International Journal of Science Academic Research Vol. 02, Issue 12, pp.3289-3297, December, 2021 Available online at ISSN: 2582-6425 Research Article A STUDY AND DISCUSSION OF THE 1983 METER DEFINITION *Zhixun Huang School of Information Engineering, Communication University of China, Beijing 100024, China Received 17th October 2021; Accepted 24th November 2021; Published online 30th December 2021 Abstract In 1889, the first International Metrology Conference (CGPM-1) provided the earliest definition of meter based on the international meter original instrument. In 1960, Krypton-86 wavelengths were used to define the meter. In 1983, the CGPM-17 adopted a new definition of the basic unit of length (meter): "The meter is the length of the travel of light in vacuum in (299792458)-1 seconds". This is to take the speed of light in vacuum as an accepted convention, that is c =299792458m/s. Since the value c is specified, length units can be derived from time (frequency) units. The improvement of the definition is a reflection and result of the continuous improvement of measurement accuracy, and it is understandable that the metrology community has a sense of accomplishment. It has been 38 years since 1983, and the problems of the current definition of meter have gradually emerged. First, experimental studies in the first decade of this century actually falsified the invariable principle of the speed of light, seriously undermining the theoretical basis of the current definition of the meter. Secondly, there are many doubts about the constantcy and stability of the speed of light in vacuum. For example, the definition of "in vacuum" does not specify what the vacuum is, and in 1983 it could only have been an engineering vacuum. Now we know that when we think about the concept of vacuum in quantum physics, c is a fluctuating value, not a constant. It is also confirmed that the Casimir effect plays an important role in the quantum vacuum, which leads to the superluminal phenomenon. If the effect of vacuum polarization is added, it can be concluded that the speed of light in vacuum cannot keep its constant value and stability. Furthermore, it is simply impossible that the speed of light in a vacuum, once specified, will never change. In addition, the unit of length (meter) and the unit of time (second) are both basic units. They are independent and have no influence on each other. However, according to the current definition of meter, it contains the saying of "how many seconds", which makes the definition of meter lose its independence. This cannot be allowed. This paper also holds that it should not be absolutized and idealized to set up the basic units from the basic physical constants, for there has long been a saying of "inconstant constants" in the physical circle. The improvement of the metre definition could be linked to the proposed "improvement of the second definition". In recent decades, optical frequency measurement technology has developed rapidly. Atomic clocks have developed from hydrogen clocks, cesium clocks and fem to second optical combs to strontium lattice clocks. The uncertainty can reach 1016(or even lower), and the problem of redefining "second" has been put on the agenda. The second definition can be modified, as can the meter definition. Keywords: Meter definition, The speed of light in vacuum, Basic physical constants, Invariable principle of the speed of light, The physical vacuum. INTRODUCTION In 1960, the 10th International Conference on Metrology (CGPM-10) decided to name the Metric Convention established in 1875 the International System of Units (SI).It has seven basic units, they are: length unit "meter" (m), time unit "second" (s), current unit "ampere" (A), temperature unit "Kelvin" (K), mass unit "kilogram" (kg), material quantity unit "mole" (mol), luminous intensity unit "candela" (cd). These basic units and many derived units make up the entire system of units of measurement.[1]The earliest definition of the meter was approved by the French Academy of Sciences in 1799: 1/4×107 of the earth's meridian is called a meter, which was defined in 1875.Later, it was found that it could not meet the needs of industrial development for measurement accuracy, so in 1889, the International Congress of Metrology adopted the distance between the two lines of the platinum-iridium alloy meter ruler as the definition value of 1m.A platinum-iridium meter No.6 is called the "International Meter Original". Each country participating in the Metric Convention has an identical platinum-dependent alloy meter, which is regularly compared with the international meter original instrument. *Corresponding Author: Zhixun Huang; School of Information Engineering, Communication University of China, Beijing 100024, China. Email: The relative accuracy of the international original meter prototype is 10-7 [2]. After world War II, the German Federal Bureau of Physical Technology (PTB) successfully developed the Krypton-86 low-pressure gas discharge lamp. The vacuum wavelength of the orange line radiated from the Krypton-86 isotope is a fixed value. So in 1960, the International Metrological Conference adopted a new definition of the meter: "the meter is 1650763.73 times the length of the vacuum wavelength of the 2p2-5d5 transition radiation of the Krypton-86 atom"...... The above historical situation shows that the definition of the basic unit is not static and will change constantly with the progress of science and technology and the needs of industrial development. In 1983, the international metrology community took a new step by adopting fundamental physical constants as the basis for establishing a new definition of the meter.[3] The reason for this situation, is due to the invention of laser in 1960, the rapid development of laser technology, including the measurement of optical frequency technology to achieve a very high precision. In 1972, the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) scientist K. Evenson [4] published the research work of his team -- to achieve the frequency measurement of methane (CH4) laser with highly complex technology, and obtain accurate frequency value f CH 4 , which has never been done 3290 International Journal of Science Academic Research, Vol. 02, Issue 12, pp.3289-3297, December, 2021 before. Since the wavelength of the laser had been measured with considerable accuracy, it was possible to multiply this by the wavelength of the methane ( CH 4 ) to get the speed of light in vacuum. On this occasion, the international metrology circle tried to formulate a new definition of the meter "based on the basic physical constants" (in fact, based on the speed of light in vacuum), which we called "the 1983 definition of the meter" or "the current definition of the meter". Of course, there was a transition period from 1972 to 1983, and the current definition of the meter was not immediately decided. There are two outstanding problems with the definition of the meter using Kr-86 spectral line (wavelength  =605.7nm) as the basic unit. First of all, there is a contour asymmetry in the spectral line, resulting in a wavelength difference of 1×10-8 between the center and the maximum light intensity. Secondly, the new laser frequency stabilization technology makes the frequency stability and reproducibility better than 1×10-9, which is more than 100 times higher than that of Kr-86 orange line[2].Thus, the sheer technical appeal of metrology prompted the international metrology community to abandon the 1960 metre definition and switch to the 1983 metre definition. We stress that this is not a rational decision based on basic scientific principles. Problems with the current meter definition have been exposed since 1983, which is why we are writing this article. That is, the accuracy is 3.6×10-9. For that alone, the accuracy of measuring the speed of light in vacuum has improved by a factor of 100. This created a great attraction for the International Bureau of Metrology. So what is the measurement of CH 4 ? From 1972 to 1973, the following precise measurements were obtained by the international famous metrological institutions [2]: American Bureau of Standards (NBS): 3.392 231376(12) μm International Bureau of Measurement (IBS): 3.392 231 376(8) μm National Research Council of Canada (CNRC): 3.392 231 40(2) μm The first two are defined in terms of barycentric points, and the last is defined in terms of intermediate points. The International Advisory Committee on Definition of Meters (CCDM) decided in June 1973 to use the following data as standard values (recommended values) for methane spectral line wavelengths CH 4 =3.392 231 40 μm (4) The uncertainty is 4×10-9. Therefore, the standard value was determined by CCDM in 1973: The establishment of the definition of meter in 1983 and its spiritual essence Physics has long known that light has wave-particle duality, which has the characteristics of particle (the photon), but light wave is also a kind of electromagnetic wave; in fact, there is a broad electromagnetic spectrum. Therefore, any idea of that light is simple is wrong. If the experiment is carried out in an engineering vacuum without air, the following formula holds: c = f (1) Where, f 、  are respectively the frequency and wavelength of light wave, and c is the speed of light wave (the speed of light in vacuum). This thinking is entirely based on the understanding that light is a wave, and has nothing to do with the particle nature of light.In fact, no one has ever directly measured the speed of photons. Now consider the work of Evenson's team in 1972 and how things have evolved in the years since. 1972 to 1975, Evenson built a complex optical frequency measurement system using a laser frequency chain starting from the cesium atom frequency standard, including six different lasers and five microwave klystrons, the results were obtained fCH 4 =88.376181627×1012 Hz (2) The measurement accuracy is 6×10-10; The known wavelength value of methane is about 3.39μm, which can be calculated using the best value at that time, then we obtained: c = CH 4 fCH 4 =(299792456.2±1.1) m/s (3) c = (299792458±1.2) m/s (5) The uncertainty is 4×10-9. Later (1972~1974), several new measurements appeared, but they were all within the uncertainty range of the above standard values. This value was thus endorsed by the International Astronomical Union (August 1973) and the International Metrology Conference (1975). In 1983, the CGPM-17 made the following statement on the unit of length: "The travel length of light in vacuum in the period of (299792458)-1s is called 1 meter". Obviously, this is defined by taking the result of formula (5) as the most accurate value of the speed of light in vacuum. However, the meter definition adopted and promulgated by CGPM-17 in 1983 must be understood as a universal physical constant without error, i.e. c =299792458 m/s (5a) In this statement, ±1.2m/s is removed, which means that the uncertainty of the value c is zero. Such coercion is questionable; Moreover, since 1983, for nearly 20 years, the situation in the international metrology community is that it is very difficult to indirectly realize the definition of meter according to the formula c = f [5]. In order to achieve the definition of meter with certainty, the wavelength value of the specified frequency stabilized laser is required as the standard spectral line. At that time, director of International Bureau of Metrology, Dr. T. Quinn, personally issued a "Notice on the realization of the definition of meters" (Metrologia, Vol.36, No.2, 211) in 1999, indicating that there are finally 12 kinds of lasers available. This situation shows that the implementation of the 1983 meter definition is not smooth. Dr. Quinn later elaborated on the indirect realization of the metre definition several times.[6,7] 3291 International Journal of Science Academic Research, Vol. 02, Issue 12, pp.3289-3297, December, 2021 Let's consider the essence of the 1983 definition. Write formula (1) as follows: c = (1a) f If c immobilized, units of length can be derived from frequency (that is, time). Then, the measurement technology can depend not on (not pursue) reducing the uncertainty of the wavelength, but on the high level of light frequency measurement. Therefore, the International Bureau of Metrology is actively promoting the 1983 meter definition, not out of scientific considerations, but for the convenience and need of measurement technology. After the definition of meter was published in 1983, many metrologists in the world said, "The measurement of the speed of light that has lasted for 300 years can come to the end." They also said that "this was a perfect full stop".[8] The author thinks that such view and practice are wrong. Science has no limits and endless development. No one can "ban research" or "ban testing" on a certain academic topic or direction. This is decided by the essence of natural science. When it comes to the speed of light in vacuum, measurements that have been going on for more than 300 years should not stop. This is not only because of the never-ending nature of scientific development, but also because of the existing problems in the definition of meter......We would even go so far as to say that the 1983 "ban" has done science a disservice. The author's view is clear: the measurement and research of the speed of light should not stop after more than 300 years. This paper emphasizes that the seven basic units of metrology should be independent of each other and should not cross influence each other. This is a fundamental principle of modern metrology. The current definition of the meter violates this principle by using the unit of "seconds". This means that the meter definition depends on the second definition. Some people think it's good, but we can't laugh at that. Each of the base units should exist independently of other units. Many metrologists have sadly overlooked this. Another problem with the current meter definition is the confusion of the relationship between the basic unit and derived unit. According to formula  = c f , since frequency (corresponding time) is the basic unit, wavelength can only be derived unit. Thus, this definition effectively makes length lose its status as the fundamental unit and become the derived unit; This is very inappropriate. A closer look at the 1983 meter definition reveals more problems. If it is a light wave (light is, firstly an electromagnetic wave), then the definition should specify that it is a plane wave. But the ideal plane wave is not technically available, so what to do? In other words, the speed of light should be the ideal velocity of a plane wave; If not, there will be effects such as curvature effect; and so on. In addition, there are some theoretical and experimental problems in the current definition of meter, which will be discussed one by one. The speed of light cannot be constant in a real physical vacuum "A vacuum is empty space without matter", this is an old saying in classical physics. In fact, we can never be sure if a space is really empty, even if the air is pumped out of it first to achieve the so-called "ultra-high vacuum". That's because there are plenty of photons that are constantly being created and then annihilated, albeit briefly, but virtual photons can do just as much physical action as ordinary photons. Evidence has long been available, such as Spanish scientists who found in 2011 that rotating bodies (graphite particles with a diameter of 100nm) slow down in an engineered vacuum, indicating that the vacuum also has friction. In fact, there are plenty of photons in space that are constantly being created and annihilated before we can measure them directly. Although they appear only briefly, these "virtual photons" can exert electromagnetic effects on objects just like ordinary photons. Scientists at the Institute of Optics of Spain's National Research Council say this electromagnetic action can slow down the rotation of objects. Just as two cars collide head-on with more force than rear-end, a "virtual photon" colliding with a rotating object in the opposite direction produces more force than it does in the same direction. The degree of deceleration also depends on temperature, because the higher temperature, the more "virtual photons" are created and annihilated, creating more friction. At room temperature, it takes about 10 years for a 100nm diameter graphite particle, which is abundant in interstellar dust, to spin down to about a third of its initial speed; At 700℃(the average temperature in the hot region of the universe), the process takes just 90 days. The findings reported in 《New Scientist》, suggest that a vacuum does not guarantee constant values for precise measurements. Now, there are three situations when we are faced with a physical vacuum: 1. The effect of quantum vacuum oscillations is that the speed of light in a vacuum may not be a constant, but rather fluctuate, albeit slightly, around an average value. 2. Quantum vacuum polarization also has a similar effect and is periodic. 3. Casimir effect not only shows the correctness of quantum vacuum view, but also brings the diversity of vacuum and the possibility of faster-than-light speed(superluminality). First look at the effects of quantum vacuum oscillations, which are related to the physical effects of virtual particles. Quantum field theory (QFT) considers that all quantum fields in the vacuum state are still moving, that is, all modes are still oscillating in the ground state, which is called vacuum zeropoint oscillation. Virtual particles appear, disappear and transform into each other constantly in vacuum because of the interaction between quantum fields. the Website of Science Daily reported that French scientists and German scientists respectively put forward their research results, the content is that the speed of light is a real characteristic constant, and the quantum theory holds that the vacuum is not empty, but a flickering particle. This causes the speed of light not to be fixed, but to have fluctuating values. So today physicists are starting to get it right thinking. However, when the interaction between particles and vacuum is considered, the physical phenomenon of vacuum polarization appears.For example, positively charged particles attract virtual electrons in vacuum and repel virtual positrons in vacuum. That changes the way the virtual cloud's charge is distributed. This situation is similar to the phenomenon of dielectric polarization in classical physics. There are four physical interactions in nature; electromagnetic interaction and weak interaction belong to the same mechanism and are described by the same equation, so it is called weak-electric unified theory. But in the vacuum polarization effect of 3292 International Journal of Science Academic Research, Vol. 02, Issue 12, pp.3289-3297, December, 2021 electromagnetic action (also known as the electron field Dirac vacuum polarization effect), photons polarize the vacuum, creating pairs of electrons (electron e-, positron e+) that create charges and currents, which then return to photons. In the weak action vacuum polarization effect (also known as the neutrino field Dirac vacuum polarization effect), Z0 bosons polarize the vacuum, producing neutrino pairs, resulting in weak charges and weak flows, and then returning to Z0 bosons. Feynman diagram can be drawn in both cases. The difference is that the former has no static mass and the latter has static mass. This comparative study can deepen the understanding of vacuum polarization. American physicist J. Franson published a paper in June 2014, which attracted wide attention in the physics circle. The paper claimed that it had been proved that the speed of light was slower than the value thought in the past. His argument is based on observations of supernova SN1987A in 1987, when photons and neutrinos were detected on Earth from the explosion. photons arrived 4.7 hours later than neutrinos, a phenomenon that had previously been only vaguely explained. Franson thinks this may be caused by the vacuum polarization of the photon—it splits into a positron and an electron and recombines into a photon in a very short time. Under the gravitational potential, the particle energy changes slightly during the recombination, making the speed slow.As the particles travel 168,000 light-years (SN1987A to Earth), this constant merging and splitting will cause the photons to arrive late. Another factor is the Casimir effect on the speed of light. If two parallel metal plates are put in a vacuum, the inner and outer states of the plates are not the same. The vacuum degree between the two plates is higher and deeper, so it has the force to make the two plates close to each other.[24] This Casimir effect has been experimentally demonstrated, so the above statement of "two vacuums" is correct.[25] This makes it logical that the speed of light inside and outside the plate may be different. Thus, it is the change in boundary conditions that affects the vacuum and thus the propagation speed of electromagnetic waves. In other words, the propagation of light depends on the structure of the vacuum, which is the basic idea of quantum physics. Due to the Casimir effect, we can distinguish between the following two: (1) normal vacuum (also known as free vacuum); (2) The vacuum between the plates with plates is characterized by a reduced vacuum energy density, so the author believes that it can also be called negative energy vacuum. Now, considering vacuum as a unique medium, its refractive index and wave velocity can be calculated: Phase velocity c vp = (6) n Group velocity c vg = (7) ng Where, n is the phase refractive index, referred to as the refractive index; ng Is the group refractive index. The relation between phase refractive index and group refractive index is dn ng = n + f df (8) For non-dispersive media, dn df =0, so vg = vp , group velocity is consistent with phase velocity. In 1990, K. Scharnhorst [9] published the paper "Light propagation in vacuum between bimetallic plates". The Casimir effect structure is analysed. Two metal plates close together; This imposes certain boundary conditions on the photon vacuum fluctuation. Scharnhorst calculated by quantum electrodynamics (QED) method, and obtained that the refractive index perpendicular to the direction of the plate surface is: 11 e4 np =1 26  452 md 4 (9) Note that the interplate is in vacuum state, and the above formula represents np <1; In formula (9), d is the distance between two ideal conductive plates, and m is the mass; m Is defined as the speed of light in normal vacuum or free vacuum, then the c is  11 e4  c = 1  26  452 md 4 c0  (10) Where, c is the speed of light in the vertical direction of the plate surface under the condition of interplate vacuum, and the difference is of c and c0 due to the change in the vacuum structure, which is caused by the placement of double plates. The result is c > c0 , here c0 = 299792458m/s, c is faster than the speed of light. Further calculation gives: c  c  c0  1.6×10-60d-4 (11) cc if d=1μm, △c / c =1.6×10-36, it is very small; but even this it is not consistent with special relativity (SR). d can be reduced again, for the 1nm gap (d=1nm), the increment △c =10-24 c ; This data is also very small, but theoretically important. In short, Scharnhorst did not calculate "the speed of a photon traveling between two metal plates," but the speed of a wave traveling vertically between two plates, and found that the phase velocity was slightly higher than the speed of light ( vp > c ). When the frequency is not high, the dispersion can be ignored and the group velocity is equal to the phase velocity, so the group velocity is slightly higher than the speed of light ( vg > c ). To sum up, "vacuum" changes the speed of light through a variety of physical processes. Therefore, how to understand and define the "vacuum" of "the speed of light in vacuum" becomes a problem. On the theoretical basis of the current definition of metre The International Bureau of Metrology did not say that the 1983 definition of the meter was based on the theory of special relativity (SR), but we can conclude that this is the case 3293 International Journal of Science Academic Research, Vol. 02, Issue 12, pp.3289-3297, December, 2021 because SR has a principle of invariance of light speed.[10,11] This paper points out two important points: first, the principle of constant speed of light has its own shortcomings, that is, it is not satisfactory in logic self-consistency; Secondly, as a postulate of SR, "the principle of invariance of light speed" lacks real experimental proof. In recent years, however, some experimental results may falsify the invariance of light speed. This undermines the theoretical basis of the 1983 definition of metre. SR is based on two postulates and a transformation. The first postulate states that "the laws of physics are the same in all inertial systems", that is, in all inertial systems, not only the laws of mechanics are equally true, but also the laws of electromagnetic and optics. The second postulate states that "light in vacuum always has a certain speed, independent of the motion of the observer or the light source, and independent of the colour of the light". This is what Einstein called the L principle. In order to eliminate the apparent contradiction of the above two postulates (relativity of motion and absoluteness of optical propagation), SR holds that "principle L is true for all inertial systems". In other words, the coordinate transformation between different inertial frames must be Lorentz transformation (LT). On the second postulate, Einstein said in 1905 that "light in empty space always travels at a certain speed, independent of the motion of the emitter"[4]. The 1921 statement reads: "At least for a certain inertial system K, the hypothesis that light travels at speed in vacuum is also confirmed. According to the principle of special relativity, we must also assume that this principle is true for any other inertial system". In 1949, it was stated that "light always travels at a constant speed in vacuum, independent of the colour of light and the motion of the light source".[6] Another core concept associated with the second postulate is the relativity of simultaneity. If clock at point A can define the time tA of an event at A, and clock at point B can define the time tB of an event at B. But how does the compare of tA and tB ? A definition of simultaneity is needed. For this reason, Einstein proposed the assumption that the speed of light is constant.If an optical pulse is being sent at tA , the time indicated by the clock at B is L tB =tA + (12) cAB Where L is the distance between two points, and cAB is the one-way speed of light from A to B. But cAB is unobservable, because it depends on the prior synchronization of clocks A and B (one-way speed of light is related to the definition of simultaneity). Einstein now defines simultaneity in terms of cAB = cBA = c , as opposed to the principle of constant speed of light in the loop (experiments so far have only shown constant speed of light in the loop, not in one direction). If the principle of invariance of the speed of light is correct, time and simultaneity are not absolute, and length measurements lose their absoluteness (they give different results in different inertial systems). It must be pointed out that the invariable absoluteness of the speed of light is incompatible with the principle of relativity in a narrow sense, which emphasizes the relativity of motion. There is an irreconcilable contradiction between the two basic assumptions of SR, which was demonstrated by E. Silvertooth in the 1970s.Einstein himself had doubts about this and tried to prove that there was only an apparent contradiction, but it did not solve the compatibility. Einstein actually put the cart before the horse and looped logic when he proved compatibility by using two inferences derived from postulates: relativity and length contraction. Einstein asserts that there is no absolute motion to adhere to the principle of relativity, and introduces light, which has no rest system and therefore is absolute motion, to construct a second postulate. The two postulates are extremely incompatible. More people think that the current statement of the principle of the invariable speed of light is a hypothesis, so far the lack of real experimental proof. Even relativistic scholars acknowledge this, for example as Prof. Y. Zhang[12] pointed out, saying that "the invariable speed of light has been experimentally proved" is not true. Einstein's principle of invariance of light speed refers to the one-way speed of light, that is, the speed at which light travels in any direction. But many experiments measure not the isotropy of one-way light but the invariance of loop light speed. In addition, the 1994 reprint of [12] emphasizes the unpredictability of one-way speed of light because "we have no prior definition of simultaneity, and the definition of speed of light depends on the definition of simultaneity." Zhang believed that Newton's absolute simultaneity could not be realized in reality. Einstein proposed the assumption that the speed of light is constant, that is, the optical signal against the clock; ... It is a hypothesis because it is not an empirical result, because the isotropy of the unidirectional speed of light has not (and cannot) be proved experimentally. To measure the speed of light in one direction, one has to check two clocks in different places, and to do this one has to know the exact value of the speed of light in one direction. This is a logical cycle, so attempts to test the speed of light in one direction are futile. (Many experiments listed in reference [12] are to prove the principle of constant speed of light in the loop). In terms of experiments, literature [12] lists 12 experiments on "invariance of light speed" (from 1881 to 1972) and 16 experiments on "independence of light speed and motion of light source" (from 1813 to 1966). But the former only shows the loop speed of light invariable principle, the latter only applies to v <