Title: The subtil medium prov'd; or, that wonderful power of nature ... conjectur'd by the most ancient and remarkable philosophers, which they call'd sometimes æther, but oftener elementary fire, verify'd. Shewing that all the distinguishing and essential qualities ascrib'd to æther ... are to be found in electrical fire ... Giving an account of the progress and several gradations of electricity. From those ancient times to the present ... Author: Lovett, R. (Richard), 1692-1780 Creator: Internet Archive Producer: Recoded by LuraDocument PDF v2.68 CreationDate: Thu Feb 7 02:10:58 2019 ModDate: Sat Apr 13 06:08:39 2024 Tagged: yes Form: none Pages: 236 Encrypted: no Page size: 527 x 941 pts (rotated 0 degrees) File size: 23852859 bytes Optimized: no PDF version: 1.7