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Two famous quasars connected by gamma rays. See page 26.
High redshift quasars, low redshift ejecting galaxies, aligned X-ray clusters, gamma ray bursters, supposed gravitational lenses, quantized intrinsic redshifts this book presents examples of empirical patterns of associations that repeat from region to region in the sky, suggesting evolutionary sequences and new fundamental physics. Each catalogue entry furnishes critical objects for further investigation.
Halton Arp graduated cum laude from Harvard in 1949 and earned a Ph.D. from Caltech in 1953 (also cum laude). His first postdoctoral position was on a research project for Edwin Hubble. He worked as a staff astronomer at Mt Wilson and Palomar Observatories for 29 years before moving to Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics in Munich. Arps observations of quasars and galaxies are world-renowned. He is the author of the Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies (1966: a collectors item), Quasars, Redshifts and Controversies (1987), Seeing Red: Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science (1998), as well as numerous articles in scholarly journals. He has been awarded the Helen B. Warner Prize of the American Astronomical Society and the Newcomb Cleveland award of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and served as president of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific from 1980 to 1983. In 1984, he received the Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist Award.
Catalogue of Discordant Redshift
Halton Arp
Apeiron Montreal
Published by C. Roy Keys Inc. 4405, rue St-Dominique Montreal, Quebec H2W 2B2 Canada http://redshift.vif.com
© C. Roy Keys Inc. 2003
First Published 2003
National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Arp, Halton C., 1927Catalogue of discordant redshift associations / Halton Arp.
Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-9683689-9-9
1. Galaxies--Catalogs. 2. Galaxies--Clusters. 3. Quasars. 4. Red shift. I. Title.
QB857.A757 2003
Cover design by
Cover Image
The cover picture shows a Hubble Space Telescope image of the disturbed, lowredshift galaxy NGC 4319 connected by a thin filament to the high redshift quasar/AGN, Mrk 205. In 1971 a photograph with the Palomar 200-inch telescope discovered this as a somewhat broader connection. Despite vigorous contentions to the contrary, further photographs have confirmed it (e.g., see Fig. 13 in Introduction). In 2002 an organization associated with NASA issued a press release with an HST picture, claiming disproof of the connection. However, many amateur astronomers processed the same picture and showed the connection clearly. One of these pictures, processed in false color by Bernard Lempel, is shown here on the cover. It is interesting that the smaller aperture Space Telescope does not show the broader connection as well as large-aperture ground-based telescopes, but its higher resolution shows for the first time a narrow filament inside that connection. In addition, the contouring in the processed picture emphasizes the disturbed nature of the ejecting galaxy and the alignment of the inner and outer cores of NGC 4319 and Mrk 205 and the filament, a circumstance that clearly precludes an accidental background projection. Even though this latest evidence has still not been acknowledged by mainstream astronomy, it is very satisfying to me in view of the fact that the Kitt Peak National Observatory 4-meter image of the connection was shown on the cover of my first book, Quasars, Redshifts and Controversies. The explosive, ejecting, X-ray nature of Mrk 205 was shown on the cover of my next book, Seeing Red: Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science. Now the conclusive, thin aspect of the connection is shown by Space Telescope and furnishes an appropriate introduction to this Catalogue, which presents much further evidence for the ejection of active, high-redshift objects from lower-redshift galaxies.
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION The Fundamental Patterns of Physical Associations Quasars The 3C sample of Active Galaxies and Quasars Ejection Origin of Quasars Intrinsic Redshifts of Galaxies Toward a More Correct Physics
1 2-16 17-21 22-26 27-37
THE CATALOGUE About the Catalogue What to Look For Maps of Associations with Comments
41-42 43-46 48-143
APPENDIX A The Neighborhood of the Nearby Galaxy M 101 The Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Conclusion
146-163 164-165
APPENDIX B Filaments, Clusters of Galaxies and The Nature of Ejections from Galaxies Elongated X-ray Clusters Additional Elongated Clusters Aligned with Galaxies of Lower Redshift Summary and Interpretation Young Galaxies in Spiral Arms A Bullet to a Gamma Ray Burst A Quasar With an Ablation Tail A Mechanism to Produce Galaxy Clusters Glossary
169-179 180-185
186-195 195-199 199-207 208-210 211-215 215-217 219-223
The Fundamental Patterns of Physical Associations
Empirical evidence which is repeatable forms the indispensable basis of science. The following Catalogue of Discordant Redshift Associations applies this principle to the problem of extragalactic redshifts. The Catalogue entries establish unequivocally that high redshift objects are often at the same distance as, and physically associated with, galaxies of much lower redshift. It is thus appropriate to start with a short history of high redshift quasars aligned with low redshift galaxies. It has long been accepted that radio-emitting material is ejected, usually paired in opposite ejections, from active galaxies. The material is therefore aligned and points back to the galaxy of origin. But, and this is the major additional property of the associations, the ejected material frequently has a much higher redshift than the central galaxy. The prototypical pairs and alignments of higher redshift objects in this introductory section are taken from a body of data which is now too large to present completely. Nevertheless, it is hoped that the sample presented here will fix firmly the result that redshifts do not generally indicate recession velocity and are not reliable distance indicators. Even more importantly, the empirical data contained in these discordant associations is perhaps the only evidence capable of leading to a fundamental physical understanding of the origins of quasars and galaxies and the cause of intrinsic redshifts.
a. Strong Pairs of Radio Quasars
It was a strong pair of radio sources, the famous 3C 273 and 3C 274 across the brightest galaxy in the Virgo Cluster (Arp 1967), which first indicated that a quasar could be at the same distance as a nearby, lowredshift galaxy, rather than at the much larger distance indicated by its redshift. In Fig. 1 here we show a pair of very bright Parks radio sources across the disturbed IC 1767 (Arp, Astrofizika, 1968). Both of these later turned out to be quasars of strikingly similar redshift. Fig. 2 shows a pair of 3C radio quasars across the disturbed pair of galaxies NGC 470/NGC 474 (Arp, Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies No. 227). Quasars this radio bright are very rare (a total of 50 over the northern hemisphere). This yields a frequency of only one per 320 sq. deg., and a chance of only 5 × 106 of finding both so close to an arbitrary point in the sky. If we then calculate the chance that they are also accidentally aligned within
Fig.1 - 1968 - Radio quasars across disturbed galaxies. This very strong pair fell across a galaxy with z = .018 and later turned out have redshifts z = .616 and .669.
Fig.2 - NGC 470/474 (Arp 227). Two disturbed galaxies with a pair of strong, 3C radio quasars (z = .765 and .672) paired across them. Accidental probability of this alignment is 1 × 109.
a degree or so, that they are equally spaced across the centroid within about 10%, and that their redshifts are within .09 of each other out of a range of about 2, then the probability that this might be an accidental association is about 1 × 109 (i.e., one chance in a billion). Note that this is not an a posteriori probability, because in the past 35 years many examples of paired quasars across active galaxies have been found with just these characteristics. In fact, it is confirmation of a predicted configuration at a significance level which should be considered conclusive.
Fig.3 - NGC 7541, a bright starburst galaxy with a blue jet/arm and z = .009 falls between two strong, 3C radio sources which are now identified as quasars with z = .29 and .22.
An almost identical association is shown in Fig.3. There the central object is a bright starburst galaxy with a blue jet arm extending out to the WNW. Its redshift is z = .009, very close to the z = .008 of the galaxies in the preceding Fig. 2. Also as in the preceding example, two 3C radio quasars of very similar redshift (z = .22 and .29) are paired at only slightly greater distances across the active galaxy. Finding two such associations at this probability level is extraordinarily compelling. And, of course, Fig 1 shows a very similar pairing, except that it is in the southern hemisphere where the bright radio sources are from the Parks Survey rather than the 3C Cambridge Survey.
Fig.4 - 1994 -The famous active Seyfert NGC 4258 was found to have ejected two strong X-ray sources nearly along its minor axis. They turned out to be quasars of z = .65 and .40.
b. Strong X-ray Pairs
When the X-ray satellites started reporting point sources that were frequently identified with blue stellar objects (BSOs), it quickly became clear that this was a much more certain way of discovering new quasars. As Fig. 4 shows, a strong pair of X-ray sources were observed closely across NGC 4258, a galaxy noted for its ejection activity. Before they were confirmed as quasars (E.M. Burbidge 1995), it was suggested that these X-ray sources had been ejected outward, closely along the minor axis of NGC 4258. (Pietsch et al. 1994).
Another very strong X-ray pair (119 and 268 cts/ks) was discovered bracketing the bright Seyfert galaxy NGC 4235. Fig. 5 reinforces an additional property of the quasar pairs, namely, that they tend to lie along the minor axis direction of the central galaxy. This seems logical in the sense
Fig.5 - 1997 - Two very strong X-ray sources (268 and 119 cts/ks) along the minor axis of an edge on Seyfert 1 galaxy. From a 7.5 sigma association of Seyferts with higher redshift quasars (Radecke 1997; Arp 1997).
that proto quasars would be able to exit the galaxy along the path of least resistance, i.e., the minor axis. The present Catalogue does not promote scientific theories. But as an aid in understanding the pictured relationships, it should be mentioned that in the variable-mass hypothesis (Narlikar and Arp 1993) the quasar starts as a low particle-mass plasmoid*, which would make it prone to interact with material at low latitudes in disk galaxies. Radio plasma, being more diffuse, would tend to be stripped away from a more compact X-ray emitting core through interaction with a galactic or intergalactic medium. Some observational evi-
* See Glosssary for definitions of plasmoid and other technical terms.
Fig 6. - 1998 - The Rosetta Stone. The brightest X-ray sources in the field are aligned along the minor axis in descending order of quantized redshift. The very active Seyfert has z = .009.
dence which may support this suggestion has been reported (Arp 2001). See also Appendix B at the end of this Catalogue.
c. Mutiple Quasar Alignments
Fig. 6 shows what I would nominate as the Rosetta Stone of quasar associations. Its validity is ensured by the fact that around this famous active Seyfert galaxy, NGC 3516 (Ulrich 1972), all the brightest X-ray sources have been identified optically and observed spectroscopically (Chu et al. 1998). They have been confirmed as quasars with the redshifts labeled in Fig. 6. It is readily apparent that they are distributed along a line drawn
Fig.7 - 1999 - Five quasars falling along the minor axis of the bright Seyfert NGC 5985. Same descending order of quantized redshifts. Note low-redshift companions appearing along ejection line.
in the Figure. This line turns out to be the minor axis of NGC 3516. Moreover they are ordered in redshift, with the highest redshifts falling closest to the galaxy and the lowest redshifts furthest away. The numerical value of each of the six quasar redshifts falls very close to one of the six most prominent quantized peaks of the Karlsson formula. The next example of quasar alignments is almost as impressive, with five quasars aligned very accurately along the minor axis of the bright apparent magnitude Seyert galaxy NGC 5985. Fig. 7 shows that 4 of the 5 fall close to the redshift peaks, yielding, together with the previous association, nine out of ten redshifts that obey the formula. However, another aspect to the NGC 5985 alignment is very important for understanding the many regions presented in the following Catalogue.
My attention was drawn to this object by the fact that a low-redshift galaxy lay only 2.4 arcsec away from one of the quasars. It turns out that a total of four companion galaxies are found to lie along this same narrow quasar line. Their redshifts are only a few hundred km/sec higher than the redshift of NGC 5985 (Arp, IAU Symp. 194 p. 348-349), close enough to ensure they would be classed as physical companions, but with systematically higher redshifts, as has been found to be characteristic of groups dominated by large galaxies (Arp 1998a; 1998b). The companions to spiral galaxies were long ago (Holmberg 1969) found to lie preferentially along the minor axis of the dominant galaxy, leading to the suggestion that the companions were formed in the parent galaxy and ejected outward. Their slightly higher redshifts would now imply that they were the end products of evolution from quasars where the intrinsic redshift component has decayed almost to zero. Empirically, the observations of aligned companions at various redshifts are capable of explaining the persistent mystery of multiply interacting groups with discordant redshifts, such as Stephans Quintet, and many other famous groups which often contain discordant redshifts. If the ejection direction stays relatively fixed in space, then ejecta in various stages of evolution and redshift can interact as they travel out along this line. But it is also possible—and probably observed here in the Catalogue examples—that material from the parent galaxy can be entrained along the supposed ejection path, thus furnishing another explanation of how lowredshift material could be found far from the central galaxy and aligned with higher redshift material. One comment on why this picture has developed so slowly over the years is in order: The NGC 3516 paper was rejected by Nature magazine without being sent to a referee. Later it was demoted from the important short papers in Astrophysical Journal Letters to the not-so-pressing short papers in the main Journal. The data on systematic redshifts of companion galaxies was scarcely debated in the Astrophysical Journal main journal, and systematically rejected by referees and editors of the European Main Journal, Astronomy and Astrophysics.
Fig. 8 - A pair of X-ray bright quasars across the Seyfert NGC 2639. Their redshifts differ by only .018.
d. Alignments Rotating with Epoch
One example of an ejection axis that appears to have rotated with time is shown here in Fig. 8. The two brightest X-ray sources in the NGC 2639 field turn out to be quasars with redshifts differing by only .018 (Burbidge 1997). This would make it essentially impossible to argue that they were unrelated projections from the background. Their alignment is somewhat rotated from the minor axis of the central Seyfert. But closer to the galaxy, there is an extension of X-ray sources lying directly along the minor axis (Fig. 9).
Fig. 9 - Fainter X-ray sources, some identified as BSOs, lie precisely along the minor axis of NGC 2639 which has apparently rotated some degrees from the earlier ejection of the outer pair.
The only plausible explanation would seem to be that these sources represent a more recent ejection when the minor axis has rotated slightly from its earlier position. Obviously redshift measurements of the optical identifications in this more recent ejection would be invaluable aids to studying the evolution and interaction properties of these apparently younger quasars. The relatively short time allocations on moderate sized telescopes needed for these measurements have, however, not been forthcoming.*
* Four of the X-ray sources along the line in Fig. 9 have finally been confirmed as quasars with z from 0.337 to 2.63 by E.M. Burbidge in part of a night at the Keck 10 meter telescope in Hawaii.
Fig. 10 - 2001 - X-ray quasars with almost identical spectra exactly aligned across the dust shrouded nucleus of the ULIRG, Arp 220. At the base of the trail of X-ray sources a group of z = .09 galaxies are connected by X-ray and radio material to the disturbed, infrared luminous galaxy (Arp 2001, Arp et al. 2001).
e. Disturbed Morphology of Ultraluminous Infra Red Galaxies (ULIRGs)
One of the supposedly most luminous nearby galaxies known is Arp 220 (Arp, Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies No. 220). The X-ray map in Fig. 10 shows that a pair of quasars across it have been found to differ by only .009 in redshift (Arp et al. 2001)! The pair is aligned as exactly as can be measured across this dust shrouded nucleus, whose activity is masked by an estimated 50 magnitudes of obscuration. If the two quasars have appreciable ejection velocity at the present time, then it is very unlikely that they are travelling so exactly across the line of sight that their radial velocity components would show negligible difference.
As suggested by previous cases, however, if the quasars have interacted strongly with the galaxy on their way out, they could have lost most of their ejection velocity. This explanation for the closely matching redshifts is attractive, because it also accounts for the extremely disrupted state of the ejecting galaxy. In turn, this may also be connected with the abundance of fine, solid-particle dust which results in the strong infrared radiation.
A second inference from the X-ray map in Fig. 10 arises from the fact that at the base of the southerly trail of X-ray sources which leads back to Arp 220 is a group of three or more galaxies with a redshift of z = .090. They are connected to the active galaxy by radio and X-ray bridges (Arp 2001). At their conventional redshift distance, these galaxies would be suspiciously bright, close to having the conventional luminosities of quasars, but they appear as elliptical and lenticular cluster galaxies. If they were younger, intrinsically redshifted ejecta which had been stopped, and then evolved close to Arp 220, they would instead represent higher redshift companion galaxies such as are found in many groups of galaxies. More discussion of this process can be found at the end of this Catalogue in Appendix B. But it is very important for the following Catalogue to introduce at this point empirical evidence that would support the cases where higher redshift clusters of galaxies appear physically associated with low-redshift, presumably ejecting, central galaxies.
f. Preferred values of redshift
Starting with Burbidge and Burbidge (1967), quasar redshifts in general were shown to occur in discrete values. Later Karlsson discovered that they obeyed the empirical law:
(1 + zi + 1) = 1.23(1 + zi)
z = .06, .30, .60, .96, 1.41, 1.96, 2.64, 3.48 ...
Quasar redshifts in many of the associations in the present Catalogue fall very close to these preferred values. Because it is unlikely that we are at the center of expanding shells, this would seem to require the dominant component of the redshift to be intrinsic. At some level, however, there should exist a component of peculiar velocity. Since the spread around the quantized values is observed to be of the order of ∆z = ±0.1 (Arp et al. 1990), it is natural to suggest that the latter represents the (Doppler) velocity component of the redshift.
In the following section we actually compute the speed with which the quasars are moving through space. Indeed it turns out that the quasars
Table 1. Well Defined Pairs with Redshifts. First 7 objects are discussed in Arp (1998) and last three in Arp (1998b).
Galaxy NGC4258 NGC4235 NGC1068
zG 0.002 0.007 0.0038
z1 0.653 0.334 0.655
(peak) (0.60) (0.30) (0.60)
z2 0.398 0.136 0.261
(peak) (0.60) (0.30) (0.30)
velej 0.031 0.019 0.030
velej 0.128 0.132 0.034
NGC2639 IC1767 Mark205
0.0106 0.0175 0.070
0.3232 0.669 0.464
(0.30) (0.60) (0.30)
0.3048 0.616 0.633
(0.30) (0.60) (0.60)
0.007 0.025 0.052
0.007 0.007 0.046
PG1211+143 A/H\ #1
0.085 0.51
1.28 2.15
(0.96) (0.96)
1.02 1.72
(0.96) (0.96)
0.072 0.064
0.050 0.081
A/H\ #2
appear to be moving with respect to their parent galaxy with velocities from 10,000 km/sec at intrinsic redshift z = 0.3, to 30,000 km/sec at intrinsic redshift z = .96. The velocity of separation from the ejecting galaxy appears to fall as lower intrinsic redshifts are considered.
g. Ejection Velocities
To make this calculation we restrict ourselves to pairs of quasars. They are the most common association, and their approximately equal spacing across the central galaxy implies that they were ejected simultaneously with equal velocities. If momentum is conserved, one of the objects should have a component of velocity away from the observer, and the other toward the observer. We can test whether these expectations match observations.
Table 1 lists the best determined pairs of quasars lying across active galaxies for which redshifts have been measured. (There are more apparent pairs awaiting measurement.) The table lists the redshifts of the central galaxies (zG) and the measured redshifts of the paired quasars (z1, z2). These observed quasar redshifts are then corrected to the galaxy center by means of (1 + zQ) = (1 + z1)/(1 + zG), and compared to the nearest
peak of quantized redshift given by the Karlsson series. The difference between zQ and the nearest peak is assumed to represent the true ejected velocity of ejection vej (in units of c), i.e., (1 + zej) = (1 + zQ)/(1 + zp). These values are listed in the velej columns, 7 and 8, of Table 1.
As Table 1 shows, the only ambiguous cases are the low-redshift members of the NGC 4258 and NGC 4235 pair which would be closer to a peak if they were falling back in, rather than still moving outward. In all the other cases the zQs associated with the nearest peak denote one object moving away from the observer and one toward the observer. This result alone (8 out of 10) would confirm the hypothesis of ejection in opposite directions with the magnitude of velocities listed in Tables 1 and 2.
Prior confirmations of the peaks in redshift have been made on large samples. Nevertheless, it is impressive to see the conformity of the pairs listed in Table 1.
In addition to this quantization of the intrinsic redshifts, it is readily noticeable that the ejection velocities in the pairs are fairly well matched, with the away velocity about the same size as the toward component. This is very impressive because there are several factors which could cause a mismatch even if the quasars were ejected initially at the same instant with the same velocity. One factor is that the initial ejection might not be exactly in opposite directions. That would cause different projections of ejection velocities to be observed in the toward and away directions. More importantly, however, the quasars have to penetrate through different amounts of galactic and intergalactic medium in different directions. For pairs along the minor axis these considerations should be less important, although they could be involved in the few cases where the match is not as good as the average. Of course, the intrinsic redshifts must evolve downward in steps as the ejecta travel outward. Depending on how fast they make the transition from peak to peak, there will be a chance of catching some redshifts in transition between peaks.
An important quantity derived so far from the group of pairs in Table 1, then, is the average velocity of separation from the ejecting galaxy as a function of redshift. This is summarized in Table 2. In terms of an empirical model this means that the ejected quasar must have slowed down from its original velocity, assumed close to c, to about 28,000 km/s by the time the redshift has evolved into the z = 0.96 peak. After that it must slow to about 10,000 km/s by the time the z = 0.30 peak is reached. If the quasars are then to evolve into bound companion galaxies, they must essentially lose all their velocity by an apogee of about 500 kpc. Galaxy redshifts, although they have much smaller intrinsic components, have also
been shown to fall at certain preferred values. The most conspicuous are the 72 km/sec Tifft quantization and the 37.5 km/sec Napier quantization. Another peak is apparent in the redshift of the Perseus-Pisces cluster, which can be seen all over the sky at z ~ .017. In the latter case, we are forced to ask whether these galaxies form an expanding shell with us at the center, or, alternatively, they are all at the same age and evolutionary stage distributed throughout a static volume at different distances from us.
Table 2. Ejection Velocities
0.30 0.60 0.96
Projected ∆z
0.026 0.029 0.051
0.021 0.060 0.083
Average absolute value 0.023 0.045 0.067
Deprojected Average Velocity (× √2) (kms1) 9,729 19,077 28,405
The 3C Sample of Active Galaxies and Quasars
The 3C Cambridge Survey lists between 400 and 500 of the brightest radio sources in the sky north of Dec. = 5 deg. Of those which are extragalactic, only 50 are quasars. The spectroscopic observation of the 3C sources was already complete enough by 1971 to show that these quasars fell closer to bright, low-redshift galaxies. For the whole sample of 3C sources the probability that this result was accidental is <103 (Burbidge, Burbidge, Strittmatter & Solomon 1971—the famous B2S2 paper). This result, however, was based solely on the criterion of nearness on the sky. In subsequent years some of the closest pairs have shown other evidence for association, and a number of additional high significance associations with 3C objects have been found. (Arp 1996; 1998b; 2001). If we ask what determines the probability of an association we can list five empirical criteria: nearness, alignment, centering, similarity of ejecta (usually zs or apparent mag.) and connections (bridges, jets and filaments). With these criteria, we can add at least 17 more associations of 3C quasars with low-redshift galaxies having chance probabilities ranging from 103 to 109. This seems to take the case for physical association beyond sensible calculation. We briefly discuss three individual cases below because of the strong evidence they contribute for ejection and quantization.
Fig. 11 2002 - Radio map at 1.6Ghz of 3C343.1 by Fanti et al. 1985. Separation of sources is only 0.25 arcsec. Note the opposite ejections from the radio galaxy, the western of which leads directly into the quasar. The compression of the radio contours on the west side of the quasar attests to its motion directly away from the galaxy.
a. 3C 343,1
In March 2002 Marshall Cohen called Margaret Burbidges attention to a 3C radio source that had two redshifts. The abstract of the paper reporting this (Tran et al. 1998) ended with the statement: “Our data reveal a chance alignment of 3C 343.1 with a foreground galaxy, which dominates the observed optical flux from the system.” It was a simple matter, however, to look up the high resolution radio map (Fanti et al. 1985) and find the two objects linked together by a radio bridge, as shown here in Fig. 11. We now calculate some probabilities of this being a chance alignment and show how the configuration follows the rules of many previous physical associations. A circle of 0.25 arcsec radius subtends an area of 1.5 × 108 sq. deg. on the sky. In the now essentially completely identified 3C Catalogue there are about 50 radio quasars. Assuming 23,000 sq deg. to Dec. = 5 deg. we compute 2.2 × 103 such quasars per sq. deg., giving a probability of
3 × 1011 of accidentally finding the z = .750 quasar within 0.25 arc sec of the z = .344 galaxy.
However, even if we do not consider the radio material linking them a bridge, we must still estimate the possibility that the radio tail from the galaxy points within a few degrees to the quasar and, similarly, from the quasar back to the galaxy. This would give a further improbability of (±2/90)2 = 5 × 104. The combined probability of this configuration being chance is of the order of 1014.
Because the galaxy and quasar together are faint, apparent mag. 20.7, it may be that the galaxy is fairly normal and lies at its considerable redshift distance. That would also help explain the exceedingly small, apparent separation of the objects. There remains, however, an intriguing question about the numerical value of the redshift. The Karlsson preferred redshift values in this interval are shown below. (For references to the derivation of these peaks see Arp et al. 1990; Burbidge and Napier 2001 and also Section D in the description of the Catalogue which follows.) In this range the peaks are:
z = ... .30, .60, .96, 1.41, ...
The galaxy at z = .344 is close to the z = .30 value. But the quasar at z = .750 is about midway between the next preferred values. The solution to this apparent discrepancy is to compute the redshift of the quasar as seen from the rest frame of the galaxy:
(1 + z0) = (1 + zQ)/(1 + zg) = 1.750/1.344 = 1.302
Hence the redshift of the quasar is z = .302, an almost perfect fit!
If the quasar were not physically associated with the galaxy this, of course, would be an additional improbable accident. This calculation is also important when samples of fainter quasars are considered, as noted in Arp et al. (1990). As for the distance of the z = .344 galaxy, it might, of course be closer than its redshift distance. Of interest in this connection is a pair of UGC galaxies a little over a degree away with z = .032 and .033. Moreover, in the direction of this pair from the z = .344 object are a quasar of z = 1.49 and the quasar 3C 343, with z = .99.
We have discussed this pair of objects from the standpoint of whether there could be any “a posteriori quality” to the extraordinarily small probability of a coincidental association. In fact, we have found that they were just more extreme values of the same properties that have characterized so many other physical associations of high significance— nearness, alignment, disturbances, connections. It is also striking to note
Fig. 12 - R band images of the field of 3C 441 from McCarthy et al. 1988. The galaxy at z = .202 appears either to have its west end occulted and/or a luminous connection to the quasar 2203+29, which has z = 4.399.
that this case has been circulating in the published literature for more than 4 years, and was even described as a foreground galaxy coincidentally close to a background quasar. One wonders how many other decisive pieces of information have gone unrecognized.
b. 3C3441
Fig.12 shows the area around 3C 441. About 36 arcsec from this 3C galaxy a quasar of z = 4.399 was accidently discovered (McCarthy et al.
1988). The chance of this being coincidental was estimated at a few times 103. But what was ignored was that the quasar, at R = 20.8 mag., was either partially obscuring the end of, or exhibiting a luminous bridge to, a relatively bright galaxy at z = .202. (The image appeared at the limit of resolution, but apparently no effort was ever made to get a better picture.) What has been apparent for some time, however, is that the z = 4.399 redshift fits the Karlssson peak redshift in its vicinity fairly well… 1.96, 2.64, 3.48, 4.51... But in the rest frame of the z = .202 galaxy it fits almost perfectly at z = 3.49!
c. 3C 435
This 3C source turned out to be two sources about 12 arcsec apart, one of z = .461 and one of z = .865. The latter source appears to be exactly and indistinguishably superposed on a galactic star of about zero redshift (McCarthy et al. 1989). Apparently no attempt has been made to straighten out this intriguing situation by getting images with higher resolution telescopes. But putting that matter aside, it appears that the z = .865 object in the rest frame of the z = .461 object is z = .28—very close to the peak redshift value of z = .30.
d. A 2dF Galaxy
Not a 3C galaxy, but a composite spectrum reminiscent of the situations described above appeared recently among 55 quasars with z > .3 in the 2 degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (Madgwick, D. et al. 2001). The two spectra, appearing in a seemingly single object, have z = .1643 and z = .87. In the reference frame of the galaxy the quasar would go from .87 to .61!
Fig. 13 (Plate 13 Intro) The famous debate between big telescopes in the 1970s as to the reality of the connection between the galaxy NGC 4319 and the quasar/AGN Markarian 205 has been settled by these CCD frames taken by D. Strange with a 50cm telescope in the English countryside.
Ejection Origin of Quasars
Because radio sources and X-ray jets are believed to be ejected from galaxy nuclei, it was reasoned in the beginning of this Introduction that radio quasars and X-ray loud quasars were also ejected. The observed pairings in all these sources was strong support for this conclusion. The potential violation of redshift as a distance indicator, however, has caused opinion leaders in the field to demand ever more proof of the physical association of such discordant redshift objects. One form such proof could take is luminous connections from galaxies to higher redshift objects. There are a few cases where optical bridges and filaments are seen. One famous connection is between a low-redshift galaxy, NGC 4319 and an AGN/Quasar, Mrk 205. The progressive evidence from
optical to X-ray was featured on the covers of my first two books, Quasars, Redshifts and Controversies and Seeing Red: Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science (Arp 1987; 1998b). The optical connection at least, once hotly debated by big telescope observers, appears to have been settled by an amateur in the English countryside with a 50 cm telescope (Fig. 13, and color Plate 13 Intro).* It is also interesting to note that the redshift of Mrk 205 (z = .070), when transformed to the rest frame of the disturbed galaxy (z = .006), becomes z = .064. This is very close to the first quantized redshift of z = .06. We have seen evidence in radio contours for ejection of quasars. A particularly conclusive case was 3C 343.1 (preceding section). M 87 in the Virgo Cluster is a well-known case where a strong radio jet and enclosed inner X-ray jet, together, point along galaxy alignments to bright quasars. In other 3C objects such as 3C 275.1 and 3C232, X-ray jet/filaments have been found to point from the nearby active galaxy to the quasar (Arp 1996). But in the case of a very active object like M 82 (3C 281), it has been stated in numerous papers that X-rays are being ejected along the minor axis of this explosive galaxy. A very dense group of quasars is found in this direction immediately SE of M 82 (Arp 1999), and more BSO X-ray candidates are found NW, in the other minor axis direction, (G.R., E.M. Burbidge, H. Arp and Z. Zibetti, ApJ in press).
* Not yet! In Oct. 2002 a Hubble Space Telescope image (and press release) claimed no connetion. But many independent researchers printed the same picture and strikingly confirmed the bridge!! See cover picture and caption for further discussion.
Fig. 14 - Quasars of z = .981 and .995 are paired across the minor axis of the bright, low-redshift galaxy NGC 3628. The isophotes show that an X-ray jet from the center of the galaxy contains the z = .995 quasar and ends on the z = 2.15 quasar. (see Arp et al. 2002 for other features of this association.)
A recent case where X-ray observers have identified ejection along the minor axis, however, is the bright galaxy in the Leo triplet, NGC 3628. There neutral hydrogen flow out of the galaxy is observed, as well as Xray ejection. An excess of quasars detected by objective prism observations as well as X-ray quasars has been discovered in this ejection along the minor axis of NGC 3628. X-ray quasars of z = .981 and .995 are paired across the galaxy and aligned along this minor axis. But the most decisive observation establishing ejection is the fact that two of the quasars along the minor axis fall exactly in, and at the terminus of, an X-ray
jet emerging from the nucleus of NGC 3628. They have been, so to speak, caught in the act of departure! One Figure is shown here (Fig.14), but the published paper contains diagrams and pictures of the various kinds of material outflowing from the galaxy (Arp et al. 2002). This should unequivocably settle the fact that quasars are ejected from galaxies.
a. Gamma Rays—the Most Energetic Connection
In 1995 an X-ray survey map of the Virgo Cluster was published. It showed X-ray connections between the dominant galaxy in the center (M49) and the radio galaxy 3C 274 to the north and the quasar 3C 273 (z = .158) to the south. This result was denied publication in major journals and ignored. But then Hans-Dieter Radecke (1997) courageously published the gamma ray map, confirming the connections with ≥100 MeV photons, except that the bridge was now much stronger in the southern connection to 3C 273, and continued on unmistakably to join the quasar 3C279 (z = .538). The extremely high energy radiation was interpreted as the ejection of proto quasar material from the active nuclei of the older galaxies (Arp, Narlikar and Radecke 1997). The original Radecke map can also be seen in Seeing Red Plate 5-18 where more details of the events connected with it can be consulted. In my opinion Radeckes gamma ray map of the Virgo Cluster is one of the most important and unequivocal findings in the subject of the distances, nature and origin of quasars. Yet it has been deliberately ignored, and Radecke himself is no longer involved in professional research.
Fig. 15 - The quasar 3C273 (z = .158) is connected by 10-30 MeV gamma rays to the quasar 3C279 (z = .538). This is the latest COMPTEL map as published in “Research 2000-2001, a book of posters,” Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik. (See Radecke 1997b; Arp et al. 1997; 1998b for even higher energy maps.)
Perhaps the most important confirmation of this discovery is the fact that slightly lower energy gamma rays, 10-30 MeV, showed the same unmistakable connection between the quasars of z = .158 and z = .538! This latter result, shown here in Fig. 15, was obtained with a completely different instrument, the Compton scattering COMPTEL, as opposed to the photon counting EGRET. Even with further observations added, the lower en-
ergy gamma rays confirmed the highest energy connection. The absolutely crucial question for the profession of science then is posed: Why is this high-energy photon map, which overturns the most basic assumption in extragalactic astronomy, suppressed and ignored?
Intrinsic Redshifts of Galaxies
The evidence from the associations in the Catalogue can best be interpreted as high-redshift quasars evolving to lower redshift, then into active galaxies and finally into normal, low-redshift galaxies. It is instructive, therefore, to study the intermediate phases in this evolution by examining physical companions of variously higher redshifts associated with lowredshift parent galaxies. It has been found that the former tend to be higher surface brightness, active, non-equilibrium forms. This supports their classification as the next stage of the compact, energy dense quasars. Of course, establishing even one or two cases of galaxies which have clearly non-velocity redshifts raises the question of a physical mechanism that can account for such a redshift. Moreover, a non-velocity redshift of an extended, well resolved companion rules out mechanisms which are frequently proposed, such as gravitational redshift or tired light. This is because the light travels essentially the same path to us from both the high and low-redshift galaxy—and, further, all parts within the high-redshift galaxy—the stars, gas, dust etc.—are redshifted about equally.
In the time taken to evolve from quasar to normal galaxy the objects can drift from their original ejection patterns. The average cone angle for companions around the minor axis of parent galaxies is ±35 deg., as opposed to ±20 deg. for quasars (see “The Origin of Companion Galaxies,” Arp 1998a.) As a result, the identification of excess redshift companions becomes more of a statistical calculation based on their nearness or grouping around the parent galaxy. On the other hand, if distances independent of redshift can be established for such galaxies, they can be compared directly to their redshift distances. These cases, as well as interaction evidence, can establish individually the presence of nonvelocity redshifts.
The observational evidence on discordant redshifts in groups is voluminous and goes back to 1961 when Geoffrey and Margaret Burbidge took spectra of the components of Stephans Quintet (see e.g., Arp 1987; 1998b). But here I would like to start with recent results on the distances of galaxies and trace their connection to some of the highlights of past distance discrepancies.
Cepheid Distances and the Hubble Constant
In the early 1950s the Period-Luminosity law of Cepheid variable stars was calibrated in open clusters in our galaxy. It was used to obtain distances to galaxies in neighboring groups to our own. Dividing the redshifts of those galaxies by their distances yielded a Hubble constant near H0 = 50 km/sec/Mpc. There was always controversy over this value, however, with some investigators getting larger values. Since this constant was supposed to represent the expansion velocity of our universe, the larger values lead to an expansion age of our universe that was younger than or uncomfortably close to the age of the oldest stars in our galaxy.
In an effort to minimize the effect of possible peculiar (non systematic expansion) velocities on the determination of H0, fainter Cepheids in higher redshift galaxies were measured with Hubble Space Telescope (HST). But Fig. 16 here shows that the H0 = 72 ± 8 which was officially celebrated, actually means serious trouble. The reason for this is that the majority of points define a nice, low dispersion line at about H0 = 55. This is in keeping with Sandage/Tamman estimates of a Hubble flow which is quiet to about 50 km/sec dispersion in velocity, and also in consonance with quantization of galaxy redshifts at 37.5 km/sec which would be washed out with larger peculiar velocities.
But more distant than about 15 Mpc the relation explodes! The peculiar velocities jump to 1,000 km/sec and become overwhelmingly positive! The Hubble constant, used in standard cosmology to measure the expansion age of the universe, is clearly indeterminate. Since, however, discrepancies between expansion ages and oldest star ages have now been overridden by stepping on the “dark energy” gas pedal or applying the “dark matter” brakes, the value of H0 has therefore become irrelevant in conventional cosmology.
Could these discrepancies be velocity caused? The answer is no on four counts:
1. The low velocity dispersion in the rather large (r ≤ 15 Mpc ) local neighborhood should not suddenly increase by an unacceptable amount.
2. Peculiar velocities should not be predominantly positive.
3. Tully-Fisher distances for much larger samples of galaxies all over the sky show the same effect.
Fig. 16 - The redshift-distance plot that defines the Hubble constant. The distances are from HST measures of Cepheid variables and the redshifts are catalogued, galactocentric values (v0) from Sandage and Tamman (1981). (See Arp 2002 for original paper.)
4. Evidence from associations of galaxies has been showing intrinsic redshifts for these same kinds of galaxies for over 30 years.
Fig. 17 - Absolute blue magnitudes plotted against the redshift distances minus Tully-Fisher distances (dz dTF). Redshift distances for Sc galaxies are much greater than Tully-Fisher distances for Scs with redshifts z ≥ 1000 km/sec (filled circles).
a. Tully-Fisher Distances
As is well known, the only major alternative to Cepheid or bright star distances to galaxies is to measure their rotational velocities, infer their mass and thus luminosity, and then use the difference between their apparent and absolute magnitudes to calculate their distance. Fig. 17 shows the same result as Fig. 16, namely, that the galaxies of less than redshift about 1000 km/sec are well behaved with the Tully-Fisher (dTF) distance, giving closely the same distance as the redshift distance (dz). Above redshifts of 1000 km/sec the redshift distances become vastly greater than the TF distances. But these are the same kind of galaxies that violate the redshift-distance relation in Fig. 16.
One of the most active researchers in this field, David Russell, has checked the rotational distance criteria with another distance criterion— diameter as a function of morphological type. He finds very close support for the TF distances. But when he uses the redshift distances for these
Fig. 18 - At its supposed redshift distance, the ScI galaxy NGC 309 is compared to M81, one of the largest galaxies of whose dimensions we can be sure. NGC 309 would be so enormous that it would make M81 look like a knot in one of its spiral arms.
same galaxies, he gets unprecedentedly large diameters. These are all luminosity class ScI-II galaxies (ScI being a classification based on strong, well defined spiral arms which I would identify as recently formed in ejection events and therefore generally younger galaxies.) The luminosity class I galaxies are the ones that deviate the most from the average line in Figs. 16 and 17. What this is telling us is that there is something wrong with the redshifts of these kinds of galaxies. They must contain a large intrinsic component!
b. What do these Galaxies Look like?
As a last resort, some astronomers might actually look at the objects they are using to calculate numbers. An example is NGC 309. It is an ScI, which is shown in Fig. 18. At its redshift distance, it is compared to a gal-
Fig. 19 - Galaxies whose redshift distances are the most excessive happen to fall in the direction of our Local Group. They are shown with optical boundaries as a solid line and Hydrogen by a dashed line. They are so big at their supposed redshift distances that they would fill the whole Local Group (from Bertola et al. 1998).
axy to which we really know the distance. We see that the giant in our neighborhood, known as M 81, is swallowed like a knot in the arm of this supposedly monstrous NGC 309. This revelation usually shocks astronomers, because they never think about how they casually accept objects which contradict their empirical picture, but for which there is no precedence or independent observational support. In fact NGC 309 looks rather like an ordinary spiral, of which there are many examples that are fainter and smaller than galaxies like M 81 and M 31. If NGC 309 was really as large as its redshift distance would have us believe, it should furnish a supernova about every three years—a frequency amateur supernovae observers could easily testify is not seen.
Are there other examples of galaxies that would have improbable dimensions if situated at their redshift distances? Fig. 19 shows an array of galaxies, three ScI spirals: UGC 2885, NGC 753 (33 Mpc more distant based on its redshift than its 47 Mpc TF distance) and the bright apparent magnitude spiral NGC 628. If it were at its redshift distance, however, NGC 262 (Mrk 348) would have a diameter large enough to encompass the whole center of the Local Group. It would subtend more than 30 deg. on the sky! Yet it appears to be a dwarf spiral and has hardly more than 100 km/sec internal redshift differences. If the objects in Fig. 19 were really the sizes given by their conventional redshift distances, they would produce from 5 to 50 supernovae a year! As one might guess from their NGC numbers, these galaxies are actually located at the pictured positions in the sky. They could be high intrinsic redshift members of the Local Group. There are many groups in the following Catalogue which contain even larger ranges of redshift.
Fig. 20 - The ScI galaxy NGC 4156 (cz = 6,700 km/sec) is only about 5 arcmin NE of the bright Seyfert NGC 4151 (z = 964 km/sec). A deep photograph with the 200-inch at Palomar shows outer spiral arms leading toward the NGC 4156 at +5,700 km/sec excess redshift, and also to a companion SW at + 5,400 km/sec. (See also Fig. 18 in Appendix B, Arp 1988b and Arp 1977 for original paper.)
c. Companion Galaxies and Late Type Spirals
As early as 1970, when Nature magazine was still publishing observational tests of astronomical assumptions, data appeared which showed that companion galaxies and spirals had sytematically excess redshifts relative to earlier type galaxies (Arp 1970; Jaakkola 1971; Arp 1990). Fig. 20 above shows a quintessential ScI galaxy, NGC 4156, which has been
known for decades to have a large excess redshift at the distance of its parent Seyfert Galaxy. Both are X-ray sources, while the companion at the end of the opposite arm is also an X-ray source and has the same large, excess redshift as NGC 4156. Sc galaxies in particular showed this effect, and the most extreme form— ScIs with sharply defined arms—showed it the most conspicuously. The latter, including such ScIs as NGC 309 and NGC 753, have the greatest excess redshifts over HST Cepheid and TF distances, as shown in Figs. 16 and 17. There are even more extreme cases, as shown in Fig. 20, an ScI of cz = 6,700 km/sec on the end of the arm from NGC 4151 (an Sb with cz = 964 km/sec). (See even deeper images of NGC 4151 in Fig. 18 in Appendix B.) However, the diffuse, low surface brightness X-ray galaxy on the SW arm shows that material with this intrinsic redshift can occasionally be disrupted and spread out into a non-spiral, non ScI form.
Fig. 21 - A dwarf galaxy north of NGC 4151 which has cz = 1,045 km/sec, with a ScI spiral of cz = 29,400 km/sec attached. (See Arp 1977 for original paper).
Here Fig. 21 shows another ScI of cz = 29,400 km/sec connected to a nearby galaxy of cz = 1,045 km/sec. In a short span one observer found 38 more examples of excess redshift companions reaching up to ∆cz = 36,000 km/sec (Arp 1982). Unfortunately the latter discoveries have been consistently ignored in the last two decades. As mentioned above, with the advent of X-ray and gamma ray observations, hard energy jets and connections were found from low-redshift
galaxies to high-redshift quasars and ejected companions. The care with which these observations were reduced and presented to the astronomical readership can be judged by following some of the references in papers appearing since the 1970s. (Arp, 1996; Arp, Narlikar and Radecke, 1997; Arp, Burbidge, Chu, Flesch, Patat and Ruprecht, 2002). In the following Catalogue companion galaxies and quasars are seen strung out over generally larger arcs in the sky. Gradations and similarities of redshift usually form the evidence for physical association with central galaxies. It may be that deep, wide-field imaging can furnish further connective evidence for association. But it may also be profitable to look close to the central galaxies with deep imaging in various wavelengths to capture associations in earlier stages. It is perhaps serendipitous that so many large telescopes and advanced detectors have already been built, which could be eventually be used to investigate a more sophisticated and complete physics.
Crossing the Bridge to a more Correct Physics
It is now 30 years since Fred Hoyle gave his Henry Norris Russell Prize Lecture before the American Astronomical Society in Seattle. Earlier in the meeting I had given a short resumé of the evidence for birth of quasars and their evolution into galaxies. It was therefore a thrill for me to later listen to Sir Fred outline a broad and insightful analysis of the kind of physics that we would need in order to deal with these observations in extragalactic realms. I was surprised to hear him offer, as a proof for the need to consider fundamental particle masses evolving from zero, my observations of the 16,000 km/sec companion attached by a filament to the 8,000 km/sec Seyfert galaxy NGC 7603. (The latest exciting news on this object is discussed at the at the end of Appendix B.) Five years later his former student, Jayant Narlikar, made a more general solution of the field equations than the Friedmann solution, which had launched the Big Bang in 1922 (see Narlikar 1977; Narlikar and Arp 1993; Arp 1998b.). The newer solution with evolving particle masses, I believe, elegantly explains the redshift associations which are still so disturbing to cosmologists and physicists.
But the subsequent story of what happened to Freds lecture illuminates the situation of cosmology today. One leading astronomer came up to us as we were talking after the lecture and blurted out, “You are both crazy.” His prestigious Russell lecture, which was traditionally published in the Astrophysical Journal, was inexplicably sent to a referee. Fred was outraged (as were others when they heard about it) and refused to proceed with publication. I endeavoured to convince him that it should be published, and he agreed to let me publish it in the book called The Redshift Controversy (ed. George Field, 1973). This book records the debate between myself and John Bahcall held at the American Association for Advancement of Science in Washington on December 30, 1972. If I had not been able to include it in this book, this seminal path to the future mapped out by one of the most eminent scientists of this era would have never even been available in the recorded literature.
In that lecture, entitled “The Developing Crisis in Astronomy,” he ended by saying “...[the observations are] forcing us, whether we like it or not, across this exceedingly important bridge [to a more fundamentally correct physics]...” I now personally regret that a generation has passed and we are further than ever from making that advance. I hope that the following Catalogue of extragalactic objects will direct our feet back onto that bridge to a better future.
Arp, H. 1967, ApJ 148, 321 Arp, H. 1968, Astrofizika (Armenian Acad. Sci.) 4, 49 Arp, H. 1970, Nature 225, 1033 Arp, H. 1977, ApJ 218, 70 Arp, H. 1982, ApJ 263, 54 Arp, H. 1987, Quasars, Redshifts and Controversies (Interstellar Media, Berkeley) Arp, H. 1990, Astrophys. and Space Science 167, 183 Arp, H. 1996, A&A 316, 57 Arp, H. 1997, A&A 328, L17 Arp, H. 1998a, ApJ 496, 661 Arp, H. 1998b, Seeing Red: Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science (Apeiron, Montreal) Arp, H. 1999, ApJ 525, 594 Arp, H. 2001, ApJ 549, 780 Arp, H. 2002, ApJ 571, 615 Arp, H., Bi, H.G., Chu, Y., Zhu, X. 1990, Astron. Astrophys. 239, 33 Arp, H., Burbidge, E.M., Chu, Y. Zhu, X. 2001, ApJ 553, L11 Arp, H. Burbidge, E.M., Chu, Y, Flesch, E., Patat, F., Rupprecht, G. 2002, A&A 391, 833.. Arp, H, Narlikar, J., Radecke, H.-D. 1997, Astroparticle Physics 6, 387 Bertola, F., Sulentic, J. Madore, B. 1988, New Ideas in Astronomy, Cambridge University Press Burbidge, G.R., Burbidge. E.M. 1967, ApJ 148, L107 Burbidge, G.R., Burbidge. E.M., Solomon, P.M., Strittmatter, P.A. 1971, ApJ 170, 233 Burbidge. E.M. 1995, A&A 298, L1 Burbidge, E.M. 1997, ApJ 484, L99 Burbidge, G.R., Napier, W. 2001, AJ 121, 21 Chu, Y., Wei, J., Hu J., Zhu, X., Arp, H. 1998, ApJ 500, 596 Fanti, C., Fanti, R., Parma, P., Schilizzi, R., van Breugel, W. 1985, A&A 143, 292 Field, G., Arp, H., Bahcall, J. 1973, The Redshift Controversy, W.A. Benjamin Co., reading, Mass. Holmberg, E. 1969, Ark. Astron. 5, 305 Jaakkola, T. 1971, Nature 234, 534 Madgwick, D., Hewett, P., Mortlock, D., Lahav, O. 2001, astro-ph/02033307 McCarthy, P., Dickinson, M., Filippenko, A., Spinrad, H., van Breugel, J. 1988, ApJ 328, L29 McCarthy, P., van Breugel, J., Spinrad, H. 1989, AJ 97, 36 Narlikar, J. 1977, Ann. Physics 107, 325 Narlikar, J. Arp, H. 1993, ApJ 405, 51 Pietsch, W., Vogler, A., Kahabka, P., Jain A., Klein, U. 1994, A&A 284, 386 Radecke, H.-D. 1997a, A&A 319, 18 Radecke, H.-D. 1997b, Astrophys. Space Sci. 249, 303 Sandage, A., Tamman, G. 1981. A Revised Shapley Ames Catalogue of Bright Galaxies, Carnegie
Institution of Washington. Tran, H., Cohen, M., Ogle, P., Goodrich, R., di Serego Alighieri 1998, ApJ 500, 660 Ulrich, M.-H. 1972, ApJ 174, 483
The Catalogue
About the Catalogue
The Catalogue is a picture book that shows distributions of extragalactic objects in various sized regions of the sky. The maps presented here depict associations of quasars, galaxies, clusters of galaxies and related objects in patterns which are characteristically repeated. I believe it is possible for non-specialists and even specialists to simply glance at this succession of maps to understand the essential principle involved— alignments of higher redshift objects originating from larger, usually active, galaxies of lower redshift. If desired, from there it is a matter of each individuals judgement to consider models of ejection and evolution, with their consequences for physical processes such as the nature of redshifts, mass, time, gravity and cosmology.
The second purpose of these pictures is to furnish key objects for further observations. In almost all cases more redshifts, direct images, X-ray and IR observations would further test the validity or non-validity of the associations and also furnish important new information on their nature and origins. Having independent observers confirm new evidence on the processes which give rise to these patterns is perhaps the only way in which the majority of scientists will be led to accept the new paradigm they represent.
I hesitate to call this a Catalogue because it is not complete. Indeed, wherever I look in the sky—for example to discover where a certain active galaxy cluster, quasar or proposed gravitational lens came from—I am likely to find its source plus other families of extragalactic objects, with a large, low-redshift galaxy and associations of higher redshift companions. There are many more examples of this basic pattern to be discovered, so this is merely a sample. And again, their acceptance will be hastened by independent discovery.
About the Listed Associations
The examples are listed in order of increasing right ascension (R.A. epoch 2000). This is to facilitate observers finding the kind of association they want to study in a region of the sky accessible to them. Each association
is generally named according to the brightest object or the object considered to be the origin of the higher redshift objects. The picture is displayed on the right hand page with the most important information labelled. The title object is described at the top of the left hand page, its apparent magnitude and redshift if known, and any indications of an energetic nucleus, for example: Seyfert, infrared, X-ray activity or morphological distortion.
Next are listed the most significant objects for the association, usually bright or unusual, higher redshift objects which are aligned. Such objects are usually rare and completely surveyed, or readily assigned a uniform limiting magnitude. Since the brightest objects in a given class are the nearest to us, their associations stand out most conspicuously against background objects. Thus each field represents the starting information to launch a more complete investigation; for example whether there are somewhat fainter or different classes of objects in the field which reinforce the connection with the proposed object of origin. Many of these further observations can be carried out with small to medium aperture telescopes. This opens a critically important field of investigation to astronomers who do not have access to large telescopes and to amateurs who have modern CCD detectors and spectroscopic capabilities.
Suggested Use
Further investigations are most easily initiated with the aid of computer archives. The currently available data for any plotted object in a field can be obtained from SIMBAD or NED. The R.A., Dec. and apparent magnitude can be used to target any galaxies that require redshifts. Infrared catalogues can be used to study IRAS sources. Catalogues such as NVSS and FIRST can be used to locate radio sources. For X-ray sources, the ROSAT archives from Max-Planck-Extraterrestriche (MPE) give X-ray measures in all-sky, PSPC and high resolution (HRI) modes (both sources and browser, the latter of which gives standard reduction maps under the click marked b). The X-ray sources are particularly important because point X-ray sources are often associated with blue stellar objects (BSOs). These, in turn, invariably turn out to be quasars that are easily identifiable spectroscopically. Optical identifications can be made through the automatic plate measuring surveys of blue and red Schmidt Sky Surveys (APM) and U.S. Naval Observatory (USNOA). Finding charts can be downloaded from the ESO digitized sky survey. The latter are useful for identifying bright extended X-ray sources (EXSS) as galaxy clusters and obtaining a first impression of their shapes.
No attempt has been made in the current sample of associations to list published references or their authors except in rare cases where previous studies might not be listed in the abstract data services (ADS). Any objects identified in either SIMBAD or NED will have references appended if they appear in modern, standard journals.
One must be wary of selection effects. In any given field the recording of any given type of object may be incomplete. For example, galaxy surveys might have a border passing through the field. Quasars could be sampled in a small, deep field or within an approximately 1 degree radius PSPC field.
But for objects like NGC galaxies, Abell galaxy clusters (ACO), 3C radio sources and bright apparent magnitude quasars, I assume essentially uniform and complete sky coverage. When it comes to fainter objects, e.g., 16th mag. galaxies or emission line objects, we might see clusters, but immediately ask if galaxies in the surrounding regions have been completely observed. If we can see the cluster elongated, however, we tend to believe that to be real, because there is no reason for cataloguers to measure along a line and no reason for them to be aware that the line pointed to a nearby, low-redshift galaxy, as occurs in a number of cases. The challenge that immediately presents itself is to observe more objects along this line—to test, for example, whether objects of similar redshifts support the conclusion that it is neither accidental nor a background feature. As observations on any candidate association are completed new objects will need to be investigated, and if they add to the understanding of the origin of the association they will represent important new, first hand discoveries.
What to look for
a. Pairs and alignments
A sample of some of the best cases of quasars aligned across active, ejecting galaxies is discussed in the Introduction (prototypical aligned pairs). The purpose of that section was to establish firmly the pattern of high-redshift objects paired across a low-redshift, usually bright galaxy. It also established that the high-redshift objects tend to come out along the minor axis (when that is measurable), that they tend to resemble each other in redshift and other properties, and that redshifts tend to fall near preferred, quantized values (Arp 1998).
When young objects leave the galaxy of origin unimpeded, say along the minor axis, the the lowest redshift objects tend to be observed most distant, and higher redshift objects closer to the galaxy of origin. This is expected if the intrinsic redshift diminishes as a function of age, because the more distant ones would have been travelling longer. On the other hand, when they exit through an appreciable part of the galaxy, they tend to disrupt the galaxy, and the ejecta tend to fragment and stay closer to the galaxy of origin (see e.g., Arp 1999). Moreover, remnants of the original galaxy which have the same redshift as or slightly larger redshifts than the ejecting galaxy can be entrained along the ejection path leading to much higher redshift ejecta.
b. New evidence from elongations of groups of X-ray sources
As the data on the present associations was being collected, X-ray archives revealed that many of the apparently ejected higher redshift objects had been observed as X-ray sources. Simply looking at the plots in the ROSAT X-ray source or sequence browsers frequently showed that the recorded sources in the field were conspicuously distributed in elongated patterns, often across a central source. The fact that in a number of cases they were aligned toward a central object of origin would seem to be decisive proof that they originated in the (usually lower redshift) object.
In one key case a high resolution X-ray observation showed a cold front (in the nature of a bow shock) moving down the elongated X-ray cluster Abell 3667 at 1400 km/sec directly away from the central, X-ray ejecting, lower redshift galaxy. (This association is not presented in the main body of the present Catalogue; but see Appendix B here, and full details are given in Arp 2001 + note added in manuscript.) All the cases in the present Catalogue should be checked for X-ray properties. Since the energetic X-ray activity tends to decay, it should be indicative of younger objects and hence higher redshifts. The configurations also apparently can be relatively unrelaxed and therefore record the directions and processes involved in their origins. Chandra and XMM observations would be particularly valuable in this respect.
c. Evolution
One of the most valuable types of data to be obtained from the present Catalogue associations is the behaviour of the ejected objects as they progress further from their galaxy of origin. Generally they reduce in redshift, presumably as they grow older and evolve. The morphological and energetic continuity as they transform from compact high energy density quasars to more quiescent, relaxed normal galaxies is very important in justifying the conclusion that quasars are continually evolving into normal galaxies. It also represents the best opportunity to obtain data on what fundamental physical processes are taking place. The associations presented in this Catalogue will, I hope, furnish the empirical data with which to trace and understand this evolution. (We should also be aware, however, that entrained or ablated material can exhibit different redshift progressions.)
d. Quantized Redshifts in the Rest Frame of the Parent Galaxy
The Karlsson redshift quantization values were found for bright quasars mainly associated with low-redshift galaxies. But when associations are found with fainter apparent magnitude quasars around higher redshift galaxies, one has to correct for the redshift of the parent galaxy. To find the redshift of the quasar in the reference frame of the ejecting galaxy one needs to divide by the redshift of the galaxy, i.e.,
(1 + zQ) = (1 + z1)/(1 + zG).
Failure to realize this led some to reject the quantized redshift values because “the values drifted away from the peaks for larger samples at fainter apparent magnitudes.” But, as cautioned in the early papers, proper analyses in any sample should calculate the redshift values as a function of the galaxies from which they originated.
For ejecta originating from low-redshift galaxies, this correction is not significant. But in the following Catalogue there are a number of examples where correction for an appreciable redshift of the parent galaxy moves the corrected quasar redshift onto, or much closer to, the expected peak redshift. I often point out these cases because I argue that if the quasar were not associated with the galaxy the correction would not, in general, move it onto the peak. If the correction moves the redshift particularly close, this is evidence for the physical association of this particular galaxy and quasar.
e. Hierarchical Associations
Finally there is the question of how large and nearby associations can get. Can one always trace back an even earlier origin from an even brighter, lower redshift galaxy? M 101 is a case in point, with higher redshift galaxies and secondary and tertiary ejections extending out possibly to a radius of ~15 deg. The brightest objects, like M 101, of course, are generally the closest to us and subtend the greatest angles on the sky. Are fainter associations less luminous hierarchical generations within the nearby structure or are they more distant copies of the nearby system? The evidence that many objects previously believed to be at great distances are actually much closer confronts us with the most drastic possible revision of current concepts. Because this point needs to be explored in more detail, M 101 is treated in a separate section at the end of the Catalogue (Appendix A). One specific question to which this leads is: How many of the observed extragalactic objects in fact belong to the Local Supercluster and how many lie beyond? In this regard, readers will notice that cases of association in this Catalogue tend to avoid that part of the sky in the general direction of the center of the Local Supercluster. Clearly that is where the highest density of potential parent galaxies in the sky is encountered. It is suggested, however, that the associations are too intermingled there, and that they simply stand out more clearly in areas of sparser bright galaxy population. This is one of the more difficult questions that is left for future analysis.
Arp, H. 1998, Seeing Red: Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science (Montreal, Apeiron)
Arp, H. 1999, ApJ 525, 594 Arp, H. 2001, ApJ 549, 802 Burbidge, E.M., Burbidge G.R., 1967, ApJ 148, L107. Burbidge, G.R. 2001, AJ 121, 21.
Catalogue Entries
NGC 7817
00h 03m 59.0s 20d 45m 08s
mpg = 12.7 mag. z = .0077 Sb/Sc, IRAS, Radio Source
There are three bright X-ray sources within 60 arcmin aligned across NGC 7817, as shown in the adjoining figure (filled circles marked with an x). The minor axis of N7817 is p.a. = 135 deg., just in the direction of Mrk 335. One of the absorption line systems in Mrk 335 is at z = .0076, compared to z = .0077 for N7817. A compact blue X-ray object lies about half way along the line to the z = 1.11 quasar (at 00h02m53.5s +21d01m10s). A fourth galaxy is near this same line, just out of the frame to the NW. It is an IRAS, UV excess galaxy of z = .035 and forms a good pair with Mrk 335 at z = .026.
A cluster of X-ray sources lies about 40 arcmin NE of Mrk 335 and to the ESE of NGC 7817. It contains a rather dense group of quasars in the region indicated in the figure by dashed lines. They include the rather intriguing redshifts of z = 1.38 and 1.40 and z = .77 and .75. There is also an X-ray luminous quasar at z = .389 in this group which is an almost perfect match for the nearby ASCA quasar of z = .388 which is shown in the figure.
Mrk 335 is surrounded by many UV bright objects. It arouses curiosity as to what the fainter ones might be.
Aligned Objects
z = .026 z = .388 z = 1.106 z = .035
Sey1 QSO RSO Gal
V = 13.85 V = 18.1 O = 19.1 m = 15.3
Mrk 335, 1RX EXOSAT 0003.4+2014
TEX 2358+209, 1RX IRAS F23569+2108
Deep wide field images, identification of UV objects, some redshifts.
NGC 68
00h 18m 18.5s 30d 04m 17s mpg = 14.5 mag. z = .019 S0:
The Perseus-Pisces filament is very large, stretching across almost a quadrant of the sky. The figure here shows a portion of the western part. Subfilaments are conspicuous in the figure, but the interesting aspect is that along the major filaments of z = .023 galaxies there are, defining the same filaments, galaxies of z = .08 to .10. There are some groups and clusters along these lines: for example Abell 21 at z = .095, which appears to stretch up to the Zwicky cluster at z = .023 in the center of the field. There are also an X-ray BSO and a z = .51 Seyfert, which may be associated with the latter filament. Near the NGC 68 group there is a BL Lac object with no present redshift.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
The NGC 68 group is very compact and is shown enlarged in the second figure here. It is seen to be near the center of a line of four companion galaxies, all of which are somewhat higher redshift. The rest of the group is of higher redshift, presenting another example where the parent or dominant galaxy in a physical group is some hundreds of km/sec lower redshift. In this case the group would average about 1200 km/sec higher. Galaxy filaments are accepted as common features in the sky. Filaments of much different redshift which are superimposed in detail, as the present ones, however, contradict the basic assumptions about redshift distances and should be subjected to all possible observational tests.
Deep wide field images, redshifts of remaining galaxies and objects in the filaments.
NGC 214
00h 41m 27.9s 25d 30m 01s
BT = 13.0 mag. z = .015 ScI: Perseus-Pisces Filament
The X-ray cluster CLG J0030+2618 contains an X-ray luminous galaxy of z = .516. The CRSS* measures of X-ray sources in the PSPC† observations which include this cluster reveal a number of quasars in the range mostly from z = .5 to 1.7. The question arose as to where the parent galaxy to this unusual grouping might be. As the accompanying figure shows, there is a line of galaxies leading from NGC 214 directly toward the cluster.
The remarkable feature of this line of galaxies is that their redshifts increase monotonically as they leave NGC 214 and approach the cluster (z = .015, .02, .. .03, .. .07). The cluster itself has a wide range of quasar redshifts, and to quote Brandt et al., AJ 119, 2359, an X-ray background source density more than 4.5 times expected! This strongly suggests an aggregate of different redshifts at the same distance.
Looking in the opposite direction from NGC 214, there is, amazingly, a string of galaxies leading to another cluster of galaxies, Abell 104. The same kind of progression of redshifts is observed (z = .015, 03,.. .05, .. .04, .. .05, .. .08, .. .09). The Abell Cluster has z = .082. The Abell cluster itself is also extended along the line back to NGC 214 as if its original material had been ablating as it moved outward. For further discussion see Appendix B, Ejection Figs. 9, 10 and 11.
Deep wide field images, redshifts of X-ray sources and further galaxies along the lines.
* Cambridge ROSAT Serendipity Survey (Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc. 272, 462, 1995). † ROSAT, low resolution X-ray photon counter.
ESO 476-20
01h 31m 40.0s 25d 32m 41s V = 15.0 z = .020 E gal, IRAS Source
The bright apparent magnitude quasars at 16.6 and 17.6 mag. are aligned accurately across the central galaxy which is also an infrared source. They are also equally spaced at 1.14 and 1.18 degrees. The SE quasar is a strong radio source and the NW quasar is probably to be identified with the strong, 1RX, X-ray source.
Closely along this line are a number of objects indicated in the adjoining plot. Firstly there are four galaxies all of z = .071 and .070. This is close to the quantized value of z = .062. Also aligned are Abell Clusters 214 and possibly 210. Abell 214 is apparently a strong X-ray cluster and there is an all sky survey X-ray source falling along this line which is identifed as a blue stellar object of R = 17.4 mag. and is a good quasar candidate.
In the accompanying figure there is a brighter galaxy plotted to the east of ESO 476-20 which has a redshift 229 km/sec less. This suggests that it is the parent galaxy of ESO 476-20 and that the latter is its active companion. Along this E-W line are found two clusters of fainter galaxies and a gamma ray burster (GRB). On the other side is Abell 206, all of which may indicate a second line of ejection of somewhat different kinds of objects (see ejection lines from M 101 in Appendix A).
Aligned Objects
z = 1.20 z = 1.53 z = .160 z = .---
V = 16.6 O = 17.6 m10 = 17.5 R = 17.4
GD1357,1RX: 1Jy 0133-266 ACO 214,1RX
Spectrum of BSO, direct images of clusters, spectra of additional objects along alignment.
NGC 613
01h 34m 18.2s 29d 25m 02s
V = 10.3 mag. z = .005 SBbpec, Arp/Madore 0132-294 multi armed spiral with strong radio ejection
This is a new and particularly striking example of ejected quasars from an active galaxy and supports the long standing suggestion that spiral arms are caused by compact ejections from the nuclei of sprial galaxies (Arp, Sci. American, 1963).
The radio map (Fig. 3, NVSS, Condon et al. 1998) indicates ejection along the narrow bar of this active galaxy. The bar and this presumed radio ejection (possibly two sources on either side) point directly to quasars from the 2dF survey of z = 2.22 and z = 2.06 as shown on the accompanying map. As for the quasars further out, they also tend to be placed along the ejection direction, particularly the z = 1.86 and z = 1.48 quasars. So there are two sets of quasars suggesting a match with the two inner pairs of radio sources. The numerical value of the quasar redshifts also argue against their being accidental background projections. We note particularly the the average redshift of the nearest two on the NW as being z = 2.04 closely matching the z = 2.06 of the ones on the SE. The two in the outer most pair are also very similar at z = 1.41 and z = 1.48.
There is a quasar 13.6 E of NGC 613 in the Fig. which is very bright at 15.7 apparent magnitude and is a very strong X-ray source. Quite closely aligned on the other side of NGC 613 is a gamma ray burster, 4B 940216, (located 17.2 W, just beyond the z = 1.69 quasar in the Fig.). This pair of unusual objects fits the distance and alignment criteria of ejected objects from bright galaxies. Association of GRBs with active, low redshift galaxies has been pointed out in this Catalogue and by G. Burbidge (2003).
It is also notable that the bright quasar has z = .699 and only 17” N of it there is a quasar of z = 1.177. When the latter redshift is transformed into the rest frame of the brighter object it becomes z0 = .28—very close to the Karlsson preferred redshift peak of z = .30. If physically associated it would suggest a secondary ejection.
Fig. 2 shows a IIIa-J Sky Survey picture NGC 613, a multi arm spiral. Images of the interior regions and infra red wavelengths show a narrow bar running in the direction of the two nearest quasars.
Fig. 1
Higher resolution, deeper, radio and optical mapping of the narrow bar in NGC 613.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
NGC 622 and UM 341
01h 36m 00.2s 00d 39m 48s mpg = 14.1 mag. z = .017 SBb, Mrk 571, em line
with straight arm to QSO
01h 34m 18.2 00d 15m 37s V = 16.9 mag. z = .399 Sey1, QSO, PHL 1037
The great importance of this particular field is to show how large scale surveys of quasars should be examined in order to study the redshift peaks at the Karlsson values of ... .30, .60, .96, 1.42, 1.96, .2.64, 3.48 ... We start by looking at NGC 622, an active Markarian galaxy with two quasars only 71 and 73 arcsec away. At such close separation it is clear that they are associated, even if one did not notice the straight arm coming out of the galaxy and ending almost on the z = 1.46 quasar. (see Quasars, Redshifts and Controversies, 1987, Interstellar Media, Berkeley, p. 9-11.)
But this is part of a region which has recently been scanned for quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The quasars now known are shown in the accompanying figure with their redshifts written next to their plotted positions. One first notices that there is a loose group of quasars about 35 arcmin SW of NGC 622 (filled circles). Four of them have closely the same redshift, between z = .72 and .78. Generally, inside this group are higher redshift quasars, all roughly centred on a relatively bright, active Sey1/QSO. But, distressingly, all nine of these quasars fall not only off the predicted peaks—but fairly exactly between the peaks. If one transforms them, however, to the reference frame of the central UM 341, which has z = .399 they magically fall remarkably close to the expected peaks!
Quasars Associated with UM 341
mag. (g)
16.6 18.4 18.6 V = 21.7 19.0 18.2 19.3 21.9 19.1 19.1
.399 1.666 .718 .879 .745 1.31 1.805 3.183 .734 .781
.91 .23 .34 .24 .65 1.01 1.99 .25 .27
∆z peak
.05 .07 +.04 .06 +.05 +.05 +.03 +.05 +.03
Seyfert parent
PKS BV = .84
Radio Gal
Fig. 1
What about the remaining 7 quasars around the eastern circumference of the field (open circles)? They turn out to fit the Karlsson peaks very well when transformed to the z = .017 galaxies like NGC 622, which are present over the field. It is noticeable that many active galaxies—not only in the Perseus-Pisces filament, but all over the sky—have this ~ 5000 km/sec redshift.
Quasars Associated with NGC 622
mag. (g)
m = 14.1 18.4 19.0 18.9 19.3 17.8 18.6 19.2
.017 .91 1.472 1.501 2.749 .344 1.522 1.049
.88 1.43 1.46 2.69 .32 1.48 1.01
∆z peak
.08 +.02 +.05 +.05 +.02 +.07 +.05
Mrk 571
Radio Gal
Fig. 2
Labeled are redshifts in rest frame of UM 341 and delta zs.
The important point demonstrated above is that if the quasars are simply analyzed without inspection of the field, no redshift periodicity will be found. If parent galaxies are identified, the periodicity will be conspicuously observed. Unfortunately failure to actually look at the data in detail resulted in a press release by Hawkins, Maddox and Merrifield (M.N.R.A.S. 336, L13, 2002) which publicized widely the conclusion that the largest body of data on quasars proved that there was no quantization present in the redshifts. One might ask if UM 341 and NGC 622 are related. It can be seen that UM 341 falls only about 35 arcmin from the very active NGC 622. This is typically the distance for ejected QSO/AGNs, and UM 341 then would represent a case where the QSO was in turn ejecting QSOs. The clinching evidence in this case lies in the nvss radio map (NGC 622 Fig. 3). There it is seen that a radio jet stretches about 5 arcmin to the SW at a position angle about p.a. = 236 deg. Since UM 341 is located at p.a. = 228 deg. This is strong supporting evidence that the it has been ejected in this di-
Fig. 3
Radio map of NGC 622 and z = 1.46 quasar.
rection from NGC 622. (The first concentration to the SW in the jet represents the z = 1.46 quasar.) The fact that the QSOs ejected from the younger object (UM 341) are on average only slightly fainter in apparent magnitude than the quasars associated with NGC 622 then furnishes important clues for the nature of the nucleus ejecting the object. It is very important to note that when the quasars form apparent pairs across the ejecting galaxy, as they do around UM 341, the small deviations from the redshift peaks (listed as ∆z peak in Table 1) are usually plus and minus, representing a small velocity of ejection away from and toward the observer: 1 + zv = (1 + z0)/(1 + zpeak). This pattern is shown in Fig. 2 here. We will see more examples of this throughout the Catalogue, particularly in the SDSS field around NGC 3023 and the mixed SDSS and 2dF field around UM 602. An example of redshift periodicity at the 104 level of being accidental will be shown for the 2dF field around NGC 7507.
NGC 632
01h 37m 17.7s 05d 52m 38s mpg = 13.5 mag. z = .011 S0pec, Mrk 1002, IRAS with plume
This central galaxy was brought to my attention by Fernando Patat, who is studying it in detail with the VLT. It is the center of an exactly aligned, equally spaced pair. The SW member of the pair is NGC 631 at ∆v = +2,362 km/sec. The NE member of the pair is a moderately bright quasar at z = .615. Since the central galaxy is low redshift, it is expected that the quasar redshift would be near the quantized peak of z = .60. But if it is corrected into the rest frame of the z = .011, galaxy it comes extremely close at z = .597.
There are numerous other PHL candidate quasars in the more extended area around NGC 632.
Aligned Objects
z = .011 z = .019 z = .615
Gal Gal QSO
m = 13.5 m = 15.0 V = 18.2
X-ray observations of field.
NGC 632 NGC 631 PHL1072
NGC 720
01h 53m 00.4s 13d 44m 17s BT = 11.15 z = .0057 E5 gal, strong X-ray source
About 14 arcmin SW of NGC 720 is one of the most luminous X-ray clusters known, RXJ 0152.7-1357. The cluster is very elongated, both optically and in X-rays, and points in the direction of the very bright Shapley-Ames Galaxy. (see Arp 2001, ApJ 549, p. 816). NGC 720 is active, with an X-ray filament extending from the nucleus and curving southward as it emerges (Buote and Canizares 1996).
There are two further intriguing aspects of this region: One is the two extended X-ray sources, one of which is diametrically opposite to the z = .83 X-ray cluster. Such objects usually turn out to be identified with clusters of galaxies. Are these two clusters? And if so are they elongated? Secondly the Palomar Schmidt deep (dss2) survey seems to show at the limit, two very elongated groups of galaxies, closer to NGC 720 and aligned closely along the minor axis (see dashed contours in the accompanying figure). Possibly associated with the SW candidate cluster is an Xray source, emission line galaxy of z = .17. A deep, fairly wide field exposure is needed to confirm the important possibility of these two candidate clusters and their possible elongation.
There is a strong radio, strong X-ray source which has been identified with a z = 1.35 quasar and is closely along the extension of the line from NGC 720 beyond the powerful X-ray cluster. It is faint in optical wavelengths (R = 20.4, B = 20.2 mag.). This is typical of Bl Lac type objects and reminds one of the object just N of NGC 4151 and other similar cases (Arp 1997).
From the PSPC observation of this field, a strong X-ray BSO exactly across NGC 720 from the z = .83 X-ray cluster is plotted in the accompanying figure. It is No. 11 in the ROSAT 2RXP Source Catalogue and is identified with a very blue BSO in the next to last line of the table below. (See Appendix B for a position of this X-ray BSO and Ejection Figs. 7 and 8).
Aligned Objects
z = .83 z = 1.35 z = .--z = .--z = .--z = .17
V = -R = 20.4
m = ? m = ? R = 19.0 V = 19.2
RXJ 0152.7-1357 1REXJ015232-1412.6 extended X-ray source extended X-ray source C = 5.8 cts/ks, BSO
Urgently Needed
Deep, wide field (about 30 arcmin radius) imaging to identify suspected galaxy clusters in the field, particularly along minor axis of NGC 720. Also redshifts of the X-ray BSO and 4-5 “blue” objects in the field.
A 27.01 (ESO 359-G019) 04h 05m 01.7s 37d 11m 01s
V = 15.4 z = .056 Seyfert 1, very bright nucleus
The extremely rapid (≤ 1hr) radio variable, QSO 0405-385, is one of a pair of strongly radio emitting QSOs centered on an unprecedentedly energetic X-ray emitting (~4000 cts/ks) active galaxy. The most unusual aspect of this galaxy is that even with its bright nucleus, it is optically several magnitudes fainter than active galaxies which have comparably huge Xray fluxes such as NGC 1275, NGC 4253 and NGC 7213.
The chance of accidental pairing of background objects, despite the wide separation, is ≤ 105. In addition, the objects are extremely unsual, very strong radio quasars and X-ray sources, one of them a rapid radio variable with implied excessive brightness temperature and also detected in gamma rays!
There are a moderate number of galaxies in the field, but two have almost exactly the same redshift at z = .059 and are aligned either side of the central Seyfert and closely along the line of the two quasars. They are only slightly greater redshift than A 27.01, at z = .056. They may represent entrained material.
Note: The association was discovered when G. Burbidge noted the report of an unusually fast variation for the quasar and asked Arp if he could suggest a distance for the quasar. The pairing of the quasar with another bright quasar across the unusual Seyfert was then discovered. The configuration was conservatively estimated to have only about a 105 chance of being accidental. But this did not take account of the extremely unusual nature of the objects involved.
A detailed account of the discovery of this extraordinary X-ray galaxy was submitted to the Pub. Astron. Soc. Pacific (PASP). A referee recommended rejection of the paper on the grounds that it had not calculated the probablility of the configuration being accidental. Arp replied by pointing out the page and paragraph where the calculation had been made. The editors then rejected the paper on the grounds that no changes had been made to accommodate the referee. Arp resigned from the ASP on grounds of editorial misconduct and suppression of scientific information to its members/readers.
I mention this history for two reasons:
1) To demonstrate that many professional astronomers not only disbelieve the significance of the associations presented in this Catalogue, but they oppose their publication.
2) To stress the fact that readers must draw their own conclusions from the data. If the conclusion is that the data is of significance, then the most important question then becomes: “Does academic science require fundamental reform?”
Aligned Objects
z = .056 z = 1.417 z = 1.285 z = .059 z = .059
Sey1 QSR QSR gal gal
V = 15.4 V = 17.2 V = 18 B = 15.56 m = ---
ESO 359-G019 PKS 0402-362 PKS 0405-385
Deep, high resolution images of the extreme X-ray Seyfert, data on surrounding cluster.
NGC 2435 companion
07h 44m 13.7s +31d 39m 02s m = 13.5 IRAS source z = .0140
07h 43m 33.0s +31d 32m 06s m = 15.7 (UGC 3986) sf of pair z = .0125
Two very bright quasars, from among about 100 individually imaged by HST, form an obvious pair across NGC 2435. They are better aligned, however, across a close pair of companions, as shown in the opposite Figure. Companion galaxies are previously identified sources of quasar ejection (ApJ 271, 479, 1983). But usually the companions have slightly higher redshift than the main galaxy. In this case the companion whose redshift has been measured has about 450 km/sec less redshift, suggesting it was the originally larger galaxy but fragmented in the process of ejecting the quasars. Supporting this scenario are two higher redshift quasars, still very bright for their redshift, which are aligned exactly across the z = .0125 companion.
The z = .46 quasar is interesting because there are much fainter galaxies around it of roughly the same redshift. But the brightest of the galaxies within this cluster are about .06 less redshifted than z = .46. The fainter galaxies in the cluster, including the quasar, thus appear to have higher intrinsic redshifts. One of these fainter galaxies, however, has z = .607— very close to the redshift of the z = .63 quasar on the opposite side of the NGC 2435 group.
Note: The redshifts of the two brightest quasars across the low redshift galaxy are intriguingly close to the redshifts paired across the famous Seyferts Mrk 205 and NGC 4258:
NGC 4258 Mrk 205 NGC 2435
z1 = .40 z1 = .46 z1 = .46
z2 = .65 z2 = .64 z2 = .63
Aligned QSOs
z = .462 z = .630 z = 1.531 z = 1.909
V = 15.63 V = 16.14 V = 18.1 V = 17.56
There is only a relatively short HRI X-ray exposure available on the z = .63 quasar, but it records 4 or 5 sources leading accurately back in the direction of the NGC 2435 companion. Deeper X-ray exposures should be obtained on all the quasars.
Mrk 91
08h 32m 28.2s +52d 36m 22s
mpg = 14.7 mag. z = .017 IRAS source in Zwicky Cluster 0829+5245 08h33m18s +52d35m
m = 13.9 and fainter, z = .016
Two Markarian objects and one UGC galaxy form the core of this Zwicky cluster. A bright apparent magnitude quasar of z = 3.91 falls in the cluster. Even when gravitational lensing is hypothesized the quasar is still derived to be among the most luminous known. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) screening for quasars with z > 3.94 turns up two more close by the z = 3.91 quasar at z = 3.97 and 4.44.
Mrk 91 is a fairly bright, active galaxy near the center of this Zwicky Cluster, and there are indications of alignments of z = 2.06 and .34 quasars to the SW of it plus a tight group of NGC galaxies at z = .045 to the NE.
The quasars (filled circles), and Zwicky cluster and NGC 2600 cluster (open circles ), at z = .016 and .04 are first shown alone in order to emphasize their association. The next Figure adds many of the details of the objects in the region.
Aligned Objects
z = 3.91 z = 3.97 z = 4.44 z = 4.02 z = 2.06 z = .34 z = ---
R = 15.2
V = 20.3 V = 17.5
QSO B0827.9+5255 SDSS J083324.57+523955.0 SDSS J083103.00+523533.6 SDSS J083212.37+530327.4
CLASS B0827+525 87 GB 08241+5228, radio 1RXS J083010.5+523031
Deep images, spectra of X-ray object, additional galaxies along line.
NGC 2649
08h 44m 08.5s 34d 43m 01s mpg = 13.1 mag. z = .014 SBb/Sc, IRAS Source
As a sample of what might be contained in the NORAS survey of X-ray galaxy clusters (Böhringer et al. ApJS 129,435), it was noted that two RXC clusters of z = .38 and .41 fell close together on the sky. The Simbad plot shows that they are contained in a long, conspicuous string of galaxies. Of those that have been measured, there are 7 with .050 ≤ z ≤ .057.
Also along this line, just NE of the z = .41 RXC cluster is a radio loud, X-ray Gal/QSO? at z = .43. At the NE end of this same line there is an Abell Cluster of z = .093 and a neighboring ACO at z = .095. Another Abell Cluster, ACO 710 lies nearer the center of the line close to the z = .38 RXC cluster.
The only large, active(?) galaxy in this line is NGC 2649 at the end of the line.
Aligned Objects
z = .378 z = .411 z = .43 z = .095 z = .093 z = .---
-----------O = 19.4 m = 16.7 m = 16.7 m = 17.9
RXC J0850.2+3603 RXC J0856.1+3756 B3 0854+384, X-ray
ACO 727 ACO 724 ACO 710
Redshifts of more objects along the line, analyses of neighborhoods of the 378 X-ray clusters in the NORAS Catalogue.
NGC 3023
09h 49m 52.6s 00d 37m 06s
mpg = 13.3 mag. z = .0056 Spiral, pair with NGC 3018 Mrk 1236 (z = .0061) part of disturbed spiral arm
The importance of this particular field is that it again demonstrates that the SDSS and other recent large scale surveys of quasars show many concentrations of quasars which are not only at the redshift peaks of ...30, .60, .96, 1.42, 1.96, 2.64, 3.48... but that these quasars are paired across large and/or active galaxies in such a way as to preclude accidental association.
The Figure shows six quasars in a field of radius 30 arcmin which are centered on the active triplet of galaxies around NGC 3023. The outstanding pair consists of z = .640 and z = .584 quasars which fall zv = +.02 and .02 from the major redshift peak at z = .60. It would be difficult to avoid the implication that they had been ejected from one of the central galaxies and were now travelling with a radial component of velocity .02c, one away from, and one toward the observer.
Moreover, there are two other pairs of quasars in approximately the same direction. One pair has apparent velocity deviations from the redshift peaks of +.09 and .07 and the other +.03 and .06. This pattern is characteristically encountered (e.g., see UM 341 in the NGC 622 field and pairs analyzed in the introduction). The chances would seem vanishingly small to find repetitions of such patterns in random associations of background objects. In the present case, however, there is even more evidence for association in the fact that both members of the major pair at z = .60 are strong radio sources. The central galaxies are both NVSS radio sources and the the two quasars are each double radio sources. The latter is quite unusual and represents additional evidence against accidental association.
It should be noted that the central galaxies here are low redshift so that only small corrections to their rest frames are needed. But in cases where the ejecting galaxy has appreciable redshift it is critical to correct the observed redshifts. Failure to do this has led to some well publicized claims of non-quantization of quasar redshifts. There is now available, however, a computer program by Christopher Fulton which plots on the surveyed sky regions, quasars in specified redshift intervals. The few samples presented in this Catalogue indicate that the surveys contain a rich
harvest of associations with the potential of yielding data on the associations the nature of the redshifts.
Spectroscopy and imaging of the Mrk object which is involved in the disturbed spiral arm of NGC 3023.
ESO 567-33
10h 15m 47.1s 21d 44m 10s
B = 13.24 V = 12.50 mag. Elongated gal with minor axis pointing NW-SE
very bright stellar nucleus
(HE 1013-2136)
B = 16.9 mag. z = .785 long curved filament extending from QSO (see fig.)
Very close t
This morphologically unusual, bright quasar is roughly along the minor axis direction from a nearby bright galaxy. Much more widely separated, but still along this line are a pair of quasars with closely matching redshifts.
Aligned QSOs
z = 1.53 z = 1.55
O = 18.1 O = 20.9
CTS J03.17 MC1019-227
Of Interest
z = 2.47 z = 2.545 z = ------
R = 17.4 R = 16.7 m = 17.4
CTS J03.14 CTS J03.13 Abell 3441
1) Spectra and images of ESO galaxy 2) Redshift of Abell Cluster
10h 33m 28.1s +07d 08m 05s
m = 15.2 z = .044 IRAS source
(double galaxy in a small group aligned NE)
A supposed gravitational lens of z = .599 has a z = 1.535 image only 1.56 arcsec away. The MCG galaxy is 3.6 arcmin distant and is an IR source. Other objects are aligned on either side of this apparently active galaxy, including radio sources (the lens also). Note that in the reference frame of the z = .60 object the z = 1.535 quasar would represent an emitted object of z = .585, both being close to the z = .6 quantized redshift peak.
Aligned Objects
z = .599 z = 1.535 z = .-z = .-z = .-z = .--
lens compn
gal rad rad EUV
V = -V = -m = --
m = --
EQ 1030+074
NPMIG gal 87GB rad source 87GB rad source
EUV emission
Deep images and spectra of objects in alignment.
10h 35m 27.3s 14d 07m 47s
m = 14 z = .0151 SBb, IRAS Source, Sey 2
z = .086 QSO v = 13.86 HE 1029-1401
In 1991 a quasar was discovered at V = 13.86 mag. which was “among the three brightest quasars in the sky” (A & A 247, L17). Inspection of the region reveals a 14th mag. Seyfert galaxy 52 arcmin away with some indication of alignment of objects back toward the Seyfert. There is a group of X-ray sources around the very bright quasar. There are also some fainter galaxies of the same redshift which form a group or cluster around it. Recent measures of the 1REX source (radio emitting X-ray source) show that it is a BL Lac type object at z = .367. The z = .367 BL Lac and the z = .393 quasar fall accurately aligned across the bright, z = .086 quasar. The latter redshifts, in the reference frame of the bright z = .086 quasar, would fall closer to the Karlsson, preferred redshift peaks.
Note: In the following Fig. 2 the original map of this field is shown. At that point it looked as if all the quasars originated from the z = .016 Seyfert, But when the southernmost X-ray source was measured it turned out to have a z = .367 (ApJ 556, 181, 2002). This clearly changed the interpretation to a pair of quasars in a secondary ejection across the bright QSO as shown in Fig. 1. The redshifts in this pair then came closer to the expected periodicity as well. The point in showing the development in this particular case is that sometimes just one single measure of an object in some of the fields can strongly reinforce the association and/or clarify the interpretation.
Additional comments can be made that in the reference frame of the z = .016 Seyfert, the (presumably) ejected bright quasar has a z = .069. This is close to the lowest quasar quantization of z = .062. It is similar to the famous case of NGC 4319/Mrk 205 where the latter QSO/AGN has z = .070. Mrk 205 has ejected quasars of z = .46 and .64. We might also note that z = .06 to .07 is a frequent redshift of X-ray galaxy clusters and galaxies in lines such as from M 101 and other cases in this Catalogue.
Finally, as to the question of a quasar ejecting other quasars instead of active galaxies ejecting quasars, the definition that separates a “quasar” and an “AGN” at 23 mag. has no operational meaning because it is
Fig. 1
based on an assumption about redshift distances. Spectral characterisitics are continuous. Moreover an object which varies above and below the arbitrary luminosity cannot change discontinuously from one kind to another.
Fig. 2
Aligned Objects
z = 1.039 z = .393 z = .367 z = .652 z = .-z = .--
R = 18.4 V = 18.3 B = 20.2 O = 17.2
R = 19.1
TEX 1029-137 RXJ102938-134620 1REX J103335-1436.4
HE 1031-1457 GRB 4B950226 1H 1032-14.2
Spectrum of X-ray BSO, optical identification of X-ray sources, checking of UV sources in the area.
NGC 3312
10h 37m 02.7s 27d 33m 54s
BT = 13.96 z = .0086 Sab, LINER, AGN, Sey3, IRAS, disturbed morphology
NGC 3312 is the nearest candidate for the dominant galaxy in the famous Hydra Cluster of Galaxies (ACO 1060). The center of the cluster lies about 5 arcmin NW, is very dense and a strong X-ray emitter. The plot shown here has radius of only 10 arcmin. The brighter galaxies listed in Simbad are shown with their redshifts noted where known. Some galaxies of roughly the cluster redshift extend to the SW, reinforcing the impression that NGC 3312 is the center of a cluster whose redshifts range from z = .009 to .019.
The fainter cluster members are close enough in redshift to qualify conventionally as physical companions to the central galaxy. But in every case in the Figure they are from slightly to about 3,000 km/sec larger. This is another demonstration of the excess redshifts of companions in groups which has been reported extensively over the years (ApJ 430,74, 1994; ApJ 496,661, 1998). I cite this here as an example of a rich galaxy cluster showing the same effect. It is a prediction of this Catalogue that when more rich clusters are studied in a redshift-apparent magnitude diagram, they will systematically demonstrate this intrinsic redshift effect. (Note: There are now many more redshifts known in this cluster. A few are near or slightly less than the redshift of NGC 3312, but most are higher.)
There is a strong pair of radio sources across NGC 3312 and also a strong pair of infrared sources, both roughly within the frame we have shown here. A little more than 10 arcmin SSE of NGC 3312 is a spectacular pair of overlapping spirals (NGC 3314 A and B) with redshifts of 2,872 and 4,426 km/sec. Such differences in redshift for apparently interacting objects are reminiscent of Stephans Quintet. Perhaps the same explanation obtains here—that they are of different ages but were ejected along the same path from the Sab NGC 3312 (this origin was suggested for the NGC 7331(Sb) in the Quintet).
I also note that within the large extent of the Hydra Cluster (over a degree) there are some subclusters which form a tight line of higher redshift galaxies. (Information courtesy of Daniel Christlein.)
Studies of more clusters around dominant galaxies. I am grateful to Alberto Bolognesi for calling my attention to this association.
NGC 3593
11h 14m 37.1s +12d 49m 03s
BT = 11.7 z = .0021 Sa pec (peculiar absorption), IRAS, radio and X-ray source, Liner/HII
This large, bright spiral is nearly edge on and has a cluster of galaxies (ACO 1209) extending from its projected edge northward along its minor axis. There is a radio source reported between the cluster and the galaxy. The absorption is so peculiar, cutting sharply through the northern half of the galaxy, that one might consider the possibility of dust from the cluster obscuring part of the galaxy. Intriguingly, there are also two EXSS (extended X-ray sources) to the SW. Such sources often turn out to be faint Xray galaxy clusters.
Less than 40 arcmin, also due north, are four quasars ranging from z = 2.14 to 2.49. They are part of a Weedman, CFHT objective prism field, but represent about an 8 times increase in average density (even though that surveys average density includes some fields centered on active galaxies and some low density fields discarded from the average).
Aligned Objects
z = .-z = .-z = .-z = 2.14
to 2.49
Cl extend X-ray extend X-ray
m10 = 17.2 QSOs
ACO 1209 EXSS 1111.2+1303 EXSS 1110.8+1253 Weedman objective
prism field
Deep images of exterior of NGC 3593, A 1209 and EXSSs. Redshifts of cluster galaxies.
UGC 6312
11h 18m 00s +07d 50m 41s m = 14.68 z = .021 SBa, peculiar spectrum
minor axis p.a. = 135 deg.
The most interesting object in this field is a supposed gravitationally lensed object with components ranging from z = 1.718 to 1.728. This group of quasars, however, is located only about 6 arcmin away from a 14.7 mag. UGC galaxy. About 7 arcmin on the other side of the UGC galaxy is a strong X-ray (1WGA) quasar of z = .70. After this initial pattern was noticed, additional quasars were discovered, paired at about 8 and 9 arc minutes each across UGC 6312 and having very similar redshifts of z = .81 and .85.
The supposed lensing galaxy, m = 19.0, z = .31, is in a group of galaxies which forms perhaps the original pair with the z = .70 quasar across UGC 6312.
Aligned Objects
z = .698 z = 1.728 z = 1.722 z = 1.722 z = 1.618 z = .812 z = .847 z = .-z = .31
AGN/QSO galaxy G
V = 21.5 V = 16.22 V = 17.6 V = 18.1 R = 19.2 R = 19.8 R = 20.7
m = -m = 18.96
1WGA PG A(grav lens?) PG C(grav lens?) PG B(grav lens?)
1WGA 1WGA 1WGA IR source YDG81
Better spectra of UGC 6312, IR galaxy, deep images and identification of further X-ray sources.
NGC 3865
11h 44m 52s 09d 14m 01s B0 = 12.3 z = .018 disturbed morphology
A very high redshift QSO (z = 4.15) lies about 1.5 deg. NNE of the bright, disturbed NGC 3865. Very closely along this same line is a binary quasar from a bright radio survey with z = 1.342 and 1.345. Also along this line is the galaxy cluster A 1375. About the same distance on the other side of of NGC 3865 is the cluster A 1344 which has its 10th brightest galaxy at exactly the same m10 = 16.6 mag. They form an obvious pair across the NGC galaxy. Along the alignment on this same SSW side lie two strong, survey X-ray sources. One can be identified with a bright, blue stellar object, and the other with a medium bright, blue galaxy. A supercluster (SCL, Einasto) lies slightly further along this line. Also, of the galaxies lying along this line, two which have redshifts are plotted with z = .020 and .022, implying physical association with the central NGC 3865. Bright QSOs (17.1 mag., z = .425, PKS, 16.2 mag., z = .554, and A 1348, m10 = 17.0 mag.) lie SSW, out of the frame of the plot and may also be associated.
The strongest support for the physical association of these different redshift objects comes from the PSPC observations of X-ray sources around the NNE quasars which the accompanying plot shows are distributed in an elongated pattern toward the proposed galaxy of origin.
Aligned Objects
z = 4.15 z = 1.342 z = 1.345 z = .-z = .-z = .-z = .076
QSO bin QSO bin QSO
R = 18.6 V = 18.7 V = 18.7 m10 = 16.6 V = 17.8
V = -m10 = 16.6
BR 1144-0723 PKS 1145-071 PKS 1145-071
A1375 1RXS 1RXS A1344
1) Spectra of 1RXS candidates 2) Redshift of A1375 and deep images A1375 and A1344 3) Deep X-ray and optical images of objects along line 4) Redshifts of more galaxies along line (and in field).
PG 1211+143
12h14m18s +14d 03m 13s V = 14.19 z = .081 Sey 1/QSO, X-ray
Spectroscopic study of this bright Sey/Quasar has suggested outflow of material. Radio observations first indicated the ejection of two quasars closely spaced across it. (2.6 and 5.5 arcmin distance—See A & A 296, L5, 1995 and Seeing Red pp15-17.) In the process of later quasar surveys, however, it was never noticed that another pair of bright quasars was exactly aligned across this same central object (15.1 and 27.7 arcmin distance). This pair matches so closely in redshift at z = .87 and .85 that it is extremely unlikely to be chance. In fact it is similar to the z = .81 and .85 pair across UGC 6312 (earlier in Catalogue.)
The quasars aligned here are all rather bright in apparent magnitude and exceptionally strong in X-rays (C = X-ray intensity in counts per kilosecond.) This would strengthen the association of the central PG Seyfert with the bright M 87 in the Local Supercluster, as outlined in Seeing Red (p. 118) and Quasars, Redshifts and Controversies (p. 159). In the figure presented here the line of the famous X-ray radio jet which emerges from M 87 at p.a. = 290 degrees and cuts through M 84 on the way is shown here to pass rather closely through PG 1211+143 and along the lines of quasars which appear to be ejected from the active Seyfert.
It is interesting to note that the redshifts become successively lower as the pairs extend further from the central object. This agrees with the pattern observed in NGC 3516 and NGC 5985 (Figs. 6 and 7 of the Introduction) and supports the interpretation that the intrinsic redshifts decrease as the quasars age.
Aligned Objects
z = 1.28 z = 1.02 z = .723 z = .847 z = .870 z = .--z = .---
E = 17.0 E = 17.0 R = 18.0 R = 17.2 R = 18.3 R = 19.0 R = 18.2
Radio (4C 14.46), (C = 15) Radio (NVSS), (C = 20.7) X-ray (C = 12.6) X-ray (C = 35.8) X-ray (C = 18.1) X-ray (C = 11.1) X-ray (C = 6.6)
The Blue Stellar Object (BSO) and Neutral Stellar Object (NSO) are in the line of the z = 1.28 and 1.02 quasars and require spectra. Their positions are: 12h15m01.82s +14d01m13.0s and 12h13m27.7s +14d04m 38.9s. The X-ray flash in the figure represents a highly probable event (Gotthelf et al., ApJ 466,729, 1996). No optical identification was made, but the position is not highly accurate.
Note: A recent XMM measure (Pounds et al. astro-ph 03036030) shows gas being expelled from the central AGN with velocities of .08 to .10 c. But this just about the ejection velocity (+.08, .05 c) measured for the pair of quasars at z = 1.28 and 1.02. This would seem direct and quantitative evidence that these quasars originated in the observed ejection.
NGC 4410
12h26m28.3s +09d01m 08.7s
m = 13.6 z = .025 Sab interacting with Mrk 1325, Sey 3, as a double nucleus
This very disturbed pair of interacting galaxies—one of which is a Markarian object with compact nucleus—has seven bright quasars within 60 arcmin radius. The closest pair is exactly aligned across the central object and the next closest pair is aligned within 30 deg.
Aligned objects
z = .731 z = .535
d = 17.5 d = 23.6
z = 1.456 z = 1.471
d = 25.4 d = 48.9
m = 18.73 m = 17.87
m = 18.37 m = 17.83
z0 = .689 z0 = .498
mean z0 = .594
z0 = 1.397 mean z0 = 1.404 z0 = 1.411
When corrected to the central galaxy (z0), one quasar in each pair should have a component of ejection velocity toward, and the other an equal velocity away, from the observer. Then the mean of these two redshifts should represent the intrinsic redshift of the ejected quasar. It is seen above that intrinsic redshift is only .006 away from a Karlsson peak in both cases! If the test of a physical law is to make numerically accurate predictions then the quantization low of quasar redshifts has just passed an especially crucial test.
Additionally, there is a bright quasar of z = .681 exactly on the same line but further away than the z = 1.456 quasar. It would have a corrected redshift of z0 = .64.
The NGC 4410 association is a Bonanza in other respects as well. For one, in the closer regions recent Chandra images (Nowak, Smith, Doanahue and Stocke, 2003) have shown that there is a “possible population of ULX sources” (Ultra Luminous X-ray Sources). One is associated with a radio point source and the “brightest ULX may also be associated with radio emission.” This would fit perfectly the assignment of ULXs to early stages of ejected quasars where the strong X-ray, radio emission characteristics of BL Lac objects are most prevalent (Burbidge, Burbidge and Arp 2003, A&A 400, L17).
NGC 4410 is projected near the center of the Virgo Cluster but at cz = 7400 km/sec would be conventionally considered a backgound object. However, it appears associated with a large galaxy cluster, Abell 1541 at z = .09, which has been shown to be extended in X-rays away from the putative center of the Virgo Cluster, Messier 49. Along this same line from the active M 49 are a cone of bright quasars which pass over the region of NGC 4410 (Seeing Red, Apeiron, 1988, pp. 121 & 142). There is a line of galaxies and some X-ray sources passing nearly NE-SW through NGC 4410 and the region would be a challenging and rewarding study for more spectroscopic and imaging studies.