Contemporary Physics, 1997, volume 38, number 4, pages 269 ± 288 Simulating the geodynamo GARY A. GLATZMAIER* and PAUL H. ² ROBERTS Three-dimensional numerical simulations of convection and magnetic ® eld generation in the Earth’ s core now span several hundred thousand years; the magnetic ® eld created during most of this time has an intensity, structure and time dependence similar to the present geomagnetic ® eld. Five models are described here. The ® rst is a homogeneous Boussinesq model, driven steadily by heat sources on the inner core boundary. At about 36 000 years into the simulation, a reversal of the dipole moment occurs that resembles those seen in the paleomagnetic reversal record. The four subsequent models are inhomogeneous , that is they allow for the varying properties of the Earth with depth. They are also evolutionary, in that they are powered by the secular cooling of the Earth over geological time. This cooling causes the inner core to grow through freezing, with the concomitant release at the inner core boundary of not only latent heat of crystallization but also light constituents of core ¯ uid that provide respectively thermal and compositional sources of buoyancy that maintain core convection. The behaviour of these models depends on what is assumed about the heat ¯ ux from the core into the mantle. Two of the models studied are superadiabatic, that is they postulate that the heat ¯ ux from the core exceeds the ¯ ux that thermal conduction alone would allow; two are subadiabatic, where the opposite is assumed. In two of the models it is supposed that the heat is extracted uniformly across the core ± mantle boundary; in the other two, substantial horizontal variations are allowed, the precise choice of which is guided by the seismically inferred lower mantle tomography. The very diŒerent behaviours of the four models are described here. Reasons are given why, for the homogeneous model and for the two superadiabatic models, the solid core should rotate faster than the mantle by a couple of degrees per year, our prediction for the Earth that was subsequently supported by two independent seismic analyses. 1. Introduction It has been known for centuries that the Earth is magnetic, and throughout that time man has puzzled over why that should be. The directional property of the magnetic ® eld, which has been such a boon to mariners, also spawned the ® rst `theory’: the magnetic compass needle points towards the pole star. This idea did not survive the publication in 1600 of the world’ s ® rst scienti® c treatise, `De Magnete’. Its author, William Gilbert, was, for the last two years of his life, the principal court physician to Queen Elizabeth the First of England. His work contained the results of his terrella or `little Earth’ experiment, which showed that the direction of the magnetic ® eld on the surface of a sphere of *Communicating Author’ s address: Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, MS C305 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA. ² Author’ s address: Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Center for Earth and Planetary Interiors, Geology Building, UCLA, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567, USA. Ó 0010-7514 /97 $12.00 lodestone, his terrella, was similar to the direction of the geomagnetic ® eld at corresponding latitudes on the Earth’s surface, insofar as it was known in his day. Chapter 1 of the sixth book of his treatise is entitled (in Latin) `On the Globe of the Earth, the Great Magnet’ . In 1838 Gauss provided mathematical teeth to Gilbert’s claim that the origin of the Earth’ s ® eld lay within it. In the poorly conducting environs of the Earth’ s surface, the magnetic ® eld B is the gradient of a scalar potential satisfying Laplace’ s equation: B 5 2 Ñ V, Ñ 52V 0. The potential is the sum of VI, produced by sources within the Earth, and VE created outside the Earth. The former is a sum of multipolar terms of the form Ñ Ñ Ñ 2 m . r2 1, 2 (m1 . )(m2 . )r2 1, Ñ Ñ Ñ 2 (m3 . )(m4 . )(m5 . )r2 1 . . . , (1) 1997 Taylor & Francis Ltd 270 G. A. Glatzmaier and P. H. Roberts that increase with depth; the latter is a sum of terms Ñ Ñ Ñ 2 r3e . r2 1, 2 r5(e1 . )(e2 . )r2 1, Ñ Ñ Ñ 2 r7(e3 . )(e4 . )(e5 . )r2 1 . . . , (2) that decrease with depth, i.e. both increase in the direction of their respective sources; here r is the distance from the centre of the Earth, O. The vectors m, m1, m2, ... and e, e1, e2, ... are constant. Fitting the sums (1) and (2) to the data available to him, Gauss found that VE is negligible compared with VI. From now on we consider VI alone, writing it simply as V. Moreover, we shall restrict ourselves to the ® rst 12 ± 13 terms of (1), the remaining terms being contaminated by crustal sources of no concern to us here. (See, for example, section 5 of Langel (1986).) The ® rst term in (1), known as the centred dipole, dominates the remainder; it accounts for typically over 80% of the observed ® eld. The component, mz, of m parallel to the Earth’ s rotation axis, Oz, provides the axial dipole, which at present is about 5 times larger than the equatorial dipole, m-mz ^z, where ^z is the unit vector parallel to Oz. The geomagnetic axis is the line through O parallel to m; today it is within about 108 of the geographical axis. The geomagnetic axis meets the Earth’s surface at the geomag- netic poles. Their proximity to the geographic poles is what gives the compass needle its directional property. The geomagnetic dipole moment is the magnitude m of m. ´ Currently it is about 8 1022 A m2. When the ® rst term is subtracted from the sum of the multipoles (1), the remnant de® nes the non-dipole ® eld. This is dominated by the quadrupolar contributions that involve m1 and m2. The variations in the non-dipole ® eld over the Earth’ s surface are therefore of continental scale. If the non-dipole ® eld were absent, one would be able to infer from the strength and direction of B at any point P on the Earth’s surface what m is in magnitude and direction. If one ignores the non-dipole ® eld and carries out the calculation anyway, one obtains a virtual dipole moment (VDM) and virtual geomagnetic poles (VGPs). These vary with the location of P but, because of the dominance of the centred dipole, they do not depart far from the geomagnetic dipole moment and poles; to avoid confusion, the latter are sometimes called the true geomagnetic moment (TGM) and the true geomagnetic poles (TGPs) to distinguish them from the VDMs and VGPs deduced at diŒerent points on the Earth’s surface; these will be considered further in section 7. Gilbert’s idea that the Earth is a magnet became untenable within two decades of his death in 1603. Edmund Gunter noticed that the diŒerence in the directions of the ® eld in 1580 and at a neighbouring site in 1624 seemed too great to be explained by observational error. But Gilbert had written that the Earth’ s ® eld is unchanging, and so great was his authority that Gunter made no claim. The discovery of what is now called `the secular variation’ was ® rst announced in 1635, by Henry Gellibrand. The adjective `secular’ has come to mean not only that the variations are slow, having time scales that range from decades to millenia, but also that their origin lies within the Earth. Short period variations exist but are mostly created by the Sun and, as they are externally produced, they are of no concern to us here. Before the turn of the 17th Century, a persistent feature of the secular variation had been recognized: a slow westward drift of the ® eld patterns. Edmund Halley, of comet fame, presciently surmised that this meant that the interior of the Earth is in motion relative to the crust. The westward drift is far from uniform over the globe; at some places and at some times, it may even be eastward. For a detailed discussion of the secular variation and westward drift, see Langel (1986). The 20th Century has seen the birth and explosive growth of paleomagnetism, the study of the magnetism trapped in rocks at the time of their formation. As a result, it is now known that the Earth has possessed a magnetic ® eld for at least the last 3× 3 billion years, that the strength of the ® eld, as assessed from VDMs, has averaged ´9 1022 A m2, and that is has rarely deviated from the average by as much as an order of magnitude. The dipole moment experiences secular variation and, at the time Gauss carried out his analysis, m was about 50% greater ´(12 1022 A m2) than at present. The average VGP positions during the past few million years coincide with the geographical poles. The early and astounding success of paleomagnetism was the discovery that the remnant magnetization of rocks and the ® eld directions at the sites at which they were collected are sometimes oppositely oriented. The obvious inference is that, at times in the past, the polarity of the geomagnetic ® eld has been reversed. If we could transport a magnetic compass needle to such an epoch, its North seeking end would point South and not North! This revolutionary interpretation was not immediately accepted, partly because, as Uyeda discovered in 1958, self-reversing rocks exist. It is by now convincingly established, however, that polarity reversals have happened often and irregularly throughout geological time, and that each takes 3 ± 5 thousand years to complete. During the present geological epoch, they have occurred every 200 000 years on average, although the last reversal took place about 720 000 years ago. Much longer periods of one polarity dominated the Cretaceous and the Permian. The polarity record shows no discernible preference for one polarity over the other. It is worth pausing here to summarize some of the more important questions that a viable theory of geomagnetism should aspire to answer: Q1 Why is the Earth magnetic? Q2 Why has its magnetic ® eld existed over at least 70% of geological time? Q3 Why is it predominantly dipolar? Simulating the geodynamo 271 Q4 What determines its strength? Q5 Why does its strength vary, but by so little? Q6 Why does the magnetic compass needle point approximately North? Q7 Why does the averaged geomagnetic axis coincide with the geographical axis? Q8 Why does the polarity of the Earth’s ® eld reverse? Q9 What happens to the geomagnetic ® eld during a reversal and why? Q10 Why does the frequency of reversals vary so greatly over geological time? Q11 Why is neither polarity of ® eld favoured over the other? Q12 What causes the slow secular change of the ® eld? Q13 What is the signi® cance of the westward drift? Q14 Can a single mechanism explain why other planets and satellites are magnetic too? In what follows, we shall frequently refer back to these questions and try to assess how far they have been successfully answered. A plausible answer to Q3 was given long ago. In so far as sources of ® eld are absent, the expression of B as a sum of multipoles (1) holds even below the Earth’s surface, and clearly demonstrates that the dominance of the dipole over the remaining multipoles diminishes with radius r. All terms become comparable in size at a depth of order 3000 km. This suggests that signi® cant sources of B do not exist in the Earth’ s mantle, and that the origin of the geomagnetic ® eld lies in the Earth’s core, the surface of which, called `the core ± mantle boundary’ (CMB), lies at about this depth « (r = rCMB 3480 km). Stated diŒerently, the fact that the horizontal scale of the non-dipole ® eld at the Earth’ s surface is of continental dimensions, suggests that the sources of B are at a similar or greater depth within the Earth. This answer to Q3 is reinforced by partial answers to Q12 and Q13. The time scale of the secular variation is long compared with those of most atmospheric and oceanic phenomena but short compared with those of most geological processes. It might nevertheless be characteristic of motions of the ¯ uid core. This thought also potentially vindicates Halley’ s explanation of the westward drift in terms of ¯ uid motions, although of course the existence of a ¯ uid core was not known until 1906, and the reason why the westward drift should be opposite to that of weather patterns in the Earth’ s atmosphere is far from apparent. The central question is Q1. Polarity reversals and the secular variation not only rule out Gilbert’s permanent magnetism theory; they also make it hard to believe Blackett’ s alternative proposal, that every body has, through its rotation, an intrinsic magnetic ® eld whose dipole moment is proportional to the angular momentum of the body. There remains only one possibility: the geomagnetic ® eld is created by electric currents ¯ owing within the Earth, for it has been known since the time of Oersted that where there is electric current there is also magnetic ® eld; a very simple case is sketched in ® gure 1. Moreover the core is thought to be composed largely of iron, which is a good electrical conductor; its conductivity, ´ r , is usually estimated to be about 4 105 S m Ð 1. But there is a di culty: unless the electric currents are maintained in some way, they and their attendant magnetic ® elds will 5 disappear in an `ohmic diŒusion time’, s r ¹ r r2CMB . This time scale emerges from the dimensional analysis of (3) below, with V set zero. Because of the high temperature of the Earth’ s interior, the magnetic permeability l is thought ´ to be that of free space (l 0 = 4p 10 Ð 7 H m Ð 1). For the Earth’s core, s r is at most a few tens of thousands of years, which is very small compared with the age of the geomagnetic ® eld. To explain the Earth’ s magnetism by electric currents, one must provide a source for those currents. Naturally one thinks ® rst of some kind of electrochemical eŒect, i.e. a battery, but on closer scrutiny it appears that such sources are not potent enough, and the same seems to be true of thermoelectric eŒects. And in both cases it would be hard to answer Q8. Following the original suggestion of Joseph Larmor (1919), it is now generally believed that the electric currents are maintained by ¯ uid motions in the Earth’s electrically conducting core, in much the same way as in a self-excited electricity generator, or `dynamo’ . Today self-excited dynamos are commonly invoked to explain the magnetism of cosmic bodies such as the Sun and solar-type stars, those planets and Jovian satellites known to possess magnetic ® elds, and those galaxies that are magnetic. In other words, the answer to Q14 is, `Yes’. The study of the ® eld generation process is called `dynamo theory’. One telling advantage that geodynamo theory enjoys over all hypotheses is its success in answering Q11; see section 4 below. J B Figure 1 The magnetic ® eld B created by a line current J. The ® eld is in a right-handed sense about the direction of current ¯ ow. 272 G. A. Glatzmaier and P. H. Roberts Unlike the commercial dynamo, where interest centres on the electric currents that can be led from the generator to sites where they can do useful work such as lighting a room or turning an electric motor, and where the associated magnetic ® elds are of subsidiary importance, geodynamo theory centres on the ® elds and not on the currents. Although it appears that the currents produced by the geodynamo operate an electric motor in the core (see section 5), they uselessly squander an enormous amount of electrical energy, perhaps as much as 200 000 MegaWatts, i.e. 0× 2 TeraWatts (0× 2 TW). From where does the dynamo acquire this energy? 2. The inner core: as big as the Moon; as hot as the Sun Based on the wealth of seismic data available, very detailed models of the Earth’s internal structure have been developed, one of the best known of which is the Preliminary Reference Earth Model of Dziewonski and Anderson (1981), generally known as `PREM’ . In this and other models, the core is an adiabatic, hydrostatic, spherically-symmetric body, the slight ¯ attening of the equi-density surfaces created by centrifugal forces being ignored. The other forces acting on the ¯ uid outer core (`FOC’ ) are even smaller, and do not signi® cantly disturb the hydrostatic balance. Convective motions in the FOC are su ciently vigorous to mix the ¯ uid thoroughly, so maintaining the adiabatic (or isentropic) state. The increase of horizontally averaged pressure, p , with depth is accompanied by increases in the horizontal averages, T and q , of the temperature and density. It is estimated that T at the inner core boundary (`ICB’ ), which is the surface of the solid inner core (`SIC’), is within 6 20% of 5300 K, or much the same temperature as the surface of the Sun. The radius, rICB, of the SIC is 1222 km, which is 35% of the outer radius of the FOC, or about 70% of the radius of the Moon. The decrease of T with distance r from the geocentre implies a conductive heat ¯ ux into the mantle of about 5 TW but, because of convection in the FOC, the actual rate at which heat leaves the core may be greater or less than this; it is not yet known which. Perhaps indeed the question will ® rst be decided by studies of the geodynamo such as those described here. Both superadiabatic and subadiabatic states will be considered in section 8 below. More than 40 years ago, Jack Jacobs (1953) argued that the inner core is the result of freezing of core ¯ uid during the general cooling of the Earth since its creation. This hypothesis has stood the test of time. It may at ® rst sight seem strange that when the core is cooled at the top it would freeze at the bottom, but the increasing pressure with depth in the core raises the freezing temperature more rapidly than the adiabatic temperature. According to ´ PREM, q rises from 9× 9 103 kg m Ð 3 at the CMB to ´ 13× 1 103 kg m Ð 3 at the geocentre, O. At the ICB there « is a density jump of D q 0 . 6 3 103 kg m2 3, from ´ ´ 12× 2 103 kg m Ð 3 in the ¯ uid to 12× 8 103 kg m Ð 3 in the solid. Partially because these densities are approximately that of pure iron at the appropriate pressures, the core is usually thought to be predominantly made of iron. Nevertheless, the density of the FOC is less than that expected for pure iron, and is also less than that of the SIC. This is interpreted to mean that the ¯ uid iron is alloyed with lighter elements. There is as yet no consensus as to which light element predominates, the competing merits of sulphur, silicon and oxygen being vigorously but inconclusively argued by their various proponents. The simplest view, taken by Stanislav Braginsky (1964) and by ourselves, is that the core is essentially a binary alloy, and we denote the mass fraction of the light constituent (whatever it is) by n . Generally an alloy will not preserve its chemical composition when it freezes, and on the available evidence the SIC is richer in iron that the FOC. Then the density jump D q is due not only to contraction of the ¯ uid on freezing (D q f), but also to an increase, D q n , arising from the decrease, D n , in n during freezing. As the Earth cools, further material freezes onto the ICB and the SIC grows, but only at a rate of order 10 Ð 12 ± 10 Ð 11 m s Ð 1. As ¯ uid freezes onto the ICB, not only is the heat of crystallization released, which heats the adjacent ¯ uid and makes it buoyant, but also the light constituent of the alloy, which is buoyant too. The compositional source of buoyancy, ® rst suggested by Braginsky (1963), may be stronger than the thermal source and will augment it. Compositional buoyancy acquires its energy gravitationally from the ever increasing central condensation of mass as the inner core freezes. Together, the two energy sources amply su ce to make good the ohmic energy expense of the dynamo. This answers Q2. 3. Self-excited dynamo action Dynamo theory at ® rst advanced slowly after Larmor’ s original suggestion. The ® rst results were not encouraging. In 1933, Thomas Cowling proved a celebrated theorem: axisymmetric magnetic ® elds cannot be maintained by dynamo action. It was not until 1958 that Arvid Herzenberg and George Backus independently showed that selfsustaining ¯ uid dynamos can exist, although the models they produced were too arti® cial to be geophysically realistic. Nevertheless an important point of principle had been settled. The reader may well ask, `Why was it so important? The existence of generators of electricity in power stations su ces to prove that self-excited dynamos exist’. This, however, begs the question. The man-made dynamo is an intricate construction in which the current paths and motions are deliberately designed to ensure e cient conversion of mechanical energy to electrical Simulating the geodynamo 273 energy. The machine is strongly asymmetric. More precisely it is not mirror-symmetric, i.e. the mirror image of the machine diŒers from the machine itself, in the same way that the thread on an ordinary wood screw appears reversed when viewed in a mirror. In contrast, the Earth’ s ¯ uid core is an approximately spherical mass of ¯ uid that is maintained in an almost homogeneous state by convective motions; structurally it is a mirror-symmetric system. One might be forgiven for thinking that even if electric currents were produced they would be short-circuited so eŒectively that any nascent dynamo action would be stillborn. In short, the question that should be asked is not whether selfexcited dynamos exist (they obviously do), but whether selfexcited dynamos can operate in, for instance, a spherical mass of nearly homogeneous ¯ uid. This was the question that Herzenberg and Backus answered in the a rmative. But there remained the daunting task of ® nding geophysically realistic models. All early theorists seeking realism focused, as had Herzenberg (1958) and Backus (1958), on kinematic dynamos. Here the word `kinematic’ is used in the sense of classical mechanics to mean that there is no attempt to satisfy the dynamics of ¯ uid ¯ ow; only the electrodynamics is attacked. The ¯ uid velocity, V, is speci® ed in some plausible way and Maxwell’ s equations (or more precisely the pre-Maxwell equations, since displacement currents are negligibly small) are solved. After mathematically substituting expressions for the electric ® eld E, and the electric current density J, the so-called `induction equation’ is obtained, governing the magnetic ® eld, B: ­ ­ B t 5 Ñ 3 (V 3 B) 2 Ñ 3 (g Ñ 3 B) (3) the solution to which must exclude all sources of ® eld external to the core. Clearly, if (as must be the case) Ñ .B 5 0 (4) initially then, according to (3), it is true for all times t. The ® nal term in (3) represents the ohmic loss of magnetic 5 energy to heat; g 1 /¹0r is the magnetic diŒusivity. The penultimate term in (3) represents the conversion of mechanical energy to magnetic energy through electro- magnetic induction, the process that creates an electro- ´ motive force (or emf), V B, when a conductor moves with velocity V in a magnetic ® eld B. This emf features in Ohm’ s ´ law, which is no longer J = r E, but is J = r (E+ V B). In a working dynamo, electromagnetic induction must be able to transform kinetic energy into magnetic energy fast enough to oŒset the ohmic losses. This requires that V should be `big enough’, or more precisely that the magnetic Reynolds number 5 Rm VrCMB g must be of order 1 or greater, where V is a characteristic ¯ ow speed. What Cowling’ s (1933) theorem, and a number of later `anti-dynamo theorems’ , established was that the > condition Rm O(1) is necessary for dynamo action but is far from su cient. The focus of kinematic theory became, `What else is required of the ¯ uid velocity to make the dynamo work?’ The most important ® nding of kinematic theory may have been the demonstration that ¯ uid motions in e cient dynamos lack mirror-symmetry. It is as though the motions have to supply, by their own lack of symmetry, the absence of mirror-symmetry so essential in the commercial generator and so obviously missing from a homogeneous mass of ¯ uid. And, what is exciting is that, through the action of the Coriolis acceleration - 2X 3 V, where X is the angular velocity, the motions in a convecting mass of ¯ uid such as the Earth’ s core necessarily lack mirror-symmetry. An example of this is the so-called `thermal wind’ . In the simplest case, sketched in the upper part of ® gure 2, we imagine that an upwelling convective plume, axisymmetric with respect to the rotation axis NS, carries heat from the northern hemisphere of the ICB to the northern hemisphere Figure 2. A sketch of axisymmetric meridional circulations from ICB to CMB in the tangent cylinder, in the northern and southern hemispheres of the ¯ uid core. Because of rotation, these produce zonal thermal winds in the directions indicated. The dashed line shows the (imaginary) tangent cylinder which separates the ¯ uid core into an external part Eand two internal parts, N and S, lying North and South of the solid inner core; see also section 5. 274 G. A. Glatzmaier and P. H. Roberts of the CMB; the ¯ uid returns from CMB to ICB along streamlines further away from NS. In doing so it moves away from NS when near the CMB, but towards NS when near the ICB, and in these parts of the circulation, in which the component of V perpendicular to X is signi® cant, the Coriolis force creates an axisymmetric zonal motion that is prograde (eastward) near the ICB and retrograde (west- ward) near the CMB, relative to the solid mantle above. These ¯ ows encircling the NS axis are known as `thermal winds’ . Like the trade winds in the Earth’ s atmosphere, they owe their existence entirely to the `de¯ ection’ of the meridional circulations by the Coriolis force. Similar thermal winds are created when Coriolis forces act on a rising plume in the southern hemisphere of the FOC, as sketched in the lower part of ® gure 2. The example just given illustrates another important feature of ¯ ows in rotating ¯ uids: the creation of helicity by the Coriolis force. Helicity is de® ned as H 5 V .x , 5 Ñ where x 3 V is the vorticity of the ¯ ow. The zonal circulations encountered above are associated with an x that is in the S ® N direction near the ICB and in the N ® S direction near the CMB. Since V is outwards (at least near NS), H is positive in the northern hemisphere near the ICB but negative near the CMB; the reverse is true for the corresponding ¯ ows in the southern hemisphere. Helical ¯ ows are eŒective in maintaining magnetic ® eld. In 1942, Hannes Alfve n became interested in how the Sun creates and maintains its magnetic ® eld. He discovered a completely new ® eld of research: magnetohydrodynamics, or MHD for short. He proved an interesting theorem concerning magnetic lines of force. These are imaginary curves that are everywhere parallel to B; they have been useful aids to thought ever since they were introduced by Michael Faraday in the nineteenth century. Alfve n (1942) 5 ¥ showed that a perfect electrically conducting ¯ uid ( r , 5 5 ¥ or equivalently g 0 or Rm ) carries magnetic lines of force with it in its motion, just as though those lines were `frozen’ to it. The Earth’ s core is not a perfect conductor but, at least when considering ® elds of rCMB scale, Rm is large and Alfve n’ s theorem is useful in predicting qualita- tively the eŒect of a motion on a magnetic ® eld. For example, returning to ® gure 2, we may imagine that there is an axisym metric magnetic ® eld threading the core from South to North. Thanks to Alfve n’ s theorem, we may con® dently assert that the thermal wind will drag the ® eld lines round the rotation axis in a process reminiscent of winding a watch spring. This induced magnetic ® eld will be eastward near the ICB and westward near the CMB. According to Alfve n’s theorem, this winding-up process would continue for as long as the forces driving the motion could maintain it (see below). In reality, however, g is not zero, and the ® eld lines diŒuse relative to the moving conductor. Eventually a balance may be established in which the rate at which ® eld lines are drawn out longitudinally by the thermal winds is exactly cancelled by the rate at which they drift in the opposite direction through ohmic diŒusion. In short, the total ® eld, the sum of the inducing and induced ® elds, tends to align itself with the helical streamlines of the total ¯ ow, the sum of the meridional and zonal motions. 4. Dynamics; why the magnetic compass needle points North (or South!) After the initial successes of Herzenberg and Backus, many realistic kinematic geodynamo models were created, realistic in the sense that they operated in spheres with prescribed large-scale ¯ uid motions chosen to incorporate qualitatively the important dynamical eŒects, as they were perceived at the time. The next step was to include those eŒects quantitatively by constructing an MHD model of the core, i.e. one that includes the convective dynamics of core ¯ ow, and which acts as a dynamo. This is often described as a `self-consistent dynamo problem’ , since it includes the back-reaction of the magnetic ® eld on the ¯ uid ¯ ow. This is an altogether tougher nut to crack than the kinematic dynamo. It includes the kinematic problem but requires the solution of further equations (see below). Moreover, unlike the kinematic problem, the MHD problem involves nonlinear equations; because of Cowling’ s theorem, three-dimensional solutions must be sought. There are two useful ways of looking at the back reaction of the magnetic ® eld on the ¯ uid ¯ ow: the Lorentz force, ´J B per unit volume, and the Faraday ± Maxwell stresses. Their mathematical equivalence follows from the result Ñ Ñ Ñ J 3 B5 1( ¹0 3 B) 3 B5 2 B2 1 2¹0 . BB . ¹0 This shows that the Faraday ± Maxwell stresses consist of an isotropic `magnetic pressure’, B2/2l 0, and a `magnetic tension’, B2/l 0, along magnetic ® eld lines. The magnetic pressure can be combined with the kinetic pressure p to create a single total pressure; we consider it no further. Magnetic tension gives elasticity to the (partially) frozenin ® eld lines. This is responsible for a second mechanism to halt the production of a zonal ® eld by the thermal wind (section 3). We recall that a `magnetic ¯ ux tube’ consists of a bundle of lines of force, i.e. it is a tube, generally curved, 5 whose surface is everywhere parallel to B. If g 0, a tube always contains, by Alfve n’ s theorem, the same ¯ uid particles, the same ® eld lines, and therefore the same ¯ ux of ® eld R * 5 B .dS A where the integral is taken over any cross-section, A, of the Simulating the geodynamo 275 R tube; is the `strength’ of the ¯ ux tube. The ® eld imparts a tension of 5 * T B2 dS A ¹0 to the tube that opposes its further lengthening by the ¯ uid ¯ ow. If the tube is stretched, its cross-sectional area R diminishes by mass conservation and, since is un- changed, B and T increase. The tension may become so great that it halts further extension of the tube. Stretching of ® eld lines by ¯ uid ¯ ow is an important feature of the dynamo process through which kinetic energy of motion is transformed into magnetic energy at the rate necessary to oŒset the ohmic degradation of magnetic energy into heat. Volumetrically, the rate at which kinetic energy is transformed into magnetic energy is J . (V 3 B) or equivalently 2 V . (J 3 B), the latter form clearly showing the rate of working of the Lorentz force on the ¯ uid ¯ ow. When divided by the mass density, q , the Lorentz force becomes the acceleration with which the ® eld attempts to accelerate ´ the ¯ ow. More signi® cantly, J B/q is the back reaction of the ® eld that brings V and Rm to their `marginal’ state, in which the solution of (3) and (4) is, on average, steady. This self-regulation is easily understood. If B diminishes, so does the back reaction provided by the Lorentz force, so that V starts to grow. This enhances ® eld creation, through the ® rst term on the right-hand side of (3). As B increases, so does the Lorentz force, which halts and reverses the growth of V until the average state is restored. If instead B becomes above average, the Lorentz force suppresses V, and B begins to diŒuse away through the ® nal, ohmic term in (3). This continues until B resumes its average strength. The average levels of B and V are set by the potency of the buoyancy sources. As already indicated in section 3, the Coriolis force plays an important role in core dynamics. That it is large compared with the inertial force is apparent from the smallness of their (inverse) ratio, the Rossby number, 5V Ro , 2X rCMB which is of order 10 Ð 5. That it is large compared with viscous forces is clear from the minute size of their (inverse) ratio, the Ekman number, 5v E 2X r2CMB , where v is the kinematic viscosity. The molecular viscosity of the FOC is sometimes said to be the worst known quantity in geophysics. A value of v near 10 Ð 6 m2 s Ð 1 is often adopted, « giving E 10 Ð 15. Even if v is increased by 106 on the grounds that core turbulence enhances momentum transport in the core, E is still only 10 Ð 9. It seems clear that the viscosity of the FOC is signi® cant only in boundary layers abutting the CMB and ICB. Apart from the (non-hydrostatic) pressure gradient, the only term comparable with the Coriolis force is the Lorentz force. Obtaining an esimtate of J from Ohm’ s ´ law [J = r (E+ V B)], we see that the ratio of Lorentz to Coriolis forces is roughly 5K r B2 2X q , which is the Elsasser number. The numerical simulations described below suggest that the core operates in a so-called `strong ® eld regime’ , in which K is O(1) or greater. There is also indirect geophysical support for this. In answer to Q4 and Q5, the buoyancy sources set the level of V, and an approximate balance between the Coriolis and Lorentz forces [K = O(1)] sets the scale of the ® eld intensity, B, in the core and therefore on the Earth’ s surface. The buoyancy force is typically smaller than the Coriolis force, the Lorentz force and the (non-hydrostatic) pressure gradient. It is nevertheless crucially important, since it alone provides the power source for the ¯ uid motions. This depends on the release of heat and light material at the ICB as described in section 2. These sources are combined in a single variable, the co-density C, which will be de® ned later. The buoyancy force, being parallel to gravity, is radially inwards. Overall, it has no preferred direction in space, and this is true of all the other forces we have considered with the single exception of the Coriolis force, which is therefore able to impress its preferred direction, X , on the MHD state of the core. This ultimately provides answers to Q6 and Q7: the magnetic compass needle points approximately North ± South because of the preferred direction of the Coriolis force. Although other forces, such as the buoyancy and Lorentz forces, have no intrinsically preferred direction, the Coriolis imposes its preferred direction on them because it is potent in determining V, on which they depend. The theory of convection is generally and conveniently formulated in terms of deviations from a reference state. It is clearly advantageous to adopt the PREM model described in section 2. In this state the entropy S per unit mass and the mass fraction of the light constituent of core ¯ uid n are uniform in the FOC through mixing by the self same convective motions that it is our objective to determine! Since PREM is in hydrostatic equilibrium, variables in the convective state diŒer only slightly from those in PREM, so that for instance the deviation q in density from q is, to a very good approximation, q5 ­q ­S S1 n ,p ­q ­n n1 p,S ­q ­p p, S,n or q 5 Cq 1 ­q ­p p, S,n 276 G. A. Glatzmaier and P. H. Roberts where 51 C q ­q ­S S1 n ,p ­q ­n n. p,S (5) Here, as elsewhere below, an unbarred symbol represents the convective contribution to the variable, e.g. the total density is q 1 q . The second form (5) for q is convenient, since it separates the eŒects of p on the convective density, which play no part in the buoyancy mechanism, from those of S and n which do, and which are conveniently combined together in the `co-density’ , C (Braginsky and Roberts 1995). In an allied simpli® cation, conservation of mass is reduced to satisfying the anelastic equation. Ñ .q V 5 0 (6) In full, the momentum equation is Ñ Ñ q ­ ­ V t 5 2 .(q VV) 2 2q X 3 V 2 q p q 1 U 2 Cq g^r 1Ñ . [2q v( of the Earth’s rotation is clockwise. Contours on which Vr 0 < are drawn with continuous lines; those on which Vr 0 are drawn with broken lines. The maximum outward velocity ´ is 4× 5 10 Ð 4 m s Ð 1; the maximum inward velocity is ´3× 5 10 Ð 4 m s Ð 1. dynamo operating within it. 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