RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES V.A. Atsyukovsky THE BEGINNINGS OF ETHERODYNAMIC NATURAL SCIENCE Book 5 First ether-dynamic experiments and technologies Moscow 2010. RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES V.A. Atsyukovsky THE BEGINNINGS OF ETHERODYNAMIC NATURAL SCIENCE Book 5 First ether-dynamic experiments and technologies Startup of Etherdynamical Natural Science Book 5. Initial etherdynamical experiments and thechnologies Moscow 2010. UDC 530.3. V.A.A.Atsyukovsky. Beginnings of ether-dynamic natural science Book 5.First etherdynamic technologies of phenomena. Moscow: "Petit", 2009. - 350 с. The book presents experiments, the results of which confirm the provisions of ether-dynamics - physical experiments of different directions, electrodynamics experiments, experiments related to the search for ether wind. The book also considers the problem of the energy crisis and presents proposals for direct conversion of the potential energy of the ether into electrical energy. For all those interested in the problems of modern natural knowledge and problems of modern theoretical physics. Author: Vladimir Akimovich Atsyukovsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of RAEN, RACC, Honorary Academician of RAEN. Editor: Valery Grigoryevich Vasiliev, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Corresponding Member of RAEN. The "Beginnings of Ether Dynamical Natural Science" natural science series consists of 5 books: Book 1: V.A. Atsyukovsky. Methodological Crisis of Modern Theoretical Physics. Book 2: V.A.Atsyukovsky. Part 1: Methodology of ether dynamics and properties of ether; Part 2: Ether dynamical bases of substance structure. Book 3: V.A. Atsyukovsky. Ether-dynamic bases of cosmology and cosmogony. Book 4: V.A. Atsyukovsky. Part 1: Ether-dynamic bases of electromagnetic phenomena; Part 2. Ether-dynamic bases of optical phenomena. Book 5: V.A. Atsyukovsky. The first etherdynamic experiments and technologies. Table of 3 contents Table of contents Introduction...................................................................................................5 Chapter 1: A study of the etheric wind.....................................................13 1.1. Brief history and status of the problem...........................................13 1.2. Experiments 1881-1962 that yielded indeterminate or positive results. ..............................................................................................18 1.3. Current experiments with positive results........................................42 1.3.1. Atsyukovsky V.A. Studies of the ether wind with a laser. ....................................................................................42 1.3.2. Galaev Yu.M. Interferometer of millimeter range of radio waves for the study of isotropy of space near the land surface ......................................................................................47 1.3.3. Galaev Yu.M. Optical interferometer for measurements of light speed anisotropy ..........................................70 Chapter 2. Studies of geopathogenic field and pathogenic field accompanying high-frequency electromagnetic phenomena .........100 2.1. Earth's absorption of ether and geopathogenic radiation ..............100 2.2. On some forecasting possibilities earthquakes and volcanic eruptions................................................101 2.3. Atsyukovsky V.A. , Leontiev A.G. Investigation of geopathogenic zones with the help of laser meter and the wire neutralizer..................................................................104 2.4. Leontiev A.G. Research of vertical flows of the ether using Dodonov's "corbio" ... ......................................110 2.5. Atsyukovsky V.A., Leontiev A.G. Investigation of the influence of geopathogenic radiation on metal planes.......................................115 2.6. Atsyukovsky V.A. Detection of pathogenic radiation in electromagnetic phenomena ......................................................118 Chapter 3: Investigation of plant uptake carbon dioxide from air .....................................................................121 3.1. State of the problem .......................................................................121 3.2. Galkin I.N. Photosynthesis: experiments do not confirm it the existence of air nutrition and plant respiration .......................................125 3.3. Shestopalov A.V. Verification of the version that at Photosynthesis does not involve the uptake of carbon dioxide..... ............132 Chapter 4: Studies of lepton foam .........................................................139 4.1. Force effect of covalent reaction on metal .................................139 4 Table of 4.2. Effect of lepton foam oncothnetesnetnssitivity of photographic paper...142 4.3. Effect of lepton foam on the dielectric permeability... .....................................................................................143 Chapter 5: Electromagnetic experiments. phenomena ........................................................................................145 5.1. Conductor mutual induction.........................................................145 5.2. Checking the law of total current ................................................160 5.3. Energy transfer between windings in a transformer....................164 5.4. Compensation of electric field in the medium.............................169 5.5. Current compressibility................................................................172 5.6. Longitudinal propagation of an electric wave...............................175 Chapter 6: Ephyrodynamic approaches to resolving the energy crisis........................................................................................183 6.1. Total production of the dacha.........................................................183 6.2. Heat pumps .....................................................................................184 6.3. On the motion of bodies along a curvilinear trajectory ..................188 6.4. On the energetics of gas vortices....................................................194 6.5. Vortex heat generators... .................................................................199 6.6. Magnetic field energy of a conductor with current ........................204 6.7. Features of Tesla transformer operation.........................................207 6.8. Features of positive feedback and regulation of energy flows ............................................................214 6.9. Ephyrodynamic energy generators .................................................216 6.9.1. Structural diagram of the ether-dynamic layout power generator.....................................................................................217 6.9.2. Tariel Kapanadze's ether-dynamic generator...............................220 Appendix 1. Atsyukovsky V.A. Patent No. 2261521. Device for generating electrical energy.................................................222 Appendix 2. Photos of the layout demonstration electric generator and patent of Tariel Kapanadze...............................227 Appendix 3. A critical analysis of the foundations of the theory of relativity .............................................................................................................248 Introducti 5 on Introduction The fifth book of the five-volume book "Beginnings of Aetherdynamic Natural Science" describes experiments performed by different researchers that confirmed the ideas of Aetherdynamics. Some experiments were performed due to the author's desire to verify some theoretical provisions of ether-dynamics, while other authors performed experiments independently of ether-dynamics, but their results were such that it was possible to explain them only with the involvement of ether-dynamic concepts. It should be noted, however, that the coincidence of the results of experiments with what was predicted by the theory does not mean that the theory itself is correct, but only that the theory does not contradict the experiments. When the experimental results predicted by the Special Theory of Relativity, which denies the ether, are consistent with these predictions, then, in f a c t , they at best confirm (within the limits of the errors of the experiment and the way of processing its results) the validity of the Lorentz transformations based on the idea of the presence of the ether in nature. It is asked, what did the positive results of the experiment confirm - Einstein's theory, denying the ether, or Lorentz's theory, affirming the ether? Therefore, in the interpretation of the results of any experiment there is always a bias that has no relation to the actual state of affairs: everyone interprets the results of experiments in his own favor, relativists in theirs, proponents of the ether in theirs. The same applies to the experiments designed to verify the provisions of ether-dynamics. In fact, the results of any experiment designed to confirm certain provisions of ether-dynamics can be interpreted in a variety of ways, depending on the philosophical orientation and tastes of the interpreter. However, the peculiarity of ether-dynamics itself is that ether-dynamics is the result of a rigid logic not based on postulates, 6 Introduct ion "principles" and axioms, but on the analysis and generalization of facts widely known and verified by the whole course of natural science. These facts include, first of all, the fact of materiality of any objectively existing objects and processes, the fact of existence of space in which all objects are located, and the fact of existence of time covering all processes. It is these three categories united into a single category of motion of matter in space and time that gave grounds to consider them as universal physical invariants, and from this all other provisions of ether- dynamics - the theory of gas-like ether, which is the building material for all material formations and whose motions constitute the essence of all natural processes and interactions - logically flowed out. Everything else in this theory is the result of rigid logic, leading at every step to the only possible solution. Since there are no postulates and inventions in ether-dynamics, and since it embraces the whole Universe, it has the greatest chances to correspond to the real world order in general. This determines the preference of the ether-dynamic picture of the world over other theories, as well as the attribution of the results of experiments to actually confirm the basic provisions of ether-dynamics. The first chapter of the book is devoted to the experiments on the study of the ether wind - flows of ether blowing the Earth from space. It is worth recalling that the problem statement was proposed by J.C.Maxwell, based on the idea of absolutely stationary ether in space (Fresnel-Lorentz theory) and that the so-called "zero" result of the experiments of Michelson and Morley 1881-1887 years, who tried to detect the ether wind in the basement room and received "zero result" (in fact - undefined), served as the basis for the creation of A. Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity and led physicists to the belief that there is no ether in nature. It deprived physical fields of interactions of a material carrier of energy of interactions and led all physics in a deadlock. And this despite the fact that the need for the presence of the ether in nature was later pri- Introducti 7 on was known by Einstein himself (1920, 1924) and that D.C. Miller, a professor at the Case School of Applied Science (California), had obtained excellent, statistically reliable results for the detection of the ether wind. At present, simple and effective methods of ether wind research have been found, which were realized at the end of the last and beginning of this century by Yu.M.Galaev, fully correlated with Miller's results of the late twenties of the last century. The methods of first-order detection of the ether wind developed by Yu.M.Galaev and the author allowed us to construct simple devices whose sensitivity is 4- 5 orders of magnitude higher than that of interferometers, so there is reason to believe that the research on the ether wind will be continued and will acquire a systemic character. The second chapter is devoted to the research of geopathogenic field and pathogenic field accompanying high-frequency electro-magnetic phenomena. Here attention is paid to the physical effect of laser beam deflection under the influence of etheric flows, which made it possible to create a model of a measuring device for detecting geopathogenic zones based on the fact that the laser beam deflects from the neutral position under the influence of geopathogenic radiation, as well as to find simple ways to neutralize geopathogenic radiation. In addition to the applied value of the experiments, which confirm the possibility of instrumental detection and neutralization of these zones that negatively affect human health, there is also a very curious physical effect that is considered impossible: the laser beam, i.e. light, bends its trajectory, which cannot be explained by any usual means, such as air movement in the area of geopathogenic zones or changes in its temperature, because there is no air movement and no temperature change, because everything happens not only on the surface of the laser beam, but also on the surface of the geopathogenic zone. In the same chapter, simple experiments with water and ink are described to verify that the Earth, like all celestial bodies, absorbs the ether of outer space which 8 Introduct ion enters it at second cosmic velocity, increasing its mass. The third chapter questions the official biological concept that plant growth is due to the absorption of carbon dioxide from the air by plant leaves, since the carbon dioxide content of the air is clearly insufficient to support this process. The role of chlorophyll providing this process was questioned and the hypothesis of transmutation of water oxygen by chlorophyll into carbon, which is an important part of the building material of the bodies of all plants, under the influence of the red component of the solar spectrum under normal conditions was put forward. Experiments conducted by I.N. Galkin and A.V. Shestopalov, who came to the same conclusions quite independently of each other and of the author, confirmed, at least, the fact that plants continue to grow even when their leaves are isolated from the outside air. The results of these experiments are still awaiting recognition and practical use. Chapter 4 describes the electrotechnical experiments conducted by the author and his assistants at the Branch of the Flight Research Institute and then at the Research Institute of Aviation Equipment (Zhukovsky, Moscow Region) in the period from 1960 to 1990. The purpose of these experiments was to verify the theoretical conclusions obtained by the author in connection with the change of ideas about the physical essence of electromagnetic phenomena derived from the provisions of ether-dynamics. The author had to modernize the well-known Maxwell equations, which immediately caused a negative reaction among electrical professionals. Most specialists consider Maxwell's equations to be the crowning achievement of theoretical creation, especially since these equations are the basis of many techniques that have fully proved themselves in practice. However, it should not be forgotten that any equations cover objects and phenomena only partially, because the total number of properties of any object and any phenomenon is infinitely large. Neither a single equation nor a group of equations can cover everything Introducti 9 on is impossible. Therefore, development must be made continuously as needs accumulate. And Maxwell's equations are no exception at all. Here we obtained confirmation of the existence of longitudinal electromagnetic waves, in which, unlike ordinary radio waves, the directions of propagation vectors and electric intensity coincide. The author's assumptions about the possibility of propagation of high- frequency longitudinal waves in salty sea water were confirmed, but the assumptions about the possibility of their penetration into the depths were not confirmed: such waves, as it turned out, propagate only in the surface layer of water, but over long distances of many tens of kilometers. The result of testing the compensation of the magnetic field in a pulsating electric field is also noteworthy. Here, the absence of a magnetic field in an alternating current equally distributed in a conducting medium was theoretically predicted, and this was confirmed by experiment. Separately it is necessary to point out that the possibility of operating with the concept of mutual induction of conductors has been revealed, while in conventional electrical engineering there is only the concept of mutual induction of circuits. This proved to be very useful for determining the forms of signals transmitted through information wires and preference of the differential method of signal transmission and reception in airborne aviation communications, which has found application in aviation all over the world. The fifth chapter is devoted to experiments on obtaining energy from the ether. It should be noted that there are a lot of devices, whose output energy is more than the input energy, nowadays. Most authors simply record this fact and fend off the criticism of those who doubt the reliability of the results obtained. Some of them have obtained industrially significant results, mostly these are so-called heat generators, the excess energy in them is represented in the form of low- temperature heat, and this did not allow the authors to close the system. 10 Introduct ion However, in recent years, thanks to the work of Georgian inventor Tariel Kapanadze, working models of 3, 5 and 100 kW power generators have been created, the latter in the form of three-phase 220V 50 Hz voltage, which can already be used in industry. The unit itself is started by a 9 Volt Krona battery, which is then switched off. A positive feedback is realized here, allowing the system to be closed. Despite the successes achieved by many authors in realizing devices with efficiencies greater than unity, almost none of them has no explanation for the effects they obtained: they are aware that energy cannot be created as well as destroyed, but where it comes from in their experiments, the authors cannot say. Ether-dynamics puts everything in its place, offering its own explanation: additional energy is obtained from the ether surrounding the installation by creating ether vortices in the surrounding space by these installations, which supply this additional energy. The fact that the processes of energy concentration from the space surrounding gas vortices are real is evidenced by experiments with the so-called "Wood's box", which can be used to produce toroidal air vortices. These vortices were found to have the peculiarity of spontaneous contraction at the first stage of flight. No one at that time or later paid attention to this fact, but this very process demonstrates the presence of anti-entropic phenomena in nature, where energy is concentrated rather than dissipated. The process of concentration of energy in space is one of the most important effects of physics, because it ensures the eternal existence of the Universe, in which the physical processes from one form to another never end: energy is dispersed in space in accordance with the Second Principle of Thermodynamics, and concentrated in accordance with this process. There is an eternal circulation of energy, and it will never stop. Introducti 11 on The first appendix to the book contains the author's patent for a device for obtaining energy from ether. Despite the fact that the author obtained a one-time effect confirming the validity of the idea of the device, it has not yet been possible to create a full-scale model of this device, because such a creation requires an equipped laboratory, funds, assistants and time, which is not yet available. The second appendix contains photos of a demonstration of the electric generator layout and a patent of Tariel Kapanadze, who achieved serious results in converting ether energy into electricity. In the third appendix, in connection with the denial by the Special Theory of Relativity of A.Einstein of the presence of ether in nature, a critical analysis of the foundations of the Theory of Relativity of A.Einstein is given, as well as experiments considered to be confirmations of this theory, in fact they are not at all. Ex- periments, unambiguously confirming this theory, never was, is not and, most interestingly, can not be, since any experiment can be interpreted in countless ways that do not require the recognition of the Theory of Relativity The purpose of this publication - a recommendation to all wishing to repeat the described experiments in order to make sure that, although there are still many unresolved problems in ether-dynamics, this area of theoretical physics is on a firm foundation.и у it, в unlike unlike Theory relativity A.Einstein, a serious future. It should be noted that some real technologies have long used the provisions of ether-dynamics, for example, in electrical engineering, but it is done empirically, by trial and error, and the performers simply turn a blind eye to the deviation of the obtained results from the modern theory of electromagnetism. On the basis of ether-dynamic ideas about the physical essence of phenomena there appears a possibility to eliminate such contradictions. Despite the simplicity and relative cheapness of the studies, they are of a fundamental nature, as their results are in contradiction with the existing- 12 Introduct ion In the end, this circumstance should play a decisive role in determining the further development of physics, and hence of all natural science. In the end, this circumstance should play a decisive role in determining the further path of development of physics, and hence, of all natural science. The conducted experiments by no means exhaust the list of experiments to be carried out for the full approval of ether-dynamics as a new physical theory, in this way there is a space for both theoretical and experimental research in this new and very promising field, affecting the interests of all areas of natural science. The experiments presented in this book are simple and can be performed by anyone, even high school students, and even more so by students, engineers, and researchers. It is advisable to do so as widely as possible, since the development of such an important field of science as theoretical physics, which is the basis of all natural science, directly depends on it. Aetherwind research 13 Chapter 1. Research on the ether wind 1.1. Brief history and status problem At the time of Maxwell, i.e. at the end of the 19th century, none of t h e scientists had any doubts about the existence of the ether in nature, but there were different versions about its structure and properties. One of the most recognized versions was the concept of O. Fresnel, later developed by H. Lorentz, about the ether absolutely motionless in space. The authors of this concept, as well as the authors of other numerous theories, hypotheses and models of the ether, did not substantiate it in any way, thus committing a fundamental idealistic error: Without studying the nature (matter) of the ether, they put forward speculative beliefs (consciousness) in the first place, under which they then tried to fit the facts, and when these facts did not correspond to their ideas, they either simply abandoned their theories, offering nothing else, as most of them did, or began to sort the facts, accepting what corresponded to the theories and discarding what did not correspond to their theories. The latter included and includes now all supporters of Einstein's Theory of Relativity. J.C. Maxwell first wrote about the fact that the Earth should be blown by the ether wind in the article "Ether", placed in 1877 in the 8th volume of the Great British Encyclopedia [1]. According to this concept, the Earth in its orbital motion around the Sun passes through the stationary ether, and therefore an ether wind ("ether drift") should be observed on its surface, which should be measured. Maxwell also pointed out the difficulties in measuring the etheric wind: the only way to measure it was by sending a beam of light in the direction of the Earth's velocity and against it, and then constructing an interference pattern from the sent and returned streams of light. The shift of the interference fringes should indicate the velocity 14 Chapter 3. of the aether wind. However, Maxwell there also pointed out that the magnitude of the shift will be very small and it can hardly be determined. "If it were possible to determine the velocity of light by observing the time it takes to travel from one point to another on the surface of the Earth, then by comparing the observed velocities in opposite directions, we could determine the velocity of the ether in relation to these terrestrial points. But all the methods that can be applied to finding the velocity of light from terrestrial experiments depend on measuring the time required to travel twice from one point to another and back again. And the increase of this time due to the relative velocity of the ether, equal to the velocity of the earth in its orbit, would be only about one hundred millionth of the whole time of the transition, and would therefore be quite imperceptible. [J.K.Maxwell. Aether. Articles and Speeches. Moscow: Nauka, 1968. P. 199- 200]. Nevertheless, a young American scientist A. Michelson made such a device in 1880, and from that moment began the complex and dramatic history of the search for the etheric wind The history of the search for the etheric wind is one of the most confusing stories of modern natural science. The importance of ether wind research goes far beyond the research of any physical phenomenon: the results of the first works in this field had a decisive influence on the entire natural sciences of the twentieth century. The socalled "null result" of the first experiments of A. Michelson and E. Morley, performed by these American researchers in 1881 and 1887, led physicists of the twentieth century not only to the idea that there was no etheric wind on the Earth's surface, but also to the conviction that the ether, the world medium covering the entire world space, did not exist in nature. No positive results obtained by these and other ether wind researchers in later years shook this conviction. And even when Einstein himself in 1920 and 1924, in his articles, began to assert that "physics is inconceivable without the ether", this did not change anything. Aetherwind research 15 As it has recently emerged, a number of scientists have done very extensive work in the field of etheric wind research. Some of them have yielded exceptionally rich positive material. The first of these, of course, is the research conducted by the remarkable American scientist, Professor Dayton Clarence Miller of the Case School of Applied Science, who spent practically his entire life on this research. It is not his fault, but his and our misfortune that all the results he and his group obtained were categorized as "not known" by his contemporaries and later theoretical physicists. By 1933, when Miller's research was completed, the school of relativists - followers of Einstein's special theory of relativity - was firmly on its feet and vigilantly watched that nothing could shake its foundations. Such "non-recognition" also contributed to the results of some experiments in which their authors, without wishing it, made mistakes and did not get the desired effect. They should not be blamed for the intentionality of this outcome: they simply did not realize the nature of the ether, its properties, and its interaction with matter, and therefore they made fundamental mistakes in conducting the experiments that did not allow them to succeed. Among these mistakes, in particular, was the shielding of the interferometer, the main device used for research on the ether wind, with a metal shield. Metal, as it now turned out, reflects not only electromagnetic waves, but also laminar jets of ether, and therefore to measure the speed of etheric streams in a closed metal box is like trying to measure the wind that blows in the street, looking at an anemometer installed in a tightly sealed room. For all the absurdity of such an experiment, alas, it was so. The reader can be convinced of this by reading the articles by R. Kennedy, C. Illingworth, E. Staely, and A. Piccard. Other errors include attempts to catch the Doppler effect, allegedly arising in the presence of ether wind, at a mutually stationary source and receiver of electromagnetic oscillations. And this, alas, is not a fantasy: it was on this basis that in 1958-1962 t h e D o p p l e r e f f e c t was established. 16 Chapter 3. experiment by the group of J. Cedarholm and C. Townes. This experiment could not end in anything positive, because the ether wind gives a shift in the phase of the oscillation, but does not change its frequency at all, and no high sensitivity of the device to the change of frequency will not help. However, in one way or another, in the correct experiments of a number of investigators - D. Miller, E. Morley and A. Michelson himself in the period 1905 - 1933, the ether wind was detected, its velocity and direction were determined with good accuracy for that time. It turned out that the direction of this wind did not coincide at all with the direction of motion of the Earth, as it was assumed at first, but was almost perpendicular to it. It turned out that the orbital component of the Earth's velocity was almost invisible against the background of the great cosmic velocity of the aether blowing around the solar system. The reasons for this, as well as the reasons for the decrease in the relative velocity of the ether and the Earth as the height above the Earth's surface decreases, remained unclear at that time. But today, due to the emergence of ether-dynamics, a new field of physics based on the idea of the existence of a gas-like ether in nature, these perplexing questions have been removed. From the viewpoint of the ether as an ordinary viscous compressible gas, it is possible to evaluate unbiasedly all the data obtained by Morley, Miller and Michelson on the ether wind, as well as to evaluate all the errors made by the researchers who obtained "null results". Aetherdynamics is only taking its first steps today. The dominant school of relativists still ignores the ether, so there is a struggle for its recognition. It is bound to succeed, because only on the way of recognizing the ether it is possible to reveal the inner mechanism of physical phenomena, to understand their essence, which is certainly necessary for all areas of natural science today. For without it it becomes impossible to move in many applied directions. However, a prejudice still hangs over the knowledge of the ether. "negative result" of Michelson's 1881 and 1887 experiment. In order to remove this prejudice it was necessary to Aetherwind research 17 to publish a collection of translations of original articles by the authors of the ether wind experiments [5]. Today it is necessary to repeat experiments on detection of the ether wind, but taking into account the mistakes made earlier and on a modern basis - with automatic registration and automated processing of measurement results, at various heights, including installation of instruments on the Earth's artificial satellites. For this purpose, it is not necessary to use interferometers, but much simpler - to determine the deviations of the laser beam from its average position, since it is established that the ether wind deflects the laser beam similarly to the way the ordinary wind deflects a con- sistently fixed beam from its normal position. The state of the ether, its density, viscosity, direction and speed of flows in the near-Earth space must be known, because it is through the ether that the cosmos exerts its influence on Earth processes. Knowledge of the ether parameters will make it possible to make a new forecast of many events on the Earth - climatic, geological, physiological and many others, as well as to take into account a number of phenomena in space itself, including satellite missions, as well as interplanetary and future interstellar missions. In the meantime, since the "null results" of A. Michelson's first experiments led to the non-recognition of the existence in nature not only of the ether wind, but also of the ether itself, it seems useful to recall, at least briefly, the history of his search. Those who will show interest in this problem can be referred to the book "Ether Wind" [5] [5], which for the first time in Russian published translations of original articles of ether wind researchers from A. Michelson (1881) to Ch. Townes (1962). 1.2. Experiments with uncertain or positive results 18 Chapter 3. In 1881, the American scientist A. Michelson made the first attempt to detect the ether wind, for which he built a cross-shaped interferometer, the scheme of which is shown in Fig. 3.1. 3.1. Fig. 1.1. Schematic of A. Michelson's interferometer (Vavilov, p. 28) Michelson's apparatus is designed so that there are two beams of light that follow paths at right angles to each other and interfere with each other. The beam that travels in the direction of the Earth's motion will actually travel a fraction of a wavelength δ longer than it would if the Earth were at rest. A second ray traveling at right angles to the motion will not be affected. If the apparatus is rotated by an angle of 90о so that the second ray passes in the direction of the Earth's motion, its trajectory will increase by δ. The total change in the position of the in- terference fringes would be 2δ, a value, as Michelson first thought, easily measurable. Since in order to construct an interference picture the light rays must necessarily return to the light source, this is a second-order experiment in which the desired effect is determined by the second degree of the ratio of the Earth's orbital velocity v to the speed of light c, viz: Aetherwind research 19 v 2 δ = 2D --, c 2 here D is the length of the optical path of the light beam, equal to 1200 mm in the Michelson device. Based on the assumptions of the experiment that the ether is omnipresent and does not experience any inhibition when passing through objects and media, such as the surface layer of the Earth (the experiment was conducted in the basement of the University of Berlin and then in the basement of the University of Potsdam), Taking into account that the nature of light is of wave nature and light is therefore completely captured by the moving ether, and considering that the orbital velocity of the Earth is about 30 km/s, the total deflection of the interference pattern when the interferometer is rotated will be) 0.04 of the wavelength of light, i.e., the interference fringes will shift.i.e., the interference fringes will shift by 0.04 steps of the interference fringes. But this is only on the condition that the ether does not experience any obstacles in its propagation through the atmosphere and the layer of earth separating the device from the Earth's surface. Fig. 3.2 shows the device itself, in which the entire optical part is located on a rotating base. Michelson writes: "The first time the apparatus was placed on a stone base in the basement of the Physical Institute in Berlin. The first observation showed that, due to the exceptional sensitivity of the device to vibrations, the work could not be carried out all day long. The experiments were then tried at night. When the mirrors were placed in the middle of the shoulders, the stripes became visible, but their position could not be measured until 12 o'clock at night, and then only at certain intervals. When the mirrors were moved to the ends of the shoulders, the stripes were visible only sporadically. 20 Chapter 3. 3.2 Michelson's 1881 interferometer. At the same time, it became clear that the experiments could not be performed in Berlin, and the apparatus was moved to the Astrophysical Laboratory in Potsdam. But even here the usual stone supports did not meet the requirements, and the apparatus was moved again, this time to the basement, whose circular walls served as a base for supporting the equatorial (stationary telescope - V.A.). Under normal conditions the bands were very indistinct and difficult to measure; the instrument was so sensitive that even footsteps on the sidewalk a hundred meters from the observatory were responsible for the complete disappearance of the bands!" As a result of processing the measurements, it turned out that there are small shifts of the interference fringes. Michelson goes on to write: "The small offsets of -0.004 and -0.015 are simply experimental errors. The results obtained, however, are more clearly shown by plotting the real curve together with the curve that must be constructed if the theory is correct. This is shown in Fig. 1.4 (here, Fig. 3.3 - B.A). Aetherwind research 21 Fig. 3.3. Measurement results: the curve obtained by Michelson as a result of processing the interferometer readings (---) and the theoretical curve ( ) . On the abscissa axis is the angle of rotation of the interferometer, the two periods of the theoretical curve are as follows On the ordinate axis, the displacement of inter- ference strips in fractions of the distance between the axes of neighboring strips. The dotted curve is depicted assuming that the expected offset is 1/10 of the distance between the interference fringes, but if the offset is only 1/100, the broken line will be even closer to a straight line. These results can be interpreted (! - V.A.) as the absence of displacement of the interference fringes. The result of the hypothesis of a stationary ether is thus incorrect, whence the conclusion follows: this hypothesis is erroneous. . we shall not be inclined to believe without explicit confirmation that the ether moves freely through the solid mass of the earth." A. Michelson. Relative motion of the Earth in the light-bearing ether. 1881. In Russian in the collection Ether Wind. Edited by Dr. V.A. Atsyukovsky. Moscow: Energoatomizdat, 1993. С. 6-7. Transl. from English by L.S.Knyazeva. In 1887, Michelson enlisted the help of Professor E. Morley. The interferometer was placed on a marble slab, which was placed on a wooden circular float floating in a trough filled with mercury (Fig. 3.4). 22 Chapter 3. Figure 3.4. Michelson-Morley interferometer The stone on which all the optical elements were placed had an area of 1.5 m2 and a thickness of 0.3 m. It is located on a ring-shaped wooden raft having an outer diameter of 1.5 m, an inner diameter of 0.7 m, and a thickness of 0.3 m. It is located on a ring-shaped wooden raft with an outer diameter of 1.5 m, an inner diameter of 0 . 7 m, and a thickness of 0.3 m. The raft rests on mercury poured into a mercury tank. The raft rests on mercury poured into a trough cast in iron, 1.5 cm thick and of such dimensions that there is a distance of 1 cm around the raft. The iron mold rests on a cement base and a low brick foundation shaped like a simple octagon. This placement of the interferometer eliminated vibration interference, and the apparatus continued to rotate without additional distortion. In addition, the number of second reflections from the mirrors was increased and this made it possible to increase the optical path length by a factor of 10 compared to the previous value. The authors describe in detail their methods of mirror adjustment (three types - height and azimuth) as well as the method of observation. The observations were carried out as follows: 16 marks were placed around the circumference of a platform cast in iron a t equal distances from each other. The apparatus was rotated very slowly (one revolution in 6 minutes) and after a few minutes the crosshair of the micrometer was placed on the clearest of the interference fringes at the moment when one of them passed through the platform. Aetherwind research 23 from the marks. The movements were so slow that it could be done precisely and accurately. It was found that keeping the apparatus moving at a slow steady pace produced much more uniform and consistent results than when the stone was stopped for each observation, because the effects of deformation can still be observed for at least half a minute after the stone is stopped because the temperature change begins to have an effect at that time. The results of observations are presented graphically in Fig. 3.5. The upper curve is the daytime observations, the lower curve is the evening observations. The dotted curves represent 1/8 of the theoretical displacement. Figure 3.5. Results of the ether wind observation. The abscissa axis shows the angle of rotation of the interferometer, the ordinate axis shows the deviation values of the interference fringes in wavelengths of light. The theoretical curve is shown with dashes: the calculation is based on the assumption that the ether wind has a direction opposite to the Earth's motion in the ecliptic plane. The authors write: "It seems quite fair to conclude from the figure that if there is any displacement due to the relative motion of the Earth and the lightbearing ether, it cannot be greater than 0.01 of the distance between the bands. ...If now, on the basis of this work, one could legitimately conclude that the ether is at rest relative to the Earth, and according to Lorentz there may not be a velocity potential, then Lorentz's own theory is also untenable". 24 Chapter 3. In an addendum to the article, the authors write: "It is obvious from the above that it is hopeless to try to solve the question of the motion of the solar system by observing optical phenomena on the surface of the Earth. But it is not impossible to observe relative motion with an apparatus like the one used in the experiments described above at moderate altitudes above sea level, for example, on the top of a free-standing mountain. It is probable that if the experiment were ever to be carried out under such conditions, the casing of the apparatus would have to be made of glass or not at all. S.I. Vavilov presents a table showing the data of his processing of the results of the May-Kelson-Morley ether wind measurements. Fig. 3.6. is a graph of displacements according to the table calculated by Vavilov. Fig. 3.6. Band offset graph calculated by S.I. Vavilov As can be seen from the graph, the second harmonic corresponding to the ether wind is quite clearly visible. As for the fact that the maximum mixing of the interference fringes i s 10 times less than the theoretical one, taking into account the fact that the displacement of the fringes is proportional to the square of the ratio of the relative velocity of the ether and the Earth to the speed of light, it is necessary to state that in the considered Michelson-Morley experiment the existence of the ether wind was proved, the velocity of which was from 3 to 6 km/s, which did not correspond to the "theoretical" velocity. Aetherwind research 25 It was not, however, a "null" result. A. Michelson and E. Morley. On the relative motion of the Earth and the light-bearing ether. Ibid. pp. 17-32. Per. from Engl. by L.S.Knyazeva. S.I.Vavilov. Experimental bases of the theory of relativity. In the book. Collected Works, vol. IV. Moscow: USSR Academy of Sciences, 1956. С.33. The result was obtained as an ether wind speed of 3 km/s. This was contrary to the starting point, which expected the ether wind speed to be 30 k m / s (the orbital velocity of the Earth). There was an assumption that under the action of the ether wind, the lengths of the interferometer arms shrink, which leveled the effect, or that the velocity of the ether flow decreases with decreasing altitude. We decided to continue the work by raising the interferometer to a height above the Earth's level. In 1904-1905 in the works on further research of the ether wind Michelson does not participate, they are conducted by professors E. Morley and D.K. Miller - professor of the Case School of Applied Science. The first studies were intended to test Fitzgerald and Lorentz's assumption that the size of the apparatus could change as it traveled through the ether. Two apparatuses were constructed to investigate this question. The first utilized the sandstone used in 1887, framed with white pine planks. The power crossing was constructed of planks 14 inches (355 mm) wide, two inches (51 mm) thick, and 14 feet (427 cm) long. The whole was placed on a circular float, which was placed in a barrel filled with mercury and allowed to rotate in it. Fig. 3.7. shows a non-scale optical diagram of the inter- ferometer 26 Chapter 3. a) б) Fig. 3.7. Morley-Miller interferometer: a) general view; b) optical scheme The authors describe the methodology of the experiment. "One observer walked in a circle with the moving apparatus. His eye was always touching the telescope, so he kept the instrument rotating by means of irregular soft pushes through a rope fastened so as not to put any strain on the shoulders of the apparatus. The room was darkened. The second Aetherwind research 27 The second observer also walked in a circle with the apparatus. When the index was placed on one of the sixty equally spaced marks, the second observer called the azimuth or gave some other signal. The first observer read the reading for that azimuth, which was recorded by the second observer. The next azimuth was called, readings were taken, and so on. Part of the time, however, was spent correcting for excessive displacement of the in- terference fringes caused by temperature changes: the observations were stopped during this time. It requires patience and self-control, without which this kind of work cannot be done. Runs of twenty or thirty revolutions, involving 320 or 480 readings, were common. A run of thirty revolutions meant that the observer, who had to make sixty readings in one revolution in 65 or 75 seconds, would walk half a mile, keeping his eye on the eyepiece with difficulty, in order not to interrupt his observations for half an hour. This work is, of course, very tedious. ...we planned a new apparatus and made some experiments to see, although it was well known, whether the difference in magnetic attraction of the iron parts of our apparatus would not affect our observations. However, the observations gave the same result as before. We investigated how far the interference fringes shift under the influence of a 100 g iron weight and were convinced of what we had known before: the Earth's magnetism is not an interfering factor. In the second apparatus, all the optical paths ran along a steel frame made of plates and angle iron, somewhat resembling bridge blocks. At the ends are suspended frames that hold the mirrors, and the frames are supported by pine slats running the entire length of the frame in brass tubes, so that the position of the mirrors depends only on the length of the pine slats. This design allows the rods to be conveniently replaced by others of a different material, so that the experiment can easily be used for the pro- 28 Chapter 3. of whether the dimensions of different materials depend differently on the motion through the ether. The observations were carried out according to the same scheme as when using the preliminary equipment. We have obtained 260 complete observations, each consisting of counting sixteen azimuths around a circle. From the observations of the annual motion of the Earth, its velocity, together with the velocity of the solar system, can be taken as 33.5 km/s. The speed of light is 300,000 km/s and the ratio of the squares of the speeds is 0.72-108 . The beam path length in our apparatus was 3224 cm, and this distance accommodates 5.5-107 wavelengths of sodium light. The expected effect appears twice when rotated through 90о , the displacement of the interference fringes according to simple kinematic theory is 1.1-108 - 0.72-108 . This is 1.5 wavelengths. Averaging the observed data gave 0.0076 wavelength, so we could declare that the experiment showed that if there is some effect of natural origin, it is not more than one hundredth of the calculated value. ...It may be thought that the experiment has proved only that in a quiet basement room the ether is carried away with it. Therefore we want to raise the place where the apparatus is placed up on a hill, and cover it only with a transparent covering, to see if any effect will be detected." E. Morley and D. Miller. Report on the experiment to detect the "Fitzgerald-Lorentz" effect. Ibid. pp. 35-42. The results of Morley and Miller's observations of the 1904-1905 ether wind surveys were published in the winter of 1905. In a paper read at the Washington Academy of Sciences, Prof. D. C. Miller writes: "It was at this time that Einstein became interested in the question. He published in 1905 a paper entitled "The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies". This paper was the first in a long line of papers by Einstein and others that developed the modern theory of relativity. In this paper, Einstein exposes the principle of Aetherwind research 29 The main physical factor of relativity is the assumption that the experiments with the ether wind gave a certain result. The main physical factor in the theory of relativity is the assumption that the ether wind experiments had a definite result. However, the author's interpretation of this experience was unacceptable (italics mine V.A.), and further observations were made to resolve the issue. In the fall of 1905, Morley and Miller moved the interferometer to Euclidean heights near Cleveland, about 300 feet above Lake Erie, in a place free of obstructions and structures. Five series of observations were made (1905-1906), which showed some positive effect, amounting to about 1/10th of the expected wind. It was suspected that this could be due to the effect of temperature, but there was no direct indication of it At an altitude of 250 m above sea level (Euclidean heights near Lake Erie), an ether wind speed of 3-3.5 km/s was obtained. The result is confident but incomprehensible. Reports and articles were written. We wanted to continue the work, but the land plot was taken away and the work was canceled. 1905 A.Einstein publishes his famous article "Towards Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies", in which he writes that by introducing two assumptions - the first, "that for all coordinate systems for which the equations of mechanics are valid, the same electrodynamic laws are valid", and the second, that light in the void always propagates at a certain speed, independent of the state of the radiating body. Then "Introduction The "light-bearing ether" will be superfluous, since the proposed theory does not introduce an "absolutely resting space" endowed with special properties, nor does it assign any velocity vector to any point of space in which electromagnetic processes take place". A.Einstein. Toward Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies. Collected scientific works. I.: Nauka, 1965. С. 7-8. 30 Chapter 3. 1910 г. A.Einstein in the article "The principle of relativity and its consequences", referring to the experience of Fizeau on the entrainment of light by moving liquid (water), conducted in 1851, writes: "So, light is partially entrained by a moving fluid. This experiment rejects the hypothesis of a complete entrainment of the ether. Consequently, two possibilities remain. 1. The aether is completely motionless, i.e. it takes absolutely no part in the motion of matter. 2. The aether is carried away by moving matter, but it moves at a different speed than matter. The development of the second hypothesis requires the introduction of some presupposition as to the relation between the ether and moving matter. The first possibility, however, is very simple, and its development on the basis of Maxwell's theory does not require any additional hypothesis that might complicate the foundations of the theory. And further: "It follows that it is impossible to create a satisfactory theory without denying the existence of some medium that fills all space." This is the whole justification for the absence of an ether in nature: with an ether, the theory turns out to be too complicated! A.Einstein. The principle of relativity and its corollaries. Ibid, p. 140, 145-146. 1914 г. M. Sanyak publishes the results of experiments on measuring the rotation speed of a platform, where light from a light source placed on it by means of mirrors circles the platform along its periphery clockwise and counterclockwise. A shift of interference fringes was detected, the magnitude of which is proportional to the speed of rotation of the platform. A similar experiment was carried out by F. Garres (Jena, 1912). At present, the Sanyak effect is used in laser ROVs (angular velocity sensors), which are produced by the industry in many thousands of copies. Aetherwind research 31 Figure 3. 8. Sanyak interferometer S.I.Vavilov in his book "Experimental bases of the theory of relativity" writes: "If Sagnac's phenomenon had been discovered before the null results of the second-order experiments had become clear, it would certainly have been regarded as a brilliant experimental proof of the existence of the ether. But in the situation created in theoretical physics after Michelson's experiment, Sagnac's experience clarified few things. Sagnac's small interferograph detects an "optical vortex", hence it does not entrain the ether. This is the only possible interpretation of this experience on the basis of the idea of ether. S.I.Vavilov. Experimental Foundations of the Theory of Relativity" (1928). Collected Works, vol. IV.M.: ed. of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1956. С. 52-57. 1915 г. Einstein in the second part of the article "Theory of Relativity" for the first time formulates the basic principle of the General Theory of Relativity: "...the properties of scales and clocks (geometry or metric in general) in this continuum (four-dimensional space-time continuum V.A.) are determined by the gravitational field; the latter is thus a physical state of space that simultaneously determines gravitation, inertia, and the 32 Chapter 3. metrics. This is the deepening and unification of the fundamentals of physics achieved by the general theory of relativity". A.Einstein. Theory of Relativity (1915). Collected scientific works. M.: Nauka, 1965, P. 424. 1920 г. Einstein wrote in his article "The Aether and the Theory of Relativity" that "...the general theory of relativity endows space with physical properties; thus, in this sense, the aether exists. According to the general theory of relativity, space is inconceivable without ether; indeed, in such a space not only would the propagation of light be impossible, but scales and clocks could not exist and there would be no space-time distances in the physical sense of the word. However, this ether cannot be imagined as consisting of parts traceable in time (parts are in space, processes in time! - V.A.); only weighty matter has this property; likewise, the notion of motion cannot be applied to it. A.Einstein. Ether and the theory of relativity (1920). Ibid. p. 689. 1924 A. Einstein in his article "On the Ether" reports that "...we cannot do without ether in theoretical physics, i.e. without a continuum endowed with physical properties, because the general theory of relativity, the basic ideas of which physicists are likely to adhere to always (?! - V.A.) excludes direct long-range action; every theory of close action assumes the presence of continuous fields, and, therefore, the existence of ether". A. Einstein. "On the Ether." Ibid. vol. 2, 1966, с. 160. 1925, A. Michelson and G. Gehl in their article "The Influence of the Earth's Rotation on the Speed of Light" published the results of experiments to measure the speed of light in iron tubes with a diameter of 305 mm. located on the ground on Mount Wilson on the perimeter of a rectangle 620x340 m, from which air was pumped out. The results clearly recorded the rotation of the Earth, which was possible to Aetherwind research 33 can be explained only by the presence in the pipes of ether stationary relative to world space. Fig. 3.9. Schematic diagram of the experiment of A. Michelson and G. Gehl A. Michelson and G. Gehl. Influence of the Earth's rotation on the speed of light. In Russian in the collection Ether Wind. Edited by Dr. V.A. Atsyukovsky. Moscow: Energoatomizdat, 1993. С. 22-61. Transl. from English by L.S.Knyazeva. In 1925. In 1925, D.K. Miller read a report "Ether Wind" at the Washington Academy of Sciences, in which he outlined the positive results of work on the detection of ether wind on Mount Wilson at an altitude of 6,000 feet (1,860 m). Prof. Morley withdrew from active work in 1906, and the continuation of the experiments passed into the hands of D. C. Miller. Miller writes: "The publication of the results of observations of the 1919 solar eclipse, which was interpreted as a confirmation of the theory of relativity, reawakened interest in ether wind experiments. 34 Chapter 3. The experiments were continued and moved to Mount Wilson Observatory. The experiments were continued and moved t o Mount Wilson Observatory. The apparatus was essentially the s a m e as that used by Morley and Miller in 1904, 1905, and 1906. Observations were also made in late 1921 and again in 1924 and 1925. In all, about 5000 separate measurements of the ether wind were made at Mount Wilson at various hours of the day and night. These observations were summarized into 204 different series, each series referring to one hour of time. The observations were made- at four different times of the year: 1. April 15, 1921 - 117 series of observations; 2. December 8, 1921 - 42 episodes; 3. September 5, 1924 - 10 episodes; 4. April 1, 1925. - 35 episodes. The very first observations made in March 1921 gave a positive effect corresponding to a real ether wind, as if it were due to the relative motion of the Earth and the ether at a speed of about 10 km/s. However, before publishing this result, it seemed necessary to investigate all possible causes that could produce an effect similar to the etheric wind. These possible causes could be limited to magnetic deformations of the steel frame of the interferometer and the effects of radiation heat. In order to completely eliminate the effects of radiation heat, all metal parts of the interferometer were completely covered with a layer of cork about one inch thick. Fifty series of observations made under these conditions revealed a periodic shift of the fringes coincident with previous observations. In the summer of 1921, the steel frame of the interferometer was dismantled. It was replaced by a concrete foundation on a mercury float and reinforced with brass rods. New stands made of aluminum and brass were made for the optical parts. In this way, the apparatus was completely unaffected by magnetic influences and the possibility of heating was greatly reduced. Aetherwind research 35 In December (4-11), 1921, about 900 separate observations were made in 42 series. The results with this non-magnetic interferometer gave a positive effect corresponding to an ether wind of exactly the same velocity and direction as those obtained in April 1921. Numerous variations of the experimental conditions were tried. The observations were made by rotating the interferometer clockwise and counterclockwise, by rotating it rapidly (1 revolution in 40 seconds) and slowly (1 revolution in 85 seconds) with a heavy weight placed on the tube arm and then on the lamp arm, with the float raised high above the level of the mercury because one quadrant was loaded first and then the other. The assistant recording the observations walked around or stood in various parts of the room, far from or close to the apparatus. None of these variations had any effect on the results of the observations. The entire apparatus was then moved back to Cleveland. During 1922 and 1923, numerous tests were conducted under various conditions available for control and with various types of changes in the arrangement of the apparatus parts. ...After the experiments described above were completed, the interferometer was again moved to Mount Wilson. In 1921, the apparatus was located in a deep canyon. I feared that the air currents and the unsymmetrical distribution of rocks in the canyon might cause undesirable disturbances. In August 1924, a new site was chosen on a slightly rounded hill away from the canyons. The interferometer building was erected so that its orientation-the direction of the roof ridge and the location of the doors-was 90о with the 1921 orientation. The interferometer in all respects was the same as that used at Cleveland in July 1924. In September (4-, 5-, and 6 of 1924), 275 measurements of fringe displacement were made, the measurements being arranged in 10 series. The results of the observations revealed a definite shift, in contrast to the insignificant results obtained at Cleveland. The ether wind corresponding to this displacement was in velocity and direction quite consistent with that first observed at Cleveland. 36 Chapter 3. The measurements were made under the conditions that the paths of light rays were covered with glass boxes covered with corrugated paper. Some of the measurements were made under the condition that the paths of the light rays were covered by glass boxes covered with corrugated paper, which, according to the experience in Cleveland, completely excluded the influence of radiant heat. However, these covers did not change the result at all, which implies that there is no such influence at all. Observations at Mount Wilson were resumed on March 27, 1925 and continued until April 5. During this interval, 1600 measurements were made, summarized in 35 series. The interferometer was the same as in September 1924. During this period, observing conditions were exceptionally good. There was fog for some time, which kept the temperature very uniform. Four precise thermometers were hung on the outside windows of the house, and in many cases the temperature variation did not exceed 0.1о and was usually less than 0.4о . However, even a change of a few degrees, which might cause a permanent shift in the interference fringes, cannot change the periodic shift in either magnitude or direction. The observations in April 1925 gave results quite identical to those of 1921, despite the fact that the interferometer was rebuilt, that a different lighting system and different observation methods were used, despite the fact, finally, that the interferometer was installed in a different place and in a house oriented differently. The described experiments performed at Mount Wilson during 1921-1925 lead to the conclusion that there is a certain displacement of the interference fringes which would be caused by the relative motion of the Earth and the ether at this observatory at a velocity of about 10 km/s, i.e. about one third of the orbital velocity of the Earth. Aetherwind research 37 1) 2) Fig. 3.10. Alignment of theoretical curves (smooth curve) with experimental results (broken line): 1) azimuth; 2) velocity; a) April 1, 1925; b) August 1, 1925; c) September 15, 1925. When this result is compared with previous results obtained at Cleveland, it suggests a partial entrainment of the ether, which decreases with altitude." D.C. Miller Etheric Wind. A paper read at the Washington Academy of Sciences. Translated from the English by S.I.Vavilov. Ibid, pp . 62-67. 1926 D.K.Miller publishes an extensive article "The significance of the experiments on the detection of ether wind in 1925 at Mount Wilson". The article details the description of the device, the methodology of the experiments and the processing of the results. It is shown that the ether wind has not an orbital but a galactic direction and has its apex in the constellation of the Dragon (65о N, 17 h). 38 Chapter 3. The ether wind speed at 6,000 feet is 8-10 km/s. D.C. Miller. The significance of experiments on the detection of ether wind in 1925 on Mount Wilson. Translated from English by V.M.Vakhnin. Ibid. С. 71-94. 1926-1927. R. Kennedy and then K. Illingworth published the results of measurements of the ether wind on Mount Wilson using a small (with an optical path length of 1 m) interferometer sealed in a metal box and filled with helium. Fig. 3.11. Schematic diagram of the Kennedy interferometer They used a step mirror to increase the sensitivity. The result is uncertain, within the margin of error. R.J. Kennedy. Improvement of the Michelson-Morley Experiment. Transl. from Engl. by V.A.A.Atsyukovsky. Ibid. p. 95-104. C.K. Illingworth. Repetition of the Michelson-Morley experiment using the Kennedy improvement. Translated from English by L.S.Knyazeva. Ibid. pp. 105-111.1927 г. February 4 and 5. Aetherwind research 39 A conference was held at Mount Wilson Observatory to discuss the results obtained by various researchers in experiments on the aether wind. The leading scientists of the time spoke. Presentations were made by D. C. Miller and R. Kennedy. The former reported his results, the latter that he had not obtained anything. The conference thanked them for their interesting communications, but made no conclusions. Conference on the Michelson-Morley Experiment, held at the Mount Wilson Observatory, Pasadena, California, February 4 and 5, 1927, translated from English by V.A. Atsyukovsky and L.S. Knyazeva. Ibid. p. 112173. 1927 On June 20 at 10 p.m. A. Piccard and E. Stael undertook the ascent of the interferometer to a height of 2600 m on the balloon "Helvetia". A small interferometer was used and 96 revolutions were made. The result is uncertain. The experiment was repeated on Mount Riga at an altitude of 1800 m above sea level. A value of 1.4 km/s was obtained with an instrument error of 2.5 km/s. It was concluded that there was no ether wind. E. Stael. Michelson's Experiment on a Free Balloon. Per. from German. S.F.Ivanov. Ibid. p. 173-175. A. Piccard and E. Stael. Michelson's experiment conducted on Mount Rigi at an altitude of 1800 m above sea level. Per. from German. S.F.Ivanov. Ibid. p. 175-177. 1929 A. Michelson and his assistants F. Pease and F. Pearson again conducted an experiment to detect the ether wind, this time on Mount Wilson in a specially built for this purpose fundamental house. The result was about 6 km/s. A.A. Michelson, F.G. Pease, F. Pearson. Repetition of the MichelsonMorley Experiment. Translated from English by V.A.A.Atsyukovsky. Ibid. p. 177-178. F.G. Pease. Experiment on the Ether Wind and Determination of the Absolute Motion of the Earth. Transl. from English by L.S.Knyazeva. I b i d e m , p. 179-185. 40 Chapter 3. 1933 D.K.Miller published a large final article on his work. It did not receive any resonance in the scientific community. D.K. Miller. Experiment on the Ether Wind and Determination of the Absolute Motion of the Earth. Transl. from English by V.A.A.Atsyukovsky. Ibid. p. 185- 259. 1958. A group of authors led by the inventor of masers, Nobel laureate C. Towns, conducted an experiment using masers. Two masers were placed on a rotating platform, their emissions were directed towards each other. The frequency beat was on the order of 20 kHz. In the presence of ether wind, it was supposed to change the received frequency due to the pre-Plerov effect. According to the author's idea, the rotation of the platform should have changed the frequency ratio, which was not observed. It was concluded that there is no ether wind in nature and, consequently, no ether. J.P.Cedarholm, G.F.Bland, B.L.Havens, C.H.Towns. New experimental verification of the special theory of relativity. Transl. from English by V.A.A.Atsyukovsky. Ibid. 259-262. J.P.Cedarholm, C.H.Towns. New experimental verification of the special theory of relativity. Per. s Engl. V.A.Atsyukovsky. Ibid. 262-267. 1974-2003. V.A. Atsyukovsky developed a new direction of theoretical physics - ether dynamics, which studies the properties of the ether in near-Earth space, ether structures and basic interactions. Based on the known phenomena, purely logical way, excluding the use of any postulates and axioms, ether-dynamics determines universal physical invariants and defines the properties of the ether in near-Earth space. It is shown that the ether is a gas-like medium with properties of an ordinary real, i.e. viscous compressible gas, and on this basis etherdynamic models of the main stable elementary particles of the microworld - proton, neutron, electron, photon, atomic nuclei and some molecules - are developed, the physical essence of the main fundamental interactions is determined. Aetherwind research 41 The main cosmological paradoxes in the framework of Euclidean space and uniformly current time are solved. V.A. Atsyukovsky. General ether dynamics. Modeling of structures of matter and fields on the basis of representations about gas-like ether. 2nd edition. M.:Energotomizdat. 2000. 580 с. 1993 V.A. Atsyukovsky collected and translated into Russian for the first time the main articles of the authors of the experiments on ether wind research. In the final article to the collection "Ether Wind" all the problems, mistakes made by the authors of the experiments, and tasks for further research of the ether wind are considered. The article shows the fundamental importance of these works for the forensic science, because the confirmation of the presence of ether wind on the Earth's surface automatically means the presence of ether in nature, and this fundamentally changes the whole theoretical basis of natural science and opens many new research and applied directions. It also shows the possibility of creating a laser-based device of the 1st order: under the action of the ether wind, the laser beam will deflect from the straightline direction like an elastic cantilevered beam under wind load. At the optical path length of 5-10 m at an ether wind speed of 3 km/s, a beam deflection of 0.1-0.3 mm can be expected, which is quite detectable by bridge photodetectors with an amplifier. V.A. Atsyukovsky. Ether wind: problems, errors, tasks. Ibid. pp. 268-288. Taking into account the ether-dynamic ideas about the gas-like essence of the ether in near-Earth space and from the analysis of the results of experiments on the ether wind research conducted by different authors, it is necessary to draw a number of conclusions. All studies of the ether wind of the late 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries, which did not give positive results, did not take into account the gas-like structure of the ether, idealized the properties of the ether and therefore allowed serious methodological and in- 42 Chapter 3. The results of their experiments were negative. The basis of measurements of the ether wind should be the idea of the ether as a gas-like medium obeying all known laws of an ordinary real, i.e., viscous and compressible gas. This requires taking into account a number of circumstances. 1. The streams of ether blowing the Earth must be inhibited by the atmosphere and, consequently, with decreasing height of the measuring point the relative velocity of the ether - ether wind streams relative to the Earth's surface must decrease, and in basements the measurement of the velocity of ether streams relative to the Earth's surface becomes impossible due to the inhibition of ether streams by the Earth's rocks; this fact was confirmed by Michelson and Morley's experiments of 1881 and 1887, carried out in a basement, and further by Morley and Miller's work of 1905, carried out at Euclidean heights (250 m. above sea level), which obtained the velocity of ether streams relative to the Earth's surface, The fact was confirmed by Michelson and Morley's experiments in 1881 and 1887, conducted in a basement, and further by Morley and Miller's work in 1905 at Euclidean heights (250 m above sea level), which obtained the velocity of ether flows of the order of 3- 3.5 km/s, and especially by D.K. Miller's research in 1921-1925 at the Mount Wilson Observatory at a height of 1860 m, which obtained the velocity of the order of 8-10 km/s. It follows that measurements of etheric wind velocity should be made at the highest possible altitude relative to the Earth's surface and, if possible, away from local objects located at the same altitude. 2. Since Miller established that the apex of the etheric wind is 26о from the Pole of the World, it is necessary to consider the direction to the north as the zero position of any device used in the experiment. Then the daily rotation of the Earth will lead to a symmetrical deviation of the etheric wind direction during the day. 3. Since the ether is a real gas, it should be inhibited by anything, especially metallic objects, having a Fermi surface, so the room in which the ether wind velocity is to be measured should have as thin walls as possible and preferably not Aetherwind research 43 containing metallic inclusions. The necessity of this was confirmed by the experiments of Picard and Stael (1926) and Kennedy and Illingworth (1927), who packed interfer- rometers in metal boxes and did not obtain positive results, although they measured at high altitudes. In addition, the later (1928-1929) experiments of Michelson, Pease and Pearson, conducted at the Mount Wilson Observatory in a specially built fundamental house, although gave positive results (6 km/s), but less than those obtained by Miller (8-10 km/s), because Miller placed the measuring equipment (interferometer) in a light plywood building, which weakly inhibited ether currents. 4. In order to reveal the fine structure of the ether wind speed variation, it is necessary to carry out round-the-clock and year-round measurements of the ether wind speed with a periodicity of not more than 5 minutes, and possibly continuously. 2000 г. Y.M.Galaev, a researcher at the Kharkov Radio-Physical Institute, published measurements of the ether wind in the radio wave range at a wavelength of 8 mm at a base of 13 km. The ether wind speed gradient and the Earth's rotation were used. The data were recorded automatically during 1998 and then statistically processed. The ether wind near the Earth's surface in the Kharkov area was found to be about 1500 m/s, basically corresponding to Miller's 1925 data. The difference could be explained by the different altitude of the experiment site and the presence of different local objects. Y.M.Galaev. Ether wind effects in experiments on radio wave propagation. Radiophysics and Electronics. Т. 5 № 1. С. 119-132. Kharkov: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2000. 44 Chapter 3. Thus, the existence of an etheric wind blowing the Earth has been previously and currently confirmed experimentally. 1.3. Current experiments with positive results 1.3.1. Studies of the ether wind with the help of laser V.A.Atsyukovsky State University of Management, Moscow The purpose of the experiment was to confirm the possibility of measuring the ether wind by the first-order method, which allows increasing the effect by 4-5 orders of magnitude and thus drastically reducing the requirements for the measuring instrument. A separate room located on the 9th floor of the LSC building (laboratory and bench building) of the LII Branch (later - NIIAO) on the territory of the Flight Research Institute in Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, was chosen as the place of the experiment. An ordinary laser (LG-65) was chosen as a measuring instrument, based on the assumption that etheric currents enveloping the laser beam would distort it in the same way as ordinary wind distorts a cantilevered beam. The deviation of the beam from the neutral position can be detected by photodiodes that record the position of the light spot. The use of conventional light sources for the purpose was rejected because a conventional source produces relatively short photons which would simply be blown away by the ether wind, whereas a laser beam is a single system and is quite similar to a cantilevered beam, hence it would bend and the deflection of the beam would be proportional to the square of its length. Aetherwind research 45 Fig. 1. Scheme for measuring the ether wind velocity using a laser beam: 1 - laser; 2 - detector; 3 - photoresistance; 4 - matte glass; 5 - opaque partition; 6 - amplifier of the beam vertical deflection signal; 7 - amplifier of the beam horizontal deflection signal. The deviation of the laser beam spot from its unperturbed position is detected by two pairs of photodiodes or photoresistors, respectively, included in two bridge electronic circuits. One pair of photodiodes (photoresistors) is located horizontally and detects the deviation of the beam in the horizontal plane, the second pair is located vertically and detects the deviation of the beam in the vertical plane. To increase the sensitivity of the device by increasing the length of the laser beam, multiple reflections of the beam from surface reflecting mirrors can be used. In the experiment we used an optical bench, 1.2 m long, 15 cm wide, 8 cm thick, made of artificial granite. The bench was placed on two cushions placed on two chairs, thus preventing the influence of possible vibrations. The room was kept at a constant temperature. 46 Chapter 3. A gas laser LG-65 was used in the installation, and the detector was equipped with 4 photoresistors of the FS-1 type, placed crosswise - two vertically, two horizontally. A frosted glass was placed in front of the photoresistors to provide light scattering, and the whole detector was placed in a 15 cm long aluminum tube blackened from inside to prevent external illumination. The total length of the laser beam was 7 m. The recordings were made on a standard industrial self-transcriber with a paper tape width of 27 cm. The tape pulling speed was 0.1 cm/min. Horizontal and vertical deviations of the laser beam from its neutral position were recorded in parallel. Experimental result In spite of the fact that it was not possible to conduct systematic studies of the ether wind velocity during the whole period of the experiments, as well as to estimate its magnitude, it should be considered that periodic daily deviations of the laser beam in the horizontal plane and in the vertical plane took place, and in the horizontal plane 2-5 times more than in the vertical plane. The main result is what can be considered as confirmation of the possibility of using the physical effect of the laser beam deflection from the neutral position under the influence of etheric flows. This confirms the possibility of further creation of a first-order ether wind velocity meter, which in turn will make it possible to proceed to mass and systematic studies of the ether wind. The second result is the fact of diurnal variation of the laser beam deflection, which can be interpreted as diurnal variation of the ether wind direction change relative to the Earth's surface. The third result is the unexpected appearance of periodic oscillations of the laser beam with periods ranging from fractions of a minute to units of hours, which can be interpreted as the influence of additional perturbations associated with radiation. Aetherwind research 47 of the Sun, expressed in the etheric streams of preferentially photon-like structure spewed out by it. As conclusions, it is also necessary to point out the expediency of creating portable hand-held devices and their mass production for systematic studies of the ether wind at different points of the Earth at different altitudes, including mountains and various aircraft, including artificial Earth satellites, at different times of the year and day. The purpose of such studies may be to determine the correlation between variations in the etheric wind and various terrestrial events that may be a consequence of these variations. Improvement of the laser device for ether wind research and such research itself should be continued and developed in every possible way, attracting new performers. 1.3.2. Studies of the etheric wind using a millimeter-wave interferometer Y.M.Galaev Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv. In this paper, a first-order method and device are proposed to measure the anisotropy of radio wave velocity. The measurement method is based on patterns flow of viscous media near the interface and propagation of millimeter-wave radio waves near the Earth's surface within line of sight [23-26]. The principle of operation can be explained as follows. Let us place a radio interferometer near the Earth's surface, in which radio waves arrive at the point of observation of the interference pattern after propagation at different heights above the Earth's surface. If we now rotate the radio-interferometer in the physical vacuum flow, then, within the framework of the initial hypothesis, due to the abovementioned properties of the physical vacuum, anisotropy effects and height, the interference pattern should shift relative to the 48 Chapter 3. of its initial position. Such a radio interferometer is sensitive to the difference of physical vacuum velocity at the heights of the radio interferometer beams. In other words, the proposed measurement method is sensitive to the magnitude of the gradient of the vertical profile of the physical vacuum flow velocity. The measurement method is a first-order method because it is not necessary to return the radiated radio waves to the starting point. The measurement method was realized using a ground-based line- of-sight radioline, in which the main mechanism of field formation at the reception point is the interference of the direct wave and waves reflected from the Earth's surface [25]. Such a radio line of sight can be regarded as a radio interferometer with a vertical arrangement of rays. To exclude the influence of isotropic effects on the accuracy of measurements, such as the influence of variations in the parameters of the vertical profile of the atmospheric refractive index, we used the reciprocity principle in electrodynamics. According to the reciprocity principle, the conditions of radio wave propagation from one point to another are exactly the same as in the opposite direction, and this symmetry does not depend on the properties of the intermediate space, which is only assumed to be isotropic [27]. Consequently, if a counter- propagating radio line is used, then by subtracting the results of simultaneous measurements of wave interference at both points, isotropic effects can be eliminated and thus anisotropy effects can be isolated. The counter-propagating radioline and the means of measuring radio wave interference can be regarded as a radio interference meter for studying the isotropy of space near the Earth's surface. Let us consider the peculiarities of realization of the proposed measurement method. Fig. 1 shows a scheme of possible location of the radio line on the terrain. In the figure letters "A" and "B" denote the receiving and transmitting antennas of the same name points of the radio line, F(Δα) - normalized directivity characteristics of antennas. The length of the radio link is AB = r. The antennas are elevated above the flat earth surface at a height Zup >>λ , where λ - length Aetherwind research 49 radio waves. In radio lines, the antenna pattern axes usually coincide with the line AB (α = 0). Two waves arrive at each of points "A" and "B": a direct wave along the AB path at Zup height, and a wave along the ACB path reflected from the Earth's surface at C. The letter ψ denotes the angle of slip. The letter ψ denotes the slip angle. The average height of the trajectory ACB is equal to Zl . The angle between the directions of propagation of direct waves and waves reflected from the Earth's surface is denoted as Δα. The arrows Wr up and Wrl , show the direction of the radial component of the physical vacuum velocity, i.e., the component acting along the radioline. The lengths of the arrows are proportional to the physical vacuum velocities at heights Zup and Zl . In real radio lines, Zup << r, so the angles ψ and Δα are small and measured in fractions of a degree. In Fig. 1, for clarity, the vertical scale is stretched, so the angles ψ and Δα do not reflect the actual values. The radioline shown in Fig. 1 can be considered as a radio interferometer with a vertical arrangement of rays. Due to the daily rotation of the Earth, such a radio interferometer rotates in the physical vacuum flow. To measure the parameters of radio wave interference, the method of measuring the characteristics of radio paths proposed in [28] was applied at each of the radio link points ("A" and "B"). This made it possible to significantly simplify the task of creating and operating the radio link transceiving devices, since the method [28] does not require the use of coherent radiation sources for phase measurements. 50 Chapter 3. Fig.1. Schematic of the experiment The principle of operation of the method [28] is as follows. A probing modulated signal I with the carrier frequency f0 and frequencies of the lower (f1 = f0 - Fm) and upper (f2 = f0 + Fm) side components, where Fm is the modulation frequency, is emitted from the transmitting station. During propagation, each i-th component of the signal I gets the phase increment φi = kiLp , where: ki - wave number, Lp propagation distance (indices i = 0,1,2 correspond to chaf0, f1, f2 ). In the receiving device, the component of the received signal with frequency f0 is separately multiplied with each of the sides. The phase shift Δφ is measured between the results of multiplications with different frequencies. T h e expression for Δφ is as follows: Δφ = (φ0 -φ1 ) - (φ2 -φ0 ) . (2) Such a combination of phases is invariant to the change of the time origin and was named "phase invariant" in [29]. ...The proposed measurement method is sensitive to the desired effects of anisotropic radio wave propagation. Aetherwind research 51 Experimental radio line. Approbation of the proposed measurement method was carried out using a 13 km long line-of-sight terrestrial radio line. The radioline profile is shown in Fig. 2. For visualization of the local relief, the vertical scale is stretched. The abscissa axis shows the radioline length in kilometers, and the ordinate axis shows the length in kilometers. - altitude above sea level in meters. In the figure, points "A" and "B" are the final receiving and transmitting points of the radio line. Point "A" was located on the northern outskirts of Kharkiv city, point "B" - in the village of "Ruskiye Tishki". In the points of the radio line identical receiving-transmitting mirror antennas with directional diagrams with a width of ≈ 0.5O were installed. The antenna of point "A", at its location, is raised 30 m from the ground surface, and the antenna of point "B" at 12 m. The top of hill D and the area around point C are grassy. Figure 2. Profile of the experimental radio line The top of the hill E is occupied by forest plantations. The average height of trajectory AB above the ground Zup ≈ 42 m. The value of the clearance above the top D, is H1 ≈ 25.3 m. The magnitude of the clearance over point C is H2 ≈ 24 m. The distance from the point "A" to the top D r1 ≈ 2200 m. The azimuth of the radioline a measured at point "A" relative to the meridian is a ≈ 45O . To clarify the mechanism of field formation in the radioline, the vertical structure of the field was measured at point "A". The measurements were made in summer, in August. Radiation was conducted by the antenna of point "B" at the carrier frequency 52 Chapter 3. of the probing signal of this point f0B. Vertical sounding was performed using an auxiliary receiving device equipped with an antenna with a relatively wide radiation pattern (≈10O ). The measurement results are shown as points on the left fragment of Fig. 3. The solid line approximates the view of the measured field structure. On the abscissa axis is the ratio of the received signal power P to the conventional power level P0 , in decibels. On the ordinate axis is the elevation of the auxiliary receiving device in meters, starting from the antenna location level of point "A". Fig. 3 shows that the vertical field structure contains two main components. Figure 3. Vertical field structure The former is represented by several periods of change, the latter by only a part of its period. The measured structure can be described by the interference of three waves: a direct wave propagating along the BA path, a wave reflected from the top D and propagating along the BDA path, and a wave reflected from the ground surface in the vicinity of point C and propagating along the BCA path. The solution of the problem of interference of several waves is described in [25]. ...Hardware. Aetherwind research 53 The end points of the radio line (Fig. 2) were equipped with identical sets of receiving-transmitting and recording equipment. The same mirror-type antenna was used for transmitting and receiving the sounding signals at each of the end points of the radio link. The antennas of both sites are identical. The diameters of the mirrors are 1.1 m. The antennas are mounted on supports made of structural steel. The supports are equipped with rotating devices for pointing the antennas in azimuth and angle of place. Fig.4 shows the external view of the receiving and transmitting device of point "A". The device is placed on the roof of the building. Fig.4. Measuring point "A", Kharkiv city Figure 4 shows the device with antennas of different diameters. In the present work, only the antenna with a larger diameter was used for signal emission and reception. In point "B", a similar device was placed as shown by the arrow in Fig. 5. In addition to the antennas, the support devices were equipped with the microwave nodes of the transmitting stations. Low-frequency nodes and recording equipment were located in the premises of buildings. Carrier oscillation generators had frequencies of about 37 GHz and modulating oscillation generators about 0.5 GHz. To separate the emitted and received signals, the nominal frequencies of the carrier and modulating oscillator generators were set at about 37 GHz and those of the modulating oscillator generators at about 0.5 GHz. 54 Chapter 3. The carrier frequencies were different. In point "A" the carrier frequency f0A = 36.95 GHz, and in point "B" the carrier frequency had the value f0B = 37 GHz (difference 50 MHz). Accordingly, the modulation frequencies were FmA = 0.47 GHz and FmB = 0.5 GHz (30 MHz difference). The output power of each of the transmitting devices based on Gunn diodes was about 70 mW. The operation mode of the generators was continuous. The generators of carrier and modulating oscillations with associated assemblies are located in the thermostats and are covered by automatic frequency tuning systems. The measuring complex underwent comprehensive laboratory and field tests in the ambient temperature range -25O C ... +35O C. The tests were performed in various meteorological conditions and in all seasons of the year. Fig.5. Measuring point "B", Russkie Tishki village To record the results of measurements of the values of phase invariants ΔφA and ΔφB , recorders were used at both endpoints. At point "A", the ampliThis information made it possible to identify the time intervals during which the weather (rain, snow) fell, which could not always be determined visually. This information made it possible to identify the time intervals during which the weather (rain, snow) was falling, which could not always be determined visually. The amplitude channel also performed the function of continuous monitoring of the measuring system. Analysis of the real character- Aetherwind research 55 The resultant RMS hardware error of the measurement- and the results of its tests showed that the resultant RMS hardware error of the measurement-. OIt is shown belowthat the sensitivity of the fabricated radio interferometer to the great- chine anisotropy velocity propagation radio waves Wh min ≈ 108 m/sec. Measurement methodology. Probing signals IA and IB were radiated towards each other from points "A" and "B", respectively. At the same time, the probe signals IA and IB were received at each of the points. The measured values of ΔφA and ΔφB were recorded on recorder tapes. At both stations, the measured values of ΔφA and ΔφB were recorded on recorder tapes. The time stamps were produced were recorded at point "A" and transmitted to point "B" by means of signal IA. In this way, the time stamps were synchronously recorded by the self-recorders of both stations. The measurements were carried out continuously and around the clock. Calibration of the equipment and control of its functioning was carried out using an autonomous device that produced test signals with controlled parameters and spectra similar to the spectra of the sounding signals. Measurement results. In accordance with the objectives of the study, we consider the results of the present work in parallel with the results of experiments [15,16], [5-7,14], and [13]. These four experiments, including the present experiment, were carried out in different points of the globe using three different measurement methods and in different ranges of electromagnetic waves. The results discussed in this paper relate to a series of measurements made in the millimeterwave radio band during six months of the year (August to January) using the first-order measurement method described above (Ukraine). The total time of continuous measurements in this series amounted to 1288 hours. Experiment [15,16] was performed using the first-order optical measurement method (Ukraine). Experiments 56 Chapter 3. [5-7,14] (USA) and [13] (USA) were carried out with the help of second-order optical measurement methods using cross-shaped Michelson interferometers. The operation of the measurement methods applied in the present work and in experiments [15,16], [5-7,14] and [13] is based on the ideas of wave propagation in a moving medium whose properties determine the velocity of electromagnetic wave propagation. Within the framework of the initial hypothesis, it makes it possible to interpret the results of the above experiments in terms of anisotropy of the electromagnetic wave propagation velocity. Let us consider the manifestation of the sought effects in experiments on the propagation of electromagnetic waves. The fragments of Fig. 9 show the average results of the experiment [15,16] (Fig. 9a), the present work (Fig. 9b), and the experiment [5-7] (Fig. 9c), which were obtained in different years during the epoch of August. The term "epoch" is borrowed from astronomy, in which observations of different years made in the same months are referred to observations of the same epoch. The results of the experiment [13] are not presented in Fig. 9, since the authors limited themselves to the maximum value of the anisotropy value Wh ≈ 6000 m/s measured by them. On the ordinate axes are plotted the values of the anisotropy value Wh in m/sec, on the abscissa axes - the solar time of day Tm in hours. Vertical strokes indicate verification intervals. Each of the fragments of Fig. 9 illustrates the manifestation of the desired anisotropy effect. In experiments [15,16], [5-7,14], [13], the anisotropy effect was detected by rotating optical interferometers; in the present work, counter propagation of radio waves was used. The results of the experiments under consideration showed that the anisotropy value changes during the day, and such changes have a similar character. Thus, the correlation coefficients ℜ calculated between the Wh(Tm) dependences lie within the range 0.73 ≤ ℜ ≤ 0.85. Aetherwind research 57 Figure 9. Variation of the anisotropy magnitude in the August epoch according to the data of different experiments: (a) experiment [15,16]; (b) the present work; (c) experiment [5-7] In [5-7, 14], the change in the anisotropy value during the day is explained by the motion of the solar system toward the apex with coordinates close to the coordinates of the north pole of the ecliptic. In this case, due to the daily rotation of the Earth, the projection of the relative motion velocity vector on the horizontal plane of the instrument and, consequently, the magnitude of Wh anisotropy will change during the day. This explanation does not contradict the results of the present work and can be accepted as the initial one. The results of the present work and of experiments [15,16], [57,14], [13] illustrate the manifestation of another effect, the height effect. In these four experiments, measurements were made at five different heights: 1.6 m and 4.75 m in the experiment [5-7,14]. 58 Chapter 3. in experiment [15,16]; 42 m in the present work; 265 m and 1830 m in experiment [5-7,14] (Cleveland and Mount Wilson Observatory, respectively). In experiment [13], measurements were also made at Mount Wilson Observatory. The manifestation of the height effect can be seen both in the fragments of Fig. 9, noting, for example, the maximum values of the anisotropy value Wh , a n d i n Fig. 10, which shows the dependence of the anisotropy value Wh on the height of the location of the measuring devices above the Earth's surface Z. To construct Fig. 10, we used the averages of the maximum values of the anisotropy values measured in the present work and in experiments [15,16], [5-7,14], [13]. The values of the logarithms of the Wh/W* and Z/Z* ratios are plotted along the abscissa and ordinate axes, respectively. The values of W* and Z* are taken as 1 m/sec and 1 m, respectively. For clarity, the values of Wh in m/sec and Z in meters are plotted on the upper and right parts of Fig. 10 along the coordinate axes. Fig. 10 shows that the results of different experiments follow the same pattern and are located near the straight line. In the height range from 1.6 m to 1830 m, the anisotropy increases from 200 m/s to 10000 m/s, which ranges from 6.7⋅10−7 to 3.3⋅10−5 of the speed of light, respectively. The experimental results presented in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 illustrate a high correlation between the results of different experiments, the observability of the phenomenon of anisotropic spatialization of electromagnetic waves, the repeatability of the phenomenon properties under different observational conditions, and the reproducibility of the phenomenon properties when using different experimental methods and different ranges of electromagnetic waves. All this gives grounds to positively evaluate the validity of the results of the discussed experiments. It should be noted that the measured values of anisotropy are relatively small, and in many practical cases they can be neglected. In this sense, the space near the Earth's surface can be considered isotropic with an accuracy depending on the time of day and on the height above the Earth's surface. The information given in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 can be regarded as the limits of applicability of the assumptions. Aetherwind research 59 of the optical isotropy of space near the Earth's surface. Figure 10. Dependence of the anisotropy value on the height above the Earth's surface according to various experiments: 1 - experiment [15,16]; 2 - present work; 3 - experiment [5-7]; 4 - experiment [13] The results of the present work and experiments [15,16, 5-7, 13] make it possible to show that the negative results of experiments [20,22] can be explained by the insufficient sensitivity of the applied interferometers. Thus, Fig. 10 shows that near the Earth's surface the magnitude of anisotropy does not exceed 200 m/sec . Consequently, in the experiments [20,22], performed in basements, the sensitivity of interferometers Wmin to the magnitude of anisotropy should be not worse than 200 m/sec. Let us calculate the sensitivity of interferometers, in experiments [20,22]. We will assume that the shift of interference fringes Dmin ≈ 0.04 corresponds to the value of Wmin. 60 Chapter 3. Such a shift was expected to be observed, for example, in the experiment [20]. From expression (1) we find Wmin = c (Dmin λ l -1 )1/ 2 . (36) In experiments [20], [22], the ray lengths l were 2.4 m and 22 m, respectively, and the wavelengths λ ≈ 6⋅10−7 m. Using expression (36), we obtain that in experiment [20] Wmin ≈ 30000 m/sec, and in experiment [22] Wmin ≈ 10000 m/sec. Consequently, in experiments [20] and [22], the sensitivity of the interferometers was insufficient. The result of the assessment just made can be shown more clearly by calculating the ray lengths l required to construct a cross-shaped Michelson optical interferometer with sensitivity to the anisotropy of the light velocity Wmin ≈ 200 m/sec. From expression (1) we find l = Dλc W2−2 . (37) Let us substitute in expression (37) the values of D = 0.04, λ ≈ 6⋅10−7 m; and W = 200 m/sec. We obtain l ≈ 54000 m, It can be assumed that the task to produce a cross-shaped optical inter- In the experiments [20] and [22], space anisotropy could not be detected due to a single instrumental reason - these experiments used secondorder interferometers with ray lengths l ≈ 54000 m. Consequently, space anisotropy could not be detected in experiments [20] and [22] due to a single instrumental reason - these experiments used second-order interferometers of insufficient sensitivity. It is appropriate to emphasize once again the advantage of the firstorder measurement method proposed in [15,16]. It can be calculated that near the Earth's surface, at anisotropy magnitude ≈ 200 m/s and other conditions being equal, the proposed first-order optical method is one and a half million times more sensitive than the second-order Michelson interferometer method. This circumstance makes it difficult to Aetherwind research 61 applicability of the Michelson interferometer for studying the anisotropy of the light velocity near the Earth's surface. This assessment is also valid for the experiments [8-11]. In addition, the results of the present work and [16] suggest that the properties of physical vacuum flows are close to the properties of flows of known gases, enveloping obstacles and flowing in guiding systems. In experiments [8-11], this circumstance could be the reason for unsuccessful attempts to reveal anisotropic properties of space with the help of devices enclosed in hermetic metal chambers. The results of the present work and [16] allowed us to show possible reasons for the negative results of modern experimental attempts to detect anisotropic properties of space, e.g., [37-40]. In [37], an optical measuring device was used, the scheme and operation of which do not differ in principle from the device used by M. Geck in 1868 [41]. In both cases, the authors expected to observe a shift of the interference fringes proportional to the first degree of the ratio of the anisotropy magnitude to the speed of light. The experiments [37] and [41] gave negative results - the anisotropy of space was not observed. Heck's error was repeatedly solved. Thus, it was exhaustively shown in [21] that taking into account the Fresnel entrainment coefficient leads to compensation of the first-order effect, which could be caused by the Earth's motion and which was expected to be observed in the experiment [41]. This conclusion of [21] is also fully applicable to [37]. In another case, in experiments such as [38-40], the errors of experiments [8-11, 42], in which the measuring devices are completely enclosed in metal shields, are repeated. As a consequence, the results of experiments [38-40] are identical to the results of experiments [8-11, 42] - the desired anisotropy effect was not observed. The inapplicability of massive screens in such experiments was first noted in [22,14]. It remains to add that the authors of the experiments [38-40] have developed reliable methods of shielding the processes occurring in the external physical vacuum, 62 Chapter 3. from processes in the vacuum inside the experimental setup, but it is not possible to study the properties of the surrounding space with the help of measuring devices separated from this space. It can be assumed that the instrumental errors of [37-40] are of a general nature. When setting up the experiments, the authors gave up attempts to consider possible physical reasons for the anisotropy of space. Otherwise, the instrumental and methodological techniques of their search would have been different. In conclusion, we note the following. In this paper, we attempted to interpret the results of the study within the framework of the working hypothesis of a viscous gas-like physical vacuum. In [5-7,14], the results of the experiment are explained as the result of the relative motion of the observer and the ether, the medium responsible for the propagation of electromagnetic waves. In the experiment [15], the model of a viscous gas-like ether developed in [43] was used for the same purpose. It can be seen that the results of the present work and the works [5-7,14], [15,16] do not contradict the basic principles of both the hypothesis of a viscous physical vacuum and the hypothesis of a viscous gas-like ether, which, at first sight, gives grounds to consider these hypotheses equivalent. Nevertheless, the hypotheses are competing. Indeed, the representation of quantum field theory about virtual particles of the physical vacuum requires an additional assumption about the presence in the vacuum of the "building" material of such particles, which is not provided by the existing theory. In the framework of the aether hypothesis such problems are eliminated by the idea of the existence of aether particles as the building material of material formations, and the idea of the existence of virtual formations is superfluous. The task of describing the mechanisms of interactions becomes fundamentally solvable within the framework of modern hydrodynamics. This makes the hypothesis of a viscous gas-like ether attractive for wide study [43-51]. This situation can be solved only through new observations and experiments, which is possible only with the use of new methods and measuring instruments. Aetherwind research 63 Conclusions. The following main results were obtained in this work yo u. A working hypothesis about the properties of space in the within the framework of which the anisotropy of the radio wave propagation speed is caused by the relative motion of the observer and viscous gas-like physical vacuum. A method and a first-order device for direct measurement of anisotropy of the propagation velocity of millimeter-wave radio waves have been developed. A radio interferometer with sensitivity to the anisotropy of the radio wave propagation velocity of 108 m/s was produced. Within the framework of the working hypothesis, anisotropy effects that can be observed in experiments on radio wave propagation near the Earth's surface are determined. A series of experimental studies was performed. The manifestation of the predicted effects is shown. The following were measured: anisotropy magnitude, change of anisotropy magnitude during a day, anisotropy magnitude growth with height above the Earth's surface. It was experimentally shown that at the height of radio-interferometer placement above the Earth's surface (≈ 42m) the anisotropy value of radio wave propagation velocity did not exceed 1400 m/sec. The results of the work are compared with the results of previous optical experiments. The observability, repeatability, and reproducibility of changes in the anisotropy magnitude during the day in experiments conducted in different years, in different geographical conditions using different measurement methods and different ranges of electromagnetic waves are shown, which gives reason to positively assess the reliability of the obtained results. Thus, a first-order measurement method and device sensitive to the anisotropy of radio wave velocity have been developed. The results of experimental testing of the method and device showed that near the Earth's surface the space can be considered isotropic with an accuracy depending on the height above this surface and the time of day. Resul- 64 Chapter 3. he results of the work can be used for the development of radio- measuring instruments and for the development of ideas about the properties of the surrounding space. Literature: 1. Ragulskiy V.V. 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Optical interferometer for measuring the anisotropy of the speed of light Y.M.Galaev Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv. A method and a device for measuring the anisotropy of light velocity in viscous media are proposed. The measuring device is manufactured and its experimental testing is carried out. Re- Aetherwind research 69 The test results are compared with the results of previous experiments. The observability, reproducibility, and repeatability of the effects of anisotropic light propagation are shown. The device can be used to study the flow of gases in pipes. In the present work, for direct measurement of the effects of anisotropic light propagation, we propose a method and a first-order device, the operation of which is based on the laws of development of viscous liquid and gas flows in pipes known in hydrodynamics [22,23]. The principle of operation can be explained as follows. Let us place a pipe section in a gas flow so that the longitudinal axis of the pipe is perpendicular to the flow velocity vector. In this case, both open ends of the pipe are in the same conditions with respect to the external gas flow. There is no gas pressure difference at the ends of the pipe and the gas inside the pipe is not moving. Now turn the pipe so that the velocity vector of the gas flow is directed along the axis of the pipe. In this case, the velocity head of the gas will create a pressure drop at the ends of the pipe, under the action of which a gas flow develops in the pipe. The time of gas flow development in the pipe and the speed of steady gas flow are determined by the values of kinematic viscosity of gas, geometric dimensions of the pipe, and the velocity of the external gas flow [22,23]. It is important to note that the development of gas flow in the pipe to the steady-state value of the flow velocity takes a finite period of time. The considered idea makes it possible to propose a measurement method sensitive to the anisotropy of the light velocity and a scheme of a device for measuring the anisotropy and kinematic viscosity of the physical vacuum. Thus, according to the initial hypothesis, the properties of the physical vacuum determine the speed of propagation of electromagnetic waves. This means that the velocity of an electromagnetic wave relative to an observer is the sum of vectors of the wave velocity relative to the physical vacuum and the velocity of the physical vacuum relative to the observer. In this case, if we construct an optical interferometer in which one ray of light passes inside a hollow tube and the other outside the tube, in the external flow of the physical vacuum, and rotate the in- 70 Chapter 3. T h e d i s p l a c e m e n t o f t h e f r i n g e s o f t h e interference pattern relative to their initial position should be observed during the time when the physical vacuum motion is established in the tube. In this case, the value of the displacement of the fringes will be proportional to the speed of the external flow of the physical vacuum, i.e., to the value of the anisotropy of the speed of light, and the time of return of the fringes to their initial position will be proportional to the value of the kinematic viscosity of the physical vacuum. The proposed method and measurement device are a method and device of the first order, since it is not required to return the light beam to the initial point. Let us consider the possibility of their realization. To describe the motion of physical vacuum in tubes, we will use the mathematical apparatus of hydrodynamics, which is developed in [22,23] for subsonic velocities of flows of liquids and gases. Figure 1. Pipe in gas flow Fig. 1 shows a segment of a circular cylindrical metallic tube of length lp , which is in the physical vacuum flow. The flow direction is indicated by thin slanting lines with arrows. The longitudinal axis of the tube is located horizontally and together with the velocity vector of the physical vacuum lies in the vertical plane, which is represented by the plane of the figure. We will assume that the physical vacuum flow acting from the outer surface of the tube does not set in motion the vacuum in the inner cavity of the tube, since these parts of the tube do not move the vacuum in the inner cavity of the tube. Aetherwind research 71 of space are separated by the metal wall of the tube. (The abovementioned assumption of Miller about the shielding effect of metal coatings of the optical paths of interferometers [14] is taken into account here.). The horizontal component of the physical vacuum flow velocity Wh , acting from the side of the open end of the tube, creates in the tube the vacuum motion with velocity wpa . Hence, the metallic tube is a guiding system for the physical vacuum flow. Let us rotate the tube in the horizontal plane so that its longitudinal axis takes a position perpendicular to the plane of Fig. 1 or, similarly, perpendicular to the velocity vector of the physical vacuum. In this position both open ends of the pipe are in the same conditions with respect to the physical vacuum flow, the pressure drop Δ￿ on the pipe segment of length lp is equal to zero and according to the expression (5) the vacuum velocity in the pipe is equal to zero. At time t0 we turn the tube to the initial position. In this case the open ends of the pipe are in different conditions with respect to the physical vacuum flow. The horizontal component of the velocity Wh will create a pressure drop Δp on the pipe segment, under the action of which the physical vacuum motion will develop in the pipe. Figure 2. Time variation of liquid velocity in the pipe Let's pass a beam of light along the axis of the tube. 72 Chapter It can be written that the phase of the light wave on the segm3.ent of length lp will change by the value φ φ = 2π f l p V−1 , (11) where f is the frequency of the electromagnetic wave; V is the speed of light in the tube. According to the initial hypothesis, the properties of the physical vacuum determine the propagation speed of electromagnetic waves. It follows that if there is a physical vacuum current in a pipe of length lp, the speed of which changes in time, then the phase of the light wave on the pipe segment of length lp will change in time in accordance with the change in time of the physical vacuum speed wp(t). Then the expression (11) takes the form φ(t) = 2π f l p [c ± wp (t)]−1 , (12) where c is the speed of light in the physical vacuum stationary relative to the observer. In expression (12) the sign "+" is applied when the direction of light propagation coincides with the direction of motion of the physical vacuum in the tube, and the sign "-" is applied when these directions are opposite. The value φ (t) can be measured using an optical interferometer. In the present work, the scheme of the Rozhdestvensky interferometer [24] is used. Fig. 3 shows the scheme of the interferometer with a tube and its main units: 1 - illuminator; 2 section of a metal tube; 3 - eyepiece with a scale; P1, P2 - flat parallel translucent plates; M1, M2 - mirrors. The course of rays is shown by thick lines with arrows. One of the light rays passes along the axis of the tube and is shown in the figure by a dotted line. The length of the tube is lp ≈ P1M2. The nodes P1, M1 and P2, M2 are placed in pairs in parallel. Aetherwind research 73 Fig.3. Schematic diagram of the optical interferometer M1, M2 are set relative to each other by a small angle. Angles i1, i2 are the angles between the normals to the planes of mirrors M1, M2 and rays falling on them. The distances P1M1 = M2P2 = l1, M1P2 = P1M2 ≈ lp . In the classical case, if we do not take into account the motion of the physical vacuum, the action of the interfe- of the meter is summarized as follows. A beam of light with wavelength λ is divided by the plate P1 into two beams, which after reflection from mirrors M1 and M2 and passing the plate P2 appear parallel with the difference phases [24] δ = 4π l λ−1 (cos i - cos i ) . (13) 1 1 2 The angles i1 , i2 are set when adjusting the interferometer so that the interference pattern is observed in eyepiece 3. (The adjustment nodes are not shown in the diagram.) In the tuned in the interferometer the value δ = const. In the right part of Fig. 3, the family of arrows denotes the motion of the physical vacuum with a speed of Wh . If the interferometer nodes are placed on a horizontally rotating base, such a device can be rotated in the physical vacuum flow. The axis of rotation is perpendicular to the plane of the figure and is denoted as Ai . Let us consider the action of an interferometer with a tube (Fig. 3) in the physical vacuum current. The position of the interference fringes 74 Chapter 3. of the picture relative to the eyepiece scale 3 is determined by the phase difference of light rays that propagate along the paths P1M2P2 and P1M1P2 . The action of the tube interferometer in steady-state operation does not differ from that of the Rozhdestvensky interferometer. In both interferometers, the position of the interfer- The initial phase difference δ is determined by the initial phase difference δ . The interferometer with a tube, in steady-state operation, is not is sensitive to the speed of motion of the physical vacuum, and with the help of such a device it is impossible to show the presence or absence of optical anisotropy of space due to the motion of the vacuum. In the dynamic mode of operation of the interferometer, the time variation of the normalized value of the shift of the interference fringes D(t)/D(t0) will have the form shown in Fig. 4. Figure 4 illustrates the above conclusion that the interferometer with a tube, in the dynamic mode of operation, is sensitive to the speed of motion of the external physical vacuum flow Wh , and with the help of such a device it is possible to show the presence or absence of optical anisotropy of space caused by such motion. It follows from Fig. 4 and expression (22) that if at time t0 we measure the value of fringe displacement D(t0) Fig.4. Interference pattern fringe shift in dynamic mode of interferometer operation Aetherwind research 75 relative to their initial position on the scale of the eyepiece of the in- terferometer, it is possible to find the velocity of motion of physical vacuum Wh Wh = ± D(t0 ) c λ l -1 . (24) p Expressions (22), (24) and Fig. 4 illustrate the realizability of the proposed method of direct measurement of light velocity anisotropy, in which it is not required, as in the Michelson interferometer, to return the light beam to the starting point. In expression (22), the measured value D is proportional to the first degree of the ratio of the physical vacuum velocity (anisotropy value) to the light velocity (Wh /c). Hence, the proposed method and device are a first-order method and device for direct measurement of light speed anisotropy. Structure diagram of the measuring device The schematic drawing of the fabricated interferometer is shown in Fig. 5 (top view). The designations of the main nodes adopted in Fig. 3 are retained here. Additionally shown are: 4,5 - nodes of interferometer adjustment; 6,7 - racks for fixing the transparent plates and mirrors; Fig.5. Interferometer design 76 Chapter 3. 8 - interferometer frame; 9 - illuminator power supply; 10 - illuminator switch; 11 - eyepiece mounting assembly; 12 - heat- insulating casing (section); 13 - removable wall of the casing on the eyepiece side. Frame 8 is made of steel profile of U-shaped section. The thickness of the profile walls is 0,007 m. The height of the profile is 0,02 m. The length of the frame is 0,7 m, width 0,1 m. The nodes of the interferometer are fixed on the flat surface of the frame. Stands 6 and 7 are made of rectangular copper tubes with an inner cross-section of 0.01 m × 0.023 m. The light rays pass inside these tubes. The distance between the rays P1M2 and M1P2 is 0.12 m. Semitransparent plates are installed on the stands, at points P1, P2, and mirrors are installed at points M1, M2. In the fabricated interferometer, plane-parallel glasses 0.007 m thick are used as translucent plates. The glasses and mirrors are held on stands 6 and 7 with the help of springs. Glasses, mirrors and nodes of their mounting in Fig. 5 are not shown conventionally. Nodes 4 and 5 allow to change the position of racks 6 and 7 in two mutually perpendicular planes. Pipe 2 is steel with internal radius ar = 0,0105 m. The length of the pipe lp = 0,48 m. The pipe attachment nodes are not shown conventionally. A semiconductor laser with a wavelength λ ≈ 6.5⋅10−7 m is used as an illuminator. The eyepiece 3 with a scale allows to measure the minimum displacement of the fringes of the interference pattern with the value Dmin = 0.05. The optical paths are parallel to the frame plane. Fig. 6 shows a photograph of the interferometer. The upper and side fragments of the protective casing were removed. In the working position, the interferometer is completely covered by t h e c o v e r 12 and placed on a 0.02 m thick dielectric material slide. The interferometer was rotated by means of a rotating device located between the slide and the support. The design of the support allows the interferometer to be placed in a horizontal position. Aetherwind research 77 Figure 6. Photograph of the interferometer Casing 12 is made of rigid foam heat-insulating material and in cross-section is a rectangular tube with internal dimensions: width bc = 0,22 m, height hc = 0,11 m, length lc = 0,8 m. The wall thickness of the casing is 0,06 m. The wall 13 is made of soft heat-insulating material. Fig. 7 shows a photograph of the interferometer at the measuring point. The support, the circle of the rotating device, the slide table and the interferometer in the protective casing are visible. Figure 7. Interferometer at the measuring point 78 Chapter 3. Let us note the peculiarities of operation of the fabricated interferometer. In contrast to the scheme shown in Fig. 3, the real construction contains a casing 12, which can significantly affect the operation of the interferometer. Let us consider the motion of the physical vacuum through the material of the casing 12 as the motion of a gas through a porous medium, which allows us to apply the provisions of the filtration theory [25]. Let the flow of physical vacuum move from right to left in Fig. 5. We will conditionally distinguish three parts in the flow. The first part moves outside the casing 12, the second part moves inside the side walls of the casing, the third part passes both end walls of the casing and moves in the inner cavity of the casing. It is known that the filtration velocity Wf is determined by Darcy's law Wf = kf hν L−1 , where kf is the empirical filtration coefficient; hν is the head lost along the length of the filtration path L. According to Darcy's law, the flow velocity during filtration is inversely proportio- is equal to the filtration path length. It can be seen that the second part of the physical vacuum flow, moving inside the side walls of the casing, has the lowest velocity because it has the longest filtration path length L equal to the length of the casing. According to the Ber- nulli equation, the part of the gas flow moving with lower velocity has the highest pressure [22,23]. Consequently, in the part of the flow of physeal vacuum moving in the thickness of the side walls of the casing, the pressure is higher than in the adjacent parts of the flow. Such part of the flow, with increased internal pressure, acts as a tube wall, which, with respect to the interferometer casing, divides the physical vacuum flow into external and internal. Hence, the conclusion important for further analysis of the fabricated interferometer operation follows - the protective casing of the interferometer, made of porous dielectric heat-insulating material, acts as a guiding system in relation to the physical vacuum flow. (The results of an experimental test of this assumption are summarized below in the section "Interferometer Test.) In such a case, the physical vacuum flow external to the tube 2 should be considered as the physical vacuum motion in the inner cavity. Aetherwind research 79 in which, as in the tube 2, starting from the moment t0 , the physical vacuum motion will develop. Fig. 8 shows in normalized form the result of calculation of dependence D(t) Figure 8. Variation of the interference pattern fringe shift in time The expected duration of the dynamic operation mode of the interferometer td ≈ 10.3 sec. The values D(tm) and td in the proposed measurement method are measurable. It follows from Fig. 8 that the time tsD = tm is required to perform a one-time measurement of the interference pattern fringe displacement value D(tm). Correspondingly, a one-time measurement of the duration of the interferometer dynamic mode td requires time tsd = td. Relatively small values of duration of onetime measurements of D(tm) and td significantly simplify the requirements to the parameters of thermal protection of the interferometer. According to Fig. 8, the thermal protection should be such that during measurements of D(tm) the temperature drift rate of the interference pattern fringes VD should not exceed the value VD = Dmin / tsD , or VD < 0.06 fringes/sec, and during measurements of the interferometer dynamic mode duration td the value of VD should not exceed the value VD = Dmin / tsd , or VD < 0.0048 fringes/sec. Interferometer Testing. Testing included static and dynamic tests of the fabricated interferometer's structural rigidity and interferometer stability 80 Chapter 3. to thermal effects. At the final stage of testing, the value of kinematic viscosity of physical vacuum was measured, which allowed to experimentally clarify the metrological properties of the interferometer. The stiffness of the interferometer was tested in two ways. By the first method, the interferometer was mounted on a hard horizontal surface. One of the edges of the frame was raised so that the angle of inclination of the frame plane to the plane of the surface was ≈ 20o . In this position of the frame, the displacement of the fringes of the interference pattern caused by elastic deformations of the interferometer did not exceed 0.3 fringes (D ≤ 0.3). According to the second method, the stiffness of the interferometer was checked in the assembled form, in the working position. Interferometer tilt angles up to 10o were created by tilting the slide table. No noticeable displacement of the fringes was observed. Consequently, within the specified limits, the prepared interferometer is not sensitive to errors in its horizontal positioning. The stability of the interferometer to shock loads was checked. Light blows on the interferometer frame, slide table and support caused the interference pattern fringes to shake for a fraction of a second. The interference pattern was not destroyed. After the shock loads were stopped, the fringes retained their initial position. Tests of the interferometer in the area selected for experimental studies showed the following. Movement of pedestrians and cars within 20 meters from the interferometer installation site and movement of the observer in the vicinity of the installation site did not cause noticeable displacement or shaking of the fringes. In windy weather, at wind speeds up to 6 m/sec, the interference pattern is stable. Consequently, the area selected for the measurement station is suitable for systematic measurements in the optical wavelength range. Thermal tests of the interferometer in full-scale conditions were carried out in summer in cloudless weather. Different azimuth orientations of the interferometer were set. In the un- Aetherwind research 81 The interferometer was heated by solar radiation. The fringe displacement did not exceed the value D = 0.35 (VD ≈ 0.0002 fringes/sec) during 30 minutes. Consequently, the design of the interferometer and the quality of its thermal protection are such that they allow one-time measurements to be carried out in full-scale conditions, with the duration of the measurement procedure up to 250 s, which significantly exceeds the required duration of the procedure of one-time measurement (≈ 15 s). The principle of the measurement method allowed us to perform dynamic tests of the stiffness of the interferometer structure in the operating position. The test procedures did not differ from the procedures of the accepted measurement method. The essence of the tests is as follows. Let each of the light rays in the interferometer pass along the axes of tubes with equal geo-metric dimensions. Then in the dynamic mode of the interferometer operation the processes of establishing physical vacuum motions in each of such tubes are identical. In this case, according to expression (36), the displacement value of the interference pattern fringes D(t) should be equal to zero and it should be realized at sufficient rigidity of the structure. The tests were carried out in full-scale conditions in different seasons of the year and at different times of the day. Tubes of equal geometric dimensions made of both homogeneous and different materials (metal, opaque dielectric, glass) were used. In all cases, no noticeable displacement of the interference fringes was observed after the interferometer was rotated. With the exception of attempts to apply an abrupt, nonspecific cessation of interferometer rotation in order to observe the effects of elastic deformation of the interferometer structure. In such attempts, a displacement of the fringes of D ≤ 0.2 was observed for fractions of a second, after which the fringes returned to their original position. The results of the dynamic tests showed that the stiffness of the fabricated interferometer structure was sufficient to fulfill the procedures stipulated by the measurement methodology. An important result of this stage of the research was the experimental confirmation of the presented-. 82 Chapter 3. It has been shown that for physical vacuum flows, dielectric tubes can be the same guiding systems as metallic tubes. Dynamic tests of the interferometer with two tubes of equal size allowed us to remove the assumption about the possible influence of internal temperature effects on the measurement results. Thus, it can be assumed that, under full-scale conditions, the individual components of the device may have different temperatures. As a consequence, in the dynamic mode of operation, air flows inside the casing, in different parts of the device, may acquire different temperatures, which may lead to measurement errors. The test results showed that if this prediction occurs, its influence is small and lies beyond the sensitivity threshold of the fabricated interferometer. Dynamic tests of the interferometer confirmed the well-known result that the motion of a homogeneous air flow in the optical paths of the interferometer does not lead to noticeable measurement errors [20]. Nevertheless, the maximum possible value of such an error was estimated. It was assumed that air with refractive index n = 1.0004 moves at a velocity V = 10 m/sec in only one tube of the interferometer (the value of V was taken to be much larger than expected). Taking into account the Fresnel entrainment coefficient k = 1-n−2 , it can be obtained that the shift of the interference pattern fringes caused by such air motion does not exceed the value D ≈ 3.5⋅10−6 , which is 14000 times smaller than the minimum possible observed value Dmin = 0.05. The final stage of the tests was an installation series of measurements performed to clarify the metrological properties of the interferometer. It was experimentally established that after the end of the dynamic mode of operation of the interferometer, no appreciable displacement of the fringes of the interferometric pattern relative to their initial position was observed, i.e., the value of the fringe displacement D(t)￿→∞ ≈ 0. This result does not contradict the assumptions (17) and (34) about the small resistance of the interferometer. Aetherwind research 83 of the tubes of the interferometer to the motion of the physical vacuum inside these tubes. In this case we can consider that wp (t)￿→∞ ≈ Wc (t)￿→∞ ≈ Wh . (37) In other words, expression (37) shows that in the established mode of operation of the interferometer (at t→∞) the velocities of the physical vacuum in the tubes wp(t) and Wc(t) differed so little from each other and from the velocity of the external flow Wh that the value of D was beyond the threshold of the sensitivity of the interferometer. This experimental result was used in the derivation of relation (18). The results of the final stage of tests of the fabricated interferometer showed that the measured dependences D(t) do not contradict the initial theoretical ideas about the action of the measurement method, which are shown in Fig. 8. Thus, the measured value of tm ≈ 1 sec; the measured values of the duration of the dynamic mode of interferometer operation were within the range td ≈ 10...13 sec. The variability of the measured values of td is due, first of all, to the difficulties of visual readout of small values of the slowly changing value D at the end of the dynamic mode, i.e., at t → td . The results of the tests showed that, within the framework of the adopted meThe interferometer is resistant to mechanical and thermal influences. Methods of measurements. The measuring point is located 13 km from the northern outskirts of Kharkiv. Two positions were equipped at the station. At position No. 1 the interferometer was installed at a height of 1.6 m above the ground. At position No. 2 at a height of 4.75 meters. These two positions were required to observe the "height effect". The measurements were carried out cyclically. The duration of one cycle was 25-26 hours. During one month 2-4 cycles were performed. Each cycle contained the following procedures. The interferometer was set at the position so that the 84 Chapter 3. the plane of its rotation was horizontal. After installation, the interferometer was kept in the new temperature conditions for one hour (the instrument was stored indoors). One-time counting of the measured quantities was performed according to the following scheme. The longitudinal axis of the interferometer was set along the meridian so that the illuminator 1 was facing north. In this initial position, in the steady-state mode of operation of the interferometer, the observer recorded the initial position of the fringes of the interference pattern relative to the eyepiece scale. This initial position of the fringes was assigned a value of D = 0. Then the observer changed his position - took a place at the illuminator. The interferometer was rotated by 180o . The rotation was performed in a time of about three seconds. During the rotation, the motion of the physical vacuum in the tubes was interrupted. The interferometer entered the dynamic mode of operation, which is described by expression (36). In the dynamic mode of operation of the interferometer, the observer counted the maximum value of the fringe displacement D(tm) and the time of return of the fringes td to their initial position. After the time td had elapsed, the interferometer entered the steady-state mode of operation and rotated to its initial position. During the time of one measurement (up to 10 minutes), 5-7 single counts of the measured values were made. The average value of counts was taken as the measured value of D(Tm) and td , where Tm is the m e a n solar measurement time. Processing of measurement results. The measurement results are presented in the form of tables of D(Tm) values. These data were used to calculate the values of the light velocity anisotropy Wh . The calculations were performed using expression (42). Further processing included the standard procedures adopted for processing the experimental results [26]. The following were calculated: the change in the anisotropy value during a day; the average change in the anisotropy value during an epoch of a year; the standard deviations of the anisotropy value; and the mean square deviations of the anisotropy value. from the mean value of σW ; correlation coefficients r between Aetherwind research 85 by the results of different experiments. The confidence estimates of the mean values were calculated with a reliability equal to 0.95 . Measurement results. In accordance with the objectives of the study, we consider the results of the present work in parallel with the results of experiments [15], [5-7,14], and [13]. These four experiments were carried out in different points of the globe using three different measurement methods and in different ranges of electromagnetic waves. The discussed results of the present work refer to a series of measurements carried out using the above-described optical method of first-order measurements from August 2001 to January 2002 (Ukraine). During the series, 2322 counts of the measured quantity were made. Experiment [15] (Ukraine, 1998-1999) was performed in the millimeter-wave range using the first-order measurement method. Experiments [5-7,14] (USA, 1921-1926) and [13] (USA, 1929) were performed with the help of second-order optical measurement methods using cross-shaped interferometers made according to the Michelson scheme. The operation of the measurement methods used in the above experiments is based on the ideas of wave propagation in a moving medium, the properties of which determine the velocity of electromagnetic wave propagation. Within the framework of the initial hypothesis, this makes it possible to interpret the results of the above experiments in terms of the anisotropy of the speed of light. Let us consider the manifestation of the desired effects: anisotropy, height, and the hydrodynamic effect, in experiments on the propagation of electromagnetic waves. The fragments of Fig. 9 show the average results of the present work (Fig. 9a), the experiment [15] (Fig. 9b), and the experiment [57,14] (Fig. 9c), which were obtained in different years during the epoch of August. The term "epoch" is borrowed from astronomy, in which observations of different years made in the same months are referred to observations of the same epoch. The results of the experiment [13] are not presented in Fig. 9, since the authors limited themselves only to information about the maximum value of the measured epoch. 86 Chapter 3. by them of the anisotropy value Wh ≈ 6000 m/sec . On the ordinate axes are plotted the values of the anisotropy magnitude Wh in m/sec, on the abscissa axes - the solar time of day Tm in hours. Vertical dashes indicate confidence intervals. Each of the fragments of Fig. 9 illustrates the manifestation of the desired anisotropy effect. In the present work and in experiments [5-7,14], [13], the anisotropy effect was detected by rotating optical interferometers, while in the experiment [15] simultaneous counter propagation of radio waves was used. Fig.9. Variation of the anisotropy magnitude in the August epoch from the data of different experiments: (a) present work, (b) experiment [15], (c) Experiment [7] The results of all three experiments showed that the magnitude of anisotropy changes during the day, and such changes have a similar character. Thus, the correlation coefficients r, calculated- Aetherwind research 87 interspersed between dependencies Wh(Tm), lie в Within 0.73 ≤ r ≤ 0.85. In [5-7,14], the change in the anisotropy value during the day is explained by the motion of the solar system to the apex with coordinates close to the coordinates of the north poleo f t h e ecliptic. In this case, the projection of the velocity vector of the relative motion on the horizontal plane ofinstrument and, consequently, the magnitude of the Wh anisotropy will change during the day. This explanation does not contradict the results of the present work and can be accepted as the initial one. The results of the present work and experiments [15], [5- 7,14], [13] illustrate the manifestation of another effect sought, the height effect. In these four experiments, measurements were made at five different heights: 1.6 m and 4.75 m in the present work; 42 m in experiment [15]; 265 m and 1830 m in experiments [5-7,14] (Cleveland and Mount Wilson Observatory, respectively). In experiment [13], measurements were also made at Mount Wilson Observatory. The manifestation of the height effect can be seen both in the fragments of Fig. 9, noting, for example, the maximum values of the anisotropy value Wh , and in Fig. 10, which shows the dependence of the anisotropy value Wh on the height of the location of the measuring devices above the Earth's surface Z. In Fig. 10, the average of the maximum values of the anisotropy values measured in the present work and in experiments [15], [5-7,14], [13] are used. The abscissa and ordinate axes show the values of the logarithms of the Wh/W* and Z/Z* ratios, respectively. The values of W* and Z* are taken as 1 m/sec and 1 m, respectively. For clarity, the values of Wh in m/sec and Z in meters are plotted along the coordinate axes on the upper and right parts of Fig. 10. It can be seen that the results of different experiments obey the same regularity and are located near the straight line. In the height range from 1.6 m to 1830 m, the anisotropy magnitude increases with increasing height above the Earth's surface from 200 m/s to 10000 m/s, which is correspondingly from 6.7⋅10−7 to 3.3⋅10−5 of the speed of light. The existence of the required hydrodynamic effect is shown as follows. The theory of viscous flows was used in the work 88 Chapter 3. of media in tubes, developed in [22,23], which allowed us to propose, within the framework of the initial hypothesis: a method and a first- order device for direct measurement of light velocity anisotropy; a method and a device for measuring the kinematic viscosity of physical vacuum; a method for calculating the design parameters of the measuring device and its expected metrological properties. The test results of the manufactured device do not contradict the results of calculations. The measurement results obtained at different heights from the earth's surface do not contradict the laws of viscous media flow near the interface known in hydrodynamics [22,23]. Consequently, the idea of the measurement method, the results of tests of the measuring device, and the results of experimental studies give reason to believe that the manifestation of the hydrodynamic effect is experimentally demonstrated. Fig. 10. Dependence of the anisotropy value on the height above the Earth's surface: 1 - present work; 2 - experiment [15]; 3 - experiment [5-7]; 4 - experiment [13] The results of the experiments presented in Figs. 9, 10 illustrate the observability of the phenomenon of anisotropic propagation of electromagnetic waves, the repeatability of the phenomenon's properties under different observational conditions, the reproducibility of properties Aetherwind research 89 phenomena using different experimental methods and different ranges of electromagnetic waves. The high values of the correlation coefficients between the results of various experiments presented in Fig. 9 give grounds for a positive assessment of their reliability. The measured values of anisotropy are relatively small, and in many practical cases they can be neglected. In this sense, the space near the Earth's surface can be considered isotropic with an accuracy depending on the time of day and on the height above the Earth's surface. The experimental results shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 can be regarded as the limits of applicability of the concept of optical isotropy of space near the Earth's surface. The results of the present work make it possible to show that the negative results of the experiments [19,21] can be explained by the insufficient sensitivity of the interferometers used. Fig. 10 shows that near the Earth's surface, the magnitude of anisotropy does not exceed 200 m/sec. Consequently, in the experiments [19,21] performed in basement rooms, the sensitivity of the Wmin interferometers to the anisotropy value should be no worse than 200 m/sec. Let us calculate the sensitivity of interferometers, in experiments [19,21]. We will assume that the shift of interference fringes Dmin ≈ 0.04 corresponds to the value of Wmin. Such a shift of the fringes was expected to be observed in the experiment [21]. From expression (1) we find Wmin = c (Dmin λl -1 )1/ 2 . (43) In experiments [19], [21], the ray lengths l were 2.4 m and 22 m, and the wavelengths λ ≈ 6⋅10−7 m. Using expression (43), we obtain that in experiment [ 19] Wmin ≈ 30000 m/sec, and in [21] Wmin ≈ 30000 m/sec. experiment [21] Wmin ≈ 10000 m/sec . Consequently, in experiments [19], [21] the sensitivity of the interferometers was insufficient. The result of the just performed evaluation 90 Chapter 3. can be shown more clearly by calculating the ray lengths l required to construct a cross-shaped Michelson interferometer with sensitivity to anisotropy of the light velocity Wmin ≈ 200 m/sec. From expression (1) we find l = Dλc W2−2 . (44) Let us substitute in expression (44) the values of D = 0.04, λ ≈ 6⋅10−7 m; and W = 200 m/sec. We obtain l ≈ 54000 m, It can be assumed that the task to produce a cross-shaped optical in- a terferometer with ray lengths l ≈ 54000 m is most likely technically unrealistic. Consequently, in the experiments [19] and [21], the anisotropy of the light velocity could not be detected due to a single instrumental reason - the experiments used second-order interferometers with insufficient sensitivity. It is appropriate to emphasize once again the advantage of the first-order measurement method proposed in the present work. It can be calculated that near the Earth's surface, with the value of anisotropy of the speed of light ≈ 200 m/s and other conditions being equal, the first-order method is one and a half million times more sensitive than the second-order Michelson interferometer method. This circumstance complicates the applicability of the Michelson interferometer for studying the anisotropy of light v e l o c i t y near the Earth's surface. This assessment is also valid for such experiments as [8-11]. In addition, the above presented results of tests of the interferometer with tubes of different materials, calculated and measured values of the kinematic viscosity of the physical vacuum suggest that the properties of physical vacuum flows are close to the properties of flows of known gases, to envelop obstacles and flow in guiding systems. In the experiments [8-11], this circumstance could be the reason for unsuccessful attempts to reveal anisotropic properties of space with the help of devices enclosed in hermetic metal chambers. Aetherwind research 91 The results of the present work allowed us to show possible reasons for the negative results of modern experimental attempts to detect anisotropic properties of space, e.g., [27-30]. In [27], an optical measuring device was used, the scheme and operation of which do not differ in principle from the device used by M. Geck in 1868 [31]. In both cases, the authors expected to observe a shift of the interference pattern fringes proportional to the first degree of the ratio of the anisotropy magnitude to the speed of light. Experiments [27] and [31] gave negative results - the optical anisotropy of space was not observed. Heck's error has been repeatedly discussed, for example, in [20], where it is exhaustively shown that taking into account the Fresnel entrainment coefficient leads to compensation of the firstorder effect, which could be caused by the Earth's motion and which was expected to be observed in the experiment [31]. The conclusion of [20] is also fully applicable to [27]. In another case, in experiments such as [28-30], the errors of experiments [8-11, 32], in which the measuring devices are completely enclosed in metal screens, were repeated. As a consequence, the results of experiments [28-30] are identical to the results of experiments [8-11, 32] - the desired anisotropy effect was not observed. The inapplicability of massive screens in such experiments was first noted in [21,14]. It remains to add that the authors of the experiments [28-30] have developed reliable methods of shielding physical processes occurring in the external physical vacuum from processes in the vacuum inside the experimental setup, but it is not possible to study the properties of the surrounding space with the help of measuring devices separated from this space. It can be assumed that the instrumental errors of the works [27-30] are of a general nature. When setting up the experiments, the authors gave up attempts to consider possible physical reasons for the anisotropy of space. Otherwise, the instrumental and methodological techniques of their search would have been different. 92 Chapter 3. In conclusion, we note the following. In this paper, we attempted to interpret the results of the study within the framework of the working hypothesis of a viscous gas-like physical vacuum. In [5- 7,14], the results of the experiment are explained as the result of the relative motion of the observer and the ether - the medium responsible for the propagation of electromagnetic waves. In the experiment [15], the model of a viscous gas-like ether developed in [33] was used for the same purpose. It can be seen that the results of the present work and experiments [5-7,14], [15] do not contradict the basic provisions of both the hypothesis of a viscous physical vacuum and the hypothesis of a viscous gas-like ether, which, at first sight, gives grounds to consider these hypotheses equivalent. Nevertheless, the hypotheses are competing. Indeed, the representation of quantum field theory about virtual particles of the physical vacuum requires an additional assumption about the presence in the vacuum of the "building" material of such particles, which is not provided by the existing theory. In the framework of the aether hypothesis such problems are eliminated by the notion of the existence of aether particles as a building material of matter formations, and the notion of the existence of virtual formations is superfluous. The task of describing the mechanisms of interactions becomes fundamentally solvable within the framework of modern hydrodynamics. This makes the hypothesis of a viscous gas-like aether attractive for wide study [33-39]. This situation can be solved only through new observations and experiments, which is possible only with the use of new methods and measuring instruments. Conclusions. The following main results were obtained in this work yo u. A working hypothesis on optical anisotropy is proposed in the framework of which the anisotropy of the speed of light is caused by the motion of a viscous gas-like physical vacuum. ma. The kinematic viscosity of vacuum νc ≈ 7⋅10−5 m2 /sec has been calculated. The method of measurement and the scheme of the device of the first order for direct measurement of light speed anisotropy and Aetherwind research 93 kinematic viscosity of physical vacuum. Methods of calculating the design parameters of the device and its metrological properties are proposed. A measuring device with sensitivity to the anisotropy value of light velocity 26 m/s has been manufactured and tested. Within the framework of the working hypothesis, the anisotropy effects that can be observed in experiments near the Earth's surface are determined. A series of experimental studies was performed. The manifestation of the predicted effects is shown experimentally. The following were measured: anisotropy magnitude, change of anisotropy magnitude during a day, kinematic viscosity of physical vacuum νe ≈ 6,24⋅10−5 m2 /sec, the anisotropy value increases with the height above the Earth surface. It is shown that at heights up to 2 m from the Earth's surface, the anisotropy of the light velocity does not exceed 200 m/sec, and in such conditions the practical possibility of studying the properties of space by methods of second-order measurements, such as Michelson's interferometer, is excluded. The measurement results are compared with the results of previous experiments. The observability, reproducibility, and repeatability of the effects of light velocity anisotropy in experiments performed in different geographical conditions using different measurement methods and different electromagnetic wave ranges are shown, which gives grounds to positively assess the reliability of the results of this work. The proposed method and first-order measurement device can be applied both for studying the peculiarities of light propagation in viscous media and for studying the flow of viscous media in guiding systems, e.g., liquids and gases in pipes. Literature: 1. Ragulskiy V.V. 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Studies of geopathogenic field and pathogenic field accompanying high-frequency electromagnetic phenomena 2.1. Aether absorption by the Earth and geopathogenic radiation As shown in Section 6.4. Gravitation and Expansion of the E a r t h i n Book 3 of this five-volume book, the Earth, like all celestial bodies, continuously absorbs ether from the surrounding space. This is due to the fact that protons and electron shells, like any gas vortices, have a lower temperature than the surrounding gas. The temperature difference leads to a pressure difference, and this pressure difference causes the aether surrounding the celestial bodies to move to the protons throughout the volume of the celestial body. The aether is then absorbed by the protons, increasing their mass and slowing their rotational speed, reorganizing the matter of the celestial bodies and forming new matter that reaches the Earth in the form of a system of rift ridges of mountains and islands. Not all the incoming ether is assimilated by the Earth's substance, and part of it, having undergone adiabatic changes, bursts to the surface either in the form of helical streams, which is perceived as geopathogenic radiation, or in the form of ether emissions, forming toroids - future comets, carrying away the surface rock into space and leaving astroblems on the Earth's surface - circular funnels with a slide at the bottom and a circular rise on the periphery. Powerful ether emissions leading to the formation of comets and astroblems are not a frequent phenomenon, but there are many geopathogenic zones on Earth, counting in the millions, they exist in apartments, service and industrial premises, as well as on highways, causing numerous accidents and casualties, the causes of which are impossible to determine with the current methodology, they are usually attributed to the so-called "human factor", i.e. errors made by drivers of vehicles, which of course also occur. In the case of road traffic accidents, the causes of these accidents and casualties are impossible to identify and are usually attributed to the so-called "human factor", i.e. errors made by vehicle drivers, which of course also occur. Studies of geopathogenic field and pathogenic field resisting high- frequency electromagnetic phenomena 101 The existing methods of detecting geopathogenic zones are usually reduced to the fact that some people with a strong biofield of their own can detect such zones either with the help of L-shaped wire frames, which in the hands of the operator turn to each other (Fig. 2.1), or with the help of a magnet - a metal object suspended on a thread, which above the zone begins to move in a circle. These methods have an effect, but they are to some extent subjective, causing distrust of others. It is therefore necessary to have instrumental ways of detecting such zones. But, first of all, it is necessary to make sure that ether streams from space really enter the surface of the Earth and that they are able to create helical streams of the same ether leaving the Earth A simple laboratory experiment to determine that ether flows from space move deep into the Earth and that they are able to create vertical spiral flows was conducted by Alexey Germanovich Leontiev (Naro- Fominsk, Moscow region) in 2009. He also developed a field device in which the idea of bending a laser beam when crossing a geopathogenic zone was realized. 2.2. On Some Possibilities of Forecasting Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions Earthquake prediction is one of the most pressing problems of our time. Earthquakes have and will continue to occur suddenly, causing landslides, tsunamis and liquefaction of soils beneath houses, leading to the destruction of crowded residential areas. Many thousands and even millions of people, the integrity of major cities such as Tokyo (Japan), Seattle (USA) and many others that have been threatened with extinction in recent decades, are directly affected by this problem. Currently, statistical analysis methods are widely used for earthquake prediction, which are used to predict earthquakes.