Model ot rathowaves dispertion in atmosphere. Yuri M. Galaev Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkov 310085, Ukraine l_ AE3STRACT Physical aspects of dispersion (dependence of refraction factor value from frequency) emergence in case of radiowave propagation in atmosphere with nonlinear dependence of atmosphere refraction factor value from coordinates have been considered. Dispertion phenomenologic model proved by results of nature measurements in surface millimeter range direct visibility radiuline has been put forward. 2.IN TRODUCTION 'Fh disperlion of itmnsphere (dependence of atmosphere rehaction .ta:tur 'i from frequency is a fundamuttal cause limiting communication systems passband, location systems Of)e[aIIUfl accu[acy, etc. ihe must urgent dispersion data is iclated to the millimeter radiowave range. A number investigations are known to be devoted to the development of the model of atmosphere dispertion in wide frequency hand. That was also reflected in a number of overview papers related to centimeter and millimeter waves propagation But recently during experimental investigation of millimeter range surface communication line band properties it has been discovered that in some cases the atmosphere shows properties of a dispersion media, and the value and variability of the dispertion sufficiently exceed theoretic eslimations and cannot be explained by th.e known phenomena . The measurements have been carried out in 1 GHz frequency band near 37 GHz carrier frequency on 13 km long surface direct visibiJ.ity path. Dispertion effects having no direct relation to atmospheric gases polarisation or hydrometeors and underlayer surface influence have been found. The revealed dispertion may sufficiently limit the operation of wide band communication lines 2 and high resolution systems. The measurements have been carried out by the phase invariant method in wich the measured value of phase invariant t p is dispersion measure and is equal. 2 — p. O-8194-1526-X/94/$6.OO SPIE Vol. 2222/851 Downloaded From: on 07/06/2016 Terms of Use: where are phases of received modulated sensing sigadi disctete spec Ii urn cinnponerit, corresponding to the following frequencies: — to the carrier irequency., to the lower side component and + to the upper side component (c. is modulation frequency). Phases included into (1) are where 1= 0,1,2 are indexes corresponding to the frequencies of signals making sensing signal spectrum; is a distance between a transmitter and a receiver. : is a velucily of light in vacuum. it follows from (I) and (2) that in absence of dispertion 0. The measurements carried out under the conditions of clear weather (in abcsence of Ii ydrorn eteors) revealed the presence of daily and seasonal variations of quantities and consequently the dispersion value. in Fig.l average seasonal diurnal variations are presented. The x axis is the time of day in hours. The y axis is value measured in degrees. Curves corresponding to winter deg. 4 0 -4 -8 Fig.l Average seasonal diurnal phase invariant variations Fi.2 L' VdU&'; nira;uiunt iult.; ri :de l iai; il1 u it 0 - — ui old front rrintion spring. autumn and summer seasons are marked by the number i234. A cnnsIdetahe growth of , , values up to '20...'30° has been observed duiing tire rain fall out in warm season and with the motion ot cold atrno'pheric fronts in c:uld season. In results in case of rainfalls in summer and cold front motion in Fig.2 typical measurements wintei are presented Temporal position of rains are marked by rectangIes Extreme values were measured in winter with the motion of cold atmospheric front ( '64°) and in the beginning of sum mci 852 / SPIE Vol. 2222 Downloaded From: on 07/06/2016 Terms of Use: under 5tabIe clear weather with the air ternptrature up to +30uC 24U) These results appeared to be unexpected as they could not be described within the known dispertion models. Thus1 estimation of irtolecular oxygen and steam absorption lines influense under the air temperature of 3OC have shown that in the frequency range used in h phase invariant in experimental commumication line does not exceed ÷O.16u. Direct influence of the earth surface on the measuiements accuracy have been determined experimentally in paper and estimatedat The aim of this paper is to ascertain physical ieasons fur earlier revealed disperlion effects III ciise of millimeter wave piopagatiori n surface direct visibility channel and to develop dispeTtinn model describing tht effects found in experimental communication line. 3. PHF.NOMENOLOGY The phenomenological model of groundbased channel of radio wave propagation of mm wave range in line-of-sight range, which explains dispersion effects, measured in ', is presented hi the paper. The known data about the spatial structure of groundbased atmos phere and radiowave propagation lie in the model basis. it has been shown in the papers and some others, that regular nonlinear dependence of IV value on Ihe altitude Ii over the ground surface is inherent to groundbased atmospheric layer. This nonlinear structuze of JV(h.) vertical pio files, is caused by the distinctions of meteorological elem ents distribution and is subjected to regular 24-hourly and seasonal variations 24-hourly variations of JV(k.iprofiles in the layer with altitude up to A' lOOm, averaged over the seasons (for summer and winter) and typical for Russia, are plotted in Pig.3. The profiles were constructed by the experimental data from paper Fig,3 4 hourh varialiorts f N(h) profiles, average over the season of the year — — -— — 6 am.,----—------------ p.m., . p- SPIE Vol. 2222 / 853 Downloaded From: on 07/06/2016 Terms of Use: j/frr unit is connected with N value by relation iV. ( iV 1 ' I I oTder to stress ftc profiles' characteristic feature, which is isscritial to our analVsis. the profiles were constructed from the point h -• 25 m. in this case only time variations of index refractivity gradients values K &Y / M' in the corresponding atmospheric layers were taken into account. Therefore the horizontal axis has no graduation as to value of JV Jt ic essential that, the curves which represent the "summer type of the piofile /V(ñ..) are concave and the curves which represent ' the "winter' ones are convex, i.e. these profiles have different signs of the second derivatives d 2 ,, ,• dh It also follows from Fig.3 that for groundbased channels of radio wave propagation of mm wave range in the line-of-sight range it is characteristic the situation, when the scale of regular nun-linear variations of media properties. which is transverse to the wave propagation direction is comparable with the Fresnel zones dimensions. For example, in 8 - mm wave range the diameter of Fresnel zones d is equal by the order to 10 in eters, here A denotes radiation wave tength. Let's consider the mechanism of dispersion advent over radio wave propagation in the atmosphere with nonlinear /Y('h./ profile. The qualitative behaviour of the propagation media in dependence on 1V"h) profiles type and signal trquency is plotted in Fig. 4. Fig. 4a corresponds to the "summer type of the profile and Fig. 4b corresponds to winter" one. Ii Summer die N a) N1 121($) I 4' tt 1 02 Fig.4 Atmospheric index refractivity variations in dependence on flu nlinear pruhk N ( h) type arid signal frequency. 854 / SPIE Vol. 2222 Downloaded From: on 07/06/2016 Terms of Use: L&t the axis of the space domain. wbich is essential under radio wave propagation passes ' through the point 4 . The diam eters of the sum e nato e Fresnel zones are denoted by indexes iD, d1. t2 zones according to presented in values, coirespood to signals with frequencies measurement method of phase invariant , 02 The average values of variation ranges of A' values within these 6flOS for "summer" and "winter" profiles aie denoted by 'V0. 1) 2o ibVy1$.thjVe2$vekritnidcIaVl.a.U.rar)owIVs iv marked , cnrre!pondingly. by digits 0, 1. 2, it F or vizuali?ation, in the bottom of each figure is shown the location of these average values along the IV axis. Inasm uch the dimensions of th same name F resnel zones are not coincide with each other on different frequencies, the ranges of IV values variatioit within such zones are not equal to each tither and owing to nonlinearity of jV(',J profiles these ranges and their average values are shifted as to each other. Therefore, in this case signals with different frequencies propagate in the medias with different IV values, i.e. the dispersion, caused by non-linear structure of JV('h.) profiles occurs, or one can say about the dispersion, caused by the spatial truc1ure of atmospheric ground-based layer. One can see from the Fig. 4 that with increase of the profiles nonlinearity rate (i.e. their second derivatives d 2 jv dh 2 the :dispersion va1u will increase and in the case of linear JY(h) dependence (i.e. d2 11// dh 2 ) such dispeisiun doesn't occur. This circumstance is connected with the fact, that the ranges of IV values variation within the same name Fresnel zones are not shifted as to each other and their average values coincide by the value and are deterruined f. rom well known class.ic represerttat,ion equal 11 at to iV(.& 1 — the alt.itu0de k . index It is refractivity, obvious that similar effects will be observed in the case of non-linear distilbution of IV values in horizontal direction (for example, in cloud cover). Thus, if the paiameters of propagation media vaiy in dependence on coordinates in the directions, transversed to the direction of wave propagation, such media is a dispersive one. Fo distinguish the above mentioned dispersion advent mechanism from other known causes, which induce it's appearance, we shall use for this mechanism the term "spatial dispersion". Presented phenomenology enables to determine some properties of spatial dispersion and to show it's place in the geneiai pioblem of wave propagation, and also to explain the eKperilnental results, considered in 2 In the futher development we shall take into account the spatial variations of Al value only in veitical direction, inasm uch fur ground--based atmos- pheric layer. where the radio links ci line-of-sight range are located, dependence of IV value on the altitude is most essential 4. SPATIAL DISPERSION PROPERTIES. Consider some spatial dispersion properties, which may essntially effect on the radio wave propagation in the ground based atmospheric Iaye. It follows from phenornenology that the spatial dispersion occurs only in the case of non" linear dependence ci pupagation media Index refractivity value on coordinates, lransversed to SPIE Vol. 2222/855 Downloaded From: on 07/06/2016 Terms of Use: the direction of propagation. In application o wave propagation in the groundbased atmospheric layer this spatial dispersion piopefty exhibits under non linear disitibution of iV values along altitude h. An important spatial dispeision property is the dependnnce of it's bthavioui on Ib€ type tif vertical profilts A/ç'h) nonlinearity. In the case of "summer" profile (Fig. Ia). the relation between average index refractivity values on frequencies . one can desciibe by the inequality: Iv1 S '° 1 - '2. 2 which represents anomalous character of the dispeisiun ( N decicases with the increase uf i.e. 'o ' '2 In the case of winter profile JV(h) (Fig. 4b) corresponding inequality has a form , Jv1,t: )- "';( WI: )' i';,(cu? and represents normal character of the dispersion (N increases with the increase of ). Thus, over wave propagation iii the atmospheiic ground based layer the spatial dispersion may b ' either normal of anomalous, according to type of non-linear dependence or atmospheric index refractivity on the altitude h over ground suiface. It is well known I see, for example / . that non-linear dependence of ii value on coordinates is peculiar to earth atmosphere and this cicumstance especially exhibits in the ground and sea-based layers, in cloud cover. in atrsios- pheric frontal partitions and in some other cases. One can contend that the spatial dispersion effects are inherent to the phenomena of radio wave propagation in the atmosphere. Thus, over the radio wave propagatiøn description the effective frequency dependent index refractivity Irveeflrf(aact')ivmityu,sdtebteermusineedd. This from index refiactivity well knowit classic IV () iine can represent as a orfefpresentation N1(1) (see, for sum of index example ), and the additional term, which appears owing to dispersion "spatial mechanisrri' /'(x) iV.jiJj w -- A't./' ) - iv i:I ), (.L•) it follows frn1L Fig. 4a that, in the case of anomalous patiai dispersion, the additional teims A'() to A'() value, which one can treat here as N(JQ.) value, e positive, i.e. the anomalous spatial dispersion leads the case of normal spatial dispersion to the increase of u/0() value in respect (Fig. 4b) the additional terms N(0) are ntoega./t/i(vce4a. rIind lead to decrease of JV1() value in respect to !Y() It follows from Fig. 4, that with the increase of , other things being equal, a contribution of N() into value will decrease, owing to decrease of Presnel zone dimension. This property of spatial dispersion one can represent as follows urn! .7 (, j _-O () p The qualitative variations of values in dependence on signal frequency and spatial dispersion character are plotted in Fig.5. The dependence of iV1(o) is depicted by solid line. By the same line we shall depict the dependence of A'1() in the case of linear profile A'7i5) 856 / SPIE Vol. 2222 Downloaded From: on 07/06/2016 Terms of Use: because for this profile i1() 0 . 13y the dash line we shall depict M11() dependence, when the effects of anomalous spatial dispersion occur over radio wave propagation. The dependence JV011(1) in the case of norrnalspaLialdisperion is fiown by dash-dott line. From the considered phenomenniogy it follows such evident property of the spatial dispersion, as IV value dependence on the range ' of radio wave propagation in the atmos- Inasm uch,over the decrease of value the Presnel's zone dimension also decreases, the contribution of IV value will decrease (Pig. 4). Note that N1 value in the expression (5) doesn't depend on the range ; an d is determined by the composition and the state of the atmosphere in measuring opnoifnrteqaunednicnyge4nieiral case also depends N Thus, the spatial dispersion phenomena is inherent to radio wave — propagation in the atmosphere and in • particular to propagation in ground- and seabasad layers. This dispersion may be either normal or anomalous. cr The contribution of the spatial dispersion to general atmospheric Fi5 IV depndetice in tite case of — — — - ano;ni1uu and — noirnal spatial diperiort. 'c1 () dependence dispersion decreases with the signal frequency increase and decrease of radio wave propagation channel extent. 5. MEASUREMENTS RESULTS AND DISPERSION MODEL The esperimental investigations, which were carried out on a ground--based line-of--sight range path in 8-mm wave range, confirmed the phenomenniogy of spatial dispersion, presented in this paper. The results of mesurements are presented in . It is shown that the brought out effects essentially impact en the band width of the radio link. The main results of above mentioned measurements from paper 2 are plotted in Pig. I and Fig. 2 for convenience of the explanation of these experiments. Let's show the connection between the changeability of measured values of phase invariant (expression (1)) and the spatial dispersion properties. Let is an increment of index refractivity with signal frequency increase from to (Pi84), then index refractivity increment decrftases with the signal frequency decrease from to , owing to nonlinearity SPIE Vol. 2222 / 857 Downloaded From: on 07/06/2016 Terms of Use: of N(h) profiles one may write as A , where A ' 1. Let's e.Kprss N inI ;Y vaurc by the increments and 1t 3 relatively to . F roni relations ( 1) (2.) on can obtain that in the case of anomalous dispersion (F ig. 4a) values, with accuracy up to coefficients. are equal: J : 3 ( I 1- ) , (7 ) and take negative values (1 1) In the case at normal dispersion (F 1g. 4h) one can obtain A=5(i--1' (8) In this case n are positive (I I) . Besides, it follows from lig. 4 and relations (7) and (8), ' that with increase of the profiles nonlineazity rate, the spatial dispersion value will increase. i.e. 6 and f values, and therefore 1 I will also increase. Thus, positive values of phase invariant correspond to the normal dispersion and negative to anomalous one. Greater phase invariant absolute value corresponds to greater dispersion. The characteristic feature of experimental data, presented in Fig. 1. is the presence of extremums, located within the interval between 3 and 4 o'clock p.m. 24 hourly variations of phase invariant p values, averaged for winter season, occupy the region of positive values and for summer season, conesponding values occupy the region of negatives. In spring and autumn A p measured values are close to zero. Let's compare these data with 24-hourly variability of iV('A) profiles (Fig. 3), which are also averaged over the seasons of the year. According to phenomenoingy of spatial dispersion advent it is shown that atmospheric ground- -based layer with profile A'(2) (Fig. 3, Fig. 4a), which is characteristic for summer clear weather is a media with anomalous spatialdispersion and measured values aic negative (see, Fig. I, curve 4). In the case of JY(h) profile (Fig. 3, Fig. 4b), which is characteristic for winter clear weather, the ground--based layer is a media with normal dispersion (see Fig. 1, curve 1). In spring and autumn the ground- -based N(h) profiles are close to linear ones ' tAs it was shown in the case of linear N"h) dependence the spatial dispersion is absent and =- 0 . This fact is confirmed by the measurement results (F 1g. 1, curves 2,3). when measured values are close to zero. 24-hourly variations values are connected with 24hourly variations of the profiles )V'h,./ by the next manner. In summer afternoon profile JV('/i.) (Fig. 3, solid line) has more expressed nun-linear structure than in the morning or in the evening. By that spatial dispersion and consequently I I have greater values , (Fig. I, curve 4). In winter one can observe the inverse situation. In the afternoon non--linear properties of profile JV'&,.) (Fig. solid curve) are more pronounced than in the morning or in the evening. Smaller spatial dispersion and smaller values of phase invariant correspond to this time. This fact occurs in the measurement results presented in Fig. I (curve 1). Thus,pxopused spatial dispersion advent mechanism permits to explain on a qualitative level a 24-hourly and seasonal variability of measurement results, obtained under clear weather. The peculiarity of measurement results which carried out over the rainfalls in summer (Fig. 2. solid curve) is a time delay (near 50 minutes) of the moment of measured I I value change from negative to positive relative to the beginning a rain and further increase of this value to ÷20 0 0 In the framework of proposed spatial dispersion advent 858/SPIE Vol. 2222 Downloaded From: on 07/06/2016 Terms of Use: mechanism it can be epIained as follows. It is well known (hat 4,10,12 . atmospheric ground- based layer afttr i'ailkfall th* summer type of profile JV(h) (Fig. 4a) Iransforms to winter one (Fig. 4b). This tact occurs uwing to compensation of humidity deticit in the atmospheric upper layers by the intensive evaportation from humid and heated surface. According to spatial dispersion phenomnology this tact leads to changing at spatial dispersion character: ' anomalous dispersion changed into normal and correspondingly negative values of measured value I d 'p 1 change to positive ones. By that, value I I is determined by nonlinearity rate of new profile . The vertical velocity of water vapours turbulence diffusion (near I In Cf minute 12 and radio waves propagation channel altitude over ground surface (near 50 m 2 can easily explain the reason and value (near 50 minutes) of time delay changing moment of value from negative to positive relatively to rain beginning. Thus, expeiimentally obtained change iii the character and value of dispeision at rainfall in atmospheric ground-based layer may be explained in the framework of proposed spatial dispersion advent mechanism. The proposed michaiiism allows tn show both of qualitatively and quantitatively dynamics of physical processes in the atmospheric ground-based layer. Under the conditions of cold atmospheric fronts motion sufficiently non-linear winter type profiles JV('4J (Fig. 4b) up to inversion ones have been established 48,t0 According to phertomenology of dispersion advent atmosphere with the profile of such type is a media with normal spatial dispersion. Positive values of measured value correspond to that dispersion. The greater profiles i'V(4} nonlinearity rate in a frontal partition causes a greater value of spatial dispersion and correspondingly greater values of phase invariant relative to the standart atmosphere. Such variaibiiity of values which follows from. phenomenology of spatial dispersion and processes in ground-based atmosphere under cold atmospheric fronts motion is prove to be true by Ike measurement results 2 In Fig. 2 dolt line represent the typical measurement recuIti nf t value under cold atmospheric fronts motion in winter. Usual for winter clear weather i values from interval -'4 p0 increased up to 320 under cold atmosphere front motionS In the powerful cold fronts this increase reached --64 , according Thus, the results of experimental investigations carried out in winter with cold atmospheric fronts motion are explained in Iht fracnewoik of propos&d spatial dispersion advent mechanism of radio wave propagation in grnundhased itrnuspheric Iaynr. From considered phenomenology the spatial dispersion phenomena and its properties confirmed b peiimenta! investigations one must use effective index refiectivity while discribiitg radio waves propagation. This index refractivity - has a form (5). The second term in this relation is undefined. It conditions of experimental work turns out 2 may be that dependence iV ( ) aproximated by the function in the framework of r4ff C w = () 14 ) - (9) According to representation (5) the second term describes the value iV( ) variability via measured L values and frequency - This variability according to (6) is described as to maximal frequency in the sounding signal spectrum. used in ( co 37.5 GIJz ). This fact SPIE Vol. 2222 / 859 Downloaded From: on 07/06/2016 Terms of Use: constrains frequency interval of expression (9) I* n the framework at known modtIs of atmospheric. adpisp'pleicrsai.boinlitIyi The and dveafl.runeesAriA' (l ) is calculated in dependence on of atmosphere gases composition and state with due regards Lu impact of dielectric permeability rotation part of water steam and magnetic molecular oxygen permeability. The rotation part depends on . Expression (9) qulitatively and quantitatively describes dispersion effects wich were discovered in . iY11(co) calculated values satisfy to measurement results A phenomenology which explains the reasons of spatial dispersion advent and relation (9) which describes frequency dependence of index refrectivity of experimental lineo1sighl range radio link iii millimeter wave range we shall consider as phenomertulogical model of radio waves dispersion in atmospheric ground-based layer. In response of investigations carried out were shown the reasons of advent of radio waves dispersion effects in milimeter wave range over propagation in the 1ineuf-sight range ground based channei All these effects were discovered experimentally. It was shown that if in directions transversed to radio wave propagation direction the media parameters depend on coordinates in non-linear form, then such media is dispersive. The variability of nonlinear spatial structure of atmosphere leads to variability of observed spatial dispersion effects. In the framework of this phenomenology next facts are explained: seasonal and 24-hourly variations of dispersion; effect of atmospheric fronts and rainfalls; the reasons of spatial normal and anomalous dispersion advent ; the dependence of spatial dispersion advent on signal frequency and radio waves propagation range. II was proposed phenomenological model of dispersion of experimental radio link This model was confirmed by measurement results. All these investigations can be a base for radio wave propagation theory development and methods of attenuation adverse influence of atmosphere effects on the wide range comm unication systems performance, system state determination. etc. The results of these investigations can be useful in acoustics. hydroacoustics. optics, where dispersion problems of propagation media are actuaL 6. REFERENCES. 1. R.K.Crane. 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