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Collection of selected works of the city-wide seminar at the Kharkiv House of Scientists,
dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the seminar
Infobank LLC Kharkiv 2007
UDK 14+21+524+530.1+539 BBC 20+22.3+22.6+63.(0)+86+87+88
SIGHT. Collection of selected reports of the
city-wide seminar at the Kharkov House of
Scientists, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of
the seminar (1997-2007). - Kharkov: In-fobank
LLC, 2007, 275 p.
ISBN 978-966-8464-10-2
The collection includes papers devoted to the formation of modern understanding of the world around us (the Universe, Cosmos, Nature), our place in it, ourselves, our purpose and goals of our existence.
For all persons interested in the scientific basis of the universe.
Responsible for the issue N. A. Zhuk
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8464 2007
ISBN 978-966-8464-10-2 © Infobank LLC, 2007
PREDICTION ................................................................................................4 D.A. Pereverzev. CONSCIOUSNESS AND REALITY .............................10 D.A. Pereverzev. ON THE ORIGIN AND LIFE ACTIVITY OF STELLAR SYSTEMS OF THE UNIVERSE ................................................................23 D.A. Pereverzev. ON FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF TRADITIONAL ENERGY OF MANKIND ...............................................46 N.D. Kolpakov. HOW POLARIZATION WAVES WERE DISCOVERED OR THE END OF RELATIVISM ...............................................................70 N.A. Zhuk. THEORY OF RELATIVITY: TRIUMPH OF THE THEORY AND CRISIS OF PHYSICS ........................................................................86 N.A. Zhuk. PRAVEDES ABOUT TRINITY AS A UNIVERSAL MODEL OF THE UNIVERSE .................................................................................102 N.A. Zhuk. SLAVIC-ARYAN VEDAS ABOUT GOD AND DEVIL, GOOD AND EVIL, GENIUS AND MADNESS ......................................121 N.A. Zhuk. SLAVIC-ARYAN VEDAS ON THE RATIO OF MALE AND FEMALE PRINCIPLES IN MAN.............................................................143 N.A. Zhuk. ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES.................................164 I.I. Zima. ROTOR MODEL OF THE ATOM............................................188 I.I. Zima. NEUTRON MATTER AS A BASIS OF NON-EMPTY VACUUM ..................................................................................................204 I.I. Zima. REGISTRATION OF ROTOR ECHOES OF THE NEUTRON ETHER AND ATMOSPHERE ACCOMPANYING THE RADAR OPERATION .............................................................................................213 B.A. Troshenkin. PROSPECTS OF UNCONVENTIONAL ENERGY....219 Y.M. Galaev. EFFECTS OF VORTEX MOTION OF ETHER NEAR THE EARTH SURFACE....................................................................................225 N.S. Verbuck. CHILDREN OF INDIGO...................................................239 AUTHOR INFORMATION ......................................................................254
The seminar "Energy-informational and intellectualspiritual activity of the Universe and our Worldview" is aimed at forming a modern Worldview - a modern understanding of the World around us (Universe, Cosmos, Nature), our place in it, understanding ourselves, our purpose and goals of our existence. With the growth of our knowledge, our worldview is corrected and sometimes it changes substantially. This is especially evident at the turn of centuries, and even more so at the turn of millennia, and is so evident today at the turn of the 2nd and 3rd millennia.
This is largely due to the huge amount of information on modern scientific achievements, religious-philosophical teachings of Indo-European peoples (Vedas, Bhagavad-gita, "The Secret Doctrine" by H.P. Blavatsky, "Agni Yoga" by E.I. Roerich, etc.), psychic, occult, ufology, etc., which has fallen on us over the last 20 years and which we are now trying to master.
And at the modern stage of cognition, taking into account this new information, it seems appropriate to form a worldview as a result of synthesizing the achievements of science, philosophy, religion, literature (including fantastic literature) and art.
All the activities of the Seminar over the past 10 years (started in September 1997) have been organized in this aspect. This is reflected in the very name of the seminar. Here the phrase "Energy-informational...activity..." takes into account the information on scientific and technical achievements of mankind, the other terms of the name reflect the study and use of its spiritual and moral achievements.
The seminar is held monthly, every third Tuesday (except for the vacation months of July and August). Given its focus, the presentations are mainly in popular science form. More than 100 papers have already been heard and discussed.
Among them, the following basic reports should be noted: 1. D.T.N. Pereverzev D.A. "Some Reflections on the Universe, its Laws and Our Worldview". 2. D.T.N. Pereverzev D.A. "On the 2000th Anniversary of the Nativity of Christ, on the 2000th Anniversary of Christianity". 3. D.A. Pereverzev "On the ways of origin and development of the Universe". 4. D.T.N. Pereverzev D.A. "On the State of our Worldview at the Turn of the 2nd and 3rd Millennium". 5. D. A. Pereverzev, "Consciousness and Reality". 6. D.A. Pereverzev "On the origin and life of stellar systems of the Universe". 7. D. Pereverzev D.A. "On the formation and development of traditional energy of mankind". 8. D.Sc. Kolpakov N.D. "About polarization waves (Pwaves) of interstellar and intergalactic medium as superluminal energy-information carriers". 9. D.Sc. Kolpakov N.D. "Origin of life as an organic process of matter development". 10. D.Sc. Kolpakov N.D. "How polarization waves were discovered or the end of relativism". 11. Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Technical Sciences Zhuk N.A. "On the newest theories in the field of gravitation and cosmology (based on the analysis of classical and modern unconventional, including original works)". 12. Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Technical Sciences Zhuk N.A. "Interaction and Interaction of Science and Religion".
13. Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Technical Sciences Zhuk N.A. "Pre-Christian Russia. Unknown Patriotic War of 942-980".
14. Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Technical Sciences Zhuk N.A. "Slavic-Aryan Vedas about the structure of microand macrocosm".
15. Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Technical Sciences Zhuk N.A. "Gravitation and Other Fundamental Interactions in the System of Unified Energy-Information Exchange of the Universe" (on the materials of original works).
16. Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Technical Sciences Zhuk N.A., Kopylov Yu.
"New in the Theory of the Physical Vacuum of the Universe (on the materials of the International Conference in Tomsk, September 2001)".
17. Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Technical Sciences Zhuk N.A. "Theory of Relativity: Triumph of Theory and Crisis of Physics".
18. Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Technical Sciences Zhuk N.A. "Pravedes about the Trinity as a universal model of the Universe".
19. Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Technical Sciences Zhuk N.A. "Slavic-Aryan Vedas about God and Devil, Good and Evil, Genius and Madness".
20. Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Technical Sciences Zhuk N.A. "Slavic-Aryan Vedas on the Ratio of Male and Female Natures in Man".
21. Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Technical Sciences Zhuk N.A. "Alternative Energy Sources".
22. D.Sc. Zima I.I. "Influence of rotor geomagnetism on human life activity".
23. D.T.N. Zima I.I. "Anastasia: Myth or Reality?" 24. D.Sc. Zima I.I. "Nostradamus on the events at the turn of the 2nd and 3rd millennia: 1999, 2002 and 2025. Russia". 25. D.Sc. Zima I.I. "Rotor Interactions in the Solar System
and Their Influence on Human Performance". 26. D.Sc. Zima I.I. "Consciousness, Subconsciousness and
Intuition in the Representations of Rotor Geomagnetism".
27. D.Sc. Zima I.I. "Rotor Model of the Atom". 28. D.Sc. Zima I.I. "Neutron matter as the basis of nonempty vacuum". 29. D.Sc. Zima I.I. "Registration of rotor echo signals of neutron ether and atmosphere accompanying the radar operation". 30. D.Sc. Trosenkin B.A. "Prospects of non-traditional energy". 31. Bep6yyk H.C. "On informational and spiritual and moral sources of the artist's creativity". 32. Verbuk N.S. "Modern pilgrimage to the Holy Places (artist's impressions)". 33. Verbuk N.S., Pereverzev D.A. "On the 550th Anniversary of Leonar-do da Vinci". 34. Verbuk N.S. "About modern interaction and convergence of science and religion" (on the materials of the books by Tikhoplav V.Y. and Tikhoplav T.S. "Physics of Faith" and "Life on a Roll"). 35. Verbuk N.S., Pereverzev D.A. "On the Convergence of Science and Religion" (on the materials of books by Tikhoplav V.Y. and Tikhoplav T.S. "The Great Transition" and "Cardinal Turn"). 36. Verbuk N.S. "On Conversations with God (Uncommon Dialogue). Books 1 and 2 by Neale Donald Walsch". 37. Verbuk N.S., Pereverzev D.A. "On Conversations with God (unusual dialog). Book 3 by N.D. Walsh." 38. Verbuck N.S., Dayna R.G. "On Neil D. Walsh's books Oneness with God and Friendship with God." 39. Verbuck N.S. "Indigo Children." 40. Kalnina E.P., Pereverzev D.A. "Phenomenon of millennia - Grigory Grabovoy" (on materials and publications of G. Grabovoy and about him). 41. Candidate of Technical Sciences Galaev Yu. "On modern experimental studies of the ether wind".
42. Candidate of Technical Sciences Galaev Yu. "Effects of vortex motion of ether near the Earth's surface".
43. Galitsky I.M. "Time as the most important indicator of life activity and development of Universes".
44. Galitsky I.M. "Quantum Representations on the Origin, Development and Structures of the Universes".
45. K.f.-m.n. Zabelina B.C. "Superstate and its properties". 46. Gladkikh V.N. "On the manifestation and hierarchy of human super- standing". 47. Kashpur A.D. "On Socioenergetics in Nature and Society". 48. Y.A. Bogdanov, Candidate of Technical Sciences "On energy-information provision of Mankind in anticipation of formidable natural and social phenomena and cataclysms". 49. Candidate of Technical Sciences Stelmakhov Yu.N. "On the newest theories of matter structure in the works of B.V. Bolotov". 50. Y.V. Alexandrov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences "Modern State and Prospects of Development of Theoretical and Applied Astronomy". The following seminars are intended to hear and discuss papers on the worldview issues listed below: 1. What is animate and inanimate? Is there a sharp line between them? 2. What is Truth? 3. From mythological to religious-philosophical and scientific ideas about the Universe - Cosmos - Nature in different ethnic groups of the Earth (Egyptians, Sumerians, Chinese, Hindus, Greeks, Romans, Incas, Aztecs, Mayans, etc.). 4. Thinking activity results in Worlds - Universes. Thought is omnipotent, omnipresent. 5. On the state and prospects of development of creative thought and activity of Man.
6. On the activities and relationships of various spiritual schools in Kharkov.
7. Socioenergetic aspects of rotary geomagnetism. 8. Evolution of the way of life and the human connection with the Cosmos. This collection presents the most significant papers of the Seminar during its first 10 years of activity. But the seminar also fulfills another function. It has traditionally become a place of communication and information exchange among scientists of Kharkiv region, a peculiar school of innovative ideas and worldview developments. On this basis, the workshop was significantly contributed to the organization and holding in Kharkiv of three large international conferences on the topics "Gravitation, Cosmology and Relativistic Astrophysics" (2000, 2003), "Anomalous Physical Phenomena in Energy and Prospects of Creation of Unconventional Energy Sources" (2005) and three international scientific seminars (1998, 2001, 2004). The seminar was repeatedly attended by major academics, de-putators and media representatives. We invite you to participate in our workshop as well. Our address: 10 Sovnarkomovskaya St., Kharkiv, House of Scientists, Beketov metro station.
Seminar Leader, Dr. D. A. Pereverzev
D.A. Pereverzev
Reality is understood here as all Being, infinite in Space and Time, innumerable in the changes and transformations of its innumerable objects.
Human consciousness is understood as creative knowledge; knowledge is mastered and actively used information; creative information is a creative act of creating new information and exchanging it with the surrounding world. Informed means armed, comprehensively informed means comprehensively armed, i.e. creative and omnipotent. And these are the possibilities of the Almighty Creator, a human being, in fact, becomes God, who he was originally destined to become (created in the image and likeness of God).
Thus, consciousness is an operational energy-information system located in the aura and encircling the entire human body, i.e. connected with all its cells, forming and controlling human life activity with fantastic speed. The brain is only a transmitting system, like a radio receiver or a TV set.
According to one of the modern scientific concepts (hypotheses) based on the achievements of cybernetics, all objects in the Universe and the processes occurring in them are highly organized and actively interact with each other, starting from elementary particles and atoms and ending with huge stellar associations - Metagalaxies, continuously exchanging and using information and energy. Elementary particles, atoms, planets, stars, galaxies, etc. are surrounded by intellectualenergy-information fields, which, merging together, form a
are the Unified Energy-information field that permeates and binds the entire Universe, infinite in space and time. And, therefore, in essence it (the field) is the Consciousness of the Universe. This concept - energy-informational Universe begins to prevail more and more in the modern scientific Worldview [1,2].
And in this universal field, in all its components (including man) all the information about the Universe is encoded and concentrated, all the laws of its origin and subsequent development are encrypted.
This Worldview is, in fact, Pantheism (animate and deify all Being), only expressed in modern scientific, including thermodynamic and cybernetic concepts and terms.
In accordance with the above, there must exist the Information Field of the entire Earth, its noosphere (including the biosphere), its Consciousness, covering hundreds and thousands of billions of objects - people, animals, insects, plants, as well as minerals, which can be used to store, process and create information. It is an active component of the Universal In- formation Field, continuously interacting with it.
All universal processes take place with an active energyinformation exchange, including on the Earth. Everything that exists on the Earth is created mainly by the energy of the Sun and to a much lesser extent by the direct influence of energies of other stars and galaxies reaching the Earth.
Everything created by Man (speech, alphabet, writing, literature and art, philosophy, science, religion, industry, etc., the whole civilization) is the result of his energetic interaction with the surrounding World according to the laws by which the Universe is created and exists. - the whole civilization) is the result of his energetic interaction with the surrounding World, according to those laws according to which the Universe is created and exists. Therefore, these laws in one way or another
are encoded (fixed) in all the above-mentioned results of Mankind's activity, including in mathematics and arithmetic. Taking this into account, the secrets of the magic of numbers and numerology are easily explained. After all, numbers reflect the number of energetic inter-actions caused by the number of revolutions of the Moon around the Earth (28 days), the Earth around the Sun (365 days), etc.
All laws in the Universe are realized according to the repetitive cycles of energy-information exchange, conditioned by the periods of rotation of cosmic objects around their centers, which in the vast and eternal (infinite in time and space) Universe leads to countless changes of essentially the same (very similar) objects and processes occurring in them (everything goes back to normal, the Bible, Ecclesiastes). However, there are also some variations, determined by the progressive evolutionary development of all Existence, which allows avoiding degradation - degeneration and preserving the immortality of the Universe.
Since, thus, the laws of energy-information exchange are unified for the whole Being, they are encoded in a single Universal program (matrix, plan, project, field, system) and its specific branches, according to which everything is created and controlled from Metagalaxies to scientific and technical objects, works of art, educational processes, including training and competitions and other various achievements of human civilization.
There is an assumption (and even a statement in [3-6]) that the structure of these programs (matrices, projects, plans, etc.) is very similar to the structure of DNA. Here, depending on the size of the displayed space object, the structural units on which the codes-genes of the programs are fixed can be elementary particles, mole-
In the most general form, these comprehensive universal programs are probably recorded in the form of universal holograms recording the results of energy-information interactions between various cosmic objects and their systems. In the most general form, these comprehensive universal programs are probably recorded in the form of universal holograms that record the results of energy-formation interactions between different space objects and their systems.
There is also an assumption that on the Universal scale they are united in cellular structures, where individual components are represented as "matryoshka dolls", compactly displaying the hierarchical interaction of the programs under consideration, displaying the hierarchy of consciousnesses in ascending order: a human being, a planet, a star system (the same sun), a galaxy, a metagalaxy, the Universe.
In the light of the stated scientific cybernetic concepts, it seems appropriate to show what is understood here as the life activity (life) of individual objects of the Cosmos and the Universe as a whole. The life activity of any object is mastering and active use of all kinds of information, creation of new information on this basis and creative creative exchange of information with the surrounding world. This definition covers all objects of the Cosmos, starting from the smallest particles and ending with immensely huge stellar associations, i.e. the entire comprehensive, eternal and infinite Universe. And all of them, naturally, possess consciousness, which is their inherent attribute.
Thus, not only biological creatures (including man), but all Being is living, spiritualized. And this is, in fact, what man calls God throughout his meaningful history. Therefore, the cybernetic interpretation of the life activity of the Universe presented here provides a scientific explanation
all former and existing religious and philosophical systems. As far back as in ancient India and Greece, nature was
perceived as the all-powerful root cause of everything and everyone (including gods). As far back as in ancient India and Greece, nature was perceived as the omnipotent root cause of everything and everyone (including the gods); the concept of the human soul as a time- and space-less spiritual substance, an integral part of the World Soul (Nature) was put forward.
Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) in his treatise "On the Soul" presented the Spirit as an ether permeating Everything and Everything. Newton (1643-1727) used Aristotle's term "ether" to refer to the substance that permeates the universe and makes gravity and electromagnetism possible. He believed that the ether was the all-encompassing God, but did not publicize his views for fear of a strong reaction from the Anglican Church (and this is nothing less than pantheism).
Pantheism is characteristic of Renaissance natural philosophy and the philosophy of B. Spinoza (1632-1677). Spinoza (1632-1677), who identified the concept of God and Nature.
Г. Leibniz (1646-1716) based his philosophy on the monad, an evolving unit of consciousness-matter. Thanks to monads, all matter is alive and animated. God is the monad of all monads (the same panthe- ism!).
Leibniz's followers also included such prominent scientists as K.E. Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935), A.I. Chivsky (1897-1964), and V.I. Vernadsky (1863-1945).
And for materialists, who recognize that matter possesses such universal properties as Thinking and Consciousness, it is nothing but the Mother of all Being, the all-pervading and allcreating Deity (Goddess). Thus, in essence, materialists are no different from pantheists, who spiritualize and deify all things.
Atheists, who deny the existence of God, were materialists by their Worldview, giving to the self-conscious thinking Matter comprehensive, omnipotent and omniscient properties. And this inevitably, as has already been shown, makes them pantheists.
Since, in Pantheism, God is all Being (including time and space), he can, of course, grant certain controlled selfdevelopment to the world created by him, or rigidly (unceasingly) control and direct their life activity. Thus, Pantheism, in fact, combines both Deism and Theism. It excludes the "otherworldliness" of God and "...Everything returns to the way it was" - the original version of God Nature.
Here Consciousness is indissolubly connected to reality w i t h all Being. This completely removes the basic question of materialist philosophy, "What is primary: matter or thinking, being or consciousness?". Hence it inevitably follows that the worldview of materialists and idealists of all stripes (subjective, objective, etc.) is essentially the same. The same can be said of all Eastern religions, as well as pagan religions - they are different types of pantheism.
One of the most powerful energies produced by creation is thought. Man is a creature of thought: what he thinks about in this life becomes what he thinks about in the next. Our entire earthly civilization is the result of the materialization of our human thoughts.
Every vibration (vibration) is life, every life is vibration. Energy-informational entities (programs, matrices, plans, etc.) monitor the vibrational processes in the Universe. Where the substance is compacting (maturing) and its vibration frequency coincides with the vibration frequency of a certain energy-in-
of the energy-informational essence, resonance occurs, and a spontaneous (chain) reaction of birth and development of a new cosmic object begins, occurring under the control and management of this energy-informational essence. This is how humans, planets, stars, galaxies, metagalaxies, universal etheric vortices (like earth cyclones and anticyclones), from which etheric winds blow, penetrating the expanses of the Universe, etc., originate and develop.
If for any reason the resonance proves to be unreliable (the frequency of oscillations of the object or its control system has changed), the birth and development of a physical object may stop. Thus, for example, premature human death occurs at an early age (often in infants and children); the same is likely to happen with other cosmic objects.
The level of frequency of oscillations in the consciousness of an individual person is probably supported by the collective consciousness of the entire humanity. If for some reason a person is torn out of his community and enters the wilderness for a long time, he also becomes wild and even turns into an animal, like the real "Mowgli" who were there as an infant.
In the process of countless generations of cosmic objects, damage and revitalization of their energy-informational essences probably occur. In human beings it takes place in the form of mental illnesses, which not infrequently lead to serious crimes during a number of generations and are interpreted as a curse of the family. If there are righteous periods of life in the family, i.e. the aspiration of the children to correction, then the curse is removed, as it is known, after 7 generations (250-300 years) by means of gradual improvement of spiritual-moral and energy-informational essence of a person (his soul). If this is not the case, the soul disintegrates and goes into the nothingness.
This can also apply to states and nations. It can be referred also to states and nations.
Thus, for thousands of years, the concepts of "paradise", "purgatory" and "hell" have been established in the human consciousness, in his energy-informational essence at the genetic level, where, after his physical death, rest, recuperation or complete dismantling of souls takes place, respectively. For this purpose certain zones of the Cosmos are used, where, in fact, "paradise", "purgatory" and "hell" are located. And different peoples of the Earth, apparently, have their own laws, taking into account ethnographic and religious differences of these peoples, which is undoubtedly reflected in the genes of their energy-informational essences. This, in particular, is confirmed by the works of Carlos Castaneda (see his "Door to Other Worlds").
The process of birth, development and exploration of a new, more perfect cosmic object is called evolution. The energyinformational entity (soul) comes to this object and creates it to also evolve, that is, to become a greater and greater version of itself. This is the purpose of all our life on Earth and all life in the Universe.
Energy-informational entities (souls) are immortal in principle. But this immortality is gained by countless cyclic lives in temporary gross-material shells of objects, with accumulation of new information each time, which is then used in the subsequent evolutionary development. Without this, any entity can degenerate and disappear without a trace. The remarkable poet N. Zabolotsky reflected this moment very imaginatively in one of his poems: "Do not let your soul be lazy, do not take a step away. The soul must work day and night, day and night.
Thus, new, previously unknown information is an indispensable condition (a kind of elixir) of immortality of all energy-informational entities - matrices, projects, program plans of all kinds of material objects of the Universe.
For guaranteed receipt of such information, man (and other similar objects of the Cosmos) is given free will - spontaneous adoption and execution of any possible permissible decisions and actions. Thus, in the process of evolution a traceable selfdevelopment of cosmic objects and their systems is laid down. Free will is one of the most fundamental laws of the Universe, which cannot be violated even by the Supreme Controlling Powers, because it would lead to the disruption of the evolution process with unpredictable destructive consequences.
Outstanding science fiction writers, the Strugatsky brothers, already many years ago (more than 40) played such a situation in one of their best novels: "It is difficult to be a god" [7]. [7]. The action takes place on a distant planet with a medieval civilization, whose rulers mercilessly destroy all the best that has been achieved there, and an impenetrable clerical reaction prevails. Earth's progressive observers, who have truly divine powers, observe this alien life but do not interfere with it.
The scientist of the planet Budah, addressing the earthman Rumata, who had repeatedly manifested his truly divine actions there, asked: "...Lord, erase us from the face of the earth and make us anew more perfect...".
"My heart is full of pity," said Rumata the God slowly, "I cannot do this.
In general, prominent science fiction writers should be considered to be ahead of the curve in the process of human development.
of the civilization. The above-mentioned Strugatsky brothers, I.A. Efremov, and the American Cliff-Ford Saimak have shown themselves to be such. We would especially like to note the science fiction works of Ivan E f r e m o v , such as "The Andromeda Nebula" and "Constellation of the Bull", where he wrote 50 years ago about time tunnels, through which it is possible to travel almost instantly to the past and future of any zone of the Universe.
Recently, I saw on TV how Russian academicians were seriously and even enthusiastically discussing these problems. It dawned on them that there could be tunnels between the supercivilizations of the Universe - "black" and "white" holes. The black holes are where matter goes from one to the other, and the white holes are where matter goes to the other. "white" - energy comes from the others to one. And the energy of time, as the outstanding astronomer Kozyrev N.A. stated, is the "fuel" for our Sun and other Stars.
But let us return to free will. Excessive manifestation of free will leads to permissiveness in bandits of various ranks, maniacs, terrorists, despots, tyrants, dictators. Their emergence and activities are mainly conditioned by the corresponding level of achieved social consciousness. This is especially true in the republics of the collapsed Soviet Union, under the conditions of lawlessness that prevailed there. As the saying goes, "You have fought for what you have fought for, you have met with what you have met!
These degenerates of mankind have a clear damage of their spiritual-moral and energy-informational essence, their immune system - the security system of these entities - is out of order, they should be treated in purgatory, and most likely dismantled (liquidated) in hell.
The immune system (security system) of energy-forming entities should not allow violation of certain spiritual and moral principles and pros-
2], which are based on the fundamental triad of the Universe Love, Goodness and Beauty. [2].
Love is here understood as the most complete and harmonious course of the vital activity of the Universe in all its innumerable manifestations, and the aspiration of Everything and Everything to such manifestations.
This is naturally connected with harmonious proportional exchange of energy and information, which is understood as Good. This is also conditioned by the harmonious combination of sizes, elegance of the form of objects and their systems, which we call Beauty. It is not without reason that the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras (6th century B.C.) called numbers the basis of all existing things, and numerical ratios the source of Harmony of the Cosmos.
Thus, Love, Goodness and Beauty act in an indissoluble triunity (triad) as the foundation of the harmonious triple rhythm (pulse) of the vital activity of all Being.
As the human consciousness grows and improves, it will inevitably approach the consciousnesses of the Earth, the Solar System, the Galaxy, etc. Higher and higher levels of reality will be mastered, which, in the end, should lead mankind to mastering and using the information and energy of the Universal energy-information field.
If it is possible to receive energy and information from this inexhaustible Universal energy-information accumulator, then it will not be necessary to create spaceships with sublight and FTL speeds to explore the vastness of the Universe. Besides, as calculations have shown, this is impossible to realize in practice. It is also unlikely that spaceships that can be used for null-transitions in time tunnels, as described in science fiction, will be possible.
In fact, we can do without these ships. It will be enough to turn to the Universal Internet and Universal mobile communication to receive, use and exchange information with everyone, including the most remote corners of the Universe.
There is a centuries-old opinion that man will get closer to the Consciousness of the Universe if he becomes different, perfect in all respects. But then his development and evolution would stop, which will never happen. All kinds of difficulties, including catharsis (purification by suffering), shocks, descents, ascents, evolutionary leaps, etc., non-standard situations are included in the evolutionary process, and by overcoming them our souls are purified, renewed and enriched. It is not without reason that they say: for a beaten man you get two unbeaten men. And so it will always be and this is the eternal renewal and development of the eternally existing Universe.
And let us be inspired and supported by the thought that in the countless changes of the subidentical cycles of life activity of the whole Being, we all (and each of us individually, and this depends on his contribution to the harmonization of energy-informational processes) can live countless more similar lives, with some variations, conditioned by the evolutionary process of perfection of Everything and Everything.
1. Pereverzev D.A. "Some reflections on the Universe, its laws and our Worldview". // Energy-formation and intellectualspiritual activity of the Universe and our Worldview. Collection of selected works of the city-wide seminar at the Kharkov House of Scientists (1997-2004). - Kharkov, 2004. 279 с.
2. Pereverzev D.A. "On the state of our Worldview at the turn of the 2nd and 3rd millennia". // Energoinfor-
Mational and intellectual-spiritual activity of the Universe and our Worldview. - Collected Works of the General Seminar at the Kharkov House of Scientists (1997-2004). - Kharkov, 2004. - 279 с.
3. Tikhoplav V.Y., Tikhoplav T.S. "Physics of Faith". SPb.: Vesya, 2002. - 256 с.
4. Tikhoplav V.Y., Tikhoplav T.S. "Life for Hire". - SPb.: Vesya, 2002. - 256 с.
5. Tikhoplav V.Y., Tikhoplav T.S. "The Great Transition". - SPb.: Ves, 2002. - 256 с.
6. Tikhoplav V.Y., Tikhoplav T.S. "Cardinal по- ворот". SPb.: Ves, 2002. - 304 с.
7. Arkady Strugatsky, "It is difficult to be a god". // Arkady Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky. M.: Molodaya Gvardiya, 1966. - Vol. 7, pp. 5-192.
October 2007.
D.A. Pereverzev
According to one of the modern scientific concepts (hypothesis) based on the achievements of cybernetics, all the objects in the Universe and the processes occurring in them are highly organized and actively interact with each other, starting from elementary particles and atoms and ending with huge stellar associations - Metagalaxies, continuously exchanging and using information and energy. Elementary particles, atoms, planets, stars, galaxies, etc. are surrounded by intellectualenergy-information fields, which, merging together, form a Unified Energy-information field, permeating and binding the entire Universe, infinite in space and time. This concept Energy-informational Universe - is beginning to prevail more and more in the contemporary scientific worldview [1,2].
And in this Universal Field, in all its components (including man) all the information about the Universe is encoded and concentrated, all the laws of its origin and subsequent development are encoded.
This Worldview is, in fact, Pantheism (animate and deify all things), only expressed in modern scientific, including thermodynamic and cybernetic concepts and terms.
In accordance with the above, there must be an Information Field of the entire Earth biosphere, including hundreds and thousands of billions of objects - people, animals, insects, plants, and possibly minerals - that can be used to store, process, and store information.
It is an active part of the Universal Information Field. It is an active integral part of the Universal Information Field, continuously interacting with it.
The Universal processes take place with an active energyinformation exchange, including on the Earth. Everything that exists on the Earth is created mainly by the energy of the Sun and to a much lesser extent by the direct influence of energies of other stars and galaxies reaching the Earth.
Everything created by Man (speech, alphabets, writing, literature and art, philosophy, science, religion, industry, etc.) is the result of his energetic interaction with the surrounding World according to the laws by which the Universe is created and exists. - the whole civilization) is the result of his energetic interaction with the surrounding World, according to those laws according to which the Universe is created and exists. Therefore, these laws are coded (fixed) in one way or another in all the above-mentioned results of Mankind's activity, including mathematics and arithmetic. Taking this into account, the secrets of the magic of numbers and numerology are easily revealed. After all, the numbers reflect the number of energetic inter-actions caused by the number of revolutions of the Moon around the Earth (28 days), the Earth around the Sun (365 days), etc.
Among others, the law of conservation of matter-energy during the materialization of solar energy in both purely material and spiritual-moral spheres manifests itself very clearly in the life of Mankind and the whole Earth.
In great works of literature and art the intellectual and spiritual energy of their creators, borrowed, transformed by them from the surrounding World and reflecting the Beauty and Harmony of Nature-Cosmos-Universe, is materialized, condensed. It has been favorably influencing mankind for centuries and thousands of years. Recently-
This is why great works of art have such a high, everincreasing value over time. Great works of literature and art are energized when they are republished or restored. Most people experience the beneficial energetic effects of visiting museums, theaters and reading great works.
Except for rare specks - galaxies, stars, planets, etc., the entire space of the Universe is filled with Substance of very low material density (what is called ether, vacuum, prana, subtle matter, etc.), which is in a state of continuous rotational and reciprocating motion.
Similar processes in the Earth's atmosphere due to the energy flows of the Sun and the Earth's rotation around it and its axis are quite illustrative. Cyclones and anticyclones, typhoons, tornadoes and other hurricane phenomena in the Earth's atmosphere clearly show (analogy) what is happening in the vast expanses of the Universe: twisting and unwinding Metagalaxies, Galaxies, Constellations, Stars, Planets, etc. And all this in a kaleidoscope of continuous rotations of everything and everything around all kinds of also rotating centers. And yet, all these processes are co-organized.
They proceed according to the recurring cycles of energyinformation exchange caused by the periods of rotation of cosmic objects around their centers, which in the vast and eternal (infinite in time and space) Universe leads to countless changes of essentially the same (quite similar) objects and processes taking place in them (everything returns to the way it was, the Bible, Ecclesiastes), with some variations predetermined by the progressive evolutionary development
of all Existence, avoiding degradation and degeneration and preserving the immortality of the Universe.
Since, thus, the laws of energy-information exchange are unified for all Existence, they are encoded in a single Universal program (matrix, plan, project, field, system) and its specific branches, according to which everything is created and controlled from Metagalaxies to scientific and technical objects, works of art, educational processes, including training and competitions, and other various achievements of human civilization.
There is an assumption (and even a statement in [2]) that the structure of these programs (matrices, projects, plans, etc.) is very similar to the structure of DNA. Here, depending on the size of the displayed cosmic object, elementary particles, molecules, constellations, stars with planets, and, perhaps, even galaxies can be the structural units on which the program codes-genes are fixed. In the most general form, these comprehensive universal programs are probably recorded in the form of universal holograms that record the results of energyformation interactions between different space objects and their systems.
There is also an assumption that on the Universal scale they are united in cellular structures, where individual components are represented in the form of "nesting dolls", compactly displaying the hierarchical interaction of the programs under consideration.
The subtle substance Worlds (interstellar spaces) of the Universe are considered here, where life activity is mainly determined by the triad "consciousness-energy-information". In the process of evolution of all Being, the Universe strives for a harmonious interaction of these three basic hypostases, realizing the harmonious interaction of the three basic hypostases.
This is the result of the above-mentioned universal programs (matrixes, etc.).
In this triad, consciousness is the organizing and controlling component, which, of course, applies t o all objects of the Universe, including humans. Consciousness is understood as creative knowledge; knowledge is mastered and actively used information; creative information is the creative act of creating new information and its exchange with the surrounding world. Informed means armed. Comprehensively informed means comprehensively armed, i.e. creative and omnipotent. And these are the possibilities of the Almighty Creator, a human being in fact becomes God, who he was originally destined to become (created in the image of God).
In the light of the stated scientific cybernetic concepts, it seems expedient to show what is understood here as the life activity (life) of individual objects of the Cosmos and the Universe as a whole. The life activity of any object is mastering and active use of information, creation of new universal information on this basis and creative creative exchange of it with the surrounding World. This definition covers all objects of the Cosmos, starting from the smallest particles and ending with immensely huge stellar associations, i.e. the entire comprehensive, eternal and infinite Universe.
Thus, not only biological creatures (including man), but all Being is living, spiritualized. And this is, in fact, what man calls God throughout his meaningful history. Therefore, the cybernetic interpretation of the life activity of the Universe presented here gives a scientific explanation to all existing religious-philosophical systems.
The basic building material of the universe in the formation of stars, constellations and galaxies is hydrogen
and helium [3,4], about 97.6% of all known matter (H=70%, Ne=27.6%).
Let us now consider the process of star and galaxy formation from huge clusters of hydrogen and helium. The nucleation sites (centers) must mature, reach the necessary density level to start the star formation process. The corresponding programs monitor this process and when the frequency of vibrations (oscillations) of energy-information flows in the program and in the center of star formation coincide, there is a kind of resonance - a tremendous acceleration of the star formation process. The gas clouds enveloping the center of nucleation begin to rotate and compact under the influence of gravitational forces.
At a certain critical mass (or more than it) involved in star formation, the pressure in the nucleation zone reaches hundreds of billions of atmospheres, and the temperature reaches tens of millions of degrees; the reaction of thermonuclear fusion of helium from hydrogen atoms begins, with the release of a huge amount of energy and its release into space. Thus, tens and hundreds of billions of stars are ignited from the dark protocloud, which by coordinated rotation around a single center are united into a galaxy. The star exists until all the matter involved in thermonuclear fusion is burned out; it turns into a white dwarf, which is a completely different cosmic body.
At the mass involved in the creation of the object and less than the critical mass, a liquid hydrogen-helium planet (like Jupiter or Saturn) can arise. This mass can be formed by itself or detached from the mass of the star.
Earth-like planets with solid surfaces are formed differently, from solid bodies-meteorites, asteroids,
of all kinds of stone clusters, from fragments of comets, etc. Here the solid bodies rotating around the luminary (Star) are concentrated, sticking together, forming their compact spherical formations rotating also around their axis, carried out under the control of the corresponding planetary program, starting from the moment of coincidence of the frequency of its energy-informational vibrations (oscillations) with the similar frequency of the nascent planet.
There is an infinite number of galaxies in the Universe, and they are united into even larger space systems - Metagalaxies (with the number of galaxies up to 200 billion and more). The orbital velocity of a galaxy as it moves around the center of the Metagalaxy can reach tens of thousands of km/s [4]. It seems that there are also unions of Metagalaxies - Supermetagalaxies, where the orbital velocity at rotation around the center of the union can reach the known to us speeds of light ( about 300 thousand km/s, and possibly more). Isn't this the secret of galaxies scattering at ever-increasing speeds? Our far from perfect instruments simply fix orbital velocities in the various above-mentioned hierarchical structural associations of galaxies.
It used to be believed that between galaxies, the clots of matter in the Universe, there is a vacuum, a "void". Nowadays it is considered to be established that between galaxies, as well as between stars, the space (called ether, physical vacuum, etc.) is filled with energy currents and interstellar gas. This gas is ionized, i.e. it is a plasma - a mixture of nuclei of hydrogen, helium and other elements, as well as electrons and possibly other smaller particles.
The plasma is produced by thermonuclear reactions in the interior of stars and ejected by them into space.
The fusion is a "cold" fusion. It seems that by "cold" fusion, at low energy inputs (in conditions of almost absolute zero temperatures), the main building materials of stars and galaxies - hydrogen and helium - are produced here from the plasma, with successive complication of particles. But the mechanism of this process is still unclear. One thing is certain that it is organized and controlled by one of the above-mentioned highlevel hierarchical programs. And is it not in this way that huge dark matter clusters are created in the vast expanses of the Cosmos, which are being detected more and more every year by as-tronomists?
The following highlights some of the indicators and major stages of the origin and formation of our solar system.
The solar system is more than 12 billion kilometers across, due to the diameter of the nearly circular orbit of the planet Pluto, the farthest planet from the luminary.
The closer a planet is to the Sun, the greater its orbital velocity (gravitational forces must be balanced by centrifugal forces). Thus, Mercury's orbital velocity is 47.9 km/s with a complete revolution around the Sun in 88 Earth days, Earth's is 29.8 km/s with a revolution in 365 days (a year), and Pluto's is only 4.7 km/s with an orbit of 247 Earth years.
Our Galaxy is 68 thousand light-years across. The thickness of the Galaxy disk is 8 times smaller than its diameter. One of the branches of the Galaxy is home to the Solar System, which makes a complete revolution around the Galactic center in about 200 million years, orbiting at a speed of 250 km/sec.
Origin of the Solar System. According to modern ideas [3], the Sun, planets and all other bodies of the Solar System were formed from a single cold cold
A gas-dust cloud, or nebula, about 4.6 billion years ago. The cloud is believed to have originated in one of the branches of the Galaxy as a dispersed rotating medium. Gradually compacting under the influence of gravitational compression and accelerating its rotation, it took the shape of a disk. As a result of increasing compaction of matter, the cloud heated up and in the central region reached such high temperatures that nuclear reactions began there. Subsequently, the Sun was formed from the central part of the cloud, and the planets orbiting the Sun and planetary satellites were formed from the solid material clots.
This is the most general hypothesis of the Solar System formation, which emerged more than 350 years ago, first by R. Descartes and nowadays finally confirmed as the Kant-Laplace hypothesis (Kant - 1755, Laplace - 1796). According to modern astronomers [3,4], the chemical composition of the Universe is dominated by hydrogen (about 70%) and helium (27.5%), with only about 2.5% of the major elements. In general, this ratio of elements holds in the Solar System. But in the Solar System, the Earth and other solids have a completely different chemical composition.
Structure of the Solar System. The Sun and the planets and their satellites, asteroids, comets and other bodies in its gravitational field form one of the countless rotating systems of the Universe, the number of which in our Galaxy alone is estimated to be truly astronomical - from 100 to 250 billion. The Solar System consists of the Sun, a yellow star, nine planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) with 32 satellites, many thousands of asteroids (small planets), many millions of comets, meteorites, interplanetary gas and dust.
The space occupied by the Solar System is permeated with various kinds of energy flows coming from the Universe, from the Galaxy and its stars, from the interplanetary medium, from each planet and other cosmic bodies, but most importantly from the Sun. The entire interplanetary space is occupied by various physical fields peculiar to cosmic bodies - gravitational, magnetic, thermal, electric and others [3]. And all this, as it was mentioned above, can be represented as a single EnergyInformation Field of the Solar System.
The Sun is the closest star in the Universe and is a yellow dwarf. It is a glowing glowing ball of gas formed by 70% hydrogen and 27% helium, with the remaining 3% being hightemperature plasma - a mixture of nuclei and electrons of hydrogen and helium atoms that have not undergone a fusion reaction, as well as a mixture of nuclei and electrons of all other elements in the Mendeleev table. The mass of the Sun is 2.25-1027 t, which is 329400 times the mass of the Earth (6.21021 ), and its volume is about 1300 thousand times the volume of the Earth. The density of the Sun is 4 times less than that of our planet, the pressure at its center reaches 300 billion atmospheres, and the temperature is 10-15 million degrees Celsius. The combination of ultra-high pressures and temperatures in the center of the Sun causes nuclear reactions to transform hydrogen into helium.
A huge amount of energy is released. Part of it is used to maintain in the central region the ultrahigh temperatures necessary for nuclear reactions, and the rest is radiated by the Sun into outer space. The energy flux emitted by the Sun removes 1.4-1013 tons of matter from it each year. Although this is enormous in our earthly terms, it is negligible compared to the mass of the Sun: it would take an extremely huge amount of energy to remove it from the Sun.
It would take a considerable amount of time for the Sun to use up all of its matter for energy radiation and cease to exist. The Sun will reach this state in about 10 billion years [3]. We cannot agree with this statement. Thermonuclear reactions in the Sun will begin to fade when its mass becomes less than critical, and will finally cease, according to current estimates, in 6 billion years, when the Sun turns into a white dwarf.
The Sun generates and emits two main energy flows into space: electromagnetic radiation, or solar radiation (due to the Sun's surface temperature of about 6000°K), and corpuscular radiation, or solar wind.
The thermal field of all planets of the Solar System is created almost exclusively by solar radiation, since the energy flow from the interior of the planets to their surface is extremely insignificant and is ignored by many researchers, even for the Earth. This is why solar radiation is especially important for the inner (terrestrial) planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
The corpuscular radiation (solar wind) is a flow of plasma the glowing ionized gas of the solar corona, whose temperature is estimated at 1 million degrees Celsius. The term "corpuscular radiation" means that the process here is not continuous, but occurs in some portions-corpuscules. The plasma flow is based on hydrogen nuclei, to a lesser extent helium and other elements, and electrons [3].
One of the characteristic features of the solar wind is its inherent magnetic field. The planets that do not have a magnetic field (Moon, Venus) allow the plasma flow of this wind to penetrate the atmosphere (where it exists) unimpeded up to their planet.
and interact with its matter at the atomic level. Its influence on the planet's energy will be relatively small compared to the solar radiation. It is different if the planet has a strong magnetic field. This is especially evident on Earth, where the planet's strong magnetic field prevents the plasma flow from penetrating to its surface and it has to flow around the planet at the level of the upper boundary of the atmosphere. Nevertheless, this sometimes causes very strong perturbations in the planet's magnetic field, which affects the rhythm of life of its inhabitants and is particularly unpleasant for people with chronic diseases.
It seems that atmospheric (weather) disturbances, which are so clearly and sharply negative at the present time, can also occur here. Since solar wind increases occur periodically and are therefore predictable, it is necessary to prepare for them in advance and take all possible necessary protective measures.
Next we will look at the evolution of the planets, mainly the main planet where we live, planet Earth.
Despite the seemingly homogeneous source material and mechanism of formation, the bodies of the Solar System are sharply divided into two different groups in terms of composition and structure. The first group is formed by the large bodies - the Sun and the planets of the outer group of the system: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. They are liquid balls of water and helium with low density (0.7-1.41). But they account for almost the entire mass of the Solar System.
The second group is formed by bodies with a high density of their constituent matter and a solid surface. These are the planets of the inner or terrestrial group: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars; planetary satellites, asteroids (density of
their matter content is 3.0-5.5). Their solid surface is in contact either with the air and hydrosphere (Earth, Venus, Mars) or directly with open space (Mercury, Moon, planetary satellites, asteroids, meteorites, etc.). The bodies of the second group account for a small fraction of a percent of the solar system mass (6-10-4 %).
The giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune), as well as the Universe as a whole, are formed mainly by light elements - hydrogen and helium. The group of planets made of heavy material with a solid surface can be judged from the Earth, whose chemical composition, with quantitative relationships between elements, is well enough studied. There is neither hydrogen nor helium among the 15 major elements, which together comprise 99.89% of the total matter of our planet [3]. Iron (35.39%), oxygen (27.29%), magnesium (17%), and silicon (12.64%) predominate. Thus, by their physical parameters, the large planets of the Solar System belong to two different levels of organization of the matter of cosmic bodies. The paths of their evolution are also different.
The evolution of planets is very complex, time-varying and disintegrates into a complex of interrelated processes. Any natural process can function only if it is provided with the necessary energy. The most effective energy flows here are the electromagnetic radiation of the Sun (solar radiation) and the gravitational energy of the bodies forming the planet.
Solar radiation forms a thermal field on the surface of the inner group planets. It excites a complex of surface processes. Their quantity and intensity depend not so much on the power of the solar energy flux arriving on the surface of the planet, as on the amount of solar energy flow.
of the absorption capacity of the outer region of the planets - air and water environments.
Gravitational energy initially creates a planet by the sticking together of a cluster of solid bodies and then builds it up by meteorite bombardment, i.e., by the fallout of space bodies of various sizes - from dust particles to blocks of rock with a cross-section of tens of kilometers - onto the growing planet. In essence, the formation of planets is an intensive continuous fallout of rocky material.
In the first hundreds of millions of years of planetary existence, this was the most important factor in the evolution of planets. In the following time, the flux of solid matter falling on the planets decreased gradually as it became concentrated in the growing planets.
On planets with atmospheres and water environments, the effect of meteoritic bombardment was weakened by itself, and especially by its suppression by internal (tectonic) and surface processes, i.e., by factors inherent to the planet itself. Only on the Moon, devoid of atmosphere and hydrosphere, meteoritic bombardment continues to be the most important factor in the formation of surface relief and crust structure, and its effect here has been most pronounced.
A comparison of the physical characteristics of the inner (terrestrial) planets of the Solar System has allowed us to deduce a number of general regularities of their origin and subsequent evolution. In the early history of their existence, all planets experienced three common phases of development: the 1st phase of accretion (nucleation); the 2nd phase of melting of the outer sphere (and possibly of the interior); and the 2nd phase of melting of the outer sphere (and possibly of the interior). The 3rd "lunar phase" (the stage of creation of the primary crust). The sum of these phases constitutes the early history of the planet. At that time, the Earth did not differ from other planets in its development.
In all subsequent times up to and including the modern epoch, i.e., during 3.5-4.0 billion years, all planets, with the exception of the Earth, developed more or less uniformly, although the degree of activity of both internal and external planetary processes varied. The greater the mass of a planet, the greater the amount of radiogenic and gravitational energy generated in its interior. Accordingly, volcanism and tectonic movements are more active in the planet. They are especially evident in volcanic activity. On the smaller planets (Moon, Mercury), volcanic activity ceased more than 3 billion years ago. On Mars it was present until recently, but it has also subsided. On Venus (according to indirect data) and on Earth, active volcanism has been going on throughout their history and is still going on now.
The following are among the general regularities of the development of the Earth-group planets.
1. All planets originated from a single protoplanetary cloud (nebula) as a result of its condensation and the nucleation of clumps of material from scattered matter about 4.6 billion years ago. Larger clumps grew faster by joining smaller aggregates and became the embryos of planets.
2. At the end of the accretion (nucleation) stage, i.e., approximately 4.5 billion years ago, under the influence of rapidly accumulated thermal energy due to transformed theoretical kinetic energy (transformed gravitational energy), the outer shell of the planets completely melts.
3. The subsequent cooling of the outer layers of the lithosphere resulted in the formation of the crust. The lighter components of the main magma were incorporated into the crust. The heavier ones, thanks to gravitational differentiation, concentrated below the crust to form the mantle of the planets. At the same time.
he melting of the central region of the planets due to the accumulation of radiogenic and gravitational energy also occurred during this period. Thus, at the early stage of the planets' existence, their matter was differentiated into core, mantle, and crust.
4. Unlike other planets, the Earth has a huge amount of liquid water and, importantly, all of it is in an active global cycle. And this has a huge impact on the planet's lithosphere and atmosphere.
5. Due to a number of favorable circumstances (median position in the group of planets, presence of liquid water, moderate stable thermal regime, etc.), organic life arose and developed on the Earth, human beings appeared and rapidly evolved, which has a great and growing influence (not always positive) on the vital activity of everything existing on the Earth and the planet as a whole.
Therefore, the main stages-phases of the Earth's evolution, including human beings, are discussed in more detail below, and their prospects are assessed.
1. Accretion (planetary birth) with a period of about 200 million years (4.6-4.4 billion years ago). During this time, the Earth acquired about 95% of its present-day mass through the attraction of all kinds of solid bodies.
2. At the end of the accretion stage (4.4 billion years ago), under the action of meteorite bombardment and the transformation of gravitational energy into thermal energy, the outer shell and deep layers of the planet melted, releasing water vapor and carbon dioxide; the Earth's gravity held them together and they formed its primary atmo-sphere.
3. The subsequent cooling of the Earth formed its three main spherical layers: the solid outer crust
- lithosphere and the remaining molten mantle and central core (4 billion years ago).
4. When in the process of further cooling the Earth's surface temperature reached less than 100°C, water vapor condensation began to intensify and fall on the Earth. This is how the first seas and oceans of our planet were formed (about 3.5 billion years ago).
Under the influence of the Sun's energy, water evaporated, vapors rose into the atmosphere, condensed, and rained; the water cycle was established, and lakes and rivers appeared. The accumulation of gravitational and radiation energy in the Earth's interior and its subsequent release led to active tectonic activity in the form of volcanic eruptions and mountain formation processes.
5. The origin and rapid development of organic life in the depths of the hydrosphere led to a dramatic change in the composition of the atmosphere and established it close to today: about 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen, the rest - other gases (about 3 billion years ago).
6. The single continent of Gondwana splits into continents. The Earth acquires its present-day geographical shape. Plants and animals emerge from the seas and oceans onto land. The development of a solid surface abundantly irrigated by the water cycle. The most ancient vegetation flourished in the form of huge horsetails and ferns. Accordingly, the appearance and dominance of giant herbivorous and predatory reptiles - brontosaurs and ichthyosaurs - on the Earth, and flying lizards in the sky (about 1.5 billion years ago).
7. The appearance of mammalian animals on land and their subsequent partial return to the aquatic environment, the appearance of the ancestors of modern cetaceans (approximately 800-700 million years ago).
8. The emergence of upright apes, the earliest ancestors of modern humans (about 1 million years ago).
9. The emergence of man of reason (homosapi-ens) with a brain volume and thinking capabilities close to modern ones Cro-Magnon, Australopithecus, etc. (100-50 thousand years ago). (100-50 thousand years ago).
Some scientists believe that this happened 20,000 to 30,000 years ago, and that evolution over the previous million years could not have led to its emergence. It is likely that there was a qualitative leap (a kind of super-state caused by a confluence of exceptional circumstances) that led to the emergence of a sustained brain mutation that finally formed modern humans in a relatively short historical period. It is possible that this occurred off-Earth and that organic life (including man) was brought to Earth through the activities of other, more advanced civilizations. Information from contactors and ufologists confirms this version [1].
10. Emergence of the first ancient human civilizations Ural, Tripoli, Egyptian, Sumerian, Chinese, Indian (Hindustani), etc. (10-5 thousand years ago). (10-5 thousand years ago).
11. The origin and development of ancient Greek and Roman slave civilizations (3.5-1.5 thousand years ago).
12. Feudal-serfdom civilization (1.5- 0.2 thousand years ago).
13. Private and state capitalist techno-genetic civilization (approximately from the 17th century A.D. to the present day). In the process, man has achieved great power with enormous creative (our ancestors would say divine) capabilities.
But it (this civilization) has already reached the limit of its capabilities, causing enormous damage to the human habitat and the entire organic world (pollution of the ocean, land, atmosphere; destruction of forests and many animals; predation of the Earth's subsoil, etc.), which has put humanity and the Earth itself on the verge of survival.
Modern main energy resources and energy carriers (oil and gas) are not the remains of flora and fauna of previous epochs processed over millions of years, but peculiar blood (lymph) and respiratory products of the Earth's organism. The Earth probably produces them continuously in its depths and there is no special danger to its vital activity from this side (before human production of oil and gas). But the pollution of its surface, oceans, atmosphere, the danger of the greenhouse effect (which has had such a negative impact on Venus) - here the Earth is experiencing great anxiety and is ringing all the bells.
Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, droughts, fires, hurricanes and floods in recent years have literally shaken the Earth and all of humanity, often with great loss of life. In fact, this is an instruction to mankind to stop the technogenic civilization and to follow a new, life-affirming stage of evolution, to create a new, corresponding civilization.
14. Energy-informational civilization of mankind with obtaining energy and information directly from the Universal Energy-informational accumulator - the Universal Energyinformational field (with the beginning in the 21st century).
The foregoing illustrates the dramatic increase in the rate of evolution of the entire Earth organism and its integral human component, from billions of years ago to the present day.
In the past, it was hundreds of millions, hundreds of millions, hundreds and tens of thousands of years to tens of years in our time.
The ever-increasing speed of mankind's evolution and the corresponding development of energy have led to the fact that over the last decade there has been a sharp qualitative leap in the development and use of various energy-information processes due to the creation and widespread use of the necessary computer-computing and information-awareness technology (all-planet computer network - Internet, mobile communication, television, radio, etc.). In fact, mankind is already on the verge of mastering and utilizing information and energy of the Universal energy-information field. It can be expected that the practical connection to it will take place during the 21st century.
All this is undoubtedly reflected in the Universal cosmic project (program, matrix, plan, etc.) of the origin and development of the Solar System and its planet Earth, destined to become the cradle and home of one of the highest forms of life in the Universe - organic life.
Probably, in this project it was envisaged that the Earth would be reliably protected by its atmosphere from harmful short-wave radiation from the Sun and would have a reliable gravitational protection from large meteorites and asteroids falling on it, thanks to a kind of shield of massive liquid planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Thus, most of the meteorites and asteroids of the solar system rotate between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, many solids are collected in the ring of Saturn. These liquid planets have solid satellites, each with a mass close to that of the Moon.
Thus, these dangerous solids are safely away from the Earth and out of its gravity.
The final part of the paper presents some information on the lifespan and age of various universal objects (Metagalaxies, stars, planets, atoms, etc.).
In religious and philosophical works of ancient India (Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad-gita, etc.) it is said that the Age of Brahma (the life span of the Universe, in our understanding of the Metagalaxy, which includes over 200 billion galaxies like our Milky Way) from the beginning of birth (expansion) to super-compression (collapse) is 3.11-1014 years [1].
It is an inspirational and poetic description of the immersion of Brahma (the supreme deity of Hindus) into nirvana, his merging and dissolution into ether, his sleep for countless earthly years. ... And, finally, the awakening, ..... the plan of the origin and development of the Universe is revealed.....
Unfortunately, the information that comes down to us from such ancient sources depends to a large extent on interpreters of ancient texts. Therefore, it should be interpreted with caution (critically).
Modern science suggests that the age of our Metagalaxy is about 15 billion years. It has been determined from the rate of galaxy escape since the Metagalactic explosion (the initial explosion theory) and from the half-life of radioactive carbon. A number of researchers believe that this is a very approximate method and that our Metagalaxy is much younger.
According to the same radioactive method, the age of the Solar System (including the Earth and other planets) is estimated at 5-6 billion years. According to calculations, it is certain that a thermonuclear generator of solar energy will be operational.
It would take about 6 billion more years until all available nuclear fuel burns out and the solar system ceases to exist. Thus, its lifespan could be as long as 11-12 billion years.
No one has yet been able to estimate the lifetime of atoms. Some scientists and researchers believe that the atom will live forever after being formed in some other way [1].
According to modern science, the age of mankind can reach both 100 thousand and 1 million years.
But in all these cases the age and longevity of the rough material shells of objects are estimated, but not their energyinformational essences - matrices, plans, programs, projects which create these objects and manage their life during countless cycles of their existence.
The energy-informational essences of objects (they used to be called, and still are often called souls) are immortal in principle. But this immortality is accrued by countless cyclic lives in temporary gross-material shells of objects, with accumulation of new information each time, which is then used in the subsequent evolutionary development. Without this, any entity can degenerate and disappear without a trace. The remarkable poet N. Zabolotsky reflected this moment very figuratively in one of his poems: "Don't let the soul be lazy, don't take one step away. The soul is obliged to labor both day and night, day and night".
Thus, the new, previously unknown information is a kind of elixir of immortality of all energy-informational entities matrices, projects, plans, programs of all kinds of material objects of the Universe.
And may we be inspired and sustained by the thought that in the countless changes of sub-identical cycles
In the life activity of the whole Being, we all (and each of us individually, and this depends on his contribution to the harmonization of energy-information processes) can live countless more similar lives, with some variations, conditioned by the evolutionary process of perfection of Everything and Everything.
Literature 1. Pereverzev D.A. "Some reflections on the Universe, its laws and our Worldview". // Energy-formation and intellectualspiritual activity of the Universe and our Worldview. Collected Works of the city-wide seminar at the Kharkov House of Scientists (1997-2004). -Kharkov, 2004. - 279 с. 2. Pereverzev D.A. "On the state of our Worldview at the turn of the 2nd and 3rd millennia". // Energy-informational and intellectual-spiritual activity of the Universe and our Worldview. - Collection of selected works of the general seminar at the Kharkov House of Scientists (1997-2004). Kharkov, 2004. - 279 с. 3. Krivolutsky A.E. "Blue Planet." - Moscow: "Mysl", 1985. - 336 с. 4. Tomilin A.N. "Zanimatelno o astronomii". - Moscow: Molodaya Gvardiya, 1970. - 304 с.
Д. A. Pereverzev
According to modern philosophical ideas [1,4], the life activity of the infinite, comprehensive and eternal (infinite in time) Universe is conditioned by the triad "information-energyconsciousness" in subtle sub-stantional worlds (interstellar spaces) or by the triad "matter-energy-consciousness" in denser (including grossly material) substances.
It should be noted that earlier it was reflected in various religious and philosophical doctrines of mankind (Trinity in Christianity, triads in Hegel's philosophy, etc.).
In these triads, consciousness is the organizing and controlling component. This, of course, applies t o all objects of the Universe, including man. Here, consciousness is understood as creative knowledge; knowledge is mastered and actively used information; creative information is the creative act of creating new information and its exchange with the surrounding world. In- formed means armed, comprehensively informed means comprehensively armed, i.e. creative omnipotent. And these are already the possibilities of the Almighty Demiurge-Creator, a human being in essence becomes God, who he was originally destined to become (created in the image and likeness of God).
Thus, consciousness is an operational energy-information system located in the aura and encircling the whole human body, i.e. connected with all its cells, forming and controlling human life activity with fantastic speed. The brain is only
A transmitting system, a transmitter, like a radio or television set.
Out of seven known intellectual-spiritual shells of a human being, consciousness is concentrated in the first three or four, subconsciousness - in the last three, where the Universal data bank (holograms of the Universe) is deposited; this is what we call the soul, which after a person leaves the physical world and is replenished with the achievements of his life, is injected into the Universal Energy and Information Field.
In the process of evolution of all Being, the Universe strives for harmonious interaction of these three basic hypostases. Among them, energy most clearly reflects (and provides) the vital activity of all objects in the micro- and macrocosm of the Cosmos. At the same time, the imbalance in receiving and mastering energy-information flows leads to significant shocks in the Universe, including on the Earth, in its biosphere and in the human organism. Explosions of stars (supernovae), collisions of planets with comets and asteroids, etc. are a clear confirmation of this. On Earth, energy-informational distortions lead to volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc., most of which are avalanche-like and therefore difficult to control.
In the human body, the lack or inordinate use of energy leads to various physical and, most dangerously, mental illnesses. The same can be said about peoples, their communities, states and even civilizations, in which energyinformational imbalances manifested themselves (appearance of maniacal dictators; growth, prosperity and fall of once powerful empires, such as Roman, Byzantine, Arab Caliphate, Ottoman-Turkish, French, Russian, German, etc.).
Nowadays, due to the sharp increase in the speed of evolutionary processes on the Earth, there is an ever more urgent need for the growth of energy production and consumption, which, at the same time, leads to the strengthening and sharp manifestation of the above-mentioned negative processes. This is clearly manifested in the appearance of numerous homicidal maniacs and kidnappers of young women and children, in wars and confrontations between states for the possession of energy resources, energy carriers, producing and supplying energy systems.
The recent wars of the United States and its allies against Iraq were not primarily aimed at fighting terrorism, but at seizing the world's richest Iraqi oil reserves, which they achieved, albeit at a very high cost. They are trying to achieve the same goal with regard to Iran, assuring the world public about the danger of Iran's allegedly increasing nuclear armament, which, given its weak scientific and technological capabilities, is hard to imagine.
Taking into account that energy is the main driving force and the most visible manifestation of the vital activity of the Cosmos, including mankind (in fact, energy, Cosmos, and mankind are identical concepts), the round table of the seminar was organized on the theme "On the energy of the Earth's mankind in the past, present, and foreseeable future"; and the present article is a certain generalization of the results of the reports of the round table participants.
Here, energy is understood as the organization of production and consumption of various types of energy thermal, mechanical, electrical, etc., including spiritual and moral energy.
Since primitive times, man, in order to survive, has had to obtain and utilize the minimum amount of energy necessary through the heat of the hearth and food from fruits
It was mainly elastic potential energy that was stored and utilized through the muscular system of humans and, later, domesticated animals. It was mainly elastic potential energy, which was accumulated and utilized through the muscular system of humans and, later, of domesticated animals. Later, the elastic potential energy concentrated in the wood of trees and animal veins, including in various weapons for hunting and warfare (bows, slingshots, wall-breaking weapons, etc.) also became widely used in primitive energetics.
Weapons for the destruction of one's own kind, which have emerged on this basis, are rapidly improving, realizing the best technical and intellectual achievements of mankind. Wars from ancient times (and to this day) had (and still have) the main purpose of conquering by tribes, peoples, states a new living space rich in energy resources and energy carriers (forests rich in animals; lakes and rivers rich in fish; pastures for livestock, etc.), including for the subjugation and slavery of various tribes and peoples. Slavery in those distant times was almost the main direction in obtaining cheap and efficient energy. As is known, it was slave labor that created ancient, once prosperous human civilizations - Egyptian, Middle Eastern, ancient Greek, Roman, Inca and Aztecs in America, etc. The slave labor was the main source of cheap and efficient energy.
The further acceleration of the evolution of human society was largely due to the increase of its energy capabilities through the increasing development and use of the energy of rivers (hydropower) and air currents, the practical realization of which was possible with the tremendous accompanying advances in mechanics, embodied in the industrial sector.
In the Middle Ages (manufactories, water mills, sailing ships, etc., etc., etc.).
The end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of a new period of development in the history of mankind is associated with the development of water steam energy in the last third of the 18th century, which, with the use of steam engines such as J. Watt's and I. Polzunov's, dramatically increased the energy capacity of human civilization in all branches of its activity. But even then it was noticed that this was accompanied by significant environmental pollution, which at first was not paid any attention to.
With good reliability of steam engines, their efficiency factor reached no more than 10%, i.e. only 10% of fuel energy was used to produce useful power (useful work on steam locomotives, steam ships, industrial enterprises, etc.), the remaining 90% of this energy was emitted into the atmosphere, polluting it with fuel combustion products. But due to their reliability and unpretentiousness in fuel (peat, coal, firewood, garbage, etc.), autonomy (independence from other sources of energy production) these heat engines are not expedient to write off completely, at any moment of a long emergency state of energy systems they can be useful. It is not without reason that many steam locomotives are mothballed and still remain in the strategic reserve.
In the last quarter of the 19th century, more than a hundred years after the appearance of the steam engine of J. Watt (1773), a whole family of thermal machines of various types was created, which became the main primary engines for the production of thermal, mechanical and electrical energy in large (power plants), transportation (aviation, shipping, cars, locomotives, etc.), and other industries.
These machines have been used in small-scale power generation (in metallurgy, chemical and sugar industries, etc.) throughout the 20th century and are likely to remain so until the end of the 21st century. The inventors and creators of these machines were:
Frenchman Etienne Lenoir created the first practical internal combustion engine (d.h.c.) in 1860;
German designer N. Av. Otto created a 4-stroke gaspowered d.h.p. in 1876;
German engineer Rudolf Diesel created a d.v.c. named after him in 1897;
Swedish engineer Gustav Laval built the first active steam turbine in 1889;
In 1884, Englishman Charles Parsons invented and built a multi-stage jet steam turbine, which played a major role in the development of energy.
In 1939-1940, the Soviet scientist-turbine builder, Professor Vladimir Makovsky created a 736 kW (1000 hp) gas-turbine engine. Its model is still standing at the Department of Turbines of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute. After the Patriotic War engines of this type within several years (5-10 years) found the widest application in large aviation (military, passenger, transport), which, thanks to them, mastered supersonic flight speeds. Auxiliary aircraft (used in agriculture, forestry, and training), as well as helicopters still fly with carburetor-type d.h.p. engines.
D.V.S. remain in service in road transport, in ships of small tonnage and on diesel locomotives of railway lines in inaccessible areas; on wide highways they are known to have been replaced by electric locomotives.
The main fuel here is coal (or its gasification products), petroleum products, and oil refining products.
(gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, fuel oil), gas. Since 1956, after the launch of the first nuclear power plant
in the Soviet Union (Dubna), nuclear power has been playing an increasing role in the energy sector of mankind. In some countries (France, Ukraine, etc.) nuclear power plants generate more than half of the electricity consumed there. This trend is steadily continuing despite the attempts of some countries to suspend construction of NPPs due to the fear of accidents and radiation contamination like Chernobyl. Large tonnage vessels of the civil and naval fleets, mainly powerful military submarines, are also being intensively equipped with thermonuclear power units. The main fuel here is nuclear fuel burned in the fuel elements of nuclear reactors.
In most of these power plants, no more than one-third of the fuel energy is utilized, and about two-thirds of it is uselessly emitted into the atmosphere, resulting in significant thermal, chemical and dust pollution that significantly worsens human health. The resulting environmental problems already require immediate solutions.
Emissions from transportation power plants are increasingly beginning to prevail over power plant emissions due to the dramatic increase in the number of vehicles. Already now the installed capacity of cars is significantly higher than the installed capacity of power plants. But energy production is still not yet feasible, as power plants operate continuously, sometimes for years, whereas in transport they operate for hours, days or months.
One of the most cardinal ways of solving the abovementioned environmental problems is to increase the efficiency of power plants, i . e. to increase their efficiency.
reducing the share of wasted fuel energy. Unfortunately, in Ukraine, due to the sharp reduction in electricity generation over the last 15 years, the solution to these problems is increasingly being put on the back burner.
According to forecasts [2 et al.], over 20 years (from 1990 to 2010), electric power generation on the Earth should increase more than 2-fold, while the Earth's population increases 1.31-fold, i.e. specific energy consumption per person is increasing at a faster rate, so it is necessary to forecast the prospects of resource saving for present and future generations. Moreover, in the current year 2007, electric power generation on the Earth should amount to about 2.0-10-1013 kWh, and the installed capacity of energy installations should reach, respectively, 2.3-10-106 MW (with the Earth's population of about 6.7 billion people), of which the share of Ukraine is 4.910-104 MW with electric power generation of about 430-10-109 kWh=430 billion kWh.
Currently, the installed capacity of power plants and other energy facilities in Ukraine is about 5.3-104 MW, which is close to the forecast [2]. However, it was installed back in Soviet times. However, it is used less than half, often by one third, only about 190 billion kWh is generated, so in 2007 it is planned to generate only 194 billion kWh of electricity. This is explained by the fact that Ukraine practically stands the entire machine-building industry (you can judge by Kharkov, almost all factories are standing!).
But apartments in new buildings are extremely expensive and are not affordable for the majority of the population; therefore, these buildings are less than half occupied. But there is a lot of unrighteous looted money accumulated, and it has to be dealt with in one way or another.
to realize. This is why there are distortions in the development of Ukrainian industry, such as the construction industry. "The country's leadership loudly proclaims GNP growth of 7%. What such distortions lead to was already mentioned at the beginning of this article-report.
As the analysis of the world energy sector, including t h e Ukrainian one, shows, until the end of the current century, thermal turbine units will remain the main primary engines for the production of thermal, mechanical and electrical energy in large, transport and small-scale power generation. No serious alternative to them is foreseen for the time being.
At the same time, the last 10 years of operation of Ukraine's large energy sector have shown that there are no alternative power units that can seriously compete with steam-turbine units of TPPs and NPPs with the capacity of 300, 500, 800 and 1000 MW in terms of solving the problems of preserving and, moreover, increasing the energy capacity of Ukraine. It also seems reasonable to equip specialized TPPs with gas-turbine (including cogeneration) and steam-gas power units when zoning the production and use of electric and thermal energy, which can be used in combination with powerful TPPs also to carry semi-peak and peak loads of energy systems.
Therefore, a cardinal solution to the problems of energy and material saving, ecology, and further economical and reliable increase of energy capacity and well-being of the state depends first of all on the efficiency and reliability of the energy units under consideration.
In recent years, the works [3 and others] have identified opportunities to improve energy efficiency.
of thermal power plants in Ukraine, equipped mainly with powerful steam turbine units, and in the future also with gas turbine and combined cycle gas turbine units (CCGT, GTU and CCGT).
It is shown that at rational choice of places and parameters of steam withdrawals, designs of heat exchangers and structure of regeneration system the net efficiency (electrical efficiency) of powerful condensing steam turbine power units (300-1000 MW) with already mastered supercritical steam parameters of 24 MPa and 540-560 C can be brought up to 45%.
Under the same conditions in powerful combined heat and condensation steam turbine power units, the coefficient of useful utilization of combusted fuel heat can reach 88%, where the share of electric power generation (net efficiency) will be about 37%. It is also expedient to use such units as autonomous sources of electricity and heat energy (independent from the general energy system of the country) to support the life of a large city (district, region, etc.).
In perspective powerful condensing steam turbine power units with supercritical initial steam parameters of 30-40 MPa and 650-750 C the net efficiency can reach 50% and more.
In high-temperature cogeneration GTUs and CCGTs (with initial gas temperature of 1300 C and higher and cooling of the first stages of turbines) with rational use of heat exchange equipment the coefficient of useful utilization of fuel energy is 82-85%, where net efficiency will be at the level of 40% in GTUs and about 52% in CCGTs. These plants can also be widely used for local economical and reliable supply of electric and thermal energy to different areas (cities, towns, cities, etc.).
The main goal of the program is to improve the quality of life of our country.
Thus, in all the considered power plants with different working media, with all the variety of their initial parameters, the net efficiency in principle can be brought up to 50% (in one case by rational use of heat-exchange equipment, in the second case by increasing the initial parameters of working media, in the third case by combining the first two, etc.). In plants for combined generation of electric and thermal energy, the fuel energy utilization factor can reach 82-85%.
In addition to all of the above, it should be added that up to 15-20% of energy is lost in our power lines on the way from power plants to consumers. And this is also one of the most important sources of thermal pollution of the atmosphere and at the same time it is a significant source of energy-saving and a possibility of significant increase of the country's energy capacity if these losses are reduced to 5%, which is maintained in the power lines of Western Europe, the USA and Japan.
Consequently, the above-mentioned possibilities of increasing the efficiency of power plants do not eliminate emissions of more than 50% of fuel energy into the atmosphere when producing only electric energy and about 15% when producing electric and thermal energy at the same time; moreover, due to the relatively warm climate of Ukraine, the first type of plants prevail in our country. Even today, power plants and automobiles strive to install effective means of protection against harmful emissions (filters, chemical agents, etc.), which, despite large material and financial costs, is not always achieved.
New, alternative sources of energy are needed to enable humanity to fully utilize its energy resources.
These sources were described in other reports of the Seminar Roundtable, which are also reflected in the pages of this volume. These sources were discussed in other presentations at the Seminar Roundtable and are also reflected in the pages of this volume.
One of the main directions of the traditional energy of mankind is its spiritual and moral energy. Since ancient times, chants and dances, theatrical spectacles, public forums, religious rites and services, festive processions and caravals, sculptures of gods and ancestors, drawings on rocks and walls of inhabited caves, etc., have created a special environmentaura (nowadays we sometimes say energy-information field egregor), elevated human life activity and increased its efficiency.
The great creators of brilliant works of architecture, literature and art (music, painting, sculpture) transformed and accumulated inexhaustible spiritual and moral energy from the world around them. Everyone who interacted with these works through reading, visiting museums and theaters, felt and experienced the tides and the beneficial healing influence of this energy. It is not without reason that these works are of immense and growing value over the years. In fact, they are priceless. They should be preserved in museums in the form of holograms, which remain stable formations for a long time, hundreds of years. But holograms are not eternal; like paintings and other works of literature and art, they should be periodically renewed-restored and exhibited so that there is a continuous exchange of spiritual and moral energy between them and visitors.
Now about the role of temples in the spiritual and moral energy of mankind. In all earthly religions it is exceptionally great. After all, temples create a powerful energy-in-
The most obvious manifestation of this is in Catholics and Orthodox Christians. This is most evident among Catholics and Orthodox Christians.
Orthodox and Catholic churches are powerful accumulators of spiritual and moral energy, which has a beneficial effect on the souls of believers. Through their spire-antennae there is a mutual exchange of this energy with the surrounding space, which ennobles it. It is well known that skillfully located and skillfully built churches decorate nature, both rural and urban, and give inexpressible charm to the surrounding landscape, which has a healing effect on the human body and soul. This is especially evident in Orthodox churches, which is clearly shown in the paintings of many famous Russian artists (V.D. Polenov, K.P. Klodt, K.P. Vasilkovsky, etc.).
Through these possibilities of receiving spiritual and moral energy, we most fully perceive Love, Goodness and Beauty, which act in an indissoluble triunity (triad) as the fundamental harmonic triple rhythm (pulsation) of the life of all Being.
The above information was summarized in the form of Table 1, reflecting the formation and development of the energy sector in the process of change of historical formations of human society. Here we used mainly the traditional, historically established by the present time classification of the change of social human formations.
Table 1
Energy in the process of change and development of social human formations
N Social order, form. Type of energy. Historical
o. Energy resources, energy carriers.
n/ Achievements in the energy sector
1. The primitive communal system.
Muscle energy of humans and thousand
domesticated animals.
years BC.
Sources of energy: energy from 90 thousand
the sun - fruits of plants and meat of liters.
animals, birds and fish; eggs of birds;
honey of bees, etc.
Achievements of energy: hearth
heat and cooking through harnessing
the energy of fuel - wood, coal,
oil, gas.
Spiritual and moral energy: chants
and dances; drawings on rocks and
walls of inhabited caves
2. The communal slave system. The muscular energy of man,
enhanced by the energy of slaves, is preserved and developed.
This energy creates the great ancient civilizations - Egyptian, Middle Eastern, ancient Greek, Roman, Chinese,
10,000 BC. 400 l. AD. 10.4 thousand lit.
Hindu, Inca, Aztec and others. There's already a lot of use-
The early achievements of mechanics (levers, hoists, cranes, The following is a description of the system of irrigation and lifting devices, etc.
Muscular slave power is widely used in the rowing fleet (galley fleet).
Achievements of spiritual and moral energy were manifested in the creation of pyramids, temples, magnificent palaces, writing, sculpture, literature and art, many philosophical schools and great world religions (pagan - Egyptian - Egyptian - Egyptian - Egyptian - Egyptian Egyptian - Egyptian - Egyptian Egyptian - Egyptian - Egyptian Egyptian The first of these is a series of the following: "The Holy Trinity, Greece, Rome; Judaism, Buddhism, and Christianity".)
3 Feudal-monarchical Middle Ages 400-1650 BP.
and Renaissance.
1250 years.
Muscle, wind and hydro power,
mostly slave-less, air and water
currents energy is widely used.
Sailing, great geographical
Windmills and water mills, the
development of manufactories with
extensive use of mechanics
(Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo,
Francis Bacon,
Roger Bacon and others). Industrial
achievements of the Renaissance era.
The development of metallurgy, iron and copper foundries; the appearance and widespread use of light and heavy firearms (rifles, pistols, cannons, etc.) from the 15th century.
First bourgeois revolutions (Netherlands, England).
Spiritual and moral energy of the Renaissance: great achievements of literature and art, architecture (temples, palaces), sculpture, painting (Petrarch, Dante, Shakespeare, Lope de Vega, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rubens, Rembrandt, Velázquez, Raphael, etc.). 4 Feudal-monarchical states in the 1650-1773. late Middle Ages and early 123 years. modern times
Muscle, wind and hydro power, the beginning of thermal power.
Energy resources: human and animal muscles, water and air flows, the beginning of water vapor energy utilization.
Energy carriers: human food from plant fruits and animal flesh; all then known fuels, etc.
Development of: metallurgy iron-mining and iron foundry industry, forge-
The first of these is the manufacture of iron and steel products, including weapons.
Achievements of spiritual and moral energy: great architectural creations in France and Russia (palaces and temples of B. Rastrelli, Versailles, Louvre, Notre Dame, etc.), literature, art and philosophy (Molière and his theater, Voltaire, French encyclopedists, Montesquieu, JeanJacques Rousseau, music, etc.). Bach and Handel, etc.).
5 Constitutional monarchies, republics 1773-1893.
and empires of the new times
120 years.
(England, France, Sweden, USA;
The age of
Russian, Austro-Hungarian, French steam engine
and German empires, etc.).
dominance in
Muscle power, wind and hydro power
power, heat power with wide
application of steam engines as
primary engines in all industries of
the most developed countries.
Energy carriers: the same as in
the previous historical period.
Rapid development of maritime
and railroad transport, shipbuilding -
steamboat building, steam locomotive
building, all branches of industry
heavy and light industry. Achievements of
spiritual and moral energy: Geniuses of literature and art,
architecture, sculpture, religious and philosophical thought in Russia, France, Italy, Austria-Hungary and Germany (works by Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, L.N. Tolstoy, Balzac, V. Hugo, J. Sand, J. Verne and others, music by Mozart, Beethoven, J. Verdi, J. Bizet, Tchaikovsky, RimskyKorsakov, Mussorgsky; paintings by itinerant artists; religion - theism, deism, pantheism; philosophy - idealism, materialism, atheism, Marxism, Leninism; philosophers - Kant, Hegel, Feuerbach, Marx, Engels, Lenin and others).
Golden Age of Russian Literature
6 Constitutional monarchies, empires, 1893-1940.
republics and socialist countries.
47 years old
Muscle power, wind and hydro Time of
power, heat power with wide
dominance of
application as primary - internal
combustion engines (carburet-
In some cases, steam engines are also engines (ICE)
in the energy
Energy resources - energy carriers: air and water currents, coal, petroleum products (gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil, solar oil), peat, firewood, gas.
Automobile and airplane construction for civil and military needs, as well as necessary military equipment (tanks, guns, etc.) are rapidly developing.
Achievements of spiritual and moral energy: creation of outstanding works of literature and art, world-famous dramatic and opera theaters, cinemas and their productions (works of А. Blok, Korolenko, Gorky Bunin, Kuprin, Veresaev, A.N. Tolstoy, etc., productions of theaters - the Bolshoi, Khudozhestvo, and others. The great pre-war films and their music by Dunaevsky and Shostakovich; Soviet songs by I. Dunaevsky and M. Blanter, etc.).
The Silver
7 Constitutional monarchies, republics 1940-2007.
and countries
67 years old
Muscle power, wind and
hydropower, thermal and nuclear
power; the main primary engines
here are: steam and gas engines.
turbines, and steam boilers and combustion chambers are the generators of working media; internal combustion engines (ICE); hydro- and wind power account for no more than 5-7% of the total energy sector, where the primary engines are wind motors and hydro turbines.
The following are rapidly developing: shipping and motor transport, civil and military aviation, submarine fleet, especially nuclear, all energy and machine-building industries, computer-computing and information and information technology (Internet, mobile communication, TV broadcasting, radio, etc.).
Achievements of spiritual and moral energy:
Restoration and construction of churches in Russia. Creation of outstanding works of literature and art (works by K. Simonov, М. Bulgakov, K. Paustovsky, A. Belyaev, M. Isakovsky, А. Tvardovsky; music С. Prokofiev, Dunayevsky, Dmitri Shostakovich and G. Sviridov; songs by M. Blanter, M. Fradkin, V. Solovyov-Sedogo, А. Pakhmutova and others).
There are seven energy time layers from primitive man to the civilization of our days, embedded in each other like matryoshka dolls, similar to the subtle human bodies, which, according to esoteric ideas and modern science of bioenergoinformatics, are also seven (physical, etheric, astral, mental, casual, budhical and atmic bodies) [5]. This is a significant moment testifying to the predetermination of such a development of the energy of mankind.
The initial, starting point here is the original muscular energy, which activates the energy objects of all subsequent time layers, namely: by pressing a button, by the action of hands or by voice through a radio transmitter - this is already the action of the muscles of the vocal cords, etc., etc. Modern man (perhaps with very rare exceptions) does not yet possess telepathic, mental influence, which sets in motion the objects of technogenic industry. And yet there is a branch of human energetics where mental telepathic influences play a significant role - it is spiritual and moral energetics, which, as it was mentioned earlier, is undoubtedly traditional. But even here such a gift is possessed only by selected creators-artists.
The ever-increasing speed of evolution and the corresponding development of energy have led to the fact that over the last decade there has been a sharp qualitative leap in the development and use of various energy-information processes due to the creation and widespread use of the necessary computer-computing and information-intelligence equipment (all-planet computer network - Internet, mobile communication, television, radio, etc.). In fact, humanity is now on the verge of mastering and using information
and energy of the Universal energy-information field. It can be expected that a large-scale practical connection to it will take place during the 21st century. It should be noted that in the past there have probably already been single connections, presumably realized, in particular, by N. Tesla. Allegedly, his energetic influences on the surrounding space led to an unstable vortex plasma formation (energy-information vortex), which disintegrated with the release of tremendous energy in 1908 and was declared the Tunguska me-theory.
If it is possible to get energy and information from this inexhaustible Universal energy-information accumulator, then it will not be necessary to create spaceships with sublight and FTL speeds to explore the vastness of the Universe (in fact, it is
impossible, even if the notorious "twin effect" is realized, which does not really exist, it is a great scientific hoax of the 20th century, on the basis of which dozens of science fiction novels were created). It will be enough to turn to the Universal Internet and Universal mobile communication to receive, use and exchange information with everyone, including the most
remote corners of the Universe. That is when the human consciousness will truly approach the level of the
Consciousness of the Universal Creator, and he (man) will become his companion, his co-creator in all his deeds and thoughts, fulfilling his destiny prepared for him by the Creator. And here the most part of information (but not energy!) a person can receive from himself, as he is a hologram copy of
the Universe [4,5]. The next thing to consider is whether modern man is ready for such a transition in such a short historical period, to which evolution has brought him. Intellectually and psychologically, yes. But physically and spiritually
morally, probably not. Fred Hoyle has a science fiction novel "Black Cloud", where the hero, a brilliant scientist, dies from the inability to digest the unimaginably huge amount of cosmic information that has fallen on him. Unfortunately, the modern Internet and mobile communication are mastered and effectively used first of all by criminals and terrorists, and these processes, naturally, cannot take place without reasonable influence of power structures protecting them from bazaarmarket and, especially, criminal elements.
There is a centuries-old belief that man will get closer to God if he becomes different, perfect in every way. But then his development and evolution would be abandoned, which will never happen. All kinds of difficulties, including catharsis (purification by suffering), are part of the evolutionary process, through which our souls are renewed and enriched. This is the eternal renewal and development of the eternally existing Universe.
On the way of our rapprochement and merging with the Universal energy-information field, shocks and evolutionary leaps (law of fluctuations) are possible, for example, collisions of the Earth with large asteroids or comets. Mankind should be prepared for them, mitigating or completely eliminating them with the full power of its energy-informational influences. That is the only way. Through thorns to the Stars! We have no other way. We must be ready for it always and everywhere.
1. Pereverzev D.A. "On the state of our Worldview at the turn of the 2nd and 3rd millennia". // Energy-informational and intellectual-spiritual activity of the Universe and our Worldview. - Collected Works of the General-
The workshop at the Kharkov House of Scientists. - Kharkov, 2004.
2. Seminozhenko V.P. "Energy and life, ecology and future". / V . P. Seminozhenko, P . M. Kanilo, A.I. Rovensky. - Kharkov, "Filio", 1997. - 176 с.
3. Pereverzev, D.A. "About the Possibilities of Increasing the Eco-Economic Efficiency of Turbine Units at the Thermal Power Plants of Ukraine". / D.A. Pereverzev, A.L. Shubenko // Improvement of turbine units by methods of mathematical and physical modeling. Collection of scientific works. - Kharkov: IPMash of NAS of Ukraine, 2003. - С. 12-17.
4. Tikhoplav V.Y. "Physics of faith". / V.Y. Tikhoplav, T.S. Tikhoplav. - ID. All. - St. Petersburg, 2002. - 256 с.
5. Tikhoplav V.Y. "Life for rent". / V.Y. Tikhoplav, T.S. Tikhoplav. - ID. All. - St. Petersburg, 2002. - 256 с.
N.D. Kolpakov
1.1. The achievements of theoretical physics are modest, to put it mildly, against the background of technological progress. The temporary official physics (universe relativism) is unable to explain many phenomena observed in nature: biological memory of living beings (birds, fish, insects, etc.), telepathy, tele- and psychokinesis, poltergeist, ball lightning, Kozyrev's astronomical effect, etc.
In recognition of this failure, they are called anomalous. In this interpretation, the main fundamental interaction gravitation - was among the anomalous ones, since its nature and mechanism were not revealed. But the matter is not only and not so much in the nature of gravitation fields, but in the fact that gravitation is the basis of cyclic motion of the Universe matter and stability of this motion, and since the nature of gravitation could not be revealed, doubts appeared in the possibility of cognition of the Universe by the human mind. On the other hand, these doubts were the basis for the assumption of the possibility of existence of phenomena that have no scientific justification (the twin paradox, teleportation).
1.2. At the same time, there is already a theory of the Universe created on the basis of the discovery of polarization waves [1- 4,7,8]. The main provisions of this theory have already been experimentally verified [5,6]. In this way "anomalous" phenomena are identified (transferred either into the category of "normal" or into the category of hypotheses that have no scientific basis).
It is therefore no longer necessary to begin the presentation of views on the science of the universe with the century-long debate on the validity of the relational theory.
First, let us outline the essence of the new theory. We will call it polarism after the name of its progenitor (the theory of polarization waves), and we will pay attention to the relativism of the Universe based on the theory of relativity, which has possessed the minds of the scientific community for a century, at the end of the article.
2.1. Since the postulative approach to the study of the foundations of the universe (universe relativism), which requires experimental verification of the postulates, has not achieved its goal, the author decided to start its study by analyzing the already established positions.
2.2. After Galileo-Newton, the most significant development in physics was the empirical creation of electrodynamics (Maxwell's equations) by Faraday-Maxwell.
It follows from Maxwell's equations that the original essence of the universe is a material electrically polarizable medium, the aether.
Indeed, by differentiating both parts of Maxwell's equation for the "free" space
→ rotH
0 E→ / t ,
we obtain t h a t
div(0 E / t)
→ / t(div0 E)
/ t 0,
- the average density of electric charges in the
electromagnetic field carrier (Maxwell's equations are
macroscopic). But, since the only source of magnetic
field are moving electric charges, then at neutrality in the medium it is possible only at its electric polarizability.
In other words, the vacuum is a material electrically
polar0izEableR→VApColarizable→medium. Then
- electric polarization of vacuum, and0 - its polarizability.
A possible model of the structure of va- cuum follows from the same (the specific model is not so fundamental): it is a gas of neutral particles (called amers) in which larger electrically polarizable particles (called polars) are embedded.
Polars are dyads of nested vortex toroids of the same americ gas. Note that this representation is consistent with the theory of the Universe formation - the "Big Bang" theory: after the Universe formation, only the most stable (according to Helmholtz) primary formations in the form of vortex toroids remained in space. According to Helmholtz, vortex toroids in an ideal gas live forever, and any deviations from ideality reduce their lifetime.
The parameters of the va- cuum (ether) are quantitatively estimated from the above provisions taking into account other observed phenomena [1,2].
Polar mass mP,, its diameter dП , average distance between polars aп , equivalent electric charges of toroids in the polar Qп are determined, respectively, from the known densities of matter, the phenomenon of anomalous magnetic moment of the electron and the phenomenon of dissociation of the vacuum. The following table summarizes the following table. rows.
The natural frequency of the polar is determined from the condition of the unified nature of all fundamental forces mechanical (by equating mechanical and electric forces in the polar) [1,2].
2.3. Clearly obtained ideas about the vacuum structure are illustrated by the charge-discharge mechanism of an electric capacitor.
2.3.1. The electrical capacitor is one of the most widely used elements in electrical engineering. It is well-studied theoretically, empirically understood, and can therefore be used to substantiate the fundamental characteristics of nature and the dynamics of the universe, such as the ether, electric charge, electromagnetic field, etc.
2.3.2. In general, an electric capacitor is a device for accumulating electric charge. The question immediately arises, what is electric charge?
Modern science knows only a few of its characteristics and has very vague ideas about its nature and structure, so we have to start with what we do know.
In the simplest and quite widely used in practice, a capacitor is two parallel plates-.
The conductive material walls separated by an air gap d (Fig. 2.1).
Figure 2.1. Electric capacitor A capacitor is
characterized by the amount of charge Q, that he can store up in himself.
In the case mentioned.
Q = CU,
C-capacity of the capacitor, U is the voltage between the plates of the capacitor,
СS , d0
S is the area of the plate,
0 - dielectric of the "free" space.
2.3.3. In the case of placing a dielectric between the board-
The capacitance of the capacitor increases by one
r a factor of
S d
0 r,
r - relative permittivity
dielectric. 2.3.4. The mechanism of capacitance increase in this case
is dielectric polarization. But, as can be seen from relations (2.3, 2.4), the dependences of the capacitors' abilities to accumulate electric charges in the first and in the second case
differ only quantitatively in r-fold.
Since the mechanism of charge accumulation in the dielectroIn both cases, the polarizable media are dielectrics, in other words, "free" space (ether) has the properties of a dielectric with polarizability 0 .
Naturally, the same conclusion we obtained above through the an analysis of Maxwell's equations.
2.3.5. The mechanism of charge accumulation in a capacitor also leads to even more profound ideas about the fundamental characteristic of the Universe - the nature of electric charge.
Indeed, when charging a capacitor (say, from a dynamo), the weight of the source charge exciter does not change, i.e. the exciter does not transfer any material sub-station to the capacitor.
But the charge carrier is material. So, charge, matter is formed from the material of the environment - ether. The dynamo machine only excites this process of charge formation.
This is the answer to the eternal question: What was the world created from? It has always existed, only in a different state, in a different form. As for the mechanism of "creation", its initial prerequisites have already been stated above: after the big bang, only stable particles in the form of vortex toroids and americ gas remain in space. Interacting with each other, the vortex toroids stick together.
The dyads (polars), triads, etc., up to the formation of matter particles (electrons, protons, etc.).
So what is electric charge? It is one of the structural forms of the ether state. And the seemingly "anomalously" large value of the charge of ball lightning is explained.
3.1. The carriers of the property of electric polarizability of the ether are polars.
Being under the influence of the thermal motion of the surrounding ether, polars, being resonators, cannot but oscillate and thus perturb the surrounding americ gas - excite "sound waves" in it. The energy of polar oscillations is transmitted to neighboring polars through the chains of the virtual lattice of the ether. The waves appear in the ether, which, as noted above, are called polarization waves after the name of their parent (polarizability of the ether). The stationarity of polar oscillations is maintained by the energetic influence on them of the thermal motion of the americ gas. [3].
Polarization waves are thus a manifestation of the existence of life, of the evolution of matter in its lowest state, i.e. in the state of prima-matter. These are the waves of matter.
3.2. The equivalent scheme of the chain of polars of the virtual lattice of the ether is shown in Fig. 3.1 [1, 2], and the corresponding equation of motion of polarization waves taking into account the interaction of polars only with the nearest neighbors has the form:
Fig. 3.1 Model of vacuum medium in which P-waves propagate
v2 ET
2 0
0 ,
v2 ET
2 0
1/(a2Пksv )
with the law of dispersion
2 V2 ( 2 k2 ) ,
ET 0
k 2 m /(aP N ) - wave number,
N -number of polars in the half-period of the process, with group and phase velocities
VET k /(
2 0
k2 ) 1\2 ,
(3.4) (3.5)
As can be seen from relations (3.1-3.2) and, accordingly, the content of [1-3], the properties of polarization waves are completely determined by the aether parameters mn, dп , Q ,п п . At the same time, special mention should be made of properties
that are very important in their applications:
(a) The group velocity of polarization waves is not limited by the speed of light and exceeds it by billions of times
times 1028 m/s ); (VП
(b) Polarization waves are excited at resonant frequencies of the ether, which ensures their low attenuation, and the high frequency of oscillations ( п = 1048 rad/s) - their high capacity as information carriers;
c) The resonance of polarization waves with the proper frequencies of the Ether ( ПК = П ) determines the nature of fundamental forces and anomalous phenomena, their energyinformation and the possibility of using the Ether energy through them.
4.1. First of all, it is necessary to note the special properties
of polarization waves - the dependence of the direction of the
induced forces in the bodies irradiated by them on the structure
of the receiving waves, i.e., their codependence.
It is the directionality of the excited forces toward the center
of spherical irradiating bodies caused by their
1 R 2 - ras-
The stability of the motion of bodies in the solar system and the
entire Universe is due to its necessity.
4.2. It is the coding of polarization waves, caused by the spatial inhomogeneity o f matter location in space, that causes its local cosmic expansions and contractions.
The equations of motion in this case are justified in a natural way.
4.3. "Anomalous" phenomena, both naturally occurring and artificially induced (poltergeist, tele- and psychokinesis), are caused by specifically targeted
by structural inhomogeneities of polarization waves formed in the areas of manifestation of these "anomalies".
4.5. The frequency spectrum of polarization waves is immeasurably wider than that of electromagnetic waves; this provides, together with an extremely large capacity of communication channels, mutual information, energy interconnectedness and interdependence of evolutionary and life processes of the Universe.
4.6. Extremely high propagation speed and penetrating ability of polarization waves provide the necessary mutual information in real time in the entire space of the Universe.
4.7. The code and in- formation properties of polarization waves are used in living matter and mechanisms of life reproduction in a particularly original way.
The fact is that the structure of DNA does not answer the questions about the nature and mechanisms of its assembly, since the forces that could selectively act on the assembled atoms in the conducting medium of the cell (forces excited by P-waves) were not yet known at the time of the discovery of DNA.
Based on the discovery of polarization waves at the cellular level, these mechanisms are supposedly presented as follows. Temporal information about the beginning of certain processes on the formation of new cells (the process of division) is (presumably) embedded in the frequency of oscillations of polars of the dividing cell nucleus (this frequency due to internal friction in the americ gas of the cell nucleus changes with time).
Information about the frequency of polar oscillations during the formation of a dividing cell is stored in the memory of its nucleus. Comparison of this frequency with its frequency at present
time gives information about the age of the cell. If this age matches the programmed age, a command is given to divide the cell.
This, apparently, can be the basis and explanation of hypotheses about life extension of biological organisms.
5.1. While polarism, as a theory of worldview, is based on empiricism (meaningful experience), worldview relativism is a hypothesis.
Indeed, the theory of relativity, on the basis of which universe relativism is developed, was first put forward by A. Einstein to explain the negative results of Michelson-Morley's experiments in search of the ether. This theory makes the concept of space and time in moving bodies dependent on their relative velocity. It is based on Lorentz transformations, which establish a correspondence between real (classical) spatial and temporal coordinates of moving bodies and some hypothetical quantities (corresponding to them), which A. Einstein proposed to consider as real (relativistic) spatial and temporal coordinates.
x' (x Vt)(
t' (t Vx
2 2
1 2
2 2
1 2
)(1 c 2
V is the relative velocity of the reference frames, x, t are classical quantities,
x ' , t' are relativistic.
5.2. The answer to the question about the adequacy of the Lorentz transformations (and, accordingly, the interpretation of the concepts of space and time) to reality lies a priori in the relations (5.1) themselves: they are even applicable only f o r matter-free space (i.e. when there is no ether). Indeed, the matter parameters are not even included in the transformations themselves.
5.3. On the other hand, by the time the theory of relativity was formed, electromagnetic fields and their laws (Maxwell's equations) were already known.
And it follows from Maxwell's equations (see para. 2) that the phenomenon of electromagnetic fields is possible only in the presence of electrically polarizable matter as their carrier (i.e., in the existence of the ether), and experiments on the search for the ether were no longer necessary.
5.4. In other words, there is a separated (abso- lute) reference frame - the ether, and therefore the Lorentz transformations and, accordingly, relativism based on them are not adequate to reality (have no scientific basis).
5.5. The same applies to quantum hypotheses of matter structure. They are based on the same relativistic ideas about space, time and waves of matter. And the concept of wave function introduced by quantum hypotheses (which changes instantaneously in the whole space) is in direct contradiction with the postulate of limitation of velocities to the speed of light recognized by them.
6.1. The doctrine of the universe after Galileo-Newton, then Faraday-Maxwell did not develop significantly....
number. The properties of vortex toroids discovered by Helmholtz
did not find a place in the attempts to unravel the nature and mechanism of gravitation, but they, it turns out, together with the recently discovered properties of electric polarization of the ether [1.2], determine the mechanisms of existence of both inanimate and animate matter, including the mechanisms of excitation of polarization waves.
To be fair, it is necessary to note that the theory of relativity, which has possessed the minds of the scientific community for a century, although it did not achieve its goal (creation of the theory of gravitation), fulfilled its mission by attracting attention to the study of the universe and revealed the need for a deeper interpretation of the achieved results.
6.2. Has the discovery of P-waves had an impact, and what impact, on the development of the science of the Universe? Pwaves, being a consequence of the most fundamental property of "free" space - its electric polarizability property, after which they received their name, have essentially expanded and enriched our ideas about the Universe. The main provisions introduced by P-waves have withstood experimental verification.
6.3. The most impressive manifestation of P-waves is, of course, the discovery of the nature and mechanics of gravitation on their basis. This fulfilled Newton's testament addressed to subsequent generations.
But more important, apparently, are the P-waves themselves as the primary excitations of the carrier of the "unified field" the ether, this hot-bird, which unsuccessfully tried to catch throughout the twentieth century.
Polarization waves revealed the nature and mechanism of fundamental interactions. It turned out that all fundamental interactions have a single mechan-
gravitational forces are a special case of polarization interactions. The theory of gravitation has been created and gravitational forces excited by polarization waves have been experimentally recorded. At the same time, gravitational interactions are microinteractions in structure with respect to other fundamental interactions. Therefore, photons as quanta of the macro-structural field (in relation to the field of P-waves) are quasi-particles of this field, but not particles.
6.4. Polarization waves have expanded our knowledge of
the Universe by showing that together with the world of
electromagnetic interactions with constants c
(the speed of light in free space), ￿ (Planck's constant) and the
elementary particle photon, there is a
a whole world of states of matter with constants VET ~ VPG
( VPG ~1028 m/- group
velocity polarization
waves) and П ~ PG ( PG ~1048 rad/s-carrier field frequencyand the elementary particle polar. This removes the prohibition
on the existence of velocities greater than the speed of light.
6.5. The transformation of non-living matter into living matter can be encoded and realized on P-waves. This basic property of living matter is manifested in a living cell by the assembly of new cells from atoms supplied to the cell by its environment. The consequences of the realization of such technology outside living cells are difficult to predict.
6.6. Quantum hypotheses are still undefined in their scientific bases and, therefore, have no progressive movement in the development of the science of the Universe.
6.7. At the same time, it should be noted that all the abovementioned refers only to the matter of the Universe. Mind and spirituality are and remain divine, i.e. beyond the control of science.
1. Kolpakov N.D.. "Polarization
//Radiotekhnika. - Vyp. 101. - Kharkov, 1997, pp. 53-62.
2. Kolpakov N.D. "Polarization waves - a new energy-
information carrier". // Electronics and In- formatics, 1997,
No. 1, p. 30-33.
3. Kolpakov N.D. "Polarization waves and the problem of
gravitation." // Spacetime & Substance, Vol. 1 (2000), No. 2
(2), pp. 1-8. http://spacetime.narod.ru (NO. 1, NO. 5).
4. Kolpakov N.D. "Discovery of the nature of gravitation
and prospects of applied radio electronics". //Collection of
scientific papers Proceedings of the 1st International Radio
Electronic Forum MRF-2002. October 8-10, 2002 - Kharkov,
5. Kolpakov N.D., Kolpakov S.N., Surmilo S.A., Pri- ume.
"Registration of polarization waves". // Bulletin of the
International Slavic University, No. 7, Series
"Tekhnichni nauki". - Vol. V, 2002, pp. 7-9.
6. Kolpakov N.D., Dokhov A.I., Chumakov V.I.,
Ruzhentsev I.V., Dzyubenko M.I., Kolpakov S.N., Surmilo
S.A. Pri- emko A.A. "Protocol of the experiment on
registration of the effect of artificially excited fields on the
gravitational pendulum". - Kharkov, 2002, 4p. The copyright
for the discovery of the nature of gravitation is protected by the
Certificate of the Copyright Committee of the CM of Ukraine
and the publication [3].
7. Kolpakov N.D, "New energy - and information me-
dium". Proceedings of Congress-2000 "Fundamental problems
of natural science and engineering", St.Pet. Russia, v.1, Is.1, 2000, pp. 252-259.
8. N.D.Kolpakov, L.N.Kolpakova. "Polarization waves psychophysical information medium". Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference "Physical Phenomena in Solids". Kharkov, 1997, p.141.
N.A. Zhuk
The modern physical foundations of the universe, cultivated by academic science, are based on two basic "whales": the theory of relativity and quantum theory.
It should be noted at once that the general term "theory of relativity" actually includes two theories: the Special Theory of Relativity (STO), created, as is generally accepted, by A. Einstein in 1905, and the General Theory of Relativity (GTR), created by the same author in 1915.
What did the theory of relativity bring to physics? Why was the initial triumph followed by a crisis of physics, which proved unable to explain many phenomena of nature? Why did the studies of space, time and gravitation virtually stagnate for so long?
Let us try to answer these questions and suggest ways to reform physics to overcome the crisis and stagnation.
1. The principles of classical physics and their paradoxicality. In classical physics, i.e., the physics that emerged by the end of the nineteenth century, three fundamental principles (statements based on certain facts) were firmly established:
1) The principle of relativity, which states that in all inertial reference frames the laws of physics are the same-
and that no mechanical experiments can establish the distinguished position of any one of them;
2) The principle of constancy of the speed of light, which states that the speed of light relative to the receiver does not depend on the speed of the source;
3) The principle of time absoluteness, which meant that time flowed equally in all inertial counting systems.
It should be noted that the third principle was not explicitly formulated in classical physics at the beginning, because no one simply assumed otherwise, i.e., this principle was simply implied as a matter of course. But it was formulated after the principles of classical physics began to be transferred to electrodynamic (in particular, optical) phenomena at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and the paradoxical nature of the requirement of their simultaneous fulfillment was revealed.
This paradox was due both to the lack of understanding of the nature of light and to the absence of a different conception of time than that formed within the framework of classical physics. On the one hand, if light were composed of particles (within the framework of the corpuscular theory of light), the first principle would be fulfilled, but not the second. On the other hand, if light were a wave (in the framework of the wave theory of light) propagating in the ether from point to point, the second principle would be fulfilled, but the first principle would not be fulfilled, since a dedicated frame of reference could be associated with this medium, which contradicts the first principle.
The second contradiction can be demonstrated more clearly as follows. Suppose that a spacecraft passes by a stationary (in some reference frame) observer with constant but pre-light speed.
and at the moment of their greatest proximity (when the distance between them can be neglected) a flash of light occurs (it does not matter who made it - the observer or the astronaut on the ship). Then, according to the notions of a stationary observer, after some time the light wave front, taking into account the constancy of the speed of light, will be a sphere of radius OA, in the center of which he himself is located (Fig. 1) [1].
D X, X'
O x=vt O' A'
Figure 1. Wave propagation from a moving source
During the same time the spacecraft will also move in space, but the astronaut on board, given the same second principle of physics, must also be in the center of a sphere of the same radius OY, the surface of which is the front of the light wave. But one and the same sphere cannot have two centers O and O'! This contradiction, based on sound logic and seemingly correct principles, was the main problem of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
2. Delusions of relativists about the one-dimensionality of time. And what do relativistic physicists do to solve this contradiction? Without singling out any of them, it is necessary to show the logic that led them all to the error. The point is that back in the late 19th century there appeared a belief that, taking into account the limited speed of light, information about simultaneous events for one observer will be non-simultaneous for another observer moving relative to the first one. Then, for the convenience of analyzing the times of events and the intervals between them, it was suggested to use a set of clocks located in those points of space where these events occur. On this basis, a misconception was born, as it firmly established the opinion that time is one-dimensional.
The meaning of the misconception was as follows. If both the first and the second principles for mechanical phenomena are completely fulfilled and do not contradict the laws of mechanics, then it is necessary to modify the third principle (considering that not two but three principles were in contradiction) by introducing the so-called local time, which flows differently on a moving spaceship than the time of a stationary observer. In this way it was possible to reconcile the two first principles and agree that the stationary and moving observers see different (we emphasize - different!) spheres formed by the light wave front.
If at the first stages of development of this point of view, beginning with Vogt (1887), Lorentz (1892, 1895, 1904) and ending with Poincaré (1905), one-dimensional local time in a moving frame of reference was still regarded as a mathematical device necessary to harmonize the first two principles, Einstein (1905) transformed it into an objective physical property.
At the same time, he imposed on all physicists the rejection of the ether as a physical medium filling the entire world space. Both the former and the latter was Einstein's mistake, and here is why.
The first is connected with the fact that although at the turn of the above-mentioned centuries a really existing relation between space and time was revealed, this relation was immediately represented asymmetrically: space was measured by three coordinates, and time - by one. Obviously, when passing from one reference frame to another, their totality in the form of the so-called four-dimensional space-time by its nature could not be deformed symmetrically. Hence, the Lorentz transformations, which described this asymmetry, arose. But a question arises: if space and time are related to each other, why are they so asymmetric? And asymmetric means unequal?
However, the Lorentz transformations, which replaced Galileo's transformations, had their own trump card, their own triumph: they finally made Maxwell's equations of electrodynamics invariant in the transition from one inertial frame of reference to another. But these equations have a disadvantage that Maxwell knew - they are not complete because they do not describe moving charges and open currents. Therefore, they lead to the conclusion that only transverse electromagnetic waves (plane or spherical) can exist in nature. With this conclusion, the history of the twentieth century gave birth to a bunch of anomalous phenomena of nature, and only in the 90s of the twentieth century lonely physics enthusiasts finally experimentally discovered longitudinal waves, which do not fit in any way into the "transverse" electromagnetic waves. Lorenz's "scroll bed" of transformations.
Now let's move on to Einstein's second mistake, the rejection of the ether. Not only did this rejection deprive energy
material carrier, as the space of the Universe has become empty, so it also contradicts the existence of longitudinal electromagnetic waves.
In this case, the reasoning should be carried out from the opposite direction. Let us assume that the ether exists. But then any propagation of waves must be accompanied by displacement of its particles. If there are transverse waves in which vectors of electric and magnetic strengths are mutually perpendicular and simultaneously perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation, i.e., located in a plane opposite to the direction of wave propagation, why can ether particles move only in this plane, i.e., have only two degrees of freedom? If space is three-dimensional, it is legitimate to conclude that the ether particles have three degrees of freedom, and longitudinal waves are also possible. But they contradict the Lorentz transformations. Where is the way out of this vicious circle?
3. Definitions of units of length and time. And the way out is self-evident: if the Lorentz transformations do not satisfy the real phenomena of nature, it is necessary to simply abandon them, return to the basics of physics, analyze them and propose new transformations of space and time in the transition from one inertial reference frame to another. Especially since 100 years ago there was no such a clear definition of the units of length and time as there is now.
From the philosophical point of view, space and time are categories denoting the basic forms of existence of all kinds of matter. Space expresses the order of existence of separate objects, time - the order of change of phenomena.
The measure of space is length, which characterizes the extent, remoteness and movement of bodies
or their parts along a given line. Time characterizes the successive change of phenomena and states of matter, as well as the duration of their existence.
Without going into the history of definitions and characterization of different systems of physical units, we will only mention the temporal definitions of the units of length and time: meter and second. Let us start with the second, since this unit received its modern definition earlier than the meter.
The development of molecular and atomic spectroscopy made it possible to relate the units of time quite precisely to the period of oscillation corresponding to the spectral line of an element. Therefore, by the decision of the XIII General Conference on Weights and Measures (1967), the definition of a second, which is still in force today, was given, according to which a second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of radiation corresponding to the transition between two superfine levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom. Consequently, the above number of periods is simply the frequency of radiation of cesium-133.
Increasing the accuracy of measurements made it possible to relate the unit of length, the meter, to the wavelength of a certain spectral line. The orange line of krypton-86 was taken as such. This line corresponds to the transition of an electron in the krypton atom between certain quantum states. According to the definition adopted at the XI General Conference on Weights and Measures (1960), a meter contains 1,650,763.73 wavelengths in vacuum of this spectral line.
However, further advances in laser technology and quantum electronics, as well as the high accuracy achieved in measuring the speed of light, made it possible to link the definition of the unit of length - meter - with the unit of
time - by the second. The XVII General Conference on Weights and Measures (1983) decided to give the following definition of meter, which is still valid today: a meter is the distance traveled in vacuum by a plane electromagnetic wave in 1/299,792,458 seconds. In this definition of the meter, the value of the speed of light is taken as a value not subject to specification, i.e., it is exactly equal to 299,792,458 m/s.
Thus, a second is the duration of a certain number of periods of Cesium-133 radiation, and a meter is a certain distance traveled by an electromagnetic wave. But to determine the meter nothing forbids to use the same electromagnetic radiation as to determine the second. Therefore, to simplify the calculations, we will use the radiation corresponding to the transition between two superfine levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom.
From the two valid definitions of meter, second and the above agreement it is not difficult to make equal proportions. Thus, from the definition of a second it follows that the wavelength of the above-mentioned radiation of cesium 133 is 0.0326122557 m, and a meter, accordingly, will be equal to 30.6633189 wavelengths of this radiation.
Here we have come to the conclusion that one meter is equal to 30.66331899 wavelengths of radiation corresponding to the transition between the two superfine levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom, which is similar to the definition of meter given by the XI General Conference on Weights and Measures in 1960. And cesium-133 is chosen b e c a u s e its frequency is very stable.
Now it is worthwhile to talk about the author's concept of time. But first, we need to recall one winged expression that is most often used among businessmen:
"time is money". Thus, money in society plays the role of a universal equivalent through which goods and services are exchanged. And money invested in business eventually brings profit, i.e. new money. Hence the above-mentioned proverb.
But probably few modern physicists (and even fewer businessmen) have paid attention to the fact that there is another connection between money and time, based on the analogy of use. Strange as it may seem, ancient philosophers were better informed about it than we are now. And even I. Galitsky (2002), who proposed to measure time in mass units (kilograms, grams, pounds, ounces, etc.) [2].
And now I give my author's definition of time: time is some universal equivalent by means of which the speed of different processes is compared. Outside of these processes, the concept of time is meaningless. In some cases, a year is used as an equivalent, in others - a month, in others - an hour, in others an hour, in others - a minute, and in physics in the SI international system of units - a second. If even this is inconvenient (for fast-variable processes, for example), t h e millisecond, microsecond, or even smaller time interval is used as part of the standard equivalent to compare processes.
4. Three-dimensionality of time. Since processes cannot proceed otherwise than by changing the position (moving, flowing from place to place) of some mass (energy), the transition from the artificial parameter (time) to the natural one (mass) taking into account its minimal possible value (quantization) seems not only crazy (by impression) but also timely (by necessity) idea of the end of the 20th century, which was expressed by I. Galitsky. By doing so, he as if put again
The concept of time in its own framework, beyond which it went out in the XX century, turning into anything but an equivalent for comparing the speed of various processes. Beyond these limits were created and special and general theory of relativity, a n d other theories. And in some theories, the authors went so far that they began to objectify time and even invented a particle of time - chronon.
Can processes occur in all three spatial directions? They can. Therefore, time is three-dimensional. In other words, the scales of space and time can be different in all three spatial directions. Therefore, in any combination of these two properties, we should generally speak of a six-dimensional space-time (3+3) rather than of a four-dimensional space-time (3+1).
Based on Fig. 1, in which the moving object O' should be represented as a source of radiation of electromagnetic waves, new coordinate transformations follow:
dx' dx ; dy'
v c
dy ; dz' 1 v2
c 2
dz ; 1 v2
c 2
dt' x
dtx ; dt' 1v
1 v 2 ; dt' z c 2
. 1 v2
c 2
The new coordinate transformations (1) should replace the Lorentz transformations as those that do not satisfy the definitions of modern units of length and time and the notion of three-dimensional time.
5. Field and geometric approaches in the creation of physical theories. Those familiar with quantum mechanics know that it has two mathematically equivalent formulations: matrix and wave. A similar situation has developed in GR: in addition to the geometric formulation, a field formulation has appeared. While the former describes the motion of matter against the background of space-time curved by it, the latter is a field theory, like Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism, in which field variables are considered against the background of a flat world.
As early as in 1905, in his paper "On the Dynamics of the Electron", Poincaré first expressed the idea of constructing a relativistic theory for all physical forces, including gravitation, in a flat four-dimensional space. He also noted that the gravitational field should propagate at the speed of light, and since the delay of interactions is assumed, there should be its material transporter.
A little later, Poincaré suggested that future physics should include Planck's discovery of the quantum character of the electromagnetic field. Thus, Poincaré can be considered as an ideological founder of that path, which in modern language is called relativistic quantum gravity and in which gravity is considered as a material field in flat space-time.
This path is analogous to the one, along which the development of all non-gravitational physics really followed, which led to the creation of such fundamental theories as quantum electrodynamics, quantum theory of electroweak interactions, quantum chromodynamics. Obviously, this group should have included quantum gravidinamica.
However, in 1915, Einstein discovered another way in which gravitation is described not as matter moving in space and time, but as the curvature of space-time itself due to the action of all space-time. Einstein discovered another way, in which gravitation is described not as matter moving in space and time, but as the curvature of space-time itself under the action of all non-gravitating matter. This path was later called geometrodynamics. Thus, GR put gravitation in an exceptional position in relation to other physical interactions, since it was conditioned not by material carriers of mutual action, but by the curvature of space-time itself.
In essence, with the creation of GR, the empty space surrounding material objects was itself as if materialized, since it could curve, expand, contract, and even propagate in the form of gravitational waves. There were no special carriers of the gravitational field. In other words, it simply lost its physical essence, while remaining a means of interaction between objects.
Thus, already at the beginning of XX century two ways for the theory of gravitation were clearly recognized, which some tend to consider alternative, mutually exclusive, and others complementary (for example, wave and matrix forms of quantum mechanics). However, with the creation of GR, the second way was predominantly developed, and the first one was forgotten.
Einstein's creation of the general theory of relativity - as opposed to STO - has always been considered a shining example of one single scientist developing and solving a problem from start to finish. But even here it was not without attempts to climb the scientific Olympus "from the back door". Here too, Poincaré, who had been stolen many times before, was ten years ahead of Einstein, having created the first and until 1916 t h e only relativistic theory of gravitation.
And it was this theory, which exhaustively explains with the help of a complex mathematical apparatus the physical essence of gravitation, that formed the core of Einstein's work "Foundations of the General Theory of Relativity". The fact that the mathematician D. Hilbert somewhat earlier received and published the basic equation of this theory, which was later called the "General Theory of Relativity" was also silenced "Einstein's equation."
A truly amazing story happened with the Hilbert equation. It was communicated by Hilbert in a private correspondence to Einstein, who pestered the former with questions: what did you get? Hilbert had been "keeping a low profile" for a long time, not wanting to reveal his results to his eager colleague, but then revealed them before publication to the annoying correspondent. Suddenly, he was surprised to read in Einstein's next message: Imagine, I had come to exactly the same conclusion even before receiving your letter.... Then Hilbert grabbed his head and, cursing himself for his rashness, asked him to speed up the publication of the article with his equation, which was later called "Einstein's" anyway. Only this can explain the fact that Einstein's paper on the general theory of relativity of late 1915 was presented without a proof (he had stolen the result and did not know the conclusion).
Except for Birkhoff's 1944 paper, which stands somewhat apart and in which the gravitational field equations are simply postulated, it is only since 1961 with the work of Tierring that a revival of the rigorous field approach to the theory of gravitation began. The revival of this way, most likely, is connected with the inability of GR in its usual form to answer numerous questions, including in the field of cosmology. In this direction I also worked on the monograph "Cosmology" [3].