{ "translatorID": "efd737c9-a227-4113-866e-d57fbc0684ca", "translatorType": 1, "label": "Primo Normalized XML", "creator": "Philipp Zumstein", "target": "xml", "minVersion": "3.0", "maxVersion": null, "priority": 100, "inRepository": true, "configOptions": { "dataMode": "xml/dom" }, "lastUpdated": "2024-04-04 18:05:00" } /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** Copyright © 2018 Philipp Zumstein This file is part of Zotero. Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Zotero. If not, see . ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ function detectImport() { var text = Zotero.read(1000); return text.includes("http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/xsd/primo/primo_nm_bib"); } function doImport() { var doc = Zotero.getXML(); var ns = { p: 'http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/xsd/primo/primo_nm_bib', sear: 'http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/xsd/jaguar/search' }; var item = new Zotero.Item(); var itemType = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:display/p:type', ns) || ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:facets/p:rsrctype', ns) || ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:search/p:rsrctype', ns); if (!itemType) { throw new Error('Could not locate item type'); } switch (itemType.toLowerCase()) { case 'book': case 'buch': case 'ebook': case 'pbook': case 'pbooks': case 'print_book': case 'books': case 'score': case 'journal': // as long as we don't have a periodical item type; item.itemType = "book"; break; case 'book_chapter': item.itemType = "bookSection"; break; case 'audio': case 'sound_recording': item.itemType = "audioRecording"; break; case 'video': case 'dvd': item.itemType = "videoRecording"; break; case 'computer_file': item.itemType = "computerProgram"; break; case 'report': item.itemType = "report"; break; case 'webpage': item.itemType = "webpage"; break; case 'article': case 'review': item.itemType = "journalArticle"; break; case 'thesis': case 'dissertation': item.itemType = "thesis"; break; case 'archive_manuscript': case 'object': item.itemType = "manuscript"; break; case 'map': item.itemType = "map"; break; case 'reference_entry': item.itemType = "encyclopediaArticle"; break; case 'image': item.itemType = "artwork"; break; case 'newspaper_article': item.itemType = "newspaperArticle"; break; case 'conference_proceeding': item.itemType = "conferencePaper"; break; default: item.itemType = "document"; var risType = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:addata/p:ristype', ns); if (risType) { switch (risType.toUpperCase()) { case 'THES': item.itemType = "thesis"; break; } } } item.title = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:display/p:title', ns); if (item.title) { item.title = ZU.unescapeHTML(item.title); item.title = item.title.replace(/\s*:/, ":"); } var creators = ZU.xpath(doc, '//p:display/p:creator', ns); var contributors = ZU.xpath(doc, '//p:display/p:contributor', ns); if (!creators.length && contributors.length) { // not available using as author instead creators = contributors; contributors = []; } // //addata/au is great because it lists authors in last, first format, // but it can also have a bunch of junk. We'll use it to help split authors var splitGuidance = {}; var addau = ZU.xpath(doc, '//p:addata/p:addau|//p:addata/p:au', ns); for (let i = 0; i < addau.length; i++) { var author = stripAuthor(addau[i].textContent); if (author.includes(',')) { var splitAu = author.split(','); if (splitAu.length > 2) continue; var name = splitAu[1].trim().toLowerCase() + ' ' + splitAu[0].trim().toLowerCase(); splitGuidance[name.replace(/\./g, "")] = author; } } fetchCreators(item, creators, 'author', splitGuidance); fetchCreators(item, contributors, 'contributor', splitGuidance); item.place = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:addata/p:cop', ns); var publisher = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:addata/p:pub', ns); if (!publisher) publisher = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:display/p:publisher', ns); if (publisher) { publisher = publisher.replace(/,\s*c?\d+|[()[\]]/g, ""); item.publisher = publisher.replace(/^\s*"|,?"\s*$/g, ''); var pubplace = ZU.unescapeHTML(publisher).split(" : "); if (pubplace && pubplace[1]) { var possibleplace = pubplace[0]; if (!item.place) { item.publisher = pubplace[1].replace(/^\s*"|,?"\s*$/g, ''); item.place = possibleplace; } if (item.place && item.place == possibleplace) { item.publisher = pubplace[1].replace(/^\s*"|,?"\s*$/g, ''); } } // sometimes the place is also part of the publisher string // e.g. "Tübingen Mohr Siebeck" if (item.place) { var contained = item.publisher.indexOf(item.place); if (contained === 0) { item.publisher = item.publisher.substring(item.place.length); } } } var date = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:addata/p:date', ns) || ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:addata/p:risdate', ns); if (date && /\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d/.test(date)) { item.date = date.substring(0, 4) + '-' + date.substring(4, 6) + '-' + date.substring(6, 8); } else { date = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:display/p:creationdate|//p:search/p:creationdate', ns); var m; if (date && (m = date.match(/\d+/))) { item.date = m[0]; } } // the three letter ISO codes that should be in the language field work well: item.language = ZU.xpathText(doc, '(//p:display/p:language|//p:facets/p:language)[1]', ns); var pages = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:display/p:format', ns); if (item.itemType == 'book' && pages && pages.search(/\d/) != -1) { item.numPages = extractNumPages(pages); } item.series = ZU.xpathText(doc, '(//p:addata/p:seriestitle)[1]', ns); if (item.series) { let m = item.series.match(/^(.*);\s*(\d+)/); if (m) { item.series = m[1].trim(); item.seriesNumber = m[2]; } } var isbn = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:addata/p:isbn', ns); var issn = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:addata/p:issn', ns); if (isbn) { item.ISBN = ZU.cleanISBN(isbn); } if (issn) { item.ISSN = ZU.cleanISSN(issn); } // Try this if we can't find an isbn/issn in addata // The identifier field is supposed to have standardized format, but // the super-tolerant idCheck should be better than a regex. // (although note that it will reject invalid ISBNs) var locators = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:display/p:identifier', ns); if (!(item.ISBN || item.ISSN) && locators) { item.ISBN = ZU.cleanISBN(locators); item.ISSN = ZU.cleanISSN(locators); } item.edition = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:display/p:edition', ns); var subjects = ZU.xpath(doc, '//p:display/p:subject', ns); if (!subjects.length) { subjects = ZU.xpath(doc, '//p:search/p:subject', ns); } for (let i = 0, n = subjects.length; i < n; i++) { let tagChain = ZU.trimInternal(subjects[i].textContent); // Split chain of tags, e.g. "Deutschland / Gerichtsverhandlung / Schallaufzeichnung / Bildaufzeichnung" for (let tag of tagChain.split(/ (?:\/|--|;) /)) { item.tags.push(tag); } } item.abstractNote = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:display/p:description', ns) || ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:addata/p:abstract', ns); if (item.abstractNote) item.abstractNote = ZU.unescapeHTML(item.abstractNote); item.DOI = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:addata/p:doi', ns); item.issue = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:addata/p:issue', ns); item.volume = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:addata/p:volume', ns); item.publicationTitle = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:addata/p:jtitle', ns); if (item.itemType != 'book') { item.bookTitle = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:addata/p:btitle', ns); } var startPage = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:addata/p:spage', ns); var endPage = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:addata/p:epage', ns); var overallPages = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:addata/p:pages', ns); var pageRangeTypes = ["journalArticle", "magazineArticle", "newspaperArticle", "dictionaryEntry", "encyclopediaArticle", "conferencePaper"]; if (startPage && endPage) { item.pages = startPage + '–' + endPage; } else if (overallPages) { if (pageRangeTypes.includes(item.itemType)) { item.pages = overallPages; } else { item.numPages = overallPages; } } else if (startPage) { item.pages = startPage; } else if (endPage) { item.pages = endPage; } // these are actual local full text links (e.g. to google-scanned books) // e.g http://solo.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/OXVU1:LSCOP_OX:oxfaleph013370702 var URL = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:links/p:linktorsrc', ns); if (URL && URL.search(/\$\$U.+\$\$/) != -1) { item.url = URL.match(/\$\$U(.+?)\$\$/)[1]; } // add finding aids as links var findingAid = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:links/p:linktofa', ns); if (findingAid && findingAid.search(/\$\$U.+\$\$/) != -1) { item.attachments.push({ url: findingAid.match(/\$\$U(.+?)\$\$/)[1], title: "Finding Aid", snapshot: false }); } // get the best call Number; sequence recommended by Harvard University Library var callNumber = ZU.xpath(doc, '//p:browse/p:callnumber', ns); var callArray = []; for (let i = 0; i < callNumber.length; i++) { if (callNumber[i].textContent.search(/\$\$D.+\$/) != -1) { callArray.push(callNumber[i].textContent.match(/\$\$D(.+?)\$/)[1]); } } if (!callArray.length) { callNumber = ZU.xpath(doc, '//p:display/p:availlibrary', ns); for (let i = 0; i < callNumber.length; i++) { if (callNumber[i].textContent.search(/\$\$2.+\$/) != -1) { callArray.push(callNumber[i].textContent.match(/\$\$2\(?(.+?)(?:\s*\))?\$/)[1]); } } } if (callArray.length) { // remove duplicate call numbers callArray = dedupeArray(callArray); item.callNumber = callArray.join(", "); } else { ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:enrichment/p:classificationlcc', ns); } // Harvard specific code, requested by Harvard Library: // Getting the library abbreviation properly, // so it's easy to implement custom code for other libraries, either locally or globally should we want to. var library; var source = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:control/p:sourceid', ns); if (source) { // The HVD library code is now preceded by $$V01 -- not seeing this in other catalogs like Princeton or UQAM // so making it optional library = source.match(/^(?:\$\$V)?(?:\d+)?(.+?)_/); if (library) library = library[1]; } // Z.debug(library) if (library && library == "HVD") { if (ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:display/p:lds01', ns)) { item.extra = "HOLLIS number: " + ZU.xpathText(doc, '//p:display/p:lds01', ns); } for (let lds03 of ZU.xpath(doc, '//p:display/p:lds03', ns)) { if (lds03.textContent.match(/href="(.+?)"/)) { item.attachments.push({ url: lds03.textContent.match(/href="(.+?)"/)[1], title: "HOLLIS Permalink", snapshot: false }); } } } // End Harvard-specific code item.complete(); } function stripAuthor(str) { // e.g. Wheaton, Barbara Ketcham [former owner]$$QWheaton, Barbara Ketcham str = str.replace(/^(.*)\$\$Q(.*)$/, "$2"); return str // Remove year .replace(/\s*,?\s*\(?\d{4}-?(\d{4}|\.{3})?\)?/g, '') // Remove creator type like (illustrator) .replace(/(\s*,?\s*[[(][^()]*[\])])+$/, '') // The full "continuous" name uses no separators, which need be removed // cf. "Luc, Jean André : de (1727-1817)" .replace(/\s*:\s+/, " ") // National Library of Russia adds metadata at the end of the author name, // prefixed by 'NLR10::'. Remove it. .replace(/\bNLR10::.*/, '') // Austrian Libraries add authority data at the end of the author name, // prefixed by '$$0'. Remove it. .replace(/\$\$0.*/, ''); } function fetchCreators(item, creators, type, splitGuidance) { for (let i = 0; i < creators.length; i++) { var creator = ZU.unescapeHTML(creators[i].textContent).split(/\s*;\s*/); for (var j = 0; j < creator.length; j++) { var c = stripAuthor(creator[j]).replace(/\./g, ""); c = ZU.cleanAuthor( splitGuidance[c.toLowerCase()] || c, type, true ); if (!c.firstName) { delete c.firstName; c.fieldMode = 1; } item.creators.push(c); } } } function extractNumPages(str) { // Borrowed from Library Catalog (PICA). See #756 // make sure things like 2 partition don't match, but 2 p at the end of the field do // f., p., and S. are "pages" in various languages // For multi-volume works, we expect formats like: // x-109 p., 510 p. and X, 106 S.; 123 S. var numPagesRE = /\[?\b((?:[ivxlcdm\d]+[ \-,]*)+)\]?\s+[fps]\b/ig; var numPages = []; let m = numPagesRE.exec(str); if (m) { numPages.push(m[1].trim() .replace(/[ \-,]+/g, '+') .toLowerCase() // for Roman numerals ); } return numPages.join('; '); } function dedupeArray(names) { // via http://stackoverflow.com/a/15868720/1483360 return names.reduce(function (a, b) { if (!a.includes(b)) { a.push(b); } return a; }, []); } /** BEGIN TEST CASES **/ var testCases = [ { "type": "import", "input": "\n \n \n 22248448\n medline\n TN_medline22248448\n XML\n Other\n \n \n article\n Water\n Bryant, Robert G ; Johnson, Mark A ; Rossky, Peter J\n Accounts of chemical research, 17 January 2012, Vol.45(1), pp.1-2\n E-ISSN: 1520-4898 ; PMID: 22248448 Version:1 ; DOI: 10.1021/ar2003286]]>\n Water -- Chemistry\n eng\n \n 2\n peer_reviewed\n \n \n $$Topenurl_article\n $$Uhttp://pubmed.gov/22248448$$EView_this_record_in_MEDLINE/PubMed\n $$Topenurlfull_article\n $$Uhttp://exlibris-pub.s3.amazonaws.com/aboutMedline.html$$EView_the_MEDLINE/PubMed_Copyright_Statement\n \n \n Bryant, Robert G\n Johnson, Mark A\n Rossky, Peter J\n Water.\n Water -- chemistry\n 22248448\n English\n MEDLINE/PubMed (U.S. National Library of Medicine)\n 10.1021/ar2003286\n MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM)\n medline\n medline22248448\n 15204898\n 1520-4898\n text_resource\n 2012\n Accounts of chemical research\n medline\n nlm_medline\n MEDLINE\n medline\n nlm_medline\n MEDLINE\n 20120117\n pf 1 vol 45 issue 1\n 20120117\n 20120117\n \n \n Water\n Bryant, Robert G ; Johnson, Mark A ; Rossky, Peter J\n 20120117\n 20120117\n \n \n -1388435396316500619\n 5\n 20180102\n eng\n 2012\n Water–Chemistry\n MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM)\n text_resources\n Bryant, Robert G\n Johnson, Mark A\n Rossky, Peter J\n Accounts Of Chemical Research\n peer_reviewed\n \n \n Remote Search Resource\n fulltext\n \n \n Bryant\n Johnson\n Rossky\n Robert G\n Mark A\n Peter J\n Bryant, Robert G\n Johnson, Mark A\n Rossky, Peter J\n Water\n Water.\n Accounts of chemical research\n 20120117\n 20120117\n 45\n 1\n 1\n 1-2\n 1520-4898\n book\n document\n GEN\n 10.1021/ar2003286\n 22248448\n \n ", "items": [ { "itemType": "journalArticle", "title": "Water", "creators": [ { "firstName": "Robert G.", "lastName": "Bryant", "creatorType": "author" }, { "firstName": "Mark A.", "lastName": "Johnson", "creatorType": "author" }, { "firstName": "Peter J.", "lastName": "Rossky", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "2012-01-17", "DOI": "10.1021/ar2003286", "ISSN": "1520-4898", "issue": "1", "language": "eng", "pages": "1-2", "publicationTitle": "Accounts of chemical research", "volume": "45", "attachments": [], "tags": [ { "tag": "Water" }, { "tag": "Chemistry" } ], "notes": [], "seeAlso": [] } ] }, { "type": "import", "input": "\n \n 002208563\n HVD_ALEPH\n HVD_ALEPH002208563\n HVD01\n HVD01002208563\n MARC21\n Aleph\n \n \n book\n Mastering the art of French cooking\n Beck, Simone, 1904-1991. $$QBeck, Simone, 1904-1991.\n Bertholle, Louisette.$$QBertholle, Louisette.\n Child, Julia.$$QChild, Julia.\n Wheaton, Barbara Ketcham [former owner]$$QWheaton, Barbara Ketcham\n DeVoto, Avis [former owner]$$QDeVoto, Avis\n [1st ed.]\n New York : Knopf, 1961-70.\n 1961-70\n 2 v. : ill. ; 26 cm.\n Cooking, French.\n Illustrates the ways in which classic French dishes may be created with American foodstuffs and appliances.\n eng\n HVD_ALEPH\n $$IHVD$$LHVD_SCH$$1Offsite Storage -- In-library use only$$2641.64 C53m, c.1$$Savailable$$32$$40$$5Y$$60$$XHVD50$$YSCH$$ZHD$$P78$$HHVD60003115849\n $$IHVD$$LHVD_SCH$$1Offsite Storage -- In-library use only$$2641.64 C53m, c. 3$$Savailable$$32$$40$$5Y$$61$$XHVD50$$YSCH$$ZHD$$P78$$HHVD60018187101\n $$IHVD$$LHVD_SCH$$1Offsite Storage -- In-library use only$$2641.64 C53m, c.5$$Savailable$$32$$40$$5Y$$60$$XHVD50$$YSCH$$ZHD$$P78$$HHVD60018770891\n $$IHVD$$LHVD_SCH$$1Offsite Storage -- In-library use only$$2641.64 C53m, c.6$$Savailable$$31$$40$$5Y$$60$$XHVD50$$YSCH$$ZHD$$P78$$HHVD60019421606\n $$IHVD$$LHVD_SCH$$1Offsite Storage -- In-library use only$$2641.64 C53m, c. 7$$Savailable$$32$$40$$5N$$60$$XHVD50$$YSCH$$ZHD$$P78$$HHVD60019730367\n $$IHVD$$LHVD_SCH$$1Offsite Storage -- In-library use only$$2641.64 C53m, c. 8$$Savailable$$31$$40$$5Y$$60$$XHVD50$$YSCH$$ZHD$$P78$$HHVD60019730395\n $$IHVD$$LHVD_SCH$$1Offsite Storage -- In-library use only$$2641.64 C53m, c.2$$Savailable$$31$$40$$5Y$$60$$XHVD50$$YSCH$$ZHD$$P78$$HHVD60016438903\n $$IHVD$$LHVD_SCH$$1Vault$$2641.64 C53m, c.4$$Savailable$$31$$40$$5N$$60$$XHVD50$$YSCH$$ZVAULT$$P78$$HHVD60018653989\n 002208563\n 567511\n <a href=\"http://id.lib.harvard.edu/aleph/002208563/catalog\">http://id.lib.harvard.edu/aleph/002208563/catalog</a>\n Knopf\n Vol. 1. Kitchen equipment -- Definitions -- Ingredients -- Measures -- Temperatures -- Cutting : chopping, slicing, dicing, and mincing -- Wines -- Soups -- Sauces -- Eggs -- Entrees and luncheon dishes -- Fish -- Poultry -- Meat -- Vegetables -- Cold buffet -- Desserts and cakes -- Vol. 2. Soups from the garden -- bisques and chowders from the sea -- Baking : breads, brioches, croissants, and pastries -- Meats : from country kitchen to haute cuisine -- Chickens, poached and sauced -- and a coq en pâte -- Charcuterie : sausages, salted pork and goose, pâtés and terrines -- A choice of vegetables -- Desserts :extending the repertoire -- Appendices : Stuffings -- Kitchen equipment -- Cuculative index for volumes one and two.\n Vol. 2 by Julia Child and Simone Beck.\n by Simone Beck, Louisette Bertholle [and] Julia Child.\n c. 3, 4, 5, 7, 8: -- Authors' inscriptions (Provenance)$$Qc. 3, 4, 5, 7, 8: Authors' inscriptions (Provenance)\n Cookbooks.$$QCookbooks.\n $$IHVD$$Savailable\n available\n \n \n $$Topenurl_journal\n $$Taleph_backlink$$Ebacklink\n $$Tgoogle_thumb\n $$Topenurlfull_journal\n $$Taleph_holdings\n $$Tworldcat_oclc$$Eworldcat\n \n \n Simone, Beck 1904-1991.\n Simca, 1904-1991\n Beck, Simone, 1904-1991.\n Simca, 1904-1991\n Beck, S\n Simca\n by Simone Beck, Louisette Bertholle [and] Julia Child.\n Louisette. Bertholle\n Julia. Child\n Barbara Ketcham, Wheaton former owner.\n Avis, DeVoto former owner.\n Julia Carolyn McWilliams\n Avis De Voto\n Avis de Voto\n Avis MacVicar DeVoto\n Bertholle, Louisette.\n Child, Julia.\n Wheaton, Barbara Ketcham, former owner.\n DeVoto, Avis, former owner.\n McWilliams, Julia Carolyn\n De Voto, Avis\n Voto, Avis de\n DeVoto, Avis MacVicar\n Bertholle, L\n Child, J\n Wheaton, B\n DeVoto, A\n McWilliams, J\n De Voto, A\n Voto, A\n Mastering the art of French cooking /\n Illustrates the ways in which classic French dishes may be created with American foodstuffs and appliances.\n Cooking, French.\n Cookery, French\n French cooking\n Authors' inscriptions (Provenance)\n Cookbooks.\n 61012313\n Vol. 2 by Julia Child and Simone Beck.\n Bookplate of Denise K. Schorr.\n From the collection of Barbara Ketcham Wheaton; with armorial Wheaton bookplate.\n Authors' inscriptions on half title: Pour Barbara Wheaton avec amité et très grands compliments pour le resultat, L. Bertholle-Rémiôn; Si heureuse d'avoir pu instruire la charmante Barbara; Avec tous mes souvenirs et mon affection, Simone Beck; Twenty five years!-with love to our own Cul. Historian Supreme-Barbara Wheaton. Julia Child.\n From the collection of Ruth Lockwood.\n Author's inscription on half title: For Ruth Lockwood, We have always had such fun together, and our meeting of minds is not only gastronomical. With love, Julia Child, Cambridge, November 16, 1962.\n Author's inscription on front free endpaper: To Ruth J. Lockwood, P.F.C. Mirror, mirror on the wall/Who's most Ruthless of them all?/'Tis we are Ruthless, we who miss/The wisdom, heart--and even bliss--/Of having Ruthie (Chrysalis/From out of which the butterfly/Of genius grows) beside us. Aye!/'Tis we who miss belovéd Ruth/ Who Ruthless are, and so, forsooth,/We send this token of ourselves/To sit on tables, chairs, or shelves,/Reminder in the weeks ahead/To think of us, not just of bread,/Not just of fish, or meat, or spice,/Nor watercress, or lemon ice,/Not just chicken fricasee--/But think of J. and think of P. Cambridge, April 5, 1971. Paul Julia [Child].\n Authors' inscription on half title: To Avis [DeVoto], Pen Pal and Co-Author--Julia. First inscribed copy, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 26, 1961; To my so dearest chérie Avis, avec toute ma profonde affection. Simone Beck.\n Authors' inscription on half title: Comme c'est merveilleux de retrouver ma soeur femelle Avis, pour le baptême de notre second enfant--si bienvenu au monde et avec l'espoir qu'il grandira dans les années à venir. Avec infiniment d'affection. Simone Beck. The second child! happily with the same Auntie Avis, still sheltering, advising, hand holding, scolding...thank god...this is our inscription of thanks from her niece and nephew, Julia and Paul.\n Printed label pasted onto front free endpaper: The French Chef, WGBH-TV, Channel 2, Boston; inscription on label: Best wishes and Bon Appétit! Julia Child.\n Author's inscription on half title: To Avis--with love. Final version with every known fixable thing fixed--Julia.\n Eighth printing, December 1964.\n Third printing, December 1970.\n 1st printing.\n Author's inscription: A ma soeur en cuisine-vive l'art culinaire francaises aux USA! Julia Child, Cambridge, 31/7-62.\n Author's inscription: À notre très chère colleague et amie, Denise Schorr. Julia Child.\n 2nd printing, Nov. 1962.\n Occasionl manuscript corrections in Julia Child's hand throughout.\n Corrections in DeVoto's hand throughout, partial index to corrections on back free endpaper; clippings laid in at pages 190/191 and 240/241 and manuscript recipes for herbed butters laid in at pages 102/103, removed and housed with volume.\n Occasional marks and corrections in DeVoto's throughout.\n Auctioneer's bookmark removed to Inserted material collection, call number MC 782.\n Twelfth printing, August 1966.\n 24th printing, November 1973 ; new plates first used October, 1971 ; Child and Beck's positions have been reversed in these printings.\n Bound in original white cloth; in dust jacket as issued.\n Dust jacket preserved.\n Publisher's decorative oil cloth.\n Bound in original decorated boards; text block upside down.\n Bound in original decorated cloth; v.2 in dust jacket, as issued.\n Bound in original decorated cloth.\n Illustrates the ways in which classic French dishes may be created with American foodstuffs and appliances.\n HVD_ALEPH\n HVD_ALEPH002208563\n Vol. 1. Kitchen equipment -- Definitions -- Ingredients -- Measures -- Temperatures -- Cutting : chopping, slicing, dicing, and mincing -- Wines -- Soups -- Sauces -- Eggs -- Entrees and luncheon dishes -- Fish -- Poultry -- Meat -- Vegetables -- Cold buffet -- Desserts and cakes -- Vol. 2. Soups from the garden -- bisques and chowders from the sea -- Baking : breads, brioches, croissants, and pastries -- Meats : from country kitchen to haute cuisine -- Chickens, poached and sauced -- and a coq en pâte -- Charcuterie : sausages, salted pork and goose, pâtés and terrines -- A choice of vegetables -- Desserts :extending the repertoire -- Appendices : Stuffings -- Kitchen equipment -- Cuculative index for volumes one and two.\n book\n 1961\n 1970\n 19610101\n 19701231\n Mastering the art of French cooking.\n Vol. 1. Kitchen equipment -- Definitions -- Ingredients -- Measures -- Temperatures -- Cutting : chopping, slicing, dicing, and mincing -- Wines -- Soups -- Sauces -- Eggs -- Entrees and luncheon dishes -- Fish -- Poultry -- Meat -- Vegetables -- Cold buffet -- Desserts and cakes -- Vol. 2. Soups from the garden -- bisques and chowders from the sea -- Baking : breads, brioches, croissants, and pastries -- Meats : from country kitchen to haute cuisine -- Chickens, poached and sauced -- and a coq en pâte -- Charcuterie : sausages, salted pork and goose, pâtés and terrines -- A choice of vegetables -- Desserts :extending the repertoire -- Appendices : Stuffings -- Kitchen equipment -- Cuculative index for volumes one and two.\n HVD_ALEPH\n HVD_SCH\n HVD\n HVD_ALEPH\n HVD_SCH\n HVD\n 002208563\n 2208563\n 567511\n Knopf,\n New York :\n Authors' inscriptions (Provenance)\n Cookbooks.\n eng\n SCHHD\n SCHVAULT\n nyu\n \n \n Mastering the art of French cooking /\n 1961\n Beck, Simone, 1904-1991.\n 1961\n \n \n eng\n 1961\n Cooking, French\n Harvard ILS\n available\n available_onsite\n books\n books\n Beck, Simone, 1904-1991\n Bertholle, Louisette\n Child, Julia\n Wheaton, Barbara Ketcham\n DeVoto, Avis\n Authors' inscriptions (Provenance)\n Cookbooks\n HVD_SCH\n T - Technology .–Home economics–Cookery\n 20140704_558\n 154092483\n 6\n \n \n 1\n 002208563\n 002208563\n \n \n 1\n $$Kbeck simone 1904 1991$$AA\n $$Kmastering the art of french cooking$$AT\n \n \n HVD\n Physical Item\n \n \n TX719\n \n \n 1\n 1\n \n \n Beck\n Simone,\n Beck, Simone\n Bertholle, Louisette\n Child, Julia\n Wheaton, Barbara Ketcham\n DeVoto, Avis\n Mastering the art of French cooking\n 1961\n 1961\n book\n book\n BOOK\n Illustrates the ways in which classic French dishes may be created with American foodstuffs and appliances.\n New York\n Knopf\n 567511\n \n \n $$DBeck, Simone, 1904-1991$$EBeck, Simone, 1904-1991$$IHVD10000331329$$PY\n $$DSimca, 1904-1991$$ESimca, 1904-1991$$IHVD10000331329$$PN\n $$DBertholle, Louisette$$EBertholle, Louisette$$IHVD10002219894$$PY\n $$DChild, Julia$$EChild, Julia$$IHVD10000337040$$PY\n $$DWheaton, Barbara Ketcham$$EWheaton, Barbara Ketcham$$IHVD10002222513$$PY\n $$DDeVoto, Avis$$EDeVoto, Avis$$IHVD10002387803$$PY\n $$DMcWilliams, Julia Carolyn$$EMcWilliams, Julia Carolyn$$IHVD10000337040$$PN\n $$DDe Voto, Avis$$EDe Voto, Avis$$IHVD10002387803$$PN\n $$DVoto, Avis de$$EVoto, Avis de$$IHVD10002387803$$PN\n $$DDeVoto, Avis MacVicar$$EDeVoto, Avis MacVicar$$IHVD10002387803$$PN\n $$DMastering the art of French cooking$$EMastering the art of French cooking\n $$DCooking, French$$ECooking, French$$IHVD10000082473$$PY\n $$DCookery, French$$ECookery, French$$IHVD10000082473$$PN\n $$DFrench cooking$$EFrench cooking$$IHVD10000082473$$PN\n $$IHVD$$D641.64 C53m, c.1$$E000000000641.064000000000 c000000000053m, c.000000000001$$T1\n $$IHVD$$D641.64 C53m, c. 3$$E000000000641.064000000000 c000000000053m, c. 000000000003$$T1\n $$IHVD$$D641.64 C53m, c.4$$E000000000641.064000000000 c000000000053m, c.000000000004$$T1\n $$IHVD$$D641.64 C53m, c.5$$E000000000641.064000000000 c000000000053m, c.000000000005$$T1\n $$IHVD$$D641.64 C53m, c.6$$E000000000641.064000000000 c000000000053m, c.000000000006$$T1\n $$IHVD$$D641.64 C53m, c. 7$$E000000000641.064000000000 c000000000053m, c. 000000000007$$T1\n $$IHVD$$D641.64 C53m, c. 8$$E000000000641.064000000000 c000000000053m, c. 000000000008$$T1\n $$IHVD$$D641.64 C53m, c.2$$E000000000641.064000000000 c000000000053m, c.000000000002$$T1\n HVD\n \n ", "items": [ { "itemType": "book", "title": "Mastering the art of French cooking", "creators": [ { "firstName": "Simone", "lastName": "Beck", "creatorType": "author" }, { "firstName": "Louisette", "lastName": "Bertholle", "creatorType": "contributor" }, { "firstName": "Julia", "lastName": "Child", "creatorType": "contributor" }, { "firstName": "Barbara Ketcham", "lastName": "Wheaton", "creatorType": "contributor" }, { "firstName": "Avis", "lastName": "DeVoto", "creatorType": "contributor" } ], "date": "1961", "abstractNote": "Illustrates the ways in which classic French dishes may be created with American foodstuffs and appliances.", "callNumber": "641.64 C53m, c.1, 641.64 C53m, c. 3, 641.64 C53m, c.4, 641.64 C53m, c.5, 641.64 C53m, c.6, 641.64 C53m, c. 7, 641.64 C53m, c. 8, 641.64 C53m, c.2", "edition": "[1st ed.]", "extra": "HOLLIS number: 002208563", "language": "eng", "place": "New York", "publisher": "Knopf", "attachments": [ { "title": "HOLLIS Permalink", "snapshot": false } ], "tags": [ { "tag": "Cooking, French." } ], "notes": [], "seeAlso": [] } ] }, { "type": "import", "input": "\n\n \n 21126560510002561\n MAN_ALMA\n MAN_ALMA21126560510002561\n MAN_INST\n KPLUS492418942\n BSZ118463411\n OCLC238724886\n OCLC62185846\n MARC21\n Alma\n 49MAN_INST:21126560510002561\n \n \n book\n Zur Medienöffentlichkeit der Dritten Gewalt rechtliche Aspekte des Zugangs der Medien zur Rechtsprechung im Verfassungsstaat des Grundgesetzes\n Coelln, Christian von\n Bethge, Herbert\n Söhn, Hartmut [Gutachter]\n Tübingen Mohr Siebeck\n 2005\n XXX, 575 S. 24 cm\n $$CISBN$$V 3161486617\n Conduct of court proceedings -- Germany; Constitutional law -- Germany; Freedom of information -- Germany; Hochschulschrift\n Deutschland / Rechtsprechende Gewalt / Öffentlichkeitsgrundsatz / Informationsfreiheit\n Deutschland / Gerichtsberichterstattung / Elektronische Medien / Verbot / Verfassungsmäßigkeit\n Deutschland / Gerichtsverhandlung / Schallaufzeichnung / Bildaufzeichnung\n Zugl.: Passau, Univ., Habil.-Schr., 2004\n Christian von Coelln behandelt die rechtlichen, insbesondere die verfassungsrechtlichen Fragen des Zugangs der Medien zur Rechtsprechung. Neben generellen Erwägungen zur Bedeutung der Medienöffentlichkeit der Dritten Gewalt für Demokratie und Rechtsstaat befaßt er sich u.a. mit der Teilnahme von Journalisten an mündlichen Verhandlungen und mit der Problematik von Bild- und Tonaufnahmen in Gerichtsgebäuden.(Quelle: Verlag).\n ger\n $$Cseries $$VIus publicum ; 138 ; 13800\n MAN_ALMA\n $$IMAN$$LMANLS300$$1Lehrstuhl Müller-Terpitz$$2(341 PH 4520 C672 )$$Savailable$$X49MAN_INST$$YLS300$$Z341$$P1\n Mohr Siebeck\n 121557006 Bethge, Herbert\n PG 430\n $$IMAN$$Savailable\n available\n \n \n $$Topenurl\n $$Tamazon_thumb\n $$Tgoogle_thumb\n $$Uhttp://www.gbv.de/dms/bsz/toc/bsz118463411inh.pdf$$DInhaltsverzeichnis 04\n $$Uhttp://d-nb.info/975503499/04$$D04\n $$Uhttp://swbplus.bsz-bw.de/bsz118463411inh.htm$$DInhaltsverzeichnis\n $$TSerial_Link$$ESerialLink$$1UP(DE-627)231976704\n \n \n Christian von Coelln\n Christian, Von Coelln\n Coelln, C\n Von Coelln, C\n Christian von Coelln\n Herbert Bethge\n Hartmut Söhn Gutachter\n Bethge, H\n Söhn, H\n Coelln, Christian von\n Coelln C\n Bethge, Herbert\n Söhn, Hartmut [Gutachter]\n Zur Medienöffentlichkeit der Dritten Gewalt rechtliche Aspekte des Zugangs der Medien zur Rechtsprechung im Verfassungsstaat des Grundgesetzes\n Christian von Coelln behandelt die rechtlichen, insbesondere die verfassungsrechtlichen Fragen des Zugangs der Medien zur Rechtsprechung. Neben generellen Erwägungen zur Bedeutung der Medienöffentlichkeit der Dritten Gewalt für Demokratie und Rechtsstaat befaßt er sich u.a. mit der Teilnahme von Journalisten an mündlichen Verhandlungen und mit der Problematik von Bild- und Tonaufnahmen in Gerichtsgebäuden.(Quelle: Verlag).\n Conduct of court proceedings Germany\n Constitutional law Germany\n Freedom of information Germany\n Hochschulschrift\n Deutschland\n Rechtsprechende Gewalt\n Öffentlichkeitsgrundsatz\n Informationsfreiheit\n Gerichtsberichterstattung\n Elektronische Medien\n Verbot\n Verfassungsmäßigkeit\n Gerichtsverhandlung\n Schallaufzeichnung\n Bildaufzeichnung\n Tonaufzeichnung\n Phonogramm\n Schallaufnahme\n Tonaufnahme\n Audioaufzeichnung\n Fonogramm\n Tondokument\n Schalldokument\n E-Medien\n Justizberichterstattung\n Prozessberichterstattung\n Prozess\n Deutsche Länder\n Germany\n Heiliges Römisches Reich\n Rheinbund\n Deutscher Bund\n Norddeutscher Bund\n Deutsches Reich\n BRD\n Federal Republic of Germany\n Republic of Germany\n Allemagne\n Ǧumhūrīyat Almāniyā al-Ittiḥādīya\n Bundesrepublik Deutschland\n Niemcy\n République Fédérale d'Allemagne\n Repubblica Federale di Germania\n Germanija\n Federativnaja Respublika Germanija\n FRG\n Deyizhi-Lianbang-Gongheguo\n Informationsanspruch\n Recht auf Information\n Grundrecht\n Gerichtsöffentlichkeit\n Öffentlichkeit\n Judikative\n Dritte Gewalt\n Bundesverfassungsgericht\n Federal Constitutional Court\n Constitutional Court\n Pressestelle\n Cour Constitutionnelle Fédérale\n Savezni Ustavni Sud\n Savezni Ustavni Sud Nemačke\n De guo lian bang xian fa fa yuan\n BVerfG\n BVerfGK\n Conduct of court proceedings -- Germany; Constitutional law -- Germany; Freedom of information -- Germany; Hochschulschrift\n Deutschland / Rechtsprechende Gewalt / Öffentlichkeitsgrundsatz / Informationsfreiheit\n Deutschland / Gerichtsberichterstattung / Elektronische Medien / Verbot / Verfassungsmäßigkeit\n Deutschland / Gerichtsverhandlung / Schallaufzeichnung / Bildaufzeichnung\n Mohr Siebeck\n Zugl.: Passau, Univ., Habil.-Schr., 2004\n MAN_ALMA\n MAN_ALMA21126560510002561\n 3161486617\n 9783161486616\n book\n 2005\n 20050101\n 20051231\n Jus publicum 138\n Ius publicum 138\n 990016187190402561\n KPLUS492418942\n BSZ118463411\n OCLC238724886\n OCLC62185846\n MAN_ALMA\n MAN\n MAN_ALMA\n MAN\n UP(DE-627)492418942\n DN990000639400402561\n DN990016187190402561\n SPE990016187190402561\n LS300\n 341 PH 4520 C672\n 341PH4520C672\n PG 430\n \n \n Zur Medienöffentlichkeit der Dritten Gewalt rechtliche Aspekte des Zugangs der Medien zur Rechtsprechung im Verfassungsstaat des Grundgesetzes\n 2005\n Coelln, Christian von 1967-\n \n \n ger\n 2005\n Conduct of court proceedings–Germany\n Constitutional law–Germany\n Freedom of information–Germany\n MANLS300\n printmedia\n books\n books\n Coelln, Christian von\n Bethge, Herbert\n Söhn, Hartmut\n Hochschulschrift\n Z\n MAN09\n DOM11\n 20160104_120\n 140711198\n 6\n \n \n 1\n 3161486617\n zurmedienoeffentlichndgesetzes\n 2005\n 990016187190402561\n 3161486617\n zurmedienoeffentlichndgesetzes\n 2005\n zur medienoeffentlichkeit der dritten gewalt rechtliche aspekte des zugangs der medien zur rechtsprechung im verfassungsstaat des grundgesetzes\n xx\n XXX, 575 S.\n mohr siebeck\n coelln christian von 1967\n 990016187190402561\n \n \n 1\n $$Kcoelln christian von 1967$$AA\n $$Kzur medienoeffentlichkeit der dritten gewalt rechtliche aspekte des zugangs der medien zur rechtsprechung im verfassungsstaat des grundgesetzes$$AT\n \n \n MAN\n Alma-P\n \n \n KK5162\n \n \n 1\n 1\n \n \n Coelln\n Bethge\n Söhn\n Christian von\n Herbert\n Hartmut\n Coelln, Christian von\n Bethge, Herbert\n Söhn, Hartmut\n Zur Medienöffentlichkeit der Dritten Gewalt rechtliche Aspekte des Zugangs der Medien zur Rechtsprechung im Verfassungsstaat des Grundgesetzes\n Jus publicum; 138\n 2005\n 2005\n 3161486617\n dissertation\n THES\n Zugl.: Passau, Univ., Habil.-Schr., 2004\n Christian von Coelln behandelt die rechtlichen, insbesondere die verfassungsrechtlichen Fragen des Zugangs der Medien zur Rechtsprechung. Neben generellen Erwägungen zur Bedeutung der Medienöffentlichkeit der Dritten Gewalt für Demokratie und Rechtsstaat befaßt er sich u.a. mit der Teilnahme von Journalisten an mündlichen Verhandlungen und mit der Problematik von Bild- und Tonaufnahmen in Gerichtsgebäuden.(Quelle: Verlag).\n Tübingen\n 21126560510002561\n 238724886\n 62185846\n \n \n $$DCoelln, Christian von 1967-$$ECoelln, Christian von 1967-$$PY\n $$DBethge, Herbert 1939-$$EBethge, Herbert 1939-$$I121557006\n $$DSöhn, Hartmut$$ESöhn, Hartmut$$PY\n $$DZur Medienöffentlichkeit der Dritten Gewalt rechtliche Aspekte des Zugangs der Medien zur Rechtsprechung im Verfassungsstaat des Grundgesetzes$$EZur Medienöffentlichkeit der Dritten Gewalt rechtliche Aspekte des Zugangs der Medien zur Rechtsprechung im Verfassungsstaat des Grundgesetzes\n $$DJus publicum$$EJus publicum\n $$DIus publicum 13800$$EIus publicum 13800\n $$DConduct of court proceedings -- Germany$$EConduct of court proceedings Germany\n $$DConstitutional law -- Germany$$EConstitutional law Germany\n $$DFreedom of information -- Germany$$EFreedom of information Germany\n $$DHochschulschrift$$EHochschulschrift$$Tgnd-content$$I(DE-588)4113937-9 (DE-627)105825778 (DE-576)209480580\n MAN\n \n\n", "items": [ { "itemType": "book", "title": "Zur Medienöffentlichkeit der Dritten Gewalt rechtliche Aspekte des Zugangs der Medien zur Rechtsprechung im Verfassungsstaat des Grundgesetzes", "creators": [ { "firstName": "Christian von", "lastName": "Coelln", "creatorType": "author" }, { "firstName": "Herbert", "lastName": "Bethge", "creatorType": "contributor" }, { "firstName": "Hartmut", "lastName": "Söhn", "creatorType": "contributor" } ], "date": "2005", "ISBN": "3161486617", "abstractNote": "Zugl.: Passau, Univ., Habil.-Schr., 2004, Christian von Coelln behandelt die rechtlichen, insbesondere die verfassungsrechtlichen Fragen des Zugangs der Medien zur Rechtsprechung. Neben generellen Erwägungen zur Bedeutung der Medienöffentlichkeit der Dritten Gewalt für Demokratie und Rechtsstaat befaßt er sich u.a. mit der Teilnahme von Journalisten an mündlichen Verhandlungen und mit der Problematik von Bild- und Tonaufnahmen in Gerichtsgebäuden.(Quelle: Verlag).", "callNumber": "341 PH 4520 C672", "language": "ger", "numPages": "xxx+575", "place": "Tübingen", "publisher": "Mohr Siebeck", "series": "Jus publicum", "seriesNumber": "138", "attachments": [], "tags": [ { "tag": "Bildaufzeichnung" }, { "tag": "Conduct of court proceedings" }, { "tag": "Deutschland" }, { "tag": "Deutschland" }, { "tag": "Deutschland" }, { "tag": "Elektronische Medien" }, { "tag": "Gerichtsberichterstattung" }, { "tag": "Gerichtsverhandlung" }, { "tag": "Germany; Constitutional law" }, { "tag": "Germany; Freedom of information" }, { "tag": "Germany; Hochschulschrift" }, { "tag": "Informationsfreiheit" }, { "tag": "Rechtsprechende Gewalt" }, { "tag": "Schallaufzeichnung" }, { "tag": "Verbot" }, { "tag": "Verfassungsmäßigkeit" }, { "tag": "Öffentlichkeitsgrundsatz" } ], "notes": [], "seeAlso": [] } ] }, { "type": "import", "input": "\n\n \n 21150834900003766\n 01CTW_CC_ALMA\n 01CTW_CC_ALMA21150834900003766\n 01CTW_CC\n MARC21\n Alma\n 01CTW_CC/21150834900003766\n 01CTW_CC:21150834900003766\n \n \n print_book\n The sea\n John Crompton 1893-1972\n New York, NY : Nick Lyons Books\n 1988\n x, 233, [1] p. ; 21 cm..\n $$CISBN$$V0941130835 (pbk.) :\n Marine biology\n eng\n 01CTW_CC_ALMA\n $$I01CTW_CC$$L01CTW_CC_CCSHAIN$$1CC - Main Book Collection (call numbers A-G level 2; H-Z level 3)$$2(QH91 C76 1988)$$Savailable$$X01CTW_CC$$YCCSHAIN$$ZCSTACKS$$P1\n Bibliography: p. [234].\n 992232803503766\n 01CTW_CC_ALMA21150834900003766\n Reprint. Originally published: New York : Doubleday, 1957. With new introd.\n Includes index.\n Armington Social Values Collection.\n Committed to retain for Eastern Academic Scholars' Trust\n $$I01CTW_CC$$Savailable\n available\n \n \n $$Tamazon_thumb\n $$Tgoogle_thumb\n $$Tworldcat_isbn$$Eworldcat\n $$Aisbn$$V0941130835$$U(uri) http://www.isbnsearch.org/isbn/0941130835\n $$Aoclc_nr$$V(OCoLC)ocm17412356$$U(uri) http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/17412356\n $$Acreatorcontrib$$VCrompton, John$$U(uri) http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n85809864$$U(uri) http://viaf.org/viaf/sourceID/LC|n85809864\n $$Asubject$$VMarine biology$$U(uri) http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh85081138\n \n \n John, Crompton 1893-1972.\n John Battersby Crompton, Lamburn 1893-\n Crompton, J\n Lamburn, J\n John Crompton ; with 24 drawings by Denys Ovenden ; [introduction by Robert F. Jones].\n The sea /\n Marine biology.\n Biological oceanography\n Ocean biology\n Oceanic biology\n Sea biology\n Nick Lyons Books,\n Reprint. Originally published: New York : Doubleday, 1957. With new introd.\n Includes index.\n Armington Social Values Collection.\n 01CTW_CC_ALMA\n 01CTW_CC_ALMA21150834900003766\n 0941130835\n print_book\n 1988\n 1957\n 19880101\n 19881231\n 992232803503766\n 01CTW_CC_ALMA\n 01CTW_CC\n CC_CC_P\n CC_WU_P\n CC_TC_P\n 01CTW_CC_ALMA\n 01CTW_CC\n CC_CC_P\n CC_WU_P\n CC_TC_P\n (OCoLC)ocm17412356\n (CtNlC)223280-conndb-Voyager\n \n \n sea /\n 1988\n Crompton, John, 1893-1972.\n \n \n eng\n 1988\n Marine biology\n available\n print_books\n print_books\n Crompton, John\n 01CTW_CC_CCSHAIN\n S\n CC - Main Book Collection (call numbers A-G level 2; H-Z level 3)\n CC - Main Book Collection (call numbers A-G level 2; H-Z level 3)\n 01CTW_CC\n Q - Science.–Natural history (General)–General Including nature conservation, geographical distribution\n 20170628_481\n 1168449273\n 6\n \n \n 99\n 88000538\n 0941130835\n sea\n 1988\n 992232803503766\n 88000538\n 0941130835\n sea\n 1988\n sea\n nyu\n x, 233, [1] p. ;\n nick lyons books\n crompton john 1893 1972\n 992232803503766\n \n \n 99\n $$K01CTW_CC_ALMA21150834900003766$$AA\n $$Ksea$$AT\n \n \n 01CTW_CC\n Alma-P\n \n \n QH91\n \n \n 1\n 1\n \n \n Crompton\n John,\n Crompton, John\n The sea\n 1988\n 1988\n 0941130835\n book\n unknown\n BOOK\n Bibliography: p. [234].\n New York, NY\n Nick Lyons Books\n 21150834900003766\n 17412356\n 88000538\n \n \n $$DCrompton, John, 1893-1972$$ECrompton, John, 1893-1972$$I41-LIBRARY_OF_CONGRESS-n 85809864$$PY\n $$Dnna Lamburn, John Battersby Crompton, 1893-$$Enna Lamburn, John Battersby Crompton, 1893-$$I41-LIBRARY_OF_CONGRESS-n 85809864$$PN\n $$DThe sea$$Esea\n $$DMarine biology$$EMarine biology$$TLCSH$$I41-LIBRARY_OF_CONGRESS-sh 85081138$$PY\n $$DBiological oceanography$$EBiological oceanography$$TLCSH$$I41-LIBRARY_OF_CONGRESS-sh 85081138$$PN\n $$DOcean biology$$EOcean biology$$TLCSH$$I41-LIBRARY_OF_CONGRESS-sh 85081138$$PN\n $$DOceanic biology$$EOceanic biology$$TLCSH$$I41-LIBRARY_OF_CONGRESS-sh 85081138$$PN\n $$DSea biology$$ESea biology$$TLCSH$$I41-LIBRARY_OF_CONGRESS-sh 85081138$$PN\n $$I01CTW_CC$$DQH91 C76 1988$$E0qh 0009176000. 19880 $$T0\n 01CTW_CC\n \n", "items": [ { "itemType": "book", "title": "The sea", "creators": [ { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Crompton", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "1988", "ISBN": "0941130835", "callNumber": "QH91 C76 1988", "language": "eng", "numPages": "1", "place": "New York, NY", "publisher": "Nick Lyons Books", "attachments": [], "tags": [ { "tag": "Marine biology" } ], "notes": [], "seeAlso": [] } ] }, { "type": "import", "input": "\n\n \n springer\n cdi_springer_books_10_1007_978_3_030_63396_7_25\n XML\n Other\n springer_books_10_1007_978_3_030_63396_7_25\n FETCH-LOGICAL-s1418-315a6625e206432bee12b281c3f312135a36281cc7330c5908f38a100fa2a693\n eNpFkM1OwzAQhM2fRCl9Aw5-AcPaGzsJtyripygIJHq3Nq6DAk1c2by_cAuC02hnpNHOx9iVhGsJUN7UZSVQAIIwiLURpVX6iF1gdg5GfcxmsjJaSNTm5D_QcPoXFNU5W6T0AQCqUKgLOWNPb8ENtOXPfjMQX407cl88THzpaOPHwfFXH_sQR5qcv-WtTylMKSvFyW94H8PIGxp9DGG6ZGc9bZNf_Oqcre_v1s2jaF8eVs2yFUkWMq-QmoxR2iswBarOe6k6VUmHPUqV3yc0-9OViOB0DVWPFWUIPSkyNc6Z-qlNuzhM7z7aLoTPZCXYPSmbSVm0eb49gLF7UvgNXsVVHQ\n Publisher\n true\n book_chapter\n \n \n book_chapter\n Social Media Impact on Academic Performance: Lessons Learned from Cameroon\n Springer Books\n Springer Computer Science eBooks 2020 English/International\n Kuika Watat, Josue ; Jonathan, Gideon Mekonnen ; Ntsafack Dongmo, Frank Wilson ; Zine El Abidine, Nour El Houda\n Kuika Watat, Josue ; Jonathan, Gideon Mekonnen ; Ntsafack Dongmo, Frank Wilson ; Zine El Abidine, Nour El Houda\n The continuously improving Internet penetration in the continent, coupled with the increasing number of smartphone users in Africa has been considered as the reasons for the adoption of social media among students and other adolescents. Even though this development has been recognizing in the literature, only a few studies have investigated the acceptance, use, and retention of social media for academic purposes. However, findings of prior studies suggest that the use of social media has an influence on academic performance. To address the lack of knowledge on the adoption of social media among students, this study aims to explore the factors that are related to students’ acceptance and use of social media. We attempt to extend the Technology Acceptance Model by integrating relational engagement, Perceived Satisfaction, as well as the Perspective of the Use of Social Media in Education. The proposed theoretical model was evaluated using quantitative data collected from 460 students in Cameroon. We applied PLS-SEM technique to test the hypotheses and the theoretical model. Implications of the findings, as well as future research directions, are presented.\n ISSN: 1865-1348\n ISBN: 3030633950\n ISBN: 9783030633950\n EISSN: 1865-1356\n EISBN: 3030633969\n EISBN: 9783030633967\n DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-63396-7_25\n eng\n Cham: Springer International Publishing\n Academic performance ; Africa ; Relational commitment ; Social media ; TAM\n Information Systems, 2020-11-21, p.370-379\n Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020\n 0000-0003-4673-3800 ; 0000-0001-6360-7641\n Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing\n \n \n $$Topenurl_article\n $$Topenurlfull_article\n $$Usyndetics_thumb_exl\n $$Uhttps://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-030-63396-7_25$$EPDF$$P50$$Gspringer$$H\n $$Uhttps://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-030-63396-7_25$$EHTML$$P50$$Gspringer$$H\n \n \n Kuika Watat, Josue\n Jonathan, Gideon Mekonnen\n Ntsafack Dongmo, Frank Wilson\n Zine El Abidine, Nour El Houda\n Social Media Impact on Academic Performance: Lessons Learned from Cameroon\n Information Systems\n The continuously improving Internet penetration in the continent, coupled with the increasing number of smartphone users in Africa has been considered as the reasons for the adoption of social media among students and other adolescents. Even though this development has been recognizing in the literature, only a few studies have investigated the acceptance, use, and retention of social media for academic purposes. However, findings of prior studies suggest that the use of social media has an influence on academic performance. To address the lack of knowledge on the adoption of social media among students, this study aims to explore the factors that are related to students’ acceptance and use of social media. We attempt to extend the Technology Acceptance Model by integrating relational engagement, Perceived Satisfaction, as well as the Perspective of the Use of Social Media in Education. The proposed theoretical model was evaluated using quantitative data collected from 460 students in Cameroon. We applied PLS-SEM technique to test the hypotheses and the theoretical model. Implications of the findings, as well as future research directions, are presented.\n Academic performance\n Africa\n Relational commitment\n Social media\n TAM\n 1865-1348\n 1865-1356\n 3030633950\n 9783030633950\n 3030633969\n 9783030633967\n true\n book_chapter\n 2020\n book_chapter\n \n eNpFkM1OwzAQhM2fRCl9Aw5-AcPaGzsJtyripygIJHq3Nq6DAk1c2by_cAuC02hnpNHOx9iVhGsJUN7UZSVQAIIwiLURpVX6iF1gdg5GfcxmsjJaSNTm5D_QcPoXFNU5W6T0AQCqUKgLOWNPb8ENtOXPfjMQX407cl88THzpaOPHwfFXH_sQR5qcv-WtTylMKSvFyW94H8PIGxp9DGG6ZGc9bZNf_Oqcre_v1s2jaF8eVs2yFUkWMq-QmoxR2iswBarOe6k6VUmHPUqV3yc0-9OViOB0DVWPFWUIPSkyNc6Z-qlNuzhM7z7aLoTPZCXYPSmbSVm0eb49gLF7UvgNXsVVHQ\n 20201121\n 20201121\n Kuika Watat, Josue\n Jonathan, Gideon Mekonnen\n Ntsafack Dongmo, Frank Wilson\n Zine El Abidine, Nour El Houda\n Springer International Publishing\n \n https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4673-3800\n https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6360-7641\n \n \n 20201121\n Social Media Impact on Academic Performance: Lessons Learned from Cameroon\n Kuika Watat, Josue ; Jonathan, Gideon Mekonnen ; Ntsafack Dongmo, Frank Wilson ; Zine El Abidine, Nour El Houda\n \n \n 5\n cdi_FETCH-LOGICAL-s1418-315a6625e206432bee12b281c3f312135a36281cc7330c5908f38a100fa2a693\n book_chapters\n book_chapters\n eng\n 2020\n Academic performance\n Africa\n Relational commitment\n Social media\n TAM\n online_resources\n Kuika Watat, Josue\n Jonathan, Gideon Mekonnen\n Ntsafack Dongmo, Frank Wilson\n Zine El Abidine, Nour El Houda\n Information Systems\n \n \n Remote Search Resource\n fulltext\n \n \n Kuika Watat, Josue\n Jonathan, Gideon Mekonnen\n Ntsafack Dongmo, Frank Wilson\n Zine El Abidine, Nour El Houda\n book\n bookitem\n GEN\n Social Media Impact on Academic Performance: Lessons Learned from Cameroon\n Information Systems\n Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing\n 2020-11-21\n 2020\n 370\n 379\n 370-379\n 1865-1348\n 1865-1356\n 3030633950\n 9783030633950\n 3030633969\n 9783030633967\n The continuously improving Internet penetration in the continent, coupled with the increasing number of smartphone users in Africa has been considered as the reasons for the adoption of social media among students and other adolescents. Even though this development has been recognizing in the literature, only a few studies have investigated the acceptance, use, and retention of social media for academic purposes. However, findings of prior studies suggest that the use of social media has an influence on academic performance. To address the lack of knowledge on the adoption of social media among students, this study aims to explore the factors that are related to students’ acceptance and use of social media. We attempt to extend the Technology Acceptance Model by integrating relational engagement, Perceived Satisfaction, as well as the Perspective of the Use of Social Media in Education. The proposed theoretical model was evaluated using quantitative data collected from 460 students in Cameroon. We applied PLS-SEM technique to test the hypotheses and the theoretical model. Implications of the findings, as well as future research directions, are presented.\n Cham\n Springer International Publishing\n 10.1007/978-3-030-63396-7_25\n https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4673-3800\n https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6360-7641\n \n", "items": [ { "itemType": "bookSection", "title": "Social Media Impact on Academic Performance: Lessons Learned from Cameroon", "creators": [ { "firstName": "Josue", "lastName": "Kuika Watat", "creatorType": "author" }, { "firstName": "Gideon Mekonnen", "lastName": "Jonathan", "creatorType": "author" }, { "firstName": "Frank Wilson", "lastName": "Ntsafack Dongmo", "creatorType": "author" }, { "firstName": "Nour El Houda", "lastName": "Zine El Abidine", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "2020", "ISBN": "3030633950", "abstractNote": "The continuously improving Internet penetration in the continent, coupled with the increasing number of smartphone users in Africa has been considered as the reasons for the adoption of social media among students and other adolescents. Even though this development has been recognizing in the literature, only a few studies have investigated the acceptance, use, and retention of social media for academic purposes. However, findings of prior studies suggest that the use of social media has an influence on academic performance. To address the lack of knowledge on the adoption of social media among students, this study aims to explore the factors that are related to students’ acceptance and use of social media. We attempt to extend the Technology Acceptance Model by integrating relational engagement, Perceived Satisfaction, as well as the Perspective of the Use of Social Media in Education. The proposed theoretical model was evaluated using quantitative data collected from 460 students in Cameroon. We applied PLS-SEM technique to test the hypotheses and the theoretical model. Implications of the findings, as well as future research directions, are presented.", "bookTitle": "Information Systems", "language": "eng", "pages": "370–379", "place": "Cham", "publisher": "Springer International Publishing", "series": "Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing", "attachments": [], "tags": [ { "tag": "Academic performance" }, { "tag": "Africa" }, { "tag": "Relational commitment" }, { "tag": "Social media" }, { "tag": "TAM" } ], "notes": [], "seeAlso": [] } ] }, { "type": "import", "input": "detailsgetit1true49KOBV_FUBnullnullthumbnailhttps://proxy-eu.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/exl_rewrite/books.google.com/books?bibkeys=ISBN:9781784744069,OCLC:,LCCN:&jscmd=viewapi&callback=updateGBSCoverthumbnail:_0unavailablefalsefalse852##bMainLocationEB/1null99598611621028838920nullfalsehttp://infosystem.philbib.de?sig={call_number}truePhilologische BibliothekALMA_0149KOBV_FUBOVPunavailable_:0Ebene 1221106260200002883HoldingResultKey [mid=221106260200002883, libraryId=398792270002883, locationCode=EB/1, callNumber=null]nullnull852##bMainLocationEB/1null99598611621028838920nullfalsehttp://infosystem.philbib.de?sig={call_number}truePhilologische BibliothekALMA_0149KOBV_FUBOVPunavailable_:0Ebene 1221106260200002883HoldingResultKey [mid=221106260200002883, libraryId=398792270002883, locationCode=EB/1, callNumber=null]nullnullnullfalsenullfalsenullnullnullnullnullAlma-Povpnullfalsenull49KOBV_FUBservice_getitALMA_019959861162102883OVP_:0Alma-P2021Galgut, Damon 1963-<<The>> promise /<<The>> promise / Damon Galgut.2021Fiktionale DarstellungSouth Africa / Fiction978147358446414735844691784744077978178474407617847440699781784744069969 BV047362611942 05940 RDA-Aufnahme"The Promise charts the crash and burn of a white South African family, living on a farm outside Pretoria. The Swarts are gathering for Ma's funeral. The younger generation, Anton and Amor, detest everything the family stand for - not least the failed promise to the Black woman who has worked for them her whole life. After years of service, Salome was promised her own house, her own land ... yet somehow, as each decade passes, that promise remains unfulfilled." Klappentexteng<<The>> promise /2021Chatto & Windus,booksDamon Galgut.Fiktionale Darstellung<<The>> promise /Galgut, DamonGalgut, Damon 1963-2021$$C<b>ISBN</b>$$V978-1-784-74406-9;$$C<b>ISBN</b>$$V978-1-784-74407-6<b>DDC: </b><a href="search?query=lds05,exact,823.92%2CAND&tab=FUB&search_scope=FUB&vid=49KOBV_FUB%3AFUB&mode=advanced" class="arrow-link ddc_arrow-link">823.92</a><b>RVK: </b><a href="search?query=lds05,exact,HP 9999%2CAND&tab=FUB&search_scope=FUB&vid=49KOBV_FUB%3AFUB&mode=advanced" class="arrow-link rvk_arrow-link">HP 9999</a>2021.Galgut, Damon [Verf.]$$QGalgut, DamonSouth Africa / Fiction293 Seiten."The Promise charts the crash and burn of a white South African family, living on a farm outside Pretoria. The Swarts are gathering for Ma's funeral. The younger generation, Anton and Amor, detest everything the family stand for - not least the failed promise to the Black woman who has worked for them her whole life. After years of service, Salome was promised her own house, her own land ... yet somehow, as each decade passes, that promise remains unfulfilled." KlappentextCover: "Shortlisted The 2021 Booker Prize"engAlmaBuchThe promise / Damon Galgut.09959861162102883London : Chatto & WindusLondon :BV047362611<b>DDC: </b><a href="search?query=lds05,exact,823.92%2CAND&tab=CHA&search_scope=CHA&vid=49KOBV_FUB%3ACHA&mode=advanced" class="arrow-link">823.92</a><b>RVK: </b><a href="search?query=lds05,exact,HP 9999%2CAND&tab=CHA&search_scope=CHA&vid=49KOBV_FUB%3ACHA&mode=advanced" class="arrow-link">HP 9999</a>Fiktionale Darstellungalma9959861162102883alma3.0BV047362611MARC219959861162102883BVBfalse20212021.GalgutLondon978-1-784-74406-9978-1-784-74407-69781473584464bookBOOKbv47362611(xx-xxund)kxp1762351226(de-604)bv047362611"The Promise charts the crash and burn of a white South African family, living on a farm outside Pretoria. The Swarts are gathering for Ma's funeral. The younger generation, Anton and Amor, detest everything the family stand for - not least the failed promise to the Black woman who has worked for them her whole life. After years of service, Salome was promised her own house, her own land ... yet somehow, as each decade passes, that promise remains unfulfilled." KlappentextDDamonGalgut, DamonbookThe promiseChatto & Windus2021Galgut, Damon 1963-<<The>> promise / Damon Galgut.", "items": [ { "itemType": "book", "title": "The promise / Damon Galgut.", "creators": [ { "firstName": "Damon", "lastName": "Galgut", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "2021", "ISBN": "9781784744069", "abstractNote": "\"The Promise charts the crash and burn of a white South African family, living on a farm outside Pretoria. The Swarts are gathering for Ma's funeral. The younger generation, Anton and Amor, detest everything the family stand for - not least the failed promise to the Black woman who has worked for them her whole life. After years of service, Salome was promised her own house, her own land ... yet somehow, as each decade passes, that promise remains unfulfilled.\" Klappentext, Cover: \"Shortlisted The 2021 Booker Prize\"", "language": "eng", "place": "London", "publisher": "Chatto & Windus", "attachments": [], "tags": [ { "tag": "Fiction" }, { "tag": "South Africa" } ], "notes": [], "seeAlso": [] } ] }, { "type": "import", "input": "\n\n \n 005204170\n 07NLR_LMS\n 07NLR_LMS005204170\n NLR01\n NLR01005204170\n UNIMARC\n Aleph\n \n \n book\n Плавающий город : С рис.\n Верн, Жюль (1828-1905) NLR10::RU\\NLR\\AUTH\\773453\n Санкт-Петербург : С.В. Звонарев, 1872\n 1872\n [2], 212, [2], 42 с., [14] л. ил. : ил. ; 22 см.\n rus\n 07NLR_LMS\n $$I07NLR$$L07NLR_RFS$$2( )$$Savailable$$31$$40$$5N$$60$$XNLR50$$YRFS\n Восхождение на Монблан\n\n Санкт-Петербург\n [2], 212, [2], 42 с., [14] л. ил.\n Верн Ж. Плавающий город : С рис / [Соч.] Жюля Верна ; Пер. под ред. Марка Вовчка [псевд.] С прил. Восхождение на Монблан Поля Верна Пер. Марка Вовчка [псевд.]. - Санкт-Петербург : С.В. Звонарев, 1872. - [2], 212, [2], 42 с., [14] л. ил. : ил. ; 22 см.\n [Соч.] Жюля Верна ; Пер. под ред. Марка Вовчка [псевд.] С прил. Восхождение на Монблан Поля Верна Пер. Марка Вовчка [псевд.]\n NLR01 005204170\n Вовчок, Марко (1834-1907) -- Редактор NLR10::RU\\NLR\\AUTH\\7716710\n $$I07NLR$$Savailable\n available\n \n \n $$Topenurl_journal\n $$Taleph_backlink$$DOPAC\n $$Taleph_holdings\n $$Tcatalogue_error$$Ecatalogueerror\n $$Trecord_view_format$$Erecordviewformat\n $$Tdownload_iso2709$$Edownloadiso2709\n $$Tscan_request$$Escanrequest\n \n \n Верн, Жюль (1828-1905) NLR10::RU\\NLR\\AUTH\\773453\n Верн Ж. Г. 1828-1905 Жюль Габриэль\n Вовчок М. 1834-1907 Марк\n Вовчек М. 1834-1907 Марко\n Маркович М. А. 1834-1907 Мария Александровна\n Вилинская М. А. 1834-1907 Мария Александровна\n Марко Вовчок 1834-1907\n Вилинская-Маркович М. А. 1834-1907 Мария Александровна\n Верн Ж. 1828-1905 Жюль\n Плавающий город С рис.\n rus\n С.В. Звонарев\n 07NLR_LMS\n 07NLR_LMS005204170\n book\n 1872\n 18720101\n 18721231\n Плавающий город С рис.\n Восхождение на Монблан\n 07NLR_LMS\n MAIN_07NLR\n 07NLR\n 07NLR_LMS\n MAIN_07NLR\n 07NLR\n Санкт-Петербург\n С.В. Звонарев\n\n 1872\n [Соч.] Жюля Верна; Пер. под ред. Марка Вовчка [псевд.] С прил. Восхождение на Монблан Поля Верна Пер. Марка Вовчка [псевд.]\n Вовчок М. 1834-1907 Марко\n Верн П. Поль\n rus\n русский\n Верн, Жюль (1828-1905) NLR10::RU\\NLR\\AUTH\\773453\n Верн Ж. Г. 1828-1905 Жюль Габриэль\n Вовчок М. 1834-1907 Марк\n Вовчек М. 1834-1907 Марко\n Маркович М. А. 1834-1907 Мария Александровна\n Вилинская М. А. 1834-1907 Мария Александровна\n Марко Вовчок 1834-1907\n Вилинская-Маркович М. А. 1834-1907 Мария Александровна\n Верн Ж. 1828-1905 Жюль\n Вовчок М. 1834-1907 Марко\n Верн П. Поль\n Верн, Жюль (1828-1905) NLR10::RU\\NLR\\AUTH\\773453\n Верн Ж. Г. 1828-1905 Жюль Габриэль\n Вовчок М. 1834-1907 Марк\n Вовчек М. 1834-1907 Марко\n Маркович М. А. 1834-1907 Мария Александровна\n Вилинская М. А. 1834-1907 Мария Александровна\n Марко Вовчок 1834-1907\n Вилинская-Маркович М. А. 1834-1907 Мария Александровна\n Верн Ж. 1828-1905 Жюль\n Вовчок М. 1834-1907 Марко\n Верн П. Поль\n Плавающий город С рис.\n Восхождение на Монблан\n book\n 1872\n 07NLR_LMS005204170\n Санкт-Петербург\n С.В. Звонарев\n\n [Соч.] Жюля Верна; Пер. под ред. Марка Вовчка [псевд.] С прил. Восхождение на Монблан Поля Верна Пер. Марка Вовчка [псевд.]\n 07NLR_LMS\n MAIN_07NLR\n 07NLR\n rus\n русский\n французский\n Вовчок, Марко (1834-1907) -- Редактор NLR10::RU\\NLR\\AUTH\\7716710\n французский\n Вовчок, Марко (1834-1907) -- Редактор NLR10::RU\\NLR\\AUTH\\7716710\n Вовчок М. 1834-1907 Марко\n Верн П. Поль\n \n \n Плавающий город : С рис.\n 1872\n Верн Ж. 1828-1905 Жюль\n aafcaebha\n 18720000\n 18720000\n \n \n rus\n 1872\n 07NLR_RFS\n available\n physical_item\n books\n books\n Верн, Ж (1828-1905)\n С.В. Звонарев\n 20150408_190\n 7542839\n 6\n \n \n 99\n $$Kверн ж 1828 1905$$AA\n $$Kплавающий город с рис$$AT\n \n \n 07NLR\n Physical Item\n \n \n 1\n 1\n \n \n Верн\n Вовчок\n Ж.\n Верн Ж. 1828-1905\n Вовчок М. 1834-1907\n Верн П\n Плавающий город С рис.\n Восхождение на Монблан\n 1872\n 1872\n book\n book\n BOOK\n Санкт-Петербург\n С.В. Звонарев\n \n \n $$DВерн, Ж. (Жюль ) (1828-1905 )$$EВерн Ж. 1828-1905 Жюль\n $$DВовчок, М. (Марко ) (1834-1907 )$$EВовчок М. 1834-1907 Марко\n $$DВерн, П. (Поль )$$EВерн П. Поль\n $$DПлавающий город : С рис.$$EПлавающий город С рис.\n $$DВосхождение на Монблан$$EВосхождение на Монблан\n $$I07NLR$$D18.104.6.29$$E18.104.6.29\n 07NLR\n \n", "items": [ { "itemType": "book", "title": "Плавающий город: С рис.", "creators": [ { "firstName": "Жюль", "lastName": "Верн", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "1872", "callNumber": "", "language": "rus", "place": "Санкт-Петербург", "publisher": "С.В. Звонарев", "attachments": [], "tags": [], "notes": [], "seeAlso": [] } ] }, { "type": "import", "input": "detailsgetit1true01ALLIANCE_NETWORKnullnullthumbnailhttps://proxy-na.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/exl_rewrite/books.google.com/books?bibkeys=ISBN:,OCLC:,LCCN:71093813&jscmd=viewapi&callback=updateGBSCoverthumbnail:_0available_in_libraryfalsefalse852##bMainLocationpgst1null99333481018670WHITMANnullfalse https://penroselib-php.herokuapp.com/apps/map/locate.php?loc=pgst1&callno=TD174+.D95&title=Pollution+%2F+Leonard+B.+Dworsky+%3B+with+an+introduction+by+Stewart+L.+Udall.truenullWhitman College LibraryTD174 .D95ALMA_0101ALLIANCE_WHITCOVPavailable_:01st Floor Books2288279530001867HoldingResultKey [mid=2288279530001867, libraryId=170730510001867, locationCode=pgst1, callNumber=TD174 .D95]nullnull852##bMainLocationpgst1null99333481018670WHITMANnullfalse https://penroselib-php.herokuapp.com/apps/map/locate.php?loc=pgst1&callno=TD174+.D95&title=Pollution+%2F+Leonard+B.+Dworsky+%3B+with+an+introduction+by+Stewart+L.+Udall.truenullWhitman College LibraryTD174 .D95ALMA_0101ALLIANCE_WHITCOVPavailable_:01st Floor Books2288279530001867HoldingResultKey [mid=2288279530001867, libraryId=170730510001867, locationCode=pgst1, callNumber=TD174 .D95]nullnullnullfalsenullfalsenullnull185701ALLIANCE_UPORTavailable_in_institutionUniversity of PortlandAlma-P99177171740001451185601ALLIANCE_WOUavailable_in_institutionWestern Oregon UniversityAlma-P99177171740001451184401ALLIANCE_LCCavailable_in_institutionLewis & ClarkAlma-P99177171740001451185501ALLIANCE_SOUavailable_in_institutionSouthern Oregon UniversityAlma-P99177171740001451186501ALLIANCE_OSUavailable_in_institutionOregon State University Libraries and PressAlma-P99177171740001451145301ALLIANCE_WWUavailable_in_institutionWestern Washington UniversityAlma-P99177171740001451187101ALLIANCE_CHEMEKavailable_in_institutionChemeketa Community CollegeAlma-P99177171740001451184201ALLIANCE_WSUavailable_in_institutionWashington State UniversityAlma-P99177171740001451187501ALLIANCE_WWavailable_in_institutionWhitworth UniversityAlma-P99177171740001451185201ALLIANCE_UOavailable_in_institutionUniversity of OregonAlma-P99177171740001451185101ALLIANCE_UIDavailable_in_institutionUniversity of IdahoAlma-P99177171740001451145401ALLIANCE_WUavailable_in_institutionWillamette UniversityAlma-P99177171740001451nullnullnullnullnullAlma-Povpnullnullfalsenull01ALLIANCE_WHITCservice_getitALMA_019933348101867OVP_:0Alma-P1971Dworsky, Leonard B., compiler.Pollution /Pollution /1971United StatesWater PollutionEnvironmental policyEnvironmental lawAir PollutionEnvironnement Politique gouvernementale États-Unis.Environmental law United States.Environmental policy United States.Air Pollution.Water Pollution.973 pbooks994 92 OCACLIntroduction -- Toward a Collective Conscience for Conservation -- Water Pollution -- Historical Prologue -- Water pollution: A Major Social Problem -- water and health: American Experience until 1900 -- Initial Efforts in Science and Public Policy: 1900-1919 -- Broadening the Base of Concern: 191-1948 -- Initiating a national water pollution Control Program: 1948-1966 -- Water Pollution Control: An element of multipurpose water resources development -- Interstate Compacts and water Pollution Control -- Water Pollution Control: The International Scene -- water pollution Problems and developments until 1948 -- Early Laws and conditions -- Science, water supply, and Epidemic Disease -- The Pollution of Interstate Waters: initial Investigations -- A Broadening base of concern -- President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Water Pollution Control -- Developing a national Water pollution Control Program: 1948-1968 -- The water pollution Control Act of 1948 -- A Maturing Program: 1955-1968 -- Interstate agencies -- Sate Pollution Control: A case Study of Pennsylvania -- Air Pollution -- Introduction -- The Atmosphere: An Urgent Challenge -- Some historical Notes -- Tragic Signals: disasters in Europe and America -- Developing a National Air pollution Control program: 1948-1955 -- The First comprehensive Air Pollution Control law -- Developing Sate and Local Programs -- Summary -- Environment and Health -- Efforts to achieve effective legislation: 1954-1955 -- Expanding the sphere of control: 1955-1967 -- The Air Quality Act of 1967 -- New York City: A case Study in Air pollution -- Environmental Quality: A New National priority.engPollution /1971Conservation in the United States.Pollution.Conservation in the United StatesChelsea House Publishers,1971.New York :pbooksLeonard B. Dworsky ; with an introduction by Stewart L. Udall.Conservation in the United States.Conservation in the United States(OCoLC)ocm00145772(OCoLC)0014577200145772United StatesÉtats-Unis.United States.Pollution /Dworsky, Leonard B.,Dworsky, Leonard B., compiler.19711971Dworsky, Leonard B., compiler.$$QDworsky, Leonard B.Water -- PollutionAir -- PollutionEnvironmental policy -- United StatesEnvironmental law -- United Statesxl, 911 pages ; 24 cm.Includes bibliographical references.engAlmapbooksPollution 1$$Cform$$VOnline version: Dworsky, Leonard B. Pollution. New York, Chelsea House Publishers, 1971$$QPollution.9933348101867Introduction -- Toward a Collective Conscience for Conservation -- Water Pollution -- Historical Prologue -- Water pollution: A Major Social Problem -- water and health: American Experience until 1900 -- Initial Efforts in Science and Public Policy: 1900-1919 -- Broadening the Base of Concern: 191-1948 -- Initiating a national water pollution Control Program: 1948-1966 -- Water Pollution Control: An element of multipurpose water resources development -- Interstate Compacts and water Pollution Control -- Water Pollution Control: The International Scene -- water pollution Problems and developments until 1948 -- Early Laws and conditions -- Science, water supply, and Epidemic Disease -- The Pollution of Interstate Waters: initial Investigations -- A Broadening base of concern -- President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Water Pollution Control -- Developing a national Water pollution Control Program: 1948-1968 -- The water pollution Control Act of 1948 -- A Maturing Program: 1955-1968 -- Interstate agencies -- Sate Pollution Control: A case Study of Pennsylvania -- Air Pollution -- Introduction -- The Atmosphere: An Urgent Challenge -- Some historical Notes -- Tragic Signals: disasters in Europe and America -- Developing a National Air pollution Control program: 1948-1955 -- The First comprehensive Air Pollution Control law -- Developing Sate and Local Programs -- Summary -- Environment and Health -- Efforts to achieve effective legislation: 1954-1955 -- Expanding the sphere of control: 1955-1967 -- The Air Quality Act of 1967 -- New York City: A case Study in Air pollution -- Environmental Quality: A New National priority.Conservation in the United States$$QConservation in the United StatesConservation in the United States.$$QConservation in the United States.00145772New York : Chelsea House PublishersLeonard B. Dworsky ; with an introduction by Stewart L. UdallNew York :alma9933348101867alma5.1ocm00145772-01alliance_networkMARC219933348101867OCLCfalse1971DworskyIncludes bibliographical references.New YorkGEN(ocolc)145772LLeonard B.71093813Conservation in the United States$$NDworsky, Leonard B.$$LDworsky$$FLeonard B.$$RauthorDworsky, Leonard B.n82013408PollutionChelsea House Publishers1971Dworsky, Leonard B., compiler.Pollution /", "items": [ { "itemType": "book", "title": "Pollution", "creators": [ { "firstName": "Leonard B.", "lastName": "Dworsky", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "1971", "abstractNote": "Includes bibliographical references.", "language": "eng", "place": "New York", "publisher": "Chelsea House Publishers", "series": "Conservation in the United States", "attachments": [], "tags": [ { "tag": "Air" }, { "tag": "Environmental law" }, { "tag": "Environmental policy" }, { "tag": "Pollution" }, { "tag": "Pollution" }, { "tag": "United States" }, { "tag": "United States" }, { "tag": "Water" } ], "notes": [], "seeAlso": [] } ] }, { "type": "import", "input": "\n\n \n 2174645960003337\n WUW_alma\n WUW_alma2174645960003337\n AC03437319\n MARC21\n Alma\n 43ACC_WUW:2174645960003337\n \n \n book\n Theory of economic dynamics : an essay on cyclical and long-run changes in capitalist economy\n Kalecki, Michał [VerfasserIn]$$QKalecki, Michał$$0(DE-588)118559494$$G(uri)http://d-nb.info/gnd/118559494\n 1. publ.\n London : Allen & Unwin\n 1954\n 178 S., graph. Darst.\n Kapitalismus ; Konjunkturzyklus ; Wirtschaftsentwicklung\n Hier auch spätere, unveränderte Nachdrucke (1956)\n eng\n WU Bibliothekskatalog\n $$IWUW$$LWUW_B_JHB$$1Closed Stacks$$2503328-G$$Savailable$$X43ACC_WUW$$YJHB$$ZMG$$P1\n $$IWUW$$LWUW_B_JHB$$1Level -2 Books$$2320083-M$$Savailable$$X43ACC_WUW$$YJHB$$ZMAG$$P2\n $$IWUW$$LWUW_B_JHB$$1Steindl Collection$$2S/335.5/K14 T3$$Savailable$$X43ACC_WUW$$YJHB$$ZSST$$P3\n 503328-G\n 320083-M\n S/335.5/K14 T3\n by M. Kalecki\n AC03437319\n https://permalink.obvsg.at/wuw/AC03437319\n Kapitalismus | Konjunkturzyklus | Wirtschaftsentwicklung\n Theory of economic dynamics: an essay on cyclical and long-run changes in capitalist economy\n Allen & Unwin\n WU Bibliothekszentrum LC, Signatur: 503328-G\n WU Bibliothekszentrum LC, Signatur: 320083-M\n WU Bibliothekszentrum LC, Signatur: S/335.5/K14 T3\n eng\n Kalecki, Michał\n $$IWUW$$Savailable\n available\n 2\n \n \n Kalecki, Michał [VerfasserIn]\n Michał\n Kalecki 1899-1970 VerfasserIn\n M.\n Kalecki 1899-1970\n Michal\n Kaletskii 1899-1970\n Michel\n http://d-nb.info/gnd/118559494\n Kalecki, Michał 1899-1970 VerfasserIn\n Kalecki, M. 1899-1970\n Kaletskii, Michal 1899-1970\n Kalecki, Michal 1899-1970\n Kalecki, Michel 1899-1970\n Kalecki, M\n Kaletskii, M\n (uri)http://d-nb.info/gnd/118559494\n Theory of economic dynamics an essay on cyclical and long-run changes in capitalist economy\n Hier auch spätere, unveränderte Nachdrucke (1956)\n Kapitalismus ; Konjunkturzyklus ; Wirtschaftsentwicklung\n Kapitalismus\n Konjunkturzyklus\n Wirtschaftsentwicklung\n Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung\n Wirtschaftsdynamik\n Wirtschaftswandel\n Wirtschaftlicher Wandel\n Ökonomische Entwicklung\n http://d-nb.info/gnd/4066438-7\n Zyklus\n Wachstumszyklus\n Konjunkturschwankung\n 4032134-4\n Kapitalistische Gesellschaft\n Kapitalistische Wirtschaft\n Kapitalistisches Gesellschaftssystem\n Kapitalistisches Wirtschaftssystem\n Gesellschaftsordnung\n Antikapitalismus\n 4029577-1\n (DE-588)4029577-1\n (DE-588)4032134-4\n (DE-588)4066438-7\n 1. publ.\n Allen & Unwin\n WUW_alma\n WUW_alma2174645960003337\n book\n 1954\n 19540101\n 19541231\n AC03437319\n 990006667950203337\n WUW_alma\n WUW_SST\n WUW\n WUW_alma\n WUW_SST\n WUW\n 1956\n Allen & Unwin\n 503328-G\n 320083-M\n S/335.5/K14 T3\n by M. Kalecki\n https://permalink.obvsg.at/wuw/AC03437319\n AC03437319\n \n \n THEORY OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS AN ESSAY ON CYCLICAL AND LONGRUN CHANGES IN CAPITALIST ECONOMY\n 1954\n Kalecki, Michał VerfasserIn\n 1954\n \n \n eng\n 1954\n Kapitalismus\n Konjunkturzyklus\n Wirtschaftsentwicklung\n available\n books\n books\n Kalecki, Michał\n WUW_B_JHB\n T\n Ohne Angabe\n 20170815_785\n 706492797\n 5\n \n \n 99\n WUWAC03437319\n 1954\n WUW990006667950203337\n WUWAC03437319\n WUW_1954\n WUWAC03437319\n WUW_\n WUW_178 S.\n WUW_allen unwin\n WUW_kalecki michal 1899 1970\n WUW_990006667950203337\n \n \n 1\n $$Kwuwwuwwuwkalecki michal$$AA\n $$Kwuwwuwwuwtheory of economic dynamics an essay on cyclical and long run changes in capitalist economy$$AT\n \n \n WUW\n Alma-P\n \n \n 1\n 1\n \n \n Kalecki\n Kalecki, Michał\n $$NKalecki, Michał$$LKalecki$$FMichał$$Rauthor\n $$NKalecki, M$$LKalecki$$FM\n $$NKaletskii, Michal$$LKaletskii$$FMichal\n $$NKalecki, Michal$$LKalecki$$FMichal\n $$NKalecki, Michel$$LKalecki$$FMichel\n $$Nhttp://d-nb.info/gnd/118559494$$Lhttp://d-nb.info/gnd/118559494$$F\n Theory of economic dynamics: an essay on cyclical and long-run changes in capitalist economy\n Theory of economic dynami\n 1956\n 1954\n 1954\n 178 S.\n book\n BOOK\n London\n Allen & Unwin\n 2174645960003337\n https://permalink.obvsg.at/wuw/AC03437319\n 000666795\n -WUW-\n GND: 4029577-1 689 SSS TOP\n GND: 4032134-4 689 SSS TOP\n GND: 4066438-7 689 SSS TOP\n GND: 118559494 100 XXX CRE\n \n \n $$DKalecki, Michał, 1899-1970$$EKalecki, Michał, 1899-1970\n $$DKalecki, M., 1899-1970$$EKalecki, M., 1899-1970\n $$DKaletskii, Michal, 1899-1970$$EKaletskii, Michal, 1899-1970\n $$DKalecki, Michal, 1899-1970$$EKalecki, Michal, 1899-1970\n $$DKalecki, Michel, 1899-1970$$EKalecki, Michel, 1899-1970\n $$DTheory of economic dynamics an essay on cyclical and long-run changes in capitalist economy$$ETheory of economic dynamics an essay on cyclical and long-run changes in capitalist economy\n $$D1956$$E1956\n $$TGND$$EKapitalismus$$DKapitalismus\n $$TGND$$EKonjunkturzyklus$$DKonjunkturzyklus\n $$TGND$$EWirtschaftsentwicklung$$DWirtschaftsentwicklung\n $$TGND$$EWirtschaftliche Entwicklung$$DWirtschaftliche Entwicklung\n $$TGND$$EWirtschaftsdynamik$$DWirtschaftsdynamik\n $$TGND$$EWirtschaftswandel$$DWirtschaftswandel\n $$TGND$$EWirtschaftlicher Wandel$$DWirtschaftlicher Wandel\n $$TGND$$EÖkonomische Entwicklung$$DÖkonomische Entwicklung\n $$TGND$$Ehttp://d-nb.info/gnd/4066438-7$$Dhttp://d-nb.info/gnd/4066438-7\n $$TGND$$EZyklus$$DZyklus\n $$TGND$$EWachstumszyklus$$DWachstumszyklus\n $$TGND$$EKonjunkturschwankung$$DKonjunkturschwankung\n $$TGND$$E4032134-4$$D4032134-4\n $$TGND$$EKapitalistische Gesellschaft$$DKapitalistische Gesellschaft\n $$TGND$$EKapitalistische Wirtschaft$$DKapitalistische Wirtschaft\n $$TGND$$EKapitalistisches Gesellschaftssystem$$DKapitalistisches Gesellschaftssystem\n $$TGND$$EKapitalistisches Wirtschaftssystem$$DKapitalistisches Wirtschaftssystem\n $$TGND$$EGesellschaftsordnung$$DGesellschaftsordnung\n $$TGND$$EAntikapitalismus$$DAntikapitalismus\n $$TGND$$E4029577-1$$D4029577-1\n $$IWUW$$D503328-G$$E503328-g$$T\n $$IWUW$$D320083-M$$E320083-m$$T\n $$IWUW$$DS/335.5/K14 T3$$Es/335.5/k14 t3$$T8\n \n", "items": [ { "itemType": "book", "title": "Theory of economic dynamics: an essay on cyclical and long-run changes in capitalist economy", "creators": [ { "firstName": "Michał", "lastName": "Kalecki", "creatorType": "author" } ], "date": "1954", "abstractNote": "Hier auch spätere, unveränderte Nachdrucke (1956)", "callNumber": "503328-G, 320083-M, S/335.5/K14 T3", "edition": "1. publ.", "language": "eng", "numPages": "178", "place": "London", "publisher": "Allen & Unwin", "attachments": [], "tags": [ { "tag": "Kapitalismus" }, { "tag": "Konjunkturzyklus" }, { "tag": "Wirtschaftsentwicklung" } ], "notes": [], "seeAlso": [] } ] } ] /** END TEST CASES **/