L E T T E R S TO THE E D I T O R 1197 yield from about 20 g/cm2 of toluene is 0.0030± 0.0005 antineutrons per antiproton with the lead glass, and 0.0028±0.0005 with the liquid scintillator. With the assumption that the interaction cross section for antineutrons is the same as for antiprotons, the inefficiency of the detector due to attenuation in Sh S2, and the lead converter, and to transmission of the detector can be calculated, and is found to be about 50%. From the observed antineutron yield the mean free path for charge exchange of the type detected is about 2300 g/cm2 of toluene (C7H8); or, in other words, the exchange cross section is about 2% of the annihilation cross section for this material. This corresponds to a cross section of approximately 8 millibarns in carbon for this process. The generous support of many groups, including the Bevatron operating group under Dr. Edward J. Lofgren, is greatly appreciated. We thank Professor David Frisch of Massachusetts Institute of Technology for the loan of the lead glass used in the Cerenkov counter. * This work was done under the auspices of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. f On leave of absence from Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York. 1 Chamberlain, Segre, Wiegand, and Ypsilantis, Phys. Rev. 100, 947(1955). 2 Brabant, Cork, Horwitz, Moyer, Murray, Wallace, and Wenzel, Phys. Rev. 101, 498 (1956). 3 Chamberlain, Chupp, Ekspong, Goldhaber, Goldhaber, Lofgren, Segre, Wiegand, Amaldi, Baroni, Castagnoli, Franzinetti, and Manfredini, Phys. Rev. 102, 921 (1956). Magnetic Moment of the Proton in Bohr Magnetons* PETER FRANKENJ AND SIDNEY LIEBES, JR. Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, California (Received September 18, 1956) in a fashion that does not require a quantitative knowledge of the electrostatic field distribution. We make three assumptions which are subjected to experimental verification: (1) The electron orbit radii are small compared to distances in which the electrostatic field varies appreciably. (2) The frequency shift caused by the electrostatic field is small. (3) The electrostatic field is independent of magnetic field in a chosen range of magnetic field variation. When assumptions (1) and (2) obtain, it follows that the fractional shift of the observed cyclotron frequency co/, relative to the unshifted frequency coe, is, in Gaussian units, cEr r /dEz\ i mo2 47Tp-( — ) , (1) C0e v±H V dz / o\J22eH~2" wherein Er= (l/2w)Jl2rErd6 represents the average radial electric field at the orbit, vx the magnitude of the component of the electron velocity perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field, and p the space charge density. The electric field derivative is evaluated at the orbit center and the direction of H is chosen parallel to the z-axis. We take e>0. The experimentally observed quantity