1945ApJ...102..223C ON THE CONTINUOUS ABSORPTION COEFFICIENT OF THE NEGATIVE HYDROGEN ION S. CHANDRASEKHAR Yerkes Observatory Received June 25, 1945 ABSTRACT In this paper it is shown that the continuous absorption coefficient of the negative hydrogen ion is most reliably determined by a formula for the absorption cross-section which involves the matrix element of the momentum operator. A new absorption curve for H- has been determined which places the maximum at X8500 A; at this wave length the atomic absorption coefficient has the value 4.37 X 10-17 cm2• I. Introduction.-In earlier discussions1 by the writer attention has been drawn to the fact that the continuous absorption coefficient of the negative hydrogen ion, evaluated in terms of the matrix element (1) (where '1i'a denotes the wave function of the ground state of the ion and '¥c the wave function belonging to a continuous state normalized to correspond to an outgoing electron of unit density), depends very much on '¥a in regions of the configuration space which are relatively far from the hydrogenic core. This has the consequence that the absorption cro~s-sections are not trustworthily determined if wave functions derived by applications of the Ritz principle are used in the calculation of the matrix elements according to equation (1). This is evident, for example, from Figure 1, in which we have plotted the absorption coefficients as determined by Williamson2 and Henrich,3 using wave functions of the forms ( 2) and + + + + + t + + o '¥a =
12,000 A). This is readily understood when it is remembered that on all the three . formulae the absorption cross-sections in the infrared are relatively more dependent on the wave function at large distances than they are in the visual and the violet parts of the spectrum. Accordingly, it is to be expected that, as we approach the absorption limit : of H- at 16,550 A, formula (III) must give less unreliable values than it does at shorter . wave lengths; formula (I), of course, ceases to be valid in the infrared. It is also clear that, as we go toward the violet, we have the converse situation. Summarizing our conclusions so far, it may be said that in the framework of the approximation .in which a plane-wave representation of the outgoing electron is used, formula (II), together with wave function (3), gives sufficiently reliable values for the absorption coefficient over the entire range of the spectrum. Attention may be particularly drawn to the fact that the maximum of the absorption-curve is now placed at X8500 A, where K}.. = 4.37 X 10-17 cm2• The question still remains as to the improvements which can be effected in the choice of 'Ye. As shown in an earlier paper,4 it may be sufficient to use for 'Ye the wave functions in the Hartree field of a hydrogen atom. On this approximation we should use (op. cit., eq. [15] ) 'Ye= . 1 12 { e- r 00 ,L _i ik (2l+l)Pz(cos13-2)xz(r2;k) V 7r Z=O r!I (33) where xz is the solution of the equation d2xz d r 2 +ISk2_ l (l+l) r2 . +2(1+.!) r e-2ri ) =0 Xz ' (34) which tends to a pure sinusoidal wave of unit amplitude at infinity. We shall return to these further improvements in a later paper. It is a pleasure to acknowledge my indebtedness to Professor E. P. Wigner for many helpful discussions and much valuable advice. My thanks are also due to Mrs. Frances Herman Breen for assistance with the numerical work. 4 Ap. J., 100, 176, 1944. © American Astronomical Society • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System