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Other Books by Joseph P. Farrell:
Reich of the Black Sun The S.S. Brotherhood of the Bell
Secrets of the Unified Field The Cosmic War
The Giza Death Star The Giza Death Star Deployed The Giza Death Star Destroyed
Joseph P. Farrell
Nazi International
Copyright 2008 by Joseph P. Farrell
ISBN 10: 1-931882-93-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-931882-93-4
All Rights Reserved
Published by: Adventures Unlimited Press One Adventure Place Kempton, Illinois 60946 USA auphq@frontiernet.net
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
The Nazis Postwar Plan to Control the Worlds of Science, Finance, Space, and Conflict
For TSF, RCH, And all who have encouraged along the way
I wish to express my thanks to the many fine researchers whose material have contributed to this book, not the least of whom is Jim Marrs, for so graciously allowing me a first glance of his latest book The Rise of the Fourth Reich before it hit the bookstores. To Peter Levenda, Henry Stevens, Nick Cook, Igor Witkowski, Carter Hydrick and all those others whose superb and disturbing research contributed so much not only to my previous works on Nazi secret weapons, but whose thinking formed the basis of much of the new material and analysis I present here: many thanks. While the analysis is my own, each of these other researchers contributed many significant pieces to the puzzle.
A very special word of thanks is due to Harry Cooper of “Sharkhunters International.” Mr. Cooper contacted me as this book was beginning to form, and offered the considerable investigative services of Sharkhunters, an international group of veterans of World War Two from all sides of the war. Mr. Coopers unique insights, pictures, and comments are presented here in the hopes that this organization and its historical research will come to the attention of a wider audience. Its unique perspective and the vital detailed information it provided can literally not be found anywhere else! The perspective of these veterans plus Mr. Coopers own highly illuminating expeditions to Argentina not to mention his kindness in allowing me to present some of his pictures here are truly and greatly appreciated.
Special thanks also to Mr. George Paxinos who kindly researched many hard-to-obtain books for me in European libraries, including the science fiction novels of Austrian Neo-Nazi Wilhelm Landig, works crucial for an insight into the postwar Neo-Nazi ideology and mythos and their implications. Similarly I owe a great debt of gratitude to British author and researcher Geoffrey Brooks, whose Hitlers Terror Weapons: From V-1 to Vimana I cited in my previous
book The SS Brotherhood of the Bell. Mr. Brooks contacted me as this book was being researched and written, and offered his investigative talents and observations on numerous details, which appear here. Additionally Mr. Brooks graciously took time out of his own busy schedule to conduct research in the Argentine national library and archives in Buenos Aires.
A word of thanks also to George Ann Hughes of the Byte Show, whose comment during an interview actually became the title of chapter two here.
Thanks also to Richard C. Hoagland for much encouragement and fascinating private discussion along the way while this book was being written, and of course, to my friend Tracy Fisher for continued prayers and encouragement. And as always, many thanks to the numerous readers who have contributed their comments, donations, and interest in my research over the past years.
Joseph P Farrell Spearfish, South Dakota 2008
1 FICTION AND MYTHOS: THE NOVELS OF WILHELM LANDIG, AND THE ESOTERIC CONNECTION A. The Surrenders 1. The Japanese Surrender Instrument 2. The German Surrender Instruments B. The Neo-Nazi Science Fiction Novels of Wilhelm Landig 1. Landigs First Novel: Götzen gegen Thule 2. Landigs Second Novel: Wolfszet um Thule 3. Landigs Third Novel: Rebellen für Thule C. Unusual “Corroboration:” The Nazi UFO Mythos and Baron Rudolf Von Sebottendorff D. The Curious Incident: Reinhard Schmidts Contact with GermanSpeaking UFO Occupants 1. Reinhold Schmidts Actual Account.
a. The Malfunctioning Ignition and a Nazi and Fascist Parallel
b. The Pencil Thin Beam of Light c. “Inside the Ship” d. An Interesting Interest and Intriguing Observation e. Departure f. The Authorities Get Involved g. Schmidt Arrested and Committed 2. The Rosin Affidavit: An Interpretive Context E. Conclusions
A. Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler 1. Putting it into Perspective: The Presumptive Goals of the
International Elite in Funding Communism andNazism 2. A Case in Point: Hitlers Reichsbank President: Dr.
Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht
3. International Cartel and Licensing Agreements Between I.G. Farben and American Corporations
a. The Dawes and Young Plans 4. I.T. & T. and Nazi Germany B. A Brief Note About Prescott Bush, Union Banking Corporation, and Fritz Thyssen C. Conclusions
A. The Beginnings of Evacuation: Operation Fireland B. Operation Bernhard C. The Hotel Maison Rouge Meeting: Operations
Regentröpfchen and Adlerflug 1. The Growth of Bormanns Power and International Network 2. Bormann and I.G. Farben 3. The Hotel Maison Rouge Meeting and Their Grand Design 4. Allied Efforts to Roll Up The Bormann Flight Capital Plan D. Conclusions
A. The Escapes of Nazi Party Reichsleiter Martin Bormann and Gestapo Chief Heinrich Müller 1. Bormann, Müller, and the Geli Raubal Affair 2. The Ladislas Farrago-Paul Manning Scenario a. Argentine Documents: Escape Via Genoa b. Allen Dulles Comment to Paul Manning 3. The Carter Hydrick Scenario a. And the Connection to the German Surrender b. Geoffrey Brooks Scenario: Invisible U-Boats c. Hydrick on the Surrender of German A-Bomb Secrets &
Enriched U-235: “Invisible” U-Boats Reconsidered (1) The Official Versions, and Their Problems (2) Obfuscating the Data and Confusing the Trails:
Doubles (3) The Hydrick Scenario (a) The Movements of Martin Bormann and
Heinrich Müller (b) The Movements of the U-234
4. The Velasco Scenario 5. A Reconciliation and Reconstruction B. The Escape of SS Obergruppenführer Hans Kammler 1. Agoston: The Priest Disguise and a Bormann Parallel 2. Nick Cook and the Luftwaffes Kampfgeschwader 200: The Escape of Kammler and the Bell Courtesy of Martin Bormann C. Conclusions: A Possible Scenario
A. The 1964 Police Gazette Article B. Will the Real Adolf Hitler Please Die?
1. The Nexus Magazine Series by Giordan Smith 2. Two Possibilities C. Back to Velascos Story: Hitlers Escape, and Eva Brauns Death 1. Analysis and Reconciliation of Scenarios 2. Corroboration from Argentina
A. The Colonels, the Colonel, and the Beginning of a Courtship 1. Historical Background a. Perón in Europe b. Argentina and the Axis 2. The Argentine Special Envoy and Von Ribbentropp 3. An Unusual Encounter Between Representatives of the
SS and Allen Dulles
4. The Colonels Coup 5. Peróns “Third Position”: Its International Geopolitical Implications 6. The Argentine Declaration of War on Germany, and Peróns Hidden Purpose B. The Ratlines and Argentinas Role 1. The Ustashi-Vatican Dress Rehearsal 2. The Three Argentine Ratline Routes 3. Bormanns and Peróns Joint Bank Account
A. Nazi Germanys Penetration of the Muslim World 1. Iraq 2. Iran 3. Afghanistan
B. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Al-Husseini, and Nazism 1. Hitler and Al-Husseini at Tea 2. The First Suicide Squads and the Muslim Waffen SS 3. Cousin Yasser Arafat
C. The “Third Position” and the Egyptian Venture: Skorzeny, Schacht, Voss, and Nasser 1. Wilhelm Voss and Otto Skorzeny in Gamel Abdul
Nassers Egypt
2. Schachts Little Deal: The Jeddah Agreement 3. The Ultimate Geopolitical Goal: The “Third Position” Again
a. An International Terrorists Summit b. The Neo-Nazi Connection to the Assassination of Pope John-Paul II c. Mohamar Qaddafis “Perónism” d. The Historical Parallels and Geopolitical Implications of the “Third Position” (1) Rapallo: The Pariahs Make a Deal (2) Frederick the Great and the Partitions of Poland
A. A Curious Incident: The GSG-9 and the Rescue of Andreas Strassmeir 1. Reunification: Kohl. Günter Strassmeir, and Nazi
Anniversaries 2. Implications of the Incident: U.S. Complicity or Not? 3. Kohls Neo-Nazi Connections and the Neo-Nazi Push for
Reunification 4. The Shotgun Wedding 5. The Ugly Side of Reunification a. The Rostock Incident b. The Post-Reunification Surge of Terrorism
B. Flexing Muscle and Other Old Traditions of the Third Position 1. The Soviet Implosion 2. German Investment Strategy 3. Breaking Free of NATO 4. Germany and the Arms Trade 5.Germany and Saddam Husseins WMDs and Secret
Police 6. “Third Position” German Initiatives in Eastern and Central
a. Revising Versailles Once Again: Germany and the Crackup of Czechoslovakia
b. Silesia, “Kaliningrad,” and Poland c. Revising Versailles Yet Again: Germany, Croatia, and the Crack-up of Yugoslavia 7. The First Post-Unification Chief of the Bundeswehr and the “Mobile Strike Force” C. Deep History and “Deep Politics”: Connecting the Dots 1. The New Corporate Ambassadors: Rudel and Skorzeny as Bormanns Nazi Party Liaison Officers to Siemens and Krupp 2. Gehlen: The Key Connection of the Scenario
A. And Now, a Word from President Perón B. The Argentine High Commissions Report and Dr. Richters
Strange Behavior 1. Dr. Richters Claims to Have Found a New Principle of Physical, Nuclear Action 2. The Nature of the Principle: Precession 3. Dr. Richters Extremely Anomalous Behavior
4. A New Anomaly and the Argentine Advisory Review Commissions own Anomalous Behavior
5. The Heavy Water Production Facility and Odder Behavior from Dr Richter and His Team C. Richters Replies and The Commissions Ripostes
A. Perón Gets Help from a Bilderberger 1. And Americas Little-Known Ambiguity toward Dr. Richter 2. Richters Paperclip File Air Intelligence Report Summary
of His Wartime research in Germany B. A Strange Presence in Bariloche After the Affair
1. A Look Around Bariloche 2. Bariloches Prestigious Visitor-Resident(s) C. Dr. Richters Theoretical Explanations 1. The Origins of the Huemul Project: Gerlach and Diebner 2. Richters Conceptions and American Interest
a. His Conceptions as Recorded by the Argentine Investigative Commission
b. Richters Paperclip File and American Ambiguity 3. Another Strange Parallel, Dr. Philo Farnsworths Plasmator, and Another Strange Nazi Connection: IT&T 4. Fusion, Torsion, and Stars: The Work of Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev 5. Richter, Ram Jets, Shockwaves, and Aurora 6. Ball Lightning, The A.E.G and Richter 7. The Bell Flies to Argentina: Brooks, Ball Lightning, A.E.G., and the Bell
8. A Possible Corporate Connection to Argentinas Huemul Project: A.E.G., and Back to the Bell D. The Conclusions Imply a Possible Scenario
A. Ancient Names and Ritual Alignments 1. NASA and NACA: “Never A Straight Answer” from “Not A
Civilian Agency” 2. Masons, Magicians, and Nazis 3. Mission Patches, Ancient Names, and Ritual Alignments a. Mission Patches b. Ancient Names c. Ritual Alignments d. The Biggest “Ritual Alignment” of them All 4. A Stunning and Chilling Scenario: The Implications of the
Dark Mission Conclusions Regarding the Nazis B. The Real Apollo Missions
1. Hoaglands Conclusions 2. Some Implications of Their Remarks in a Wider Context 3. The Wider Implications
A. 1920s-1930s: Alchemy, Esotericism, The SS and the Unified
Field Theory Craze B. 1943-1945: Strange Events from the Middle to the End of
World War Two C. 1946-1961 and Beyond: Postwar Shenanigans
Much has been written by writers and researchers more capable than I about the extent and dimensions of the Nazi survival of World War Two in enclaves in South America and elsewhere. But other than the groundbreaking work of Peter Levendas Unholy Alliance and his masterful trilogy Sinister Forces: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft, or Jim Marrs more recent The Rise of the Fourth Reich, much of the other literature focuses on the survival and eventual apprehension of a few individual, high profile Nazis such as Adolf Eichmann or Klaus Barbie, or in the case of Ladislas Faragos Aftermath: Martin Bormann and the Fourth Reich, speculating on the implications of the probable survival of Bormann in South America. The subtitle of Faragos book suggests that wider implication: that Nazism itself survived as a coherent though covert ideological force in the postwar world. Therein lies the problem, for the bulk of Faragos book does little to explore the wider implications that his own subtitle suggested. Only a few researchers like Levenda, Marrs, Henry Stevens, Igor Witkowski, or I have suggested that the Nazi survival was more extensive, coordinated, and for a long-range purpose, but even then, however, the main thrust of these works has been primarily limited to political and economic themes.
All that recently changed, however, when authors Richard C. Hoagland and Mike Bara joined the previous roll call from an unlikely quarter and with an unlikely perspective with their New York Times bestselling book Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA, in which, as we shall see in the main section of this book, they suggest that one such possible long-range purpose was the exploitation of Americas space program for some hidden Nazi purpose. In other words, one could not limit the activities and agenda of the postwar
Nazi International to economics and politics, but had to cast a wider net and include science and space as well. And that, of course, implies that the Nazi International had a comprehensive, coordinated agenda with long range goals.
Consequently, by an examination of some but by no means all of the various postwar activities of this Nazi International, this book aims to make the preliminary case that this organization intended nothing less than to exercise at the minimum significant influence over the fields of the development of exotic physics and technologies, over space, over economics and global finance, and over the creation, or exacerbation and exploitation, of conflict, and optimally aimed at control over them. Accordingly, the goals of Nazism had not changed since the war, but remained the same: world domination, this time not by tanks and dive-bombers, but by stock certificates and the infiltration of loyal personnel into postwar institutions.
As already mentioned, even more recently, well-known author and JFK assassination researcher Jim Marrs has joined this slowly expanding list with his own book, The Rise of the Fourth Reich, suggesting even more connections between the events of the post9/11 world, the fall of the Third Reich, and the rise of increasingly fascist policies and police-state “snitch society” cultures in the very nations that helped defeat that enemy. Marrs pointedly raises the question of whether or not that enemy was really defeated. As I have heard Mr. Marrs mention on numerous occasions, some of which were while he was interviewing this author, it was, after all, Germany and the German Armed Forces that surrendered, not the Nazi Party. This, as we shall shortly see, is far from being a merely rhetorical statement, but is one of those little noticed but nevertheless obvious facts.
It is time, then, not only to assemble the disparate pieces scattered not only throughout other authors works as well as my own, but to add many new pieces and considerations, some of which were previously known and a matter of public record, but not properly interpreted in the light of their scientific and political implications for postwar Nazi survival and organization. Once they are thus assembled, a clear picture will emerge of a deliberate and
coordinated Nazi effort to penetrate, significantly influence, and ultimately to control sensitive scientific, economic, and policy-making agencies and bureaus of its former enemies and to manipulate political and economic events to its own ends. In short, the grand design, conceived and executed before the wars end by Nazi Party Reichsleiter Martin Bormann himself, was to transform National Socialism into International Fascism, and to infiltrate, and eventually control, key areas of the very nations that had defeated the Third Reich and driven the Party back underground.
With this in mind, there are two caveats the reader must consider throughout the remainder of this work.
First, this book is a departure, in some respects, from my previous books1 in that the emphasis is not as heavily on the scientific or physics aspects as it is on the conspiratorial aspects of the story, though here again, there is certainly a scientific aspect, as we shall see when we turn to consider the implications of a little-known Argentine nuclear project in the environs of San Carlos de Bariloche. This book is thus, so to speak, my first, though doubtless not my last, foray into the realm of “conspiracy theory,” and hence a caveat about conspiracy theory is necessary. The old adage that Americans were taught to believe in “accidents of history” whereas Europeans made conspiracy theories of history something of a “cottage industry” is simply no longer true. Gone are the days that a Warren Commission can sell the idea of a lone nut and a magic bullet as the movers and shakers in the most signally important political event in twentieth century American political history, notwithstanding the casuistry of Gerald Posner and other priests of the status quo in defense of the Warren Commission religious dogma. Gone are the days that the BCCI scandal, the Savings and Loan scandal, the Nugan Hand bank scandal, the Oklahoma City Bombing or any number of a host of other post-JFK scandals can be written off by smiling Lloyd Bentsens or Clark Cliffords or Janet Renos as the disconnected affairs of one or two “lone nuts” and their suspiciously credulous lackeys.
The reason is as simple as 9/11 itself: the federal government itself has now entered the conspiracy theory business with its whole official “explanation” of 9/11. To be sure, we were now dealing with several “lone nuts” of the fanatical Muslim variety, but by dint of that
very admission, we were, and are, dealing with an extraordinarily complex international conspiracy, albeit a very badly scripted one.
This book is likewise about a conspiracy theory, or perhaps better put, a conspiracy hypothesis . It remains for the reader to judge if it is a badly scripted one or not. That said, however, one thing this book is not to be mistaken for is that it is not proposing that the Nazis or their descendants are “behind it all,” but rather, that they and their contemporary descendants constitute but one of the major hidden players vying for power in a vast postwar global chess game that comprises other “internationals,” international finance and banking, the “clerical” international, the Communist international, the “occult” international, and so on. No attempt, in other words, is made here to construct some sort of “Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory” of modern history corresponding to a similar sort of theory in physics. The reader is free to take this information and to confect his own such theory if he wishes, but with the clear understanding that I am not the one doing so. I am merely proposing an extensive but nevertheless limited hypothesis to explain events that in my opinion cannot be explained as well by alternative hypotheses.
And this leads us to the second caveat. Like all conspiracy theories, the hypothetical case made here is circumstantial. It remains, again, for the reader to judge if a plausible and reasonable case has been made. It need hardly be stated here that a circumstantial case does not necessarily mean a compelling one, nor does it necessarily mean an invalid one. It is again up to the individual reader to weigh the evidence and arguments, and draw his own conclusions. With that in mind, however, the reader is advised to ask himself one question upon the conclusion of reading and considering this book: Can he find an insurance company to compile actuarial tables, or a Las Vegas bookmaker to lay odds that what has been presented is not true? And will he, the reader, take those odds?
Joseph P Farrell Spearfish, South Dakota
1 These are as follows: The Giza Death Star: The Paleophysics of the Military Compound at Giza (2000); The Giza Death Star Deployed: The Physics and Engineering of the Great Pyramid (2003); Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons and the Cold War Allied Legend (2004); The Giza Death Star Destroyed: The Ancient War for Future Science (2005); The SS Brotherhood of the Bell: NASAs Nazis, JFK, and Majic-12 (2006); The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts (2007); Secrets of the Unified Field: The Philadelphia Experiment, the Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory (2008); all published by Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois; and The Philosophers Stone: The American “Gold,” The Soviet “Mercury,” and the Nazi “Serum” published by Feral House, Port Townsend, Washington.
Part One: Background and the Strategic
“In later research I discovered, however, that the story about the financial properties being expropriated once and for all by the United States government, while true in form, was not true in reality. It was yet another effort to create a fog behind which the truth could be hidden.”
Carter Plymton Hydrick, Critical Mass, p. 189.
Fiction and Mythos: The Novels of Wilhelm Landig, and The
Esoteric Connection
“The role of this American power elite in the rise of Hitler should also be
viewed in conjunction with a little-known aspect of Hitlerism only now
being explored: the mystical origins of Nazism, and its relations with the
Thule Society and with other conspiratorial groups. “ Anthony Sutton1
A. The Surrenders
No sooner was the badly written tragedy of World War Two over when everyone began to re-write the screenplay. For their part, the victorious western Allies began to portray the Nazis not only as nuclear bunglers who could not construct a proper reactor, much less an atom bomb, but also rightly and justly illumined the genocidal crimes of the Nazi regime as further proof of the insanity that had once held all of Germany and Europe in its grip.2 For their part, the Soviets began to raise serious public - and private -reservations about the suicides of Adolf and Eva Hitler, as we shall see in a subsequent chapter, but no one was paying them much attention, as the Soviet Union quickly replaced Nazi Germany in “most favored enemy” status.
And for their part, the many Nazis who found themselves confronted by the regimes crimes after the war struggled to find justification for their continued adherence to “the cause,” and, like their western and Soviet counterparts, quickly set about to re-write history. Many did so in the guise of fiction, whether that of the “scholarship” of Holocaust denial,3 or the more properly science fiction novels of Austrian Neo-Nazi Wilhelm Landig, who will afford our “port of entry” into the study of the Nazi International.
However, in order to appreciate the significance of the allegations in Landigs science fiction novels, it is necessary to view them in the context of the German and Japanese surrenders themselves.
1. The Japanese Surrender Instrument
At the end of the Second World War, the western Allies and the Soviet Union were confronted with a large problem, and the problem was how to handle Germanys surrender. However, in order to see what the problem was, we have to go back into history to the end of World War One, and also to go forward to the period of the few months in history between the German capitulation to the Japanese surrender. In the first instance, the problem the Allies faced was similar to that posed by the German request for an armistice and negotiated surrender at the end of World War One. Then, as is well known, the Kaiser had abdicated, leaving the government of Germany in the hands of a provisional civilian government, which began the process of surrendering to the Allies. But the German military, (which had no representatives at the actual signing of the Versailles treaty, and which in fact had had some of its senior generals Erich Ludendorff, for example actually arguing for a continuation of the war) did not surrender. The problem was, then, that the government surrendered, and the military did not, giving rise to the “loophole” later exploited by Nazi propaganda about the “stab in the back” by “Jewish socialists.”
For the Allies at the end of World War Two, then, the last thing they wanted was to create the opportunity for a replay of World War One, or to allow any potential for a Nazi resurgence in Germany through a similar propaganda tactic. But a glance at the instruments
of surrender only serves to highlight this problem rather dramatically. First, we will look at the Japanese instrument of surrender.
Actual Japanese Surrender Instrument, Page One The text of this document reads as follows:
We, acting by command of and in behalf of the Emperor of Japan, the Japanese Government and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters, hereby accept the provisions set forth in the declaration issued by the heads of the Governments of the United States, China and Great Britain on 26 July, 1945, at Potsdam, and subsequently adhered to by the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics, which four powers are hereafter referred to as the Allied Powers.
We hereby proclaim the unconditional surrender to the Allied Powers of the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters and of all Japanese armed forces and all armed forces under Japanese control wherever situated.
We hereby command all Japanese forces wherever situated and the Japanese people to cease hostilities forthwith, to preserve and save from damage all ships, aircraft, and military and civil property and to comply with all requirements which may be imposed by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers or by agencies of the Japanese Government at his direction.
We hereby command the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters to issue at once orders to the Commanders of all Japanese forces and all forces under Japanese control wherever situated to surrender unconditionally themselves and all forces under their control.
We hereby command all civil, military and naval officials to obey and enforce all proclamations, orders and directives deemed by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers to be proper to effectuate this surrender and issued by him or under his authority and we direct all such officials to remain at their posts and to continue to perform their non-combatant duties unless specifically relieved by him or under his authority.
We hereby undertake for the Emperor, the Japanese Government and their successors to carry out the provisions of the Potsdam Declaration in good faith, and to issue whatever orders and take whatever action may be required by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers for the purpose of giving effect to that Declaration.
We hereby command the Japanese Imperial Government and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters at once to liberate all allied prisoners of war and civilian internees now under Japanese control and to provide for their protection, care, maintenance and immediate transportation to places as directed.
The authority of the Emperor and the Japanese Government to rule the state shall be subject to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers who will take such steps as he deems proper to effectuate these terms of surrender.
Signed at Tokyo Bay, Japan at 0904 on the second day of September, 1945,
/s/Mamoru Shigemitsu By Command and in behalf of the Emperor of Japan and the Japanese Government
/s/Yoshijiro Umezu By Command and in behalf of the Japanese Imperial Headquarters
Accepted at Tokyo Bay, Japan at 0908 on the second day of September, 1945, for the United States, Republic of China, United Kingdom, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and in the interests of the other United Nations at war with Japan,
/s/ Douglas MacArthur Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. /s/ C.W. Nimitz United States Representative /s/Hsu Yung-Chang Republic of China Representative /s/Kuzma Derevyanko Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Representative /s/Thomas Blamey Commonwealth of Australia Representative /s/L. Moore Cosgrave Dominion of Canada Representative /s/Jacques LeClerc Provisional Government of the French Republic Representative /s/C.E.L. Helfich Kingdom of the Netherlands Representative
/s/Leonard M. Isitt Dominion of New Zealand Representative Note that the instrument leaves no legalities to chance, for both the Emperor, the Japanese Government(that is to say, the imperial cabinet, Diet, judiciary), and the Japanese military, are mentioned explicitly.
Japanese Instrument of Surrender, Page Two 2. The German Surrender Instruments
But when it comes to the German surrender, or rather, surrenders, things are not so tidy, for indeed there were two separate surrenders, the first to the Allies at Rheims, France, on May 7, 1945, and the second, at the behest of the Soviets who desired the presence of a more high ranking Soviet representative in the form of Marshal Georgi Zhukov, in Berlin, on May 8, 1945.
The terms of the German surrender of May 7, 1945, read as follows:
1. We the undersigned, acting by authority of the German High Command, hereby surrender unconditionally to the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force and simultaneously to the Soviet High Command all forces on land, sea, and in the air who are at this date under German control.
2. The German High Command will at once issue orders to all German military, naval and air authorities and to all forces under German control to cease active operations at 2301 hours Central European time on 8 May and to remain in the positions occupied at that time. No ship, vessel, or aircraft is to be scuttled, or any damage done to their hull, machinery or equipment.
3. The German High Command will at one issue to the appropriate commanders, and ensure the carrying out of any further orders issues by the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force and by the Soviet High Command.
4. The act of military surrender is without prejudice to, and will be superseded by any general instrument of surrender imposed by, or on behalf of the United Nations and applicable to Germany and the Germany armed forces as a whole.
5. In the event of the German High Command or any of the forces under their control failing to act in accordance with this Act of Surrender, the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force and the Soviet High Command will take such punitive or other action as they deem appropriate.
Signed at Rheims at 0241 on the 7th day of May, 1945, France
On behalf of the German High Command, (Colonel-General Alfred) Jodl
In the Presence of On Behalf of the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, (General) W.B. Smith
On behalf of the Soviet High Command, Sousloparov
F. Sevez, Major General, French Army (Witness)
And the text of the instrument of the May 8, 1945 Berlin surrender reads as follows:
1. We the undersigned, acting by authority of the German High Command, hereby surrender unconditionally to the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force and simultaneously to the Supreme High Command of the Red Army all forces on land, at sea, and in the air who are at this date under German control.
2. The German High Command will at once issue orders to all German military, naval and air authorities and to all forces under German control to cease active operations at 2301 hours Central European time on 8th May 1945, to remain in all positions occupied at that time and to disarm completely, handing over their weapons and equipment to the local allied commanders or officers designated by Representatives of the Allied Supreme Commands. No ship, vessel, or aircraft is to be scuttled, or any damage done to their hull, machinery or equipment, and also to machines of all kinds, armament, apparatus, and all the technical means of prosecution of war in general.
3. The German High Command will at once issue to the appropriate commanders, and ensure the carrying out of any
further orders issued by the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force and by the Supreme Command of the Red Army. 4. This act of military surrender is without prejudice to, and will be superseded by any general instrument of surrender imposed by, or on behalf of the United Nations and applicable to Germany and the German armed forces as a whole. 5. In the event of the German High Command or any of the forces under their control failing to act in accordance with this Act of Surrender, the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force and the Supreme Command of the Red Army will take such punitive or other action as they deem appropriate. 6. This Act is drawn up in the English, Russian and German languages. The English and Russian are the only authentic texts.
Signed at Berlin on the 8th day of May, 1945,
(Admiral Hans-Georg) Von Friedeburg (Field Marshal Wilhelm) Keitel (Colonel-General Hans-Jürgen) Stumpff
In the Presence of (Air Marshal) A.W. Tedder, On Behalf of the Supreme Commander, Allied
Expeditionary Force
(Marshal) Georgi Zhukov, On Behalf of the Supreme High Command of the Red Army
Witnesses: F. de Lattre-Tassigny, General Commanding in Chief, French First Army
Carl Spaatz
General, Commanding The United States Strategic Air Force
The careful reader will have noticed at once the discrepancy between the two German surrenders on the one hand, and the Japanese surrender, on the other, for in the case of the Japanese surrender, it is explicit and clear that the surrender is being made by and for the Imperial government and all its departments, and the Imperial Japanese military.
However, in the case of the German surrenders, there is no mention of the Reich government of Germany, which by now had, under Adolf Hitlers personal orders, been transferred from him as Führer and Reich Chancellor, to Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz who succeeded him as Reich President in the final week of the war. It was the German military that was surrendering to the Allied military, for all signatories were signing as representatives for their nations respective militaries; thus, for the Allies, the German government in a sense did not even exist. Consequently, almost the exact opposite legal situation was created at the end of World War Two as far as Germany was concerned than that which obtained with the German surrender in World War One. The Allies were taking no chances that the German military would not be seen as surrendering, but in the process, they neglected to mention the government of the Third Reich itself and, more importantly, the Nazi Party. Granted, the fourth protocol of the surrender explicitly states that the military surrender can and is to be superseded by subsequent “general surrender” terms, which implicate the Reich government clearly in the process.
But there is a further problem. The Nazi Party, which had constructed itself as a parallel bureaucracy to the agencies of the German government, and which, indeed, under Party Reichsleiters Rudolf Hess, and later Martin Bormann, had infiltrated all branches of the government while remaining a separate entity, was not formally represented in the surrender itself at all! In short, while the door is open to a technical argument whether or not the Reich government did or did not surrender depending on whether one argues that the Allies did or did not recognize Dönitzs government4 the door is not open as to whether or not the parallel
bureaucracy of the National Socialist German Workers Party surrendered, because no such Party representative was ever present at the surrenders. To put it succinctly, the Allies had missed the golden opportunity to insist that a representative of the Nazi Party sign an instrument of the surrender and abolition of the Party! The German armed forces surrendered, and Germany surrendered, but the Nazi Party did not.
And this, of course, was the proverbial camels nose in the doorway that permitted postwar neo-Nazism to insist that the party and its ideals, goals, projects, and organization were alive and well, as we shall now see. Indeed, if no legal surrender of the Party or its favored organs and instrumentalities the SS for example was ever effected, then this left their chains of command formally and in practice intact. In a certain sense, the bungled surrenders helped to feed not only the mythos, but the reality, of Nazi survival and of its internationalization.
Grand Admiral (Groβadmiral) Karl Dönitz, Second Reich President of Nazi Germany5 The SS was, of course, condemned as a criminal organization during the Nuremberg war crimes tribunals along with the Nazi Party itself, and thus this condemnation can claim a dubious sanction in international law, but this fact only highlights the “missed opportunity”
of the surrenders themselves. Why did the Allies not insist on some high-ranking representative of the Nazi Party being present at the surrender, and signing a protocol stating the explicit abolition of the Party and its organizations in perpetuity and by law, thus affording the Allies a far cleaner legal case to prosecute the Party or any organizations it spawned in international law? It might be argued that such representation could not come from any regional officeholder of the Party, but would have to come from the level of the Party chancery itself, i.e., from Reichsleiter Bormann or a duly appointed representative. Presumably the Allies could not press for such presentation because, ostensibly, Martin Bormann had died fleeing Berlin. But there is another, extremely disturbing, possibility as will be seen in a subsequent chapter.
There is a final point to notice about the second, “Berlin” surrender, and that is the protocol that stipulates that all of Germanys technological equipment pertaining to the prosecution of war was to remain intact.
It is clear where the Allies and Soviets priorities laid.
B. The Neo-Nazi Science Fiction Novels of Wilhelm Landig
So where do Wilhelm Landigs postwar Neo-Nazi science fiction novels fit in to this picture?
According to historian and Nazi scholar Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Landig was a member of that
significant minority of Nazi loyalists (who) found defeat intolerable after the power and exuberance of Germanys continental domination. In the early 1950s, an Aryan-Nordic mythology took root in Vienna that was in marked contrast to the flagrant Hitler worship of postwat Anglo-American Nazi cults. Since Hitler and politics were now such painful memories, this mythology was characterized by speculations about ancient Nordic races, Thule and Atlantis, and Germanic religion. Also important was the rediscovery of ideas and individuals in the Ahnenerbe, Heinrich Himmlers SS office that researched Aryan archaeology and anthropology from 1935 to 1945. Apocalyptic
hopes for national resurrection and salvation focused on wild speculations about the supposed existence of German miracle weapons, including flying saucers and secret polar bases at the end of the war.... The origins of this mystique lies in a small occult-racist circle that first gathered for discussions at the studio of the designer Wilhelm Landig (1909-1997).6
Landig, born in Vienna in 1909, was “a staunch pan-German nationalist.”7 Joining two of the many Freikorps, one of the private armies that flourished in Germany and Austria after World War One, Landig subsequently held various governmental posts in the Third Reich until he joined the Waffen SS and fought in the antipartisan campaigns in the Balkans from 1942-1944, for which he received decorations from the Third Reich and from its puppet Ustashi regime in Croatia.8 Goodrick-Clarke then notes that “in 1944 he was directed from Belgrade back to Vienna for special tasks involving new military technology.”9 While this calls forth no further comment from Goodrick-Clarke, nor do we know what Landigs “special tasks” really comprised, we are permitted to speculate.
According to British researcher Tom Agoston, who first broke the story of SS Obergruppenführer Hans Kammlers super-secret black projects “think tank” to an English-speaking audience in his book Blunder! How the U.S. Gave Away Nazi Super Secrets to Russia, Vienna was precisely one home of secret Nazi research done for Kammlers “think tank.” And according to authors Renato Vesco and David Hatcher Childress, Vienna was the home to some of Nazi Germanys highly secret laser research.10 One may reasonably speculate, therefore, that Landig did indeed come into personal contact with and awareness of some of the projects that he fictionalizes in his novels.
Landig was not, however, merely a novelist churning out Neo-Nazi science fiction of dubious moral and literary quality. He was also “a political activist.” According to Goodrick-Clarke:
In the mid-1950s he was the Austrian representative of the European Social Movement (ESB), the fascist international organization founded at Rome and Malmö (Sweden), which
sought German alliance with a worldwide league of non-aligned nations, especially the Arab states, between the two superpowers. In 1955 Landig was in regular contact with Per Engdahl, the Swedish neo-Nazi leader, and Karl-Heinz Priester, a former Hitler Youth leader who had extensive contacts in the German nationalist underground. In 1958 Landig founded his own nationalist press, Volkstum-Verlag, whose logo featured an Ostrogothic eagle brooch dating from the reign of Theodorich the Great in the fifth century.... In 1970 Wilhelm Landig became the Austrian representative of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), founded in Taiwan in 1967 after a merger of the Asian peoples Anti-Communist League and the AntiBolshevik Bloc of Nations. This was arguably the most important far-right network in the world and accounts for Landigs highly informed international news service.11
As will be seen in subsequent chapters, there is more afoot with Neo-Nazi machinations in Arab states, and in the creation of a third bloc of nations to offset the two superpowers, than meets the eye. And as will also be seen, the World Anti-Communist League has more than its own fair share of connections to postwar Nazis and Fascists.
But in addition to all this activism, Landig had one other activity, for after his arrest and internment in a British POW camp from 19451947 as a former SS member, Landig upon his release “entered the world of inter-Allied espionage, hawking low- and medium-grade Soviet intelligence to Western security services.”12 In other words, Landig was, in some capacity, part of the vast network of Nazi spies operating in Europe, and he functioned most likely as a low level member of General Reinhard Gehlens “Gehlenorg,” headquartered in Pullach, just outside of Munich. General Gehlen was, of course, the German general who was the head of all German military intelligence during the Nazi era for eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, the Fremde Heere Ost or “Foreign Armies East”, and he was also, of course, the General who secretly negotiated with American OSS station chief in Zurich, Switzerland, Allen Dulles, to turn over to the Americans his entire network so long as the network remained in
the day-today operational control of Gehlen himself! As I have noted in my previous book The SS Brotherhood of the Bell, this meant that before President Trumans signature was even dry on the National Security Act of 1947 which created the CIA, its civilian character and charter had already been severely compromised, since almost its entire operational and analytical “Soviet desk” was staffed by a bunch of “former” Nazis!13
General Reinhard Gehlen During the War
OSS Station Zurich Station Chief, Subsequent CIA Director, and Warren Commission Member Allen Dulles
1. Landigs First Novel: Götzen gegen Thule
It is in Landigs “Thule” trilogy of novels that the myths of Nazi survival find their firmest and clearest postwar expression.
The first of these, Götzen gegen Thule (1971), was begun in the late 1950s...Theories of Aryan polar origins and Atlantis are mixed with powerful new nationalist myths of the last battalion, secret German UFO bases in the Arctic, alchemy, Grail myths and Cathar heresies, and a Nazi-Tibetan connection involving Himalayan masters and an underground kingdom in Mongolia.14
However, it is what Goodrick-Clark does not mention the novels subtitle - that is most significant, for Landigs subtitle says that it is Ein Roman voller Wirklichkeiten, a “novel full of realities.”
And this may not be far from the truth, for as I point out in my book The Philosophers Stone, the alchemical influence within Himmlers SS was pervasive.15 Additionally, that influence included a fascination with the Grail,16 with the Cathars and the Languedoc region of southwestern France that they inhabited,17 and as is also well known, Himmler personally sponsored the SS expedition to Tibet in 1938-1939.18
Indeed, there is much more to Landigs thousand page monster novel than just this, and Goodrick-Clarkes summary is as good as any:
Götzen gegen Thule is an allegory of the Landig circles attempts to make contact with an esoteric center of Nordic traditions, the legendary realm of Thule, the final bastion of the Germanic world in defeat. The story describes the world odyssey of a small group of SS soldiers and Luftwaffe airmen
across four continents in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War. In the first part of the novel the two airmen, Recke (“berseker”) and Reimer (“bard”), are sent from Norway to Point 103, a secret base that has been established by the esoteric SS elite in Arctic Canada, unknown to the Allies and also to most German authorities. Point 103 is a large underground complex equipped with highly advanced technology, including flying saucers whose apparent mission is to maintain the spirit of German defense after the final surrender of the Reich.... Its symbol is the alchemical Black Sun, a round disk that is not exactly black but the deepest violet.
Like Landigs bloc of unaligned nations against the superpowers, Point 103 seeks to promote an international alliance for the ideals of the Black Sun. Many foreign delegates attend a great conference held in the assembly hall of the base decorated with astrological symbols and an enormous icon of Mithras slaying the Bull. The delegates have all been flown to the conference by means of the V-7, a German flying saucer with a speed of 4,000 kilometers per hour and a range of 2,000 kilometers. These include a Tibetan lama, Japanese, Chinese, and American officers, Indians, Arabs, Persians, an Ethiopian, a Brazilian officer, a Venezuelan, a Siamese and a full-blooded Mexican Indian. The Arabs speak darkly of secret Islamic brotherhoods, the Indians and Persians invoke old Aryan traditions, the Orientals allude to their occult orders and a mysterious world center. Attired in their uniforms or national dress, many of the delegates make speeches identifying their national myths and ideals with those of the Thule and pledge their full support when the time comes for action.19
Peeling back the fantastic layers, however, reveals an interesting picture.
Boiling Landigs plot down to its basic essentials, one has the following intriguing list:
1) A secret base in the Canadian Arctic, i.e., a secret base in a polar or cold region that is remote and unknown to the Allies;
2) This base is staffed by former SS and Luftwaffe officers and men;
3) The point of departure to this secret enclave was Norway; 4) The secret base employs (and presumably develops)
advanced technology, which includes flying saucers, i.e., advanced aerodynes employing advanced propulsion; 5) This base is intimately involved with the creation of a bloc of nations to offset the geopolitical preponderance of the Soviet Union and the United States; 6) This bloc of nations in turn represents the internationalization of the Nazi ideology, and extends to Latin America, the Orient, and various American Indians, that is, there is an international covert Nazi organization, and that Nazism has internationalized itself into a multi-ethnic Fascist organization with a German core; 7) This bloc also consists to some extent of “secret Islamic brotherhoods” and Oriental “occult orders” and a “world center” in presumably covert conflict with the two superpowers and their aligned blocs of nations.
2. Landigs Second Novel: Wolfzeit In Landigs second novel, Wolfszeit um Thule (1980), a similar odyssey is described:
Here the narrative follows the adventures of two naval officers, Krall and Hellfeldt, and SS-Major Eyken, formerly stationed at Point 103. Assigned to a flotilla of German U-boats which leaves Norway in early May 1945, they achieve a devastating victory over an Allied naval convoy in the North Atlantic. The flotilla collects all equipment and personnel from Point 103, which is then evacuated and totally destroyed... The flotilla sets sail for the South Atlantic to make contact with the new bases of the Black Sun, the epithet of the shadow Reich government in exile. The geographical focus of this novel thus indicates the shift of Nazi survival toward Latin America and Antarctica, the new Thule of the Southern Hemisphere.20
Before proceeding with Goodrick-Clarkes summary of this second novel, note what we have once again:
1) The expedition departs by U-boat from Norway once again; 2) Its ultimate goal is to evacuate advanced technology (from
Point 103 in Canada) to Latin America, where: 3) The Reich government is in exile.
Once in South America, things take another very intriguing turn, for the novels heroes “find support in Buenos Aires”21 and continue their travels onward to La Paz, Bolivia.
Once there, the hero Eyken lectures the others on the work of the real-life personage, Edmund Kiss. And as Goodrick-Clarke notes, Kisss research
In Bolivia links up with new developments. Along the western side of the Andes mountains he discovered an extensive tunnel system stretching from the Atacama Desert as far as Ecuador, attributing it to a mysterious people with unimaginable technology many thousands of years ago.
And here, much to their Teutonic delight, Eyken and companions marvel at the “several hundred German military and scientific personnel” who “have established a secret base called Mimes Smithy as a companion to point 211 in Antarctica.”22 As GoodrickClarke also notes, Mime is the figure of Norse mythology who forges Siegfrieds sword, as popularized in composer Richard Wagners opera Das Rheingold.
In any case,
Eyken and his comrades spend many months at this site, marveling at the advanced technology brought by German scientists who have escaped the American and Soviet dragnets for Third Reich miracle weapons researchers. Another, smaller secret base in the Andes has been established in the Brazilian forest near the Beni Valley.23
Once again, we have the following elements:
1) a secret base or bases employing advanced technology; 2) in the remote environs of the Andes mountains, with 3) “hundreds” of German scientists and technicians who are 4) continuing to work on their advanced secret weapons
projects, independently of Allied oversight and perhaps of Allied knowledge.
The clear implication of Landigs second novel is that in spite of Russian and American attempts to corner the market on Nazi technology, the best and most advanced of that technology eluded them, remained under more or less independent Nazi control, and continued to be developed by them . And note one more thing: while in Buenos Aires Eyken and his companions receive “support.” This, as we shall learn in Part Three, is not only true, but true in a way that corroborates all four of the main points of Landigs second novel! Clearly Landig has developed the implication of the two German surrenders, for in his first two novels, it is quite apparent that it is the Nazi party and its most-favored organization, the SS, that has survived and is overseeing these bases and technology.
3. Landigs Third Novel: Rebellen für Thule
In his third novel, Rebellen für Thule (1991) Landig pulls the curtain back on the historical-esoteric connections underpinning all this independent and covert Nazi survival, and its continued development of exotic technology, for in it he traces the origin of the Black Sun concept back to ancient Babylonian religion.24
This connection between the SS Schwarze Sonne (Black Sun) and Babylon was not merely wishful thinking on Landigs part, for it formed part of mainstream German scholarship and Sumerology from the mid-nineteenth century, and the famous German Assyriologist Friedrich Delitzsch. 25 Delitsch argued
That the Old Testament and Jewish monotheism were derived from Babylonian religion. His initial lecture, “Babel und Bibel” (1902),26 aroused widespread controversy, as it clearly weakened Jewish claims of divine revelation and election. Taking the debate a stage further, Houston Stewart Chamberlain and Herman Wirth regarded Babylonian culture as a heritage of the Sumerians, whom they identified as early Aryan colonizers of Mesopotamia. Landigs interpretation of the Gilgamesh epic and inscriptions from Babylon follow this Nordic-Sumerian line by highlighting their correspondences to the Edda and old Norse sources.27
The clear implication of Landigs assertions, following as it does the broad traditions of German Assyriological scholarship of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, is that one of the main preoccupations of the SS was precisely the covert continuance of this tradition. Viewed in the wider context of his other novels, the implication is that there might be a connection between this esoteric preoccupation and the physics behind their continued black projects at their postwar bases.28
C. Unusual “Corroboration”: The Nazi UFO Myths and Baron Rudolf Von Sebottendorff
The esoteric connection between Nazism, high technology, and advanced aircraft was a part of the emerging “mythos” of Nazism within Neo-Nazi circles in the 1950s, the kernel of which was that “the flying disks were an important part of a German plan to create an extraterritorial state prior to a renewed attack on the Allied enemies after 1945....Nazi ufologists would recycle...and match Adamskis photographs with new discoveries of wartime SS designs.”29 As Goodrick-Clarke notes, this mythos may reflect as much a moral palliative as an actual agenda, for “the fearful nature of the Third Reich and the burden of its defeat are thus deflected in a science fiction vision of German technical and racial superiority as the huge saucers rise about the brilliant white snows of an icebound Shanrgi-La”30 that was located in Antarctica.
But there is a slight problem with Goodrick-Clarkes easy dismissal of the origins of the Nazi UFO mythos, for at approximately the same time as famous or depending upon ones lights, infamous UFO contactee George Adamski was publishing photos and films of his saucers and writing of his contact with blond-haired blue-eyed Nordic UFO occupants(!), a former Luftwaffe major, Rudolf Lusar, published an astonishing book about German secret weapons, a brief section of which mentioned Nazi experimentation with jet-turbine flying saucers. Notably, the diagrams in Lusars book look nothing like the later alleged “discoveries” of flying saucer schematics allegedly drawn up under auspices of the SS.31 The timing of Lusars book and the Adamski sightings, while permitting the possibility of some small degree of influence between the two, makes it nevertheless unlikely, for Lusars “saucers”, jet-propelled and clumsy-looking affairs that they are, hardly serve to corroborate the emerging Nazi UFO mythos.
There is also a deeper problem with Goodrick-Clarkes dismissal of the origins of the Nazi UFO mythos, and that is evident from an examination of the actual implications of his own remarks. As noted above, he believes that these flying saucers were, according to the mythos itself “an important part of a German plan to create an extraterritorial state prior to a renewed attack on the Allied enemies after 1945...”32 If one leaves the question of flying saucers out of view, and focuses on what they represent, then the Nazi mythos, according to Goodrick-Clarke, is making the following assertions:
1) There was a plan to create a postwar “extraterritorial” Nazi state, strongly suggestive in itself of a surviving postwar Nazi International organization; and,
2) Part of the original planning for that “extraterritorial” Nazi state included the continued development of the most advanced technology in the possession of the Third Reich by the end of the war.
Viewed in this way, the Nazi “flying saucer” myth is much more sobering in its implications.
However, there is a further esoteric connection to Sumer, Babylon, and ancient Persia, for some researching in the postwar Neo-Nazi circles made the claim that Thule Society founder Baron Rudolf Von Sebottendorff
Discovered old texts or oral traditions on his travels in the Middle East relating to (a) dualist rejection of El Shaddai (Jahve), the god of the Old Testament, whom Jesus identified as the devil (John 8:44).33 Sebottendorff also allegedly found Persian and Babylonian references to a millennial battle between good and evil, which inspired his (spurious) book Der interkosmische Weltenkampf (1919). Sebottendorff was supposed to be acquainted with the prophecy of the “Third Sargon” by the Babylonian seeress Sajaha (c. 650 B.C.), which told of terrible woes and the inversion of all values until the avenging emperor would arrive from the north...and destroy all evil by fire.
As if that were not all, the same researchers Jürgen-Ratthofer and Ralf Ettl maintained that in August of 1917, the Baron and Hitlers future geopolitics guru, General Karl Haushofer, the medium Maria Orsic, and a pilot named Lothar Weiz met
The old prelate Gernot of the Societas Templi Marconi at a café in Vienna. Their discussions turned on astrology and apocalyptic predictions in Indian, German, and Babylonian traditions. Gernot was highly impressed and invited Sebottendorff to visit the secret estate of his Templar order known as the “Die Herren vom Schwarzen Stein” (DHvSS) (Lords of the Black Stone) at Marktschellenberg in Bavaria. The DHvSS was supposedly founded by the Knight Commander Hubertus Koch in 1221 as a Marcionite34 Templar order. Its dualist and Gnostic “Babylonian” doctrine told of the dominion of evil on earth and the battle between light and El Shaddai based on the revelations of the goddess Ishtar. The Black Sun is the divine source of energy accessible to initiates through a hierarchy of spiritual intermediaries. Through the DHvSS,
Sebottendorff understood that Marcionite anti-Judaist teachings ultimately came from the much older Babylonian doctrine common to all Aryan peoples. The cosmic challenge of the age demanded the defeat of El Shaddai and the Jews.35
It was in fact Jürgen-Ratthofer and Ettl who first popularized the references to the mysterious “Vril” force in Neo-Nazi circles.
The “Vril” force, according to the new esoteric mythos, was the area of covert investigation of the so-called “Vril Society,” a society that was, in fact, first mentioned by the famous German rocket engineer Willy Ley,36 who had fled to the United States to escape the Nazi regime. Ley maintained that such a society existed in Berlin, which raises the significant question: why would a rocket scientist know of a secret society in Berlin that was supposedly investigating the “Vril” force, the power of the aether, itself?
One answer is that
German researchers have recently established that such a
group did exist in association with the astrological publisher
“Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft Das Kommende Deutschland
published a short brochure Vril: Die kosmische Urkraft (1930),
which described the Atlanteans as possessors of a spiritual
“dynamo-technology,” superior to the mechanistic notions of
modern science. Based on Vril energy, this technology also
enabled the Egyptians and Aztecs to build their pyramids.... The
groups second brochure, Weltdynamismus (1930), rejected
explosive technology and spoke of the release of free energy.37
In other words, perhaps Ley had come upon the brochures in Germany and read them.
In any case, Jürgen-Ratthofer and Ettl elaborate their account even further, maintaining that the Vril Society was the esoteric offshoot of Von Sebottendorffs Germanenorden (German Order), with its political branch becoming Sebottendorffs Thule Society after World War One.38 In their version, which was repeated in the much more widely circulated account of Jan Van Helsing,39 a secret
meeting of Thule and Vril members was held in December of 1919 near Berchtesgaden. Here, the medium Maria Orsic
Presented transcripts in an old Templar script of communications she had received telepathically. These proved to be written in Sumerian, the language of the founders of the oldest Babylonian culture. These channeled communications came from the planet Sumi-Er in the solar system of Aldebaran, the brightest star in the constellation of Taurus.... JürgenRatthofer and Ettl claim that the DHvSS and its modern successor, the Vril Society, received mediumistic confirmation that the Sumerians were a colony of superior beings sent from Aldebaran to earth 500 million years ago.40
According to Jürgen-Ratthofer and Ettl, that is not all that Maria Orsic channeled, for she
Next received channeled instructions for the construction of a time-travel machine. A leading member of the Vril, Dr. W.O. Schumann, pioneered the development of electromagnetic fields through rotating disks, and a prototype was constructed near Munich in 1922....
In June 1934 Lothar Weiz flew the first RFZ 1 (Rundflugzeug) at Brandenburg. The stimulus of military innovation quickly led to highly advanced craft. Thereafter, the Thule Society took a hand by establishing the SS Development Department E-IV for advanced saucer technology.41
It would be easy to dismiss all these Neo-Nazi fantasies as the ravings of utter lunatics, were it not for a few uncomfortable facts.
Once again, if one removes all the fantastical elements and generalizes the concepts implicated in these assertions, one has the following assertions:
1) There was an advanced project, beginning some time in the 1920s in Germany, to control time and gravity. The date given is 1922, which is the same approximate time as the
publication of the first real hyper-dimensional unified field theory attempt to unify gravity and electromagnetism, the theory of German mathematician Theodor Kaluza;42 2) This project was based on, or inspired and influenced in part by, reference to some sort of esoteric tradition, and its interpretation or “decoding” in terms of modern physics, as indicated by the presence of Dr. W.O. Schumann as an alleged member in the secret society attempting to construct this machine; 3) The principle in use in this machine was apparently rotating electromagnetic fields in disks, implying that more than one rotating electromagnetic field was in play; and, 4) This project later became a department of the SS, called the Development Area IV.
When viewed in this way, Jürgen-Ratthofer and Ettls assertions seem not so far-fetched, for as I detail in my previous books, there is a possibility that the Bell project itself may represent a a super-secret project begun, in fact, during the 1920s in Weimar Germany.43 Moreover, there is a circumstantial case to be made that this project was influenced, in part, by the decoding of ancient esotericism in terms of modern physics.44 And as anyone who has read my previous rationalizations of the Bell Project, its principle feature was probably high mechanical and electromagnetic rotation, allied with the employment of high voltage DC and AC potentials.45 Finally, as I have also pointed out in my previous books, there was indeed an SS Entwicklungstelle IV, whose precise mission brief was the development of “free energy” technologies, that is, of technologies relying directly on the ability to draw energy from the physical medium.46
To put it succinctly, all four of the basic implications of JürgenRatthofers and Ettls assertions are in fact true.47
D. The Curious Incident: Reinhard Schmidts Contact with German-Speaking UFO Occupants
As if to reinforce all this high strangeness surrounding Nazis and UFOs, a Nebraska farm broker and German-American, Reinhold O. Schmidt, had a extremely unusual UFO encounter. He claimed to have been contacted by occupants of a cigar-shaped UFO who spoke German! Of course, contactees all over the world report hearing such alleged occupants as speaking their own language or of communicating with humans “telepathically,” so there is nothing unusual or significant in this fact alone. However, for his efforts, Mr. Schmidt was rewarded with a stint in a psychiatric clinic. Furthermore, in an article in a West German newspaper reporting the incident, the U.S. Air Force was apparently somewhat concerned about the event.
1. Reinhold O. Schmidts Actual Account
Schmidts actual account of his contact, however, deserves closer scrutiny, for it is divided into two distinct parts, the first dealing with his initial contact, and the second, dealing with subsequent contacts. Reading the second part of Schmidts own account would convince anyone that the man may have been more than a little “out there,” as he recounts journeys with his German speaking space-brothers to Russia, the North Pole (where he is feted to an early lecture on the dangers of global warming!), and to the Great Pyramid of Giza where the leader of the space-brothers, a “Mr. X,” uses a laser-beam-like device to gain entry into secret chambers inside the structure.
German Newpaper Articles About Reinhard Schmidts Contact with German-Speaking UFO Occupants and His Subsequent Hospitalization in a Psychiatric Clinic. Note the Reference to the
Alarm of the U.S. Air Force
But the first part of his short autobiographical account of his initial contact, “The Reinhold O. Schmidt Story: Cosmic Secrets Exposed: Edge of Tomorrow: The True Account of Experiences with Visitors from Another Planet,” presents a far more sobering picture, for it details his initial contact with six German-speaking UFO occupants near Kearney, Nebraska on November 5, 1957.48 Schmidts account
has about it the air of plausibility for two reasons, the first being that he was a very careful observer of what he saw. And the second because what he saw was clearly technological, but a technology not exotic enough to compel to the conclusion that it originated off this planet.
a. The Malfunctioning Ignition and a Nazi and Fascist Parallel
Schmidt begins by noting that after seeing a brilliant flash of light while driving back from work during the night, that his “car engine suddenly stopped.” He “turned the ignition off and on several times” but to no avail.49 Malfunction of automobile electrical systems is, of course, a common feature of UFO encounters, and can be rationalized on the basis of conventional science as the result of an electromagnetic pulse or exposure to strong electromagnetic fields that basically “short out” electrical equipment in their vicinity.
But as I have also pointed out in my previous book Secrets of the Unified Field, such devices were allegedly part of the secret weapons projects both of Fascist Italy and of Nazi Germany.50 Thus, the conjunction of German-speaking occupants of Schmidts UFO and its strange effects on his car serve to mutually corroborate the speculative possibility that Schmidt encountered some postwar descendant of those wartime secret projects. Schmidts encounter “with beings from another world” can, in short, be scientifically rationalized by terrestrial technological antecedents.
b. The Pencil Thin Beam of Light
Schmidt then recounts that, having failed to turn his automobile engine back on, he exited his car and raised the hood, thinking perhaps that a wire had come loose. As he did so, he noticed a large craft that looked like a “half-inflated balloon” but which was made of metal, and which rested on “four hydraulic rams serving as landing gear.” As he drew near the object,
A thin stream of light, about as big around as a pencil, shot out from it and hit me across the chest. It seemed as if I were
suddenly paralyzed; I could not move. Maybe I was only scared stiff but, before I could analyze my feelings, a door in the ship slid open and two men came out of it toward me.51
Again, one notes the resemblance of Schmidts technological description of the pencil thin beam of light to a piece of wholly terrestrial technology that would become public knowledge in a few short years: the laser. While Schmidt is clear that his paralysis might have been his own emotional and physiological response to this, it is also clear that he implies that it was the result of being struck with the beam. While such a paralysis-inducing technology would have been extraordinarily sophisticated for the day, it is now known that the American military and intelligence services were working on methods of mind manipulation via technological and pharmaceutical means during the same time frame. One need only think of the CIAs MK-Ultra project in this connection. Again, while sophisticated for the day, nothing in Schmidts account thus far compels to the conclusion that his alleged encounter, if indeed it took place, represented contact with an extraterrestrial race, civilization, or technology.
c. “Inside the Ship”
Shortly after this, Schmidt describes being invited into the ship by the leader of its six occupants, a man he calls “Mr. X” and whom he describes as speaking “English with a German accent.”52
Besides the leader, there were three men and two women in the ship. The women were sitting behind a big desk on which there was a large frame which enclosed what looked like a viewing screen. At the same end of the ship were four columns for colored liquid: red, green, blue and orange. These tubes were approximately 4 and one half feet high and 6 inches in diameter. The ladies seemed to be watching the liquid very closely as it moved slowly up and down, like the pistons in an automobile. The three men were working on an instrument panel that filled one side of the room. I saw one of them clipped off some short wires. The panel was filled with clocks, dials,
buttons and switches. In the center was a large screen which looked like our televisions screens, but it was not working while I was there.53
Wires, tubes, dials, clocks, switches, and colored liquid, being monitored by a crew of “men” and “women.” Schmidts language is not evocative of advanced extraterrestrial technology, and in fact serves to underscore the possibility that Schmidt actually did encounter what he describes.
As if to underscore this even further, Schmidt even makes a fascinating (and disturbing) observation about the “instrument panel” itself:
(It) had no name or identification which might have disclosed the place of manufacture, but I did notice some Arabic numerals and some Roman numerals on it. However, there were no other figures or letters of any kind on either the inside or the outside of the ship.54
One would hardly expect, on an “advanced extraterrestrial craft” to encounter Arabic and Roman numerals! Again, there is nothing exotic enough about the technology described to compel toward the conclusion that Schmidt had encountered something extraterrestrial in origin.
In fact, the exact opposite is the case. He had encountered something extraordinary, to be sure, but extraordinary precisely because every detail he elicits only serves to emphasize its human origins! Even Schmidts descriptions the odd way that the occupants seemed to glide rather than walk can be wholly rationalized on the basis of a now well-known terrestrial technology, for most of those reading this book will have encountered teenagers gliding along a sidewalk or pavement on tennis shoes equipped with roller wheels!55
As if to highlight all the high strangeness of this unusual UFO contactee story, Schmidt makes the following observation:
When these people spoke among themselves they used high German, which I happen to understand, as I graduated from a
school in which both German and English were taught. I could speak, read, and understand it fairly well. But these people all spoke to me in English with a German accent.56
Schmidt, normally so careful an observer during the first part of his account does not seem to ask nor answer the obvious questions: What were they talking about? Why did they assume he did not speak German? And most importantly, Why were they speaking German? Why not Russian? French? Mandarin Chinese or Swahili? Why German?
The implications of his assertions never seem to have occurred to him, but they are clear, if true: he had witnessed some exotic terrestrial technology clearly tied to Germans and Germany...
d. An Interesting Interest and Intriguing Observation
At this juncture, Schmidt then recounts how the leader, “Mr. X,”
Asked me if I knew anything about the United States satellite program. When I replied that I did not, he said, “Theyre planning to send up some satellites, but the first two will never leave the ground. The third will go up, but it wont send back data.”
This prophecy has since proved true. The results of those flights were printed in newspapers all over the country.57
True enough, but once again the extraordinary implications of Schmidts story seemed to have escaped him, for Americas satellite program at that point in history was highly classified. How then did Schmidts UFO occupants know about it? And more importantly, how did they know in advance what would happen with the first flights? Schmidts “Mr. X” clearly has access to some inside knowledge...
e. Departure
When the crafts crew finished whatever preparations they had been engaged in, they informed “Mr. X”, once again in German, that
they were ready, and at this point “Mr. X” informed Schmidt that he had to leave.
As I stepped onto the ground, the motor started. It sounded like a large electrical one, and it became quieter as it worked up momentum. It ran a few seconds and then the ship took off... straight up in the air! About 12 feet off the ground it turned pitch black. Then at about 100 feet it turned a bluish-green and headed southwest. There was a brilliant flash, and then the ship absolutely disappeared before my eyes! I estimated the ceiling of the clouds that day to be only about 800 feet, but the ship had vanished at about 150 feet. A county official told me later that the craft had stalled a tractor, two cars, and a large truck... all of which had been beneath the path of the ship during its takeoff.
During my first visit aboard the strange craft I had been told not to try to start my car until the ship was out of sight, and that an attempt to do so would be unsuccessful. Now I realized why my car had stalled earlier when I first approached the ship.58
Other UFO contact reports, of course, record similar features, but what is noteworthy here is that Schmidt describes a similar sight as witnesses describing the outdoor testing of the Nazi Bell device.59 And as I point out in my book Secrets of the Unified Field, one and the same science can be used as a basis to explain and rationalize both the celebrated Philadelphia Experiment and the alleged invisibility of the U.S. destroyer escort Eldridge as well as the Nazi Bell.60 It is perhaps expedient to also point out that the Bell used a heavy maroon-violet liquid in the device, a fact loosely paralleled by the implications of Schmidts observations of four colored liquids inside the UFO.
f. The Authorities Get Involved
Schmidt quickly returned to Kearney where he informed a local deputy sheriff of the whole episode. After the deputy informed Schmidt that an earlier siren during the daytime was because a local resident also reported seeing a “strange object in the sky,”61 Schmidt
and the deputy returned to the spot along the Platte River where he had experienced his encounter. There they noticed the imprints of the “four hydraulic rams on the dry bed of the Plate River” and some oil of a dark green color, “fine textured and sweet smelling.” Schmidt notably remarks that he “could not be positive that it had come from the ship.”62 The two men returned to Kearney and reported it all to the local chief of police.
The police chief then contacted the City Attorney and a local newspaper reporter, and the three men along with Schmidt and the deputy returned to the site in a police cruiser “with the siren going full blast all the way!”63 The four imprints of the landing gear legs were still visible, as was the dark green oil. The deputy and Schmidt stepped off the distance between the landing gear imprints and “we estimated that the ship had been about 100 feet long and 30 feet wide. I guessed its height to be about 14 feet.”64 Gathering up some of the oil for analysis, the group returned to Kearney, where Schmidt returned to his motel to watch television in the lobby.
While watching a local program it was suddenly interrupted by a news flash stating that a “spaceship” had landed at Kearney, Nebraska. Schmidts reaction to this announcement is significant:
I was very much surprised because nothing had been said to me about making an announcement over the air. In fact, I had not even referred to the object as a spaceship, because I didnt know what it was. I thought that perhaps it might have come from Russia, and that it was manned by a crew of German scientists getting data on the first Russian Sputnik which had been launched about a week before.65
In other words, Schmidts own original inclination was to interpret the craft as something wholly terrestrial.
And not only that. The story had begun to change.
g. Schmidt Arrested and Committed
At this juncture, Schmidt records events that clearly indicate that someone, somewhere, did not like what they were hearing coming out of Kearney, Nebraska, and that they took immediate steps to discredit both Schmidt and his story.
…I had become aware of the change in the manner of the officials as they discussed my experience. Not only that, but the story they were now telling no longer sounded the same at all!
Suddenly, about 6:00 a.m. they asked me to say that my experience had not happened at all, and that it was a lie! They even asked that I change my story to match theirs! I was dumbfounded at this turn of events. I told them that they could tell whatever story they wanted to, but that I would not change mine unless the truth would jeopardize the security of the United States. They had no answer for that!66
After refusing to submit to a lie detector test unless the authorities did as well, Schmidt was informed by the chief of police that he would be held in jail without a warrant.67
The next morning, the City Attorney visited Schmidt to inform him that they had discovered a half full can of dark green motor oil in the trunk of his car along with an oil funnel, proving that his story was made up.
I told him that he would have to think of a better one than that. I brought to his attention the fact that the cans which he had showed (me had) circular holes, and that the can opener I carried in my car cut a triangular hole. Also, the two cans in question were the Veedol brand. The oil cans I carried then (which are in my car), are RPM and Skelly.68
As if to highlight the possibility that the local authorities were being pressured to railroad Schmidt through such clumsy evidence planting efforts, Kearney received two more distinguished visitors:
Two Air Force officials had arrived in Kearney during the night from Colorado.
(That was fast!)
The next morning about eleven oclock, November 6th, I was taken over to the police station to talk with them. They recorded my whole experience on a tape as I told it to them. During this session, one of the Kearney officials happened to wonder out loud just how the ship could go straight up when it took off. One of the Air Force men forgot himself for a moment and admitted, “Oh, we know all about that.”69
Given what has been cited thus far, we are permitted to speculate what happened.
Schmidt, after he had repeated his story to the local Chief of Police, and after the latter and other local officials had verified the story by checking out the landing site, was ordered to be held by the Air Force until they could arrive on the scene and investigate firsthand. In all likelihood the local authorities, after hearing Schmidts story and particularly the detail about the German speaking occupants had probably contacted the nearest Air Force base to Kearney, which at that time was most likely Offut Air Force Base south of Omaha, at that time also the headquarters of the Strategic Air Command. Offut then most likely contacted The North American Air Defense Command in Colorado Springs. While NORAD would not be officially founded until May 12th of the following year, most likely a skeletal command structure was already in place in Colorado. At any rate, regardless of how the contact between local officials and the Air Force was actually made, the fact remains that the Air Force showed up very quickly, and doubtless exercised a great deal of influence in what happened next to Schmidt, for he found himself hauled before a mental competency board on November 7th, and committed to a psychiatric hospital in Hastings, Nebraska.70 After intervention from his employer and family who both attested his mental worthiness, Schmidt was finally released.
But the damage had been done: Schmidts story, which he refused to retract in spite of pressures to do so, was discredited.
And this raises the possibility that the rest of Schmidts accounts of subsequent encounters which partake so little of the same matterof-fact character as the first half of his story, and which include many spectacular and far-fetched elements was itself deliberately concocted under pressure precisely in order to discredit the first part.
Whatever one makes of the Reinhold Schmidt contact affair, however, three things stand out as significant for our purposes:
1) It was a story with a clear statement of contact with German speaking occupants of a UFO;
2) That UFO represented a technology clearly terrestrial, as evidenced by Schmidts own descriptions of it, of its human operators, and of the very human identifiers of “Arabic” and “Roman” numerals on some of its equipment, and as well by Schmidts own inclination not to identify it as an extraterrestrial spacecraft but as Russian in origin; and,
3) The U.S. Air Force clearly was concerned about the story, since it took self-evidently strong but covert measures to pressure Schmidt to change his story, and when that failed, by discrediting it by having him involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital. In this respect, the U.S. militarys reaction to Schmidts story is of a piece to its reaction to Roswell, which as I have speculated in my books Reich of the Black Sun and The SS Brotherhood of the Bell, may have been the crash of something exotic, terrestrial, and Nazi, for the crash of such a craft, able to enter sensitive American airspace with impunity, would have sent the American military into a tailspin of panic, for it meant that someone on earth was continuing a line of development of wartime Nazi technology independent of any of the victorious Allies.71
It is as if Reinhold Schmidt had either concocted a fictitious, or participated in an actual, event to corroborate the assertions of Wilhelm Landigs science fiction novels. There is just one problem... they hadnt been written yet.
2. The Rosin Affidavit: An Interpretive Context
All this casts the affidavit of Dr. Carol Rosin, long-time American associate of Nazi Paperclip rocket scientist Wernher Von Braun, into a new light. Rosin claimed that Von Braun told her that prior to his death in 1973 the worlds elite had a long-range plan for the control and manipulation of the population in response to various “perceived enemies:”
The strategy that Werner Von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to be considered the enemy... Then terrorists would be identified, and that was soon to follow... Then we were going to identify third-world country “crazies.” We now call them Nations of Concern. But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would build space-based weapons. The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first time he said it. Asteroids against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons. And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials.72
In the light of the foregoing discussion, however, Von Brauns alleged statements not only begin to acquire the ring of truth, but also raise the specter that he “knew something” from long ago, something connected with the secret projects under way in Nazi Germany. His remarks to Rosin raise the distinct possibility that any such massive “ET” contact will in fact be a massive deception planned and orchestrated by humans, and based upon exotic though quite secret technology, and made in aid of a sinister ideology: Nazism.
E. Conclusions
So what do we have? In the first instance, the Allied failure to demand a representative of the Nazi Party to surrender, and their failure to demand that it abolish itself, afforded a clear loophole, not only legally, but more importantly, imaginatively, for the postwar neo-Nazi movement to claim, on the basis of that omission, that the Party had survived the war, battered to be sure, but intact.
In the fertile soil of that opportunity, aspects of the original esoteric influences at work within the Party and more particularly, within Himmlers SS grew to encompass the myth of Nazi survival, and to elaborate it as attested by Landigs novels with a detail breathtaking and fantastic in its scope and particulars. This elaboration, as was seen, included the following assertions:
1) That the Reich government survived the war and that the Nazi Party had never surrendered;
2) that it based itself in Latin America; 3) that secret bases were maintained, staffed by German
scientists and former SS and military personnel; in remote polar regions and remote areas of the Andes mountains; 4) that these bases also continued to pursue a line of technological and scientific development of exotic technology tied to advanced propulsion and aircraft (i.e., flying saucers), free energy, and the “ultimate doomsday weapon”; 5) that the organization had internationalized Nazism while retaining a solidly German core, but welcoming new ethnic elements, particularly Muslim Arabs and various Oriental groups; and finally, 6) that the geopolitical agenda of this group was to create a third bloc of nations in distinction to the two superpowers in conjunction with the creation of an extraterritorial Nazi “state,” and that the continued independent development and monopolization of the above-mentioned advanced technology was crucial to that geopolitical agenda.
As Landig indicated in the subtitle of his first novel, its main plot was “full of realities” (voller Wirklichkeiten). How many of these “realities” are true, and to what extent, is the subject of the rest of this book.
And the answers are not only surprising, but indeed supremely unsettling...
1 Anthony Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, htto://reformed-theology.org/html/books/wall_street/introduction.htm, p. 1.
2 For the Allied Legend of Nazi nuclear incompetence. see my Reich of the Black Sun (Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2004), pp. 3-158.
3 See, for example, the “research” of the Institute for Historical Review.
4 And they did recognize it de facto, since it was Dönitzs radio broadcast of the surrender and his orders to the German Wehrmacht to cease hostilities, that in fact performed the obligations of the surrender terms.
5 Hitler had, before the war succeeded President Paul Hindenburg as “Reichspräsident” by passing a law that combined the offices of president and chancellor into that of Führer. In his last political will and testament, Hitler recreated the office of Reich President, while devolving the office of chancellor upon Nazi propaganda minister Josef Göbbels. What exactly this arrangement was supposed to mean was rather nebulous, but in the context of the Weimar constitution, the constitution under which the Nazi state came into existence, it gave Dönitz the real control of the government, since as President he could dissolve the Reichstag (a formality in any case, since it had long since ceased to function), and appoint the Chancellor. Hitler also appointed Dönitz as Staatsoberhaupt or Supreme Head of State, thus empowering him to conduct the foreign affairs of the Reich. More importantly, Hitler also named Dönitz as his successor as Oberbefehlshaber der deutschen Wehrmacht, Supreme Commander of the German Defense Force. In such capacities, then, Dönitz was empowered to conduct foreign policy, to conclude the surrender of the German Armed Forces, and order that they cease operations and disarm.
6 Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity (New York University Press, 2002), pp. 128-129.
7 Ibid., p. 129. 8 Ibid. 9 Ibid. 10 See Tom Agostons Blunder! How the U.S. Gave Away Nazi Super Secrets to Russia (1985), p. 12 in conjunction with David
Hatcher Childress and Renato Vesco, Man-Made UFOs (Adventures Unlimited Press, 1994), pp. 134-176. See also Henry Stevens, Hitlers Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science, and Technology (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2007), pp. 198-208 for the involvement of I.G. Farben in laser research at Ludwigshafen. This is yet another piece of data to add to the case I made in my book The Philosophers Stone (Feral House, 2009), pp.205-254 that the Nazis were involved in tunable dye laser research for isotope enrichment.
11 Goordrick-Clarke, Black Sun, p. 137. 12 Ibid., p. 129. 13 See my SS Brotherhood of the Bell, pp. 389-393. 14 Goodrick-Clarke, Black Sun , p. 137. 15 See my The Philosophers Stone (Feral House, 2009), pp. 255-294.. 16 Ibid., pp. 359-368. 17 See Jim Marrs, The Rise of the Fourth Reich (2008), pp. 92105. 18 Himmlers sponsorship may have extended beyond the known Schäffer expedition of 1938-1939, as several Tibertan monks were found by Russian forces entering Berlin at the end of the war. The monks, allegedly, were in SS uniforms and had committed ritual suicide. However, no monks were brought out during the Schäffer expedition of 1939-39. It is known that Schäffers team brought out an entire priceless copy of the ancient Tibetan epic collection, the Kang Schuur, and this most likely would have required Tibetan assistance in translating the work. I speculate, therefore, that at some point during the war, most likely after the German invasion of Russia, that another secret SS expedition was undertaken to Tibet with SS commandos who, once there, built an airfield for German long-range aircraft which in turn flew the monks back to Germany. The most likely time for such an expedition to have occurred would have been during the German long-range armed reconnaissance to Astrakhan on the Caspian Sea during the big German offensive in Russia during the summer of 1942. 19 Goodrick-Clarke, Black Sun, pp. 137-138. 20 Goodrick-Clarke, Black Sun, pp. 142-143.
21 Ibid., p. 143. 22 Goodrick-Clarke, Black Sun, p. 144. 23 Ibid. 24 Goodrick-Clarke, Black Sun, p. 147. 25 This is the same Friedrich Delitsch of the famous Keil and Delitsch series of extensive biblical commentaries, a standard scholarly reference. 26 I.e., “Babel and Bible.” 27 Goodrick-Clarke, op.cit., p. 147. 28 See also my book Reich of the Black Sun (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2004), pp. 161-179, and my book The Philosophers Stone (Feral House, 2009), pp. 259-293 for further explorations of the theme of the connection between Nazi esotericism and physics. 29 Goodrick-Clarke, Black Sun, p. 155. 30 Ibid., p. 157. 31 These later designs include the notorious and in my opinion utterly spurious Hannebu and Vril flying saucers. 32 Goodrick-Clarke, Black Sun, p. 155. 33 For a possible Sumerian context from which to view this interpretation, see my The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2007), pp. 302-303. 34 Marcionism was an early Christian heresy that taught that the God of the Old Testament could not have been the Father of Christ, since he was entangled with the material world, which in the dualist thinking common to the pagan culture of the age, was tainted with evil. Any god thus entangled with matter was perforce to that degree evil. 35 Goodrick-Clark, Black Sun, p. 165. 36 Ibid., p. 166. 37 Ibid., emphasis added. 38 Goodrick-Clarke, Black Sun, p. 166. 39 See my SS Brotherhood of the Bell, pp. 104-115.
40 Goodrick-Clarke, Black Sun, p. 166. 41 Ibid., p. 167, emphasis added. 42 See my Secrets of the Unified Field: The Philadelphia Experiment, The Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory (Adventures Unlimtied Press, 2008), pp. 1-17. 43 See my books The SS Brotherhood of the Bell: NASAs Nazis, JFK, and MAJIC-12 (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2006), pp. 1-17, 282-288, and my The Philosophers Stone: The American “Gold,” The Soviet “Mercury,” and the Nazi “Serum,” (Feral House, 2009), pp. 282-293. 44 See my Secrets of the Unified Field: The Philadelphia Experiment, The Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory (Adventures Unlimtied Press, 2008), pp. 262-288, and my The Philosophers Stone: The American “Gold,” The Soviet “Mercury,” and the Nazi “Serum,” (Feral House, 2009), pp. 255-293. 45 See my SS Brotherhood of the Bell, pp. 141-191; Secrets of the Unified Field, pp ; and The Philosophers Stone, pp 268-288. 46 See my SS Brotherhood of the Bell, pp. 144-148; and my The Philosophers Stone, pp. 198-201. 47 There is another assertion made by Jürgen-Ratthofer and Ettl in the quotations cited above, and this is that the original contact between “Aldebaran” and earth occurred some 500 million years ago between humanity and human-like beings from that star system. In other words, they maintain the antiquity of humanity as an implied explanation for the sophistication of the culture and civilization that pre-dated the classical civilizations of Sumer and Egypt. For this implication of ancient texts and their assertions of such contact, see my The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2007), pp. 399-409. 48 Reinhold O. Schmidt, “The Reinhold O. Schmidt Story: Cosmic Secrets Exposed: Edge of Tomorrow: The True Account of Experiences with Visitors from Another Planet,” http://galactic.to/rune/reinhold.html, p. 1. 49 Reinhold O. Schmidt, “The Reinhold O. Schmidt Story: Cosmic Secrets Exposed: Edge of Tomorrow: The True Account of
Experiences with Visitors from Another Planet,” http://galactic.to/rune/reinhold.html, p. 2.
50 Joseph Farrell, Secrets of the Unified Field, pp. 239-248. 51 “The Reinhold O. Schmidt Story: Cosmic Secrets Exposed: Edge of Tomorrow: The True Account of Experiences with Visitors from Another Planet,” http://galactic.to/rune/reinhold.html, p. 2, emphasis added. 52 Ibid. 53 “The Reinhold O. Schmidt Story: Cosmic Secrets Exposed: Edge of Tomorrow: The True Account of Experiences with Visitors from Another Planet,” http://galactic.to/rune/reinhold.html, p. 2. 54 Ibid., p. 3. 55 Ibid. 56 “The Reinhold O. Schmidt Story: Cosmic Secrets Exposed: Edge of Tomorrow: The True Account of Experiences with Visitors from Another Planet,” http://galactic.to/rune/reinhold.html, p. 3. 57 Ibid. 58 “The Reinhold O. Schmidt Story: Cosmic Secrets Exposed: Edge of Tomorrow: The True Account of Experiences with Visitors from Another Planet,” http://galactic.to/rune/reinhold.html, p. 3. 59 See my SS Brotherhood of the Bell, pp. 185-186. 60 See my Secrets of the Unified Field, esp. pp. 165-190; 269282. 61 “The Reinhold O. Schmidt Story: Cosmic Secrets Exposed: Edge of Tomorrow: The True Account of Experiences with Visitors from Another Planet,” http://galactic.to/rune/reinhold.html, p. 5. 62 Ibid. 63 Ibid. 64 Ibid. 65 “The Reinhold O. Schmidt Story: Cosmic Secrets Exposed: Edge of Tomorrow: The True Account of Experiences with Visitors from Another Planet,” http://galactic.to/rune/reinhold.html, p. 5, emphasis added. 66 Ibid., p. 6.
67 “The Reinhold O. Schmidt Story: Cosmic Secrets Exposed: Edge of Tomorrow: The True Account of Experiences with Visitors from Another Planet,” http://galactic.to/rune/reinhold.html, p. 6.
68 Ibid., p. 7. 69 Ibid. 70 “The Reinhold O. Schmidt Story: Cosmic Secrets Exposed: Edge of Tomorrow: The True Account of Experiences with Visitors from Another Planet,” http://galactic.to/rune/reinhold.html, p. 7-8. 71 See my Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 274-330 and my The SS Brotherhood of the Bell, pp. 311-384. 72 Cited in Steven M. Greer, M.D., Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History (Crozer, Virginiza, 2001), pp. 255-256.
Theres Nazis in the Bushes: The Pattern of Prewar
Corporate-Nazi Cooperation
“It was rumored that the trial transcripts of the 1942 prosecution of
Prescott Bush were destroyed in the September 11, 2001, collapse of
World Trade Center 7, which housed the offices of the Securities and
Exchange Commission. “ Jim Marrs1
In 2003, the BBC, The New York Times, and other major media organs around the world, ran stories about a corporate bankruptcy. While not unusual in and of itself - after all, corporate bankruptcies often make front page news or lead stories in broadcasts - what was unusual about this bankruptcy, or rather, forced liquidation, was that it had been in the courts for fifty-one years! And that raises a rather obvious question: What corporation could be, or as the case may be, could have been, so large and so powerful that it would take fifty-one years to complete? Not even A.T.& T., “Ma Bell,” took that long!
The corporations name, however, says it all, for people who know its history, for it was the notorious Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie, A.G., better known as I.G. Farben, the gargantuan German chemicals cartel that was broken up at the end of World War Two into the “little” firms of Hoechst, Bayer, BASF (Bayrischen Analin und Soda-Fabrik), and AGFA (Aktien-Gesellschaft für Analin
Fabrikation), each of which was and is a large “multinational” corporation in its own right. The fact that the components of I.G. Farben are so big gives an indicator of the size and power of the enormous Farben cartel.
Farben was, by anyones reckoning, the corporation that ran Nazi Germanys enormous “military-industrial complex.”
But size and power alone do not by themselves account for the extraordinarily long time it took to finally be rid of the corporation. There are other factors involved, one of which is the amount and type of compensation I.G. Farben or its successors would pay its victims or their families for the Holocaust. Unfortunately, in the world of multi-national corporate amorality and greed, this factor played a small role.
A much larger role was played by I.G. Farbens prewar cartel and patent licensing contracts with foreign corporations in the United Kingdom, France, and the United States, and in that, as they say, lies an important story, for it is in the outlines of those arrangements and agreements that one may also discern the form and shape that the Nazis postwar survival plans would follow. And Farbens system of cartel and license agreements also became in the prewar period part of a much larger pattern of international corporate cooperation between Nazi Germany and the Western Powers, particularly the United States. Hence, to understand the Nazi postwar survival plans, it is necessary to have an understanding of that prewar pattern.
A. Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler`
It was a former Hoover Institute scholar and fellow turned conspiracy-theory-researcher, Anthony Sutton, whose trilogy of books, Wall Street and the Rise of FDR, Wall Street and the Rise of the Bolsheviks, and Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, documented the existence of a powerful international corporate elite, based in America, that was “fundamentally significant in the determination of world affairs, at a level far behind and above that of the elected politicians.”2 Beginning with his work for the Hoover Institute, when Sutton was still a respected member of the academic community, he began to notice a curious fact about Soviet-American relations,
namely, that the best American technology was being quietly shifted to the Soviet Union through dubious trade agreements between the Russian Government and various American corporations. America was, in short, arming its enemy, and this was by deliberate design! Sutton published a lengthy technical report for the Hoover Institute, and popularized his findings in a book titled The Best Enemy Money Can Buy. This fact earned Sutton the ire of the academic community and their internationalist corporate backers, and he soon found himself out of his academic fellowship and all but completely blacklisted from the Americas “open-minded” and “brilliant” academic institutions.
Undaunted, Sutton continued to document the work and goals of this corporate elite in a two-volume study Trilaterals Over Washington, and a ground-breaking work on the notorious Skull and Bones Society at Yale University, Americas Secret Establishment. But it is for his trilogy culminating in Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler that Sutton is best known, for it is perhaps the best one-volume introduction to the shenanigans of American corporations and their German counterparts in the rise of Nazism and Adolf Hitler.
1. Putting it into Perspective: The Presumptive Goals of the International Elite in Funding Communism and Nazism
But why would the same corporate elite wish to fund both Communism and Nazism, and to put them into power in two of the worlds great military powers to begin with? There are two answers to this question, one long-term, and one more mid- to short-term. As the titles of Suttons own Wall Street and the Rise Of...trilogy suggests, by placing into power Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Adolf Hitler, and Vladimir Lenin, the international elite was running a grand long-term experiment, not only in bringing socialism of one form or another into authority in the major powers of the world, but also to determine which version of socialism was the most robust in opposing a presumed threat, but also to determine the most pliable and easily manipulated by corporate elites. The long term goal was, of course, world corporate socialism.
The more short term reasons for this manipulation of three kinds of socialism FDRs “New Deal” socialism, Communist Socialism, and National Socialism is more complex, and must be viewed from the chronological standpoint. Having put Bolshevism into power, the internationalist corporate elite soon found itself faced with a problem, namely, that the Soviet Union and its Communist International was serious about expanding communist power under Soviet auspices around the world, and particularly into central Europe and Germany. Faced with the possibility of a power bloc centered on Russia and Germany under Communist control, the ability to manipulate and control that bloc much less oppose it if the need arose became quite problematical, if not downright impossible. In short, the balance of power, upon which the larger scheme depended, would have been threatened.
Having created the Communist monster, the elite then decided to finance another monster Nazism to oppose it. This plan was indeed realistic, since Germany was the only power conceivably in a position to oppose Russia economically and militarily.3 France and Great Britain simply had neither the muscle nor the geopolitical position to do it, and the United States was ill-disposed to become involved in European affairs. As a result of these considerations, the pattern of international corporate cartel and licensing arrangements between the Western Powers particularly the United States and Germany emerged.
2. A Case in Point: Hitlers Reichsbank President: Dr. Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht
An example of this American-German corporate cooperation is easily seen in Hitlers first Reichsbank President, Dr. Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht. As Sutton observes, the pattern of incestuous relationships between the German and American corporate elites is exemplified in Schacht, for Schachts father, prior to moving his family to America,
Worked at the Berlin office of the Equitable Trust Company of New York in the early twentieth century. Hjalmar was born in
Germany rather than New York only by the accident of his mothers illness, which required the family to return to Germany...To record his American origins, Hjalmars middle names were designated “Horace Greeley” after the well-known Democrat politician. Consequently, Hjalmar spoke fluent English and the post-war interrogation of Schacht in project Dustbin was conducted in both German and English. The point to be made is that the Schacht family had its origins in New York, worked for the prominent Wall Street financial house of Equitable Trust (which was controlled by the Morgan firm), and throughout his life Hjalmar retained these Wall Street connections. Newspapers and contemporary sources record (his) repeated visits with Owen Young of General Electric; Farish, chairman of Standard Oil of New Jersey; and their banking counterparts. In brief, Schacht was a member of the international financial elite... He is a key link between the Wall Street elite and Hitlers inner circle.4
Remember that connection to the Morgan financial interests, since it will resurface in a strange way once we examine the postwar financial plans of the Nazi International.
3. International Cartel and Licensing Agreements Between I.G. Farben and American Corporations
According to Sutton, “The contribution made by American capitalism to German war preparations before 1940 can only be described as phenomenal.”5 Just how phenomenal? Consider only the fact that
In 1935 Germany produced domestically only 300,000 tons of natural petroleum products and less than 800,000 tons of synthetic gasoline; the balance was imported. Yet, ten years later in World War II, after transfer of the Standard Oil of New Jersey hydrogenation patents and technology to I.G. Farben (used to produce synthetic gasoline from coal), Germany produced about 6 ½ million tons of oil of which 85 percent (5 ½ million tons) was synthetic oil using the Standard Oil
hydrogenation process. Moreover, the control of synthetic oil output in Germany was held by the I.G. Farben suibsidiary, Barunkohle-Benzin A.G., and this Farben cartel itself was created in 1926 with Wall Street financial assistance.6
What did America get in return for Farbens license to produce synthetic gasoline under Standard Oils patent? More about that in a moment.
a. The Dawes and Young Plans
In order to appreciate the German cartel system and its unique power in world finance capitalism at the time, however, it is necessary to go back to the end of World War One, the Versailles Treaty, and the enormous war reparations it imposed on Germany.7 Since World War One had left the worlds gold standard all but shattered in a tapestry of loans and credits, the outcome was predictable, particularly in Germanys case: the German government simply could not pay the reparations in any timely and meaningful fashion, and began deliberately to inflate its currency, paying the Allies back with increasingly worthless Reichsmarks, and ruining its own economy in the process as factories shut down and unemployment soared.
It was clear that something had to be done, and the only country at that time that could do it was the only creditor nation in the world with enough liquid capital worth anything to loan: the United States. It is in this context that the 1924 Dawes Plan and the 1928 Young Plan emerged as the latest scheme of international capitalists to milk Germany for all she was worth, for the ruin of the Reichsmark provided them with a golden opportunity “to float profitable loans” with valuable American dollars to the “German cartels in the United States.”8 Both of these plans “were engineered by these central bankers, who manned the committees for their own pecuniary advantages, and although technically the committees were not appointed by the U.S. Government, the plans were in fact approved and sponsored by the Government.”9
The essence of both plans was that the large U.S. central banks floated German bond issues which were paid for by American dollars. In turn, part of these funds were then used by Germany to repay the war reparations imposed by the Versailles Treaty. But as Sutton also notes, under these two plans
Germany paid out to the Allies about 86 billion marks in reparations. At the same time Germany borrowed abroad, mainly in the U.S., about 138 billion marks thus making a net German payment of only three billion marks for reparations (sic). Consequently, the burden of German monetary reparations to the Allies was actually carried by foreign subscribers to German bonds issues by Wall Street financial houses at significant profits for themselves, of course.10
As will be seen in a moment, much of these funds were actually used by the German corporations borrowing them to create the cartel system that dominated late Weimar Germany and that continued throughout the Nazi era.
It was the Young Plan, however, that began the process of waking German capitalists and industrialists up to the threat, for it was a clever, and insidious, adaptation of this bonds-for-loans scheme that constituted the Dawes Plan, for under the 1928 Young Plan named after its sponsor Owen Young the bonds were conceived as “a device to occupy Germany with American capital and pledge German real assets for a gigantic mortgage held in the United States.”11 There was, of course, predictably a loophole granted to this scheme, for “German firms with U.S. affiliations evaded the Plan by the device of temporary foreign ownership.”12 Thus, the Allgemeine Elektricitäts Gesellschaft, or A.E.G., German General Electric, which was of course affiliated with General Electric in the United States, was “sold to a Franco-Belgian holding company and evaded the conditions of the Young Plan.”13 And lest it be forgotten for it is an important part of the subsequent story in this book the A.E.G. was also the German firm that built the power plant for the Nazi Bell device.14
If the financial “arrangements” of the Young Plan sound all too familiar, they ought to, for a similar phenomenon is happening with the corporate and public assets of the United States in recent years, as public infrastructure is mortgaged to private interests to manage the U.S.A.s burgeoning national debt.
But Americas internationalist capitalist-socialist elite had not banked pardoning the pun on one thing, and it is a lesson they seem to have forgotten: not all German cartelists and industrialists were loathe to abandon patriotism or pride in their culture and nation. Indeed, German steel magnate Fritz Thyssen observed that he “turned to the National Socialist Party only after (he) became convinced that the fight against the Young Plan was unavoidable if complete collapse of Germany was to be prevented.”15 Clearly, if all real German assets were tied up in international agreements that were essentially mortgages, and these in turn were woven into an intricate pattern of mounting debt, then Germanys days as a sovereign nation were numbered.
Thyssens comment also contains an implied warning about the activities of the postwar Nazi International, for if the international corporate elite was slow to appreciate the dangers of their activities in fomenting a resistance movement within its own ranks, and slow to appreciate the dangers of nationalist backlash in its ranks, the Nazis, as we shall see in subsequent chapters, were not only alive to the possibility, but also learned to exploit those internationalist leanings within the global financial world for themselves.
In any case, the American loans that were floated to German cartels under these Plans were enormous. A.E.G. received $35,000,000 from National City Co., the enormous German steel cartel Vereinigte Stahlwerke (United Steelworks) received $70,225,000 of underwritten securities from the Wall Street firm of Dillon, Read, and Co., and American I.G. Chemical, I.G. Farbens American subsidiary, was the go-between for a loan of $30,000,000 from National City Co.16
What this meant in terms of German business was that two of these three giant cartels I.G. Farben and Vereinigte Stahlwerke were able to control almost all business related to German warmaking industrial potential by the mid-1920s. Sutton puts it this way:
After the mid-1920s the two major German combines of I.G. Farben and Verienigte Stalhwerke dominated the chemical and stell cartel system created by these loans. Although these firms had a voting majority in the cartels for only two or three basic products, they were able through control of these basics to enforce their will throughout the cartel. I.G. Farben was the main producer of basic chemicals used by other combines making chemicals, so its economic power position cannot be measured by its capacity to produce a few basic chemicals. Similarly, Verienigte Stahlwerke, with a pig-iron capacity greater than that of all other German iron and steel producers combined, was able to exercise far more influence in the semifinished iron and steel products cartel than its capacity for pig-iron production suggests. Even so the percentage output of these cartels for all products was significant:
With some justification, then, it could be said that these two cartels represented the core of Nazi Germanys military-industrial complex: “In brief, in synthetic gasoline and explosives (two of the very basic elements of modern warfare), the control of German World War II output was in the hands of two German combines created by Wall
Street loans under the Dawes Plan.”18 I.G. Farben in fact dates from 1925 when its chairman, Hermann Schmitz, created the giant cartel by merging “six already giant German chemical companies,” Badische Anilin, Bayer, Agfa, Hoechst, Weiler-ter-Meer, and Griesheim-Elektron.19 By 1928, Schmitz had organized its American holding companies American Bayer, General Anilin Works, Agfa Ansco, and Winthrop Chemical into a parent Swiss holding company, I.G. Chemie, and in 1929 all these firms were merged to become American I.G. Chemical Corporation, “later renamed General Aniline & Film.”20
But this barely scratches the surface. Between 1927, only two years after the founding of the cartel, and the outbreak of the war in 1939, I.G. Farben had more than doubled in size. The Wall Street financiers who made the loans to Hermann Schmitz to form this cartel had indeed created a monster, and that monster, in turn, was not proving to be as cooperative or pliable as they might have wished:
By 1939 I.G. acquired a participation and managerial influence in some 380 other German firms and over 500 foreign firms. The Farben empire owned its own coal mines, its own electric power plants, iron and steel units, banks, research units, and numerous commercial enterprises. There were over 2,000 cartel agreements between I.G. and foreign firms including Standard Oil of New Jersey, DuPont, Alcoa, Dow Chemical, and others in the United States. The full story of I.G. Farben and its world-wide activities before World War II can never be known, as key German records were destroyed in 1945 in anticipation of Allied victory.21
Small wonder, then, that it took over fifty years to liquidate the company! Indeed, Suttons observation that key German corporate records were deliberately destroyed at the end of the war raises the key question of what in Farbens tapestry of cartel agreements, corporate interlock, and influence in other corporations was so sensitive that it had to be hidden from the Allies?
In any case, these cartel arrangements were used by I.G. Farben to prepare Germany for war, both by acquiring technologies from abroad under licensing agreements, but also to deny Germanys enemies the ability to rely on similar technologies in their own war production. Case in point: under Farbens licensing agreements, the giant cartel obtained from Standard Oil of New Jersey Americas process for making synthetic gasoline in return for a license to Standard Oil for Farbens synthetic rubber or “buna”-making technology.22 But the power of the corporation was such that, while it used Standard Oils technology to make gasoline and oil for Hitlers tanks, bombers, and warships, it denied the Americans the ability to produce much-needed synthetic rubber, throughout and right up to the very end of the war! Additionally, Farbens global extent and penetration into foreign firms also provided it with a ready supply of very reliable intelligence on Germanys enemies war production capabilities and production runs, affording Germany a very clear picture of her enemies military intentions.
But the important point to notice here, and it is one that Sutton himself not to mention Farbens elitist Wall Street backers - only hints at, is that I.G. Farben, while a “multinational global corporation” in every modern sense, was a corporation acting always around a solidly German core and in the German national interest. Sutton puts it this way, and in so doing, soft-pedals its enormous implications: “These arrangements were used by I.G. Farben to advance Nazi policy abroad, to collect strategic information, and to consolidate a world-wide chemical cartel.”23 It was a lesson the Nazi International would learn well.
So organized was Farbens intrinsic rebellion against the very American international financial interests that set it up, that it had its own espionage office, its Berlin N.W. 7 office. This unit “operated under Farben director Max Ilgner, nephew of I.G. Farben president Hermann Schmitz. Max Ilgner and Hermann Schmitz were on the board of American I.G., with fellow directors Henry Ford of Ford Motor Company, Paul Warburg of Bank of Manhattan,24 and Charles F. Mitchell of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.”25 Given Farbens behavior as a German multinational cartel, the presence of these prominent American executives on its American subsidiarys
board can only represent the presence of dupes; Farben was playing Wall Street for all it was worth. Indeed, Farben far exceeded Wall Streets desires simply to have Nazi Germany act as a counterbalance to Soviet Russia, for it “did more than just comply with orders from the Nazi regime. Farben was an initiator and operator for the Nazi plans for world conquest....In fact, the (German) Army only rarely had to approach Farben; it is estimated that about 40 to 50 percent of Farben projects for the Army were initiated by Farben itself.”26 Farben was not content to play the Wall Street role of geopolitical counterbalance, and when Nazi Germany had overrun most of Europe by May of 1941, it was clear even to the Wall Street blockheads that had put both into power, that both monsters Nazi Germany and I.G. Farben had to be put down. But putting it down was not going to be easy, for consider all that has been stated thus far in terms of what power I.G. Farben actually wielded: it had penetrated the Federal Reseve Bank of New York (Charles Mitchell and Paul Warburg), penetrated Ford Motor Company (Henry and later Edsel Ford), penetrated the Bank of Manhattan (Paul Warburg), and Standard Oil of New Jersey, just to mention a few.27
There is also another fact worth mentioning, as it will play a prominent role much later in this book when we examine the postwar scientific activities of the Nazi International, and that is the presence of “one of the more prominent Farben intelligence workers in N.W. 7,” the Netherlands Prince Bernhard, the founder of the famous Bilderberger group.28
4. I.T.&T. and Nazi Germany
Another American multinational corporate giant that will figure prominently in later sections of this book was International Telephone and Telegraph, founded in 1920 by Sosthenes Behn.29 Behn, with Morgan backing, purchased Spains telephone monopoly, Compania Telefonica de Espana, in 1923, and thus began the I.T.& T. empire.30 While there is no evidence that I.T.&T. supported the rise of Hitler prior to the war to the extent that other Wall Street firms did, I.T.& T. certainly supported him during the war, since it made payments to none other than Heinrich Himmler via various I.T.& T. German
subsidiaries.31 More importantly, through its purchase of a large interest in the German Focke-Wulfe aircraft company, I.T.& T. was making profits from the German Focke-Wulfe 190 fighter, Germanys most numerous and successful fighter, the better of the British Spitfire and the near equal of the American P-51 Mustang!32
B. A Brief Note About Prescott Bush, Union Banking Corporation, and Fritz Thyssen
With the prominence of the Bush family in American politics and scandals, from the recent Savings and Loan scandal to the JFK assassination itself, where a G. Bush is mentioned in connection with trying to warn about the assassination, to the possible involvement of G.H.W. Bush in the “October Surprise” affair, his role as an ambassador to Red China and helping broker the Nixon-Mao agreement that would ship American factories, jobs, and technology to that country, his role as a former director of the CIA, and his familys business ties to the Bin Laden family of Saudi Arabia, and of course to his and his sons questionable legacies as Presidents of the United States and also as members of the famous Skull and Bones secret society at Yale University, it should come as no surprise that his family also has a connection to the rise of Nazism under Adolf Hitler.
While most are probably familiar with this story, it is worth rehearsing its bare outlines again here, as an indicator of just how pervasive, extensive, and high-up the connections between Nazism and the American elite really are. In fact it is a story that will not go away, as a multi-billion dollar lawsuit has been brought against the Bush family by two survivors of the Holocaust.33
While there is no suggestion that Prescott Bush34 was sympathetic to the Nazi cause, the documents reveal that the firm he worked for, Brown Brothers Harriman, acted as a US base for the German industrialist, fritz Thyssen, who helped finance Hitler in the 1930s before falling out with him at the end of the decade. The Guardian has seen evidence that shows Bush was the director of the New York-based Union Banking
Corporation that represented Thyssens US Interests and he continued to work for the bank after America entered the war.35
The Guardians commentary is more balanced than the usual conspiracy mongering or Bush-bashing that one finds on the internet or in several books, for it points out the fact that Prescott Bushs connection to Thyssen was indirect, and also points out that Thyssen himself became quite disenchanted with the Nazis once they were in power, even to the extent of serving time in a concentration camp.
That said, however, there was enough evidence in recently declassified U.S. National Archives documents to prompt “one former US war crimes prosecutor to argue that the late senator (Prescott Bushs) action should have been grounds for prosecution for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.”36 Whatever the legalities of the hypothetical case may be and there are many as will be seen shortly the documents themselves tell an interesting story. There are three basic sets, the first dealing with the Harriman company, and Prescott Bushs role as a director and shareholder in several Thyssen-controlled firms.37 The second set of documents relates to the seizure of company assets in America that were fronts for German firms: The Union Banking Corporation, the HollandAmerican Trading Corporation, the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation, and the Silesian-American Company, all of which were ventures tied to Prescott Bush.38 The third set of documents relates specifically to I.G. Farben and its ties to Thyssens Silesian steel and mining operations.
The fact that Prescott Bush may or may not have been involved with people who helped the Nazis into power is from one standpoint immaterial, for one can hardly blame either Presidents Bush for the actions of their father or grandfather. Similarly, the fact that Thyssen himself grew disgusted with the Nazis hardly makes the case for Prescott Bush being a Nazi sympathizer any stronger either. Finally, the fact that Bushs companys assets were only seized a mere six months after Americas entry into the war does not say much either, since in that short time period American corporations were at least in theory supposed to be disentangling themselves from any trade with the enemy (unless one was Standard Oil or I.T.&T., of course).
Prescott Bushs business dealings with the Nazis hardly have the odor about them that those other Wall Street firms and personalities, already mentioned at some length in this chapter, do.
It is only when viewed in a much wider context of the Bush familys contacts and business dealings a task far beyond the scope of this book that Prescott Bushs activities with Thyssen might be seen as part of a larger pattern.
And then there is that matter of the Bush familys purchase of a ranch, not in the U.S.A., Canada, Australia, or the usual contenders, but in Paraguay. Perhaps they like the scenery. Or perhaps they want to be near old family friends...
C. Conclusions
If there is a lesson to be learned from I.G. Farbens “story,” then it is one all - whether corporate financiers or ordinary men should learn, and that is that the best laid plans of international bankers with a global agenda not only can backfire, they can backfire in the major ways called Nazi Germany, I.G. Farben, and World War Two.
But there was another lesson to be learned from I.G. Farbens success story as the worlds first real major military-industrial complex, for its pattern of internationalization of the Nazi ideology around a solidly German core would be well-learned by the man who had the most high-level day-to-day contact with it: Nazi Party Reichsleiter Martin Bormann. Just how closely he followed the Farben model of internationalizing the ethnic character of postwar Nazism around a solid German core, and using Farbens pattern of cartel arrangements, corporate interlock and penetration, and blackmail, and the well-placed assassination or two, remains to be seen...
1 Jim Marrs, The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies that Threaten to Take Over America (William Morrow, 2008), p. 118.
2 Anthony Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, reformedtheology.org/html/books/wall_street/introduction.htm, p. 1.
3 In my experience, most Americans are so ill-informed about history that they do not realize that Russia surrendered to Germany in March, 1918. While the Menshevik socialist government of Russia
wished to continue the war with imperial Germany, militarily this was all but a foregone conclusion, as the Russian armies were hopelessly outclassed and outgunned. The Eastern Front of World War One had become a slaughter-house for the Russians. Under the terms of the Russian surrender negotiated with the new Bolshevik government, Germany would occupy vast tracts of Byelo-Russia and the Ukraine, as well as what would later become the Baltic States of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. The Russian surrender made possible the transfer of large amounts of troops to the Western Front for the large German offensive in March of 1918 that nearly broke the back of French and British resistance. The offensive was led by General Erich Ludendorff, a subsequent earlier supporter of the Nazi Party.
4 Anthony Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hiter, theology.org/html/books/wall_street/introduction.htm, p. 4,
5 Anthony Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, theology.org/html/books/wall_street/chapter_01.htm, p. 1.
6 Ibid. 7 These reparations were largely insisted upon by France, which bore the economic brunt, infrastructure damage, and dislocation of the war. In doing so, however, France was not acting uniquely nor without precedent, since the German Empire had imposed similar reparations on France at the end of the Franco-Prussian War in 1871. The French Third Republic repaid these reparations. 8 Anthony Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, reformedtheology.org/html/books/wall_street/chapter_01.htm, p. 2. 9 Ibid. 10 Ibid., p. 3. 11 Anthony Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, reformedtheology.org/html/books/wall_street/chapter_01.htm, p. 4, emphasis added. 12 Ibid. 13 Ibid. 14 See my SS Brotherhood of the Bell, pp. 155-156. 15 Anthony Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, reformedtheology.org/html/books/wall_street/chapter_01.htm, p. 4.
16 Ibid., p. 6.
17 Anthony Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitlter, reformed-
theology.org/html/books/wall_street/chapter_01.htm, pp. 7-8.
18 Ibid., p. 8.
19 Anthony Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, reformed-
theology.org/html/books/wall_street/chapter_02.htm, p. 1.
20 Ibid.
21 Ibid., p. 2, emphasis added.
22 Anthony Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, reformed-
theology.org/html/books/wall_street/chapter_01.htm, p. 5
23 Ibid., p. 4.
24 And also, let it be noted, a former director of the New York
Federal Reserve Bank.
25 Anthony Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, reformed-
theology.org/html/books/wall_street/chapter_01.htm, p. 4.
26 Ibid., p. 7
27 Ibid., p. 12
28 Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, reformed-
theology.org/html/books/wall_street/chapter_02.htm, p. 4.
theology.org/html/books/wall_street/chapter_05.htm, p. 1.
30 Ibid.
31 Ibid.
32 Ibid. Of course, American firms were not the only ones willing
to make a profit from both sides in the war. The famous German
munitions maker, Krupp, bought a large interest in the Swedish
Bofors armaments works, which produced the double and quadruple
barreled 40mm anti-aircraft guns produced under license in America
and in effective use on almost all American ships, shooting down the
planes of its Japanese ally!
33 Ben Aris and Duncan Campbell, “How Bushs Grandfather
Helped Hitlers Rise to Power,” The Guardian, Saturday, September
www.guardian.co.uk/world/2004/sep25/usa.secondworldwar, p. 1.
34 Father to President George Herbert Walker Bush and
grandfather to President George Walker Bush.
35 Ben Aris and Duncan Campbell, “How Bushs Grandfather
Helped Hitlers Rise to Power,” The Guardian, Saturday, September
www.guardian.co.uk/world/2004/sep25/usa.secondworldwar, p. 1.
36 Ben Aris and Duncan Campbell, “How Bushs Grandfather
Helped Hitlers Rise to Power,” The Guardian, Saturday, September
www.guardian.co.uk/world/2004/sep25/usa.secondworldwar, p. 1.
37 Ibid., p. 2.
38 Ibid.
“Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head:” Operations Regentröpfchen, Adlerflug, and Bormanns Strategic
Evacuation Plan
“These concerns have been deliberately welded together by exchanges of
stock to the point where a handful of men can make policy and other
decisions that affect us all.“ Orvis A. Schmidt, U.S. Department of the Treasury, Commenting on the Bormanns Strategic Evacuation Plan1
Between February and August of 1943 the military fate of Adolf Hitlers Thousand Year Third Reich was sealed in a series of military operations that almost boggle the imagination. After the surrender of the encircled German Sixth Army at Stalingrad on February 2nd, STAVKA, the Soviet High Command, gambled everything in a massive counteroffensive designed no less than to drive four massive columns westward, and then sweep south to the Black Sea, cutting off and encircling the entire German Army Group South. Four Soviet armies and massive armored formations were committed to the effort.
Unfortunately for the Soviets, Hitler had entrusted the command of Army Group South to Field Marshal Erich Von Manstein, the man whose unorthodox plan had led to the quick Nazi victory over France
in 1940, and whose Eleventh Army had pulverized the Russian fortress of Sevastopol on the Black Sea in 1942.2 As the lead Soviet reconnaissance columns were within only five miles of Von Mansteins Army Group Headquarters at Zaporozhe on the bend of the Dnieper River, one of Von Mansteins staff officers heard the Field Marshal mutter under his breath as he watched the relentless advance of red arrows on the situation map, “And the best of luck to you.” A month later, Von Mansteins carefully orchestrated withdrawal and counter-offensive had eliminated all four Soviet armies and sent the Red Army reeling back to essentially the same lines as those from which the Germans had started their 1942 offensive.3
There was one problem: an enormous bulge or salient stretched into German lines centered around Kursk, with the Germans occupying Orel to the north and Belgorad to the south. The Russians quickly began to fortify the salient, committing the bulk of their artillery and armored reserves to the area, and the Germans responded in kind, building up a massive pool of armor, artillery, and aircraft for an offensive to encircle the Russians. Hitler opened his offensive on July 5, 1943. When it was all over, the Germans had lost almost 50,000 men, 300 tanks, and 200 aircraft. The Soviets fared much worse, losing almost ten times as many men, three times as many tanks, and an unknown amount of aircraft in the largest land, tank and air battle in history.4
However, numbers do not tell the whole story, for the Germans, the offensive broke the back of the Wehrmachts offensive capability for good; for the Soviets, massive though their losses were, were able to shift to the offensive, never to let up until their tanks rolled into Berlin in 1945. The mood in Berlin as these events from Stalingrad to Kursk unfolded was indeed somber, and one who watched them all with a cool eye to the future was Adolf Hitlers personal secretary and chosen leader of the Nazi Party, Reichsleiter Martin Bormann.
A. The Beginnings of Evacuation: Operation Fireland
Bormann was nothing if not a cynical realist.
With the military disaster of Stalingrad, Bormann and other top Nazi leaders began the quiet though “disorganized” flight of capital from Nazi Germany to safe havens abroad, an operation codenamed Aktion Feuerland, Operation Fireland.
The treasure consisted of hundreds of millions of reichsmarks; boxes and boxes of gold and platinum, pearls and diamonds; crates full of the priceless art of Europe; and billionaire bundles of stocks and other securities. The loot was amassed in a series of bank safes and underground vaults throughout the Reich until Martin Bormann was made aware of its existence by one of his many internal intelligence conduits. In late 1943, he took control of much, though not all, of this booty and informed Hitler of its existence and a plan he had formulated for its conservation.
“Bury your treasure, for you will need it to begin a Fourth Reich,” Hitler had responded. With this blessing, Bormann took control of as many as six U-boats, some of them unmarked, from Gross Admiral Karl Doenitz, and garnered the support of Generalissimo Francisco Franco to headquarter the U-boats in the Spanish port cities of Cadiz and Vigo. The U-boats for the next two years, supplied by cargo planes from Germany that transported the treasures to the coastal towns on the Atlantic, began a non-stop circuit transporting the treasure to the far southern reaches of Argentina the region known as Tierra del Fuego, or Land of Fire. At their destinations they were unloaded by Bormanns mysterious minions and deposited into a variety of international bank accounts controlled by a cryptic cabal of Bormann partners. This was Operation Fireland.5
With Aktion Feuerland one sees the outlines of the postwar Nazi evacuation taking shape, and in this respect, the following things should be noted:
1) An escape route through Francos Nationalist Spain; 2) Reliance upon unmarked or “black” U-boats for the shipment
(shades of Wilhelm Landig once again!);
3) Deposit of Nazi treasures into “international bank accounts;” and,
4) Implied Argentine complicity at the other end of the escape route.
Each of these four points will, of course, be explored in this book.
B. Operation Bernhard
Bormann was nothing if not criminally ingenious. In 1942, for example, he sponsored the top secret Project Bernhard, an effort by Nazi Germany to counterfeit British pound notes and circulate them. The plan was double-edged, designed both to cripple the British war economy and to provide much-needed hard cash for Nazi Germanys own war efforts. Researcher Carter Hydrick has established that at its height, the project was printing 400,000 British notes per month, and that on its conclusion, some $600,000,000 worth of counterfeit British pounds had been circulated.6 Bormann would deposit these funds in foreign banks through his business contacts, and then exchange the funds for other hard currencies, usually dollars. Rather than divert all these funds back into the Nazi war economy, however, Bormann would skim his own cut and squirrel it away for his own use at a future date. Hydrick notes that “of the $600 million of counterfeit currency processed, approximately $300 million has never been accounted for, presumably lost to Bormanns enigmatic interchange.”7
C. The Hotel Maison Rouge Meeting: Operations Regentröpfchen and Adlerflug
It was after the successful Allied invasion of the beaches of Normandy, France, however, that the long-range postwar Nazi corporate planning began in earnest. To understand Bormann and his postwar plans, it is necessary to understand his rise to power and methods of operation.
1. The Growth of Bormanns Power and International Network
Long time CBS journalist Paul Manning, an associate of that networks most famous newsman, Ed Morrow, summarized Martin Bormanns personality and ability in the following words:
Bormann was a classic embodiment of the dictator in the antechamber, a type now usual in governments around the world and in the multinational corporations, which usually tell governments what to do. Those who scorned him were typical stalwarts of every revolutionary movement, the old guard of faithful fighters, the populists, who assume their early success will endure unchangingly. Great individuals build up great corporations; but it is the second generation of professional managers to whom shareholders look to carry on the tradition of expansion and profits. Martin Bormann was a second generation professional who consolidated for Hitler the power he had accumulated. He was at ease in the bureaucratic apparatus and mastered the mechanisms of government with the greatest skill.8
Bormann, in short, was a professional Nazi, aiming to maintain the Party, its power, and agenda and to give its institutions and goals permanence.
Once Adolf Hitler had appointed Bormann to be Rudolf Hesss chief of staff and also Nazi Party treasurer, the rest, for the financially brilliant Bormann, was history. Even before he replaced Hess as Party Reichsleiter after the latters ill-fated flight to Britain, Bormann was the de facto mover and governor of the Party machinery and finances. Quickly gaining power of attorney over Hitlers personal finances, he arranged for every picture of Hitler on a postage stamp throughout the Reich to pay the Führer a personal royalty for the use of his image, a maneuver that soon made Hitler a very wealthy man in his own right. As party treasurer, Bormann soon controlled the housekeeping budgets for “Hitler himself and his girlfriend Eva Braun, as well as for Goering, Goebbels, and Himmler.”9 By 1938, in fact, Bormann was in control of all of Hitlers financial business,
leaving the Führer to the more important tasks of running the country.
After Rudolf Hesss flight to England in May, 1941, Bormanns career as a professional Nazi stepped into high gear. Bormann was named by Hitler to replace Hess as Party Reichsleiter and Party Chancellor.
The wording was brief and low key, but it marked a giant leap forward for Martin Bormann. Henceforth, the entire party ministry would be under him. Every Nazi within Germany, in occupied Europe, and overseas was answerable directly to him. Within the year Hitler added to Bormanns titles those of Secretary to the Fuehrer and Lieutenant General of the SS.10
As Party Reichsleiter, Bormann headed the Nazi Partys Auslands —Organization , the overseas party offices and network established prior to the Nazi assumption of power to keep Germans abroad abreast of developments in the Party, and of course, to keep a watchful eye on their activities and that of their host countries. In short, the Nazi Party leadership gave Bormann access not only to all of Nazi Germanys political, military, and financial wheeler-dealers, it also gave him control over its own independent Party international espionage and fifth column network.11 Most importantly, all German businesses abroad were required, once the Nazis took power, to have their own Nazi Party Auslands-Organization liaison men, a fact that will assume some importance when we examine Bormanns strategic evacuation plans and postwar agendas for the Nazi International. In particular, all employees of the big three German banks, Deutschebank, Dresdnerbank, and Commerzbank, were required to be party members.12 In this way Bormann had up to the minute and excellent intelligence on the international machinations of the global corporate elites.
As Manning astutely observes, Bormann
Inherited this vast intelligence and fifth-column system upon assuming leadership of the party. He tightened it up and instilled it with a new purpose; it became an instrument used to
implement his flight capital program in the last few months of the war.13
2. Bormann and I. G. Farben
But it was Bormanns friendship with I.G. Farben directors Hermann Schmitz, Max Ilgner, and others that gave him access to Farbens far more extensive industrial espionage network, and that additionally provided him with the corporate networks needed to make his flight capital plan work. Manning points out that one city, in particular, was a veritable beehive of banking activity on behalf of I.G. Farben, Verieinigte Stahlwerke, A.E.G., Merck, Siemens, and other big German cartels: Buenos Aires.14 With the financial and corporate knowledge Farben placed at his disposal, with the control of the Nazi Partys own considerable finances and plunder, with his own Party network of agents and “enforcers” in place, Bormann “now had a vast overseas financial and commercial network to do his bidding.”15 It only remains to see what his bidding was.
3. The Hotel Maison Rouge Meeting and Their Grand Design
On August 10, 1944 an SS staff car flying the Nazi swastika and SS flags from its bumpers pulled up in front of the Hotel Maison Rouge located on the Rue des France-Bourgeois in Strasbourg, nestled along the French banks of the Rhine river separating Alsace from Baden-Würtemburg. It carried one SS Obergruppenführer Scheid, who doubled as Dr Scheid, “director of the industrial firm of Hermadorff & Schenburg Company.”16 Dr. Sheid had been ordered to chair a top secret conference of German industrialists at the picturesque Alsatian city by none other than Reichsleiter Martin Bormann himself.17 As Bormann confided to Scheid, who in turn passed the remarks on to the conference attendees, “The steps to be taken as a result of this meeting will determine the postwar future of Germany.”18 Bormann and Scheid were perhaps a bit disingenuous, as will be seen momentarily, for the steps they undertook to put into place at the conference concerned more than
just Germany, but indeed the whole postwar political and economic future of Europe, and for that matter, of the Nazi Party itself, and its goals and policies. The flight capital plans were variously known as Aktion Regentröpfchen and Aktion Adlerflug, Operations Raindrop and Eagle Flight, respectively.
Every precaution had been taken by the SS to ensure the meetings complete secrecy.
Waffen SS technicians had swept the entire room, inspecting for hidden microphones and miniature transmitters. As an additional precaution, all suites flanking the conference suite had been held unfilled, as had the floors above and below, out of bounds for the day. Lunch was to be served in the conference suite by trusted Waffen SS stewards. Those present, all thirteen of them, could be assured that the thorough precautions would safeguard them all, even the secretary who was to take the minutes, later to be typed with a copy sent by SS courier to Bormann.19
The precautions were entirely justified, given who was in attendance and what was being discussed.
The roster of attendees looks like a roll call of some of Germanys top industrial firms:
Present were Dr. Kaspar representing Krupp, Dr. Tolle representing Röchling, Dr. Sinceren representing Messerschmitt, Drs. Kopp, Vier, and Beerwanger representing Bussing, Drs. Ellenmayer, Yanchew, and Koppsheim representing various factories in Posen, Poland (Drose, Yanchew, & Co., Brown-Boveri, Herkuleswerke, Buschwerke, and Stadtwerke); Dr. Meyer, an official of the German Naval Ministry in Paris; and Dr. Strossner of the Ministry of Armament, Paris.20
Scheid began the conference by informing the attendees that the battle of France was lost, and that all industrial plants as could be
evacuated to Germany were to be so.
The Hotel Maison Rouge as it is Still Seen to this day in Strasbourg, Alsace, France
After some perfunctory and obligatory remarks about the necessity of defending the West Wall and the Reich itself, Scheid settled down to business:
From now on, he told the attendees,
German industry must take steps in preparation for a postwar commercial campaign, with each industrial firm making new contacts and alliances with foreign firms. This must be done individually and without attracting suspicion. However, the party and the Third Reich will stand behind every firm with permissive and financial support.21 To put it differently, there was to be no detailed coordination of these efforts by the Party itself, since that would attract Allied suspicion and ruin the whole venture. As Scheid made clear by his comments, each firm was to utilize existing contacts and to develop
new ones. But there was a catch: by pledging Party financial support and we already have some inkling how substantial and large this could be Bormann was signaling to his corporate representatives that he was, in effect, buying shares in their enterprises, and wanted intelligence from them, in return for that support. To drive this point home, Scheid informed the attendees that Bormann had suspended the 1933 law known as the Treason Against the Nation act, which “mandated the death penalty for violation of foreign exchange regulations or concealing of foreign currency.”22 The implied threat was simply that Bormann, through his network of intelligence contacts and agents, could easily “remove” any corporate executive or director that he wished if these implied directives were not complied with. It is a tactic that, as will be seen later in this work, proved very effective.
After delivering this implied threat, Scheid continued:
“The ground must now be laid on the financial level for borrowing considerable sums from foreign countries after the war.”
In other words, the war was lost, and German firms had to plan for the rebuilding of Germany, all with the tacit approval of Bormann and the Party.
As an example of the kind of support that had been most useful to Germany in the past, Dr. Scheid cited the fact that “patents for stainless steel belonged to the Chemical Foundation, Inc., New York, and the Krupp Company of Germany, jointly, and that of the United States Steel Corporation, Carnegie, Illinois, American Steel & Wire, National Tube, etc., were thereby under an obligation to work with the Krupp concern.” He also cited the Zeiss Company, the Leica Company, and the Hamburg-Amerika Line as typical firms that had been especially effective in protecting German interests abroad.23
Note carefully what Scheid has disclosed about the method the Party was “encouraging” German corporations to use: they were to use existing license, patent, and cartel arrangements to leverage borrowing power and influence abroad; shades of I.G. Farben. And to the assembled corporate representatives, the lesson could hardly have been lost on them.
It was to be an expansion, on a far grander scale, of the prewar machinations of the Dawes and Young Plans that led to the creation of I.G. Farben in the first place. Negotiate, penetrate, infiltrate, and cartelize all transfers of technology, with German and Party interests solidly at the core; these were the watchwords of Bormanns emerging Nazi International.
Scheid then adjourned the morning session of the meeting. On his signal, the attendees were served “a real Strasbourg lunch.” On a long side table SS valets placed trays “of pâté de foie gras, matelote, noodles, sauerkraut, knuckles of ham, sausages, and onion tarts, along with bottles of Coq au Riesling from nearby wineries. Brandy and cigars were also set out...”24 After this feast, Dr. Scheid departed back to Germany to spread the word quietly to all concerned firms of the results and expectations of the conference, while a smaller conference reconvened in the afternoon under the chairmanship of Dr. Bosse of the Armaments Ministry.
This afternoon session is even more revealing of Bormanns thoughts, intentions, and grand design. In attendance at this afternoon session were only three corporate representatives for Krupp, Hecko, and Röchling.25 Dr. Bosse then made some interesting remarks, beginning by restating
Bormanns belief that the war was all but lost, but that it would be continued by Germany until certain goals to insure the economic resurgence of Germany after the war had been achieved. He added that German industrialists must be prepared to finance the continuation of the Nazi Party, which would be forced to go underground...26
While all this is revealing enough, what follows is truly extraordinary and breathtaking once its implications are carefully
considered. Bosse continued by outlining the way in which the Nazi Party and German corporations would liaise, and what their goals were to be:
“From now on, the government in Berlin,”
(meaning Bormann, of course)
“will allocate large sums to industrialists so that each can establish a secure postwar foundation in foreign countries. Existing financial reserves in foreign countries must be placed at the disposal of the party in order that a strong German empire can be created after defeat. It is almost immediately required,” he continued, “that the large factories in Germany establish small technical offices or research bureaus which will be absolutely independent and have no connection with the factory. These bureaus will receive plans and drawings of new weapons, as well as documents which they will need to continue their research. These special offices are to be established in large cities where security is better, although some might be formed in small villages near sources of hydroelectric power, where these party members can pretend to be studying the development of water resources for the benefit of any Allied investigators.”
Dr. Bosse stressed that knowledge of these technical bureaus would be held only by a very few persons in each industry and by chiefs of the Nazi Party. Each office would have a liaison agent representing the party and its leader, Reichsleiter Bormann. “As soon as the party becomes strong enough to reestablish its control over Germany, the industrialists will be paid for their effort and cooperation by concessions and orders.”
But there was even more!
At both morning and afternoon conferences, it was emphasized that the existing prohibition against the export of capital “is now completely withdrawn and replaced by a new Nazi policy, in which industrials with government assistance (Bormann to be the guiding leader) will export as much of their