Chinese J. of Systems Engineering and Electronics, Vol.6, No.4,1995, pp. 1-24 Special Issue on Space, Time, and Motion — Theory and Experiment Introduction to the Problems of Relativistic and Absolute Space, Time, and Motion H. E. Wilhelm, Guest Editor of the CJ SE & E Since the 1905 conception of the special theory of relativity (STR) by Albert Einstein, there has been no other theory of physics which has been both hailed as one of the most profound accomplishments of the human mind (Planck, Laue, Langevin, Eddington, Pauli, de Broglie, Born, Heisenberg, Thirring, et at) and dismissed as experimentally unconfirmable, physically untenable, and logically unsound (Poincare, Rutherford, Lenard, Abraham, Soddy, Alfven, Nordenson, Dingle, Theimer, et at). The STR is a theory " relative to the observer", which predicts the physical state of matter (bodies, planets, galaxies, interstellar gases and plasmas) to depend on the velocity +v of the material object relative to the observer or the velocity -v of the observer relative to the material object. Space and time are no longer independent but postulated to be interrelated through a space-time metric, which is invariant in Lorentz (L) transformations between inertial frames (IF) S and Sf\ ds2= dx2+ dy2+ dz2- c2dt2 = dxfl + dy'2-\- dz'2 - c2dt/2= ds/2 (1) Rewriting (1) as ds2 = γμ^χμάχν with xl = x, x2 =y, x3 = z, x4 = ct (summation over μ and v\ it is seen that the 4—dimensional Minkowski space has an L—invariant metric tensor, 7i/=+l, 1—7=1, 2, 3; = - 1 , i=j=4; = 0, χφ) . Since in the STR only the relative velocity v between material body and observer matters, n observers in different IFs would measure n different physical states for one and the same body during a common observation period. Thus, the STR transcendents physics and reality and leads to the surrealism of a multi-valued world based on an inherent many—valued logic. Whereas the STR and L—covariant physics are believed to hold in IFs, the general theory of relativity (GTR) developed by Einstein and Hilbert (1907-1915) is assumed to be valid for arbitrary, accelerated frames Σ in the presence of gravitational fields. Let us consider the transformation of the Galilean coordinates χμ (μ = 1, 2, 3, 4) of an IF S to the general coordinates χμ (μ = 1, 2, 3, 4) of a noninertial (NIF) or accelerated frame Σ. Based on Riemann's geometry for general, many-dimensional curved spaces, Einstein assumed the metric ds2 of the space-time continuum in the NIF Σ to be invariant in general transformations 5-**Σ: ds = γμυάχμldxl'= g^dx'dx = ds (2) where S*ß= yjdx" 7 d*Xdxv / dxß\ gaß = g (3) • 2· H. E. Wilhelm is the metric tensor of Σ, which is not invariant in general transformations [1]. Since the metric tensor is symmetric, gaß has 16—6 = 10 (scalar) elements which are functions of the χμ. Thus, we recognize that the collective {x^} of points forming the 4-dimensional space in the NIF Σ is no longer quasi-Euclidian (Minkowski space) flat but a " curved" or Riemannian space (Riemann developed the geometry of curved «—dimensional spaces as a generalization of Gauss' geometry on 2—dimensional curved surfaces). By Eoetvoes experiment, the inertial and gravitational masses of a body are equal, mt= mg= m [1]. Accordingly, in the Newtonian equation of motion for a body with velocity v in a gravitational field g, the named masses drop out if and only if the velocity dependence of m can be neglected: ds/ dt= g, v/ c -*0. Hence, the accelerated motion of a body in a homogeneous gravitational field g(t) of an IF S appears as an inertial motion in a NIF Σ, which moves nonuniformly relative to S with acceleration a(t) = —g(t). Thus, Einstein arrived at his equivalence principle: It is physically impossible to decide whether a body is accelerated in a homogeneous gravitational field in an IF or performs an inertial motion in a suitably accelerated NIF. Note that this hypothesis is applicable only to bodies with velocity independent masses. Furthermore, homogeneous gravitational fields g{t) do not exist exactly in nature, i.e., are conceivable only in the sense of a local approximation. By means of this equivalence principle, Einstein explains the motion of a body under the influence of a gravitational field in a quasi—Euclidian Minkowski space (IF) as an inertial motion in a Riemannian space, the metric ds2 of which is given by the coefficients £α/χμ) which determine the curvature of the non-Euclidian space-time by (3). The coefficients gaß depend on the mass distribution in the universe, i.e., these masses are ultimately seen as the cause of the curvature of the worlds space-time. The gravitational forces are expressed in the GTR through the metric tensor gaß. Hence, the mass of a body and its gravity field are envisioned as a geometric effect in the non—Euclidian space—time. Moreover, the 4—dimensional space, as a collective of points {x, ict}, is a complex space since i = y—l separates the 3-dimensional space {x} from the 1-dimensional space {t}, i.e. is not real in a physical sense. Thus, in its ultimum consequence the GTR leads to a denial of physical reality since measurable masses and gravitational forces are represented as geometric effects in a complex (mathematical) curved space—time. As an illustration of the physics relative to the observer (STR), consider the different relativistic temperatures derived by Planck (1908 [2]) as T= ^ ( l - v 2 / c2)l/ 2 and by Ott (1963 [3]) as T= T0/ ( 1 - v 2 / c2)l/ 2. Hence, an inertial observer moving with a speed v~ c relative to water at rest in an IF S with a proper temperature T0 = 300 K would see (i) ice at a temperature Γ « 300 K according to Planck and (ii) a plasma at a temperature T» 300 K according to Ott. Furthermore, n observers moving with different speeds vn relative to a glass of water would measure, from their IFs, the \vater to have simultaneously n different temperatures during any common observation period. Such obvious contradictions and absurdities are cherished as mystified paradoxes in the relativity literature. According to Arzeliez [4]: u Criticisms of relativity theory are symptoms of mental abnormality and to treat them seriously is a waste of time ". Essen [5]:" A common reaction of experimental physicists to the relativity theory is that although they do not understand it themselves it is so widely accepted that it must be right". Relativistic and Absolute Space, Time & Motion · 3 · The GTR is an ingenious mathematical construction the cosmological applications of which surpass the surrealism of the paradoxes of the STR. For lack of space, I quote here only the distinguished cosmologist Kaufmann [6]:u A black hole is one of the most fantastic things ever predicted by modern science. It is a place where gravity is so strong that nothing — not even light — can escape. It is a place where gravity is so strong that a hole has been rent into the very fabric of space and time. Surrounding this yawning spasm is a horizon in the geometry of space where time itself stands still. And inside this hole, beyond this horizon, the directions of space and time are interchanged." " There are wormholes to other universes, time tunnels and time machines that would bring you back to where you started before you left. There is antigravity beyond the hole's center. And around the hole, there are regions where you have to travel at the speed of light in order to remain in the same place." Since the dawning of subjective relativism in physics, Einstein's special and general relativities found attention by philosophers and logicians up to our times [7]. O. Kraus (1925) [8]: " On the top of the space and time doctrines of the relativity theory there stands the unwritten word: Alles scheinen, nichts sein. " (Appearing to be everything, but being nothing.) F. Lipsius (1927) [9]:" The contradiction contained in the relativization of space and time lies in the statement that space and time depend on the velocity of the observer. Yet, there can be no doubt that it is the motion, which presupposes space and time." W. Rauschenberger (1931) [7]: " Bodies can expand in space and time, but never space and time themselves". H. Nordenson on the GTR (1969) [10]: " Neither Einstein nor anybody else can know anything about the physical meaning of all these formulae. They are all mathematical constructions without known physical meaning'. Unfortunately, I can give here only an incomplete impression of the way how Einstein's special and general relativities changed 0 revolutionized') physics in the 20th century. Although it is inconceivable to me that these theories will survive for an other century, Einstein's initiatives in making contributions of unprecedented originality to physics will be remembered for times to come. In contrast, the contemporary leaders of physics appear to feel obliged to preserve the past accomplishments in quantum mechanics, relativity theories, and L—covariant theories in general, by permitting further scientific advances only in infinitesimal steps. Criticism of the ' accepted' and ' thousands of times' experimentally confirmed theories of Einstein, Schroedinger, and Dirac is usually suppressed. According to Popper [11]: "It is an interesting fact that Einstein was for years a dogmatic positivist and operationalist. He later rejected this interpretation: he told me in 1950 that he regretted no mistake he ever made as much as this mistake". Einstein referred to his operative definitions of time and space in the STR and his positivistic interpretation of the MichelsonMorley experiment. It is a matter of simple logic that one can not conclude from the n o n observation of an effect (ether) in one or a finite number of experiments that the effect (ether) does not exist. In 1949, Einstein confessed with regard to the STR, the GTR, and his unified field theory to his friend M. Solovine [12]: " There is not a single concept, of which I am convinced that it will survive, and I am not sure whether I am on the right way at all". It was Einstein's fate that he had to abandon his special and general relativities, i.e., those theories which were the dearest to him. He received the Nobel Price for the equation • 4· H.E. Wilhelm hv = (l/ 2)m\2+P of the photoelectric emission of an electron (m) from the surface of a solid (work-function P\ a contribution of which he was less fond. In my judgement, Einstein's most significant accomplishment was the derivation of the interrelation of induced and spontaneous emission, which made him the father of quantum electrodynamics and the laser. Later, electron emission through intense laser beams (many-photon interactions) with a photon energy hv< P refuted the general validity of his formula. Already before 1955, the international physics establishment used Einstein's contributions to physics and reputation as a scholar to promote its own interests. Now, 40 years after Einstein's death, modern physics is still based on theoretical foundations most of which Einstein rejected in his later years. Nor is there any indication that in the foreseeable future the keepers of' accepted' physics will find their way back to Descartes:" De omnibus est dubitandum . For the above and other reasons, the articles of this Collection on relativistic and absolute space and time physics are devoted to the late Albert Einstein. The idea and initiative to publish this Collection is due to Professor Shuoping Wu, an internationally recognized electronics scientist and Advisor of the Editorial Committee, and Professor Kexi Liu, Executive Editor of the Chinese Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics. Based on the concept of the dialectic approach to the truth, they suggested to publish not only papers which question and propose alternatives to the orthodox relativity theories, but also papers which support and further develop the STR and GTR. Furthermore, credit goes to some very important volunteers, our reviewers, — without their efforts this Collection would not have been possible. My personal thanks to all of them. Next, we will more specifically discuss relativistic and absolute space and time, with regard to (i) the contributions in this Collection and (ii) the further development of space and time physics. RELATIVISTIC VERSUS ABSOLUTE SPACE AND TIME Contradicting Maxwell, Larmor, Heaviside, Hertz, and others, Voigt (1887), Lorentz (1904), and Einstein (1905) introduced the hypothesis that Maxwells equations and the electromagnetic (EM) wave equations hold in this form not only in the ether frame S°(0) but in all other IFs 5(w) with ether velocities w¥=0, too [1]. This proposition is physically equivalent to the assumptions: (i) an EM wave carrier or ether (vacuum substratum) does not exist, (j) the velocity of a light signal has the same value c in all IFs, and (k) electrodynamic phenomena are relative to the observer (nonexistence of a preferred or substratum frame 5°). In Einstein's 1905 electrodynamics paper [13], the L-transformations, which relate the coordinates of a point (x, y, z, t) in an IF S to the coordinates (χ', y', z', t') of the same point in an other IF S' moving with a constant velocity v relative to S, are derived from two principles: (i) The constancy of the velocity c= c' of a vacuum light signal in all IFs and (ii) the linearity of the transformations (implying Euclidian geometry and homogeneity of space and time). The STR is Einstein's physical interpretation of the Lorentz transformations, which embraces the new interrelated space and time concepts, the relativity of the simultaneity of events, and the relativity of all physical velocities in favor of the observer. Relativistic and Absolute Space, Time & Motion · 5 · Unprecedented in the history of science, already in 1906 Planck introduced the STR into his teaching program in Berlin. The Editor of the Annalen der Physik, Paul Drude, an eminent physicist and optics specialist, was the first and probably the last physics editor in the 20th century who took full responsibility for what he had published: he committed suicide in 1906. In order to comprehend the physical implications of what happened from 1905 to 1906 to physics, consider the acoustic wave equation δ p° / dt° = c°s y° P° f°r the pressure perturbation p°(r°, t°) in an IF S°(r°, f\ in which the wave carrier (gas) is at rest. This wave equation is not generally valid since it holds only in the wave carrier rest frame S°. For this reason, this wave equation is covariant with respect to L—transformations, in which the velocity of light c is replaced by the velocity of sound cT The acoustic wave equation for an arbitrary IF S(T, t\ in which the wave carrier (gas) streams with a velocity w, is by linear gasdynamics (δ/ δί+γι · v )2p= csy p. The latter wave equation is applicable in this form to all IFs and is Galilei (G) covariant, since the operators (δ / δί+γ/ · V ) = (δ / δί'+ντ' · v0, V = V', the field p(r, t)=p'(r', t'\ and c s = c's are invariants in G-transformations S^S'. It is recognized that the L-transformations are mathematical space-time substitutions which leave the special (w= 0) wave equation covariant. Whereas the G—transformations are physical space-time substitutions which leave the general (w=£0) wave equation covariant. In essence, this is the trivial physics which Voigt, Lorentz, and Einstein did not understand [14]. TRANSFORMATION THEORY OF WAVE EQUATION. Consider the transformation of the wave equation in the 2—dimensional x—τ space S (τ = ct\ δφ/δτ=δφ/δχ for the field φ(χ, τ) 2 2 into a wave equation of the same form in the 2-dimensional ξ—η space S', δ Ψ/δξ = 2 2 δ Ψ / δη for the field Ψ(£, η) = φ(χ, τ). As shown by Wilhelm, the space-time transformation ξ=ξ(χ, τ), η = η(χ, τ), which leave the wave equation form-invariant are given by the funda- mental equations [15]: δξ/δχ= ± δη/δτ, δξ / δτ= ± δη/δχ (4) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 with d ξ/ δχ = δ ξ / δτ and δ η/ δχ = δ η/ δτ . The partial differential equations (4) have an infinite number of linear and nonlinear solutions (depending on the boundary and ini- tial conditions, or constraints). They play a similar role in the solution of hyperbolic boundary-value problems as the Cauchy-Riemann equations in the solution of elliptic bounda- ry-value problems (conformal mappings). E. g., equations (4) permit an analytical solution of the moving boundary-value problem for the compression of EM waves between conducting copper plates imploded by explosives [16]. • Subluminal L-Transformations. By (4), with upper signs +, the L-transformation from the frame S(x, τ) to the frame S' (ξ, η\ where S' moves with velocity u= wx relative to 5, is for subluminal velocities |u| / c< 1: ξ= y(x- βτ\ η= γ(τ- ßx\ ß= \u\/c, y= 1 / ( 1 - ß2)W2 (5) • Superluminal L-Transformations. By (4), with upper signs +, the L-transformation from the frame S(x, τ) to the frame S' (ξ, η\ where 5/ moves with velocity u= ux relative to S, is for superluminal velocities |u|/ c> 1: • 6 · ξ=γ'(βχ-τ\ η=γ'(βτ-χ\ ß=\u\/c, H. E. Wilhelm y * = 1 / (β2 - \)U1 (6) Note that the constant coefficients y and y * of the subluminal and superluminal L-transformations (5) and (6) have been determined by means of the space-time invariance, 2 2 2 2 x — τ = ξ — η = L— inv, |u|< or> c (7) S(x,z) and ΞΧξ, η) are IFs by implication since the ordinary wave equation holds only in non-accelerated reference systems. S' is assumed to move with velocity u= wx relative to S. Note that the superluminal L-transformations can also be derived in analogy to the usual derivation of the subluminal transformations [17]. One of the main predictions of the STR is the nonexistence of superluminal velocities. The superluminal L—transformations (6) invalidate this STR claim. It is essential to recognize that the partial differential equations (4) permit an infinite number of mathematical space-time transformations. The selection of the subluminal L-transformations, or any other mathematical transformations, which leaves the wave equation covariant, as the physical space-time transformations is arbitrary and unsupported by all known experiments. MINKOWSKFS SPACE-TIME INVARIANCE. If the vacuum were a space without substratum, the light flashes originating at the times t= 0 and t' = 0 from the sources Q and Q' at the origins O and Of of the IFs S(r, i) and S'(t'f t') would be given by r= ct and r'= ct' (STR notation), respectively. Minkowskfs space-time invariance goes far beyond these equations by asserting that one single light source Q fixed to the origin O of the IF S(r, t) generates not only a light flash about O of S but also light flashes r'= ct', r"= ct", —,r"= cf about the origins O', O", — ,On of an unlimited number of other IFs S', S", ···, Sn. Hence, if corresponding axes of the IFs S', 5",···, Sn are parallel to the axes x, y, z of S and their origins O', 0 V · · , On coincide with the origin O of S at time t'= t"= —= *"= t = 0, then by (1): ,2 2 .2 „2 2 „2 / nx2 2/«x2 2 2 2 _. . /Ci\ rf - c tf = r" - c t" = ···= 0 ) - c (t ) = r - c t = L - mv (8) The discovery of this interrelation of' space and time' seduced Minkowski'(1909) to the prophesy: u Henceforth space by itself and time by itself are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two shall preserve an independent reality". In reality, these novel space-time concepts are based on a confusion of the Lagrangian coordinates ^(0,^(0, Z(t\ X'it*), Y'(t% Zf(tf\ — of the spherical wave fronts in S, S\ — with the independent space and time variables (*, y, z,t), (χ', y', z', t'\ — in the Eulerian field theory of MaxwelFs equations (dr/ dt= 0, dt / dr= 0). Hence, space (x, y, z) and time (/) in S, space (χ', y', ζ') and time 00 in S\ ··· are independent of each other. IFs are material frames with adequate inertia so that their uniform motion in space is not noticeably perturbed during the physical processes occurring in them. Even if one uses atoms as IFs S, S', S", ···, it is impossible to have the origins of two or more atoms S, S', S", ··· coincide at the same time, e.g. t= t'= *" = — =0. Alone for this reason, the Minkowski space-time, invariance (8) can not be realized in experiments, i.e. it has no physical meaning. Relativistic and Absolute Space, Time & Motion · 7 · In Newton's experiment with the falling apple (m0) in the gravitational field g= — g% the Lagrangian position coordinate Z(t) of the apple is determined by c?Z(t)/ dt2 = -g with dZ(t = 0)/ dt = 0; hence Z(t) = Z(Q)-^gt2. Similarly, the Lagrangian positions of all particles in the universe (planets, molecules, atoms, electrons, elementary particles) are functions X(t) of time. In summary, the existence of EM wave fronts R(t) of light flashes and the Lagrangian positions X(t) of Newton's apple, any particle, or photon of the universe are no evidence for Minkowski's" interrelation of space and time". Minkowski's unification of space and time is erroneous for fundamental reasons, too. A space element dxdydz is a scalar, whereas a time element dt is a vector in the 1-dimensional t—space. An inversion of time is not possible since it would lead to a chaos of causality violations. Contrary to relativistic claims, events (e.g., the ticking of a clock) can go only forward but not backward in time. Whereas in space {x, y, z) bodies can move forwards and backwards in any direction. Space {x, y, z} exists in all its elements dxdydz at the same time, whereas time exists only successively. For these reasons, too, the 4—dimensional Minkowski space does not represent more than a fictitious mathematical space. The motion v(0 = dX(t) / dt of a body m is a sequence of continuous displacements dX(t) of m within a succession of infinitesimal but nonvanishing time elements dt. The motion \(t) already presupposes the concepts of space and time, since motion ' outside' of space and time is inconceivable. However, as a body m moves in the force field of an other body M, the continuous displacements dX(t) of m in successive time elements dt generates its own time t= [dt, in the absence of any independent periodic time counter (clock). Thus, time in the absence of any moving (periodic or other) body is unthinkable, too. THE " PHYSICS" OF THE LORENTZ TRANSFORMATIONS. The space-time invariance (1) is not satisfied by the G-transformations x= x'+ut', y'= y, z'= z, t= tf between the IFs S(r,t) and S"(r', /'), where S' moves with a velocity u= ux along the x—axis of S. For this reason, consider modified G—transformations, in which the length and time scales are " corrected" by the dimensionless factors α, κ, σ and <5, and time is shifted by a function Θ =Θ(?) [18], x=