THEOEY AND CALCULATION OF TRANSIENT ELECTRIC PHENOMENA AND OSCILLATIONS BY CHARLES. PROTEUS STEINMETZ THIRD EDITION RTCVISED AND ENLARGED THIRD IMPRESSION McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, ING. NEW YORK: 370 SEVENTH AVENUE LONDON: & 8 BOUVEBIE ST., E. C. 4 1920 3'/a7 COPYRIGHT, 1920, BY THE MCGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, INC. COPYRIGHT, 1909, BY THE McGiiAw PUBLISHING COMPANY. FEINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMEBICA. f', LIBRARY THE MAPLE PRESS - YORK PA DEDICATED TO TUB MWM.OHY OK MY FRIEND AND TEACHER HUDOLtf EKJKEMEYER PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION SINCE the appearance of the, first edition, ten years ago, the study of transients has been greatly extended and the term "transient" has become fully established in electrical literature. As the result of the increasing importance of the subject and our increasing knowledge, a large part of this book had practically to be rewritten, with the addition of inuch new material, especially in Sections III and IV. In Section III, the chapters on "Final Velocity of the Electric Field" and on "High-frequency Conductors" have been rewritten and extended. As Section V, an entirely new section has been added, comprising six new chapters. The effect of the finite velocity of the electric field, that is, the electric radiation in creating energy components of inductance and of capacity and thereby effective series and shunt resistances is more fully discussed. These components may assume formidable values at such high frequencies as are not infrequent in transmission circuits, and thereby dominate the phenomena. These energy components and the equations of the unequal current distribution in the conductor are then applied to a fuller discussion of high-frequency conduction. In Section IV, a chapter has been added discussing the relation of the common types of currents: direct current, alternating current, etc., to the general equations of the electric circuit. A discussion is also given of the interesting case of a direct current with distributed leakage, as such gives phenomena analogous to wave propagation, such as reflection, etc., which are usually familiar only with alternating or oscillating currents. A new chapter is devoted to impulse currents, as a class of non-periodic but transient currents reciprocal to the periodic but permanent alternating currents. Hitherto in theoretical investigations of transients, the circuit constants r L C and g have been assumed as constant. This, however, disagrees with experience at very high frequencies viii PREFACE or steep wave fronts, thereby limiting the usefulness of the theoretical investigation, and makes the calculation of many important phenomena, such as the determination of the danger zone of steep wave fronts, the conditions of circuit design limiting the danger zone, etc., impossible. The study of these phenomena has been undertaken and four additional chapters devoted to the change of circuit constants with the frequency, the increase of attenuation constant resulting therefrom, and the degeneration, that is rounding off of complex waves, the flattening of wave fronts with the time and distance of travel, etc., added. The method of symbolic representation has been changed from the time diagram to the crank diagram, in accordance with the international convention, and in conformity with the other books; numerous errors of the previous edition corrected, etc. Jan., 1920. CHARLES P. STEINMETZ. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION THE following work owes its origin to a course of instruction given during the last few years to the senior claas in electrical engineering at Union University and represents the work of a number of years. It comprises the investigation of phenomena which heretofore have rarely been dealt with in text-books but have now become of such importance that a knowledge of them is essential for every electrical engineer, as they include sonic? of the most important problems which electrical engineering will have to solve in the near future to maintain its thus far unbroken progress. A few of these transient phenomena were observed and experi- mentally investigated in the early clays of electrical engineering for instance, the building up of the voltage of direct-current generators from the remanent magnetism. Others, such a,s the investigation of the rapidity of the response of a compound generator or a tance with the booster stricter to a change of load, have become of imporrequirements now made on electric totems Iransient phenomena which were of such abort duration and' small magnitude as former days have generators and high generator fields, the to be negligible with the small apparatus of become of serious, importance in the, hu, power systems of to-day, as the discharge of starting currents of transformers the short circuit currents of tht oclasses alternators, etc. Especially is of phenomena closely related to this , "t IK x PREFACE and others, dealing with the fairly high frequency of sound waves. Especially lightning and all the kindred high voltage and high frequency phenomena in electric systems have become of great and still rapidly increasing importance, due to- the great increase in extent and in power of the modern electric systems, to the interdependence of all the electric power users in a large territory, and to the destructive capabilities resulting from such disturbances. Where hundreds of miles of high and medium potential circuits, overhead lines and underground cables, are interconnected, the phenomena of distributed capacity, the effects of charging currents of lines and cables, have become such as to require careful study. Thus phenomena which once were of scientific interest only, as the unequal current distribution in conductors carrying alternating currents, the finite velocity of propagation of the electric field, etc., now require careful study by the electrical engineer, who meets them in the rail return of the single-phase railway, in the effective impedance interposed to the lightning discharge on which the safety of the entire system depends, etc. The characteristic of all these phenomena is that they are transient functions of the independent variable, time or distance, that is, decrease with increasing value of the independent variable, gradually or in an oscillatory manner, to zero at infinity, while the functions representing the steady flow of electric energy are constants or periodic functions. While thus the phenomena of alternating currents are represented by the periodic function, the sine wave and its higher harmonics or overtones, most of the transient phenomena lead to a function which is the product of exponential and trigonometric terms, and may be called an oscillating function, and its overtones or higher harmonics. A second variable, distance, also enters into many of these phenomena; and while the theory of alternating-current apparatus and phenomena usually has to deal only with functions of one independent variable, time, which variable is eliminated by the introduction of the complex quantity, in this volume we have frequently to deal with functions of time and of distance., PREFACE xi We thus have to consider alternating functions and transient functions of time and of distance. The theory of alternating functions of time is given in " Theory and Calculation of Alternating Current Phenomena." Transient functions of time are studied in the first section of the present work, and in the second section are given periodic transient phenomena, which have become of industrial importance, for instance, in rectifiers, for circuit control, etc. The third section gives the theory of phenomena which are alternating in time and transient in distance, and the fourth and last section gives phenomena transient in time and in distance. To some extent this volume can thus be considered as a con- tinuation of "Theory and Calculation of Alternating Current Phenomena." In editing this work, I have been greatly assisted by Prof. 0. Ferguson, of Union University, who has carefully revised the manuscript, the equations and the numerical examples and checked the proofs, so that it is hoped that the errors in the work are reduced to a minimum. Great credit is clue to the publishers and their technical staff for their valuable assistance in editing the manuscript and for the representative form of the publication they have produced. CHARLES P. STEINMETZ. SCHENECTADY, December, 1908. PREFACE TO TPIE SECOND EDITION DUE to the relatively short time which has elapsed since the appearance of the first edition, no material changes or additions were needed in the preparation of the second edition. The work has been carefully perused and typographical and other errors, which had passed into the first edition, were eliminated. In this, thanks are due to those readers who have drawn my attention to errors. Since the appearance of the first edition, the industrial importance of transients has materially increased, and con- siderable attention has thus been devoted to them by engineers. The term "transient" .has thereby found an introduction, as noun., into the technical language, instead of the more cumbersome expression "transient phenomenon," and the former term is therefore used to some extent in the revised edition. As appendix have been added tables of the velocity functions of the electric field, sil x and col x, and similar functions, together with explanation of their mathematical relations, as tables of these functions are necessary in calculations of wave propagation, but are otherwise difficult to get. These tables were derived from tables of related functions published by J. W. L. Glaisher, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1870, Vol. 160. xii CONTENTS SECTION I. TRANSIENTS IN TIME. CHAPTER I. THE CONSTANTS OF THE ELECTRIC CIRCUIT. PAGE 3 1. Flow of electric energy, the electric field and its components. 2. The electromagnetic field, the electrostatic field and the power consumption, and their relation to current and voltage. 3. The electromagnetic energy, the electrostatic energy, and the power loss of the circuit, and their relations to the circuit constants, inductance, capacity and resistance. 4. Effect of conductor shape and material on resistance, inductance and capacity. 5. The resistance of materials : metals, electrolytes, insulators and pyroelectrolytes. 6. Inductance and the magnetic characteristics of materials. Permeability and saturation, and its effect on the magnetic field of the circuit. 7. Capacity and the dielectric constant of materials. The disruptive strength of materials, and its effect on the electrostatic field of the circuit. 11 8. Power consumption in changing magnetic and static fields: magnetic and dielectric hysteresis. Effective resistance and shunted conductance. 12 9. Magnitude of resistance, inductance and capacity in in- dustrial circuits. Circuits of negligible capacity. 12 10. Gradual change of circuit conditions in a circuit of negli- gible capacity. Effect of capacity in allowing a sudden change of circuit conditions, causing a surge of energy between magnetic and static. 14 CHAPTER II. INTRODUCTION. 16 11. The usual equations of electric circuit do not apply to the time immediately after a circuit changes, but a transient term then appears. 16 12. Example of the transient term in closing or opening a con- tinuous current circuit : the building up and the dying out of the direct current in an alternator field, 16 xiii xiv CONTENTS PAGE 13. Example of transient term pioduced by capacity: the charge and discharge of a condenser, through an induc- tive circuit. Conditions for oscillations, and the possi- bility of excessive currents and voltages. 17 14. Example of the gradual and the oscillatory approach of an alternating current to its permanent value. 20 15. Conditions for appearance of transient terms, and for their harmlessness or danger. Effect of capacity. 21 16. Relations of transient terms and their character to the stored energy of the circuit. 21 17. Recurrent or periodic transient terms : their appearance in rectification. 22 _ IS. Oscillating arcs and arcing ground of transmission line, as an example of recurrent transient terms. 22 19. Cases in which transient phenomena are of industrial im- portance. 23 CHAPTER III. INDUCTANCE AND RESISTANCE IN CONTINUOUS- CURRENT CIRCUITS. 25 20. Equations of continuous-current circuit, including its transient term. 25 Example of a continuous-current motor circuit. 27 Excitation of a motor field. Time required for shunt motor field to build up or discharge. Conditions of design to secure quick response of field. 27 23. Discharge of shunt motor field while the motor is coming to rest. Numerical example. 29 24. Self-excitation of direct-current generator: the effect of the magnetic saturation curve. Derivation of the general equations of the building up of the shunt generator. Calculations of numerical example. 32 25. Self-excitation of direct-current series machine. Numeri- cal example of time required by railway motor to build up as generator or brake, 38 CHAPTER IV. INDUCTANCE AND RESISTANCE IN ALTERNATING- CURRENT CIRCUITS. 41 26. Derivation of general equations, including transient term. 41 27. Conditions for maximum value, and of disappearance of transient term. Numerical examples; lighting circuit, motor circuit, transformer and reactive coil. 43 28. Graphic representation of transient term. 45 CONTENTS XV PAGE CHAPTEE V. RESISTANCE, INDUCTANCE AND CAPACITY IN SERIES. CONDENSEB CHARGE AND DISCHARGE. 47 29. The differential equations of condenser charge and dis- charge. 47 30. Integration of these equations. 48 31. Final equations of condenser charge and discharge, in exponential form. 50 32. Numerical example. 51 33. The three cases of condenser charge and discharge : logarithmic, critical and oscillatory. 34. The logarithmic case, and the effect of resistance in eliminating excessive voltages in condenser discharges. 35. Condenser discharge in a non-inductive circuit. . 52 53 54 36. Condenser charge and discharge in a circuit of very small inductance, discussion thereof, and numerical example. 55 37. Equations of the critical case of condenser charge and dis- charge. Discussion. 56 3S. Numerical example. 58 39. Trigonometric or oscillatory case. Derivation of the equations of the condenser oscillation. Oscillatory con- denser charge and discharge. 58 40. Numerical example. Cl 41. Oscillating waves of current and e.m.f. produced by con- denser discharge. Their general equations and frequen- cies. 02 42. High frequency oscillations, and their equations. 63 43. The decrement of the oscillating wave. The effect of resist- ance on the damping, and the critical resistance. Numerical example. 65 CHAPTER VI. OSCILLATING CURRENTS. 67 44. Limitation of frequency of alternating currents by genera- tor design; limitation of usefulness of oscillating current by damping due to resistance. 67 45. Discussion of sizes of inductances and capacities, and their rating in kilovolt-amperes. 68 46. Condenser discharge equations, discussion and design. 69 47. Condenser discharge efficiency and damping. 71 48. Independence of oscillating current frequency on size of condenser and inductance. Limitations of frequency by mechanical size and power. Highest available frequencies. 72 xvi CONTENTS PAGE 49. The oscillating current generator, discussion of its design. 74 50. The equations of the oscillating current generator. 76 51. Discussion of equations: frequency, current, power, ratio of transformation. 79 52. Calculation of numerical example of a generator having a frequency of hundreds of thousands of cycles per second. 82 53. 52 Continued. 86 54. Example of underground cable acting as oscillating cur- rent generator of low frequency. 87 CHAPTER VII. RESISTANCE, INDUCTANCE AND CAPACITY IN SERIES IN ALTERNATING CURRENT CIRCUIT. SS 55. Derivation of the general equations. Exponential form. 56. Critical case. 57. Trigonometric or oscillatory case. 58. Numerical example. 59. Oscillating start of alternating current circuit. 60. Discussion of the conditions of its occurrence. 61. Examples. 62. Discussion of the application of the equations to trans- mission lines and high-potential cable circuits. 63. The physical meaning and origin of the transient term. 88 92 93 94 96 98 100 102 103 CHAPTER VIIL_ LOW-FREQUENCY SURGES IN HIGH-POTENTIAL "SYSTEMS. 105 64. Discussion of high potential oscillations in transmission lines and underground cables. 105 65. Derivation of the equations of current and condenser potentials and their components. 106 66. Maximum and minimum values of oscillation. 109 67. Opening the circuit of a transmission line under load. 112 68. Rupturing a short-circuit of a transmission line. 113 69. Numerical example of starting transmission line at no load, opening it at full load, and opening short-circuit. 116 70. Numerical example of a short-circuit oscillation of under- ground cable system. 119 71. Conclusions. 120 CHAPTER IX. DIVIDED CIRCUIT. 121 72. General equations of a divided circuit. 73. Resolution into permaneiat term and transient term. 74. Equations of special case of divided continuous-current circuit without capacity. 121 124 126 CONTENTS xvii PAGE 75. Numerical example of a divided circuit having a low- resistance inductive, and a high-resistance noninduc- tive branch. 129 76. Discussion of the transient term in divided circuits, and its industrial use. 130 77. Example of the effect of a current pulsation in a circuit on a voltmeter shunting an inductive part of the circuit. . 131 78. Capacity shunting a part of the continuous-current circuit. Derivation of equations. 133 79. Calculations of numerical example. 136 80. Discussions of the elimination of current pulsations by shunted capacity. 137 81. Example of elimination of pulsation from non-inductive circuit, by shunted capacity and scries inductance. 139 CHAPTER X. MUTUAL INDUCTANCE. 141 82. The differential equations of mutually inductive cir- cuits. 141 83. Their discussion. 143 84. Circuits containing resistance, inductance and mutual inductance, but no capacity. 85. Integration of their differential equations, and their dis- cussion. 144 146 86. Case of constant impressed e.m.fs. 147 87. The building up (or down) of an over-compounded direct- current generator, at sudden changes of load. . 149 88. 87 Continued. 152 89. 87 Continued. 154 90. Excitation of series booster, with solid and laminated field poles. Calculation of eddy currents in solid field iron. 155 91. The response of a series booster to sudden change of load. 158 92. Mutual inductance in circuits containing self-inductance and capacity. Integration of the differential equations. 161 93. Example : the equations of the Ruhmkorff coil or induc- ' torium. 164 94. 93 Continued. 166 CHAPTER XL GENERAL SYSTEM OF CIRCUITS. 168 95. Circuits containing resistance and inductance only. 168 96. Application to an example. 171 xviii CONTENTS PAGE 97. Circuit containing resistance, self and mutual inductance and capacity. 174 98. Discussion of the general solution of the problem. 177 CHAPTER XII. MAGNETIC SATURATION AND HYSTERESIS IN MAG- NETIC CIRCUITS. 179- 99. The transient term in a circuit of constant inductance. 179 100. Variation of inductance by magnetic saturation causing excessive transient currents. ISO 101. Magnetic cycle causing indeterminate values of transient currents. 181 102. Effect of frequency on transient terms to be expected in transformers. 181 103. 104. Effect of magnetic stray field or leakage on transient starting current of transformer. Effect of the resistance, equations, and method of construction of transient current of transformer when starting. 105. Construction of numerical examples, by table. 106. Approximate calculation of starting current of transformer. 107. Approximate calcxilation of transformer transient from Froehlich's formula. 182 185 188 190 192 108. Continued and discussion 194 CHAPTER XIJJ. TRANSIENT TERM OF THE ROTATING FIELD. 197 109. Equation of the resultant of a sytem of polyphase m.m.i's., in any direction, its permanent and its transient term. Maximum value of permanent term. Nu- merical example. 197 . 110. Direction of maximum intensity of transient term. Velocity of its rotation. Oscillating character of it. Intensity of maximum value. Numerical example. 200 111. Discussion. Independence of transient term on phase angle at start. 203 CHAPTER XIV. SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENTS OF ALTERNATORS. 205 112. Relation of permanent short-circuit current to armature reaction and self-inductance. Value of permanent short-circuit current. 205 CONTENTS xix 113. 114. 115. Relation of momentary short-circuit current to armature reaction and self-inductance. Value of momen- tary short-circuit current. Transient term of revolving field of armature reaction. Pulsating armature reaction of -single-phase alternator. Polyphase alternator. Calculation of field current during short-circuit. Equivalent reactance of armature reaction. Self-inductance in field circuit. PAGE 200 207 210 116. Equations of armature short-circuit current and short- circuit armature reaction. 213 117. Numerical example. 118. Single-phase alternator. Calculation of pulsating field current at short-circuit. 214 215 119. Equations of armature short-circuit current and short- circuit armature reaction. 216 120. Numerical example. 218 121. Discussion. Transient reactance. 218 SECTION II. PERIODIC TRANSIENTS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. 223 1. General character of periodically recurring transient phenomena in time, 223 2. Periodic transient phenomena with single cycle. 224 3. Multi-cycle periodic transient phenomena. 224 4. Industrial importance of periodic transient phenomena: circuit control, high frequency generation, rectification. 226 5. Types of rectifiers. Arc machines. 227 CHAPTER II. CIRCUIT CONTROL BY PERIODIC TRANSIENT PHENOM- ENA. 229 6. Tirrill Regulator. 7. Equations. 8. Amplitude of pulsation. 229 230 232 CHAPTER III. MECHANICAL RECTIFICATION. 235 9. Phenomena during reversal, and types of mechanical rec- tifiers. 235 10. Single-phase constant-current rectification: compounding of alternators by rectification. 11. Example and numerical calculations. 12. Single-phase constant-potential rectification: equations. 237 239 242 XX CONTENTS 13. Special case, calculation of numerical example. 14. Quarter-phase rectification. : Brush arc machine. Equations. 15. Calculation of example. PAGE 245 248 252 CHAPTER IV. ARC RECTIFICATION. 16. The rectifying character of the arc. 17. Mercury arc rectifier. Constant-potential and constantcurrent type. 18. Mode of operation of mercury arc rectifier: Angle of over-lap. 19. Constant-current rectifier: Arrangement of apparatus. 20. Theory and calculation: Differential equations. 21. Integral equations. 22. Terminal conditions and final equations. 23. Calculation of numerical example. 24. Performance curves and oscillograms. Transient term. 25. Equivalent sine waves: their derivation. 26. 25 Continued. 27. Equations of the equivalent sine waves of the mercury arc rectifier. Numerical example. 255 255 25(3 258 261 262 264 266 268 269 273 275 277 SECTION ^5) TRANSIENTS IN SPACE. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. 283 1. Transient phenomena in space, as periodic functions of time and transient functions of distance, represented by transient functions of complex variables. 283 2. Industrial importance of transient phenomena in. space. 284 CHAPTER II. LONG DISTANCE TRANSMISSION LINE. 3. Relation of wave length of impressed frequency to natural frequency of line, and limits of approximate line cal- culations. 4. Electrical and magnetic phenomena in transmission line. 5. The four constants of the transmission line : r, L, g, C. 6. The problem of the transmission line. 7. The differential equations of the transmission line, and their integral equations. 8. Different forms of the transmission line equations. 9. Equations with, current and voltage given at one end of the line. 10, Equations with generator voltage, and load on receiving circuit given, 285 285 287 288 289 289 293 295 297 CONTENTS xxi 11. Example of 60,000-volt 200-mile line. PAQP 298' 12. Comparison of result with different approximate calcula- tions. 300 13. Wave length and phase angle. 301 14. Zero phase angle and 45-degree phase angle. Cable of negligible inductance. 302 15. Examples of non-inductive, lagging and leading load, and discussion of flow of energy. 303 16. Special case : Open circuit at end of line. 17. Special case: Line grounded at end. 305 310 18. Special case : Infinitely long conductor. 19. Special case: Generator feeding into closed circuit. 20. Special case: Line of quarter-wave length, of negligible resistance. 311 312 312 21. Line of quarter-wave length, containing resistance r and conductance g. 31,5 22. Constant-potential constant-current transformation by line of quarter-wave length. 316 23. Example of excessive voltage produced in high-potential transformer coil as quarter-wave circuit. 31g 24. Effect of quarter-wave phenomena on regulation of long transmission lines; quarter-wave transmission. 319 25. Limitations of quarter-wave transmission. 320 26. Example of quarter-wave transmission of 60,000 kw. at 60 cycles, over 700 miles. 321 CHAPTEE III. THE NATURAL PERIOD OF THE TRANSMISSION LINE. 27. The oscillation of the transmission line as condenser. 28. The conditions of free oscillation. 29. Circuit open at one end, grounded at other end. 30. Quarter-wave oscillation of transmission line. 31. Frequencies of line discharges, and complex discharge wave. 32. Example of discharge of line of constant voltage and zero current. 33. Example of short-circuit oscillation of line. 34. Circuit grounded at both ends : Half-wave oscillation. 35. The even harmonics of the half-wave oscillation. 36. Circuit open at both ends. 37. Circuit closed upon itself: Full-wave oscillation. 38. Wave shape and frequency of oscillation. 39. Time decrement of oscillation, and energy transfer be- tween sections of complex oscillating circuit. 326 326 327 328 330 333 335 337 339 340 341 342 344 345 xxii CONTENTS PAGE CHAPTER IV. DISTRIBUTED CAPACITY OF HIGH-POTENTIAL TRANS- FORMER. 348 40. The transformer coil as circuit of distributed capacity, and the character of its capacity. 41. The differential equations of the transformer coil, and their integral equations) terminal conditions and final approximate equations. 42. Low attenuation constant and' corresponding liability of cumulative oscillations. 348 350 353 CHAPTER V. DISTRIBUTED SERIES CAPACITY. 354 43. Potential distribution in multigap circuit. 354 44. Probable relation of the multigap circuit to the lightning flash in the clouds. 356 45. The differential equations of the multigap circuit, and their integral equations. 356 46. Terminal conditions, and final equations. 358 47. Numerical example. 359 CHAPTER VI. ALTERNATING MAGNETIC FLUX DISTRIBUTION. 361 48. Magnetic screening by secondary currents in alternating fields. 361 49. The differential equations of alternating magnetic flux in a lamina. 362 50. Their integral equations. 51. Terminal conditions, and the final equations. 52. Equations for very thick laminae. 53. Wave length, attenuation, depth of penetration. 54. Numerical example, with frequencies of 60, 1000 and 10,000 cycles per second. 55. Depth of penetration of alternating magnetic flux in different metals. 56. Wave length, attenuation, and velocity of penetration. 57. Apparent permeability, as function of frequency, and damping. 58. Numerical example and discussion. 363 364 365 366 368 369 371 372 373 CHAPTER VII. DISTRIBUTION OF ALTERNATING-CURRENT DENSITY IN CONDUCTOR. 375 59. Cause and effect of unequal current distribution. Industrial importance. 60. Subdivision and stranding. Flat conductor and large conductor. 375 377 CONTENTS xxiii 61. The differential equations of bution in a flat conductor. alternating-current PACK distri- 380 62. Their integral equations. 63. Mean value of current, and effective resistance. 64. Effective resistance and resistance ratio. 381 382 383 65. Equations for large conductors. 66. Effective resistance and depth of penetration. 384 386 67. Depth of penetration, or conducting layer, for different materials and different frequencies, and maximum economical conductor diameter. 391 CHAPTER VIII. VELOCITY OF PROPAGATION OF ELECTRIC FIELD. 394 68. Conditions when the finite velocity of the electric field is of industrial importance. 69. Lag of magnetic and dielectric field leading to energy components of inductance voltage and capacity current and thereby to effective resistances. 70. Conditions under which this effect of the finite velocity is considerable and therefore of importance. 394 395 396 A . Inductance of a Length lo of an Infinitely Long Conductor without Return Conductor, 71. Magnetic flux, radiation impedance, reactance and resistance. 72. The sil and col functions. 73. Mutually inductive impedance and mutual inductance. Self-inductive radiation impedance, resistance and react- ance. Self-inductance and power. 402 B. Inductance of a Length la of an Infinitely Long Conductor with Return Conductor at Distance I'. 74. Self-inductive radiation impedance, resistance and self- inductance. 404 75. Discussion. Effect of frequency and of distance of return conductor. 405 76. Instance. Quarter-wave and half-wave distance of return conductor. 407 xxiv CONTENTS C. Capacity of a Length lo of an Infinitely Long Conductor. PAGE 77. Calculation of dielectric field. Effective capacity. 40S 78. Dielectric radiation impedance. Relation to magnetic radiation impedance. 410 79. Conductor without return conductor and with return con- ductor. Dielectric radiation impedance, effective resistance, reactance and capacity. Attenuation constant. 411 D. Mutual Inductance of Two Conductors of Finite Length at Considerable Distance from Each Other. 80. Change of magnetic field with distance of finite and infinite conductor, with and without return conductor. 414 81. Magnetic flux of conductor of finite length, sill and coll functions. 415 82. Mutual impedance and mutual inductance. Instance. 410 E. Capacity of a Sphere in Space. 83. Derivation of equations. 418 CHAPTEB IX. HIGH-FREQUENCY CONDUCTORS. 420 84. Effect of the frequency on the constants of the conductor. 420 85. Types of high-frequency conduction in transmission lines. 421 86. Equations of unequal current distribution in conductor. 423 87. Equations of radiation resistance and reactance. 425 88. High-frequency constants of conductor with and without return conductor. 427 89. Instance. 428 90. Discussion of effective resistance and frequency. 91. Discussion of reactance and frequency. 92. Discussion of size, shape and material of conductor, and frequency. 430 433 434 93. Discussion of size, shape and material on circuit constants. 94. Instances, equations and tables. 435 430 95. Discussion of tables. 437 96. Continued. 442 97. Conductor without return conductor. 444 CONTENTS xxv SECTION IV. TRANSIENTS IN TIME AND SPACE. PAGE CHAPTER I. GENERAL EQUATIONS. 449 1. The constants of the electric circuit, and their constancy. 2. The differential equations of the general circuit, and their general integral equations. 3. Terminal conditions. Velocity of propagation. 4. The group of terms in the general integral equations and the relations between its constants. 449 451 454 455 5. Elimination of the complex exponent in the group equa- tions. 6. Final form of the general equations of the electric circuit. 458 461 CHAPTER II. DISCUSSION OF SPECIAL CASES. 464 7. Surge impedance or natural impedance. Constants A, a, and 1> I. 8. l> = 0: permanents. Direct-current circuit with distributed leakage. 9. Leaky conductor of infinite length. Open conductor. Closed conductor. 10. Leaky conductor closed by resistance. Reflection of voltage and current. 11. a 0: (a) Inductive discharge of closed circuit, (b) Non- inductive condenser discharge. 12. Z = 0: general equations of circuit with massed constants. 6=0: = 13. I Q, direct currents. 1=0, = b real: impulse currents. 14. Continued : direct-current circuit with starting transient. 15. I = 0, 6 = imaginary: alternating currents. = = 16. I 0, & general: oscillating currents. 17. & = real: impulse currents. Two types of impulse currents. 18. b = real, a = real; non-periodic impulse currents. 19. & = real, a = imaginary: impulse currents periodic in space. 20. 6 = imaginary: alternating currents. General equations. 21. Continued. Reduction to general symbolic expression. 464 465 405 467 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 CHAPTER III. IMPULSE CURRENTS. 481 22. Their relation to the alternating currents as coordinate special cases of the general equation. 23. Periodic and non-periodic impulses. 481 483 xxvi CONTENTS A. Non-periodic Impulses. PAGE 24. Equations. 25. Simplification of equations; hyperbolic form. 26. The two component impulses. Time displacement, and lag; distortionless circuit. lead 27. Special case. 28. Energy transfer constant, energy dissipation constant, wave front constant. 29. Different form of equation of impulse. 30. Resolution into product of time impulse and space impulse. Hyperbolic form. 31. Third form of equation of impulse. Hyperbolic form. 484 485 486 4S7 487 488 489 490 B, Periodic Impulses. 32. Equations. 33. Simplification of equations; trigonometric form. 34. The two component impulses. Energy dissipation constant, enery transfer constant, attentuation constants. Phase difference. Time displacement. 35. Phase relations in space and time. Special cases. 36. Integration constants, Fourier series. 491 492 493 495 495 CHAPTEH IV. DISCUSSION OF GENERAL EQUATIONS. 497 37. The two component waves and their reflected waves. Attenuation in time and in space. * 38. Period, wave length, time and distance attenuation constants. 39. Simplification of equations at high frequency, and the velocity unit of distance. 40. Decrement of traveling wave. 41. Physical meaning of the two component waves. 42. Stationary or standing wave. Trigonometric and logarith- mic waves. 43. Propagation constant of wave. 497 499 500 502 503 504 506 CHAPTER V. STANDING WAVES. 509 44. Oscillatory, critical and gradual standing wave. 509 45. The wave length which divides the gradual from the oscillatory wave. 513 CONTENTS Xxvii PAGE 46. High-power high-potential overhead transmission line. Character of waves. Numerical example. General equations. 516 47. High-potential underground power cable. Character of waves. Numerical example. General equations. 519 48. Submarine telegraph cable. Existence of logarithmic waves. 521 49. Long-distance telephone circuit. Numerical example. Effect of leakage. Effect of inductance or "loading." 521 CHAPTER VI. TRAVELING WAVES. 524 r* 50. Different forms of the equations of the traveling wave. 51. Component waves and single traveling wave. Attenua- tion. 52. Effect of inductance, as loading, and leakage, on attenuation. Numerical example of telephone circuit. 53. Traveling sine wave and traveling cosine wave. Amplitude and wave front. 54. Discussion of traveling wave as function of distance, and of time. 55. Numerical example, and its discussion. 56. The alternating-current long-distance line equations as special case of a traveling wave. 57. Reduction of the general equations of the special traveling wave to the standard form of alternating-current transmission line equations. 524 526 529 53 1 533 536 538 541 CHAPTER VII. FREE OSCILLATIONS. 545 *" 58. Types of waves: standing waves, traveling waves, alter- nating-current waves. 545 59. Conditions and types of free oscillations. 545 60. Terminal conditions. 547 61. Free oscillation as standing wave. 62. Quarter-wave and half-wave oscillation, and their equa- tions. 548 549 63. Conditions under which a standing wave is a free oscilla- tipn, and the power nodes of the free oscillation. 552 xxviii CONTENTS PAGE 64. Wave length, and angular measure of distance. 554 65. Equations of quarter-wave and half-wave oscillation. 550 66. Terminal conditions. Distribution of current and voltage at start, and evaluation of the coefficients of the trigonometric series. 558 67. Final equations of quarter-wave and half-wave oscilla- tion. 559 68. Numerical example of the discharge of a transmission line. 69. Numerical example of the discharge of a live line into a dead line. ' 500 563 CHAPTER VIII. TRANSITION POINTS AND THE COMPLEX CIRCUIT. 565 70. General discussion. 565 71. Transformation of general equations, to velocity unit of distance. 566 72. Discussion. 568 73. Relations between constants, at transition point. 74. The general equations of the complex circuit, and the resultant time decrement. 569 570 75. Equations between integration constants of adjoining sections. 571 76. The energy transfer constant of the circuit section, and the transfer of power between the sections. 77. The final form of the general equations of the complex circuit. 574 575 78. Full-wave, half-wave, quarter-wave oscillation, and gen- eral high-frequency oscillation. 576 79. Determination of the resultant time decrement of the cir- cuit. 577 CHAPTER IX. POWER AND ENERGY OF THE COMPLEX CIRCUIT. 580 80. Instantaneous power. Effective or mean power. Power transferred. ' 81. Instantaneous and effective value of energy stored in the magnetic field; its motion along the circuit, and variation with distance and with time. 82. The energy stored in the electrostatic field and its components. Transfer of energy between electrostatic and electromagnetic field. 83. Energy stored in a circuit section by the total electric field, and power supplies to the circuit by it. 580 582 584 585 CONTENTS xxix PAGE 84. Power dissipated in the resistance and the conductance of a circuit section. 586 85. Relations between power supplied by the electric field of a circuit section, power dissipated in it, and power transferred to, or received by other sections. 588 86. Flow of energy, and resultant circuit decrement. 588 87. Numerical examples. 589 CHAPTER X. REFLECTION AND REFRACTION AT TRANSITION POINT. 502 88. Main wave, reflected wave and transmitted wave. 89. Transition of single wave, constancy of phase angles, relations between the components, and voltage transformation at transition point. 90. Numerical example, and conditions of maximum. 91. Equations of reverse wave. 92. Equations of compound wave at transition point, and its three components. 93. Distance phase angle, and the law of refraction. 592 593 597 598 599 600 CHAPTER XI. INDUCTIVE DISCHARGES. 602 94. Massed inductance discharging into distributed circuit. Combination of generating station and transmission line. 95. Equations of inductance, and change of constants at transition point. 96. Line open or grounded at end. Evaluation of frequency constant and resultant decrement. 97. The final equations, and their discussion. 98. Numerical example. Calculation of the first six har- monics. 602 603 605 607 609 SECTION V. VARIATION OF CIRCUIT CONSTANTS. CHAPTER I. VARIATION OF CIRCUIT CONSTANTS. 615 1. r, L, C and g not constant, but depending on frequency, etc. 2. Unequal current distribution in conductor cause of change of constants with frequency. 3. Finite velocity of electric field cause of change of constants with frequency. 4. Equations of circuit constants, as functions of the frequency. 5. Continued. 6. Four successive stages of circuit constants. 615 616 617 619 622 624 XXX CONTENTS CHAPTER II. WAVE DECAY IN TRANSMISSION LINES. PAGE 626 7. Numerical values of line constants. Attenuation constant. 626 8. Discussion. Oscillations between line conductors, and t tween line and ground. Duration. 631 9. Attenuation constant and frequency. 6.34 10. Power factor and frequency. Duration and frequency. Danger frequency. 637 11. Discussion. 639 CHAPTER III. ATTENUATION OF RECTANGULAR WAVE. 641 12. Discussion. Equivalent frequency of wave front. Quarter- wave charging or discharging oscillation. 641 13. Rectangular charging oscillation of line. 642 14. Equations and calculation. 643 15. Numerical values and discussion. 645 16. Wave front flattening of charging oscillation. Rectangular traveling wave. 650 17. Equations. 650 18. Discussion. 653 CHAPTER IV. FLATTENING OF STEEP WAVE FRONTS. 655 19. Equations. 655 20. Approximation at short and medium distances from origin. 656 21. Calculation ,of gradient of wave front. 660 22. Instance. 661 23. Dipcussion. . 663 24. Approximation at great distances from origin. 665 APPENDIX: VELOCITY FUNCTIONS OF THE ELECTRIC FIELD. 667 1. Equations of sil and col. 2. Relations and approximations, 3. Sill and coll. 4. Tables of sil, col and expl. 667 669 672 675 INDEX , ' 685 '0'' LIBRARY JZ SECTION I TRANSIENTS IN TIME ifO TEANSIBNTS IN TIME CHAPTER I. THE CONSTANTS OF THE ELECTRIC CIRCUIT. 1. To transmit electric energy from one place where it is generated to another place where it is used, an electric circuit is required; consisting of conductors which connect the point of generation with the point of utilization. When electric energy flows through a circuit, phenomena take place inside of the conductor as well as in the space outside of the conductor. In the conductor, during the flow of electric energy through the circuit, electric energy is consumed continuously by being converted into heat. Along the circuit, from the generator to the receiver circuit, the flow of energy steadily decreases by the amount consumed in the conductor, and a power gradient exists in the circuit along or parallel with the conductor. (Thus, while the voltage may decrease from generator to receiver circuit, as is usually the case, or may increase, as in an alternating-current circuit with leading current, and while the current may remain constant throughout the circuit, or decrease, as in a transmission line of considerable capacity with a leading or non-inductive receiver circuit, the flow of energy always decreases from generating to receiving circuit, and the power gradient therefore is characteristic of the direction of the flow of energy.) In the space outside of the conductor, during the flow of energy through the circuit, a condition of stress exists which is called the electric field of the conductor. That is, the surrounding space is not uniform, but has different electric and magnetic properties in different directions. No power is required to maintain the electric field, but energy 4 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA is required to produce the electric field ; and this energy is returned, more or less completely., when the electric field dis- appears by the stoppage of the flow of energy. Thus, in starting the flow of electric energy, before a perma- nent condition is reached, a finite time must elapse during which the energy of the electric field is stored, and the generator therefore gives more power than consumed in the conductor and delivered at the receiving end; again, the flow of electric energy cannot be stopped instantly, but first the energy stored in the electric field has to be expended. As result hereof, where the flow of electric energy pulsates, as in an alternating- current circuit, continuously electric energy is stored in the field dining a rise of the power, and returned to the circuit again during a decrease of the power. The electric field of the conductor exerts magnetic and elec- trostatic actions. The magnetic action is a maximum in the direction concentric, or approximately so, to the conductor. That is, a needle- shaped magnetizable body, as an iron needle, tends to set itself in a direction concentric to the conductor. The electrostatic action has a maximum in a direction radial, or approximately so, to the conductor. That is, a light needle- shaped conducting body, if the electrostatic component of the field is powerful enough, tends to set itself in a direction radial to the conductor, and light bodies are attracted or repelled radially to the conductor. Thus, the electric field of a circuit over which energy flows has three main axes which are at right angles with each other: The electromagnetic axis, concentric with the conductor. The electrostatic axis, radial to the conductor. The power gradient, parallel to the conductor. This is frequently expressed pictorially by saying that the lines of magnetic force of the circuit are concentric, the lines of electrostatic force radial to the conductor. Where, as is usually the case, the electric circuit consists of several conductors, the electric fields of the conductors superimpose upon each other, and the resultant lines of magnetic and of electrostatic forces are not concentric and radial respec- tively except approximately in the immediate neighborhood of the conductor. THE CONSTANTS OF THE ELECTRIC CIRCUIT 5 Iii the electric field between parallel conductors the magnetic and the electrostatic lines of force arc conjugate pencils of circles. 2. Neither the power consumption in the conductor, nor the electromagnetic field, nor the electrostatic field,, are pro- portional to the flow of energy through the circuit. The product, however, of the intensity of the magnetic field, <$>, and the intensity of the electrostatic field, M^, is proportional P to the flow of energy or the power, P, and the power is there- fore resolved into a product of two components, i and e, which are chosen proportional respectively to the intensity of the magnetic field <3> and of the electrostatic field 1 M/ . That is, putting P = ie (1) we have 3? = Li = the intensity of the electromagnetic field. (2) = = "ty Ce the intensity of the electrostatic field. (3) The component i, called the current, is defined as that factor P of the electric power which is proportional to the magnetic field, and the other component e, called the voltage, is defined P as that factor of the electric power which is proportional to the electrostatic field. Current,/ and voltage^ e, therefore, ajre^athematicaj_fictipns ; factors of the power P, introduced to represent respectively iKe magnetic and the electrostatic or " dielectric " phenomena. The current i is measured by the magnetic action of a circuit, as in the ammeter; the voltage e, by the electrostatic action of a circuit, as in the electrostatic voltmeter, or by producing a current i by the voltage e and measuring this current i by its magnetic action, in the usual voltmeter. The coefficients L and C, which are the proportionality factors of the magnetic and of the dielectric component of the electric field, are called the inductance and the capacity of the circuit, respectively. P As electric power is resolved into the product of current i P and voltage e, the power loss in the conductor, b therefore can also be resolved into a product of current i and voltage &i which is consumed in the conductor. That is, P =W 6 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA It is found that the voltage consumed in the conductor, ei, is proportional to the factor i of the power P, that is, = ei ri, (4) where r is the proportionality factor of the voltage consumed by the loss of power in the conductor, or by the power gradient, and is called the resistance of the circuit. Any must have - therefore three constants, L. U electric circuit JSP"*^ N^_ *-* - y r-^""-'1*---**-~- .-,,_ .-.- .* ..... -, r, __ .---.' ' ' and C, where r circuit constant representing the power gradient, or the loss of power in the conductor, called resistance. = L circuit constant representing the intensity of the electro- magnetic component of the electric field of the circuit, called inductance. = C circuit constant representing the intensity of the electro- static component of the electric field of the circuit, called capacity, In most circuits, there is no current consumed in the conductor, ii, and proportional to the voltage factor e of the power P, that is : = ii ge where g is the proportionality factor of the current consumed by the loss of power in the conductor, which depends on the volt- age, such as dielectric losses, etc. Where such exist, a fourth circuit constant appears, the conductance g, regarding which see sections III and IV. A 3. change of the magnetic field of the conductor, that is, If the number of lines of magnetic force 3> surrounding the con- ductor, generates an e.m.f . ^ in the conductor and thus absorbs a po,w$"r P' . (6) or, by equation (2): $ = Li by definition, thus: d$ T di * T>, T& /.TN -^-L^and.-P'-Lt^ (7) and the total energy absorbed by the magnetic field during the rise of current from zero to i is = fa'dt (8) = L I idi, . THE CONSTANTS OF THE ELECTRIC CIRCUIT 7 that is, WM = . (9) A change of the dielectric field of the conductor, fy, absorbs a current proportional to the change of the dielectric field : and absorbs the power P" = tf = <*, (ii) or, by equation (3) , P -Ce^ _ r>// e /nr.^ /ION (12) and the total energy absorbed by the dielectric field during a rise of voltage from to e is = f 'dt fp (13) = C I ede, that is WK = C e62 -f- (14) The power consumed in the conductor by its resistance r is = Pr ie lt (15) and thus, by equation (4), P = r i*r. (16) That is, when the electric power P = ei (1) exists in a circuit, it is p = r '2r power lost in the conductor, (16) ~ L i z ~Z^~ energy stored in the magnetic field of the circuit, (9) = C ez n~ = energy stored in the dielectric field of the cir- 1 cuit, (14) 8 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA and the three circuit constants r, L, C therefore appear as the components of the energy conversion into heat, magnetism; and electric stress, respectively, in the circuit. 4. The circuit constant, resistance r, depends only on the size and material of the conductor, but not on the position of the conductor in space, nor on the material filling the space surrounding the conductor, nor on the shape of the conductor section. The circuit constants, inductance L and capacity C, almost entirely depend on the position of the conductor in space, on the material filling the space surrounding the conductor, and on the shape of the conductor section, but do not depend on the material of the conductor, except to that small extent as represented by the electric field inside of the conductor section. 5. The resistance r is proportional to the length and inversely proportional to the section of the conductor, r =p--> (17) where p is a constant of the material, called the resistivity or specific resistance. For different materials, p varies probably over a far greater range than almost any other physical quantity. Given in ohms per centimeter cube,* it is, approximately, at ordinary tem- peratures : Metals: Cu 1.6 x 10~ 8 Al 2.8 X 10- 8 Fe 10 X 10- 8 Hg 94 X 10~ 8 Gray cast iron High-resistance alloys up to 100 X 10~ 6 up to 150 X 10~ N0 H Electrolytes: 3 KOH NaCl down to 1 . 3 at 30 per cent down to 1 .9 at 25 per cent down to 4 . 7 at 25 per cent up to Pure river water 10 4 and over alcohols, oils, etc., to practically infinity. * Meaning a conductor of one centimeter length and one square centimeter section. THE CONSTANTS OF THE ELECTRIC CIRCUIT 9 So-called "insulators": Fiber Paraffin oil Paraffin Mica Glass Rubber Air about 1012 about 1013 about 10 14 to 10 18 j . about 1014 about 10 14 to 10 18 about 10 16 practically oo In the wide gap between the highest resistivity of metal alloys, about p = 150 X 10~, and the lowest resistivity of electrolytes, about p 1, are Carbon: metallic amorphous (dense) anthracite down to 100 X 10~8 . 04 and higher very high Silicon and Silicon Alloys: Cast silicon Ferro silicon 1 down to . 04 . 04 down to 50 X 10~8 The resistivity of arcs and of Geissler tube discharges is of about the same magnitude as electrolytic resistivity. The resistivity, p, is usually a function of the temperature, rising slightly with increase of temperature in metallic conductors and decreasing in electrolytic conductors. Only with few materials, as silicon, the temperature variation of p is so enormous that p can no longer be considered as even approximately constant for all currents i which give a considerable temperature rise in the conductor. Such materials are commonly called pyro electrolytes. 6. The inductance L is proportional to the section and inversely proportional to the length of the magnetic circuit surrounding the conductor, and so can be represented by L= (18) where // is a constant of the material filling the space surrounding the conductor, which is called the magnetic permeability. As in general neither section nor length is constant in different parts of the magnetic circuit surrounding an electric con- * See "Theory and Calculation of Electric Circuits." 10 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA ductor, the magnetic circuit has as a rule to be calculated piecemeal^ or by integration over the space occupied by it. The permeability, /*, is constant and equals unity or yery = closely fj. 1 for all substances, with the exception of a few materials which are called the magnetic materials, as iron, cobalt, nickel, etc., in which it is very much higher, reaching sometimes and under certain conditions in iron values as high as ju = 6000 and even as high as n = 30,000. In these magnetic materials the permeability /t is not constant but varies with the magnetic flux density, or number of lines of magnetic force per unit section, &, decreasing rapidly for high values of (B. In such materials the use of the term p. is therefore inconvenient, and the inductance, L, is calculated by the relation between the magnetizing force as given in ampere-turns per unit length of magnetic circuit, or by "field intensity," and magnetic induction (&. The magnetic induction ' are approximately, in lines of magnetic force per square centi- meter: Iron , Cobalt Nickel Magnetite Manganese alloys 21,000 12,000 6 000 ; 5,000 up to 5,000 The inductance, L, therefore is a constant of the circuit if the space surrounding the conductor contains no magnetic material, and is more or less variable with the current, i, if magnetic material exists in the space surrounding the conductor. In the latter case, with increasing current, i, the inductance, L, first slightly increases, reaches a maximum, and then decreases, approaching as limiting value the value which it would have in the absence of the magnetic material. THE CONSTANTS OF THE ELECTRIC CIRCUIT 11 7. The capacity, C, is proportional to the section and inversely proportional to the length of the electrostatic field of the con- ductor: C-'f, (20) where K is a constant of the material filling the space surround- ing the conductor, which is called the "dielectric constant," or the "specific capacity," or " permittivity." Usually the section and the length of the different parts of the electrostatic circuit are different, and the capacity therefore has to be calculated piecemeal, or by integration. The dielectric constant K of different materials varies over a relative narrow range only. It is approximately : K = 1 in the vacuum, in air and in other gases, K 2 to 3 in oils, paraffins, fiber, etc., K = 3 to 4 in rubber and gutta-percha, = K 3 to 5 in glass, mica, etc., reaching values as high, as 7 to 8 in organic compounds of heavy metals, as lead stearate, and about 12 in sulphur. The dielectric constant, K, is practically constant for all voltages e, up to that voltage at which the electrostatic field intensity, or the electrostatic gradient, that is, the "volts per centimeter," exceeds a certain value d, which depends upon the material and which is called the "dielectric strength" or "disruptive strength" of the material. At this potential gradient the medium breaks down mechanically, by puncture, and ceases to insulate, but electricity passes and so equalizes the potential gradient. The disruptive strength, d, given in volts per centimeter is approximately : Air: 30,000. Oils: 250,000 to 1,000,000. Mica: up to 4,000,000. The capacity, C, of a circuit therefore is constant up to the voltage e, at which at some place of the electrostatic field the dielectric strength is exceeded, disruption takes place, and a part of the surrounding space therefore is made conducting, and by this increase of the effective size of the conductor the capacity C is 'increased. 12 TRANSIEXT PHENOMENA 8. Of the amount of energy consumed in creating the electric field of the circuit not all is returned at the disappearance of the electric field, but a part is consumed by conversion into heat in producing or in any other way changing the electric field. That is, the conversion of electric energy into and from the electromagnetic and electrostatic stress is not complete, but a loss of energy occurs, especially with the magnetic field in the so-called magnetic materials, and with the "electrostatic field in unhomogeiieous dielectrics. The energy loss in the production and reconversion of the magnetic component of the field can be represented by an / effective resistance which adds itself to the resistance r of the conductor and more or less increases it. The energy loss in the electrostatic field can be represented by an effective resistance r", shunting across the circuit, and consuming an energy current i" } in addition to the current i in the conductor. Usually, instead of an effective resistance r", its reciprocal is used, that is, the energy loss in the electro- static field represented by a shunted conductance g. In its most general form the electric circuit therefore contains the constants : 1. Inductance L, storing the energy, , 2. Capacity C, C3 e storing the energy, -; + 3. Resistance r = r r', consuming the power, a ir =2 tr +'iV, 4. Conductance g, consuming the power, e*g, where r is Q the resistance of the conductor, r' the effective resist- ance representing the power loss in the magnetic field L, and g represents the power loss in the electrostatic field C. 9. If of the three components of the electric field, electrostatic stress, and the equals zero, a second one must equal zero also. That is,. either or __^ Electric systems in which the magnetic component of the field is absent, while the electrostatic component may be consider- able, are represented for instance by an electric generator or a battery on open circuit, or by the electrostatic maching. In such systems the' disruptive effects dueTio" high voKageTthere- THE CO.YSTAXTS OF THE ELECTRIC CIRCUIT 13 fore, are most pronounced, while the power is negligible, and " " phenomena of this character are usually called static. Electric systems in which the electrostatic component of the field is absent, while the electromagnetic component is consider- able, are represented for instance by the short-circuited secondary coil of a transformer, in which no potential difference and, there- fore, no electrostatic field exists, since the generated e.m.f. is consumed at the place of generation. is the .electrostatic component in aino.w-voltage circuits. "The effect of the resistance "on the flow of electric energy in industrial applications is restricted to fairly narrow limits: as the resistance of the circuit consumes power and thus lowers the efficiency of the electric transmission, it is uneconomical to permit too high a resistance. As lower resistance requires a larger expenditure of conductor material, it is usually uneconomical to lower the resistance of the circuit below that which gives a reasonable efficiency. As result hereof, practically always the relative resistance, that is, the ratio of the power lost in the resistance to the total power, lies between 2 per cent and 20 per cent. It is different with the inductance L and the capacity C. Of L2 i the two forms of stored energy, the magnetic and electro- #C static -7 , usually one is so small that it can be neglected com- j pared with the other, and the electric circuit with sufficient approximation treated as containing resistance and inductance, or resistance and capacity only, In the so-called electrostatic machine and its applications, frequently only capacity and resistance come into consideration. In all lighting and power distribution circuits, direct current or alternating current, as the 110- and 220-volt lighting circuits, the 500-volt railway circuits, the 2000-volt primary distribution circuits, due to the relatively low voltage, the electrostatic C ez energy is still so very small . compared with the electro- magnetic energy, that the capacity C can for most purposes be neglected and the circuit treated as containing resistance and inductance only. 14 TRANSIEXT PHENOMEXA Of approximately equal magnitude is the electromagnetic energy and the electrostatic energy 2 2 in the high-potential long-distance transmission circuit, in the telephone circuit, and in the condenser discharge, and so in most of the phenomena resulting from lightning or other disturbances. In these cases all three circuit constants, r, L, and C, are of essential impor- tance. 10. In an electric circuit of negligible inductance L and negligible capacity C, no energy is stored, and a change in the circuit thus can be brought about instantly without any disturb- ance or intermediary transient condition. In a circuit containing only resistance and capacity, as a static machine, or only resistance and inductance, as a low or medium voltage power circuit, electric energy is stored essentially in one form only, and a change of the circuit, as an opening of the circuit, thus cannot be brought about instantly, but occurs more or less gradually, as the energy first has to be stored or discharged. In a circuit containing resistance, inductance, and capacity, and therefore capable of storing energy in two different forms, the mechanical change of circuit conditions, as the opening of a circuit, can be brought about instantly, the internal energy of the circuit adjusting itself to the changed circuit conditions by a transfer of energy between static and magnetic and inversely, that is, after the circuit conditions have been changed, a transient phenomenon, usually of oscillatory nature, occurs in the circuit by the readjustment of the stored energy. These transient phenomena of the readjustment of stored electric energy with a change of circuit conditions require careful study wherever the amount of stored energy is sufficiently large to cause serious damage. This is analogous to the phenomena of the readjustment of the stored energy of mechanical motion : while it may be harmless to instantly stop a slowly moving light carriage, the instant stoppage, as by collision, of a fast railway train leads to the usual disastrous result. So also, in electric systems of small stored energy, a sudden change of circuit con- ditions may be safe, while in a high-potential power system of very great stored electric energy any change of circuit conditions requiring a sudden change of energy is liable to be destructive. THE CONSTANTS OF THE ELECTRIC CIRCUIT 15 Where electric energy is stored in one form only, usually little danger exists, since the circuit protects itself against sudden change by the energy adjustment retarding the change, and only where energy is stored electrostatically and magnetically, the mechanical change of the circuit conditions, as the opening of the circuit, can be brought about instantly, and the stored energy then surges between electrostatic and magnetic energy. In the following, first the phenomena will be considered which result from the stored energy and its readjustment in circuits storing energy in one form only, which usually is as electromagnetic energy, and then the general problem of a circuit storing energy electromagnetically and electrostatically will be considered. CHAPTER II. INTRODUCTION. 11. In the investigation of electrical phenomena, currents and potential differences, whether continuous or alternating, are usually treated as stationary phenomena. That is, the assumption is made that after establishing the circuit a sufficient time has elapsed for the currents and potential differences to reach their final or permanent values, that is, become constant, with continuous current, or constant periodic functions of time, with alternating current. In the first moment, however, after establishing the circuit, the currents and potential differences in the circuit have not yet reached their permanent values, that is, the electrical conditions of the circuit are not yet the normal or permanent ones, but a certain time elapses while the electrical conditions adjust themselves. 12. For instance, a continuous e.m.f., e , impressed upon a circuit of resistance r, produces and maintains in the circuit a current, In the moment of closing the circuit of e.m.f. e Q on resistance r, the current in the circuit is zero. Hence, after closing the circuit the current i has to rise from zero to its final value \. If the circuit contained only resistance but no inductance, this would take place instantly, that is, there would be no transition period. Every circuit, however, contains some inductance. The induc- L tance of the circuit means L interlinkages of the circuit with lines of magnetic force produced by unit current in the circuit, or iL interlinkages by current i. That is, in establishing current A i in the circuit, the magnetic flux i L must be produced. change of the magnetic flux iL surrounding a circuit generates in the circuit an e.m.f., W. & = e -d /-T\ ' 16 INTRODUCTION 17 This opposes the impressed e.m.f. e Q, and therefore lowers the e.m.f. available to produce the current, and thereby the current; which then cannot instantly assume its final value, but rises thereto gradually, and so between the starting of the circuit and the establishment of permanent condition a transition period appears. In the same manner and for the same reasons, if the impressed e.m.f. e is withdrawn, but the circuit left closed, the current i does not instantly disappear but gradually dies out, as shown in Fig. 1, which gives the rise and the decay of a 012345 012345 Mg. 1. Rise and decay of continuous current in an inductive circuit. continuous current in an inductive circuit: the exciting current = of an alternator field, or a circuit having the constants r 12 ohms; L=6 henrys, and e Q = 240 volts; the abscissas being seconds of time. 13. If an electrostatic condenser of capacity C is connected to a continuous e.m.f. e , no current exists, in stationary con- dition, in this direct-current circuit (except that a very small current may leak through the insulation or the dielectric of the condenser), but the condenser is charged to the potential dif- ference e , or contains the electrostatic charge Q = Ce . In the moment of closing the circuit of e.m.f. e upon the capacity C, the condenser contains no charge, that is, zero potential difference exists at the condenser terminals. If there were no resistance and no inductance in the circuit in the 18 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA moment of closing the circuit, an infinite current would exist charging the condenser instantly to the potential difference e . If r is the resistance of the direct-current circuit containing the condenser, and this circuit contains no inductance, the current starts at the value i = Q- > that is. in the first moment after r closing the circuit all the impressed e.m.f. is consumed by the current in the resistance, since no charge and therefore no potential difference exists at the condenser. With increasing charge of the condenser, and therefore increasing potential difference at the condenser terminals, less and less e.m.f. is available for the resistance, and the current decreases, and ultimately becomes zero, when the condenser is fully charged. If the circuit also contains inductance L, then the current cannot rise- instantly but only gradually: in the moment after closing the circuit the potential difference at the condenser is still zero, and rises at such a rate that the increase of magnetic flux iL in the inductance produces an e.m.f. Ldi/dt, which consumes the impressed e.m.f. Gradually the potential difference at the condenser increases with its increasing charge, and the current and thereby the e.m.f. consumed by the resistance increases, and so less e.m.f. being available for consumption by the inductance, the current increases more slowly, until ulti- mately it ceases to rise, has reached a maximum, the inductance consumes no e.m.f., but all the impressed e.m.f. is consumed by the current in the resistance and by the potential difference at the condenser. The potential difference at the condenser con- tinues to rise with its increasing charge; hence less e.m.f. is available for the resistance, that is, the current decreases again, and ultimately becomes zero, when the condenser is fully charged. During the decrease of current the decreasing magnetic flux iL in the inductance produces an e.m.f., which assists the impressed ean.f., and so retards somewhat the decrease of current. Fig. 2 shows the charging current of a condenser through an inductive circuit, as i, and the potential difference at the con- L C = = = denser terminals, as j_7 " * e, with a continuous impAressed e.m.f. e n0*, tor the circuit constants r 250 ohms; 100 mh.; 10 mf., and e = 1000 volts. If the resistance is very small, the current immediately after INTRODUCTION 19 closing the circuit rises very rapidly, quickly charges the corir denser, but at the moment where the condenser is fully charged to the impressed e.m.f. e Q, current still exists. This current cannot instantly stop, since the decrease of current and there- with the decrease of its magnetic flux iL generates an e.rn.f. 7 1000 1000 volts 2GO ohms 100 mh. 10 mf. S2->--400 (1) or, substituting e = ^r, and transposing, i This equation is integrated by --t - = log(-i - i t ) logc, where log c is the integration constant, or, = i i c$ ^ i However, for t = 0, i = i . Substituting this, gives I Q = i l c, hence, - i = ^ + (i Lt \) s , (3) the equation of current in the circuit. The counter e.m.f. of self-inductance is hence a maximum for t 0, thus : - e? = r (i ij. (5) - The e.m.f. of self-inductance e i is proportional to the change of current (i il ) ) and to the resistance r of the circuit after the change, hence would be oo for r = o> , or when opening the circuit. That is, an inductive circuit cannot be opened instantly, but the arc following the break maintains the circuit for some time, and the voltage generated in opening an inductive circuit is the higher the quicker the break. Hence in a highly inductive circuit, as an electromagnet or a machine field, the insulation may^be punctured by excessive generated e.m.f. when quickly opening the circuit. As example, some typical circuits may be considered. CONTINUOUS-CURRENT CIRCUITS 27 21. Starting of a continuous-current lighting circuit, or non-in- ductive load. Let e = 125 volts = impressed e.m.f. of the circuit, and i\ = 1000 amperes = current in the circuit under stationary condition; then the effective resistance of the circuit is r = = 0.125 ohm. \ Assuming 10 per cent drop in feeders and mains, or 12.5 volts, gives a resistance, r = 0.0125 ohm of the supply conductors. In such large conductor the inductance may be estimated as 10 mh. per ohm; hence, L = 0.125 mh. = 0.000125 henry. The current at the moment of starting is i = 0, and the general equation of the current in the circuit therefore is, by substitution m (3); = - i 1000 (1 - 1000 '). (6) The time during which this current reaches half value, or i = 500 amperes, is given by substitution in (6) hence 500 = 1000 (1 = ~ 100Q< 0.5, - 1000 0; t = 0.00069 seconds. The time during which the current reaches 90 per cent of its = full value, or i = 900 amperes, is t 0.0023 seconds, that is, the current is established in the circuit in a practically inappre- ciable time, a fraction of a hundredth of a second. 22. Excitation of a motor field. = Let, in a continuous-current shunt motor, e = 250 volts impressed e.m.f., and the number of poles = 8. Assuming the magnetic flux per pole, = X 225 X 10s or 562.5 , 10 s interlinkages per unit current, or 10 amperes, that is, an inductance of the motor field circuit L = 562.5 henrys. The constants of the circuit thus are e Q = 250 volts; r = 62.5 ohms; L = 562.5 henrys, and i = = current at time t = 0. Hence, substituting in (3) gives the equation of the exciting current of the motor field as ' (7) Half excitation of the field is reached after the time t 6.23 seconds; 90 per cent of full excitation, or i = 3.6 amperes, after the time t = 20.8 seconds. That is, such a motor field takes a very appreciable time after closing the circuit before it has reached approximately full value and the armature circuit may safely be closed. Assume now the motor field redesigned, or reconnected so as to consume only a part, for instance half, of the impressed e.m.f., the rest being consumed in non-inductive resistance. This may be done by connecting the field spools by two in multiple. In this case the resistance and the inductance of the motor field are reduced to one-quarter, but the same amount of external resistance has to be added to consume the impressed = e.m.f., and the constants of the circuit then are: e 250 volts; r = 31.25 ohms; L = 140.6 henrys, and \ = 0. The equation of the exciting current (3) then is = - ^ i 8 (1 e~ 22t ), (8) that is, the current rises far more rapidly. It reaches 0.5 = value after t 3.11 seconds, 0.9 value after t 10.4 seconds. An inductive circuit, as a motor field circuit, may be made to respond to circuit changes more rapidly by inserting non- inductive resistance in series with it and increasing the im- CONTINUOUS-CURRENT CIRCUITS -"" . .--28-;- pressed e.m.f., that is, the larger the part of the impressed e.m.f. consumed by non-inductive resistance, the quicker is the change. Disconnecting the motor field winding from the impressed e.m.f. and short-circuiting it upon itself, as by leaving it connected in shunt with the armature (the armature winding resistance and inductance being negligible compared with that of the field winding), causes the field current and thereby the field magnetism to decrease at the same rate as it increased in (7) and (8), provided the armature instantly comes to a stand- still, that is, its e.m.f. of rotation disappears. This, however, is usually not the case, but the motor armature slows down gradually, its momentum being consumed by friction and other losses, and while still revolving an e.m.f. of gradually decreas- ing intensity is generated in the armature winding; this e.m.f. is impressed upon the field. The discharge of a motor field winding through the armature winding, after shutting off the power, therefore leads to the case of an inductive circuit with a varying impressed e.m.f. 23. Discharge of a motor field winding. Assume that in the continuous-current shunt motor dis- cussed under 22, the armature comes to rest t = 40 l seconds after the energy supply has been shut off by disconnecting the motor from the source of impressed e.m.f., while leaving the motor field winding still in shunt with the motor armature winding. The resisting torque, which brings the motor to rest, may be assumed as approximately constant, and therefore the deceleration of the motor armature as constant, that is, the motor speed decreasing proportionally to the time. If then S = full motor speed, S 1 (V v is the speed of the j motor at the time t after disconnecting the motor from the source of energy. Assume the magnetic flux <3> of the motor as approximately proportional to the exciting current, at exciting current i the magnetic flux of the motor is 3>= ~ <&, where = 12.5 mega- ''i \ lines is the flux corresponding to full excitation = 4 amperes. I 6<"""^,S.-,.-> ij* 30 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA The e.m.f. generated in the motor armature winding and thereby impressed upon the field winding is proportional to the magnetic flux of the field, , and to the speed S (1 ), \ u-j and since full speed S and full flux generate an e.m.f. e 250 volts, the e.m.f. generated by the flux <3> and speed $ (l ; ] 1 that is, at time t is and since we have $ - - 1 1 or for r = 62.5 ohms, and t t = 40 seconds, we have = - e 62.5 i (1 0.025 t}. do) (11) Substituting this equation (10) of the impressed e.m.f. into the differential equation (1) gives the equation of current i during the field discharge, henC6 ' integrated by A . t\ IT (I--) =. ir -f L,. di -, \ tj dt = rldt Ai ~TI7 I'I: li^JU - 2j^ = rtr lo Cl > (^ 12)' ^ where the integration constant c is found by = = = = t 0, i iv log ci i 0, c , hence, or. - = rtr . i lo g > 97^ j- _ rt =- V J^ o /? 2 tllj , (14) /i t-\ (15) CONTINUOUS-CURRENT CIRCUITS 31 This is the equation of the field current during the time in which the motor armature gradually comes to rest. At the moment when the motor armature stops, or for it is "rtl v' = 21 i, . (16) This is the same value which the current would have with the armature permanently at rest, that is, without the assistance of the e.m.f. generated by rotation, at the time t = The rotation of the motor armature therefore reduces the decrease of field current so as to require twice the time to reach value i that it would without rotation. z) These equations cease to apply for t > t v that is, after the armature has come to rest, since they are based on the speed equation S ( 1 and ), this equation applies only up to \ ]/ = t tv but for > t it the speed is zero, and not negative, as given by $(1 -) \ tj/ That is, at the moment = t t a break occurs l in the field discharge curve, and after this time the current i decreases in accordance with equation (3), that is, or, substituting (16), = Li \ % ^5 )' 2 iU E~ ii/wC ~' /I *y\ (17) (I J1L8(J)y Substituting numerical values in these equations gives : < for t tv =- i 4 e 0.001388*^ = = for t t t 40, i = 0.436; > for t tv = i 4 g- 0-1111 (*-20> ( 19 ) (20) (21) 32 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA Hence, the field has decreased to half its initial value after the time t = 22.15 seconds, and to one tenth of its initial = value after t 40.73 seconds. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Seconds Fig. 5. Keld discharge current. Fig. 5 shows as curve I the field discharge current, by equations (19), (20), (21), and as curve II the current calculated by the equation r i = 4 - mit , that is, the discharge of the field with the armature at rest, or when short-circuited upon itself and so not assisted by the e.m.f. of rotation of the armature. The same Fig. 5 shows as curve III the beginning of the field = discharge current for L 4200, that is, the case that the field circuit has a much higher inductance, as given by the equation I =4 0-000185 1- As seen in the last case, the decrease of field current is very slow, the field decreasing to half value in 47.5 seconds. 24. 8elf-excitation of direct-current generator. In the preceding, the inductance L of the machine has been assumed as constant, that is, the magnetic flux 3? as proportional to the exciting current i. For higher values of , this is not even approximately the case. The self-excitation of the direct- current generator, shunt or series wound, that is, the feature CONTINUOUS-CURRENT CIRCUITS 33 that the voltage of the machine after the start gradually builds up from the value given by the residual magnetism to its full value, depends upon the disproportionality of the magnetic flux with the magnetizing current. When considering this phenom- enon, the inductance cannot therefore be assumed as constant. When investigating circuits in which the inductance L is not constant but varies with the current, it is preferable not to use the term "inductance" at all, but to introduce the magnetic flux <. The magnetic flux < varies with the magnetizing current i by an empirical curve, the magnetic characteristic or saturation curve of the machine. This can approximately, within the range considered here, be represented by a hyperbolic curve, as was first shown by Frohlich in 1882 : " 1+U where = magnetic flux per ampere, in megalines, at low density. d> T- = magnetic saturation value, or maximum magnetic flux, in megalines, and * ^ -~ l + L K P\3^1) can be considered as the magnetic exciting reluctance of the machine field circuit, which here appears as linear function of the exciting current i. Considering the same shunt-wound commutating machine as = in (12) and (13), having the constants r 62.5 ohms field $ resistance; = 12.5 megalines = magnetic flux per pole at normal m.m.f.; $ = 9000 ampere-turns = normal m.m.f. per pole; n 18,000 turns = total field turns (field turns per pole =' 8 = 2250), and i =4 t amperes = current for full = excitation, or flux, 12.5 megalines. Assuming that at full excitation, , the magnetic reluctance has already increased by 50 per cent above its initial value, that 34 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA is, i , that o the ,- ratio amp-ere-turns r^ or i at lines and i = ^ = 4 amperes, is 50 per cent higher than at low excitation, it follows that + = 1 6i\ 1.5, or (24) 6 = 0.125.) Since i = \ (22) and (24) 4 produces $ = = 12.5, it follows, from $ = 4.69. That is, the magnetic characteristic (22) of the machine is approximated by *, = 4.69 i rri25r (25) Let now ec = e.m.f. generated by the rotation of the arma- ture per megaline of field flux. This e.m.f. ec is proportional to the speed, and depends upon the constants of the machine. At the speed assumed in (12) = = and (13), CI> 12.5 megalines, e 250 volts, that is, ec =^r = 20 volts. *o Then, in the field circuit of the machine, the impressed e.m.f., or e.m.f. generated in the armature by its rotation through the magnetic field is, e = e/I> = 20*; the e.m.f. consumed by the field resistance r is = ir 62.5 i; the e.m.f. consumed by the field inductance, that is, generated in the field coils by the rise of magnetic flux ( I>; is _ at dt ($ being given in megalines, e in volts.) CONTINUOUS-CURRENT CIRCUITS 35 The differential equation of the field circuit therefore is (1) n100 at (26) Since this equation contains the differential quotient of <3>, it is more convenient to make <& and not i the dependent variable; then substitute for i from equation (22), i= which gives or, transposed, 100 dt n n + ' 100 dt r) (28) This equation is integrated by resolving into partial fraction by the identity $ f ($ec -r} - resolved, this gives i -r (j>ec .; (so) hence, and 100 n B = br ; foe (cf)ec + r} $ (ec r) (ec r bec This integrates by the logarithmic functions (31) (32) - (33) 36 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA The integration constant C is calculated from the residual magnetic flux of the machine, that is, the remanent magnetism of the field poles at the moment of start. Assume, at the time, t = 0, $ = {I\ = O.Smegalines = residual magnetism and substituting in (33), -- + = ^ , log ,. fa- r T - - * - log (fa r 6ef r) - ec (fa r) C, and herefrom calculate C. C substituted in (33) gives 100 n where e m = e.m.f. generated in the armature by the rotation in the residual magnetic field, I _n 100 ec (fa __ ( > e ec r r log fa - r be ) - ( bem ) (36) This, then, is the relation between e and t, or the equation of the building up of a continuous-current generator from its residual magnetism, its speed being constant. Substituting the numerical values n = 18,000 turns; = = 4.69 megalines; b = = 0.125; ec 20 volts; r = 62.5 ohms; 4> r 0.5 megaline, and em 10 volts, we have - - = + t 26.8 log $ 17.9 log (31.25 2.5 $) 79.6 (37) and = - - - t 26.8 log e 17.9 log (31.25 Q.125 e} 0.98. (3S) CONTINUOUS-CURRENT CIRCUITS 37 Fig. 6 shows the e.m.f. e as function of the time t. As seen, under the conditions assumed here, it takes several minutes before the e.m.f. of the machine builds up to approximately full value. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 360 180 200 Sec. Fig. 6. Builcling-up curve of a shunt generator. The phenomenon of self-excitation of shunt generators therefore is a transient phenomenon which may be of very long duration. From equations (35) and (36) it follows that e= r 250 volts (39) is the e.m.f. to which the machine builds up at t = in stationary condition. To make the machine self-exciting, the condition o> , that is, '(40) must obtain, that is, the field winding resistance must be < r $ec , or, (41) r < 93.8 ohms, or, inversely, en which is proportional to the speed, must be r f 6c> (42) or, > ec 13.3 volts. 38 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA The time required by the machine to build up decreases with increasing ec, that is, increasing speed; and increases with increasing r, that is, increasing field resistance. 25. Self-excitation of direct-current series machine. Of interest is the phenomenon of self-excitation in a series machine, as a railway motor, since when using the railway motor as brake, by closing its circuit upon a resistance, its usefulness depends upon the rapidity of building up as generator. Assuming a 4-polar railway motor, designed for e = 600 volts and i= 1 200 amperes, let, at current i i= i 200 amperes, the magnetic flux per pole of the motor be = 10 megalines, and 8000 ampere-turns per field pole be required to produce this flux. This gives 40 exciting turns per pole, or a total of n 160 turns. Estimating 8 per cent loss in the conductors of field and armature at 200 amperes, this gives a resistance of the motor = circuit r 0.24 ohms. To limit the current to the full load value of \ 200 amperes, with the machine generating e = 600 volts, requires a total resistance of the circuit, internal plus external, of r = 3 ohms, or an external resistance of 2.76 ohms. 600 volts generated by 10 megalines gives = ec 60 volts per megaline per field pole. Since in railway motors at heavy load the magnetic flux is carried up to high values of saturation, at i= t 200 amperes the magnetic reluctance of the motor field may be assumed as three times the value which it has at low density, that is, in equation (^0~9)J} . K 1 + = 3, - 6 0.01, and since for i = 200, $ = 10, we have in (22) = 0.15, , hence, = , 0.15 i + 1 0.01 i represents the magnetic characteristic of the machine. CONTINUOUS-CURREXT CIRCUITS 39 Assuming a residual magnetism of 10 per cent, or r == 1 megaline, hence em = = $ ec r 60 volts, and substituting in equation (36) gives n = 160 turns; =0.15 megaline; b = = 0.01; ec 60 volts; r 3 ohms; $r = 1 megaline, and 300 volts, the current i = - = 1250 amperes, the power is p = ei = 375 kw., that is, a series motor short- circuited in generator position instantly stops. = Short-circuited upon itself, r 0.24, this series motor still builds up at ec = r = 1.6, and since at full load speed ec = 60, = ec 1.6 is 2.67 per cent of full load speed, that is, the motor acts as brake down to 2.67 per cent of full speed. It must be considered, however, that the parabolic equation (22) is only an approximation of the magnetic characteristic, 40 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA and the results based on this equation therefore are approximate only. One of the most important transient phenomena of directcurrent circuits is the reversal of current in the armature coil short-circuited by the commutator brush in the commutating machine. Regarding this, see " Theoretical Elements of Electrical Engineering," Part II, Section B. CHAPTER IV. INDUCTANCE AND RESISTANCE IN ALTERNATINGCURRENT CIRCUITS. 26. In alternating-current circuits ; the inductance L, or ; as it is usually employed, the reactance x = 2 xfL, where / = fre- quency, enters the expression of the transient as well as the permanent term. E At the moment 6 = 0, let the e.m.f. e= cos (0 ) be impressed upon a circuit of resistance r and inductance L, thus inductive reactance x 2 xfL; let the time 6 2 xft be counted from the moment of closing the circuit, and be the phase of the impressed e.m.f. at this moment. In this case the e.m.f. consumed by the = resistance ir, where i instantaneous value of current. The e.m.f. consumed by the inductance L is proportional r\n /7rt" to L and to the rate of change of the current, L , thus, is , QjL CLL or, by substituting = 2 xft, x 2 nfL, the e.m.f. consumed by inductance is x-~ du E Since e = cos (0 ) = impressed e.m.f., ~ E cos (0 - ) = ir + x di (1) is the differential equation of the problem. This equation is integrated by the function - = + i I cos (0 d] !Ae-', (2) where = basis of natural logarithms 2.7183. Substituting (2) in (1), E - - - - - Aax~ cos (0 = ) Ir cos (6 $) 4- Are~ afl Ix sin (6 d} ae } or, rearranged: (E cos Ir cos $ Ix sin fl) cos 4- (E sin A~ + - Ix cos d) sin - = as (ax r) 0. Ir sin $ TRANSIENT PHENOMENA Since this equation must be fulfilled for any value of 6, if (2) is the integral of (1), the coefficients of cos 8, sin 6, e~ ae must vanish separately. That is, E cos # IT cos 5 Ix sin d = 0, E + sin - Ir sin d Ix cos 8 0, (3) and . ax - r = 0. Herefrom it follows that (4) Substituting in (3), and (5) -f x3 ; where # x = lag angle and z = impedance of circuit, we have and E - cos 8 Iz cos (d 9J = | and herefrom - - = -E sin d Iz sin (5 6^ 0, J 7=^ and (6) Thus, by substituting (4) and (6) in (2), the integral equation becomes '-E ~i" (7) A where is still indefinite, and is determined by the initial con- ditions of the circuit, as follows : for = (9 i 0' hence, substituting in (7). E ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUITS 43 or, A=--cos(0 + 0\ 2 ' (fi ) and ; substituted in (7), - - 1 = - \ cos (6 + t)- e~*' cos (0 t) | (9) 2( is the general expression of the If at the starting moment current in 6 - the the circuit. current is not zero = but i , we have, substituted in (7), i =-008(00 + ^) + A, z =%- ^ + 0,), ^008(00 i - ? - COS (0 2 j ( I) - 1)-(VCOS (0 + 0,)- "-' - dO) j; 27. The equation of current (9) contains a permanent term - - cos (0 - 00; wmch u ually is the onl^ term considered' & and a transient term - ~"'<*x e + ^)- The greater the resistance r and smaller the reactance x, the - f more rapidly the term + S 'COB (0 0,) disappears. / This transient term is a maximum if the circuit is closed at the moment = - O v that is, at the moment when the | permanent value of current, - cos (0 - should be a 0,), maximum, and is then z The 'transient term disappears if the circuit is closed at the ~ - moment 90 Q v .or. when the stationary term of current passes the ^ero yalue. 44 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA As example is shown, in Fig. 7, the starting of the current under the conditions of maximum, transient term, or 6 Q i} in a circuit of the following constants: = 0.1, corresponding r approximately to a lighting circuit, where the permanent value Tig. 7. Starting current of an inductive circuit. /y of current is reached in a small fraction of a half wave: = 0. 5, r corresponding to the starting of an induction motor with rheo- = cc stat in the secondary circuit; 1.5, corresponding to an unloaded transformer, or to the starting of an induction motor & with short-circuited secondary, and = 10, corresponding to a reactive coil. Fig. 8. Starting current of an inductive circuit, X Of the last ease, =10, a series of successive waves are T plotted in Fig. 8, showing the very gradual approach to permanent condition. ALTEHXATIXG-CURRENT CIRCUITS rr* Fig. 9 shows, for the circuit = 1.5, the current when closing r the circuit 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 respectively behind the zero value of permanent current. The permanent, value of current is shown in Fig. 7 in clotted line. 1.5 X M / 60 120 180 240 300 Degrees 420 480 540 Pig. 9. Starting current of an inductive circuit. 28. Instead of considering, in Fig. 9, the current wave as consisting of the superposition of the permanent term (0Q I cos ) and the transient term - r-a hx cos the current wave can. directly be represented by the permanent term x Wig. 10. Current wave represented directly. I cos (0 6 ) by considering the zero line of the diagram as - r-e h deflected exponentially to the curve x cos in Fig. 10. That is, the instantaneous values of current are the vertical 46 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA ~ distances of the sine wave / cos (0 ) from the exponential - la * curve 7e cos 6 Q, starting at the initial value of perma- nent current. In polar coordinates, in this case 7 cos (0 ) is the circle, -\x* Is, cos the exponential or loxodromic spiral. As a rule, the transient term in alternating-current circuits containing resistance and inductance is of importance only in circuits containing iron, where hysteresis and magnetic saturation complicate the phenomenon, or in circuits where unidirectional or periodically recurring changes take place, as in rectifiers, and some such cases, are considered in the following chapters. CHAPTER V. RESISTANCE, INDUCTANCE, AND CAPACITY IN SERIES. CONDENSER CHARGE AND DISCHARGE. 29. If a continuous e.m.f. e is impressed upon a circuit contain- ing resistance, inductance, and capacity in series, the stationary condition of the circuit is zero current, i o, and the poten- tial difference at the condenser equals the impressed e.m.f., = e 1 e, no permanent current exists, but only the transient current of charge or discharge of the condenser. The capacity C of a condenser is defined by the equation 1 ~~ de dt' that is, the current into a condenser is proportional to the rate of increase of its e.m.f. and to the capacity. It is therefore = de -C^ idt, and - e = l Cidt (1) is the potential difference at the terminals of a condenser of capacity C with current i in the circuit to the condenser. Let then, in a circuit containing resistance, inductance, and capacity in series, e = impressed e.m.f., whether continuous, = alternating, pulsating, etc.; i current in the circuit at time t; = r resistance; L = inductance, and C = capacity; then the e.m.f. consumed by resistance r is n; the e.m.f. consumed by inductance L is di 47 48 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA and the e.m.f . consumed by capacity C is LJ e = t idt ; hen.ce, the impressed e.m.f. is and herefrom the potential difference at the condenser terminals is Equation (2) differentiated and rearranged gives r dH di 1 . de as the general differential equation of a circuit containing resistance, inductance, and capacity in series. 30. If the impressed e.m.f. is constant, e = constant, then de = 0, dt and equation (4) assumes the form, for circuits, d?i di 1. continuous-current This equation is a linear relation between the dependent vari- able, i, and its differential quotients, and as such is integrated by an exponential function of the general form Ar i = al . (6) (This exponential function also includes the trigonometric functions sine and cosine, which are exponential functions with imaginary exponent a.) CONDENSER CHARGE AND DISCHARGE 49 Substituting (6) in (5) gives this must be an identity, irrespective of the value of t, to make (6) the integral of (5). That is, a?L - ar + ~ = 0. (7) A is still indefinite, and therefore determined by the terminal conditions of the problem. From (7) follows <*= 2L ' (8) hence the two roots, _r s and (9) a * = r +s 2L ' where s = y r2 - (10) Since there are two ~ roots, a l and o 2, either of the two expres- ions (6), e~ ait and ast , and therefore also any combination of these two expressions, satisfies the differential equation (5). That is, the general integral equation, or solution of differential equation (5), is 2L (ii) Substituting (11) and (9) in equation (3) gives the potential difference at the condenser terminals as r+s i) (12) 50 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA 31. Equations (11) and (12) contain two indeterminate con- A A stants, and 1 v which are the integration constants of the differential equation of second order, (5), and determined by the terminal conditions, the current and the potential differ- ence at the condenser at the moment t = 0. Inversely, since in a circuit containing inductance and capacity two electric quantities must be given at the moment of start of the phenomenon, the current and the condenser poten- tial t= representing the values of energy stored at the moment as electromagnetic and as electrostatic energy, respec- tively the equations must lead to two integration constants, that is, to a differential equation of second order. = Let i = = -i current and e e 1 Q potential difference at condenser terminals at the moment t = 0; substituting in (11) and (12), ^ = ^ " ~f~ and + r s. _.-,.-....... ,._.,-.,. A 2 r ir-.- s a. * 2 hence, and r s. en e -i i A 1 + r s. Bn & (13) and therefore, substituting in (11) and (12), the current is -e + r -5 . 9 *o _'_ 2L -r s. en e 4- 9 *0 e r-s 2L f , (14) the condenser potential is s e.-e-- (r-s)- r+s . e+"Zo~~*o -+s ~~3T~ t en -( -(r+s) rs. CONDENSER CHARGE AND DISCHARGE 51 For no condenser charge, or i = 0, e = 0, we have and s substituting in (11) and (12), we get the charging current as l = -j sc - -e 3/ - 'L - ) (16) The condenser potential an For a condenser discharge or i = 0, e = e , we have and s . en hence, the discharging current is The condenser potential is 6 A " , _ r-a + (r s)e _ 4 __ (r s) 2s ( _ r+s 2L f j ( ) that is, in condenser discharge and in condenser charge the currents are the same, but opposite in direction, and the condenser potential rises in one case in the same way as it falls in the other. 32. As example is shown, in Fig. 11, the charge of a con- denser of C = 10 mf. capacity by an impressed e.m.f. of 52 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA e = 1000 volts through a circuit of r = 250 ohms resistance and L - 100 inh. inductance; hence, s ='150 ohms, and the charging current is = - i 6.667 500 ' js- - 2000 '} amperes. The condenser potential is = - + e, 1000 {1 1.333 e~ 50ot 0.333s- 2000 volts. '} 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Fig, 11. Charging a condenser through a circuit having resistance and inductance. Constant potential. Logarithmic charge. 33. The equations (14) to (19) contain the square root, 4L hence, they apply in their present form only when 4L = If r2 ~ these , 4L > r2 C equations become indeterminate, or = and if 2 r < -^- , s is imaginary, and the equations assume a complex imaginary form. In either case they have to be rearranged to assume a form suitable for application. Three cases have thus to be distinguished : W4 > r~ . , in which the equations of the circuit can be used in their present form. Since the functions are exponential or logarithmic, this is called the logarithmic case. CONDENSER CHARGE AND DISCHARGE 53 = 4__L (5) r2 is called the critical case, marking the transi- (_/ tion between (a) and (c), but belonging to neither. < 2 (c) r . -yuj- In this case trigonometric functions appear; it is called the trigonometric case, or oscillation. 34. In the logarithmic case, or > 4 L < GV, that is, with high resistance, or high capacity, or low induc- tance, equations _~ r (14) ~s to (19) apply. r+s The term e 2L is always greater than s 2L since the , former has a lower coefficient in the exponent, and the differ- ence of these terms, in the equations of condenser charge and discharge, is always positive. That is, the current rises from zero at = t 0, reaches a maximum and then falls again to = zero at f oo but it never reverses. The maximum of the ; e current is less than i s The exponential term in equations (17) and (19) also never reverses. That is, the condenser potential gradually changes, without ever reversing or exceeding the impressed e.m.f. in the charge or the starting potential in the discharge. 4L Hence, in the case r3 > -G^-, no abnormal voltage is pro- duced in the circuit, and the. transient term is of short duration, so that a condenser charge or discharge under these conditions is relatively harmless. In charging or discharging a condenser, or in general a circuit containing capacity, the insertion of a resistance in series in the 4L circuit of such value that r2 > therefore eliminates the G danger from abnormal electrostatic or electromagnetic stresses. In general, the higher the resistance of a circuit, compared with inductance and capacity, the more the transient term is suppressed. 54 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA 35. In a circuit containing resistance and capacity but no inductance, L = 0, we have, substituting in (5), or, transposing, rf-o, (20) which is integrated by _ j_ = TC ; ce , (21) where c = integration constant. = = Equation (21) gives for t 0, i c; that is, the current at the moment of closing the circuit must have a finite value, or must jump instantly from zero to c. This is not possible, but so also it is not possible to produce a circuit without any induc- tance whatever. Therefore equation (21) does not apply for very small values of time, t, but for very small t the inductance, L, of the circuit, however small, determines the current. The potential difference at the condenser terminals from (3) is e e ri i hence = e . e l t rC res. (22) The integration constant c cannot be determined from equation (21) at t = 0, since the current i makes a jump at this moment. But from (22) it follows that if at the moment- 1 e = e TC } T, hence, -~ e e o = c , = 0, e^ 6l e (e e fl '. As seen, these equations do not depend upon the current i Q in the circuit at the moment before t = 0. CONDENSER CHARGE AND' DISCHARGE 55 36. These equations do not apply for very small values of t, but in this case the inductance, L, has to be considered, that is, equations (14) to (19) used. For L = the second term in (14) becomes indefinite, as it ' contains e and therefore has to be evaluated as follows: , For L = 0, we have = s r, r+s T / and T S= and, developed by the binomial theorem, dropping all but the first term, s=r 2L rC and rs T r + s = r 2L Substituting these values in equations (14) and (15) gives the current as _t = 1 - r _L t r (.ZO ) and the potential difference at the condenser as e^e-(e- e } i*; that is, in the equation of the current, the term ~ 6 6n fin T. (26) 56 TRAXSIEXT PIIKXOMEXA has to be added to equation (23). This term makes the transition = = from the circuit conditions before t to those after t 0, and is of extremely short duration. For instance, choosing the same constants as in 32, namely : e = 1000 volts; r = 250 ohms; C = 10 mf., but choosing the inductance as low as possible, L = 5 mh., gives the equations = = of condenser charge, i.e., for i and e 0, -400 Substituting (34) in (11) and (12), and rearranging, (34) (35) + U,-*' (36) Between the exponential function and the trigonometric functions exist the relations and + +/ = cos v j sin v cos v sm ] v. J (37) Substituting (37) in (35), and rearranging, gives __r_ f ^.cosi = i e 2L (4 1 4- + j (A, - sn Substituting the two new integration constants, B 1== A, + A 2 and (38) gives 2' L B cos -~ t + 1 2i ju ^= ," sin 2 Li t { ) . (39) 60 THAXSIEXT PHEXOMEXA In the same manner, substituting (37) in (36), rearranging, and substituting (38), gives = e. e ^ ^ ~ ^* Q^ l r ~^~~L ( 1 "*" sm oT s i ^ 2 cos %/ TnTj/Vt. ((4Q-R)} hence, the frequency of oscillation is 1 or, substituting __g J ~4 gives the frequency of oscillation as (49) (50) CONDENSER CHARGE AND DISCHARGE 63' This frequency decreases with increasing resistance t, and becomes zero / r \3 1 forf \2 LIJ =.779, JuL> that is, 2 r 4L ==-7G7-, or the critical case, where the phenomenon ceases to be oscillating. If the resistance is small, so that the second term in equa- tion (50) can be neglected, the frequency of oscillation is ZxVLC (51) Substituting for t by equation (48) t = 2L in equations (42) and (43) gives the general equations, ^= -sin (52) =e and . 2L/ (50) 42. If the resistance r can be neglected, that is, if r2 is small 4L compared with the , following equations are approximately exact: and (54) or, (55) 64 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA Introducing now x = 2 x/L inductive reactance and = xf = capacity reactance, and substituting (55), we 2 TT/G have and hence, = xf x, that is, the frequency of oscillation of a circuit containing inductance and capacity, but negligible resistance, is that frequency / which makes the condensive reactance xf = 2i TtjC equal the inductive reactance x = 2 n/L : Then (54), * = x- - \/| q = 2 r, and the general equations (52) and (53) are cos - _r (e e) .i ] -| At, Xv sinO I : ' I J (56) (57) -e ) cos ^ + X ^i 0; sin (59) ) z=\/f (56) and by (48) and (55) : e-JvLw.. CONDENSER CHARGE AND DISCHARGE 65 43. Due to the factor e 2L , successive half waves of oscilla- ^ tion decrease the more in amplitude, the greater the resistance r. The ratio of. the amplitude of successive half waves, or the - = = decrement of the oscillation, is A 2L As seen, for r 0.21 r v or a resistance of the circuit of more than 21 per cent of its critical resistance, the decrement A is below 50 per cent, or the second half wave less than half the first one, etc. ; that is, very little oscillation is left. Where resistance is inserted into a circuit to eliminate the danger from oscillations, one-fifth of the critical resistance, or r = 0.4 y u , seems sufficient to practically dampen out the oscillation. CHAPTER VI. OSCILLATING CURRENTS. 44. The charge and discharge of a condenser through an inductive circuit produces periodic currents of a frequency depending upon the circuit constants. The range of frequencies which can be produced by electrodynamic machinery is rather limited: synchronous machines or ordinary alternators can give economically and in units of larger size frequencies from 10 to 125 cycles. Frequencies below 10 cycles are available by commutating machines with low frequency excitation. Above 125 cycles the difficulties rapidly increase, clue to the great number of poles, high peripheral speed, high power required for field excitation, poor regulation due to the massing of the conductors, which is required because of the small pitch per pole of the machine, etc., so that 1000 cycles probably is the limit of generation of constant potential alternating currents of appreciable power and at fair efficiency. For smaller powers, by using capacity for excitation, inductor alternators have been built and are in commercial service for wireless telegraphy and telephony, for frequencies up to 100,000 and even 200,000 cycles per second. Still, even going to the limits of peripheral speed, and sacrificing everything for high frequency, a limit is reached in the frequency available by electrodynamic generation. It becomes of importance, therefore, to investigate whether by the use of the condenser discharge the range of frequencies can be extended. Since the oscillating current approaches the effect of an alternating current only if the damping is small, that is, the resistance low, the condenser discharge .can be used as high frequency generator only by making the circuit of as low resistance as possible. 67 68 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA This, however, means limited power. When generating oscillating currents by condenser discharge, the load put on the circuit, that is, the power consumed in the oscillating-current circuit, represents an effective resistance, which increases the rapidity of the decay of the oscillation, and thus limits the power, and, when approaching the critical value, also lowers the frequency. This is obvious, since the oscillating current is the dissipation of the energy stored electrostatically in the condenser, and tho higher the resistance of the circuit, the more rapidly is this energy dissipated, that is, the faster the oscillation dies out. With a resistance of the circuit sufficiently low to give a fairly well sustained oscillation, the frequency is, with sufficient approximation, 45. The constants, capacity, C, inductance, L, and resistance, r, have no relation to the size or bulk of the apparatus. For instance, a condenser of 1 mf., built to stand continuously a potential of 10,000 volts, is far larger than a 200-volt condenser of 100 mf. capacity. The energy which the former is able to = Ce2 store is 50 joules, while the latter stores only 2 joules, and therefore the former is 25 times as large. A reactive coil of 0.1 henry inductance, designed to carry = I/? continuously 100 amperes, stores 500 joules; a reactive coil of 1000 times the inductance, 100 henrys, but of a current- carrying capacity of 1 ampere, stores 5&joules only, therefore is t only about one-hundrMth the size of the former. A resistor of 1 ohm, carrying continuously 1000 amperes, is a ponderous mass, dissipating 1000 kw.; a resistor having a resistance a million times as large, of one megohm, may be a lead pencil scratch on a piece of porcelain. Therefore the size or bulk of condensers and reactors depends not only on C and L but also on the voltage and current which can be applied continuously, that is, it is approximately pro- ~/"Y 2 T **> portional to the energy stored, and , or since in electrical OSCILLATING CURRENTS 69 engineering energy is a quantity less frequently used than power, condensers and reactors are usually characterized by the power or rather apparent power which can be impressed upon them continuously by referring to a standard frequency, for which 60 cycles is generally used. That means that reactors, condensers, and resistors are rated in kilowatts or kilovolt-amperes, just as other electrical apparatus, and this rating characterizes their size within the limits of design, while a statement like "a condenser of 10 mf. " or "a, reactor of 100 mh." no more characterizes the size than a statement like "an alternator of 100 amperes capacity" or "a transformer of 1000 volts." A bulk of 1 cu. ft. in condenser can give about 5 to 10 kv-amp. at 60 cycles. Hence, 100 kv-amp. constitutes a very large size of condenser. In the oscillating condenser discharge, the frequency of oscil- lation is such that the inductive reactance equals the condensive reactance. The same current is in both at the same terminal voltage. That means that the volt-amperes consumed by the inductance equal the volt-amperes consumed by the capacity. The kilovolt-amperes of a condenser as well as of a reactor are proportional to the frequency. With increasing frequency, at constant voltage impressed upon the condenser, the current varies proportionally with the frequency; at constant alter- nating current through the reactor, the voltage varies propor- tionally with the frequency. If then at the frequency of oscillation, reactor and con- denser have the same kv-arnp. ; they also have the same at 60 cycles. A 100-kv-amp. condenser requires a coil for generating oscillating currents. 100-kv-amp. reactive A 100-kv-amp. react- ive coil has approximately the same size as a 50-kw. trans- former and can indeed be made from such a transformer, of ratio 1 : 1, by connecting the two coils in series and inserting into the magnetic circuit an air gap of such length as to give the rated magnetic density at the rated current. A very large oscillating-current generator, therefore, would consist of 100-kv-amp. condenser and 100-kv-amp. reactor. 46. Assuming the condenser to be designed for 10,000 volts alternating impressed e.m.f. at 60 cycles, the 100 kv-amp. con- 70 TRANSIENT PHEXOMEXA. denser consumes 10 amperes: its condensive E x c =y= 1000 ohms, and the capacity = (7 - 1 reactance is = 2.65 inf. Designing the reactor for different currents, and therewith different voltages, gives different values of inductance L, and therefore of frequency of oscillation /. From the equations of the instantaneous values of the condenser discharge, (46) and (47), follow their effective values, or \/niean square, and (63) and thus the power, since for small values of r (64) Herefrom would follow that the energy of each discharge is (65) Therefore, for 10,000 volts effective at 60 cycles at the condenser terminals, the e.m.f. is e = 10,000 V2 ; and the condenser voltage is - __!L 2L t e l 10,000s ... Designing now the 100-kv-amp. reactive coil for different voltages and currents gives for an oscillation of 10,000 volts: OSCILLATING CURRENTS 71 As seen, with the same kilovolt-ampere capacity of condenser and of reactive coil, practically any frequency of oscillation can be produced, from low commercial frequencies up to hundred thousands of cycles. At frequencies between 500 and 2000 cycles, the use of iron in the reactive coil has to be -restricted to an inner core, and at frequencies above this iron cannot be used, since hysteresis and eddy currents would cause excessive damping of the oscillation. The reactive coil then becomes larger in size. 47. Assuming 96 per cent efficiency of the reactive coil and 99 per cent of the condenser, r = 0.05 x, gives r = L 0.05V/ since = x 2 TtfL, and the energy of the discharge, by (65), is ~2 Q = 10 e 2 volt-ampere-seconds; 2r thus the power factor is = cos O n 0.05. 72 TRANSIENT PHENOMENA Since the energy stored in the capacity is W ~- joules, the critical resistance is hence, -= 0.025, and the decrement of the oscillation is A = 0.92, that is, the decay of the wave is very slow at no load. , Assuming, however, as load an external effective resistance equal to three times the internal resistance, that is, an electrical efficiency of 75 per cent, gives the total resistance as + r = r' 0.2 x; hence, r + ff - n i and the decrement is ^i A = 0.73; hence a fairly rapid decay of the wave. At high frequencies, electrostatic, inductive, and radiation, losses greatly increase the resistance, thus giving lower efficiency and more rapid decay of the wave. 48. The frequency of oscillation does not directly depend upon the size of apparatus, that is, the kilovolt-ampere capacity of condenser and reactor. Assuming, for instance, the size, iii kilovolt-amperes, reduced to -, then, if designed for the sumo - voltage, condenser and reactor, each takes n the current, that ' is, the condensive reactance is n times as great, and therefore - L the capacity of the condenser, C,reduced to *n , the inductance,* *