is the polar catenary r 2a the traced curve is a circle whose radius is a, and which touches the straight line. Ex. 7. When the equation of the rolled curve is the traced curve is the hyperbola whose equation is = + y' d' a^. Second. In the examples of a straight Hne I'olling on a curve, we shall C use the letters A^ B, and to denote the three curves treated of in page 22. ^ B Ex. 1. When the curve is a circle whose radius is a, then the cui-ve C is the involute of that circle, and the curve is the spiral of Archimedes, r = ad. ^ Ex. 2. When the curve is a catenary whose equation is B the curve is the tractory of the straight line, whose equation is X I = + — y a log , JcL' -f^, + - a V a' ar" C and is a straight line at a distance a from the vertex of the catenary. ,. 24 THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. A Ex. 3. When tKe curve is the polar catenaxy B the curve is the tractory of the circle and the curve (7 is a circle of which the radius is - Third. Examples of one curve rolling on another, and tracing a straight line. Ex. 1. The curve whose equation is = Ar-"* + &c. + Kr-' + Lr'^ + Jflog r + iVr + &c. + Zt^, when rolled on the curve whose equation is n— 1 71+ L traces the axis of y. Ex. 2. The circle whose equation is r = a cos ^ rolled on the circle whose radius is a traces a diameter of the circle. Ex. 3. The curve whose equation is ^=J'i- 1 — versm a rolled on the circle whose radius is a, traces the tangent to the circle. Ex. 4. If the fixed curve be a parabola whose parameter is 4a, and if we roll on it the spiral of Archimedes r = ad, the pole will trace the axis of the parabola. Ex. 5. If we roll an equal parabola on it, the focus will trace the directrix of the first parabola. Ex. 6. If we roll on it the curve ^ = t^ t^® P^^® "^^ ^^^^ ^^® tangent at the vertex of the parabola. THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. 25 Ex. 7. If we roll the curve whose equation is r = a cos (t^) on the ellipse whose equation is the pole will trace the axis h. K Ex. 8. we roll the curve whose equation ia on the hyperbola whose equation is the pole will trace the axis h. Ex, 9. If we roll the lituus, whose equation is on the hyperbola whose equation is the pole will trace the asymptote. Ex. 10. The cardioid whose equation is r = a(H- cos ^), rolled on the cycloid whose equation is 1^2 = a versin"' a + J2ax - ic*, traces the base of the cycloid. Ex. 11. The curve whose equation is = versm-'- + 2^/ 1, rolled on the cycloid, traces the tangent at the vertex. 26 THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. Ex. 12. The straight line whose equation is r = a sec B, rolled on a catenary whose parameter is a, traces a line whose distance from the vertex is a. Ex. 13. The part of the polar catenary whose equation is rolled on the catenary, traces the tangent at the vertex. Ex. 14. The other part of the polar catenary whose equation is rolled on the catenary, traces a line whose distance from the vertex is equal to 2a. Ex. 15. The tractory of the circle whose diameter is a, rolled on the tractory of the straight line whose constant tangent is a, produces the straight line. Ex. 16. The hyperbolic spiral whose equation is a '=5' rolled on the logarithmic curve whose equation is 2/ = al1 og-^, traces the axis of y or the asymptote. Ex. 17. The involute of the circle whose radius is a, rolled on an orthogonal trajectory of the catenary whose equation is traces the axis of y. Ex. 18. The curve whose equation is THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. 27 rolled on the witch, whose equation is traces the asymptote. Ex. 19. The curve whose equation is r — a tan Q, rolled on the curve whose equation is traces the axis of y. Ex. 20. The curve whose equation is e= 2r rolled on the curve whose equation is y= / = , or r a tan $, traces the axis of y. Ex. 21. The curve whose equation is r = a (sec d — tan 0), rolled on the curve whose equation is traces the axis of y. 2/ = alogg+l), Fourth. Examples of pairs of rolling curves which have their poles at a fixed distance = a. straight line whose equation is Ce The polar catenary w.h.„ose equation is ^=sec"'2a 0, = ±fj I ±. r Ex. 2. Two equal ellipses or hyperbolas centered at the foci. Ex. 3. Two equal logarithmic spirals. Ex. 4. (Circle whose equation is Curve whose equation is r = 2a cos 6. — ^-/J^ l + versin"^-. ' 28 THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. Ex. 5. fCaxdioid whose equation is [Curve whose equation is r=2a(l+co8^). — ^ = sin"*- + log ,— — . Ex. 6. (Conchoid, Icurve, Ex. 7. Spiral of Archimedes, Curve, r = a secg- ( 1). >A-? ^ = + sec"^ - a r = a0. ^ = T a + lo°g T a Ex. 8. fHyperbolic spiral, -! ICurve, whose equation is Cpse r=-Q a e'+l 1 ^"^^2+ ~Q' (Involute of circle, Ex. 10. 'curve, ^~Ja^^^ ®®^"^ a e^J^±2l±log(-±l+J^.±2'^. Fifth. Examples of curves rolling on themselves. When Ex. 1. the curve which rolls on itself is a circle, equation r = a cos 6, the traced curve is a cardioid, equation r = a(l+cos^). Ex. 2. When it is the curve whose equation is r = 2"a (cos-j , the equation of the traced curve is When Ex. 3. it is the involute of the circle, the traced curve is the spiral of Archimedes. THE THEORY OF ROLLING CURVES. 29 Ex. 4. When it is a parabola, the focus traces the directrix, and the vertex traces the cissoid. When Ex. 5. it is the hyperbolic spiral, the traced curve is the tractory of the circle. Ex. 6. When it is the polar catenary, the equation of the traced curve is J — 2a , 1 r . ., versin - . r a Ex. 7. When it is the curve whose equation is the equation of the traced curve is — = r a (e' €~"). This paper commenced with an outline of the nature and history of the problem of rolling curves, and it was shewn that the subject had been discussed previously, by several geometers, amongst whom were De la Hire and Nicolfe in the Memoires de I'Academie, Euler, Professor Willis, in his Principles of Mechanism, and the Rev. H. Holditch in the Cambridge Philosophical Transactions. None of these authors, however, except the two last, had made any application of their methods ; and the principal object of the present communication was to find how far the general equations could be simplified in particular cases, and to apply the results to practice. Several problems were then worked out, of which some were applicable to the generation of curves, and some to wheelwork ; while others were interesting as shewing the relations which exist between different curves ; and, finally, a collection of examples was added, as an illustration of the fertihty of the methods employed. — — [From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. XX. Part i,] III. On the Equilibrium of Elastic Solids. There are few parts of mechanics in which theory has differed more from experiment than in the theory of elastic sohds. Mathematicians, setting out from very plausible assumptions with respect to the constitution of bodies, and the laws of molecular action, came to conclusions which were shewn to be erroneous by the observations of experimental philosophers. The experiments of (Ersted proved to be at variance with the mathe- matical theories of Navier, Poisson, and Lame and Clapeyron, and apparently deprived this practically important branch of mechanics of all assistance from mathematics. The assumption on which these theories were founded may be stated thus : Solid bodies are composed of distinct ^molecules, which are kept at a certain distance from each other by the opposing principles of attraction and heat. When the distance between two molecules is changed, they act on each other with a force whose direction is in the line joining the centres of the molecules, and whose magnitude is equal to the change of distance multiplied into a function of the distance which vanishes when that distance becomes sensible. The equations of elasticity deduced from this assumption contain only one coefficient, which varies with the nature of the substance. The insufficiency of one coefficient may be proved from the existence of bodies of different degrees of solidity. No effort is required to retain a liquid in any form, if its volume remain unchanged; but when the form of a solid is changed, a force is called into action which tends to restore its former figure ; and this constitutes the differ- — ; THE EQUILIBRITJM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. 31 ence between elastic solids and fluids. Both tend to recover their vohirne, but fluids do not tend to recover their shape. Now, since there are in nature bodies which are in every intermediate state from perfect soHdity to perfect liquidity, these two elastic powers cannot exist in every body in the same proportion, and therefore all theories which assign to them an invariable ratio must be erroneous. I have therefore substituted for the assumption of Navier the following axioms as the results of experiments. If three pressures in three rectangular axes be applied at a point in an elastic solid, 1. TTie sum of the three pressures is proportional to the sum of the com- pressions ichich they produce. 2. The difference between two of the pressures is propo7'tional to the difference of the compressions which they produce. The equations deduced from these axioms contain two coefficients, and differ from those of Navier only in not assuming any invariable ratio between the cubical and linear elasticity. They are the same as those obtained by Professor Stokes from his equations of fluid motion, and they agree with all the laws of elasticity which have been deduced from experiments. In this paper pressures are expressed by the number of units of weight to the unit of surface ; if in English measure, in pounds to the square inch, or in atmospheres of 15 pounds to the square inch. Compression is the proportional change of any dimension of the solid caused by pressure, and is expressed by the quotient of the change of dimension divided by the dimension compressed'". Pressure will be understood to include tension, and compression dilatation pressure and compression being reckoned positive. Elasticity is the force which opposes pressure, and the equations of elasticity are those which express the relation of pressure to compression f. Of those who have treated of elastic solids, some have confined themselves to the investigation of the laws of the bending and twisting of rods, without * The laws of pressure and compression may be found in the Memoir of Lam6 and Clapeyrou. St^t- note A. t See note B. 32 THE EQUIUBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. considering the relation of the coefficients which occur in these two cases; while others have treated of the general problem of a solid body exposed to any forces. The investigations of Leibnitz, Bernoulli, Euler, Varignon, Young, La Hire, and Lagrange, are confined to the equilibrium of bent rods; but those of Navier, Poisson, Lam^ and Clapeyron, Cauchy, Stokes, and Wertheim, are principally directed to the formation and application of the general equations. The investigations of Navier are contained in the seventh volume of the Memoirs of the Institute, page 373; and in the AnnoUes de Chimie et de Physique, 2^ Sdrie, xv. 264, and xxxviii. 435 ; L'AppUcati(m de la Micanique, Tom. I. Those of Poisson in Mem. de I'lnstitut, vm. 429 ; Annales de Chimie, 2" S^rie, XXXVI, 334 ; xxxvii. 337 ; xxxvtil 338 ; xlu. Journal de VEcole Polytechnique, cahier xx., with an abstract in Annales de Chimie for 1829. The memoir of MM. Lam^ and Clapeyron is contained in Crelle's Mathe- matical Journal, Vol. vii. ; and some observations on elasticity are to be found in Lamp's Cours de Physique, M. Cauchy's investigations are contained in his Exercices d!Analyse, Vol. in. p. 180, published in 1828. Instead of supposing each pressure proportional to the linear compression which it produces, he supposes it to consist of two parts, one of which is pro- portional to the linear compression in the direction of the pressure, while the other is proportional to the diminution of volume. As this hypothesis admits two coefficients, it differs from that of this paper only in the values of the K coefficients selected. They are denoted by and h, and K^fi — ^m, k = m. The theory of Professor Stokes is contained in Vol. vin. Part 3, of the Cambridge Philosophical Transactions, and was read April 14, 1845. — He states his general principles thus : " The capability which solids possess of being put into a state of isochronous vibration, shews that the pressures called into action by small displacements depend on homogeneous functions of those displacements of one dimension. I shall suppose, moreover, according to the general principle of the superposition of small quantities, that the pressures due to different displacements are superimposed, and, consequently, that the pressures are linear functions of the displacements." THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. 33 Having assumed the proportionality of pressure to compression, he proceeds -^8 to define his coefficients.— "Let be the pressures corresponding to a uniform linear dilatation 8 when the solid is in equilibrium, and suppose that it becomes mA8, in consequence of the heat developed when the solid is in a state of rapid vibration. Suppose, also, that a displacement of shifting parallel to the plane xy, for which 8x = kx, Sy= - hj, and hz = 0, calls into action a pressure - Bk on a plane perpendicular to the axis of x, and a pressure Bk on a plane perpendicular to the axis of y; the pressure on these planes being equal and of contrary signs; that on a plane perpendicular to z being zero, and the tan- A gential forces on those planes being zero." The coefficients and B, thus ^ B defined, when expressed as in this paper, are = 3/x,, = -. Professor Stokes does not enter into the solution of his equations, but gives their results in some particular cases. A 1. body exposed to a uniform pressure on its whole surface. A 2. rod extended in the direction of its length. A 3. cylinder twisted by a statical couple. A B He then points out the method of finding and from the last two cases. While explaining why the equations of motion of the luminiferous ether are the same as those of incompressible elastic solids, he has mentioned the property of jylasticity or the tendency which a constrained body has to relieve itself from a state of constraint, by its molecules assuming new positions of equilibrium. This property is opposed to Hnear elasticity ; and these two properties exist in all bodies, but in variable ratio. M. Wertheim, in Annales de Chimie, 3« Sdrie, xxiii., has given the results of some experiments on caoutchouc, from which he finds that K=k, or fi = ^m; K and concludes that k = in all substances. In his equations, fi is therefore made equal to f m. The accounts of experimental researches on the values of the coefficients are so numerous that I can mention only a few. Canton, Perkins, (Ersted. Aime, CoUadon and Sturm, and Regnault, have determined the cubical compressibilities of substances; Coulomb, Duleau, and Giulio, have calculated the linear elasticity from the torsion of wires; and a great many observations have been made on the elongation and bending of beams. ^ VOL. I. 34 THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. I have found no account of any experiments on the relation between the doubly refracting power communicated to glass and other elastic solids by compression, and the pressure which produces it^^" ; but the phenomena of bent glass seem to prove, that, in homogeneous singly-refracting substances exposed to pressures, the principal axes of pressure coincide with the principal axes of double refraction ; and that the diflference of pressures in any two axes is proportional to the difference of the velocities of the oppositely polarised rays whose directions are parallel to the third axis. On this principle I have calculated the phenomena seen by polarised light in the cases where the solid is bounded by parallel planes. In the following pages I have endeavoured to apply a theory identical with that of Stokes to the solution of problems which have been selected on account of the possibility of fulfilling the conditions. I have not attempted to extend the theory to the case of imperfectly elastic bodies, or to the laws of permanent bending and breaking. The solids here considered are supposed not to be compressed beyond the limits of perfect elasticity. The equations employed in the transformation of co-ordinates may be found in Gregory's Solid Geometry. I have denoted the displacements by Zx, By, Bz. They are generally denoted by y a, /8, ; but as I had employed these letters to denote the principal axes at any point, and as this had been done throughout the paper, I did not alter a notation which to me appears natural and intelligible. The laws of elasticity express the relation between the changes of the dimensions of a body and the forces which produce them. These forces are called Pressures, and their effects Compressions. Pressures are estimated in pounds on the square inch, and compressions in fractions of the dimensions compressed. Let the position of material points in space be expressed by their co-ordinates X, y, and z, then any change in a system of such points is expressed by giving to these co-ordinates the variations Bx, By, Bz, these variations being functions of X, y, 2. * See note C. — THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. 35 The quantities Sx, Sy, 8z, represent the absolute motion of each point in the directions of the three co-ordinates ; but as compression depends not on absolute, but on relative displacement, we have to consider only the nine quantities dSx — 36 THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. By resolving the displacements 8a, h/S, By, B6„ B9.„ Z6„ in the directions of the axes x, y, z, the displacements in these axes are found to be hx = a,8a + h,Bp + c3y -Be^ + Bd,y, aM By = + - + h,Bl3 -f c,By Bd,x Bd.z, hM Bz = a,Ba + + CsBy - BO^ + Bd,x. But Sa .^ ^Si8 B^^rf, and 8y = y^, and + + + = + = + a^ = Q. a^x h^ a.^, /3 b,x h.^, and y c,x c,y -h c^z. Substituting these values of Sa, Sy8, and By in the expressions for Bx, By, Bz, and differentiating with respect to x, y, and z, in each equation, we obtain the equations dBx Ba, ,. 8/8,2 ^y , dy a ^ y dBz _ Ba dz a p y dBx Ba dy a ' B^ T J By ^ y ,5s/, dBx Ba BI3 Be, dz a J' Ba dz a dBy Ba dx a 8^ p BB T ^ p + c.f^ Bdi y By Be, y — dZz -dJx— = 8^ a ctjCti + -8^^ 6361 + -^ r C3C1 + 8^2 dBz Sa S/8 Be, (1)- Equations of compression. {2). Equations of the equilibnum of an element of the solid. The forces which may act on a particle of the solid are : 1. Three attractions in the direction of the axes, represented by X, Y, Z. 2. Six pressures on the six faces. — THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. 37 3. Two tangential actions on each face. Let the six faces of the small parallelopiped be denoted by x^, 3/,, z„ x^ y„ and z,, then the forces acting on x^ are : A 1. normal pressure jp, acting in the direction of x on the area dydz, A 2. tangential force g, acting in the direction of y on the same area. A 3. tangential force q^ acting in the direction of z on the same area, and so on for the other five faces, thus : Forces which act in the direction of the axes of a; 2/ z On the face a:, 38 THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. The resistance which the sohd opposes to these pressures is called Elasticity, and is of two kinds, for it opposes either change of volume or change of Jigure. These two kinds of elasticity have no necessary connection, for they are possessed in very different ratios by different substances. Thus jelly has a cubical elasticity little different from that of water, and a linear elasticity as small as we please ; while cork, whose cubical elasticity is very small, has a much greater Imear elasticity than jelly. Hooke discovered that the elastic forces are proportional to the changes that excite them, or as he expressed it, " Ut tensio sic vLs." To fix our ideas, let us suppose the compressed body to be a parallelepiped, and let pressures Pi, Pj, P3 act on its faces in the direction of the axes A a> y, which will become the principal axes of compression, and the com- So. 8^ Sy pressions will be a' ^' y The fundamental assumption from which the following equations are deduced is an extension of Hooke's law, and consists of two parts. I. The sum of the compressions is proportional to the sum of the pressures. II. The difference of the compressions is proportional to the difference of the pressures. These laws are expressed by the following equations f ^ I. (P. + P, + P.) = 3,(^ + + (4). rv (P,-P,) = m ^rts T Equations of Elasticity. „,g_^ II. (P._p.) = h (5). 7 (P.-P,) = m By Ba The quantity m is the coefiicient of cubical elasticity, and that of linear fj. elasticity. ' ; THE EQUILrBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLmS. 39 By solving these equations, the values of the pressures P„ P,, P„ and the —8a 8^ compressions ' ~S Sy ^^7 , ^^ rfoundJ. (6). a \9/x 3m/ ^ ^m ! (!_ M(p. + + lp, = j3 \9/x 3 m/ ^ * P, + p.^) ?7i ' (7). ?r y = (_L_ \9/z i\(P_+P_+P_) 3m/ ^ ^ + ip_ m From these values of the pressures in the axes a, )8, y, may be obtained.. the equations for the axes x, y, z, by resolutions of pressures and compressions*. For and q = aaP^ + hhP, + ccP, , . . IdZx d%y d8z\ d8x' , , . , . V IdZx d8y d8z\ . , dBy , , , fdSx d8y rfSj\ dSz , , , (8)- m /c?Sz 2 Vo?a; c?Sx c?2 See the Memoir of Lame and Clapeyron, and note A. .(9). 40 THE EQUIUBRIUM OP ELASTIC SOLIDS. d$X /I 1\, , , N, 1 (10). dy * ax ' m^ dz dy m^ d^ dx dz m^ (11). By substituting in Equations (3) the values of the forces given in Equa- tions (8) and (9), they become (12). These are the general equations of elasticity, and are identical with those of M. Cauchy, in his Exercices d'Analyse, Vol. ni., p. 180, published in 1828, K where h stands for m, and for - ft o" > and those of Mr Stokes, given in the Cambridge Philosophical Transactions, Vol. viii., part 3, and numbered (30); ^ B — = in his equations = 3/x, . If the temperature is variable from one part to another of the elastic soHd, the compressions -y- , -r^, -J^ , at any point will be diminished by a quantity proportional to the temperature at that point. This prmciple is applied in Cases X. and XI. Equations (10) then become THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. — 41 (13). dy ^ = fe - 3mj (P^-^P^+P^) + '^^^^P^ CfV being the linear expansion for the temperature v. Having found the general equations of the equilibrium of elastic solids, I proceed to work some examples of their application, which afford the means of determining the coefficients /t, m, and o), and of calculating the stiffness of solid figures. I begin with those cases in which the elastic soHd is a hollow cylinder exposed to given forces on the two concentric cylindric surfaces, and the two parallel terminating planes. In these cases the co-ordinates x, y, z are replaced by the co-ordinates x = x, measured along the axis of the cylinder. = 2/ r, the radius of any point, or the distance from the axis. z — rd, the arc of a circle measured from a fixed plane passing through the axis. dZx dx dSx dx Px = o, are the compression and pressure in the direction of the axis at any point. -^ = -J— , Pi =p, are the compression and pressure in the direction of the radius. m dBz dhrd Br ~dz~'db¥~l^' = JP8 ?, are . the . _ compression and pressure . , ,. . -1 the direction of the tangent. Equations (9) become, when expressed in terms of these co-ordinates m doO m dB0 .(14). m dSx *=2 dr The length of the cylinder is h, and the two radii a, and a, in every VOL. I. G , 42 THE EQUIUBRnJM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. Case I. The first equation is applicable to the case of a hollow cylinder, of which the outer surface is fixed, while the inner surface is made to turn through a small angle Bd, by a couple whose moment is M. M The twisting force is resisted only by the elasticity of the solid, and therefore the whole resistance, in every concentric cylindric surface, must be equal to M. The resistance at any point, multiplied into the radius at which it acts, is expressed by m „ dhd Therefore for the whole cylindric surface ar Whence 8,=_^^ (1,_1.) ^^ "' = 2^&-i) The optical effect of the pressure of any point is expressed by I= (15). Therefore, if the solid be viewed by polarized light (transmitted parallel to the axis), the difference of retardation of the oppositely polarized rays at any point in the solid will be inversely proportional to the square of the distance fi-om the axis of the cylinder, and the planes of polarization of these lays will be inclined 45" to the radius at that point. The general appearance is therefore a system of coloured rings arranged oppositely to the rings in uniaxal crystals, the tints ascending in the scale as they approach the centre, and the distance between the rings decreasing towards the centre. The whole system is crossed by two dark bands inclined 45* to the plane of primitive polarization, when the plane of the analysing plate is perpen- dicular to that of the first polarizing plate. THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. 43 A jelly of isinglass poured when hot between two concentric cylinders forms, when cold, a convenient solid for this experiment ; and the diameters of the rings may be varied at pleasure by changing the force of torsion appUed to the interior cylinder. By continuing the force of torsion while the jeUy is allowed to dry, a hard plate of isinglass is obtained, which still acts in the same way on polarized light, even when the force of torsion is removed. It seems that this action cannot be accounted for by supposing the interior parts kept in a state of constraint by the exterior parts, as in, unannealed and heated gla^s ; for the optical properties of the plate of isinglass are such as would indicate a strain preserving in every part of the plate the direction of the original strain, so that the strain on one part of the plate cannot be maintained by an opposite strain on another part. Two other uncrystallised substances have the power of retaining the polarizing structure developed by compression. The first is a mixture of wax and resin pressed into a thin plate between two plates of glass, as described by Sir David Brewster, in the Philosophical TransoLctions for 1815 and 1830. When a compressed plate of this substance is examined with polarized light, it is observed to have no action on light at a perpendicular incidence ; but when inclined, it shews the segments of coloured rings. This property does not belong to the plate as a whole, but is possessed by every part of it. It is therefore similar to a plate cut from a uniaxal crystal perpendicular to the axis. I find that its action on light is like that of a jpositive crystal, while that of a plate of isinglass similarly treated would be negative. The other substance which possesses similar properties is gutta percha. This substance in its ordinary state, when cold, is not transparent even in thin films; but if a thin film be drawn out gradually, it may be extended to more than double its length. It then possesses a powerful double refraction, which it retains so strongly that it has been used for polarizing light""'. As one of its refractive indices is nearly the same as that of Canada balsam, while the other is very different, the common surface of the gutta percha and Canada balsam will transmit one set of rays much more readdy than the other, so that a film of extended gutta percha placed between two layers of Canada balsam acts like * By Dr Wright, I believe. 44 THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. a plate of nitre treated in the same way. That these films are in a state of constraint may be proved by heating them slightly, when they recover their original dimensions. As all these permanently compressed substances have passed their limit of perfect elasticity, they do not belong to the class of elastic solids treated of in this paper ; and as I cannot explain the method by which an imcrystallised body maintains itself in a state of constraint, I go on to the next case of twisting, which has more practical importance than any other. This is the case of a cylinder fixed at one end, and twisted at the other by a couple whose moment is M. Case II. In this case let hB be the angle of torsion at any point, then the resistance to torsion in any circular section of the cylinder is equal to the twisting force M, The resistance at any point in the circular section is given by the second Equation of (14). ?2 = 1^^ dx ' This force acts at the distance r from the axis ; therefore its resistance to torsion will be q.r, and the resistance in a circular annulus will be q^r^Ttrdr = mirr' -r- dr and the whole resistance for the hollow cylinder will be expressed by „, mn dS6 , ^ ,. /,^v 720 M^(-1-] (17). m In this equation, is the coefl&cient of linear elasticity; a^ and a^ are the M radii of the exterior and interior surfaces of the hollow cyUnder in inches ; is the moment of torsion produced by a weight acting on a lever, and is expressed ' THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. 45 bj the product of the number of pounds in the weight into the number of inches in the lever; b is the distance of two points on the cylinder whose angular motion is measured by means of indices, or more accurately by small mirrors attached to the cylinder ; n is the difference of the angle of rotation of the two indices in degrees. m This is the most accurate method for the determination of independently of /x, and it seems to answer best with thick cylinders which cannot be used with the balance of torsion, as the oscillations are too short, and produce a vibration of the whole apparatus. Case III. A hollow cylinder exposed to normal pressures only. When the pressures parallel to the axis, radius, and tangent are substituted for p^, p^, and pt, Equations (10) become S ^ = (i-34)(^+^-^^) + (^«)- ^^t^(±-±]io+p + q) + :^q (20). By multiplying Equation (20) by r, differentiating with respect to r, and comparing this value of —j— with that of Equation (19), ^ ^ p-q rm _"(J__ \9/x _1\ 3m/ /^ \dr . dr . ^\ _ i drj m dr The equation of the equilibrium of an element of the solid is obtained by considering the forces which act on it in the direction of the radius. By equating the forces which press it outwards with those pressing it rnwarde, we find the equation of the equiHbrium of the element, ir£ = 4 r dr (21). 46 THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. By comparing this equation witli the last, we find Integrating, \9fi Zmj dr \9/i ^ 3m/ \dr ^ drj Since o, the longitudinal pressure, is supposed constant, we may assume Therefore c -(^-^]o 12 ' = c. \9u, 3m/ . . , =(^ + g)- 9/x, 3m q—p = c^ — 2p, therefore by (21), a linear equation, which gives 1 ^c, ^ = ^3^ + 2- The coefficients Cj and Cj must be found from the conditions of the surface of the soHd. If the pressure on the exterior cylindric surface whose radius is a, be denoted by A,, and that on the interior surface whose radius is a^ by A,, then p = h^ when r = ai and p = h.j when r = a^ and the general value of p is _a^h^ — a^\ ^" a,' -a,' ^a^a^ — h^ h^ oT^^ /22\ ^ ^' 2-i'=2i^ ^73^- ''y (21). *= «.'-«.' +^^57::^' (^^^ /=5<.(^-2)=-26<.^"A^. (24). This last equation gives the optical eflfect of the pressure at any point. The law of the magnitude of this quantity is the inverse square of the radius, as in — THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. 47 Case I. ; but the direction of the principal axes ia different, as in this case they are parallel and perpendicular to the radius. The dark bands seen by polarized Ught wiU therefore be parallel and perpendicular to the plane of polarisation, instead of being inclined at an angle of 45", as in Case I. By substituting in Equations (18) and (20), the values of p and q given in (22) and (23), we find that when r = a,. hx (l\( ^aX-ct'h-X 2 / . a,%-a,%\ ] X \9/x 1/1 = o(^ + ~] + 2{Ka,^-Ka,^) 1 3m/ ,9/x ' ^'' ' 'Ui,'-a,'\9fj, 3mJ .(25). - ^ ^4-^) When r = a., ^ fo4-2 r 9/x \ —+ - a/ a/ / 3^?^^ ( ^._^. -o ' ' (26). - ^ 3m - ~ VSft 3my "^ ' a; a,' \ 9/x / ^ cv 3m/ "^ a,' 1,9/x J From these equations it appears that the longitudinal compression of cylin- dric tubes is proportional to the longitudinal pressure referred to unit of surface when the lateral pressures are constant, so that for a given pressure the com- pression is inversely as the sectional area of the tube. These equations may be simplified in the following cases : 1. When the external and internal pressures are equal, or = h^ h^. 2. When the external pressure is to the internal pressure as the square of tlie interior diameter is to that of the exterior diameter, or when = a^-h^ a^-h^. 3. When the cylinder is soHd, or when = a. 0. 4. When the solid becomes an indefinitely extended plate with a cylindric hole in it, or when a^ becomes infinite. When 5. pressure is applied only at the plane surfaces of the solid cylinder, and the cylindric surface is prevented from expanding by being inclosed in a strong case, or when — = 0. 6. When pressure is applied to the cylindric surface, and the ends are — retained at an invariable distance, or when = 0. X 48 THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. 1. When = ^ji A„ the equations of compression become 3m \9fi'*"3mj"'"^ '\9ij. 7 = i('>+2^) + 3i(^-<') (27). When hi = hi = o, then Zx X _hr ~r _" \ Sfi' The compression of a cylindrical vessel exposed on all sides to the same hydrostatic pressure is therefore independent of m, and it may be shewn that the same is true for a vessel of any shape. 2. When a,% = a^% Bx X ^ \9yx "^ 3m/ |w 7 = + 3l(3^--»)^ (28). In this case, when o = 0, the compressions are independent of /x. = 3. In a solid cylinder, aj 0, — — The expressions for and are the same as those in the first case, when h^ — hf When the lon^tudinal pressure o vanishes, Bx X ' r ' \9/x 3m/ ' THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. When the cylinder ia pressed on the plane sides only, 8x r \9fi dmj When 4. the solid is infinite, or when a, is infinite, p = K--._a-(\-K) I=h x~ m ~ + * r 6iM Since the expression for the efiect of a longitudinal strain is B-x=o(— + —) X \9/i, 3m/ if we make VOL. I. E ^ — = = r, 9mu, ^, 8x 1 , then o ^^ m E + 6/x cc .(30). (31). 50 THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. E The quantity may be deduced from experiment on the extension of wires m E or rods of the substance, and /x is given in terms of and by the equation, „ = _^!!L_ (32), ^^^ ^=S (^^)' P being the extending force, h the length of the rod, s the sectional area, and Bx the elongation, which may be determined by the deflection of a wire, as in the apparatus of S' Gravesande, or by direct measurement. Case IV. The only known direct method of finding the compressibihty of liquids is that employed by Canton, (Ersted, Perkins, Aime, &c. The liquid is confined in a vessel with a narrow neck, then pressure is applied, and the descent of the liquid in the tube is observed, so that the difference between the change of volume of liquid and the change of internal capacity of the vessel may be determined. Now, since the substance of which the vessel is formed is compressible, a change of the internal capacity is possible. If the pressure be applied only to the contained liquid, it is evident that the vessel will be distended, and the compressibihty of the liquid will appear too great. The pressure, therefore, is commonly applied externally and internally at the same time, by means of a hydrostatic pressure produced by water compressed either in a strong vessel or in the depths of the sea. As it does not necessarily follow, from the equality of the external and internal pressures, that the capacity does not change, the equilibrium of the vessel must be determined theoretically. (Ersted, therefore, obtained from Poisson his solution of the problem, and applied it to the case of a vessel of lead. To find the cubical elasticity of lead, he appUed the theory of Poisson to the numerical results of Tredgold. As the compressibility of lead thus found was greater than that of water, (Ersted expected that the apparent compressibility of water in a lead vessel would be negative. On making the experiment the apparent compressibihty was greater in lead than in glass. The quantity found —— THE EQUILIBRrcrM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. 51 by Tredgold from the extension of rods was that denoted by E, and the value E of ft deduced from alone by the formulae of Poisson cannot be true, unless — = |-; and as — for lead is probably more than 3, the calculated compressi- bility is much too great. A similar experiment was made by Professor Forbes, who used a vessel of caoutchouc. As in this case the apparent compressibility vanishes, it appears that the cubical compressibihty of caoutchouc is equal to that of water. Some who reject the mathematical theories as unsatisfactory, have conjec- tured that if the sides of the vessel be sufficiently thin, the pressure on both sides being equal, the compressibility of the vessel will not affect the result. The following calculations shew that the apparent compressibility of the liquid depends on the compressibility of the vessel, and is independent of the thickness when the pressures are equal. A hollow sphere, whose external and internal radii are a^ and a,, is acted on by external and internal normal pressures h^ and K, it is required to determine the equilibrium of the elastic solid. The pressures at any point in the solid are : A 1. pressure p in the direction of the radius. A 2. pressure q in the perpendicular plane. These pressures depend on the distance from the centre, which is denoted by r. — The compressions at any point are -.— in the radial direction, and in the tangent plane, the values of these compressions are : fr=[h-^^P^''i)*h^ ('")• T = fe-3fJ(^ + 2,) + l5 (35). Multiplying the last equation by r, differentiating with respect to r, and equating the result with that of the first equation, we find 52 THE EQUILIBRITTM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. Since the forces whicli act on the particle in the direction of the radius must balance one another, or 2qdrde +p (rdey =(^p + ^d7^(r + dry 6, therefore _r dp ^""-^ = 2 37 ^^^^' -p Substituting this value of q in the preceding equation, and reducing, therefore Integrating, ^ + 2^ = 0. dr dr p-\-2q = c,. But r dp , and the equation becomes dp + 3^-^-i = 0, dr therefore 1 c. K Since p = h, when = r a.,, and p = when r = a,, the value of p at any distance is found to be ^~ a^-af r' a^-a,' (37). 9- a,'-ai "^^ 7^ <-a/ .(38). When r = a„ -y = -^r:^^ - + t ^^ ^^737^3 ^ U ~ a,' - a/ - 2»i/ a/ «/ \jx 2wi/ _ When the external and internal pressures are equal K SV h^ = h.,=p = q, and -y- .(39). .(40), — THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. 53 the change of internal capacity depends entirely on the cubical elasticity of the vessel, and not on its thickness or linear elasticity. When the external and internal pressures are inversely as the cubes of the radii of the surfaces on which they act, aX = a,%, p = ^ K q= -i^K (41). when = r r- — V ^ ' 2 ^^ In this case the change of capacity depends on the linear elasticity alone. M. Regnault, in his researches on the theory of the steam engine, has given an account of the experiments which he made in order to determine with accuracy the compressibility of mercury. He considers the mathematical formulae very uncertain, because the theories of molecular forces from which they are deduced are probably far from the truth ; and even were the equations free from error, there would be much uncertainty in the ordinary method by measuring the elongation of a rod of the substance, for it is diflScult to ensure that the material of the rod is the same as that of the hollow sphere. He has, .therefore, availed himself of the results of M. Lam6 for a hollow sphere in three different cases, in the first of which the pressure acts on the interior and exterior surface at the same time, while in the other two cases the pressure is applied to the exterior or interior surface alone. Equation (39) becomes in these cases, — 1. When = ^1 /ij, -^ = and the compressibility of the enclosed liquid being /x,, and the apparent diminution of volume S'F, v-.£-;) « When 2. = /i, 0, ; 54 THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. 3. When h,^0, K 8V_ h 9^\ , m V a^-a^ \ii ^ ^' V2 J M. Lamp's equations differ from these only in assuming that = fi, |-m. If this assumption be correct, then the coefficients /u,, m, and jMj, may be found from two of these equations ; but since one of these equations may be derived from the other two, the three coefficients cannot be found when /u, is supposed independent of m. In Equations (39), the quantities which may be varied at \ pleasure are and h^, and the quantities which may be deduced from the apparent compressions are, '=G+4)^°<^S-i)=^" therefore some independent equation between these quantities must be found, and this cannot be done by means of the sphere alone; some other experiment must be made on the liquid, or on another portion of the substance of which the vessel is made. The value of /x^, the elasticity of the liquid, may be previously known. m The linear elasticity of the vessel may be found by twisting a rod of the material of which it is made E Or, the value of may be found by the elongation or bending of the audi: , We have here five quantities, which may be determined by experiment. on sphere. THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. 55 When the elastic sphere is solid, the internal radius a, vanishes, and fh=p = q, and -y = ^- When the case becomes that of a spherical cavity in an infinite solid, the external radius a^ becomes infinite, and P=K-f{K-K) r- — 66 THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. Let a rectangular elastic beam, whose length is 2irc, be bent into a circular form, so as to be a section of a hollow cylinder, those parts of the beam which lie towards the centre of the circle will be longitudinally compressed, while the opposite parts will be extended. The expression for the tangential compression is therefore Br _ r — c ~ r c' —Sr Comparing this value of with that of Equation (20), r V=(^-4)<''+-p+«)+^''' and by (21), q=p + r dr ^) + ,,. , /I By substituting for q its value, and dividing by r (q- 2\ ., the equat:ion • becomes — — 2m + _ dp {m 3/x j9 9?n/i. 3/x) o 9m/x c m dr r~ + 6fx (m + 6fi) r + (m * 6/x) r' a linear differential equation, which gives ^ ^ m — 3fir 2m + 3/x Ci may be found by assumiQg that when r^a^, p = \, and q may be found from p by equation (21). As the expressions thus found are long and cumbrous, it is better to use the following approximations : _/_9m^\ y () l^\llcl^ \ (48). In these expressions a is half the depth of the beam, and y is the distance of any part of the beam from the neutral surface, which in this case is a cylindric surface, whose radius is c. These expressions suppose c to be large compared with a, since most sub- stances break when - exceeds a certain small quantity. THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. 57 Let b be the M = resists flexure breadth of the beam, then the force M=lhyq = ^^^-^ = Ef with which the beam (49), which is the ordinary expression for the stiffness of a rectangular beam. The' stiffness of a beam of any section, the form of which is expressed by an equation between x and y, the axis of x being perpendicular to the plane of flexure, or the osculating plane of the axis of the beam at any point, is expressed by Mc = E{ifdx (50), M being the moment of the force which bends the beam, and c the radius of the circle into which it is bent. Case YI. At the meeting of the British Association in 1839, Mr James Nasmyth described his method of making concave specula of silvered glass by bending. A circular piece of silvered plate-glass was cemented to the opening of an iron vessel, from which the air was afterwards exhausted. The mirror then became concave, and the focal distance depended on the pressure of the air. Buffon proposed to make burning- mirrors in this way, and to produce the partial vacuum by the combustion of the air in the vessel, which was to be effected by igniting sulphur in the interior of the vessel by means of a burning-glass. Although sulphur evidently would not answer for this purpose, phosphorus might; but the simplest way of removing the air is by means of the air-pump. The mirrors which were actually made by Buffon, were bent by means of a screw acting on the centre of the glass. To find an expression for the curvature produced in a flat, circular, elastic plate, by the difference of the hydrostatic pressures which act on each side of it,— Let t be the thickness of the plate, which must be small compared with its diameter. Let the form of the middle surface of the plate, after the curvature is produced, be expressed by an equation between r, the distance of any point from the axis, or normal to the centre of the plate, and x the distance of the point from the plane in which the middle of the plate originally was, and let ds=-^{dxY + {dr)\ VOL I. 8 58 THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDS. Let A, be the pressure on one side of the plate, and h^ that on the other. Let p and q be the pressures in the plane of the plate at any p point, acting in the direction of a tangent to the section of the plate by a plane passing through the axis, and q acting in the direction perpendicular to that plane. By equating the forces which act on any particle in a direction parallel to the axis, we find ^ drdx ^ dpdx ^ d^x ^ ,, , , j^dr By making p = when r = in this equation, when integrated, p-l^l^^--'^-) The forces perpendicular to the axis are [drV . dpdr ^ d^r .^ , i\dx ^ . ("^- Substituting for p its value, the equation gives ^"_ (^1 - h^ idr dr dx\ (h^ - h^ /dr ds^d^^ds ^r\ , . t ''[d'sdi'^d^)'^ 2t "^^[didxd^ dxd^)""^ ^' The equations of elasticity become dSs (\ 1\/ ^ h, + h\^p ^ ^^ Differentiating = -j- -^ (""''')' ^^^ *^^^® dhr dr ~ dr dr dSs ' ds ds ds By a comparison of these values of -t— ds , dtr^\rwl , ds) \9iJ, 1\/ ,K + h\,qdrp^ (I , l\fdp,dq\ w dr as THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ELASTIC SOUDS. 59 To obtain an expression for the curvature of the plate at the vertex, let a be the radius of curvature, then, as an approximation to the equation of the plate, let — — r» x . 2a By substituting the value of a: in the values of p and q, and in the equa- tion of elasticity, the approximate value of a is found to be = + m-+ a 18m/x, \-\-h^ 3/x — lOm lOw ^i-A, A,-^2 . 1 c 1 "T" ' T 51/x 7~ ~T~z ; TT" 51/t ' .(53). Since the focal distance of the mirror, or -, depends on the difference of pressures, a telescope on Mr Nasmyth's principle would act as an aneroid baro- meter, the focal distance varying inversely as the pressure of the atmosphere. Case VIL To find the conditions of torsion of a cylinder composed of a great number of parallel wires bound together without adhering to one another. Let X be the length of the cylinder, a its radius, r the radius at any point, M hS the angle of torsion, the force producing torsion, hx the change of length, P and the longitudinal force. Each of the wires becomes a helix whose radius — IJ is r, its angular rotation Zd, and its length along the axis x-Zx. Its length is therefore {rZey and the tension is - V - = - 1 jE; 1 /[ 1 ] r^ (-]'] . This force, resolved parallel to the axis, is 60 THE EQUIUBRTCM OF ELASTIC SOUDS. —XX— and since and r are small, we may assume -"-{-l-n?)'} <"> The force, when resolved in the tangential direction, is approximately "-^m'i-m '"> — By eliminating between (54) and (55) we have X M: ^^^'ip.E.^m (56). X 24 \ a?/ P M When = 0, depends on the sixth power of the radius and the cube of the angle of torsion, when the cylinder is composed of separate filaments. Since the force of torsion for a homogeneous cylinder depends on the fourth power of the radius and the first power of the angle of torsion, the torsion of a wire having a fibrous texture will depend on both these laws. The parts of the force of torsion which depend on these two laws may be found by experiment, and thus the difference of the elasticities in the direction of the axis and in the perpendicular directions may be determined. A calculation of the force of torsion, on this supposition, may be found in Young's Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy; and it \s introduced here to account for the variations from the law of Case II., which may be observed in a twisted rod. Case VIII. It is well known that grindstones and fly-wheels are often broken by the centrifugal force produced by their rapid rotation. I have therefore calculated the strains and pressure acting on an elastic cylinder revolving round its axis, and acted on by the centrifugal force alone. THE EQUILIBBIUM OF ELASTIC SOLIDa. 61 The equation of the equilibrium of a particle [see Equation (21)], becomes dp Air'k , where q and p are the tangential and radial pressures, k is the weight in pounds of a cubic inch of the substance, g is twice the height in inches that a body falls in a second, t is the time of revolution of the cylinder in seconds. ^ By substituting the value of q and in Equations (19), (20), and neglect- ing 0, -(i-3^)(«|-?-g)-M^S-f-^.^) which gives 1 TT^k 2+^K 2gt^\ + ^« 1 , Tj'k (-"?) (57). TT'k ^=-V + 22g^f»(-2 + f)^ + c. If the radii of the surfaces of the hollow cylinder be a, and cu„ and the pressures actmg on them h^ and h^, then the values of c^ and c, are (58). -f^'-(«--.')S(^-S. When o, = 0, as in the case of a solid cylinder, = c, 0, and *'+0 « = {2('^ + «.') + |(3'^-«,')} When = A, 0, and r^a^, (59). ^ = ^U-2) (60). When q exceeds the tenacity of the substance in pounds per square inch, the cylinder will give way; and by making q equal to the number of pounds which a square inch of the substance will support, the velocity may be found at which the bursting of the cylinder will take place. g2 THE EQUILIBRIUM OP ELASTIC SOLIDS. '^ Since I=ho>(q-p) = (^-2\br', a transparent revolving cylinder, when polarized light is transmitted parallel to the axis, will exhibit rings whose diameters are as the square roots of an arithmetical progression, and brushes parallel and perpendicular to the plane of polarization. Case IX. A hollow cylinder or tube is surrounded by a medium of a constant temperature while a liquid of a different temperature is made to flow through it. The exterior and interior surfaces are thus kept each at a constant tem- perature till the transference of heat through the cylinder becomes uniform. Let V be the temperature at any point, then when this quantity has reached its limit, rdv _ v = Ci\ogr + Ci (61). Let the temperatures at the surfaces be 0^ and 0^, and the radii of the surfaces a, and a^, then ^ 0^-0^ loga,0^-logaA ^'""logaj-loga/ '~ loga^-loga^ Let the coeflBcient of linear dilatation of the substance be c,, then the proportional dilatation at any point will be expressed by c,v, and the equations of elasticity (18), (19), (20), become m r ^ \,9/x 3m/ ^ ^' The equation of equHibrivuu is 2-P+r'^ and since the tube is supposed to be of a considerable length -J— =c^ a constant quantity. CL2C (21),