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The Sagnac effect1 ranks along with Michelson's experiment, measurements of the velocity of light, etc., as one of the fundamental experiments in the theory of relativity. Nevertheless, one still encounters in the literature both incorrect explanations of this effect, based on signals which are moving at velocities higher than the velocity of light23 or with references to the general theory of relativity,3 and the declaration that the Sagnac effect is puzzling and cannot be explained in a noncontradictory way.4 We will be discussing this matter in more detail below. We therefore think it is pertinent at this point, on the basis of methodological considerations and also to avoid any possible misconception, to emphasize once more that the Sagnac effect is of a purely specialrelativistic nature. We will of course not need any velocities higher than the velocity of light or, especially, the general theory of relativity. We begin with a description of the Sagnac experiment. Mirrors are placed at the corners of a quadrangle on a disk. The corners are positioned with respect to each other in such a way that a light ray coming from a monochromatic source is reflected from the mirrors around a closed loop and then returns to the source. A beam splitter can be used to split the ray from the source into two rays, which would move in opposite directions around this closed loop. Sagnac observed that if the disk was put in rotation a ray traversing the loop in the direction of the rotation would arrive at the source after a ray traversing the loop in the direction opposite the rotation, with the result that there would be a shift of an interference pattern on a photographic plate. When the rotation was reversed, the interference fringes shifted in the opposite direction. What explanation has been given to this effect? Sagnac himself derived a theoretical value for the magnitude of the effect through a purely classical summation of the velocity of light with the linear rotation velocity for a ray moving in the direction opposite the rotation. He did the same for the ray propagating in the direction of rotation, using a corresponding subtraction. The discrepancy between this result and the experiment result is of the order of 1%. In one form or another, frequently obscured, this explanation persisted. For example, we might cite a typical assertion in this regard by Sommerfeld in his Optics*: "Michelson's negative result of course tells us nothing about the propagation of light in rotating media. In this case it would be necessary to appeal, not to the special theory, but to the general theory of relativity, with its additional terms which correspond to centrifugal mechanical forces. If, however, one notes that in later experiments (of Sagnac et al.—note by the present authors) the only velocities which were involved satisfied v4,c, and the only effects which were involved were of first order in v/c, then one can make do without any theory of relativity and carry out the calculations at a purely classical level." That explanation is actually in the spirit of old ether concepts and, as Yilmaz4 has correctly pointed out, is wrong, since it allows velocities higher than the velocity of light. Furthermore, it contradicts the relativistic law for adding velocities. For clarity, let us follow Yilmaz and examine the circular path which would be traced out by the rays in a Sagnac experiment carried out with an infinite number of mirrors. According to the classical law for adding velocities in a rotating coordinate system, the velocities of the light would be c±ar0, where a> is the rotation frequency, and r0 is the radius of the path. It is then obvious that the magnitude of the effect is given by 2Jirn 2irrn 4nr?.to iaS which agrees well with experiment. Here S is the area of the closed loop around which the rays propagate. We see that this result has been achieved at the cost of introducing an anisotropy in the velocity of light and of actually allowing velocities higher than the velocity of light. This anisotropy contradicts the relativistic law for adding velocities (even in first order), and it contradicts the constancy of the velocity of light. In other words, although these ideas do generate a prediction which agrees (in a first approximation) with the correct prediction, it is internally untenable. With this fact in mind, Yilmaz labeled the Sagnac effect "puzzling."4 A team of experimentalists at the University of Maryland, headed by C. O. Alley, is planning measurements of the velocity of light with the goal of seeking a possible anisotro- py." In the present paper we will show that an explanation of the Sagnac effect is completely within the capabilities of the special theory of relativity and that none of the following need be invoked: the general theory of relativity, velocities higher than the velocity of light, or any other postulates. We will see in detail how to calculate the time between the arrival of the rays at the source, working in a fixed inertial frame of reference. We will also do this using a noninertial frame of 861 Sov. Phys. Usp. 31 (9), September 1988 0038-5670/88/090861 -04801.80 © 1989 American Institute of Physics 861 reference which is rotating along with the apparatus. As should be expected, the results of the calculations agree. We begin with the case of an inertial frame of reference. We write the interval in cylindrical coordinates: ds2 = c2 &t2 — dr2 — r2 d+ (d) = q>_ (h) = n. Now choosing /, as the initial time and repeating the arguments, we find that the next meeting of the rays occurs at specifically that point (in a three-dimensional space) from which the rays were emitted, i.e., at the point with the coordinates cp = 0, r = r0, z = 0. We wish to emphasize that this result obviously does not depend on the angular rotation velocity of the frame of reference of the source and the mirror. By definition, the changes in the angular coordinate of the source are described by [the initial condition is q>s (0)=0] 0)l/2, which is equal c to ds/c in the case dl = 0; the role of the square of the physical distance is played by the quantity d l 2 = ( ott °P — Yap ) dxa dj?P, which is equal to — ds2 in the case dr = 0. It is clear from A. A. Logunov and Yu. V. Chugreev 862 these definitions that both dr and dl can be measured, since they can be expressed in terms of an absolute value: an interval. It also follows that the velocity which is measurable experimentally is the quantity dl/dr. Since an invariant definition of light signals in the special theory of relativity is of the form ds2 = 0, we find on the basis of (10) dl (IT = c. (11) where the matrix xva is the inverse of xal3. Substituting the effective metric xaP = diag {l,r 2/[ 1 - (co2r Vc2) ],1} into the equation for the curvature tensor, and calculating the connectedness F ^ , we find that it has only one independent nonvanishing component, This result means that in whatever type of frame of reference—inertial or nonertial—that the experimentalist measures the velocity of light, the local value of this velocity will be constant, equal to c, in absolute value everywhere. In the case of an inertial frame, the quantity dr is a total differential, and we can say that the physical velocity of light is globally constant. The coordinate velocity of light, dx'Vdt, on the other hand, can have any value except zero and infinity. To calculate experimentally measurable times, distances, etc., we need to know the components of the metric tensor ylk, along with the coordinates. We thus conclude from this discussion that the physical velocity of light with respect to a fixed frame of reference is d dx - ± enl(, where nv is a unit vector in the azimuthal direction. In this frame of reference, the physical and coordinate velocities of light are the same. We now consider the same physical process—the propagation of rays in opposite directions around a circle—in a noninertial frame of reference which is rotating at an angular velocity co. To find the form of the interval in this system, we transform coordinates: as a function of the coordinate time t: • = — 0) ± • (14) Using the initial conditions .v — dlxXnv — dlyXXa -f d\xxtw) The first meeting of the rays occurs at the time tt, which corresponds to the value _U|), i.e., to the value which is responsible for the redshift, is constant over the entire propagation path of the rays. Interesting in this connection is the shift of the frequency of light in this noninertial frame of reference. If a light ray of frequency v0 is directed away from the rotation axis along the radius, its frequency for an observer on the disk will increase in accordance with 1 '[l-(coara/ca)]V11/2* . i ^ lV~~/o> 2_L 9 °2 (18) in the blue direction. This point has been verified experimentally within7 10 2%. We have thus shown that the Sagnac effect can be ex- plained without the need to modify the special theory of rela- "Private communication from C. O. Alley. 2'In a calculation of the realistic Sagnac effect, in which case the path traced out by the light ray is a broken line, one would have to take into account the deformation of the centrifuge caused by centrifugal forces. 'M. G. Sagnac, J. Phys. (Paris) 4, 177 (1914). 2S. I. Vavilov, Collected Works (In Russian), Vol. 4, Izd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, M.,1956. 'A. Sommerfeld, Optics, Academic Press, N.Y., 1954 [Russ. transl., IL, M , 1953]. 4H. Yilmaz, in: Proceedings of the Fourth Marcel Grossman Meeting on General Relativity (ed. R. Ruffini), Elsevier Science Publ., Rome, 1986, p. 1753. 5A. A. Logunov, Lectures on the Theory of Relativity and Gravitation (in Russian), Nauka, M., 1987. "S. Ezekiel and H. J. Arditty Eds., Fiber-Optic Sensors and Related Technologies, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (Springer Series in Optical Science, Vol. 32). 7H. J. Hay, J. P. Schiffer, T. E. Cranshaw, and P. A. Egelstaff, Phys. Rev. Lett. 4, 165 (1960). Translated by Dave Parsons 864 Sov. Phys. Usp. 31 (9), September 1988 A. A. Logunov and Yu. V. Chugreev 864