AFAL-TR-88-031 AD: AD-A 197 537 Final Report 21st Century Propulsion for the period 7 July 1987 toCo c p 7 January 1988 DTIC AUG 1 9 18 April 1988 Author: Veritay Technology, Inc. R. L. Talley P.O. Box 305 4845 Millersport Highway East Amherst, NY 14051 F04-88-1 F04611-87-C-0058 Approved for Public Release Distribution is unlimited. The AFAL Technical Services Office has reviewed this report, and it is releasable to the National Technical Info-mation Service, where it will be available to the general public, including foreign nationals. . Preparedfor the: Air Force Astronautics Laboratory V .Air Force Space Technology Center "SpaceDivision, Air Force Systems Command Edwards Air Force Base, California 93523-5000 • %" bb.d •v" t- 'r NOTICE When U.S. Government drawings, specifications, or other data are used for any purpose other than a definitely related Government procurement operation, the fact that the Government may have formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the said drawings, specifications, ur other data, is not to be regarded by implication or otherwise, or in any way licensing the holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture, use, or sell any patented invention that may be related thereto. FOREWORD This final report was submitted by Veritay Technology, Inc., East Amherst, NY on completion of Small Business Innovitive Research contract F04611-37-C-0058 with the Air Force Astronautics Laboratory (AFAL), Edwards AFB, CA. AFAL Project Manager was Dr Frank Mead. This report has been reviewed and is approved for release and distribution in accordance with the distribution statement on the cover and on the DD Forn 1473. FR LIN B. M'AD, JR. WILLIAM A. SU LL, CAPT, USAF Project Manager Chief, Advanced Concepts Branch FOR THE COMMANDER ROBERT L. GEISLER Deputy Chief, Astronautical Sciences Division 0 . . .. . • .., . . • UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Is. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION lb RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS UNCLASSIFIED 2a. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY J. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY OF REPORr b_DECLASSIFICATION IDOWNGRADING SCHEDULE Approved for public release, distribution AI is unlimited. 4 PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) S. MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) F04-88-1 AFAL-TR-68-U31 65 NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION 61b OFFICE SYMBOL 7a. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION (If applicable) Air Force Astronautics Veritay Technology, Inc. 7V715 Laboratory k. ADDRESS (City, State, arid ZIP Code) 7b. ADDRESS (City. Statoe, and ZIP Code) 4845 Millersport Highway, PO Box 305 LKCT East Amherst, New york 14051 Edwards AFB, CA 93523-5000 .aN.AME OF FUNDING iSPONSORING 1b OFFICE SYMBOL 9. PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ORGANIZATION (If applicable) F04611-87-C-0058 SC.ADDRFSS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 10. SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS PROGRAM PROJECT TASK IWORK UNIT ELEMENT NO. INO. NO. ACCESSION NO. 1_._TT ________________u_____C___.________n__. __ 65502F 3058 00 4M 11. TITLE (include Security Classificationi 21st Century Propulsion Concept (U) 12. PEISONAL AUTHOR(S) Talley, Robert L. 13a TYPE OF REPORT 13b. rTMECOVE9 D 14. DATE OF REPORT (Year. Month. Day) rPSAG LUNT iFinal I FROMI8 7 (/I/ TO 88/I/7 88/4 " 16. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION "-'1L/ *' 17 COSATI CODES B8.SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identif by block number) FIELD GROUP SUB-GROUP Biefield-Brown Effect >Electrostatic Force Genera 22 01 •lectrostatic Field tion.'PQOJa5 'kcq ,,e N -Propu 1sion) Advanced Propulsion Technique. 19.ABTAT(ontinue on reverse if necessary an identify by block numbewr) - --------- --rhis Phase Iý SBIR contract-'*f fort was intended to explore the Biefield-Brown effect, which allegedly converts electrostatic energy into a propulsive force. Activities under this program emphasized the experimental exploration of this electrostatic thrust-generation concept to verify its existence, to verify its operation in a vacuum, and to establish *- the magnitude of its thl-ust. To meet these goals an overall laboratory test configuration was designed and developed for quantifying the electrostatically induced 'A•. propulsive forces on selected experimental devices. This configuration utilized a vacuum chamber with a torsion fiber type measurement system for direct assessment of propulsive forces. 20 DISTRIBUTION /AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT 21. ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 0 UNCLASSIFIEDIUNLIMITED tR SAME AS RPT 0 DTIC USERS Unclassified 22. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL 'gb TELEPHONE (include Area Code) 22c. OFFICE SYMBOL rFcnkLtn S. Mead, Jr. (S05)275-5540 DD FCRM 1473, 84 MAR 83 APR edition may be used until exhausted. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE All other editions are obsolete I 19. ABSTRACr (CONT.) veometrical symmetries were incorporated in the design to minimize the influence of reaction forces which can arise from nearby bodies, including the walls of the vacuum chamber itself. Tests were conducted at atmospheric pressure and over a range of partial vacuum conditions. Direct experimental results indicate that when an electrostatic potential difference is applied between asymmetrical electrodes of an all metal test device, a residual propulsive force is generated and acts on the device. This residual force acts in the opposite direction to electrical wind forces and to the forces claimed to have been measured in a vacuum by T.T. Brown. 4* 4.1 ~~.Mo0 . p. '0j 00 04. E-.. a i 0 -A 00 r4 m~ 41 In ~ 00 414 PRESSURE - PASCAL 10"I 1 101 102 103 10 4 105 +2xl. +.020 APPLIED POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE 39 I0J dod.ts • IAS kilovoits +lxl67 _ +.010 40'0 o i-'o--"-Z2-21 1 101.. . .. .. io _ 2 29 50 4 PRESSURE - TORR Figure6 aito fMntd oc ihArPesr 942 Ill .1 L4 - 211 The positive direction of force indicated in Figure 6 is from the ball towards the disk for device No. 1. For the test results shown, the disk was always at a positive potential with resp~act to the ball, and the ball was at the same earth ground as the chamber walls. The stationary hollow aluminum sphere placed around the test device support was held at earth ground potential when leakage currents were not being measured. It was connected through a 10k ohm resistor to ground during current measurements. Since the observed leakage currents were less that about 1 nA, the potential of the sphere was essentially zero also. The region on Figure 6 labelled "measurement threshold" is bounded by the approximate positive and negative force levels that correspond to the combined effect of oscillation tinoisenl in * the torsion pendulum and readout uncertainties. Forces measured Xn with the current torsion fiber system are not reliable when their absolute values lie within this threshold region. 1n this region the forces are considered to be approximately zero. The average force values given iii Figure 6 include the t contribution of the electrical wind, the ion propulsion effect, and presumably the Brown effect. It appears that the electrical wind force is appreciable at and near atmospheric pressure, but falls off to zero by the time the pressure is reduced to about 133 Pa (1 Torr). This pressure limit may be slightly lower for higher applied potentials. This behavior needs to be explored further in future investigations. The electric wind region indicated, however, is consistent with investigations noted in the literature;( 1 6 )-(1 9 ) apparently this phenomenon has received little attention in regions of higher vacuum. The net force on the device in the region where electrical wind predominates is in the directio~n toward the more positive potential, as indicated by Brown. In the vacuum region, however, our measurements show this force to be in the opposite direction. 0 Brown ulaimed (as noted in the "Background and Review of Selected I 43 observations") that under vacuum conditions the force was "in the negative to positive direction."( 4) This discrepancy in the direction of force has not yet been resolved. If our results remain valid when further tests and other possible minor effects are taken into account, then it seems that the force measured here is not the same one Brown claimed to have investigated. In the pressure region bel'ow about 133 Pa (1 Torr) the total force level associated with each potential appears to be independent of pressure. Further, the lack of significant boundary influence in tests run inside and outside the current collecting sphere is apparent. Test numbers 47 and 50 were run with no sphere present, whereas test numbers 9 and 34 were run with devices mounted inside the sphere. The pressure independence also implies that any specific force level should exist unchanged even at atmospheric pressure, and should add (algebraically) to the electric wind force to give the total force actually measured. Near atmospheric pressure the electric wind force, in turn, would be larger than the total measured force shown in Figure 6. The variation of total force with applied potential difference is shown in Figure 7 for forces on test device No. 1 at atmospheric pressure. The line through the data points is a regression line fitted to the points. On a logarithmic basis the equation of this line is Slog F = a + b log V, (10) or in terms of physical parameters,. it corresponds to the simple functional form F = A Vb, (11) 44 10-5 Air Pressure: 1.01 x 105 Pascal (760 Torr) "is 10-6'17 " 10-1 2m 0-16 >4 039 41 10-8 1 101 APPLIED POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE - KILOVOLTS Fgure 7. Viraton of 1murd Force With "MW 45 whore F- measured force v- applied potential difference A- constant - 10a b- line slope (an log-log plot). For the data of Figure 6, the regression line becomes approximately F - 5.21 x 10-8 VI'888, (12) where F is expressed in newtons and V in in kcilovolts. Forces in the pressure region at and below 1.33 Pa (I !rorr), which do not seem to vary with pressure, are combined at selected levels of applied voltage and are plotted in Figure 8. Error bars about the mean value points at 0.5 and 1.5 kcilovolts represent the positive and negative values of one standard deviation estimated from experimental data. These values correspond to ± 20.6 percent and ± 17.4 percent of the means, respectively. Corresponding error estimates for the single points at 0.575, 1.0 and 5.0 kilovolts are each assumed to be +21% of the respective measured force values. The regression line in this case becomes F - 3.55 x 10-8 V 0.722, (13) using the same units as before. The exponents in each of the preceding functional forms are rather sensitive to the actual data, and hence, to any minor systematic errors in the measured values. The values given, therefore, should be considered preliminary. 46 Air Pressure: S1.33 Pascal (1 Torr) 10-0 0F 0 7I 10- W2 10-'1 APPLED PTENTAL IFFEENCE KILOOLT Flp L xdo@Lo~m md am M "ie 47 I•- Results for tests conducted inside the hollow sphere using the symmetrical device No.2 are given in Table S. The purposzeof these tests was to determine if the figure-eight device support produced an asymmetrical force, and whether such a force, if present, was due to electrical wind. In view of Brown's work, the symmetrical device, itself, should produce no net force due to either the electrical wind or to the Brown effect. These tests were conducted using different combinations of electrical potentials on the two toroids and different grounding arrangements. The electrical conditions for each test run are shown In Table 9. For all cases the electrical connections between the terminals at the bottom of the figure-eight support (or equally at the top of the stand pipe) and the device elements remains fixed. The center terminal indicated in Figure 9, is always connected to the ball end of the asymmetrical device, or to the toroids of the symmetrical device which fastens onto the same support arm. Likewise, the outside terminal fastens to the disk of the asymmetrical device, or the other toroid in the symmetrical case. r reference, all the tests noted previously for asymmetrical devices were run using electrical condi 4 -n #1, given in Table 9. There is a slight asymmetry in the figure-eight device support shown earlier in Figure 4, consisting of the mechanical support ring for the brass tubes that hold the disks of the asymmetrical device. This same ring also serves as an electrical U- connection between the two disks and the vertical brass tube which ultimately connects to the outside terminal at the top of the stand pipe, as shown in Figure 5. * 48 S o 00 04 p4~ ..9,... 9..4 "4 "4, 0 0i @0 0 c: Go 0o *1 10a 0' 0 0In %a 0 wtG a C * Um en4 in 0 M 4 . + + + I+ + I+ + I+ *4 0 m A M *4 * mn a0 '0 ' 0 %49.4 .. 9- 9 1 1 9 . 9. 9 97 a W4 4 94 4- '4 A4 4 94 C4 .4. . 4 r40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 ?0 4m0 m40 m0 4 a0 0 a0 0- 0 . mO Il r4 Mn In In Mn In In H A 0 0 0 0000 0 0000 0 EA A4 .4 A4 .4 H4 H4 m 4 .4 H4 00 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 04 0. 0 04 c. r44 A4 m4 H4 .H4 4 r4 4 .4 .4 4n 0N N m N N m N NNN N M M 60 V .4 M H i5n.4 M q 0 M4 w M4 m 4 N In .4 A 0 mn in V q 4 v4 In In In w0 .4 H4 .4 .4 .4 .4 4 . .4 4 .4 4 04 .4 . 4 r 4 .4 49 Table 9. Electrical Conditions for Symmetrical Device Tests Signs of Electrical Potentials on Terminals at Top ofStape CONDITION CENTER OUTSIDE GROUD TERMINAL TERMINAL TIRKINAL #1 + ~Center( #2 + -Center (. #3 + -Outside( # 4 + Outside (. TEST NO. ELECTRICAL TEST NO.* ELECTRICAL (TABLE 8) CONDITION (TABLE 8) CONDITION 1iT 8ST 4 2T 3 9T 2 3 T 3 10OT 2 4 T 1 11 T 4 ~ 5 T 2 12 T 1 6 T 4 13 T 7 T 4 14 T 3 It is perhaps easiest to grasp the symmetry test results by examining Table 10, where the measured total force values are indicated, together with test run number, in an array corresponding to given electrical conditions and potential differences applied to the device. First, it is noted that the measurement threshold corresponds to a force of about .385 x 10-8 newton. Hence, the force values under condition #2 at atmospheric pressure are essentially zero. The values for conditions #1 and #4 combine to 50 Table 10. Array for Comparison of Forces Measured Using Symmetrical Device Entry: Measured force, newtons(symmetrical device test number) ELECTRICAL CONDITION APPLIED POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE 1500 VOLTS 1000 VOLTS 500 VOLTS "Pressure: j1.01xl05pa (760 torr) # 1 - .866xI0-S(lT) # 2 - .385xi0-8(5T) + .385x10- 8 (9T) # 3 +3.657xl10 8 (2T) 0 +3. 368x108 (3T) # 4 +5.197x10-8(6T) +4.138x10-8(7T) 1.059x10-8 (8T)7 Pressure: 1.l9x103Pa(9 torr) # 1 +.289xi0-8(12T) # 2 +.577xi0-8(10T) # 3 ---- +.289xi0-8(14T) # 4 ---- -. 481x10 8 (liT) indicate a bias in the force of approximately +2.1 x 10-8 newton. This corresponds to the polarity used in the asymmetric tests. The bias causes the force measured under the #1 condition to be more positive (less negative) than would be the case without the bias. This bias is attributed to the figure-eight device support hardware (probably associated with the asymmetrical support ring mentioned above), since the toroids of the No.3 devices used are quite symmetric and their force contribution should be zero. 51 A similar bias, with the same sign but with smaller magnitude (about +1.6x10- 8 newton) also exists for the electrical conditions #2 and #3. In this case the electrical polarity at the device terminals are reversed. The most important feature, however, is that at the pressure of 1.19x10 3 Pa(9 torr), each of the forces measured at atmospheric pressure has essentially disappeared. The force values for conditions #2 and #4 which are slightly in excess of the measurement threshold, are still considered to be a noise deflection. This disappearanLe of measured forces implies that the forces observed with the symmetrical devices at atmospheric pressure are caused by electrical wind. In turn, this source of wind interaction is most likely the figure-eight support, and particularly the metal ring. This slight asymmetry does not seem to be operative at reduced pressures, so the previous test results with the asymmetrical test devices should be unaffected. Auxiliary Tests and Considerations A few auxiliary tests were conducted in attempt to further define or estimate the importance of factors which could influence the results obtained during tests of asymmetrical device No.l. Perhaps the most important of the auxiliary tests were the ones run to assess the effect of lighting within the chamber on the torsion fiber, the test devices, and the residual air in the chamber. Heating of the torsion fiber by incident radiation (especially under vacuum conditions) was examined briefly via comparison runs for a normal device load with the fiber shielded, with the radiation turned off, and with radiation turned on as used during device test runs. These several conditions appeared to have no effect on fiber performance or drift when they were 52 Li individually applied, or juxtaposed,' over a period of about 30 minutes. Direct application of radiation to the test devices ina the open chamber indicated no measurable effects of radiation pressure. Inasmuch as the devices were inside the sphere during many of the test runs, radiation pressure effects were not expected to be influential during those particular test runs.4 Radiant heating of air (or gas) in the chamber does cause mild convection currents to appear when the air pressure is near atmospheric. At reduced pressured of about 1.33x10 3 Pa(l0 torr)I or less no convection currents strong enough to influence force readings were observed. Magnetic effects were considered, but were essentially negated by the symmetrical design of the figure-eight deviceI support and the current carrying electrical connections and The figure-eight support design was chosen and irplemented for two reasons; first, to eliminate the need to place a specific dielectric material between the electrodes of the test devices; and second, to balance any residual electric vind forces between support arms so that no net torque would act on the fiber. Other auxiliary considerations, such as boundary effects, t~m electrical breakdown conditions, use of symmetrical devices, changing electrical polarities, and use of different grounding points have been noted previously and are relevant. System Errors Any measurement system is subject to errors, both random and systematic, and the torsion fiber system used in this effort was * no exception. 53 The principal random errors encountered were a slow zero drift of the fiber and a fast shift of the apparent zero position of the fiber, usually when an electrical potential was applied to the devices under test. The slow zero drift was straight forward to assess, since the zero positions were evaluated both before and after each test run. The fast shift proved more difficult, and was apparently not directly associated with the fiber behavior, but with that of the mercury when an electrical potential was applied. This can likely be circumvented by eliminating the mercury contacts from the system. The main sytematic error encountered was the mechanical drag of the mercury on the alectrical contacts mounted to the oscillating device pendulum. This drag tended to reduce the deflection of an electrically driven device, thereby indicating . that a smaller total force was causing the device to deflect. This is another key'reason for eliminating the use of mercury for electrical contacts. A second systematic error is unconfirmed, but is apt to be associated with a changing value of the torsional stiffness, S, of the copper fiber used, with temperature and with applied load on the fiber. Copper is probably not strong enough or sufficiently stable to serve as a trouble free fiber for this application; tungsten is believed to be a better choice. Evaluation The total force measurements need to ba compared to estimates of the magnitudes of the electric wind and ion propulsion effect to determine if any residual force exists. In this program, asymmetrical devices were used for testing purposes to emphasize the Brown effect rather than electric wind. Given this selection, the burden of accounting for the magnitude 54 of the electric wind during this effort was placed on measurements of the total forces generated electrostatically rather than on calculated results. The geometry of the asymmetric ball and disk are such that direct calculation of the electric wind ef'ect for this type of device becomes a significant three-dimensional axisymmetric boundary value problem. The major difficulty arises because the electric field and induced air flow (electric wind) are coupled and are generally not in the same direction at any point in the longitudinal plane, which includes the symmetry axis of the device. While such calculations can be made, they were not considered to be within the scope of the Phase I effort. Tt is of interest to note, however, that an analytical model has been advanced by Chang( 2 0 ) for a simple one-dimensional case of electric wind generation by a device consisting of closely spaced parallel planar electrodes constructed of light wire meshes. When these electrodes are driven with a DC potential difference of several kilovolts, a thrust is generated that consists of electric pressure and electric wind. The electric pressure arises from a nonuniform elec'%. i field energy density between the electrodes (the nonuniformity results from space charge effects); the electric wind arises from the induced flow of neutral air molecules. For the sake of simplicity, thp energy density term has not been separately called out in this report; instead, it has been included as part of the electric wind effect itself. Both electric pressure and electric wind cause a force on the device described by Cheng, which acts in a direction towards the positive electrode, just as observed here and as observed by Brown. It is considered desirable in any follow-on effort to incorporate a device configuration that will allow direct comparison of test results with Cheng's model. This should help corroborate experimental findings with theory and strengthen the interpretation of any residual force effects observed. 55 I_- - - - - - * . . * . -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 0- - - - - - The magnitude of the ion propulsion effect :iepends on the size of the diffusion current not collected by the disk or ball of the asymmetrical device No.1, but which passes to and is collected by the conducting sphere surrounding the test devices. The limit of sensitivity of the metering system used to evaluate the leakage current to the sphere was 1 nA. At no time (except during electrical breakdown) during the test runs under a vacuum was a measurable value observed in excess of this current sensitivity limit. Thus lx10- 9 ampere represents an upper bound on the current expected to contribute to the ion propulsion effect. A general expression for the force, F, expected from such an electrostatic thruster is given by Sutton and Ross (21): F - 1 (14) where F= accelerating force, newton I= propelling current flow, coulomb/sec V= accelerating potential difference, volts A= mass of accelerated particle, kg e= charge per particle, coulomb. For a threshold current of 1= 10-9 amp, V= 1000 volts and e= 1.60x10- 1 9 coulomb, equation (14) gives F= 111.84 newtons. If the accelerated particles were all electrons, protons, or aluminum ions (single charge) the corresponding maximum forces would be: 56 II electrons: ,u 9.11 x 10"31 kg F- 1.07 x 10-13 newton - 1.07 x 10-8 dyne protons: u= 1.672 x 10-27 kg F- 4.57 x 10-12 newton - 4.57 x 10-7 dyne aluminum a- 26.T8xl.66x10- 2 7 kg/AMU = 44.8X10-27 kg ions: F- 2.37 x 10-11 newton = 2.37 x 10-6 dyne. The force per device would be one-half of each of these values. These estimates assume that all the ion current would act collectively to propel each device in one direction. These force values per device are at most less than 1/1000 of the force measurement threshold value of .385xi0-8 newton (0.000385 dyne). Here these estimates for ion propulsion effects are negligible, and the extrapolation procedure suggested earlier is unneccessary. The measured total force values for pressures less than about 133 Pa (1 torr), as shown in Figure 6, are the forces sought. These electrostatically generated interaction forces are in the opposite direction of the forces claimed to have been measured by T.T. Brown. Hence, these interaction forces will not be referred to as due to the Brown effect, but will be called residual forces. 57 CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions have been reached based on the investigations of the Biefield-Brown effect conducted on this project: 1. Direct experimental results show that when an electrostatic potential difference is applied between asymmetrical electrodes of an all metal teat device, a propulsive force is generated and it acts on this device. 2. This electrostatically induced propulsive force consists of at least three components: electrical wind, ion propulsion, and a significant residual force. a.The electrical wind acts in the direction from the negative to the positive electrode and occurs only for air pressures greater than about 133 Pascal (1 torr), at least for applied potentials in the low kilovolt range. b.The ion propulsion effect (estimated on a theoretical basis) is completely negligible for the tests c.The residual force acts (for the tests conducted and the test device used) in the direction from the positive to the negative electrode, i.e., opposite to the direction of the electrical wind force. This W 0 residual force was observed directly and remained independent of the partial vacuum level over the approximate range of 133 Pascal (1 torr) to 1.33 Pascal (10-2 torr). Observations further indicate that this residual force remained constant up to atmospheric 58 pressure and subtracted from the electrical wind to yield the total force actually measured. 3. The electrostatically generated residual forces measured here act in the opposite direction to the forces claimed to have been measured in a vacuum by T.T. Brown. As a result these forces are referred to as residual forces, and not as forces caused by the Brown effect. 4. The residual force appears to vary approximately as the 0.72 power of the potential difference applied to the asymmetrical propulsion device tested. This finding is based on only a few datapoints, and may need revision when more data become available. 5. The measured total force at atmospheric pressure, due to contributions from electrical wind and (presumably) the residual force, varies approximately as the 1.9 power of the potential difference applied to the asymmetrical propulsion device tested. 6. The magnitude of the residual force appears to be rather small, but the size, shape and configuration of the. device tested are not necessarily optimal for residual force generation, and it may be possible to generate larger forces with devices similar in overall size. 1~7. only cursory attention was given to the exploration of electrostatically induced propulsive forces using devices which incorporate dielectrics in their design. The few tests which were conducted at atmospheric pressure using such devices, exhibited problems with reproducibility. 59 8. The torsion fiber type measurement system employed in this program needs a few modifications to improve performanco, but the overall measurement scheme appears suitable for investigating the fundamental aspects of electrostatically induced propulsive forces. 60 Ik L2 RECOMMENDATIONS As a result of this investigation, it is recommended thatmeasurements of propulsive forces generated on test devices by--application of applied electrostatic potentials or fields be continued. The purpose of this activity would be to further verify the existence of the residual force noted in this report,,, and to develop a more extensive data base which can be used to-more thoroughly explore and characterize its nature. Particular . attention needs to be given to extending the range of test conditions to greater vacuum levels and to higher applied electrostatic potentials. Selected improvements in the overall measurement and test configuration need to be incorporated to facilitate test reproduciblity, more efficient data collection, * and improved accuracy of measurements. A < N ri.• 0. REFERENCES 1. G. Burridge, Townsend Brown and His Anti-Gravity DiscsFats __ pp 40-46, 1956. 2. Rho Sigma, Ether Technology: A Rational Approach to Gravity-Control, Private Publication, Clayton; -GA-1977,-pp. 27-28, 39, 44-49. 3. T.T. Binwn, "A Method of and an Apparatus or Machine For Producing Force or Motion," British Patent #300, 311, Nov. 15, 1928. p. 4, line 46. 4. T.T. Brown, Electrokinetic Apparatus, U.S. Patent 3,187,206_ June 1, 1965. 5. T.T. Brown, How I Control Gravitation, Science and Invention. August 1929, p. 374. 6. Office of Naval Research, The Townsend Brown ElectroGravity Device: A Comprehensive Evaluation by the Office of Naval Research, with Accompanying Documents, W.M. Moore Publications, Prescott, Az. Sept. 15, 1952. 7. L.B. Loeb, Electrical Coronas, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1965, pp. 402-406. 8. D.E. Gray (ed.) American Institute of Physics Hardbook, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1957, pp. 2-61, 3-78- 3-80. 9. A. Elliott and J.M. Dickson, Laboratory Instruments: Their Design and Application, Chemical Publishing Co., New York, 1960. 10. P.J. Geary, Torsion Devices, British Scientific Instrument Research Association Report R249, 1960. 11. C. Limb, Sur la determination du moment du couple de torsion d'une susrension unifilaire, Compte Rendus Vol. 114, pp. 1057-1060, May 9, 1892. 12. R.C. Weast (ed.), CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th Edition, CRC Press, Cleveland, 1975. 13. H.A. Pohl, Dielectrophoresis, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1978. 14. A.D. Moore, Electrostatics and Its Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York 1973. 15. W.J. McGregor Tegart, Elements of Mechanical Metallurgy, MacMillan Co., New York, 1966, p. 97. 62 F...... . . . . . .- .. .... REFERENCES (CONT) 16. A.P. Chattock, Philosophical Magazine, Vol.48, p 401, 1899. 17. A.P. Chattock, Philosophical Magazine, Vol.1, p 79, 1901. 18. A.P. Chattock and A.M. Tyndall, Philosophical Magazine, Vol .17, p 543, 1909. 19. S. Rattner, Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 32, p 442, 1916. 20. S.I. Cheng, Glow Discharge as an Advanced Propulsion Device, ARS Journal Vol. 32, No. 12, pp 1910-1916, December 1962. 21. G.P. Sutton and D.M. Ross, Rocket Propulsion Elements, 4th ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1976, p 481. 63 BIBMLIOGRAPHY AIMA Subcommittee 1971 "UFO Encounter I -- Samle case selected by the UFO Subcommittee of the A~A, Astrnaic A&rni en p6-* Bearden, T.E. and A. Michrovski, 1985 The Emerging Energy science, Planetary Association for Clean Energy Inc., Ottawa, CA Brown, T.T., 1928 "A Method of and an Apatsor-Machine . for Producing Force or Nlotion,"0 ritish Patent #300,311. Nov. 15, 1928. Brown, T.T., 1929 "How I Control Gravitation," scinceand~ Invention. 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