P RE FA CE THE RE are many books on Navigation available for the use of the student, and among them some are exceedingly good. Why, then , add yet another volume to a mass of literature already sufiiciently, and more than sufficiently, large ? Well, it seemed to me that for many reasons another work designed on somewhat novel principles might be useful. Most writers have treated the subject from the point of View of addressing themselves either to the highly educated or to the totally uneducated, and there is I think, room for a treatise designed to meet the requirements of those Who lie between the two extremes men who, while ignorant of mathematics and astronomy, possess intelligence and a certain amount of rudimentary kn owl e dge . Navigation is in many respects a peculiar subj ect. All the problems being based upon the higher mathematics and astronomy, the solutions of them can be calculated and formulated only by men thoroughly conversant with those sciences ; but Navigation has to be put in practice by men who are not, and cannot be expected to be possessed of much knowledge of those matters. More over, mariners have to work their problems in a hurry, and frequently under adverse circumstances. To sit in a P RE FA CE THERE are many books on Navigation available for the use of the student, and among them some are exceedingly good. Why, then, add yet another volume to a mass of literature already sufficiently, and more than sufficiently, large ? Well, it seemed to me that for many reasons another work designed on somewhat novel principles might be useful. Most writers have treated the subj ect from the point of view of addressing themselves either to the highly educated or to the totally uneducated, and there is, I think, room for a treatise designed to meet the requirements of those who lie between the two extremes men who, while ignorant of mathematics and astronomy, possess intelligence and a certain amount of rudimentary knowledge. Navigation is in many respects a peculiar subject. All the problems being based upon the hi gher mathemati cs and astronomy, the solutions of them can be calculated and formulated only by men thoroughly conversant with those sciences ; but Navigation has to be put in practice by men who are not, and cannot be expected to be possessed of much knowledge of those matters. More over, mariners have to Work their problems in a hurry, and frequently under adverse circumstances. To sit in a vi PREFA C E comfortable chair in a warm and cosy room, and leisurely work out abstract calculations from imaginary observa tions, i s quite a different thing from taking real observations on a wet, slippery, and tumbling deck, and working them in a dimly- lit cabin full of confusion and noise, and with little time to spare for the operation. T herefore, for the i conven ence ' of the practical m an , it is necessary that the scientific man should reduce the formulas to the simplest possible dimensions. With those formulas the practical man can find his way about all right if he learns and remembers them, and how to work them ; but, as it i s very difficult t o remember a lot of formulas learnt by heart, it is highly desirable that the practical man should have some idea of what he is doing and why he does it. Few things appear to be more difficult than for one well up on any subj ect of a scientific character to impart his knowledge to another who is scientifically ignorant. A thorough past-master may succeed in explaining matters popularly in language which can be understood by the many but the expositions of writers on highly technical subj ects— whether connected with Science, Art , Philosophy, or anything else— are frequently rendered so obscure, by the lavish employment of highly technical language, as to be unintelligible except to the educated few. All the Epitomes N i’ - or e s , Inm an ’ s , Raper’ s, and many other books give explanations of the various pro blems in Navigation somewhat too minute and too diffuse, I venture to think, to be attractive to the ordinary reader , with the result that the formulas are generally learnt by heart. A man must be gifted with a gigantic memory if he can remember how to work everything from Logarithms to Lunars. Moreover, in most works the definitions, though of course absolutely scientific and correct, are so scientific and so correct as to be somewhat unintelligible to the unscientific person, whose ideas on geometry are very hazy. Books such as Captain Martin’s and Mr. Lecky’s are most valuable, but they preconceive a considerable amount of knowledge on the part of the student . Books such as Rosser’s ‘ Self- Instructor ’ are equally valuable in their way, but they seem to have been written on the supposition that everything must be learnt by heart and nothing understood by brain. So it occurred to me that an attempt to give— conversationally— as if Pupil and T eacher were talkingfl suffi cient expl anation of navigational problems to throw some light upon the meaning of the formulas used, and some additional in formation for the benefit of those desirous of obtaining it, might be useful ; and , having myself started to study Navigation somewhat ignorant of the sciences upon which it is founded, I determined to try and impart to others in a similar plight what knowledge I have gathered to gether. My definitions and explanations may be sometimes scientifically inaccurat e. Let that pass . My purpose is gained if they convey an accurate idea. That portion of the work which treats of the ‘ Day’s ork -V ’ , the ‘ Sailings, ’ and so on, contains a very short treatise on plane right- angled triangles, by the solution of which all such problems are worked . The student need not read it if he d oes not want to, and if it bothers him he had much better not do so. The method of working every problem is given, and for all practical purposes it. i s sufficient if he learns and remembers that. The learning is really easy enough ; it is the remembering v iii PRE FA CE that i s diffi cult. But , if the i m agi n ar y person I am en deav ouring to instruct will read the chap ter on Plan e Trigonometry, I think it will help him greatly in learning how to work the problem ; or if he learns the working of the problem first, and then wants ‘ to know the reason why, ’ a perusal of it may giv e him sufficient insight to enable him easily to remember how every problem is to be solved. If my reader wishes to obtain an Extra Master’s certificate of competency he must learn enough of Plane Trigonometry t o enable him t o construct plane triangles and solve th em, for that will be required of him . Of cour se if he is well up in T ri gon ometry, or has time to master that angul ar science, so much the better but if such is not the case, I think he will find in the foll owing pages all the information necessary for hi s p urp o s e . In the same way Nautical Astronomy is preceded by a sketch of the movements of the heavenly bodies and , contains a short ch apter on Spherical Trigonom etry it i s not the least necessary for the student to read it but if he does so before or after tackling the various problems, it will , I think, help him to understand their n ature and the methods by whi ch they are solved. Be it remembered that even a v erv little an d very hazy knowledge of thi s kin d i s sufficient to ensur e that you do not forget how a problem i s to be work ed. Moreover, shoul d a ‘ blue ticket ’ be the obj ect of ambition, the aspir ant to such honour s will have to solve some spherical triangles, and to draw the fi gures appropriate to some of the problems. In this instance also it is better that the subject should be thoroughly studied and understood ; but if the pro spective Extra Master h as not t he time nor inclin ation to do so, I think that the little I say will answer all the requirements of the case. Most problems can be solved in various ways. I have given the formula which is, in my opinion, the simplest but I claim no infallibility for my opinion. Norie’s Tables are used throughout, except in some portions of the Double Altitude and Lunar problems, because I happened to be taught with those Tables, and have always used them ; every reference to a Table therefore refers to Norie, but as many men prefer Inman or Raper a comparative statement will be foun d on page xxiii, giving the equivalent in Inman and Raper to every Table in Norie. I have treated what may be called the mechanical part of the business— for instance, the use of the lead an d the log— very shortly. Such matters can be learnt only by practice, an d if information is required concerning them, are they not fully and clearly explained in the Epitomes and in manuals and books of instruction innumerable I have not touched upon the Rule of the Road at sea, though it is scarcely necessary to mention that it is of the first importance that a seaman shoul d be intimately acquainted with it. Such kn owledge comes only from habit and experience. I would only say that before going up for examination , a candidate shoul d be thoroughly drilled on this subj ect by a competent instructor. A man whose knowledge and judgment may be perfectly reliable at sea, may be much puzzled when he finds himself seated opposite an examiner playing about with small toy ships on a table. Captain Blackburne has published a little book on the subject, which will be found of great service to the student or candidate. PREFA CE I have endeavoured to take the simpler problems first, and lead graduall y up to the more difficul t ones ; but this is not easy of accomplishment, as the problems overlap each other so frequently. And I have treated of the whole subj ect, from a Mate ’s to an Extra Master’ s work, whi ch has n ot, I think , been attempted in any single work. I have also tried to explain , as far as p ossible, how every portion of a problem is worked as the case crop s up in the problem ; for nothing is more bothersome than having to constantly turn back and refer to some previous explana tion. The explanation of every diagram is, wherever possible, placed on the same page with the diagram or on the oppo site page, for I have found it very troublesome to have to tur n over pages to fin d what angle an d so- -so, or line this or that is an d I opine that others also must have foun d it equally troublesome . T his method of treating the sub j ect involves muc h repetition, b ut repetition is n ot vi cious on the contrary, when something h as to be remembered, it is good, and I have taken some pains not to avoid rep etition . I do not flatter myself that the difficul ty of self i nstruction is entirely got over in thi s work, but I hope it may go some way towards at tain in g that desir able en d. As far as practical work at sea is concerned, very little, i f any, supplementary instruction woul d be necessary in order to enable anyone to find his way about but for the B oard of T rade Examination the personal instruction of a good master is certainly desir able, for in most cases the problems, as given in the examination , are far more puzzling than as they present themselves at sea. F or one thing, at sea you know whereabouts you are, and any PREFA CE xi large mistake manifests itself in the working of a problem but in the examination room no such check upon inaccuracy exists. As an amateur I have written mainly for amateurs ; but if this book proves of any assistance to those whose business is upon the sea, I shall indeed be pleased. For convenience sake the book is divided into two volumes, a big volume being cumbrous to handle. T he first volume contains Logarithms, the Sailings, a Day’ s Work, the Use of the Compass, some chart work, and the simpler nautical astronomical problems . The second volume treats of other nautical astronomical pro bl ems , and magnetism ; it gives further information on the subj ect of charts, an d shows how the working formulas are deduced ; and i t con tains numerous exerci ses, together with the data from the Nautical Almanac of 1898 necessary to work them. HINTS TO CANDID A TES No particular and regul ar sequence i s, I believe, foll owed in the examination papers in the order in which problems are given ; but I fancy they generally come in something like the following somewhat appallin g pro cession : M M For a tes a nd a s ters 1 . Mul t i p li c a ti on by comm on Logs . “7 Divi sion by common Lo gs. Day s 3 . Y k ’ Vor . 4 . L a t it ude by Meridian Al titude of the Sun. 5 . Parallel S ail i n g . 6 . Mercator’s Sailin g. 1 . Time of High Water. 8 . A mplit u d e . 9 . Time Azimuth . 10 . Longitude by S un Chronometer an d Al titude Azi m uth . 11 . Time of Star’s Meri di an passage. 12 . To find names of S tars from Nautical Alman a c within a given distance of the Meridian at a certain time, and also the distance they pass North or South of the Z enith . 13 . C o mput e the Obs. M er . Al t . of a Star for a gi v en pl a c e . 14 . Latitude by Meridian Al titude of a Star. 15 . Star Time Azimuth. 16 . Latitude by Reduction to the Meri dian . 17 . S umner . HINTS TO CA NDIDATES 18 . Latitude by Pole Star. 19 . Latitude by Moon’s Meri di an Altitude . 20 . Correction for soundin g s . M fi For E x tra. a s ter ’s Cer ti ca te 21 . Lon gitude and Error of Chronometer by Lun ar Observati on . 22 . Latitude by D o u bl e Altitude . 23 . Position of Ship by Double Chronometer Problem . 24 . Great Cir cle Problem . 25 . Error of Chronometer by Altitude of Sun or that of any other heavenly body. 26 . Solution of a right-angled plane trian gle. 27 . Solution of an oblique-angled plane triangle. 28 . Solution of a right-angled spherical triangle . The manner in which problems are presented is con stantly varied ; different expressi ons an d different words are employed to denote the same facts. Y ou may be told that the Sun is bearing North, or that the observer is South of the Sun , or that the Sun is South of the Z enith. You may be given the date in Astronomical Time, or in Civil Time, in Apparent Time or in Mean Time at Ship or at Greenwich. Y ou may be given the absolute date such and such a time, Mean or Apparent at Ship , or you may be told that a Chronometer showed so many hours, minutes, seconds, which Chronometer had been foun d to be so much fast or slow on Apparent Time at Ship at some earlier period, since when the Ship had run so many miles on such and such a course, and you would have to find the Ship date by allowing for the Difference of Longi tude due to the run. In fact, the Examiners ring the changes as much as possible, and very properly so, for it is but right that candidates should not only work the problems but also show an intelligent knowledge of what they are doing. Nevertheless, these changes are apt to HINTS TO CA NDID A TES be puzzling. T hey would not puzzle anyone in actual practice at sea ; but the nervous conditi on of most men i s apt to fall below the norm al, and the brain to become unn aturally c onfused when they are shut up i n an ex amination room for long hours, and so much depends upon their efforts. T herefore, read the statement of each problem very carefully, and if you notice anything um usual, anything you do not quite understand in the word in g, j ust think it ov er quietly until y ou quite understan d what you have got to do ; tran slate it, as it were, in your head in to the language y ou have been accustomed to. Don ’t hur ry over your work. Remember that it takes a long time t o discover an error in a problem returned, an d that havin g found it , you may have to do most of the work ov er again . ABB REVIATIO NS p oi t o p The n s of the c m ass o p m the c as s card . i i t nd ca ed t i by he r initial l tte ers. Vida Par in Alt . Colat i o D ff. L ng. Mer. D ifi . Lat. V OL . I. tit La ud e. o pl t C m emen of the t it La ude or Go. tit La ud e. o it L ng ude. i t D s ance. iD fference. i ti D fference of La t ud e. iD fference of Lon gitud e . p t D e ar ure. i i M M er d ian or er dional . i io l i Mer d na D ffer tit ence of La ude. i t i o R gh Ascens n. li tio D ec na n. i i t m m Se D - a e er. Horizontal l Para M T S . . . i Sid . T me Sid . Time Z i en th ol P e. it i t Zen h D s ance. ol i t P ar D s ance. Al t i t ud e. ll Para ax in Alt t ud e. The Sun. o The S un’s L wer iL mb . pp The Sun’s U er iL mb. i t i o R gh Ascens n of M th e ean S un. ltit True A ude. pp t A aren Altitude. v ltit Obser ed A ude pp t i A aren T me at Ship. i ip Mean T me at Sh . Equation of Time pp t A aren Time at i Greenw ch . i Mean T me at i Greenw ch . i l i S derea T me (the t i same h ng as Na uo ti l l ) m ca A anac . i l i S derea T me of v tio Obser a n t i m (sa e h ng as RA . of i i ) Mer d an . ol l P ar Ang e. o l H ur Ang e. o o M T he n . oo M n’s Lower iL mb . xv i A BBREVIA TIONS oo M n’s Upper t l t A S ar or P a ne . Far Limb. Y ear Limb . o o Sun and M n’ s t o M S ar and o n’ s i far L mb . t M S ar and oo n’ s nea r Limb . lP us. ference . is to or to . il l y aux iar ang e. SY MBOLS l q E ua . x Multiplicat ion. iv io D is n . ‘w D if o so is . x An unkn wn qua ntitv . 0 An unknown V O ABBRE IATI NS OF TRI-GO N’O METRICAL RATIO S S in iS ne ; 0 0 5 S ec t Secan ; Co sec o c sine ; Tan t Tangen ; Cot t Cc - a ngent ; t V Cosecan ; ers Versine ; Ha v v Ha ersine C ONTENT S T HT Z FI R S T V' O L U M E PREFA C E D D HINTS T O CAN I ATES V LIST OF ABBRE IATIO NS US ED N ComBARAT IV E S T AT EMENT OF O RIE, TABLES IN MAN, AND PAGES RAPER i xxii —xxv PART I CHAPTE R I ARITHMETIC U PRO PORTION, O R R LE or TH REE F DD D E’CIMAL RACTIONS ; A IT I ON, S U BTRAC TIO N , V CATION, AND D I ISIO N D RE U CTION OF D EOIMALS U M LTIPLI 1 4—1 8 CHAPT ER I I LOGARITHMS H M C ARACTERISTIC O R IND Ex ; ANTIS SA U LOGS . OF NAT RAL NU MBERS A U NATU R L N MBERS or LOGS . MULTI PLICATION AND D IVISION BY Loo s . CONTENTS OF U F U LOGS . or N MBERS CONS IST I NG o r MO RE THAN OR U FIG RES U D m LOGS . or N MBERS COMPO S E or INTEGERS AND B Ec ALs, Y OR or D ECD IALS ONL H MU T E IR L TI PLICATION AND D IVISION PROPO RTIONAL LO GS. H T EORY or Loo s . PA G E* 25 —29 CHAPT ER III INSTRUMENTS USED IN CHART AND COMPASS WORK TRE HARTNER’ S COMP AS S Azmum MIRROR D D TEE LEA AND LEA LIN E m TEE Loc s p AND LOG LINE ; HA RPO O N AN D LOG PARALLEL BULERS , U TEE PELO R S D WI DEBS , PRO T RACTO R S STATIO N POIN TER TAFFRAIL CHAPTER IV THE ’ PRACTICAL USE OF THE COMPASS VARIATION AND D EvI ATI ON U U To FIND CO MPAS S CO RSES FRO M T RUE CoU Rs ES AND TR E U CO URSES FROM C OMP AS S CO RSE S U T o T R N POIN TS INT O D EGREES , M D OVABLE COMPAS S CAR . &c . , A ND I'I CL' VERS A To AS CERTAI N TEE D EvIATIO N NAPIER’ S D IAGRAM Emm zs 53- 56 CHAPTER V THE SAILINGS TEE TRAvERSE TABLE S AND HO W T Q U SE THE )! T AB LE X XV . AND HOW TO U SE IT xx CO NTENTS OF CHAPT ER VIII CHARTS EAC H; H ow T o FIN D T HE S HI P’ S PO SIT ION ON THE C HA RT D H D T o KIN THE S I P’ S PLA C E BY BEARI NGS O F THE LAN U T O ALLow ' FOR -A C RRE NT D D S UMMA RY OF POIN T S T O BE C ONS I ERE I N C HAR TI NG PROBL EMS Y M THEO R OF C ' ERC AT O R S H ART M U D To C ONS TR U C T A ‘ E R C A T O R ’ S CHA RT Fo R A GIvEN LATI T E 2 1 6—22 1 DEFINITIONS TRI GO NO AIET RICAL 3226 —22 7 CHAP TE R N . INSTRUMENTS USED IN NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY HORIZ ON GLAS S H ow T O D ETERMINE H Y T E O R OP SEETAN I D IN EX E RRO R ARTIFIC IA L H O RIE O N 245 THE FIRST VOLUME CHAPTER X I MOVEMENTS OF THE HEAVENLY BODIES Y T H E T E RMS ‘ E AS T ERL ’ A ND V RO T AT IO N A ND RE OLU T IO N OF T H E E ART H IN C LINAT IO N O F E ART H ’ S AX IS AND IT S E FFE C T S D D LAT ITU E , LO NGIT U E , RIGHT AS C E NS ION , D EC LINAT IO N APPARENT TI ME D SI EREAL A ND S OLAR T IME T HE PLANET s THE MO ON Y D U GREENWIC H T I ME ALWA 'S T o BE U SE WIT H THE NA T IC AL A M ' ' L A N A C E NGLIS H ’ S GLO B E S T AR-FIN D E R 257— 2 60 CHAPTER X II LATITUDE B'Y -MERIDIAN ALTITUDE OF . THE SUN THE SIMPLE PROBLEM WIT HOU T ANY C ORREC T I O N S C O RREC TIO N FOR D IP S EMI- D IAMET ER RE FRAC T ION PA RALLAx CHANGE OF D ECLI NAT I ON S INC E GREE NWIC H NOON ' F D Y L IN ING T HE A _ 'I‘-IT U D E ,_ A PPL ING ALL D D D AS R EQUIRE BY BOAR OF TRA E T HE C O RREC T IO NS V D U D PRINCIPLE INV OL E IN D ETERMINAT IO N OF LATIT E 2 73—2 74 C HAPTER XIII LONGITUDE BY SUN AND CHRONOMETER M A-PPA RE NT AND EAN TIME D M U D LONGITU E EAS RE B Y ARC O N EQU AT O R O R ANG LE AT PO LE D NAMING LO NGIT U E C ORREC TIO N OF ELEME NT S 286— 287 2 8 8 — 2 89 xx ii CONTENTS OF THE FIRST V OLUME U FO RM LAS US E O F TABLES XXXI . A ND XX X- II . W U EAS T AND ES T H O R AN GLE S CORRE CTION OF CHRO NOME T ER U D W F M LL S TAT EMENT OF ET HO OF O RK ING PROBLEM AND E XAMPLES U D H O R AN GLE S BEYON LIMI T S O F TAB LES XXXI . AN D XXXII . J OHN SO N’ S TAB LE S F D H EXAMPLE OF IN IN G S I P'S PO S IT IO N M D U D PRINCIPLE OP ET H O O F R A T IN G LO NGIT E TEE C O NVE RS E PRO BLEM : T O FIND T HE U METE R FRO M A KNOWN LO NGIT D E H ERRO R OF C RO NO 322 —324 CHAPTER X IV OBSERVATIONS USED FOR MAKING COMPASS CORRECTION D U ALTIT U E AZ IM' TH OF THE S UN H TIM E AZ IMU T OF THE S U N BY TABLES U TI ME AZ IM T HS OF A S T AR O R PLANE T U FO RM LA PO E TIM E A Z IMU TII 3 3 7—341 CHAPTER XV REDUCTION TO THE MERIDIAN D U Y D M F ETHO AND O RM LAS T o BE EMP LO E U F M RIGO RO S O RMULA FO B Ex - E RI D LAN S D M D U LA TITU E BY E RI IAN AL TIT D E OF A S TAR US MM ARY OF T HE O RD LNA RY PRO BLEMS AND NEC ES S ARY 352 4354 COMPARAT IV E STATEMENT OF NORIE , INMAN AND RAP ER TABLE S , oN m a ED . 1696 INMAN ED. '92 I RAPER ED. '9 8 j Sub ec t l Tab e Pag e 1" 1“ 29 o v t i to iT m To c n er Arc n e oo vtot i i to I To c n er T me n Are Fac t r c orrect V ar. in 1" O R. A. I. II . III . III. t tio of D 2° m D and D ec ., a nd E. T . I Aug en a n S. . d tio fi of t 2‘i Re uc D n of B . P. for gure Ear h v l oi 1- 16 T ra erse Ta b e for P nts and Quarter oi t P n s v l d 18-107 idio l t 108- 1 14 tio of o t 1 15 Tra erse Ta b e for eg rees Mer na Pa r s 00 1 rec n Mean Ref. for Bar me er IV . V. V V I. I I I . IX . X. K LA X II. 116 1 16 116 1 16 117 1 18—121 1 18 121 , 119 1 20 , XIII. XIV . 1 2 2 , 123 124 a nd T lIérmonIet er f tio Mean Re rac n of Ho i o Dip Sea rzn ll Para ax in Alt. of o o Dip S h re HOI Iz n tio of to Correc n Ob s. Al t. 6) fi nd T r. Alt. f o to (9 Dec . r m 1888 1890 o t oo To c rrec 6) D ec. at N n at Sea. o t iod p To c rrec 6) Dec. for changes in er s qof ftoio of i 8 E ua m ur y ears n T e 18 8- 1 895 of i i i d t l Mean P ac es p l Pr nc a F xe S a rs X IV ‘ . XV . 125 126 o tio of t to Mean R. A. C rrec n Ob s. Alt. S ar find T r o tio of XVI. fi di i of Hi t XVI ‘ . 126 1 26 I Alt. C rrec For n W n Mer. Pas sag e . ng T me gh a er V of ol X II. o tio of d d d f o l KV II . ‘ 127 127 m T o fi nd the Lat . by Alt . Pe C rr ec n Lat . e uce r T ab e V X II . V { { fz of lt of — ‘ III f 128 130 . COT-e iou Sa App. A .'s S un and d o i to i XIX. 1 31 For re uci ng L ng. n T me and the vre erse D of Ho i o Diff t XX. H i d t i XXI. D d i i XXII. 131 I ista nc e S ea r z n for eren e gh s 1 32-1 213 For re ucing (9 D ec . to a ny Greenw c h a te 1 34- 1 35 For re uc ng G R. A . to any Greenw ch D t to v iX III . 1 36 o otf oi t (XIV . i t t XXV . t l i (X V I . V o ti X II. 1 38-1 51 1 5 2-265 266- 274 2 15-280 V fi dii t to L III . i i (XIX . ll XXX . of ili l X X X ” . l ZKK I. I p XX II . o i D t to (XIII. 2 81 -284 285- 29 1 29 2- 308 29 3- 309 310- 318 31 9 320 , S a e . Log . S ine , Ta ns, and S ec s e ery Quar er P n L gs. Numb ers Log . S nes, Tangen s, S eca n s , Ge Na ura S nes (A ) and (B ) for c rrec ng Lo ng. and n ng A z. (C) Az mu h for Lots. 68° Log . R s ng I Para a x in Alt . orrec t ion A ux a ry A ng e A . ) m Log . HoraI y Ang e (In an, Log. Hav (Ra er, Log. Sin Sq .) L gs . for I ed ucing G) D ec., R A . ., are. any Greenw ch a e 6 3—6 5 17 18 35 395 -422 64 706—723 32 44 1 1 9-304 66 67 68 ASS- 5 1 7 “ , , 65 726-821 725 39 676 - 684 69 82 8-89 2 xx iv COMPA RATIV E STA TEME NT OF l Tab e NORIE ED . 1 896 j Sub ect 34 11- 3 62 op tio l Pr or na Lo gs. o t D t T o c rrec Ap p. Lunar is . fo r Pa r . a nd Re f . V i t l ers nes ( Na ura ) d tio Re tar a n l tio Acce era n o it i L ga r hm c D ifi erence o of o v d C rr. Lo g. D iff . w h en G) is b ser e . of t Co rr. Lo g. D ifi . wh en a s ar i . oh t d Ampli u es Time Amplitnd s of p i ip p i To fi nd A . T . di Meri an r nc l ti l o jet P i TO fi nd when ce es a la st a rs as s ng m b c ' 15 on r e V ti l er ca . of o j t To find A lt. c ela t ial b ec “ hen o n i V ti l Pr me er ca o fi d o L gs. for n ing c rr “ p R . A . and D ec . D t for a ny Greenwi c h a e ll l t Para ax " I II Alt . for P a ne s t l t To correc Lo o Difi’ . when a P ane is o d b se rv e t l T o correc A anx il ia n a ng e “ hen a l t o d P a ne 15 bse rve d D w To re uc e E . T . a n) Gree nn-Ic li p t q tio of Lo gs. for co m u ing the E ua ate n q l lt E ua A s . o ti fo m For c nver ng reig n eas ures fi d t o o d M For n ing exac T G . . .c rres p n D t ing to T rue Luna r H D To re duce P . . t m Gree ' nc h Da e is . a nd S . o . t a ny q t i l i fi of Corr. of E ua o r a Par . to ' gure t Ea r h i p l o H o H l d Pr nci a P rt s, a rb urs ead a n s , n p i m W &c . T i e of 11 . . at P . a nd C a dS r ng INMAN ED . ’ 92 l Ta b e Pa ge 4 6 7—486 RAP EB ED . ’ 9 8 l Ta b e Pa ge i — 4 6 2 -4 6 5 462 16 5 73 59 , 59A 26 90 0- 90 8 69 66 61—, 6696 7 3 2 7 27A 6 64 665 , 0675- 6711 666-6 70 a 900 90 " 10 540—1 634 l T ab e I NMA N ED . 1 89 2 B A PER ED . '98 l T ab e oi t of p P n s m Co as s. & c . t d d t Leng h o f a egree o f Lo ng . in i‘lf . La s. o v i D p t t For c n ert ng e ar ure i n o Di if . Lo ng . o i i to D p t For c nv ert ng D ifi . Lo ng n i tit d Fur co rrect ng Mid . La ue e a r ure of j t D is ta nce Ob ec s see n a t sea o itio i P s n by N o Bea r ng s a nd Di . t a nc e r un o o SI whols a nd A b b rm ia t ions use d in N Int ica l As t r n my tio idi Re duc M n ( 0 t he er a n of d Le ngt h a eg ree in La t . a nd Lo ng . l T rue Bea rinzf o f Po e t ta r -4 7 I” 688- 69 1 ALo g . Ha v en -ines tio of d Red uc n La t it u e D t of Red nf: tio u ( I .7 on a cco un . Ref. of a ili d C orrect ion ux a ry a ng le A fo r Ba r. a n m Ther . m i — m ‘orra po nd ing T ne r o et e r Se nes m A n n -O no ic a l l« a t . l m A i I I e T int io ne in A l ira l t . C1u‘I rt s D t l 5 e1 . is a nce Ta b es 635 —6 43 l Tab e NORIE INMA N A ND RA PER TA BLES , , XXV RAI‘JCR ED . ”499 j t Sub ec v p l l S h eri ca Tra erse Tab e of f t t di di t di t No. ee sub e n ng l ’ at f eren s ances i do i fo d o o t i d lP aces at wh ch i l I Time S gna s t p E ac s l p l m cks or s s ay be un and c a t q itl m Se imens rual Ine ua y o t i of d pp ll A m r xi a e R se and Fa Ti es o d i d i v i tio l L gs. for re uc ng a y ar a ns b a ne fi di q tio of d Diff For n ng the E ua n Seco n erences o o di H of oo p C rres n ng P . and S -D . . Mn o ti of t C rrec on for red ncmg Tr. Al t . to A pp. A lt. Su nor S ar oi ttio od i o di to of of oio t of ti p M m m C rrec n for re uc ng Tr. Alt. App. Alt. A z u h and c rres n ng change Alt . in 1 n nu e o t oo o d o of Di t p m For c M u ing the n’s S ec n C rr. s ance o i to o Di t p pl Err r of Sh ‘s ace due 1 ’ err r in Lunar s anc e me oid p l l S her a Tab es o o ti o of o t p L gs. for c m u ng C rr. Lil -t . b v acc un NOTES ON THE TABLES ' It will be seen that Norie, Inman, and Raper all contain the Tables essential to the work of the Navigator. But some Tables are more convenient than others. For example, Noric’s Log. Horary An gle T able correspond s to Inman ’s Log. Haversine Table and to Raper’s Log . Sine Square Table, but the two latter are more convenient than the Log. Horary Angle of Norie for two reason s . The first i s that while Inman and Raper each give a. complete Table, Norie, for some reason known best to himself, limits the Horary Angle to 8 hours, an d con sequently it might v ery well happen that a bright st ra ,. such as V ega, or Capella, might be rendered useless for finding Time if the observer was ignorant of other methods than Noric’s for calculating the Hour Angle. An d the second reason is that Norie, unfortunately, does not give the arc corresponding to Time in his Horary T able. The three T ables, though bearing different names , deal with the same thing, for the Log. Horary Angle is really 3. Log. Haversine ; and Log. Haversine of any angle is the Log. Sine Square of half the same angle. i ov itt i p ov itio m 1 S nce the ab e was wr en a. new and uch m r ed ed n of l o t i i o pl t v i l i m Norie’s Tab es, c n a n ng a c e e Ha ers ne Tab e, has been s sued . 2 A PCITED H‘Z TIQ 1 8000 . It w ould b e mere waste of time make two sums of it, thus 1 231 5 678 901 1 121 3 i7i as as o ne sum , thus 2ud . Under ord inarv circu mstanc e s of mul tipli ca tion by L ogs . one woul d put t he numbers, or angles, or time on the l eft, t he L ogs . equal to them on the ri ght, and t he num b er, angle, or time equal t o the resultant Log. t o the i h g t“ r . of it, t hu s 1 2-3 Log . = 2 -0899 05 456 Log. -6 5 896 5 But t he exi gencies of space, and general convenience frequent ly rend er i t. necess arv to put the answer als o on t he left and the above sum would be written thus : 1 23 LQg . 456 Log. Preport ion ' or Rul e of Th ree A s ‘ t im e ’ an d arc ’ are menti one d in t he l lOVV‘l D f ’ examp le s, it is w ell t o s t at e t hat t irne is c oun t e d in h our s m h an d d re mi u s i ( m n ut es , d C e con s . s ), a rc in g e es , n te , s econds There are c ixty seconds of t ime or of arc ARITHMETIC 3 in a minute, sixty minutes of time in an hour, sixty minutes of are in a degree. A simple proportion takes the following form As 2 is to 4 so is 3 to 6 , or s ub s t i t u ti n g the abbreviations, as 2 4: 3 6 . All simple proportions consist of four parts or terms . In this case these terms are 2 , 4 , 3 and 6 . Of these 2 and 6 are called the ‘ extremes, ’ and 4 and 3 are called the ‘ means.’ The fact upon which the solution of problems in pro portion rests is, that the product of the ‘ means is equal to the product of the extremes . ’ For instance, in the above proportion, 4 and 3 are the ‘ means, ’ 2 and 6 the extremes.’ And 4 multiplied by 3 equals 2 m ul ti p li e d by 6 . 4x and 2 x This form of simple proportion you will not have much occasion to use ; but you will have to use simple pro portion to find an unknown fourth term from three known terms. If you have any three terms of a prop or tion you can find the fourth term by the following rules (1 ) If two means ’ and one ‘ extrem ' e are known, the product of the ‘ mean s ’ divided by the known ‘ extreme , ’ gives the other extreme.’ (2) If two extremes an d one mean ’ are known, the product of the two extremes divided by the known m mean gives the other mean. ’ This is easy enough. You must re ember, however, that the first and second terms in a proportion must be of the same n ature, that is, they must be multiples of the same quantity or measure, and that the fourth term will be of the same nature as the third . Thus , suppose you were given the following proportion, :1: representing the ‘extreme ’ you want to find m As 1 h . 10 . : 1 8 111 1 : 1 2 ° x . 4 A R ITHMETIC B efore multiplying the two means together you must make the first and second terms of the same nature, that i s, mul tiples of the same quantity, which in this case can be easily done by t ur ni n g 1 h . 10 111 . into mi nut e s of time. Ai m , to avoid the trouble of c o mp o u n d multiplication , it is best to reduce 1 2 48’ into minutes of arc. to work out the problem As l h l om zl s 2 2 1 2 3 43 2 9: As 70m 70 70 (1 9 7’ 2 9 or 3 : 1 7’ Here we mul tiply the t wo means together, an d the product i s 1 3824 thi s we divide by the kn own extreme, ’ m 1 0 . which gives us as the other extreme 1 9 7' an d i i over. Turn the 34’ into s econds , and divide by 70 , and we ha v e 1 9 7’ 29 " divide the 1 9 7' bv 60 to tur n them in t o d egrees, and we g et 3° 7’ 29 Remember always that what you get in the fourth term is of the same natur e as the “third et rm , whether it be degree s mil es, feet , tons, or anyt hing You will fin d lat er on the utilitv of thi s rule in determining, among other t hing s , the amount a h eavenl y bo dy will ri se or fall in a cert ain time if vou know how A RITHMETIC 5 much it has risen or fallen in a given time. For example, suppose at 9 h . s 1 8 m 28 . . the Altitude of some heavenly bod y was 32 ° an d that at 9 h. m 35 . 30 s . the Altitude of the same body was 35° 1 4' 1 8 and that you wanted to know what its Altitude was at 9h . m 2 2 . s 1 4 . How would you proceed In the following way. First find out ho w much the body rose in the first i n terval . At 9“ At 9 35 o Theref re in 0 1 7 28” 30 2 it or se Next you must find how much it would rise in second interval. What i s the second interval ? 9 h 2 2 m l 4a 9 18 28 o i t v l 0 3 46 is the sec nd n er a . Now you h av e three known terms, 17m . 2 s. (the first i n t e rv a l), s 3 m 46 . . (t h e second i n t erv a l ), and 2° 55' 58" (the increase of Alti tude in the first interval), and require to find the fourth unknown term. W As 2 I] 5 3m 468 2° 55' 58" x 60 60 1 0558 secs . o f arc. 226 63348 21 1 16 21 1 16 2044 secs. of arc. or 3 42 1 3066 3 550 3066 4848 4088 l (near y) 6 A RITHMETIC Therefore 38 ’ 55” i s the amount the body will rise in m 3 . 6 4 s., and this amount added to 32° 1 8’ the known Altitude at h m 9 1 8 . 2 8 . s., gives the Altitude at the time required, namely at 9 h. 22 m . 14 s. T ime A l t it ud e ltit o y At 9h 1 8m 2 89 the A ude of the b d was 32 ° 1 8’ 2 0 In it o 3 46 i se 38 55 o ltit Theref re at 9 2 2 1 4 the A ud e was 32 57 1 5 This is a long sum , but by using proportional Logs , as will hereafter be explained, the work i s very much shortened. Decimal Fractions A vulgar fraction consi sts of two parts, the numerator and the denominator the numerator is above the line and the denominator below it. The denominator expresses the value of each equal part into which any unit is divided, and the numerator expresses the number of such parts . Thus % is a vulgar fraction ; the numerator is 3 and the denominator 4 . The denominator shows that each part is one-fourth of the whole, and the numerator shows that there are three such part s . T ake another fraction, g for example. Here the unit i s divided into 5 equal parts the denominator shows this ; and there are 3 of these parts, as indicated by the numerator ; the value of the fraction is therefore three-fifths . The denominator of a vulgar fraction may be any number you like the denominator of a decimal fraction must be ten or some multiple of ten, and therein lies the difference between a vulgar and a decimal fraction. In decimal fractions the denominator is expressed by a dot, thus : 1 i s one-tenth. The figures after the dot are called decimal places. The number of decimal places A RITHMETIC 7 shows the value of the denominator ; thus 1‘ i s $3 , '01 is 1 0 0, i s w l ru : 12 is 12 T3 3 , 123 is and so on. Y ou can always, of course, express a decimal fraction as a vulgar fraction ex actly, but you cannot always express a vulgar fraction as a decimal fraction exactly. T he decimal equivalent of a vulgar fraction is often self evident thus 4 is evidently the same thing as and 1 11 i s written decimall'y as 5' ; and even in those cases in which the conversion is not self-evident, the process of turning vulgar fractions into decimals is very simple. All you have to do is to divide the numerator by the denom inator— this will give you the decimal exactly if the vulgar fraction can be turned exactly into a decimal fraction, and if it cannot the process will give you the decimal very n early . Thus 3 13 is a vulgar fraction, and can be expressed exactly as a decimal fraction thus 10 3-0 3 Some vulgar fractions , as for instance 4, cannot be expressed exactly as a decimal fraction . 3 fi m ' 333 etc . a d tn nttu . 9 10 9 10 Such a decimal fraction i s called a recurring decimal , and is written thus, 3 , with a dot over the 3 . In turning vulgar fractions into decimals, you may arrive at a decimal containing three or more, and perhaps a lot more figures . Console yourself by the reflection that . for navigational purposes, one decimal place, or at any rate two decimal places, are good enough. Thus 1 234 would be called ' 12 or probably 1' . If the figure to the right of the second or of the first decimal place is 5 , or bigger than 5 , increase the second or first figure by one , 8 A RITH BLETIO thus 1 26 should be called -1 3 , and ' 36 should be call ed 4 , because in the first case ' 1 3 i s n earer to the truth than “ 1 2 an d in the secon d place 4 i s nearer to the truth than 3 The immen se advantage of the decimal system is, that compoun d addition , subtraction, mul tiplication , and divi sion are don e away with. Its weakn ess is, that some fractions cann ot be expressed absolutely by its means, but they can be expressed quite nearly enough for all n avigational work . Decimals are wt mderfully useful in n avigation, as you will appreciate ful ly later on in fact, problems coul d not be worked without them . Ad dition of Decimals The quantiti es to be added t ogether must be written down so that the decimal points are all in the same perpendicul ar lin e, un der one another. T hen proceed to add as in ordinary ari thm etic, and place the decimal point in the sum in a line with and un der the decimal points in the quantities added. For example, add together 1 7 89 , 78 0 1 , 0 26 1 0000 , 11 002 , and 1 00 01 . There you are. The 1 01 90 , being a whole num ber, is to the left of the decimal point , and the fr action 837 is to the right of i t. lo ARIT HMETIC Here are a few examples, to which I would ask your closest attention (1 ) Mul tiplv 1 8 -5 by 1 9 -2 . There is one decimal place in each of the two factors, 185 and 19 2 , that i s, two decimal places in all, so that you p oint 0 11 two decimal places from the right of the p ro du c t , and the dot comes between the 2 and the 5 . Of course, zeros on the right of a decimal without any di git s t o the ri ght of them are of no value, but they must n ever be st ruck off a product till the decimal point has been placed. (2) Mul tiply 1 042 by 198 . Here there are three d e cima l plac es in 1 0 42 , and none in 1 93 . T herefore we po int off three decimal p la ces from the ri ght ih the product. (3) Mult iplv 79 -89 bv ‘ 0042 . Here t here are two decima l plac es 111 1 9 -8 9 . and four in 0 042 , therefore six d e c i ma l p la ce s are point e d off in t he pro duc t . A RITHMETIC 11 (4) Multiply 0 045 by 10 . ‘ 0045 10 0 156 Here we have altogether four decimal places to point off in the product 450 , and so a zero must be placed to the left of 450 to make up the number. Z eros required to make up the number of decimal places in a product must be placed to the lef t of the left-hand digit . Although the last zero is valueless , it must be counted when pointing off the product . (5) Mul t i p l y 0 001 by 0 002 . '000 1 ' 0002 0 0000002 This is rather an extreme case. We have eight decimal places in the factors, and therefore we must add seven zeros to the left of the product 2 before we can place the decimal pomt. (6) Multiply 79 8 9 by 1 2 1 2 . 79 i ! i 1 2 1 -2 1 5 978 798 9 1 5 978 79 8 9 9682 668 Three decimal places in the factors, therefore three in the prod uct . In such a case as this, after the decimal place has been put in according to the rule, you can check the result by taking two’ simple n umbers nearly equal to those in the question, an d multiplying them in your head. Thus in this case, instead of 79 8 9 take 80 , and instead of 121 2 take 1 20 . 12 A RITHME’I‘IC The product of 80 and 120 is 9 600 . Thi s is suffi ciently near to 9682 668 to show that the decimal point has been put in correctly. If you had made a mistake and put down 9 68 -2668 , you woul d have found it out. So much for multiplication of decimals. Y ou will have to do plenty of it in the course of your navigational studies, so I will pass on to Division of Decimals D ivision of decimal fractions is managed exactly in the same way as division in ordinary arithmetic. As in mul tiplication, the only di fficulty consi sts in plac ing the decimal point correctly in the quotient. Y ou must place in the quotient that num ber of decimal places which, added to the n um b e r of decimal places in the d i i z' s o r , equals the number of decimal plac es in the d ir id end . It is really the same rul e as in multiplication, because the product of the divisor and quotient is, of course, the divi dend. Here are a few examples (1 ) Divide 461 43 16 by 31 2 2 . 312 2 31 22 1 4923 1 2488 2435 1 2 1 854 1 478 Here we have three decimal places in the divi dend, and onl y one in the divisor. It i s to nec es s aiw add two decim al places t o those in the divi sor to m ake them equal to t he number of decimal places in the dividend ; you con s equen t ly have t wo in t he quotient , an d here it is , 1 4 78 . A RITI—IMETIC 13 As a check on the result, notice that, roughly speaking, you are di vi d i ng 4600 by 300 , so that 14 or 15 is evidently pretty near the answer. (2) Divide ‘ 702 by 0 09 . -009 -702 78 Now you have three decimal places in the dividend, and three in the divisor, therefore you want none in the quotient, and the an swer is 78 . (3) Divide ‘63675 by 849 84-9 6 3675 (75 5 943 42 45 4245 Here are five decimal places in the dividend, and only one in the divisor, therefore there must be four in the quotient . But we have only two figures, and to make up the four necessary places two zero s must be put to the left of them, and then the decimal point. So the answer is 0 075 . As in the product of a multiplication sum, so in the quotient of a division m su , zeros to make up the number of decimal places required must be placed to the left of the left- hand digit. Check.— If in doubt about the position of the decimal point, multiply 84 9 by 0 075 , and the result 6 3675 shows the decimal point is correctly placed. (4) Divide 5 by 2 50 . 250 5-00 2 In this case, in order to make five divisible by 250 , you must add two zeros after the decimal point which , makes no difference to the value of the dividend. Then you have two decimal places in the dividend, and none in the divisor you must therefore have two in the quotient , and here you are, 02 . 14 ARITHMETIC In all cases where the divisor will not go into the divi den d, add zeros to the dividend, placing them to the right of the decimal point if there is no fraction, or to the right of the fraction if there is one. These zeros make no difference to the value of the divi dend, but they count as decimal places when placing the decimal point in the quo ti en t . (5) Divide 17 by 50000 . 5 000 0 1 -70000 34 1 50000 200000 2 00000 Here there are five decimal places in the top line of the dividend, and we borrowed another in the third line, makin g six 111 all . But there are none in the divisor, so we must have six decimal places in the quotient, and four ze ro s must be placed to the left of the 34 , and the answer is 0 00034 . (6) Div ide 1 by 0 00001 . No decimal point in the dividend and six in the divisor. Add 6 zeros to the right of the 1 in the dividend , an d divide out . 0 00001 1 0 00000 1 000000 Red uction of Decimals You must understan d the reduction of decimal frac tions The subj ect naturally divides itself into tw o . branches, the one dealing with reducing ordinary quantities into decimals, and the other with reducing decimals into ordinary quantities. Let us first deal with turning ordinary quantities into decimals. S upp o s e you were asked to turn 1 0l . 1 2s . 6d . into pounds and decimals of a pound. The first step would be to find what decimal of a shilling Sixpence is, and the A RITHMETIO 15 second to find what decimal of a pound the shillings and decimal of a shilling i s. In expressing a penny as the decimal of a shilling, consider the penny as a vulgar fraction of a shilling one penny is 1 T? of a shilling then turn the vulgar fraction into a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator as has been already ex pl ain e d . First then turn the 6 pence into decimals of a shilling by di v i d i n g them by 12 , thus : 5 Sixp ence is 5' of a shilling, and we now pounds and 1 2 5 shillings. Next turn the into decimals of a p oun d by dividing by 20 . 20 1 2-50 -625 1 20 50 40 1 00 1 00 Here we have three decimal places in the dividend, having borrowed a zero in addition to the two decimal places in the first line and, as there are no decimal places in the divisor, we must have three in the quo ti en t , which is therefore 6 25 . 1 2 5 of a shilling is therefore 6 25 of a pound, and tacking this on to the pounds, we find that 1 02 1 2s . . Now suppose you want to reverse the process and , turni ng decimals into ordinary quantities, require to find the value of 1 0'625l . You must first turn the decimals of a p oun d into shillings by mul tip l yin g by 20 , thus 0 25 20 1 2 500 Therefore 6 25 of a pound x shillings . Then 16 ARI’I'H METIC turn the decimals of a shilling into pence by multiplying by 12 , thus T herefore, 5' of a shilling x p ence. And you fin d that 1 2s. 6d . It i s not improbable that you will spend more time at sea in dealing with are and time than with money, unless you happen to hit upon a treasure island, so I append a few examples here. (1 ) Turn 37° 48' 00” into degrees and decimals of a degr ee. In one degree there are Therefore, divide 48’ by 60 to brin g it into decimals of a degree. 48’ -1 of a degree. The answer, t herefore, is 378 ° T o reverse the above an d express 378 ° in degrees and minutes . To turn 8' of a degree into minutes you must mul tiply it by 60 . 8° ' therefore, 37 8° 3 7° (2) Fin d what decimal fraction of a day 1 4 hour s 1 8 minutes i s . T here are 60 minutes in an hour, therefore, to t ur n 18 min ut e s in t o d ec im al s of an h our , divi d e by 60 . 18 Therefore 1 8 minute s = 3' of an hour. \' ow t o fin d what decimal fraction of a day 1 4 3 hours i s . There are 24 hours in a day, therefore divide 1 4 3 by 24 1 4-3 5 9 58 1 20 18 ARITHMETIC Thus, suppose you want to know what decimal fraction of an hour ten minutes i s. You proceed thus 6 1 0000 -1 666 & c. & c. i s the correct an swer. X—Vell, 1' 7 i s near enough for you . Remember always to add 1 to the last digit if the next one is 5 or more than 5 . Thus 1 66 must be called '1 7 , b e c aus e '1 7 is nearer the truth than 1 6 . It i s generally easy to place the decimal point, even in division , by using a little common sense. If the number to the left of the decimal point in the divisor is less than the number to the left of the decimal point in the dividend , there must be at least one whole num ber in the quotient . If , on the c ont rary , the whole num ber in the dividend is less than that in the divi sor, the decimal point must c ome fir st in the quotient. I V hen the decimal place has been put in according to the rule, look at the result and see that it i s roughl y ab out the ri ght amount . CHAPT ER II LOGARITHMS L O GARIT HMS are the invention of a most talented man , John Napi er, of Merchistoun. L ogarithms, or, as they are called for convenience sake, Logs , enable us to sub stitute addition for multipli cation , and subtraction for division — an immense boon to the mariner. If the wretched sailor had to multiply and divide the long rows of figures and the numerous angles which abound in great profusion in hi s calculations, he would not be done work ing one set of sights before it was time to begin working another set, and every sea- going ship would have to be fitted with a private lunatic asylum. But with the help of Logs , Navigation becomes easy, for addition and sub traction are simple operations, which do not consume much time, or cause any great amount of chafe of the brain. Every natural ’ number, that is to say every number in the natural ordinary sense of the word, has a Log. 5 and p er contra every Log. has a natural number. If you have to multiply two numbers or two dozen numbers together, or i f you have to divide two numbers or two dozen numbers, all you have to do is to find the appropriate Logs , and add or subtract them the result will be the Log. of a natural number, which i s the result of the multiplication or divi sion of the numbers . W hat you have got to learn therefore is : 1 st , how to find the Log. of any natural 9 -l 20 LOGA RITHMS number ; 2 md , how to fin d the natur al number of any L og. 3rd , how to add Logs. together ; 4th , how to subtract Logs. from each other. A Log. generally consists of two parts, a whole num ber containing one or more digits— this is called the Cha racteristic or In dex — and a number of digits separated from the characteristic by a decimal point thi s decimal part of the Log. is called the Mantissa.’ Though ‘ Characteri stic ’ is the proper term to employ, Index ’ is more generally used, and for the future I shall speak of the n d e I ’ x . For in stance, take any Log , say 2 9 44483 2 is the In dex , an d 944483 i s the Mantissa. Natural numbers and L ogs. are tabulated in Table X X IV . headed ‘ Logarithms of Numbers. ’ In the left hand column, headed you will find natural numbers from 1 00 on page 1 37 , to 999 on page 1 51 . Zeros in n atural numbers make no difference to the Mantissa of a Log. For instance, the Mantissa or decimal part of the Log. of 1 , of 10 , of 1 00 , of 1 000 , and so on, is the same ; the Log. of 15 , of 1 50 , of 1 500 , &c. is the same ; the Log. o f 1 72 , of 1 720 , of 1 7200 , &c. is the same. T herefore you need take no notice of that portion of ‘ Logarithms of Numbers ’ from 1 to 1 00 contained on page 1 36 . It is useless and confusing, so leave it alone. To fi nd f the L og . o a na tura l n mnbmz— Remember that the T able gives you the Ma ntissa only, and that having first got that you must afterwards find the Index. S up p o s e you require the L og. of a single n umb er , say of 2 . Look for 200 in the left- hand column headed and to the right of it, in column headed you will find 301 030 that is the Mantissa of 2 . Suppose you require the Log. of a number consisting of two fi gur e s , say 23 . Look for 2 30 in the ‘ No . ’ column , and in column 0 ‘ ’ you will fin d 361 728 that is the Mantissa of 23 . S up p os e LOGA RITHMS 21 you want the Log. of a number containing three figures, s ay 2 34. Look for 2 34 in the N ‘ ’ o. column, and in the 0 ‘ ’ column you will find 36921 6 that is the Mantissa of 234 . Suppose you want the Log. of a number contain ing four figures, say 2 341 . Look for 2 34 in the N ‘ ’ o. column, and in a line with it, in the column headed you will fin d 369401 ; that is the Mantissa of 2341 . If you wanted the Log. of 2342 you would find the Manti ssa in the 2 ‘ ’ c o l umn , by following along from 234 in the N ‘ ’ o. column . If you wanted the Log. of 2 343 , the Mantissa will be in the 3 ’ column. If you wanted the L og. of 2344 , the Mantissa will be in the 4 column, and so on to 2349 . Now to find the Index. The Index is always one less than the number of figures in the natural number. If the natural number consists of one figure the Index will be zero (0) if the number has two figures the Index will be 1 if the num ber has three figures the In d ex will be 2 , and so on. Consequently, in the case of the natural number 2 which I have used above, as 2 consi sts of one figure the Index is 0 . The Mantissa of 2 is 301 030 , therefore the L og. of 2 is 0 301 030 . It i s useless expressing the zero, an d you would wri t e the L og . of 2 as 3 01 030 . 23 contains two fi gu re s , the In dex is therefore 1 . The Man ti s s a of 23 is 361 72 8 , therefore the Log. of 23 is 1 361 728 . The Mantissa of 2 34 i s 36921 6 , and the L og. of 234 is 2 36921 6 , because 234 c ont ain s thr e e figures, and the Index consequently is 2 . The Mantissa of 2341 is 369 401 , and the Log . of 2 341 is 3 369 401 , because 2341 ~ contains four figures. To fi nd f the na tura l number s o L ogs . -L ook out the Mantissa of the Log. in the table in the columns &c. &c., and, wherever i t may be, you will find its natural number in the same line with it in the N ‘ ’ o. LOGA RITIl MS column . The value of the Ind er will show you how many figures there are in the natural number. You know that the Index of a Log. i s always one less than the natural number of the L g o ., an d p er contra. the natural number must always be one more than the Index of its Log. C o n s e qu e n t l y, if the Index is 0 , the natural number will consist of one figure . If the Index is 1 , the natural number will contain two figure s. If the Index i s 2 , the n atur al number will contain three figures, and so on and so on. If the natural number belonging to the Mantissa of a L og. does not contain one figure more than the Index of the Log. you must add zeros till it does. If the Mantissa of a Log. gives you more figures in the natural number than there ought to be according to the Index of the L og , then the n atural number contains a decimal fraction, and you must put a dot after the proper number of figures as determined by the Index. T ake any Log , say 6 9 89 70 ; yo u want to know its n atural number. Look for 698970 in the T able in one of the c olumns headed from 0 ’ to Y ou wi ll fin d 6989 70 in column O on p. 1 43 , and alongside to the l eft in the No c o l um n you will see 5 00 . Your Log. was 6 9 89 70 . It had zero in the In dex, therefore its natural number must consi st of one fi gur e : therefore the natural number is 50 0 , or 5 . Suppose the Log. to have been 1 6 9 89 70 . 1 in the Index shows there must be two figures in the natur al n um b e r , therefore the natur al number is 500 , or 50 . If the L og. had been 2 6 9 89 70 the natural num ber woul d be 500 . If the L og . had been 36 9 89 70 , 3 in the In d e x requi res four figures in t he num ber, but there are only thr ee in 500 . Y ou must therefore add e r o Z “ 3. , and make it 5000 , and that is the natural number of 36 9 89 70 . An d so on. Take another Log , say 2 6 62663 . Look for the LOGA RITHMS 23 Mantissa 662663 in the Table— you will find it in column p 9 , . 1 42 —and alongside to the left, in the ol mn N ’ o. c u , you will see 459 . The Mantissa being in the 9 column of course 9 must be added to the numb er in the N ‘ o. column, so 4599 i s the natural number. The Index of the L og. is 2 , and there must be three figures in the natural number ; therefore cut off three figures by a decimal point, and you have the natural n um b e r 459 9 . If the Index had been 3 , the number w o ul d have been 4599 . If the Index had been 1 , the n atura l number would have been 459 9 . If the Index had been 0 , the natural u number wo ld have been 4 599 . Now , having seen how to find the Log. of a number and the number of a Log , let us consider multiplication and divi sion . Multip lica tion a nd D ivision by L ogs — T o multiply two n um b e r s , find the Log. of each num b er , add them together and find the natural number of the resul tant Log. To divide one number by another. T ake the Log. of the Divisor from the Log. of the Dividend, and find the natural numb er of the resulting Log. For instance, 4x by ordinary multiplication 4 by ordinary division ; now Work the same sum by L ogs . The L og. of 4 is 6 02060 . The Log. of 2 is 3 01 030 . Add them together. The n a t ur a l numb e r of 90309 0 is 8 00 . Zero in Index gives one figure in the number, therefore numb e r is 80 0 , or 8 . Subtract 6 01 030 from 6 02060 . ' 602 0 60 ‘301 030 ‘301 030 24 LOGA RITHMS The natural number of 301 030 is 200 , and the In dex being z er o , it is 20 0 , or 2 . Suppose you wish to multiply 8197 by 5 32 9 , and also to divide 8197 by 5 329 . The Mantissa of 8197is 91 3655 , and the Index is 3 , because there are four figures in the number, therefore the Log. is 3 91 3655 . The Mantissa of 5329 is 72 6 646 . The L og. will be 3 72 6 6 46 , because there are four figures in the number. 3 91 3655 3 726646 76 40301 You will not find the exact number 640301 in the Tables , but you will find something near enough to it, namely, 640283 in the 8 column on p. 1 42 , and that will give you 436 in the N’ o. c o lumn the n atural number, therefore, is 4368 . 7 in the Index requires eight figures in the natural number, but you have only four, and you must therefore add four zeros and the natural number is 436 8 0000 , Therefore 81 9 7 x 5329 43680000 nearly. Now for the division . 39 1 3655 3 726646 0 1 87009 Y ou will not find 1 87009 in the Tables, but you will . find something near enough, namely, 1 869 56 in the 8 ‘ ’ c olumn on page 1 37 , with the number 1 53 in the N ‘ ’ o. c o lumn . The natural number, therefore, is 1 538 . Z ero in the Index gives one figure in the number, therefore the n atur a l n u mb e r is 15 38 . Therefore 8197 5329 1 5 38 , or 14 very nearly. Whenever you can check the answers easily as far as number of figures or position of the decimal point goes, do so . For example, as in the last case you were multiplying 8000 by 5000 roughly speaking, the answer would be 40 000000 . Thi s agrees with 43680000 sufficiently to 26 LOGA RITHMS to the Log. of the first four numbers already found, and the result i s the Log. required . Remember tha t a zero fi counts a s a g ur e. F or instance, suppose you want the Log. of 1 23456 . Tick off the first four figures thus , and find the Log , or, to be accurate, the Mantissa of the Log. of 1 2 34 . It is 09 1 31 5 . In the same line in the D i ‘ ff ’ . column you will find 352 . Multiply 352 by 56 (the remaining figures in your number). 35 2 56 2112 1 760 1 9 71 2 From the product 1 971 2 cut off from the right as many fi gur e s as the mul tip lier contained, n am e l y two . That leaves 1 9 7 to be added to the Log. of the first four figures. 09 1 3 1 5 1 97 0915 1 2 091 51 2 is the Log. required. The reason for this process is very simple. The numbers in the column Diff. ’ are the differences between the Logs. of two con secutive numbers . The di fference between the two numbers is 1 00 the difference between the number whose Log. you have taken out and the number whose Log. you require is 56 . The differe nc e in the ‘ D iif ’ . column between the Mantissa you have taken out and the n ex t larger is 352 . It i s a simple sum in proportion, as 1 00 56 352 m . Now for the Index. You must count all the figures i n your number. T here are six figures, therefore the In d ex is 5 . Therefore the Log. of 1 2 3456 is 50 91512 . In all questions of this kind it is advisable after the answer has been obtained to check it by seeing that the Log. found lies between the Log. of the right two numbers . The Log. of 1 23456 should lie between Log. LOGA RITHMS 27 1 234 and Log. 1235 and since 091 51 2 is between 091 31 5 and 091 667 it is evident that no mistake has been made. fi m T o nd the na tur a l nu ber cor resp on d ing to a Log . to f fi more tha n our gures — Now supp o se you are o ccupi ed in the reverse process, and having the Log. 50 9 1 51 2 you want to fin d its natural number. . Look for the Log. in the T ables. Y ou won ’t find 091 51 2 anywhere. In such a c ase you must take out the natur al number to four figures, for the nearest less L og , and write it down . Then find the difference between this nearest less L og. and your Log. divide thi s difference by the figure in the column, adding as many zeros to the difference as may be necessary“, and add the quotient to the first four fi gures of the natural number already taken out and written down. You want the n atural numb er of 50 91 51 2 . The nearest less Mantissa in the Table is 0 9 1 31 5 , of which the natural number is 1234 ; write that down . Next find the difference between 09 1 31 5 (the nearest Log .) an d 09 1 51 2 (your L og ). 09 1 5 12 091 315 1 97 T he difference is 197 . In a line with 091 31 5 , and in the Di f ‘ f’ . c o lum n , you Will find 352 . Y ou have got to divide 197 by 352 , adding zeros to 197 . l 352 1 9 70 y 56 near 1 760 2 100 21 12 56 is to be tacked 0 11 to the four figures already taken o ut , namely 1 234 , and the natural number r e quire d is therefore 1 23456 . Y ou will note that the division of 1 97 by 352 did not come out exactly, but the pro duct, 56 , was much more nearly correct than 55 ; and as you knew by the Index that you only wanted two more additional figures , 28 LOGA RI'I‘HMS it was useless proceeding further. Had you proceeded further, the sum would have worke d out thus 352 1 970 (559 1 760 2 100 1 760 3400 3 1 68 2 32 This would have given you 559 t o tack on to 1 234 already found, an d your natural number would be 1 234559 . B ut as the In d ex of the L g o . was 5 , there could only be six whole figures in the natural number, which would therefore be 1 2345 5 -9 . All you wanted was a number consi sting of six figures, and 1 23456 i s nearer than 1 23455 with a useless { 17. Here are some examples Find the L og. of 79841 2 . ti Man ssa. of 7984 t Par s for 1 2 8972 9 7 Difi . 5 5 7 12 Log. of 79841 2 5 89 7304 660 Find the L og. of 548208 . ti Man ssa of 5482 t Par s for 08 i 738939 D ff . 79 6 08 ly 7 near . Log. of 548208 5 -738945 Find the L g o . of 400006 . ti Man s s a. of 4000 t Par s for 06 602 060 6 Log. of 400006 56 02066 D ifi . 632 1 08 06 648 Find the number whose Log. is 4 9 02030 . 43902 030 t Nat. No. 7980 902003 Neares Log. D ifi 54 2 70 5 . 2 70 The number is 79 805 . Find the number whose L og. is 6 01 2839 . 6 01 2839 t Nat. No. 1 030 01 2 837 Neares Log. v D ifi . 420 2 000 005 ery nearly 2 1 00 The num ber i s 1 030005 very nearly. LOGA RITHMS 29 Find the number whose L og. is 56 39 48 6 . Log. 4360 5 6 39486 6 39 48 6 T he number is 436000 . Hitherto we have considered and used numbers com posed entirely of integers or whole numbers, but you may require the Log. of a number consisting partly of integers and partly of decimals, such as 23 , or composed entirely of decimals, such as ‘23 . f f L ogs . o numbers comp osed o intege-rs a nd d ecima ls . Use the whole of the number, d ecima ls an d all, to find the Mantissa of the Log. T hus to fin d the Log. of 1 2 Look out the Mantissa of 12 , which, as you know, is the same as that of 1 20 ; it is 079 1 81 . Now for the Index. You have only one integer, and therefore the Index is zero and the Log. of 1 2 is 0 79 1 81 . In the case of numbers composed of integers and decimals, the Index i s always either 0 or a p ositive or p lus quantity. In the c ase of numbers consisting entirely of decimals , the Index will be a nega tive or minus quantity. As one integer gives zero in the Index, it is obvious that no integer will give an Index one less than zero or , minus 1 . The Index of a decimal, say 2 or ' 23 or ‘234 and so on, is —1 , and the Index of 02 , or 0 23 , or 0 234 , and so on, is 2 , and the Index of 0 02 , or 0 02 3 , or i s 0 0234 3 & & & — , c. c. c . B ut , as in adding and sub tracting, it would be awfully confusing to mix up minus and plus quantities, the arithmetical complement of the minus Indices i s always used. 1 0 — 1 9 1 0 10— 3 7 , and so on therefore 9 is the arithmetical complement (ar. co ). of 1 8 i s the ar. cc . of 2 7 i s the ar. co. of 3 , and so on ; and 9 , 8 , 7 , & & c . c. in the Index are always used instead of —1 , —2 , —3 , & & c . c. f L og. o a f m d eci a l ra ction.— Suppose you want the 30 LOGARITHMS Log. of a decimal fraction. V ery well. Look for the figures in the decimal fraction in the Table in the same way as i f they were integers, and take out the Mantissa . Remember that zeros have no value in finding the Man tissa, unless they occur between digits. The Mantissa of 2 , or 20 , or 2 00 i s the s am e , namely 301 030 . The Mantissa of 23 , of 0 23 , or 0 023 &c . is the same, namely 361 728 . But introduce a zero or zeros among the digits and the Mantissas are by no means the same ; the Man tissa of 2 03 i s not 361 728 but 30 749 6 , and the Mantissa of 2 003 is 301 681 . New for the ' Index. If the decimal p oint is followed by a digit, the Index will be minus 1 , which you will call 9 . If the decimal point is followed by one zero, the Index will be minus 2 , which you will call 8 . If the decimal point is followed by two zeros, the Index will be minus 3 , which you will call 7 , and so on . Thus the Log. of 2 3 is 9 361 728 ; the Log. of 0 23 is 83 61 728 , and so on . What you do is, in fact, to borrow 1 0 for the use of the‘ Index when it i s minus, an d c all the balance p lus. T hi s is the reason why, when you come later on to deal with cosines and such things, you will have to drop tens in the Index. You will be giving back tens, which you have borrowed in order to turn minu s Indices into plus Indices for the sake of convenience but you need not bother your head about this now. Now suppose you want to reverse the operation, and find the n atural number of a Log , say 9 361 728 . 361 728 gi v e s you 23 , the Index i s 9 . Therefore if the 9 is really a plus 9 , the natural number must have ten figur es, and woul d be 2300000000 but if the Index 9 represent s minus 1 , the n atural number must be a decimal, 23 . If your Log. is 83 61 728 , the natural number is either 2 30000000 or 0 23 , an d so on and so on . ‘ Well, ’ you may say, how LOGA RITHMS 31 am I to know which i t is The nature of your work will tell you. The difi erence between 2 3 (twenty-three hun dredths) and (two thousand three hundred millions) i s so great that you cannot very well make a mi st ak e . Here is how the Logs . of a natural number decreasing in value from four integers or whole numbers to decimals would look carried right through the scale. T ake any number, say 3456 . The Mantissa or decimal part of the Log. will of course always remain the same the Index only will change. 3456 345 -6 Log. 345 6 3 456 3 456 0 3456 0 03456 3 5 38574 2 5385 74 1 5 38574 0 5 38574 1 or 9 5 38574 2 or 8 5385 74 3 or 75 38 574 and so on and so on. Take any Log. and reverse the process. Take Mantissa 60659 6 . i v 36 0659 6 g es nat. number 4042 2 6 065 96 4042 1 0 06596 0 6 06596 40 42 40 42 1 or 9 606596 ‘ 404 2 2 or 8 6 06596 0 4042 3 or 70 0659 6 0 04042 the and so on and so on. To multip ly a nd d ivid e mix ed numbers — To multiply and divi de mixed numbers— that is, numbers consisting of integers and decimals— ad d and subtract the Logs as has . been explained before ; the operation i s quite simple , and the only possible difficulty you can experience i s in respect of the Indic es. In addition of the Logs , as the Indices are either zero or plus quantities, the Index of the sum is either zero or p lus . But in subtraction the result may be a minus quantity. Therefore in subtraction of the Logs , if the 32 LOGA RITHMS L g o . of the divi sor exceeds the Log. of the dividend, you will have to borrow 10 for the use of the Index of the Log. of the dividend. If you paid the ten back, the Index would be minus, but you keep the ten in order to make the In dex plus, as already explained. Here are some examples I . Multiply 68 2 by 17 8 , by Logs. 6 82 Log . 08 33784 1 78 1 2 50420 2 0 842 04 The nearest less Mantissa to 0 84204 is 0 83861 , which gives the natural number 1 21 3 , and the d iffer en c e between them is 343 . T hi s 343 divided by the D ifi . in the Tables, 35 7 , gives 9 to be tacked on to 1 21 3 , and the Index being 2 , there must be three integers in the answer. 2 0 842 04 t Nat. No. 1 2 1 3 0 838 61 Neares Log. i to t to D ff . 357 3430 9 be acked on 1213 32 1 3 and 121 3 9 is the answer. Check — D ecimal point i s right , because 6 x 1 7 1 02 , and is pretty near 121 . It is unnecessary to go through all the steps in every example for the future, as you must h ave got it well into your head how to add and subtract Logs. If not, turn back an d study ' that questi on a little more. In the next example, therefore, I merely give the figures. II . Multiply 1 82 7 by 6 49 5 . 1 82 7 Log. 6 495 2 2 61 738 30 7431 7 Nat. No. 1 1 8 6 t 0 74085 Neares Log. i to t t o D ff 366 2 320 6 . be acked on 1 1 86 2 196 The ans wer i s 1 1 86 6 . Check — An s w e r should be somewhere near 200 x 6 , or 1200 thus decimal is evidently in the right place. LOGA RITHMS borrowed and not returned. So much for quantities composed of integers and decimals. f To multip ly a nd d ivid e numbers consis ting entir ely o decimals — Un der these circumstances the Indices are always minus. You have, therefore, to borrow ten for each Log. Pay back both the tens if you can, in which case the In dex of the result i s a plus quantity. But if you can only pay back one ten, the Index, though really a minus quantity, is converted into a plus quantity by retaining the ten. I . Multiply 2 34 by 0 234 . Log. of 2 34 i s 9 36921 6 (the Index i s really 1 , because there i s no integer in the number). The Log. of 0 234 is 83 6821 6 (the In dex i s really 2 , because, if such an expression is permissible, there is one less than no integer in the number). 9 3 692 1 6 83 692 1 6 1 7 738432 You have borrowed twenty, namely ten on each Log. retain ten to preserve a plus Index, and pay back ten, and you get the L o g. 77 38432 . 738432 gives you the natural number 5476 nearly and near enough, which with 7 or 3 , in the Index, gives you “ 005476 as the product of 2 34 x 0 234 . Check — 2 x 0 2 0 04 . II . Multiply 7 by 0 25 . -7 Log. 9 845098 8 25 9 9 16454 Nat. No. °5 775 97 61 5 52 T he answer is 5 775 . Here also you have borrowed two tens and only returned one, therefore the Index of the Log. of the product represents a minus quantity. Check — 7 8 x ‘ “ 56 . LO GA RITI—IMS 35 111 . Multiply 0 49 by 0 063 . 0 49 Log. 80 9 01 9 6 0 063 Nat. No. 0 003087 6 4895 37 T he answer is 0 003087 . For the same reason as in the two preceding ex amples the Index of the Log. of the product represents a minus quantity. Check — 0 5 x 0 06 0 0030 . IV . S up p o se you want to divide 0 234 by 3 45 . The Log. of 0 234 is 8 369 21 6 , and the Log. of ' 345 is 9 53781 9 . 83 692 1 6 9 5 3781 9 8 831 397 831 39 7 gives the natural number 6 78 3 . 8 in the Index makes the number 0 6783 , which is the quotient of 0 234 “ 345 . In this case you have borrowed ten for each L ogu they neutralise each other ; and you have borrowed an additional ten in order to be able to subtract, and you retain this ten to provide a pl us In dex. But if you do not require to borrow ten to preserve a plus Index , it will be a positive one. T hus v . Divide 2 24 by 0 35 . 2 2 4 Log. 9 3502 48 0 35 85 44068 Nat. No. 6 4 0 8061 80 Ten has not been borrowed, and the Index zero, as above. The answer is 6 4 . VI . Divide 1' by 0 001 . 1 Log. 9 0 00000 0 001 60 00000 Nat. No. 1 000 30 00000 and 1 000 is the answer. To sum p u . In division by Logs , (1 ) when the Index of the Log. of the dividend is greater than the Index of D2 36 LOGA RITH MS the Log. of the divisor, the Index of the Log. of the quotient is a p lus quantity. (2) When the In dex of the Log. of the dividend is less than the Index of the Log. of the divisor, the Index of the quotient i s a minus quantity, and has to be turned into a plus quantity by borrowing a ten . Proportional Log s. and how to Use them T able X XX IV . gives Pr op orti on a l Logs. for Time or A ‘ ’ rc from h m 0 0 . . or 0° 0’ to 3 h . or The hours and minutes, or degrees and minutes, are at the top, and the seconds are given at the sides. L ook out the time or arc, and write down the appropriate Log. Find the arithmetical complement of the Log. of the first term. The arithmetical c o mp l em en t , or ar. co ., is found by taking the L og . from 1 00 000 . Then add together the ar. co. Log. of the first term and the Logs. of the second and third terms the result, rej ecting ten s in the Index , is the L og. of the answer at. Fer exa mp l e , take the sum we have worked on p. 5 , namely As 1 7m 24 3m 46. 2 ° 55 ' 58 1 7m (23328 1 2 ‘ Log. 1 '0240 L g = ar. co . o. 8 -9 760 op 46“ Pr L . og . op 2 ° 55 ’ 58 ” Pr . Log. 38' 55 009 8 op Pr L g . o. 00 651 T hi s, you will admit, is a simple an d expeditious working a sum in proportion. That is all there is to be said about Logarithms, and quite enough too. I could never see the obj ect of requiring such an intimate knowledge of Logs. in all their twists and turns and subtleties on the part of candidates for a LOGARIT HMS 37 certificate of competency, seeing that all the problems given for a master can be solved if you know how to find the Log. of a natural number of four integers, and to take out the natural number of four integers of the nearest Log. But so it i s ; the knowledge i s required, and must be acquired. It i s a puzzling subj ect, and the student should work a lot of exercises in it. For this reason any amount of exercises are given in the second volume. f I n ca s e you s hould like to know no w , or at s o me utur e f f time, wha t Loga rithms r ea lly a r e , here ollows a v ery br ie d escrip tion ; bu t d on ’ t bo ther to rea d it unless you ha ve a mind to . The Logarithm of a number is the power to which the base must be raised to produce that number. Any number may be the base, but in all Nautical Tables 1 0 is the base. With the base 10 , s up p o s e the Log. of 1 00 i s wanted. 10 x 10 1 00 ; 10 x 1 0 is ten squared, or 1 02 , that is 1 0 raised to power 2 therefore 2 is the Log. of 1 00 . Suppose you w an t the Log. of 1 000 . 10 x 10 x 10 1 000 ; 10 x 10 x 10 is 1 03 , 10 raised to power 3; therefore 3 is the Log. of 1 000 . Now you will see why a d d ition of their Logs . i s the s ame as multip lica tion o f m nu bers . 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 is 1 05 . (1 0 x 1 0) x (1 0 x 1 0 x 1 0) is 1 05 . 10 x 10 is 10 x 10 x 10 is 1 03 . 2 is the Log. of 1 02 , and 3 is the L og. of 1 03 . 2 3 5 therefore the addition of the Logs. of 10 x 1 0 and of 1 0 x 1 0 x 10 produces the same result as the multiplica tion of the numbers 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 1 0 , namely 1 05 . Also you will see why subtra ction of their Logs . produces the same result as division of numbers . Suppose you want to divide 1 000 by 1 00 . The Log. 38 LOGARITHMS of 1 000 is 3 , and the Log. of 1 00 is 2 . 1 000 1 00 3 2 = 1 , which is the Log . of 10 . The Log. of 1 is 0 . 1 00 18 2 . 2 —2 = O . 1 00 1 00 1 . The Log. of Suppose you want to raise a number to any given power. All you have to do is to multiply the Log. of the number by the given power. F or instance, suppose you wi sh to rai se 1 02 to its fifth power, that i s to say to The Log of 1 02 is 2 , an d 5 is the power to which 1 02 is to be raised. 2 x5= 10 . 1 02 x 1 02 x 1 02 x 1 02 x 1 02 So you see that 1 02 multiplied together five times is 1 010 , and that 2 , the Log. of 1 02 , multiplied by 5 is the L og. of 10m . The Logs. of all numbers which are not tens or multiples of tens are obviously fractional. From what has been said it is also obvious that Logs. of numbers between one and ten must lie between zero and one, and that the Logs. of numbers between ten and one hundred must be more than one and less than two, and so 0 11 . Hence it i s that the Index of a Log. is one less than the number of digits in its natural number. The Logs. of fractions must always be of a minus description. If you divide the less ‘by the greater, the result must be less than unity. Ten divided by one hundred expressed in Logs. i s one minus two. 1 2 1 . Hence the minus Indices already spoken about, which are for convenience sake expressed as plus Indices by using their arithmetical . complements. CHAPTER III "INSTRUMENTS USED ’IN CHART COMPASS WORK instruments which are nec essary for th e purpose of navigating a ship by D ead Reckoning are the follow 1 . M a rin e r ’ s C ompass . 2“ . Instrument for taking Bearings in connect ion with fl the Mariner’s Compass. 3 . Lead. ; s Log. r e Parallel Rulers . w o D ividers . P rot rac t or s . The . following. i nstruments , though necessary, are extremely useful, namely a bsolutely lor 8 . Pe us . 9 . Sta tion Pointer. The M ariner’s Compa ss con si st s of a Compass Card under whi ch are sec ured one or more magnets lying exact ly m paralle l with a. line ]o1n1ng the North and South points on the Co pass Card and with their Positive or Red Pole s - towards the North p oint . Thi s Card is fitted under i ts cent re with a cap of agate or some similar hard stone 40 INSTRUMENTS USED IN which rests upon the hard and sharp point of an upright metal rod, firmly fixed to the bottom of the Compass Bowl. By this means the card is accurately and delicately balanced upon its centre. The Compass Bowl i s made of copper, because that metal does not affect the Needle. The bowl is hung on gimbals, so arranged that it always remains horizontal, no matter at what angle the binnacle to which the gimbals are fastened may be canted. The binnacle is generally a hollow wooden column, fitted with slides inside for the compensating magnets, and having some arrangement on either side at the same height as the Compass Needles for supporting the soft iron correctors ; it should also have perpendicular slots on both its forward and after sides, in the fore and aft line for placing a Flinders Bar, should it be required. The essentials of a good Compass are, that its Magnets should be extremely powerful, and as light as possible. The cap in the Compass Card should be perfectly smooth, not rough or cracked, and the pivot on which it is balanced should also be quite smooth and free from rust. The Card, if deflected mechanically, should return to exactly the point from which it was twi sted. It must be divided into points, half points, and quarter points and degrees with the greatest accuracy. The point of the pivot should be in the same plane as the gimbals of the bowl when the ship is upright. In the case of a Standard Compass, a clear view of the Horizon all round should if possible be obtainable, so that the bearing of any obj ect can be taken with the ship’s head in any position. The vertical line, called the Lubber Line, marked on the Compass Bowl, must be exactly in the fore and aft line of the ship . In choosing a Compass go to a good maker, and pay a good price for a good article. 42 INSTRUMENTS USED IN which the reflection of an object can be projected on to the rim of the Compass Card . To take a bearing with the Azimuth Mirror, turn the instrument round until the object is roughly in a line with your eye and the centre of the Compass Card. Then, looking at the rim of the Compass Card through the lens, revolve the prism till the image of the object falls on the rim of the Compass Card ; read off the degree on which the image appears, and you have the bearing of the object. Some little difficulty may at first be experienced in using the instrument ; in this case, as in so many others, ‘ practice makes perfect, ’ and after a few trials and the exercise of a little patience you will find that you can get the bearings of obj ec t s on shore, of s hi p s , and of the s un , moon, and stars with very great accuracy and case. It is not advisable to take the Azimuth of a star whose Altitude exceeds As the prism inverts the obj ect observed, ships, objects on shore, or a coast-line appear upside down, but you will soon become accustomed to that. See that the Compass is level by putting pennies, or sovereigns if yo u have them, on the glass till the air bubble is as near the centre as possible. A shadow pin— a pin placed perpen dicularly over the pivot of the Compass— affords an easy way of getting Azimuths of the S un . Take the bearing of the shadow of the pin and reverse it, and you have the bearing of the Sun . The Lead and Lead Line There are two descriptions of ordinary Leads, namely, Hand Leads and Deep Sea Leads. Their names indicate the difference between them. Hand Leads are of different weights, but they rarely exceed 9 lb . Deep Sea Leads CHA RT A ND COMPA SS WORK 43 often weigh 30 lb. and even more. Hand Leads are hove by one man, and are no use except in shallow water. When a ship is going 9 knots it takes a good leadsman to ge t bottom in 9 fathoms . Deep Sea Leads are for getting soundings in deep water, 1 00 fathoms an d more sometimes. It is necessary when using an ordinary Deep Sea Lead to heave the ship to. The line i s reeled off until there is a s ufficient amount of loose line to reach the bottom. The Lead, which has an aper ture in the lo wer end of it, in which grease is put (this is called the arming), is taken on to the lee cathead or fore tack bumpkin ; the end of the lead line is passed forward from the lee quarter, where the reel is, outside everything and secured to the lead. A line of men is formed along the bulwarks, each of whom has a coil of lead line in his hand. When all is ready the man at the cathead heaves the Lead from him as far to leeward as he is able, calling out ‘ Watch there, watch. ’ E ach man as his coil runs out repeats this to the next man astern until the bottom is reached, or until all the lin e is run out if the Lead has not reached the bottom. T his clumsy operation is nowadays almost completely superseded by Lord Kelvin’s Patent Sounding Machine. It depends for accuracy upon the increase of pressure in the sea as the depth increases , which the instrument records thus A glass tube descends with the lead. It is her metically closed at the upper end and open at the lower its interior surface is coated with a chemical pre paration, which becomes discoloured when salt water touches it. As the depth of water increases the pressure becomes greater, and the air in the glass tube is com pressed as the salt water is forced into it the discolora tion of the chemical coating shows exactly how high the 44 INSTRUMENTS USED IN water rose in the tube, and by means of a scale applied to the side of the tube the d epth of water which causes that pressure is read off. To accelerate the descent of the Lead, piano wire is used for the lead line ; the wire is wound upon a drum fixed to one of the ship’ s quarters, which enables a few men to b an] in the Lead after a cast, instead of, as under the old system, very often requiring the whole s h i ’ p s company. With Lord Kelvin’s machine bottom can be reached at 1 00 fathoms, with the ship going, it i s said, as much as 1 5 or 1 6 knots. The old- fashioned lead line is marked as under t o p i l t it At 2 fa h ms a ece of ea her w h two end s 3 three 5 white lca ico 7 ti red bun ng 10 l t ea her with a hole in it 13 lb ue serge 15 white lca ico 17 t i red bun ng 20 t it ot a s rand w h two kn s 25 one 30 th ree 35 one 40 of ur 45 o ne 50 fi ve o ne six one v se en o ne eight o ne in ne 1 00 one p i t i a ece of bun ng and then the marking is repeated for the secon d hundred. The difierence of materi al i s to enable the leadsman at night to identify the sounding without reference to the colour. CHA RT A ND COMPA SS WORK 45 In heaving the Hand Lead, the leadsman must use his own judgment as to the depths obtained by reference to the position of the marks . He reports the sounding by the follo wing cries and so on . o di S un ng t o 5 fa h ms 6 61 iCr es By the m ark fi ve p By the d ee six l And a h a f six t l i t q A uar er ess e gh q t And a uar er ten The Log ship and Log Line The old-fashioned Logship is generally a piece of wood in the form of the segment of a circle . It has lead run into its circular p art, so that when in the water it will float up right with the rim down . A hole i s bored in each corner, and it is fastened to the L og line with three cords, in such a fashion that its plane is perpendicular to the pull of the line. ~One of these cords i s so fastened to the Logship, that when a heavy strain is put upon it, it comes loose , which allows the Logship to lie flat in the water when it i s being hauled on board after use . Sometimes a conical canvas bag is used for a Log ship, arranged so that it presents its mouth to the direction of the pull of the Log line while the Log is being hove , and its point when it is being hauled in. The idea in each of these cases is to make the Log ship as nearly stationary as possible while the line is run ning out, and to offer the least possible resistance when it is being hauled on board. The principle involved in the Log line is a simple proportion. The ordinary length of the Log glass is 28 seconds. o As 2 8 sec nd s o 1 h ur l li the ength o f ne run out in 2 8“ l t li t th e eng h of ne ha t o l w u d run out in l n 46 INSTRUMENTS USED IN Now, supposing the ship to be travelling one mile in one hour, we have the following proportion o 2 8 sec nds o 1 h ur 60 a: t l l 1 nau ica mi e 2 040 i t 60 m nu es 60 2040 yard s 3 o o 2 8 sec nds 3600 sec nd s t 61 20 fee 61 20 28 48960 1 2240 ft . in. v l 3600 ) 1 71 360 (47 7 y y er near 1 4400 2 7360 2 52 00 2 1 60 12 25920 2 5200 That is to say, if a ship is travelling at the rate of 1 knot per hour, she will run out 47 ft. 7 in . of line, very nearly, in 28 seconds . It i s, therefore, quite clear that if she is sailing at the rate of 2 knots per hour, she will run out in 28 seconds twice 47 ft. 7 in. if she is going 3 knots , three times 47 ft. 7 in. Again, if a 1 4-second glass is used, she will clearly only run out half the line she would, had a 28-second glass been used, and therefore if she ran out 47 ft. 7 in. in 1 4 seconds, she would run out twice 47 ft. 7 in. in 28 seconds. In other words, she woul d be goin g two knot s. The Log line is marked thus About 1 0 fathoms of stray line are allowed between the Logship and the first mark on the line, which consists of a piece of white bunting or rag. At the di stance of 47 ft . 7 in . from this mark a piece of twin e with 1 knot is placed ; at a further di stance of 47 ft. 7 in . a piece of twine w' ith 2 knots i s placed ; at a further di stance of CHA RT AND COMPA SS WORK 47 47 ft. 7 in. a piece with 3 knots is placed, and so on generally up to about 7 knots. Halfway between these knots a single knot is placed. So we have the following marks, at a distance of the half of 47 ft. 7 in. apart : A white piece of rag, 1 knot, 1 knot, 1 ' knot, 2 knots, 1 knot , 3 knots, 1 knot, 4 k n o t s , 1 knot, 5 knots, 1 knot, 6 knots, 1 knot, 7 knots, 1 knot. If the 28-second glass is used, the knots run out indicate the speed of the ship ; but if the 1 4- second glass is used, the number of knots run out must be doubled to give you her speed. In practice the Log is hove thus A man stands with the reel, on which the Log line is held above his head, so that it can run clear of everything. Another man holds the Log glass, seein g that the upp er bulb is clear of sand. The man heaving the Log sees that the Logship is properly fastened, and asks if the Log glass is clear. He then throws the Log as far to leeward as he can, and lets the Logship run the line off the reel, till the white mark passes through his hands, when he says Turn to the man holding the Log glass, who instantly reverses it. When the sand has run out, the man holding the glass calls t p S ‘ ’ o , and the L og line is seized and prevented from running out any more. The numb er of knots r un out gi ves the speed of the vessel, as explained already. Patent Logs, which indicate the number of miles the sh1p has gone through the water, possess so great an ad vantage over the ordinary Log, which only tells you the rate of the ship at the moment of heaving the Log, that the latter has become quite out of date, patent Logs being now invariably used at sea. The patent Logs most commonly used are two in number. One is called the Harpoon Log, and the other the Tafi’rail Log. INSTRUMENTS USED IN The Harpoon Log is shaped like a torpedo, and has at one end a metal loop to which the Lo g line is fastened , and at the other, fans which cause the machine to spin round as it is drawn through the water. The spinning of the instrument sets a clockwork machinery in motion , which records the speed of the vessel up on dials, the rotation of the instrument being, of course, dependent upon t- he rate at which it is dragged through the water . When you want to know the distance your ship has run , you must haul in the Log and read it off on the dial. The Taffrail Log is called so because the dial which contains the recording machinery is secured to the taffrail. It is connected by a long line with a fan towing astern, which revolves when dragged through the water, and makes the line spin round. This causes the machinery in the dial to indicate on the face of the dial the distance travelled . The advantage of using the T affrail Log is that it can be consulted at any time without having to haul the line in and, as it is usually fitted with a small gong which strikes as every one-eighth of a mile is run out, it is a simple matter to find out the speed of the ship at any moment by noting the time elapsing between two successive strokes of the gong. Paral lel Rulers For chart work parallel rulers are indispensable. They are simply rulers so arranged that you can move them over. a chart and their edges will always remain p arallel to any line from which they may have started. Of course there i s some danger, if the distance to be moved is considerable, of the ruler slipping, particularly when a ship is knocking about . And I strongly m reco 50 INSTRUMENTS USED IN Pr ot r a ct o r s The most useful form of protractor for chart work is made of horn or celluloid . It is very convenient to have a thread or piece of silk attached to the centre as the measurement of angles is greatly facilitated thereby. The ordinary protractor is divided into degrees radiating from the centre. It i s usually a semicircle, the horizontal line passing through the centre being marked 90° at each end, and the vertical line 0° T o measure a Course ruled on the chart, place the centre of the protractor on the point where the Course cuts any Meridian, and see that the zero on the vertical line of the protractor is also on the same Meridian. You can now rea d off the angle of the Course where it passes under the semicircular edge of the protractor. The above instruments are essential, and the following will be found very useful The Pelorus A Pelorus is a dumb Compass Card— that is, a card without a needle— fitted with sight vanes for taking bear ings. It i s usually placed on a stand, and so mounted that the Card can be turned round to any desired position, and there fixed by means of a screw. The sight vanes can also be turned round and fixed to the Card at any required b e arin g . It is a handy instrument for determining Compass Error, and also for placing the Ship ’ s Head in any positi on that may be wished. Its use will be more fully explained later on in the chapter on Magnetism and Compass Cor rection. CHART AND CO MPAS S WORK 5I . A Station Poin t-s r is an instrument with three legs by whi ch, when used in conjunction with a chart the angular distance between three obj ects on shore is known either by measurement or by their bearings. With the three legs measuring the an gular distanc e between the three obj ects and clamped, plac e the instrument 0 11 the Chart in such a position that the legs are exactly even with the three obj ect s on the C ha rt ; the s h i p ’ s position is indic ated by the Centre of CHAP TER IV THE PRACTICAL USE OF THE COMPASS A COMPAS S Card is , like 5 11 other circles, divi ded into 360 degrees . E ach degree consists of 60 minutes and each minute contain s 60 seconds It has four Cardin al P oin ts, Nort h, S outh, East, an d IVest ; four Q uadr antal Points, NE , SE , S IV , and NI V ; an d twenty - four inter mediate Points, as shown in the figure, thus making thirty-two Point s in all . As there are 360° in any circle, eac h Point c ontain s 1 1 ° 1 5' that i s, 360° divide d by Each Point is subdivided into half and quarter Points . As the C omp ass Card moves freely on its pivot. the North Point of the Card is caused by the C ompass Needle to point towards the North Pole of the earth; In speaking of the direction of any object from the ship, or of the direction in which a ship i s proceedin g, it i s equally accurate to use Points, half Points, and quarter Points, or Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds but as in many cases their use simpli fies calcul ation very much, it is advisable for the student to use D egrees and parts of D egr ees . The B earing by Compass of any obj ect is the angle, at the c entre of the Compass Card, between the North and S outh lin e on the Card and an imaginary straight line drawn from the centre of the Compass Card to the obj ect. A Bearing is measured along the circumference of the Compass Card, so many D egrees and parts of a D egr ee THE PRA CTICAL U S E OF THE COMPA SS 53 from the North or South Points on the Compass Card to where the imaginary line cuts the circumference of the C ard . On the inside of each Compass B owl a vertical line i s marked, indicating the line of the keel of the vessel. This is called the ‘ lubber line .’ \V hatever D egree, Point, half D F 1 IG. . -COMPAS S CAR Point, or quarter Point is opposite the lubber line, is the Compass Course you are steering. Va ria tion — The Compass Needle is supposed to point North and South with unswerving fi delity true as the Needle to the Pole ’ is the idea. But unfortunately the idea is inaccurate, for the Needle very rarely points to the North and South Poles of the earth if it did, the mariner 54 THE PRA CTICA L U S E OF THE COMPA S S would be relieved of much anxi ety and bother. It points towards what are called the North and South Magnetic Poles of the earth, situat ed in about Latitude 70° N and L on gi tu de 9 7° IV , and in Latitude 74° S and L on gi tu d e 1 47° E I t . it points in that direction goodn ess onl y knows but it does— that is to say , it does when no di s turb ing causes affect it . Wh en the Needl e does not point T rue North and S outh it makes a certain an gle wi t h the Meridian or True North and South line. Thi s angle is called the I i ‘ ' ar a tion ’ of the Compass. V ariation varies in different parts of the globe, and is also constantly changing, but as the fl change is slow and the V ariation l S given on all charts, you can alway s find what it is bv looking at your chart, unl ess you are using an antedil uvian one. The C ompass Needl e affected b y V ari ation and by nothing else is said t o p oint Cor rect Ma g netic. D evia tion — But another an d very inc onveni ent in u ence comes into operation in most ships, and in all vessels buil t of ir on or steel. The ship itself i s a Magnet, and its M agn etism affects the Comp ass N eedl e, causing it to diverge from the Correct Magnetic Meri dian. The angle which it makes with the Correct Magnetic Meridian is called the ‘ D evia tion of the C omp as s. Thus it wi ll be seen that any obj ect may have three different bearings from a ship— namely, fir st, a True B earin g. T his i s the an gle formed by an imaginary line dr awn from the obj ect to the Compass , and the T rue Meri di an whi ch p asses through the Compass . Second, a Correct Ma g netic B earing, whi ch i s the angle forme d by an imaginary line drawn from the obj ect to the Compass, and the Magnetic Meridian which passes through the Comp ass . T hird, a Comp a ss Bearing, whi ch is the angle formed by an imaginary line dr awn from the obj e ct to the THE PRA CTICA L USE OF THE COMPA SS 55 Compass and the North and South line of the Compass Card. If you want to know how an obj ect bears for a- ny charting work, you must first take the Bearing by Compass , and then correct the Compass B earing for the Deviation d ue to the position of the ship ’ s head ; thi s correction will give you the Correct Magnetic B earing. This i s suffi cient if you are using a Magnetic chart, that is to say, a chart the Compasses drawn on which show the Magnetic Points. But if you are using a chart showing only the True Points, or if for any other reason you want the T rue B earing, you must correct the Correct Magnetic bearing for V ariation. This will give you the True B earing of the obj ect, whatever it may be. The way of making these corrections will be explained later on. Now, as to Courses, the same facts and considerations apply. The True Course of a ship is the angle between her track through the water and the Meridian— that is to say, the True North and South line. To find it from a Com p ass Course, three allowanc es— namely, for Leeway, D e viation, and V ariation— must be m ade . To a C orrect Magnetic Course, V ariation only must be applied. The Correct Magnetic Course of a ship i s the angle between the ship’ s track and the Magnetic Meridian, that is, the line j oining the North an d South Magnetic Pole of the earth . To fin d it from a Compass Course, Leeway and Deviation must be applied. The Compass Course of a ship i s the angle between the line of the ship’s keel and the line of the North and South Points on the Compass Card . If you know the T rue Course between two p l a c e s , and want the Correct Magnetic Course, you must apply the V ariation to the True Course, and there you are. Then 56 THE PRA CTICA L USE OF THE COMPA S S if you want the Compass Course the Devi ation, if any, appli ed to the Correct Magnetic Cour se, will give it t o you ; and if your ship makes no Leeway, and there are no currents, y ou will get to your destination if you steer your C omp as s Course thus found . But if y ou are makin g Leeway , or if ti des or currents are setting y ou across your C ourse, allowance must be made for them. It i s in making these corrections and allowances that the whole system of steering by Compass an d using the Chart consist s. The converse, of cour se, holds true. If you know your Compass Cour se between two places, and w ant the Correct Magneti c Cour se, you must correct the former for D evi ation ; and if y ou require the T rue Cour se you must correct the Correct Magn eti c Cour se for V ariation . m Correct ion of Co pass Cour ses As in workin g all problems in the various sailings T rue Cour ses must be used, it i s very necessary to un derstand h ow to turn a Comp as s Cour s e into a T rue Cour se. f To fin d a T r ue Cou rse rom a Comp a ss Course — In the first place bear in min d always that as the rim of the Compass Card represent s the Horizon, you must always imagine your self to be looking from the centre of the Card out towards the rim in the direction of the Course to be corrected. The first thing to do i s to correct y our Compass C our se for Leeway if the ship has made any . Leeway i s the angle between the line of the keel and the track of the s hip through the t e wa r , and is caused by the wind forcing the vessel sideways as well as forward. The amoun t of Leeway can only be j udged by experience. The correction for Leeway must always be made in the 58 TIIE PRA CTIC A L USE OF THE COMPA S S Magnetic into a T rue C ourse— that i s to say, if the V ariation is W l t es er 'z , apply it to the right ; i f it i s E a s ter ly, apply it to the f le t . The next operation is to allow for Deviation, and here comes the difficulty. You d o kn ow the Deviations on every position of the Ship ’ s Head by Comp a ss , but you do not know the Deviation for the Ship’ s Head on any given Cor-res t Ma gne tic Cours e, and you have to find it out. The simplest plan is to find it by inspection— by drawing a small p ortion of a Napier’ s curve, as explained later on, and measuring off the Deviation from it ; but you must also know how to calculate the Deviation, and the best way of doing so is as follows. Judge, by reference to your Devi ation Card, whether the Deviation appli cable to the Correct Magneti c C our se which you wish to convert into a Compass Cour se will be to the right or to the left ; then write down three Comp a ss Cour ses, within the limits of which the Compass Cour se to be derived from the Correct Magnetic Course you are dealing with is pretty certain to be included . To these Compass C ourses apply their respec tive D eviation s, which, of course, you know. You have now thr ee Correct Magnetic Courses. If the Correct Magnetic Course you are correcting i s the same as one of these three Correct Magnetic Courses, then the Deviation which you used to find that Correct Magneti c Course is the D eviation to be applied to the C orrect M agnetic Cour se you wi sh to convert into a C omp as s C our se. D on ’ t forget that in tur ning your three Compass Courses into C orrect Magneti c Courses, you apply the Deviation directly, that is, East to the right, West to the left ; and that in converting the Correct Magnetic into a Compass Course, you apply the Deviation indirectly, that is, East to the left, West to the ri ght . THE PRA CTICA L USE OF THE COMPA S S 59 But it may, and probably will , happen that not one of the three Compass Courses you have turned into Correct Magnetic Courses coincides exactly with the Correct Magnetic Course you have to turn into a Compass Course. In such an event you must do a little sum in simple pro porti on . Y ou have got three Correct Magnetic Courses, on which you know the Deviation. Y ou find that the Correct Magnetic Course you have to convert to a Compass Course lies between two of them. Take the difference between these two Correct Magnetic Courses, and call it A . T ake the difference between one of them and the Correct Magnetic Course you are dealing with, and call it B . T ake the difference between the Deviations on the two Correct Magnetic Courses used, and call it C . Then as A is to B so is C to the answer. Multiply B by C and divi de the result by A . The result gives you the portion of Deviation to be added to or subtracted from the Deviation belonging to that Correct Magnetic Course from which B was measured whether it is to be added or subtracted, will be apparent on the face of the case. It may also h appen that, having turned your three Compass Courses into Correct Magnetic, you will find that the Correct Magnetic you desire to turn into Com pass does no t lie within their limits, but i s less than the least of them, or greater than the greatest of them ; in which case you must select one or two more Compass Courses to convert until you have two Correct Magnetic C ourses, one greater and the other less than the Correct Magnetic Course you are dealing with, or, if you are lucky, one of which coincides exactly with it. This is a long explanation, and sounds complicated, but it really is simple, and its simplicity will best be shown by one or two examples, worked with the following Deviation Card. 60 THE PRACTICA L U SE OF THE COMPA SS It will be seen that the Deviation i s given for the Ship’ s Head on every Point by Compass. s u r rox CARD H d l p Shi ’s ea by t d d o p S an ar C m ass Devia tion D iev ation Now suppose you want to s ail from any one place t o another, let us call it from A to B . You lay the edge of your parallel ruler on A and B , and working them to the nearest Compass on the Magnetic Chart you find that the Correct Magn etic Course to steer is, let us say, S b W }1 W. On looking at the Deviation Card you see that the Deviation with the Ship’s Head on S b W 5 W is chang ing very rapidl y. On a S b W C ompas s C o urse it i s 6° 1 8 ' W, and on a SSW C omp a s s Course it is 0° 56' E . It i s probable that by applying the Deviations to these two C ompass Cour ses youwill get the two Correct Magneti c Courses between which the Course you wish to steer lies. Proceed thus. Turn the Compass Course into degrees and parts of a degree, and apply the Deviation. o p o W C m ass C urse S b D ev i at i on o p o W W S 1 1° 1 5’ C m ass C urse S S W 6° 1 8' D ev i at i on W S 22° 30’ 0° 56' E o t ti o o t ti o W M W S C rrec agne c C urse S 4° 57' M C rrec agne c C urse 2 3° 26 ' Now the Correct Magnetic Course we want to steer i s S b W 5 W, which i s S 1 6° 52' 30" W, and thi s lies between THE PRA C" ICA L USE OF THE COMPA S S 61 the above Correct Magneti c Cours es , namely, S 4° 57’ W and S 2 3° 2 6’ W. To proceed. i i F nd the d fference be t t ween th e two Correc t i o Magne c C urs es W S 4° 57’ W S 23° 2 6' w 1 8° 29 ' i i F nd the d fference be t t ween the neares Cor t ti o M rec agne c C l W y name S 4° 57 , W S 1 6° 5 2’ 30" urs e , a nd W S 4° 5 7’ W S 1 6° 52 ’ 30” 11 ° 55 30 i i F nd the d fference be t vi tio ween the D e a ns t o o d ue the C mpas s oC urses you ha ve con v ter ed W 6 ° 1 8 ’ 0° 56’ E 7° 1 4 ' Then, as 1 8° 29 ’ 1 1 ° 55’ 30 7° 1 4' a . To Simplify the sum, use the nearest decimals of a degree, and say : as cc . Multiply the second and third term, an d divi de by the first term. 1 8 -5 4-6 Therefore, or 4° 36' is the c orrection to be applied to the Deviation on the nearest Course, which is S b W, or S 1 1 ° 1 5’ W, and it must be subtracted, because the Deviation Westerly is decreasing. vi tio o p o W ( ) D e a n on S 1 1 ° 1 5’ C m a ss C urse (Correct ion) W 6 ° 1 8’ 4° 3 6 ' W 1° 42 ' i s therefore the Deviation to be applied to the Correct Magnetic C ourse S b W 5 W. S b Wé W Deviation W S IB° 52 ’ BO 1 ° 42 ’ W SbW S w 1 8 ° 34' 30'f W o p o to t is the C m ass C urse s eer. T ake another case. Suppose you find from the chart that the Correct Magnetic Course to the place to which you want to go is N 40° E , and you want to find out what Compass Course to steer. 62 THE PR ACTIC A L U SE OF THE COMPA SS Take two Compass Courses from the Deviation Card, and correct them for Deviation. o p o m C ass C urses D eviation NE = N 45 ° E o t c rrec ed for 2 ° 35 ’ E o t NE b N = N 33° 45 ’ E c rrec ed for 6 ° 42 ' E o o M C rr. g a . C urse N 47° 35 ’ E N 40° 2 7’ E Here you have hit so nearly upon the Correct Magneti c Course that no sum in proporti on is necessary, and in steering NE b N by Compass, you will be within 1 ° of the Correct Magnetic Course you require, and goodness knows that is near enough. Again, suppose you want to find the Compass Course to steer in order to sail S 42° E Correct Magnetic. o p o C m ass C urses Deviation S SE SbE o t W S 2 2° 30' E c rrec ed for 2 6° 1 6 ’ o t W S 1 1 ° 1 5 ’ E c rrec ed for 20° 5 8 ' o o M C rr. g a . C urse S 48° 46 ’ E S 31 ° 43’ E T he Cor rect Magnetic Course you require to convert into a Compass Course lies between these two, and a sum in proportion must be done. 48 ° 46’ 3 1 ° 43' 42° 0 ' 3 1 ° 43’ 1 70 3’ 1 0° 1 7' o Th eref re, 1 7° 3 ' 1 0° 1 7 5 ° 48 ’ Or put for convenience sake decimally, 17 1 0-3 5 -8 on Multiply the secon d and third terms and divide by the first 17) 51 87 (3 5 o ti o i ( q ) the c rrec n re u red vi tio o ( M ) D e a n on S 3 1 ° 43 ’ E C rr. g a . (C orre ct i on) v i t i o o t ti ) ( D e a n on S 42° E C rrec Magne c W 20° 2 8’ 3° 30’ W 23° 5 8 ' o t ti voi tio W M C rrec agne c C urse S 42 ° 0’ E De a n 23° 58’ o p o to t e C m a ss C urs s eer S 18° 2' E THE PRA CTICA L USE OF THE COMPA SS 63 Now for B earings. To turn a True Bearing into a Compass B earing, first convert True into Correct Mag netic, by applying the V ariation, and then apply the Deviation d ue to the p osition of the S hip ’ s H d ea . Remember that the D eviation due to the B ea ring has nothing whatever to d o with it. In all these cases you will find it conveni ent to work with Degrees and parts of a Degree, therefore accustom yourself to turn Points and parts of a Point into Degrees and parts of a Degree. Y Q A TAB LE or THE ANGLES WHIC H EVER POINT AND UARTE R POINT M D or T HE COMPAS S MAKE S WIT H T HE ERI IAN o t N r h Points Poi tn s o t S u h NbE NNE Nbw 0 0_ 1 1 — 31 1 —s Ls 2 2 —i Nw b N 2— i g1 “ I NE b E Nw b w h u k b — H N kl b w l Fa FI “ ! 0 SE b S Sw b s SE b E Swb w ENE EbN West Eb S 64 THE PRA CTICA L U SE OF THE COMPA SS The scale upon the preceding page shows you the number of degrees due to any Point, half Point, or quarter Point, an d vice ve-rsa . At s ea you have alway s a Comp ass with you, wi th degrees in dic ated on the Card ; all the Epitomes contain T ables giving degrees for points and points for degrees, and the Board of Trade Examin ers will provide you with a compass card containing a T able of Angles similar to the one overleaf, so calculation is really unnecessary ; but at the same time there is no harm in knowing how to calculate for your self the number of D egrees cont ained in any Course given in Points and parts of Points, and the Points and parts of Points equivalent to any number of D egrees. To turn P oints into D egrees, eta — If y ou w ant t o ex press Points in Degrees as every Point contains 1 1 ° all you have to do i s to multiply the Compass Course by 11° For example, if the Course is E 3 4 N— that is, 74 Points from North, or in decimals — this multi plied by 1 1 ° or in decimals will pro duc e the number of D egrees in E g N . Thus EN 1 1° 15' 7% Poi tn s from North 4 1 1 D egrees 72 5 Points D egrees 362 5 1 450 725 72 5 8 1 5 625 Degrees ‘5625 But the 5 625 must be turned into minutes 60 i t 33 7500 m nu es. 75 There remains '75 to be turn ed into secon ds 60 45 -00 an d 81 ° 33’ 40 i s the are required. Therefore, E N is equal to N 81 ° 33' 45" E . To turn D egrees etc. into P oints .—' Now for the revers e of this problem— namely, to express Degrees in Points. 66 THE PRACTICA L USE OF THE COMPA SS Error is caused by V ariation or by Deviation, or by both combined. \Ve will consider the effect of Error from whatever cause it arises. Consi der yourself to be in the mi ddle of the Compass, looking towards its circumference. Suppose the North seeking end of the Needle to be from some cause or other drawn to the right. The Error will be Easterly. Y ou can see this for yourself. Set the movable Compass Card pointing true North suppose the Needle to be deflected two Points to the right, the Error will be t wo points to the rig h t , and the E rro r is in scientific works call ed p lus ; but I presum e, because the Error i s towards the East when you are looking North, it i s commonly called E a s terly Error. It is called Easterly Error when either end of the Needle is dr awn towards your right, even i f i t is drawn towards the West for instance, leave the Compass Card in the same position, and look toward the South . The South- seeking end of the Needle has been drawn towards your right hand, and the Deviation i s Easterly, though the South—seeking Pole of the Needle i s deflected towards the “ 7est . Hence the rule always to be ob served i s, that when the Needle is drawn to the right, D eviation i s E a sterly when the Needle i s drawn to the f le t , it is l Ves terly. Another rule never to be forgotten is, that when the Tr ue B ea r ing i s to th e right of th e m C np a ss B ea-r ing , the Error i s E asterly. \Vhen it i s to the left it i s \Vesterly. T hi s sounds odd in connection with the fore going rule, but a glance at the Compass Card will Show it is true. Make the North Point of the movable card to coincide with the North Point of the fixed card ; now shift the movable card round two Points to the right : the Needle i s now pointing to NNE (True), NNE i s to the right of THE PRACTICA L USE OF THE COMPA SS 67 North, therefore the Error i s two Points easterly. Shift the card in any way you like, say till the North-seeking end of the Needle points to WNW . WNW is six Points to the left of North, therefore the Error i s Six Point s Westerly. Now if you look the other way towards the South, the South-seeking end of the Needle will point to E SE (T rue). E SE i s six Points to the left of South , and the Error i s of cour se six Points Westerly, although the South-seeking end is actually drawn to the East) The only thing to be absolutely remembered is, that looking from the centre of the Compass towards any part of the circumference, if T r ue Bearing is to the right of the Compass Bearing, D eviation i s Easterly ; if it ' is to the left i t i s Westerly. And if the Needle i s drawn to the right of True it gives Easterly Deviation if it i s drawn to the left of True it gives Westerly Deviation. Supposing you know that with the Ship ’s Head in a certain direction there is such and such an Error, and you want to find out what Course to steer in order to counter act that error and make the required True Course. Let us imagine you want to steer NE (True), and you know that with the Ship’s Head NE you have 1 4 Points Westerly Error. Fix the movable card pointing North an d South (True), then the Compass NE will of course be pointing NE (True). But the Needle is deflected to the left, because the Error is Westerly 1 4Points. Revolve the Card till the NE Point points to NE b N AN if, therefore, you steer NE by your C ompass, you would be steering NE b N gN (True), which w ould not do at all . You would have to steer NE b g E E , or 11 , Points to the right of NE by your Compass. Therefore, it is plain that to allow for an Error, if the Error is Westerly, you must steer the amount of Error to the right of the Course wanted, as shown on 68 THE PRA CTICA L USE OF -THE COMPA SS your Compass . If the Error i s E asterly, steer the amount of Error to the left of your Comp ass . Here comes another golden rule in finding what Course to steer. Knowing the True Course and the Error of your Compass Easterly Error must be allowed for to the Left, Westerly to the Ri ght . Don’t forget these three important facts. i f l s t, T rue is to the right, Error is Easterly ; and if True is to the left, Error is Westerly. 2nd , if the needle is deflected to the right of True the Error is Easterly, and if to the left of True the Error is Westerly . 3rd, knowing the Error, steer the amount of it to the left if the Error is Easterly, and to the right if it i s Westerly, in order to counteract the Erro r . (In the ordinary Masters’ Examination it i s required that the candidate should be able to ascertain the Correct Magnetic Bearing by taking the Compass Bearings of a distant obj ect with the S hip’ s Head in the Cardinal and Quadrantal Points, and to draw and un derstand a Napier’s Diagram.) To Ascertain the Deviat ion In order to ascertain the Devi ation of your Compass, it is necessary to know how to find the Correct Magnetic Bearing of a distant object at sea, so as to compare it with its hearing by Comp as s . The following method i s usually adopted. Take the Compass Bearings of an object not less than 5 or 6 miles distant, with the Ship’ s Head on the four Cardinal and on the four Quadrantal Points by Compass by swinging the ship. If the Bearings are all the same , the Compass has no D eviation . But if they differ, write them down and turn them into degrees . If they are all in the same Q uadrant, their sum divide d by 8 will give the THE PRA CTICA L USE OF THE COMPA SS 69 Correct Magnetic Bearing of the distant object. For example : H d p Shi 8 ea by t d d o p S an ar C m ass of D t t Bearing is an 853; z Ob]6 s andai d 1 as H d p Shi 8 t d d o S an ar ea by p C m ass t t Bearing of Dis an gpyifg Obj ec nd ard ru s Here we have 8 Compass Bearings, all in one Quadrant and their sum divided by 8 will give us , the ‘ Correct Magnetic ’ Bearing of the distant obj ect. Thus 8 )285 ov 35° a nd 5 ° er 50 60 Therefore the C o rr e ct Magnetic B e ari n g is N 35° 38 ’E . If the Bearings are not in the same Quadra nt , but are all Easterly or all Westerly, while some are North and some are South, see which of the Bearings are the more numerous, those from North or those from South change the names of the less numerous Bearings by subtracting each from 1 80° so as to make all the B earings of the same name — that i s, all from North or from South towards East, or towards West, as the case may be. Add them together, and divi de by 8 and the result i s the Correct Magnetic Bearing of the di stant obj ect . If it is 90° the Correct Magnetic Bearing will be due East or West. If it is more than 90° take it from 1 80° and change m its ' na e from North to S outh, or i v ce versa . THE PRA CTICA L USE OF THE COMPA SS Thus N 90° E will of course be East, and N 1 00° E will be S 80° E . Here is an example i H d p Sh ‘ s e a by t d d S an ar Compm oN rt h i of p Cam as Bear ng Di t j t s -a nt Ob ec S 84° W i H d p Sh ’ s t d d S an a r p ea by Com ass o i of p C m ass Bear ng Di t t j t s an Ob ec Here we have some of the Bearings in the N\V , and some in the S\V Quadrants ; of course \Vest i s N' 90° “ T or S 90° “ 7 , whichever you li ke . There are more Bearings in the N\V Quadr ant than in the W S ' Quadrant, and therefore we will change the Bearings into N\V S 84° W t Wes N 96° W N 90° N 8 1 ° IV N 76° \V N 79° W S 83° W S 79 ° \V o t ti i M C rrec agne c Bear ng N 97° W N 101° W 8 708 N 88—37° W T ake another combinati on . Suppose all the Bearings are in the Northern or all in the Southern half of the Compass, but some of them are East and some In such a case add the Easterly ones together, and add the ones together ; then take the difference of the sums, and divide it by 8 , and name the product E ast or “ Test according to whether the sum of the Easterly or “ v esterly B earings i s the greater. The resul t i s the Correct Magnetic Bearing. Shoul d any of the C ompass B earings be due North or due South, they are to be reckoned as zero in the additions, but the difference is still to be divided by eight. Here i s an example TIIE PRACTICA L USE OF THE COMPASS 71 i H d p Sh ’s ea by t d d o p S an ar C m ass o p C m ass B Di t t s an Obj ec i H d o i of p Sh 's ea by t d d o Di t t j p m S an ar C a ss p C m ass Bear ng s an Ob ec t t SE Q uadran s S° E S 4° E S l o° E 8 9° E S 28° E t W Q S ua dra n s w 2 ° s no w s 6°W W S l 9° S28° E w s1 9° 8 )S 9° E s 1 ° 7’ E T hus the Correct Magnetic Bearing is S 1° 7’ E . To find the D evia tion _ . —Having t h us found the Correct Magnetic Bearing of the di stant obj ect, the next proceeding is to find the D eviation of your Compass on the eight equi distant positions oi the Ship’ s Head from the observations on which you have derived your Correct Magnetic Bearing. You can begin where you like. It does not matter. Suppose we begin on North. Write down the Bearing of the obj ect by Compass with the Ship’s Head North, and under it write the Correct Magnetic Bearing ; the difi erence is the Deviation with the Ship’s Head North by Compass. fl If the Compass Bearing and the Correct Magnetic Bearing are both in the same Quadr ant, you have only to subtract the less from the greater. Thus, suppose the di st an t obj ect bore by Compass N 75 ° E , and the Correct Magneti c Bearing was N 80° E , the differe n c e , namely i s the Deviation . But the B earings may be in di erent Quadrants. Suppose the obj ect bore by Compass N 75° E , and the Correct Magnetic Bearing was S 80° E . Well, from N 75° E to East i s and from East to S 80° E is in this case y ou must Obviously add them together, and the Deviation is Or, if you like, take one Bearing from 1 80° so as to make them both of the same name, and 72 THE PRA CTICA L USE OF THE COMPA S S then take the less from the greater. Thus S 80° E taken from 1 80° is N 1 00° E . N 1 00° E N 75° E i s which is the Deviation. B ut , a gai n , the Bearings may lie on opposite sides of the North or South Points. Suppose the Compass B e arin g of the distant obj ect to be N 5° E , and its Correct M a gn eti c B e ari n g N 1 3° “ 7 , obviously you must add them together. Y ou have 5° on one side of North, and 1 3° on the other side, therefore they are 1 8° apart, and the Deviation is To na me the D evia tion — Fancy yoursel f situated in the mi ddle of the C ompass Card and looking out to the rim and towards the Bearings then if the Correct Magnetic is to the right of the Compass, the Deviation is Easterly i f Correct Magnetic i s to the left it is \Vesterly. Having thus foun d the Deviation and n amed it correctly for the Ship’s Head North by Compass, proceed to find the D eviations, and name them with the Ship ’ s Head NE , East, SE , South, SW , \V est, and W N ’ . If you c an do one you can do all. It only requires a little care in naming them correctly. Here are the examples given above completed. No. 1 is i H d p Sh ’s ea by t d d p m S an ar Co a ss fl De ation With the Ship’ s Head North by Compass, the Compass bearing of the distant obj ect was N 40° E , an d the Correct Magn etic Bearin g N 35° 38’ E ; the differen ce, 4° is the D evi ation, and it i s \Vesterly, because the Correct 74 THE PRA CTICA L USE OF THE COMPA SS m Napier’s Diag ra A Napier’s Cur ve is a most ingenious and useful invention, for which the author deserves the thanks of all those who go down to the sea in ships, and especially of those who go up for examination . It offers the simplest of all methods of turning Compass Courses into Correct Magnetic C ourses, or Correct Magnetic C ourses into Compass Courses, and of ascertaining the Deviation of the Compass with the Ship’s Head in any position. The principle of Napier’s D iagram is very diifi cult to explain, and I give up the attempt. Y ou have got to imagine as best you can the circular rim of the Compass Card represented as straight. The diagram consists of a straight line marked North at the top and bottom, and South in the middle, and divided into the thirty-two Points of the Compass. The degrees are given from zero at the top to 90° at East, from 90° at East to zero at South, from zero at South to 9 0° at YV est , and from 90° at “ T est to zero at North at the bottom. Lines are drawn forming an angle of 60° with the medial line of the Diagram, and intersecting each other at every Compass Point. The right - hand side of the medial line is East, the left-hand side is West . The lines drawn from right to left downwards are plain, those from left to right are dotted. A glance at the accompany ing diagram (fi g. 2) will show thi s at once. To d ra w a f curve o D evia tion — Tu practic e you woul d of course have first to find the D eviation on the four Cardinal and the four Quadrantal Points but these will be given you at the Board of Trade Examination. With a pair of dividers measure anywhere on the medial line the D eviation with the Ship ’ s Head North ; then, if the D eviation is Easterly, measure it on the d otted