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On the Validity of Kirchhoffs Law of Thermal Emission
Pierre-Marie Robitaille
Abstract—In this paper, Kirchhoffs law is discussed in the context of two extremes: the perfect absorber and the perfect reflector. It is argued that Kirchhoffs extension of his law to the perfect reflector is not justified based on experimental evidence. This greatly limits the universality of the formulations advanced by Kirchhoff and Planck in that blackbody radiation becomes dependent on the nature of the radiating object. In this regard, it is emphasized that graphite is unique in its ability to act as a nearly perfect absorber. The consequences are important in our analysis of all temperatures based on radiative emission.
Index Terms—Liquids, plasmas, solar energy, solar radiation, solids, temperature measurements.
K IRCHHOFFS law [8], [9] represents one of the first mathematical extensions of experimental reality. The law considers the emission of radiation from bodies at rest and in thermal equilibrium with an enclosure. Advanced in 1859 [8], [9], Kirchhoffs law remains one of the most important and far reaching laws in physics. Kirchhoff himself struggled with his law as did numerous others, for more than 50 years after its formulation [26]. There has been clear controversy regarding Kirchhoffs law and its proofs have come under significant attack [26]. The mathematical formulation of Kirchhoffs law was based on blackbodies, nonexistent ideal objects which “strictly speaking…cannot exist…” [7]. Nonetheless, it is clear that certain solids, namely graphite, can approach blackbody behavior in the laboratory.
Kirchhoffs theoretical treatment rested heavily on experimental findings with cavities producing nearly ideal blackbody spectra. Kirchhoff believed that not only perfectly absorbing cavities could produce the desired thermal spectrum. He observed that any object placed in thermal equilibrium within an absorbing cavity would eventually emit a blackbody spectrum. Kirchhoff set forth to bring universality to these findings. In seeking to extend these results, he moved from a perfectly absorbing cavity to one which was perfectly reflecting. It is this extension, by Kirchhoff, which is responsible for the concerns presented in this work.
Eventually, Planck [21] provided the mathematical form for the function contained in Kirchhoffs law. Consequently, Kirchhoffs law is imbedded within Plancks equation itself. It is for this reason that Planck believed in the universality of his own
Manuscript received May 2, 2003; revised October 2, 2003. The author is with the Department of Radiology and the Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering, and Chemical Physics Programs, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210 USA (e-mail: robitaille.1@osu.edu). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPS.2003.820958
law. This universality rested on the validity of Kirchhoffs for-
mulation. If Kirchhoffs law involving perfectly reflecting walls
were valid, Plancks law would apply in the broadest sense.
Planck stated that “According to the Kirchhoff law, this radiant
energy is independent of the nature of the radiating substance
and therefore has a universal significance” [22]. Further, from
Kirchhoffs findings Planck argues that “…the radiation of a
medium completely enclosed by absolutely reflecting walls is,
when thermodynamic equilibrium has been established for all
colors for which the medium has a finite coefficient of absorp-
tion, always the stable radiation corresponding to the temper-
ature of the medium such as is represented by the emission of
a black body” [23]. In this respect, one can see how the uni-
versality of Plancks equation became inherently linked to the
validity of Kirchhoffs formulation for the perfect reflector.
Scientists have often utilized thermal formulations to assign
temperatures to spectra which, though thermal in appearance, do
not appear to have met the requirements set forth by Kirchhoff
for treatment as blackbodies. Thus, the laws of thermal emission
have been used to assign temperatures without knowledge that
the requirements for thermal equilibrium had been met [13],
[14], [20].
Perhaps in order to justify such extensions of laboratory re-
ality, it has been imprudently argued [26] that Kirchhoffs law
has been superseded by Einsteins derivation of Plancks equa-
tion in 1916 [4]. Einsteins work relies on energy levels with
discrete separation [4]. Einstein coefficients are used to extract
the correct equation once transitions are assumed between quan-
tized energy levels separated by an energy . As a result, some
assume [26] that Einsteins derivation have moved us beyond
Kirchhoffs law and the confines of the enclosure. Interestingly,
it could be argued that by making use of energy levels sepa-
rated by discrete values, Einstein confined the system and indi-
rectly invoked the same mathematical ideas as Kirchhoff. Suf-
fice it to note that, for Planck, the oscillator treatment led to
the discovery of the quantum of action , by necessity. This is
something which Einstein assumes a priori in his formulation.
What Planck derives from first principles, Einstein introduces
as a given
. This may help explain, in part, the un-
derlying cause for the more elegant treatment by Einstein.
Despite these mathematical arguments, careful analysis of
earthly emission spectra reveals that Kirchhoffs law describes
an experimental setting which cannot be ignored. As stated
by A.J. Chapman, “It must be noted that Kirchhoffs law is
subjected to the restrictions of thermal equilibrium within
an isothermal enclosure. Extensions of (Kirchhoffs law), as
attractive as they may be, to other situations must be made with
caution” [3]. In this regard, it is important to note that Einstein
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never addresses the physical species making the transition or the physical setting. Nonetheless, beyond the mathematical treatment, the underlying physical cause of a process is always important, as Chapman reminds us [3].
In any case, through the formulation of Kirchhoffs law, many believe that the conclusions Planck reached relative to blackbody radiation could be extended to all phases of matter. However, to be properly applied, Plancks formulation requires that the body in question be in equilibrium with an enclosure. Notwithstanding these restrictions, thermal arguments have been used to set the temperature of the photosphere [13], [14] and of the universe [20]. The accuracy of these temperatures depends strongly on the ability of the emitting object to meet the requirements set forth in Kirchhoffs formulation. More broadly, the universality of blackbody radiation also depends on the validity of Kirchhoffs own formulation. As such, a review of the physical basis for Kirchhoffs law is likely to shed important light on the assignment of temperatures based on radiative emission.
Kirchhoffs law of thermal or blackbody emission deals with
the transfer of heat through space. Formulated in 1859 [8], [9],
this law is central to modern astrophysics since it enables the
study of the temperature of objects through the analysis of the
photons they emit. In its simplest formulation, Kirchhoffs law
can be represented as follows:
, where ,
, , and denote emission, absorbance, temperature, and
frequency, respectively. It asserts that for an object in thermal
equilibrium with a rigid enclosure, the ratio of the emission and
absorption is simply a function of temperature and frequency.
Kirchhoffs law considers two operational settings: the perfect
absorber and the perfect reflector. Based on these two extremes,
the perfect absorber
and the perfect reflector
, it appears that Kirchhoffs law can be stated as fol-
lows: “The ratio of emissive and absorptive power of any body
is independent of the nature of the body” [23]. This is provided,
of course, that the object is in thermal equilibrium with an en-
closure. Unfortunately, the situation is more complex.
If the enclosure is made from graphite, an almost perfectly ab-
cavity, or blackbody, is obtained. In defining a
blackbody, it is asserted that the absorption of incident rays must
take place in a layer which is infinitely thin [23]. At the same
time, as a contradiction, a blackbody must also have a minimum
thickness as to ensure complete absorption [23]. It must possess
a vanishingly small coefficient of scattering. Most importantly,
a blackbody must not sustain either net conduction or convec-
tion since these destroy local thermal equilibrium [23].
In the mid-1800s, scientists produced blackbodies either from
graphite plates or by covering objects with black paint often con-
taining soot. Since the paint was black, the body became a nearly
perfect absorber/emitter of radiation. In either case, these black-
bodies were limited to solids. Currently, blackbodies are still
made either from graphite [15][17] or from cavities covered
with black paint often containing graphite particles [5], [6].
Thus, Kirchhoff studied objects with widely varying thermal
signatures. He then placed the objects within graphite-based
blackbody cavities. In doing so, he noticed that the spectra,
which previously manifested the nature and temperature of the
object were being transformed into blackbody spectra which
varied only according to the equilibrium temperature of the en-
tire system. Through the use of graphite cavities and thermal
equilibrium, Kirchhoff was thus able to determine the temper-
ature of any object in a manner which was independent of its
nature. This, however, was critically dependent on the presence
of the graphite cavity. Soon, Kirchhoff sought to further extend
his formulation and move beyond the graphite enclosure.
Thus, Kirchhoff also considered the perfectly reflecting en-
. Planck defines a perfectly reflecting
surface as one of “an absolute conductor (metal) of infinitely
large conductivity” [23]. The situation with the perfectly re-
flecting enclosure is highly interesting. It has become the basis
of the universality evoked by Planck and the basis for the over-
whelming power of thermal arguments.
In reading Plancks account of the formulation of the theory of
radiation [23], it becomes clear that neither Kirchhoff or Planck
were ever able to obtain a blackbody radiation spectrum under
conditions of perfectly reflecting walls. In fact, if an object is
placed within such walls, an equilibrium will be established,
but it will not correspond to that of a blackbody [23]. Indeed,
the radiation contained within such a device will reflect purely
the emission profile of the object it contains. For instance, if
the enclosed object is a heteronuclear diatomic molecular gas,
a series of vibrational-rotational lines would be observed. The
equilibrium in theory could hold indefinitely if the walls were
indeed perfectly reflecting both to radiation and to collisions.
Unfortunately, a perfectly reflecting enclosure, by itself, is
unable to yield the desired blackbody spectrum. On the surface,
Kirchhoffs desire to reach universality had failed. The perfect
reflector could never replicate the findings of the perfect ab-
sorber. However, there was something more to the experiment.
When dealing with the perfectly reflecting wall scenario, the
experimentalists always added a small particle of graphite or
thermalyzer [23] within the cavity. When this small particle of
graphite [2] was added, the spectrum rapidly converted to that of
a blackbody. Yet, Kirchhoff and Planck only saw the addition of
the graphite particle as trivial disturbance of the system. Planck
refers to this addition as similar to adding a “catalyst” [23]. This
same interpretation has persisted to this day [12].
However, catalysts act solely to lower the activation energy
of a reaction. As a rule, they facilitate reactions that lead to dis-
similar products if originating from dissimilar reactants. Yet, the
graphite particle facilitated the production of a blackbody spec-
trum in a manner which was completely independent of the na-
ture of the initial body or of the initial radiation. Catalysts, on
the other hand, tend to be very sensitive to the nature of the re-
actants and products.
At the time when Kirchhoff and Planck had hypothesized that
graphite was merely a catalyst, they had little idea of the struc-
tural requirements associated with catalysts in chemical reac-
tions. In fact, Kirchhoff lived well before formulation of modern
atomic theory. As such, it is reasonable that both Kirchhoff and
Planck erroneously viewed the graphite particle as a catalyst
rather than as a central and vital component in producing the re-
quired thermal radiation profile. Kirchhoff and Planck observed
that the blackbody radiation spectrum could be obtained by in-
serting even the smallest particle of graphite within a perfectly
reflecting cavity. It mattered little how large a piece of graphite
was inserted.
Modern insight can be gained by viewing the graphite particle
not as a catalyst, but as a perfectly absorbing medium
When Kirchhoff added the graphite particle to the perfectly re-
flecting cavity, it was as if he had coated the entire walls of the
cavity with graphite. It is clear that, given thermal equilibrium,
all of the radiation within the cavity would eventually become
incident on the graphite particle. There it would be absorbed.
The graphite particle would then transfer this energy to its vibra-
tional states. With equilibrium maintained, graphite would even-
tually re-emit the photons in a manner reflecting its densities of
states [10], [12], [18], [25], [28]. In so doing, the spectrum was
slowly altered from that of the object initially contained within
the box, to the spectrum of graphite. It did not matter that only
a small piece of graphite was provided. Indeed, within the con-
text of perfectly reflecting walls, the smallest piece of graphite
was more than sufficient to produce the blackbody
Whether only a small piece of graphite was present or an
entire cavity was constructed from graphite, the result was the
same: a condition with perfectly absorbing material had been
created. Conversely, perfectly reflecting walls, by themselves,
could never produce a blackbody spectrum. Graphite was re-
quired. In fact, the entire process of producing the blackbody
spectrum relied heavily on the density of states contained within
the graphite particle or the graphite walls.
The graphite particle had brought Kirchhoff unknowingly
back to the perfectly absorbing scenario. In reality, there can
be no extensions to the perfectly reflecting wall and blackbody
radiation is, in fact, highly linked to the nature of the enclosure.
As a result, the belief that blackbody radiation is independent
of the nature of the emitter is erroneous. A blackbody spectrum
is only obtained when
either for the entire cavity
or for the graphite particle. This condition depends directly
on the nature of the medium. The situation with perfectly
reflecting walls does not lead to the production of a blackbody
spectrum. In fact, it leads to radiative equilibrium which is not
that of a blackbody unless a blackbody source is provided.
As such, of the two situations described by Kirchhoff, only
that with a perfect absorber leads to a blackbody spectrum.
The reevaluation of the role of the graphite particle within the
perfect reflector constitutes a major reshaping of Kirchhoffs
law of thermal emission.
Experimental analysis of thermal emission in solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas yield the following general observations.
1) Solids tend to emit in continuous bands of radiation the intensity of which, at any given frequency, varies with temperature and is directly affected by the nature of the particular solid [27], [30]. No solid displays a true blackbody radiation spectrum. Some forms of graphite, however, approach this behavior with deviations primarily in
the low frequency region of the spectrum. Few solids actually are able to fully follow Stephans law [27] across a broad range of temperatures. Metals can deviate very significantly from blackbody behavior and tend to display peak emissivities near the visible region at room temperature [27]. Polished metals tend to have low emissivities. Metal oxides can have reasonable normalized emittance values but these occur over very limited frequency ranges [30]. All solids eventually deviate from expected thermal behavior near the phase transitions to liquids and to gases [30]. 2) Liquids, like solids, tend to emit radiation in a continuous manner, although fewer examples have been studied (usually over narrow ranges of frequency). As expected, most experimental studies concentrated on molten metals [27]. Unlike solid metals, their emissivity tends to remain relatively constant with temperature. Water and sea water have been extensively studied both in the infrared and microwave regions of the spectrum [27], [31]. Water is a strong emitter of infrared radiation particularly in certain bands, most notably around 3 m [27]. Presumably, this is related to absorption and emission by the hydrogenoxygen bond itself. Water, of course, is nearly transparent in the visible range. Many organic solvents are transparent to infrared radiation at least in some frequency bands. Notable cases include CCl and CS . Liquids can sustain convection currents. When this occurs, they are unable to follow Kirchhoffs law [23]. Convection currents can lead to interesting redistributions of energy with profound thermal consequences. 3) Gases, provided they have a dipole moment, tend to produce discrete vibrational-rotational emission spectra in the microwave region whose complexity increases in accordance with changes in molecular structure [19]. Gaseous spectra are highly dependent on both temperature and pressure. No free gas is capable of emitting a blackbody spectrum. Sparse atmospheric gases, such as CO and H O, can lower their total emission in association with increased temperatures [11] in direct contradiction of Stephans law [29]. 4) Molecular plasma can produce vibrational-rotational spectra in addition to electronic spectra. Nonmolecular ionic plasmas cannot produce vibrational-rotational spectra. All plasmas are characterized by either discrete or continuous electronic spectra. Under no circumstances has an isolated plasma, not in a thermolyzing enclosure
, ever produced a blackbody radiation spectrum. In this regard, it is important to highlight that Tokamak reactors are often lined with graphite [2]. The production of a blackbody spectrum of analytical quality has required either graphite [15][17], or speculated black paint usually containing soot (graphite) [5], [6]. As Kirchhoff observed experimentally in the mid-1800s, very few objects are able to produce true blackbody spectra. In fact, graphite alone dominates solids as the closest example of blackbody radiation. Other solids vary widely in their ability to produce such spectra and indeed many fail completely to produce the required pattern over a reasonable temperature range [30]. In solids, continuous
spectra are obtained, but in all but graphite, these lack true blackbody characteristics [30].
However, when an object is placed within a graphite enclosure and permitted to come to thermal equilibrium, the radiation emitted from the blackbody will eventually report the correct temperature of the object independent of its nature, phase, and composition. Such an experiment forms the experimental justification of Kirchhoffs law for the perfect absorber [15][17]. Thus, a graphite enclosure is able to fully absorb the radiation emitted by the enclosed object. The graphite wall then “transforms” this radiation into the blackbody spectrum. This transformation is made possible by the structure of graphite itself. In this view, Kirchhoffs blackbody is best seen as a transformer of light. This is a phonon [25], [28] and density of states problem [10], [12], wherein individual states within the graphite absorb the emitted radiation and transfer this energy to other states. Once equilibrium is achieved, the graphite is able to produce a blackbody spectrum reflecting thermal equilibrium and a proper blackbody behavior.
Kirchhoffs requirement for an enclosure reflects his experimental knowledge of blackbodies and the transforming nature of graphite. Only solids can approach meeting the requirements set forth in Kirchhoffs law of thermal emission since only solids can provide a rigid environment for enclosure. Liquids, gases, and plasmas are unable to provide rigid self-enclosure and therefore cannot, in isolation, produce blackbody radiation spectra reporting the correct temperature. The situation for liquids, gases, and plasmas is further complicated by the possible presence of convection currents. The implications are important since the assumption of blackbody behavior enables scientists to predict the extent of emission at a given frequency.
Interestingly, Planck never sought to bring full physical meaning to his own law by linking it to a specific physical process, undertaken by a specific physical species, in a specific physical setting. In this sense, Planckian thermal emission remains unique in physics to this day. Scientists have yet to link the production of a thermal photon in blackbody radiation to a direct physical cause. Planck speaks of oscillators, but does not move to the atomic scale [21], [23]. His oscillators are finite segments of matter, not atoms or nuclei. In this regard, blackbody radiation remains quite different than all other physical processes wherein light is either emitted or absorbed. During every other process, a physical species (for instance, an electron) undergoes transitions between known energy states in a certain setting (for instance, within an atom). However, in Planckian thermal emission neither the physical species nor the nature of the energy levels nor the physical setting is defined. Surely, the situation can be corrected if true blackbody emission is viewed as a consequence of the vibration of atomic nuclei within the confines of a lattice structure. In this regard, the theorist must pay close attention to the characteristics of graphite itself.
Throughout his career, Planck assumed the full validity of Kirchhoffs law even in the context of the perfect reflector [23]. He saw the graphite particle simply as a catalyst [23]. However,
it was nothing more than a nearly perfect absorber. Had Planck emphasized this distinction, the extension of Kirchhoffs law in a manner independent of the nature of the walls might have been reconsidered.
The universality of blackbody radiation has been overstated. It is imprudent to speak in terms of “blackbodies” without noting, as Kirchhoff did, the constraints of the enclosure [13], [14], [20]. It is also imprudent to ignore the realities of the “graphite particle” and extend the formulation of blackbody radiation to perfectly reflecting enclosures. Such enclosures fail to produce the required result without the addition of graphite (or a similar thermalyzer). Kirchhoffs law holds only when
. The underlying physical cause of thermal radiation must not be ignored and this includes the internal structure of matter. Yet Einsteins derivation of Plancks law, though masterful, has led some to ignore Kirchhoff, thermal equilibrium, and the physical realities involved in thermal emission. After more than a century since their formulation, both Kirchhoffs law and Plancks law remain imperfectly understood and unlinked to the physical world. Einstein never addresses either the physical species making the transition or the physical setting. Our inability to link Plancks equation to physical reality is based in large part on the assumption that the perfect reflector was able to produce blackbody radiation. This erroneous assumption has reinforced the belief that virtually any object can produce a blackbody spectrum. Plancks equation lacks physical constraints as a direct result. Consequently, astrophysics can currently have recourse to Planckian arguments without being limited by the experimental realities of the laboratory. Everything, it seems, hinges on the role of the graphite particle. A new role for this particle (as an absorber, not a catalyst) will bring a new physical reality in thermal emission. This reality is likely to have profound implications in the study of space and the cosmos. For instance, the sun cannot be in thermal equilibrium with an enclosure and clearly does not meet the requirements for setting a temperature based on Planckian arguments. Unlike experimental blackbody cavities, the solar surface is not in equilibrium with a rigid graphite based cavity. The sun is operating far out of thermal equilibrium. Its convection currents alone tell us that the solar surface cannot be considered to be a blackbody. Planck realized the complicating aspects of convection and this is why he held that such bodies could not follow Kirchhoffs law [23]. Thus, when Langley measured the solar emission spectrum [13], [14], it was improper for him to assign a temperature of 6000 K to the photosphere. Given the continuous nature of the solar spectrum and its blackbody appearance, such a conclusion at first seems unavoidable. Yet, the assignment of a temperature from Planckian spectra requires additional considerations. The fact that a spectrum has a thermal appearance does not automatically imply that a valid temperature can be extracted. A spectrum may well appear to be valid, but the object producing it may be supporting other processes beyond thermal emission. For instance, the energy sustaining solar convection may not be available for thermal emission. For a temperature to be valid, the experimentalist must ensure that the object in question is devoid
of all convection currents and is in strict thermal equilibrium
with an enclosure. In this manner, all of the energy contained
within the object is directly coupled to the thermal emission.
The current belief that blackbody radiation is independent of
the nature of the medium, a belief that has survived for 150
years, is based on assigning to a graphite particle a strictly cat-
alytic role and ignoring its absorptive characteristics
However, given the nature of graphite and its importance in the
blackbody problem, such an assumption simply can no longer
be supported by experimental fact. Kirchhoffs argument for a
catalytic role would have been much stronger if a solid other
than graphite had been introduced into the perfect reflector.
Consequently, blackbody radiation reporting an accurate
temperature is absolutely dependent on the nature of the walls
forming Kirchhoffs enclosure. This experimental constraint
is reflected in Kirchhoffs law of thermal emission [8], [9]
, as properly addressed herein. The mathemat-
ical extension of Kirchhoffs law from the perfect absorber
to the perfect reflector
does not
hold. Kirchhoffs law, in fact, remains valid only for the perfect
absorber. Blackbody radiation is not universal and is critically
dependent on the nature of the emitting body.
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Pierre-Marie L. Robitaille is currently a Professor of Radiology at The Ohio State University (OSU), Columbus, OH. He holds joint appointments at OSU in Biophysics, Chemical Physics, and Biomedical Engineering. He was trained as an inorganic chemist and spectroscopist. From 1995 to 2000, he was responsible for the design and assembly of the most powerful magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system currently in existence. With a magnetic field of 8 T, this system nearly doubled the field strength for MRI studies in humans. His work has appeared in McGraw-Hills Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Yearbook 2000. His efforts in building the first ultra high field MRI system also became the basis of a special issue of the Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography in 1999. He has published over 90 articles and chapters in spectroscopy and imaging and has been invited to speak at numerous international and national meetings. His focus on thermal radiation and on the sun resulted from his interest in understanding nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) as a thermal process.