THEOEETICAL ELEMENTS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EPS PROTEUS STEINMETZ, A.M., PttD. THIRD EDITION THOROUGHLY REVISED AND GREATLY CORRECTED The paper in this volume is brittle or the Inner margins are extremely narrow. We have bound or rebound the volume utilizing the best GENERAL BOOKBINDING Co,, CHESTER LAND, OHIO COPYRIGHT, 1909, BY THE MoGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY NEW YORK PREFACE. THE first part of the following volume originated from a series of University lectures which I once promised to deliver. This part can, to a certain extent, be considered as an intro- duction to my work on "Theory and Calculation of Alternating Current Phenomena/' leading up very gradually from the ordinary sine wave representation of the alternating current to the graphical representation by polar coordinates, from there to rectangular components of polar vectors, and ultimately to the symbolic representation by the complex quantity. The present work is, however, broader in its scope, in so far as it comprises the fundamental principles not only of alternating, but also of direct currents. The second part is a series of monographs of the more impor- tant electrical apparatus, alternating as well as direct current. It is, in a certain respect, supplementary to "Alternating Current Phenomena." While in the latter work I have presented the general principles of alternating current phenomena, in the present volume I intended to give a specific discussion of the particular features of individual apparatus. In consequence thereof, this part of the book is somewhat less theoretical, and more descriptive, my intention being to present the most impor- tant electrical apparatus in all their characteristic features as regard to external and internal structure, action under normal and abnormal conditions, individually and in connection with other apparatus, etc. I have restricted the work to those apparatus which experience has shown as of practical importance, and give only those theories and methods which an extended experience in the design and operation has shown as of practical utility. I consider this the more desirable as, especially of late years, electri- iii iv PREFACE. cal literature has been haunted by so many theories (for instance of the induction machine) which are incorrect, or too compli- cated for use, or valueless in practical application. In the class last mentioned are most of the graphical methods, which, while they may give an approximate insight in the inter-relation of phenomena, fail entirely in engineering practice owing to the great difference in the magnitudes of the vectors in the same diagram, and to the synthetic method of graphical representa- tion, which generally require one to start with the quantity which the diagram is intended to determine. I originally intended to add a chapter on Rectifying Apparatus, as arc light machines a-nd alternating current rectifiers, but had to postpone this, due to the incomplete state of the theory of these apparatus. The same notation has been used as in the Third Edition of "Alternating Current 7 Phenomena/ that is, vector quantities denoted by dotted capitals. The same classification and nomen- clature have been used as given by the report of the Standardiz- ing Committee of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. NEARLY eight years have elapsed since the appearance of the second edition, during which time the book has been reprinted without change, and a revision, therefore, became greatly desired. It was gratifying, however, to find that none of the contents of the former edition had to be dropped as superseded or anti- quated. However, very much new material had to be added. During these eight years the electrical industry has progressed at least as rapidly as in any previous period, and apparatus and phenomena which at the time of the second edition were of theoretical interest only, or of no interest at all, have now assumed great industrial importance, as for instance the singlephase commutator motor, the control of commutation by commutating poles, etc. Besides rewriting and enlarging numerous paragraphs through- out the text, a number of new sections and chapters have been added, on alternating-current railway motors, on the control of commutation by commutating poles ("interpoles"), on converter heating and output, on converters with variable ratio of conversion ("split-polo converters")* on three-wire generators and converters, short-circuit currents of alternators, stability and regulation of induction motors, induction generators, etc. In conformity with the arrangement used in my other books, the paragraphs of the text have been numbered for easier reference and convenience. When reading the book, or using it as text-book, it is recom- mended : After reading the first or general part of the present volume, to read through the first 17 chapters of " Theory and Calculation of Alternating Current Phenomena," omitting, however, the mathematical investigations as far as not absolutely required vi PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. for the understanding of the text, and then to take up the study of the second part of the present volume, which deals with special apparatus. When reading this second part, it is recom- mended to parallel its study with the reading of the chapter of "Alternating Current Phenomena" which deals with the same subject in a different manner. In this way a clear insight into the nature and behavior of apparatus will be imparted. Where time is limited, a large part of the mathematical discussion may be skipped and in that way a general review of the material gained. Great thanks are due to the technical staff of the McGraw- Hill Book Company, which has spared no effort to produce the third edition in as perfect and systematic a manner as possible, and to the numerous engineers who have greatly assisted me by pointing out typographical and other errors in the previous edition. CHARLES PROTEUS STEINMETZ. SCHENECTADY, September, 1909. CONTENTS. PART I. GENERAL SURVEY. 1. Magnetism and Electric Current. 2. Magnetism and E.M.F. 3. Generation of E.M.F. 4. Power and Effective Values. 5. Self-Inductance and Mutual Inductance. 6. Self-Inductance of Continuous-Current Circuits. 7. Inductance in Alternating-Current Circuits. 8. Power in Alternating-Current Circuits. 9. Polar Coordinates. 10. Hysteresis and Effective Resistance. 11. Capacity and Condensers. 12. Impedance of Transmission Lines. 13. Alternating-Current Transformer. 14. Rectangular Coordinates. 15. Load Characteristic of Transmission Line. ' 16. Phase Control of Transmission Lines, 17. Impedance and Admittance. 18. Equivalent Sine Waves. PAGE 1 9 12 16 21 25 32 41 43 53 59 62 73 83 91 96 105 114 PART II. SPECIAL APPARATUS. INTRODUCTION. 120 A. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES. I. General. 125 II. Electromotive Forces. 127 III. Armature Reaction. 129 IV. Self-Inductance. 132 V. Synchronous Reactance. 136 VI. Characteristic Curves of Alternating-Current Generator. 138 viii CONTENTS. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES (continued). PAGE VII. Synchronous Motor. 141 VIII. Characteristic Curves of Synchronous Motor. 143 IX. Magnetic Characteristic or Saturation Curve. 146 X. Efficiency and Losses. 149 XI. Unbalancing of Polyphase Synchronous Machines. 150 XII. Starting of Synchronous Motors. 151 XIII. Parallel Operation. 152 XIV. Division of Load in Parallel Operation. 154 XV. Fluctuating Cross-Currents in Parallel Operation. 155 XVI. High Frequency Cross-Currents between Synchronous Machines. 159 XVII. Short-Circuit Currents of Alternators. 160 B. DIRECT-CURRENT COMMUTATING MACHINES. I. General. II. Armature Winding. III. Generated Electromotive Forces. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Distribution of Magnetic Flux. Effect of Saturation on Magnetic Distribution. Effect of Commutating Poles. Effect of Slots on Magnetic Flux. Armature Eeaction. IX. Saturation Curves. X. Compounding. XI. Characteristic Curves. XII. Efficiency and Losses. XIII. Commutation. XIV. Types of Commutating Machines. A. Generators. Separately excited and Magneto, Shunt, Series, Compound. B, Motors. Shunt, Series, Compound. 166 168 178 179 183 185 190 192 194 196 197 198 198 206 208 215 C. ALTERNATING CURRENT COMMUTATING MACHINES. I. General. 219 II. Power Factor. 220 III. Field Winding and Compensation Winding. 226 IV. Types of Varying Speed Single-Phase Commutator Motors. 230 V. Commutation. 236 VL Motor Characteristics. 250 VII. Efficiency and Losses. 259 VIII. Discussion of Motor Types. 260 IX. Other Commutator Motors. 266 CONTENTS. D. SYNCHRONOUS CONVERTERS. I. General. II. Ratio of E.M.Fs. and of Currents. III. Variation of the Ratio of E.M.Fs. IV. Armature Current and Heating. V. Armature Reaction. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Reactive Currents and Compounding. Variable Ratio Converters (Split-Pole Converters). Starting. Inverted Converters. X. Frequency. XL Double-Current Generators. XII. Conclusion. XIII. Direct-Current Converter. XIV. Three-Wire Generator and Converter. ix PAGE 270 271 277 279 292 297 299 328 330 332 333 335 337 345 E. INDUCTION MACHINES. I. General. 352 II. Polyphase Induction Motor. 1. Introduction. 356 2. Calculation. 357 3. Load and Speed Curves. 363 4. Effect of Armature Resistance and Starting. 368 III. Single-phase Induction Motor. 1. Introduction. 372 2. Load and Speed Curves. 3. Starting Devices of Single-phase Motors. 4. Acceleration with Starting Device. IV. Regulation and Stability. 1. Load and Stability. 2. Voltage Regulation and Output. V. Induction Generator. 376 380 385 387 392 1. Introduction. 407 2. Constant Speed Induction or Asynchronous Gen- erator. 409 3. Power Factor of Induction Generator. 410 VI. Induction Booster. 417 VII. Phase Converter. 418 VIII. Frequency Converter or General Alternating-Current Transformer. 421 IX. Concatenation of Induction Motors. 423 X. Synchronizing Induction Motors. XI. Self-exciting Induction Machines. 428 435 PAET L GENERAL THEORY. i. MAGNETISM AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. A i. magnet pole attracting (or repelling) another magnet pole of equal strength at unit distance with unit force* is called a unit magnet pole. The space surrounding a magnet pole is called a magnetic field of force , or magnetic field. The magnetic field at unit distance from a unit magnet pole is called a unit magnetic field, and is represented by one line of magnetic force (or shortly "one line") per sq. cm., and from a unit magnet pole thus issue a total of 4 K lines of magnetic force. The total number of lines of force issuing from a magnet pole is called its magnetic flux. m The magnetic flux $ of a magnet pole of strength is, <> = 4 *m. At the distance lr from a magnet pole of strength m, and therefore of flux $ = 4 nm, assuming a uniform distribution in all directions, the magnetic field has the intensity, $m 4Tt7T7i/Lf3 2 I 6j since the $ lines issuing from the pole distribute over the area of a sphere of radius lr, that is the area 4 xlf. A magnetic field of intensity 3C exerts upon a magnet pole m of strength the force, m m Thus two magnet poles of strengths and l v and distance lr from each other, exert upon each other the force, * That is, at one centimeter distance with such force as to give to the mass of one gram the acceleration of one centimeter per second, 1 2 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 2. Electric currents produce magnetic fields also; that is, the space surrounding the conductor carrying an electric current is a magnetic field, which appears and disappears and varies with the current producing it, and is indeed an essential part of the phenomenon called an electric current. Thus an electric current represents a magnetomotive force (m.m.f.). The magnetic field of a straight conductor, whose return conductor is so far distant as not to affect the field, consists of lines of force surrounding the conductor in concentric circles. The intensity of this magnetic field is directly proportional to the current strength and inversely proportional to the dis- tance from the conductor. Since the lines of force of the magnetic field produced by an electric current return into themselves, the magnetic field is a magnetic circuit. Since an electric current, at least a steady current, can exist only in a closed circuit, electricity flows in an electric circuit. The magnetic circuit produced by an electric current surrounds the electric circuit through which the electricity flows, and inversely. That is, the electric circuit and the magnetic circuit are interlinked with each other. Unit current in an electric circuit is the current which produces in a magnetic circuit of unit length the field intensity 4 TT, that is, produces as many lines of force per square centimeter as issue from a unit magnet pole. In unit distance from an electric conductor carrying unit current, that is in a magnetic circuit of length 2 n, the field = intensity is 2 7T 2, and in the distance 2 the field intensity is unity; that is, unit current is the current which, in a straight conductor, whose return conductor is so far distant as not to affect its magnetic field, produces unit field intensity in distance 2 from the conductor. One tenth of unit current is the practical unit, called one ampere. 3. One ampere in an electric circuit or turn, that is, one ampere-turn, thus produces in a magnetic circuit of unit length the field intensity, 0.4 TT, and in a magnetic circuit of length MAGNETISM AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. 3 04" I the field intensity '--'-, and & ampere-turns produce In a 6 magnetic circuit of length I the field intensity : JC = ~~~~ lines of force per sq. cm. 6 regardless whether the 5 ampere-turns are due to ^ amperes in a single turn, or one ampere in SF turns, or -F n amperes in n turns. &, that is, the product of amperes and turns, is called magneto- motive force (m.m.f.). The m.m.f. per unit length of magnetic circuit, or ratio: v == eft- . m.m.f. length of magnetic circuit is called the magnetizing force. Hence, m.m.f. is expressed in ampere-turns; magnetizing force in ampere-turns per centimeter (or in practice frequently ampere-turns per inch), field intensity in lines of magnetic force per square centimeter. At the distance lr from the conductor of a loop or circuit of 2F ampere-turns, whose return conductor is so far distant as not = to affect the field, assuming the m.m.f. SF, since the length of the magnetic circuit = 2 nlTj we obtain as the magnetizing force, and as the field intensity, 4. The magnetic field of an electric circuit consisting of two parallel conductors (or any number of conductors, in a poly- phase system), as the two wires of a transmission line, can be considered as the superposition of the separate fields of the conductors (consisting of concentric circles). Thus, if there are / amperes in a circuit consisting of two parallel conductors (conductor and return conductor), at the distance Z t from the 4 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. first and 1 2 from the second conductor, the respective field intensities are, ^9 r _!i-rl_. y j and 027 = and the resultant field intensity, if T angle between the direc- ions of the two fields, ~ vV +2^ \/X + 3C - + 2 3C 2 3 2 CK^OCj cos T, = +2 Z2 cosr. 2 6^2 In the plane of the conductors, where the two fields are in the same, or opposite direction, the resultant field intensity is,, where the plus sign applies to the space between, the minus sign the space outside of the conductors. The resultant field of a circuit of parallel conductors consists of excentric circles, interlinked with the conductors, and crowded together in the space between the conductors. The magnetic field in the interior of a spiral (solenoid, helix, coil) carrying an electric current, consists of straight lines. 5. If a conductor is coiled in a spiral of I centimenter axial N y = length of spiral, and turns, thus n turns per centimeter I = length of spiral, and / current, in amperes, in the conductor, the m.m.f. of the spiral is $ =IN, and the magnetizing force in the middle of the spiral, assuming the latter of very great length, thus the field intensity in the middle of the spiral or solenoid, X = 0.4 7i3C = 0.4 nnL MAGNETISM AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. 5 Strictly this is true only in the middle part of a spiral of such length that the m.m.f. consumed by the external or magnetic return circuit of the spiral is negligible compared with the m.m.f. consumed by the magnetic circuit in the interior of the spiral, or in an endless spiral, that is a spiral whose axis curves back into itself, as a spiral whose axis is curved in a circle. Magnetomotive force & applies to the total magnetic circuit, or part of the magnetic circuit. It is measured in ampere- turns. Magnetizing force <3C is the m.m.f. per unit length of magnetic circuit. It is measured in ampere-turns per centi- meter. Field intensity 3 is the number of lines of force per square centimeter. If = I length of the magnetic circuit or a part of the magnetic circuit; = 0.4 TT^C = 1.257 3C fjn 3C = 0.4 7T = 3C 0.796 3G. 6. The preceding applies only to magnetic fields in air or other unmagnetic materials. If the medium in which the magnetic field is established is a " magnetic 7 material/ the number of lines of force per square centimeter is different and usually many times greater. (Slightly less in diamagnetic materials.) The ratio of the number of lines of force in a medium, to the number of lines of force which the same magnetizing force would produce in air (or rather in a vacuum), is called the permeability or magnetic conductivity /* of the medium. The number of lines of force per square centimeter in a magnetic medium is called the magnetic induction (B. The number of lines of force produced by the same magnetizing force in air is called the field intensity 3C. 6 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. X In air, magnetic induction (B and field intensity are equal. As a rule, the magnetizing force in a magnetic circuit is changed by the introduction of a magnetic material; due to the change of distribution of the magnetic flux. = The permeability of air 1 and is constant. The permeability of iron and other magnetic materials varies with the magnetizing force between a little above 1 and values as high as 6000 in soft iron. The magnetizing force 3C in a medium of permeability /JL = produces the field intensity 3C 0.4 7t3& and the magnetic = induction (B 0.4 ^/z3C. EXAMPLES. A 7. (1.) pull of 2 grams at 4 cm. radius is required to hold a horizontal bar magnet 12 cm. in length, pivoted at its center, in a position at right angles to the magnetic meridian. What is the intensity of the poles of the magnet, and the number of lines of magnetic force issuing from each pole, if the horizontal X = intensity of the terrestrial magnetic field 0.2, and the = acceleration of gravity 980? The distance between the poles of the bar magnet may be assumed as five-sixths of its length. m Let = intensity of magnet pole. = lr 5 is the radius on which the terrestrial magnetism acts. m Thus 2 m3lr = 2 = torque exerted by the terrestrial mag- netism. 2 grams weight = 2 X 980 = 1960 units of force. These at 4 cm. radius give the torque 4 X 1960 7840 g cm. m Hence 2 = 7840. m 3920 is the strength of each magnet pole and $ = 4 nm = 49,000, the number of lines of force issuing from each pole. A 8. (2.) conductor carrying 100 amperes runs in the direc- tion of the magnetic meridian. What position will a compass needle assume, when held below the conductor at a distance of 50 cm., if the intensity of the terrestrial magnetic field is 0.2? The intensity of the magnetic field of 100 amperes 50 cm. = = = from the conductor, is 3C ~^~- 0.2 X ~ 0.4, the direc- IT 50 MAGNETISM AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. 7 tion is at right angles to the conductor; that is at right angles to the terrestrial magnetic field. If r = angle between compass needle and the north pole of m the magnetic meridian, = I length of needle, = intensity of its magnet pole, the torque of the terrestrial magnetism is JCml = sin T 0.2 ml sin r, the torque of the current is ^ = 3Cm1 cos r = 0.2 Iml cos r A 0.4 mi7 cos r. LT = = = In equilibrium, 0.2 wZ sin T 0.4 #iZ cos r, or tan T 2, r 63.4. 9. (3.) What is the total magnetic = flux per I 1000 m. length, passing between the conductors of a long distance transmission, Fig. 1. Diagram of Transmission Line for Inductance Calculation. = line carrying / amperes of current, if Id 0.82 cm. is the diameter of the conductors (No. B. & S.), k = 45 cm. the spacing or distance between them? At distance lr from the center of one of the conductors (Fig. 1), the length of the magnetic circuit surrounding this conductor is 2 nlr, the m.m.f., / ampere turns; thus the magnetizing force ~- -~ 3C = } and the field intensity 3C = 0.4 nK = and the 9 2 nlr Lr = -^ flux in the zone dlr is d4> -, and the total flux from the Lr surface of the conductor to the next conductor is, = 0.2 Ildlr 0.2 II e lr 1 ["log IT ~ = 0.2 II bge - 8 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. The same flux is produced by the return conductor in the same direction, thus the total flux passing between the trans- mission wires is, or per 1000 m. = 105 cm. length, ~on 2 $ =0.4 X 105 / loge - 0.4 X 105 X 4.70 / = 0.188 X 106 /, U.Q-i or 0.188 / megalines or millions of lines per line of 1000 m. of which 0.094 / megalines surround each of the two con- ductors. 10. (4.) In an alternator each pole has to carry 6.4 millions of lines, or 6.4 megalines magnetic flux. How many ampere- turns per pole are required to produce this flux, if the magnetic circuit in the armature of laminated iron has the cross section of 930 sq. cm. and the length of 15 em., the air-gap between stationary field poles and revolving armature is 0.95 cm. in length and 1200 sq. cm. in section, the field-pole is 26.3 cm. in length and 1075 sq. cm. in section, and is of laminated iron, and the outside return circuit or yoke has a length per pole of 20 cm. and 2250 sq. cm. section, and is of cast iron? = = The magnetic densities are; (B 1 6880 in the armature, (B 2 = = 5340 in the air-gap, (B 3 5950 in the field-pole, and (E 4 2850 ^ in the yoke. The permeability of sheet iron is = 2550 at = ^ 6880, /.3 =2380 at & =5950. 3 The permeability of cast iron is //4 =280 at (B 4 =2S50. Thus the field intensity = ~ = X X - = is, 3e x = 2.7, 2 5340, 3 2.5, OC 4 10.2. \^\ The magnetizing force X = = is, 1 2.15, 5C 2 = = - = = 3C 3 =1.99, 3t =8.13 4 ampere-turns per cm. (fr 3CZ) is, SF X 32, F 2 4040, CF 3 52, F 4 Thus the m.m.f. 163, or the total m.m.f. per pole is SF = 3^+ + CF 2 ^3+ $F = 4290 4 ampere-turns. The permeability fi of magnetic materials varies with the density 25 megalines? During each revolution the copper cylinder cuts 25 megalines. = X It makes 50 rev. per sec. Thus it cuts 50 X 25 X 108 12.5 10s Pig. 3. Unipolar Generator. lines of magnetic flux per second. Hence the generated e.m.f. E = is 12.5 volts. Such a machine is called a "unipolar/' or more properly a "nonpolar" or an " 77 acyclic generator. 14. (2.) The field spools of the 20-pole alternator in Section 1 } Example 4 ; are wound each with 616 turns of wire No. 7 (B. & S.), 0.106 sq. cm. in cross section and 160 cm. mean length of turn. The 20 spools are connected in series. How many amperes and how many volts are required for the excitation of X this alternator field, if the resistivity of copper is 1.8 6 10"" ohms per cm.3 * Since 616 turns on each field spool are used, and 4280 ampere- turns required, the current is 4280 -~-r = 6.95 amperes. * Cm. 3 refers to a cube whose side is one centimeter, and should not be confused with cu. cm. 12 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. The resistance of 20 spools of 616 turns of 160 cm. length, ^ ^ X 0.106 sq. cm. section, and 1.8 6 10"" resistivity is, 20 X 616 X 160 X 1.8 X 6 IP"" = 0.106 and the e.m.f. required 6.95 X 33.2 = 230 volts. 3. GEITORATION OF E.M.F, A 15. closed conductor, convolution or turn, revolving in a magnetic field, passes during each revolution through two positions of maximum inclosure of lines of magnetic force A in Fig. 4, and two postions of zero inclosure of lines of mag- B netic force in Fig. 4. Fig. 4. Generation of e.m.f. Thus it cuts during each revolution four times the lines of force inclosed in the position of maximum inclosure. If $ = the maximum number of lines of flux inclosed by /= the conductor, the frequency in revolutions per second or cycles, and n = number of convolutions or turns of the con- ductor, the lines of force cut per second by the conductor, and thus the average generated e.m.f. is, E = 4 fn$ absolute units, 10"8 volts. If /is given in hundreds of cycles, <& in megalines, E = 4n$ volts. If a coil revolves with uniform velocity through a uniform magnetic field, the magnetism inclosed by the coil at any instant is, < COS r GENERATION OF E.M.F. 13 where $ = the maximum magnetism inclosed by the coil and r = angle between coil and its position of maximum inclosure of magnetism. The e.m.f. generated in the coil, which varies with the rate of cut- $ p-^ ting or change of <> cos T, is thus, E sin Q I in megalines, /in hundreds of cycles per second). This is t"he formula of the direct-current generator. EXAMPLES. A 17. (1.) circular wire coil of 200 turns and 40 cm. mean diameter is revolved around a vertical axis. What is the horizontal intensity of the magnetic field of the earth, if at a speed of 900 revolutions per minute the average e.m.f. generated in the coil is 0.028 volts? The mean area of the coil is - = 1255 sq. cm., thus the GENERATION OF E.M.F. 15 terrestrial flux inclosed is 1255 X, and at 900 revolutions per = 4X minute or 15 revolutions per second, this flux is cut 15 60 times per second by each turn, or 200 X 60 = 12,000 times by the coil. Thus the total number of lines of magnetic force cut X by the conductor per second is 12,000 X 1255 X == 0.151 10s X, and the average generated e.m.f. is 0.151 5C volts. Since = X = this is 0.028 volts, 0.1S6. 18. (2.) In a 550-volt direct-current machine of 8 poles and drum armature, running at 500 rev. per min., the average volt- age per commutator segment shall not exceed 11, each armature coil shall contain one turn only, and the number of commutator segments per pole shall be divisible by 3, so as to use the machine as three-phase converter. What is the magnetic flux per field- pole? 550 volts at 11 volts per commutator segment gives. 50, or as next integer divisible by 3, n = 51 segments or turns per pole. 8 poles give 4 cycles per revolution, 500 revs, per min. gives /= 500/60 8.33 revs, per sec. Thus the frequency is, 4 X 8.33 = 33.3 cycles per sec. = E The generated e.m.f. is 550 volts, thus by the formula of direct-current generator, or, 550 = 4 X 0.333 X 51 *, = 8.1 megalines per pole. 19. (3.) What is the e.m.f. generated in a single turn of a 20pole alternator running at 200 rev. per min., through a mag- netic field of 6.4 megalines per pole? 2X The frequency is /= X ^ 2t oU = e .E sin r, E =2xfn$, = 33,3 cycles. *=6.4, =1, /= 0.333. Thus, $ = 2 ic X 0.333 X 6.4 = 13.4 volts maximum, or = e 13.4 sin 0. 16 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 4. POWER AND EFFECTIVE VALUES. E 20. The power of the continuous e.m.f. ; producing con- tinuous current / is P = EL E = The e.m.f. consumed by resistance r is l Ir, thus the power consumed by resistance r is P = Pr. E = E Either l 9 then the total power in the circuit is con- E^ sumed by the resistance, or E} then only a part of the power is consumed by the resistance, the remainder by some E E counter e.m.f., v = If an alternating current i 7 sin 6 passes through a resist- ance r, the power consumed by the resistance is, = = fr 7 2r 2 sin 6 - (1 cos 2 6), 2i thus varies with twice the frequency of the current, between zero and 7 2 r. The average power consumed by resistance r is, = since avg. (cos) 0. = Thus the alternating current i J sin 9 consumes in a resist- ance r the same effect as a continuous current of intensity v2 = The value / Jb is called the effective value of the alter- = nating current i 7 sin 6; since it gives the same effect. E = v2 Analogously JF t is the effective value of the alternating E e.m.f., e sin #. E =2 Since Q nfn$, it follows that = V2 jE? Ttfn = 4.44 /n$; is the effective alternating e.m.f., generated in a coil of n turns rotating at a frequency of / (in hundreds of cycles per second) through a magnetic field of $ megalines of force. This is the formula of the alternating-current generator. POWER AND EFFECTIVE VALUES. 21. The formula of the direct-current generator, holds even if the e.m.fs. generated in the individual turns are not sine waves, since it is the average generated e.m.f. The formula of the alternating current generator, does not hold if the waves are not sine waves, since the ratios of average to maximum and of maximum to effective e.m.f. are changed. If the variation of magnetic flux is not sinusoidal, the effective generated alternating e.m.f. is, # = 7 V2 xfn$. 7 is called the form factor of the wave, and depends upon its shape, that is the distribution of the magnetic flux in the mag- netic field. Frequently form factor is defined as the ratio of the effective to the average value. This definition is undesirable since it gives for the sine wave, which is always considered the standard wave, a value differing from one. EXAMPLES. 22. (1.) In a star connected 20-pole three-phase machine, revolving at 33.3 cycles or 200 rev. per min., the magnetic flux per pole is 6.4 megalines. The armature contains one slot per pole and phase, and each slot contains 36 conductors. All these conductors are connected in series. What is the effective e.m.f. per circuit, and what the effective e.m.f. between the terminals of the machine? Twenty slots of 36 conductors give 720 conductors, or 360 turns in series. Thus the effective e.m.f. is, = V2 Ti t = 4.44 X 0.333 X 360 X 6.4 = 3400 volts per circuit. The e.m.f. between the terminals of a star connected threephase machine is the resultant of the e.m.fs. of the two phases, 18 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. which differ by 60' degrees, and is thus 2 sin 60 that of one phase, thus, E = E V3 l = 5900 volts effective. = \/3 times 23. (2.) The conductor of the machine has a section of 22 sq. cm. and a mean length of 240 cm. per turn. At a resistivity (resistance per unit section and unit length) of copper of p 1.8 X 10", what is the e.m.f. consumed in the machine by the resistance, and what the power consumed at 450 kw. output? 450 kw. output is 150,000 watts per phase or circuit, thus - - ^ = = ,, the , current /7 150,000 4,4,.2 amperes ,. effective. O "iUU The resistance of 360 turns of 240 cm. length, 0.22 sq. cm. X section and 1.8 10"6 resistivity, is r = 360 X 240 X 1.8 X = ... 10~6 AO./l o,hms per circuit. 44.2 amp. X 0.71 ohms gives 31.5 volts per circuit and 2 (44.2) X 0.71 - 1400 watts per circuit, or a total of 3 X 1400= 4200 watts loss. 24. (3.) What is the self-inductance per wire of a three- phase line of 14 miles length consisting of three wires No. (Id =0.82 cm.), 45 cm. apart, transmitting the output of this 450 kw. 5900-volt three-phase machine? 450 kw. at 5900 volts gives 44.2 amp. per line. 44.2 amp. effective gives 44.2 \/2 = 62.5 amp. maximum. 14 miles = 22,400 m. The magnetic flux produced by / amperes in 1000 m. of a transmission line of 2 wires 45 cm. apart and 0.82 cm. diameter was found in paragraph 1, example - 3, as 2 $ 0.188 X 10 /, or * = 0.094 X 106 / for each wire. Thus at 22,300 m. and 62.5 amp. maximum, the flux per wire is $ = 22.3 X 62.5 X 0.094 X 106 = 131 megalines. Hence the generated e.m.f., effective value, at 33.3 cycles is, = 4.44 X 0.333 X 131 = 193 volts per line; POWER AXD EFFECTIVE VALUES. 19 the maximum value is, VT= E - E X Q 273 volts per line; and the instantaneous value, e = E sin (0 - = 273 sin (0 - or, snce = xt = have, = 273 sin 210 (/ 25. (4.) What is the form factor (a) of the e.m.f. generated in a single conductor of a direct-current machine hav- ing 80 per cent pole arc and negligible spread of the mag- netic flux at the pole corners, and (6) what is the form factor of the voltage between two collector rings connected to diametrical points of the armature of such a machine? (a.) In a conductor during the motion from position A, shown in Fig. 6, to position B, no e.m.f. is generated; Fig' 6 ' of Bipolar Generator. B from position to C a constant e.m.f. e is generated, from E E F C to again no e.m.f., from to a constant e.m.f. e, Fig. 7. E.m.f. of a Single Conductor, Direct-Current Machine 80 per cent Pole Arc. A and from F to again zero e.m.f. as shown in Fig. 7. The average e.m.f. is = e l 0.8 e] The e.m.f. wave thus is 20 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. hence, with this average e.m.f., if it were a sine wave, the maxi- mum e.m.f. would be and the effective e.m.f. would be __ " "" e^ __ 0.4 xe 63 V2 \/2 The actual square of the e.m.f. is er for 80 per cent and zero for 20 per cent of the period, and the average or mean square thus is 0.8 e\ and therefore the actual effective value, The form factor y, or the ratio of the actual effective value e to 4 the effective value e of 3 a sine wave of the same mean value and thus the same 'magnetic flux, then is ~= 4= 1.006; that is, practically unity. F (6.) While the collector leads a, b move from the position 9 C } as shown in Fig. 6, to 5, E, constant voltage E exists between them, the conductors which leave the field at C being replaced by the conductors entering 'the field at 5. During the motion E of the leads a, b from B, to C, F, the voltage steadily decreases, Pig. 8. E.m.f. between two Collector Rings connected to Diametrical Points of the Armature of a Bipolar Machine having 80 per cent Pole Arc. reverses, and rises again, to E} as the conductors entering the E field at have an e.m.f. opposite to that of the conductors leaving at C. Thus the voltage wave is, as shown by Fig. 8, triangular, with the top cut off for 20 per cent of the half wave. XELF-IXDVCTAXCE AND MUTUAL IXDUCTAXCE. 21 Then the average e.m.f. is e, = 0.2 E + 2 X ^ - 0.6 E. The maximum value of a sine wave of this average value is and the effective value corresponding thereto is =2 0.3 r.E 3 V2~ V2 E The actual voltage square is 2 for 20 per cent of the time, and rising on a parabolic curve from to E2 during 40 per cent of the time, as shown in dotted lines in Fig. 8. The area of a parabolic curve is width times one-third of height, or ' 3 hence, the mean square of voltage is and the actual effective voltage is ..- hence, the form factor is or, 2.5 per cent higher than with a sine wave. 5. SELF-INDUCTANCE AND MUTUAL INDUCTANCE. 26. The number of interlinkages of an electric circuit with the lines of magnetic force of the flux produced by unit current in the circuit is called the inductance of the circuit. The number of interlinkages of an electric circuit with the lines of magnetic force of the flux produced by unit current in a second electric circuit is called the mutual inductance of the second upon the first circuit. It is equal to the mutual indue- 22 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING tance of the first upon the second circuit, as will be seen, and thus is called the mutual inductance between the two circuits. The number of interlinkages of an electric circuit with the lines of magnetic flux produced by unit current in this circuit and not interlinked with a second circuit is called the self- inductance of the circuit. = If i current in a circuit of n turns, $ flux produced thereby and interlinked with the circuit, n$ is the total number of interlinkages, and L = ~- the inductance of the circuit. % If <3> is proportional to the current i and the number of turns n, = and L = ', the inductance. (R = t 0, i = -E = c. Q Substituting this value, the current is -^ E ~ ( i== e } r and the generated e.m.f. is = Substituting i Q the current is , r+n = i ie L' and the generated e.m.f. is / - \ At t = 0, that is, the generated e.m.f. is increased over the previously impressed e.m.f. in the same ratio as the resistance is increased. When r 1 = 0, that is, when in withdrawing the impressed E e.m.f. the circuit is short-circuited, = E i = - TJ- _rL . L IB Q L the current, and E e^^ = !l eL _ !l ijre L the generated e.m.f. * = In this case, at t == 0, e 1 E, that is, the e.m.f. does not rise. = In the case r t oo ; that is, if in withdrawing the e.m.f. E, = = the circuit is broken, we have t and e l oo ; that is, the e.m.f. rises infinitely. The greater rv the higher is the generated e.m.f. e v the faster, however, do e l and i decrease. = If r l r, we have at t = 0, CONTINUOUS-CURRENT CIRCUITS. 29 and e n - ijr = E; that is, if the external resistance r t equals the internal resistance r, at the moment of withdrawal of the e.m.f. E the terminal voltage is E. The effect of the e.m.f. of inductance in stopping the current at the time t is = v + ie l (r L ...~o r-fr. f r,} * ; thus the total energy of the generated e.m.f. W= _ that is, the energy stored as magnetism in a circuit of current i Q and inductance L is which is independent both of the resistance r of the circuit and the resistance r 1 inserted in breaking the circuit. This energy has to be expended in stopping the current. EXAMPLES- 32. (1.) In the alternator field in Section 1, Example 4, Sec- tion 2, Example 2, and Section 5, Example 1, how long a time E= after impressing the required e.m.f. 230 volts will it take for \ the field to reach (a) J strength, (6) T strength? (2.) If 500 volts are impressed upon the field of this alternator, and a non-inductive resistance inserted in series so as to give the required exciting current of 6.95 amperes, how long after E = impressing the e.m.f. 500 volts will it take for the field to & reach (a) J strength, (6) strength, (c) and what is the resist- ance required in the rheostat? (3.) If 500 volts are impressed upon the field of this alternator without insertion of resistance, how long will it take for the field to reach full strength? (4.) With full field strength what is the energy stored as magnetism? 30 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. (1.) The resistance of the alternator field is 33.2 ohms (Section 2, Example 2), the inductance 112 h. (Section 5, Example 1), E the impressed e.m.f. is = 230, the final value of current = rr = 6.95 amperes. Thus the current at time t, is r = I \ = G.95 (1 - = - = (a.) i strength t -^-, hence (1 89 e-"- ") 0.5. ,J -' = - = = 0.5, 0.296 1 log e log 0.5, t g 5' ~^. . log 2.34 seconds. and , A = - = (6.) strength: i 0.9 i , hence (1 e- - 296 *) 0.9, and t = 7.8 seconds E (2.) To get i = 6.95 amperes, with = 500 volts, a resist- ance r = ~500- = 72 ohms, and thus a rheostat having a resist- 6.95 ance of 72 33.2 = 38.8 ohms is required. We then have - = 6.95 (1 e"- 643 0. = = (a.) i i ^^, after t 1.08 seconds. = = (6.) i 0.9 i after t , 3.6 seconds. E (3.) Impressing = 500 volts upon a circuit of = r 33.2, L = 112, gives . _ELH 2, -st\ e L) rv 7 - = 15.1 (1 -' 2mt ). = i 6.95, or full field strength, gives = - 6.95 15.1 (1 -- 296 0. and t = 2.08 seconds. CONTINUOUS-CURRENT CIRCUITS. 31 (4.) The stored energy is L _ 2 ^^' j_ 6.952 X 112 _ 027702A0 ,, i watt-seconds or i joules 2i 2i = 2000 foot-pounds. = (1 joule 0.736 foot-pounds.) Thus in case (3), where the field reaches full strength in 2.08 seconds ; the average power input is 2000 j~ = 960 foot-pounds J.OS per second, = 1.75 hp. In breaking the field circuit of this alternator, 2000 foot- pounds of energy have to be dissipated in the spark, etc. A 33. (5.) coil of resistance r = 0.002 ohm and inductance L = 0.005 milhenry, carrying current 7=90 amperes, is short- circuited. (a.) What is the equation of the current after short cir- cuit? (5.) In what time has the current decreased to 0.1, its initial value? (a.) i = 7e"i = 90s-400 '. = = = (6.) i 0.1 7, -%-* that is, the effective value of the counter e.m.f. of inductance equals the reactance, x, times the effective value of the current, I, and lags 90 time degrees, or a quarter period, behind the current. 35. By the counter e.m.f. of inductance, = e/ x/ cos 6, which is generated by the current i = J sin the change in d through the flux due to the passage of circuit of reactance x, an equal but opposite e.m.f. = e 2 z/ cos 6 is consumed, and thus has to be impressed upon the circuit. This e.m.f. is called the e.m.f. consumed by inductance. It is 90 time degrees, or a quarter period, ahead of the current, and shown in Fig. 10 as a drawn line e T Thus we have to distinguish between counter e.m.f. of induc- tance 90 time degrees lagging, and e.m.f. consumed by inductance 90 time degrees leading. INDUCTAXCE IX ALTERXATIXG-CTRREXT CIRCUITS. 35 These e.m.fs. stand in the same relation as action and reaction in mechanics. They are shown in Fig. 10 as e./ and as, ance per r line, r I p 1.8 10-6 X 2.23 X 106 A u.52o == 7.60 ohms. Reactance per line, x = 4 2 nfllog,- Z X 10~9 == 4 K X 33.3 X id 2.23 X 106 X log 110 X 10-9 - 4.35 ohms. The impedance per line, z if / = 44 amperes per line, \/r2 + x2 = 8.76 ohms. Thus E the e.m.f. consumed by resistance is l = rl = 334 volts, the e.m.f. consumed by reactance is E 2 = xl = 192 volts, and the e.m.f. consumed by impedance is E 3 = zl = 385 volts. INDUCTANCE IN ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUITS. 39 5500 V3 (&.) 5500 volts between lines at receiving circuit give 3170 volts between line and neutral or zero point (Fig. 12), V2 or per line, corresponding to a maximum voltage of 3170 = 4500 volts. 44 amperes effective per line gives a maximum value of 44 \/2 = 62 amperes. Denoting the current by i = G2 sin 6, the voltage per line at the receiving end with non-inductive = load is e 4500 sin 0. The e.m.f. consumed by resistance, in phase with the current, of effective value 334, and maximum value 334 - \/2 472, is e = 472 sin 0. l The e.m.f. consumed by reactance, 90 time degrees ahead of the current, of effective value 192, and maximum value 192 V2 = 272, is D Fig. 12> Voltage ia^ram for a Three-Phase Circuit, = e 2 272 cos d. Thus the total voltage required per line at the generator end of the line is e Q = e + BI + e 2 = (4500 + 472) sin + 272 cos 6 = 4972 sin d + 272 cos 6. . 272 Denoting 4972 tan we have , sin # = tan fl fl Vl + tan2 tf n 272 4980 cos<9 n + tan2 d n 4972 4980 Hence, = + e Q 4980 (sin 9 cos # cos 6 sin ) - 4980 sin (9 + 9 ). Thus d is the lag of the current behind the e.m.f. at the generator end of the line, = 3.2 time degrees, and 4980 the 40 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. E maximum voltage per line at the generator end; thus = 4980 == Q V3 = 3520, the effective voltage per line, and 3520 = 6100, the effective voltage between the lines at the generator. (c.) If the current i = 62 sin 6 lags in time 45 degrees behind the e.m.f. at the receiving end of the line, this e.m.f. is expressed by = - + e 4500 sin (6 + 45) 3170 (sin cos ff) ; that is, it leads the current by 45 time degrees, or is zero at =* 45 time degrees. The e.m.f. consumed by resistance and by reactance being the same as in (6), the generator voltage per line is + e o = e + &i + e 2 = 3642 sin 3442 cos 0. Denoting ^ = tan we have , = + e 5011 sin (0 ). Thus , the time angle of lag of the current behind the gen- erator e.m.f., is 43 degrees, and 5011 the maximum voltage; hence 3550 the effective voltage per line, and 3550 \/3 6160 the effective voltage between lines at the generator. (d.) If the current { = 62 sin leads the e.m.f. by 45 time degrees, the e.m.f. at the receiving end is e - 4500 sin (0 45) - = 3170 (sin 8 cos 0). Thus at the generator end + + * - e o *= e e i e 2 3642 sin 6 2898 cos 0. Denoting = r- tan , it is OUttA - e, -4654 sin (0 ). Thus , the time angle of lead at the generator, is 39 degrees, and 4654 the maximum voltage; hence 3290 the effective voltage per line and 5710 the effective voltage between lines at the generator. POWER IX ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUITS. 41 8. POWER IN ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUITS. 39. The power consumed by alternating current i = J sin 6, of effective value / = = tance x 2 ;r/L, is ^, in a circuit of resistance r and reac- V2 P = ei, where e + / sin (0 the components ) is the impressed e.m.f., consisting of and e 1 = r/ sin 0, the e.m.f. consumed by resistance e 2 = xI cos Q 5. the e.m.f. consumed by reactance. Vr z = + x2 is the impedance and tan = - the time-phase angle of the circuit; thus the power is = + p 2/ 2 sin 6 sin (6 ) = ^-(cos0 - cos (20 + )) = zP (cos - + cos (2 )). Since the average cos (20 + ) = zero, the average power is p = ZP cos that is, the power in the circuit is that consumed by the resistance, and independent of the reactance. Reactance or self-inductance consumes no power, and the e.m.f. of self-inductance is a wattless e.m.f., while the e.m.f. of resistance is a power e.m.f. The wattless e.m.f. is in quadrature, the power e.m.f. in phase with the current. In general, if = angle of time-phase displacement between the resultant e.m.f. and the resultant current of the circuit, E / = current, = impressed e.m.f., consisting of two com- E ponents, one, t = E cos 0, in phase with the current, the other, E E === 2 sin 0, in quadrature with the current, the power in the = circuit is IE l IE cos 0, and the e.m.f. in phase with the current E E = t cos is a power e.m.f., the e.m.f. in quadrature with E E the current = sin a wattless or reactive e.m.f. 42 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 40. Thus we have to distinguish power e.m.f. and wattless or reactive e.m.f., or power component of e.m.f., in phase with the current and wattless or reactive component of e.m.f., in quadra- ture with the current. Any e.m.f. can be considered as consisting of two components, one, the power component, e v in phase with the current, and the other, the reactive component, e 2, in quadrature with the current. The sum of instantaneous values of the two com- ponents is the total e.m.f. + e == e l er E E If E, v 2 are the respective effective values, we have E = VE* + E*, since E E = 1 cos 6, E = E 2 sin 0, where d = time-phase angle between current and e.m.f. Analogously, a current / due to an impressed e.m.f. E with a time-phase angle 6 can be considered as consisting of two component currents, 7 X = 7 cos 9j the power component of the current, and 7 2 == 7 sin 0, the wattless or reactive component of the current. The sum of instantaneous values of the power and reactive components of the current equals the instantaneous value of the total current, + = i l i a i, while their effective values have the relation = +7 7 v/7 3 1 2 2. Thus an alternating current can be resolved in two components, the power component, in phase with the e.m.f., and the wattless or reactive component, in quadrature with the e.m.f. An alternating e.m.f. can be resolved in two components, the power component, in phase with the current and the wattless or reactive component, in quadrature with the current. The power in the circuit is the current times the e.m.f. times the cosine of the time phase angle, or is the power component of the current times the total e.m.f., or the power component of the e.m.f. times the total current. POLAR COORDINATES. 43 EXAMPLES. 41. (1.) What is the power received over the transmission line in Section 7, Example 2, the power lost in the line, the power put into the line, and the efficiency of transmission with non- inductive load, with 45-time-degree lagging load and 45-clegree leading load? P The power received per line with non-inductive load is = El = 3170 X 44 = 139 kw. With a load of 45 time degrees phase displacement, P = El cos 45 = 98 kw. P The power lost per line l = PR - 442 X 7.6 = 14.7 kw. P P Thus the input into P the line = + = 151.7 kw. at l non-inductive load, and = 111.7 kw. at load of 45 degrees phase displacement. The efficiency with non-inductive load is P 151.7 = 90.3 per cent, and with a load of 45 degrees phase displacement is - = 1 p~ ^ 86 - 8 P er cent - jjjy P The total output is 3 = 411 kw. and 291 kw., respectively. P The total input 3 = 451.1 kw. and 335.1 kw., respectively. 9. POLAR COORDINATES. 42. In polar coordinates, alternating waves are represented, with the instantaneous values as radius vectors, and the time as an angle, counting left-handed or counter clockwise, and one revolution or 360 degrees representing one complete period. The sine wave of alternating current i = I sin 9 is repre- sented by a circle (Fig. 13) with the vertical axis as diameter, equal in length 0/ to the maximum value J and shown as , heavy drawn circle. The e.m.f. consumed by inductance, e 2 = x/ cos 0, is repre- sented by a circle with diameter OE 2 in horizontal direction to the right, and equal in length to the maximum value, xIQ. Er Analogously, the counter e.m.f. of self-inductance 2 is repre- 44 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. sented by a circle OE^in Fig. 13; the e.m.f. consumed by ^= OE resistance r by circle of a diameter l r/ and the , counter e.m.f. of resistance $/ by circle OE^. The counter e.m.f. of impedance of a diameter equal in length to E', aisndrelpargegsienngte1d80by- circle OE' # behind the diameter of the current circle. This circle passes through the points $/ and EJ, since at the moment 6 = 180 degrees, Fig. 13. Sine waves represented in Polar Coordinates. 6/ 0, and thus the counter e.m.f. of impedance equals the = counter e.m.f. of reactance ef e 2 ', and at 6 = 270 degrees, ' e a = 0, and the counter e.m.f. of impedance equals the counter r e.m.f. of resistance e e/. The e.m.f. consumed by impedance, or the impressed e.m.f., is represented by circle OE having a diameter equal in length to E, and leading the diameter of the current circle by the angle E E . This circle passes through the points and 1 r An alternating wave is determined by the length and direction of the diameter of its polar circle. The length is the maximum value or intensity of the wave, the direction the phase of the maximum value, generally called the phase of the wave. POLAR COORDINATES. 45 43- Usually alternating waves are represented in polar co- ordinates by mere vectors, the diameters of their polar circles, and the circles omitted, as in Fig. 14. Fig. 14. Vector Diagram. Fig. 15. Vector Diagram of two e.m.fs. Acting in the same Circuit. Two e.m.fs., ^ and ev acting in the same circuit, give a result- ant e.m.f. e equal to the sum of their instantaneous values. In polar coordinates e l and e 2 are represented in intensity and in phase by two vectors, OE 1 and OE^ Fig. 15. The instantane- OX ous values in any direction are the projections Oe v Oe 2 of OE 1 and OE 2 upon this direction. 46 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Since the sum of the projections of the sides of a parallelo- gram is equal to the projection of the diagonal, thejsum of the projections Oe^ and Oe 2 equals thejprojection Oe of OE, the diago- nal of the parallelogram with OE t and OE 2 as sides, and OE is thus the diameter of the circle of resultant e.m.f . ; that is, in polar coordinates alternating sine waves of e.m.f., current, etc., are combined and resolved by the parallelogram or polygon of sine waves. Since the effective values are proportional to the maximum values, the former are generally used as the length of vector of the alternating wave. In this case the instantaneous values are given by a circle with \/2 times the vector as diameter. 44. As phase of the first quantity considered, as in the above instance the current, any direction can be chosen. The further quantities are determined thereby in direction or phase. In polar coordinates, as phase of the current, etc., is here and in the following understood the time or the angle of its vector, that is, the time of its maximum value, and a current of phase zero would thus be denoted analytically by i = 7 cos 6. The zero vector OA is generally chosen for the most frequently used quantity or reference quantity, as for the current, if a number of e.m.fs. are considered in a circuit of the same cur- rent, or for the e.m.f., if a number of currents are produced by the same e.m.f., or for the generated e.m.f. in apparatus such as transformers and induction motors, synchronous apparatus, etc. With the current as zero vector, all horizontal components of e.m.f. are power components, all vertical components are reactive components. With the e.m.f. as zero vector, all horizpntal components of current are power components, all vertical components of current are reactive components. By measurement from the polar diagram numerical values can hardly ever be derived with sufficient accuracy, since the magnitudes of the different quantities used in the same diagram are usually by far too different, and the polar diagram is there- fore useful only as basis for trigonometrical or other calculation, and to give an insight into the mutual relation of the different quantities, and even then great care has to be taken to distin- POLAR COORDINATES. 47 guish between the two equal but opposite vectors, counter and e.m.f. consumed by the counter e.m.f., as explained before. 45. In the polar coordinates described in the preceding, and used throughout this book, the angle represents the time, and is counted positive in left-handed or counter-clockwise rotation, with the instantaneous values of the periodic function as radii, so that the periodic function is represented by a closed curve, and one revolution or 360 degrees as one period. This "time diagram" is the polar coordinate system universally used In other sciences to represent periodic phenomena, as the cosmic motions in astronomy, and even the choice of counter-clockwise as positive rotation is retained from the custom of astronomy, the rotation of the earth being such. In the time diagram, the sine wrave is given by a circle, and this circle of instantaneous values of the sine wave is represented, in size or position, by its diameter. That is, the position of this diameter denotes the time, t, or angle, = 2 nft, at which the sine wave reaches its maximum value, and the length of this diameter denotes the intensity of the maximum value. OE If then, in polar coordinate representation, Fig. 16, denotes an e.m.f., 01 a current, this means that the maximum value of e.m.f. equals OE, and is reached at the time, t v represented by angle AOE = O l = 2 nft r The current in this diagram then has a maximum value equal to 01, and this maximum value is reached at the time, t v represented by angle AOI = = 2 2 xft y If then angle 6 2 > 6V this means that the current reaches its maximum value later than the e.m.f., that is, the current in - Fig. 16 lags behind the e.m.f., by the angle EOI = # 3 O= l 2 nf(t 2 ^), or by the time 3 t r Frequently in electrical engineering another system of polar coordinates is used, the so-called "crank diagram." In this, sine waves of alternating currents and e.m.fs. are represented as projections of a revolving vector upon the horizontal. That is, a vector, equal in length to the maximum of the alternating wave, revolves at uniform speed so as to make a complete revolution per period, and the projections of this revolving vector upon the horizontal then denote the instantaneous values of the wave. 48 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Obviously, by the crank diagram only sine waves can be represented, while the time diagram permits the representation of any wave shape, and therefore is preferable. Let, for instance, 01 represent in length the maximum value of current, i = / cos (0 2). Assume, then, a vector, OL to Fig. 16. Representation of Current and e.m.f. by Polar Coordinates. revolve, left-handed or in positive direction, so that it makes a complete revolution during each cycle or period. If then at a certain moment of time, this vector stands in position 01 1 OA OA (Fig. 17), the projection, of 01 on lt i represents the instan- taneous value of the current at this moment. At a later moment 01 has moved farther, to 07 2, and the projection, OA 2J of 07 on 2 OA is the instantaneous value. The diagram thus shows the instantaneous condition of the sine waves. Each sine wave reaches the maximum at the moment when its revolving vector, 01 j passes the horizontal. If Fig. JL8 represents the crank diagram of an e.m.f., OE, and a APE current, 07, and if angle > AOI, this means that the e.m.f., OE, is ahead of the current, 07, passes during the revolution the zero line or line of maximum intensity, OA, earlier than the current, or leads; that is, the current lags behind the e.m.f. The same Fig. 18 considered as polar diagram would mean that the current leads the e.m.f.; that is, the maximum value of A current, 07, occurs at a smaller angle, 07, that is, at an earlier time., than the maximum value of the e.m.f,, OE. POLAR COORDINATES. 46. In the crank diagram, the first quantity therefore can be put in any position. For instance, the current, 07, in Fig. IS, could be drawn in position 07, Fig. 19. The e.m.f. then being ITig. 17, Crank Diagram showing instantaneous values. Fig. 18. Crank Diagram of an e.m.f. and Current. ahead of the current by angle EOI = 6 would come into the position OE, Fig. 19. A polar diagram, Fig. 16, with the current, 0/ ? lagging behind the e.m.f., OE, by the angle, 0, thus considered as crank diagram would represent the current leading the e.m.f. by the angle, 6 f and a crank diagram, Fig, 18 or 19, with the current lagging behind the e.m.f. by the angle, 6, would as polar diagram repre- sent a current leading the e.m.f. by the angle, 6. The main difference in appearance between the crank diagram and the polar diagram therefore is that, with the same direction of rotation, lag in the one diagram is represented in the same manner as lead in the other diagram, and inversely. Or, a 50 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. representation by the crank diagram looks like a representation by the polar diagram, with reversed direction of rotation, and vice versa. Or, the one diagram is the image of the other and can be transformed into it by reversing right and left, or top and bottom. Therefore the crank diagram, Fig. 19, is the image of the polar diagram, Fig. 16. Fig. 19. Crank Diagram. Since the time diagram, in which the position of the vector represents its phase, that is, the moment of its maximum value, is used in all other sciences, and also is preferable in electrical engineering, it will be exclusively used in the following, the positive direction being represented as counter-clockwise. EXAMPLES. 47. In a three-phase long-distance transmission line, the volt- age between lines at the receiving end shall be 5000 at no load, 5500 at full load of 44 amperes power component, and propor- tional at intermediary values of the power component of the current; that is, the voltage at the receiving end shall increase proportional to the load. At three-quarters load the current shall be in phase with the e.m.f. at the receiving end. The generator excitation however and thus the (nominal) generated e.m.f. of the generator shall be maintained constant at all loads, and the voltage regulation effected by producing lagging or leading currents with a synchronous motor in the receiving cir- cuit. The line has a resistance r = 7.6 ohms and a reactance l x t = 4.35 ohms per wire, the generator is star connected, the resistance per circuit being = r 2 0.71, and the (synchronous) reactance is 3, = 25 ohms. What must be the wattless or POLAR COORDINATES. 51 reactive component of the current, and therefore the total cur- rent and its phase relation at no load, one-quarter load, one- half load, three-quarters load, and full load, and what will be the terminal voltage of the generator under these conditions? The total resistance of the line and generator is r =r l +r 2 = 8.31 ohms; the total reactance, x = x l + -r = 29.35 ohms. 2 Fig. 20. Polar Diagram of e.m.f. aud Current in Transmission Line. Current Leading. E OE Let, in the polar diagram, Fig. 20 or 21, = represent the voltage at the receiving end of the line, 01 1 = 7 t the power component of the current corresponding to the load, in phase with OE and 0/ } 2 7 = 2 the reactive component of the current Fig. 21. Polar Diagram of e.m.f. and Current in Transmission Line. Current Lagging. in quadrature with OE y shown leading in Fig. 20, lagging in Fig. 21. _ We then have total current 7 = 07. Thus the e.m.f. consumed by resistance, OE = r7, is in phase OE with 7, the e.m.f. consumed by reactance, = 2 #7, is 90 degrees 52 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. OF ahead of /, and their resultant is the e.m.f. consumed 37 by impedance. OEs combine^ with OE, the receiver voltage, gives the gener- OE ator voltage Q. Resolving all e.m.fs. and currents into components in phase and in quadrature with the received voltage E, we have PHASE COMPONENT. Current / t E E.m.f. at receiving end of line, E E E.m.f. consumed by resistance, = l rl t E.m.f. consumed by reactance, E= 2 xI 2 Thus total e.m.f. or generator voltage, E =E+E +E = Q l 2 E + rl + xI t 2 QUADRATURE COMPONENT. I 2 rI 2 xl^ r/ - xl 2 : Herein the reactive lagging component of current is assumed as positive, the leading as negative. The generator e.m.f. thus consists of two components, which give the resultant value E, = V(E + rl, + xI2r + (rl t xI. substituting numerical values, this becomes E - V(E + = Q + + 8.31 1, 29.35 7 2) 2 (8.31 / 2 29.35 2 /J ; at three-quarters load, E= 5375 =~ = 3090 volts per circuit, ^=33, J 2 = 0, thus EQ = V(3090 4- 8.31 X 2 33) + (29.35 X 2 33) = 3520 volts V3 per line or 3520 X = 6100 volts between lines as (nominal) generated e.m.f. of generator. Substituting these values, we have = + + - 3520 V(JS 8.31 /, + 29.35 /2) 2 (8.31 /, 29.35 2 J,) . The voltage between the lines at the receiving end shall be: No i } | FULL LOAD. LOAD. LOAD. LOAD. LOAD. Voltage between lines, _ 5000 5125 5250 5375 5500 W3, Thus, voltage per line, #-= 2880 2950 3020 3090 3160 HYSTERESIS AND EFFECTIVE RESISTANCE 53 The power components of current = per line, I, 11 22 33 44 Herefrom we get by substituting in the above equation Reactive component of Lo^ D. current, 7 - 21.6 2 * Lo AD . 16.2 Loi D. 9.2 Lo| D. j -9.7 hence, the total current, / = VI* + / 2 = 21.6 2 19.6 23.9 33.0 45.05 and the power factor, L cos g o 56.0 92.0 100.0 97.7 the lag of the current, 0= 90 61 23 the generator terminal voltage per line is -11.5 + + + - 7.6 1, 4.35 / 2) 2 (7.6 / 2 4.35 / t) thus: Per line, E^ = Between lines, E' V$ = No LOAD. 2980 5200 i LOAD. 3106 5400 i LOAD. 3228 5600 I LOAD. 3344 5800 LOAD 3463 6000 Therefore at constant excitation the generator voltage rises with the load, and is approximately proportional thereto. 10. HYSTERESIS AND EFFECTIVE RESISTANCE. 48. If an alternating current 01 = /, in Fig. 22, exists in a circuit of reactance x 2 TtfL and of negligible resistance, the magnetic flux produced by the current, 0$ = $, is in phase with the current, and the e.m.f. generated by this flux, or counter E e.m.f. of self-inductance, OE'" = f" = xl, lags 90 degrees behind the current. The e.m.f. consumed by self-inductance or impressed e.m.f. OE" = E" = xl is thus 90 degrees ahead of the current. Inversely, if the e.m.f. OE" = E" is impressed upon a circuit of reactance x = 2 nfL and of negligible resistance, the current ~c\n i 01 = I = lags 90 degrees behind the impressed e.m.f. x 54 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. This current is called the exciting or magnetizing current of the magnetic circuit, and is wattless. If the magnetic circuit contains iron or other magnetic material, energy is consumed in the magnetic circuit by a frictional resistance of the material against a change of |" magnetism, which is called molecular mag- netic friction. I If the alternating current is the only avail- able source of energy in the magnetic circuit, the expenditure of energy by molecular magnetic friction appears as a lag of the magnetism behind the m.m.f. of the current, that is, as magnetic hysteresis, and can be measured thereby. Magnetic hysteresis is, however, a dis- tinctly different phenomenon from molecular magnetic friction, and can be more or less eliminated, as for instance by mechanical vibration, or can be increased, without changing the molecular magnetic friction. E/' Fig. 22. Phase Reiations of Magnetizing nd ""x ' f * 49. In consequence of magnetic hys- = teresis, if an alternating e.m.f. OE" E" is impressed upon a circuit of negligible resist- ance, the exciting current, or current producing the magnetism, in this circuit is not a wattless current, or current of 90 degrees lag, as in Fig. 22, butJags less than 90 degrees, by an angle 90 a, as shown _ by 01 = I in Fig. 23. Since the magnetism 0$ = is in quadrature with the e.m.f. E" due to it, angle a is the phase difference bet ween the magnetism and the m.m.f., or the lead of the m.m.f., that is, the exciting current, before the magnetism. It is called the angle ofhysteretic lead. In = this case the exciting current 01 / can be resolved in two components, the magnetizing current 01 2 = 7 2, in phase with the magnetism 0$ = , that is, in quadrature with the e.m.f. W OE = /f r , and thus wattless, and the magnetic power component = of the current QY the hysteresis current 01 1 Iv in phase with the e.m.f. OE" = E", or in quadrature with the magnetism 0$ = $. HYSTERESIS AND EFFECTIVE RESISTANCE. 55 Magnetizing current and hysteresis current are the two com- ponents of the exciting current. If the circuit contains^ besides the reactance x = 2 ~/L, a resistance r, the e.m.f. OE" = E" in the preceding Figs. 22 and 23 is not the impressed e.m.f., but the e.m.f. consumed by selfinductance or reactance, and has to be combined, Figs, 24 and 25, with the e.m.f. consumed__by the resistance, QE' = E' = Ir, to get the impressed e.m.f. OE = E. Due to the hysteretic lead a, the lag of the current is less in Figs. 23 and 25, a circuit expending energy in molecular magnetic friction, than in Figs. 22 and 24, a hysteresisless circuit. Fig. 23. Angle of Hysteretic Lead. Fig. 24. Effective Resistance on Phase Relation of Impressed e.m.f in a Hysteresisless Cir- cuit. As seen in Fig. 25, ir a circuit whose ohmic resistance is not negligible, the hysteresis current and the magnetizing current are not in phase and in quadrature respectively with the im- pressed e.m.f., but with the counter e.m.f. of inductance or e.m.f. consumed by inductance. Obviously the magnetizing current is not quite wattless, since energy is consumed by this current in the ohmic resistance of the circuit. . E OE Resolving, in Fig. 26, the impressed e.m.f. = into two OW components, E l B J1 in phase, and OE 2 - 2 in quadrature with the current 01 = /, the power component of the e.m.f., 56 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. W E OE = l v is greater than Ir, and the reactive component W OE = E is less than = /x. 2 2 Fig. 25. Effective Resistance on Phase Relation of Impressed e.m.f. in a Circuit having Hysteresis. Fig. 26. Impressed e.m.f. Resolved into Components in Phase and in Quadrature with the Exciting Current. The value r' ___ power e.m.f. . is called the effective resist- total current ance and the value xf t / wattless e.m.f. . is called the ap- total current parent or effective reactance of the circuit. 50. Due to the loss of energy by hysteresis (eddy currents, etc.), the effective resistance differs from, and is greater than, the ohmic resistance, and the apparent reactance is less than the true or inductive reactance. The loss of energy by molecular magnetic friction per cubic centimeter and cycle of magnetism is approximately W=* 1 - 6 ^(B , where (B W the magnetic flux density, in lines per sq. cm. energy, in absolute units or ergs per cycle (= 7 10~~ watt-seconds or joules), and TJ is called the coef- ficient of hysteresis. X In soft annealed sheet iron or sheet steel, >? varies from 0.75 10"3 to 2.5 X 10~3 , and can in average, for good material, be assumed as 2.00 X 10'3. HYSTERESIS AND EFFECTIVE RESISTANCE. 57 r The loss of power in the volume, I , at flux density (B and frequency /, is thus p = X l - fl r/j1 r "- = ' 21 ohm - Hence the total effective resistance of the reactive coil is r = r t + r 2 = 0.175 + 0.21 = 0.385 ohm; the effective reactance is x = ~ =10 ohms; the impedance is z = 10.01 ohms; the power-factor is cos - = 3.8 per cent; the total apparent power of the reactive coil is Pz 1001 volt-amperes, and the loss of power, Pr = 38 watts. ii. CAPACITY AND CONDENSERS. 53. The charge of an electric condenser is proportional to the impressed voltage, that is, potential difference at its terminals, and to its capacity. A condenser is said to have unit capacity if unit current exist- ing for one second produces unit difference of potential at its terminals. The practical unit of capacity is that of a condenser in which 60 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. one ampere during one second produces one volt difference of potential. The practical unit of capacity equals 9 10~~ absolute units. It is called a farad. One farad is an extremely large capacity, and therefore one millionth of one farad, called microfarad, mf., is commonly used. If an alternating e.m.f. is impressed upon a condenser, the charge of the condenser varies proportionally to the e.m.f., and thus there is current to the condenser during rising and from the condenser during decreasing e.m.f., as shown in Fig. 27. Fig. 27. Charging Current of a Condenser across which an Alternating e.m.f. is Impressed. That is, the current consumed by the condenser leads the impressed e.m.f. by 90 time degrees, or a quarter of a period. E Denoting / as frequency and as effective alternating . impressed upon a condenser of C mf. capacity, the condenser is charged and discharged twice during each cycle, and the time of one complete charge or discharge is therefore Since E \/2 is the maximum voltage impressed upon the condenser, an average of CE \/2 10~6 amperes would have to exist during one second to charge the condenser to this voltage, _ and to charge it in r seconds an average current of 4 fCE V2 10~6 amperes is required. . Since effective current average current n 2 \/2 the effective current 7 = 2 itfCE 10~6 ; that is, at an impressed CAPACITY AND CONDENSERS. 61 E C e.m.f. of effective volts and frequency/, a condenser of inf. capacity consumes a current of 7 = 2 r.fCE ICT6 amperes effective, which current leads the terminal voltage by 90 time degrees or a quarter period. Transposing, the e.m.f. of the condenser is The value X Q ~- 2 7T/C is called the condensive reactance of the condenser. Due to the energy loss in the condenser by dielectric hysteresis, the current leads the e.m.f. by somewhat less than 90 time degrees, and can be resolved into a wattless charging current and a dielectric hysteresis current, which latter, however, is generally - -- m so small as to be negligible. 54. The capacity of one wire of a transmission line is Cn = X X 1.11 10~6 r-; Z . , , mf., where Id = diameter of wire, cm.; ls = distance of wire from X return wire, cm.; I = length of wire, cm., and 1.11 10~6 * reduction coefficient from electrostatic units to mf. O-M -- The logarithm is the natural logarithm; thus in common logarithms, since log a = 2.303 Iog 10 a, the capacity is nC = x 10~6 x l i-n.mff. , The derivation of this equation must be omitted here. The charging current of a line wire is thus = 7 2 TtfCE 10-6 , E where/ = the frequency, in cycles per second, = the difference = of potential, effective, between the line and the neutral (E i line voltage in a single-phase, or four-wire quarter-phase V3 Y system, zrline voltage, or voltage, in a three-phase system). 62 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. EXAMPLES. 53. In the transmission line discussed in the examples in 37, 38, 41 and 47, what is the charging current of the line at 6000 volts between lines, at 33.3 cycles? How many volt-amperes does it represent, and what percentage of the full load current of 44 amperes is it? The length of the line is, per wire, I = 2.23 X 106 cm. The distance between wires, ls = 45 cm. The diameter of transmission wire, Id = 0.82 cm. Thus the capacity, per wire, is C = vX -9"41 *ift-e L/ 7 logel Id The frequency is The voltage between lines, = 0.26 mf. / = 33.3, 6000. Thus per line, or between line and neutral point, * -6^-3460 voter V3 hence, the charging current per line is 7 = 2 xfCE 10 6 = 0.19 amperes, or 0.43 per cent of full-load current; that is, negligible in its influence on the transmission voltage. The volt-ampere input of the transmission is, 3 IJE = 2000 = 2.0 kv-amp. 12. IMPEDANCE OF TRANSMISSION LINES. 56. Let r = resistance; x = 2 *fL = the reactance of a trans- E = mission line; Q the alternating e.m.f. impressed upon the line; E / = the line current; the e.m.f. at receiving end of the line, and 6 = the angle of lag of current / behind e.m.f. E. 8 < thus denotes leading, 6 > lagging current, and 6 = a non-inductive receiver circuit. IMPEDANCE OP TRANSMISSION LINES. 63 The capacity of the transmission line shall be considered as negligible. Assuming the phase of the current 07 = 7 as zero in the polar diagram, Fig. 28, the e.m.f. E is represented by vector OE, ahead of 01 by angle 0. The e.m.f. consumed OE by resistance r is = E = 7r in 1 l phase with the current, and the e.m.f. consumed by reactance x is OE = 2 E 2 = Ix, 90 time degrees ahead of the current; thus the total e.m.f. con- sumed by the line, or e.m.f. consumed by impedance, is the resultant OE% of OE and OE E and is = Iz. { 2) 3 Combining OE Z and OE gives , the e.m.f. impressed upon the line. Fig. 28. Polar Diagram of Current and e.m.fs. in a Transmission Line Assuming Zero Capacity. Denoting tan t = - the time angle of lag of the line impe- dance, it is, trigonometrically, OE* - OE* + 2 BE, - 2 EE Q cos OEEQ . Since EE - OE, Iz, OEE, - 180 - 6 1 + 0, we have = E2 + and /) ^^ n 4 EIz sin3 L~ > 2t and the drop of voltage in the line, 7/7 jG/ / Cj \/ """"" TJ1 s==; 4/ / Tr I/-/ 7 I //w\2 "T" LZ) E 57. That is, the voltage Q required at the sending end of a line of resistance r and reactance or, delivering current 7 at voltage E, and the voltage drop in the line, do not depend upon current and line constants only, but depend also upon the angle of time-phase displacement of the current delivered over the line. 64 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. = If 8 0, that is, non-inductive receiving circuit, (E ^ + that is, less than Iz, and thus the line drop is less than Iz. E E If Q = iy is a maximum, = + Iz, and the line drop is the impedance voltage. E With decreasing 0, Q decreases, and becomes E', that is, no drop of voltage takes place in the line at a certain negative Fig. 29. Locus of the Generator and Receiver e.m.fs. in a Transmission Line with Varying Load Phase Angle. E value of 6 which depends not only on z and O t but on and /. E Beyond this value of 0, Q becomes smaller than E; that is, a rise of voltage takes place in the line, due to its reactance. This can be seen best graphically; Choosing the current vector 01 as the horizontal axis, for E the sameje.m.f. received, but different phase angles 0, all OE vectors lie on a circle e with as center. Fig. 29. Vector OE B is constant for a given line and given current I. IMPEDANCE OF TRANSMISSION LINES. 65 E Since EJE^ = OE = constant, E Iks on a circle e with 3 as center and OE = E an radius. OE To const the ruct_ diagram for angle 7 is drawn at the M" angle with 01, and OE parallel to 3. EE The distance OE Q between the two circles on vector Q is the drop of voltage (or rise of voltage) in the line. Fig. 30. Locus of the Generator and Receiver e.m.fs. in a Transmission Line with. Varying Load Phase Angle. OE As seen in Fig. 30, J5? is maximum in the direction 3 as = 0$ that is for 6 Q, and is less for greater as well, ", as smaller E OE = angles 0. It is in the direction Q"', in which case 9 < 0, and minimum in the direction OE IV Q. W S E The values of corresponding to the generator voltages /, EQ", EJ", E are shown by the points E E" rn IV 66 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. E E respectively. The voltages " and Q correspond to a watt- E less receiver circuit E" and JV . For non-inductive receiver circuit ~OEv the generator voltage is OE*. 58. That is, in an inductive transmission line the drop of voltage is maximum and equal to Iz if the phase angle of the receiving circuit equals the phase angle of the line. Q The drop of voltage in the line decreases with increasing difference between the phase angles of line and receiving circuit. It be- comes zero if the phase angle of the receiving circuit reaches a certain negative value (leading current). In this case no drop of voltage takes place in the line. If the current in the receiving circuit leads more than this value a rise of voltage takes place in the line. Thus by varying phase angle of the receiving circuit the drop of voltage in a transmission line with cur- rent 7 can be made anything between Iz and a certain negative value. Or inversely the same drop of voltage can be produced for different values of the current / by varying the phase angle. Thus, if means are provided to vary the phase angle of the receiving circuit, by producing lagging and leading currents at will (as can be done by synchronous motors or converters) the voltage at the receiving circuit can be maintained constant within a certain range irrespective of the load and generator voltage. E In Fig. 31 let OE = } the receiving_voltage; 7, the power component of the line current; thus OE^ = E^ = Iz, the e.m.f. consumed by the power component of the current in the impe- dance. This e.m.f. consists of the e.m.f. consumed by resist- ance "OE^ and the e.m.f. consumed by reactance OE 2 . Reactive components of the current are represented in the diagram in the direction OA when lagging and OB when leading. The e.m.f. consumed by these reactive components of the current W OE in the impedance is thus in the direction gen- E E erates e.m.fs. and l i in secondary and in primary circuit, ^= which are to each other as the ratio of turns, thus "P - - * a Let E = secondary terminal voltage, 7 t = Secondary current, E 1 = lag of current 7j behind terminal voltage (where O l < denotes leading current). Denoting then in Fig. 35 by a vector (IB = E the secondary terminal voltage, 01 i = / x is the secondary current lagging by the angle EOI - dr The e.m.f. consumed by the secondary resistance r t is OE^ = EI = Ir ll in phase with 7r The e.m.f. consumed by the secondary reactance x l is OE" = E" = I 1x v 90 time degrees ahead of 7 r Thus the e.m.f. con- sumed by the secondary impedance = Vr z l x 2 2 -It t is the resultant of OF/ and MS?, or 77 OF/ - E,"' =_!&. OE,"' combined with the terminal voltage OE = E gives the secondary e.m.f. OE l == Er Proportional thereto by the ratio of turns and in phase there- with is the e.m.f. generated in the primary OEi = Ei where *-. 74 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. To generate e.m.f. E^ and E^ the magnetic flux 0 = $ is required, 90 time degrees ahead of OE l and OE^ To produce flux < the m.m.f. of $ ampere-turns is required, as determined from the dimensions of the magnetic circuit, and thus the primary current 7 00 , represented by vector 07 00 , leading 0$ by the angle a. Since the total m.m.f. of the transformer is given by the primary exciting current 7 00 , there must be a component of Pig. 35. Vector Diagram of e.m.s. and Currents in a Transformer. primary current 7', corresponding to the secondary current 7 1? which may be called the primary load current, and which is opposite thereto and of the same m.m.f.; that is, of the intensity I' =JiIv thus represented by vector OF 7' = alv 0/ oo; the primary exciting current, and the primary load current OP, or component of primary current corresponding to thejjecondary current, combined, give the total primary cur- rent 07 = 7 . The e.m.f. consumed by resistance in the primary is OEJ = EJ = 7 r in phase with 7 . The e.m.f. consumed by the primary reactance is OE " Q = Ef =7 x Q, 90 time degrees ahead of 07 . OE ' Q and OE" combined gives OS/", the e.m.f. consumed by the primary impedance. ALTERNATING-CURRENT TRANSFORMER. 75 Equal and opposite to the primary counter-generated e.m.f. OEl is the component of primary e.m.f., 0", consumed thereby. OE' combined with OE"f gives QE"^ = E^ the primary impressed e.m.f. , and angle # = #/)/, the phase angle of the primary circuit. Figs. 36, 37, and 38 give the polar diagrams for = 45 or X = lagging current, O l zero or non-inductive circuit, and 6 = 45 or leading current. Fig. 36. Vector Diagram of Transformer with Lagging Load Current. E 63. As seen, the primary impressed e.m.f. required to proE duce the same secondary terminal voltage at the same current 7 1 is larger with lagging or inductive and smaller with leading current than on a non-inductive secondary circuit; or, inversely, at the same secondary current I I the secondary terminal voltage E with lagging current is less and with leading current more, than with non-inductive secondary circuit, at the same primary E impressed e.m.f. . The calculation of numerical values is not practicable by measurement from the diagram, since the magnitudes of the E different quantities are too different, Ef: Ef: E^. Q being frequently in the proportion 1 : 10 : 100 : 2000. 76 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Trigonometrieally, the calculation is thus : OEE In triangle V Fig. 35, writing we have, also, hence, OE? = OE2 + EE\ -20EEE eos l WE, - 7A t = 180 - 0' + 0^ = E* + 2 J/^ + 2 EI.z, cos (5' Eig. 37. Vector Diagram of Transformer with Non-Inductive Loading. This gives the secondary e.m.f., E v and therefrom the primary counter-generated e.m.f. In triangle EOE l we have sin Ef>E -r sin E EO t = EE l ~ W^C thus, writing we have - = /^ sin 6" -f- sin (0' X) -f- J? 1; wherefrom we get = = + 0*, and # jE 0/ 1 1 /7 1 , ALTERNATING-CURRENT TRANSFORMER 77 the phase displacement between secondary current and secondary e.m.L In triangle 0/00/ we have - 2 * 2 0/ 00/ 00/ cos since and E> = 90, 0/00/ = 90 + + a, = 07 00 7 00 == exciting current, Fig. 38. Vector Diagram of Transformer with Leading Load Current. calculated from the dimensions of the magnetic circuit. the primary current is V V ay = + + 2 a'/, 2 + oo sin (0 a). In triangle 0/ 7 00 we have sin 7 0/ 00 0/ -s- sin 007 =7 7 00 0/ -f; writing 7 07 00 this becomes sn sn -T- Q + <* 4- 7 t ; therefrom we get 6", and thus 4 E'Ol* = ^ 2 = 90 -a - ". In triangle OE'E^ we have QE* - + - E /2 2 S'jBo 2 OJS' JB'So cos OE' Q Thus 78 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. writing we have ^ = tan ' y T Q 4 OE'E, - 180 - ff + Ov OE' E. Ei == -f- ' thus the impressed e.m.f. is % 2 = ^o Ci In triangle OE'E 9 sin S'OSo -^ sin thus, writing E'OE. = we have ^ sin 0/' sin herefrom we get #/', and the phase displacement between primary current and impressed e.m.f. As seen ; the trigonometric method of transformer calculation is rather complicated. 64. Somewhat simpler is the algebraic method of resolving into rectangular components. Considering first the secondary circuit, of current I t lagging behind the terminal voltage E by angle # r E E The terminal voltage has the components cos # x in phase, E sin 9 i in quadrature with and ahead of the current /r The e.m.f. consumed by resistance r v I lr v is in phase. The e.m.f. consumed by reactance x v I lx v is in quadrature ahead of 7 r Thus the secondary e.m.f. has the components E + cos d l Ir ll in phase, /^ E sin + i in quadrature ahead of the current Iv and the total value, cos + /)* + (S sin tf + /x) 2 ALTERNATING-CURRENT TRANSFORMER. T9 and the tangent of the phase angle of the secondary circuit is E ^ E + , - = tan sin 6-.1 Lx. * cos O l + //i Resolving all quantities into components in phase and in quadrature with the secondary e.m.f. E v or in horizontal and in vertical components, choosing the magnetism or mutual flux as vertical axis, and denoting the direction to the right and upwards as positive, to the left and downwards as negative, we have HORIZONTAL COMPONENT. VERTICAL COMPONENT. Secondary current, I v Secondary e.m.f., Ev 7 cos 6 l E t 7 sin 9 t Primary counter-generated e.m.f., T,7 pJfo i -. -_&_,i_ ; a "C1 &yL, yn a Primary e.m.f. consumed thereby, = jT&JV 77? jCn, Primary load current,- 7' a/ 17 Magnetic flux, <, Primary exciting current, 7 00 , con- sisting of core loss current, Magnetizing current, ~l t T" a + a7 cos 6 t 700 sin a AU + a7 sin 6 x $ 700 cos a Hence, total primary current, 7 , HORIZONTAL COMPONENT. + a7 cos d 1 l 700 sin a VERTICAL COMPONENT. + a/ sin O 1 l 700 cos a E E.m.f. consumed by primary resistance r , ' with 7 , 7 r in phase HORIZONTAL COMPONENT, VERTICAL COMPONENT. + r a7 cos 6 1 r 7 sin a 00 + r al sin t r 7 00 cos a E E.m.f. consumed by primary reactance rc , = Q 7 x 90 , ahead of 7 , HORIZONTAL COMPONENT. + X a7 sin /? t x 7 00 cos a VERTICAL COMPONENT. x a7 cos 9 1 x /00 sin a E E.m.f. consumed by primary generated e.m.f., f L a horizontal. 80 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. E The total primary impressed e.m.f., Q , PI + a/ 1 (r cos ci HORIZONTAL COMPONENT. +X sin 6) +7 00 (> sin a +x cos a). a/ x (r sin VERTICAL COMPONENT. + x cos 5) /00 (r cos a X Q sin a), or writing since tan '= ? r o _____________ Vr 2 + x 2 = 2 sin 07 = <^ ' -^ and cos , #o =^ '- o E Substituting this value, the horizontal component of is ^ O + a^J, cos ( - + ^oo sin (a +(?/); tt the vertical component of J5 is og^ - + + sin (6 d,'} z /00 cos (a fl/), and, the total primary impressed e.m.f. is #0= v F'~+azo/iC ^ _ -_- Combining the two components, the total primary current is J v + + + / (a/ 1 cos ^ / 00 sin 3 a) (al sin 0 + J + 0). (9) The e.m.f. consumed by primary resistance r is = + + + ro/o r ai o( i A) jV (ai a 0). (10) The horizontal component of primary current (ai\ 4- A) gives as e.m.f. consumed by reactance x a negative vertical com- ponent, denoted by + jx (ai l A). The vertical component + of primary current / (ai t gr) gives as e.m.f. consumed by reac- tance X Q a positive horizontal component, denoted by x (ai9 +g). Thus the total e.m.f. consumed by primary reactance x is x + (ai2 flf) jx (ai t 4- A), (11) and the total e.m.f. consumed by primary impedance is rfrtn x v^a at yj J_ o ai/ \ i JL, i rTif])\ ' /y (fin ov 2 -JT_ /Tf\ J".T. /|* Fy j L" ^/yV J- /i^ y/ ^i y //Y1* JL /)M /*1 O^ ^o "* *vJ* \*^J Thus, to get from the current the e.m.f. consumed in reac- tance X Q by the horizontal component of current; the coefficient RECTANGULAR COORDINATES. 85 j has to be added; in the vertical component the coefficient j omitted; or, we can say the reactance is denoted by jxQ for X the horizontal and by -? for the vertical component of current. 1 = In other words, if / i -f r ji is a current, x the reactance of its circuit, the e.m.f. consumed by the reactance is + = jxi xif f xi jxi. 67. If instead of omitting j in deriving the reactance e.m.f. for the vertical component of current, we would add j also (as done when deriving the reactance e.m.f. for the horizontal component of current), we get the reactance e.m.f. jxi fxi'j + which gives the correct value jxi xi! if ', f = -1; (13) that is, we can say, in deriving the e.m.f. consumed by reactance, x, from the current, we multiply the substitute f = 1. By defining, and substituting, f = current by jx, and 1, jx can thus be called the reactance in the representation in rectangular coor- dinates and r jx the impedance, The primary impedance voltage of the transformer in the preceding could thus be derived directly by multiplying the current, + + = 7 (ai, K) + j(ai2 g), (9) by the impedance, Z =r Q jx which gives - [K = - o' Z*! o fro Fo) + + + h) j (ai, g)] - + + + - - + f (ai t h) j> (ai 2 g} jx Q (ai t -f h) fx, (at, g), and substituting f 1, Ed = + + + + - fro ai ( i K) X Q (ai2 +g)] j [r (ai a g) x (at\ 4- A)], and the total primary impressed e.m.f. is thus ^ Eo - + #o' (14) " -^ + (ai2+9r) +? ro(ai2+9f) (ai ^ J[ (15) 86 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 68* Such an expression in rectangular coordinates as / = i + jV (16) represents not only the current strength but also its phase. It means, in Fig. 39, that the total current 01 has the two rectangular components, the hori- zontal component / cos =i and the vertical component /sin =f i. Thus, f i Fig. 39. Magnitude and Phase in Rectangular Coordinates. tantf=;r ? (17) that is, the tangent function of the phase angle is the vertical component divided by the horizontal component, or the term with prefix / divided by the term with- out j. The total current intensity is obviously VV / = +2 i' - (18) The capital letter / in the symbolic expression J =i +f ji thus represents more than the / used in the preceding for total current, etc., and gives not only the intensity but also the phase. It is thus necessary to distinguish by the type of the latter the capital letters denoting the resultant current in symbolic expres- sion (that is, giving intensity and phase) from the capital letters giving merely the intensity regardless of phase; that is ; 7 + i ji' denotes a current of intensity and phase tan = i In the following, clotted italics will be used for the symbolic expressions and plain italics for the absolute values of alternating waves. In the same way z = Vr2 + x2 is denoted in symbolic repre- sentation of its rectangular components by Z - r jx. (19)