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Title: A Non-Relativistic Explanation of the Sagnac Effect
Subject: More than a century ago, M. Sagnac realized an experiment with light rays, whose results according to him invalidated the theory of Relativity and validated the hypothesis of the Aether. This hypothesis of the ether was not retained by the scientific community, and relativistic explanations were given to the results of the Sagnac experiment. But these relativistic explanations remain open to criticism because they are various and because the prediction may differ depending on whether the observer's frame of reference is at rest or in motion. The neo-Newtonian mechanics proposes a new explanation which leads to demonstrate the formula with P the light path. In order to verify this new interpretation, it is proposed to do again the Sagnac experiment with a slightly different light path, a square-shaped path. The results should be at least 30% lower than those predicted by the theory of Relativity. In which case, the relativistic explanation would be questioned.
Keywords: Sagnac Effect, Relativity Theory, Aether, Ether, Neo-Newtonian Mechanics, Light Path, Gyrolaser
Author: Olivier Serret
Creator: Acrobat PDFMaker 11 Word
Producer: Adobe PDF Library 11.0
CreationDate: Wed Apr 17 15:22:53 2019
ModDate: Wed Apr 17 15:22:57 2019
Tagged: no
Form: none
Pages: 16
Encrypted: no
Page size: 594.96 x 840.96 pts (rotated 0 degrees)
File size: 2297758 bytes
Optimized: no
PDF version: 1.7