Physical Review & Research International 3(3): 161-175, 2013 SCIENCEDOMAIN international Method for Constraining Light Speed Anisotropy by Using Fiber Optics Gyroscope Experiments A. Sfarti1* 1UC Berkeley, CS Dept, 387 Soda Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. Author’s contribution This work was carried by the author. Author AS designed the study, performed the experiment and the statistical analysis, wrote the protocol, and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. The author read and approved the final manuscript. Research Article Received 6th February 2013 Accepted 23rd March 2013 Published 2nd April 2013 ABSTRACT The Mansouri-Sexl theory is a well known test theory of relativity. Mansouri and Sexl dealt with the theory of the Michelson-Morley, Kennedy-Thorndike and Ives-Stilwell experiments but left out the very interesting Sagnac experiment. In the following paper we will present a novel way of detecting anisotropy effects in (L)v / c2 via a reenactment of the Sagnac experiment using fiber optic gyroscopes (FOG) where L is the length of the fiber and  is the angular speed of the FOG. We show how the fiber optics gyroscopes are used for constraining light speed anisotropy in the framework of the Mansouri-Sexl test theory. We also show an interesting amplification effect due to the use of the Mansouri-Sexl slow clock transport equations in conjunction with FOGs. Our paper is divided into four main sections: in the first one we give an overview of the Mansouri-Sexl test theory of special relativity, in the second one we give a historical perspective of the Sagnac experiment, in the third section we formulate the Mansouri-Sexl theory for the Sagnac experiment and we conclude with experimental setup and results. Keywords: Mansouri-sexl test theory; light speed anisotropy; fiber optic gyroscopes. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ *Corresponding author: Email:; Physical Review & Research International, 3(3): 161-175, 2013 1. INTRODUCTION - THE MANSOURI - SEXL TEST THEORY The test theories [1-4] of special relativity are used to examine potential alternate theories to special relativity (SR) - such alternate theories predict particular values of the parameters of the test theory, which may easily be compared to values determined by experiments. The existing experiments put rather strong constraints on any alternative theory. One of these theories, the Robertson-Mansouri-Sexl theory, starts by admitting that there is one preferential inertial frame  in which the light propagates isotropically. In such a frame, light speed in a refractive medium is c0  c / n where c is the light speed in vacuum and n is the refraction index of the optic fiber. All other frames in motion with respect to  are considered non-preferential and the light speed is anisotropic. The light speed in the nonpreferential frames can be deduced via simple calculations described in3. We start with the Mansouri-Sexl transforms (with c=1): x  d (v)X  b(v)  v2 d (v) v( vx)  b(v) vT (1.1) t  a(v)T  ε(v)x where v is the relative velocity between S and  , (x,t) are the coordinates in S while (X,T) represent their correspondents in  . Exactly like in the original Mansouri-Sexl paper [4] by transforming the light cone X 2  c02T 2  0 into S and by neglecting the terms in v2 and higher we obtain [2]: c ( )  1 v (1 2 ) cos (1.2) c0 c0 where  is the angle between the light ray direction and the x axis. Expression (1.2) is an approximation valid if slow clock transport [2-4] synchronization has been used. In this case, the following expressions also hold [2]: a(v)  1   (v) v2 c2 b(v)  d(v) 1 (1.3)   2v According to Mansouri and Sexl, the one-way light speed is a measurable quantity in this case and it is direction dependent for   0.5. The larger the term 1  2 in (1.2), the larger the light speed anisotropy. We will exploit this property in the Mansouri-Sexl theory of the FOG experiment constructed later in our paper. On the other hand, according to Mansouri and Sexl [2], if Einstein clock synchronization is used, no first order effects exist and the second order effects are expressed as: 162 Physical Review & Research International, 3(3): 161-175, 2013 c( )  1 (  1/ 2)( v )2 c0 sin 2   (    1)( v )2 (1.4) c0 c0 where  , are parameters originating from the Taylor expansion of b, d respectively. In this case, the Sagnac effect cannot be used for measuring light speed anisotropy because the second order effects are too small to measure for any reasonable value for the speed v . 1.1. THE SPECIAL RELATIVITY THEORY OF THE SAGNAC EXPERIMENT USING FOG A fiber optic gyroscope (FOG) senses changes in orientation, thus performing the function of a mechanical gyroscope. However its principle of operation is instead based on the interference of light which has passed through a coil of optical fiber. Two beams from a laser are injected into the same fiber but in opposite directions. Due to the Sagnac effect, the beam travelling against the rotation experiences a slightly shorter path delay than the other beam. The resulting differential phase shift is measured through interferometry, thus translating one component of the angular velocity into a shift of the interference pattern which is measured. Fig. 1. Explanation of the sagnac experiment The right hand side of Fig. 1 illustrates what happens if the loop itself is rotating. The symbol  denotes the angular displacement of the loop during the time required for the pulses to travel once around the loop. For any positive value of  , the pulse traveling in the same direction as the rotation of the loop must travel a slightly greater distance than the pulse traveling in the opposite direction. As a result, the counter-rotating pulse arrives at the "end" point slightly earlier than the co-rotating pulse. Quantitatively, if we let  denote the angular speed of the loop, then the circumferential tangent speed of the end point is  R . The respective angles traveled by the two light fronts are: 163 Physical Review & Research International, 3(3): 161-175, 2013   2   ct R (2.1) for the co-rotating front   2   ct R (2.2) for the counter-rotating front, where c  c  c in vacuum and:   t (2.3) for the co-rotating front   t (2.4) for the counter-rotating front. Substituting (2.3) in (2.1) and (2.4) in (2.2) we get: t  2 R c R (2.5) for the co-rotating front t  2 R c R (2.6) for the counter-rotating front. From (2.5) and (2.6) it follows that: Ttotal  t  t  4 R2 c2  R2 2  c2 4 A  R2 2 (2.7) where A is the area of the interferometer loop. The above is the exact formula. For R  c we recover the formula used in practice for detecting angular speed via the Sagnac experiment [5,6]: Ttotal  4 A c2 (2.8) The formula shows that the phase difference between the two counter-propagating light signals is, at low angular speeds, proportional to the angular speed and to the area enclosed by the interferometer loop. The first to perform a ring interferometer experiment aimed at observing the correlation of angular velocity and phase-shift was G. Sagnac [6] in 1913 with 164 Physical Review & Research International, 3(3): 161-175, 2013 the purpose of detecting "the effect of the relative motion of the ether". In 1926 a very ambitious ring interferometry experiment was set up by A. Michelson and H.Gale [7]. The aim was to find out whether the rotation of the Earth has an effect on the propagation of light in the vicinity of the Earth. The Michelson-Gale experiment used a very large ring interferometer, with a perimeter of 1.9 kilometer, so it was large enough to detect the angular velocity of the Earth. The outcome of the experiment was that the angular velocity of the Earth as measured by astronomical methods was confirmed to within measuring accuracy. The situation is a little more complicated in the case of using a fiber optic of refraction index n: c R c  n 1 R nc (2.9) c R c  n 1 R nc Substituting (2.9) into (2.5)-(2.6): t  2 R c   R  2 R 1 R nc c  (R)2 n nc for the co-rotating front (2.10) t  2 R c   R  2 R 1 R nc c  (R)2 n nc (2.11) for the counter-rotating front, resulting into a total time: Ttotal _ SR  t  t  4 R2 c2  R22 (2.12) Interestingly enough, the outcome of the experiment does not depend on the refraction index of the fiber optic. The SR prediction from expression (2.12) fully coincides with the experimental results [9]. One of the important advantages of FOGs, besides the absence of any moving parts is the fact that the optic cables can be wrapped around k times resulting into an “amplification” of the net effect: 165 Physical Review & Research International, 3(3): 161-175, 2013 Ttotal _ SR  k 4 R2 c2  R2 2 (2.13) The resulting phase difference is: Stotal _ SR  cTtotal _ SR  kc c 4 2 R2 R2 2  4 R2k c (2.14) that is, the effect is the first order in  , “amplified” by the length of the fiber, L  2 Rk and c by the radius of the gyroscope, R . 2. THE MANSOURI-SEXL THEORY OF THE FOG EXPERIMENT Light speed is propagating with the isotropic speed c0 in the preferential frame. In the non preferential frame S associated with the center of the rotating FOG device light speed propagates at the speeds c in the direction of rotation and c in the direction against the rotation of the device (Fig. 2). 166 Physical Review & Research International, 3(3): 161-175, 2013 Fig. 2. Detail of the experiment with anisotropic light speed where, for an infinitesimal angle of rotation d : ct  Rd  Rt (3.1) for the co-rotating front ct  Rt  Rd (3.2) for the counter-rotating front. t  Rd c  R (3.3) for the co-rotating front t  Rd c  R (3.4) for the counter-rotating front. From (3.3) and (3.4) it follows that the phase difference element is: 167 Physical Review & Research International, 3(3): 161-175, 2013 s  c t  ct  R2d (c (c  c )  R)(c  R) (3.5) Formula (3.5) is a generalization of formula (21) in reference [8]. On the other hand, according to Fig. 2, light speed appears to be anisotropic in frame S, associated with the center of the rotating FOG, such that for slow clock transport synchronization and for  [0, ] the following holds by (1.2): c  1 v (1 2 ) cos(   )  1 v (1 2 ) sin (3.6) c0 c0 2 c0 for the co-rotating front c  1 v (1 2 ) cos(   )  1 v (1 2 )sin (3.7) c0 c0 2 c0 for the counter-rotating front. For  [ , 2 ] c and c exchange roles. Substituting (3.6) and (3.7) into (3.5) we obtain: s  c02 2R2c0d [v(1 2 ) sin   R]2 (3.8) The total phase differential between the two light paths obtained through the integration of the phase difference element is:  Stotal_MS (v,,)  4R2c0k 0 d c02 [v(12)sin R]2 (3.9) The doubling of the integral (3.9) is caused by c and c exchanging roles in the interval  [ , 2 ]. Using the notation A(v,)  v(1 2) ( A is a function of v and  ) and B   R we obtain:  S total _ MS  2 R 2 k ( 1  (B  c0 )2  A2 1 ) (B  c0 )2  A2 (3.10) A quick sanity check shows that in SR   0.5 (i.e. A  0 in (3.10)) so we recover the well known SR expression (2.7): Stotal _ SR  4 R2kc0 c02  (R)2 (3.11) 168 Physical Review & Research International, 3(3): 161-175, 2013 That is, in SR the phase difference is independent of the speed between the lab and the “preferential” frame  . Given that v c0 , the effect is very close to null for non-rotating devices. The difference: Sviolation  Stotal_MS Stotal_SR (3.12) is the actual Mansouri-Sexl violation expressed in terms of fraction of a fringe (in m) and it is a function of the Mansouri-Sexl parameter , the angular speed  of the FOG with respect to the lab frame S and the relative speed of the lab v with respect to the preferential frame  . As it can be seen from (3.9), any deviation from -0.5 for the parameter  attracts a dependency of the result in terms of the speed v between S and  . As opposed to the case of the SR formula (2.12), the Mansouri-Sexl formula (3.10) depends on the refraction index via c0  c / n restricting the constraining of the parameter  to experiments that must use fiber optics with refraction indexes close to unity. The difference is due to the fact that formulas (3.6) and (3.7) are just approximations in the Mansouri-Sexl theory whereas formula (2.9) is exact. In our experiment, we made use of the above prediction in order to set constrains on light speed anisotropy. The laboratory velocity v(t) has contributions [10-19] from the motion of the Sun with respect to frame  with a constant velocity vs  377km / s , while Earth’s orbital motion around the Sun ve  30km / s . For example, in the case of the references [10-19] the Earth’s daily rotation speed is vd  0.33km / s while for Berkeley, where the experiment was executed (latitude 37o52’18” N) vd  0.355km / s . Finally, vr   R is the active rotation speed of the FOG so: v(t)  vs  ve sin[y (t  t0 )]cos E  vd sin[d (t  td )]cos  A  vr sin(t) cos B (3.13) Here  A  8o is the angle between the equatorial plane and the velocity of the sun.  E  6o is the declination between the plane of Earth’s orbit and the velocity of the Sun, B  33o is the declination between the plane of FOG plane and the velocity of the Sun, 2 /  y  1yr , 2 / d  1 sidereal day, t0 and td are determined by the phase and start date of the measurement, respectively. If   0.5 then the sinusoidal time variation of v will be reflected in the phase difference (3.10). In other words, the phase difference (3.10) will exhibit a characteristic time signature when measured over a sufficiently long time. In order to constrain the parameter  we will take a series of measurements at different angular speeds  over periods of time long enough such that we could integrate the sinusoidal effects shown in (3.13). From expression (3.13) we can see that v(t)  c0 . This enables us to further simplify expression (3.10) and, subsequently, (3.12) by using Taylor expansion such that we can express the translational effects in v in a simpler form: 169 Physical Review & Research International, 3(3): 161-175, 2013 Stotal _ MS  4 R2k  4 R2k(1 2) v c0 c02  (4 R2kn)  2Rn2(1 2) (2 Rk)v c c2 (3.14) The amplification of the effect due to the presence of large values of the coil number k is a game changer since we can achieve 2 Rk  v for suitable optical cable lengths even with moderate angular speeds of rotating the FOG. In his analysis, made 14 years ago, Stedman [5] expressed pessimism that FOGs can be used in the detection of light speed anisotropy but FOGs have made huge advancements in the past decade, not only in terms of precision but also in terms of the fiber optic length. For example, in our experimental setup, 2 Rk  1200m . In order to constrain the parameter  we will take a series of measurements at different angular speeds  over periods of time long enough such that we could integrate the sinusoidal effects shown in (3.13). Substituting (3.13) into (3.14) we obtain: Stotal _ MS  C0  C11 sin(yt)  C12 cos(yt)  C21 sin(dt)  C22 cos(dt)  C3 sin(t) (3.15) where C0 4 R2kn  4 R2kn2 (1 2 ) vs c c c C11 4 R2kn2 c (1  2 ) ve c cos(yt0 ) cos E C12  4 R2kn2 c (1  2 ) ve c sin( yt0 ) cos  E C21 4 R2kn2 c (1  2 ) vd c cos(d td ) cos  A C22 4 R2kn2 c (1  2 ) vd c sin(dtd ) cos  A C3 4 R2kn2 c (1  2 ) R c cos B (3.16) For   0.5 we recover the SR prediction Stotal _MS  Stotal _SR  4R2kn c . The second observation is that the coefficient C0 is much larger than the other coefficients in the Fourier expansion. 3. THE EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND THE RESULTS We used two experimental setups, both based on commercially available FOGs. One uses EMP-1.2k, (1.2km coil, n  1.1) and the other one uses EMP-1 ( 200m coil, n  1.1), both from Emcore Inc mounted on a Yaskawa SGMJV Sigma-5 high precision turntable with variable angular speed (Fig. 3). We made four sets of measurements, alternating between the two FOGs, in a 24 hr interval, at 6 hours intervals in order to best capture the effects of the variation of the Earth speed expressed in (3.14) as well as the diurnal changes of temperature affecting the FOGs. Each set of measurements is composed of 10 runs, labeled 170 Physical Review & Research International, 3(3): 161-175, 2013 0-9. We repeated the measurements sets four times, at different angular speeds, varying from   30 to   150 . The Sviolation measurements, expressed in m, including the calculation of the error bars, are presented in Tables 1 through 4. Table 1. Sviolation measurements at 6 am Table 2. Sviolation measurements at 12 pm 171 Physical Review & Research International, 3(3): 161-175, 2013 Table 3. Sviolation measurements at 6 pm Table 4. Sviolation measurements at 12 am 172 Physical Review & Research International, 3(3): 161-175, 2013 Based on the measurements we developed a best fit approximation in the form of a Fourier expansion: ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S  C0  C11 sin(yt)  C12 cos(yt)  C21 sin(dt)  C22 cos(dt)  C3 sin(t) (4.1) The standard error in the determination of ^ C0 is equal to1.331014. Comparing with (3.16) and taking into considerations the characteristics of the FOGs employed, this results into a constraint of | 0.5|(1.20.83)106 for the parameter  . Fig. 3. The experimental setup The measurement errors can be attributed in totality to the systematic errors introduced by the FOG devices and the turntable, better results will be obtained in the next generation of the experiments when more precise FOGs become available and we can get a better control over maintaining constant angular speed of the underlying turntable. 3.1. FUTURE WORK AND COMPARISON WITH OTHER METHODS Presently, the method using FOGs results into lesser constraints than the methods using resonating cavities [10-19]. On the other hand, our results are better by an order of magnitude than the ones of Champeney et al. [20] while being one order of magnitude less restrictive than the experiment executed by Isaak [21]. We plan to repeat the measurements as higher precision FOGs become available. The nice aspect about using FOGs is that they have no moving parts and that their technology is advancing very quickly, both reasons for increasing precision over time. Thus, we can put ever tightening constraints over the Mansouri-Sexl parameter  using commercially available equipment that costs a fraction of the price of the specially designed equipment for such kind of experiments. 4. CONCLUSION We have developed the Mansouri-Sexl theory for the FOG experiment. We have shown that the Mansouri-Sexl violation is a function of the Mansouri-Sexl parameter , the angular speed  and of the relative speed of the lab v with respect to the preferential frame  . We have shown how the FOG experiment can be used in order to detect light speed anisotropy 173 Physical Review & Research International, 3(3): 161-175, 2013 within the framework of the Mansouri-Sexl theory and we constrained the parameter  to less than 0.50.83106 . AKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author is grateful for the suggestions of the anonymous referees. The research in this paper was self-funded. COMPETING INTERESTS Author has declared that no competing interests exist. REFERENCES 1. 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