5/1/24, 3:59 PM Geologic TimeScale Foundation - Stratigraphic Information Admin Home Board Members GSSPs Charts & Books Stratigraphic Guide Resources TS Creator GSSP Table - Cenozoic Era Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) Ages from "Geologic Time Scale 2020" by F.M. Gradstein, J.G. Ogg, M.D. Schmitz and G.M. Ogg, (2020, Elsevier). Cenozoic Era Mesozoic Era Paleozoic Era Precambrian All Periods Stage Age (Ma) GTS 2020 GSSP Location Latitude, Longitude Boundary Level Correlation Events Quaternary System Holocene Series Mawmluh Cave Meghalayan Stage 0.00425 Mawmluh Cave, 25.2622°N Meghalaya,India 91.7150°E speleothem dated at 4250yr bk2 (before AD2000) Stable isotope profile shows a shift to heavier isotopic values, borehole Northgrippian Stage 0.008236 NGRIP1 in central Greenland the ice sheet 1228.67 m 75.1000°N depth in 42.3200°W NGRIP 1 ice core Climatic cooling following a period of generally rising temperatures during the Early Holocene Greenlandian Stage 0.0118 NorthGRIP ice core, central Greenland 1492.45m 75.1000°N depth in 42.3200°W Borehole NGRIP2 Climatic -- End of the Younger Dryas cold spell, which is reflected in a shift in deuterium excess values Pleistocene Series Upper Pleistocene 0.126 Stage Taranto, Italy 0.0000°N 0.0000°E 63.5 m below surface Climatic -- Base of the Eemian interglacial stage (= base of marine isotope stage 5e) before final glacial episode of Pleistocene. Chibanian 0.78 Chiba, Japan Byk-E tephra; 1.1 m below directional Base of Byk-E tephra bed midpoint of Brunhes– Matuyama magnetic reversal (base of Chron 1n) Calabrian 1.8 Stage Vrica, Italy 39.0385°N base of the top of Olduvai 17.1348°E marine magnetic claystone subchron is overlying the about 8 m above sapropelic the GSSP marker Bed 'e' (Mediterranean Precession https://timescalefoundation.org/gssp/ Status Reference Ratified Episodes 41/4, 2018 2018 Ratified Episodes 41/4, 2018 2018 Ratified 2008 Episodes 31/2, 2008; J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 24 pp. 3-17, 2009; Episodes 41/4, 2018 Episodes 31/2, 2008 Ratified 2019 Ratified 1985 Episodes 8/2, p. 116 - 120, 1985; Episodes 35/3, p. 388 - 397, 2012 1/4 5/1/24, 3:59 PM Gelasian Stage 2.58 Neogene System Pliocene Series Piacenzian Stage 3.6 Zanclean Stage 5.333 Miocene Series Messinian Stage 7.25 Tortonian Stage 11.63 Serravallian Stage 13.82 Langhian Stage 15.99 Burdigalian Stage 20.45 Monte San Nicola, Sicily, Italy Geologic TimeScale Foundation - Stratigraphic Information Related Sapropel, MPRS 176) Magnetic -- Matuyama/Gauss 37.1469°N 14.2035°E base of marly layer overlying sapropel MPRS 250 boundary (C2r/C2An) is 1m below GSSP. GSSP level is within Marine Isotope Stage 103. Definition as base of Quaternary and Pleistocene Episodes 21/2, 82-87, 1998 p. ratified 2009 Punta Piccola, Sicily, Italy Eraclea Minoa, Sicily, Italy Magnetic -- base of the Gauss/Gilbert beige marl bed (C2An/C2Ar) 37.2889°N of small-scale magnetic 13.4933°E carbonate reversal is cycle 77 recorded (MPRS 347) immediately above the GSSP 37.3917°N 13.2806°E base of the Trubi Formation which corresponds Insolation cycle 510 to Magnetic -- base of the Thvera magnetic event (C3n.4n) is only 96 kyr (5 precession cycles) younger than the GSSP. Oued Akrech, Morocco Planktonic foraminifer first regular reddish layer occurrence of 33.9369°N of sedimentary Globorotalia 6.8125°W cycle number miotumida, and 15 calcareous nannofossil FAD Amaurolithus delicatus Calcareous Monte dei Corvi Beach, near Ancona, Italy mid-point of 43.5867°N sapropel layer 13.5694°E of basic cycle number 76. nannofossil last common occurrence of Discoaster kugleri Ras il Pellegrin section, Fomm Ir-Rih Bay, west coast of Malta 35.9139°N 14.3361°E formation boundary between the Globigerina Limestone and Blue Clay Formation Oxygen-isotopic event (global cooling episode) Mi3b; near calcareous nannofossil LAD ofSphenolithus heteromorphus St. Peter's Pool, Malta or La Vedova,Italy Base of magnetic polarity chron C5Br Potentially in astronomicallytuned ODP core Near FAD of calcareous nannofossil Helicosphaera ampliaperta Ratified Episodes 21/2, p. 1997 88-93, 1998 Ratified Episodes 23/3, p. 2000 179 - 187, 2000 Ratified Episodes 23/3, p. 2000 172 - 178, 2000 Ratified Episodes 28/1, p. 2003 6 - 17, 2005 Ratified Episodes, 32/3, 2007 152 - 166, 2009 https://timescalefoundation.org/gssp/ 2/4 5/1/24, 3:59 PM Aquitanian Stage 23.04 Paleogene System Oligocene Series Chattian Stage 27.3 Rupelian Stage 33.9 Eocene Series Priabonian Stage 37.7 Bartonian Stage 41 Lutetian Stage 48.1 Ypresian Stage 56 Paleocene Series Thanetian Stage 59.2 LemmeCarrioso Section, Allessandria Province, Italy Geologic TimeScale Foundation - Stratigraphic Information 44.6589°N 8.8364°E 35m from top of the section the Magnetic -- base of Chron C6Cn.2n; planktonic foraminifer FAD of Paragloborotalia kugleri; calcareous nannofossil near LAD Reticulofenestra bisecta (base Zone NN1); Oxygen isotopic event Mi-1. Ratified 1996 Episodes 20/1, p. 23 - 28, 1997 Monte Cagnero, Umbria-Marche region, Italy 43.6466°N 12.4677°E at meter level 197 HCO (highest common occurrence) of planktonic foraminifer Chiloguembelina cubensis Massignano, near Ancona, Italy base of a 0.5m 43.5328°N 13.6011°E thick greenishgrey marl bed 19m above Foraminifer LAD Hantkenina and Cribrohantkenina base of section Foraminifer LAD of Alano di Piave 45.9142°N Tiziano Bed at section, NE Italy 11.9180°E 63.57m Morozovelloides, Calcareous nannofossil acme of Cribrocentrum erbae Contessa highway section near Gubio, Central Apennines, Italy provisional: base of magnetic polarity chronozone C18r Gorrondatxe sea-cliff section,Basque Country, northern Spain at 167.85 metres in the 43.3796°N Gorrondatxe 3.0143°W section at a dark marly level Calcareous nannofossil FAD of Blackites inflatus Dababiya, near Luxor, Egypt 25.5000°N 32.5311°E base of Bed in DBH subsection 1 Carbon Isotope Excursion base, initiation of basal Eocene Thermal maximum ("PETM") About 78 m above the Cretaceous/ Paleogene Zumaia section, 43.2996°N boundary; northern Spain 2.2609°W 6.5m above the base of Member B of the Itzurun Formation Magnetic -- Base of Chron C26n Ratified Episodes 41/1, p. 2016 17-32, 2018 Ratified Episodes 16/3, 1992 p.379 - 382, 1993 Ratified Episodes 44/2, 2020 p.151-173, 2021 Ratified Episodes 34/2, p. 2011 86 - 108 2011 Ratified 2003 Micropaleontology 49/1, p.41 - 59, 2003; Episodes 30/4, p. 271 - 286, 2007 Ratified Episodes 34/4,p. 2008 220-243, 2011 https://timescalefoundation.org/gssp/ 3/4 5/1/24, 3:59 PM Selandian Stage Danian Stage 61.7 66 Geologic TimeScale Foundation - Stratigraphic Information Onset of a carbon isotope Zumaia section, northern Spain 43.2992°N 2.2610°W base of the marls of Itzurun Formation red shift and sealevel drop, 30 precession cycles (~630 kyr) above the top of magnetic polarity Chron 27n Ratified 2008 Iridium geochemical reddish layer anomaly. Oued Djerfane, west of El Kef, Tunisia 36.1537°N 8.6486°E at the base of the 50cm thick, dark boundary Associated with a major extinction horizon clay (dinosaurs, ammonites, foraminifers, etc.) Ratified 1991 Site produced by Dr. Gabi Ogg Last updated: 19-Dec-2023 Episodes 34/4,p. 220-243, 2011 Episodes 29/4, p. 263 - 278, 2006 https://timescalefoundation.org/gssp/ 4/4