{ "translatorID": "032ae9b7-ab90-9205-a479-baf81f49184a", "translatorType": 2, "label": "TEI", "creator": "Stefan Majewski", "target": "xml", "minVersion": "4.0.27", "maxVersion": null, "priority": 25, "inRepository": true, "configOptions": { "dataMode": "xml/dom", "getCollections": "true" }, "displayOptions": { "exportNotes": false, "Export Tags": false, "Generate XML IDs": true, "Full TEI Document": false, "Export Collections": false }, "lastUpdated": "2022-09-30 10:56:50" } // ******************************************************************** // // tei-zotero-translator. Zotero 2 to TEI P5 exporter. // // Copyright (C) 2010 Stefan Majewski // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // ********************************************************************* // // This script does fairly well with papers, theses, websites and // books. Some item properties, important for the more exotic // publication types, are still missing. That means, the first 30 are // implemented, the rest may be added when I need them. If you like to // see some particular item property and you also have a basic idea // how to represent them in TEI (without breaking the, to me, more // important ones), please contact me or send a patch. // // vs Both elements are used. The script tries to // figure out where which information might be appropriately placed. I // hope this works. // // Zotero.addOption("exportNotes", false); // Zotero.addOption("generateXMLIds", true); var ns = { tei: "http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0", xml: "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" }; var exportedXMLIds = {}; var generatedItems = {}; var allItems = {}; // replace formatting with TEI tags function replaceFormatting(title) { var titleText = title; // italics titleText = titleText.replace(//g, ''); titleText = titleText.replace(/<\/i>/g, ''); // bold titleText = titleText.replace(//g, ''); titleText = titleText.replace(/<\/b>/g, ''); // subscript titleText = titleText.replace(//g, ''); titleText = titleText.replace(/<\/sub>/g, ''); // superscript titleText = titleText.replace(//g, ''); titleText = titleText.replace(/<\/sup>/g, ''); // small caps titleText = titleText.replace(/(.*?)<\/span>/g, '$1'); titleText = titleText.replace(//g, ''); titleText = titleText.replace(/<\/sc>/g, ''); // no capitalization titleText = titleText.replace(/(.*?)<\/span>/g, '$1'); return titleText; } function genXMLId(item) { // use Better BibTeX for Zotero citation key if available if (item.extra) { item.extra = item.extra.replace(/(?:^|\n)citation key\s*:\s*([^\s]+)(?:\n|$)/i, (m, citationKey) => { item.citationKey = citationKey; return '\n'; }).trim(); } if (item.citationKey) return item.citationKey; var xmlid = ''; if (item.creators && item.creators[0] && (item.creators[0].lastName || item.creators[0].name)) { if (item.creators[0].lastName) { xmlid = item.creators[0].lastName; } if (item.creators[0].name) { xmlid = item.creators[0].name; } if (item.date) { var date = Zotero.Utilities.strToDate(item.date); if (date.year) { xmlid += date.year; } } // Replace space, tabulations, colon, punctuation, parenthesis and apostrophes by "_" xmlid = xmlid.replace(/([ \t[\]:\u00AD\u0021-\u002C\u2010-\u2021])+/g, "_"); // Remove any non xml NCName characters // Namestart = ":" | [A-Z] | "_" | [a-z] | [#xC0-#xD6] | // [#xD8-#xF6] | [#xF8-#x2FF] | [#x370-#x37D] | [#x37F-#x1FFF] // | [#x200C-#x200D] | [#x2070-#x218F] | [#x2C00-#x2FEF] | // [#x3001-#xD7FF] | [#xF900-#xFDCF] | [#xFDF0-#xFFFD] | // [#x10000-#xEFFFF] // Name = NameStartChar | "-" | "." | [0-9] | #xB7 | // [#x0300-#x036F] | [#x203F-#x2040] xmlid = xmlid.replace(/^[^A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\u10000-\uEFFFF]/, ""); xmlid = xmlid.replace(/[^-A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\u10000-\uEFFFF.0-9\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040]/g, ""); } else { // "zoteroItem_item.key" as value for entries without creator var str = item.uri; var n = str.lastIndexOf('/'); var result = str.substring(n + 1); xmlid += 'zoteroItem_' + result; } // this is really inefficient var curXmlId = xmlid; if (exportedXMLIds[curXmlId]) { // append characters to make xml:id unique // a-z aa-az ba-bz var charA = 97; var charZ = 122; var firstId = xmlid + "a"; // reset id of previous date-only item to + "a"; if (exportedXMLIds[curXmlId] && !exportedXMLIds[firstId]) { exportedXMLIds[curXmlId].setAttributeNS(ns.xml, "xml:id", firstId); exportedXMLIds[firstId] = exportedXMLIds[curXmlId]; } // then start from b for (var i = charA + 1; exportedXMLIds[curXmlId]; i++) { curXmlId = xmlid + String.fromCharCode(i); if (i == charZ) { i = charA; xmlid += String.fromCharCode(charA); } } xmlid = curXmlId; } // set in main loop // exportedXMLIds[xmlid] = true; return xmlid; } function generateItem(item, teiDoc) { // fixme not all conferencepapers are analytic! var analyticItemTypes = { journalArticle: true, bookSection: true, magazineArticle: true, newspaperArticle: true, conferencePaper: true, encyclopediaArticle: true, dictionaryEntry: true, webpage: true }; var isAnalytic = !!analyticItemTypes[item.itemType]; var bibl = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "biblStruct"); bibl.setAttribute("type", item.itemType); if (Zotero.getOption("Generate XML IDs")) { var xmlid; if (!generatedItems[item.uri]) { xmlid = genXMLId(item); bibl.setAttributeNS(ns.xml, "xml:id", xmlid); exportedXMLIds[xmlid] = bibl; } else { xmlid = "#" + generatedItems[item.uri].getAttributeNS(ns.xml, "id"); var myXmlid = "zoteroItem_" + item.uri; bibl.setAttribute("sameAs", xmlid); bibl.setAttributeNS(ns.xml, "xml:id", myXmlid); exportedXMLIds[myXmlid] = bibl; } // create attribute for Zotero item URI bibl.setAttribute("corresp", item.uri); } generatedItems[item.uri] = bibl; /** CORE FIELDS **/ var monogr = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "monogr"); var analytic = null; var series = null; var title, shortTitle, idno, edition, date, note; // create title or monogr if (isAnalytic) { analytic = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "analytic"); bibl.appendChild(analytic); bibl.appendChild(monogr); var analyticTitle = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "title"); analyticTitle.setAttribute("level", "a"); analytic.appendChild(analyticTitle); if (item.title) { analyticTitle.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(replaceFormatting(item.title))); } // A DOI is presumably for the article, not the journal. if (item.DOI) { idno = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "idno"); idno.setAttribute("type", "DOI"); idno.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.DOI)); analytic.appendChild(idno); } // publication title var publicationTitle = item.bookTitle || item.proceedingsTitle || item.encyclopediaTitle || item.dictionaryTitle || item.publicationTitle || item.websiteTitle; if (publicationTitle) { var pubTitle = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "title"); if (item.itemType == "journalArticle") { pubTitle.setAttribute("level", "j"); } else { pubTitle.setAttribute("level", "m"); } pubTitle.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(replaceFormatting(publicationTitle))); monogr.appendChild(pubTitle); } // short title if (item.shortTitle) { shortTitle = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "title"); shortTitle.setAttribute("type", "short"); shortTitle.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.shortTitle)); analytic.appendChild(shortTitle); } } else { bibl.appendChild(monogr); if (item.title) { title = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "title"); title.setAttribute("level", "m"); title.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(replaceFormatting(item.title))); monogr.appendChild(title); } else if (!item.conferenceName) { title = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "title"); monogr.appendChild(title); } // short title if (item.shortTitle) { shortTitle = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "title"); shortTitle.setAttribute("type", "short"); shortTitle.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.shortTitle)); monogr.appendChild(shortTitle); } // A DOI where there's no analytic must be for the monogr. if (item.DOI) { idno = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "idno"); idno.setAttribute("type", "DOI"); idno.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.DOI)); analytic.appendChild(idno); } } // add name of conference if (item.conferenceName) { var conferenceName = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "title"); conferenceName.setAttribute("type", "conferenceName"); conferenceName.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(replaceFormatting(item.conferenceName))); monogr.appendChild(conferenceName); } // itemTypes in Database do unfortunately not match fields // of item if (item.series || item.seriesTitle) { series = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "series"); bibl.appendChild(series); if (item.series) { title = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "title"); title.setAttribute("level", "s"); title.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(replaceFormatting(item.series))); series.appendChild(title); } if (item.seriesTitle) { var seriesTitle = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "title"); seriesTitle.setAttribute("level", "s"); seriesTitle.setAttribute("type", "alternative"); seriesTitle.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(replaceFormatting(item.seriesTitle))); series.appendChild(seriesTitle); } if (item.seriesText) { var seriesText = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "note"); seriesText.setAttribute("type", "description"); seriesText.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.seriesText)); series.appendChild(seriesText); } if (item.seriesNumber) { var seriesNumber = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "biblScope"); seriesNumber.setAttribute("unit", "volume"); seriesNumber.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.seriesNumber)); series.appendChild(seriesNumber); } } // Other canonical ref nos come right after the title(s) in monogr. if (item.ISBN) { idno = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "idno"); idno.setAttribute("type", "ISBN"); idno.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.ISBN)); monogr.appendChild(idno); } if (item.ISSN) { idno = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "idno"); idno.setAttribute("type", "ISSN"); idno.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.ISSN)); monogr.appendChild(idno); } if (item.callNumber) { idno = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "idno"); idno.setAttribute("type", "callNumber"); idno.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.callNumber)); monogr.appendChild(idno); } // multivolume works if (item.numberOfVolumes) { var volumes = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "extent"); volumes.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.numberOfVolumes)); monogr.appendChild(volumes); } // creators are all people only remotely involved into the creation of // a resource for (let creator of item.creators) { var curCreator = ''; var curRespStmt = null; var type = creator.creatorType; if (type == "author") { curCreator = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "author"); } else if (type == "editor") { curCreator = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "editor"); } else if (type == "seriesEditor") { curCreator = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "editor"); } else if (type == "bookAuthor") { curCreator = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "author"); } else { curRespStmt = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "respStmt"); var resp = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "resp"); resp.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(type)); curRespStmt.appendChild(resp); curCreator = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "persName"); curRespStmt.appendChild(curCreator); } // add the names of a particular creator if (creator.firstName) { var forename = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "forename"); forename.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(creator.firstName)); curCreator.appendChild(forename); } if (creator.lastName) { var surname = null; if (creator.firstName) { surname = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "surname"); } else { surname = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "name"); } surname.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(creator.lastName)); curCreator.appendChild(surname); } if (creator.name) { let name = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "name"); name.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(creator.name)); curCreator.appendChild(name); } // make sure the right thing gets added if (curRespStmt) { curCreator = curRespStmt; } // decide where the creator shall appear if (type == "seriesEditor" && series) { series.appendChild(curCreator); } else if (isAnalytic && (type != 'editor' && type != 'bookAuthor')) { // assuming that only authors go here analytic.appendChild(curCreator); } else { monogr.appendChild(curCreator); } } if (item.edition) { edition = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "edition"); edition.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.edition)); monogr.appendChild(edition); } // software else if (item.versionNumber) { edition = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "edition"); edition.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.versionNumber)); monogr.appendChild(edition); } // create the imprint var imprint = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "imprint"); monogr.appendChild(imprint); if (item.place) { var pubPlace = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "pubPlace"); pubPlace.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.place)); imprint.appendChild(pubPlace); } if (item.volume) { var volume = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "biblScope"); volume.setAttribute("unit", "volume"); volume.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.volume)); imprint.appendChild(volume); } if (item.issue) { var issue = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "biblScope"); issue.setAttribute("unit", "issue"); issue.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.issue)); imprint.appendChild(issue); } if (item.section) { var section = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "biblScope"); section.setAttribute("unit", "chapter"); section.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.section)); imprint.appendChild(section); } if (item.pages) { var pages = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "biblScope"); pages.setAttribute("unit", "page"); pages.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.pages)); imprint.appendChild(pages); } if (item.publisher) { var publisher = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "publisher"); publisher.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.publisher)); imprint.appendChild(publisher); } if (item.date) { date = Zotero.Utilities.strToDate(item.date); var imprintDate = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "date"); if (date.year) { imprintDate.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(date.year)); } else { imprintDate.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.date)); } imprint.appendChild(imprintDate); } // If no date exists, add an empty date node so that spec minimum requirement for one imprint element is met else { date = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "date"); imprint.appendChild(date); } if (item.accessDate) { note = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "note"); note.setAttribute("type", "accessed"); note.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.accessDate)); imprint.appendChild(note); } if (item.url) { note = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "note"); note.setAttribute("type", "url"); note.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.url)); imprint.appendChild(note); } if (item.thesisType) { note = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "note"); note.setAttribute("type", "thesisType"); note.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(item.thesisType)); imprint.appendChild(note); } // export notes if (item.notes && Zotero.getOption("exportNotes")) { for (let singleNote of item.notes) { // do only some basic cleaning of the html // strip HTML tags var noteText = Zotero.Utilities.cleanTags(singleNote.note); // unescape remaining entities -> no double escapes noteText = Zotero.Utilities.unescapeHTML(noteText); note = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "note"); note.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(noteText)); bibl.appendChild(note); } } // export tags, if available if (Zotero.getOption("Export Tags") && item.tags && item.tags.length > 0) { var tags = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "note"); tags.setAttribute("type", "tags"); for (let singleTag of item.tags) { var tag = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "note"); tag.setAttribute("type", "tag"); tag.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(singleTag.tag)); tags.appendChild(tag); } bibl.appendChild(tags); } return bibl; } function generateCollection(collection, teiDoc) { var listBibl; var children = collection.children ? collection.children : collection.descendents; if (children.length > 0) { listBibl = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "listBibl"); var colHead = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "head"); colHead.appendChild(teiDoc.createTextNode(collection.name)); listBibl.appendChild(colHead); for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var child = children[i]; if (child.type == "collection") { listBibl.appendChild(generateCollection(child, teiDoc)); } else if (allItems[child.id]) { listBibl.appendChild(generateItem(allItems[child.id], teiDoc)); } } } return listBibl; } function generateTEIDocument(listBibls, teiDoc) { var text = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "text"); var body = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "body"); teiDoc.documentElement.appendChild(text); text.appendChild(body); for (var i = 0; i < listBibls.length; i++) { body.appendChild(listBibls[i]); } return teiDoc; } function doExport() { Zotero.debug("starting TEI-XML export"); Zotero.setCharacterSet("utf-8"); Zotero.debug("TEI-XML Exporting items"); // Initialize XML Doc var parser = new DOMParser(); var teiDoc // = parser.parseFromString('Exported from Zotero


Generated from Zotero database

', 'application/xml'); var item = null; while (item = Zotero.nextItem()) { // eslint-disable-line no-cond-assign // Skip standalone notes if (item.itemType == 'note') { continue; } allItems[item.uri] = item; } var collection = Zotero.nextCollection(); var listBibls = []; if (Zotero.getOption("Export Collections") && collection) { var curListBibl = generateCollection(collection, teiDoc); if (curListBibl) { listBibls.push(curListBibl); } while (collection = Zotero.nextCollection()) { // eslint-disable-line no-cond-assign curListBibl = generateCollection(collection, teiDoc); if (curListBibl) { listBibls.push(curListBibl); } } } else { var listBibl = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "listBibl"); for (let i in allItems) { item = allItems[i]; // skip attachments if (item.itemType == "attachment") { continue; } listBibl.appendChild(generateItem(item, teiDoc)); } listBibls.push(listBibl); } var outputElement; if (Zotero.getOption("Full TEI Document")) { outputElement = generateTEIDocument(listBibls, teiDoc); } else if (listBibls.length > 1) { outputElement = teiDoc.createElementNS(ns.tei, "listBibl"); for (let i = 0; i < listBibls.length; i++) { outputElement.appendChild(listBibls[i]); } } else if (listBibls.length == 1) { outputElement = listBibls[0]; } else { outputElement = teiDoc.createElement("empty"); } // write to file. Zotero.write('\n'); var serializer = new XMLSerializer(); Zotero.write(serializer.serializeToString(outputElement)); }