
1778 lines
63 KiB

"translatorID": "5e3ad958-ac79-463d-812b-a86a9235c28f",
"label": "RDF",
"creator": "Simon Kornblith",
"target": "rdf",
"minVersion": "2.1.9",
"maxVersion": "",
"priority": 100,
"configOptions": {
"async": true,
"dataMode": "rdf/xml"
"inRepository": true,
"translatorType": 1,
"lastUpdated": "2023-04-24 15:51:01"
Copyright © 2011 Center for History and New Media
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
This file is part of Zotero.
Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Zotero. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
const datasetType = ZU.fieldIsValidForType('title', 'dataset')
? 'dataset'
: 'document';
function detectImport() {
// Make sure there are actually nodes
var nodes = Zotero.RDF.getAllResources();
if (nodes) {
return true;
return false;
var rdf = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#";
var n = {
bib: "http://purl.org/net/biblio#",
bibo: "http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/",
dc1_0: "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.0/", // eslint-disable-line camelcase
dc: "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/",
dcterms: "http://purl.org/dc/terms/",
prism: "http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/1.2/basic/",
prism2_0: "http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/basic/2.0/", // eslint-disable-line camelcase
prism2_1: "http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/basic/2.1/", // eslint-disable-line camelcase
foaf: "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/",
vcard: "http://nwalsh.com/rdf/vCard#",
vcard2: "http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#", // currently used only for NSF, but is probably
// very similar to the nwalsh vcard ontology in a
// different namespace
link: "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/link/",
z: "http://www.zotero.org/namespaces/export#",
eprints: "http://purl.org/eprint/terms/",
og: "http://ogp.me/ns#", // Used for Facebook's OpenGraph Protocol
article: "http://ogp.me/ns/article#",
book: "http://ogp.me/ns/book#",
music: "http://ogp.me/ns/music#",
video: "http://ogp.me/ns/video#",
so: "http://schema.org/",
codemeta: "https://codemeta.github.io/terms/"
var callNumberTypes = [n.dcterms + "LCC", n.dcterms + "DDC", n.dcterms + "UDC"];
// gets the first result set for a property that can be encoded in multiple
// ontologies
function getFirstResults(nodes, properties, onlyOneString) {
if (!nodes.length) nodes = [nodes];
for (let node of nodes) {
for (let i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
var result = Zotero.RDF.getTargets(node, properties[i]);
if (result) {
if (onlyOneString) {
// onlyOneString means we won't return nsIRDFResources, only
// actual literals
if (typeof (result[0]) != "object") {
return result[0];
else {
return Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(result[0]);
else {
return result;
return undefined; // return undefined on failure
// adds creators to an item given a list of creator nodes
/** TODO: PRISM 2.0 roles for DC creator/contributor*/
function handleCreators(newItem, creators, creatorType) {
if (!creators) {
if (typeof (creators[0]) != "string") { // see if creators are in a container
let c;
try {
c = Zotero.RDF.getContainerElements(creators[0]);
catch (e) {}
if (c && c.length) {
creators = c;
for (let c of creators) {
let info = extractCreatorInfo(c);
if (info) newItem.creators.push(info);
function extractCreatorInfo(obj) {
if (typeof obj == "string") {
// Use comma to split if present
return ZU.cleanAuthor(obj, creatorType, obj.includes(','));
else {
let c = { creatorType: creatorType };
c.lastName = getFirstResults(obj,
[n.foaf + "familyName",
n.foaf + "lastName",
n.foaf + "surname",
n.foaf + "family_name",
n.so + "familyName"], true);
c.firstName = getFirstResults(obj,
[n.foaf + "givenName",
n.foaf + "firstName",
n.foaf + "givenname",
n.so + "givenName"], true);
if (!c.firstName) c.fieldMode = 1;
if (c.firstName || c.lastName) return c;
c = getFirstResults(obj, [n.so + "name"], true);
if (c) return ZU.cleanAuthor(c, creatorType, c.includes(','));
return false;
// processes collections recursively
function processCollection(node, collection) {
if (!collection) {
collection = [];
collection.type = "collection";
collection.name = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc + "title", n.dc1_0 + "title", n.dcterms + "title"], true);
collection.children = [];
// check for children
var children = getFirstResults(node, [n.dcterms + "hasPart"]);
if (children) {
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
var child = children[i];
let type = Zotero.RDF.getTargets(child, rdf + "type");
if (type) {
type = Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(type[0]);
if (type == n.bib + "Collection" || type == n.z + "Collection") {
// for collections, process recursively
else {
if (isPart(child)) {
Zotero.debug("Not adding child item <" + Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(child) + "> to collection", 2);
// all other items are added by ID
collection.children.push({ id: Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(child), type: "item" });
return collection;
function processSeeAlso(node, newItem) {
var relations = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc + "relation", n.dc1_0 + "relation", n.dcterms + "relation"]);
newItem.itemID = Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(node);
newItem.seeAlso = [];
if (relations) {
for (let i = 0; i < relations.length; i++) {
function processTags(node, newItem) {
var subjects = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc + "subject", n.dc1_0 + "subject", n.dcterms + "subject"]);
newItem.tags = [];
if (subjects) {
for (let i = 0; i < subjects.length; i++) {
var subject = subjects[i];
if (typeof (subject) == "string") { // a regular tag
else {
// a call number
let type = Zotero.RDF.getTargets(subject, rdf + "type");
if (type) {
type = Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(type[0]);
if (type == n.z + "AutomaticTag") {
newItem.tags.push({ tag: getFirstResults(subject, [rdf + "value"], true), type: 1 });
// gets the node with a given type from an array
function getNodeByType(nodes, type) {
if (!nodes) {
return false;
if (typeof (type) == "string") {
type = [type];
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var node = nodes[i];
var nodeType = Zotero.RDF.getTargets(node, rdf + "type");
if (nodeType) {
nodeType = Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(nodeType[0]);
if (type.includes(nodeType)) { // we have a node of the correct type
return node;
return false;
// returns true if this resource is part of another (related by any arc besides
// dc:relation or dcterms:hasPart)
// used to differentiate independent notes and files
function isPart(node) {
var arcs = Zotero.RDF.getArcsIn(node);
var skip = false;
for (let i = 0; i < arcs.length; i++) {
var arc = arcs[i];
arc = Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(arc);
if (arc != n.dc + "relation" && arc != n.dc1_0 + "relation"
&& arc != n.dcterms + "relation" && arc != n.dcterms + "hasPart") {
// related to another item by some arc besides see also
skip = true;
return skip;
function detectType(newItem, node, ret) {
if (!node) return false;
// also deal with type detection based on parts, so we can differentiate
// magazine and journal articles, and find container elements
var isPartOf = getFirstResults(node, [n.dcterms + "isPartOf", n.so + "isPartOf"]);
// get parts of parts, because parts are sections of wholes.
if (isPartOf) {
// keep track of processed parts, so we don't end up in an infinite loop
var processedParts = [];
for (let i = 0; i < isPartOf.length; i++) {
if (processedParts.includes(isPartOf[i])) continue;
var subParts = getFirstResults(isPartOf[i], [n.dcterms + "isPartOf", n.so + "isPartOf"]);
if (subParts) {
isPartOf = isPartOf.concat(subParts);
// remove self from parts
for (let i = 0; i < isPartOf.length; i++) {
if (Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(isPartOf[i]) == Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(node)) {
isPartOf.splice(i, 1);
var container;
// for schema.org we need several containers
var containerPeriodical;
var containerPublicationVolume;
var containerPublicationIssue;
var t = {};
// rdf:type
let type = getFirstResults(node, [rdf + "type"], true);
if (type) {
var pref = '';
if (type.substr(0, n.bib.length) == n.bib) {
pref = n.bib;
else if (type.substr(0, n.bibo.length) == n.bibo) {
pref = n.bibo;
else if (type.substr(0, n.so.length) == n.so) {
pref = n.so;
else if (type == n.z + "Attachment") {
pref = n.z;
type = type.substr(pref.length).toLowerCase();
switch (type) {
case "book":
case "thesis":
case "letter":
case "manuscript":
case "interview":
case "report":
case "patent":
case "map":
// these are the same as zotero types,
// just start with lower case
if (pref == n.bib || pref == n.bibo) t.bib = type;
if (pref == n.z) t.z = type;
if (pref == n.so) t.so = type;
// bib, bibo types
case "booksection":
t.bib = 'bookSection';
container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, n.bib + "Book");
case "motionpicture":
t.bib = "film";
case "image":
case "illustration":
t.bib = "artwork";
case "legislation":
t.bib = "statute";
case "recording":
t.bib = "audioRecording";
case "memo":
t.bib = "note";
case "document":
container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, [n.bib + "CourtReporter", n.bibo + "CourtReporter"]);
if (container) {
t.bib = "case";
else if (getFirstResults(node, [n.bibo + "isbn10", n.bibo + "isbn13"], true)) {
t.bib = "book";
else {
t.bib = "webpage";
// schema.org types
// subtypes of http://schema.org/CreativeWork and https://bib.schema.org/
case 'newsarticle':
case 'analysisnewsarticle':
case 'backgroundnewsarticle':
case 'opinionNewsarticle':
case 'reportagenewsarticle':
case 'reviewnewsarticle':
t.so = 'newspaperArticle'; break;
case 'scholarlyarticle':
case 'medicalscholarlyarticle':
t.so = 'journalArticle';
containerPublicationIssue = getNodeByType(isPartOf, [n.so + "PublicationIssue"]);
containerPublicationVolume = getNodeByType(isPartOf, [n.so + "PublicationVolume"]);
containerPeriodical = getNodeByType(isPartOf, [n.so + "Periodical"]);
container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, [n.so + "PublicationIssue", n.so + "PublicationVolume", n.so + "Periodical"]);
case 'chapter':
t.so = 'bookSection';
container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, [n.so + "Book"]);
case 'socialmediaposting':
case 'blogposting':
case 'liveblogposting':
t.so = 'blogPost';
case 'discussionforumposting':
t.so = 'forumPost'; break;
case 'techarticle':
case 'apireference':
t.soGuess = 'report'; break;
case 'clip':
case 'movieclip':
case 'videogameclip':
t.soGuess = 'videoRecording'; break;
case 'tvclip':
case 'tvepisode':
t.so = 'tvBroadcast'; break;
case 'tvseries':
case 'episode':
t.soGuess = 'tvBroadcast'; break;
case 'radioclip':
case 'radioepisode':
t.so = 'radioBroadcast'; break;
case 'radioseries':
t.soGuess = 'radioBroadcast'; break;
case 'presentationdigitaldocument':
t.soGuess = 'presentation'; break;
case 'message':
case 'emailmessage':
t.so = 'email'; break;
case 'movie':
t.so = 'film'; break;
case 'musicrecording':
case 'musicalbum':
case 'audiobook':
case 'audioobject':
t.so = 'audioRecording'; break;
case 'softwareapplication':
case 'mobileapplication':
case 'videogame':
case 'webapplication':
case 'softwaresourcecode':
t.so = 'computerProgram'; break;
case 'painting':
case 'photograph':
case 'visualartwork':
case 'sculpture':
t.so = 'artwork'; break;
case 'datacatalog':
case 'dataset':
t.so = datasetType; break;
// specials cases
case "article":
// choose between journal, newspaper, and magazine articles
container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, [n.bib + "Journal", n.bibo + "Journal"]);
if (container) {
t.bib = "journalArticle";
container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, [n.bib + "Periodical", n.bibo + "Periodical"]);
if (container) {
t.bib = "magazineArticle";
container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, [n.bib + "Newspaper", n.bibo + "Newspaper"]);
if (container) {
t.bib = "newspaperArticle";
if (pref == n.so) {
container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, [n.so + "PublicationIssue", n.so + "PublicationVolume"]);
if (container) {
t.so = "journalArticle";
else {
t.soGuess = 'magazineArticle';
// zotero
case "attachment":
// unless processing of independent attachment is intended, don't
// process
// process as file
t.zotero = "attachment";
var path = getFirstResults(node, [rdf + "resource"]);
if (path) {
newItem.path = Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(path[0]);
newItem.charset = getFirstResults(node, [n.link + "charset"], true);
newItem.mimeType = getFirstResults(node, [n.link + "type"], true);
// zotero:itemType, zotero:type
type = getFirstResults(node, [n.z + "itemType", n.z + "type"], true);
if (type && isNaN(parseInt(type)) // itemTypeExists also takes item type IDs. We don't want to consider those
&& ZU.itemTypeExists(type)
) {
t.zotero = type;
if (type == "encyclopediaArticle" || type == "dictionaryEntry") {
container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, n.bib + "Book");
else if (type == "conferencePaper") {
container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, n.bib + "Journal");
// dc:type, dcterms:type
type = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc + "type", n.dc1_0 + "type", n.dcterms + "type"], true);
if (type) {
if (isNaN(parseInt(type)) && ZU.itemTypeExists(type)) {
t.dc = type;
else {
// on eprints the type fields are often in the form "Journal Article", "Conference Item" etc.
type = type.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "");
switch (type) {
// eprints
// from http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/repositories/digirep/index/Eprints_Type_Vocabulary_Encoding_Scheme
case 'book':
case 'patent':
case 'report':
case 'thesis':
t.dc = type;
case 'bookitem':
t.dc = 'bookSection';
// case 'bookreview':
case 'conferenceitem':
case 'conferencepaper':
case 'conferenceposter':
t.dc = 'conferencePaper';
case 'dataset':
t.dc = datasetType;
case 'article': // from http://www.idealliance.org/specifications/prism/specifications/prism-controlled-vocabularies/prism-12-controlled-vocabularies
case 'journalitem':
case 'journalarticle':
case 'submittedjournalarticle':
case 'text.serial.journal':
t.dc = 'journalArticle';
case 'newsitem':
t.dc = 'newspaperArticle';
case 'scholarlytext':
t.dc = 'journalArticle';
case 'workingpaper':
t.dc = 'report';
// via examples from oro.open.ac.uk, http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/
case 'musicitem':
t.dcGuess = 'audioRecording';
case 'artdesignitem':
t.dcGuess = 'artwork`';
case 'authoredbook':
t.dc = 'book';
case 'bookchapter':
t.dc = 'bookSection';
// via examples from https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/
case 'bachelorthesis':
case 'masterthesis':
case 'doctoralthesis':
t.dc = 'thesis';
// from http://www.idealliance.org/specifications/prism/specifications/prism-controlled-vocabularies/prism-12-controlled-vocabularies
// some are the same as eprints and are handled above
case 'electronicbook':
t.dc = 'book';
case 'homepage':
case 'webpage':
t.dc = 'webpage';
case 'illustration':
t.dc = 'artwork';
case 'map':
t.dc = 'map';
// from http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-type-vocabulary/
// this vocabulary is much broader
case 'event':
// very broad, but has an associated location
t.dcGuess = 'presentation';
case 'image':
// this includes almost any graphic, moving or not
t.dcGuess = 'artwork';
case 'movingimage':
// could be either film, tvBroadcast, or videoRecording
t.dcGuess = 'videoRecording';
case 'software':
t.dcGuess = 'computerProgram';
case 'sound':
// could be podcast, radioBroadcast, or audioRecording
t.dcGuess = 'audioRecording';
case 'stillimage':
// could be map or artwork
t.dcGuess = 'artwork';
case 'text':
// very broad
t.dcGuess = 'journalArticle';
// collection, interactiveresource, physicalobject,
// service
type = getFirstResults(node, [n.eprints + "type"], true);
if (type) {
switch (type) {
// eprints
// from http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/repositories/digirep/index/Eprints_Type_Vocabulary_Encoding_Scheme
case 'book':
case 'patent':
case 'report':
case 'thesis':
t.eprints = type;
case 'bookitem':
t.eprints = 'bookSection';
// case 'bookreview':
case 'conferenceitem':
case 'conferencepaper':
case 'conferenceposter':
t.eprints = 'conferencePaper';
case 'dataset':
t.eprints = datasetType;
case 'journalitem':
case 'journalarticle':
case 'submittedjournalarticle':
case 'article':
t.eprints = 'journalArticle';
case 'newsitem':
t.eprints = 'newspaperArticle';
case 'scholarlytext':
t.eprints = 'journalArticle';
case 'workingpaper':
t.eprints = 'report';
// from samples at http://oro.open.ac.uk, http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/, http://eprints.biblio.unitn.it
case 'techreport':
t.eprints = 'report';
case 'bookedit':
case 'proceedings':
t.eprints = 'book';
case 'book_section':
t.eprints = 'bookSection';
case 'ad_item':
t.eprints = 'artwork';
case 'mu_item':
t.eprints = 'audioRecording';
case 'confpaper':
case 'conference_item':
if (getFirstResults(node, [n.eprints + "ispublished"], true) == "unpub") {
t.eprints = 'presentation';
else t.eprints = 'conferencePaper';
// og:type
type = getFirstResults(node, [n.og + "type"], true);
switch (type) {
case "video.movie":
case "video.episode":
case "video.tv_show":
case "video.other":
t.og = "videoRecording";
case "article":
t.ogGuess = "journalArticle";
case "book":
t.og = "book";
case "music.song":
case "music.album":
t.og = "audioRecording";
case "website":
t.og = "webpage";
// PRISM:aggregationtype
/** is this actually inside container?*/
type = getFirstResults(node, [n.prism + "aggregationtype",
n.prism2_0 + "aggregationtype",
n.prism2_1 + "aggregationtype"]);
switch (type) {
case 'book':
t.prism = 'bookSection';
case 'feed':
// could also be email
t.prismGuess = 'blogPost';
case 'journal':
t.prism = 'journalArticle';
case 'magazine':
t.prism = 'magazineArticle';
case 'newsletter':
t.prism = 'newspaperArticle';
// pamphlet, other, manual, catalog
// PRISM:genre
type = getFirstResults(node, [n.prism + "genre",
n.prism2_0 + "genre",
n.prism2_1 + "genre"]);
switch (type) {
case 'abstract':
case 'acknowledgements':
case 'authorbio':
case 'bibliography':
case 'index':
case 'tableofcontents':
t.prism = 'bookSection';
case 'autobiography':
case 'biography':
t.prism = 'book';
case 'blogentry':
t.prism = 'blogPost';
case 'homepage':
case 'webliography':
t.prism = 'webpage';
case 'interview':
t.prism = 'interview';
case 'letters':
t.prism = 'letter';
case 'adaptation':
case 'analysis':
t.prismGuess = 'journalArticle';
case 'column':
case 'newsbulletin':
case 'opinion':
// magazine or newspaper
t.prismGuess = 'newspaperArticle';
case 'coverstory':
case 'essay':
case 'feature':
case 'insidecover':
// journal or magazine
t.prismGuess = 'magazineArticle';
// advertorial; advertisement; brief; chronology; classifiedad;
// correction; cover; coverpackage; electionresults; eventscalendar;
// excerpt; photoshoot; featurepackage; financialstatement;
// interactivecontent; legaldocument; masthead; notice; obituary;
// photoessay; poem; poll; pressrelease; productdescription; profile;
// quotation; ranking; recipe; reprint; response; review; schedule;
// sidebar; stockquote; sectiontableofcontents; transcript; wirestory
// PRISM:platform
type = getFirstResults(node, [n.prism + "platform",
n.prism2_0 + "platform",
n.prism2_1 + "platform"]);
switch (type) {
case 'broadcast':
t.prismGuess = 'tvBroadcast';
case 'web':
t.prismGuess = 'webpage';
var itemType = t.zotero || t.bib || t.prism || t.eprints || t.og || t.dc
|| t.so
|| exports.defaultUnknownType || t.zoteroGuess || t.bibGuess
|| t.prismGuess || t.ogGuess || t.dcGuess || t.soGuess;
// Z.debug(t);
// in case we still don't have a container, double-check
// some are copied from above
if (!container) {
switch (itemType) {
case "blogPost":
container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, n.z + "Blog");
case "forumPost":
container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, n.z + "Forum");
case "webpage":
container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, n.z + "Website");
case "bookSection":
container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, n.bib + "Book");
case "case":
container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, [n.bib + "CourtReporter", n.bibo + "CourtReporter"]);
case "journalArticle":
container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, [n.bib + "Journal", n.bibo + "Journal"]);
case "magazineArticle":
container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, [n.bib + "Periodical", n.bibo + "Periodical", n.so + "Periodical"]);
case "newspaperArticle":
container = getNodeByType(isPartOf, [n.bib + "Newspaper", n.bibo + "Newspaper"]);
// fill return object which is passed as an argument
ret.container = container;
ret.containerPeriodical = containerPeriodical;
ret.containerPublicationVolume = containerPublicationVolume;
ret.containerPublicationIssue = containerPublicationIssue;
ret.isPartOf = isPartOf;
return itemType;
function importItem(newItem, node) {
var ret = {};
var itemType = detectType(newItem, node, ret);
var isZoteroRDF = false;
if (getFirstResults(node, [n.z + "itemType", n.z + "type"], true)) {
isZoteroRDF = true;
newItem.itemType = exports.itemType || itemType;
var container = ret.container;
var containerPeriodical = ret.containerPeriodical;
var containerPublicationVolume = ret.containerPublicationVolume;
// var containerPublicationIssue = ret.containerPublicationIssue;
var isPartOf = ret.isPartOf;
// title
newItem.title = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc + "title",
n.dc1_0 + "title",
n.dcterms + "title",
n.eprints + "title",
n.vcard2 + "fn",
n.og + "title",
n.so + "headline"], true);
if (!newItem.itemType) {
if (!newItem.title) { // require the title
// (if not a known type)
return false;
else {
// default to journalArticle
newItem.itemType = "journalArticle";
else if (!newItem.title) {
// name is a generic property and not only for titles
newItem.title = getFirstResults(node, [n.so + "name"], true);
// regular author-type creators
var possibleCreatorTypes = Zotero.Utilities.getCreatorsForType(newItem.itemType);
var creators;
for (let i = 0; i < possibleCreatorTypes.length; i++) {
var creatorType = possibleCreatorTypes[i];
if (creatorType == "author") {
creators = getFirstResults(node, [n.bib + "authors",
n.so + "author",
n.so + "creator",
n.dc + "creator",
n.dc + "creator.PersonalName",
n.dc1_0 + "creator",
n.dcterms + "creator",
n.eprints + "creators_name",
n.dc + "contributor",
n.dc1_0 + "contributor",
n.dcterms + "contributor"]);
else if (creatorType == "editor" || creatorType == "contributor") {
creators = getFirstResults(node, [n.bib + creatorType + "s",
n.eprints + creatorType + "s_name",
n.so + creatorType]);
// get presenters in unpublished conference papers on eprints
else if (creatorType == "presenter") {
creators = getFirstResults(node, [n.z + creatorType + "s", n.eprints + "creators_name"]);
else if (creatorType == "castMember") {
creators = getFirstResults(node, [n.video + "actor"]);
else if (creatorType == "scriptwriter") {
creators = getFirstResults(node, [n.video + "writer"]);
else if (creatorType == "producer") {
creators = getFirstResults(node, [n.so + "producer"]);
else if (creatorType == "programmer") {
creators = getFirstResults(node, [n.z + "programmers", n.so + "author", n.codemeta + "maintainer"]);
else {
creators = getFirstResults(node, [n.z + creatorType + "s"]);
if (creators) handleCreators(newItem, creators, creatorType);
// publicationTitle -- first try PRISM, then DC
newItem.publicationTitle = getFirstResults(node, [n.prism + "publicationName",
n.prism2_0 + "publicationName",
n.prism2_1 + "publicationName",
n.eprints + "publication",
n.eprints + "book_title",
n.dc + "source",
n.dc1_0 + "source",
n.dcterms + "source"], true);
if (container) {
newItem.publicationTitle = getFirstResults(container, [n.dc + "title", n.dc1_0 + "title", n.dcterms + "title", n.so + "name"], true);
// these fields mean the same thing
newItem.reporter = newItem.publicationTitle;
if (containerPeriodical) {
newItem.publicationTitle = getFirstResults([containerPeriodical, containerPublicationVolume], [n.so + "name"], true);
var siteName = getFirstResults(node, [n.og + "site_name"], true);
if (siteName && !newItem.publicationTitle && (newItem.itemType == "blogPost" || newItem.itemType == "webpage" || newItem.itemType == "newspaperArticle")) {
newItem.publicationTitle = siteName;
// rights
newItem.rights = getFirstResults(node, [n.prism + "copyright", n.prism2_0 + "copyright", n.prism2_1 + "copyright", n.dc + "rights", n.dc1_0 + "rights", n.dcterms + "rights", n.so + "license"], true);
// section
var section = getNodeByType(isPartOf, n.bib + "Part");
if (section) {
newItem.section = getFirstResults(section, [n.dc + "title", n.dc1_0 + "title", n.dcterms + "title"], true);
if (!section) {
newItem.section = getFirstResults(node, [n.article + "section", n.so + "genre"], true);
// series
var series = getNodeByType(isPartOf, n.bib + "Series");
if (series) {
newItem.series = getFirstResults(series, [n.dc + "title", n.dc1_0 + "title", n.dcterms + "title"], true);
newItem.seriesTitle = getFirstResults(series, [n.dcterms + "alternative"], true);
newItem.seriesText = getFirstResults(series, [n.dc + "description", n.dc1_0 + "description", n.dcterms + "description"], true);
newItem.seriesNumber = getFirstResults(series, [n.dc + "identifier", n.dc1_0 + "identifier", n.dcterms + "description"], true);
// volume
newItem.volume = getFirstResults([container, node, containerPublicationVolume, containerPeriodical], [n.prism + "volume",
n.prism2_0 + "volume",
n.prism2_1 + "volume",
n.eprints + "volume",
n.bibo + "volume",
n.dc + "source.Volume",
n.dcterms + "citation.volume",
n.so + "volumeNumber"], true);
// issue
var issueNodes = [node];
if (container) {
newItem.issue = getFirstResults(issueNodes, [n.prism + "number",
n.prism2_0 + "number",
n.prism2_1 + "number",
n.eprints + "number",
n.bibo + "issue",
n.dc + "source.Issue",
n.dcterms + "citation.issue",
n.so + "issueNumber"], true);
// number means the same thing as issue
// and will automatically then also map
// to patentNumber or reportNumber
newItem.number = newItem.issue;
// edition
newItem.edition = getFirstResults(node, [n.prism + "edition", n.prism2_0 + "edition", n.prism2_1 + "edition", n.bibo + "edition", n.so + "bookEdition", n.so + "version"], true);
// these fields mean the same thing
newItem.versionNumber = newItem.edition;
// pages
newItem.pages = getFirstResults(node, [n.bib + "pages", n.eprints + "pagerange", n.prism2_0 + "pageRange", n.prism2_1 + "pageRange", n.bibo + "pages", n.dc + "identifier.pageNumber", n.so + "pagination"], true);
if (!newItem.pages) {
var pages = [];
var spage = getFirstResults(node, [n.prism + "startingPage", n.prism2_0 + "startingPage", n.prism2_1 + "startingPage", n.bibo + "pageStart", n.dcterms + "relation.spage", n.so + "pageStart"], true),
epage = getFirstResults(node, [n.prism + "endingPage", n.prism2_0 + "endingPage", n.prism2_1 + "endingPage", n.bibo + "pageEnd", n.dcterms + "relation.epage", n.so + "pageEnd"], true);
if (spage) pages.push(spage);
if (epage) pages.push(epage);
if (pages.length) newItem.pages = pages.join("-");
// numPages
newItem.numPages = getFirstResults(node, [n.bibo + "numPages", n.eprints + "pages", n.so + "numberOfPages"], true);
// numberOfVolumes
newItem.numberOfVolumes = getFirstResults(node, [n.bibo + "numVolumes"], true);
// short title
newItem.shortTitle = getFirstResults(node, [n.bibo + "shortTitle"], true);
// mediums
newItem.artworkMedium = newItem.interviewMedium = getFirstResults(node, [n.dcterms + "medium"], true);
// programmingLanguage
newItem.programmingLanguage = getFirstResults(node, [n.so + "programmingLanguage"], true);
// system
newItem.system = getFirstResults(node, [n.so + "operatingSystem"], true);
// publisher
var publisher = getFirstResults([node, containerPeriodical, containerPublicationVolume], [n.dc + "publisher",
n.dc1_0 + "publisher",
n.dcterms + "publisher",
n.vcard2 + "org",
n.eprints + "institution",
n.so + "publisher",
n.so + "publishedBy"]);
if (publisher) {
if (typeof (publisher[0]) == "string") {
newItem.publisher = publisher[0];
else {
let type = Zotero.RDF.getTargets(publisher[0], rdf + "type");
if (type) {
type = Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(type[0]);
switch (type) {
case n.foaf + "Organization":
case n.foaf + "Agent":
newItem.publisher = getFirstResults(publisher[0], [n.foaf + "name"], true);
var place = getFirstResults(publisher[0], [n.vcard + "adr"]);
if (place) {
newItem.place = getFirstResults(place[0], [n.vcard + "locality"]);
case n.vcard2 + "Organization":
newItem.publisher = getFirstResults(publisher[0], [n.vcard2 + "organization-name"], true);
newItem.publisher = getFirstResults(publisher[0], [n.so + "name"], true);
newItem.place = getFirstResults(publisher[0], [n.so + "location"], true);
// place
if (!newItem.place) {
// Prefer place of publication to conference location
newItem.place = getFirstResults(node, [n.eprints + "place_of_pub", n.eprints + "event_location"], true);
// these fields mean the same thing
newItem.distributor = newItem.label = newItem.company = newItem.institution = newItem.publisher;
// date
newItem.date = getFirstResults(node, [n.eprints + "date",
n.prism + "publicationDate",
n.prism2_0 + "publicationDate",
n.prism2_1 + "publicationDate",
n.og + "published_time",
n.article + "published_time",
n.book + "release_date",
n.music + "release_date",
n.video + "release_date",
n.dc + "date.issued",
n.dcterms + "date.issued",
n.dcterms + "issued",
n.dc + "date",
n.dc1_0 + "date",
n.dcterms + "date",
n.dcterms + "dateSubmitted",
n.eprints + "datestamp",
n.so + "datePublished"], true);
// accessDate
newItem.accessDate = getFirstResults(node, [n.dcterms + "dateSubmitted"], true);
// lastModified
newItem.lastModified = getFirstResults(node, [n.dcterms + "modified",
n.so + "dateModified"], true);
// identifier
var identifiers = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc + "identifier", n.dc1_0 + "identifier", n.dcterms + "identifier"]);
if (container) {
var containerIdentifiers = getFirstResults(container, [n.dc + "identifier", n.dc1_0 + "identifier", n.dcterms + "identifier"]);
// concatenate sets of identifiers
if (containerIdentifiers) {
if (identifiers) {
identifiers = identifiers.concat(containerIdentifiers);
else {
identifiers = containerIdentifiers;
if (identifiers) {
for (var i in identifiers) {
if (typeof (identifiers[i]) == "string") {
// grab other things
var beforeSpace = identifiers[i].substr(0, identifiers[i].indexOf(" ")).toUpperCase();
// Attempt to determine type of identifier by prefix label
if (beforeSpace == "ISBN") {
newItem.ISBN = identifiers[i].substr(5).toUpperCase();
else if (beforeSpace == "ISSN") {
newItem.ISSN = identifiers[i].substr(5).toUpperCase();
else if (beforeSpace == "DOI") {
newItem.DOI = identifiers[i].substr(4);
// Or just try parsing values
else if (ZU.cleanISBN(identifiers[i])) {
newItem.ISBN = ZU.cleanISBN(identifiers[i]);
else if (ZU.cleanISSN(identifiers[i])) {
newItem.ISSN = ZU.cleanISSN(identifiers[i]);
else if (ZU.cleanDOI(identifiers[i])) {
newItem.DOI = ZU.cleanDOI(identifiers[i]);
else {
// grab URLs
let type = Zotero.RDF.getTargets(identifiers[i], rdf + "type");
if (type && (type = Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(type[0])) && type == n.dcterms + "URI") {
newItem.url = getFirstResults(identifiers[i], [rdf + "value"], true);
// ISSN, if encoded per PRISM
newItem.ISSN = getFirstResults([container, node, containerPeriodical, containerPublicationVolume], [n.prism + "issn",
n.prism2_0 + "issn",
n.prism2_1 + "issn",
n.eprints + "issn",
n.bibo + "issn",
n.dc + "source.ISSN",
n.prism + "eIssn",
n.prism2_0 + "eIssn",
n.prism2_1 + "eIssn",
n.bibo + "eissn",
n.so + "issn"], true) || newItem.ISSN;
// ISBN from PRISM or OG
newItem.ISBN = getFirstResults((container ? container : node), [n.prism2_1 + "isbn", n.bibo + "isbn", n.bibo + "isbn13", n.bibo + "isbn10", n.book + "isbn", n.so + "isbn"], true) || newItem.ISBN;
// ISBN from eprints
newItem.ISBN = getFirstResults(node, [n.eprints + "isbn"], true) || newItem.ISBN;
// DOI from nonstandard DC, PRISM, or BIBO
newItem.DOI = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc + "identifier.DOI", n.prism2_0 + "doi", n.prism2_1 + "doi", n.bibo + "doi"], true) || newItem.DOI;
if (!newItem.url) {
var url = getFirstResults(node, [n.eprints + "official_url",
n.vcard2 + "url",
n.og + "url",
n.prism2_0 + "url",
n.prism2_1 + "url",
n.bibo + "uri",
n.so + "url",
n.so + "sameAs"]);
if (url) {
newItem.url = Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(url[0]);
// archiveLocation
newItem.archiveLocation = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc + "coverage", n.dc1_0 + "coverage", n.dcterms + "coverage"], true);
// abstract
newItem.abstractNote = getFirstResults(node, [n.eprints + "abstract",
n.prism + "teaser",
n.prism2_0 + "teaser",
n.prism2_1 + "teaser",
n.og + "description",
n.bibo + "abstract",
n.dcterms + "abstract",
n.dc + "description.abstract",
n.dcterms + "description.abstract",
n.dc1_0 + "description",
n.so + "description"], true);
// type
let type = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc + "type", n.dc1_0 + "type", n.dcterms + "type"], true);
/** CUSTOM ITEM TYPE -- Keeping for <6.0.24 clients w/o dataset support **/
if (datasetType != "dataset" && type && (type.toLowerCase() == "dataset" || type.toLowerCase() == "datacatalog")) {
if (newItem.extra) {
newItem.extra += "\nType: dataset";
else newItem.extra = "Type: dataset";
// these all mean the same thing
var typeProperties = ["reportType",
for (let i = 0; i < typeProperties.length; i++) {
newItem[typeProperties[i]] = type;
// thesis type from eprints
if (newItem.itemType == "thesis") {
newItem.thesisType = getFirstResults(node, [n.eprints + "thesis_type"], true) || newItem.thesisType;
// presentation type from eprints
if (newItem.itemType == "presentation") {
newItem.presentationType = getFirstResults(node, [n.eprints + "event_type"], true) || newItem.presentationType;
// conferenceName
var conference = getFirstResults(node, [n.bib + "presentedAt"]);
if (conference) {
conference = conference[0];
if (typeof (conference) == "string") {
newItem.conferenceName = conference;
else {
newItem.conferenceName = getFirstResults(conference, [n.dc + "title", n.dc1_0 + "title", n.dcterms + "title"], true);
// from eprints
if (!newItem.conferenceName) {
newItem.conferenceName = getFirstResults(node, [n.eprints + "event_title"]);
// conference and meeting name are the same
newItem.meetingName = newItem.conferenceName;
// journalAbbreviation
newItem.journalAbbreviation = getFirstResults((container ? container : node), [n.dcterms + "alternative"], true);
// running Time
newItem.runningTime = getFirstResults(node, [n.video + "duration", n.song + "duration", n.so + "duration"], true);
// address
var adr = getFirstResults(node, [n.vcard2 + "adr"]);
if (adr) {
newItem.address = getFirstResults(adr[0], [n.vcard2 + "label"], true);
// telephone
newItem.telephone = getFirstResults(node, [n.vcard2 + "tel"], true);
// email
newItem.email = getFirstResults(node, [n.vcard2 + "email"], true);
// accepted
newItem.accepted = getFirstResults(node, [n.dcterms + "dateAccepted"], true);
// language
newItem.language = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc + "language", n.dc1_0 + "language", n.dcterms + "language", n.so + "inLanguage"], true);
// see also
processSeeAlso(node, newItem);
// description/attachment note
if (newItem.itemType == "attachment") {
newItem.note = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc + "description", n.dc1_0 + "description", n.dcterms + "description"], true);
// extra for Zotero RDF
else if (isZoteroRDF) {
newItem.extra = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc + "description"], true);
else if (!newItem.abstractNote) {
newItem.abstractNote = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc + "description", n.dcterms + "description"], true);
/** NOTES **/
var referencedBy = Zotero.RDF.getTargets(node, n.dcterms + "isReferencedBy");
for (let i = 0; i < referencedBy.length; i++) {
var referentNode = referencedBy[i];
let type = Zotero.RDF.getTargets(referentNode, rdf + "type");
if (type && Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(type[0]) == n.bib + "Memo") {
// if this is a memo
let note = {};
note.note = getFirstResults(referentNode, [rdf + "value", n.dc + "description", n.dc1_0 + "description", n.dcterms + "description"], true);
if (note.note != undefined) {
// handle see also
processSeeAlso(referentNode, note);
processTags(referentNode, note);
// add note
if (newItem.itemType == "note") {
// add note for standalone
let note = getFirstResults(node, [rdf + "value", n.dc + "description", n.dc1_0 + "description", n.dcterms + "description"], true);
// temporary fix for Zotero 3.0.7: set note to " " if it would otherwise be
// empty to avoid an error
newItem.note = note ? note : " ";
/** TAGS **/
var subjects = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc + "subject",
n.dc1_0 + "subject",
n.dcterms + "subject",
n.article + "tag",
n.prism2_0 + "keyword",
n.prism2_1 + "keyword",
n.prism2_0 + "object",
n.prism2_1 + "object",
n.prism2_0 + "organization",
n.prism2_1 + "organization",
n.prism2_0 + "person",
n.prism2_1 + "person",
n.so + "keywords",
n.so + "about"]);
if (subjects) {
for (let i = 0; i < subjects.length; i++) {
var subject = subjects[i];
if (typeof (subject) == "string") { // a regular tag
else { // a call number or automatic tag
let type = Zotero.RDF.getTargets(subject, rdf + "type");
if (type) {
type = Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(type[0]);
if (callNumberTypes.includes(type)) {
newItem.callNumber = getFirstResults(subject, [rdf + "value"], true);
else if (type == n.z + "AutomaticTag") {
newItem.tags.push({ tag: getFirstResults(subject, [rdf + "value"], true), type: 1 });
var relations = getFirstResults(node, [n.link + "link"]);
if (relations) {
for (let i = 0; i < relations.length; i++) {
var relation = relations[i];
let type = Zotero.RDF.getTargets(relation, rdf + "type");
if (Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(type[0]) == n.z + "Attachment") {
var attachment = new Zotero.Item();
importItem(attachment, relation, n.z + "Attachment");
var pdfURL = getFirstResults(node, [n.eprints + "document_url"]);
if (pdfURL) {
title: "Full Text PDF",
mimeType: "application/pdf",
path: pdfURL[0]
var arcs = Zotero.RDF.getArcsOut(node);
for (let i = 0; i < arcs.length; i++) {
var uri = Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(arcs[i]);
if (uri.substr(0, n.z.length) == n.z) {
var property = uri.substr(n.z.length);
newItem[property] = Zotero.RDF.getTargets(node, n.z + property)[0];
return true;
function getNodes(skipCollections) {
var nodes = Zotero.RDF.getAllResources();
var goodNodes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var node = nodes[i];
// figure out if this is a part of another resource, or a linked
// attachment, or a creator
if (Zotero.RDF.getSources(node, n.dcterms + "isPartOf")
|| Zotero.RDF.getSources(node, n.bib + "presentedAt")
|| Zotero.RDF.getSources(node, n.link + "link")
|| Zotero.RDF.getSources(node, n.dcterms + "creator")) {
// type
let type = Zotero.RDF.getTargets(node, rdf + "type");
if (type) {
type = Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(type[0]);
// skip if this is not an independent attachment,
if ((type == n.z + "Attachment" || type == n.bib + "Memo") && isPart(node)) {
else if (skipCollections
&& (type == n.bib + "Collection" || type == n.z + "Collection")) {
return goodNodes;
function doImport() {
if (typeof Promise == 'undefined') {
function () {},
function (e) {
throw e;
return false;
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
startImport(resolve, reject);
function startImport(resolve, reject) {
try {
var nodes = getNodes();
if (!nodes.length) {
// keep track of collections while we're looping through
var collections = [];
importNext(nodes, 0, collections, resolve, reject);
catch (e) {
function importNext(nodes, index, collections, resolve, reject) {
try {
for (let i = index; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var node = nodes[i];
// type
let type = Zotero.RDF.getTargets(node, rdf + "type");
if (type) {
type = Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(type[0]);
// skip if this is not an independent attachment,
if ((type == n.z + "Attachment" || type == n.bib + "Memo") && isPart(node)) {
// skip collections until all the items are done
if (type == n.bib + "Collection" || type == n.z + "Collection") {
var newItem = new Zotero.Item();
newItem.itemID = Zotero.RDF.getResourceURI(node);
if (importItem(newItem, node)) {
var maybePromise = newItem.complete();
if (maybePromise) {
maybePromise.then(function () {
importNext(nodes, i + 1, collections, resolve, reject);
Zotero.setProgress((i + 1) / nodes.length * 100);
// Collections
for (let i = 0; i < collections.length; i++) {
var collection = collections[i];
if (!Zotero.RDF.getArcsIn(collection)) {
var newCollection = new Zotero.Collection();
processCollection(collection, newCollection);
catch (e) {
* Export doImport and defaultUnknownType to other translators
var exports = {
doImport: doImport,
detectType: detectType,
getNodes: getNodes,
defaultUnknownType: false,
itemType: false
var testCases = [
"type": "import",
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"ISSN": "1544-4554",
"abstractNote": "The library catalog as a catalog of works was an infectious idea, which together with research led to reconceptualization in the form of the FRBR conceptual model. Two categories of lacunae emerge--the expression entity, and gaps in the model such as aggregates and dynamic documents. Evidence needed to extend the FRBR model is available in contemporary research on instantiation. The challenge for the bibliographic community is to begin to think of FRBR as a form of knowledge organization system, adding a final dimension to classification. The articles in the present special issue offer a compendium of the promise of the FRBR model.",
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"title": "CodeMeta: Minimal metadata schemas for science software and code, in JSON-LD",
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"firstName": "Carl"
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"lastName": "Jones",
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"lastName": "Sands",
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"lastName": "Cruse",
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"lastName": "Chue Hong",
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"firstName": "Yolanda"
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"lastName": "Hahnel",
"firstName": "Mark"
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"firstName": "Carl"
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"firstName": "Arfon"
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"lastName": "Allen",
"firstName": "Alice"
"creatorType": "contributor",
"lastName": "Crosas",
"firstName": "Mercè"
"creatorType": "contributor",
"lastName": "Coy",
"firstName": "Luke"
"creatorType": "contributor",
"lastName": "Niemeyer",
"firstName": "Kyle"
"creatorType": "contributor",
"lastName": "Slaughter",
"firstName": "Peter"
"date": "2017-06-05",
"abstractNote": "CodeMeta is a concept vocabulary that can be used to standardize the exchange of software metadata across repositories and organizations.",
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