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A Generalized Sagnac-Wang-Fizeau formula
A. Ori, J.E. Avron Dept. of Physics, Technion, Israel
March 3, 2016
arXiv:1601.01448v2 [physics.optics] 2 Mar 2016
We present a special-relativistic analysis of deformable interferometers where counter propagating beams share a common optical path. The optical path is allowed to change rather arbitrarily and need not be stationary. We show that, in the absence of dispersion the phase shift has two contributions. To leading order in v/c one contribution is given by Wang empirical formula for deformable Sagnac interferometers. The second contribution is due to the stretching of the optical path and we give an explicit formula for this stretch term valid to first order in v/c. The analysis provides a unifying framework incorporating the Sagnac, Wang and Fizeau effects in a single scheme and gives a rigorous proof of Wang empirical formula.
1 Introduction
In this work we present a general framework for treating interferometers where two counter-propagating beams share a common path which starts and ends at the same point. Three interferometers in this class are Sagnac [8], Fizeau [3] and Wang [10]. Fizeaus work from 1851 played a role in the early experimental validation of the theory of relativity. The Sagnac effect lies at the heart of the modern Fiber Optics Gyro and the Ring Laser Gyro [7, 2, 6]. The Sagnac effect was originally born in the context of optics. However, similar ideas apply to other wave phenomena and in particular to matter waves [6, 4, 5]. The 290 references in the review [6] and over 100 references in [2] attest the vitality of the field.
The Sagnac interferometer is shown schematically in Fig. 1. It rotates in the lab as a rigid body with an angular velocity Ω. The phase difference of the two beams at the detector, ∆Φ, is proportional to Ω. In the approximation γ = 1, Sagnac area law says:
4ω c2
Here A is the area enclosed by the path of two beams, ω is the frequency of the light source and c the velocity of light in vacuum. In applications, the Sagnac effect is used to measure Ω. It is remarkable that the Sagnac effect is independent of the refractive index n [7, 1], suggesting a universal geometric origin for the effect; Hence the area law
Figure 1: The Sagnac interferometer rotates as a rigid body in the lab with angular velocity Ω. The beam splitter is at the bottom left corner. The two counter-propagating beams are marked by red arrows; One beam propagates with and the other against the rotation. The optical path may contain co-moving dielectric medium shown as a blue rectangle. The incoming source and outgoing signal are marked by dashed arrows.
(1) holds also when a co-moving dielectric medium is put in the path of the light beams
[7, 6]. In particular it holds for interferometers made with optical fibers.
It is instructive to contrast Sagnac with Fizeaus interferometer [3], shown schemat-
ically in Fig. 2. Here the source, mirrors and detector are at rest at the lab while a
section of the path goes through a flowing liquid at (essentially uniform) velocity v0, so that one beam propagates with the flow and a counter-propagating beam against it.
The phase shift ∆Φ is given by von Laue formula which, in the absence of dispersion,
reads [9]
2ω c2
where Lw is the length of the optical path in water. There are some superficial similarities between Eq. (1) and Eq. (2), but more inter-
esting are the differences: Eq. (2) has a term that depends on the refractive index and
a term that does not while Sagnac has one term independent of n. One of our aims is
to put both Sagnac and Fizeau in a common framework that would give both formulas
from a unified point of view and a single formula.
For a rigid rotation
v = Ω×r,
Sagnac area law can be written as a line integral [10]
4ω c2
2ω c2
2ω c2
v · d
along the optical path. The first equality uses Eq. (3) and the last Stokes formula. For rigid body motion writing the area law as a line integral seems like a futile exercise. The
2 Lw
Figure 2: Schematic Fizeau interferometer. The three mirrors and beams splitter are at rest in the lab. The two counter-propagating beams are denoted by the red arrows. Fluid, say water, is flowing in one arm of the interferometer so one beam is moving against the flow and one with the flow.
advantage of the line integral and the key observation of Wang et. al. [10] is that while Sagnac area law does not even make formal sense for deformable interferometers, the line integral does. We therefore define
2ω c2
v · d
In the case of non-stationary motions the integral should be understood as an integral
at the time of detection in the lab.
This bring us to the third type of interferometer that we shall consider: The Wang
interferometer, an example of which is shown schematically in Fig. 3. The Wang inter-
ferometer has a flexible, non-stretching fiber, moving rather arbitrarily. (The detector
and light-source move with the fiber.) Wang et. al. [10] verified empirically that Eq. (5)
correctly describes the interference for a variety of flexible interferometers. However, no
derivation of the formula has been given there, and its domain of validity has therefore
not been clarified. One of our aims is to prove Wang formula and establish its domain
of validity. As we shall show Eq. (5) holds for non-stretching fibers to first order in v/c.
Here we present a unifying framework which covers the Sagnac, Fizeau and Wang
effects. For fiber optics interferometers this means that we allow for flexible and stretch-
ing fibers and also allow the optical path to go through flowing fluids. The analysis is
in principle elementary.
To leading order in v/c and in the absence of dispersion we find two contributions to
∆Φ = ∆Φwang + ∆Φstretch.
∆Φwang is Wang line integral of Eq. (5). In essence, it expresses the geometric properties of Minkowski space-time under Lorentz transformation and is independent of n.
Figure 3: An example of a Wang interferometer: The optical fiber shown as the red curve moves in the direction marked by the cyan arrows. The black dot represents the comoving beam-splitter and the two dashed red arrows the light source and detector. The counter-propagating light-beams share a common path and are marked by red arrows.
∆Φstretch represent the contributions of stretching. It is given by
ˆL ∆Φstretch = ω
s() s(˜) u(˜)u()
where the integration variables and ˜ are length parameters along the loop, L is the total length, u() = c/n() is the velocity of light in the optical medium, and s() is the local stretching rate, defined in Eq. (11) below. In the case that the motion of the optical path is non-stationary, the integral should be understood as the integral at the time of detection in the lab. It expresses the effect of change of length of given interval of the fiber between visits of the two beams. When n is constant, ∆Φstretch is proportional to n2.
In Wang experiments the stretching is quite small and the first term dominates. In the Fizeau experiment stretching occurs at the ends of the pipe where the velocity of the water changes. Here both terms make significant contribution and the two terms in Eq. (6) correspond to the two terms in Eq. (2) (in different order).
2 Setup of the generalized Sagnac effect
For the sake of concreteness consider a set-up of the generalized Sagnac effect involving a closed flexible and possibly stretching optical fiber moving in space. The fiber may have an arbitrary but non-dispersive refractive index n ≥ 1.
When the fibers radius is much smaller than the size of the loop we can think of it as a one-dimensional curve. The fibers configuration at any given moment t is thus described, relative to the lab frame S, by the function r(θ, t). Here 0 ≤ θ ≤ θmax is a co-moving parametrization of the fiber, namely fixed θ corresponds to a fixed (material) point of the fiber. Since the fiber is a closed loop for all times t we have r(0, t) = r(θmax, t). Note that θ is defined up to re-parametrization. Although some of the quantities defined below depend on the choice of parameter θ, the final result is of course independent of parametrization. We denote the overall fibers length by L.
Figure 4: The parametrized curve r(θ, t) is, for each fixed time t, a closed loop in space representing a fiber loop. θ is a comoving coordinate, designating fixed material points on the fiber. Shown are the tangent e at a point θ of the loop. The two counter-propagating beams are marked with the red arrows and the ± signs. The black dot represents the co-moving beam splitter located at θ = 0 and the two dashed red arrows the co-moving source and detector.
We choose a parametrization where the beam splitter is located at θ = 0. It is useful to imagine that the black triangle in the figures represents a pair of (putative) source and detector co-located at θ = 0 with world-line (t, r(0, t)) and rest frame S0. The source emits monochromatic waves with frequency ω0 (as measured in S0).
Two light beams, emanating from the beam splitter, propagate in opposite directions and make one round each along the loop. The phase difference ∆Φ = Φ+ Φ− between the beams as they return to the beam splitter depends, among other things, on the fibers shape and motion. Being measurable, ∆Φ must be a Lorentz-invariant quantity.
Consider an infinitesimal fibers segment dθ, and denote its momentary rest frame by S. The full differential of r(θ, t) takes the form
dr = (∂θr) dθ + (∂tr) dt ≡ e dθ + v dt
where e is the tangent vector and eˆ the corresponding unit vector. We denote the infinitesimal spatial displacement vector d = e dθ. The segments velocity with respect to S (and hence the velocity of S with respect to S) is v (|v| < c). Note that e depends on parametrization, but v and eˆ are parametrization invariant.
We denote the length of the infinitesimal segment in the lab frame by
d = |d| = |e|dθ
The segments proper length (namely its length in its own rest frame S) is denoted d. Owing to Lorentz contraction, these two quantities are related by
d =
d2⊥ + γ2d2
1/2 =
γ γ⊥
where d⊥, d denote the projections of d perpendicular and parallel to v. We use here γ = 1 v2/c2 1/2 and γ⊥ = 1 v⊥2/c2 1/2, where v⊥ is the component of v perpendicular to e. By its very definition d (like d) is parametrization invariant.
If the fiber is non-stretching, d of any segment is independent of time. In the case
of stretching the local stretching rate — or simply the stretch — is naturally defined in
the Newtonian approximation by
s ≡ (d)1∂t(d).
We can re-write this as
s = ∂t log d = ∂t log |e| = ˆe · ∂v .
The last equality follows from ∂te = ∂t∂θr = ∂θv. The partial derivative ∂ℓ is taken at fixed t (namely ∂ℓ = |e|1∂θ).
In the relativistic framework, the stretch is naturally defined in the same manner as
above, as a scalar, but in the local rest frame, namely
s ≡ (d)1∂t (d) = γ∂t log(d)= γ∂t log
γ γ⊥
which differs from the Newtonian expressions (11,12) in second order of v/c. The phase velocity of the wave with respect to the segments rest frame S, shall be
denoted by u. It is determined by the fibers refractive index n, through 1
u = c/n.
We allow n to vary along the fiber, but we assume that it is time-independent (at any given segment), polarization independent and dispersion free. 2 Under these assumptions, the waves velocity at a given segment is the same for the two directions of light propagation, namely u+ = u ≡ u.
Our main concern is the phase difference ∆Φ = Φ+ Φ− between waves in the two directions of propagation. This phase difference results from the difference in travel times in the two directions along the loop. We denote these travel times by T±, and their difference by ∆T :
∆T ≡ T+ T . With ω the lab-frame frequency of the source,
∆Φ = ω ∆T.
1 For single-mode fibers whose width is comparable to λ, u is the actual phase velocity along the fiber, and n = c/u.
2Allowing for chromatic dispersion would complicate the analysis and obscure the simple roots of the physics involved. Chromatic dispersion is a rather small correction in Fizeau effect and is negligible in
In a relativistic treatment, the lab frequency 3 ω and the rest-frame frequency ω0
differ by time dilation: ω = ω0/γ0, where γ0 ≡ γ(θ = 0). The relativistic expression for
the phase difference is therefore
ω0 γ0
All that is left is to calculate the travel-time difference ∆T . We point out that Eq. (14) is accurate to order (v/c)3. This is because γ0 is
generally time dependent, and may undergo tiny changes during the short time interval
∆T . In experiments this ambiguity in the value of γ0 is totally unimportant — even its very deviation from 1 is too small to be detected. For the sake of completeness we
present the precise expression for ∆Φ, taking into account the time variation of γ0, in the Appendix. One can write this precise expression in the form (14) but with γ0 replaced by an appropriately averaged quantity γ¯0. The precise expression for ∆Φ is given in Eq. (44).
3 Calculation of travel times and phase difference
In this section we first analyze the travel times of the two counter-propagating signals along an infinitesimal fibers segment. Then we use this result to calculate the integrated time difference ∆T and phase difference ∆Φ along the closed loop.
3.1 Contribution of infinitesimal segment
Let us consider an infinitesimal fibers segment dθ. The segment has a momentary velocity v with respect to S, its lab-frame length is d, Eq. (9), and its proper length is d, Eq. (10). The two counter-propagating waves visit the segment dθ at two different moments t±, and have two different (lab-frame) traversal times which we denote dt±. We shall now explicitly calculate dt+, the calculation of dt will then follow analogously. For notational simplicity, we shall now omit the “+” index in the various quantities, and recover it later at the end of this subsection, adding the “±” suffix to the relevant quantities.
It is easiest to calculate the crossing time in the rest frame S, because it is in that frame that the phase velocity takes its canonical form u = c/n. We obtain right away
d u
However, to compute T± we need to calculate the corresponding lab-frame travel time dt. This quantity is easily obtained from dt via Lorentz transformation, as we now
3By lab frequency we mean the lab-frame frequency of the oscillations in the laser cavity, not that of the emitted light beam. More explicitly, the lasers lab frequency is defined to be the fields oscillation frequency at a fixed co-moving point in the laser (e.g. the beams exit mirror), as measured by the lab-frame clocks.
For concreteness let us consider a nodal point of the propagating wave, and follow its
travel across the segment dθ. Let A denote the event that the node enters the segment
and B the event that it leaves it, as shown in Fig. 5. In the lab frame, the time difference
between these two events is dt (≡ dtAB = tB tA), and their spatial difference will be
r B
r A
to the spacetime interval A-B, is
dt = γ
drAB c2
θ + dθ
drAB A
C v dt
Figure 5: Space-time diagram describing the travel of a nodal point across an infinitesimal fibers segment dθ. The diagram shows the projections of all 3D vectors in one direction. The two parallel black lines are the world-lines of the two segments edges. The red line is the world-line of the node. The lines intersect at the events A and B when the node enters and leaves the segment. Also shown are the vectors edθ = d, drAB and vdt which participate in Eq. (17).
We denote by d the spatial displacement vector between the two edges of the segment
(at an S-frame moment of simultaneity); namely d ≡ drAC = e dθ. From Fig. 5 it is clear that drCB = vdt, and hence 4
drAB = drAC + drCB = d + vdt.
Extracting dt from Eq. (16) and substituting Eq. (17) we obtain
dt =
dt γ
v · drAB c2
dt γ
v · d c2
v2dt c2
4Note that the vectors drAB ,drAC ,drCB need not be co-linear.
We can now extract dt once again:
· d c2
d u
· d c2
So far we considered the travel time for the “+” node. When considering a “−” node the only change is that now d is to be replaced by d. We therefore obtain the exact, fully relativistic, expression for the contribution of an infinitesimal segment:
d± u
· d± c2
Recall that the ± nodes visit the segment at two different times t±(θ). The “±” suffix in
the various time-dependent quantities in Eq. (19) reflects this difference between values
at t+ and t. The phase velocity u in a given segment is independent of time.
We denote by δt the contribution of the infinitesimal segment to the overall time
difference ∆T :
δt ≡ dt+ dt.
The overall travel-time difference is thus
∆T = δt .
3.2 The schedules t±(θ)
The expression (19) for dt± can be interpreted as a first-order ODE which determines the exact phase schedule, namely the unknowns t±(θ). In the Appendix we describe in more details this ODE and its boundary condition and construct an exact formal expression for ∆Φ. However, for the rest of this paper we shall not really need this formulation. Instead, we shall now restrict the analysis to first order in the small parameter v/c (which provides an excellent approximation for all lab experiments so far).
3.3 δt to first order in v/c
To first order in v/c we may set γ± = γ0 = 1 and d = d in Eq. (19) which then
reduces to
d± u
· d± c2
The contribution of the infinitesimal segment to the overall time difference ∆T is
+ c2
In general, the quantities d±, d±, v± on the R.H.S. may be time dependent, and are different for the ± beams hence their “±” suffix. However, typically the light cycle
time is so short that the velocity and length of a given segment hardly change. 5 We can then safely approximate the schedule by the detection time, t±(θ) = tdet. This gives
· d c2
We shall refer to the two terms in the R.H.S. as the stretch and Wangs terms, which we shall respectively denote δtst and δtw. In the next two sections we address these two contributions.
4 Non-stretching fibers: Wang formula
In the non-stretching case d of a given segment is fixed and hence d+ = d. The first term in the R.H.S. of Eq. (24) then cancels out, yielding
· d c2
Accumulating the δt from the infinitesimal segments of the loop we obtain
2˛ c2
v · d ,
therefore we proved Wang formula, Eq. (5):
2ω c2
v · d ≡ ∆Φwang .
The integration is carried out with lab time set to the detection time tdet. Note that to leading order in v/c we do not need to distinguish between ω and ω0.
5 Stretching media
In the case of stretching media d changes with time, and d+ d although small, no longer vanishes. However, the smallness of v compared to c (or more precisely, compared to u = c/n) implies that these quantities hardly change during the short time interval [t+(θ), t(θ)]. We can then approximate
d+ d = (t+ t) ∂t(d).
From Eqs. (11) and (12)
∂t(d) = s d = d ˆe · ∂v .
This shows that s d is first order in v and hence to first order in v/c
d+ d u
s u
d .
5 One can verify that d+ d = O(n d v/c). Since we assume v/c ≪ 1 and compute ∆Φ to first order in v/c, the change in the segment lengths can be neglected.
We still need to evaluate t+ t. Since s is proportional to v, we only need to
evaluate t± at zeroth order in v/c, that is, we may pretend that the fiber is static. We thus simply use dt± = ±d/u = ±(|e|/u)dθ, yielding
ˆ ±
|e(θ′ u
with boundary conditions
t+(θmax) = t(0) = tdet .
This integral may be viewed as the zeroth order of the scheduling equation (42). We therefore obtain
|e(θ′)| u(θ′)
ˆ θmax
|e(θ′)| u(θ′)
ˆ θmax
|e(θ′)| u(θ′)
which we may conveniently re-express as
sgn( u(˜)
using the length parameter along the fiber, along with the corresponding integration variable ˜.
The quantity δtst in Eq. (30) is the contribution from a given infinitesimal segment d. Integrating along the fiber and multiplying by ω we obtain the overall stretch
s() u()
Recall that to leading order in v/c we need not distinguish between ω and ω0. Substituting Eq. (32) in the integrand, we bring this expression to the more explicit form
ˆL ∆Φstretch = ω
s() sgn( u(˜)u()
ωˆ L 20
s() s(˜) u(˜)u()
which is equivalent to Eq. (7). We make the following observations:
• ∆Φstretch = 0 if s and u are symmetric, i.e. s() = s(L ), and u() = u(L ).
• In the special case where n is constant along the fiber the R.H.S. of Eq. (32) becomes (2 L)/u and Eq. (33) reduces to
ωn2 c2
ˆL s()(2
L) d.
It is proportional to the first moment of s(l) relative to the middle of the fiber. One can further verify that for the validity of the last equation it is sufficient that n is constant throughout the support of s.
• If n is constant and the stretch is localized to a single point, s() = v0δ( 1),
ωn2v0 c2
L) .
It thus gives information on the distance of the stretching point from the mid-point
6 The Fizeau experiment
The framework we have described is sufficiently general to accommodate Fizeaus experiment. We consider a straight pipe section in which the water flows. The laser beam enters the pipe through a glass window located at = 1, and leaves it at another glass window at = 2 with the length coordinate along the light beam. The optical path then has a section with flowing water and a complementary static section where the beam-splitter and mirrors are. The entire system is stationary.
We shall only care here about the tangential velocity component v = ˆe · v of the water (the transversal velocity has no contribution at linear order). Note that v () vanishes at the two windows at = 1,2.
From Eq. (27) we obtain for Wangs term:
2ω c2
ˆ 2
Turning next to analyze ∆Φstretch, we first observe that the stretch occurs entirely inside the water so we can use Eq. (35). Since the laser beam is straight line inside the water,
ˆe is constant there and Eq. (12) yields s = ∂v . Equation (35) therefore reads
∆Φstretch =
ωn2 c2
ˆ 2 (2
d .
In a typical Fizeau experiment the pipe has a uniform cross section (as in Fig. 2), hence v has an approximately constant value v0 along the pipe—except near the windows where it abruptly drops to zero. In such a case the entire stretch contribution comes from the near-window region, where ∂v has a δ-function shape (with amplitude v0 at 1 and v0 at 2), which allows a simple evaluation of the last integral. It is simpler, however, to integrate Eq. (38) by parts:
2ωn2 c2
ˆ 2
(recalling that v always vanishes at the two windows).
Summing the two contributions (37,39) we obtain the overall Fizeau phase difference
2ω c2
ˆ 2 n2)
()d .
This holds for an arbitrary v (). Hence the last expression reduces to
2ωv0Lw c2
1 n2
where Lw ≡ 2 1 is the length of the lights orbit in water, and v0 is v () averaged over length (between 1 and 2). This reproduces Laues [9] classic result, Eq. (2).
7 Conclusion
We have described a unified framework for the phase shift in interferometers where counter-propagating beams share a common optical path, and gave a rigorous proof of Wang formula. We have shown that, neglecting dispersion, the phase shift to leading order in v/c has, in general, two contributions:
• The Wang term ∆Φwang, reflecting the geometry of Minkowski space and Lorentz transformations. It is accurate to first order in v/c, is independent of n and holds if the fiber does not stretch.
• The stretch term ∆Φstretch which, to order v/c is given by Eq. (7). For constant n the stretch term is proportional to n2.
Our framework thus encompasses the experimental setting of Sagnac, Fizeau and Wang and sheds light on all three.
Appendix: Exact expression for ∆Φ
We shall present here the exact relativistic expression for the phase difference ∆Φ, which accounts for the time variation of the various quantities during the wave propagation along the fiber.
Suppose that we want to predict the value of ∆Φ at a given detection moment t = tdet. Then we need to follow the two constant-phase curves t±(θ) backward in time, along the entire closed loop, from t = tdet to the moments of emission te± at which the two counter-propagating constant-phase curves have left the source. ( Both the “source” and the “detector” are realized by the beam-splitter, located at θ = 0 or equivalently θmax.)
The schedule equation is a first-order ODE for the unknowns t±(θ) in the range 0 ≤ θ ≤ θmax, which follows from Eqs. (19,10):
dt± dθ
|e|± (γ⊥)± u
v± · e± c2
The differential equation is non-linear since the quantities on the R.H.S may be rather arbitrary functions of t± and θ (u only depends on θ.)
Recalling that the “+” and “−” directions respectively correspond to increasing and decreasing θ, the boundary conditions are
t+(θmax) = t(0) = tdet.
The curves t±(θ) are determined, throughout the interval 0 ≤ θ ≤ θmax, by the
first-order ODE (42) along with the boundary condition (43). The emission moments
te± are then given by
te+ = t+(0) , te = t(θmax) .
Note that the two travel times are T± = tdet te±, and hence ∆T = te te+. Knowledge of te± will allow the precise calculation of ∆Φ. We assume that the
source emits a wave with fixed rest-frame frequency ω0. The desired quantity ∆Φ is the
difference in the phase of the emitted wave between the moments t = te+ and t = te. This
phase difference is ω0 multiplied by the proper time ∆τ of the source between these two
moments. Since the source speed v0 is in general time-dependent, so is it Lorentz factor
γ0, and ∆τ is thus given by an integral of 1/γ0(t) between the two relevant moments.
ˆ te ω0
dt γ0(t)
This result may also be re-expressed, similar to Eq. (14), as
∆Φ = ω0 ∆T,
where 1/γ¯0 is defined to be the time average of 1/γ0(t) in the range between te+ and te
(that is, the integral in Eq. (44) divided by ∆T ). Note that a fully-precise determination of ∆Φ requires knowledge of the two emission times te±, not just their difference ∆T .
The research is supported by ISF. We thank R. Wang, S. Lipson and O. Kenneth for useful discussions.
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