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Notes: The state of physics and heliocentrism measurements of velocities, none 30 km/s
Knew they could measure translation velocity Supposes Earth's rotations and/or velocity is somehow canceling out the ability to make the measurements
Notes: Stellar Abe. = Kinematics != Experimental verification Airy's failure to obtain a velocity correction with a water-filled telescope Doppler Prince Apparent freq shift in waves relative to the velocity between emitter and observer => medium for the waves to be relative to for observers to make their apparent freq measurements Fizeau & MMX Translational velocity measured in moving material media (water)
Arago; half-covered telescope; crystal prism; correction angle independent of medium; ie no motion; already comes in at an angle Ketteler's; attempting to use aether dragged in material media to see if the water held the 30 km/s in it. Not familiar with Klinkerfues' sodium vapor experiment; noted the effect was small, could be in error; not a make or break
Notes: Biggest concern w/ moving v_aether and v_earth is it cannot explain stellar aberration If you take the 5 - 6 km/s as is and make wrt a stationary earth instead of a co-moving Earth, you immediately solve all the problems you can acknowledge aberration's for what it is; a drift in the sky relative to a fixed Earth Experimentally shown by Airy, Arago, et al; List of 10 experiments from Wilhelm Wien
Notes: Quick rundown on Airy's explanations; corpuscle & undulatory Math derivation 2D v^2/V^2 = Exact => They knew exactly what they were looking for and this was the last attempt to measure the Copernican principle
Orthogonal setup, MMX-style, right angle interferometer Control = Known wavelength & refractive index of medium (air) IV = Orientation wrt to time DV = Fringe of x amount (predicted by ratio v/c)
Predicted dotted line; measured solid line Needed .05 fringes for 30 km/s Measured 5 - 6 km/s Conclusion: slower velocity than expected Should do more experiments throughout the year (equinoxes) The same failures to explain Airy's applies to MMX; Event Lorentz's You have to assume the measurement is error to make Lorentz's (Einstein's) theory tenable
No velocity measured velocity Undermines the Newtonian and Kelper equivalence of the solar system Reveals the dynamic solution is just a proportionality based off a ratio wrt "universal" constants; the same way Kelper did it
Postulates 1 and 2
Notes: Where the equations apply Important for identifying how the theory can be falsified Need to know the rules of the game before you can call a foul Infinitely extended polygon; LINEAR rotation
Absolute space and how it works White X's = Absolute space != NOT arbitrary interferometry measurements are made wrt absolute space and time if c = c for inertial lads & a uniformly rotating polygon is inertial => no fringe can be measured Speed = distant/time Ein says c = c for inertial lads and we can't use absolute space to assign vectors where EM prop once occurred. What's a Young Relativist to do?
Key factor in maintaining the deception re: light's ability to measure motion is orthogonal vs closed loop MMX-style = linear Closed loop = Angular != Angular & Tangential, translation, etc Later we'll go over an experimental that shows all motion can be detected irrespective of the configuration => MGP, GINGER, etc can't be measuring Earth rotation as the min/max of the translation fluctuations is in the thousands of miles per hour = Can't ignore the translation speed
Rule book, postulates, The Relative Simu = Raid Boss LC and TD depend on Relative Simu No Relative Simu, no justification for applying the postulates
Einstein's thought experiment that lead him to LC and TD as consequences of Relative Simu No cohesive timeline Never experimentally verified; this is from Einstein's dome Directly contradicted by GPS
GPS built off in classical mechanics Relativity "cancels out" We promise to add them later Biggest issue; no Relative Simu corrections. GPS works off a cohesive timeline of multiple events happening for co-moving and stationary observers
Core tenant of the theory not present in reality Apologetics: "GPS Time" is local to the Earth; Relative Simu exists in all other ref. frames. Earth's g-field locks in a local aether that shield's us from measuring Relativistic velocities and allows for pseudo-absolute time and space (locally) LOL ^
Measurement of linear motion made wrt absolute space Lab time and moving apparatus time = same Fringe pattern produced in an inertial frame Effective length i.e. not wrt the loop or gyro coil Relativity makes the wrong prediction in c ∓ v = c for the conveyor and loop Excuse wrt gyro coil
Generalized Sagnac = all interferometry stands as is First-order measurements of a velocity gradient Attenuation in the wrong direction (inward instead of outward) Periodicity measured falsifies mechanism as Earth's rotational speed Min/max peaks plotted against sidereal time for closed loop experiments to match Earth rotation Min/max peaks in a orthogonal match sidereal time and show a velocity of 5 - 6 km/s @ 200ft above sea level Translation velocity is as is; can't be Earth rotation