
1029 lines
56 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"translatorID": "a6ee60df-1ddc-4aae-bb25-45e0537be973",
"translatorType": 1,
"label": "MARC",
"creator": "Simon Kornblith, Sylvain Machefert",
"target": "marc",
"minVersion": "2.1.9",
"maxVersion": null,
"priority": 100,
"inRepository": true,
"lastUpdated": "2024-03-18 16:20:00"
Copyright © 2020 Simon Kornblith, Sylvain Machefert
This file is part of Zotero.
Zotero is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zotero is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Zotero. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
function detectImport() {
var marcRecordRegexp = /^[0-9]{5}[a-z ]{3}$/;
var read = Zotero.read(8);
if (marcRecordRegexp.test(read)) {
return true;
return false;
// test
var fieldTerminator = "\x1E";
var recordTerminator = "\x1D";
var subfieldDelimiter = "\x1F";
// general purpose cleaning
function clean(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return null;
value = value.replace(/^[\s.,/:;]+/, '');
value = value.replace(/[\s.,/:;]+$/, '');
value = value.replace(/ +/g, ' ');
var char1 = value.substr(0, 1);
var char2 = value.substr(value.length - 1);
if ((char1 == "[" && char2 == "]") || (char1 == "(" && char2 == ")")) {
// chop of extraneous characters
return value.substr(1, value.length - 2);
return value;
// number extraction
function pullNumber(text) {
var pullRe = /[0-9]+/;
var m = pullRe.exec(text);
if (m) {
return m[0];
return "";
// ISBN extraction
function pullISBN(text) {
var pullRe = /[0-9X-]+/;
var m = pullRe.exec(text);
if (m) {
return m[0];
return "";
// regular author extraction
function author(author, type, useComma) {
return Zotero.Utilities.cleanAuthor(author, type, useComma);
function glueTogether(part1, part2, delimiter) {
if (!part1 && !part2) {
return null;
if (!part2) {
return part1;
if (!part1) {
return part2;
if (!delimiter) {
return part1 + ' ' + part2;
// we only add the delimiter, if part1 is not ending with a punctation
if (/[?:,.!;]\s*$/.test(part1)) {
return part1 + ' ' + part2;
return part1 + delimiter + part2;
var record = function () {
this.directory = {};
this.leader = "";
this.content = "";
// defaults
this.indicatorLength = 2;
this.subfieldCodeLength = 2;
// import a binary MARC record into this record
record.prototype.importBinary = function (record) {
// get directory and leader
var directory = record.substr(0, record.indexOf(fieldTerminator));
this.leader = directory.substr(0, 24);
directory = directory.substr(24);
// get various data
this.indicatorLength = parseInt(this.leader.substr(10, 1));
this.subfieldCodeLength = parseInt(this.leader.substr(11, 1));
var baseAddress = parseInt(this.leader.substr(12, 5));
// get record data
var contentTmp = record.substr(baseAddress);
// MARC wants one-byte characters, so when we have multi-byte UTF-8
// sequences, add null characters so that the directory shows up right. we
// can strip the nulls later.
this.content = "";
for (i = 0; i < contentTmp.length; i++) {
this.content += contentTmp.substr(i, 1);
if (contentTmp.charCodeAt(i) > 0x00FFFF) {
this.content += "\x00\x00\x00";
else if (contentTmp.charCodeAt(i) > 0x0007FF) {
this.content += "\x00\x00";
else if (contentTmp.charCodeAt(i) > 0x00007F) {
this.content += "\x00";
// read directory
for (var i = 0; i < directory.length; i += 12) {
var tag = parseInt(directory.substr(i, 3));
var fieldLength = parseInt(directory.substr(i + 3, 4));
var fieldPosition = parseInt(directory.substr(i + 7, 5));
if (!this.directory[tag]) {
this.directory[tag] = [];
this.directory[tag].push([fieldPosition, fieldLength]);
// add a field to this record
record.prototype.addField = function (field, indicator, value) {
field = parseInt(field);
// make sure indicator is the right length
if (indicator.length > this.indicatorLength) {
indicator = indicator.substr(0, this.indicatorLength);
else if (indicator.length != this.indicatorLength) {
indicator = Zotero.Utilities.lpad(indicator, " ", this.indicatorLength);
// add terminator
value = indicator + value + fieldTerminator;
// add field to directory
if (!this.directory[field]) {
this.directory[field] = [];
this.directory[field].push([this.content.length, value.length]);
// add field to record
this.content += value;
// get all fields with a certain field number
record.prototype.getField = function (field) {
field = parseInt(field);
var fields = [];
// make sure fields exist
if (!this.directory[field]) {
return fields;
// get fields
for (var i in this.directory[field]) {
var location = this.directory[field][i];
// add to array, replacing null characters
fields.push([this.content.substr(location[0], this.indicatorLength),
this.content.substr(location[0] + this.indicatorLength,
location[1] - this.indicatorLength - 1).replace(/\x00/g, "")]);
return fields;
// given a field string, split it into subfields
record.prototype.extractSubfields = function (fieldStr, tag /* for error message only*/) {
if (!tag) tag = '<no tag>';
var returnSubfields = {};
var subfields = fieldStr.split(subfieldDelimiter);
if (subfields.length == 1) {
returnSubfields["?"] = fieldStr;
else {
for (var j in subfields) {
if (subfields[j]) {
var subfieldIndex = subfields[j].substr(0, this.subfieldCodeLength - 1);
if (!returnSubfields[subfieldIndex]) {
returnSubfields[subfieldIndex] = subfields[j].substr(this.subfieldCodeLength - 1);
else {
// Duplicate subfield
Zotero.debug("Duplicate subfield '" + tag + " " + subfieldIndex + "=" + subfields[j]);
returnSubfields[subfieldIndex] = returnSubfields[subfieldIndex] + " " + subfields[j].substr(this.subfieldCodeLength - 1);
return returnSubfields;
// get subfields from a field
record.prototype.getFieldSubfields = function (tag) { // returns a two-dimensional array of values
var fields = this.getField(tag);
var returnFields = [];
for (var i = 0, n = fields.length; i < n; i++) {
returnFields[i] = this.extractSubfields(fields[i][1], tag);
return returnFields;
// add field to DB
record.prototype._associateDBField = function (item, fieldNo, part, fieldName, execMe, arg1, arg2) {
var field = this.getFieldSubfields(fieldNo);
Zotero.debug('MARC: found ' + field.length + ' matches for ' + fieldNo + part);
if (field) {
for (var i in field) {
var value = false;
for (var j = 0; j < part.length; j++) {
var myPart = part.substr(j, 1);
if (field[i][myPart]) {
if (value) {
value += " " + field[i][myPart];
else {
value = field[i][myPart];
if (value) {
value = clean(value);
if (execMe) {
value = execMe(value, arg1, arg2);
if (fieldName == "creator") {
else if (fieldName == "ISBN") {
if (!item[fieldName]) {
item[fieldName] = value;
else {
item[fieldName] += ' ' + value;
else {
item[fieldName] = value;
// add field to DB as note
record.prototype._associateNotes = function (item, fieldNo, part) {
var field = this.getFieldSubfields(fieldNo);
var texts = [];
for (var i in field) {
for (var j = 0; j < part.length; j++) {
var myPart = part.substr(j, 1);
if (field[i][myPart]) {
var text = texts.join(' ');
if (text.trim() != "") item.notes.push({ note: text });
// add field to DB as tags
record.prototype._associateTags = function (item, fieldNo, part) {
var field = this.getFieldSubfields(fieldNo);
for (var i in field) {
for (var j = 0; j < part.length; j++) {
var myPart = part.substr(j, 1);
if (field[i][myPart]) {
// this function loads a MARC record into our database
record.prototype.translate = function (item) {
// get item type
if (this.leader) {
var marcType = this.leader.substr(6, 1);
if (marcType == "g") {
item.itemType = "film";
else if (marcType == "j" || marcType == "i") {
item.itemType = "audioRecording";
else if (marcType == "e" || marcType == "f") {
item.itemType = "map";
else if (marcType == "k") {
item.itemType = "artwork";
else if (marcType == "t" || marcType == "b") {
// 20091210: in unimarc, the code for manuscript is b, unused in marc21.
item.itemType = "manuscript";
else {
item.itemType = "book";
else {
item.itemType = "book";
// Starting from there, we try to distinguish between unimarc and other marc flavours.
// In unimarc, the title is in the 200 field and this field isn't used in marc-21 (at least)
// In marc-21, the title is in the 245 field and this field isn't used in unimarc
// So if we have a 200 and no 245, we can think we are with an unimarc record.
// Otherwise, we use the original association.
if ((this.getFieldSubfields("200")[0]) && (!(this.getFieldSubfields("245")[0]))) {
// If we've got a 328 field, we're on a thesis
if (this.getFieldSubfields("328")[0]) {
item.itemType = "thesis";
// Extract ISBNs
this._associateDBField(item, "010", "a", "ISBN", pullISBN);
// Extract ISSNs
this._associateDBField(item, "011", "a", "ISSN", pullISBN);
// Extract creators (700, 701 & 702)
for (let i = 700; i < 703; i++) {
let authorTab = this.getFieldSubfields(i);
for (let j in authorTab) {
var aut = authorTab[j];
var authorText = "";
if ((aut.b) && (aut.a)) {
authorText = aut.a.replace(/,\s*$/, '') + ", " + aut.b;
else {
authorText = aut.a;
// prevent this from crashing with empty author tags
if (authorText) item.creators.push(Zotero.Utilities.cleanAuthor(authorText, "author", true));
// Extract corporate creators (710, 711 & 712)
for (let i = 710; i < 713; i++) {
let authorTab = this.getFieldSubfields(i);
for (let j in authorTab) {
if (authorTab[j].a) {
item.creators.push({ lastName: authorTab[j].a, creatorType: "contributor", fieldMode: 1 });
// Extract language. In the 101$a there's a 3 chars code, would be better to
// have a translation somewhere
this._associateDBField(item, "101", "a", "language");
// Extract abstractNote
this._associateDBField(item, "328", "a", "abstractNote");
this._associateDBField(item, "330", "a", "abstractNote");
// Extract tags
// TODO : Ajouter les autres champs en 6xx avec les autorités construites.
// nécessite de reconstruire les autorités
this._associateTags(item, "610", "a");
// Extract scale (for maps)
this._associateDBField(item, "206", "a", "scale");
// Extract title
var title = this.getField("200")[0][1] // non-repeatable
.replace( // chop off any translations, since they may have repeated $e fields
new RegExp('\\' + subfieldDelimiter + 'd.+'), '');
title = this.extractSubfields(title, '200');
item.title = glueTogether(clean(title.a), clean(title.e), ': ');
// Extract edition
this._associateDBField(item, "205", "a", "edition");
// Field 214 replaces 210 in newer version of UNIMARC; the two are exclusive
// 214 uses numbered subfields to describe different types of bibliographic information
// currently not using that
// see https://www.transition-bibliographique.fr/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/B214-2019.pdf
if (this.getField("214").length) {
this._associateDBField(item, "214", "a", "place");
if (item.itemType == "film") {
this._associateDBField(item, "214", "c", "distributor");
else {
this._associateDBField(item, "214", "c", "publisher");
// Extract year
this._associateDBField(item, "214", "d", "date", pullNumber);
else {
// Extract place info
this._associateDBField(item, "210", "a", "place");
// Extract publisher/distributor
if (item.itemType == "film") {
this._associateDBField(item, "210", "c", "distributor");
else {
this._associateDBField(item, "210", "c", "publisher");
// Extract year
this._associateDBField(item, "210", "d", "date", pullNumber);
// Extract pages. Not working well because 215$a often contains pages + volume informations : 1 vol ()
// this._associateDBField(item, "215", "a", "pages", pullNumber);
// Extract series
this._associateDBField(item, "225", "a", "series");
// Extract series number
this._associateDBField(item, "225", "v", "seriesNumber");
// Extract call number
this._associateDBField(item, "686", "ab", "callNumber");
this._associateDBField(item, "676", "a", "callNumber");
this._associateDBField(item, "675", "a", "callNumber");
this._associateDBField(item, "680", "ab", "callNumber");
else {
// If we've got a 502 field, we're on a thesis, either published on its own (thesis)
// or by a publisher and therefore with an ISBN number (book).
if (this.getFieldSubfields("502")[0] && !this.getFieldSubfields("020")[0]) {
item.itemType = "thesis";
// Extract ISBNs
this._associateDBField(item, "020", "a", "ISBN", pullISBN);
// Extract ISSNs
this._associateDBField(item, "022", "a", "ISSN", pullISBN);
// Extract language
this._associateDBField(item, "041", "a", "language");
// Extract creators
// http://www.loc.gov/marc/relators/relaterm.html
var RELATERM = {
act: "castMember",
asn: "contributor", // Associated name
aut: "author",
cmp: "composer",
ctb: "contributor",
drt: "director",
edt: "editor",
pbl: "SKIP", // publisher
prf: "performer",
pro: "producer",
pub: "SKIP", // publication place
trl: "translator"
var creatorFields = ["100", "110", "700", "710"];// "111", "711" are meeting name
for (let i = 0; i < creatorFields.length; i++) {
var authorTab = this.getFieldSubfields(creatorFields[i]);
for (let j in authorTab) {
if (authorTab[j]['4'] && RELATERM[authorTab[j]['4']] && RELATERM[authorTab[j]['4']] == "SKIP") {
var creatorObject = {};
if (authorTab[j].a) {
if (creatorFields[i] == "100" || creatorFields[i] == "700") {
creatorObject = ZU.cleanAuthor(authorTab[j].a, "author", true);
else {
// same replacements as in the function ZU.cleanAuthor for institutional authors:
authorTab[j].a = authorTab[j].a.replace(/^[\s\u00A0.,/[\]:]+/, '')
.replace(/[\s\u00A0.,/[\]:]+$/, '')
.replace(/[\s\u00A0]+/, ' ');
creatorObject = { lastName: authorTab[j].a, creatorType: "contributor", fieldMode: 1 };
// some heuristic for the default values:
// in a book without any person as a main entry (no 100 field)
// it is likely that all persons (in 700 fields) are editors
if (creatorFields[i] == "700" && !this.getFieldSubfields("100")[0] && item.itemType == "book") {
creatorObject.creatorType = "editor";
if (authorTab[j]['4'] && RELATERM[authorTab[j]['4']]) {
creatorObject.creatorType = RELATERM[authorTab[j]['4']];
this._associateDBField(item, "111", "a", "meetingName");
this._associateDBField(item, "711", "a", "meetingName");
if (item.itemType == "book" && !item.creators.length) {
// some LOC entries have no listed author, but have the author in the person subject field as the first entry
var field = this.getFieldSubfields("600");
if (field[0]) {
item.creators.push(Zotero.Utilities.cleanAuthor(field[0].a, "author", true));
// Extract tags
// personal
this._associateTags(item, "600", "aqtxyzv");
// corporate
this._associateTags(item, "610", "abxyzv");
// meeting
this._associateTags(item, "611", "abtxyzv");
// uniform title
this._associateTags(item, "630", "acetxyzv");
// chronological
this._associateTags(item, "648", "atxyzv");
// topical
this._associateTags(item, "650", "axyzv");
// geographic
this._associateTags(item, "651", "abcxyzv");
// uncontrolled
this._associateTags(item, "653", "axyzv");
// faceted topical term (whatever that means)
this._associateTags(item, "654", "abcyzv");
// genre/form
this._associateTags(item, "655", "abcxyzv");
// occupation
this._associateTags(item, "656", "axyzv");
// function
this._associateTags(item, "657", "axyzv");
// curriculum objective
this._associateTags(item, "658", "ab");
// hierarchical geographic place name
this._associateTags(item, "662", "abcdfgh");
// Extract note fields
// http://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd5xx.html
// general note
this._associateNotes(item, "500", "a");
// dissertation note
this._associateNotes(item, "502", "a");
// formatted contents (table of contents)
this._associateNotes(item, "505", "art");
// summary
// Store as abstract if not already available and only one such note exists
if (!item.abstractNote && this.getField("520").length == 1) {
this._associateDBField(item, "520", "ab", "abstractNote");
else {
this._associateNotes(item, "520", "ab");
// biographical or historical data
this._associateNotes(item, "545", "ab");
// Extract title
// a = main title
// b = subtitle
// n = Number of part/section of a work
// p = Name of part/section of a work
var titlesubfields = this.getFieldSubfields("245")[0];
item.title = glueTogether(
glueTogether(clean(titlesubfields.a), clean(titlesubfields.b), ": "),
glueTogether(clean(titlesubfields.n), clean(titlesubfields.p), ": "),
". "
// Extract edition
this._associateDBField(item, "250", "a", "edition");
// Extract place info
this._associateDBField(item, "260", "a", "place");
// Extract publisher/distributor
if (item.itemType == "film") {
this._associateDBField(item, "260", "b", "distributor");
else {
this._associateDBField(item, "260", "b", "publisher");
// Extract year
this._associateDBField(item, "260", "c", "date", pullNumber);
// Extract pages
this._associateDBField(item, "300", "a", "numPages", pullNumber);
// Extract series and series number
// The current preference is 490
this._associateDBField(item, "490", "a", "series");
this._associateDBField(item, "490", "v", "seriesNumber");
// 440 was made obsolete as of 2008; see http://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd4xx.html
this._associateDBField(item, "440", "a", "series");
this._associateDBField(item, "440", "v", "seriesNumber");
// Extract call number
this._associateDBField(item, "084", "ab", "callNumber");
this._associateDBField(item, "082", "a", "callNumber");
this._associateDBField(item, "080", "ab", "callNumber");
this._associateDBField(item, "070", "ab", "callNumber");
this._associateDBField(item, "060", "ab", "callNumber");
this._associateDBField(item, "050", "ab", "callNumber");
this._associateDBField(item, "090", "ab", "callNumber");
this._associateDBField(item, "099", "a", "callNumber");
this._associateDBField(item, "852", "khim", "callNumber");
// OCLC numbers are useful info to save in extra
var controlNumber = this.getFieldSubfields("035")[0];
if (controlNumber && controlNumber.a && controlNumber.a.indexOf("(OCoLC)") == 0) {
item.extra = "OCLC: " + controlNumber.a.substring(7);
// Extract URL for electronic resources
this._associateDBField(item, "245", "h", "medium");
if (item.medium == "electronic resource" || item.medium == "Elektronische Ressource") this._associateDBField(item, "856", "u", "url");
// Field 264 instead of 260
if (!item.place) this._associateDBField(item, "264", "a", "place");
if (!item.publisher) this._associateDBField(item, "264", "b", "publisher");
if (!item.date) this._associateDBField(item, "264", "c", "date", pullNumber);
// German
if (!item.place) this._associateDBField(item, "410", "a", "place");
if (!item.publisher) this._associateDBField(item, "412", "a", "publisher");
if (!item.title) this._associateDBField(item, "331", "a", "title");
if (!item.title) this._associateDBField(item, "1300", "a", "title");
if (!item.date) this._associateDBField(item, "425", "a", "date", pullNumber);
if (!item.date) this._associateDBField(item, "595", "a", "date", pullNumber);
if (this.getFieldSubfields("104")[0]) this._associateDBField(item, "104", "a", "creator", author, "author", true);
if (this.getFieldSubfields("800")[0]) this._associateDBField(item, "800", "a", "creator", author, "author", true);
// Spanish
if (!item.title) this._associateDBField(item, "200", "a", "title");
if (!item.place) this._associateDBField(item, "210", "a", "place");
if (!item.publisher) this._associateDBField(item, "210", "c", "publisher");
if (!item.date) this._associateDBField(item, "210", "d", "date");
if (!item.creators) {
for (let i = 700; i < 703; i++) {
if (this.getFieldSubfields(i)[0]) {
Zotero.debug(i + " is AOK");
let aut = this.getFieldSubfields(i)[0];
if (aut.b) {
aut = aut.b.replace(/,\W+/g, "") + " " + aut.a.replace(/,\s/g, "");
else {
aut = aut.a.split(", ").join(" ");
item.creators.push(Zotero.Utilities.cleanAuthor(aut, "author"));
if (item.title) {
item.title = Zotero.Utilities.capitalizeTitle(item.title);
if (this.getFieldSubfields("335")[0]) {
item.title = item.title + ": " + this.getFieldSubfields("335")[0].a;
var otherIds = this.getFieldSubfields("024");
for (let id of otherIds) {
if (id['2'] == "doi") {
item.DOI = id.a;
var container = this.getFieldSubfields("773")[0];
if (container) {
var type = container['7'];
switch (type) {
case "nnam":
item.itemType = "bookSection";
case "nnas":
item.itemType = "journalArticle";
case "m2am":
item.itemType = "conferencePaper";
default: // some catalogs don't have the $7 subfield
if (container.t && container.z) { // if there is an ISBN assume book section
item.itemType = "bookSection";
else if (container.t) { // else default to journal article
item.itemType = "journalArticle";
var publication = container.t;
if (item.itemType == "bookSection" || item.itemType == "conferencePaper") {
var pubinfo = container.d;
if (pubinfo) {
item.place = pubinfo.replace(/:.+/, "");
var publisher = pubinfo.match(/:\s*(.+),\s*\d{4}/);
if (publisher) item.publisher = publisher[1];
var year = pubinfo.match(/,\s*(\d{4})/);
if (year) item.date = year[1];
if (publication) {
var publicationTitle = publication.replace(/\..*/, "");
if (item.itemType == "bookSection") {
item.bookTitle = publicationTitle;
else {
item.proceedingsTitle = publicationTitle;
if (publication.includes("Edited by")) {
var editors = publication.match(/Edited by\s+(.+)\.?/)[1];
editors = editors.split(/\s+and\s+|\s*,\s*|\s*;\s*/);
for (let i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) {
item.creators.push(ZU.cleanAuthor(editors[i], "editor"));
var pages = container.g;
if (pages) {
pagerange = pages.match(/[ps]\.\s*(\d+(-\d+)?)/);
// if we don't have a page marker, we'll guess that a number range is good enough but
if (!pagerange) pagerange = pages.match(/(\d+-\d+)/);
if (pagerange) item.pages = pagerange[1];
var event = container.a;
if (event) {
item.conferenceName = event.replace(/[{}]/g, "");
item.ISBN = container.z;
else {
if (publication) {
item.publicationTitle = publication.replace(/[.,\s]+$/, "");
item.journalAbbreviation = container.p;
var locators = container.g;
if (locators) {
// unfortunately there is no standardization whatsoever here
var pagerange = locators.match(/[ps]\.\s*(\d+(-\d+)?)/);
// For Journals, since there are a lot of issue-ranges we require the first number to have >=2 digits
if (!pagerange) pagerange = locators.match(/(\d\d+-\d+)/);
if (pagerange) item.pages = pagerange[1];
var date = locators.match(/((Jan(uary)?|Feb(ruary)?|Mar(ch)?|Apr(il)?|May|Jun(e)?|Jul(y)?|Aug(ust)?|Sep(tember)?|Oct(ober)?|Nov(ember)?|Dec(ember)?)\.?\s*)?\d{4}/);
if (date) {
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// --> for books that don't have an author, turn contributors into editors.
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// eslint-disable-next-line no-cond-assign
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// create new record
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var testCases = [
"type": "import",
"input": "01841cam a2200385Ma 45\u00020001000700000005001700007008004100024010001700065035002300082035001800105040003000123043001200153050001500165049001500180100003900195245028100234260005900515300006100574500019500635500014500830510003000975510002701005510004501032500002601077610004401103600004001147600004801187650004501235610004501280852005801325946003101383910001001414994001201424947001901436\u001e790862\u001e20080120004008.0\u001e880726s1687 sp bf 000 0cspa d\u001e \u001fa 03021876 \u001e \u001fa(OCoLC)ocm29051663\u001e \u001fa(NBYdb)790862\u001e \u001faMNU\u001fcMNU\u001fdOCL\u001fdDIBAM\u001fdIBV\u001e \u001fas-py---\u001e0 \u001faF2681\u001fb.X3\u001e \u001faIBVA\u001flbklr\u001e1 \u001faXarque, Francisco,\u001fdca. 1609-1691.\u001e10\u001faInsignes missioneros de la Compañia de Jesus en la prouincia del Paraguay :\u001fbestado presente de sus missiones en Tucuman, Paraguay, y Rio de la Plata, que comprehende su distrito /\u001fcpor el doct. d. Francisco Xarque, dean de la Catredral [sic] de Santa Maria de Albarrazin ...\u001e \u001faEn Pamplona :\u001fbPor Juan Micòn, Impressor,\u001fcaño 1687.\u001e \u001fa[24], 432 p., [1] folded leaf of plates :\u001fbmap ;\u001fc22 cm.\u001e \u001faBrunet and Graesse both mention a map of Paraguay; this copy has a map of Chile with title: Tabula geocraphica [sic] regni Chile / studio et labore P. Procuratoris Chilensis Societatis Jesu.\u001e \u001faIn 3 books; the first two are biographies of Jesuits, Simon Mazeta and Francisco Diaz Taño, the 3rd deals with Jesuit missions in Paraguay.\u001e4 \u001faNUC pre-1956,\u001fcNX0000604.\u001e4 \u001faSabin,\u001fc105716 (v.29).\u001e4 \u001faPalau y Dulcet (2nd ed.),\u001fc123233 (v.7).\u001e \u001faHead and tail pieces.\u001e20\u001faJesuits\u001fzParaguay\u001fvEarly works to 1800.\u001e10\u001faMasseta, Simon,\u001fdca. 1582-ca. 1656.\u001e10\u001faCuellar y Mosquera, Gabriel de,\u001fd1593-1677.\u001e 0\u001faMissions\u001fzParaguay\u001fvEarly works to 1800.\u001e20\u001faJesuits\u001fvBiography\u001fvEarly works to 1800.\u001e8 \u001fbvau,ayer\u001fkVAULT\u001fhAyer\u001fi1343\u001fi.J515\u001fiP211\u001fiX2\u001fi1687\u001ft1\u001e \u001faOCLC RECON PROJECT\u001farc3758\u001e \u001fa35535\u001e \u001fa02\u001fbIBV\u001e \u001faMARS\u001fa20071227\u001e\u001d",
"items": [
"itemType": "book",
"title": "Insignes missioneros de la Compañia de Jesus en la prouincia del Paraguay: estado presente de sus missiones en Tucuman, Paraguay, y Rio de la Plata, que comprehende su distrito",
"creators": [
"firstName": "Francisco",
"lastName": "Xarque",
"creatorType": "author"
"date": "1687",
"callNumber": "VAULT Ayer 1343 .J515 P211 X2 1687",
"extra": "OCLC: ocm29051663",
"numPages": "24",
"place": "En Pamplona",
"publisher": "Por Juan Micòn, Impressor",
"attachments": [],
"tags": [
"tag": "Biography Early works to 1800"
"tag": "Cuellar y Mosquera, Gabriel de"
"tag": "Early works to 1800"
"tag": "Early works to 1800"
"tag": "Jesuits"
"tag": "Jesuits"
"tag": "Masseta, Simon"
"tag": "Missions"
"tag": "Paraguay"
"tag": "Paraguay"
"notes": [
"note": "Brunet and Graesse both mention a map of Paraguay; this copy has a map of Chile with title: Tabula geocraphica [sic] regni Chile / studio et labore P. Procuratoris Chilensis Societatis Jesu In 3 books; the first two are biographies of Jesuits, Simon Mazeta and Francisco Diaz Taño, the 3rd deals with Jesuit missions in Paraguay Head and tail pieces"
"seeAlso": []
"type": "import",
"input": "18789nmm a2201429 c 4500001001000000003000700010005001700017007001500034008004100049015001900090016002200109020003700131020003700168024003600205024003500241035002100276035001600297035001800313035002100331035002200352035002500374040002900399041000800428050001100436082001300447245010000460260003900560300003400599337001000633490007600643500014600719520109000865533015001955650005902105650005602164650005502220650006302275650002302338650000802361653002502369653002802394653002302422653000802445689005402453689005102507689005002558689005802608689002002666689002302686689001102709700005902720711006402779830003002843856004802873856003402921856004702955856007303002856005503075856007503130856007103205856007503276856008003351856008503431856014303516900010603659900025003765900024704015900023204262900024104494900024704735900024504982900025005227900024705477900033005724900031306054900024906367900025106616900025106867900028907118900019807407900035207605900028307957900024708240900025008487900030108737900025309038900030309291900030209594900026109896900030810157912001510465912002010480912001510500950003910515951001210554954010910566954024910675954024810924954023611172954024911408954024811657954024811905954025512153954024812408954032812656954032312984954024913307954024913556954024913805954028614054954019814340954035514538954028414893954025015177954025015427954029615677954024915973954029616222954029616518954024916814954029617063\u001e607843365\u001eDE-601\u001e20141226042756.0\u001ecr uuu---uuuuu\u001e090828s2009 gw 000 0 ger d\u001e \u001fa09A450429\u001f2dnb\u001e7 \u001fa99753513X\u001f2DE-101\u001e \u001fa9783642002304\u001f9978-3-642-00230-4\u001e \u001fa9783642002298\u001f9978-3-642-00229-8\u001e7 \u001faurn:nbn:de:1111-2009102027\u001f2urn\u001e7 \u001fa10.1007/978-3-642-00230-4\u001f2doi\u001e \u001fa(OCoLC)699070134\u001e \u001faebr10318806\u001e \u001fa9783642002304\u001e \u001fa(OCoLC)646815275\u001e \u001fa(ZDB-22-CAN)30851\u001e \u001fa(DE-599)GBV607843365\u001e \u001faGBVCP\u001fbger\u001fcGBVCP\u001ferakwb\u001e0 \u001fager\u001e 0\u001faKK7058\u001e09\u001fa330\u001fa340\u001e00\u001faEigentumsverfassung und Finanzkrise\u001fhElektronische Ressource\u001fcherausgegeben von Otto Depenheuer\u001e3 \u001faBerlin ;Heidelberg\u001fbSpringer\u001fc2009\u001e \u001faOnline-Ressource\u001fbv.: digital\u001e \u001faeBook\u001e0 \u001faBibliothek des Eigentums, Im Auftrag der Deutschen Stiftung Eigentum\u001fv7\u001e \u001fa\"Unter dem Thema 'Eigentumsverfassung und Finanzkrise' veranstaltete die Deutsche Stiftung Eigentum am 22. April 2009 in Berlin ein Symposion\u001e \u001faDie weltweite Finanzkrise ist Anlass, an Funktion und Wirkweise des privaten Eigentums in einer freiheitlichen Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsordnung zu erinnern. Privates Eigentum muss es geben, damit Verantwortung zugerechnet und Haftung realisiert, Gewinn und Verlust einem konkreten Verantwortungsträger persönlich zugerechnet werden können. Die Verletzung dieser konstitutiven Regeln einer auf privatem Eigentum basierenden Wirtschaftsordnung ist wesentlich ursächlich für das eingetretene Desaster auf den Finanzmärkten. Wie alle kulturellen Errungenschaften muss auch die Idee des privaten Eigentums, insbesondere die ihr immanente Bereitschaft zur Übernahme persönlicher Verantwortung des Eigentümers, jeder Generation erneut wieder in Erinnerung gerufen, überzeugend um sie geworben und vor allem vorbildhaft von den Akteuren in Politik und Wirtschaft vorgelebt werden. Nur so kann strukturelles Vertrauen in das Finanzsystem wieder gewonnen werden. Denn in ihrer vertrauensbildenden Kraft liegt die ordnungspolitische Funktion der Gewährleistung privaten Eigentums.\u001e \u001faOnline-Ausg.\u001fd2009\u001ffSpringer eBook Collection. Humanities, Social Science\u001fnElectronic reproduction; Available via World Wide Web\u001f7|2009||||||||||\u001e 7\u001f0(DE-601)587272910\u001f0(DE-588)7635855-0\u001faFinanzkrise\u001f2gnd\u001e 7\u001f0(DE-601)106341901\u001f0(DE-588)4013793-4\u001faEigentum\u001f2gnd\u001e 7\u001f0(DE-
"items": [
"itemType": "book",
"title": "Eigentumsverfassung und Finanzkrise",
"creators": [
"firstName": "Otto",
"lastName": "Depenheuer",
"creatorType": "editor"
"date": "2009",
"ISBN": "9783642002304 9783642002298",
"abstractNote": "Die weltweite Finanzkrise ist Anlass, an Funktion und Wirkweise des privaten Eigentums in einer freiheitlichen Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsordnung zu erinnern. Privates Eigentum muss es geben, damit Verantwortung zugerechnet und Haftung realisiert, Gewinn und Verlust einem konkreten Verantwortungsträger persönlich zugerechnet werden können. Die Verletzung dieser konstitutiven Regeln einer auf privatem Eigentum basierenden Wirtschaftsordnung ist wesentlich ursächlich für das eingetretene Desaster auf den Finanzmärkten. Wie alle kulturellen Errungenschaften muss auch die Idee des privaten Eigentums, insbesondere die ihr immanente Bereitschaft zur Übernahme persönlicher Verantwortung des Eigentümers, jeder Generation erneut wieder in Erinnerung gerufen, überzeugend um sie geworben und vor allem vorbildhaft von den Akteuren in Politik und Wirtschaft vorgelebt werden. Nur so kann strukturelles Vertrauen in das Finanzsystem wieder gewonnen werden. Denn in ihrer vertrauensbildenden Kraft liegt die ordnungspolitische Funktion der Gewährleistung privaten Eigentums",
"callNumber": "KK7058",
"extra": "OCLC: 699070134",
"language": "ger",
"place": "Berlin ;Heidelberg",
"publisher": "Springer",
"series": "Bibliothek des Eigentums, Im Auftrag der Deutschen Stiftung Eigentum",
"seriesNumber": "7",
"url": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-00230-4",
"attachments": [],
"tags": [
"tag": "Aufsatzsammlung"
"tag": "Constitutional law"
"tag": "Constitutional law"
"tag": "Eigentum"
"tag": "Finanzkrise"
"tag": "Haftung"
"tag": "Law"
"tag": "Law"
"tag": "Online-Publikation"
"tag": "Ordnungspolitik"
"notes": [
"note": "\"Unter dem Thema 'Eigentumsverfassung und Finanzkrise' veranstaltete die Deutsche Stiftung Eigentum am 22. April 2009 in Berlin ein Symposion"
"seeAlso": []
"type": "import",
"input": "01527pam a2200421 cc4500001001000000003000700010005001700017007000300034008004100037015003400078016002200112020008000134024001800214028002300232035002500255035002100280040003500301041000800336044001300344082002900357084002700386090000600413100006900419245011400488250001400602259000700616260004600623300003200669653004200701653003200743653002800775653002600803653004800829773002600877856008100903856011400984925000701098\u001e987805282\u001eDE-101\u001e20080603235442.0\u001etu\u001e080304s2008 gw ||||| |||| 00||||ger \u001e \u001fa08,A24,0901\u001fz08,N12,0064\u001f2dnb\u001e7 \u001f2DE-101\u001fa987805282\u001e \u001fa9783540774310\u001fckart. : EUR 24.95, sfr 41.00 (freier Pr.)\u001f9978-3-540-77431-0\u001e3 \u001fa9783540774310\u001e52\u001faBest.-Nr. 12208951\u001e \u001fa(DE-599)DNB987805282\u001e \u001fa(OCoLC)244010073\u001e \u001fa1145\u001fbger\u001fcDE-101\u001fd9999\u001ferakwb\u001e \u001fager\u001e \u001fcXA-DE-BE\u001e74\u001fa510\u001fa004\u001fqDE-101\u001f222sdnb\u001e \u001fa510\u001fa004\u001fqDE-101\u001f2sdnb\u001e \u001fab\u001e1 \u001f0(DE-588)140501037\u001f0(DE-101)140501037\u001faTeschl, Gerald\u001fd1970-\u001f4aut\u001e10\u001faMathematik für Informatiker\u001fnBd. 1\u001fpDiskrete Mathematik und lineare Algebra\u001fcGerald Teschl ; Susanne Teschl\u001e \u001fa3., Aufl.\u001e \u001fa13\u001e3 \u001faBerlin\u001faHeidelberg\u001fbSpringer Vieweg\u001fc2008\u001e \u001faXIII, 514 S.\u001fbgraph. Darst.\u001e \u001fa(VLB-FS)Mathematik für Informatiker\u001e \u001fa(VLB-FS)Diskrete Mathematik\u001e \u001fa(VLB-FS)Lineare Algebra\u001e \u001fa(VLB-PF)BC: Paperback\u001e \u001fa(VLB-WN)1632: HC/Informatik, EDV/Informatik\u001e08\u001fq11\u001fw(DE-101)976481294\u001e42\u001fmB:DE-101\u001fqapplication/pdf\u001fuhttp://d-nb.info/987805282/04\u001f3Inhaltsverzeichnis\u001e42\u001fmX:MVB\u001fqtext/html\u001fuhttp://deposit.d-nb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?id=3077737&prov=M&dok_var=1&dok_ext=htm\u001f3Inhaltstext\u001er \u001fara\u001e\u001d",
"items": [
"itemType": "book",
"title": "Mathematik für Informatiker. Bd. 1: Diskrete Mathematik und lineare Algebra",
"creators": [
"firstName": "Gerald",
"lastName": "Teschl",
"creatorType": "author"
"date": "2008",
"ISBN": "9783540774310",
"callNumber": "b",
"edition": "3., Aufl",
"language": "ger",
"numPages": "514",
"place": "Berlin Heidelberg",
"publisher": "Springer Vieweg",
"attachments": [],
"tags": [
"(VLB-FS)Diskrete Mathematik",
"(VLB-FS)Lineare Algebra",
"(VLB-FS)Mathematik für Informatiker",
"(VLB-PF)BC: Paperback",
"(VLB-WN)1632: HC/Informatik, EDV/Informatik"
"notes": [],
"seeAlso": []