( This chapter deals two closely debates general relativity 1916-1918, one on gravitational waves, the other on the correct formulation of conservation laws. Both issues involve-the definition of a quantity rep- resenting the stress-energy of the gravitational field. Such definitions were typically proposed in the context of deriving the gravitational field equa- tions from a.variational principle. A proper understanding of the debates on gravitational waves and conservation laws therefore requires some dis- cussion of the rather complicated history of attempts to derive gravitational field equations from a/variational principle. 1 We will trace Einstein's work on gravitational waves and work on conservation laws during the years 1916-1918 in this more complex network. 'We objections to Einstein's approach Levi- Civita, Schrodinger, at alternative approaches suggested by Lorentz Levi-Civita; and at Einstein's response'to of them. In particular, we examine 1917 correspondence between Einstein and Levi-Civita. We will see how Levi-Civita's criticism of Einstein's formulation'of conservation laws strengthened Einstein his· conviction physical considerations force one to adopt a noncovariant .II. '-'.II..II..II..II.'-'L.II.\l.4.\I,..a.'-J.Il...Il. of conservation laws for matter plus gravitational field. Einstein and Grossmann 1914 and Einstein 1914, Einstein used a variational method to derive field equations of limited covariance of his 64 Carlo Cattani and Michelangelo De Maria so-called Entwurf theory (Einstein and Grossmann 1913). He used conservation of energy-momentum of matter plus gravitational field~the stressenergy of the latter'being represented by apseudotensor rather a tensor-to define the Lagrangian for the gravitational field to restrict the covariance of his theory. Einstein believed he had found a very general argument to fix the Lagrangian for the gravitational field. This Lagrangian leads to the field ~quationsof the Entwurf theory. By substituting the gravitational tensor into the law of conservation of energy-momentum of matter (with stress-energy tensor ~ V), Einstein was able to derive certain constraints on H that he thought uniquely fixed its form. Imposing conservation of energy-momentum of matter and unaware of the contracted Bianchi identities, he obtained a set of equations to be satisfied by the gravitational field: -8,8.x-VS'av - ' B0'=0, (a, v, .' .. = 0, 1,2,3) (1) Einstein Cllhr"'Il'lrr.clril So' v.. = (3) and used these conditions to define the form of Entwurf field equations in form3 aC:a(~_ggafJr~fJ) = -X('T1l111l"''\{Tn1l"1I111l'''O scalar R. For a function As long as gravitational no derivatives of gj1V higher than of second order, 1t must be sum of these two functions: (8) By ev~luating "Lagrangian derivatives" I, p. 397) of /H respect to various obtained the evolution tions for both gravitational electromagnetic potentials. next step was to show that Axiom 2 allows one to give explicit proof of the cavan- anceof these evolution equations. Splitting the Lagran.gian into the scalar curvatureinvariant for the gravitational field and a Lagrangian Conservation Laws and Gravitational Waves 67 the electromagnetic field, ...... ~L'-'_JELlI,. arrived at correct gravitational field equations: -x Gil-V = r1::::;;~v, v-g (9) where (10) Finally, the evolution equations for electrodynamics in a curved space-time by generalizing Mie's for space-time. In conclusion, we want to stress the of method: (1) derived equations in the context of electro- magnetic of matter. As a consequence, his variational method not be generalized to other matter. To accomplish have to specify how matter Lagrangian depends on the potentials '-J'JLJLI~ .... lI,.lI.41l.-,.... .... gJ1,v' (2) generally covariant field equations, he made use of Lagrangian derivatives were not generally covariant. (3) was unaware of contracted Bianchi identities, so he arrived at the explicit form ofthe gravitational tensor in a rather clumsy way. In 1916, DutHISJl1ea .L.J'-J'JI.'''''JLllll.-1L.J ity (Lorentz field equations gravitational gravitational As ~pposed' to the unspecified Lagrangian of his 1915 article, Lorentz now chose curvature scalar n as the Lagrangian for grav- itational field. come to realize the Lagrangian to be a generally covariantscalar (Lorentz 1916, I, p. 248,p. 251; see also Janssen 1992). Lorentz n the variation of the action into two parts. The first part, which is no longer a scalar leads to gravitational field equations; the second vanishes identically on account of the boundary conditions. Moreover, he showed that the form of his gravitational tensor coincided with Einstein's "onlyfor one special choice of coordinates" (Lorentz 1916, 68 Carlo Cattani and Michelangelo De Maria p. 281, italics in the original). Lorentz the correct gravitational field equations (Lorentz 1916, p. 285). We want to stress, however, that Lorentz made some assumptions in deriving mGlth~~m~atH;alJlV ll1l'lnl'll'll:,rfJI1l'"1l"'fJI'lnI1t"arll his results. He assumed that variations of the components of the metric tensor have tensor character. Moreover, he to make a special choice of coordinates. Lorentz also discussed the conservation of energy-momentum of matter plus gravitational field, and arrived at the equations (6) obtained by Einstein in 1914 (Lorentz 1916, 292). Lorentz too was aware of the fact the complex'ta V is nota (Lorentz 1916, p.294). Whereas this was p-erfectly acceptable.to Einstein, Lorentz wrote that [e]vidently. it would be more satisfactory if we could ascribe a stress-energy-tensor to the gravitation field. Now this can really be done. (Lorentz 1916" III,p. 295~ italics in the original) A "natural" candidate for this tensor, according to Lorentz, was gravitational tensor GJlvof Einstei~'s generally covariant field equations. Therefore ,he suggested one interpret these equations as conservation laws. In Lorentz's opinion this interpretation of the field \,.1\..11 Qo.l1U.lI.-ll.VlI.JlO and the conception to which they have led, may look some"what starAccording to it-we should have to imagine behind the directly obseryallie world with its· stresses, energy etc. ,', the gravitation field is hidden with stress~s, energy etc. that are everywhere equal and opposite to the former; evidently this is in agreement with the interchange of momentum and energy which accompanies the action of gravitation. On the way of a lightbeam, e.g.,· there would be 'everywhere in the gravitation field an energy current equal and opposite to the one t:?xisting in the beam. If we remember that this hidden'energy-current·can be fully described mathematically by the quantities gab and that only the interchange just mentioned makes it perceptible to us, this mode of viewing the phenomena does not seem unacceptable. At all events we are forcibly led to it if we want to preserve the advantage of a stress-energy-tensor also for the gravitation field. (Lorentz 1916, III, p. 296, italics in the original) In part IV' of his paper, Lorentz compared'his definition of the stress~nergy components of the gravitational field with the definition given by Einstein. While expression contained first and second order derivatives ofthemetric, "Einstein on the contrary has given valuesfor the stress-energy componefltswhichcontainthe derivatives only and which therefore are in many respects much more fit for application" (Lore,ntz 1916, IV, p. 297). Thus Lorentz defin,ed a stress-energy complex withcomponents to' v' are homogeneous·and'quadratic functions of the first-order derivatives of the me~ricanddo not contain any higher-order derivatives. The divergence of Conservation Laws and Gravitational Waves 69 Lorentz's complex coincides the divergence of Einstein's ta- v. Lorentz -H showed when = 1 and gOlfJ = DOlfJ his complex is the same as Einstein's. He added that "it seems very agreement will exist in general" (Lorentz 1916, IV, p. 299). In conclusion, we want stress Lorentz showed, for the first time, the quantity representing gravitational stress~energy was not uniquely defined. In 1916, Einstein- returned to a variational approach to derive his gravi- field equations. 1I"01l"11r'hndJln remarked that both Lorentz and Hilbert had succeeded giving general relativity a clear form by deriving the field equations from a single variational principle. His aim now was to present the basic relations of the theory as clearly as possible and a more general way. In fact, he considered his new approach more general and "in contrast especially with Hilbert's treatment" (Einstein 1916b, p. 1111), since he rejected some of restrictive hypotheses' on the nature of matter. H , starting point was the universal function 1t ~ H assumed to be a function of the metric tensor and its first-order derivatives and a linear function of its second-order ~erivatives. Furthermore, he generalized the variat~onal principle to any physical phenomenon by assuming 1-l to be dependent on matter variables qp (not necessarily ofelectromagnetic origin) and their first-order derivatives. Thus, he replaced his 1914 Lagrangian by (11) Integrating a Lagrangian of this form one arrives at variational principle the usual boundary conditions, D 1t*dr = 0, (12) where 1{* no longer depends on the second-order derivatives of the metric. Einstein had to start from a function of the form of (11) because, according to his principle of general relativity, the Lagrangian 1{ must be invariant under arbitrary coordinate transformations. However, the reduction of 1{ to 1t* (i.e., the reduction to a quadratic function of the metric's first-order derivatives) enabled Einstein to make use of the mathematical machinery developed in his 1914 paper. Meanwhile, the problems he had struggled 70 Carlo Cattani and Michelangelo De Maria in 1914 been overcome: the theory was now generally covariant and his choice ofa Lagrangian was no longer (Norton 1984; Cattani 1989b). Einstein's next step was to the Lagrangian into a gravitational and a matter part (see equation (8) above). Einstein concluded that in order to satisfy his principle of general relativity, gravitational part of the Lagrangian "(up to a constant factor) must be the scalar of the Riemann curvature tensor; since there is no other invariant required properties" (Einstein 1916b, p. 1113). Clos~ly following variational approach, Einstein showed, using an infinitesimal- coordinate transformationx~/-= x~+!:ix~, conditionBI-t = o(see equation (3) above) still holds. fact, Einstein proved that this condition--could be obtained by showing that li.J Rdr = 1.5. JR* dr where Theref9re, the relation BJt='O now every coordinate system, to the invariance·of R and to the principle of general Bit played a fundamental role Einstein's new derivation of conservation laws. In fact,; according to Einstein, v...I\.U"~>"/"llULv...I\.\I,.JI.'U'.lI..lI.U' (7). ·These equations ,allowed way, conservation laws. ,.,... a + axa (aagR~f*L g V~) . = v X (.ler v ter ), (13) where conditions (2)-(3) are JI..Il..Il..Il.llJ'U'U'~__q it follows (R*8~ - a~:g~a)'. aga (15) "'Whenequation (13) is with respect to xv, the left-hand,side tumsinto Bf-l.Since B~ vanishes, obtained in this way is equation (6), expressing conservation of t(}talenergy-momentum. Conservation Laws and Gravitational Waves 71 As in his previous theory, Einstein ~ v as· representing stress-energy density for matter and t(j v as representing the stress-energy density of the gravitational (Einstein 1916b, p. 1116). He concluded that although· t(j v was not a tensor, the equations expressing the conserva- tion of total energy-momentum are generally covariant, since they were directly from the 'U'VQ.l\.ll..ll.ll..Jl.""'-' of general relativity (Einstein 1916b, p. 1116). As we see,this claim led Levi-Civita, in 1917, to dispute not only the tensor character of t(j v also equations used as his conservation laws for matter gravitational field De 1989a). on In paper from 1916, Einstein tried to compute components of t(j v for special case of a weak field, doing so discovered the existence of waves. The metric for the weak is written, as in form (16) Minkowski metric YJLV (and its first-order derivatives) are Inl1nlteS:imcal ~U".Il..II.\L..ll.\L.jl..""'0. weak-field approximation the equa- tions reduce to (17) where Y '. JLV .= YJLV - 21:y8JLv , JL Y YJL· (18) The Y~v are defined only up to a gauge transformation. Einstein therefore imposed gauge condition way, found solutions of the weak-field equations,vanishing are the analogs of retarded potentials in electrodynamics.. There- fore, according to Einstein, "gravitational fields propagate as waves speed of light" (Einstein 1916a,p. 692). Multiplying equation (17) by aY~v / 8x(j , Einstein obtained the conservation law for the total energy- mome:ntu:m in the usual (6), where aY~f3 a.Y~f3 _ 1.8 v·",·.(aY~f3.). 2 (19) axJL 8x V 2JL LJ ax r. a{3r 72 Carlo Cattani and Michelangelo De Maria deriving the conservation law, however, Einstein made a trivial math- ematical error used y/Ol/3 instead of yOl/3 in conservation law for matter). As we shall see, two years elapsed before discovered this "regrettable error in computation" (Einstein 1918b, p. 154). The error caused some "strange results" (Einstein 1916a, p. 696). Einstein obtained three different types of gravitational waves compatible with (17): not just longitudinal and transversal 'ones but also a "new type" of wave (Einstein 1916a, p. 693). Using equation (19) to compute the energy carried by these waves, he found the paradoxical-result that no energy transport was associated with either the longitudinal or the transversal waves. tried to explain this absurdity by'treating these waves as fictitious: The strange result that _there should exist gravitational waves without energy transport ... can easily be explained. They are not "real" waves, but "apparent" ones, because we have chosen as the coordinate system the one vibrating ~sthe waves. (Einstein 1916a, p. 696) Einstein found only the kind of waves transport energy. He concluded, however, that the mean value of the energy radiated by this new type of waves was very small, because of a damping factor Ijc4 and because of the small value of the gravitational constant X 1.87 · 10-27) entered into its expression. the possibility of gr2lvlt:atlOtlcll l JL\\-I1o-.J1.\L..Q.lL.J1.,",,'.II..B. was bothersome. As Einstein.stated in his paper: Nevertheless, due to .the motion of the electrons in the atom, the atoms should radiate not only electromagnetic energy, but also gravitational energy, though in a little quantity. Since, this does not happen in nature, it seems that the quantum theory should modify not only the electrodynamics of Maxwell, but also the new theory of gravitation. (Einstein 1916a,p.696) 80 Einstein's choice of a noncovariant stress~energy complex (Einstein 1916b) and strange results on waves (Einstein 1916a) motivated Leyi-Civita to try a satisfactory definition of a gravitational stress- energy theory (Levi-Civita 1917). In opinion, it was Einstein's use of pseudotensor quantities physically unacceptable results on gravitational waves. He wrote: The idea of a gravitational [stress-energy] tensor belongs to the majestic construction of Einstein. But the definition proposed by the author is unsatisfactory. Firstof all, from the mathematical pointof,view, it lacks ~he invariant character it should have in the spirit of general relativity. Conservation Laws and Gravitational Waves 73 More serious is the fact, noticed also by Einstein, that it leads to a clearly unacceptable physical result regarding gravitational waves. He thought that the way out of this last problem was through the quantum theory.... Indeed, the explanation is closer at hand: everything depends on the correct form of the gravitational [stress-energy] tensor. (Levi-Civita 1917,p.381) In Levi-Civita's opinion, general relativity called for a generally covariant gravitational stress-en1ergy tensor. Since no. differential invariants of the first order exist, one cannot have a stress-energy tensor containing only first- order derivatives of the metric; since the definition of ta v in (Einstein 1916b) only contains first-order derivatives, Levi-Civita concluded that "Einstein's choice the gravitational tensor is not justified" (Levi-Civita 1917, p. 391). Levi-Civita, in fact, showed that Einstein's stress-energy complex was covariant under linear transformations only. He proposed a new for the gravitational stress-energy tensor, and, consequently, a new for the conservation law. Starting from the Ricci tensor RJ-lv, Levi-Civita, like Hilbert in 1915, = GJ-lV ril.a.lI"1n.alril RJtv - ~ gJ-lV R and wrote the gravitational field equations in of (9). Using, for the first time, the contracted Bianchi iden- tities, Levi-Civita showed that the covariant divergence of GJ-l v vanishes: VvGJ-lv = O. Consequently, Vv~v = O. This conservation law for matter will Levi-Civita pointed out, since "~v includes the complete con- tribution of all phenomena (but gravitation) which take place at the point in consideration" (Levi-Civita 1917, p. 389). Levi-Civita now made·a move similar to the one we saw Lorentz make earlier: proposed to interpret equation (9) both as field equations and as conservation laws. Defining the stress-energy tensor for the gravitational field as'-- = = + def 1 Ajtv -Yjtv -~v =} AJ-lv ~v = 0, X (20) he identified A/lV as the components of a [stress-]energy tensor of the space-time domain, Le., depending only on the coefficients of ds2 • Such a tensor can be called both gravitational and inertial, since gravity and inertia shnultaneously depend on ds 2• (Levi-Civita 1917, p. 389) Acco~?ingtRLevi-Civita, A/Lv completely characterizes the contribution of gravityto the local mechanical behavior. With this interpretation, it follows from equfltion (20) that no net flux of energy can exist. This equilibrium is guaranteed by the "real" existence of both quantities which, being tensors, are independent of the choice of coordinates. Hence, 74 Carlo·Cattani and Michelangelo De Maria [n]ot only the total force applied to every single element vanishes" but also (taking into account the inertia of the Aj.tv) the total stress, the flux, and the energy density. (Levi-Civita 1917, p. 389) So, for Levi-Civita, gravitational stress-energy is characterized by the only element independent of the coordinates, the Riemann tensor. In Levi-Civita's approach, the problems Einstein ran into are avoided. Einstein to the possibility that gravitational waves transporting energy are generated the absence of sources. Einstein's weak-field equations h~ve solutions for ~v = 0 representing such spon- taneous gravitational waves. Moreover, the energy flux, computed on the basis of equation (17), could be zero in one coordinate system and nonzero in another. Einstein invoked the of theory to solve these problems. Levi-Civita ,claimed that it was enough to define the gravitational stress-energy. tensor the way sugg~sted to reinterpret field equations accordingly.. This precludes situations of the sort Einstein encountered, for, according to (20), stress-energy tensor ,AJLv vanishes whenever the stress-energy tensor ~v for vanishes. the summer of 1917, the Great a vacation to country, gave him a copy ofLev~-Civita's paper (Levi- published in Rendiconti dell'Accademia o n August 2, JJ...4 .....·..........JLlLlL...... '1 Einstein wrote a long was very close to war front), in order to rebut criticism of his theory, especially use of a pseudotensor to represent gravitational stress-energy. Einstein gave physical considerations to show stress-energy of the field cannot be represented by a generally covariant tensor. Einstein began letter··expressing his for work": I admire the elegance of your of calculation. It must be nice toride throughthese fields upon the horse of true mathematics, while people like me have to make their way laboriously on foot. . .. I still don't understand your objections to my view of the gravitationalfield. I would like to tellyou again'what causes me to persist· in my view. , (Einstein to Levi-Civita, August 2, 1917,p. 1) Conservation Laws and Gravitational Waves 75 He proceeded to discuss the example of a counterweight pell0UUUlTI clock to show that Levi-Civita's choice of a tensor to represent the stress- energy of the gravitational field is problematic from a physical of view: I start with a Galilean space, i.e~, one with constant g/-tv. Merely by changing the reference system [i.e., by introducing an accelerated reference system], I obtain a gravitational field. If in K' a pendulum clock driven by a weight is set up a state in which it is not working, gravitational energy is transformed into heat, while relative to the original system K, certainly no gravitational field and thereby no energy of this field is present.7 Since, in K, all components of the energy "tensor" in question vanish identically, all components would also have to vanish in K', if the energy of gravitation could actually be expressed by a tensor. (Einstein to Levi-Civita, August 2, 1917, p. 1) stress-energy could be expressed by a tensor, no gravita- j:;".Il.f..lI.'If.ll.\\,U\\...Il."-JJl.Jlll.4.1l. occur in , in which case, contrary to experience, gravitational energy be transformed into heat. In short, the pen- example shows that it should be possible for the components of gravitational stress-energy to be zero in one reference frame nonzero in U.D.J1.'-,\\...D..ll\",1.1l.. Therefore, gravitational stress-energy cannot be represented by a generally covariant tensor. Notice how Einstein's reasoning here is deeply rooted in conception of equivalence principle. To the physical argument of the pendulum clock, Einstein adds an ar- gument against the tensor character of gravitational stress-energy of a more mathematical In general, it seems to me that the energy components of the gravitational field should only depend upon the first-order derivatives ofg/-tv, because this is also valid for the forces exerted by the fields. 8 Tensors of the first order (depending only on Bg/-tv/8xa = g~V), however, do not exist. (Einstein to Levi-Civita, August 2, 1917, pp. 1-2) In his letter, went on to criticize Levi-Civita's interpretation of the gravitational field equations (20) as conservation laws. .Einstein gave some examples. showing such conservation laws would have strange and undesired consequences. He wrote to Levi-Civita, You think that the field equations ... should be conceived of as energy equations, so that [Q;:] would be the [stress-]energy components of the gravitational field. However, with this conception it is quite incomprehensible how something like the energy law could hold in spaces where gravity can be disregarded. Why, for example, should it not be possible on your view for a body to cool off without giving off heat to the outside? (Einstein to Levi-Civita, August 2, 1917, p. 2) 76 Carlo Cattani and Michelangelo De Maria On Levi-Civita's proposed of the conservation laws, the for matter to lose energy, it seems, is to transfer it to It does not seem to allow for possibility of energy ...m. .......~lJlU.m.'''''.m. one place to another. At the same time, Levi-Civita's proposal did seem to allow for processes one would like to rule out. Einstein wrote: The equation gt + 7;.4 = 0 (21) allows~4 to decrease everywhere, in which case this change is com- pensated for by. a decrease of the, physically not perceived, absolute 91.... value of the quantity I maintain, therefore, that what you [Levi- Civita]. call the ep.ergy law has nothing to do with what is otherwise so designated in physics. (Einstein to Levi-Civita, August 2, 1917, p. 2) these grounds, Einstein rejected Levi-Civita's .Il.ll..ll.IL,.~""'.IlfIJ.a.VII,.'4\L..Il'-".ll..Il of equations as conservation laws, and on to tion of the conservation layvs (6).He argued this was .Il"-".Il..ll..IlJl.Ul.ll.tl.4\L..lI."-".Il.lL perfectly sensible from a physical point of view, even though it a pseudotensor representing gravitational stress-energy: [My] conclusions are correct, whether or not one admits that the t~ are "really" the components of the gravitational [stress-]energy. That is to ~ay, relation d dx~ =0 holds true with the vanishing of 4r v and ta v at [spatial] infinity, where the integral is extended over the whole three-dimensional space. For my conclusions, it is only necessary 144 be the· energy density of matter, which neither one of us doubts. (Einstein to Levi-Civita, August 2, 1917, p. 2) Finally, Einstein lIJ"-".l!..Jl..8.II,.,-'-, out that, in his definition, the· gravitational stress-energy exhibits desired behavior at spatial infinity: ... (in the static case) the field at infinity must be completely determined by the energy of matter and of the gravitational field (taken together). This is the case with my interpretation.. .. (Einstein to Levi-Civita, August2, 1917, p. 2) Levi-Civita's At the end of August 1917, Einstein received Levi-Civita's answer,9 flattery as well as criticism: Conservation Laws and Gravitational Waves 77 I am very grateful that you kindly appreciate the mathematics of my last articles but the credit of having discovered these nevv fields of research goes to you. (Levi-Civita to Einstein, August 1917, draft, p. 1) letter, Levi-Civita criticized Einstein's the gravitational energy, wondering why a of first-order derivatives of tensor be taken as stress-energy (pseudo)tensor, and asking for a more convincing motivation of choice. the other granted Einstein his interpretation of field equations as conservation laws was not very fecund: I recognize the importance of your objection that, in doing so, the energy principle would lose all its heuristic vC:\lue, because no physical process (or almost none) could be excluded a priori. In fact, [in order to get any physical process] one only has to associate it a suitable change of the ds2 • (Levi-Civita to Einstein,August 1917, draft, p. 1) tensor seems to be referring to Einstein's example of a stress-energy whose energy component decreases everywhere. Ein- stein's conservation laws (4) such a stress-energy tensor. It looks as if Levi-Civita's conservation laws, I.e., the gravitational field equations, do It looks as would be possible for almost any matter stress-energy tensor to a metric field such the field equations are satisfied. The conservation laws thus seem to lose "heuristic value" of restricting the range of acceptable matter stress-energy tensors. Of course, through the contracted Bianchi identities" the field equations do, in fact, restrict the range of acceptable stress-energy tensors. In his letter, Levi-Civitastressed having no prejudice against a definition gravitational stress-energy dependent on the choice of coordinates, or, as he it, dependent on the expression of ds2, in analogy with what happens for the notion of force of the field. . . . In the case of the equations of motion, written in the forf!l x v}. 2 d v _ { dx'" dx v & ' ds 2 - - (f {t ds one can explicitly connect the right-hand side (which does not define either a covariant or a contravariant system) with the ordinary notion of force. According to you, the same should happe~ for your ta v (which do not constitute a tensor). I am not in principle opposed to your point of view. On the contrary, I am inclined to presume that it is right as are aU intuitions of geniuses. But I would like to see each conceptual step [canceled: logical element] to be clearly explained and described, as is done (or, at least, as is known can be done) in the case of the equation above, where we know how to recover the ordinary notion of force. (Levi-Civita to Einstein, August 1917, draft, pp. 1-2) 78 Carlo Cattani arid Michelangelo De Maria At the same time, Levi-Civitainsisted that, at least from a logicalpoint of view, there 'Has wrong his own choice of a generally covariant tensor to represent gravitational stress-energy: [canceled: Let me add some opinions for a logical defense]. While I maintain an attitude of prudent reserve and wait, I still want to defend the logical flawlessness of my tensor 9JLV. (Levi-Civita to Einstein, August 1917, draft, p. 2) Next, Levi-Civita attacked the· counterweight pendulum-clock example: I want to'.stress that, contrary to. whatyou claim,'thereis no contradiction between the accounts of the pendulum-clock in the two systems K and K', the first one fixed (in the Newtonian sense),the second one moving with constant acceleration. You say that: (a) K, the- energy·tensor zero because the gJLV are constant; (b) in K", thisis not the case; instead, there.is a physical phenomenon with·an observable transformation of energy into heat; (c) due to the .invariant. character of a tensor, the simultaneous validity of (a) and (b) implies that there is something wrong with the premises'. contest (a), since we can assume .... gJLv. constant outside of the ponderable bodies, but [not] in the space taken by your pendulumclock. (Levi-Civita to Einstein, August 1917, draft, p. 2) to Einstein's comment on 1!"'£:l!IC''lI'''Ilr\\1'l''lIrU£:l!IrfI behavior regard to the last consideration of your letter (point 4), if I am not wrong, it [the behavior of the gravitational field at infinity] is not a consequence of the special form of your ta v, is equally valid for my AJLv. It.seems to me that the behavior at infinity can be obtained from [our equation (20)] by using the circumstance that the divergence of the tensor A JLV is identically zero; therefore, the divergence of ~v also. vanishes, it red~ces asympto.tically to. ~a7xVirv =0, because the gJLV tend to the values EJLv the constant Minkowski values of the metric tensor]. (Levi-Civita to Einstein, August 1917~draft, p. 2) So, Levi-Civita invoked the contracted Bianchi identities to show his conservation laws, like Einstein's, exhibit the desired 'behavior at infinity. Conservation Laws and Gravitational Waves 79 In an addendum, Levi-Civita finally remarked: An indication in favor [of our equation (20)] is the negative value of the energy density of the gravitational field Aoo (assuming 100 > 0). This is in agreement with the old att¥mpts to localize the potential ellergy of a Newtonian body, and explains the minus sign as due to the exceptional role of gravity compared to all other physical phenomena. (Levi-Civita to Einstein, August 1917, draft, p.2) on Waves .a. ..._ ....a.'"'JII..lL_A 18) After Levi-Civita's August 1917 letter, the polemic between two scien- tists stopped Einstein in 1918 published a new paper on gravitational waves (Einstein 1918b). In introduction, he recognized earlier approach to gravitational waves (in Einstein 1916a) was not transparent enough, and it was lIlarred by a regrettable error in computation. ,Therefore, I have to tum back to the same argument. (Einstein 1918b, 154) Because of this error, he had obtained wrong expression for his stress- energy complex. Correcting the error, Einstein could easily derive the correct expression for the stress-energy complex. As a consequence, he only two n.hllrlJlll1l''IIal"1l of waves, thereby resolving physical para- doxes of his previous results. ~instein could now assert with confidence [aJ mechanical system which always maintains its spherical symmetry cannot radiate, contrary to the result of my previous paper, which was obtained· on the basis of an erroneous calculation. (Einstein 191 ~b, p. 164) the last section of (Einstein 1918b), "Answer to an objection advanced by Mr. Levi-Civita,"lO Einstein publicly gave his reply to Levi-Civita's objections. Einstein gave improved versions of some of arguments. already given in his August 1917 letter to Levi-Civita. He (6) must be looked upon '-""1lUlU\I...A.1iIo...I.1l..II. as tVa cannot be considered components of tensor. In this section of his paper, Einstein gave ample credit to Levi-Civita his contributions to general relativity: In a recent series of highly interesting· studies, Levi-Civita has contributed significantly to. the clarification of some problems in general relativity. In one of these papers [Levi-Civita 1917], he defends a point 80 Carlo Cattani and Michelangelo De Maria of view regarding the conservation laws different from mine, and disputes my conclusions about the radiation of energy through gra"itational waves. Although we have already settled the issue to the satisfaction of both of us in private correspondence, I think it is fitting, because of the importance of the problem, to add some further considerations concerning conservation laws.... There are different opinions on the question whether or not tVa should be considered as the components of the [stress-]energy of the gravitational field. I consider this disagreement to be irrelevant and merely a matter of words. But I have to stress that [our equation (6)], about which there are no doubts, implies a simplification of views that,is important for the signific'ance of the conservation laws. This has to be underscored for the fourth equation (a = 4), which I want to define as the energy equation. (Einstein 1918b, p.166) Without entering into the· mathematical details of ta v, Einstein oelt'en