Geochimiea et Cosmoehimica Acta 1962, Vol. 28, pp. 1757 to 1786. Carbonand oxygen isotopic composition of mollusk shells from marine and fresh-water environments* M. L. KEITH, G. M. ANDERSON and R. EICELER~ Dept. of Geochemistry and Mineralogy, The Pennsylvania State University, Universit-yPark, Pa. (Received December 1963) Abstract-Results are given of a system&c survey of differencesin the isotopic composition of carbon and oxygen of modern mollusk shells from m&ne and continental enviromnents. Marine shells analyzed show a range of 6Cr3 (relative to Chicago PDB standard) from +42 to - 1.7 %, whereas the fresh-water mollusk shells have relatively Cls-descient carbon, in the rage BY = -0-6 to - 152. There is a similsr differencein Or* content. Within the marine group, environmental sub-groups differ mainly in 01s content and the differencesare consistent with the temperature dependencepreviouslystudied by other investigators. Within the fresh-water group, the most striking differencebetween sub-groups is in the Cl3 content of pelecypod shellsfrom large lakes (6Cr3 = -2.4 to 6.07&J,and from rivers (NY = -8.3 to - 15.2 X), a differencewhich is shown to be environment-controlledratherthan speciescontrolled. The soft parts of pelecypods also show characteristicdifferences of carbon isotopic composition from marine to lacustrine to fluvial specimens. The ligament of peleoypods is found to consist partly of 8ragonite fibers which are isotopically different from shell carbonate. It is concluded that the carbon isotope ratio in mollusk shells is considerablyinfluencedby the proportional amount of land-plant derived carbon included in the food of the mollusks or contributed by humus decay to dissolved bicarbonate in the water. It appears likely that the observed isotopic differences can be applied to the env~o~ent~ study of fossils and sedimentary carbonate rocks, 8nd to the source identiEcation of shell artifacts of archaeological interest. THE environment of deposition of sedimentary rocks and the extent of the oceans and continents during different geologic periods has been established by the study of fossils and of regional changes in lithology. In sections where fossils are scarce, or where continental and marine beds are intercalated in a cyclic or irregular way, the problem of determining depositional environments becomes complex and it is desirable to have criteria which will supplement those based on the fossil record, Investigations of the use of isotopic criteria for differentiating marine and freshwater carbonate rocks have been carried out at this laboratory for several years, beginning with the work of CLAYTONand DEGENS (1959). The present study of modern mollusk shells from known marine and continental sites was undertaken as a basis for understanding and interpreting variations in the carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of fossils and limestones in relation to their environment of deposition. STI~UCTURE AND FORMATION OF MOLLUSK SHELL Aquatic mollusks occupy a wide variety of environments, from marine to brackish to fresh-water, and tropical to arctic, and they exhibit a wide variety of preferences * Contribution 52-117 from the College of Mineral Industries, The Pennsylvania State University. t Present address: Geologisch Institute, Rhein. Friedrich-W&elms Universitat, Bonn, Germany. 1557 1758 ?rl. L. KEITH, G. M. ANDERSONand R. EICHLER for different bottom conditions; many live in clean sand, others are mud dwellers, still others prefer to attach themselves to rocks exposed at low tide. Most bivalves feed on minute plants, diatoms and protozoa ; some, such as oysters and Venus clams are suspension feeders, while others, such as Tellina and Inacorna, are deposit feeders. Among the gastropods a considerable proportion are carnivorous, some are deposit feeders, others live on aquatic plants (ABBOTT, 1953). The shell of the mollusks is deposited by the mantle in successive layers with a micro-architecture which is characteristic of the genus (BOGGILD, 1930). Most marine shells and all of the fresh-water shells examined consist mainly of aragonite. Some marine species deposit a calcite shell, and a few, such as Jfytilua and Chama, deposit an outer layer of calcite and an inner pearly layer of aragonite. Pelecypods probably deposit shell mainly during the warmer part of the year, above some minimum water temperature which varies with species. Many gastropods, on the other hand, show evidence of shell deposition over a wide range of water temperatures (EPSTEIN and LOWENSTAM, 1953). OXYGEN AND CARBON AVAILABLE TO MOLLUSKS (a) Oqgen Variation of the 018: 016 ratio in the hydrosphere depends mainly on the fact that the vapor pressure of H,016 is greater than that of H,Ol*. Oxygen-18 is relatively concentrated in ocean water and varies with salinity over a range of about 0+3”/0(EPSTEIN and MAYEDA, 1953). In comparisonwith the ocean, continental waters. are relatively deficient in oxygen-18 and isotopically more variable. EPSTEIN and MAYEDA found a depletion of oxygen-18 in continental waters at progressively higher altitude and higher latitude, over a total range of about 5% in 0’8 content. The temperature dependence of oxygen isotope fractionation in exchange reactions between calcium carbonate and water, based on calculations of UREY (1947) was determined experimentally for inorganic carbonate precipitation (MCCREA, 1950) and subsequently for organic precipitation by marine organisms (UREY et al., 1951). The amount of isotope fractionation changes with water temperature so that for example, at 25°C the 018/01a ratio is higher by 2.85% in the calcium carbonate and at 7°C by 3.27% than it is in the water (CLAYTON, 1961). (b) Carbon The isotopic composition of carbon in the various sources available to mollusks, is pertinent to the present study. Omitting marine limestones, with KY3 near zero (Chicago PDB scale), the principal inorganic reservoirs or sources of carbon, in order of decreasing carbon-13 content are: (1) ocean-water bicarbonate, with 6C13 about -2 per mil, (2) atmospheric carbon dioxide with KY3 about -7 per mil, and (3) fresh-water bicarbonate with widely variable 6C13, generally less than -8 per mil. REVEL~E and FAIRBRIDGE (1957) quote HARMON CRAIG to the effect that marine invertebrate tests appear to contain a mixture of carbon derived from metabolic activity and carbon derived from sea water bicarbonate. WILBUR (1960) concludes that the metabolic pathway is the more important one in mollusks. Carbonand oxygen isotopiccompositionof molluskshells 1759 PREvIOnS ISOTOPICMEASUREMENTS ON MOLLUSK SHELLS Oxygenisotopic data for mollusk shells (fossil or modern) have been reported by UREY et aE.(1951), EPSTEINet uZ.(1953), EPSTEINand LOWENSTA~(~1953), CLAYTON and DE~ENS(1959) and KEITH,EIC~ER and PARKER(1960). The first reference and the last two, above, include data on carbon as well as oxygen. Investigations of the carbon isotope ratio alone, without reference to oxygen have been reported by CRAW (1953, 1954), JEFFERYet al. (1955) and BROECKERand OLSOK (1961) for marine mollusk shells and fossils. Limited data for fresh-water shells are given by BROECKERand WALTON (1959), BROECKERand OLSON(1959), OANAand DEEVEY(1960) and KEITE and ANDERSON(1963). The data, summarized by GEAF(1960), generally confirm the suggestion of UREY (EM?) regarding oxygen, and the observation of CLAYTONand DEQEXS(1959) to the effect that carbon and oxygen isotope ratios can be used with some caution, as supplementary criteria to differentiate marine and fresh-water carbonates. Understanding and use of the isotopic criteria for interpreta$on of sedimentary environments requires that a background be established by two additional stages of investigation: (1) detailed analysis and comparison of modern carbonate samples collected from known environments, and (2) statistical studies of fossils and limestones of different geologic ages. The present paper is a contribution to the first stage. SAMYLETREATMENTAND ANALYTICALPROCEDURE With a few exceptions, ‘notably the suite from Cape May, New Jersey, mollusk specimens were collected alive. Most of the shell samples were simply air dried after re- moval of soft parts. A few specimens were preserved in diluted isopropyl alcohol or in formalin for a few months. Remnants of soft parts were removed by scraping and by treatment in commercial Clorox ( -5% solution of sodium hypoehlorite). Formalin has a slight etching effect on shells; however, it was shown that preservation or treatment with isopropyl alcohol, formalin, or Clorox have no measurable effect on the carbon or oxygen isotopic composition of shells (EPSTEINand LOWENSTAM1,953; EICHLER,1961). In general, large shell specimens were sampled by sawing off a diagonal slice to represent a number of growth layers. The heavy hinge region of pelecypod shells was avoided, except for very small specimens, which were sampled in toto. Samples for investigation of within-shell variation were obtained by sawing or grinding off the desired portions. Cleaned carbonate material was crushed to -80 mesh and heated for 20 min at 42O*Cin flowing helium, to remove or pyrolize organic compounds. The resulting carbonate residue was treated with 100% phosphoric acid in evacuated tubes, and carbon dioxide evolved over a 24 hour period. The carbon dioxide was purified and collected and was analysed with a 6 in., go-degree sector mass spectrometer, following the procedure of MCKINNEYet al.(1950), in which the isotopic ratio of the sample gas is compared with that of a carbon dioxide standard. Carbon isotopic compositions are expressed as SCla, the difference, in parts per thousand, between the carbon-13 oontent of the sample gas and the Chicago PDB standard carbon dioxide. KY3 = 1000 (yS'(-y - (-y/p I ssmpie SM. c=/c;;fd. 1760 M. L. KEITH, G. M. ANDERSON and R. EICHLER Oxygen isotopic compositions are expressed similarly, as SO18,in terms of the 018/0f6 ratios 0f 9amples and standard. Data are corrected for the effect of 0” on the carbon isotope measurement and for the effect of Cl3 on the oxygen isotope measurement (CRAIG, 1957). Duplicate carbon dioxide sub-samples were prepared and analysed at different times with a total analytical random error of less than 0.2 per mil. Reproducibility of the measurement on a single carbon dioxide sample is somewhat better than -&Owpl er mil. Recorded &values are the means of replicate runs. ALLEGHENY R., GRAND R., MICH: MERAMEC R., MO T‘ENNESSEE R., ALA. -8 - GREAT LAKES--y& -4- .4 CALIFORN +2 MARINE --- + 9 60’8, x. -4 -8 -12 Fig. 1. Isotopic composition of marine and fresh-water pelecypod shells. Symbols within open circles indicate samples from river sites. Open circles without. interior symbols indicate lacustrine samples, four of which on Fig. 1 and seven on Fig. 2 are from smali lakes on the Canadian shield. Half-filled circles (Big. 1) repre- sent samples from intermediate salinity waters (Table 7). A = sub-Arctic samples 61-151, 152. COMPARISOW OF MARINE AND FRESH-WATERSHELLS Carbon and oxygen isotopic data for marine and fresh-water shells are given in Table 7 and shown graphically in Figs. 1 and 2. Information regarding the collection sites is given in Table 8. For the readers who may wish to compare the data with results reported relative to other standards, the oxygen data can be recalculated to “Mean Ocean Water” standard by the formula of CLAYTON and EPSTEIN (1958); 60w = 1.0295(6,,,~7 29.8 Similarly, for recalcuiating Taothe ?U’BS standard (Solenhofen limestone): Carbon BXyBss=o t-OOf &,a + 1.06 Oxygen 6X,szo = I+04 Gpns - 4.16 Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of mollusk shells -14*rdo- 8-6- MARSHY FS eF OF SMALL LAKES OF CANADIAN SHIELD _ _--;;. / / /c 5 0 CD / I C’ ‘e___zl_---’ 1761 ARCTIC\ ,% \ I ’ ’ c ‘yt GASTROFWS [FRESH-WATER-- 0) LA’JCLU &/’ + , / 2 -4 - - _to 1 -e bO*, % Fig. 2. Isotopic composition of marine and fresh-water gastropod shells. Symbols within open circles indicate samples from river sites. Open circles without interior symbols indicate lacustrme samples, four of which on Fig. 1 and seven on Fig. 2 are from small lakes on the Canadian shield. A = sub-Arctic samples 61-151, 152; B =i Bermuda; F = Florida; SL = Scammon Lagoon, Mexico. Table 1. Carbon isotopic composition of mollusk soft parts in comparison with shell Sample number Species Marine samples 62-132 62-133 Ti&u ~~~~~ &f$&i$ ~~f~~~~~ Laoustrine samples Mean Soft parts oC’3 (%a) -17*0 ---16.4 -167 Shell SCr3 (%A $1.12 $0.24 + 0.68 Difference (%A 18.1 16.6 17.4 61-12 61-22 61-24 Amblema CQ&&Z~&C& Elliptic &i&&w Elliptio wmplanatua -22.6 - 24.7 - 25.4 - 2.44 -4.87 -4.52 20.2 19.8 20.9 Fluvial samples M0FUl -24.2 -3.94 20.3 61-202 61-239 61-240 Actinonaiaa oarinuta Strophitua rUgQsuS Strophitw TUgQ8U.9 -30.2 - 30.6 - 30.4 -11.50 -11.12 -11.74 18.7 195 18.7 61-241 Strophitw ~osua -27.2 -11.44 15.8 61-242 Strophitw rzdgosw -27.6 -11.76 15.8 Mean -29.2 -11.51 17.7 Combustion and measurement of soft parts by J. r\‘.WEBER. Pine wood, measured at the same time, for comparison. gave &Cl3 = - 24.37&. hiBS 21 (graphite) gave &Cl9 = -26,57_ (cf. -278:&, measured by CRAIG, 1957). 1762 M. L. KEITH, G. M. ANDERSON and R. EICHLXR Table 2. Isotopic composition of interior and exterior layers of marine pelecypod sheik “Species” Locality Interior 6OL8“, /, EXV&lGX DIFF. 82-52 ostreo 82-132 Tivela Banderas, Mex. Balboa, Cal. In - 3.38 (-on?)* EX - 3.96 (-1.19) In - Ex + 0.59 f0.53 62-17 02-42 62- 55 m-73 62-62 62-133 68-262 62-211 charno Spondylua Atrina Attine &iytiaw Mytilus M&Z?& aaytizus Mazatlau, Mex. Cleopha, Mex. 0. of Mexico Breton Id., La. La Joils. Cal, La Jolla, Cd. Cape May, N. J. Hudson Bay, Can. (- 1.85) (-2.11) (-1.33) (-2.24) (- 1.63) (-1.40) (- 1.46) (- 3.97) -2.39 -2.72 -1.21 - 1.37 - om -0.90 -O*BO -3.17 3-0.54 j-061 -0.12 -0.87 -0.74 -0.50 -0+.6 -0.80 Mean Difference (without regard to sign) 0.65 * Parentheses indicate aample composed of aragonite; others are calcite. SsciS%, * Interior Exterior DIFF. In -0~20 (+ 1.54) +%3 (+0.66) In - Es - 0.83 + 0.8’3 (+ 1.28) ($1.02) (f 1.72) (+oW (+@16) (+6-34) if 1.13) (-0.07) +0.38 +0.71 + 0.99 + 0.46 - 0.38 to.14 - 0.58 - 0.84 +-0.90 -+ 0.31 +0.73 + 0.37 + 0.54 +0*20 + 1.71 +a*77 0.73 Table 3. Isotopic composition of marine peleoypods: within-shell with ligament fibers variation and comparison Sample number Species Sub-eample distance from Site beak 601’ 6C’” (mm) (%o) %I) 62-62 My&h% ca1q0WGWA.9 La Jolla, Calii. Exterior (calcite): 30 -0.47 -0.31 48 -1-12 -0-28 67 - 0.83 -0.06 86 -0.94 -0-09 99 - 0.70 -O*Bi’ 115 - 1.28 -0.58 62-132 Interior (aragonite) Ligament fibers (aragonite) Balboa, Calif. Exterior (aragonite) Mean 18 36 54 73 93 112 -0.89 -1.63 - 1.59 -1.51 -0.84 -160 -1.13 -1.06 -1.60 -0.38 +0*16 + I.89 + 0.54 + 0.68 +067 +0.68 +o-75 10-61 62-52 Interior (sragonite) Ligament fibers (aragonite) - Ostrea in’descena Banderae Bay, Jllexico Shell (calcite and aragonite) Ligament fibers (aragonite) 62-133 1Mytilu.3 u&lifontianua La Jolla, Cal. Shell (calcite and aragonite) Ligament fibers (aragonite) Average difference: (ligament fiber &mean shell 6) Mean -1.19 -0.76 -0.28 -3.67 -2.54 - I.15 -0.76 o-47 +0.66 + I.54 + 2.42 10.21 +0.25 + 0.24 +1.94 1.21 Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of mollusk shells 1763 Table 4. Isotopic composition of fluvial peleoypods: within-shell variation and comparison with ligament fibers Sample number Species Site Sub-sample distance from beak (mm) &Y* (%J &?a (%0) 61-101 Negalonaias gigantea Tennessee R. Alabama Exterior: 37 -7.39 -11.48 50 --5.12 - 9.30 58 - 7.12 - 9.88 66 -6.71 - 9.71 83 - i-16 - 9.73 91 - 7.33 - 994 97 -7.20 - 9.85 104 -6.88 - IO.20 -7.11 - lO*Ol Interior: Muscle f3car Middle Lip Ligament fibers Mean -6,56 -7.08 -7.49 -7.04 -6.42 -648 -9.73 -9.92 -9.38 -8.10 61-127 Actiwias cminata French Creek, Pa. Exterior: Interior: Lip Hinge 20 33 49 60 i3 88 Mean -9.44 -3.22 -890 -9.60 - 960 -9.33 -9.35 - lo,14 - lo*01 Mean - 10.08 -11~92 -11.34 -1169 - 12.79 -14.61 -16.56 -13.15 -16.25 - 15.62 - 15.93 Ligament fibere 61-2 Ad&mu oos6ccda Grand R., Mich. Shell Ligament Fibers 6248 Ligumka recta Meramec R., Missouri Shell Ligament fibers Average difference: (ligament fiber &mean shell 6) - 9.02 --x3*79 - 8.55 -8-12 - 12.45 -11+65 -7.12 -6.72 0.54 -1391 -13.10 1.01 1764 M. L. KEITH, G. M. ANDERSON and R. EICHLER Table 5. Variation of shell isotopic composition within communities of fresh-water pelecypods (a) French Creek, north of Meadville, Pa. Species Actinonaiaa car&&z Sample number 61-192 61-193 61-194 61-195 61-126 61-196 61-197 61-198 61-199 61-200 61-202 61-201 61-127 Weight of single valve (g) 1.4 2.4 4.9 7.7 15.0 17.9 21.0 36.7 42.8 68.2 82.4 91.4 122.0 6018 (%a) - 10.34 -10.24 - 10.07 -10.13 -10.10 - 10.03 -9.91 - 10.05 -10.01 - 10.07 - 10.07 -9.76 - 10.14 603 (X) - 10.96 -11.29 - 10.53 -11-56 -11.18 -11.66 - 12.33 - 13.77 - 12.26 -14.72 - 12.26 - 14.03 - 16.25 Elliptio dilatatus (purple shell) Mean 61-177 61-178 61-181 61-182 61-183 6.5 7.8 13.9 19.2 19.8 - 10.07 -10.31 -10.11 - 10.20 -10.18 -9.95 -12.52 - 12.41 -11,99 -11.97 - 14.04 - 14.96 Larnpsilia faaciola Mean 61-184 61-188 61-185 61-186 61-187 13.4 14.1 14.6 16.0 22.4 - 10.15 -9.97 -9.73 -9.93 -9.81 -9.70 - 13.07 - 13.39 - 12.00 - 12.37 - 14.02 - 13.57 Pleurobenau coro!atum coccineum (pink shell) Mean 61-189 61-190 4.4 14.1 - 9.83 - 10.26 - 10.29 - 13.07 - 10.43 -11.57 Pleurobema cordatum coccineum (white shell) Mean 61-124 61-191 16.0 30.6 - 10.27 - 10.25 - 10.20 -11.00 - 10.67 -11.51 Lasnaigona costata Mean 61,123B 25 61-123A 50 - 10.22 - 9.94 -9.59 -11-09 - 13.07 - 13.18 Lamps%8 ovata venttio.9a Mean 61-125 65 61-119 118 Mean French Creek, mean of six species -9.77 -9.54 -9.36 -9.45 -9.92 -13.12 -11.03 -12.03 - 11.53 - 12.39 Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of mollusk shells Table 5. cc&. (bf &and River at Dunnw’lZe,Q&c&o Species Sample number Quadrula quadrula 61-211 61-212 61-209 61-210 Mean Weight (8) 29.7 32.4 46.3 47.3 6018 (%a) - - IO.62 - 10.57 -10.63 - 10.42 - 10.56 1765 I333 (X0) -10.97 -11.85 -14.30 -13.63 - 12.69 Cumberlund~ rnmodonkz 61-232 61-231 61-229 61-228 61-230 61-227 61-226 61-224 61-223 61-226 61-222 61-221 Mean 1.5 5.9 7.2 7.4 7.5 9.9 13.0 13.2 19.8 21.5 32.8 43-6 -7.9% -7.99 -7.69 -7.68 -7.50 - 7.51 -7.66 -7.77 -7.52 -7.35 -7.56 - 7.43 -7.64 - 12.27 -11.44 - 11.48 -11.46 - 10.80 -11.28 -12.03 -11.64 -11.34 -11.31 -11.15 - 10.50 -11.39 The data above are for samples of recently deposited calcium carbonate, from the lip of each shell. Table 6. Isotopic composition of aragonite fibers from the ligament of fluvial pelecypods* Sample number Weight of single valve (g) 61-192 61-193 61-195 61-196 61-197 61-198 61-199 61-200 61-202 61-201 61-127 1.4 2-4 7.7 17.9 21.0 36.7 42.8 68.2 82.4 91.4 122.0 Mean Mean difference from lip shell of the same specimens (Table 5), ligament S-shell S = 6018 (“/,) -9.38 -9.55 - 10-33 - 12.26 - 9.72 -9.46 -9.35 - 9.08 -9.18 -9.11 -9.02 - 9.68 10.3% NY (?A) -11.66 -11.04 - 12.15 -11.37 -11-02 -12,IO -11.57 - 12.20 -11.50 - 12-70 - 13.79 -11-92 iO.78 * Size sequence of Actinmiaa cati~ collected alive from a single community: French Creek, north of Meadville, Pa. (see Table 5 and Fig. 6). 1766 M. L. KEITH, G. 31. ANDEWOS and H. EICHIXK Location Sample number Table 7. Isotopic composition Species of mollusk shells taco, struct. 00 ’ 8 (“A”) ,)C“” ( “A) (a) M.ARINE SAMPLE (1) 56-641 58-257 58-258 58-259 58-260 .58-261 X3-262 Cape May, ,‘?ew Jersey (.Mnntic) Spisula solidis.~ima Dillwyn Tqelus plebe&s Solander Ensis directus Conrad Mactra sp. _Voetia. ponderosa Say &quip&en irrcrdians Lamarck MytilU8 e&&s L. May, mean Shallow Nesican Waters (Pucific) (2) _62-2t 62-4 62-6 Turritella gonosloma Valenciennes Fissurella vim&ens Sowerby Crucibulum scutellatum Wood 62-l 1 Cerithium mnculosum Kiener 62-13 Trachycard,iUm senticosum Sowerby 62-14 Anadara esmeralda Pilsbry and Olsson 62-16 Pseudochama cowugnta Broderip 62-17 (3) _62-28 62-32 Chanra sp. (piece of large shell) Strombua galentua Swainson Cerithium maculosum Kiener 62-34 Codakia distinguenda Tryon 62-38 62-40 Pseudochama corrugata Broderip Fi.wurella viriscens Sowerby 62-42 Spondylus princeps Broderip (4) 62-52 Ostrea iridescens Gray (5) 62-122 Crucibulum spinosum Sowerby a 62-123 Crepidula atriolata Menke a Shallow M&can Waters, mean Pacific Ocean, 30 to 90 meter8 (6) 62-18 Cantharus cf. capitaneua Berry a (7) 62-19 Cantharus cf. cupituneus Berry a 62-20 Chione kelletti Hinds a (8) 62-22 (9) 62-23 62-24 Crucibulum sp. nav. a Murex (Hexaplex) brassicn Lamarck a Fusinus panamensis Dall a (10) 62-43 Buraa nana Sowerby a 62-44 Chlamys circularis Soaerby c (11) 62-190 Lunatia lewisi Gould a 62-192 Kellelia kelletz Forbes a (12) 62-193 62-194 Xyti1u.s californianus Conrad Kelletia kelleti Forbes 6--2-195 Burma californica Hinds Pa&c 0 aean, 30 to 90 meters, mean Deep Sea (Pnci’c, 3000 meters) (13) 62-25 62-26 Dentalium megnthyris Dal1 (Scaphopod) Limo@8 comprensus Deep Sea, mean * a = araxonite, c = calcite. t Gastropoda indicated by sample number underline. Det,ails regarding -1.53 -2.2s ._ 0.93 -?.3li --_1.68 _ “.‘,j ~-0_ .91, - 1.83 -2.43 -1.90 - 1.99 --I.31 -_“..iz - 1.94 - 2.84 -2.1’7 -1.96 - 1.9s -2.4; -2.3” _ 1.91, -_7.*2 - 3.00 -0.46 - 1.50 -2.1” -0-80 -0.16 -0.6” - 0.02 - 1.34 - 0.08 -1.13 -0.63 i-o.44 10.24 -O.l? $0.63 + 0.08 -0.2; i2.96 T 2.4; _“.;.’ -0.91 -- 0.47 - 11.23 - (I.33 - 1.03 - 10.64 _‘0__.10 - 0.06 -.. Z.‘i._’ ..~2.03 _~ 1.26 -.~I.61 _ 1.25 -_+.j5 __ 1.jg -- 0.83 -.- 1.34 - l.i4 - 1.41 __ l..jz -_4.“3 -- O.Y7 -0.04 -- 0.89 -- 0.90 - 1.33 ---0.90 -0.74 -0.14 ---I).89 -0.29 -- 0.96 -0.52 - 0.05 - 0.30 __ 1.36 .:. 0.20 --W-56 -~ 1.64 __~().47 -1.13 -- 0.?4 --O.ti!) zites arc given in Table 8. Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of mollusk shells 1767 Table 7 con& Locat.ion Sample number Species taco, struct. 6018 ix, &C’S (X) (14) (15) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) 62-49 62-61, 62, 133 62-64 62-74 62-184 62-185 62-196 62-132 La Jolla and Newpvrt, California (Pacify) Donax gouldi Dab Mytitw californianis Conrad (mean of 3) 01iv&a biplicata Sowerby Maccnna eecta Conrad Leptopecten latiauraruaConrad Nassatiaa?fO86&W Gould H&o& fdgensPhilippi (bulk ssmple)* Tivekz ~~~~~~~ Mswe (bulk ssmple)* a a+c B & c a a a La Jolla and Newport, mesn Canadtin Arctic 62-230 62-231 62-232 62-233 62-214 _62-217 62-215 Macwna c&area Qmelin Clinacardiuntciliaturn Fabricius Hiutella amtica L. Portlandia arcticu Colus ap. Buccinunz sp. Nuculana sp. Canadian Arctic, mean 56 Marine semples, menu -1.39 -1.15 -0.87 -0.69 -0.68 -0.69 -0.60 -0-76 -0-91 + 1.36 +0.45 10.94 +0.41 +0.86 +0*92 -to.35 $-o-75 -0-91 +I.86 +0*33 j-O*67 -t-1*55 +1*05 +0*10 -f- 0.63 t-1-12 -to40 -9.37 -0.15 11.26 -1.67 -0.36 +1*07 -0.69 -0.14 = + 0.68 (b) SPECIMEKW FRO= (161 (22) (23) 62-211 62-197 62-212 62-213 33%i%~mwm -!rY wnTgast &f$