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Secrets of the Aether
Book · December 2004
DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1633.7926
2 authors, including:
David Wise Thomson Quantum AetherDynamics Institute 8 PUBLICATIONS 9 CITATIONS
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Unified Force Theory, Dark Matter and Consciousness
Illustrations by Jon Lomberg
Cover Illustration
Pictured here is the Aether Unit. The "surface of distributed frequency” represents by the double sphere, and relates to electrostatic charge. Forward, linear time is but one aspect of quantum frequency. Forward time and space come together when dark matter enters the rotating magnetic field of the Aether, and produces the subatomic particles of visible matter. Subatomic "particles" exist at various levels of geometry. Mass has circular geometry. The electrostatic charge is spherical in geometry. The strong charge (or electromagnetic charge) has toroidal geometry. All physical existence comes together in the Aether, which has double loxodrome geometry.
Secrets of the Aether
Unified Force Theory, Dark Matter and Consciousness
Third Edition 2007 ISBN: 0-9768128-2-7 2004, 2005 - TXu1-224-594  Quantum AetherDynamics Institute 518 Illinois St., Alma, IL 62807
Published by The Aenor Trust
PO Box 4706 Salem, OR 97302
Editors Comment:
Within this text, it has been an objective of the writer to make the language as dynamic as possible, consonant with the quality of the subject. To that end, elimination of passive verbs has been a goal, with a resulting uniqueness of expression. The editing process has respected this aim, and the reader will find the unusual cadence contributes liveliness to the flow of words.
In places throughout the book, first person is used when conveying personal experience, an apparent contradiction to dual authorship. In most cases, the speaker is David Thomson, who indeed scripted most of the text; however, he is adamant about citing Jim Bourassa as co-author, in complete acknowledgement of the absolutely essential role they have both played in bringing this volume and the entirety of the Aether Physics Model to fruition.
Table of Contents
The Crisis in Physics ....................... ix Re-discovering the Aether ............... ix Einsteins Question Answered ......... ix QADIs Aether Physics Model........... x
Not Just for Physicists ................. 15 Scope of the APM ....................... 16 A New Dimensional Analysis....... 19 Systems of Measurement............ 20 Units of Dimensions .................... 23 Quantum Constants .................... 24
The Aether................................... 30
Einsteins Aether.............................32 Dynamic Space ..............................34 Geometric Structure of Aether ........35
The Physical Universe................. 37 Unified Force Theory................... 38 Primary Angular Momentum........ 39 Zero Point Energy ....................... 42
GFORCE ................................. 43
What is the Gforce?..................... 43 Gforce in Three Manifestations ... 45
Quantum Measurements ................46 Electromagnetic Structure ..............48 Electrostatic Structure ....................50 Gravitational Structure ....................51
The Cause of Existence .............. 52
AETHER.................................. 55
The Shape of “Emptiness”........... 59 What the Aether is not................. 61 Aether Unit .................................. 63 Spin Structure.............................. 66 Aether Dipoles............................. 66 Aether Structures ........................ 67
Granular Aether Structures.............71
Golden Ratio ............................... 79 Pythagorean Concepts................ 80 Structure of Atomic Nuclei........... 83 Science of Complexity................. 87
DIMENSIONS.......................... 91
Definition of Dimension ............... 92
Misconceptions of Mass .................93 E does not equal m.........................94
Nature of Dimensions.................. 95 Linear and Distributed ................. 96 Length and Reciprocal Length .... 97
Single Dimension Length................97 Distributed Dimension Length.........98
Three Dimensional Length..............98
Time and Reciprocal Time...........98
Single Dimension Time...................99 Distributed Time ...........................101 Distributed Frequency ..................102 Static Frequency...........................103
Mass and Reciprocal Mass .......103
Single Dimension Mass ................105
Charge and Reciprocal Charge .106
Single Dimension Charge .............107 Distributed Dimension Charge......107
Geometry ...................................108
Spherical Constant .......................108 4 in Unified Charge Equation......109 Distributed Spherical Constant .....110
UNITS................................... 113
Quantum Units...........................113
Converting Charge Dimensions....114 Magnetic Moment .........................115 Comparing Magnetic Moments.....118 Changes .......................................118
New Units ..................................120
Photon ..........................................120 Light..............................................121 Eddy Current ................................121 Gyration ........................................125 Friction..........................................125 Drag..............................................126 Resonance ...................................126 Diverging Electric Field .................131 Irradiance......................................132 Temperature .................................132
Units Grid...................................133
Supportive Electromagnetic Units.134 Opposing Electromagnetic Units ..135 Electric Units 1..............................136 Electric Units 2..............................136 Electric Units 3..............................137 Inertial Units 1...............................138 Inertial Units 2...............................138 Inertial Units 3...............................139 Length/Frequency Units 1 ............140 Length/Frequency Units 2 ............140
More Example Calculations.......141
Kinetic Energy ..............................143
CONSTANTS ........................ 151
Analyzing the Constants............152
Electromagnetic Constant.............152 Coulombs Constant .....................152 Constant Speed of Light ...............154 C2 Constant ..................................156 Orders of Motion...........................160 Conductance Constant .................161 Permeability Constant ..................164 Permittivity Constant.....................164 Plancks Constant.........................165 Newton Gravitational Constant .....167 Fine Structure Constants ..............169
g-factor Constants ........................170 Gyromagnetic Ratio......................175 Aether Pressure and Density........176
General Structure ...................... 179 The Electron .............................. 179 The Proton................................. 182 The Neutron .............................. 184
Proton-Neutron Angular Momenta 186 The Neutrino.................................186 Further Neutrino Insights ..............188
The Photon................................ 192 Graviton..................................... 195 Positron ..................................... 196 Anti-Proton ................................ 196 Exotic Collision Effects .............. 196
Elementary Charge ................... 201 Strong Charge ........................... 202 “Weak Interaction” ..................... 204 Force Laws................................ 206 Electrostatic Force Law ............. 206 Gravitational Law....................... 207 Strong Force Law ...................... 207 Relative Force Strengths........... 210
More on the Strong Force.............211 Casimir Effect ...............................213
General Relativity Theory.......... 216
Special Relativity Theory ..............217
Natural Log................................ 218
ATOMIC MECHANICS ........... 219
Photon Mechanics..................... 223 Light Radiation .......................... 225
Absorption ....................................227 Emission ....................................... 227 The Dimensions of Light...............228 Power ...........................................228 Irradiance .....................................228 Gravitation Generated Photons ....229
Fields ......................................... 229
Magnetic Field ..............................230 Magnetic Field Intensity................231 Electric Field .................................231 Electric Field Strength ..................231 Field Interactions ..........................232
Nuclear Binding Force............... 234
Nuclear Binding Energy................236
Electron Binding Energy............ 240
Meaning of Kinetic Energy............241 Toroidal Structure of the Electron .241 Hydrogen Binding Energy.............242 Helium Binding Energy .................242 Other Binding Energies ................244 Sample Detailed Calculations.......247 Conclusion .................................... 249 Addendum ....................................249
Energy from the Aether ............. 252
Expanding Universe .....................255 Big Bang Slow Bang..................256 Magnecules ..................................256
PHILOSOPHY ....................... 259
What is Reality?.........................259 Motion ........................................263 Flow ...........................................264 Orgonomy ..................................265 Health and Healing ....................267 Form and Beauty .......................269 God ............................................271 Consciousness ..........................272 Truth ..........................................276 War and Peace..........................276
BIRTH OF THE APM ............. 279
Discussions................................ 282 Partnership ................................285
THE BEGINNING .................. 295
APPENDICES ........................ 298
Appendix I Known Constants .298 Appendix II - New Constants .....299 Glossary..................................... 303 APM Highlights ..........................306
New from Aether Physics Model ..306 Corrections to Standard Model .....306 New System of Quantum Units ....306
CREDITS............................... 307
INDEX ................................... 309
Quantum AetherDynamics Institute owns the Aether unit related graphics in Secrets of the Aether, which may not appear in any other publication or commercial work without the express permission of Quantum AetherDynamics Institute. All the new physics terms, marks, and names presented in the Aether Physics Model are released to the public domain and may not be trademarked, patented, or copyrighted by any other individual or entity.
The new concepts, new methods, and new theories presented in the Aether Physics Model are also released to the public domain. Concepts, methods, and theories originating with the Aether Physics Model and released to the public domain may not be patented, trademarked, or copyrighted. The work comprising the totality of “Secrets of the Aether” is called the Aether Physics Model and no chapter of the Aether Physics Model may be substantially reproduced or distributed by any means possible without the express written permission of the Quantum AetherDynamics Institute. Quotations and citations of the Aether Physics Model may be reproduced within the limits of the Fair Use guidelines of the United States copyright laws when proper credit is given.
The Crisis in Physics What a complicated puzzle the world of physics is now! There are endless
generations of particles, dark energy that seemingly causes the universe to expand, M-Theories, string theories, super symmetry, and on and on. Quantum mechanics, domain of the very small, and general relativity, domain of the very large, are the pillars of modern physics. However, they cant be unified within the current Standard Model. It seems that the search for a "Grand Unification Theory" is leading to a reevaluation of the very fundamentals of physical science.
Re-discovering the Aether What if the ancient and universal idea of Aether proved to be the true
foundation of reality? Acknowledgment of the Aether solves many problems in physics. A dynamic Aether would explain some of the most complex difficulties in the Standard Model.
Imagine that the universe is an ocean of living energy. As the search for the true nature of space-time gains momentum, we are seeing that new discoveries and theories in space-time look more and more like the ancient concept of the Aether. Instead of space being emptiness, a void of nothingness, it begins to appear that space is the mother of everything. The “Quantum Foam” of the modern physicist is a vibrant and dynamic caldron.
Vacuum Energy is being explored for potential as a source of endless energy. As Dark Energy, it is explaining how the universe expands at an increasing rate. Because of breakthroughs in the precise measurement of the amount of mass in the universe (measurements of cosmic background radiation, galactic distribution, and supernovae speed), we now know that ordinary matter and energy play a minor part. The Aether could explain the “missing mass” in the universe.
The major paradigm shift is that space-time is a thing. Space-time is like a fluid. We give space-time a name, to differentiate it from the concept of a void of nothingness. That name is Aether, a tribute to the ancient term for the firmament above Earth. Once you understand that all matter obtains its nature within the active “stage” of the Aether, then a holistic explanation appears that could be called nothing other than a Theory of Everything.
Einsteins Question Answered Maxwells physics suggested that space is occupied by a light-conducting
medium, which he called the “Aether.” In 1887 Michelson and Morley
designed an experiment (the MMX) to find this Aether. They used an interferometer to compare the speed of light in the direction of the earths 30-km/sec motion around the sun with that at right angles to this motion. To their surprise, they found no fringe shift, indicating that the speed of light was the same in all directions. This result is known as the MMX null result. In spite of the null result of the MMX, Michelson remained a firm believer in the existence of Aether until his death. The problem was they were searching for an Aether they assumed was at absolute rest, a stationary and solid Aether. That incorrect assumption and the inability to find an “Aether wind” caused physicists to dismiss the Aether for over a century.
A recent Scientific American article called "An ECHO of Black Holes" (December 2005 issue) postulates that space-time is literally a kind of fluid, like the ether of pre-Einsteinian physics. In the article, Professors Jacobson and Parentani state: "The unification of general relativity and quantum mechanics may lead us to abandon the idealization of continuous space and time and to discover the atoms of spacetime."
The greatest discovery in science was the verification that all matter is composed of atoms, first proposed in 1803 by English chemist John Dalton. All disciplines of science are derived from that fact. The second greatest theory came in 1905 when Einstein published general relativity, showing that the presence of mass and energy “curves” space-time, and this curvature affects the path of free particles (and even the path of light). We believe that the third greatest theory, which is introduced in this book as the Aether Physics Model, is that all particles and fields have their basis in a dynamic, quantum-scale Aether.
Einstein tried unsuccessfully during the last 30 years of his life to develop a theory that would represent forces and material particles by fields only, in which particles would be regions of very high field intensity. As a “knot” in space-time, a toroidal vortex of Aether explains the spin, charge, and mass of fundamental particles and provides the answer that Einstein searched for. In this book, we define the Aether Units geometry and spin structure. As shown on the book cover, this 5-D representation includes three dimensions of length and two dimensions of frequency. We call this “space-resonance”, and the parameters were induced directly from empirical measurements of electrons, protons, Coulombs constant, the Newton gravitational constant, Plancks constant, the speed of light, and the permeability and permittivity of space.
QADIs Aether Physics Model In February, 2002, David Thomson III discovered the Aether Physics Model.
I was seeking a mathematical basis for my Planck-scale Aether hypothesis. We decided to join our research, resources, and talents to fully develop the model, and incorporated the Quantum AetherDynamics Institute in 2004, with my position as Executive Director and Mr. Thomson as Science Director. Since then, our combined efforts have
produced substantial progress in the field of quantum physics and we are poised to create the next major revolution in physics.
Our Aether Physics Model is mathematically viable and bases on the same empirical data as established physics. However, the theory goes much further, becoming the "Grand Unification Theory" by unifying the four known interactions, or forces - the strong, electromagnetic, weak and gravitational forces. Using the principle of reductionism, the forces are unified by a simple set of general laws explainable by the fabric of spacetime itself. Among other accomplishments, from first principles the Aether Physics Model accurately predicts the relative strengths of the forces, and the 1s 'orbital' electron binding energy for all the elements. We show that the fundamental constants in physics are not just random values, but have an exact value based upon a quantum-scale, dynamic Aether (the Aether unit has a precise value equal to Coulomb's constant times 16²). The Aether Physics Model is stunning in that it mathematically predicts and explains the measured values of physics with striking precision.
If you are educated in the traditional Standard Model of Particles and Fields, I urge you to put aside your natural tendency toward automatic rejection of the revolutionary ideas in this book. Open your mind to the Secrets of the Aether, for the riches you find here will be worth the effort of changing your opinion about the Aether. Understanding of the Universe can only start with an appreciation of the Aether. Within the chapters of this book, we will show that the Aether is a fabric of quantum rotating magnetic fields with electromagnetic, electrostatic, and gravitational dipole structures. Our theory identifies subatomic particles as angular momentum encapsulated in a quantum, rotating magnetic field. With this model, all quantum, atomic, and molecular processes can now be precisely modeled, leading to discrete physics with new understandings and insights. The theory is testable, coherent, mathematically derived, empirically based, and uses easy-to-understand Newtonian equations.
Since the first edition of this book appeared in 2004, we have achieved many major milestones. We were invited to present our flagship paper, A New Foundation for Physics, before distinguished scientists at the Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory conference held in London, in September, 2006. Our presentation was also covered by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The paper was published in the September/October 2006 edition of Infinite Energy Magazine. A favorable editorial appeared on United Press International. Two more papers, Calculating the Unified Force Theory and Electron Binding Energies, have been accepted by the Hadronic Journal, a peer reviewed physics journal. We are in ongoing communication with dozens of physics PhDs. We now have an Executive Board, a growing Advisory Board, and a dedicated team of volunteers.
Now that the Aether Physics Model quantifies the quantum structure and we
have produced our first set of equations, the analysis must develop further until it explains all aspects of the atom. We should then be able to quantify the structural aspects of associated molecules. No other theory has ever come close to matching the scope and promise of the Aether Physics Model. Beyond a revolutionary paradigm of the fundamental laws and taking all the disciplines of science to a new level, practical applications of availing the Aether could include benefits to humanity such as anti-gravity, clean energy, and fully developing biotechnology and nanotechnology. Welcome to the Aether Age!
Jim D. Bourassa
Executive Director Quantum AetherDynamics Institute
The Aether Physics Model is a discrete model of quantum structure. While this book
will show alternative explanations of certain Standard Model concepts of quantum structure, it is a tribute to the genius of the thousands of physicists and engineers contributing to the Standard Model theories and data. The Aether Physics Model depends on the empirically derived data that made the Standard Model useful.
Standard Model - Definition A model of fundamental forces and particles that explains their behavior and interactions in terms of symmetries and the destruction of symmetries.1
The Standard Model of Particle Physics, generally referred to as “Standard Model,” is the name given to the current theory of fundamental particles and their interaction. This theory includes:
 Strong interactions due to the color charges2 of quarks and gluons.
 A combined theory of weak and electromagnetic interaction, known as electroweak theory, that introduces W and Z bosons as the carrier particles of weak processes, and photons as mediators to electromagnetic interactions.3
1 The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2003 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
2 QUANTUM CHROMODYNAMICS (QCD), quantum field theory that describes the properties of the strong interactions between quarks and between protons and neutrons in the framework of quantum theory. Quarks possess a distinctive property called color that governs their binding together to form other elementary particles. Analogous to electric charge in charged particles, color is of three varieties, arbitrarily designated as red, blue, and yellow, and—analogous to positive and negative charges—three anticolor varieties. Just as positively and negatively charged particles form electrically neutral atoms, colored quarks form particles with no net color. Quarks interact by emitting and absorbing massless particles called gluons, each of which carries a color-anticolor pair. Eight kinds of gluons are required to transmit the strong force between quarks, e.g., a blue quark might interact with a yellow quark by exchanging a blue-antiyellow gluon. "Quantum Chromodynamics," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
3 W AND Z PARTICLES elementary particles that mediate, or carry, the fundamental force associated with
The Standard Model includes (or excludes) many other theories concerning particle structure and behavior, depending on which authority is consulted. In general, at least as far as this book is concerned, the Standard Model includes all accepted modern theories contributing to the understanding of particle behavior insofar as particles are labeled photons, electrons, protons, neutrons, muons, pi mesons, quarks, tau, and there are numerous others. Moreover, since the “mass equivalence to energy” paradigm is often a part of the explanation of Standard Model theory, the Standard Model may sometimes be interpreted to include Einsteins Special Relativity theory.
The Standard Model is a collection of interpretations concerning quantum physical observations, while the Aether Physics Model is at times a very different interpretation of the same data. Therefore, we will refute some of the paradigms of the Standard Model and replace them with different paradigms from the Aether Physics Model.
The process of the Standard Model, more often than not, predicts subatomic behavior based on macro object characteristics (billiard ball particles with momentum, mass equals matter, fuel equals energy, force equals mass times acceleration, etc). The Aether Physics Model begins with quantum constants, looks for fundamental patterns, and then mathematically and dimensionally develops the theory of subatomic structure while allowing for new paradigms (primary angular momentum, non-material existence as the ultimate source of physical existence, geometric structure of charge, Unified Force Theory, etc).
This book is a foundational introduction to the Aether Physics Model, which, including a completed Unified Force Theory, already explains many previously unanswered physics questions. Nevertheless, there are at least a few unfinished concepts presented in this book as well. The Aether Physics Model is so fruitful in revealing the true nature of the world that it will require decades to complete it in every aspect. So in some cases the reader receives as much of the theory as has been so far developed, with occasional suggestions for further development of a specific new physics concept. There is no claim that the Aether Physics Model is complete or that this book provides all the answers a physicist could ask.
The reader will not want to throw away their Standard Model texts and rely solely on the Aether Physics Model, at least not yet. Much work remains to bring the Aether Physics Model to par with the Standard Model. As part of our ongoing research and the fruitfulness of the Aether Physics Model, this third edition contains significant additions to theory, and it drops some sections that were included in the first and second editions.
weak interactions. The discovery of the W and Z particles at CERN (the European Laboratory for Particle Physics) in Geneva, Switzerland, in the early 1980s was an important confirmation of electroweak theory, which unifies the electromagnetic and weak forces. The W and Z particles are quite massive for elementary particles; they are roughly 100 times as massive as the proton. "W and Z Particles," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
The promise of the Aether Physics Model is this: once completed, it will provide a solid foundation for understanding the structure of the Universe in which we exist.
It is important to point out that the Standard Model is also not complete. And while the Standard Model may presently provide numerical answers to problems not currently addressed by the Aether Physics Model (halflife of atoms, for example), the Aether Physics Model already provides key solutions to physics not presently solved by the Standard Model (a Unified Force Theory, for example). It will likely require many physicists and engineers to complete the Aether Physics Model, just as it took many physicists many years to develop the Standard Model.
The foremost difference between the Standard Model and the Aether Physics Model is in the systems used to analyze the data. The Standard Model often removes all dimensions from the data and treats the data as numerical entities. This allows physicists to intentionally or inadvertently stretch the rules of reality, invent unfounded rules, convert one physical order of reality into another, or skip over poorly understood natural physical structures. In the Aether Physics Model, the data collects in its dimensional and geometric form, processes in its dimensional and geometric form, and the equations materialize in dimensional and geometric form. There is no room for misinterpretation of the physical structures or the data since we always account for the dimensions and geometry.
Also, by keeping the dimensions and geometry with the data and the equations, the physicist is forced to give up old concepts of quantum structure when the dimensionally and geometrically analyzed processes dont allow for the maintenance of old conceptual structures. For example, the Aether unit and its geometry influence the physicists understanding of other empirical constants, since the dimensions and geometry remain present.
One cannot convert the truth of the Aethers existence to non-existence “just because,” as Albert Einstein reportedly did. If the measurements and data show that the Aether unit exists, then the Aether unit exists whether or not modern physicists and engineers are clever enough to detect it directly.
Not Just for Physicists This Aether Physics Model appeals to a wide range of readers. Unlike the
Standard Model of particle physics, nearly all the key equations in the Aether Physics Model flow with a basic understanding of algebra. The Aether Physics Model has a potential audience of philosophical and religious communities, as well as the scientific community. Scientists, philosophers, and others will have an opportunity to explore this remarkably coherent, mathematically derived, and empirically based theory of quantum structure that unifies all of physical existence as well as certain aspects of consciousness.
There is an absolute truth regarding the nature of the physical world, and as will be seen in these pages, the physical world appears to have a nonmaterial origin. The physical world precisely quantifies because the underlying dimensions and geometry that make up the physical world measurements are real. In addition, since the dimensions and geometry are real, then the origins of the dimensions and geometry must be real. Nevertheless, as we progress in reductionism, we eventually run out of physical things to observe. Therefore, just as it is appropriate to look for the physics themselves, it is appropriate to look for the origin of the physical world even if it is non-material.
Interspersed with the physics in this book are metaphysical hypotheses. As is the case for all metaphysics, whether of science, religion, or philosophy, it is up to the reader to evaluate whether the metaphysical concepts have any meaning at all. Ultimately, if some part of us belongs to this Universe, and it appears it does since we interact with it, then the quest for the metaphysical origin of the Universe might also be a quest for the metaphysical origin of our true existence.
Just as we will see how physical existence never becomes a definite reality though we follow the progression from the level of dimensions toward the level of human existence, we also will understand how “self” appears to share this inability to find definite reality. It would appear that our personal identity materializes from our complex perception of the physical world. Perhaps as we explore the experience of our mind as it relates to each level of physical existence, we might find courage to familiarize ourselves with the non-material origin of our existence and experience a true and complete metaphysical experience.
Scope of the APM The Aether Physics Model is science that lends itself well to ontological
philosophy. The ontology of the APM is perfect in that it reveals absolute knowledge at the quantum level, is based on empirical data, and it appeals to common sense. The APM is a kind of creation theory that shows a logical evolution of non-material, but real, dimensions into complex forms of physical existence.
Conversely, one could also look at the Aether Physics Model as a perfect reductionism of physical structures. Each physical form ultimately manifests as a collection of molecules, which in turn are collections of atoms. The atoms construct from units of angular momentum, and these units are composed of quantum measurements, which at the finest level of physical perception arise from dimensions. Undoubtedly, the dimensions arise from a yet more primary, albeit non-material Source. This book focuses on that range of physical existence from dimensions to molecules. This book also explains how consciousness interfaces with physical existence.
The reader should question whether reductionism should proceed as Zenos
paradox, whereby mere mathematical division reduces systems. However, if this were the case, what would be the physical principle for mathematically dividing something into infinity? A human being is an entity. If we reduce the entity, we find it builds from bodily organs and parts such as heart, liver, skeleton, and skin. We do not say that humans build from smaller humans. Similarly, the organs build from cells, which have a level of existence that is very different from the organs. Moreover, the cells build from molecules, which are a more basic order of reality than the cells. The atoms that make up the molecules are a yet more simplified order of existence than the molecules. The subatomic particles are yet a simpler order of existence than the atoms. Moreover, the dimensions that make up the units of subatomic particles are a still more fundamental order of existence.
So one needs to question whether the Standard Model interpretation of socalled “particles” is accurate since atoms are truly the smallest particles of physical matter. Molecules are systems of particles; and electrons, protons, and neutrons are subsystems of particles. By labeling everything a particle, the Standard Model completely ignores the various observable taxonomies of existence.
Many structural concepts from the Standard Model sub-theories, such as wave-particle duality4, color forces5, flavors6, up and down characteristics7, and the equivalence of energy and mass8 have no meaning within the Aether Physics Model. These concepts and others fade behind a single structural theory of angular momentum and Aether units, revealing a fresh paradigm for understanding physical structures, which is self-consistent throughout.
Note The foundation for the Aether Physics Model is the same empirical data used by the Standard Model. However, we must understand the Aether Physics Model within its own context and not necessarily within the context of Standard Model concepts.
4 "Light," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
5 "Quarks possess a distinctive property called color that governs their binding together to form other elementary particles" "Quantum Chromodynamics," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
6 "This particle, a meson, was made of a fourth flavor of quark, called charm. (Since then two more flavors have been added to the menu: bottom, in 1976, and top, in 1995. Each of these six quarks has a corresponding 'antiquark,' bringing the total to 12)." Alex R. Dzierba, Curtis A. Meyer and Eric S. Swanson, "The Search for QCD Exotics," American Scientist Sept. 2000: 406
7 "The quarks found in ordinary matter are the up and down quarks, from which protons and neutrons are made. A proton, for instance, consists of two up quarks and a down quark, and a neutron consists of two down quarks and an up quark." "Elementary Particles," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
8 "According to the law of mass - energy equivalence, developed by Albert Einstein as part of his theory of relativity, a quantity of matter of mass m possesses an intrinsic rest mass energy E given by E = mc2, where c is the speed of light." "Matter," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
Most of modern physics laws also carry over to the Aether Physics Model. Ohms law, the force laws, conservation laws, and nearly all other physics laws operate the same in both models, although the dimensions of the units may be different where charge is concerned.
The Aether Physics Model (APM) begins as an ontological9 structural model based on empirical data. The ontology of the APM begins with the proper understanding of dimension and measurement, and with the understanding that space-time10 is equally as important as the matter that resides within it. In turn, space-time is just one aspect of the Aether unit. Aether implies more qualities to space-time than merely the dimensions of length and time. In addition to length and time, the Aether also includes the dimensions of mass and charge. And as odd as it may initially sound, charge has solid angle geometry. Space-time is actually space-resonance, as will be discussed later.
The Standard Model of Particle Physics describes electrons, photons, protons, neutrons, and even things like gluons and quarks as “particles.” In the Aether Physics Model, these “particles” are not solid, nor are they pieces of something solid. The very basic form of physical existence is termed “primary angular momentum” when we discuss its mechanical structure. When discussing a stable form of primary angular momentum in general, we will call it “onn” (onta when plural)11. Whatever process it was that first thrust onta into existence, it is the Aether that maintains the onn spin, and accordingly the structure of all physical matter. Though it may sound counterintuitive at first, physical matter, as we know it, is actually a trace of the Aether. In other words, physical shape actually comes from non-material Aether, and is not an inherent property of matter.
Furthermore, since matter is contained within Aether, matter does not move in space-time. Rather, space-time moves relative to itself. Matter is carried through space-time like dust is carried in the wind and algae is carried in ocean currents. Aether has a fluid characteristic such that one region of space-time can flow past another region, like the Gulf Stream can flow past the Sargasso Sea in the North Atlantic Ocean. Strictly speaking, neither time travel nor space travel is possible. Only the rearranging of the Aether is possible, and hence, certain relativistic-like effects seem to occur.
A distinction rises between stable matter and collision effects in the Aether
9 Definition: Ontological - “Of or relating to essence or the nature of being.”
10 Definition: Space-time “The four-dimensional continuum of one temporal and three spatial coordinates in which any event or physical object is located.” Space-resonance is the fivedimensional continuum of two temporal and three spatial coordinates.
11 “There was a time when physicists regarded protons and electrons as particles, photons as waves. As we shall see later, this distinction can no longer be maintained. They are still often called "elementary particles," but as we shall also learn neither the word "elementary" nor the word "particle" fits the case. Let me name them simply onta (singular: on) after the Greek word for being (, plural ).” Henry Margenau, Open Vistas; Philosophical Perspectives of Modern Science (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1961) 118.
Physics Model. Electrons and protons are two stable forms of matter, as well as their anti-particles, the positron and anti-proton. Neutrons are composite particles of a proton and electron and they remain stable as long as the bound pair remains in an atomic nucleus. However, the muon, tau, quarks, and other extremely short-lived “observed particles” are merely collision or “unbinding” effects. The collision effects offer some insights into the processes of physics, but are of little more use for quantum structural science than crash tests are for automobile manufacturers. Although particle accelerators are useful technology, one has to question just how many we need. It would be far more productive to focus our scientific inquiry on the actual physical structures of stable matter, than to focus too much attention on collision effects.
A New Dimensional Analysis The Aether Physics Model makes extensive use of quantum measurement
analysis, which is very similar to dimensional analysis12. Calculus equations are not necessary for understanding the essential structures of quantum existence. Therefore, the Aether Physics Model is easier to comprehend than the Standard Model concepts of quantum structure.
Because the Aether Physics Model is fully compatible with Classical Mechanics (logically modeled physical processes), the APM is inherently discrete. Theoretically, if a computer could compute faster than the speed of light, a computer model of the entire Universe could develop from the Aether Physics Model.
Just as the Standard Model improperly classifies all forms of existence as particles, it has an ambiguous lexicon in other areas, too. In order to better use quantum measurement analysis, APM offers specific definitions for “unit,” “measurement,” “dimension,” and “constant.” Regardless of the variant definitions for these terms in our present culture, this book will use these words as defined in the following pages.
There are two different uses of the term “unit” common in physics, namely units of measurement and units of dimensions. The differences between the two uses are significant when we examine the structure of equations.
Unit Definitions
1. Unit of Measurement - any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange; “the kilogram is the MKS unit of mass”; “a unit of frequency is the Hertz.”
2. Unit of Dimensions - an individual, group, structure, or other entity regarded as a structural or functional constituent of a whole; “velocity is a unit equal to the dimensions of length per time”; “the dimensions of charge divided by time equal the unit of current.”
12 "The expression of any particular quantity in terms of fundamental quantities is known as dimensional analysis and often provides physical insight into the results of a mathematical calculation." "Dimension, in Physics," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
In the case of the “unit of measurement,” it would be far more logical if we simply called it measurement, and not unit. For example, we should call the kilogram the MKS “measurement” of mass, not its “unit” of mass. The term “unit” best defines, with regard to physics, a specific arrangement of dimensions. This clarification would eliminate a lot of confusion.
Systems of Measurement There are three generally accepted systems of measurement used in physics;
cgs measurement, MKS measurement, and SI measurement. The Aether Physics Model utilizes a new system of measurement, based on quantum measurements.
The SI definition here quotes verbatim from its original source (unlike the MKS definition just below) because the SI system is an unnatural system of measurement, which consists of units (the Ampere) as basic measurements. It is largely the SI system of measurements, and generally the lack of clear definitions for “measurement,” “dimension,” and “unit,” that perpetuate confusing terminology in our present systems of measurement.
Here is a brief overview of the various systems of measurement:
CGS Measurements A system of measurement based on the metric system, having the centimeter of length, the gram of mass, and the second of time as its fundamental units. Some cgs units are the dyne of force and the erg of work or energy. The measurements of the cgs system are generally much smaller than the comparable measurements of the MKS system.13
MKS Measurements A system of measurement based on the metric system and having the meter of length, the kilogram of mass, and the second of time as its fundamental measurements. Some MKS units include the newton of force, the joule of work or energy, and the watt of power. The measurements of the MKS system are generally much larger and of a more practical size than the comparable measurements of the cgs system. The MKS system provides the basis for the International System of Measurements (SI)14 and the new Aether Physics Model quantum measurements.
13 Paraphrased from "Cgs System ," The Columbia Encyclopedia , 6th ed.
14 Paraphrased from "Mks System ," The Columbia Encyclopedia , 6th ed.
SI Measurements INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF UNITS officially called the Système International d'Unites, or SI, system of units adopted by the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures (1960). It is based on the metric system. The basic units of length, mass, and time are those of the MKS system of metric units: the meter, kilogram, and second. Other basic units are the ampere of electric current, the kelvin of temperature (a degree of temperature measured on the Kelvin temperature scale), the candela, or candle, of luminous intensity, and the mole, used to measure the amount of a substance present. All other units are derived from these basic units15.
Current Definitions of SI Measurements by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as follows:
The meter is the length of the path traveled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1 299,792,458 of a second.
The kilogram is the unit of measure for mass; it is equal to the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram16.
The second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom17.
The ampere is that constant current which, if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite length, of negligible circular cross-section, and placed 1 meter apart in vacuum, would produce between these conductors a force equal to 2107 newton per meter of length. The kelvin, unit of measurement for thermodynamic temperature, is the fraction 1 273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water.
The mole is the amount of substance of a system, which contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 0.012kg of carbon 12; its symbol is “mol.” When the mole is used, the elementary entities must be specified and may be atoms, molecules, ions, electrons, other particles, or specified groups of such particles.
15 "International System of Units ," The Columbia Encyclopedia , 6th ed.
16 "fundamental unit of mass in the metric system, defined as the mass of the International Prototype Kilogram, a platinum-iridium cylinder kept at Sèvres, France, near Paris." "Kilogram," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
17 "1 sec is 1/31,556,925.9747 of the length of the tropical year for 1900. In 1967 the second was redefined to be 9,192,631,770 periods of vibration of the radiation emitted at a specific wavelength by an atom of cesium 133." "Second," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
The candela is the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 5401012 Hz and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1 683 watt per steradian.
Quantum Measurements: Because the MKS system of measurements is most practical for everyday observations, it occurs frequently as the basic system of measurements throughout this book unless otherwise stated. As already mentioned, the Aether Physics Model produces yet another system of measurements, devised so that all measurements base on the quantum length, quantum frequency, quantum masses, quantum charges, and the spherical constant.
Quantum Measurements in APM
The quantum length is the Compton wavelength18 and is
equal to 2.42631023810-12m 19. The symbol for the quantum length is lambda sub-C (C).
Because nearly all human-scale energy interactions at the subatomic level take place via the electron, the quantum mass is usually the mass of the electron and is equal to
9.109382610-31kg 20. The symbol for the quantum mass
is m sub-e ( me ). When transactions occur with the proton, neutron or Aether, the symbol for the quantum mass is m sub-p, m sub-n, or m sub-a respectively ( mp , mn , ma ). Consult Appendix I for the mass values of the proton, neutron, and Aether.
The quantum frequency, symbol F sub-q ( Fq ), is equal to the speed of light divided by the quantum length and is 1.235589981020Hz . The reciprocal of the quantum frequency is the quantum time (symbol T sub-q, Tq ).
The quantum charges are the electrostatic charge (elementary charge squared) and electromagnetic charge. The
electrostatic charge notates as e2 and is equal to
2.56696963310-38coul2 . The electromagnetic charges
calculate from onn angular momentum and are equal to angular momentum times the conductance constant of the Aether. The values are shown later in this book and are
eemax2 ,
e2 pmax
e2 nmax
ea2 for
18 "The Compton wavelength of any particle is given by the relationship, λ0 = h / m0 c, where λ0 is the Compton wavelength, h is Planck's constant, m0 is the rest mass of the particle, and c is the velocity of light." Van Nostrond Company, Inc., Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia (Princeton: Van Nostrand, 1968) 395.
19 http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?ecomwl|search_for=compton+wavelength
20 http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?me|search_for=mass+electron
proton, neutron, and Aether, respectively.
Units such as temperature and light intensity base upon dimensions. For example, the unit for temperature is equivalent to the Sievert in the MKS system, and one degree Kelvin is equal to 286.966 Sievert.
Because this new system rests on the Compton wavelength (quantum length), mass of the onta, and quantum frequency, we could refer to it as the system of quantum measurements.
Units of Dimensions The Aether Physics Model distinguishes between units of measurement and
units of dimensions. Nearly all of the units of dimensions in the Aether Physics Model are four letter variables that suggest their unit function. For example, current is denoted as curr, potential is potn, and resistance is resn.
Ohms law written in Aether Physics Model units of dimensions is:
potn  curr  resn
The quantum measurements and quantum units can also serve as quantum constants. (The units from other systems of measurement are also constants, but they are not quantum constants). Two common quantum constants already in wide use are the quantum velocity and quantum angular momentum. The quantum velocity is the speed of light and notates as the variable c . The quantum electron angular momentum is
the Planck constant21 and notates as h .
Units of dimension build from quantum measurements. For example, the unit of potential (potn) is a unit of dimension made up of quantum measurement:
potn  me  C2  Fq2 e2
In the case of velocity, when the APM unit of dimension for velocity is used (velc) it can also be substituted with c .
velc  C  Fq  c
Another exception to the four-letter rule is the quantum unit for energy. The Tibetan word “tshankha” means “energy with force and power.” Tshankha ceremoniously represents energy in the Aether Physics Model, as the energy of stable onta has a sacred nature to it.
21 "The first direct measurement of the quantum of action was obtained by J. Franck and G. Hertz by liberating quantities of light through electronic impulses." Where Is Science Going? James Murphy, Max Planck (New York, W.W. Norton & Company Inc., 1932) 59-60
enrg  me  C2  Fq2  tshankha also:
tshankha  h  Fq
Since the electron quantifies as its angular momentum, tshankha is the angular momentum of the electron replicating (perpetuating) each quantum moment. Tshankha is thus the amount of energy expended each quantum moment by the Aether to keep “alive” one electron. Considering the number of electrons there are in the Universe, the Aether is indeed quite powerful and forceful to keep the spin of all onta perfectly consistent throughout all space and all time. Tshankha is also a reminder that the concepts of space and time as components of the physical world are highly developed in the Tibetan Buddhist literature.
In the Standard Model, where variables such as m (for mass) and E (for energy) are used, the variables have dimensions but no values. As such,
E  mc2 is not a true equation, rather it is an expression (or formula). If E and m had inherent values, as does the constant c , then E would equal a single unit of energy and m would equal a single unit of mass.
E  mc2
 8.988 1016
m2 sec2
m2 sec2
 8.9881016
1  8.9881016
E is not mathematically equal to mc2 , which in turn means that the
“equation” so often attributed to Einstein, that is E  mc2 , is not a true equality. In the Aether Physics Model, constants appear in place of variables. A valid equation describing a unit concerning quantum physics would also appear in terms of quantum measurements. For example:
E  mc2
tshankha  me  C2  Fq2
In the APM, all quantum units have a quantum measurement representation.
Quantum Constants As previously mentioned, all quantum measurements and quantum units in
the Aether Physics Model are also constants. Most essential constants in
the Aether Physics Model already exist in Classical physics22.
Coulombs constant kC  , the gravitational constant G , the speed of light c , permeability of free space  0  , permittivity of free space 0  , Plancks constant h , fine structure constant of the electron   , and the Compton wavelength C  retain the same values, dimensions, and
nomenclature as in the Standard Model. The values and dimensions for each of these constants appear in the Appendix.
New constants, based on the known constants of the Standard Model, are identified, their purpose defined, and their utility revealed (page 120). New constants and quantum units also appear in the Appendix.
One important new constant from the Aether Physics Model is the conductance of the Aether (page 161), which is essential for calculating and understanding the nature of strong charge.
There are many important new constants, new equations, and new understandings provided by the Aether Physics Model. Taken as a whole, these physics additions result in a new foundational paradigm differing significantly from several Standard Model paradigms.
We remind the reader that the Aether Physics Model as presented in this book is no more complete than the Standard Model. The value of the Aether Physics Model, however, lies in the fact that its paradigm begins with a firm foundation of quantum structural existence and develops in complexity toward the macro structural existence with which we are familiar. The APM also quantifies the metaphysical pre-existence of the physical world and the nature of consciousness. The Standard Model, on the other hand, successfully discovered subatomic existence, but incorrectly concluded that collision effects and forces were elementary particles.
Therefore, we move forward with the understanding that the Aether Physics Model is a fresh beginning, based on a logical framework, which in turn derives from empirical data. We pursue the Aether Physics Model, not because it is the answer to all our questions, but because it leads us to answers regarding quantum structure more readily than the Standard Model with its discontinuous sub-models.
22 "Classical physics includes the traditional branches and topics that were recognized and fairly well developed before the beginning of the 20th century; mechanics, sound, light, heat, and electricity and magnetism." "Physics," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
Ontology defines as, “the branch of metaphysics that deals with the nature of being23.” Physics defines as, “The science of matter and energy and of interactions between the two23.” Physics is the study of mechanics and until now provided little insight into structure; however, the Aether Physics Model reveals physical structure and that its existence has a nonmaterial cause. The APM reveals a true ontology based upon physical data.
Scientists claim that their physics models predict the data, a recurrent theme throughout the Standard Model and Special Relativity Theory. However, the data is the result of the truth of existence, not of the creation of experiments and theory. The experiments measure existence; they do not construct it. Theories and models merely explain the data. If the theory does not appeal to common sense, then what prevents us from replacing it with a better theory that does? The Aether Physics Model is that better theory.
Scientists claim the Standard Model is convincing despite the fact that the model itself defies common sense when explaining quantum structure. There is no attempt to correct the logic of Standard Model structural theories, as the underlying physics assumptions will not allow it. Instead of finding better explanations for quantum structure, we hear the only important factor is a useable result with regard to quantum mechanics.
The Standard Model of physics lists the elementary particles as quarks, leptons, and force carrier particles24. Quarks seem to appear to scientists when two stable protons or neutrons slam together. The protons and neutrons break apart with the same behavior each time, and the resulting pattern of debris results in what physicists call quarks. The quarks have a
23 The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
24 "…This evidence allowed scientists to develop the Standard Model theory of matter, which states that all matter is made up of combinations of six quarks and six leptons that interact with three types of force particles." "Taylor, Richard E.," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
life span of about 10-12 second and an isolated quark has never been found25. Protons have a “half life” of 1032 years or more26. Is it likely that such extremely short-lived quarks produce extremely long-lived protons?
If neutrons are made of quarks, then what about observations of neutrons decaying into protons and electrons27 and protons and electrons binding to produce neutrons28? Likewise, there are the force carrier “particles.” Physicists speak of gluons29 as though they were real particles30, but what evidence is there for a gluon particle? Does it really make sense for force to manifest as a particle?
Quantum Theory31 (Quantum Mechanics) examines the structure and behavior of atoms and molecules. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle32 states that subatomic particles only exist as probability functions. Wave-particle duality theory (complementarity principle33) states that subatomic particles can behave like both particles and waves. Einsteins E  mc2 has been interpreted as stating the dimension of mass and the unit of energy are equivalent.
Of course, in recognition of the irrational nature of many Standard Model
25 "Quarks appear to always be found in pairs or triplets with other quarks and antiquarks—an isolated quark has never been found." "Elementary Particles," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
26 Barry Parker, Einstein's Dream: The Search for a Unified Theory of the Universe (New York: Plenum Press, 1986) 257-8.
27 "In beta decay a neutron within the nucleus changes to a proton, in the process emitting an electron and an antineutrino" "Radioactivity," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
28 “Other, less common, types of radioactivity are electron capture (capture of one of the orbiting atomic electrons by the unstable nucleus) and positron emission—both forms of beta decay and both resulting in the change of a proton to a neutron within the nucleus—an internal conversion…” "Radioactivity," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
29 Definition: Gluon - A hypothetical massless, neutral elementary particle believed to mediate the strong interaction that binds quarks together.
30 “Gluons are massless, travel at the speed of light, and possess a property called color. Analogous to electric charge in charged particles, color is of three varieties, arbitrarily designated as red, blue, and yellow, and— analogous to positive and negative charges—three anticolor varieties. Quarks change their color as they emit and absorb gluons, and the exchange of gluons maintains proper quark color balance.” "Gluon," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
31 "Modern physical theory concerned with the emission and absorption of energy by matter and with the motion of material particles; the quantum theory and the theory of relativity together form the theoretical basis of modern physics." "Quantum Theory," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
32 “…on the scale of atoms and elementary particles the effect of the uncertainty principle is very important. Because of the uncertainties existing at this level, a picture of the submicroscopic world emerges as one of statistical probabilities rather than measurable certainties.” "Uncertainty Principle," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
33 COMPLEMENTARITY PRINCIPLE - physical principle enunciated by Niels Bohr in 1928 stating that certain physical concepts are complementary. If two concepts are complementary, an experiment that clearly illustrates one concept will obscure the other complementary one. For example, an experiment that illustrates the particle properties of light will not show any of the wave properties of light. This principle also implies that only certain kinds of information can be gained in a particular experiment. Some other information that is equally important cannot be measured simultaneously and is lost. "Complementarity Principle," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
principles, any respectable physicist will tell you not to take Standard Model physics concepts literally with regard to quantum structure. We hear that physics models are merely abstract concepts of a poorly understood topic.
Modern physics ignores any hint of a non-material, creating force for the Universe; it too closely resembles Deity as described in many world religions. Yet modern physics invents hypothetical particles with color, flavor, up down characteristics, and gluons, that may or may not exist due to probabilities. It is as though the Standard Model exists to deny the Universe has a Creator, only to spread belief in its own myths.
As we entered the 21st century, our measurement equipment and the materials we worked with had reached a very high level of sophistication. We now know the constants of the subatomic realm to a much greater degree of accuracy than did the brilliant minds of the 19th and 20th centuries. Beginning with a fresh look at the precise values and dimensions of the quantum realm, the Aether Physics Model gives the world a real quantum structural physics, and thankfully, a real physics based on a real nonmaterial existence, which some might call God.
It is not enough to point to the weaknesses and inconsistencies of an established or a proposed theory. A convincing argument requires the enumeration not only of the questioned theorys weaknesses but also a better theory to take its place.
And therein rests the general purpose of this book. Presented are the weaknesses and inconsistencies of the Standard Model with regard to quantum structures as well as a better theory to take its place. This better theory, however, is not necessarily new. For thousands of years prior to Albert Einstein, it was widely accepted that the physical Universe constructs from the existence of Aether in one manifestation or another.
Albert Einstein did not disprove, nor did he attempt to disprove, the existence of the Aether. In fact, on May 5, 1920 at the University of Leyden34, Einstein gave a lecture in which he defended the existence of Aether.
What Albert Einstein set out to do in his earlier work was to explain the observed physical phenomena without invoking the Aether. Einstein found limited success, but he was not able to develop a Unified Force Theory or Grand Unified Theory based on his Relativity theories. This was because the forces are inherent to the structure of existence, whereas the Relativity theories could only explain the mechanics.
Einstein was successful enough to advance science to its present condition,
34 Michel Janssen, Robert Schulmann, József Illy, Christoph Lehner, and Diana Kormos Buchwald, THE COLLECTED PAPERS OF Albert Einstein VOLUME 7, THE BERLIN YEARS: WRITINGS , 1918 1921 (Princeton University Press, 2002) 305309; 321
but with todays developments in nanotechnology and interplanetary and interstellar explorations, we are in desperate need of a more accurate description of quantum structure. As it turns out, this more accurate theory of quantum structure once again invokes the existence of the Aether.
The Aether The concept of the Aether was dominant in the physics theories from ancient
Greece and India until the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The concept of the Aether took many different forms. Frustrated because no convincing evidence of the existence of Aether was emerging, Albert Einstein developed a new approach based on his now famous E  mc2 expression. Mr. Einstein did not totally give up on the Aether, but he did usher in a new physics that excluded the Aether from science35.
Some early theories of the Aether presupposed a stationary particulate medium. Light seemed to travel as a wave in the Aether medium much as water ripples travel on the surface of water. When Michelson and Morley conducted an experiment to identify the particulate medium as absolute space-time, resulting in Aether drifting through the Earth as the Earth moved through space, they found no overwhelming evidence for the magnitude of Aether drift they expected. However, they did measure an Aether drift. Dayton Miller later conducted extensive tests that verified an Aether drift relative to the Earth at about ten kilometers per second36. The results indicated that if Aether exists, it must drag relative to the Earth37, which Augustin Fresnel also posited65. Since the prevailing understanding did not allow Aether to drag along with the Earth, many touted this as evidence against the existence of the Aether. This prejudice toward a dragging Aether also caused many to proclaim the erroneous assumption that the Michelson-Morley experiments showed absolutely no Aether drift.
With the Aether Physics Model, the existence of Aether is an essential aspect for explaining the phenomena within the Universe. Now that we have exact measurements of certain constants, we can deduce that the Aether is not in the form of a physically detectable particle, but in the form of a
35 “However, all attempts to demonstrate its [Aethers] existence, most notably the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887, produced negative results and stimulated a vigorous debate among physicists that was not ended until the special theory of relativity, proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905, became accepted. The theory of relativity eliminated the need for a light-transmitting medium, so that today the term ether is used only in a historical context.” "Ether, in Physics and Astronomy," The Columbia Encyclopedia , 6th ed.
36 Dayton C. Miller, Science, New Series, Vol. 63, No. 1635 (Apr. 30, 1926), 433-443 It is also noted in an article by Robert S. Shankland, Science, New Series, Vol. 176, No. 4035 (May 12, 1972), 652-653 that at the strong encouragement of Albert Einstein, the Miller data was re-examined posthumously and judged to be questionable due to the claim that Millers results correlated with the temperature gradient across the interferometer table. For all of Millers extensive experience, it seems highly suspect that Miller did not notice what should have been an obvious flaw in the results, were it true.
37 “The outcome of the Michelson - Morley experiment would, therefore, suggest that the ether is dragged along with the earth, as far as the immediate neighborhood of the earth is concerned.” Introduction to the Theory of Relativity Peter Gabriel Bergmann (New York, Prentice Hall Inc., 1947) 27
non-material Aether unit of 2-spin rotating magnetic field. A quantum Aether unit has the precise value equal to Coulombs constant times 16 2 .
Au  rmfd  kC 16 2
The rotating magnetic field concept of the Aether presented in this book is not much different from John Bernoullis “whirlpool Aether” concept:
John Bernoullis Whirlpool Aether
All space, according to the young Bernoulli, is permeated by a fluid Aether, containing an immense number of excessively small whirlpools. The elasticity which the Aether appears to possess, and in virtue of which it is able to transmit vibrations, is really due to the presence of these whirlpools; for, owing to centrifugal force, each whirlpool is continually striving to dilate, and so presses against the neighboring whirlpools38.
The Aether has a non-material nature revealed through Coulombs constant, the gravitational constant, the speed of light, the permeability constant, and the permittivity constant. The newly defined and important conductance constant of the Aether relates directly to the electromagnetism of onta, as well as to consciousness.
As for evidence proving the existence of the Aether, it does exist. Anybody can do these two simple experiments to see visual proof of the Aether. The first experiment requires a magnet and cathode ray tube. The cathode ray tube could be your computer monitor, TV, or oscilloscope screen. Just make sure your cathode ray tube has a degaussing feature before doing this experiment, or you may permanently disfigure your viewing screen.
Place the magnet against the cathode ray tube with the north or south pole facing the screen. You will notice a pattern seemingly caused by the magnetic flux of the magnet as it reorganizes the electron beams. Once the magnet is flush against the screen, twist it back and forth. You will notice that the pattern on the screen does not change. Had the magnet been the source of the magnetic flux, the pattern would have changed since the magnetic flux would link to the molecules and atoms of the magnet. However, the magnetic flux arises from the Aether and thus exists relative to the Aether. Twisting the magnet will not affect the magnetic flux of the
38 Sir Edmund Whittaker A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity; The Classical Theories (London; New York, American Institute of Physics, 1987) 95-96
Aether. This experiment will work regardless of the shape of the magnet.
The same experiment works with ferrofluid. Ferrofluid is a liquid substance that reacts to a magnetic field. Position a magnet below a dish of ferrofluid and twist the magnet back and forth, as in the above experiment. The magnetic flux will not move as observed by the ferrofluid not moving. Once again, the magnetic flux associated with the magnet is coming from the Aether and not from the magnet.
In the Michelson-Morley experiments, the Aether follows along with the matter of the Earth and the atmosphere. The Aether is not a wind that blows freely through matter, except as matter becomes less dense. This is contrary to the expectations of scientists in the 1800s. In addition, Aether gives form to matter, but matter also occupies and manipulates Aether. The situation is a bit more Ferrofluid in presence of magnetic field. complicated than an assumed fixed Aether with an independently existing matter.
An important early prediction of Einstein's general relativity was the advance of the perihelion of Mercury's orbit, whose measurement provided one of the classical tests of Einstein's theory. The advance of the orbital point-of-closest-approach also applies to a binary pulsar system and to an Earthorbiting satellite. General relativity also predicts that the rotation of a body like Earth will drag the local inertial frames of reference around it, which will affect the orbit of a satellite39.
“Frame dragging” is another euphemism of the Standard Model intended to acknowledge the properties of Aether, but without calling it Aether. The frame dragging of General Relativity theory is tantamount to the notion of Aether moving with matter.
Einsteins Aether In the previous section, we provided an experiment for proving the existence
of the Aether using a permanent magnet and a CRT. Although cathode ray tubes did not exist in the late 1800s, Albert Einstein wrote a paper at the age of 16, which essentially made the same observations about magnetic fields and Aether. In The Golden Age of Theoretical Physics40, Jagdish Mehra translates Albert Einsteins first paper from German. We provide the full text of the paper as it supports and relates to the Aether Physics Model.
39 Letters to Nature, Nature 431, 958 - 960 (21 October 2004); doi:10.1038/nature03007
40 Jagdish Mehra, The Golden Age of Theoretical Physics (March 2001, World Scientific Publishing Company) pp 9-10
Concerning the Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields: by Albert Einstein
The following lines are the first modest expression of some simple thoughts on this difficult subject. With much hesitation I am compressing them into an essay which looks more like a program than a paper. Since I completely lacked the materials to penetrate the subject more deeply than was permitted by reflection alone, I ask that this circumstance should not be ascribed to me as superficiality. I hope the indulgence of the interested reader will correspond to the humble feelings with which I offer him these lines.
When the electric current comes into being, it immediately sets the surrounding aether in some kind of instantaneous motion, the nature of which has still not been exactly determined. In spite of the continuation of the cause of this motion, namely the electric current, the motion ceases, but the aether remains in a potential state and produces a magnetic field. That the magnetic field is a potential state [of the aether] is shown by the [existence of a] permanent magnet, since the principle of conservation of energy excludes the possibility of a state of motion in this case. The motion of the aether, which is caused by an electric current, will continue until the acting [electro-] motive forces are compensated by the equivalent passive forces which arise from the deformation caused by the motion of the aether itself.
The marvellous experiments of Hertz have most ingeniously illuminated the dynamic nature of these phenomena — the propagation in space, as well as the qualitative identity of these motions with light and heat. I believe that for the understanding of electromagnetic phenomena it is important also to undertake a comprehensive experimental investigation of the potential states of the aether in magnetic fields of all kinds — or, in other words, to measure the elastic deformations and the acting deforming forces.
Every elastic change of the aether at any (free) point in a given direction should be determinable from the change which the velocity of an aether wave undergoes at this point in that direction. The velocity of a wave is proportional to the square root of the elastic forces which cause [its] propagation, and inversely proportional to the mass of the aether moved by these forces. However, since the changes of density caused by the elastic deformations are generally insignificant, they may probably be neglected in this case also. It could therefore be said with good approximation: The square root of the ratio of the change of velocity of propagation (wavelength) is equal to the ratio of the change of the elastic force.
I dare not decide as to which type of aether waves, whether light or electro-dynamic, and which method of measuring the wavelength is most appropriate for studying the magnetic field; in principle, after all, this makes no difference.
If a change of wavelength in the magnetic field can be detected at all in any given direction, then the question can be experimentally decided whether only the component of the elastic state in the direction of the propagation of the wave influences the velocity of propagation, or the components perpendicular to it also do; since it is known a priori that in a uniform magnetic field, whether it is cylindrical or pyramidal in form, the elastic states at a point perpendicular to the direction of the lines of force are completely homogeneous, but different in the direction of the lines of force. Therefore if one lets waves propagate
that are polarized perpendicularly to the direction of the lines of force, then the direction of the plane of oscillation would be important for the velocity of propagation — that is if the component of the elastic force perpendicular to the propagation of a wave at all influences the velocity of propagation. However, this probably might not be the case, although the phenomenon of double diffraction seems to indicate this.
Thus after the question has been answered as to how the three components of elasticity affect the velocity of an aether wave, one can proceed to the study of the magnetic field. In order to understand properly the state of the aether in it [the magnetic field], three cases ought to be distinguished:
1. The lines of force come together at the North pole in the shape of a pyramid.
2. The lines of force come together at the South pole in the shape of a pyramid.
3. The lines of force are parallel.
In these cases the velocity of propagation of a wave in the direction of the lines of force and perpendicular to them has to be examined. There is no doubt that the elastic deformations as well as the cause of their origin will be determined [by these experiments], provided sufficiently accurate instruments to measure the wavelength can be constructed.
The most interesting, but also the most difficult, task would be the direct experimental study of the magnetic field which arises around an electric current, because the investigation of the elastic state of the aether in this case would allow us to obtain a glimpse of the mysterious nature of the electric current. This analogy also permits us to draw definite conclusions concerning the state of the aether in the magnetic field which surrounds the electric current, provided of course the experiments mentioned above yield any result.
I believe that the quantitative researches on the absolute magnitudes of the density and the elastic force of the aether can only begin if qualitative results exist that are connected with established ideas. Let me add one more thing. If the wavelength does not turn out to be
proportional to A  k [sic], then the reason (for that) has to be
looked for in the change of density of the moving aether caused by the elastic deformations; here A is the elastic aether force, a priori a constant which we have to determine empirically, and k the (variable) strength of the magnetic field which, of course, is proportional to the elastic forces in question that are produced.
Above all it must be demonstrated that there exists a passive resistance to the electric current for the production of the magnetic field, that is proportional to the length of the path of the current and independent of the cross section and the material of the conductor.
Dynamic Space Three axes of length in three-dimensional coordinate systems generally
represent the concept of space. This implies that space is equal to volume. And for general purposes, if we talk about a room with space, we are indeed only talking about volume.
In the Aether Physics Model, space-time is more than just the three dimensions of length and one dimension of time. Space is united with time in such a way that the two are inseparable, producing a single unit called double cardioid (dcrd). However, the coordinate systems still in use today only include dimensions of length. We need a coordinate system that includes both space and time. Further, whereas perception of space-time through our bodies senses gives the appearance of just one dimension of linear time, linear time is an illusion. In reality, the time dimensions of Aether are actually frequency dimensions, and there are two of them. Together these two dimensions of frequency produce a spherical unit of resonance. While in reality the quantum Universe has the qualities of space-resonance, we perceive the physical, macro Universe with the qualities of space-time.
Another intriguing notion of Aether is that space and resonance integrate through a shared geometry. In other words, space and resonance are the same entity but viewed from two perspectives, which are orthogonal to each other.
Geometric Structure of Aether Non-material Aether having geometry might seem a bit strange.
However, this is exactly what empirical data suggests. In fact,
after one has reviewed the Aether Physics Model in totality, it
is not possible to think of the Aether without geometry.
gravitational polarity.
The geometrical constant of the
Aether induces to be 16 2 , translating to a geometrical shape of a tubular loxodrome41 distributed over two adjacent spheres. Further induced is that the spheres have electrostatic polarity, the whole structure has magnetic polarity, and the spin directions have
One fourth of the total loxodrome surrounding both spheres is a tube with a
surface constant of 4 2 , the toroid constant. Because toroids have two radii, the small radius and large radius, they can have varying radii lengths but still have the same surface area. The toroids in the above left image have different radii, but identical surface areas. This is why all onta share the same quantum surface area as the Compton wavelength squared. It is because all onta have the same surface area that we can graphically represent them as twin tubular loxodromes (referred to simply as “loxodromes”) while making use of the quantum distance squared as their surface area.
41 Dr. Lester Hulett raises the point that the loxodromes of the Aether unit are not exactly the same as loxodromes on a Mercator map. He suggests they be called something else to clarify the subtle differences in geometry.
The perfectly symmetrical representation only applies to the surface areas and to the electrostatic charges. The mass, distributed frequency, and strong charge dimensions are not symmetrical in a given Aether unit. The unequal distributions of quantum distributed frequency affect the general form of the physical Universe and give us shapes like flowers, butterflies, tree branching, leaf patterns, snail shells, skeletal structures, body organ composition, and every other pattern that arises from growth processes. The unequal mass division reflects in the observed difference between electron and proton masses and their proportional strong charges.
  The toroid constant 4 2 represents the surface geometry of ½-spin onta.
The electron and proton are examples of ½-spin42 onta. Half of the double loxodrome has the geometrical constant of 8 2 , and is either the loxodrome around a single sphere or half a loxodrome around two spheres. A full loxodrome represents 1-spin, such as the photon possesses. The full loxodrome around both spheres represents 2-spin, such as the Aether unit and supposed “graviton” possess.
16 2 is the square of 4 , which is the spherical constant. The 4π spherical
constant is also related to the c2 (speed of light squared) constant and
describes the c2 geometrical qualities (page 156). The mathematical function of the loxodrome path over the spheres is:
f ( )   sin 
All physical existence ultimately derives its geometry from the Aether. The geometry, as shown in the images above, represents the available spin positions for the angular momentum to reside in the Aether unit. The
42 Wolfgang Pauli was possibly the most influential physicist in the theory of spin. Spin was first discovered in the context of the emission spectrum of alkali metals. In 1924 Pauli introduced what he called a "two-valued quantum degree of freedom" associated with the electron in the outermost shell. This allowed him to formulate the Pauli exclusion principle, stating that no two electrons can share the same quantum numbers. Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spin_(physics)#History
Aether images do not represent some kind of a particle or otherwise solid entity. The color-coding is intended to show that each spin position is a unique “pathway"; the blue path is for the electron, gold is for the positron, aqua is for the anti-proton, and red is for the proton.
It is important to remember that the tubular loxodromes shown in the drawings are accurate only in relation to the surface constant. The surface area of each half-spin loxodrome is always equal to the Compton wavelength squared. However, the small and large electron and proton radii vary in length, and therefore so do the sphere radii. The Aether, being a 2-spin rotating magnetic field, is flexible in this regard and allows for the centrifugal expansion as envisioned by Bernoulli.
The Aether is thus a “field” in which subatomic particles can exist. It is because of this geometry of Aether that it is possible to model the structures of electrons, photons, protons, and neutrons and their interactions.
Further, the Aether includes the dimensions of mass and charge. An enormous force (Gforce) emanating from a non-material Source acts upon the strong charge dimensions giving rise to the Aether.
The Physical Universe The preceding section is about the non-material Aether. To present the
physical Universe in coherent terms, we must understand the nonmaterial “field,” or environment, in which physical matter exists. Once we have knowledge of the non-material Aether structure, we can easily produce a mathematically correct and discrete view of the physical world. The reader should understand that the phrase “mathematically correct” in the Aether Physics Model means that not only the values and operators are correct but also the dimensions. In other words, all of the mathematics used in this book reflects real world structures.
At the core of the Aether Physics Model is a mathematically correct Unified Force Theory, the first such theory to exist in modern science. The Unified Force Theory develops from the concept of distributed charge and fine structures of the onta (fine structures are proportions of spherical elementary charge to equivalent spherical strong charge). The strong force is mathematically (since 1950) and experimentally (since 1996) proven to have a charge that complements, but is different from, elementary charge. But, the theory and the experiments that proved the existence of electron strong force were not seen for what they were because of the investment in the pi meson (pion)150 hypothesis of a strong force carrier. The Casimir equation is the proof that the electron has a strong charge and that it obeys a strong force law.
When examining the Newton gravitational law, Coulomb electrostatic law, and the strong force law, what seemed to be four distinct forces demonstrate to be three different manifestations of the Gforce with three
different dimensions. The Gforce is comparable to the sun and the three aspects of onta (electrostatic charge, electromagnetic charge, and mass) are comparable to three different colors of glass. We see three different forces in the physical world, but they are all manifestations of one Gforce, as three different colors of light emanate through three different colored panes of glass, even though they are manifestations of one light source. This is an example of how force evolves into complexity similar to the way subatomic particles bind to become atoms. The so-called “weak force” is really a proportion of electrostatic charge to electromagnetic charge.
Primary angular momentum explains the structure behind all matter and light interactions, thereby eliminating the mysterious wave-particle duality theory. Primary angular momentum is the primary form of material existence and explains the photoelectric effect, pair production, and Compton Effect in units that directly relate to the electron and photon.
We hypothesize new equations that predict the nuclear binding forces and electron binding energies of all isotopes (page 234). In addition, the preliminary steps toward the discovery of an atomic spectral equation, which predicts the spectra of all isotopes and their ions, becomes apparent. The electron and nuclear binding energy equations and atomic spectra equations are destined to be the new “holy grail” of physics and we have already had significant success with the electron binding energy equation. From these three equations, we will likely develop molecular equations, which can predict the properties of any substance before it is known to exist.
Unified Force Theory The Unified Force Theory is the foundation upon which the Aether Physics
Model rests. The UFT will appear in detail later; however, an introduction to the core concepts follows here.
The Standard Model of physics recognizes only one type of charge, the elementary charge, which has a single dimension of charge. The torsion balance devised by Charles Coulomb is an electrostatic apparatus, which demonstrates elementary charge43. Therefore, it is appropriate to identify elementary charge as the carrier of the “electrostatic force,” since that is what the torsion balance measures in this instance.
In the Aether Physics Model, we notate all charge as distributed, just as it appears in nature. Charge is not a point, and we ignore its structural characteristics that result from treating it as a point. Charge always appears over the surface of an object, even if the object is a single electron. Therefore, the correct dimensions of charge are charge squared.
43 Morris H. Shamos, Great Experiments in Physics “Firsthand Accounts from Galileo to Einstein” (New York, Dover Publications Inc., 1987) 62-3
Instead of presenting elementary charge as e, elementary charge should present as e2.
e  1.602 1019 coul 44 e2  2.567 1038 coul2
(2.3) (2.4)
According to the Standard Model, gluons29 carry the strong force in quarks, and pions150 carry the strong force in nuclei. In the Aether Physics Model, the strong force carries by strong charge. Strong charge is related to elementary charge, but it has a different geometry, spin and magnitude. Strong charge notates as eemax for the electron, epmax for the proton, and
enmax for the neutron. But as in the case of elementary charge, strong charge is always distributed. So, for example, electron strong charge
would notate as eemax2 .
The weak interaction is the proportion of the elementary charge to the strong
charge. The weak interaction is equal to 8 times the fine structure of the onn. The relationship of the elementary charge, strong charge, and weak interaction for each onn appears as follows where , p , and n are the
fine structures of the electron, proton, and neutron, respectively:
Electron onn:
e2 e2
 8
Proton onn:
e2 e2
 8
e2 Neutron onn:
 8 n
e2 nmax
Later we will examine the relative strengths of the forces between the electrostatic charges, strong charges, weak interactions, and masses in order to see how close the calculated forces agree with empirical measurements (page 210).
Primary Angular Momentum
Wave-Particle Duality Quantum Mechanics states that onta such as electrons, protons, and neutrons can appear as particles of matter or as waves45.
44 NIST CODATA Value: elementary charge, May 27, 2004 http://physics.nist.gov/cgibin/cuu/Value?e|search_for=elementary+charge
45 “Quantum mechanics, the final mathematical formulation of the quantum theory, was developed during the 1920s. In 1924, Louis de Broglie proposed that not only do light waves sometimes exhibit particlelike properties, as in the photoelectric effect and atomic spectra, but particles may also exhibit wavelike properties.” "Quantum Theory," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
The problem with the wave-particle duality theory is that the dimensions of onta are neither dimension of waves (frequency), nor of solid matter. (The Standard Model does not quantitatively define matter46.) Since the dimensions of onta are not the dimensions of matter or of waves, the Aether Physics Model does not equate electrons, protons, and neutrons with either solid matter or with waves.
In a 1996 journal article47, Phil Berardelli reports:
It turns out that atoms, far from being the tiny billiard balls we commonly see in illustrations, are more like multilayered, discrete, shimmering clouds. Each layer contains proportionately enormous amounts of energy and shimmers - a different but precise electromagnetic frequency. Only when atoms interact with one another in large numbers do they behave as expected in their "classical" state, as scientists call the visible world.
In the Aether Physics Model, these multi-layered clouds are the angular momentum of individual onta. And since these onta are the smallest stable form of material existence, it is proper to view the onta as primary angular momentum.
The angular momentum of a two-body system, such as a satellite in orbit around a planet, involves two distinct bodies. Free electrons, protons, and neutrons are single body systems, and yet they have angular momentum48. Therefore, consistent with the earlier discussion concerning the relationships among different orders of existence, we can propose that primary angular momentum has a different structure than two-body angular momentum.
When we take the literal dimensions of primary angular momentum we find that there is a mass dimension, there are two length dimensions, and there is a frequency dimension. Expressed in terms of quantum measurements, angular momentum is:
46 Matter. Something that has mass and exists as a solid, liquid, gas, or plasma. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2003 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
47 Phil Berardelli, "Physicists Prove That Matter Can Be in Two Places at Once," Insight on the News 15 July 1996: 36, Questia, 19 July 2004 <http://www.questia.com/>.
48 “We find that photons and also other particles carry an intrinsic angular momentum or spin." Paul Adrian Maurice Dirac, "10 Quantum Mechanics-- Determinism to Probability," The Great Design: Particles, Fields, and Creation (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989) 177.
h  me  C2  Fq
One way to visualize this is to see a line of mass moving perpendicular at a velocity. Take a straight object, like a pencil, and hold it in front of you. The pencil represents a mass times length. In one quick motion, now move the pencil at a velocity perpendicular to its length. The blurred image you see graphically represents the nature of primary angular momentum.
Of course, an electron is not literally a straight line moving sideways. It is necessary to take into account the curvature of the Aether double loxodrome structure. Since the onn mass has to fit in the small circumference of the loxodrome “tube,” the line of mass would appear as a circle. Ligamen circulatus (LC) names this line of mass. The perpendicular path of the line of mass as it moves sideways also traces out a circular path. The resulting geometry is toroidal. The toroid, however, traces on a sphere and from pole to pole, when viewed in space-resonance coordinates. When viewed in space-time coordinates as with human perception, the shape is actually that of a cardioid, as in the image to the left.
The Aether imparts, and thus accounts for, the spin in the loxodrome structure of the onn. We will view the equations that support the toroidlike geometry of primary angular momentum and its relationship to spin later (page 202).
For now, let us explore the general characteristics of primary angular momentum. Since primary angular momentum is a circumferential line (ligamen circulatus) moving sideways, the onta have only two dimensions of length. The curvature of Aether acts as a mold and imparts geometry to the onta. The ligamen circulatus moves in time, which means that the onn exists as a function of time between one moment and the next moment. Time is consequently a component of onta. In fact, we could not perceive time and space if our bodies and senses were not composed of primary angular momentum. Primary angular momentum is the firstcause of physical perception, intimately related to the distributed frequency (or resonance) of the Aether.
Because the ligamen circulatus moves perpendicular to its circumference in order to scan an area (strong charge), the onta are not solid. They more closely resemble a cloud, as does the scanned area of a pencil moving back and forth in our vision. It is the scanning of primary angular momentum, which gives onta the appearances of a wave and particle.
So primary angular momentum explains why onta can appear as particles when we look at their strong charge, and can appear as waves when we look at the moving LC. Yet these are only appearances. The particulate and wave natures of primary angular momentum are illusions having meaning only from our macro perspective. The reality of the onn structure is primary angular momentum and nothing else.
Interestingly, photons can also appear as primary angular momentum, except that they are also exploding outward at the speed of light. A detailed exploration of the photon follows later (page 192).
Zero Point Energy Finally, we briefly explore the purpose for which the Aether Physics Model
was initially developed. We learn how photons constantly propagate from the dark matter that exists throughout the Universe, contributing to the visible Universes accelerating physical expansion49; and then we learn how human beings can tap this natural process in order to realize an unlimited supply of fuelless energy (although this is not recommended, as “free energy” also qualifies as a “pollutant”).
The equation for zero point energy also provides us with a mechanism and a clue as to how a “Big Bang” type of event is constantly occurring. As such, the observation of neutrinos can reveal a coherent explanation of the expansion and contraction of the physical Universe. It is interesting to note that out of whatever process generates physical existence, only two forms of stable matter emerge, the electron and proton (aside from anti-matter). If the zero point energy equation (also a form of the strong force law) is correct, then the ZPE equation should be a part of the socalled Big Bang explanation.
However, not too much attention will apply to ZPE in this book. The focus of this book is the foundational theory of quantum structure.
49 Wendy Freedman, "The Hubble Constant and the Expanding Universe: A Newly Refined Value of [H.Sub.0] the Expansion Rate of the Universe, May Herald a First Step toward a New Era of "Precision" Cosmology," American Scientist Jan.-Feb. 2003, Questia, 27 May 2004 <http://www.questia.com/>.
Exploring the Gforce
What do you call a force equal to 1.211044 newton that seems to arise out of nowhere and is responsible for the forces that hold the Universe together?
We must first contemplate the nature of force50. Generally, we think of force as pressure exerted over an area. If you press your finger on a table, you feel pressure over the area of your finger in contact with the table. The pressure can be either positive or negative. A suction cup applies a negative pressure (vacuum) over an area. Force applies to either pushing or pulling something.
The Gforce operates in the same way. The Gforce both pushes and pulls masses together or apart (matter and anti-matter gravitationally repel each other), and pushes or pulls charge together or apart. Oddly, these are the only two manifestations of force in the Universe. The only manifestation of force is either a push or a pull, relative to mass or charge. Even more surprising, this Gforce is a first cause, as far as the visible Universe is concerned.
What is the Gforce? Science, it seems, forbids discussion of God. It is as though God were some
kind of illusion and that direct empirical observation with human senses is the only mature authority for reality. Yet science is unable to define the origin of gravity and of electromagnetic “fields.” In the Standard Model, the so-called “four basic forces” describe as though mediated by particles
50 FORCE: commonly, a "push" or "pull," more properly defined in physics as a quantity that changes the motion, size, or shape of a body. Force is a vector quantity, having both magnitude and direction. The magnitude of a force is measured in units such as the pound, dyne, and newton, depending upon the system of measurement being used. An unbalanced force acting on a body free to move will change the motion of the body. The quantity of motion of a body is measured by its momentum, the product of its mass and its velocity. According to Newton's second law of motion (see motion), the change in momentum is directly proportional to the applied force. "Force," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
that have the inherent property of push and pull, as though it were possible for a particle to manifest such a characteristic. And indeed, Quantum Field Theory is filled with terms that are intended to hide the fact of non-material existence, such as “conversion constants,” “fields,” “vacuum,” “free space,” and others.
What is it that modern science is suppressing, or failing to admit? Is there a rational excuse for not interpreting scientific evidence in favor of the existence of God? What would we see if we analyzed the so-called “conversion constants” of Newton and Coulomb, which are essential to the force laws?
The Gforce is equal to 1.211044 newton . That quantity of force extends as: 121,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000newton or 121 million, billion, billion, billion, billion newton.
That is one enormous force! It is truly the only force in the Universe and it acts directly through the primary angular momentum and charge of each onn. We need to examine this one and only force in order to learn how it directly affects the world we perceive.
The Dimensions chapter describes the properties of reciprocal mass. The inertial mass of the Aether exists reciprocal to the dimension of mass we familiarly apply to visible matter. Reciprocal mass is a relatively unexplored concept in physics and has different properties from familiar mass, just as frequency has different properties from time. In addition to being a more primary order of reality, the non-material nature of Gforce likely relates to the Aethers reciprocal inertial mass.
As we saw in the previous chapter, primary angular momentum is the physical description of the electron, photon, proton, and neutron. Physical strong charge is the result of primary angular momentum spinning within the Aether unit. Essentially, primary angular momentum and physical strong charge describe the same onn, but from orthogonal perspectives.
The Gforce is everywhere in the Universe and is singularly responsible for holding the entire Universe together. Every individual quantum of Aether has the full effect of the Gforce acting through it. This Gforce acts upon the three physical qualities of onta (angular momentum, strong charge, and electrostatic charge). Thus, the quantum Aether units and onta can perform individually or collectively as fields and matter. The results of their interactions are a dynamic Universe.
An all-powerful, all-pervading force, creating, binding, and maintaining the existence of the entire physical Universe could easily be described as the effect of God. Of course, God is ascribed to be so much more than a physical Universe (such as unconditional love, unbounded wisdom, and
unlimited compassion) that the Gforce should more appropriately be called “the Hand of God on the Universe,” and not God per se.
It is not as though the Gforce is an allegory for God. The Gforce is very real and already fits the description of an all-powerful, all pervading force of the Universe. It comes down to one of just two possibilities. Either there exists a non-material, creative force in the Universe, which some might call God, or such a creator does not exist. If God exists as creator of the Universe, then attributes of God must be present in the physics that describe the Universe. So why should we be surprised when clear evidence for a creative force appears which some might call God?
Gforce in Three Manifestations
Gravity and Charge Attraction-Repulsion
What are the odds that the same Gforce constant could be extracted from both Isaac Newtons constant of universal gravitation and the Coulomb constant of electrostatic attraction-repulsion? There is no record that Charles Coulomb used what we now know as Coulombs constant in his equations, or even that he was aware of such a constant51.
Therefore, Coulomb likely was not aware of a constant of proportionality that mediates the force between charges, and he certainly could not have devised his system so that it would resolve to the same unit of Gforce, as does Newtons gravitational constant. Moreover, Newton was not aware of the Compton wavelength or the exact speed of light, so he, too, could not have known about the Gforce.
Yet, it is there, an enormous unit of Gforce, derived from Coulombs electrostatic constant, from Newtons gravitational constant, and from a newly defined Aether unit constant also known as the rotating magnetic field unit of measurement, or the Aether electromagnetic constant.
These three manifestations of Gforce directly relate to the three force carriers: electrostatic charge, electromagnetic charge, and the mass within primary angular momentum. The Coulomb electrostatic constant is the interaction constant of the Gforce with electrostatic charge. The unit of rotating magnetic field is the interaction constant of Gforce with electromagnetic charge. And the Newton gravitational constant is the interaction constant of the Gforce with mass.
51 The proportionality of quantity was not proved by Coulomb by means of special experiments, since he takes the forces from the start as a measure of the quantities of the unknown electricities and magnetisms, but not without having previously proved that this assumption can be carried out consistently, by numerous experiments, for example on the division of quantities of electricity between conductors brought in contact with one another. Philipp Lenard, Great Men of Science: A History of Scientific Progress, trans. H. Stafford Hatfield (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1933) 150.
Quantum Measurements It will repeatedly come to our attention in the Aether Physics Model that
there is a quantum length to the Aether, as well as a quantum frequency. The quantum length is equal to the well-known Compton wavelength. The quantum frequency is equal to the speed of light divided by the quantum length. The reciprocal of the quantum frequency will give the quantum time.
The value of the Compton wavelength is:
C  2.426 1012 m
The Aether unit is like an individual piece of real estate in the quantum Universe and it represents a specific space that oscillates at a specific rate between forward and backward time. The specific space produces the
volume of C3 . While the structure of the Aether unit is not a cube, it
has the same effect as a cube for mathematical purposes (to understand
how Aether resolves to cubic appearance see the 4 2 constant on page 270). As any onn moves between Aether units, it moves one quantum distance (Compton wavelength) along its trajectory.
The speed of light constant is:
c  2.998108 m
The speed of light is explained quite simply in the Aether Physics Model as the quantum distance times quantum frequency (or quantum distance per quantum time). Since Aether encapsulates onta, the quantum parameters of Aether limit the speed of onta. The maximum speed at which any onn can move is one quantum distance times the quantum frequency. But for onta to move, the encapsulating Aether must displace the surrounding Aether.
This does not mean that higher frequencies or shorter lengths cannot exist in the Universe. Wave interference patterns can appear as shorter lengths or higher frequencies. However, the production of such apparent lengths and frequencies would require the interference of two or more sources.
The limitation imposed by the speed of light does not apply to the movement of Aether units among themselves if the Aether units vibrate. Therefore, it is quite possible to send faster than light communications by directly modulating Aether units, rather than sending photons through space or electrons through conductors. The Aether units can modulate via the strong force by magnetic pulses a topic for later discussion.
It may even be possible to modulate a stream of neutrinos to achieve faster than light communications, although it remains to be determined whether
or not neutrino modulation would be practical, even if possible. The quantum frequency is:
c C
Almost all units in the Aether Physics Model express in terms of frequency, rather than time. Measured time is merely a perception of one of the two time directions. In each quantum moment, an Aether unit is actually moving in the forward time direction and then in the backward time direction, oscillating a full cycle at the quantum frequency. For whatever reason, onta only exist in the forward time direction. Onta do not experience the backward time direction, therefore the larger structures made from onta (planets, animal bodies, plants, etc) also do not experience the backward time direction.
Because onta do not experience the backward time direction, they appear to have a property called ½ spin.
The quantum time is:
C c
 Tq
As far as normal quantum structures go, the smallest interval of forward (or backward) time is equal to the quantum time, since quantum time is the reciprocal of quantum frequency.
Perception of Linear Time
Due to the ½-spin nature of onta, we do not experience the backward time direction. So time appears to be a succession of quantum, forward time intervals. In “Gods Eyes,” there is a quantum frequency, which always exists in the present. Through human eyes, since bodies are made of ½-
spin onta, time appears to move from the past toward the future. Thus, linear time is an illusion due to the perception that arises from physical embodiment.
The Pulsed Time graphic on the previous page, depicting forward time, shows consecutive pulses, without blank spaces between pulses. However, the image does convey the general concept that time is a series of forward time half-cycles. To our perception, however, forward time appears to be uniformly linear.
Electromagnetic Structure The Gforce is essential to the construction of the quantum Aether unit, which is also the electromagnetic constant. The Gforce acting on toroidal electromagnetic charge produces the rmfd constant, or rotating magnetic field, and it has the geometrical constant of 16 2 . Rmfd manifests as a double loxodrome, as seen at left.
In terms of quantum measurements, rmfd notates as:
 C3  Fq2 e2
e max
Note that the quantum measurements making up the rotating magnetic field unit can factor as a mass to strong charge ratio and a space-resonance constant. The mass to strong charge ratio is the same for all onta and Aether, and the space-resonance constant names “double cardioid” because from the perspective of space-time, the space-resonance constant looks like two adjacent cardioids.
The mass to strong charge ratio for all onta and the Aether is:
6.508 106
kg coul 2
Examples of the mass to strong charge ratio:
me e2
 6.508106
kg coul 2
mp e2
 6.508106
kg coul 2
mn  6.508106 kg
e2 nmax
coul 2
(3.7) (3.8) (3.9)
ma ea 2
 6.508106
kg coul 2
Therefore, the rmfd also notates as:
 C3 ea 2
 Fq2
The double cardioid constant is equal to the three dimensions of length times the two dimensions of frequency:
dcrd  C3  Fq2
Below is a graphic representation of the double cardioid constant as viewed from nearly half-spin perspective and seeing only normal matter. True half-spin perspective would view straight down and only one cardioid would appear.
Since matter and anti-matter cannot co-exist as separate onta, and because we see from half-spin perspective, the full Aether unit appears to us only in one-fourth its full form. It is essential to understand the double cardioid geometry of Aether units when working with binding force equations.
Looking at the Aether unit from space-resonance, the electromagnetic charge dipole is above and below the cardioid shape as seen at right. What this means is that if you wrap a wire around a nail and place a current through the wire, the magnetic poles will be at the head and tip of the nail. This also means that electrons travel through wires sideways, offering significant insight as to how electrons behave in a wire coil and other electrical structures.
Keep in mind that at the quantum level, onta are only two-dimensional. There is a surface area, but there is no “thing” underneath the surface. There is no solid matter at the quantum level, just cardioid rings of strong charge. It is through these cardioid rings of strong charge that Gforce acts when producing physical strong force.
The cardioid shapes of the quantum Aether unit impart the spin path and structure the ligamen circulatus must take. The area scanned is real, as is the strong charge it produces. However, as far as the string of mass goes, it distributes through the cardioid at different times. It is similar to the pencil moving back and forth in front of our eyes. We perceive the pencil as existing in several places at once, although we know better. Yet, there is only one quantum moment for the ligamen circulatus to spin from pole to pole. In one quantum moment, the ligamen circulatus scans a full spin position of the Aether unit.
The area per strong charge, through which the Gforce manifests, could name as the “stroke” of the Gforce:
C 2 ea 2
Thus, the quantum Aether unit quantifies as:
rmfd  strka Gforce
The Gforce thus pulses in forward and backward time, driving the ligamen circulatus into a spin. The stroke has toroidal geometry since the strong charge has steradian solid angle, therefore the Gforce must have toroidal geometry.
Electrostatic Structure
The electrostatic constant is widely known as Coulombs constant, which is equal to:
8.988 109
kg  m3 sec2  coul 2
and can represent as a force acting through surface per charge:
 8.988109
m2 coul 2
which in turn is equal to:
strka Gforce 16 2
  Note that the geometrical constant 16 2 divides out the double loxodrome
constant of the Gforce times stroke, giving it a solid angle of 1. The solid angle of 1 is spherical, thus Coulombs constant mediates the forces with regard to spherical electrostatic charge. The electrostatic charge dipoles of the Aether unit are within the spheres around which the electromagnetic charge exists, as shown in the graphic below. Onta,
which exist within an Aether unit, pick up the donated electrostatic charge. The electron and anti-proton pick up the negative electrostatic charge and the proton and positron pick up the positive electrostatic charge.
Distributed frequency is the unit of resonance, which the Gforce causes by reciprocating its inertia back and forth in time. The quantum frequency is the oscillation rate. Thus electrostatic charge, resonance, time, and the curved geometry of the Aether are likely related.
Gravitational Structure We have just examined the dipole structures of
electromagnetic and electrostatic charge as caused by the Gforce. Now we will see how the Gforce creates a dipole of a gravitational nature. It is worth noting that the Standard Model does not acknowledge gravitational repulsion, only gravitational attraction.
The Gforce pushes the ligamen circulatus of matter through the Aether unit in one direction, and pushes the LC of anti-matter in the opposite direction around the spherical resonance.
Whether onta will attract or repel gravitationally depends upon whether any two are matter or anti-matter. The proton and electron are both matter, so they experience gravitational attraction. Similarly, the anti-proton and positron are both anti-matter and so they experience gravitational attraction. However, the electron is matter and the positron is anti-matter, so they experience gravitational repulsion. The same goes for the proton and anti-proton.
The mechanics of gravity are thus dependent upon spin parity. Both the electron and proton spin in the same direction, and the anti-proton and positron spin in the opposite direction. Remember that onta, whether matter or anti-matter, cannot exist in the backward direction of time. All of the spin positions are unidirectional with regard to time.
Similar to the structure used in the electromagnetic constant and electrostatic constant, the gravitational constant is equal to:
6.672 1011
m3 kg  sec2
and can be represented as:
6.672 1011
m2 kg 2
Once again, we see that force exerts from a surface. This time the surface is a surface of area per distributed mass. Mass is a linear dimension, as opposed to the distributed dimension of charge. Nonetheless, the Gforce still pulses its own reciprocal LC to create the Aether unit causing its mass dimension to scan an area. The mass associated with the Gforce is:
ma  3.2681015 kg
Since mass is linear it can only extend a push or a pull, but not both such as charge does. We can call this extension of push or pull “reach.” The reach constant is equal to:
C 2 ma 2
m2 kg 2
Therefore, the gravitational constant of the Aether expresses as:
(3.21) (3.22)
G  Rch Gforce
The Gforce acts on surface per distributed mass to produce the Newton gravitational constant, which has been empirically determined to a high degree of accuracy52. The precise symmetry of the electromagnetic constant, Coulombs constant and Newtons gravitational constant is astonishing. All base on the same, exact quantum length dimension and Gforce. The Gforce itself is quantum in that it also expresses in quantum measurements:
Gforce  ma  C  Fq2
The Cause of Existence The most skeptical of scientists will brush aside the Gforce and blithely state
that the Gforce is merely a mathematical aberration. In addition, the same scientists will have no explanation for the existence and structure of the Newton gravitational constant and the Coulomb constant except to say that they are mere constants of proportionality, which only serve the
52 Arthur L. Robinson, Science, New Series, Vol. 222, No. 4630. (Dec. 23, 1983), pp. 1316-1317.
purpose of making the force laws work.
However, an honest view is that the Gforce is no aberration and that it is the cause of Newtons gravitational constant, Coulombs constant, and the electromagnetic constant, not by chance, but as a matter of grand design. The fact that a very specific Gforce exists not only in the two previously known “constants of proportionality,” but also in a third “constant of proportionality,” proposed in this treatise to govern the strong force law, is substantial evidence in favor of a higher universal order.
The apparent pulsing nature of the Gforce, as evidenced by the spherical resonance producing the electrostatic charge, reminisces of a heartbeat. Although the Gforce looks nothing like a human life form, it has many of the characteristics associated with a living being. The Gforce is selfdynamic, it gives rise to the fabric of space-resonance, and gives existence to and maintains visible matter.
If we could indulge ourselves for a moment, and accept that Gforce is living, then reflecting on the fact that cells, organs, and the animals and plants they compose are also living, it is reasonable to postulate that the orders of reality in between are also living. In other words, what rationale could there be for life existing at the level of Gforce and everything from the level of cells to more complex levels, and then have Aether, onta, atoms, and molecules not also be alive?
Masaru Emoto has done research on water molecules that suggests water has qualities of a living being53. Water is considered by modern science to be nothing but an inert molecule. However, the Aether Physics Model appears to suggest there is no level of existence where life does not also exist. To date, scientists have held a sterile attitude toward life, while harnessing science almost gleefully to such ends as building weaponry of all sorts for the express purpose of destroying life. Now that a deeper and more fulfilling aspect of quantum physics is emerging in the form of the Aether Physics Model, what would prevent us from seriously investigating the living qualities of the Universe at all of its levels? Where would such an endeavor lead us?
The sheer magnitude of the Gforce is beyond human conception, even though its value derives easily and to a good degree of accuracy. The Gforce is non-material in origin and yet it governs physical mechanics. Aside from ignoring the Gforce in physics, there seems no other way to approach it than with gratitude, humility, and awe. For out of the void comes a solitary force that governs the entire physical Universe. Everything that we experience in this world manifests and maintains by the Gforce through the electromagnetic constant, Coulombs electrostatic constant, and Newtons gravitational constant.
53 Masaru Emoto, The Hidden Messages in Water (Beyond Words Publishing, Inc., Hillsboro, OR, 2004)
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Replace heaven with “Aether,” and earth with “primary angular momentum.” In the beginning, the Gforce created the Aether and primary angular
momentum. The primary angular momentum was without form (dark matter), and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep (empty space). And the Gforce moved upon the Aether. And the Gforce gave light (primary angular momentum expands on the surface of Aether units to produce photons). The light illuminated the darkness. Perhaps it is a mere coincidence that the Aether Physics Model sounds similar to the beginning of Genesis. Then again, perhaps it is not.
54 Genesis, King James Version
Albert Einstein said: …there is a weighty argument to be adduced in favour of the ether hypothesis. To deny the ether is ultimately to assume that empty space has no physical qualities whatever. The fundamental facts of mechanics do not harmonize with this view. For the mechanical behavior of a corporeal system hovering freely in empty space depends not only on relative positions (distances) and relative velocities, but also on its state of rotation, which physically may be taken as a characteristic not appertaining to the system itself. In order to be able to look upon the rotation of the system, at least formally, as something real, Newton objectivises space. Since he classes his absolute space together with real things, for him rotation relative to absolute space is also something real.
…inertial resistance opposed to relative acceleration of distant masses presupposes action at a distance; and as the modern physicist does not believe that he may accept this action at a distance, he comes back once more, if he follows Mach, to the ether, which has to serve as a medium for the effects of inertia. But this conception of the ether to which we are led by Machs way of thinking differs essentially from the ether as conceived by Newton, by Fresnel, and by Lorentz. Machs ether not only conditions the behaviour of inert masses, but is also conditioned in its state by them.
Machs idea finds its full development in the ether of the general theory of relativity. According to this theory the metrical qualities of the continuum of space-time differ in the environment of different points of space-time, and are partly conditioned by the matter existing outside of the territory under consideration55.
The Aether Physics Model produces an Aether hypothesis as seen by
55 Albert Einstein, Sidelights of Relativity (Courier Dover Publications, 1983) 16-18
Descartes, Newton, Bernoulli, Fresnel, and Lorentz in that it agrees with certain aspects of their observations and hypotheses. Through the unified charge equation, the APM also agrees with Mach in that the Aether acts on matter, and matter in turn acts upon Aether. Moreover, the Aether Physics Model agrees with Einstein in that it also explains General Relativity Theory, though from the perspective of Aether electrostatic charge and the strong charge of matter. We will look into these ideas in detail later in this chapter.
Nikola Tesla56: The technical editor of the New York Herald Tribunes radio section
responded thus to an article by Laurence M. Cockaday57:
“I have read the article, and I quite agree with the opinion expressed that wireless power transmission is impractical with present apparatus. This conclusion will be naturally reached by any one who recognizes the nature of the agent by which the impulses are transmitted in present wireless practice.
“When Dr. Heinrich Hertz undertook his experiments from 1887 to 1889 his object was to demonstrate a theory postulating a medium filling all space, called the ether which was structureless, of inconceivable tenuity and yet solid and possessed of rigidity incomparably greater than that of the hardest steel. He obtained certain results and the whole world acclaimed them as an experimental verification of that cherished theory. But in reality what he observed tended to prove just its fallacy.
“I had maintained for many years before that such a medium as supposed could not exist, and that we must rather accept the view that all space is filled with a gaseous substance. On repeating the Hertz experiments, with much improved and very powerful apparatus, I satisfied myself that what he had observed was nothing else but effects of longitudinal waves in a gaseous medium, that is to say, waves, propagated by alternate compression and expansion. He had observed waves in the ether much of the nature of sound waves in the air.
“Up to 1896, however, I did not succeed in obtaining a positive experimental proof of the existence of such a
56 TESLA, NIKOLA 1856-1943, American electrician and inventor, b. Croatia (then in Austria-Hungary). He emigrated to the United States in 1884, worked for a short period for Edison, and became a naturalized American citizen (1891). A pioneer in the field of high-voltage electricity, he made many discoveries and inventions of great value to the development of radio transmission and to the field of electricity. These include a system of arc lighting, the Tesla induction motor and system of alternating-current transmission, the Tesla coil, generators of high-frequency currents, a transformer to increase oscillating currents to high potentials, a system of wireless communication, and a system of transmitting electric power without wires. He produced the first power system at Niagara Falls, N.Y. There is a museum dedicated to his work in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. "Tesla, Nikola," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
57 Lawrence M. Cockaday, New York Herald Tribune, Sept. 22, 1929, pp. 1, 29.
medium. But in that year I brought out a new form of vacuum tube capable of being charged to any desired potential, and operated it with effective pressures of about 4,000,000 volts. I produced cathodic and other rays of transcending intensity. The effects, according to my view, were due to minute particles of matter carrying enormous electrical charges, which, for want of a better name, I designated as matter not further decomposable. Subsequently those particles were called electrons.58
“One of the first striking observations made with my tubes was that a purplish glow for several feet around the end of the tube was formed, and I readily ascertained that it was due to the escape of the charges of the particles as soon as they passed out into the air; for it was only in a nearly perfect vacuum that these charges could be confined to them. The coronal discharge proved that there must be a medium besides air in the space, composed of particles immeasurably smaller than those of air, as otherwise such a discharge would not be possible. On further investigation I found that this gas was so light that a volume equal to that of the earth would weigh only about one-twentieth of a pound.
“The velocity of any sound wave depends on a certain ratio between elasticity and density, and for this ether or universal gas the ratio is 800,000,000,000 times greater than for air. This means that the velocity of the sound waves propagated through the ether is about 300,000 times greater than that of the sound waves in air, which travel at approximately 1,085 feet a second. Consequently the speed in ether is 900,000 x 1,085 feet, or 186,000 miles, and that is the speed of light.”
Nikola Tesla observed that electrons transmitted through a near perfect vacuum in his vacuum tubes appeared as corona several feet through the air surrounding the tube. His observation is quite simple. If there is nothing in the tube between the electrode and the glass, then it remains a question how the electrons convey through the vacuum and into the surrounding air. Tesla then deduced that there must be a gas much finer than air molecules through which electrons could travel.
Tesla does not explain how he arrived at the elasticity-density ratio of Aether to air. If he had provided evidence of direct measurement, it would have been a major milestone in support of the Aether theory. Yet even if Tesla back calculated the Aether to air ratio, he did theorize the Aether as “gaseous.”
Other researchers have attempted to quantify the existence of the Aether.
58 “In 1874 the Irish physicist George Johnstone Stoney ( 1826-1911) had also suggested the idea of a particle or atom of electricity, and in 1891 he suggested that the unit of negative electricity should be called the electron , which is what it has been called since.” Keith J. Laidler, To Light Such a Candle: Chapters in the History of Science and Technology (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998) 149.
Around 1644, René Descartes was the first to propose an all-pervading Aether with mechanical properties.
Descartes assumed that the Aether particles are continually in motion. As however there was no empty space for moving particles to move into, he inferred that they move by taking the places vacated by other Aether particles, which are themselves in motion. Thus, the movement of a single particle of the Aether involved the motion of an entire closed chain of particles; and the motions of these closed chains constituted vortices, which performed important functions in his picture of the cosmos59.
As such, the Aether was considered to be incredibly solid (it fills all space), but also incredibly fluid. These are the ideal conditions to support waves.
The theory of Aether presented in this book will show a quantum Aether that is simultaneously solid-fluid-gaseous, which looks like tubes, called “spin positions.” These spin positions are cardioidal structures curved by spherical distributed frequency. The Aether unit acts like a vessel for containing onta, which are the basis of all matter.
Physical matter views like dust particles suspended in an aqueous solution. The Aether unit provides the space-resonance environment for the onta. Thus when onta appear to move, it is actually Aether moving and carrying the onta with it. Matter never really travels at all. Matter always occupies the same space and time. In actuality, space-time moves relative only to space-time.
As for whether electromagnetism transmits in transverse or longitudinal form, Tesla was correct in that Aether units could oscillate as longitudinal waves. However, this does not preclude Aether from also carrying the electromagnetic effect of the photon as it passes through the Aether units. The Aether could then have a mechanical effect (longitudinal wave) as well as an electromagnetic effect (Hertzian wave).
In the case of the longitudinal wave, the Aether unit itself moves back and forth like a gas molecule. In the case of Hertzian (transverse) waves, photons physically pass through the Aether units. Since longitudinal waves in the Aether are actual Aether displacements, longitudinal waves also have the potential to create unusual effects such as those manifested by John Hutchison in cold-melting aluminum, and by John Keely in molecular
59 Sir Edmund Whittaker A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity; The Classical Theories (London; New York, American Institute of Physics, 1987) 6
dissociation of water.
The Shape of “Emptiness” Aether is a dynamic fabric of space-resonance composed of independent
quantum units. Each quantum unit of Aether contains three dimensions of length and two dimensions of frequency (distributed frequency is the unit of resonance). In addition, Aether also contains one dimension of mass, four dimensions of charges (two dimensions of electrostatic charge and two dimensions of electromagnetic charge), and spin. Each of the above named dimensions produce a quantum unit of rotating magnetic field.
The Aether unit itself exists within a greater and yet more primary “spacetime” continuum. It is hard to say at this point whether this greater space-time has the same three length and two frequency dimensions as the Aether unit. Greater space-time is not necessarily limited to the space-time dimensions that we perceive in the physical world. Observations of neutrinos reveal evidence of the existence of a greater (or more primary) space-time, since they exist outside of quantum Aether units.
Because each quantum unit of Aether is independent, the Aether unit manipulates just like gaseous matter. As onta bind and unbind, they manipulate physical space-resonance to some degree. This manipulation occurs through Aether unit folding; the Aether units literally flip over to electrostatically and electromagnetically bind with each other. The effect of Aether folding is that Aether condenses where matter is present. Augustin Fresnel observed such an effect:
There are other points concerning the action of matter upon the ether which are perhaps in a fair way to receive a clearer solution. The observed fact that light travels in water with a speed of about three-fourths of what it has in air, apparently means that the transmitting medium is either more dense or less rigid in water than in air. Fresnels hypothesis is that its rigidity is the same in the two media. His formula, as developed by Eisenlohr, for the relative motion of ether and matter which it permeates, when the matter is set into motion, assumes, clearly and baldly, that the ether is more dense inside of matter than in free space. The amount of ether occupying a volume of one cubic centimeter will condense to nine-sixteenths of a centimeter on passing into water. It is compressed until its density is nearly double.60
All alternating currents also distort the Aether as the expansion and contraction of electrons occurs. Electrons can expand and contract by changing their toroidal radii. As the smaller electron radius shrinks, the
60 The Ether, Science, Vol. 18, No. 447. (Aug. 28, 1891), pp. 119-122.
larger radius grows, thus conserving the angular momentum. Nevertheless, the Aether radius (related to spherical resonance) changes with the large radius of the electron. Thus as the electron expands and contracts, so does the Aether, making it possible to modulate Aether units directly, just as Tesla proposed.
As demonstrated in the spacetime graphic below, forward time and backward time have different directions within a past-future oscillation. Just as length has two directions, time has two directions. If primary angular momentum could see both time directions, we would not perceive any progress in time, as we would always remain in the present. However, as it is, onta appear to have only half-spin and thus primary angular momentum only sees the forward direction of time.
The four colored tubes in the spacetime image are in the shape of a loxodrome61 and represent the four possible spin positions available to onta. The artists representation of an Aether unit is accurate to the extent that each of the four tube sections has the same surface area. However, in actuality the electron tube is considerably different in proportion from the proton tube. Further, the radius of the spheres can expand and contract considerably depending upon which physical processes are occurring. A simple hydrogen atom would be wide with thin tubes, but a deuterium atom would be tight with thick tubes (nearly spherical).
Neutrons would have nearly the same properties as protons, being wide with thin tubes in their free state, and tight with thick tubes (nearly spherical) in their bound state. Thus, the instability of the neutron would seem to occur when the neutron is in its free state, but not in its bound state. The instability is due mostly to the neutrons bound electron magnetic moment spreading over a greater radius.
This would suggest further that the protons and neutrons are constantly shifting positions within the atomic nucleus. In certain isotopes there would be a free neutron passing among atomic shells, thus creating the possibility for neutron decay. The more time a neutron spends as a free neutron within the nucleus, the less the half-life of the atom will be. When the neutron structure is such that all neutrons remain fixed in place with minimal movement within the isotope, it has a longer half-life.
The blue spin position is where the electron would exist within the Aether
61 Rhumb Line - The path of a ship that maintains a fixed compass direction, shown on a map as a line crossing all meridians at the same angle. Also called loxodrome. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2003 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
unit, the red spin position is where the proton would exist, the green spin position is for the anti-proton, and the yellow spin position is for the positron. When the electron or proton exists in forward-time spaceresonance, the onta appear to be spinning in one direction. When the antiproton or positron exists through forward-time space-resonance, they appear to be spinning in the other direction.
It appears that the most stable forms of onta (electron and proton) depend on a specific spin direction of space-resonance. “Space parity62” in the Standard Model is a preferred spin direction. However, this stability is due more to the preponderance of a given spin direction than to its inherent quality. It is quite possible that the Universe possesses both matter and antimatter galaxies. Since the photon is its own anti-particle, it could easily traverse either type of galaxy without annihilation. If a galaxy constructs from anti-matter, we may be able to observe it as though it were normal matter.
The Aether is also the source of elementary charge. As the angular momentum of an electron exists within the Aether, it picks up the negative charge of the Aether electrostatic dipole. As the angular momentum of a proton exists within the Aether, it picks up the positive charge of the Aether electrostatic dipole. Similarly, the anti-proton and the positron pick up the charges of the portion of Aether in which they reside.
A key to understanding the Aether geometry is the realization that the spheres do not pertain to dimensions of length, even though, in order to represent time, the spheres appear as lines on paper. Time and frequency do not have length dimensions, but their effect on space gives them the appearance of having length dimensions. Likewise, physical space is toroidal (cardioidal, really), but because physical space orthogonally connects to time and frequency, the effect is that of a cube when plotted in spherical coordinates. A further explanation of this conversion of toroidal angular momentum to Cartesian geometry is on page 270.
What the Aether is not The Aether is not a physical particle as Heinrich Hertz and others have
thought. When looking at the geometry of the Aether, one is looking at the spin positions available to matter. The spin positions are like holes, but with reality. We may normally think of holes as the absence of
62 PARITY or space parity, in physics, quantity that refers to the relationship between an object or process and the image that it can produce in a mirror. For example, any right-handed object will produce a mirror-image counterpart that is identical to it in every way except that the mirror image is left-handed. A moving particle that spins in a clockwise manner, as would a right-handed screw advancing through space, will possess a mirror-image particle that is identical to it in every way except that it spins counterclockwise, as would a lefthanded screw advancing through space. The law of conservation of parity implies that every real object or process has a mirror image that can also exist and that obeys the same physical laws. Although this concept has little significance in classical physics, it is of great importance in atomic and nuclear physics. From this law scientists inferred that all elementary particles and their interactions possessed mirror image counterparts that also exist. However, in 1956 T. D. Lee and C. N. Yang published a paper in which they argued that parity was not conserved in weak interactions. "Parity ," The Columbia Encyclopedia , 6th ed.
matter, but in the Aether, holes are units of rotating magnetic field that act as containers for angular momentum. Further, these angular momenta must be exactly the same magnitude as the Aether spin positions, or they will wander between Aether units, unable to interact with the physical world (as in the case of neutrinos).
The Aether is not a wave. However, the Aether units can produce waves, even without photons traveling through them. In addition, these waves can carry real signals if the Aether is magnetically pulsed. The Aether waves are longitudinal waves of gaseous Aether movement, much as Nikola Tesla envisioned. Tesla also suggested that longitudinal waves in the Aether might travel faster than the speed of light. Sir Edmund Whittaker made similar observations:
Stokess explanation harmonises in a curious way with Fresnels hypothesis that the velocity of longitudinal waves in the Aether is indefinitely great compared with that of the transverse waves; for it is found by experiment with actual substances that the ratio of the velocity of propagation of longitudinal waves to that of transverse waves increases rapidly as the medium becomes softer and more plastic63.
The Aether is not a fluid, although it behaves like one; just as sand is not a fluid, but can behave like a fluid when agitated. When the Aether is agitated, molecules and atoms rearrange without a direct effect on the binding forces of the atoms and molecules. In his experiments, John Hutchison rearranges molecules and atoms of aluminum by generating a high frequency rotating magnetic field with electrons64.
An Aether unit is neither motionless, nor is it always in motion. Massive objects require more Aether units than low-density space. If the object is in motion, a certain amount of Aether will follow it65. This is possible due to the independent nature of Aether units.
63 Sir Edmund Whittaker A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity; The Classical Theories (London; New York, American Institute of Physics, 1987) 128
64 Photo from The Hutchison Effect, http://www.hutchisoneffect.org/
65 “Fresnel further assumed that, when a body is in motion, part of the Aether within it is carried alongnamely, that part which constitutes the excess of its density over the density of Aether in vacuo; while the rest of the Aether within the space occupied by the body is stationary.” Sir Edmund Whittaker A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity; The Classical Theories (London; New York, American Institute of Physics, 1987) 110
Aether Carries Along With Matter
“In 1904, Morley and Miller were the first to do a hilltop experiment: 'Some have thought that [the Michelson-Morley] experiment only proves that the ether in a certain basement room is carried along with it. We desire therefore to place the apparatus on a hill to see if an effect can there be detected'. “E. W. Morley and D. C. Miller, Phil. Matg, 9, 680 (1905).”66
With regard to the Morley and Miller experiment, even the atmosphere constructs from onta encapsulated in Aether. The unexpected result of measuring Aether movement with an interferometer was that while Aether units are independent of each other and are extremely willing to move, they are also individually extremely dense and behave like a solid. Therefore, since even the windiest atmosphere has relatively low intermolecular speeds, the Aether behaves as a solid clump within it. As far as the light beam traveling through it is concerned, there is practically no Aether movement. However, as matter becomes less dense, so does the density of the Aether, thus less dense matter will have a greater proportion of background Aether drifting through it than will dense matter.
Since Aether units can move independently of each other, the Aether fabric across the Universe is not absolute. However, because of the independent and fluid nature of Aether units, clumps of Aether can form isolated regions of more or less absolute space-time. This must be true since space-time bends around massive bodies and allows for the observed lensing of light. Moreover, with this understanding, the MichelsonMorley, and MorleyMiller Aether experiments were a success, because they provided evidence that Aether units move with physical matter (the basement and air molecules). The experiments were also a success in that they did show an Aether drift, even though it was of a lower magnitude than anticipated.
Aether Unit In the Aether Physics Model, the Aether has a quantum unit dimensionally
equal to a 2-spin rotating magnetic field ( rmfd ). The rotating magnetic field appears to be manifested by the Gforce and appears to be the “container” in which onta exist in space-resonance.
The value and dimensions of rmfd are:
rmfd  1.419 1012 kg  m3 sec2  coul2
It is due to the nature of Aether, which allows only one onn per spin position,
66 Quoted from Abraham Pais, Subtle Is the Lord?: The Science and the Life of Albert Einstein (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982) 113.
that one onn cannot pass through another, fashioning the appearance of “solid matter.” Moreover, it is due to the multiple Aether units that they eventually produce cubic and other forms, which translate as solid matter (this is further discussed on page 269).
In the Aether unit, there are only two possible spin positions for normal, stable matter. There are two other spin positions for anti-matter, but the matter and anti-matter cannot exist near each other, because opposite spins with the same mass tend to collide with each other. There are two dimensions of length on the cardioid spin positions, and there is one dimension of length between the Aether units. These three dimensions of length all intersect at right angles from each other, just like the three dimensions of length in a Cartesian coordinate.
The double cardioid geometry represents the shapes produced by the nonmaterial Aether unit. The only time there are literally two cardioid objects adjacent to each other is when two onta are bound to each other, or when a photon forms.
The rmfd constant fulfills the same function for strong charge that Coulombs constant fills for electrostatic charge and Newtons constant fulfills for mass. The rmfd unit would name the “constant of proportionality” for the strong force law, if we were to use the same method of ignoring non-material physical structure as the Standard Model.
Since the mass to strong charge ratio is the same for all onta and for the Aether, the rmfd unit is the same when expressed in terms of the proton and neutron and Aether, as well as the electron.
 C3 ea 2
Fq 2
 C3  Fq2 e2
p max
rmfd  mn  C3  Fq2 Neutron e2
n max
The value of rmfd is “magickal” in many ways. It is equal to Coulombs constant times 16 2 .
(4.2) (4.3) (4.4)
rmfd  16 2  kC
The dimensions of rmfd are equal to magnetic field times frequency, thus providing evidence that the unit of rmfd is indeed a rotating magnetic field.
rmfd  mfld  freq
Like energy, rmfd is a common unit from which many other units convert.
Rmfd equal photon per strong charge. This is the manifestation of rotating
magnetic field occurring in the Hutchison effect. High-energy photons (microwaves) bombard electrons (strong charge) and produce a rotating magnetic field.
rmfd  phtn
Rmfd equal magnetic flux times velocity. This is the manifestation of
rotating magnetic field found in electric motors. The static magnetic flux associated with a fixed magnet or electromagnet spins mechanically at a velocity.
rmfd  mflx  velc
Rmfd equal potential times length. This manifestation of rotating magnetic
field appears in the streamers of high potential discharges, such as in Tesla coils. The rotating magnetic field causes helices in the streamer.
rmfd  potn leng
Rmfd equal surface tension per charge density. This manifestation of rotating magnetic field appears in Chukanovs spheres67.
rmfd  sten chgd
Some of the greatest advances in technology are yet to materialize, and will utilize the rotating magnetic field in one form or another. Nikola Tesla already gave us one form of this rotating magnetic field technology with his polyphase AC motor. We can easily see just how significant the polyphase AC motor has been in transforming civilization.
John Hutchison stumbled upon the manifestation of the rotating magnetic field, which bears his name, the Hutchison effect. The Hutchison effect can cause heavy objects of any material to accelerate away from the Earth, can cause metals to “melt” without getting hot, and cause dissimilar materials such as aluminum and wood to fuse without chemically changing.
There are likely many medical advances waiting for discovery with the rotating magnetic field of Aether as well.
67 Chukanov Energy http://www.chukanovenergy.com/index.htm
Spin Structure Onta get their spin from the oscillating nature of time. It is common to
think of time as the “normal” dimension, and frequency as the reciprocal of time, but it is the other way around. Time is really a frequency that oscillates one quantum moment toward the future and one quantum moment toward the past.
However, physical matter only moves forward in time, with the effect that physical matter acts like a time diode and presents a version of time similar to rectified AC current. We see half-spin onta from the perspective of half-spin onta, and thus the illusion of forward, linear time. In reality, time pulses and causes physical existence to take on the nature of frames, like frames of a movie.
The spin structure has spin like a top, but in time it also has spin like a corkscrew. As a stable onn traces its spin position in the Aether unit, it moves forward in time and appears to rotate. After the onn advances through forward time, it reverses toward negative time. Negative time is a completely different time direction which onta cannot see. As far as the existence of physical matter goes, the two time directions are mutually exclusive of each other. However, as far as the Aether and Gforce go, there is no net forward or backward direction of time, there is only the present. Linear time is strictly a phenomenon experienced by matter.
An exact understanding of Aether spin is not yet complete. In the images of Aether units presented in this book, the endpoints of the loxodromes go through the poles of the spheres. However, the electron and proton gfactors suggest that the endpoints may offset from the poles when moving through Aether units. The possibility that the time dimension may be egg shaped due to the charged spheres attracting each other also needs investigation.
Fortunately, good documentation of the half-spin nature of onta exists in the scientific literature even though the precise geometry of the Aether does not. This allows us to further our understanding of the spin of the Aether.
Aether Dipoles STUDIES in recent years of the dielectric properties of gases and electrolytes show that electrical forces and inductions in such media depend upon the polarized ions or "dipoles" of the medium. Why not extend the same concepts to electrical forces and inductions across a vacuum, that is, through the ether? We must then conceive of the ether as a medium with a structure, that is, with "ether dipoles.” By such a concept, we would obtain an explanation of "electric forces acting at a distance," something that has been very vague, or lacking, since the discard of the Maxwell ether displacement theory of electric charges and electric forces. The discovery of the
electron disproved the ether displacement theory of electric charges, but it did not remove (for many physicists) the need of the ether concept in explaining electric waves, whether luminous or non-luminous. The actual structure of the ether will be a speculative problem until experiments have given us more facts in ether physics; but in view of the above, we can think of the ether as having an indefinitely large number of infinitesimal "ether dipoles."68 Albert P. Carman As shown in the image on the next page, the quantum Aether unit models as a dipole structure. Not only does the Aether unit have an electrostatic dipole, but the Aether encapsulated onta also has an electromagnetic dipole as well. Just as Albert Carman envisioned, the Aether fabric can visualize as an indefinitely large number of quantum Aether dipoles.
Aether Structures As we look into atomic structure, it becomes apparent that Linus Pauling's
Spheron Model69 accurately describes the fill pattern of atomic nuclei. The fill pattern rests on a peculiar system of half-spin numbers. As it turns out, this system of half-spin numbers is the actual “numbering system” used by the Aether.
How can there be a half-spin numbering system in the Aether? Because human senses perceive that one onn occupies one unit of space-time. However, onta cannot fill an entire Aether unit, which leaves three spin positions unaccounted for. The Aether unit divides into four portions of spin positions in forward time. Of these four spin positions, only two occur in left hand spin, meaning there are only two possibilities for stable matter, the electron, and proton. Each spin position has exactly half-spin.
It is the half-spin onn per Aether unit, which distorts physical structures relative to Aether structures. This distortion is apparent wherever Aether interacts directly with onta. The logarithmic scale is a direct result of the interaction between half-spin onn and Aether (although one-spin photons also cause a distortion with regard to Aether).
The left hand spin characteristic of stable onta supports Tsung Dao Lee and Chen Ning Yangs violation of parity theory 62. The left-hand-only spin characteristic of onta appears when free electrons eject during beta decay or when streaming as free electrons in a current. In electrostatic binding or strong charge binding, the onta are moving toward each other and spinning in opposite directions and so exhibit both left hand and right
68 Albert P. Carman, Science, New Series, Vol. 71, No. 1834 (Feb. 21, 1930), 214-215.
69 Linus Pauling, Science, New Series, Vol. 150, No. 3694. (Oct. 15, 1965), pp. 297-305.
hand spins.
The Aether further evidences a preferred spin direction as observed in the asymmetry of matter/anti-matter existence. Nature does prefer matter to anti-matter70, at least in our part of the Universe. The Aether Physics Model attributes this apparent preference to the gravity repulsion effect of matter to anti-matter. Matter and anti-matter collide and produce photons when they encounter each other, but they gravitationally repel each other at a distance. The gravitational repelling effect is the antithesis of gravitational attraction. Since matter in our part of the Universe happens to be left-hand spin, and since for practical reasons there is no anti-matter within atoms or molecules, for purposes of quantifying material structure the Aether essentially is a two-spin-position unit.
The proton spin position is equal to half the Aether unit, plus ½ spin for the proton spin position itself. The electron spin position is equal to half the Aether unit, minus ½ spin.
y  1 = proton spin position 22
x  1 = electron spin position 22
And since the Aether units are polar aligned (negative is attracted to positive), the electron spin position could just as easily be thought of as half the Aether unit, plus 3/2-spin:
(4.11) (4.12)
x  3 = electron spin position 22
In the above image, the electron spin position represents by the blue loxodrome and the proton spin position is the red loxodrome. In either case, the electron and proton spin positions provide the only possibilities
70 "The experimental work of Val L. Fitch and James W. Cronin in 1964 demonstrated an asymmetry in matter/antimatter reactions that may explain why the universe is composed mostly of matter. For their discovery, they shared the 1980 Nobel Prize in Physics. " "Antiparticle," The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.
for real matter to manifest in our part of the Universe.
Since the electron and proton spin positions are part of the spheres of
Aether, and since the Aether constant is equal to 16 2 4  4  , which
implies the two spin positions are orthogonal to each other, we can assume that the proton and electron spin positions are also orthogonal to each other. The array determines the full range of spin positions available to a given number of Aether units.
G(x y)  x  1  y  1 22
In the above equation, x and y are integers representing the total number of proton and electron spin positions available for a given structure as viewed from the macro world.
Using the CreateMesh function of MathCAD, the Aether numbers can be surface plotted. When first investigating Aether numbers, we arbitrarily assumed a fixed mesh of 80 x 80. We also assumed that a complete cycle
of data t  would be half the odd whole number h times  .
We have since found the above assumptions were incomplete. In nature, the mesh is infinite, being a perfectly curved surface. Also, at the quantum level there are five dimensions of space-resonance, rather than our four dimensional macro perspective of space-time. With the discovery of the electron binding energy equation for ground state electrons, the number of Aether units in five dimensions empirically induces as x2 1 2 reinforcing the notion that Aether structures have a spiral nature to them. It remains to mathematically prove this hypothesis.
Notice in the above image the shallow image (red) is 180º out of sync with the deeper half of the image (blue). The shallow half of the image appears to represent the forward time portion of the Aether structure and the deeper half the backward time portion.
Let us change the function of G to reflect Aether structures indicated by the variable 1s orbital electron radii in the electron binding energy equation:
y2 1 1
G(x, y)  2 x2 1 1
We will also change the mesh to be proportional to h by a factor of ten. This eliminates the distracting artifacts of different shapes caused by different proportions of h to the mesh. (Although different meshes may not apply to the quantum level, they may still have relevance to macro structures.) Consequently, we now see a nearly curved structure, which we imagine as perfectly curved. Because the mesh is now proportional to h , all generated images will show the same proportion of “nearly curved” structure.
In the preceding two views of the Aether structures, we are looking down the time axis (z axis) of the Aether units. In the former view on the preceding page, the forward time portion is discordant with the backward
time portion. In the latter view above, which modifies according to the electron binding energy equation, the two views are coordinated, which is why the blue image is not visible.
We can now view graphical representations of the ground state electron in each atom. We will also change our perception from four dimensions to five dimensions so we can see more detail of how quantum structures operate. Keep in mind that the pictures shown here are only static, twodimensional representations of a dynamic, five-dimensional structure.
As the ground state electron structure grows in complexity, its proportion of minor radius to major radius spirals inward.
Whereas the mesh for quantum structures is infinitely smooth, that is not the case for macro structures. As atoms bind to produce molecules, and molecules bind to produce structures of greater complexity, the mesh becomes grainier. The patterns formed for a particular granulation will differ from others. The coarseness of the granulation is likely variable according to size, mass density, temperature, pressure, and other considerations.
Granular Aether Structures Our original investigation conducts as a general exploration of Aether
structures for a mesh of 80 x 80. We provide this earlier view to show the general direction a more detailed analysis of macro Aether structure might follow.
Starting from a very simple data set, assume there is a space-resonance cluster containing  number of Aether units. We produce a contour graph of the spin positions in the Cartesian coordinate system. To see what the contour actually looks like we can examine this graphic, which represents
the function of G  x, y from three different angles within five-
dimensional existence. This characteristic of the Aether demonstrates its orthogonality.
Image A is a view of the contour plot directly down the Z-axis (linear time axis) and looking at the X and Y-axis in a Cartesian coordinate system. Image B is from a different perspective in the same coordinate system and shows that the contour plot is a 3D image over time. Image C shows the same data set appearing as a curve from a position orthogonal to the time axis.
This representative view of the data demonstrates the orthogonality of the Aether. In other instances, the Aether appears to be electromagnetic from one view and mechanical from a different view. The Aether appears angular from one view and curved from another view. This is what we mean when we say the Aether has orthogonality.
Applying a range of  to  to equation (4.14), the following contour data generates in the Cartesian coordinate system (it is the same as the image above).
Using the same equation, but applying it to a cylindrical coordinate system, the data appears as a spiral cone.
Now we will present the above image with a color map scheme so it will be easier to visualize the data. The bluer colors are deep and the redder
colors are shallow. The deep blue represents an earlier time than the shallow red.
In the image below, the range is increased from  to 19  . In the 2
cylindrical coordinate system, each full cycle of revolution is equal to 2 . By choosing the negative and positive values for a given range, we are essentially using twice the range. Thus by keeping units in multiples of 
we always have a full cycle 2  of data. Similarly, since we are viewing
the Aether structures in the form of x 1 it is necessary for the 2
numerator to be an odd integer if we are to get a whole cycle of data.
The angle of the image above does not change from the previous images and neither has the view angle of the few succeeding images (all images view looking down the Z-axis). The image below represents a range from
 19  to  19  .
The appearance of the flower pattern is interesting, but is not the object of
this investigation. Changing the range from  31 to  31 , the
geometry completely changes while maintaining a similar order.
Now we begin to see the importance of our investigation of Aether structures. Although these images are number generated, they base on the proportion of Aether to half-spin onta. For the next image, the range
is set for  53 to  53 .
Six polygonal shapes are generated as Aether structures, ranging from 3-sided to 8-sided polygons. There are also a number of star shapes varying from 5 points to 13 points and more. The range of the following image was
set for  73 to  73 .
In all of the cylindrical coordinate images presented here, the red-orange colors represent a geometry facing the forward time direction, while there is also a similar but slightly different shape facing the backward time direction. The blue colors are the backside of the red shape. This 13point star is just one of many stars generated in this sequence of Aether structures, including near perfect 5 and 7 point stars.
The shapes do not morph ceaselessly, however. Just as musical tones continually repeat as harmonics in logarithmically increasing octaves, the Aether shapes also repeat themselves, albeit in a mirrored type of
manner. For the range of  157  to  157  this image appears:
However, the next image in the sequence for the range  159  to  159 
mirrors the above image.
From here, the images repeat themselves. For example, the image
determined by the range for 53 is replicated in the range of  105  to
 105  . 2
The range for the next replication of the triangle is twice the previous triangle range base plus the current range base:
2 53 105  211 So the next range that will produce the triangle would be 211 .
Going back to the two consecutive images that mirror each other, 157  and 2
159  , the image in between must represent the “maximum” of the 2
overall image cycle. This is the point where the progression of the images reverses itself. The image for the exact range of  158  to
2  158  takes on a completely different form than the slightest departure
2 from 158  .
The above image is a very precise crossing point, providing evidence for the reality of the Aether structures. In other words, the Aether structures presented here are not a fantasy of numerology and pictures; this presentation represents a very real geometrical cycle of half-spin onn and Aether units.
As it turns out, the value 158 is very close to the Aether geometrical constant
of 16 2 (157.914). The surface plot for the range using 16 2 instead of
158 ,  16 2  to  16 2  , is shown below:
The above image views from the same angle as the previous image. Another view made by rotating the 16 2 data presents the image in the shape of an eye.
The eye is a fitting symbol for the 16 2 Aether geometrical constant, which
is already associated with the dynamic and living Aether unit. As a side note, the ancient Egyptians and modern Freemasons use the “all-seeing eye” as a symbol for God. In fact, the all-seeing eye appears on every American dollar bill, over a pyramid.
Just for fancy, the Aether numbers applied to the spherical coordinate system can produce reflecting pyramids, too. The image below is produced in the spherical coordinate system with the range base of 41105  : 2
When 16 2 is applied to the surface plot, it gives a slightly different value
than when 158 is applied. The ratio of the Aether half-spin value to the Aether constant value is the offset.
158 
2 16 2 
 1.00055
We see an offset wherever the Aether interfaces with half-spin onta. For example, the offset of the onta with regard to the Aether is the onn gfactor. The offset of the Aether-based Pythagorean scale of music and the physical tempered scale of music is the tempered semitone71. Undoubtedly, there are other examples.
Whether or not there is a direct relationship, it is interesting to note that the Aether structure offset is approximately equal to the square root of half the electron g-factor:
1  1.00056 sin(Phi)
where Phi is the Golden Ratio and the g-factor equation is that of the Aether Physics Model (page 170).
Just as octaves increase logarithmically in the tempered music scale, the Aether structures also increase logarithmically, further establishing the
71 Backus, John The Acoustical Foundations of Music: Musical Sound: its properties, production, behavior, and reproduction (New York, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1977) 147
reality of the structures. In the Aether structure series, 158  is an exact 2
“octave.” Each successive “octave” calculates by the formula 2x 158  2
where x is the number of octaves ascending from the base octave of zero. (The word “octave” does not truly apply to Aether structures since there are more than 8 “whole tones” in each octave; here it indicates a complete set of steps within a cycle). To illustrate that each octave of 2x 158  produces the same image, see the random octaves below:
22 158  2
25 158  2
29 158  2
211 158  2
The world comprising human experience has many variations in form. But within these forms we see patterns. Flowers tend to have petal or spike patterns, as seen in the above graphics. Flowers even seem to reflect the Fibonacci sequence, which is also a manifestation of Aether numbers. Seashells and other exoskeletal creatures tend to have the shapes found in Aether structures when applied to the spherical coordinate system. The bell pepper, seeds, and numerous other shapes model after Aether structures in the spherical coordinate system. So the world of seemingly infinite form is really a symphony of shape, repeating at various octaves, sometimes harmoniously, and sometimes not.
These forms originate in the independent nature of Aether units. After examining Aether units with respect to half-spin onta, it is very easy to see how the physical Universe can have so much variety in all its forms. Yet it is quite remarkable that all the variations of forms that we see arise from just two discrete onta, the electron and proton, and their relationship to the Aether.
Below is a table showing the progression of the square root of Aether numbers. Notice the product of the proton and electron spin position numbers equal an even interval of ¼. The curvature of Aether implies that the “quarter phases” refer to a cycle. The implication is that a full cycle consists of 5 Aether units. It is likely that there is a trigonometric connection to the Aether numbers. Notice that zero has a real place in this progression.
The electron and proton spin positions, which determine the structure of the physical world, have both a Phi and a phi component. We could think
of these components as square roots, but they are square roots within the Aether structure. Both Phi and phi are series numbers and generate
by the formulas:
x 1  Phi 2
x 1  phi 2
Golden Ratio In equations (4.19) and (4.20), the variable x denotes as the sequence number
of Aether units. It is here that we learn from the Aether something very telling. When five Aether units make up a cycle, Phi is the Golden Ratio and phi its inverse.
5 1  1.61803398874989 2
5 1  0.61803398874989 2
Whereas the product of Phi and phi give the phase of the cycle, the sum of Phi and phi give the square root of the sequence. This explains why Phi and phi show up continually in the physical world, wherever growth occurs and living forms appear. Growth occurs in cycles, and therefore we would expect the cycles to reflect the Fibonacci sequence.
There are many good sources of information about the Fibonacci sequence and its appearance in living and growing systems. If the reader is not familiar with the Fibonacci sequence, Internet web sites can give an
introduction. A good place to start is
and Ron Knotts web site.
The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi, The Worlds Most Astonishing Number by Mario Livio is also a good read.
Pythagorean Concepts The Aether numbers also determine harmony in music. Pythagoras gets
credit for developing a scale of tones still known as the Pythagorean scale72. However, other sources indicate the Pythagorean scale may have originated much earlier. Little information about Pythagoras exists, but there are accounts that he either learned directly from the Egyptians or else from the students of Thales. Thales himself learned geometry from the Egyptians.
Beginning with the discovery that the relationship between musical notes could be expressed in numerical ratios, the Pythagoreans elaborated a theory of numbers, the exact meaning of which is still disputed by scholars. Briefly, they taught that all things were numbers, meaning that the essence of things was number, and that all relationships — even abstract ethical concepts like justice — could be expressed numerically. They held that numbers set a limit to the unlimited — thus foreshadowing the distinction between form and matter that plays a key role in all later philosophy73.
There are many today who believe that mathematics is only a language, and that mathematics of itself does not reflect reality. With regard to calculus, they are probably correct. Electrons and protons are primary angular momentum and the basis of all physical matter, but the spin positions taken by this primary angular momentum are purely numerical. Thus, it is possible for a physical entity to have a numerical representation via its spin position.
Using the onta spin positions of the Aether, a relationship of harmonic notes emerges. From this relationship, it is possible to calculate the next note up or down the musical scale relative to a reference frequency.
The basis of the formula is the musical fifth, as taught by Pythagoras. If we take a guitar string and place a bridge at the middle, the string on both sides of the bridge produces the same note. This is unison and its ratio is
72 Backus, John The Acoustical Foundations of Music (New York London, W.W. Norton & Company, 1977) 138
73 "Pythagoras ," The Columbia Encyclopedia , 6th ed.
1:1. When we place the bridge so that the ratio is 1 , the two resulting 2
notes are one octave apart. The next division of the string is the ratio 3 . 2
In this case the notes produced, one on either side of the bridge, are a fifth apart from each other. The fifth, having a ratio of 3 becomes a
2 constant, which produces each succeeding fifth.
Let us assume we wish to find the fifth to a note, which we will specify as C at the frequency of523.25Hz . C can be expressed in terms of fifths as,
30 20
 523.25Hz
1 523.25Hz
To calculate
multiply 30 20
31 21
multiplying exponentials we add the exponents, and so the formula
301 201
To calculate the value of the second fifth above C we follow the same
procedure, except that we multiply by 1 in order to acquire the value of 2
the D that is in the same octave as the initial C. Hence
30  31  31  1  523.25Hz which is the same as 32  523.25Hz or
20 21 21 21
588.66Hz . Using the above method, computation of ratios for each
note relative to C result:
C C# D D# E F F # G G# A A# B 30 37 32 39 34 311 36 31 38 33 310 35 20 211 23 214 26 217 29 21 212 24 215 27
When we give our starting point a variable instead of the note C, a simple
equation results for calculating the frequency  F  of any note relative to another frequency  K  , where n is equal to any integer representing the
number of notes to increase or decrease from the reference frequency:
F  K 3n
2 
3 2
 
It is easy to see that octaves increase logarithmically, just as do the Aether numbers of form. Figuring for the frequency of 440Hz , the succeeding octaves are equal to n  12 , n  24 , n  36 , etc.. The resulting frequencies are 880Hz , 1759.67Hz , and3518.02Hz . The calculations
are not exact due to the rounding of exponentials.
Pythagorean Triples
A Pythagorean triple is a triple of positive integers a , b , and c such that a right triangle exists with legs a ,b , and hypotenuse c . By the Pythagorean Theorem, this is equivalent to finding positive integers a , b , and c satisfying a2  b2  c2 74
When I was a student in high school, my math teacher, Mrs. Connie Kimball, gave a lecture on calculating Pythagorean triples. The method she described on the blackboard was long and tortuous. Almost immediately, I recognized a pattern in the table of Pythagorean triples that she had written, and I started working on a different equation than the one she was showing.
Recognizing that I was busy in my own world while she was lecturing, she curtly called me, as teachers do when they think someone is not paying attention. She asked if I could explain what she had just said. I told her I could not, but that I had found a new equation for generating Pythagorean triples that was far simpler than what she was teaching.
Seizing on the moment to teach me a lesson, she called me to the front of the class to give a demonstration of my equation. When I finished my brief presentation, she was quite impressed. She asked me to stay after school and help her see if such an equation could be found in the professional literature. After a couple of days, we found that Joe Roberts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology had published the same equation in a mathematics journal just 9 months earlier. It was at this time that I realized there was much left to be discovered in the worlds of math and science.
Here is the equation I had discovered for Pythagorean triples during class that day. For any integer a , the other two values b and c are:
b  a2  1 22
c  a2  1 22
A table of Pythagorean triples then generates:
74 Eric W. Weisstein. "Pythagorean Triple." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PythagoreanTriple.html
a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a2  1  22
1.5 4
7.5 12 17.5 24 31.5
a2  1  22
2.5 5
8.5 13 18.5 25 32.5
Pythagorean triples cannot have fractions, so for all values of “a” that are even, two multiplies the full set. The resulting table then appears as:
The relevance of Pythagorean triples to
5 5 17
the Aether numbers is the form of the
equation. The equations for b and c express as in the table below.
37 25 65 41 101
In (4.25), the value a is the integer value of the Aether numbers, and the values
b and c are the half-spin onn values based on the square of a . Therefore, in addition to the Golden Ratio and growth cycles, it appears we also find
the origin of the Pythagorean triples in
the Aether.
Certainly, the forms of living and growing things represent numerically whether or not “ethical concepts like justice” do. The Aether Physics Model is consistent with the work of Pythagoras, which itself merits a reevaluation in this light.
b  a2 1 2
c  a2 1 2
Structure of Atomic Nuclei The Aether determines the structures of atoms. That is, the structure of the
Aether becomes the structure of the onta, and therefore of the atoms.
There is a pattern to the development of the nucleus, just as there is a pattern to the development of the electron orbital structure. Wolfgang Pauli discovered that no two onta, in either the nucleus or the electron orbital structure, share the same placements in atomic structure75. The Aether
75 EXCLUSION PRINCIPLE - physical principle enunciated by Wolfgang Pauli in 1925 stating that no two electrons in an atom can occupy the same energy state simultaneously. The energy states, or levels, in an atom
Physics Model is in full agreement with the Pauli Exclusion Principle.
Similar to the electron orbital structure, the nucleus follows a pattern in shell structure. The structure of the nucleus appears to be due to the structure of the Aether. Linus Pauling deduced that in addition to the orbital shells having the magic numbers of 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, and 126, the nucleus builds up in three different layers .
Pauling called these three layers the “mantle,” “core or outer core,” and “inner core.” However, Pauling saw the nucleus constructing as clusters of spherons. A spheron would be a helium nucleus, a proton with two neutrons, or a pair of neutrons.
The Aether Physics Model mathematically shows each layer has the same pattern for filling spin positions with protons and neutrons. Both protons and neutrons follow the magic number sequence. Both proton and neutron structures follow the same pattern independently from each other. Since the APM nuclear binding energy equation is not yet complete, it could be that Paulings spheron concept is correct for particulate structure, and yet the spin structure would still follow an orderly pattern.
This means, for example, that in the first layer and its first shell there can be up to 2 protons and 2 neutrons. Atoms produce the largest “binding energies” after filling both the proton and neutron portions of the layer. When a new layer starts, it always begins at the center of the nucleus.
Following Paulings pattern of nucleus development, the next magic number in the sequence is 184. Just before the element 184 creates, a fourth layer occurs in the center of the atomic nucleus beginning with elements 167 or 168. Therefore, the complete sequence of magic numbers is 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 126, and 184.
On the next page is a table of Pauling's layer configurations for the magic numbers76.
are described in the quantum theory by various values of four different quantum numbers; the exclusion principle holds that no two electrons can have the same four quantum numbers in an atom. One of these quantum numbers describes one of the two possible directions for the electron's intrinsic spin. As a result of the exclusion principle, two electrons that are in the same energy level as described by the other three quantum numbers are differentiated from each other because they have opposite spins. This principle applies not only to atoms but to other systems containing particles as well, and it applies not only to electrons but also to a large class of particles collectively known as fermions. "Exclusion Principle ," The Columbia Encyclopedia 76 Nucleon Configurations for the Magic Numbers from Principles of Radioisotope Methodology 1967 p.44,
by Grafton D. Chase and Joseph L. Rabinowitz
Core or
Outer Core
1s2 1p6
2s2 1p6 1d10 1f14
2s2 2p6 1d10 1f14 (1g9/2)10
1s2 1p6
3s2 2p6 2d10 1f14 1g18 (1h l1/2)12
2s2 1p6 1d10
3s2 3p6 2d10 2f141g18 1h22 (1i l3/2)14 2s2 2p6 1d10 1f14
1s2 1p6
The values from Pauling's charts lay out by layer and shell number. In chart
A below, Pauling's chart expands to include the magic number 28 and an
additional magic number, 184.
Chart A - Pauling's Nucleon Configurations
2 2
Core or Outer Core Inner Core Ctr
82 6
20 2 6 10
28 2 6 10 8
50 2 6 10 14 10
2 6
82 2 6 10 14 18 12
2 6 10
126 2 6 10 14 18 22 14
2 6 10 14
2 6
184 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 16 2 6 10 14 18 2 6 10 2
Shell # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1
Pauling's Nucleon Configurations for the Magic Numbers expanded to include numbers 28 and 184.
On the next page, chart B shows the spin associated with each layer and
shell. Beyond shell one there are two "halves" to each shell, which are
designated a and b . The spin changes for each half shell. The pattern
begins with 1 spin in shell one of the Mantle. We add to shell two, 2
3 spin in shell 2a and 1 spin in shell 2b. The third sequence continues
with 5 spin in shell 3a, then 1 spin in the Outer Core shell 1, and then
3 spin in the Mantle at 3b. The fourth sequence has added, 7 spin in
Mantle shell 4a. Then in the fifth, 3 spin adds to the Outer Core shell 2
2a, 5 spin in Mantle shell 4b, 1 spin Outer Core 2b, and 9 spin is added
to 5a. The sixth sequence expands with 7 spin in Mantle shell 5b, 2
3 spin in Outer Core 3b, 1 spin in Inner Core 1, and 11 spin in Mantle
shell 6a. The remaining additions follow the same pattern.
Chart B - Spin per Spheron Subshell
2 1/2
Core or Outer Core
Inner Core Ctr
8 1/2 3/2 1/2
20 1/2 3/2 1/2 5/2 3/2
28 1/2 3/2 1/2 5/2 3/2 7/2
50 1/2 3/2 1/2 5/2 3/2 7/2 5/2 9/2
1/2 3/2 1/2
82 1/2 3/2 1/2 5/2 3/2 7/2 5/2 9/2 7/2 11/2
1/2 3/2 1/2 5/2 3/2
126 1/2 3/2 1/2 5/2 3/2 7/2 5/2 9/2 7/2 11/2 9/2 13/2
1/2 3/2 1/2 5/2 3/2 7/2 5/2
1/2 3/2 1/2
184 1/2 3/2 1/2 5/2 3/2 7/2 5/2 9/2 7/2 11/2 9/2 13/2 11/2 15/2 1/2 3/2 1/2 5/2 3/2 7/2 5/2 9/2 7/2 1/2 3/2 1/2 5/2 3/2 1/2
Shell # 8 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b 6a 6b 7a 7b 8 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 1
Chart C Nucleus Fill Sequence
Core or Outer Core
Inner Core
184 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 11 13 16 17 22 23 29 5 8 10 12 14 18 19 24 25 15 20 21 26 27 28 Shell # 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b 6a 6b 7a 7b 8 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 1
Chart D Nucleons per Spheron Shell
Core or Outer Core
Inner Core
184 2 4 2 6 4 8 6 10 8 12 10 14 12 16 2 4 2 6 4 8 6 10 8 2 4 2 6 4 2 Shell # 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b 6a 6b 7a 7b 8 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 1
Chart E Cumulative Total Nucleons per Spheron Shell
Core or Outer Core
Inner Core
184 2 6 8 14 20 28 38 50 64 82 92 126 138 184 16 32 40 56 68 100 106 148 156 70 110 112 162 166 168
Shell # 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b 6a 6b 7a 7b 8 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 1
Chart C shows the series order of the nucleus fill sequence. Chart D shows the number of nucleons per layer shell. The values calculate by Pauling's formula 2j+1, where j is the spin as shown in chart B. Chart E shows the cumulative total of the nucleons per layer shell as the nucleus fills.
The equations for calculating the nuclear spin per sub shells a and b are:
as1 2
bs3 2
where a and b belong to the shell number s. Applying the nuclear spin equations to Pauling's formula for the maximum number of nucleons in a nuclear shell we get:
(4.26) (4.27)
2 
1 2
 
2 
3 2
 
Each layer of the Mantle, Outer Core, and Inner Core follows the same structural system.
If the total number tn of nucleons that can fit on a layer shell are
tn  a  b
then the total number of nucleons on a layer shell can be as high as
tn  4s  2
Science of Complexity The purpose of showing Aether numbers, the ratio of musical tones, and
atomic structure in this chapter is to illustrate a few of the ways in which the Aether unit influences the structure of the physical world. No doubt, all dynamic and living processes, such as the patterns of seed development in flowers, the growth of plant structures, skeletal and extraskeletal structures, and population growth patterns, are manifestations of Aether units.
The concept of Aether structure was introduced and quantified as the relationship of 2-spin Aether units to ½ spin onta. We show that a certain number of whole cycles produce specific geometrical structures and that these structures are themselves cyclical and appear in octaves. Images produced by Ghim Wei Ho under the tutelage of Prof. Mark Welland of the University of Cambridge Nanoscale Science Laboratory77 share a remarkable resemblance to the purely mathematical Aether structures.
The above images were produced using chemical vapor deposition and taken with a scanning electron microscope. Notice the spike and petal
77 Nanotechnology Now http://nanotech-now.com/Art_Gallery/ghim-wei-ho.htm: Discover, The Secret Garden, October 2004 http://www.discover.com/issues/oct-04/rd/secret-garden/
formations, two dominant Aether structures. It warrants further research to investigate the precise quantification of Aether structures and nano structures within the context of the Aether Physics Model. If the APM does accurately quantify the structure of growing things, it will not only quantify the physical Universe, but also precisely quantify the living structures within it.
The quality of our knowledge proves itself in the quality of our lives. A knowledge constructed of concepts that identify and manipulate preestablished structures yields a world that is crowded, rigid, compressed, and impenetrable. Human suffering is built up in layers of increasing solidity, each layer a further misreading of a fluid dynamic.78
-Tarthang Tulku
Modern physics attempts to describe the quantum structures in terms of macro structures. In our macro world, things seem solid, rigid, and impenetrable. Yet, at the quantum level of structure, the Aether Physics Model reveals a more fluid and dynamic structure for existence. When we more closely study the seemingly rigid physical world, we see it is constantly changing according to processes of growth and decay, which may exist over extremely long times. Our science would be simpler and more accurate if it reflected the true nature of existence, rather than our limited and preconceived notions of rigidity.
From this brief introduction into Aether numbers, a new branch of science emerges. It is the Science of Complexity. Given an ordered reality consisting of objects and their environment, objects can bind by the three forces and give rise to a more complex and granulated reality. The three forces of electromagnetism, electrostatics, and gravity are themselves evolved from the Gforce acting on the dimensions of onta. The electrons and protons within the environment of Aether, bind by the forces, which give rise to neutrons and atoms. The neutrons remain at the level of subatomic particles, but the atoms make up a completely new order of reality.
Whereas electrons, protons, and neutrons have two spatial dimensions, atoms have three inherent spatial dimensions. The two-dimensional onta bind to one another and the distance between them produces the third dimension of length. Thus, atoms are the true quantum particles, as they are the first order of reality within spatial, three-dimensional existence.
As the complexity of the material structures develop, so also does the complexity of the forces and environment. The strong force that binds onta becomes the Van der Waals force that binds molecules. The strong charge of the onta, when polar aligned, produces magnetism. As atoms produce molecules, they develop increasingly versatile characteristics. All
78 Tarthang Tulku, Knowledge of Time and Space (Dharma Publishing, Dharma Press, Oakland, CA, 1990)
along, while orders of reality become more complex, the structures build in the environment of Aether. Because Aether encapsulates onta, the Aether binds as well, changing the geometry of the space-time fabric.
Therefore, force, matter, and environment progress from very simple states to states that are more complex. They become cells, organs, living beings, communities, and nations. They become minerals, rocks, mountains, planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies. There are numerous taxonomies of complex existence spanning many orders of reality.
As we quantify and understand the progressions of complexity, computer programs will model each system at their various levels of reality and predict evolutions not before imagined. The understanding of the binding of onta, atoms, and molecules will lead to designer materials where the desired characteristics are input and computers reveal the blueprints that meet the requirements.
Endeavors such as these are possible only when the root cause of force, matter, and environment properly quantify. The physics of the 20th Century focused only on matter, was not aware of the Gforce, and neglected the Aether. Modern physics reached a dead end when protons and neutrons viewed as being two forms of nuclei. The misperception resulted that smashed nuclei revealed smaller building blocks of matter called quarks, which are mere collision effects. Scientists neglected the Aether because it presented problems regarding Einsteins Special Relativity Theory, as Aether provides the basis for an absolute reference frame. Is it mere ignorance that the Gforce remained undiscovered? Or could there be prejudice against any evidence that might support the existence of a creator God?
In any case, it takes a physics model that can explain the evolution and interaction of force, matter, and environment in order to give an accurate and true account of the Universes existence.
The Standard Model bases upon confusion beginning with the ambiguous definitions of dimensions, which are the physical worlds first order of reality. The next two chapters lay the foundations required to correct this confusion and properly present the Aether Physics Model.
A good definition of “dimension” is essential to physics. Dimension is the most elementary characteristic of both physical matter existence and nonmaterial Aether existence. From the dimensions of length, frequency, mass, charge, and spherical geometry come Aether, primary angular momentum, and all other units of dimension.
The physical structure of the Universe that we recognize originates from Aether units and primary angular momentum. Other units make up the Universe, such as velocity, magnetic flux, resistance, potential, flow, pressure and many more. We may not be aware of it, but each one of these units is a type of reality in itself. Units are not just abstract concepts; they are a significant foundation of the physical world. It is important to understand each type of physical existence as clearly as possible. To do this we must understand the type of existence that precedes the level we are examining.
Dimension is an unfamiliar concept to ponder; yet like our heartbeat it undergirds our very existence. We are accustomed to thinking that reality is the physical world we perceive. However, if the world we perceive is real, then the molecules and atoms that make up the world must be more real, having pre-existed the more complex structures. In addition, the onta that make up the atoms must be yet more real. Moreover, as we proceed to the most fundamental existence of dimension we must approach even closer the Source of reality.
Likewise, as we progress in structure from dimensions to the reality we perceive, the structures themselves become more complicated and less like their Source, while founded on the previous levels all the same. For these reasons, as we pursue an understanding of reality at the level of dimension, the terminology must be clear.
Definition of Dimension
Dimension - (Common Definition) In physics, dimensions is an expression of the character of a derived quantity in relation to fundamental quantities, without regard for its numerical value. In any system of measurement, such as the metric system, certain quantities are considered fundamental, and all others are considered to be derived from them. Systems in which length L , time T , and mass M are taken as fundamental quantities are called absolute systems. In an absolute system force is a derived quantity whose dimensions are defined by Newton's second law of motion as ML T 2 , in terms of the fundamental quantities. Pressure (force per unit area) then has dimensions ML T 2 ; work or energy (force times distance)
has dimensions ML2 T 2 ; and power (energy per unit time)
has dimensions ML2 T 3 . Additional fundamental quantities are also defined, such as electric charge and luminous intensity. The expression of any particular quantity in terms of fundamental quantities is known as dimensional analysis and often provides physical insight into the results of a mathematical calculation79.
Dimension (Aether Physics Model Definition) According to the Aether Physics Model, the dimensions of discrete natural units (quanta) are length, frequency, mass, charge, and spherical geometry. Dimension is the fundamental attribute of measurement, but is not itself measurable. Absolute dimension is a quality of reality seemingly arising from the ultimate Source of all existence. When quantity is associated with dimension, then the two together form a measurement.
Through the lack of coherent understanding of dimensions and units, it has become standard practice to view measurements as units. For example, the kilogram defines a unit of mass80. It would be far more coherent if the kilogram defined a measurement of mass, with the definition of “unit” reserved for compound dimensions (units are defined in chapter 6). It is not so much that the choice of words is important, but that the concepts of measurements and units are quite different from one another. Using the same word to define two different concepts, which often appear in the same sentence or paragraph, easily leads to confusion.
79 "Dimension , in Physics," The Columbia Encyclopedia , 6th ed.
80 “KILOGRAM abbr. kg, fundamental unit of mass in the metric system, defined as the mass of the International Prototype Kilogram, a platinum-iridium cylinder kept at Sèvres, France, near Paris. Copies of this standard are deposited at bureaus of standards throughout the world, and other units of mass are defined in terms of it.” "Kilogram ," The Columbia Encyclopedia , 6th ed.
There are fewer dimensions at the quantum level than in the macro world. Like force, matter, and environment, dimensions increase in complexity as the orders of reality become more complex. Color, flavor, and texture are examples of complex dimensions as perceived at the level of human beings.
The physical world, at the quantum level, follows a very simple and easy to understand set of rules. It is much easier to understand quantum physics through the Aether Physics Model than the physics of auto mechanics or bread making because the rules are so precise and the dimensions are so few. However, the key to understanding the quantum level of existence lies in more precise and simple definitions of the terms “dimension,” “measurement,” and “unit.”
There are four commonly known, fundamental dimensions in the MKS system of measurement: mass, charge, length, and frequency. In our macro frame of reference, we prefer to speak of frequency in terms of its reciprocal of time. Also at the quantum level there is a fifth type of dimension, spherical geometry, as explained shortly.
It is from the fundamental dimensions that units are constructed. The unit of area is equal to the length dimension squared. The unit of volume is equal to the length dimension cubed. Volume then has three dimensions of length.
C3  volm
However, there are also three dimensions in a unit of momentum (mass times length times frequency).
me  C  Fq  momt
So it is more accurate to call “3D” objects “volumetric” than threedimensional. Technically, an object with three dimensions of length is three dimensional, but three-dimensions need not mean “three dimensions of length.”
Misconceptions of Mass In a weightless environment, devoid of noticeable gravitational effects, what
happens to mass? Does mass change to zero? No. When mass is near a large planet, does mass become greater? No. When an object with mass is accelerated to near the speed of light, does mass increase? No.
Nothing ever happens to mass. There is nothing to happen to. Mass is merely a dimension. Of itself, it has no material existence, although it is one of the defining qualities of material objects.
There is mass in resistance. There is mass in potential. There is mass in
energy. There is mass in angular momentum. It is all the same mass, but manifested differently. It might help to realize that there is time in units too. There is time in resistance, there is time in potential, there is time in energy, and there is time in angular momentum. You can perceive time as change, but you cannot isolate time from a unit. Similarly, you can perceive mass as inertia and length as distance, but you cannot separate the dimensions of mass and length from units. In the same way, you cannot remove the bricks from a brick building without also removing the building.
Once we stop thinking of mass as equal to matter, and realize that mass is neither physical nor is it something convertible, then it becomes easier to see what mass really is and how mass “behaves.” How it behaves is not the same as the “is-ness” of mass. You cannot “put your hands” on mass. You cannot see mass. You cannot truly weigh mass (but you can weigh matter that has mass). You cannot make mass turn into energy.
The whole issue about converting energy from mass clearly reveals itself when we realize the indestructible and unchangeable nature of dimensions. You cannot convert mass, length, time, or charge. They are absolutes. Mass is always mass. Once again, and it will be repeated often, mass (inertia) is only a dimension.
E does not equal m Energy is a unit. Mass is a dimension. Energy is composed of the
dimensions of mass times length squared times frequency squared.
E  M  L2  F 2
Mass is not converted to energy and energy is not converted to mass. Mass is merely a dimension from which the units are constructed. This is repetitive, but understanding mass as merely a dimension is perhaps the greatest intellectual physics challenge for most people coming out of the 20th Century.
We often refer to nuclear reactions on the Sun, nuclear power plants, and nuclear bombs as examples of mass to energy conversion. In the nuclear power plants the United States has been operating for 60 years, a high degree of precision applies to the measured amount of energy and material mass passed through the reactor. And yet, there is not one report available anywhere (that this writer was able to obtain) that presents the data from a nuclear power plant and shows that the mass of
the fuel was exactly converted to energy according to E  mc2 . One would think that to prove Special Relativity Theory, the data from a precisely monitored nuclear power plant would provide an abundance of evidence. Nevertheless, such data apparently does not exist.
In fact, there is evidence to suggest that more energy comes out of a nuclear power plant than the mass of fuel that goes in. A Liquid Metal Fast
Breeder Reactor once operated for 25 years and produced more fuel in its byproducts than it consumed during its operation81. A violation of energy conservation seems to result, therefore a government employee or academic will not admit this. In practice, the scientific establishment forbids the suggestion of any violation of the energy conservation law even if the data suggest it. However, the Aether Physics Model shows that there is no violation of energy conservation, as the extra energy is angular momentum of dark matter converting to photons through the Casimir effect.
When it comes down to truth, mass cannot be converted to energy because mass is a dimension at one level of reality, and energy is a unit made up of dimensions at a different level of reality. Any theory based on the assumption that a dimension of mass converts to a unit of energy has no foundation in the Aether Physics Model.
Just as Einstein did not attempt to prove the Aether as non-existent when he presented his Special Relativity Theory, it is not necessary to prove Special Relativity Theory right or wrong while presenting a mathematically correct theory of the Aether. The Aether theory presented in this book stands on its own and has no obligation whatsoever, to support or refute Special Relativity Theory. According to the foundation principles of the Aether Physics Model, the mass/energy equivalence principle of Special Relativity Theory is a non-sequitur.
Nature of Dimensions What causes a dimension to come into existence? Why would there be such
absolute dimensions as mass, charge, length, frequency, or curved geometry? Contemplating the nature and origin of dimensions requires an ability to “see beyond” both non-material and material existence. Dimensions are truly miracles of physics.
The esotericism continues when we contemplate the interaction of dimensions. Why should mass times length times frequency equal a unit of momentum?
M  L  F  Momentum
The interaction of dimensions to form units is merely an empirical observation; there is presently no known explanation as to why dimensions should produce units.
Non-material units such as force have dimensions, and so does the primary angular momentum that ultimately composes physical matter. There must be something about the reality of absolute dimensions, which pre-
81 “EBR-II is, by definition, a Liquid-Metal-Cooled Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR). It is cooled with molten sodium metal, its chain reaction is perpetuated with extremely energetic (fast) neutrons, and it was designed with the potential for breeding more fuel than it consumes.” Argonne National Laboratory West EBR-II: Sixteen Years of Operation (Idaho Falls, ID, Argonne National Laboratory, May 1980) 1
exists both physical matter and non-material Aether existence. Science has traditionally ignored the source of absolute dimension, taking the origin of dimensions for granted. Some scientists are even so bold as to emphatically state that humans created dimensions as a means to understanding physics. If we are to understand the Source of our existence, then we must understand the foundation of our existence, as it is, and not pretend that material reality has no metaphysical foundation.
Contemplating the level of reality where physical matter and non-material Aether appear as units of dimensions, and directing our awareness toward a more primary existence, we might experience a sense of floating. There is no-thing left to observe, yet logic tells us that some unnamed knowledge of a greater reality exists there. From this unnamed knowledge emerged dimensions, units, atoms, molecules and ultimately the world we experience. Additionally, as we bring our awareness back to our present situation, we realize that everything we experience ultimately develops from that unnamed knowledge. At a very fundamental level, we can realize a link between the knowledge of greater reality and our current situation.
There is nothing wrong or harmful about science admitting the existence of God or our relationship to God, especially when that is what the data and theory present. The closer one approaches the most fundamental levels of existence, the closer one approaches the Source of all Creation.
If in our mind we look toward the Source of dimensions, we drift toward a simpler and more unified existence. However, if in our mind we look from the various manifestations of dimensions, toward the units constructed from dimensions, the atoms constructed from units, the molecules constructed from atoms, and their macro structures, we find complexity.
Through dimensions, we fracture our perception of existence into myriad pieces, rearranging reality in a way that seemingly adds to the depth of our experience. On the other hand, because there are so many different pieces to comprehend, and our mind is only capable of one focus at a time, the world ends up becoming shallower in our perception. The more detail we identify, the less we can see at a given time. This is not to say that there is something inherently wrong about studying the complex world. The purpose of acknowledging a single, non-material source for physical existence in science is to realize that it is okay to study the path to a simpler reality, as well.
Dimensions also have a reciprocal quality. For example, the reciprocal of time is frequency. Time and frequency are related, but they are also two distinct manifestations of a given dimension.
Linear and Distributed Along with dimensions, there is another important observation concerning
the primary state of existence. There is both a linear and distributed aspect. For example, length can be linear (a line) and distributed (a surface). Similarly, other dimensions and their reciprocals have both linear and distributed aspects.
However, it would appear that mass is specifically a linear dimension, and charge is specifically a distributed dimension. There is a constant mass to strong charge ratio for all existence, which indicates that mass and strong charge are two aspects of the same thing. Mass is the linear view of this “thing” and charge is the distributed view. This is easy to visualize by using the analogy of a sheet of paper. Charge would be the view of the paper looking at is surface, mass would be the view of the paper looking at its edge.
Furthermore, dimensions govern by math, which also has both linear and distributed aspects. Addition is a linear operator in the positive direction, while subtraction is a linear operator in the negative direction. Multiplication is distributed addition, and division is distributed subtraction.
Length and Reciprocal Length Length is the dimension that measures distance when given a quantity.
Because length is something we think about often as we walk, drive, and generally function in the world, it is easy for most people to understand. The reciprocal of length is the measurement of repeating curved lengths. We call the repeating curved lengths a wave number. The wave number is different from the wavelength. A wavelength defines as the distance between two consecutive common features of a wave (peak to peak, or trough to trough for example). The wave number is the reciprocal of the wavelength.
Just as frequency is cycles per time, wave number is cycles per length. A bicycle wheel with a certain radius appears as having a certain wave number for a given distance. Change the radius of the wheel (its amplitude) and the wave number will change accordingly. In general, if the wave number increases, then the amplitude decreases, although this is not a strict rule since other factors can affect the amplitude of a wave. The unit of wave number in the MKS system of units is cycles per meter.
Single Dimension Length When the dimension of length denotes a quantity, then we have a
measurement for distance. The single dimension of length represents as a line. Although a ruler generally has four edges plus a top and bottom totaling about 12 edges with length, we are only concerned with a single edge of the ruler, which is a graduated line. To clarify the concept of length as dimension we could say that a measurement with length dimension measures distance. It would be better to avoid saying that we are “measuring length.”
Because space-time as we perceive it is a direct result of the Aether, length and time are inseparable. Since length and time in the Aether are inseparable, the speed of light is constant. The speed of light is equal to the quantum distance times the quantum frequency. At the quantum level, length can be expressed in terms of frequency (reciprocal time) just as frequency can be expressed in terms of length (usually called “wavelength”).
Distributed Dimension Length Length in two dimensions is distributed. Specifically, the lengths are at right
angles to each other. We normally call distributed length an area. The physical manifestation of an area is a surface. A plane is a special case of a distributed area that occurs on a flat surface. However, distributed area can also occur on curved surfaces such as toroids and spheres. Even though a surface curves, the length dimensions are still at right angles to each other.
Three Dimensional Length We often refer to three dimensions of length as “three dimensional.” As with
distributed length, all three length dimensions are at right angles to each other. We call these three right-angled length dimensions a volume. The physical manifestation of a volume is space.
Three dimensions of length can also be two length dimensions at a right angle over a curved surface with the third length dimension extending to another curved surface. In other words, we would normally think of the third dimension of length as extending inward to the center of the sphere or toroid (as in a solid), but at quantum levels the third dimension of length extends outward from the surface, and between two identical toroids. For example, the double cardioid unit has the appearance of two adjacent cardioids separated by a distance. An instance of this double cardioid geometry manifests in the binding mechanics between onta.
Quantum matter has only two dimensions of length, that is, it only has surface characteristics. There is no solid quantum matter. Distance between surfaces provides the third dimension of length resulting in the appearance of “solid matter” as we perceive it at the macro level of existence.
Time and Reciprocal Time When the dimension of time denotes a quantity, it becomes a measurement
of intervals. We are accustomed to viewing time as the normal manifestation of the time dimension, with frequency as its reciprocal. At the quantum level, it appears to be just the opposite.
We perceive time as normal and frequency as the reciprocal because onta move only in the forward dimension of time. In reality, the onta are acting like “time diodes.” What we really see is a pulsed forward motion
of time, not unlike a pulsed DC current produced by a rectified AC current. Since all subatomic matter pulses to the same rhythm in forward time, time appears linear to our perception.
While visualizing forward and backward time, it is possible to see how time and space curve so that distributed time appears spherical and space appears as a loxodrome over the surface of spherical distributed frequency. Once again, this geometry can only be seen from beyond the material world (such as through visualization in meditation). When the material world is viewed from within the material world, i.e., from the bodys senses, we are viewing from half-spin perspective and can see only three dimensions of space and one dimension of pulsed, linear time (normally called 4D reality).
Usually frequency represents as a sine wave drawn on a flat surface (such as the surface of paper or a computer screen). This is just an artifact of the representation of frequency as a line. Frequency at the quantum level is not the up and down line we see in a cross section of a wave on the surface of a fluid. Quantum frequency is strictly an artifact of time dimension, not length dimension.
Think of it this way. Length has two directions. There is length extending in one direction, and if the point of reference turns 180 degrees, length has a second direction. Similarly, frequency has two directions. There is time toward the future, and time toward the past. However, frequency, unlike length, is dynamic. Therefore, frequency is circular in that it constantly moves with a certain spin toward the future and then curves around toward the past, and curves around toward the future, etc. In reality, there is no future or past, only the present. Nevertheless, there is the illusion of moving toward the future because our physical world arises from matter that cannot “see” the backward time direction.
This in no way prevents the forward time direction from exhibiting apparent changes totally within the context of forward time. A swinging pendulum alternates between two directions. This alternation of direction manifests as a variable velocity. The variable velocity is a result of the changing time dimension within the velocity of the pendulum and is not the result of the quantum time dimension of the onta from which the pendulum constructs.
So although frequency can be represented by a line on a surface (such as a graph) for systems occurring within the forward-pulsed, linear time dimension, the frequency of forward and backward time cannot be accurately depicted on paper. Even so, for conveying the concept of forward and backward time, we will attempt it in our drawings.
Single Dimension Time Single dimension time is linear time. We quantify linear time with clocks,
calendars, and similar devices. Duration is associated with growth and