Compendium of vector analysis with applications to continuum mechanics compiled by Valery P. Dmitriyev Lomonosov University P.O.Box 160, Moscow 117574, Russia e-mail: 1. Connection between integration and differentiation Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem We transform the volume integral into a surface one: + | ( ) ∫∂iPdV ( ) V = ∫∂iPdxidx jdxk V = ∫ dx jdxk S(V ) x i − x i x j ,xk x j ,xk P = ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) = ∫ dx jdxk S(V )   P xi+ x j ,xk ,x j ,xk − P xi− x j ,xk ,x j ,xk   = = ∫cos θe+xtdSP − ∫cosθi−ntdSP = ∫cos θextdSP = ∫n⋅eiPdS S+ S− S Here the following denotations and relations were used: ( ) P is a multivariate function P xi,x j ,xk , ∂i = ∂ / ∂xi , V volume, S surface, ei a basis vector, ei ⋅e j = /ij , n the external normal to the element dS of closed surface with dx jdxk = n⋅ei dS , n⋅ei = cosθ . Thus ∫ ∂ i PdV V = S(∫V )Pn⋅eidS (1.1) Using formula (1.1), the definitions below can be transformed into coordinate representation. 1 Gradient ( ) S(∫VP) ndS = ∫ n⋅ei S(V ) ei PdS = ∫∂iPeidV V where summation over recurrent index is implied throughout. By definition gradP = ∇P = ∂iPei Divergence ( ) S(∫VA) ⋅ ndS = S ∫ (V n⋅ei ) AidS = ∫∂i AidV V (1.2) By definition di#A = ∇⋅A = ∂i Ai Curl ( ) ∫n× AdS = ∫ n⋅ei ei × Aje jdS = ∫∂i Ajei×e jdV (1.3) S(V ) S(V ) V By definition curlA = ∇× A = ∂i Ajei ×e j Stokes theorem follows from (1.3) if we take for the volume a right cylinder with the height h → 0 . Then the surface integrals over the top and bottom areas mutually compensate each other. Next we consider the triad of orthogonal unit vectors m, n, 2 where m is the normal to the top base and n the normal to the lateral face 2 =m×n Multiplying the left-hand side of (1.3) by m gives ∫m⋅n×AdS = ∫(m×n)⋅AdS = ∫ 2 ⋅AdS = h∫ 2⋅Adl lateral lateral lateral l where 2 is the tangent to the line. Multiplying the right-hand side of (1.3) by m gives h∫m⋅ curlAdS S where m is the normal to the surface. Now, equating both sides, we come to the formula sought for ∫ 2⋅Adl = ∫m⋅ curlAdS l S The Stokes theorem is easily generalized to a nonplanar surface (applying to it Ampere's theorem). In this event, the surface is approximated by a polytope. Then mutual compensation of the line integrals on common borders is used. 2 2. Elements of continuum mechanics ( ) A medium is characterized by the volume density ρ x,t and the flow ( ) velocity u x,t . Continuity equation The mass balance in a closed volume is given by ∂t ∫ ρdV + ∫ ρu⋅ndS = 0 V S(V ) where ∂t = ∂ / ∂t . We get from (1.2) ∫ ρu⋅ndS = ∫∂i(ρui )dV Thereof the continuity equations follows ( ) ∂t ρ + ∂i ρui = 0 Stress tensor We consider the force df on the element dS of surface in the medium and are interested in its dependence on normal n to the surface df (n) where df(−n)= −df(n) With this purpose the total force on a closed surface is calculated. We have for the force equilibrium at the coordinate tetrahedron df (n)+ df (n1)+ df(n2)+ df (n3)= 0 where the normals are taken to be external to the surface ( ) ( ) ( ) n1 = −sign n⋅e1 e1 , n2 = −sign n⋅e2 e2 , n3 = −sign n⋅e3 e3 Thence df (n)= sign(n⋅e j )df (e j ) (2.1) 3 ( ) The force density 1 n is defined by Insofar as df = 1dS we have for (2.1) dS j= n⋅e j dS df (n)= sign(n⋅e j )1(e j )dS j = sign(n⋅e j ) n⋅e j 1(e j )dS = n⋅e j1(e j )dS i.e. 1(n)= n⋅e j1(e j ) ( ) = n⋅e jei1i e j ( ) The latter means that 1 n possesses the tensor property. The elements of the stress tensor are defined by ( ) σij =σi e j Now, using (1.2), the force on a closed surface can be computed as a volume integral ( ) ∫1ndS = ∫1e j e j ⋅ndS = ∫∂ j1 e j dV (2.2) V Euler equation The momentum balance is given by the relation ∂t ∫ ρudV + ∫(ρu)u⋅ndS = ∫1dS (2.3) V S(V ) S(V ) We have for the second term by (1.2) ( ) ∫(ρu)u⋅ndS = ∫(ρu)u je j ⋅ndS = ∫∂ j ρu ju dV Using also (2.2) gives for (2.3) ∂t (ρu)+ ∂ j (ρu ju)= ∂ j1(e j ) or ( ) ρ∂tu + ρu j∂ ju = ∂ j1 e j (2.4) 4 Hydrodynamics The stress tensor in a fluid is defined from the pressure as That gives for (2.4) σ ij = − pδij ρ∂tui + ρu j∂ jui + ∂ j p = 0 Elasticity ( ) The solid-like medium is characterized by the displacement s x,t . For small displacements u=∂ts and the quadratic terms in the left-hand part of (2.4) can be dropped. For an isotropic homogeneous medium the stress tensor is determined from the Hooke's law as ( ) ( ) σ i e j = λδij∂k sk + µ ∂is j +∂ jsi where λ and µ are the elastic constants. That gives ( ) ( ) ( ) ∂ jσi e j = λ∂i∂k sk + µ ∂i∂ js j +∂2j si = λ+µ ∂i∂ j s j + µ∂ 2 j si and ∂ j1(e j )= (λ+µ)graddi# s + µ∇2s = (λ+2µ)∇2s + (λ+µ)curlcurls = λ graddi# s − µ curlcurls where graddi# = ∇2 + curlcurl was used. Substituting it to (2.4) we get finally Lame equation ( ) ρ∂t2s = λ+µ graddi# s + µ∇2s where ρ is constant. 5