UKRAINE ISSN 1726-4499 Spacetime & Substance International Physical Journal Volume 3, No. 5 (15), 2002 c 2002 Research and Technological Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication JSC UKRAINE Spacetime & Substance International Physical Journal ISSN 1726-4499 Certi cate of the series AB, No. 4858, issued by the State Committee for Information Policy, TV and Broadcasting of Ukraine (February 12, 2001). The Journal is published by Research and Technological Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication, JSC(Kharkiv, Ukraine). It is a discussion journal on problems of theoretical and experimental physics in the eld of research of space, time, substance and interactions. 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Tel.E: d+i3t8or(i0a5l7O2)19c-e5:5Z-7h7u,c(k04N4.)A2.,65R-T79I-T94T.RT,e3l./Kfaoxlo: m+e3n8sk(a0y5a72S)t.4,0K9-h2a9r8k,o4v0691-519646,, Ukraine 141-164, 141-165 E-mail:,, c 2002 Research and Technological Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication, JSC & Vol. 3 (2002), No. 5 (15), pp. 193{206 Spacetime Substance, c 2002 Research and Technological Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication, JSC EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE OF THE MICROWAVE BACKGROUND RADIATION FORMATION THROUGH THE THERMAL RADIATION OF METAGALAXY STARS V.S. Troitskij, V.I. Aleshin1 Radiophysical Research Institute, N.Novgorod, Russia Received Desember 2, 2002 The paper is devoted to the development of the theory of microwave background formation through the optical radiation of Metagalaxy stars which is transformed due to the redshift into the microwave and infrared star background radiation. An application of the theory to the model of a stationary nonexpanding Universe of a size not less than 40{50 thousand Mpc shows that the star microwave background is not strictly the blackbody one. Its brightness temperature and spectral density correspond to 2:73K in Rayleigh-Jeans region of the background  > 1mm, but grow signi cantly in submillimeter,infrared and optical wave ranges. This prediction is con rmed by available measurements up to optical wavelengths. Besides, the value and dependence of small-space background uctuations on the angular resolution and the wavelength predicted by the theory is in a good agreement with the experimental data. Finally, the fact, mysterious from the background relic origin point of view, of equality of the volume background energy density and the optical star radiation energy has a very simple and natural explanation. An application of the theory to the closed model of the Universe in the big-bang cosmology shows that at wavelengths  > 1mm the star background is negligibly small (no more then 0.1K), but at submillimeter waves it signi cantly exceeds 2.7K that comes into con ict with the hypothesis of the background relic origin and the idea of the big bang. It follows from the results obtained that the observable nonblackbody electromagnetic background is not a relic one and it has a star origin. For majority opinion to change on the correctness of the hot big-bang cosmology, it is clear that one or more of the arguments given above must be seen to fail ... . However, if a change does occur, it will probably come from one of three directions: ... b) A demonstration that there is an other plausible mechanism which could be responsible for the MBR, probably related to the idea that it does not have a perfect blackbody spectrum and/or that it could not have been coupled to the matter at an earlier epoch (Burbidge, 1989, p. 988) Introduction The idea to explain the microwave background radiation by sources of di erent nature is not new, but it has not yet been worked out in any concrete form. In this paper we investigate a possibility to explain the observed microwave background by the thermal radiation of the Metagalaxy stars. For this purpose it is evident to use some cosmological models of the structure and evolution of the Universe. The problem of the contribution of the star integral radiation in standard cosmology models was studied earlier. First studies in this direction were carried out by McVittie(1962). On the methodical basis of this work Doroshkevich and Novikov(1964) have published only results of colculations for di erent models of the standard cosmology. 1e-mail: The methods of calculations were not given. It has been shown, in particular, that at a wavelength of ob- ssetarvraitnitoengraol > 1mm the volume energy radiation is much less than density of the the blackbody radiation with the temperature T = 1K . There was an armation (Parijskij and Sunyaev 1973) that \the observed relic radiation cannot be explained by the in- tegral radiation of discrete sources" in standard cosmol- ogy models. To calculate the radiation of galaxies, as correctly noted by Zel'dovich and Novikov (1967), \is of prime importance in a hot model since it is the back- ground on which the relic radiation of the model itself is to be observed." This is a valuable but unused so far test of the background relic origin theory. Recently there have been some serious experimental demonstrations that the standard cosmology does not re ect any more a real state of matter and radiation in the Universe (lu- 194 V.S. Troitskij, V.I. Aleshin minosity of galaxies, their dimensions and evolution) (Segal 1992; Troitskij 1992,1994). In this connection and due to existing alternative cosmological theories it becomes important to explain the microwave by other physical reasons, in particular, by the optical radiation of stars in distant galaxies transformed into the radiofrequency band owing to the redshift of the radiation of stars along the path to an observer. In this formulation the problem requires justi ed physical procedures of calculation for its solution which are absent in full measure so far. The method of calculation and the rst estimations presented earlier (Troitskij 1994) had shown that in a static nonexpanding Universe the 3K background can be explained by the thermal radiation of stars if the size of the stationary Universe is at least by an order more than that of the generally adopted. In this present paper we give a detailed physical justi cation of the calculation method which is then applied to BGR calculation for di erent models of the Universe including the standard one. A comparison is made for the results obtained for di erent models with the observed characteristics of the microwave bthaactkgtrhoeuonredt.icaTlhmisomdealymaosgtoaoddeqteusattetowcithhootshee trheiasliotyr (see reviews of Baryshev 1992, Burbidge 1989). All said above justi es the statement of the present work. 1. Pbahcyksgicraolunbdasifsoromf asttaiornmicrowave To determine this radiation let us consider the Uni- verse as the Euclidean space lled with matter in the form of galaxies being the clusters of stars of di erent spectral classes. We suppose that the spatial distri- bution of galaxies in the Metagalaxy space is uniform and isotropic and their mean parameters over a su- ciently large volume do not depend practically on the distance. We suggest as well the star thermal radia- tion as a blackbody one. At rst let us consider the solution of the problem in a simpli ed form taking the temperature of all stars equal in the whole galaxy. Let n gal=Mpc be the mean volume density of galaxies, m, the mean number of stars in the galaxies, r, their mean radius, T ,the mean temperature of their photospheres. Let us take into account that the stars in galaxies are not practically projected to which other. Let us nd the spectral power density of the ther- mthaelarnatdeinantiaonap eurtxurfreowmitshtarresceapttiroandidoiafgrerqaumen cyster0adin. The full ux from the galaxies volume element R2 dR is at metric distance R in d = F (; T ) r2n m R2 dR d: (1) Here  is the radiation frequency of stars in their own reference frame, F(; T) is the Plank's function for the spectral density of the star blackbody emissivi- ty W=cm2Hz sr. Along the path of propagation up to a telescope antenna this radiation at frequency  will have three types of attenuation and a frequency trans- formation due to the redshift. The rst type is the attenuation in R2 times, the second type is the energy absorption in the propagation medium which we shall describe by the function (R). And at last the third type of attenuation is connected with the redshift of fre- quency  up To determine to observation frequency this type of attenuation th0er=e =(z + 1). is no need to use any hypothesis on the redshift nature except the fact of its existence. Let us consider the star radiation with a spectral density F(T) at frequency  in a nar- row frequency band d . At the observation point all tfstrhpimeieqsceutsserpandelcucitederseutnomsit(thwzyei0+lF:ls5p1b(e)ec0tsrTeaue)nnmdssichnoicfn(+etzterd0i+at:sc5d1toii)nowncnrweiwsaistictehohmuinbnpoce(hunzansnd+agateer1ddy) in the same times by weakening of the quantum ener- gy from h spectrum is etqouhal0t.o Thus, the energy the integral of F of the shifted ( T) in band =(z + 1) i.e. F( T) =(z + 1) = F( T) 0; where well at a p0ur=ely =(z + 1). This result is obtained as quantum approach. Indeed, radiation F( T) d for very narrow band d is a practically a monochromatic one and its power is proportional to h . At the reception point this monochromatic radia- tion (z + will have 1) times aesnceorgmypparreodpowrtitiohntahletoradhia0t,edi.eo.nel.esTs hine same extinction will be as well in the case of a wide reception band, overlapping all the spectrum of the ob- served radiation. To illustrate this point let us nd the total energy received As above, we suggest ftrhoemsotuhrecesoruardcieatwioitnhinreidtsshfirftamze. of reference have Planck spectrum. In this case each frequency at the observer of the whole spectrum ex- tending from  = 0 to  ! 1 will have a shift to zero frequency decreasing in (z + 1) times. This spectrum take the form d 0F (0) = 2h c2 03(z + 1)3  exp h0(z + kT 1)  1 1 d0; W=cm2sr; werh'serreefer0en=ce=fr(azm+e.1) is the frequency Integrating over in all the observfrequencies hB0o0lt(frzzom+ma1n)0n=kltoTow=1x and using the change of variables we have an analogue of the Stefan- P = 2k4 h3c2(z T4 + 1) Z1 0 x3 ex 1 dx = T 4=(z + 1): Experimental Evidence of the Microwave Background Radiation Formation through the thermal radiation of Metagalaxy stars195 Thus, as it is expected all the energy received decreases in (z + 1) times. It should be noted that in the standard cosmology the attenuation of galaxy radiation caused by the redshift due to the Doppler e ect is taken to be equal in (z + 1)2 times, i.e. for the Planck radiation spectrum F( T) d the received signal has power F( T) d=(z + 1)2 = F( T) d0=(z + 1): This attenuation, as suggested, is due both to the decrease of the quantum energy and their number (or in another words the frequency band). It seems that in this way the attenuation is determined twice: rst in (z+1) times due to the decrease of the quantum energy (quantum approach), and then again in (z+1) times due to the decrease of the band (classical approach), we consider such an approach to be groundless. So then, at the reception place we have the following illumination from the considered volume element dE = r2 n m (R) we obtain the required expression for the background radiation temperature  r2 nm 2hc203 Zzm 0 exp(z[h+01()z3+ (R1))=ddkRzTd] z 1 = = c2[exp(h2h0=03kTb) 1]: (5) The dimension of (5)is equal to W=cm2Hz sr. In dimensionless in meters, we form have designating 0 = c=0 , where 0 is  r2 nm Zzm 0 exp(zh+c(z1)+3 1()R=k) dTdRz0dz 1 = =  exp  hc k0Tb  1 1: (6) Denoting the left part as x we have for the background temperature F [0 (z + 1); T ] d0 dR; W=cm2sr; (2) where 1)=kT F ) [10](Wz +=cm1)2;sTr]H=z .2hTh03e(zfu+ll1i)ll3u=mc2i[neaxtpio(hni0n(zth+e antenna aperture from all the galaxies in the solid angle of the radiotelescope antenna is Z1 E =  r2 nm d0 F [0(z + 1); T ] (R) dR: (3) Tb(0) = k0 hc ln[(x + 1)=x] : (7) Expression (6) is simpli ed if, rstly, in the upp1gta)re=okruinin0ngkdtTtethgeerma t0pri:oes1trnattelu0irm:rm2eitaoTnfwbdteh,hesche=eacxvo0penkodtTnlhbyee,ntacitoa0ntl:1hdfueitndi0coe:tns2iio.rnheAdce(sxbzpimatacink+s--, sion we obtain from (6) 0 0 , If (R) is such then the upper that at some limit of the Rint=egRraml awxi;ll b e(Rdem anxi)te= Tb = r2 nm T Zzm (z 0 + 1)2 (z) dR dz dz: (8) and equal to distance R iRtsmraaxd.iaAtisoint is obvious, at at frequency the  given galaxy will come in the reception if the galaxy band at redshift the is z frequency . In this wa0y=to=in(zte+gra1t)e, expression (3) it is necessary to use the functional rela- tion between R and  or, ultimately, between R and z. for Then, substituting dR (z) we obtain nally in (3) for dR = dR dz dz , (R) Afisutlf uNzllml oeldwl=efdfoo3rfr0o0irn00tea0gnr3datc2iTmn:5g=acimnt6di.st1nh0ee3cKesesscaothrnyed rst condition is one at Tb  3K to know R(z) in the interval 0  z  1. For this purpose one can use ieRqnsut=aatshbaRelris0s hpirenszdtthvaeeepxrppiin reoterexidmrivmbeaynal ttt0aiholelnyoztbfhoserer5Hvzau(tSbieobgnlea0sl:lo01af2w9g9ao3Rlr,aTxt=riheoesiRtasl0ankwidzj E = r2 nm d0 1994). Then, for calculation it is necessary to determine the attenuation function (R). This can be done Zzm F [0(z 0 + 1); T] (z) dR dz dz; W=cm2sr: (4) In our case it is expedient to characterize the radia- tion as a E by the e ective temperature temperature of the blackbody Trabdwiahtiicohniswditeh ntehde same spectral power. Comparing (4) with the radiation of a black cavity E = 2h03 d0=c2[exp(h0=kTb) 1]; W=cm2sr; on the basis of di erent physical grounds. At rst we suggest the simplest ones, namely, that beginning from srboeygmitoehnedsiscRteann>trcaeRlRmpmairsttshcoeomfrapgdlaeilataetxiloyiensscflrryoeiemnngesdooun(roctrehsaebopusoatrtfbhreodmo)f wave propagation. This takes place when projections of all central parts of galaxies lying in the sight cone onfumlenbgetrhofRgmalaaxrieesminercgoinnge a nduptatkoindgistaarneace RR2mis . The equal to N = nR3 =3. The total projection area of their cen- tral parts of diameter 1 kPc is S = 0:25n R3l2. This 196 V.S. Troitskij, V.I. Aleshin area covers the part of the cross-section area of cone R2. Hence, only a part of radiation will pass through the cross-section (R) = 1 0:25Rnl2. The channel will fbt uh(enzencf)ut=il olyn(1Rcdl)oopes=eszdn=1zowmthd.eRenHp=ee Rrnemd=toh0oner,atihat.tetee.nwRuaatav=teRiloemnRng(0=tophrz1stc=hrw0ae:tee2nt5hainnaklgve2)es, place practically for the optical radiation forming the observed background. Let us take for the calculation l = 6 kPc; n = 2, then Rm ' 50000 MPc; zm ' 6 103. In the given estimation the galaxies and the stars inside the galaxies are regarded immovable relative the given spherical coordinate system with a centre at the observer. In reality there exist proper motions of the galaxies as well as the stars inside them. It is obvious that the account of these motions does not change the result obtained. Indeed, in a suciently large volume, say ' 103MPc, containing several thousand galaxies the directions of motions are distributed isotropically and the velocity values are distributed according to the normal law with the rms velocity  300km=s. So, the radiation of galaxies will have the frequency shift not more than = ' v=c ' 10 3: Owing to this fact the observed radiation temperature from each galaxy well di er from the average one not more than T=T  10 3. Due smallness of the e ect and its homogeneity when adding radiation of a large number of galaxies, the in uence of this chaotic velocities on the radiation frequency and temperature will be mutually compensated. The same can be said on the in uence of the velocity dispersion of the galaxy stars. Thus, the uniform and isotropic microwave background xes in a statistical sense the immovable coordinate system resting on all the galaxies of the visible part of the Universe. 2. JmtheiencerMroawelateavxgepablraaexscyskigornoufonrdsrtaadriation of In this section we give quite a general expression for the star background suitable for di erent models of the Universe. We suggest space lling with the galaxies be uniform and isotropic and their mean luminosity and dimensions be invariant in time and space. The problem is to give a calculation taking into account a contribution of the stars of di erent spectral classes, i.e. with di erent photosphere temperatures and sizes. As it is known, more than 80 per cent of stars in galaxies are those of the main sequence and hence they will determine chie y the observed star background. For this stars the required parameters r and T are given through the star luminosity M , determining its spectral class, radius and photosphere temperature. Let us use the known formula for the relative stellar radius r=r lg r=r = 5000 T 0:2M 0:02; (9) where T is the photospheric temperature of the star and M usually gisivietns pinhottaobglreaspahnicdvfaolruet.heThstearreslaotfiotnheMmTaiins sequence it is approximated with a sucient accuracy by the function T = 26 103 0:37 M + 2:4: (10) Substituting (10) into (9) we have r2 r 2 = 10 0:233M+1:05: (11) The luminosity distribution of the main sequence stars '(M) has been known (see, for example Lang 1974). The luminosity function '(M) is given in the table from form M= in4thteo inMter=va2l0Mthat12innveoalrveths espinectetrgaelr value class- es B A F G K M: The intervals of M values of these spectral classes are equal respectively to (-4,-1), (0,+3), (iz+a4ti,o+n6)P , (+'(7M,+)9)=, (+10,+19). We have 1. As a result, the used normalfull radiation will be  r 2 nm X 19 10 0;233M+1;05 '(M) 4 Zzm 0 expf(hzc+(z1+)3 1()z=)d0dRkz Tdgz 1= =  exp hc k0Tb 1 1: (12) Here T is de ned by (10). Function dR=dz is determined by accepted theoretical or experimental dependence R(z). Expression (12) does not depend explicitly on the accepted nature of the redshift. Its nature manietfhxeepstescrlioomsneeldnytatmhlormoduoegldheolfcootfhntechreesttUeannfdiuvanercrdtsieocnoRss(mzRo)(l=ozg)Ry. 0RFpo(zrz,)tfho=er cH 1z=(z + 1) and so on. 3. SrUatndairivaemtriosicenroinwaavestbataicckmgrooduenldof the Winge cwointhsidtehretghaelastxaietiscims uondiefloorfmthaenUdnisivoetrrosep.icSpinacseca llelsestimated by contemporary observations. We also suggest the mean dimensions and luminosity in the same scales to be invariant in time and in the whole Metagalaxy space. It is essential that this model follows Experimental Evidence of the Microwave Background Radiation Formation through the thermal radiation of Metagalaxy stars197 from observed mean (statistical) dependences of appar- ent luminosity m(z) and angular dimensions (z) of the galaxies and quasars which make possible to de- tRerm=in6e00tphez really existing dependence R(z) equal to Mpc in the redshift interval 0  z  5 (RTr=oiRts0kpijz1,9w9h5e).re Taking into account in R0 = 600Mpc we have (12), that A X 19 10 0:233M+1:05 '(M) 4 Zzm z 1=2(z + 1)3 (z)dz 0 expfhc(z + 1)=0kTg 1= =  exp hc k0Tb 1 1: (13) HerPeaTraims getiverenAbym(a1y0),haAve=o12nlyr 2andmmisRsi0b.le limits of possible values since a strict mean value of nm, i.e. a star number in a cubic Mpc, is unknown. Accord- ing to the data on the population of the Local Group containing three large galaxies with the star number m = 1011 1012 and about two tens with the star num- bnAemrlioesn1ei-n0o1nt1he. eaTnihndetnearavhtaalRlf10o0r=d1e62r0s0lMeAsspocna1ed0mca1in0ss,tibawklheeivc1ah0lu1me0 aoyf be used in the background calculation. Then taking the mhaevaTenh se(izzce)al=ocfu1tlahteiopcneznr=terzsamullt,pswaorhtfetrohefegzbamalacxkige5rs0o0ul0n'd 6 Kpc we 7000. tempera- ture are given in Tables 1 and 2 in the waveband from 1cHliummulabitttbseoldeopflfaionrirttessathreoexflpalawaewrmiRmiRcer=no=tnRa.RlHT0gpzrhoezue, xntrtdrshiatnepgtsoaelwbcaloitetnehdhdianbosentbyheoeeefnonidrncttteahhrlee-- val 0  z  0:02. The comparison of two tables shows there is not any signi cant di erence in the background temperature dependence on wavelength. It can be seen from the tables that at waves  > 1mm the background is determined by the stars of spectral classes A F G , at  < 1mm by those of classes B A and in the ultravio- let by only those of class B. To check these results we made as well the calculation of the background attenu- ation in (z + 1)2 times due to the redshift. In this case the dependencies remain practically unchanged, but the aotfeAbiosthanfoorrdtewrohliagwhesrRth=anRt0hpatzaas nadn upper limit the Hubble A most interesting and unexpected result of the the- ory is the growth of the background temperature in the submillimetre waveband. Any reasonable attempts to eliminate this growth were failed. Finally, it has been understood that the growth aries due to a sharp di er- ence of the star background from the blackbody one at submillimetre and shorter wavelengths. This has Figure 1: A comparison of the star background spectrum for the universe static model (solid 105) with the blackbody spectrum line) line at at Tb =zm2:=735K 103 7 (dotted been shown in Fig. 1 where the star background spec- trum is given in comparison with the blackbody one at T = 2:7K . Theoretical and blackbody spectra at T = 2:7K coincide in the Rayleigh-Jean's region of the Planck's spectrum and sharply di er in the Wiens's re- gion at  < 1mm. Here the star spectrum is practically at and its spectral density exceeds the spectral density of the Planck's spectrum by many orders at T = 2:7K that causes the growth of the equivalent background temperature. The reason of the spectra di erence is the fact that the star background is added up basical- ly from the Rayleigh-Jeans's parts of the star radiation spectra which extend to optical frequencies at a high star temperature. Really, the integral in (13)decreases exponentially with the frequency and, hence, beginning with some value of z it does not give any essentional contribution in integral (13). One may conclude that tsoahiforinesTstuhaalcktn(,ezdse+apc1l0ha)=casekpnwe0cahTtcretanu=lahcl1lcua(dspzespt+oeerrf1ms)lti=imankreisst0faoTotfrtaidhnnite degegtrirhveaneetntieoxvonapb.lrsueeAesrss-- vational waves has its actual upper limit of integration over z related as it is obvious with the cuto of the star Planck's spectrum in its Wiens's region. Thus, the background radiation is basically made at the star ra- diation in the Rayleigh-Jeans's region. Table III gives btehraecRkvgarl=ouuensRdo0fprazzdeefifa,tcrioehnsapraoatnctsaeibrgilzieveescnhtihwee ayvsiezlfeeonrogftthghae. laIotcbtisiscerslveaeeynd- from the table, that at centimeter and longer waves  > (0:5 1)cmthe background spectrum intensity is bounded by galaxy at   0:1 cm by screening the cuto at of ztmhest(a5r 7) 103 and radiation in- tensity in the Wiens's spectrum region. As a result, 198 V.S. Troitskij, V.I. Aleshin the background radiation in the Wiens's region is deter- mined by rather a thin layer of galaxies radiations in the Rayleigh-Jeans's region of the spectrum. The reduction in number of galaxies responsible for the background at   1mm is an important factor which leads to an es- sential increase of small-scale background uctuations for shorter waves, that is con rmed by observations. When calculating the star background we studied how the background temperature is in uenced by an increase of the star photosphere temperature at wave- lengths longer than 1cm. To estimate this in uence we have the only example, the Sun. Its brightness temper- atiwanhtsau,emvrterehesetefleaocrtr0sai.olcnA0u2ltTa0stcu1i=mocmnhTnptm0oer+moamycp5eobderreue1ara0tteuph5irpasenr,ocowox0fni:hsm0cte1earaKrertnsee.lTdyAb,=etixitnlpasc0rhsre=teos(,asuzsaeled+sdsfbb1aaye)tr remembered that the background temperature is de- tawebarosmvtieankmeedennbatyisotnawnedoincviaatlilcauulelsvaatAilouneasanondfdtzhames.tlrimiOctintvvtaihlsueibeibloiaftsyiAszomisf determined background from a requirement temperature should bthea2t.7a3tK. 0T=his3vcamluethoef A is given in tables. It is clear, only those calculations were used where A did not exceed the limits mentioned above. 4. Aswtiatcrhobmtahpceakrgmirseooaunsnuodrferpmardeeidnatitcsitoinontsheoofrtyhe Up to now extensive background measurements have been carried up to far IR close to optics. The star background theory may appear to be actual up to optical waves, so the comparison is not to be bound with the submillimetre waveband. Besides, the theory proposed explains naturally the observed small-scale space uctuations of the background intensity as well as a mysterious so far phenomenon of the equality of the microwave background intensity and the optical radiation of a mean galaxy including ours. These questions are considered in detail below. 4.1. The star background spectrum and observations Its obvious, that the comparison of the theory with ob- servations is of interest rst of all in the submillime- tre waveband. The background measurements in this wavelength region have already been in progress for a quarter of a century. They have been started to con- rm the blackbody character of radiation at this waves followed from the Big Bang theory. rst investigations aptenwdaevnetlelnagbtohrsator0ie> nd a derivative 1 and of log x Tibn=T(6b)( a)n=d x=x. obtain Then we x=x = 2 r=r + n=n + m=m, here r; n; m are dis- persions of corresponding values. The value r is a mean dimension, so r ' of stars in galaxies , 0. as itTihsekndoiswpner,siisonpomf the . number To determine the dispersion of n it is necessary to account the total number of galaxies in the antenna pat- tern up to the Rtemnnadep eelnddionfg oe nectiavcecodridstianngcteooTf avbisleibIiIliIt.yInRteh(e)ansight equal to sterad there will be Npa1van=Nrp di=an0=b:ln3=ep3s0Nn:n3n=R300:Ra(3:n33()3d3RR) 3m(3e. ()3)D g Tau.lef=arTTxothimoee=sniwnwphdieet(nrphee=nnddi=snenpn=N)ecn2re=s+=0ioo:(3nf3rRNma3en=N=(Ndmo)m)== 2 Experimental Evidence of the Microwave Background Radiation Formation through the thermal radiation of Metagalaxy stars201 Figure 5: Experimental dependence of T=T as a func- Figure 6: Spatial dependence of the value X = tion of observation of wavelength [( T=T)2 m 1] on the wavelength (solid line) as com- pared with the experimental data of TableIV (points) and we have nally T T = p1m p1 + m=0:33 n R()3 : (15) The measurement results of background tempera- ture uctuations have been given in the review of Par- ijskij (1990). These results are shown in Fig. 4 in the form of the dependence of lg T=T on lg in the in- terval 0 <  2, containing 73 data points. The measurement of T=T were carried out in the wave- length of the interval antenna 10 1  pattern 00:020 50  cpm at  a di erent 30000: width All measurement results are within interval 10 5  T=T  10 3. It is not possible to reveal any regular behavior in the dependence of T=T on over all data given in Fig. 4 due to a strong spread of data composed of measurement of di erent authors and measurement procedures. However, we hope that the data of the same authors for di erent are most free of relative errors. These data are those of Parijskij and Berlin. According to the data of these authors in Fig. 4 we have clear dependencies of T=T on . Here as well there has been at he theoretical dependence calculated ffpooerrrimn0e=>nt2a1,lmdmmat=awho1fi0cP1h0aarasijnissdkisjeReaenn(dw)eBl=leral4gin0re. e1Ts0hw3uMitsh,ptcthheveaoelbxid-- served small-scale background anisotropy is explained by discreteness of the background radiation sources, the galaxy stars. Besides, the calculation presented pre- dicts according to (15) and Table III the dependence of T=T on the observation wave through the change of the size of the galaxy e ective layer taking part in the background formation. To reveal this dependence one should exclude the in uence of . For this purpose we have sampled the measurement from the data of Fig. 4 in a suciently narrow band 0:8  lg  1:2 and then have plotted the dependence T=T on . Fig. 5 presents this dependence which con rms the prediction. The desired dependence was determined as well from all the data. One can obtain easily from (15) the dependence excluding the in uence of , namely X " = T 2 T 1 m # = 0:33 m n R3() : Here T=T and are the corresponding experimental data from Fig. 4. Fig. 6 gives the experimental dependence of X on  in comparison with the th theoretical one. The fact of their proper coincidence is a strong argument in favor of the theory of the star background formation. 5. Sstthtaaenradmlatreidcrrnocaowtsiavmveeotlbhoagecoykrmgiersooduenldanindtihne For general formula (12) will do to calculate the back- ground in this case. A speci c point for the standard cosmology models is a restriction of the integration lim- it in time o(1f 2th) eugpaltaoxizems. < In 10 owing to a limited existence the process of calculation for the cfwdholRaohrsse=terthddehzeemcd=HfioosRt0dllaeoH1nlw=c=wie(ne-zRrghe+Hfdaosv1rhie)msi2ftttoharenteadlUaktetnihiotvehneegrRsetenh(zeerr)oaard=leituecixscH.par0lIene1sxzstpi=hor(inezss+sc(i1a1o2s)ne), AH X 19 10 0:233M+1:05 '(M) 4 Z10 (z + 1) (z)dz 0 expfhc(z + 1)=0kTg 1= 202 V.S. Troitskij, V.I. Aleshin =  exp hc kTb0 1 1; (16) where AH km=s Mpc a=nd r( 2zn) m= c1H. 0 1 . Let us take H0 = 75 Table V gives the calculation result at the mini- mum value from where of A for two values it is seen that the star obfaczkmgro=un5d and 10 temper- ature exceeds 2:7K at submillimetre waves and makes its noticeable part at millimetre waves. From that it follows an unambiguous conclusion that the observed microwave background is to be consisted of the sum of star and relic contributions. In other words the relic background has no place at millimetre and especially submillimetre waves. Hence, we have a de nite incon- sistency of the Big Bang theory to explain the observed microwave background radiation. From the given calculation it is clear that none of the models with a hot origin can explain the microwave background by the optical radiation of stars. In this case the existence region of the galaxies form is get- ting too small limited by the interval z  10. Here we include the in ation model and the models based on conformal metrics (Hoyle and Narlikar 1972, Troit- skij 1987, Petit 1988). The models of a steady-state, i.e. nonexpanding, nonlimited in space and time Uni- verse are in a particular position. We have here the model which explains the redshift by \quantum aging." In this case, as it is known, the quantum energy is supposed to have an exponential attenuation with dis- tance, that background gisivaelssoRex=plaRin0eldn(bzy+th1e) . Here optical observation radiation of stars. In conclusion we have to note, that microwave background distortions associated with the interaction of relativistic electrons with photons etc. considered in detail by Sel'dovich and Sunyaev (1992) are also valid in the model of the background star origin. 6. Conclusion All observatiounal imlications of the MBR star origin theory of the stationary nonlimited in space and time Universe are con rmed by all known experimental data. The theoretical background spectrum obtained is con rmed by experimental data in a wide band from decimdeemtroicnsttoraIRtesaandp,lapurosibbaleblmy,eecvheannitsomopotfitchael wbaacvkegs.roTuhnids formation resulting in a conclusion that MBR is not a perfect blackbody radiation and cannot be coupled to the matter at a earlier epoch. An additional factor othfetrMusBtRisetnheergeyxpdleannsaittyionanodf tahemoypstteicriaolursadeqiautaiolintyeno-f ergy density of stars in our Galaxy, as well as the cause of background small-scale anisotropy which predict value and dependence on the antenna pattern width and observation wavelength are con rmed by the measure- ments. All this is a serious evidence against the idea of Big Bang and in favor of the steady-state Universe hypothesis. References [1] Yu.V. Baryshev. \Progress of Science and Technology," Gravitation and Cosmology, 4 (1992), (Moscow, in Russian). [2] A.D. Bliter. IAU Symposium N63: \Conformation of Cosmological Theories with Observational Data," 1974 (USA). [3] G.R. Burbidge. Int. J. Theor. Phys., 28, 983 (1989). [4] A.G. Doroshkevich, I.D. Novikov. DAN USSR, 154, 809 (1964). [5] F. Hoyle and J.V. Narlicar. NNRAS, 155, 305 (1972). [6] M. Kawada, J.J. Bock, V.V. Hristov et al. Ap. J. 425, L-89 (1994). [7] A. Kogut, M. Beksanelli, G. DeAmici et al. 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A = 0.11488E - 10 MAX Z= 7000.0 (mm) 0.0001 0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 30.000 100.000 200.000 400.000 800.000 700.000 1000.000 B/S 0.013% A/S 1.40% FG/S 7.47% K/S 9.29% M/S 81.82% T back 0.986 0.014 0.000 0.000 0.000 3668.36 0.219 0.560 0.195 0.023 0.003 520.08 0.238 0.543 0.189 0.025 0.005 71.95 0.231 0.547 0.191 0.025 0.005 11.88 0.165 0.568 0.228 0.032 0.006 3.09 0.061 0.480 0.358 0.075 0.025 2.56 0.053 0.454 0.373 0.086 0.034 2.73 0.050 0.445 0.378 0.090 0.037 2.81 0.050 0.443 0.379 0.090 0.038 2.83 0.050 0.442 0.379 0.091 0.039 2.84 0.049 0.442 0.379 0.091 0.039 2.85 0.049 0.442 0.379 0.091 0.039 2.85 0.049 0.441 0.379 0.091 0.039 2.85 A = 0.25633E -10 MAX Z = 5000.0 (mm) 0.0001 0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 30.000 100.000 200.000 400.000 800.000 700.000 1000.000 B/S 0.013% A/S 1.40% FG/S 7.47% K/S 9.29% M/S 81.82% T back 0.986 0.014 0.000 0.000 0.000 3740.04 0.220 0.560 0.193 0.023 0.003 535.29 0.237 0.543 0.190 0.025 0.005 74.92 0.228 0.549 0.193 0.026 0.005 12.68 0.141 0.570 0.245 0.036 0.007 3.53 0.057 0.469 0.365 0.080 0.028 2.72 0.052 0.450 0.375 0.087 0.035 2.73 0.050 0.444 0.378 0.090 0.038 2.74 0.050 0.442 0.379 0.091 0.038 2.74 0.049 0.442 0.379 0.091 0.039 2.74 0.049 0.441 0.379 0.091 0.039 2.75 0.049 0.441 0.379 0.091 0.039 2.75 0.049 0.441 0.379 0.091 0.039 2.75 A=0.88421E - 10 MAX Z = 3000.0 (mm) 0.0001 0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 30.000 100.000 200.000 400.000 800.000 700.000 1000.000 B/S 0.013% A/S 1.40% FG/S 7.47% K/S 9.29% M/S 81.82% T back 0.986 0.014 0.000 0.000 0.000 3857.52 0.222 0.561 0.191 0.023 0.003 560.66 0.235 0.544 0.191 0.025 0.005 80.00 0.220 0.551 0.197 0.026 0.005 14.13 0.108 0.558 0.281 0.044 0.010 4.31 0.054 0.458 0.371 0.084 0.032 2.89 0.051 0.447 0.377 0.089 0.037 2.73 0.050 0.443 0.379 0.090 0.038 2.67 0.050 0.442 0.379 0.091 0.039 2.66 0.049 0.441 0.379 0.091 0.039 2.65 0.049 0.441 0.379 0.091 0.039 2.65 0.049 0.441 0.379 0.091 0.039 2.65 0.049 0.441 0.380 0.091 0.039 2.65 204 (mm) 0.0001 0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 30.000 100.000 200.000 400.000 800.000 700.000 100.000 (mm) 0.0001 0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 30.000 100.000 200.000 400.000 800.000 700.000 1000.000 V.S. Troitskij, V.I. Aleshin The same as in Table I, but for the Hubble law R=RH * z. A = 0.11362E - 11 MAX Z=3000.0 B/S A/S FG/S K/S M/S 0.013% 1.40% 7.47% 9.29% 81.82% 0.994 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.350 0.517 0.121 0.011 0.001 0.313 0.520 0.147 0.017 0.003 0.285 0.535 0.159 0.019 0.003 0.119 0.573 0.263 0.038 0.007 0.055 0.460 0.370 0.084 0.032 0.051 0.447 0.377 0.089 0.037 0.050 0.443 0.379 0.090 0.038 0.050 0.442 0.379 0.091 0.039 0.049 0.441 0.379 0.091 0.039 0.049 0.441 0.379 0.091 0.039 0.049 0.441 0.379 0.091 0.039 0.049 0.441 0.380 0.091 0.039 A = 0.25601E - 11 MAX 2=5000.0 B/S A/S FG/S K/S M/S 0.013% 1.40% 7.47% 9.29% 81.82% 0.994 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.351 0.516 0.120 0.011 0.001 0.315 0.519 0.146 0.017 0.003 0.296 0.529 0.154 0.018 0.003 0.166 0.582 0.218 0.029 0.005 0.058 0.472 0.364 0.079 0.028 0.052 0.451 0.375 0.087 0.035 0.050 0.444 0.378 0.090 0.038 0.050 0.443 0.379 0.090 0.038 0.050 0.442 0.379 0.091 0.039 0.049 0.441 0.379 0.091 0.039 0.049 0.441 0.379 0.091 0.039 0.049 0.441 0.379 0.091 0.039 T back 3381.34 488.63 71.29 12.82 4.09 2.86 2.73 2.68 2.67 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 T back 3264.10 465.14 66.45 11.40 3.28 2.68 2.73 2.76 2.76 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 Table II Table III The dependence of the e ective distance of di erent spectral class on the observation wavelength. cm0 10 T = 25 103 Z17e5 103 1 17.5 103 0.1 1750 0.01 175 0.001 17.5 0.0001 1.75 T = 10 103 Z70e 103 7.103 700 70 7 0.7 T = 6 103 Z42e 103 4.2 103 420 42 4.2 0.42 T = 4 103 Z28e 103 2.8 103 280 28 2.8 0.28 Experimental Evidence of the Microwave Background Radiation Formation through the thermal radiation of Metagalaxy stars205 Table IV Experimental measurement data of the background radiation spectral density and its brightness temperature as dependent on wavelength. 1-16 - Kogut 1988, 17-18 - Meyer 1986, 19-24 - Matsumoto 1988, 25-36 - Mather 1994, 37-43 - Kawada 1994, 44-46 - Leinert 1995, 47 - Lang 1974, 48 -Vikhlinin 1995. No  [mm] 1 120.000 2 81.000 3 63.000 4 30.000 5 12.000 6 9.090 7 3.330 8 2.640 9 2.640 10 1.320 11 1.320 12 3.510 13 1.980 14 1.480 15 1.140 16 1.000 17 2.640 18 1.320 19 1.160 20 0.709 21 0.481 22 0.262 23 0.137 24 0.102 B() 10 24 W cm2 sr Hz 0.522 1.049 1.801 7.297 42.655 69.962 252.266 331.158 342.627 340.065 335.124 276.694 477.012 456.029 231.624 141.735 339.750 360.202 302.769 116.866 29.404 3.678 82.966 3.700 Tb [oK] No 2.780 25 2.580 26 2.700 27 2.610 28 2.780 29 2.810 30 2.600 31 2.700 32 2.740 33 2.760 34 2.750 35 2.800 36 2.950 37 2.920 38 2.650 39 2.550 40 2.730 41 2.800 42 2.790 43 2.956 44 3.179 45 4.125 46 8.650 47 8.740 48  [mm] 350.000 125.000 80.000 70.000 40.000 10.000 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 0.500 0.240 0.154 0.134 0.130 0.100 0.095 0.060 0.0008 0.00035 0.0005 0.00065 0.00000912 B() 10 24 W cm2 sr Hz 0.060 0.467 1.105 1.465 4.254 59.173 169.739 226.599 306.290 382.538 204.305 8.321 5.600 1.330 5.800 4.800 3.300 5.000 4.800 0.650 0.135 0.250 0.450 0.0001 Tb [oK] 2.700 2.700 2.650 2.700 2.640 2.800 2.726 2.726 2.726 2.726 2.726 2.726 7.013 5.867 7.221 7.305 8.820 9.436 13.726 554.560 1126.722 826.945 662.294 3181.021 Table V The star component of the background for the closed model of the universe in the standard cosmology. A = 0.15000 E-11 MAX Z = 10.0 (mm) 0.001 0.010 0.100 0.500 1.000 2.000 4.000 8.000 30.000 100.000 500.000 1000.000 B/S 0.013% A/S FG/S 1.40% 7.47% K/S 9.29% M/S 81.82% T back 0.121 0.579 0.260 0.035 0.005 469.81 0.057 0.466 0.366 0.081 0.030 54.08 0.050 0.444 0.378 0.090 0.038 5.98 0.049 0.442 0.379 0.091 0.039 1.28 0.049 0.441 0.380 0.091 0.039 0.66 0.049 0.441 0.380 0.091 0.039 0.34 0.049 0.441 0.380 0.091 0.039 0.18 0.049 0.440 0.380 0.092 0.039 0.09 0.048 0.437 0.381 0.093 0.041 0.03 0.046 0.430 0.385 0.096 0.044 0.01 0.039 0.402 0.397 0.107 0.055 0.00 0.034 0.385 0.405 0.114 0.062 0.00 206 (mm) 0.001 0.010 0.100 0.500 1.000 2.000 4.000 8.000 30.000 100.000 500.000 1000.000 (mm) 0.001 0.010 0.100 0.500 1.000 2.000 4.000 8.000 30.000 100.000 500.000 1000.000 V.S. Troitskij, V.I. Aleshin A = 0.15000 E-12 MAX Z = 10.0 B/S 0.013% A/S 1.40% FG/S 7.47% K/S 9.29% M/S 81.82% T back 0.121 0.579 0.260 0.035 0.005 437.20 0.057 0.466 0.366 0.081 0.030 49.80 0.050 0.444 0.378 0.090 0.038 5.46 0.049 0.442 0.379 0.091 0.039 1.16 0.049 0.441 0.380 0.091 0.039 0.60 0.049 0.441 0.380 0.091 0.039 0.31 0.049 0.441 0.380 0.091 0.039 0.16 0.049 0.440 0.380 0.092 0.039 0.08 0.048 0.437 0.381 0.093 0.041 0.02 0.046 0.430 0.385 0.096 0.044 0.01 0.039 0.402 0.397 0.107 0.055 0.00 0.034 0.385 0.405 0.114 0.062 0.00 A = 0.15000 E - 12 MAX Z=5.0 B/S 0.013% A/S 1.40% FG/S 7.47% K/S 9.29% M/S 81.82% T back 0.116 0.578 0.265 0.036 0.005 436.06 0.055 0.460 0.370 0.083 0.032 49.35 0.050 0.443 0.379 0.090 0.038 5.39 0.049 0.441 0.379 0.091 0.039 1.15 0.049 0.441 0.380 0.091 0.039 0.59 0.049 0.441 0.380 0.091 0.039 0.30 0.049 0.440 0.380 0.091 0.039 0.16 0.049 0.439 0.380 0.092 0.040 0.08 0.048 0.434 0.383 0.094 0.042 0.02 0.044 0.422 0.388 0.099 0.047 0.01 0.035 0.387 0.404 0.113 0.061 0.00 0.031 0.372 0.411 0.119 0.067 0.00 & Vol. 3 (2002), No. 5 (15), pp. 207{224 Spacetime Substance, c 2002 Research and Technological Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication, JSC THE MEASURING OF ETHER-DRIFT VELOCITY AND KINEMATIC ETHER VISCOSITY WITHIN OPTICAL WAVES BAND Yu.M. Galaev1 The Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of NSA in Ukraine, 12 Ac. Proskury St., Kharkov, 61085 Ukraine Received November 15, 2002 The experimental hypothesis veri cation of the ether existence in nature, i.e. the material medium, responsible fvoerloeclietcytraonmdatghneeteitchweravkeinsepmraotpiacgvaitsicoonsihtyashbaesebneepnerpforrompoesde.dTahned orpeatilcizaeldm. eTahsuerrinesgulmtsetohfosdysotfemthaetiecthmeeramsuorveemmeenntst do not contradict the original hypothesis statements and can be considered as experimental imagination con rmation of the ether existence in nature, as the material medium. The experimental hypothesis veri cation of the ether existence in nature, i.e. material medium, responspiebrlfeorfmoredeleecatrrloiemr aingntehteicwwoarkvses[1p-r3o],pawgiathtiionnmhiallsimbeeteenr radio waves band, by the phase method. The results of the experiment [1-3] do not contradict the original hypothesis statements, based on the ether model of V.A. Atsukovsky [4-6]. In the model [4-6] the ether is introduced by the material medium composed of separate particles, that lls in the world space, has the properties of viscous and coercible gas, is the construction material for all material formations. The physical elds represent the ether various movement forms, i.e. the ether is the material medium, responsible for electromagnetic waves propagation. The experimental model basis [4-6] was, rst of all, the positive results of the ether drift search published by D.C. Miller in 1922-1926 [7-9] and A.A. Michelson, F.G. Pease and F. Pearson in 1929 [10]. The experiment [7-9] is performed within the electromagnetic waves optical band, di ered by careful preparation, veri ed methods of the investigation conducting and statistically signi cant measurement restuoltths.e Tethheermiemasaugriendateitohnesradvraiifltapbaleraamt ethteartstmimisem, aastcshteadtionary medium. Orbital component of the ether drift velocity, stipulated by the Earth movement around the Sun with the velocity 30 km/sec, was not detected. Mheiilglehrt oofbt2a6i5nemd, atbhoavte tthhee estehaerlevderlif(tCvleevloelceintyd,aUt StAhe) has the value about 3 km/sec, and at the height of 1830 m (Mount Wilson observatory, USA) | about 10 1e-mail:; Ph.: +38 (0572) 27-30-52 km/sec. The apex coordinates the Solar system move- ment were declination deter+m6in5ed. : direct ascension Such movement is  17:5h, almost per- pendicular to an ecliptic plain (coordinates of the North Pole ecliptic:  18h ,   +66). Miller showed, that the observed e ects can be explained, if to accept, that the ether stream has a galactic (space) origin and the velocity more than 200 km/sec. Almost perpendicu- larly directional orbital component of the velocity is lost on this background. Miller referred the velocity decrease of the ether drift from 200 km/sec up to 10 km/sec to unknown reasons. Some peculiarities of the experiment results [7-9] and [10], are explained by the ether viscosity in the works [4-6]. In this case the boundary layer, in which the ether movement velocity (the ether drift) increas- es with the height growth above the Earth's surface, is formed at the relative movement of the solar System and the ether near the Earth's surface. In the works [1-3] it is shown, that the results of sys- tematic experimental investigations within radio waves band can be explained by the wave propagation phe- nomenon in the moving medium of a space origin with a vertical velocity gradient in this medium stream near the Earth's surface. The gradient layer availability can be explained by this medium viscosity, i.e. the feature proper to material media, the media composed of sep- amraaltegrpaadriteincltess.wTasheeqmuaelatnov8a.l6uemo/fstehce mm.eaTsuhreevdemloacixtiy- comparison of the suspected ether drift, measured in the experiments [1-3], [7-9] and [10], is performed in the works [1-3]. The place distinctions of geographic lati- tudes and their heights above the sea level are taken 208 Yu.M. Galaev into account in these experiments conducting at comparison. It is obtained, that in the experiment [1-3] the ether drift velocity is within 6124 : : :8490 m/sec, that according to the value order coincide with the data of the works [7-9] and [10], which are within 6000 : : :10000 m/sec. The comparison result can be considered as mutual truthfulness con rmation of the experiments [1-3], [7-9] and [10]. The positive results of three experiments [1-3], [79], [10] give the basis to consider the e ects detected in these experiments, as medium movement developments, responsible for electromagnetic waves propagation. Such medium was called as the ether [11] at the times of Maxwell, Michelson and earlier. The conclusion was made in the works [1-3], that the measurement results within millimeter radio waves band can be considered as the experimental hypothesis con rmation of the material medium existence in nature such as the ether. Further discussions of the experiment results [1-3] have shown the expediency of additional experimental analysis of the ether drift problem in an optical wave band. Experiments [7-9] and [10] are performed with optical interferometers manufactured according to the cruciform Michelson's schema [12,13]. The work of such interferometer based on the light passing in a forward direction and returning it to the observing point along the same path. The Michelson's interferometer sensitivity was low to the original ether drift e ects. The measured value D in such a device, i.e. visually observed bands o set of an interference pattern expressed in terms of a visible bandwidth, is proportional to velocity ratio quadrate of the ether drift W to the light velocity c, the optical length of the light beam l and is inversely proportional to the wave length of electromagnetic emission (light)  [12]. D = (l=) (W=c)2 : (1) We shall call the interval, which a beam passes in the interferometer measuring part, as the optical length of the light beam. The research methods and experiments in the investigations of the ether drift, in which the measured value is proportional (W=c)2 was called as the "methods and experiments of the second order". Accordingly the methods and experiments, in which the measured value is proportional to the rst ratio extent W=c are called as the methods and experiments of the rst order. The ratio is W/c  1 at the expected value in the experiments of Michelson, Miller W  30 km/sec. The methods of the second order are ine ective at this requirement. So at W  30 km/sec the method of the second order in 10000 (!) times succumbs on sensitivity to the method of the rst order. However at that time the methods of the rst order, suitable for the ether drift velocity measuring, were not known. The expression (1) allows to estimate the diculties, with which the explorers of the ether drift confronted in the rst attempts while observing the e ects of the second order. So in the widely known rst experiment of Michelson 1881 [12], at the suspected velocity value of the ether drift W  30 km/sec, with the interferometer having parameters:   6 10 7 m; l  2:4 m, it was expected to observe the value D  0:04 of the band. And it is in the requirements of considerable band shivering of an interference pattern. In the work [12] Michelson marked: "The band were very indistinct and they were dicult for measuring in customary con- ditions, the device was so sensitive, that even the steps on the sidewalk tory caused the icnomaphleutnedrbeadndmsevtearnsisfhrionmg!"th. eLoabtseerr,vain- 1887, Michelson, also in his world-known work [14], to- gether with E.V.Morly, once again marked the essential de ciencies of his rst experiment as for the ether drift [12]: "In the rst experiment one of the basic considered diculties consisted in the apparatus rotating without the distorting depositing, the second | in its exclusive sensitivity to vibrations. The last was so great, that it was impossible to see interference bands, except short intervals at the business-time in the city, even at 2 a.m. At last, as it was marked earlier, the value, which should be measured, i.e. the interference bands o set because of something on the interval, smaller, than 1=20 of the interval between them, is too small, to determine it, moreover at laying inaccuracies of the experiment". In Miller's interferometer, for sensitivity increase, the optical path length in each of shoulders reached up to 64 meters [7-9]. It was gained due to applying of multiple re ection. The actual length of shoulders was reduced up to 4 meters. In the experiment [10] the optical length of the path reached 26 meters. In the experiments [7-9] and [10] the interferometers laid on rafts, placed in tanks with quicksilver, that allowed to remove the in uence of exterior mechanical clutters. The positive results of Miller's experiment by virtue of their general physical signi cance attracted the physi- cists' great attention at that time. In the monographs [15] 150, devoted to the ether drift's problem and refer- ring to 1921-1930, are mentioned that almost everyone were concentrated on the discussion of Miller's results. The possible in uencing of the dicult considered ex- terior reasons (temperature, pressure, solar radiation, air streams etc.) on the optical cruciform interferom- eter, sensitive to them, which had considerable overall dmimosetnwsiiodnesly[1i6n]tihnesMe iwlleorr'kss.exBpeesriidmeesnbtsy wvairstudeisocuf smseed- thodical limitations being in the works [7-9] and [10], their authors did not manage to show experimentally correctly, that the movement, detected in their exper- iments, can be explained by the Earth relative move- ment and the medium of material origin, responsible for electromagnetic waves propagation [1-3]. However the most essential reason, which made Miller's con- temporaries consider his experiments erratic, was that in numerous consequent works, for example, such as The measuring of ether-drift velocity and kinematic ether viscosity within optical waves band 209 [17-20], Miller's results were not con rmed. In the experiments [17-20] so-called the \zero results" were obtained, i.e. the ether drift was not detected. Thus, taking into consideration the works de ciencies [7-9], [10] and a major number of experiments with a zero result available, it is possible to understand the physicists' mistrust to the works [7-9], [10] at that time, the results of which pointed the necessity of the fundamental physical concept variations. The analytical review of the most signi cant experiments, performed with the purpose of the ether drift search, is explained in the works [1-3, 21]. In 1933 D.K. Miller, in his summary work [22], performed the comparative analysis of multiple unsuccessful attempts of his followers to detect the ether drift experimentally. He paid attention that in all such attempts, except the experiment [10], optical interferometers were placed in hermetic metallic chambers. The authors of these experiments tried to guard the devices from exposures with such chambers. In the experiment [10] it was placed into a fundamental building of the optical workshop at the Mount Wilson observatory for stabilizing the interferometer temperature schedule. The hermetic metallic chamber was not applied, and the ether drift was detected. Its velocity had the value W  6000 m/sec. Miller made the conclusion: "Massive non-transparent shields available are undesirable while exploring the problem of ether capturing. The experiment should be made in such a way that there were no shields between free ether and light way in the interferometer". Later, new opportunities for conducting experiments on the ether drift discovery have appeared also after the instruments occurrence based on completely diverse ideas (resonators, masers, Messbauer's e ect etc.). Such experiments were held [23-26]. And again the massive metallic chamber usage was the common instrumental error of these experiments. In the works [23,24,26] there were the metallic resonators, in the work [25] | a lead chamber, because it was necessary to use gamma radiation. The authors of these works, perhaps, didn't pay attention to Miller's conclusions of 1933 about the bulk shields inapplicability in the ether drift experiments. The phenomena physical interpretation of the essential ether drift velocity reduction at metallic shields available was given by V.A. Atsukovsky for the rst time, having explained major ether-dynamical metal resistance of a Fermi's surface available in them [6]. The purpose of the work is the experimental hypothesis test of the ether existence in nature within an optical electromagnetic waves band | material medium, responsible for electromagnetic waves propagation. It is necessary to solve the following problems for reaching this purpose. To take into account the de ciencies that occurred in the experiments earlier conducted. To elaborate and apply an optical measuring method and the metering device, which does not iterate the Michelson's schema, but being its analog in the sense of result interpretation. (Michelson's interferometer of the second order is a bit sensitive to the ether streams and too sensitive to exposures.) To execute systematic measurements in the epoch of the year corresponding to the epoch of the experiments implementation [1-3], [7-9], [10]. (The term "epoch" is borrowed from astronomy, in which the observation of di erent years performed in the months of the same name, refer to the observations of one epoch.) The results of systematic measurements should be compared to the results of the previous experiments. The positive result of the experiment can be considered as experimental hypothesis con rmation of the ether existence in nature as material medium. in tMheewaosurkrsin[4g-6m], ewtahsoadc.ceTptheedeatthemr amkoindgelt,hpereoxppoesreidment. The following e ects should be observed experimentally within the original hypothesis: The anisotropy e ect | the velocity of electromagnetic waves propagation depends on radiation direction, that is stipulated by the relative movement of the solar System and the ether - the medium, responsible for electromagnetic waves propagation. The height e ect | the velocity of wave propagation depends on the height above the Earth's surface, that is stipulated by the Earth's surface interaction with the viscous ether stream - material medium, responsible for electromagnetic waves propagation. The space e ect | the velocity of wave propagation changes its value with a period per one stellar day, that is stipulated by a space (galactic) origin of the ether drift | the medium, responsible for electromagnetic waves propagation. Thus the height (astronomical coordinate) of the Solar system movement apex will change its value with the period per one stellar day as well as for any star owing to the Earth's daily rotating. Therefore the velocity horizontal component of the ether drift and, hence, the velocity of electromagnetic wave propagation along the Earth's surface will change the values with the same period. The hydroaerodynamic e ect | the velocity of electromagnetic waves propagation depends on movement parameters of viscous gas-like ether in directing systems (for example, in tubes), that is stipulated by solids interaction with the ether stream | material medium,responsible for electromagnetic waves propagation. (As it is known, the law of uids and gases motions and their interaction with solids is learnt by hydroaerodynamics. This e ect, apparently, should be called as the etherdynamics e ect with reference to the ether dynamics. It can be seen, that "the height e ect" is referred to the etherdynamic e ect class. However in the work, by virtue of methodical reception distinction used for their discovery, the e ects are indicated as separate). According to the investigation purpose, the measuring method should be sensitive to these e ects. 210 Yu.M. Galaev The following model statements are used at measuring method development [4-6]: the ether is a material medium, responsible for electromagnetic waves propagation; the ether has properties of viscous gas; the metals have major etherdynamic resistance. The imagination of the hydroaerodynamic (etherdynamic) e ect existence is accepted as the initial position. The method of the rst order based on known regularities of viscous gas movement in tubes [27-28] has been proposed and realized within the optical electromagnetic waves band in the work for measuring of the ether drift velocity and ether kinematic viscosity. The method essence is in the following. Let's place a tube part into a gas stream in such a way, that the direct tube axis will be perpendicular to the stream velocity vector. In this case both opened tube ends in relation to an exterior gas stream are in identical conditions. The gas pressure drop does not occur on the tube part, and the gas inside a tube will be immobile. Then we shall turn a tube in such a way, that the velocity vector of a gas stream will be directed along the tube axis. In this case the gas speedy stream will create a pressure drop on the tube ends, under action of which there is a gas stream in a tube soon. The stabilization time of a gas stream in a tube and this stream velocity are determined by the values of gas kinematic viscosity, the geometrical tube sizes and the velocity of an exterior gas stream [27-28]. Let's mark, that the development of constant gas stream in a tube lasts a terminating interval of time. The ether is a gas-like material medium, responsible for electromagnetic waves propagation athcceoerldeicntgrotmoatghneetaicccwepatveedvehlyopcoittyherseigsa.rdItinmg etoantsh,ethoabtserver is the sum of wave velocity vectors relative to the ether and the ether velocity with regard to the observer. In this case, if an optical interferometer is created, in wouhtiscihdea obfeaamtudbreiv(eisninthsiedeetahemreetxatlleirciotur bset,reaanmd)ananotdhteor turn the interferometer in the ether drift stream, it can be expected, that in such interferometer, during a stabilization time of the ether stream in a tube, the bands o set of the interference pattern regarding to the original position of these bands on the interferometer scale should be observed. Thus the value of bands o set will be proportional to the ether exterior stream velocity, and the stabilization time | the bands return time to the original position, will be de ned by the ether kinematic viscosity value. Hence, the proposed measuring method enables to meter the ether drift velocity values and the ether kinematic viscosity. The proposed measuring method is a method of the rst order, as it is not required to revert a light beam to the initial point (as, for example, in Michelson's interferometer). Let's calculate the interferometer parameters. For the stream analysis of the gas-like ether we shall use the mathematical hydrodynamics apparatus, which is advanced in the works [27-28] at the problem solving, connected with the stream of viscous incompressible uid. The use of such solutions for gas stream analysis is true, if the following requirement is performed 0:5Ma2 << 1; (2) wagvahesersraoegueMngdaavse=sltorcweiatpmya.csvAe1tloticshietayreMoqnauciarhet'msubenenutmseimbcteipro;lnem;wcpesantiaissttiahonne (2), it is possible to neglect the gas pressure e ects and consider the gas stream as the stream of incompressible uid. On data of the experimental works [1-3], [7-9] and [10], the ether drift velocity W near the Earth's sur- face does not exceed the value W  104 m/sec. In the work [6] the sound velocity in the ether is estimated by tlihgehtvavleuloeccitsy. E1v0e2n1 receive, that Ma  m/sec, that essentially exceeds the if to 3:3 consider, that 10 5. Hence, tchse=recq,uwireemsheanltl (2) is performed, the stream of a gas-like ether can be considered as a stream of viscous incompressible uid and the use of the hydrodynamics corresponding math- ematical apparatus is true for ether stream analysis. Laminar and turbulent uid streams are distin- guished in hydrodynamics. The laminar uid stream exists, if the Reynolds number Re, drawn up for a stream, 28] does not exceed some extreme value Rec [27- Re < Rec: (3) The Reynolds number for a round cylindrical tube is de ned by the following expression Re = 2apwpa 1; (4) where matic aupidis the interior viscosity;  tube radius; v =  1 is kineis the dynamic viscosity;  is the uid density. Depending on the exterior stream na- ture and the requirements of uid in ux into a tube, the Re values < 2:3 1R03ecthaere uwiidthsitnreaRmec  2:3 103 : : :104. in a tube exists only At as laminar and does not depend on an extent of an exterior stream turbulence. The following features are peculiar for a steady laminar uid stream in a round cylindrical tube. The particle movement pathways are rectilinear. The maximal uid stream velocity along the tube axis and is equal to wpmax takes place wpmax = 0:25 pa2p 1lp 1; (5) where p is the pressure drop on a tube part with the length lp; p = 0; 25 plpap 1wp2a; (6) eTm qpheueaiasnmlt hapuexii=dcmov6aee4llsRoctcireeeitnay1tmaotfveaalorlaocimutnyidnwatrpumrbeaegxirmeisseitswotaficn ecuemi,dowsrtherietcahhmains. wpmax = 2wpa: (7) The measuring of ether-drift velocity and kinematic ether viscosity within optical waves band 211 Figure 1: A tube in a gas stream The stream velocity distribution on a tube section is called as Puazeyl's parabola and looks like wp (r) = wpmax 1 r2ap 2 ; (8) where r is the coordinate along the tube radius. The laminar stream transferring into a turbulent one takes place not uently, but by jumps. At transfer- ring through the extreme value of a Reynold's number the tube resistance coecient increases by jump, and then slowly reduces. The following features are peculiar for a steady stream of viscous liquid in a round cylindri- cal tube of turbulent stream. The pathways of particle movement have scattered nature. The resistance coe- cient of a round tube velocity distribution iosneqauatul b ep = 0:3164Re 0:25. section is almost The uni- form with their sharp reduction up to zero point in a thin layer near the wall. The maximal velocity increase above the mean order value is about 10-20 % [27-28] wpmax  (1:1 : : :1:2) wpa: (9) It will be shown below, that in the experiment re- qwueirsehmalelnbtes,raesstraicrtuelde,bRyeth>e Resetcim, tahteiorenfso,rpeeirnfotrhmeewdofrokr the ether turbulent stream. Let's consider the method operating principle. In the Fig. 1 the part of a cylindrical round metallic tube with the drift), is length shown lp , which is in the ether stream (ether The ether stream is shown in the gure as slant- ing thin lines with arrows, that indicate the direction of its movement. The tube longitudinal axis is locat- ed horizontally and along with the ether drift velocity vector is in a vertical plain, which represents the gure plain. The tube walls have major ether-dynamic resis- tance and the ether stream acting from the tube sur- face side area, the ether inside a tube does not move. The ether velocity stream stipulated by the horizontal vetehloecritsytrceoammpionnaenttuobfe,thweheicthhegrodersifwtitWhht,hecrmeaetaesn tvhee- ltohceitryouwtpinag. It can be spoken, that the metallic system for the ether stream. Let's tube turn is a tube in a horizontal plain in such a way, that its lon- gitudinal axis will take up a position perpendicular to the plain of the Fig. 1 or, that is similar | perpen- dicular to the velocity vector of the ether drift. In this position both opened ends of a tube will be in identical conditions regarding to the ether stream, the pressure di erential p does not occur and according to (5) the ether stream velocity in a tube is equal to a zero point. Apotstithieonm. oTmheenthot0rizwoentsahlacllomtuprnonaenttuboef into the initial the ether drift veneldosc,ituyndWerh will create a pressure drop operation of which the ether p on the tube stream will be developed in a tube. In the work [28] the problem about setting into motion of viscous incompressible uid being in a round cylindrical tube under operating of the sud- denly appended constant pressure drop p is solved. Let's reduce the formula of the velocity distribution of uid stream in a tube  wp (r; t) = wpmax 1 r2 a2p 8 X 1 k=1 J0 k3 k J1 rap ( k 1 )  exp a2pk2t# ; (10) w0o;rhdeJerr0es;.tJTi1shteahr eertsBitmetsews;eol'sskumfiusmntchatenioednqssuianotfsioqtnuhaerroezoetbrsoraJca0kn(edtsk )erxs=t- press steady (at t ! 1) laminar stream of uid and correspond the mentioned above \Puazeyl's parabola" (8). So at a turbulent uid stream, according to (9), the velocity distribution on a tube section is almost uni- form, we shall consider, that the uid stream velocity is of ethque arlouwnpda on the tube at whole tube a turbulent section (the value uid stream should b pe uwsaeldl laatyetrh.eIvnaltuheisccaalcsueltahteioenxpwrpeas)sieoxnc(e1p0t)tahte thin nearr = 0 will be like " wp (t)  wpa 1 8 X 1 k 3J1 1 ( k) k=1 exp  k2ap 2t : (11) The expression (11) describes the process of a uid stream de ning in a round tube. It follows from (11), tohf attheatextp!res1sionth(e11v)alsuheouisldwbpe(td)iv!idewdpain. toBoththe parts value of In constant this case uid the tsitmreeamvarviealtoiocintyofin auidroustnrdeatmubdeimwepna -. sionless velocity in a Fig. 2. wp (t)/wpa will be like, that is shown In the gure the values of dimensionless velocity wofpt(itm)/ewaprae agrievegnivoenn tohne aanbsocirsdsianaatxeiss.axAiss,itthies svhaoluwens above, the requirement (2) is performed and the ether stream can be described by the laws of thick liquid mo- tions, then we shall speak about the ether stream fur- ther, instead of uid. In the Fig. 2 we'll allocate the 212 Yu.M. Galaev Figure tube 2: Variation in time of uid movement velocity in a ivsnhetlaeolrlcvictayallolinftthaiemtueetbthe0e:rc:hs:attnrdeg,aedmsufrrrionemggimw0heuicophnttothhe0i.se9t5thiemwrepsatir.netWaemre- val as the dynamic one. We shall call the ether stream regime at t > Let's skip It can be written down, that the phase of a light wave on a cut with the length lp will vary on value j, which is equal. ' = 2 f lp V 1; (12) where f is the electromagnetic wave frequency; V is the light velocity in a tube. According to the original hypothesis the ether is a medium, responsible for elec- tromagnetic waves propagation. This implies, that if in avetluobcietywoitfhwthhicehlecnhgatnhgelps there is in time, the ether stream, the so the phase of a light wave measured on the tube output, should change in time according to variation in time of the ether stream velocity wp (t). Then the expression (12) will be like ' (t) = 2 f lp [c wp (t)] 1 ; (13) where c is the light velocity in a xed ether, in vacuum. In the expression (13) the sign "+" is used, when the direction of the light propagation coincides with the ether stream direction in a tube, and the sign "-" is used, when these directions are opposite. In the work the optical interferometer is applied for measuring value ' (t). Rozhdestvensky's interferome- ter schema is taken [29] as the basis, which is supple- mented in such a way, that the light beam drove along the empty metallic tube axis in one of the shoulders. The interferometer schema and its basic clusters are shown in the Fig. 3. 1 | illuminator; 2 | a metallic tube part; 3 | ettrhyaeenfrssacphgaemrmeenant.tlTawmhiteihnbaaesa;smcMalc1eo;,uPMrs1e2, P|2 m|irr oartspaareraslhleolwsnemoinis shown with thick lines and arrows. The light beam in a tube pass along the axis and is indicated with a broken line in the gure. The tube length is lp  P1M1. The clusters P1, M1 Figure 3: The schema of an optical interferometer aMTttPishhn1nhee2dM'emtma2Pa.rcine2orTgrn,mohllseMprieosd.pui2enliInra1ntetaie,denarrd,esvic2aoltmMalhpsasoep1srauioe,cRrnsaeMittotlehzeP2cdeha1edastMaaweenncsd1hiogtfvl=ttoebehhstynheeMsbetekbewr2tyetPhoo'wase2nmerp=eiaadsnnrrtdslaie1nmfrlrto,lofeaeiprMlnrlmlploy i1,amaunPnlegMse2gntolcte1=enoer,. operating is reduced to the following. The light beam with the wave length  is divided which after are parallel rwe itehctaiopnhfarsoemdiM e1reanncde PM[2192]inatnodtpwaossbineagmPs2,  = 4 l1 1 (cos i1 cos i2) : (14) eterTahdejuasntgmleesnti1s,o it2haatretheestianbtleirsfheerdenacte the interferompattern should be observed. (The adjustment clusters are not shown on the schema symbolically). In a tuned interferometer the value is  = const. In the right part of the Fig. 3 the family of arrows means the stream direction of the ether drift horizontal component velocity. This stream veteelor cciltuystiseresqounalatohoWrizho.ntIaf ltrootaartreadngbeatchkegrionutnerdf,ersoumch- instrument can be turned in the ether stream. The ro- tation axis is perpendicular to the gure plains and is indicated In the aisntAerif.erometer (Fig. 3) the band position of an interference pattern regarding to the eyefragment scale 3 is de ned by the phase di erence of the light bPtoe1waMma1rsdP,s2wt.hheiIcnlhigathhrteepdFriositpgr.aibg3auttiteohdneodneitrthehceetriposanttrahelasomnPg1iMtshd2ePibr2eecaatmnedds Pw1rMite2 ,doMw1nPe2x.pIrnestshioisn case, according to (13), we for the phase di erence shall ' (t) between the beams P1M2P2 and P1M1P2. ' (t) = 2 f  c P1M2 wp (t) + M2P2 c   P1 M1 c + M1P2 c Wh  + ; (15) where  is constant, the value of which is de ned by the expression (14). Let's simplify the expression (15). The measuring of ether-drift velocity and kinematic ether viscosity within optical waves band 213 For this purpose we shall introduce the identi cations accepted earlier. Allowing, that the beam phase dif- fteerrefenrcoemMet2ePr 2oraienndtaPti1oMn 1regdaoredsinngottodetpheenedthoenr the instream direction and is equal to zero point, the expression for the value ' (t) will be like  ' (t) = 2 f lp c 1 wp (t) c 1 Wh  + : (16) The rst member of the expression (16) describes tsiepshttrrheeteeshabsremieoeabxnmvteeeianplrmoihocsarqiptsusyehtaarviresnaeearmaibavrtataviurcoeibknaloeettcPiosiw1tnyMtpo(MW2ta)d1h.Pce.opT2Lmehnedmetde'piussneenrcgneaoddolnuinddncetgenmhoteoehmnemetihtbnehexaeerr-- tor fc a1n=d,all1owwiengsh, tahllartecce2ive Wh wp (t) cwp (t) cWh , ' (t)  2 lp   wp (t) c Wh  + : (17) It follows from the expression (17), that the di er- ePssttn1rrcMeeeLaa1mmeinPt'2svtWheiclehsoo.cnppishtriyaodspeienor rattih'oteun(bati)nlettbeworepfteaw(rteod)emin aenebtrdeeerantmhtoieapsleePrtoah1ftMeirtnh2geePx2tienetarhinioetdrrs steady regime, at t ! 1. According to the expression (11) and Fig. ed, that owing 2towthpe(ts)mt!a1ll v!aluwepoaf it can be the ether suspectdynamic viscosity (celestial bodies move in the ether) the ether steady stream velocity in a tube regarding to the small length will not di er essentially from the ether exterior stream velocity and it is possible to write down, that wpops(itt)iot!n1in=thwe shown below.) In this case in the expression (17) the fraction numerator in square brackets is equal to zero point, and this expression will be ' (t)t!1  : (18) Hence, in the steady regime the interferometer op- erating with a metallic tube does not di er from the Rozhdestvensky's interferometer operating. In both in- terferometers the bands position of an interference pat- tern will be de ned by the original phase di erence . The interferometer, with a metallic tube, in the steady operating regime is not sensitive to the ether drift ve- locity and can not detect the availability or absence of the ether drift. Let's consider a dynamic operating regime of the interferometer. Let's unroll the interferometer (see Fig. 3) in the horizontal plain at 180. As the direction of the light propagation has varied in relation to the ether drift stream to the opposite one, the expression (17) will be like ' (t)  2 lp   Wh wp c (t)  + : (19) According to the expression (11) and the Fig. 2, the iten0tee:rq:u:wtadliit.thyHawenpmc(eet),tauelaictp"d, td  0:53a2h 1: (36) From the expression (36) it follows, that, having the measured kinematic vvailsuceossittdy, viat liusepossible to determine the ether   0:53a2htd 1: (37) The kinematic viscosity value, determined in such a way, we shall call as the ether kinematic viscosity masehce,a=swu0er:e0sd3h6av7lallmureecaevnicvd.eLtheet'ms seuabssutrietdutveailnuteo (37) td = the (10 values : : :13) e  (5:5 : : :7:1) 10 5 m2sec 1: (38) The kinematic viscosity as the function mean value sec is equal to vm=eafn(vtda)luwe ivtheain, calculated (10 : : :13) ea = 6:24 10 5 m2sec 1: (39) Comparing (30), (38) and (39) we shall mark, that on the value order the ether kinematic viscosity values, calcTulhaeteodppaonrdtumneitaysuorfedth,ecopirnocbidleemvcsoluvtieon avbeaou. t the ether viscosity measuring is of particular interest, as the experimental data about the ether viscosity and the ether viscosity measuring methods miss in literature till nowadays. 218 Yu.M. Galaev Figure 7: Variation in time of the interference pattern bands o set (calculation) Let's write down the expression for the value D (t). For this purpose we shall substitute the expressions (11) ainngdly(3a4n)di,na(l3lo2w) finorgtthheevparloupesorwtipo(nts) (a3n1d),W(3c5()t,)waeccsohradl-l receive D (t)  8lpWh X 1 c k=1 k 3J1 1 ( k) exp  k2ap 2t exp  k2ah 2t : (40) In the Fig. 7 in a normalized view the dependence calculation result D (t), performed with the expression (40) is given. At calculations the terms number of a svveairslicueoesssiktoyf=tihs4e,vitnchtee=rcfae7lrcouml1a0etteed5rmvda2elssuiegecnofp1 taharaenmdetehttheerreskfaionrleelomuwsaeitndigc: a6:p5=100:0710m5. m; ah = 0:0367 m; lp = 0:48 m;  = From the Fig. 7 it follows, that on time expira- ttic0ioonopftetmrhaetinb0ge:g8ri2engnsiiemncg,e,wttihhmiecehboaifsntddhisgeioti nizsteeedtrffemrrooammxiemttheaerl moment dynamvalue of the interference pattern (value D) should be observed. The anticipated duration of the interferometer dynamic oexpperreastsiniognr(e4g0im) feormsaptetceirfsyintdg  10:3 sec. Let's use the the observed value exper- itmuteentinal(ly40t)mthe1mseeacs.uFreodr tvhailsuepuorfptohsee ewtheesrhaklilnseumbasttiic- vtcmoisnctorsaid0ty:i9c,t3vteshaeec=.exH6p:e2enr4iceen,1c0tehre5esmcua2lltcsseu,clawt1iho,incwhereassruhelatslslhordewocnenivoinet the Fig. 6. The interferometer test results analysis, the ether kinematic viscosity values, calculated and measured, give the basis to consider, that the ether stream proper- ties are close to the stream properties of known gases at their interaction with solids | to pass aside obstacles and go in directing systems. It can be suspected, that solids (dielectrics, metals etc.) at interaction with the ether stream render major ether-dynamic resistance. It clari es the interferometer test results, that the tube made of dielectric can execute the same directing sys- tem role for the ether, as the tube made of metal. The ether stream property, i.e. to pass aside obstacles, could cause unsuccessful attempts to detect the ether drift with the devices placed in metallic chambers [17-20, 23-26]. For value de nition of the ether drift horizontal coo mseptomneenatsuvreeldocvitayluWe ohf it is possible to an interference use the pattern bands at the mexopmreesnsitonof(t4i0m)ewtemsh, awllhreenceDive(tm) = max. From the Wh  D (tm) c (8lpX 1 k 3J1 1 ( k) k=1 exp  k2ap 2tm exp  k2ah 2tm 1: (41) Let's substitute in (41) the measured values of the etohtfhetehrveakluiinneteemtrmfaetrio=cmve1itsecrsoescait,nydthvceeaaldc=eusliag6tn:i2o4npapr1aa0rma5emtmeerts2esrevca(tlhu1ee, tmcear;smelpsthn=eumm0b:e4ea8rsuomfre;adsevra=ileuse)6::5oafpt1h=0e07e:0tmh1e0;r5 km=; a4h = . I0n:0t3h6i7s drift horizontal component velocity, will be de ned as follows Wh  525D (tm) : (42) Let's calculate the minimal value of the ether drift vuefalocctiutryedWihnmteinrf,erwohmicehtecra, measured we shall with the mandetermine the instrument sensitiveness. In the part \the interferom- eter test" which can is marked, that the minimum be digitized with the selected veayleuferaDgmmeinnt, awnedsLhsecatal'lslerdeDectemeivrimne i=Wneh0m:t0hi5ne. Then with the expression (42) = 26:25 m/sec. ether stream regime in the in- tweirtfhertohmeeetxerprteusbsieosna(t4)Wwhe=shWalhl mcainlc.ulFaotre this the purpose minimal vrcRctsahtoaaredesnlemuiiatueeibymtnseohvfaetweruptahrr=di8be=tr8utiR03efl6t:en4e0:ny2.v1tdn4e0orolA5oewl1dgccmni0cistm,o,iner5teiudsnhmiimasnWwtbg2phsheoReirtcscoeshRimbt1te2hilhmn6eeme:i2on>ero5netvlfhqyeoRmuesrir.ei/nrtcswehL.etmeeichttHeeth'tunshiebttnnerhteec(eeece3wrte,v)fhiieivtaersihertt-- ometer tubes. The optical interferometer tests and tests results analysis give the basis to consider, that the hydrody- namic description of the interferometer operating prin- ciple, reviewed above, is adequate to the imaginations about viscous ether stream in tubes, and the manu- factured interferometer is suitable for the ether drift velocity and the ether kinematic viscosity measuring. The measuring of ether-drift velocity and kinematic ether viscosity within optical waves band 219 The measurement methods. The interferometer was disposed in the country settlement at the height ( 190 m above sea level), in 13 km from Kharkov northern suburb. The proximate height ( 200 m above sea level) is located westward apart 1.7 km. Two points were arranged for measurements. The distance between them was about 15 m. On the point No 1 the interferometer was at the height 1.6 m above the ground surface. On the point No 2 it was at the height 4.75 m. Two points available, which are located at dif- ferent heights and are practically at the same point of terrain, it is required for observation of the \height ef- fect." The measurements on the points No 1 and No 2 were performed in the open air. On the point No 1 the interferometer was in surrounding trees shadow and was not exposed to direct solar radiation a ecting within a light day. On the point No 2 the interferometer was mounted in an umbrella shadow. In winter time the interferometer was transferred to Kharkov. The point No 3 ( 30 m above the ground surface or  130 m above sea level) was arranged in the upper level facility of a bricky house. On the point No 1 the measurements were carried out in August 2001, on the point No 2 in August, September, October and November 2001, on the point No 3 in December 2001 and in January 2002. The measurements were carried out cyclically. One measuring cycle lasted 25-26 hours. 2-4 cycles were performed within one month. Each cycle contained the following parameters. The interferometer was mounted on a selected point, so that its rotating plain was hor- izontal. After installation the interferometer was kept in new heating environment within one hour (the in- strument was stored in the facility). The measurements were carried out at each whole hour of stellar time. One readout of the measured value was performed under the following schema. The interferometer longitudinal axis was mounted along a meridian, so that its illumina- tor was turned to the north. The further procedures did not di er from the interferometer operating pro- cedures, which were applied at the nal stage of the interferometer test. After the interferometer dynamic regime termination the observer registered the maximal bands bands ore lseeatsevatliumeeDto(ttmhe)i,r as the measured value. The original position was regis- tered and metered. The interferometer returned to the steady operating regime. The instrument turned to the initial position. As a rule, 5-7 readouts were done dur- ing one measuring time ( 10 minutes). The readout mean value was accepted for the measured value D (S), where S is the measuring stellar time. The processing methods of the measurement results. The measurement results processing included the following procedures: values calculations of the ectohuerrsedorfiftthheoertizhoenrtdarlifctovmeploocniteyntwvitehloincitsyepWarhat;eastdeallialyr day and the ether drift velocity daily course averaged during the year epoch Wh (S); a daily course of the ether drift velocity averaged for the whole time of the mtioenaTsWuhrehemmfreeonamtsusiertersimemseneWatnhrev(sSaul)ult,esmweWaenr.e-sqinutarroedvuacleude de ecas the measured value tables D (S) ed with the expression (42) . The were bvraoluugeshtWtho,tchaelcsualmate- table for each hour of stellar day. Such numbers con- sequence obtained for separate stellar day, describes a dailTyhceoumrseeanWvhal(uSe)s.of the ether drift velocity and the vdaalyuewsithWthwe efroellocwalicnuglaktneodwfnoreexapcrheshsioounrs of the [30] stellar Wh (S) =  1 X  Whj (S); j=1 8 W (S) = ><  >: 1 X  j=1 Whj (S) (43) 91=2 Wh (S) 2= ; ;(44) where whole m eiasstuhreemvaelnutessearmieos.unTthWe hco,no bdtaeninceedindtuerrivnaglsthoef the measured values were calculated with the known methods explained, for example, in the work [30]. The calculations were performed with the estimation relia- bility equal to 0.95. The measurement results. The measurement se- ries results, held since August 2001 till January 2002 are presented in the work. 2322 readouts of the measured values have been performed during this series. The dis- tribution of readouts amount per months of the year is shown in the table 1 According to the research problems, we shall con- sider this work results along with the experiment re- sults [1-3], [7-9], [10]. These four experiments have been performed at various points of a globe with three di erent measuring methods: an optical interferome- ter of the rst order (Europe, Ukraine, 2001{2002 [this work]); a radio interferometer of the rst order, (Eu- rope, Ukraine, 1998{1999 [1-3]); optical interferometers of the second order (Northern America, USA, 1925{ 1926 [7-9], 1929 [10]). The measuring methods action, which are applied in the above-mentioned experiments, based on wave propagation regularities in moving medi- um, responsible for these waves propagation, that al- lows to treat the experiment results in the terms of the ether drift velocity within the original hypothesis. The development regularities of viscous medium streams ( uids or gases) in directing systems are used in the work measuring method. The measured value is proportional to a velocity di erential of the ether viscous streams in two tubes of di erent section with- in the original hypothesis. This di erential value is proportional to the ether drift velocity (the rst order method). In the experiment measuring method [1-3] the reg- ularities of viscous medium streams near the surface 220 Yu.M. Galaev Table 1: Distribution of readouts amount per months of the year Month of the year August September October November December January 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 Amount of readouts 792 462 288 312 240 228 Figure 8: Variation of ether drift velocity within a day in August epoch partition are used. The measured value is proportional to a vertical velocity gradient in the ether drift stream near the Earth's surface within the original hypothesis. This gradient value is proportional to the ether drift velocity (the rst order method). In the experiments [7-9] and [10] Michelson's cruciform interferometers were applied. The measured value is proportional to a velocity di erential of wave propagation in orthogonal related directions in the ether drift stream within the original hypothesis. This di erential value is proportional to the ether drift velocity (the second order method). In the Fig. 8 the experiment results referring to August are presented. On fragments of this gure are shown accordingly: in the Fig. 8a | this work results; in the Fig. 8b | the experiment results [1-3] (the gure is published for the rst time); in the Fig. 8c | the experiment results [7-9]. ing Tohneoertdhienratderiaftxevse.locTithieesstWelhlarintikmme/sSec.inarheopuersndis- pending on abscissa axes. Each of the Fig. 8 frag- ments illustrate the variation of the ether drift velocity wariethpinresaenstteedllaorndlyaybyWthh(eSa)u. thTohrse experiment of work [10] results as as- certaining of the velocity maximal value, measured by them, in relation to the movement W  6 km/sec, that has not allowed to show this experiment results in the Fthieg.m8eaassutrheemdenatilydadteapeanvdereangciengWrhes(uSl)ts. In the Fig. 8 were present- ed with the thick lines, which are obtained in each of the experiments during August epoch (mean results). The separate observations (measurement results during a separate day) are shown with thin lines. The dates of separate observations are speci ed on fragments. The separate observations on fragments of the Fig. 8a, Fig. 8b are selected from the performings, which had the date, proximate to the date of separate observation of the Fig. 8c fragment and which during the day had no skips during the measuring. The date discrepancy is stipulated also by the fact that the systematic mea- surements in the work began on August 14, 2001, and in the experiment [1-3] | on August 11, 1998. The positive measurement results, given in the Fig. 8, illustrate the development of anisotropy e ect | the eimtheenrtds r[i7ft-9r]e,q[u1i0re] dthee eacnt.isoIntrtohpeyweo rekctanwdaisn dthisecoevxepreerdby the optical interferometer rotation, in the experiment [1-3] the opposing radio waves propagation was applied. The similar nature of the ether drift velocity varia- tion within a day in August epoch unite all three frag- ments of the Fig. 8. The rst minimums in depen- dencies results. IWnhth(Se )waorrek expressed (Fig. 8a) clearly in and in the all three mean experiment [1- 3] (Fig. 8b) temporary position of minimums is S  3 hours. In the experiment [7-9] (Fig. 8c) the temporary position of the rst minimum is S  0:8 hour. (Such discrepancy in the position of these minimums is about 2.2 hour, an explanation has not found yet.) The ether drift velocity magni cation is observed during conse- quent 2-3 hours. Further the plateau sites with rather small variations of the ether drift velocity in time are noticed on all fragments. The greatest duration of the plateau site was observed in the experiment [1-3] (Fig. 8b), that can be explained by arranging peculiarities of a radio-frequency spectral line on terrain. In this ex- periment the radio-frequency spectral line is declined from a meridian on 45 to northeast. The variations The measuring of ether-drift velocity and kinematic ether viscosity within optical waves band 221 of the ether drift apex azimuth (as well as any star az- imuth) occur symmetrically to a meridian line within a stellar day. If to take the apex coordinate values into account (according to Miller:   65, a  17:5h [9]), the ether drift azimuth in this part of a stellar day ac- cepts the values, which lay in the northeast direction, i.e. in the direction close to the direction of a radio- frequency spectral line. In this case the angle between the ether drift azimuth and radio frequency spectral line direction has minimum values. Accordingly at the interval of 12-16 hours the ether drift radial compo- nent velocity (directed along a radio-frequency spectral line) keeps rather high value, despite of the apex height magni cation (astronomical coordinate). Such arrang- ing peculiarities of the radio interferometer on terrain can the explain interval tohf e12re-1la6tihvoeudrsepinencdoemnpceariinscorneawsiethWthh e(Ssa)maet dependencies shown on two other fragments. In the work (Fig.8a), according to the accepted measurement methods, the optical interferometer was located along a meridian. As the variations of the ether drift azimuth within a stellar day occur symmetrically to the merid- ian line, in this case the plateau site duration should be less, than in the experiment [1-3] and less than in the experiment [7-9] in which the ether drift azimuth variation was considered by the corresponding rotation of the interferometer. It can be seen in the Fig. 8a (the mean result of the work), that the sites with rather small values of the ether drift velocity, extended in time, take place within a day. Noticeable bands o set of an interference pattern was not observed per a separate day on such sites. In these cases the ether drift velocity was lower tmh/asnect)h, ethianttewrfaesroumseedtefrorsetnhseitiinvteenrefsesro(mi.eet. er Wtehsts<, 26 the purpose of which is given in the above mentioned part "the interferometer test". Systematic character of experimental investigations of this work and the works [1-3], [7-9] has shown, that dependencies measured in one and the same epoch of tehtheeryedarriftWvehlo(Sci)ty, have the variation similar within a character of the day. At the same time dependencies epochs of the year vdiie werWfrhom(S)ea, cmheoatshuerre,dtihnatdic aenrebnet noticed, for example, by the experiment published re- sults [7-9]. The reasons of such seasonal variations have not been de ned yet. It can be suspected, that magne- tosphere, at its considerable sizes and peculiar shape, ionosphere, the known variations of their state can be responsible for such dependence variations It can be seen in the Fig. 8, the ether Wdrhift(Sv)e.loc- ities, measured in each of the experiments, di er, that can be stipulated by the arranging height di erences of measuring systems above the Earth's surface: 1.6 m; 42 m; 1830 m (Fig. 8a, Fig. 8b, Fig. 8c accordingly). The collection of such data illustrates the height e ect development. In the work the ether drift velocity mea- Figure 9: Dependence of the ether drift velocity on the height above the Earth's surface, is this work and experiment [1-3]; 2 is the experiment [7-9]; is the experiment [10] suring have been performed at the heights 1.6 m and 4.75 m (position No. 1 and No. 2) for height dependence discovery. In the table 2 the mean values of the ether drift maximal velocity are given, which are measured in the work and in the experiments [1-3], [7-8], [10]. In these four experiments the measurements are performed at ve di erent heights: 1.6m and 4.75 m in the work; 42 m in the experiment [1-3]; 265 m and 1830 m in the experiment [7-9] (Clevelend and the observatory of Mount Wilson accordingly). In the experiment [10] the measurements were carried out also on the observatory of Mount Wilson. However, in contrast with the experiment [7-9], which was carried out in a light wooden house, the experiment [10] is performed in a fundamental building of an optical workshop of the observatory. It can be supposed, that the ether stream braking by the house walls was the reason of the ether d[1r0if]tivnecloocmitpyasrmisoanllewrivtahluteh,emexeapseurrimedenint trheesuelxtp[e7r-i9m].ent The table 2 gives the imagination about the ether drift velocity variation in height band above the Earth's surface from 1.6 m up to 1830 m. In the gure 9 this dependence view is presented in the logarithmic scale. On the abscissa and ordinates axes the logarithmic values of ratios W/W and Z/Z were pending accordingly, where: W is the ether drift velocity at the height Z ; the values W and Z are considered equal to 1 m/sec and 1 m accordingly. 222 Yu.M. Galaev Table 2: Dependence of the ether drift velocity on the height above the Earth's surface The ether drift velocity (m/sec) Height above This work The experiment [13] The experiment [79] The experiment [10] the Earth's surface 2001-2002 1998-1999 1925-1926 1929 (meters) Optics Radio waves band Optics Optics 1830 { { 10000 6000 265 { { 3000 { 42 { 1414 { { 4.75 435 { { { 1.6 205 { { { It can be seen from the Fig. 9, that di erent experiment results are near one straight line and in height band from 1.6 m up to 1830 m the ether drift velocity increases with the height growth above the Earth's surface. The boundary layer has considerable thickness, that can be the consequence of the ether stream and atmosphere interaction. These data do not contradict the imaginations of the model [4-6] about the viscous ether and its stream near the Earth's surface. From the table 2, Fig. 8a and the Fig. 9 it can be seen, that the ether drift velocity is rather small near the Earth's surface, that can explain the reason of \zervoalureesu3l0tsk"mo/fsemcawnaysetxapkeernimasentthael ewthoerkrsd,riinftwanhticichiptahteed velocity. In such experiments the metering device sensitiveness was obviously poor. With the expression (1) it can be calculated, that at the ether drift velocity 2a0re0-i4n0a0ppmli/csaebcl,ethfoermmeetahsoudrsemofetnhtes,saescoinndthoirsdcearsaelmsuocsht methods sensitiveness to the ether drift velocity is low in 6 orders (!) than the sensitiveness of the rst order methods. The ether kinematic viscosity has been measured in the work. The measurement results are explained above in the part \Result analysis of the interferometer tests," that is stipulated by the peculiarities of the experiment implementation. The measured values of the ether kinematic viscosity are in the limits vevqeaauluael ov(re5da:e5=r:c:6o::i72n:41ci)d1e01s0w5i5tmhm2tsh2esceece1th,1et.rhakTtihnaeecmcmoaretdaicinnvgvisatcloousetihtiyes value calculated above vc  7:06 10 5 m2sec 1 . Hence, the di erences between the dependencies Wavhai(lSab)leacnadn the ether drift be explained by velocity measured values the measurement method di erences of the work and the experiments [1-3], [7-9], [10] and di erences between arranging heights of mea- suring systems. The results of four experiments do not contradict each other, that illustrate the reproduced measurement nature of the ether drift e ects in various experiments performed in di erent geographic condi- tions with di erent measurement methods applying. Figure 10: The mean daily course of the ether drift velocity The measuring of ether-drift velocity and kinematic ether viscosity within optical waves band 223 According to the original hypothesis, the ether drift vvaellouceitwyithhotrhizeonptearilocdompeproonneentsteWllhar should change day (the space its ef- fect). For revealing the ether drift velocity component with such period, the results of systematic measure- ments were subjected to statistical processing in stellar time scale. The results of such processing are shown in the Fig. 10. On the fragments of the Fig. 10 the stellar time S in hours is suspended on the abscissa asuxseps,entdheedeothnerthderioftrdvinelaotceitayxevsa.lueThWe hveirntickaml /hsaetcchis- es indicate the con dence intervals. In the Fig. 10a the mean daily course of the ether drift velocity with- cinalcauslatetelldaracdcaoyrdWinhg (S) is to the given. This dependence is measurement results of the work, which were performed during ve months of the year, since September 2001 till January 2002. During ve months the numerical value of stellar time shifts re- garding to the solar time in 10 hours. Since September till November the measurements were performed on the point No2. In December and January | on the point No3. The mean values are calculated with the expres- sion (43). For comparison, in the Fig. 10b the mean result is given, which was obtained in the experiment [1-3] during year's ve months of the same name, since September 1998 till January 1999 (Here, as contrast- ed to the similar gure, given in the works [1-3], the measured value is expressed in the ether drift velocity values.) In the works [7-9], [10] such data miss, owing to smaller on coverage of year's epochs of the measure- ment statistics in these experiments. Both fragments of the Fig. 10 as a whole have sim- ilar nature of the ether drift velocity variation within a day. The di erences in the curve shapes can be ex- plained by viscous ether stream interaction with the terrain relief elements, which in these di erent experi- ments had the distinguished performances and features of radio-frequency spectral line arranging on terrain in the experiment [1-3]. On the fragment of the Fig. 10a (this work), as contrasted to the result of the exper- iment [1-3] (Fig. 10b), the ether drift velocities have smaller values, that can be explained by the height distinction of measuring points in these experiments. The dependencies ly changed values Wwihth(St)hheapveertihoedsfoerqmusaol ftpoeariosdteicllaalr- day, that can be explained by a space (galactic) origin of the ether drift. In the work, the observed bands o - set direction of an interference pattern corresponded to the ether drift northern direction at measurement im- plementation. Hence, the results of the work do not contradict the experiment results [1-3], [7-9], [10] and imaginations of the works [4-6] about the northern posi- tion of the ether drift apex, that demonstrate the repro- duced result nature of the ether drift e ects measure- ment in di erent experiments, performed with di erent measuring methods application. In the work we shall be con ned to qualitative comparison of the work results with the experiment data [1-3], [7-9], [10]. For conducting of quantitative comparative analysis it is necessary to specify the ether drift apex coordinate values on the celestial sphere, which for the rst time were determined in the experiment [7-9], to specify an analytical view of the ether drift velocity dependence on the height above the Earth's surface proposed in the works [1-3], to elaborate the calculation method of the terrain relief in uence on the ether streams forming near the Earth's surface, to determine probable in uencing of the Earth magnetosphere and ionosphere, that is the subject of separate investigations and goes out the frame of the work problems. Due to the reason this experiment results, the experiment [1-3] and the experiment [7-9] are given without any correctdiio ne,retnhtouexghpeirtismuesnetfsulinseqsusitaet comparison of Thus, in the work, the hypothesis experimental veri cation about the ether existence in nature, i.e. material medium, responsible for electromagnetic waves propagation, in the optical wave band has been performed. The estimation of the ether kinematic viscosity value has been performed. The rst order optical method for the ether drift velocity and the ether kinematic viscosity measuring has been proposed and realized. The method action is based on the development regularities of viscous liquid or gas streams in the directing systems. The signi cant measurement results have been obtained statistically. The development of the ether drift required e ects has been shown. The measured value of the ether kinematic viscosity on the value order has coincided with its calculated value. The velocity of optical wave propagation depends on the radiation direction and increases with height growth above the Earth's surface. The velocity of optical wave propagation changes its value with a period per one stellar day. The detected e ects can be explained by the following: | optical wave propagation medium available regarding to the Earth's movement; | optical wave propagation medium has the viscosity, i.e. the feature proper to material mediums composed of separate particles; | the medium stream of optical wave propagation has got a space (galactic) origin. The work results comparison to the experiment results, executed earlier in order of the hypothesis veri cation about the existence of such material medium as the ether in nature, has been performed. The comparison results have shown the reproduced nature of the ether drift e ect measurements in various experiments performed in di erent geographic requirements with di erent measurement methods application. 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Arteha1 Space Research Institute, Profsoyuznaya 84/32, Moscow 117997, Russia Received December 23, 2002 The basic concepts of the general relativity theory (GRT), such as space, time, the relativity of simultaneity, are systematically analyzed. The logical inconsistencies of basic GRT notions are indicated. Many disputable and contradictory points of this theory and its corollaries are considered in detail. 1. Introduction A series of logical paradoxes has been analyzed in detail in [1-3], and the complete experimental and logical gthroeuGndRlTesscnoenstsaoinf sSRsoTmwe arsatdheemr oinnstterraetsetdin.gUindleiakse, SsRuTch, as the principle of equivalence expressed via the idea of \geometrization." If it's basis were true, the GRT could have a claim on status of a hypothesis about some correction to the static Newton's law of gravitation. Since it is not the case, the gravitation theory must be constructed in a di erent manner. The basic purpose of this work is the criticism of basis notions of GRT; it is contained in Section 2. A logical inconsistency of space and time notions in GRT is demonstrated here. The plausible errors and disputable points from the textbooks [4-6] are displayed step by step. The time synchronization issues and the Mach principle are also discussed, and the attention is given to doubtful corollaries from GRT. Section 3 contains the conclusions. 2. Criticism of GRT Fundamentals Many GRT inconsistencies are well-known: 1) the principle of correspondence is violated (the limiting transition to the case without gravitation can not exist without introducing the arti cial external conditions); 2) the conservation laws are absent; 3) the relativity of accelerations contradicts the experimental facts (rotating liquids under space conditions have the shape of ellips4o)idths, tshuealslpy,haerniycatlhsehoarpye)is; considered to be inapplicable in similar cases, but GRT for saving its \universal character" begins to construct fantastic pictures, such as black holes, Big Bang, etc.). begLinetwuitshcothnesidmeyrtthhe\ognentehrealcocvlaairmiasncoef."theTGheRuTn.aWme- 1e-mail: bmiginueodu,sesxocleupttiotnheoffoarnmy odfi thereenetqiuaalteioqnu,atailosno ibsydsepteecr-i cation of the initial and/or boundary conditions. If they are not speci ed, then, in the general case, the covariance either does not determine anything, or, at cinhaangpihnygsitchael cnhoanrsaecntseer. oIff,thheowsoelvuetri,onth,ecainniteivaelnanreds/uoltr boundary conditions are speci ed, then with substitution of the solutions we obtain the identities, which will remain to be identities in any case for any correct transformations. For any solution it is possible to invent the equations, which will be invariant with respect to some speci ed transformation, if we properly interchange the initial and/or boundary conditions. The analogies with subspaces are often used in the GRT; for example, a rolled at sheet is considered. However, the subspace cannot be considered separately from the space as a whole. For example, in rolling a sheet into a cylinder the researcher usually transfers, for convenience, into the cylindrical coordinate system. However, this mathematical manipulation does not in uence at all the real three-dimensional space and the real shortest distance. The simplicity of postulates and their minimum quantity do not still guarantee the correctness of the stoioluntsiiosna: deivecnultthperopbroleomf .oTf heqeuniuvamlebnecreofopfrGerReqTuissoitluesshould be, on one hand, sucient for obtaining a correct unambiguous solution, and, on the other hand, it should provide wide possibilities for choosing mathememaatitciacsl mpoestsheosdsessoiftssooluwtnionlawansd).cTomhepaGrRisTon, (atlhoengmwatithharti cial complication of mathematical procedures, has introduced, in fact, the additional number of \hidden tting parameters" (from metrical tensor components). Since the real eld and metrics are unknown in GRT and are subject to determination, the result is simply tted to necessary one with using a small amount of really various experimental data. Whereas in SRT though an attempt was made to 226 S.N. Arteha con rm the constancy of light speed experimentally and to prove the equality of intervals theoretically, in GRT eGcvaResenT, stsuhicnehcienattiettegmcraaplntRsdabhedaplveenisdnnooottnbmetehenaenupinnadgtehfurtloaifkneitnnht.eeSggrienancteieoriannl, all integral quantities and integral-involving derivations can have no sense. A lot of questions cause us to muse. If the general covariance of equations is indispensable and unambiguous, then what could be the limiting transition to classical equations, which are not generally covariant? What is the sense of gravitation waves, if the notion of energy and its density is not de ned in GRT? Similarly, what is meant in this case by the group velocity of light (and by the niteness of a signal transmission rate)? The generality of conservation laws does not depend on the method of their derivation (either by means of transformations from the physical laws or from symmetries of the theory). The obtaining of integral quantities and the use of integration over the surface can lead to di erent results in the case of motion of the surface (for example, it can depend on the order of limiting transitions). The absence in GRT of the laws of conservation of energy, momentum, angular momentum and center of masses, which have been con rmed by numerous experiments and have \worked" for centuries, cause serious doubts in GRT (following the principle of continuity and eligibility of the progress of science). The GRT, however, has not yet built up a reputation for itself in anything till now, except globalistic claims on tohfethperiUnnciipvaerllsye aunndvesroi maeblrea,thbeyr edxopuebrtimfueln ttst,inegvsoluuntdioenr a scarce experimental base. The following fact causes even more doubt in GRT: for the same system (and only of \insular" type) some similarity of the notion of enevregcytocra. nHsoowmeveetirm, oenslbyelininetarrocdouocreddinwaittehs suhsoinugldKbielliunsge'ds in this case, but not polar ones, for example. The auxiliary mathematical means can not in uence, of course, the essence of the same physical quantity. And, nally, the non-localizability of energy and the possibility of its spontaneous non-conservation even in the Universe scales (this is a barefaced \perpetuum mobile") cause us to refuse from GRT completely and either to revise the conception \from zero," or to use some other developing approaches. Now we shall pass from general comments to more speci c issues. The question on the change of space geometry in GRT is fully aberrant. The niteness of the rate of transmission of interactions can change only physical, bthuattntohtemstartahigemhtaltiincealdloawess.noWt hexetishte,rosnhlayllbweceauasseseritts, drawing into in nity, even at light speed, will require in nite time? (The same is true for the plane and space). The mathematical sense of derivatives can not change as well. One of GRT demonstrations \on the inevitabili- ty of the change of geometry in the non-inertial system" is as follow: in the rotating coordinate system, due to contraction of lengths, the ratio of the length of a circle to its diameter will be lower, than . In fact, however, not only the true, but even the observed geometry will not change: whether the mathematical line will move or change as we move? Suppose at rst, that the circle will move radially. Let we have three concentric circles of almost the same radius. We place the observers on these circles and number them in the order from the center: 1, 2, 3. Let the second observer be motionless, whereas rst and third ones are rotating around center O clockwise and counter-clockwise at the same angular velocity. Then, owing to the di erence in relative velocities and contraction of lengths, the observers will interchange their places. However, when they happen to be at the same point of space, they will see di erent pictures. Indeed, the 1-st observer will see the following position from the center: 3, 2, 1, whereas the 2-nd observer will see the di erent order: 1, 3, 2, and only the 3-rd observer will see the original picture: 1, 2, 3. So, we have a contradiction. Suppose now, that the geometry of a rotating plane has changed. However, what will be more preferable in such a case: the top or the bottom? The problem is symmetric, in fact; to what side the plane has curved in such a case? If we make the last supposition, that the radius has curved (as the apparent motion changes in the non-inertial system), then the second observer will see it as non-curved, whereas the rst and third observers will consider it as \curved" to di erent sides. Thus, three observers will see di erent pictures at the same point for the same space; therefore, the curvature of the radius is not an objective fact. The rotating circle proves the contradictive nature of SRT and GRT ideas. Really, according to the textbooks, the radius, which is perpendicular to the motion, does not change. Therefore, the circles will remain at their places irrespective of the motion. Let us seat the observers on a motionless circle at equal distances from each other and produce a point-like ash from the center of a circle, in order the observers to draw the strokes on moving circles. Owing to the symmetry of a problem, the strokes will also be equidistant. At subsequent periodic ashes each observer will con rm, that a stroke mark passes by him at the ash instant, that is, the lengths of segments of motionless and rotating circles are equal. When the circles stop, the marks will remain at their places. The number of equidistant marks will not change. Therefore, the lengths of segments will be equal in the motionless case as well. Thus, no contraction of lengths and change of geometry took place at all. Now we consider again the space geometry problem. This problem is entirely confused still since the times of Gauss, who wanted to determine the geometry with the help of light beams. The limited nature of any experi- On the Basis for General Relativity Theory 227 A L B g C Figure 1: \Geometry of a triangle" ment can not in uence the ideal mathematical notions, does it? Note, that in GRT the light even moves not awlilgRhohendtrgleint=gh seu0 cs,hhiswoamretceehastastrevic?peatiTetnhnh:sGeoirnRn.eTscWtee[sah4sd]ia:ttyodfooRFfee(csr1hmd=apinasttggi'i0nsn0gg)pudrtilishnh=ecitpgh0elee-, ometry is often \substantiated" in textbooks as follows: in order the light to \draw" a closed triangle in the gravitational eld, the mirrors should be turned around at some angle; as a result, the sum of angles of a triangle will di er from . However, for any point-like body and three re ectors in the eld of gravity (see Fig. 2) the sum of \angles" can be written as: ! ! X i =  + 4 arctan gL 2v02 2 arctan gL v02 : It occurs, that the geometry of one and the same space depends on the conditions of the experiment: on L and vca0n. Since the angle between also be changed, we have a the mirrors A and B possibility of arti cial changing the geometry within wide limits. Note, that the same variable parameters and L remain for the light as well. In such \plausible" proofs of the neces- sity of changing the geometry some important points are not emphasized. First, both in the experiment with material points, and in the experiment with the light the geometry is \drawn" sequentially during some time, rather than instantaneously. Second, for accelerated systems the particles (and the light) move in vacuum rectilinearly, according to the law of inertia, and, ac- tually, the motion of the boundaries of this accelerated system is imposed on this motion additively. All an- gles of incidence (in the laboratory system) are equal to corresponding angles of re ection, and the \geome- try of angles" does not change at all. Simply, the gure is obtained unclosed because of motion of the bound- aries. Third, the role of the boundaries is not uncovered at all in determining the relations between the lengths of real bodies. For example, if all points of a real body are subject to the e ect of identical accelerating force, then the mutual relation between lengths and angles (\the geometry") remains unchanged. If, however, only the boundaries are subject to acceleration, then all real changes of bodies' size take place only at interaction with the boundaries. In any case the Euclidean straight lines can be drawn. For example, to draw the horizontal straight line in the gravitational eld we take two similar long rods. At the middle of the rst rod we install a point-like support. As a result of bending of a rod, the upward-convex line is generated. Then we install two point-like supports for the second rod at the level of two lowered ends of the rst rod. As a result of bending of the second rod, the downward-convex line is generated. The middle line between these two bonded rods determines the straight line. Now we shall turn to the next important GRT notion - the equivalence of the gravitational eld to some system non-inertiality. In contrast to any non-inertial system, the gravitational eld possesses some unique property: all moving objects de ect in it toward a single center. If we generate two light beams between two ideal parallel mirrors and direct them perpendicular to mirrors, then in the inertial system these beams will move parallel to each other for in nitely long time. A similar situation will take place at acceleration in the non-inertial system, if the mirrors are oriented perpendicular to the direction of acceleration. And, on the contrary, in the gravitational eld with similar orientation of mirrors the light beams will begin to approach esuarcehdotdhuerri.ngAnthde, iofbssoemrveaeti oenc,t twhielnl ,haopwpienng ttoo bae gmreeaatvalue of light speed, the existence of namely the gravitational eld (rather than the non-inertiality) can also be found. Obviously, the curvature of mirrors should nitoattiboenatlakfoernceinsttohceorenseixdiesrtatailosno,tshinecoet,haelronfogrwceist,hwghraicvhcan retain the mutual con guration of mirrors. The distinction of a spherical symmetry from planar one can be found for weak gravitational elds as well. The GRT conclusion on the possibility of excluding the gravitational eld for some inertial system during the whole observation time is wrong in the general case. The equivalence principle of the gravitational eld and acceleration can be related to one spatial point onlbye,aim.e.dite isecutniorena,lf(oirt elexaadmedplteo).aTfahleseerqeusiuvlatlfeonrctehperliingchitple of the inertial and gravitating mass can be rigorously formulated also for a separate body only (it is unreal for GRT, since GRT involves interdependence of the snpoatcpeh-tyimsicealalnydpraollcebeodditeos)a.nyBencoanu-sreeloaftitvhisist,icGtRheTordyoaest all (but formally mathematically only). All relativistic linear transformations can be related to empty space only, since real bodies (even as reference points) lead to nonlinear properties of the space. Then, phenome- 228 S.N. Arteha na di erences with changing reference systems must be studied for the same point (in the space and time). But how can two di erent observers be placed at one point? Therefore, the relativistic approach can possess the ap- proximate model character only (without globality). It is not any surprising thing, that the same physical value - a mass - can participate in di erent phenomena: as a measure of inertia (for any acting forces, includ- ing the gravitational one) and as a graviting mass (for example, a moving charge produces both electric and magnetic elds). The question on the rigorous equality of inertial and gravitating massess is entirely arti cial, since this equality depends on the choice of a numeri- cal value of the gravitational constant . For example, expressions (laws) retain the same form in the case of pstraonptorwtiiollnbaelitdye mnged=a sm i0n=, b u2t t.heItgriasvnitoattinoencaelsscaorny- to search any mystics and to create pictures of curved space. The substitution of the same value (for the in- ertial and gravitating mass) is made not only for GRT, but for the Newton's theory of gravitation as well. It is nothing more than an experimental fact. When one comes to the dependence of a form of equations on space-time properties [7], there exists some speculation for this idea. The impression is given that we can change this space-time to check the de- pendence claimed. In fact, the Universe is only one (unique). GRT tries to add a complexity of the Uni- verse to any local phenomena, which is not positive for science. The choice of local coordinates is a di er- ent matter (a phenomenon symmetry can simplify the description) and globality is not the case again. The use of non-inertial systems in GRT is contra- dictory intrinsically. Really, in a rotating system rather distant objects will move at velocity greater than light speed; but SRT and GTR assert, that the apparent velocities should be lower, than c. However, the ex- perimental fact is as follows: the photograph of the sky, taken from the rotating Earth, indicates, that the visible solid-state rotation is observed. The use of a ro- tating system does not contradict the classical physics at any distance from the center, whereas in GRT the vinaaludemoisfsigb0l0e component in GRT). becomes negative (but this is The notion of time in GRT is confused beyond the limit as well. What does it mean by the clock syn- chronization, if it is possible only along the unclosed lines? The change of time reference point in moving around a closed path is an obvious contradiction of GRT, since at a great synchronization rate many simi- lar passes-around can be made, and arbitrary aging or rejuvenation can be obtained. For example, considering the vacuum (emptiness) to be rotating (if we ourselves shall move around a circle), we can get various results depending on a mental idea. Using the modi ed paradox of twins [1], the inde- pendence of time on acceleration can easily be proven. Let two astronauts - the twins - are at a great distance from each other. On a signal of the beacon, situated at the middle, these astronauts begin to y toward a bea- con at the same acceleration. Since in GRT the time depends on the acceleration and the acceleration has relative character, each of the astronauts will believe, that his twin brother is younger than he is. At meeting near the beacon they can exchange photos. However, owing to the problem symmetry, the result is obvious: the time in an accelerated system ows at the same rate, as in non-accelerated one. If we suppose the gravita- tional eld to be equivalent to the acceleration (accord- ing to GRT), then we obtain, that the time intervals do not depend on the gravitational eld presence. Now we make some remarks concerning the method of synchronization of times by means of a remote pe- riodic source disposed perpendicular to the motion of a body [1]. We begin with inertial systems. The pos- sibility of time synchronization on restricted segments makes it possible to synchronize the time throughout the line of motion. Indeed, if for each segment there exists an arbitrarily remote periodic source sending the following of passed information: seconds (the ittsimneumrebfeerrenNcje, the quantity point is not cnoj- ordinated with other sources), then the observers at junctions of segments can compare the time reference point for a source on the left and for a source on the right. Transmitting this information sequentially from the rst observer to the last one, it is possible to estab- lish a single time reference point (the time itself, as it was shown in [1], has absolute sense). Apparently, the observed rate of transmission of synchronization signals has no e ect on the determina- tion of duration of times: the pulses (for example, light spheres or particles), which mark the number of passed seconds, will equidistantly ll the whole space, and the number of spheres emitted by a source will be equal to the number of spheres, which intersect the receiving observer. (We are not the gods, you see, to be able to introduce the \beginning of times": the time takes already its normal course and elapses uniformly.) Even if we consider the apparent signal propagation rate to be c = c(r), then, irrespective of the path of light, the number of spheres reached the receiving observer (hav- ing a zero velocity component in the source direction) will be the same as the number of spheres emitted by a source (simply, the spheres can be spatially thickened or rare ed somewhere). Thus, the full synchronization is possible in the presence of spatial inhomogeneities (of the gravitational eld) as well. In physics it is not accepted to take into account the same e ect twice. It is clear, that the accelera- tion and gravitation express some force, that in uences various processes. But this will be the general result of the e ect of namely the forces. For example, not any load can be withstood by a man, the pendulum clock will not operate under zero gravity, but this does On the Basis for General Relativity Theory 229 not mean, that the time stopped. Therefore, the rough Hafele-Keating's experiment states the trivial fact, that the gravitation and acceleration somehow in uence the processes in a cesium atomic watch, and the high rela- tive accuracy of this watch is fully groundless for a xed site. Besides, interpretation of this experiment contra- dicts the \explanation" of the Pound-Rebka's experi- ment with supposition about independence of frequen- cy of emission in \the units of intrinsic atom time" [5] on gravitational eld. Besides, a further uncertainty in GRT must be taken into consideration: there can ex- ist immeasurable rapid eld uctuations (with a rate greater than inertness of measuring instruments) even in ty tehxeisatsbsfoenr caenyofvtahlueemoefagn: seilndcegt.hSeutcihmethien uncertainGRT does not will dbeepennodnzoenroge-vdeinrecwtiitohn,a=n e ective potential 0. Whether is it possible to invent, though theoretically, a precise watch, which can be worn by anybody? Probably, a rotating ywheel with a mark (in the absence of friction - on a superconducting suspension), whose axis is directed along the gravitational eld gradient (or along the re- sultant force) could read out the correct time. At least, no obvious reasons and mechanisms of changing the ro- tation rate are seen in this case. Certainly, for weak gravitation elds such a watch will be less accurate at the modern stage, than cesium one. We hypothesize, that atom decay is anisotropic, and this anisotropy can be interrelated with a direction of the atomic magnetic moment. In this case we can regulate atomic moments and freeze the system. Then, the \frozen clock" will register di erent time depending on its orientation in the gravitational eld. Now we return to synchronizing signals (for simul- taneous measurement of lengths, for example). For a rectilinearly moving, accelerated system it is possible to use the signals from a remote source being perpen- dicular to the line of motion, and for the segment of a circle the source can be at its center. These cases actually cover all non-inertial motions without gravi- tation. (Besides, for the arbitrary planar motion it is possible to make use of a remote periodic source being on a perpendicular to the plane of motion.) For the real gravitational eld of spherical bodies in arbitrary motion along the equipotential surfaces it is possible to use periodic signals issuing from the gravitational eld center. Note, that to prove the inconsistency of SRT and GRT conclusions on the change of lengths and time intervals it is sucient, that the accuracy of ideal mea- surement of these values could principally exceed the value of the e ect predicted by SRT and GRT. For ex- ample, for a source being at the middle perpendicular to the line of motion we have: t = l2=(8Rc); that is, t can be decreased not only by choosing the great radius of a light sphere, but also by choosing a small section of motion l. From the SRT formulas on time contraction we have: t = l(1 p1 v2=c2)=v. If for nite R and speci ed speed v we choose such l, that the inequality l=(8Rc) < (1 p1 v2=c2)=v; (1) be met, then the conclusions of relativistic theories occur to be invalid. For the system arbitrarily moving along the radius (drawn from the gravitational eld center) it is possible to use for synchronization a free falling periodic source on the perpendicular to the line of motion. In this case R should be chosen of such value, that the eld can not actually change (due to equipotential sphere rounding) at this distance, and corresponding l from (1) near the point, to which the perpendicular is drawn. Therefore, the GRT conclusions can be refuted in this case as well. For the most important special cases the \universal" SRT and GRT conclusions on the contraction of distances as a property of the space itself are invalid. In the most general case it seems intuitively quite obvious, that such a position of a periodic source can be found, that the signal to come perpendicular to the motion, and that such R and l from (1) to exist, which refute the GRT results. There is no necessity at all in a \spread" frame of reference and in an arbitrarily operating clock: any change of real lengths should be explained by real forces; it is always possible to introduce a system of mutually motionless bodies and the universal time. Thus, the space and time must be Newtonian and independent on the motion of a system. Now we pass to mathematical methods of GRT and to corollaries of this theory. The games with the spacetime properties result in the fact, that in GRT the application of variation methods occurs to be questionable: the quantities are not additive, the Lorentz transformations are non-commutative, the integral quantities depend on the path of integration. Even it is not clear, how the terminal points can be considered as xed, if the distances are di erent in di erent frames of reference. Because of nonlocalizableness (non-shieldness) of gravitation eld, conditions on in nity (because of the mass absence on in nity, it is euclideanness) are principally important for the existence of the conservation laws [7] (for systems of the insular type only). The classical approach is more successive and useful (theoretically and practically): energy is determined correctly to a constant, since the local energy di erence between two transition points has a physical meaning (therefore, conditions on in nity is groundless). Highly doubtful is the procedure of linearization in the general form, since it can be only individual. The tending to simplicity is declared, but even two times are introduced - coordinate and intrinsic ones. The tting to the well-known or intuitive (classically) result is often made. So, for motion of Mercury's perihelion [5] the du=d' derivative can have two signs. Which 230 S.N. Arteha of them should be chosen? To say already nothing of the fact, that the dividing by du=d' is performed, but this quantity can be zero. Calculating the perihelion displacement in GRT (from the rigorous solution for a single attractive point), the impression is given that we know astronomical masses exactly. If we use GRT as a correction to Newton's theory, the situation is in fact opposite: there exists a problem knowing visible planet motions to reestablish the exact planet masses (to substitute the latters and to check GRT thereafter). Imagine the circular planet orbit. It is obvious in this case, that the Newtonian rotation period will already be taken with regard to an invisible precession, i.e. the period will be renormalized. Therefore, renormalized masses are already included in Newton's gravitation theory. Since the GRT-corrections are much less than the perturbation planet actions and the in uence of a non-sphericity, the reestablishment of exact masses can essentially change the description of a picture of the motion for this complex many-body problem (see other objections [2]). No such detailed analysis was carried out. The complexity of spatial-temporal links is stat- ed, but eventually one passes for a very long time to customary mathematical coordinates; otherwise there is nothing to compare the results with. For what was there a scrambling? The prototype of the \black hole" in Laplac's solu- tion, where the light, moving parallel to the surface, begins to move over a circle like the arti cial satel- lite of the Earth, di ers from the GRT ideas. Noth- ing prohibits the light with a rather high energy to escape the body in the direction perpendicular to its surface. There is no doubt, that such beams will exist (both by internal and external reasons): for example, the beams falling from outside will be able to accumu- late energy, in accordance with the energy conservation law, and to leave such a \black hole" after re ecting. \The black holes" in GRT is a real mysticism. If we take a long rod, then at motion its mass will increase and the size will decrease (according to SRT). What will happen? Is \the black hole" generated? All the sky will become lled with \black holes," if we shall move rapidly enough. And, you see, this process would be irreversible. The presence of singularities or multiple connection of the solution implies, that, as a minimum, the solution is inapplicable in these regions. Such a situation takes place with the change of the space - time signature for the \black hole" in the Schwarzschild solution, and it is not necessary to search any arti cial philosophical sense in this situation. The singuliarity in the Schwarzschild solution for r mathematical m=anrigpuclaantinoonts: betheeliamdidniatitoend obfy tphuereinly- nity with the other sign at this point is the arti cial game with the in nities, but such a procedure requires the physical basis. (You see, the singularity at zero is not eliminated by arti cial addition of exp ( r)=r, where  is a large quantity). Even from GRT follows the impossibility of observa- tion of \black holes": the time of \the black hole" formation will be in nite for us as remote observers. And since the collapse cannot be completed, the solutions, which consider all things as though they have already happened, have no sense. The separation of events by in nite time for internal and external observers is not \an extreme example of the relativity of the time course," but the elementary manifestation of the inconsistency of Schwarzschild's solution. The same fact follows from \the incompleteness" of systems of solutions. It is not clear, what will happen with the charge conservation law, if a greater quantity of charges of the same sign will enter \the black hole"? The mystical description of \metrical tidal forces" [6] at approaching \the black hole" is invalid, since it would mean, that the gravitation force gradient is great within the limits of a body, but all GRT ideas are based on the opposite assumptions. The Kerr metric in the presence of rotation also clearly demonstrates the inconsistency of GRT: it gives in a strict mathematical manner several physically unreal solutions (the same operations, as for Schwarzschild's metric, do not save the situation). GRT contains a lot of doubtful prerequisites and results. List some of them. For example, the requirement of gravitational eld weakness for low velocities is doubtful: if the spacecraft is landed on a massive planet, whether it can not stand or slowly move? Whether some molecules with low velocities cannot be found in spite of temperature uctuations? The consideration of a centrally symmetric eld in GRT has not physical sense as well: since the velocity can be only radial, then not only rotations, but even real temperature characteristics can not exist (i.e. T = 0K ). The eld in a cavity is not obtained in a single manner, but, simply, two various constants are postulated in order to avoid singularities. The emission of gravitation waves for a parabolic motion (with eccentricity e = 1) results in the in nite loss of energy and angular momentum, which obviously contradicts the experimental data. In fact, GRT can be applied only for weak elds and weak rotations, i.e. in the same region, as the Newtonian theory of gravitation. Recall that the interaction between moving charges di ers from the static Coulomb law. Therefore, prior to applying the static Newtonian law of gravitation, it must be veri ed for moving bodies, but this is a prerogative of the experiment. The theories of evolution of the Universe will remain the hypotheses for ever, because none of assumptions (even on the isotropy and homogeneity) can be veri ed: \a moving train, which departed long ago, can be catched up only at the other place and at the other time." GRT assigns to itself the resolution of a series of paradoxes (gravitational, photometric, etc.). However, the classical physics has also described the possibilities of resolution of similar paradoxes (for example, by On the Basis for General Relativity Theory 231 means of Charlier's structures, etc.). Apparently, the direction, points of application etc.). \The reference Universe is not a spread medium, and we do not know points" are actually speci ed, with respect to which at all its structure as a whole to assert the possibility the subsequent changes of quantities (position, veloc- of realization of conditions for similar paradoxes (more ity, acceleration etc.) are investigated. The principal probably, the opposite situation is true). For example, relativity of all quantities in GRT contradicts the ex- the Olbers paradox can easily be understood on the ba- periments. The subsequent arti cial attempt to derive sis of the analogy with the ocean: the light is absorbed, accelerations (or rotations) with respect to the local scattered and re ected by portions, and the light sim- geodesic inertial Lorentzian system - this is simply the ply ceases to penetrate to a particular depth. Certainly, tting to only workable and experimentally veri ed co- such \a depth" is huge for the rare ed Universe. How- ordinates of the absolute space (GRT does not contain ever, the ashing stars represent rather compact objects any similar things organically [7]). spaced at great distances from each other. As a result, The Mach principle of stipulation of an inert mass only a nite number of stars make a contribution into and absolute nature of the acceleration due to the in u- the light intensity of the night sky. ence of far stars is also doubtful, since it explains the in- The expanding of the Universe gives a red shift ac- trinsic properties of one body via the properties of other cording to the Doppler e ect irrespective of GRT. Be- bodies. Of course, the idea is elegant in itself. If ev- sides, it should be taken into consideration, that even erything in the world is supposed to be interdependent the elementary scattering will make contribution in- and some ideal complete equation of state is believed to to the red shift and lling of the so-called relic radi- exist, then any property of bodies should be determined ation: recall that the Compton e ect gives waves with by the in uence of the whole remaining Universe. How- 0 > been w0e.llTphreedshicitfetdofelvinenesbiny the gravitational eld has mechanistic models from ever, in such a case any particle should be considered to be individual. This way is faulty for science, which the general energy considerations. progresses from smaller knowledge to greater, since \it Now we pass to the following principal issue. Whether is impossible to grasp the immense." Actually, if we positive is the fact, that the distribution and motion take into account the non-uniform distribution of mass of the matter cannot be speci ed arbitrarily? And (in compact objects) and di erent values of attraction whether is it correct? Generally, this implies the incon- forces from close and far objects, then the complete sistency of the theory, because there exist other forces, \tugging" would be obtained instead of uniform rota- except gravitational ones, which are also capable to tion or uniform inertial motion of an object. transpose the matter. From the practical viewpoint The Mach principle cannot be veri ed in essence: this means, that we should specify all distributions both removal of all bodies from the Universe and tend- in \the correct-for-GRT" manner even at the initial ing of the gravitation constant to zero are the abstrac- time instant. to \the time In of such a case creation," we did swheo?uldArnefderwth0aitnsptrainnt- tions having nothing in common with the reality. However, it is possible to estimate the in uence of \far ciples should be unambiguously determinate for such stars" experimentally by considering the mass of the a choice? This requires more knowledge, than it is Universe as mainly concentrated in compact objects. expected from GRT. Open to question occurs to be The force of attraction of a star having a mass of the the possibility of point-like description and the theory order of the Sun's mass (M  2 1030 kg), being at the of disturbances, because the resulting values cannot distance of 1 light year ( 9 1015 m), is equivalent to be arbitrary as well. The joining of a completely unknown equation of state implies arti cial complication the the action of a distance of l1oamdehtearv.inWgeasmhaalslsmofakoenluysem, 0for a2w5 hgilaet, of macro- and micro-levels by linkage and re ects the of the doubtful Big Bang theory and shall consider the possibility of arbitrary ttings (for example, the tem- time for the Universe to be equal to  2 1010 years. perature dependence is rejected). The possibility of Even if the stars y away with light speed, we would adding the cosmological constant into Einstein's equa- have the size of the Universe equal to  2 1010 light tions is an indirect recognition of ambiguity of GRT years. We have deliberately increased all quantities; equations and of possible outrage. If everything can for example, the mass of the Universe and its density be speci ed to such an accuracy, then why cannot we   1033=1054  10 21 g=cm3. We take into account specify in arbitrary manner the initial distribution and now, that, as the bodies move away from each other the motion of a matter? at the two-fold distance, the force decreases four-fold, Let us discuss one more principal point concerning etc. Even if we suppose the mean distance between the relativity of all quantities in GRT. The laws, written the stars to be 1 light year, then at the distance of 1 simply as the equations, determine nothing by themselves. The solution of any problem still requires the knowledge of speci c things, such as the characteristics meter it is necessary to place the mass 2251021=06)