Generation of time-reversed wave fronts by nonlinear refraction* R. W. Hellwarth Electronics Sciences Laboratory, University of Southern California, University Park, Los Angeles, California 90007 (Received 2 September 1976) We describe a nonlinear method for generating, nearly instantaneously, a time-reversed replica of any monochromatic-beam wave pattern. The method employs the interaction of the incident beam, of arbitrary wave front, with counter-propagating plane "pump" waves in a homogeneous, transparent, nonlinear medium. Media are shown to exist in which time-reversed waves can be generated with high efficiency using available laser pump sources. I. INTRODUCTION For any electromagnetic wave that propagates through an inhomogeneous, nonabsorbing, medium (having no permanent magnetism), there can exist in principle a time-reversed replica of this wave. This means, for example, than an appropriately patterned but irregular wave front can travel through a randomly inhomogeneous medium and emerge as a coherent uniform wave front, providing it is a replica, reversed in time, of a coherent beam that is deformed by the same inhomogeneous medium. Here we propose a new method for generating, nearly instantaneously, the timereversed replica of any monochromatic beam. Our method employs the nonlinear refraction present in any medium and is realizable with existing laser sources. It is well known to be possible to generate a timereversed wave by nonlinear effects. Zeldovich etal.. showed experimentally that a nearly "time-reversed" wave was produced by stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in the backward direction of a ruby laser beam whose phase front had been deformed by an inhomogeneous medium. This wave was not perfectly time reversed as it was slightly downshifted in frequency by the acoustic frequency. Nosach etal. 2 used SBS to restore the coherence of a laser beam that had been amplified by an inhomogeneous amplifying medium. Recently, Yariv has proposed to "undo" the distortion of images transmitted by multimode optical fibers by parametric mixing in an acentric crystal.3 He has shown that the mixed wave would be a time-reversed version of the propagated wave that, upon further propagation in the fiber, would evolve back into the original pattern at the entrance face of the fiber. 3 This mixing process could also be used to produce an unguided, time-reversed beam. In either case, limitations are placed on the beam-acceptance angles in this process by "phase-matching" requirements on waves that can mix efficiently in the crystal. In the case of the technique using nonlinear refraction, which we discuss below, neither a frequency shift nor phase-matching need play a role, thus allowing a more accurate time-reversed replication than is possible with SBS or parametric mixing. Also, on the basis of nonlinear optical coefficients known to date, the effect we'discuss here can be produced with less laser pump power than either of the other effects. In Sec. II we will show how, in the presence of counter-propagating pump waves, a beam will cause the generation of its time-reversed wave by the nonlinear refraction which exists in any medium. In Sec. III we show that the pump power levels required for efficient time-reversed generation are well within the capability of available sources. We also suggest a simple experimental arrangement for demonstrating the generation of a time-reversed wave by nonlinear refraction. II. THEORY Consider a monochromatic electromagnetic beam that has a complex wave front and is incident from the left on a transparent slab of nonlinear dielectric, as shown in Fig. 1. We assume that this beam has an electric field ReEl (r) eiwt whose complex amplitude E (i=x,y,z) is known at every point r in space. We will derive the amplitude Fi(r) of the field radiated by the nonlinear electric polarization density RePNL(r) e-ivt that is created in the nonlinear medium by the interaction of this beam with strong forward and backward plane waves at frequency w0 that also exist in the medium. That is, we assume the following electric field to be impressed in a homogeneous nonlinear medium: Re[Ei(r) etw+t +Gieikoziwot +Hie-iz-iwot]. (1) By virtue of the (third-order) nonlinear susceptibility that exists in any medium, we have, at v =2wo - w, PZ =Xij Et. (2) Here, as throughout, the summation convention is used for repeated space indices, and Xij =6Ci k (- V, - wwo, w0 ) GkHj, (3) where the Cisl are the nonlinear susceptibility coefficients defined by Maker and Terhune4 and which are known, at least approximately, for many materials. 5 We will call the oppositely traveling plane waves at w0 y incident X (XI'Y11O) time- reversed ./ beam > S nonlinear '. medium pump wavevectors , 0 Z z FIG. 1. Schematic and nomenclature for calculation of timereversed wave fields. I J. Opt. Soc. Am., Vol. 67, No. 1,January 1977 Copyright © 1977 by the Optical Society of America the "pump" waves, as their amplitudes determine the magnitude of the nonlinear susceptibility X,,. Now we wish to calculate the electromagnetic field amplitude Fi generated at a point (x, y, z) far in front of the medium by PyLy and show that, when a = w0, Fj is proportional to the complex conjugate Et of the incoming wave front at the same point. That is, the generated wave is the "time-reversed" wave. We can, without loss of generality, take the transverse frontal plane, in which we will demonstrate this relation, to be at z =0, as shown in Fig. 1. For simplicity we will assume that, even though the nonlinear medium exists only between z 1 > d2Ak (7) and z» >? /2, (8) it is seen that, since Ak