VRIL COMPENDIUM VOLUME 2 VRIL TELEGRAPHY VASSILATOS 1992 'VOLUME 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ·- COMMENTARY - VRIL TELEGRAPHY VR1L LINKAGE MAGNETO-ELECTRIC 'TELEGRAPHY VRILMAPS EARTH RODS AND LOADS - ~ l , ~'- liiii for Joseph who 1oved. c 1ocks ani Eirene who made lace - J,-. f....~. .: ,---- SECTION 1 ·. . _COMMENTARY Organismic Vril conductivity is symmetry-spedtlc. The body requires speciftc orientaUons for eidetic traDsactions. Vril eidetic world traDsactions detemline radionic rates and auric phenomena. Radionic rates are Vril World eidetic nodes. SubjecUve experiments are verifled via consorUum of parUdpants. Systemologles are subjecUvely agreed consortia. Vril World eidetic experiences may be repJicated among parUdpants. Vril eidetic World traDsacUons stimulate inerUal entourage. SpedJlc Vril acUve minerals and metals give experiential distortion. Multi-locaUonal experience is simultaneous mulUple-Vril eidetic World traDsacUon. Speci&c material conftgurations display multiple Vril world eidetic~- Minerals and metals areVril eideticworld agglumeratioDa. Minerals and metals are Vril projectioDS into inerUalspace. Vril detemlines the eidetic content of an area. Speci&c Vrikctive mineraJs and metals agglumerate at Vril dendritic junctures. Groundplates in these locations are especially potent and eidetic in acUon. Vril contact in free space occun via spedi1c direcUoDal axes. Vril eidetic world traDsacUon defines Vril technological design. Vril technological design is eidetic world speciftc. Designs of componentry must be experienced to determine efllcacyoftraDsacUon. Vril eideticworld material configurations require Vril channel alignment. Organismic extension ofconsdousness is Vril technological quest. Specific experienUal determinations required in designingeidetic world conductors. Vril threadways determine spatial-experiential distribution. lnerUal space impedes organismic experience. Vril paths agglumerate inerUa. Vrillic matter is rare. Vrillic mattergenerates convulsions innature (Corliss, Bergier,Tomas, Moray, et.al.). Vril eidetic world-blends generate variations in organismic experience. Material blends and materia-blended conflguraUons traDsact unexpected Vril eidetic worlds. Vril componentry awakens, intensifies, clarifies, and translates Vril sensory awareness. Vril experiential extension is balanced against the inertial resistance managed by an organism. Regional holJsms are Vril eidetic world composites. Georegional hegemonies and experienUal strautlcations require explanation in comprehending Vril Template infra-structure. Vril eidetic clarity determines cognitive success along spatial directionalities. Vril dendritic ~ structure is experientio-space reference. Vril world-induced transmutations manifest as material ' transmutations. Specific minerals and metals focus inertial resistance. Specific material geometries focus inertial resistance. Organismic experience is endangered in strong concentrations of inertial resistance. Organismic unity is damaged in strong inertia-resistive cUITents. Vril penetrates all experiential realities and holisms. Organismic weakness impedes eidetic experience. Eidetic Vril sensory experience does not operate in inertial resistant minerals and metals. Vril generated minerals and metals are projected from Vril threads. Vrillic minerals and metals are pure Vril projecUons. These are legendary anomalous minerals and metals. Ordinary matteris Vril projected and semi-inertifi.ed via impact projecUon. Material inertial behavior is determined via Vril eidetic mate- rial transactions. Vril worlds are holfsUc. Vril eidetic world experience is indivisible. Vril eidetic transacUon is holistic experience. Eidetic traDsacUonis not coded inerUal traDsfer. Speci&c minerals and metals are generated via inertial densiftcations (lead). InerUally agglumerated elements resist Vril conducUon. VRIL TELEGRAPHY Human insjstence on using applied arutldal inertial code in technological systems forces Vril to maDifest itselfin anomalous ways. Theseeminglyanomalous schismbetween.code and gradual comprehension derives from human .insistence on the use of inerUal code. Vril supplies expression and meaning directly. Each asserUve act brings an opposed inerUal pattern. lnertio-asserUve activities are dualities. Inertto-asserUve dualities seJ£-destruct. Vril asserts eidetically against inerUa. Vril dissolves iDerUa. Vril projects eidetic holism into void space. Vril projections generate living experience. Vril is the means which dissolves inertial spaces, patterns, and dualities. Vril receptions require surrender and devotional sharing between. parUdpant and Vril itsel£ Vril eidetic world contact gives revelation. Vril eidetic world blendingsjoinunexpectedly. Vril eideticworldblendmgs do not nullify. Vril generated imprints define rigid related cohesions in natural settings. Vril Sdence vril eidetic world juncUons and their terminals. Vril commUDicaUon is direct. Vril communications are holistic. Vril activated minerals and metals are eidetic. All technological componentry is primaryVril acUve. Humansensory discernmentidentiftes Vril eidetic resonances. Vril world eidetic transactions are consdous resonances. Vril worlds are pure experiential worlds. Vril worlds exist in consdous hierarchy. Vril threads give connectivity with Vril worlds. SpecUlc Vril world-orders exist in greater Vril consdous states. Space is Vril dendritic projecUon. Vril space sensory systems access all organismic terminals. Vril material contact impacts inertial space. Inertial resistandes impede organismic systems. Vril contacts stimulate inertial resistance. Specific material Vril contacts are inerUally densifying. Specific material configurations occlude eideticVril world transactions. Speciftc material conflgurations intensify Vril eidetic world transactions. Vril schematics are hieroglyphic in Vril terminals. Human neurology extends consdousness via Vril thread conductions in space. Vril schematics define mysterious Vrillanguage and deep-consdous relations. SpecificVril eideticworlds generate and sustain autonomic biological funcUons (via iron, carbon, copper). Vril eidetic world contact is true experience. Vril is the universal fundamental. Vril is the universal generative and projective agency. Vril is the fundamental communications channel Eidetic imagery and experience is the universal foundation. Vril eidetic worlds independently exist. Inertial pressures lead observers along endless primitive-sensory paths. Inertial sensory paths give no eidetic experience. Inertial patterns emerge as detritus in Vril activities. Vril threads conv:erge on organisms. Organisms becomeVrilthread foci. Vril material contact deBnes Vril eidetic experience. Strong Vril discharges emerge from ground. Vril awareness becomes Vril Science. Organisms locate sensate Vril threadways. Organisms respond to insensate Vril. Inertial pressures lead observers along endless primitive-sensory paths. Inertial sensory paths give no eidetic experience. Inertial patt:erM emerge as detritus in Vril activities. Vril threads converge on organisms. Organ- isms become Vril thread foci. Vril material contact defines Vril eidetic experience. ·Strong Vril discharges emerge from ground. Vril awareness becomesVrilSdence. Orgamsms locatesensateVrilthreadways. Organisms respond to insensate Vril. Metaphysical eidetic contents are Vril generated. The Vril World is the metaphysical world ofeidetic contents. Vril eidetic contents cannot be recorded with detection devices. Meta- physical eidetic contents are Vril generated and Vril experienced. Sentient beings experience eidetic content. Eidetic content is not inertially registered. There is no coiTeSpondence between eidetic content and inertia. Eidetic content disrupts, dissolves, and scatters inertia. Eidetic contents are not objectiftable. Pure Vril sensual transaction rectiftes human sodety. Systemologies must not apply extra energies to their componentry. No extra energies are needed. Eidetic transactions require only touch contact for engaging their sublime experience. Systems must come back to this point and develop from that true foundation. Vril sensation is extant in natural surroundings. Vril sensationremains unrecoguized and insensate. Eidetic transactions within the natural setting are continuous. Black glowing space is V ril. Black glowing space is Vril permeated. Space is the black eidetic node ofVril itsel£ Space requires Vril material conductive paths to become sensate. Vrilsensation is true experience. Vril consciousness is true consciousness. Black space is the fundamental Vril eidetic node. Black space is a multiplicity of Vril eidetic worlds. V ril generates the manifestations of eidetic nodes. Vril is pure consciousness. V ril is pure experience. Vril is revelation, -eidetic content, and vision. Vrilgives distant rapport and exotic experiences of unknown Vril Eidetics. Vril gives comprehen~ sion and understanding. Vril alters recipients to enter greater V ril Eidetics. Vril Eidetics reveal conscious stages and levels which ' transect inertial space. Human experience and consciousness tunnels through Vril Eidetics. Human consciousness cannot tunnel through inertial space. Vril transactive devices enable human consciousness to rise through successive stages of awareness. Ferruginous and carbonaceous substances concentrate and collimate the pure eidetic ofVril threads in an organismically "soft" manner. Vril connectivity extends sensation. The Vril extension of the human organism is vast. Vril extension experiences remove the conscious focus of the body. Vril consciousness is transactive fusion with the universe. Vril connectivity produces auditory nerve inductions. Distantpersons canbe placed in complete eidetic with one anotherthroughVril tuners. Vrilthreads are the centralfeatures of the galvanic currents. V ril threads bridge space gaps with extensivewhiteraymauifestations. Vril threads connectgroundworks with extensive Vril and eidetic manifestations. Galvani studied metallic atmospheres and white "daylight discharges". These eidetic discharges were not measurable with sensitive electroscopes. Researchers and discoverers began the use of aerial cathodes and anodes. SpedJlc metals were used in the earliest wireless experiments. It was also discovered that spedJlc traDsactive forms of metallic masses were required to yield the strongest connective effects. These transactive forms, masses, and positional arrangements of spedJlc metals connected distant communicants with varieties of eidetic sensations. Vril threads projected between these forms. Early researchers were not able to persist in developing the pure Vrillic sensual mamfestations. These researchers &actioned the Vril into subordinate inerUal forms and demonstrated the effective use of these less excellent energies. SpedJlc Vril materials have human-matched conductivity of chiefimportance. Carbon and Iron are the humanly central human matched conductivities. There are groups of humanmatched conductive materials. Through the Vril transactive chart we determine the true elements in their number and variations. Vril conductivity with the human organism defines technology. We utilize the materials which are central to Vril conductivity in the human organism when measuring and establishmg parameters of measurement. Vril conductivities are determined through physical contact with Vril transactive matter. Vril conductivities reveal the degree of inerUal agglutination in space. Vril transactive devices reveal the ease with which Vril dissolves and transects inertial space. Between these Vril Eidetics is found the inertial space. InerUal space blocks consdousness. Our chief aim is to dissolve these deadening inclusions. The Vril supply is determined through specificVril points in our environment. Vril is consdousness. The en~nment is experiential because of this energetic Vril supply. Vril Vision enables the observer to recognize the generators and modulators ofregional consciousness through direct contact. Increased consciousness marks the materials and places of greatest Vril activity. Vril vision grants its recipients ability in designing Vril active components and systems. Comprehending these truths is essential toward appreciating the purpose of the Vril Compendium. Vril is consciousness. Vril projects consdous levels to us through its dendritic distributions. Vril filaments generate and project the fundamental eidetic node of consciousness. This glowing eidetic node is what we call eidetic space. Vril expresses intentions throughout its fundamental eidetic transactions. The generation of original and unexpected qualities from the Vril World emerge through Vril dendritic filaments. Inertial space is an alien and unnatural presence amid the experiential worlds. Inertial is recoguized as alien and unnatural because it resists every creative effort ofVril. Inertial space resists each creative expression. Inertial space distorts Vril intent. Inertia is a deadened space. Inertia is not a nothingness. Inertia is an imposiUon. The origin of deadly inertia is surrounded by religious legend. Vril Vision locates sites where inertial densities are sensibly strong. Inertia removes sense and CODSdousness. Locauons and situatioDs in which sense and CODSdousness perceptibly diminish are inertial zones. Vril impacts inertia and is distorted. Vril impacts a.gaiDst the inertial space results in the formation of detrital products. Vril Technology is at war with inertial space and its effects. HumaDity is the victim of inertial space enaoacbments. Vril traDsects its own eideUc glowingeideUc transactions. Vril traDsects the vay materials it generates. Vril transects matter. SpedflcVril eideticspaceVrilEidetics are experienced through the use of special tuDiDg art:l8ce. All materials will reveal these fundamental Vril Eidetlcs through subjecUvely and physiological contacts (visceral fricticml). Different materials reveal harmonic rays and mflecUoos which proceed from their masses when connected with Vril threadways. It is by these that elements and materials may be c:WferenUated. Securing solid ground contact require successioos of material contact. true ground is Vril not material. Grounded objects merge with ground Vril tufts. Proximity to material lodes secures Vril tuft-mergings. Eidetic transactioos are Vril world resonances. Vril eideUc world transactioDI transmute the apparent world. Vril eidetic world transa.dioDs interblend. Interblending vril eidetic worlds generate and sustain the apparent world. The apparent world is a multi~ensional Vril exchange network. Vril eideUc world transactioos have mechano-inertial entourage. Vril worlds exert cavitaUng pressures on inertial space. Vrilworlds are pureworlds. Vril threadraysheaths cause and modify weather patterns. Organisms perceive vril thread raysheaths. Vril thread raysheaths appear as semi-sensate visceral occlusion in otherwise clear space. Vril thread raysheaths dissolve inertial p• terns, moderate weather, mark discharge points among mutual junctures ofground and space, are ordained, generate geological strata, metal and mineral lodes. Organismic auric striatious are powerfully endrawn into Vril thread fod conducted and projected by speciftc configurations. Specific material contacts intensify eidetic transacUons. 7 Knowledge comes through specific Vril material contacts. The naUve content and transactive potential of specific elements , provides humanity with new memory storing technologies. Spontaneous eidetic recepUons are noted throughout regions among inhabitants duringspecific times and seasons in absence ofhumanly ammged systems. SympatheUc telegraphy relied upon Vril empowerment. Archane context and the knowledge of correspondency are lost when eideUc experiential reality is forgotten. Alchymy relies upon eideUc content and experienUal potentials. Such distal ground plates connect operators with Vril junctures in absence of experienUal transacUon through intervening spaces. Instantaneous juncture placements are notable with bilocational experience. Distal sites are possessed of natural sensory apparatus: an additional mystery explained through V ril Sdence. Suchnatural respouse and naUve experienUal importation is explained by noUng fundamental axioms of Vril Sdence. Organismic modulaUon of naUve Vril provides organismic expression and exchange among juncture points. Vril operators manage the spontaneous entunement ofspedflcjunctures, obtaining experienUal knowledge of distal events and circumstances. Each telegraphic and telephonic component modiiled, inflected, permuted, and transmitted eideUc power to recipient ground locales and human operators. Grounded systems became transformed into primary Vril systemologtes. Fundamental eideUc acUvities do not require the complex tecbnologtcal arrangements which are evident in contemporuypowersystems. EideUc experience teaches us about native phenomena which are constantly and permeatmgly active and evel'-present throughout our world. The knowledge of these naUve eidetic phenomena provides us with magtckal opportunity toward ourquest. Reliance on these acUvitles eradicates the need for using any other energy or complex systemology. Vril technology is comprised ofstaUc, material conftguraUons which are properly aligned with regard to Vril channels. Vril designs maintain the integrity of districts. The placement of rods, lmes, and ground plates alters the eidetic nutrition of districts. Telegraphy demonstrated the selecUve shearing of code and meaning on several occasions among startled operators. One could monitor signals with great exchange clarity while comprehending nothing of the message. One also could comprehend enUre meanings without hearing more than one or two code-exchanged words. What are the minimum cues for dedphering signals? Vril supplies the missing meaningwhen codes are employed. Early telegraphs were extensions of the dowsing arts. Despite these good beginnings, later developments reveal the inerUal tendency. Penduli and ponder-motive impu1sers gave mere physical impu1se for coded transfer of signal. Ancient Vril systems conducted the enlivening energy ofeideUcworld experiences. Vril transactions can move penduli, vanes, and motors {Bain, Stubblefield, Hendershot). The history of influence telegraphy is significantly linked with dowsing and dialettes. This clear indication of Vril transactivity is read throughout these chronicles. Pendulum telegraphy worked not by electrical means. PosiUonal correspondence is electrically impossible. Penduli were also used in early telegraphic "influence" systems {Bain, Dyar). These systems proved an increasingly inertializingtendency to limitparUdpantexperience. Watching penduli separates the operator from the eideUc content which potentially releases whole new worlds to us. Watching penduli, listening to clicks and voices, observing darkened chemical paper strips does not connect us with the deepest V ril foundations: those for which the heart desires. Pendulo-telegraphic systems were impossible machines (Dyar). Seeking eide~potent ground sites relied upon old telegraph lmemen who were familiar with dowsing arts. Vril was interconnected in a haphazard manner across great distances. Vril energies were ut:ilJzed with success in several inventive m.tances throughout the 17th and 18th Century. These devices employed Vril correspondence to achieve remarkable distant communications. In these designs we find the appliances of dowsing and geomantic arts appearing in novel use. Pendulum telegraphs were designed and successfully operated throughout this time period until the middle 19th Century. Numerous such devices were displayed, demonstrated, and carefully observed. Equally numerous testimoDies a1Brm their true operation. Such designs cannot operate through e1ectrtcal means. Hoops are equipotential gradients. Movement of charge within such a conductmg hoop caunot result in distant equivalendy directed motion. Othersimilar hoop-line designs utilized swingingvanes for the indicationofletten. Pendulumand vane telegraphs represent the emerging Vril technology glimpsed through the historical persistence of rabdomancy and pendulomancy. Academic repuguance for vitalism was based on dt1ferences of sensitivity among researchers. Only sensitives could discern the causative agencies which generated and supported inerUal manifestations. Academidans focussed upon the study and collaUon of inerUal effects. Independent vitalists maintained the ancient awareness offormative forces and insensate causes in nature. Vril technology was gradually developed by these personages. Vril eidetic communicationsystems began to emerge from the forgotten depths of time. Severalpatents for pendulum telegraphs have beenfound These devices originally utilized little more than grounded copper hoops into which pith-ball penduli were suspended. Many of these designs never employed electrical energy. Hoops were inscribed with letters for sfgna11ing purposes. Conductive hoops were designed as opened or closed conductors. Distant signa11tng hoops were connected through single conductive wires. Moving one such pendulum toward one letter position caused an equivalent swing in the receiving hoop. Messages were successfully transmitted in this fashion. Articulated messages were thus communicated in the absence of articulated JJnes. VRll.. LINKAGE Certain effects are especially noteworthy along the railway . tracks. I mention them because I have found that these sections . of track are very prone to similar ground ':resonances and communicative effects. They are especially capable of altering ' one's consciousness and attentions considerably. While looking along the rails (at specific sections of track) I suddenly experienced a shimmering and wavering of the irons. I first thought these effects due to optical effects and heating phenomena. With successive such experiences I realized that these waverlngs of the parallel rails were not consistendy activated unless certain resonances were taking place through the land Were they the simple effects of heat they would constandy shimmer and waver...which they do not. One sees the waverings only when ground energy surges for a brief moment. The "swimmy...dreamy" appearance actually has the power to translate one into an elevated consciousness, inwhich one loses physical sense ofthe body and loc:ale. Soon the entire region momentarily loses its "fnerUal hold" while a bright and grainy synaesthesic sense powerful takes hold With inaeasiDg experience one discovers thatthese effects are eidetically active ones which are capable of Jmpressing one with bilocational vision. Sudden flashes of dJstant and relattonally connected locales becomes the common receipt of sensitives. I do not doubt that telegraphers were subject to these receptions•••espedally since they were so well connected with the ground energy (through the lines) and so well aligned (along the wotvre-paths of the railroads). AnothereffectI havestudied closely deals with thesudden "shooting" appearance ol attention-getting surges which fly alongthe tmcks••.fromone horizon to the other (tnsuddenshort time intervals) and back again. When this visceral activity occws I know that the train Js about to come around the bend. Onesees these remarkable "shooting'' displays withinaeasiDg regularity and rapidity until.•.the train visibly appears. These attention-getting visceral surges match the visual surges and dJscharges by which the eye (the attention) is constrained to follow their path along buildings. One can experience these eye-dragging energies when watching the tops of houses just before lightning storms. Though everpresent and ever-active in their (breathing) charge-discharge cycles we may see them espedally during such drastic groundresonant times. The telegraph JJne is no different in any of these aspects. The lines were made to follow the rails. Theywere thus not only grounded by large metal plates in several locales (along these woivre-paths) but also were guided along the Vril channel alignments. They therefore never lost total touch with these energies, forming {as it were) a rayguide system of supernal activity. How it Js that operators did not extensively mention· and report the strange phenomena (whose appearance traveiSed the JJnes constantly) is an effect ofthe insensitive human condition alone. We are conditioned and trained to place our attentions upon the inerUal aspects (effects) ofour world, while remaining essenttally insensitive and unattentive to the constant transpiration of fundamental impressions of meaning and message. Persistent Vril display sites mark permanent Vril connections among insensate transactive space.The spontaneous generation of charge has been used as free-energy by several persons. Eidetic reactivity produces electro-detritus in metal reservoirs. These inertial charges may be drained to perform fnerUal work. Large reservoirs are required to achieve adequate charge populations. Tesla used sections of the earth as a reservoir ofspontaneous developed excess charge. His devices pumped the ground reservoir to provide huge excesses offree- energy. Organic substances conduct special eidetic transactions. Eidetic transactions differentiate when passing through spedal materials and across boundaries. All materials surge in corresponding Vril surge transactions. Researchers of the 19th Century concentrated on the local responses of Vril rays and eidetic transactions to the local actions of mechanical and electrical devices. Discoveries along these parameters revealed an amazingvariety ofreaction coaelatioDS amongVril energies andinertialmachines Keely, Tesla, G.S~White,Hieronymus, Lahovsky and other notables dealt with these correlations. Certain Vril eidetic images experience transit from point material contactsite alongspecificVril paths. Vril eidetic image experience may take partid.pants along meandering Vril threadways, into and through Vril channels. These open the partidpant's experienttalgazeuponoiDDi-cousdous panoramae of specific symmetry range and extent Btlocatlous are instantaneous experiential placemems in unfamiliar swroundings. Future Vril technology must be sensitlvely surrendered to the ordained pre-existent Vril causeways, channels, and junctures. Imposed andimpropertraus-connec:tloDsmustbeavoided should powerful pure Vrll engagement be our desired quest. Telegraphic systems span.ned regtous with elevated iron wires. Cross-regional telegraphic networks issued the modem re-emergence ofVril Technology. Major CuDdamental features ofthe old telegraphicsystems do notBnd adequate explauation in the sdence ofelectrodynamics. Possessors ofthe VrilScience envision the true cause of these inadequacies. Telegraphic cables could not be emplaced within the ground directly. Dr.Samuel Morse c:Uscovered inordinate degrees of spontaneously developed charge accumulaUous in buried wires. Vril transactions generate these detrital products.Vril was interconnected in a haphazard manner across great c:Ustances. These longline inten:ounecUons were not always guided by Vril Vril ground points are c:Ustributed unevenly across the land. Eidetic interconnecUous can be traced from point to point. Human engineers aeated artUldal Vrilinterconnectious which damaged theintended overground VrilSystem. Woodlands and countrysides were converted into interlinked patchboards. Later employment of devices for location ofneutral grounds removed the Vril activity from most lines. Those systems which maintained the old positious were continuously operated in absence of electrical power. Vril provided all the energy for signaJJtng Regional effects are noted throughout locales. Vril self-inflects in speciftc material assemblages. Wire lines and cables are optical transactors. Plate-grounded aerial cable systems provide enonnous accumulations of eidetic revelations and communal experiences: the primary source of dvilization. Eidetic projections are experientially soft and glowingly vivid They are naturally found radiating through notable trees and bouldeiS. They are sites of exceptional noumenous power and presence. Sensitives have located these saaed spots throughout the natural environment. Vril generates the materials through which it conducts. Trees give the name "dendritic". Vril generates trees. Vril generates crystalline rock. Vril generated pegamatites and striated rock matter evidence Vril dendritic process. Each eidetic manifestation emerges in various manifestations and with varieties ofattribute through the depths ofspace and of ground Eidetic projection sites were located by telegraph linesmen. Eidetic projection points were used as ground plate sites for telegraphic stations. Telegraphy effectively ac- cessed eidetic projectionsites. Telegraph linesmen and surveyors managed the inter-connection of such eidetic projection sites across the ground of bordering regioDs. Interconnected eidetic points became sites where Vril threadways were formed. Telegraphic lines brought Vril into strong conductive presence at the inhabited ground surface. Telegraphic lines conveyed Vril across elevated lines through woods, viDages, and towns. Evidence that Vril is the generatively superior force is found in every aeated object. Vril easily overcomes the inertial resistance of space. Vril Science provides the awareness that inertia may easily be thwarted and removed from our world lnertiality covers and disintegrates ourworld. VrllTechnology provides the meaus for achieving traJJs.regtonal heightened cousdousness. Vril active items are energizing and vitalizing The appliance and artUlce of Vril Technology is living and vivifying because of Vril eidetic transactions. Linear tracb of cable acquire charge: yet charge is disseminated into grounds. Therefore charge is the detrital residue ofa more fundamental energetic traDsaction. That energy is Vril Vrilself-articulates. Vril technologyrequires humanagency in constructingand conBguriDg artUlce. Vrilself.articulates, self. orgamzes, self.arranges, and self..maintaiDS the operatious ofits o~ technology oncehuman agency has provided the material pathways. Human operators serve the iDtlecUous and intentious ofVril in maintaining the spedilc material components required by the system. VriliR.ON paths translocate sensieut experience. IRON railways, telegraph and telephone lines are Vril experiential glideways. Experience of multi-locatlous occurs at the tenniDi of such systems. Tr.WHtatious give sudden and sharp experiences of regious which their railways transect. Stations where tranception oftelegraph or telephone are the eidetic exchange sites where powerful multi-locational effects are experienced The most primary Vril form is the dendritic. Vril thread orientations depend upon local Vril ioflectious. Vril thread orientations are not strict. Vril fractures are not in quadratures. Vril fractures do not coiTeSpond with inertial polarizations. Vril manifestation defines experience. Vril distributions draw experience along selt:deflned pathways. Vril is a spark-like dendritic presence which generates and sustains whole realities. Vril dendritic connectious appear to be linear in physical distribution. Vril dendritic connections reveals complete experientialholisms. Vril axial passage explains exceptional experiential "fade-out" and "luddity" in spec::iftc locales. Memorable places are spedal Vril threadways. Vril interconnects all sentient beings. vril is the eidetic contentwhich floods and generates the universe ofexperience. Peering into Vril channels releases ideations, visions, revelations, and biloc:ational transports. Emanates a speciflc eidetic node when especially Vril activated. Ray proportionality permits the ability of arranging Vrillic reactions. The noumenous and eidetic suggestive quality of iron railway terminals provided the ftrst realization of eidetic transaction and its importance among sodeties. Telegraphy p~ vided the next connective eidetic exchange system. Human nature requires Vril eidetic traDsact:fon as the vivifier and integrator of sentient existence. The noumenous appearance of grounded telegraphic transceiving blocks, stations, termmals, exchange-sites, ground plates, poles, lines, and relays reveals the mysterious consdousprovoldngpresence ofpoweriWJ.yooncentratedVrilthreadways. Theimportationoftraus-Atlantictelegraphiccables brought with it a powerful noumenous presence in absence of actual coded transfer. This imported noumenous presence waa entirely due to the Vrillic counectivity achieved between England and North American transfer sites. Wbile manysuch arti8dal connections had continuously beenestabJJshed throughoutthis timeperiod, many humanly-imposed transfers Interrupted natural Vril eidetic transactions among the continents. The denmged viscero-eideUc conditions which certain such cable counecttons actually brought into existence told their tale upon certain districts. Indian tribes members intuitively viewed the telegraph system as an encumbrance to natural energetic transactions in spedftc locales. These were places where the arrogance of enteiprise took no regard for proper placement of the poles and aligmnents of the iron line. Sensitive tribe members experienced dUBculty in receiving visions and dreams. The "singing line" referred to some- thing more than the hum which radiated along their miles of length. Indians knew how to hearthe ground directly. Emplace- ment of knife blades into the ground revealed viscera-eidetic sounds. It waa the humanly applied organismic Vril transaction which proved to be of immense human value in the t:nmsAtlanUc cables. Antonio Meucd had already received the vision of trans-oceanic wireless communications. ffis experiments demonstrated this system to be feasible on a grand scale. Mahlon Loomis had demonstrated the feasibility of wireless telegraphy without electrical power in 1862. The many foibles ofenterprise and humanself-willwould be gently eradicated by the magick sweep of wireless arts thereafter. The post and line would be no more. The advent of telegraphy gave the wonderful consdousness of distant locales. lJve socially ommunal events were suddenly made possible and heralded with great antidpations 7 and well-wishes. The completion of the Trans-Atlantic cable was an event surrounded and suffused by great love and warmth of human emotion. These systems provoked soda! consdousness and raised sodal consdousness by virtue of eidetic transactions. Minds on either sides of the Atlantic were suddenly effortlessly able to "glide across" to the "lands of the others". V ril designs maintains the organismic unity in regions and districts where inertial concentrations have persisted. T elegraphic lines interact with Vriljuncture counections. Improper artifidal counections are dangerous to districts and inhabitants. Vril modulations are eidetic modulations, not power exchanges. Telegraphic systems are optically transactive systems (Hieronymus). The deepest potential content of eloptic energies is viscera-eidetic. Telegraphic lines interact with V~ juncture connections. Improper artifidal CODDedions are dangerous to districts and inhabitants. Vril modulations are eidetic modulaUons, not power exchanges. Telegraphic systems are opUcally transadive systems (Hieronymus). Neighborhoods disintegrate whenVril active technologies are forgotten and dismantled. Cathedrals rarely lose their metropolitan position. Local disintegration is marked when original houses ofworship are bumed, destroyed, dismantled, and converted into dwelllngs. Vril surface integrity is lostwhen spedflc wrought-iron fencework and old rock walls are destroyed and replaced. The neglect and covering oftraditionally old parksites contributes to confusion and depression among once-thriving neighborhoods. Telegraphy waa a dangerous profession. Telegraphic hackem flooded train stations and cities in search of work. Telegraphers sought to the main dUes and lives in hostels and boarding houses awaiting employment. Their quiet profession bore all the secretiveness ofthe medieval guilds. Women were also hired as telegraphers. Telegraphers sought safe lightning-proof ~tances from their stations during storms. Lightning shots rang through exchange terminals from receiving blocks even during windy chy seasons. Inertial detritus built up in these lines when Vril surges spontaneously discharged from the lines to space. The empirical design and efiicadous use of spedflc components was developed throughout telegraphic history. Such components proved effective because oftheir fundamental Vril conductivity. Systems are Vril conductive long before detrital spedes are artiftcially applied to them. Entuning these eidetic points best enables the transaction of eidetic content among communicants. Discoveries were made concerningstrength ofsignal and ground potential. The use ofcarbon rheostats enabled specific eidetic entunement of grounds and districts. Grounds and stations placed at these surface points best transmit eidetic eidetic contents to operators. It is possible to discern which groundpoints require interconnections. Such sensitivity was available to old telegraph linesmen. These individuals were familiar with the woods and forest and were equally well-acquainted with the dowsing arts. Vril active points require specific conductive linkages. Interground counections were haphazardly provided through the development of telegraphic lines. We must study these patents and articles in order to find the patterns where electrical componentry behaves as a firstlevel Vril technology. As soon as telegraphic installations were integrated with the ground we find that all sorts of anomalies began to make their appearance. This ground-integration permitted certain unsuspected potentials to interact with human consdousness in an unprecedented manner. It was found (for example) that human attentions could be directed along certain ground lines during the night. While this phenomenon was not thoroughly recognized in its fullest sense, these eidetic translations were far from complete with telegraphy alone. ~e discoveries ofAntonio Meucd were to pave the way for another step toward the Vril paradigms. Telegraphers speak of IDstances where Vril charging actually prevails over sjgnaJs in certain pieces of land ("good earth, bad earth') in connecUon with later telegraph systems. The prevailing noUous were that compleUous ofunderground currents would be made beneath the overhead lines, in opposing directious. The eideUc vision which ruled the minds of inventon portrayed the earth as a true "return circuit". The patentby Collins mthe earliestdisclosure I havefound which demoustrates the sudden emergence ofsingle wire lines. The technical term for these embodiments were "conducUon line" telegraphic systems. The notton mastounding as it is sudden. The truly remarkable tbmg about this method mits use of ground terminals. Think of the reasons for utiJfzlng large ground-plates, and consider the existing paradigm of that day. How did Collins ever conceive of this sort of. ammgement? There certaiDly was absolutely DO precedentfor its appearance from a developmental stance. We may exclude then the evoluUonary mode of invenUon here. Collins received this thought directly through revelaUon. We have no doubt but that in this disclosure we are in possession of the origins of the ground-plate paradigm. ~ tainly the people of that day who could vaguely remember electrosta.Ucs proceedings in Europe would have pointed outto Mr.ColliDs that: even ifhis battery charge were strong enough, it would be lost••dissipated iDstantly into the earth. Energy of this sort and in this ammgement could never be imagined as pradically .workable. It is diflicult to explain the eJfecUveness ofgrounded ends in telegraph lines. They could not be considered as good conducton, neither as good capadton at the tUne when Collins disclosed the eJiect. What thenis happening here? Whatwe are realizing is that an empirical revelation had occurred to this inventor, one based onnothingprevious. The closestimage we have to the use of grounded wires were the experiments of Franklin, D'.Alibard, Richman, Loomis, Popov and the like, where grounded aerials were used from which to draw "skyfire". Such conduction of "sky-fire" may have taken place between two very close terminals as shown. We are sure this is not the reasoning which prompted Collins at all. His system is very signiftcant because it is the first genuine instance where someone made use ofground-energy in such a direct manner. The designs of Farmer, for telegraphic under' ground conduits, reveals a strongly suspicious wonder. Notice the strange descriptions of lines and plates, which seem to stretch across distances and thenend in the ground. The dotted lines represent the electrical underground "routes" which interconnect the otherwise intermittent conduits. MAGNETO-ELECfRIC TELEGRAPHY Early invesUgatom mistakenly assumed that the operaUon ofelectrical machines were direct causes ofvitalistic effects. The original investigatom claimed no strict equivalences. These Victorian researchem merely noted that one action seemed to summon and modulate another. The development of ever efficient devices utilized both mechanical prowess and subjective sensitivities ... balanced talents which are lost today. These activities may be perfectly understood through the basic principles ofVril Science. The operation of any technological system or componentry occurs in a Vril saturated enviromnent Vril m responsive to every action of intent. Working one device will bring an accompanyiDgvril response: though neither are directly coupled. The eJfecUve juncture of observatious-inertial with observations-subjecUve occurs in these experiments. Confusion in thinkers occurs when attempting the balance between eD"Oneous cognitive models and Vril intuitive urges. There mDO need for cyclic interruption in Vril tnmsactoiS. Vril transacton utilJze dift"erentiaticms through which Vril is per- muted along variable conductive paths. The dramatic pose of DrJoseph Hemy reveals the in- tensely personal and meditative nature of an academe who lived in true humiJity. Dr. Hemy had d1scovered the eJfect of magneto-electric self-induction in 1829. He discovered the inertial actions of moving magnets upon coi1s of wire, and had developed the firstsimple magneto-electric transformers before 1831. He did notcomprehend thathis discoveries dealtwith the inertial products which Vril functions aeate. Electrically impressed sjgnaJs are not necessary in telegraphy when properly managed. Dr.Hemy's telegraph utilized a bell as the sounding mecbanisJn and was made to operate over nearly a mile of doublcHine a.aoss the Princeton University campus. Hemy declared it possible to extend the lines indeftnitely: through the use of relays also developed by himsel£ Joseph Hemy preceded Samuel Mone by nearly 6 yeam in these demonstraUons ofmagneto-electric telegraphy. Professor Hemy would astound laterresearchers who realized him to be the true discoverer of "electrical rays". In 1842 Hemy discovered that electrical sparks could actually magnetize and misalign the tiny needles ofastatic galvanometers two full.O.oom below the inductor. some 35 years before Hertz in Germany! Had he grounded his terminals and used an insulated capaci- tance his device would have drawn Vril power. Telegraphic systems became progressively more inertial through reliance on code and a.rtiftdal applications of inertial impulse. Meanings and eidetic experiences cannotbe codifted. Code is not meaning. Vril meaning bridges the deadness of acoustic code. The empirical design and etlicadous use of speciftc components was developed throughout telegraphic history. Such components proved effective because oftheir fundamental Vril conductivity. Systems progress through sequences of development which begin as revelations and intuitions. They proliferate as nature-conformable systems when applied and materialized in their early systemologic stages. Systems become established and assertive as engineem and corporate involvement assumes leademhip responsibility. The arrogance of nature-defying projects inertializes and subverts the intentions of original revelations. Curious in the development ofsystemologies is the unex- pected and unprecedented developments which undermine and undo the hubris ofinertially reliant organizations. Telegra- phy was developed through intuiUve revelation. Telegraphy and telegraphic componentry were perfected through empirical discoveries. Sequential revelaUons gave knowledge ofVril activity. Severalsteps ofdevelopment produced componentry, discoveries, and new progress in communications arts. The systemological development of magneto-electric telegraphy may be charted in several stages: 1} 2-line telegraphy 2} 1-line telegraphy a} virtual return ground CWTent b) special chemic-action via plates c) power from ground plates via entunements d) ground rays and ground plates 3} transmission-line telegraphy. Thomas Edison maintajned his remarkable intuitive sense throughout his early days. In his telegraphic patents we see Edison at his best creative output. Uncomplicated and happy early days••.the Edison telegraphy patents are always clearly stated: straightforward and operable. Edison's addiUon of the rheostat to telegraphywas nothingless than revolutionary! This in no way detmcts from their elegant beauty and novelty of design. Edison's proliflcandunex:pectedlyetfective use ofrheostats in balancing telegraphy circuits oifen us another insight into tellurgo-radionic process and design. These devices were UJJJDistakably crude radionic (carbon} tunen. Mr.Edison was "balancing'' his telegraphic circuits with respect to the Vril eidetic potentials of earth. Only then would they eifecUvely operate. Taken as a purely electrical feature of the system, these became commonly used everywhere. Each operator and system manager gradually realized the superiority of this method of "tuning the lines". Furthermore.••the tunings (the rates} needed to be corrected regularly. these corrections were required by an unknown (and unqu~Uoned} requirement of the ground space itsel£ The later employment of these tunen everywhere made the rheostatic tuner a common feature of every telegraphic system. Numerous inventors had dispensed with groundplates and simply employed large capacitor banks also similarly "entuned" to the impulses utilized in theirsystems. What drove · the continual use of groundplates? Indeed, the underground manifestations ofVril transactions are easily discerned during , certainstorm seasons, during cold winter nights, and especially near the operation of wireless devices. Through the systemologies ofearly and middle telegraphy we find that Vril was evidently and overwhelmingly active. The telegraph lines themselves displayed features which could not possibly have been caused through acousto-mechanical or chemo-electric energies. It was only ignorance concerning the vast ever-present potentials of the telluric system which brought humanity into the epoch of"extra energy applications" when attemptinglongrange communications. It was inconceivable (through this reference frame} that an ''unpowered" grounded appliance might actually represent far greater power than any "application of extra energy". The further development of complex tuning circuits enhanced the operation of telegraph signals could be properly "tuned and clari1led". Evamination of these designs and their componentry reveals a singularly potent eidetic transaction in each. The early record ofradionic tuning is a stupendous find. The possibility for extracting Vril power directly from earth is here found in schematic form. One must correctly view each patent throughVril senstuve eyes. It is only then to uncover the vast secrets which herein lie dormant and potential. The need to remove all resistance from the line would seem to be the most eifecUve means for tranSmwmg and receiviDgthemostunimpeded (and thereforepowerful} ele~ telegraphic sigDals. Yet we find that each geological locale requttes vastly diiferent such attunement, a tunable carbon resistor being the device which satisfies the condition. Others would also experiment with variable-resistance coils: the remarkable parallels to radionic tuningprinciples is UDDJistakably evident. Confusion among destgnen occurs when attempting the balance between erroneous cognitive models and Vril intuitive urges. Such paradigm-confusion is evident throughout the development of aerial and earth battely systems which preceded and accompanied the faltering steps of telegraphy. Vrilintuittve revelatkms revealed opportunities for restructuring the archane Vril Grand System of eideUc communications. Gradual enaoachment of human misguidances distorted the ori8fnal vision and guidances which focussed awareness on the possibility of distal communicaUons. Natural eideUc phenomena permitted the effortless exchange of eidetic experiences amongcommunicantswith defined and exquisite human artifice. The human tendency toward aeating, designing, and proliferaungself-assertivesystemologytantalized Samuel Morse. His originally received intuition came through a spark display. Watching the marb which sparks made on paper suggested a means for communicaUons based on code. Had Dr.Morse recognized that revelatory vision itselfis the true foundation of all communications he would have sought to deeper and far more ancient technologies. Early telegraphic sounders were often placed in iron boxes. This act "increased the pitch" which certain telegraph operators enjoyed. Material configurations are especially Vril transacted when possessed ofa harmonic "ring" (M.Theroux). Mass manufactured telegraph receivingblocks weresUITounded with organic hoods which intensified participations in modulated Vril eideUc transactions. Wooden cabinets are special inertial dissolvers when properly designed and aligned. Telegraphic blocks were especially potent transactors when aligned with local Vril channel axes. Telegraphic keys organismically Vril connect with Vril channel axes. Vril channel axes fix eidetic experience through specific minerals and metals. Telegraphic coil-blocks powerfullyVril connect organisms with deepest subterranean causeways. In several patents we see the presence of anomalous battery co~ections and impulse effects (Bain, Edison, Delaney}. Vril transacUons were eidetic tuned through the use of carbon rheostats. Rheostats were used to entune eidetic transactions and counteracted the negative derangementpoised by improperly placed elevated telegraph lines. Each ground required sped1lc entunementwithregard to local eidetic nodes (natural). The transfer ofimpulsed code was only inddentally intensitled in this process. Telegraphic components became the radiant site of speciftc eidetic Vril t:raDsacttons. Coils, switches, rheostats, bells, batteries, and connectors all become auri-resODaDt. These altered mind and coosdoumess of regional inhabitants as well as telegraph operators. Increased and articulate Vril trcmsmissioDs came with the incepUon of telephony. Dr.Mone abandoned the burial of cables in favor ofelevated tenninaJs. EleVated telegraphic lines brought submcqed Vril threadways again to the ground surface. We have elsewheremenUoned thatvisc:ero-eidetic content (meaning) is an externally generated, sustained, distributed, suffustve, and necessary presence which permeates our lives. Along with so many organic and cognitive recepUons and transactions we require an outer supply which maintains mtegrity of the same. Speech requires some context which the spoken word alone does not contaiD. In some mysterious fashion spoken words and meaning combine to convey whole meanings and expressions. Words are only the acousto-inerUal expressions. They (of themselves) lack meaning and stgniftcance to the hearer or speaker: how often can we "parrot" foreign words? How often do we encounter the unintelligable writings of foreign languages? Meanings are thevital-contextual expressions which use words. Telepathic exchanges (and transactions) demonstrate that meanings may effectively transferred in the absence ofwords. What function or value possess signal systems which further separate signal from meaning? To understand this would be to leam what telegraphy meant. Telegraphy was a new language: a new mode for communicaUng. In the technological absence of ordinary word-communicaUons (telephony) the conversants were forced to further separate their direct transactions of meaning through an artiftdally synthesized code. There were those legendary tales of telegraph superlinguists who were able to speak fluently in code for long and , uninterrupted intervals of operating time. T.AEdison was one such individual Handicapped through deafness, his ability to communicate entirely in telegraphic code enabled him to become the marvel of his often disgruntled employers. A contest (involving telegraphic endurance and key-speed) was conducted with Edison at the key. After 4 hours of continuous exchange Edison signalled the other operator to "get on some speed". He was a young legend among the telegraphers who knew him. The ability ofany individual to "see through" the code and "enter the meaning'' is a fascinating study. Reading is just such an activity. The reader must "translate through the page" into the author's world of meanings. The reader must decode the letters and enter the meanings. the difB.culty which some children have in perfonning this task serves as another demonstration ofthe fragmentability ofsignals and meanings. Signals and meanings are representatives of different realms. Signals are inert. Meanings are alive. Ourworld is one whose confusion between the two has resulted in frightful ignorance and horrid frustraUon down through the halls of time. The future ofcommunicaUoos may have several surprises if we allow ourselves time to study these features. Discussion must (in time) prove the possibility ofeidetic language systems: where meanings are freely transacted in the absence ofwords. While sounding far-fetched there is considerable evidence that certain radionic tuners can and do enhance such exchanges, though these provide an (as yet) limited capadty. The art of learning the archetypical mode (of effortless language-transaUon) is something which takes time. The recepUon of nmic messages represented some such system. There were those individuals ofold who (throughout cultures and histories) who could decode the rustling leaves, the rippling pools, the call of birds, the sounds in thunder, and the like. No doubt these arts wtll be researched, developed, and proliferated among those who remain opened to their promise. The design of archetypical symbologies communicate fundamental and universal meanings in the absence ofwords. Why can we not design a hieroglyphic system which does not require decoding: being the fundamental and universal language of the universe. RecepUon of meanings through such fundamental forms would make us privy to the conUnuous and living utterances which the universe shares with those who know its patterns. One would KNOW the meaning of such form, while the transacted supply of meanings and message would flood the parUdpant without effort. Teslaspoke on these topics before his death. few comprehended exactly what he speaking about when he mentioned "the transmission of intelligence in forms". Comprehending the differences between signals and meanings serves us well when studyingVril. Our enUre sdence is one which marvelously declares the recepUon of whole meanings and messages, directly from the universe. In the absence of words we receive meanings. The prindpal means through which these meanings and messages are conveyed to us (through which we are integrated and connected with the universe) is through Vril threadways which transpierce our environment. Both words and the meanings combine as seemingly fused components to form a seemingly conUnuous "whole communication". CommunicaUons demonstrate an alarming capadty to pennit fragmentation. Meaning and message break down when this outer supply (external support) is in some way diminished or removed. The so-often assumed "continuities" of our eidetic experiences are (in reality) composiUons: which are fragmented in the absence of the primary generative energy. In otherwords we are totallysupplied from the external space with networks and mappings of living energy. These combine so perfectly that we always assume them to be solid, when in fact they are fragmentable. There are situaUons in which we all have experienced "loss of context" and "lack of communication". What these generaland vaguephrases intendto coveyissomesense ofloss: nus loss ofmeaning and message between CODVeiSant parties. phenomenon has never been studied in the manner which it demands. Such loss of meaniDgful integrity presupposes a context in which whole meaning can and does prevail in society. Brealdng, inhibiting, or distorting some central power will cause corresponding negative modulations in perceived meaning. How often do we intend to express a spedfic thought but actually are perceived as communicating some other context? "I didn't mean it to sound that way!" is a frequent (hopefully comic.•.usually embarrassing) situation we all know. There are reasons for context misinterpretations which exceed the explanation ofsimple word usage. "Double entendre" is frequently due to a "room condition" or "space-loading": in which recipients and speakers are pre-conditioned to misperceive. I have found that there are places•.•actuallocaUons••Jn which these conditions prevail. There are several places I have known in which confusion, chaos, and a pervading sense of misunderstanding prevaiL These conditions maintain their negative character through the years. I am forced to accept the factthatthese distortions ofcontextualintegrity prevailbecause of some basic Vril disturbance or derangement. Discovering the variables allows us to discover the unknowns ofourUDiverse. Itm through the universal comparisons that we leam the nature of (supposed) solidities and permanence. The numerous instances when integrity of meaning is actually amplified beyond one's own words is an amazing surprise. That a group consortium can be "in one accord" (with very little convincingorspeech) is a miraculous condition in our distorted world. I have also discovered that such places also maintain their wonderfully supportive character and essence over time. Such places are possessed of an amplified ability to proliferate (human) integrity ofmeaning. I am forced here also to accept the fact that these inddences (these locales) are not acddental: they are the distinct resultants of Vril powers in balance. Signal systems are (of themselves) incapable of transmittipg meaning. Those who use them cannot become that fluent in the decoding and coding aspects that :MEANING can be derived. Piecemeal signals do not make holistic :MEANINGS ~ possible. Unfortunate people who have suffered from aphasia are unable (in some measure) to code or decode verbal and written signals. In some cases the individual may understand but cannot make sentences. In other cases the situation is reversed. Coding does not in itself produce meaning. The "silent ... mystical ... supportive" agency is that which we rarely glimpse in action while talking and listening. Why have we been so insensitive as to detect this overwhelming presence ... this "meaning-integrator''? Itis precisely because the presence ofwhich we speak is so oveiWhelming ... so thoroughly permeating. Signalsystems have filled ourworld. In the writing and speaking modes of various cultures we find that coding-decoding places heavy emphasis on the need for a meaning-integrator. Divergent signal systems place heavy emphasis on the need for a meaning-integrator. This is especially true of degenerate language, where hand signs an~ gestures "fillin the unspokengaps". There are cultures inwhich very dense coding-decoding systems require the densiB.ed presence ofthe meaning-integrator (oriental writingsystems) in order that sodal contextual comprehension be supported and maintained. Pictograms and hieroglyphs represent a system which requires such heavy support. While one can easily "read" through the dynamics of some hieroglyphic tract one yet loses much of the "in between" meanings. Unable to contain the continuity of expression we find that such systems fail in the details. Because ofthese truths we find that "signalsystems" are only capable oftrausmittingdistant meanings because ofalocal response to some portion of trausmitted signal: Vril, whose appearance comes to support and proliferate undezstanding. In order to comprehend the Vril fundiontng of the telegraphic systems we must comprehend something ofsignal systems and their implications. The eidetic transactions which flash through physical contacts and certain discharge components are due to Vril. Vril floods and saturates the system night and day. The saturation of telegraphic systems with Vril energies resulted from the moment they were grounded and installed. The blind insistence ofengineers (insuperimposingelectricimpulses upon the Vril power) did not prevent the Vril power from continuing to express itself. It was this feature which brought forth all the anomalous activities regularly observed, catalogued, and published. Look at the telegraphy designs as radionic circuits. Though marked by extreme simplidty and ruggedness they transduce great potential aaoss equally great distances. When we examine the duplex and multiplex circuits from this point ofview we arrive at very different perspectives than when looking from an "electric" viewpoint. Suddenly we are no longer interested in the minute details ofthe electrical exchanges and the maddening conduction paths (which defy experience and logic). We are viewing the radionic functioning of the circuitry in whole perspective. we see the sections as wholes••.as aggregates and cavities of resonance rather than as singular paths of conduction. These systems oftelegraphy (and their components) were capable resonators of the Vril power. The curious manner by which we may best examine the patents (seeing whole portions of circuitry rather than specific little activities therein} seems to indicate the nature ofthe power which forged the system. Remember most of the telegraphic developments originally emerged from dream impressions and visions. therefore it is crudal that we recognize the holistic signature of the power which forged the system. We can easily achieve this awareness by seeing (not independent little "electrical" activities: internal paths and shunts, vibrations, and reactions) but by grasping whole portions of the diagrams given. Confusion between Vril activity and electrical impressments caused early electrical engineers to imagine that empirically discovered eflidency equalled "electrical effidency". They do not. The empirically discovered means (for enlarging and enhancing telegraphic signals) had nothing to do with electrical sifFilling at all. Yet, it is difB.cult to convince most conventionalists of these truths. Why? Do not certain Vril systems operate in electrical (inertial) modes? They do. Where do the differences substantially diverge? How were the differences ever merged to begin with? Telegraphic systems worked because they served Vril prindples .•. not electrical ones. EmpiricaJlydiscovered com~ nents and their (apparent) funcUons were not thoroughly examined to discern the important differences. It was assumed that these empirical funcUous were actual indicatious that the components {coils, resistors, batteries, plates, etc.) were performing electrical work fundioDs. In fact they were not. They worked inspite ofthe electrical impreameuts. Yet what did we find historically? The engineers of that day reduced the identities ofcomponents and electricalfunctioDs together ... making comprehensive theories which were pcDsoDed with the erroa. The em>neously equated identities (component function and electrical funcUon) became automatic mental equaticms. TlUs forging of error blinded the eyes and minds of the engineers until now..•we cannot speak ofsuch matters without excessive contlict. We have yet to ask the most fundamental question concerning these intrigues. Has anyone in fact ever made the right equaUons: that Js ••• haS anyone ever equated the Vril power with the functional service of material forms? I beJieve that historical evidence proves the andents to have achieved this equaUon. We will find an amazing repeUUon (ofsymmetries and foi'JIJSy pattems and shadings, functious and abilities) when comparing the functional elements of telegraphy and wireless with the funcUonal elements of andent architecture. There you will find your greatest discoveries. there you wtll see the form of the mysterious and marvelous archetype which has blessed humanity with its presence. Piece by piece (element by element) we are privileged in our time to be again receiving these very forms. Let us not ruin our emerging opportunity. With telegraphy we find that the a1fa.trs of engineers took proceeded with virtually no consideration for the overwhelming Vril power. There was little consideration for the powerful reality through which many had been receiving bilocational impressions ofthe most powerful sort. The telegraph line could transfer "dreams and visions" from far off places. Operators frequently thought themselves to be going mad For the engineers there were only the troublesome problems which affected "the line". Even taking such into account, , the engineers were beset by local conditions and problems which seemingly corresponded with no known electrical principle. For example ... how was itthatmild battery voltages could actually effect an electrical transfer over a single wire? Without the ground connection the powerfully transaction ceased. We may infer by these several patents the mannerisms and reqUirements by which telluric energy interacts with applied electro-stimuli on grounded conductors. Unable to rely upon the purely eidetic signals (of experiential impressions and telepathic sensations) which such a system could provide its operators, we behold the progressive and historic application of electric impulse alone. Telegraphers and inventors of telegraphic appliances seemed unable to both envision and rely upon Vril alone. Yet we have several ocCUITences in which the telluric eidetic forces were indeed overwhelmingly evident. Some hoped to prove that the earth was merely an inflmte (electrical) capadtor. In this view the ground plate was simply connection with an immeuse capadtor plate. Why then were tunable resJstors needed at each terminal in certain grounds? In addition we find that the calculated wavelengths ofeach dot and dash exceeded 30,000 miles. TlUs means that (since lines were rarely more than 300 miles in sections) current was actually flowing through the line for 100 times the line length. In other words the line was conducting current.••and CUITeJlt has to be both drawn from and deposited into some reservoir. The back-flow required (by such a long conduction time period) must take place through the earth. In effect there must be a retum drcutt somewhere. VRILMAPS We will examine the varieties of components which appeared throughout the cowse oftelegraphy: later to become the primary tooJs of radionics. Rheostats, coils {inducton), capadtors, and other components will be examined with especial regard to the Vril primary function of each. Component designs sustain (art:iftcial) impressments because Vril activity waccompanied by an inertial entourage in our present space. We willleam how the former primary function oftelegra- phy and its componentry was forgotten and lost ..• while the electrical function was retained and magnified Comprehending the separate viscero-eidetic behavior ofeach component is extremely valuable knowledge. We find chokes, tunable coils, resistors, tunable (carbon) resistors, rheostats, resistance coils, chemo-electric batteries, branches, groundplates, exchangewire conduction paths and so much more. These are the elements of circuitry. They are not fundamentally electrical components. These form the parts of the Vril resonant system called ''Telegraphy". Remember that telegraphy was designed from visions and built through empirical means. What worked best was implemented. H a component worked very well it was patented. So it was that the systemology of telegraphy was developed. Empirical discovery needed no explanation. In denying the ovenvhelmingly presentVril power the designers assumed that every empirical feature was serving some vague electrical function. When these erroneous reductious became dogmatically fixed {as "electrical law") it became impossible for the researchers to disassodate one effect from the other. Thenceforth it was necessary for the empiricists to employ and rely upon the Vril vision in order to discern the activities, functions, and potentials of every (supposed electric) artiftce. The empirically derived componentry of telegraphic systems senred the Vril power. Fundamentally a telegraphic system is a Vril accumulator and transducer of immense potential These systems operated well insofar as their components and configurations served the Vril potentials primarily. Contact with the ground converts any material configuration into aVril transducer. Whether as accumulator, diffractor, focussing device, directional enhancer, clarifler, or translator ... the ground~ artifice is the prolific and proverbial rod ofpower ... a ground pole .•• a link with the Vril threadworks. When we examine the ancient origins of distant commu- nications telegraphy we ftnd that its envisioned potential was far deeper in signi:tlcance. Telegraphy was far more eidetic and magickal in operation as envisioned by those who managed penduli, auric-vanes, and dialettes. Our goal and quest Js deep and more devotional in character. We follow the lead of alchymy and the great labor: the quest after extended consdousness. Technology Js being studied which will effectively enhance world consciousness by deliberate activations ofVril channels. Enhanced reception oftelegraphicsignals and the anomaly oflong-distance signal transferwere routine oba~ons. Even before the use of"powerrelays" and "lineampliflem" we found reports of enhanced (and anomalous) energetic ground activities. The mere application of moderate voltages at the tel~ graph ground terminals was suftldent to traverse many miles of line-length, effecting powerful results at the receiving end The self-enhancing power which the ground was providing was never questioned or curiously addressed by most engineers. The special grounds of mineral and metal-bearing earths seemed to provide the bestsuch action ..• butthis was relegated to mere "resistance-free conduction paths". Never did most conventionalists bother to recogmze that spedftc combinations of metal-mineral-clay paths actually effected a loss-free transmission! The functional dynamics of an immense "earthmachine" is observed directly: one whose resonant components are the speci8c minerals and metal lodes found in situ. The estab!Jshment oftelegraphic lines across mineral-rich regions of ground was fortuitous and revelatory. The actual observation ofseeminglyseU:amplifted signals was an anomaly not easily explained or forgotten. Ground signals traversed metal veins, metal lodes, aystalline caverns, and mineral tracts. The considerable improvement in clariftcation and intensity of signals led many sensitives to recognize the generative and regenerative earth. To enter earth with a small signal and thereafter retrieve a much clarified and stronger signal infers that the ground contains some "springy" and autonomic intensifier. It is closer to the truth when we perceive this action to be the direct result ~ of generation and regeneration rather than signal-sustenance. The early telegraph lines did not operate on pure electric impulse. If they did, then powerful echoes would have been consistently ringing on their lines. We know that the length ofimpulses (manually generated) actually demanded the lines to conduct current from the batteries into the ground. On electrical terms alone we may calculate the effective pulse length of any "dot or dash" to be (inertially) in excess of90,000 miles! Therefore (when continuously operated) any section ofline was forced to wholly conduct for sizeable lengths of time. The tendency for significant reflections to result in such a condition is not possible. The more esoteric and astonishing reality becomes apparent when we consider that organic signals are espedally well received into the. ground veins. Organismically managed signals never diminish irregardless of distance and ground type. Indeed it was through organically stimulated sounds that Rossetti discovered that powerless telephony was a practical reality. Any human auric) contact is necessarily an organic signal. Mahlon Loomis effected such signals when he gripped the key of his aerial transmitter•.•and caused the reception of signals 20 miles away! When we consider that these experiments took place in 1862 we are even more astonished. In fact we will show that auric interactions with Vril clwmelry would effectively transmit ''meaning through signal" with telephony. "Good ground" was also a commodity which required a special talent. Eventually there were those inventors who answered the general need for consistent "good ground detection". Numerous devices were developed to (electricallY (inerttally) indicate such conditions. With the prevalence of these non-participant methods the loss of telllll&active ground sites aJso became an inaeasiDg feature. The anomalous instances where it was possible to operate telegraphlines withoutbatterypower began to become everthe rare item. These (once numerous) instances were actively sought by linesmen. Not needing battery houses to operate a length ofline on a system saved money! There were those for whom this exceedingly strange ground power posed an essentialmystery. Somewondrous creative powerwas obviouslyand manifestly active in such situations. The Vril gift was not required by those who began using the elec:trcHnertial ground meters. What kind of "ground points" these meters located were not the Vril active ones. These "meter-found groundsites" had very different characteristics. These were null spots of a very different activity and energy. Yet fora few sensitives we ftnd the continued reliance on non-partidpatory meters. Those who used them rarely found "ground current". It is a curious and noteworthy thing to recall one particular sensitive obviously endowed with Vril vision. The Vril gift continued to operate in a latter day telegraph linesman who used his skill to perfection: Nathan Stubblefteld. Telegraphers (and those who designed the distribution paths through the counayside) were intuitively guided along ground veinlines of especially Vril potential. They thus often followed the railroad tracks less out of ease and necessity and more out of reliable alignment. There were grounds where static interferences were well known, not understood, and less well-mentioned. Some special telegraphers {NathanStubblefteld) seemed to take rare note of such places and made use of them in theirnew and astounding technologies. Telegraphers continued to follow the rails. To understand something ofthe intuitive reasons why one would originally choose the old railroad paths we need to comprehend who was choosingthe cuts and lanes. Old railroad men rarely used geologists unless it was absolutely necessary. Cutting through mountains and along ridges was a later requirement in which geologists found themselves employed. Blasting and excavating was their special province. Before this, the rails were not needy ofgeologic expertise at all: they simply followed "the lay of the land". This meant geomancy at its intuitive best. The results (whenever found) are truly astonishing. Railroads notoriouslyfollow Vrilground veiDs: les woivres. In the rare instance that the rails cut across such telluric veiDs we find them (not strangely enough) reconfonniD.g to the woivre lines after a short distance. Not so geologically conformed as geomanUcally aligned and convoluted we find the railroads to be espedal sites ofVril activity. Curving and windingmagically through and amonggreenrollfng biDs, along the crests ofsinuously long rilles and ridges, and down through the VeJY heart of thin natural valleys (where old streams long since ceased from flowing) we find the rails utterly romantic in eveiy aspect. This romance is Dot without its real reasous: its real powers. The "romantic" and "wiDsome" seusations are often tinged with the vmy deepest of ancient beckonmgs~ the VeJY hallmark of Vril viscero-eidettc energy at work in us. Old rail-lines are remarkably Vril active. They are carved through the surrounding countryside and convolute with rare precision along nearly every Vril channel coursing through each district. These are sub-gradient troughs in certain lengths. Railroads course through very Vril tnmsactlve regious of ground. Staten Island is possessed of a singular Vril symmetry which runs directly through its "heartland". I have outlined and mapped its "spfDal column" and this remarkably coinddes with a wonderfully old road (VanDuzer). In fact itis the oldest road on the island itself! Van Duzer Road is the path along which one must travel should one want fusion with the history and persona of the island. It too (not surprlsiDgly) was the naturally chosen path which led the Dutch and early settleu directly across the island's length. It is amazingly verdant.•.and warm.•.at all times of the year. The number ofencounten with signiftcantlandmarks and active ground points is the typically wonderful pattern with which geomanceu are well-familiar. One cannot travel along certain old roads without experiencing signiftcant peuonal changes and powerful shiftings of awareness. Such shiftings always bring us to the realization that the resultant thoughts are the only important issues oflife. We find ourselves drawn away from our immediate problems and concerns and drawn into eidetic worlds of inaedible joy and elevating power. The dreamy and impressionable energies which course throughout such old roads elevate those who travel into a ~ ringingjoy! Ivy, churches, old cottages, quaintand unexpected town squares, wrought iron gates and gardeus...all add to the , scenic beauty which is typical of wandering Vrillanes. One encounters spontaneous eidetic experiences here. One finds in the sub-surface (open-air) troughs of the railroad that sounds are especially powerful and distantly carried only along certain railroad lines. We find this to be so regardless of wind conditions. With the wind moving away from ourselves along the tracks we find that even whispered sounds downwind manage to reach our hearing...against the breeze. I have often observed the V ril glowing blackness which one experiences and seuses extemally when descending into these troughs. The change in lighting is only part of the whole phenomenon. The seuse of glowing blackness is more the adequate desaiption of the effect. One does look toward th~ sky (however blue) to find it strangely blackened with a granular blackness. One's seuse become shifted along spedftc patterns. ThiDldng clari1les mto simple and pierdngvision and negative emotious disappear. One finds the sensitivity to Vril force and geometry especially heightened therein. One can literally begm to see the Vril topography quite distinctly and directly in thdr lanes•.•through the ground! One becomes entranced with the rails and the sub-ground environment quite willtngly: this seems to be arela.Uvelynatural inclmation. However long one needs to wait for the trainmakes no c:Wference: one is entranced with the environs and remains Impressionably intrigued with the oldness of the land thus evidenced. Down there one senses that the land itself is messagingcertain htstoricallysigniftcautseuse-meanings. Trees and bmsh grow with spedal strength. They never seem to wither or wane in their growth patterns. The ability to seuse suddenly changes and inductious ofweather patterns down in these railways is very distinct. One easilysenses there thatthe veiyground is surgingwith seusate energies, whose essence induces vibratious throughout the deeper abdomfDal area of the body. One senses that the vmy ground is resonating crystallographically from region to associate region. These resonatious soon result in strange alteratioos of weather. There are times when we feel the removal of the "good weather energy" from the surface ofthe ground .•• down mto the depths. The resultant appearance of inertialistic patterns (rain, fog, humidity, general congestion •..) is what usually follows. More surprising are the numerous ''weather lanes" I have isolated and observed for several years now. I Bnd that (on Staten island) there are distinct weather alleys alongwhich Vril energy often vibrantly resonate and surge. Whenever this resonation occurs I know that certain weather patterns are about to transpire. These patterns appear to enter and exit alongthespeci8c angulated paths which may be mapped. They appear repeatedly ... year in and out. I know them to represent some regional crystallographic feature of the entire region. Vril trausactious trausform and crystallize ground miner- als and metals (minerals, metals, rocks). Vril threadways form mappable dreamlmes. Many inventoiS had intuitively envisioned and desaibed their seuse of "electrical ground return circuits": wriggling currents necessary to the "completionofthe circuit" (Farmer, Wilkins, Bear, Ader, Vail, Rosebrugh). Telegraphic and telephonic exchanges were remarkably V ril threadway conformable. The manner oftheir design difi'ers in no way from the artiftcial design and material articulation of a dendritic ganglial array. In time sensitive designeu recog- nized that such human fabrications were not necessary. The Vril natural articulated systems provided more than the means for attaining connections. Vril thread space distribution is an ordained system through which communal and regional cousdousness is actually generated, sustained, suffused, disseminated, and shared. Spatially distributed Vril threadways and their nodes and junctures may be mapped. Mapped Vril threadways maintain their position throughout history. Dreams and tmaginatious are c:Ustortious ~f real Vril eidetic experience. The old telegrapher's tradiUon of"earth as reservoir ofselfgeneratiDg electrical potential" was successfully received by great personages of inventive prowess (Loomis, Stubbletleld, Dolbear, Tesla). Eidetic contents are spontaneously transmitted through Vrll articulations. Humanly arranged arUstic channels transduce Vrll modula.Uons directly. With Vril the need for excessive human code is eltminated. Code free channels are found in singularly sustained ultra-harmonic sounds. lDnate eidetic contents and evidence for space-distributed intelligence is revealed when monitoring ground and aerial sounds. Departures from the immediacy ofthe apparentworld are easily achieved through Vril articulations. Vril threads guide the human organism into deepest eideUc contents of the Vril World The Vril World is the true World of eidetic content. Vrll power points are sensed throughout the experiential spaces. FixedVril power points are ordained FixedVril power points are found throughout experientlalspace. Vrll points can be located in aerial space and ground Vrll powerpomts can be interpenetrated by material Ullposition. Tremendous eidetic and unexpected energeticmanifestations are conductedthrough such material interpositions. Vril reactions detlne all mysteries. Vrll presence generates all unexpected conscious activities. Vrll Science explains all sdenti1lcally observed anomalies. Estab&hing Vrll communion is not difiicult. Vril ccmtact is first achieved through the natural artiftce ofspedftc boulders and trees. Sensitivity reveals Vrll activity among metropolitan settings. Cathedrals, iron fencework, towers, and rock walls transmit powerful Vrll threads to umvary recipients. Dreams, visions, and exceptional clarity of consdoumess are discerned near and upon Vrll active points. Vrll threadways aoss streetlanes, emerge through base- ments, radiate from iron poles. converge upon stone pillars, vivify special garden walkways, pierce through tlre hydrants, arc from stone-metal curb rims, and discharge from evergreens. NaturalVril points are found inspecial parts ofneighborhoods. Vrll points are located in the old sectors of town. Original settlers intuitively sought such excepUonally vivid zones to found their villages. Vrll activitysustains the consdous and material integrity of neighborhoods. Neighborhoods rely on the generative supply ~ ofVrll active points. Neighborhoods become depressing, dull, and vacuous when natural Vrll points are disturbed Many local inhabitants remember the time and season when their neighborhoods lost vitality. Construction operations which covered natural Vrll points mark the time. Natural Vril points are disrupted through excessive ground surface construction and demolition. Basic V ril contact may be achieved through a smple iron rod in the ground (Stubble.tleld, Tesla, G.Starr-White). Enhancing Vrll communion requires simple Vrll Technological aid Vril reactivities permit technological manipulations of deep space and deep ground Vrll channels. Lost Vrll threadways may be re-accessed through simple arti.tlce. Vrll entunement may be achieved with relatively inexpensive devices. Vrll operatoiS require sensitivity, patience, swrender, and devotion. Codes separate Vrll organismic experience. Many designeiS illustrated their intuitive comprehension of underground energetic passages, conduits, rivers, rays, threadways, and channels {Framer, Barney, Wilkins).Comprehending the "return circuit" relied entirely upon intuitive insights which were actually eidetic transactions received by the sensitive inventors. Dowsers were not rare ftgures in the telegraphic proliferation. Dowsers knew the land and the lay of it. Such natural surveyors were often in charge ofdetermiJUngearly telegraphic line details. While general directions were delineated, itwas the dowser whose Sne-tuned seusibilities guided the line along spedtlcpathways. Vrll Science discovers regional eideUc world site-projecUons via natural geological forms. Iron rails appear to "swim" before the eyes because Vrll surges through them in processious. Vril passes through materials which inertial technology estab&hes for its own purposes. Powerful Vril conduction in special materials requires spedftc posiUon and angulations in the environment. Bright "clear sight" pathways are found just above the ground surface. LeyJines are whitHheathed Vrll threads. Vrll aerial routes may be mapped Organisms experience mpedance when encountering densifled inertial spaces. Speciilc design geometries extend organismic participation where no previous partid.pation was possible (coils and iron cores). Increased Vril thread contact and merg:ings increase degree of visceroddetic translations. Vril technology seeks the dissoluUon ofall regional inertia. Vrll active minerals and metals and configurations release Vril eidetic images with strength of degree. Vrll eidetic images reveal distance regions, give bilocational experiences, diveiSe hierarchic consdous resonations, permit deeper experience of immediate surroundings. Vril axial contact is required for eidetic transaction. Off.. angle contacts yield inertially contaminated experiences. Telegraphic block-coils are extremely Vrll active. Viscera-eidetic experience is focussed from the tops of the iron cores. The use of the copper fine-coils brings visceral experience ofsensation to the operator. Grounding and iron-wire connectivitystrengthens the contact immeasurably. Telegraphic operatoiS were in eidetic mutual contact constantly. Bilocational experiences through matter contain singular truths concerning the Vrll environmental structure of a region. Continual bilocational visitations to sped.tlc eidetic points reveals the existence ofpowerful Vrll centeiS. Space surroundingsuchVril centeiS is eidetically projected space. The integrity of the apparent world depends on these points. Alterations in environmental conditions aeates organismic interference during eidetic transaction. Organismic stability depends upon .tlxed proportions of inertia space and V rll eidetic content. Organismic sensitivity includes intemlptions due to musical tones, illuminations, color, and inertial detrital cwrents. Telegraph stations are silent during the long night hoUIS. Natural Vril nodes dissolve inertia fibrils and greatly expand eidetic consdoumess through discharge. When this ocCUIS there is "static on the line". ResearcheiS who discovered that certain kinds of (earth) induction were "anomalous" were bafiled. Empirical iDventom took these anomalous instances and worked them into equally strange apparatus. These form the bulk of our bibliography. The Vril Cunctious of telegraph systems and their components fonns the basis ofanimmense revelation. The telegraphic systems represented the 1hst b1stance in- which large transregional systems were intercouneding earth and dty-centers directly. In addition, we ftnd the traDs-aatioDal interconnections and even the traD&-oceaDic connectiODS which so gripped the mmds of the day. First and foremost therefore the telegraphic communicatioDS systems were ground counected systems. Intimately fused with the ground power they tnmsduced ita energetic pemona directly between towDS and (especially} seusittve operatom. The primary power which operated in these systems did not require application of electricity at alL H not for the human Cailure to consciously sense and operate with this power we could have seen astounding Culftllments yeam before our time. The nature of these Vril energies have not been discussed before with any great depth. Suffi.ce it to say that these are the energies which fulfill our deepest dreams. The telegraphic systems were forced to operate under a conjugate energy load: the naturally su1fusive Vril power and the impressed electrical clac:kerings of batteries. No less efl'ective in the Vril mode. These systems continued to maDifest strange and anomalous energetic transactions. These were not all duly noted and recorded in the public transaipts of technology. yet we manage to ftnd suflldent weight of extracts {from the periodicals of the day) to support our thesis. The addition of electrical impulse stimulated the appearance ofthe Vril power. Our growing familiarity with this power has permitted us to recognize some ofits astounding characteristics. Vril energy differs vastly from all notions ofenergy which we have been taught. We know that teclmology could have relied totally upon Vril power for the benefit of humanity. It is therefore inestimably valuable in reconstructing the steps which were encountered by researchers who realized the presence of the ground energy. What we ftnd in telegraphy is a vast presentation ofparadigms. These dealt with conduction, ~ conduction pathways, and continuity of actions {contact action). The entire field oftelegraphy reveals embodiments which make use of transactions by which organismic integrity is governed. The design and proliferation of special Vril tuners will enable each desirous individual to experience degrees of these Vril energies: the consdously expansive spaces ofwhich we speak. Our familiarity with inertial pressure technology is the result of a false step taken by engineers early on. The subsequent development of technologies (which solely develop inertia and transform inertia) have led our world astray. This betrayal stems from the fact that inertial pressures are not fundamental energies at all: they are pressures and by-products of more fundamental powers. The telegraph of Salva intended the reception of su~ electrical shocb to be received into the body. Messages could be so pulsed as to permitthe recipient a means for decoding the pre-arranged signals. These shocks were not pleasant ••• but they revealed a singular mystery when once the lines were established over land and the ends were earthed. Through the use of various metals and organic lines (threads, strings, cords, ropes) Baron von Reichenbach found it possible to transmit eidetic s1gDals to sensitives who were grasping their end ofthe termiDals. These s1gDals were limited to emotional signals as generated through oatural sources (minerals, metals, aystaJs, sunJight, mooDlight, etc.). I have not found any records where his sensitives saw holistic visual impressions. Thesensitives each experienced thesesigDals with consjstent reports, though ofvariable strengths (as their sensitivity allowed). Dr. A.Abrams and his experimental arrangement for entuniug thought-forms: another step in a progressive movement toward eidetic t:raDSmissions. With wired attachments (to the bodies of separated individuals) Dr. Abrams literally demonstrated that thought-forms could be holistically transfened. These through-line traDsfers exceeded the thoughtt:raDSference commonly called "telepathic" (through space alone). The interposition of minerals and metals and special components (rheostats, variable resistance bridges, minerals, organic matter, etc.} enhanced, amplified, and clari1led the same signals. The immense reservoir ofVril energies far outweighs and outclasses any conception we may have of electrical capadty. What electrical vibrations and capadty we may measure is the mere by-product of the Vril power surging in the ground. Therefore the benefit of grounding radionic systems is immense mscope. The telegraphers achieved this BmtoJI..through empirical findings! In telegraphy we find an old form of radionic:s: systems which embody direct earth-connection and transduce Vril energies. They therefore operate solely in the Vril mode. They may have been.suspected as embodying a curious "life oftheir own" as so many ground-embodiedstructures often do. Itis not uncommon to experience the quasi-living states which certain old buildings manifest during specific Vril seasons. Without power the telegraphic systems were capable of continuous operation in the eidetic mode of transmission: a mode through which experiential impressions can be transacted from station to station with great clarity and force. "Premonitions" and other visions were a constant feature of encounter for the "night operator". Indeed the night operators frequently reported that the transmission at night was astonishingly more clear and powerful than during the daylight houm. When you look at a telegraphic component you are looking at a piece ofa large and powerful radionic tuner. When you examine patents (which display and desaibe multiple ground connections through specific polarizations and tuning assemblies) you are examining a radionic system. When you read of anomalous currents and continuous manifestations of power you are reading ofa surgingVril power which responds to electrical stimuli by expanding and overwhelming. When ~e analyze the issue we find that Reich's statements were indeed correct. The use of electrical "Uritation" triggers an automatic response by the living energy. In this case the Vril power moves into lines so as to quench the irritant. All the resultanteffects are the directresultofsuch energeticintrusions. EARTH RODS AND LOADS When telegraphic support-posts are driven into spedftc foci (ground nodes) there is interaction with the telluric power by which they become powerful (organic) conductors. Thus even the support~tructures of telegraphic systems become saturated and interac:t:lve with the Vril energy. One sees these energies flooding and connectmg the skeletal form ofwire and poles. The evidence ofinsensate Vril is the observation of the rare and highly energetic violet glow which covers them. We find that every wooden pole becomes thus espedally flooded at the times of sumise and sunset. The telegraph systems of old we find these poles to be necessuy every 40 feet or less. The likelihood ofenjoiningVril points was therefore greatly inaeased. Vril Points do not cancel. Threadways which exit or enter the ground nevertheless transact eidetic experience with their recipients. The entire system therefore became flooded with rare Vril energies which had every potent effect upon the exchauged and impressed signals. Thus we find that telegraphic lines are possessed of far greater potentials and activities than the mere electrical detritus which we add to their length by impulses. The interactions of telluric energies with these electric impulses produced intriguing new varieties of energetic (consdous, eidetic, and inert) effects, which certain gifted individuals grasped and developed. The power ofinsulators as transducers is nevermentioned. These artiilces arepotenttramactors ofVrilenergies. M.Theroux has constructedseveral arrangements in which these effects are especially powerfuL Used to alter the Vril condition of a locale, the use of a large and black (manganese) grounded porcelain column reveals potent telluric activity. Diflicult (if not impos.sible to peer into) the sensitive finds that the insulator axis guides whatever applied or impressed energyis made available to the geometty. When grounded, we find that the surface coating is espedally effective in conveying Vril threads along a · tightly self-collimating beam. These threads are potent, viscero-eidetic, and have deliberate drastic effects on regions in which they are utilized. Their effects have little to do with the true transmission of beamenergy to distantlocales. Theyseemmore to deal with the literal modulation of crystallographic ground resonances in a region. It is possible then to effect an entire crystallographic ground region through the reactions which occur at a (speciftc) point! We need to study the surface coatings of these insulators to determine (with deliberate precision) the exact functioning ofthe whole form of insulators. It is obvious that the geometric form of these designs is evidently part of their effectiveness in Vril operation. Perched atop telegraph poles these forms had a powerful influence on the transduced Vril energies which processed along the lines. Each surge (proceeding to its own relationally resonant station) brought viscero-eidetic transac- tions into the operator with continual force. Vril is what gives the "mood and tone .•• sense and feel" of any particular station in which human affairs are publically conducted. Ironspontaneously dissolves and eradicates inertialspace. Iron poles, rods, and towers are potent in viscera-eidetic t:ransactivity. Vril revelations provide short-cuts through which weachievefuwmusdenc~ Vril eidetic messagtngs direct and rHtructure human consdousness into its deepest potentials. Vril eidetic consdousness breaks the inertial bondage to the 5-sensory degenerate perceptive mod~ Vril is foundational reality and is the meaningful core of being. Vril is the shared generative living presence whose power sustains all living organisms Geometric material configurations direct and collimate inertial detritus. Spedftc minerals and metals dissolve, absorb, shear, and cavitate inertial space in the native states. hon spontaneously dissolves and eradicates inertial spac~ hon poles and towers are excessivelyviscero-eideticin transactivity. Primaryin the human Vrilmatched conductions is IRON. Vril Technology provides the linkage and arti8.ce through which Vril manifests eidetic potentials. Civilization requires Vril eidetic union. Iron forged connections. Through Vril we each experience universal communion. Eidetic projection sites merge at the ground surface where Vril inflects deep in the ground or in spac~ Wooden poles are compacted capillaries which are highly Vril conductiv~ The design of aerial dendritic manifolds brought a sudden traDsactive potential into public meeting places. The corresponding increase of sodal activities were desaibed by daunted dty dwellers of certain sensitivity. Complaints that the dty atmosphere hadsuddenly become "all a-bU2Zing'' were all means a literal truth with the ponderous placement of telegraph and telephone lines in the hundreds. The design and construction of subterranean telephonic lines brought with it a new eidetic potential to the telephone systems. Excessive reliance on carbonaceous and otherorganic matter to insulate telegraphic and telephonic lines actually resulted in the enhanced eidetic transactivity ofthese lines with Vril junctures through which these passed. Spedftc eidetic transactions were engaged through telegraph poles and the special varieties of insulatoiS which swmounted them. The insulators provided speaa! eidetic transactions which must be experienced to be appreciated. Insulators were made of a great variety of minerals and metals in combination. A careful study and examination of the speciftc metal glazes used on porcelain substrates. Each mineral glaze is (curiously) organ<>-resonant and effects easy transactions of eidetic energy along the iron wire which they support. Glass insulators were also used. These give strong eidetic connectivity with iron. Intuition prevailed despite electrical predelictions. Electrical insulators conduct Vril effortlessly. Each provided a spec:itlc visceral sense and eidetic potential. These were conveyed en masse to each station operator and subsaiber . Insulators were made with organic reservoirs Uohnson, Phillips). Ferruginous glazes made ceramic insulators much more than ~ectrical non-conductors (BloomJleld). Their use is incoDSistent with electrical principles and are often the very sites where lightning strikes dangerously entered systems. Manifolded cables and organically covered sheaths are Vril dendriUc imitative forms (Spaldlng).Iron poles treated with carbonaceous liquids were incredibly potent Vril conductors (Sprout). Telegraphic poles were historically developed in several stages. The sue of trees as vascular Vril conduits was quickly replaced with special geometric iron posts and towers of exquisite beauty and Vril conductivity (Dodge). Swmounttngs ofspecial insulators focussed Vril threads (MacDonald). These desigus are powerful in projectingVril c:Uscharges aaoss space (Conklin). Others were covered with organically heavy dopmgs made to fonnulaiy sped1lcaUoDL Geometric appendages, wriggJing iron projections, and special ground-gripping spikes were added to designs. Some included orgaaicaJly soaked wood as pieM'oundations. These forms enabled the enhanced entrance of telegraphic aerial arrays with the natural Vril ground distribution and were proliflc Vril traDsactor. Underground conduits and cables soaked in organic materials are notorious absorbers ofVril threads. Underground conduits and hooded pipelines enabled special Vril conductions (Rosebrugh).Underground tunnels represented a new movementwhichassumedtheworkabandoned byMorselong before. Underground cables soaked in carbonaceous matter are notorious absorbers of Vril threads, concentrators of vril intensity. The speci1lc means by which telegraph and telephone cables were vril loaded involved the use of speciftc carbonaceous formulae (Smith). Special constructions of telegraph poles are highly geometric, materio-resonant, and exception- ally Vril conductive (MacCarver). Telegraphic lines aeated individual-altering surface con- ditions because of their material conftgw:atlons. Shimmerlng Vrillic energy powerfully attracted human attention toward the telegraphic lines which entered and traversed forests. The line were themselves objects ofmystical fascination because oftheir vril potent conductivity. Inherent meaning was perceived because that which generates meaning and focussed perception was enhosted there. Telegraph and telephone lines aeated ground standing conditions where vrillic energies consistently resided. Night , emergent vril threadways flooded these systems because of their material configurations and excessive use of iron. Such observations and experiencewere also prevalent along the iron rails. The ephemeral forms draw the experienced sensitive in close proximity with telegraph and telephone lines with the distinct result of V ril eidetic transactions. Distinctly crystalline surfaces could be detected near certainsections oftelegraphlinewhen these coindded withVril channels. Blocks ofgranular substances gradually become Vril conductive. Houses and other enclosures become permanently polarized to conduct Vril through time. Spedftc material configurations and enclosures grant speciftc Vril eidetic transactions. Vril operators and their apparatus permanently alter Vril c:Ustributions in enclosures. Telegraphic systems gradually becameVril polarized and saturated. Their materials were gradually tmusmuted for the clari&ed transaction ofVril eidetlc:s. Telegraph and telephonic stations were powerfully noumenous sites. Vril threads crystallize in metal braids and conductive lines, sustaming systems and founding primary systemological functions. Our eyes engage in visceral iDfluences caused by Vril transactions. The "eye drag'' phenomena follow Vril transactions as they mtlect through lines, cables, braids, iron railways, and stone works. Vril causeways interlink dtles and stimulate bilocational experiences. Vril technology magmfles these effects by deliberate means. Through Vril causeways we are translated into mysterious experiences of unknown meauings, and mysteriously hieroglyphic signfftca.Uons. Social upheavals increase with increased Vril emergence. These events have chronicled several technologlcal upheavals in the last 200 years of unprecedented importance. Soda! revolution follows Vril activations. It is possible to peer in through avril eidetic material and sense all of the associated branching awarenesses and views. Such omni-consdous vision is a native phenomenon in eidetic worlds. Iron aerial wire connectors poised between the spedal telegraphic poles and their accoutrements distort the localVril matrix. Telegraphicinterlinkages between towns and whole c:Ustricts were artiftdal, effecting sometimes dangerously unnatural detrital formations and concentrations. The improper placement of telegraphic and telephonic poles proves harmful to certain Vril integrity in villages and little hamlets. The railroad station became the focal point ofeach small community. These were noumenous gateways ofeidetic travel for the casual inhabitant ofa town.•.the focus ofall attentions as endrawn by the very swges which traversed the rails. Vril loaded systems effect increased social activities and human energies. Overhead vision was diverted along the telegraphic and telephonic lines Vril axial contact is required for eidetic transactions. Iron wires provide such alignments at the station sites. Operators needed to align themselves with respect to their local Vril channels. Off-angle contacts yield inertially contaminated experiences. Telegrpahic block-coils are extremely Vril active. Viscera-eidetic experience is focussed from the tops ofthe iron cores. The use of the copper fine-coils brings visceral experience of sensation to the operator. Grounding and iron-wire connectivity strengthens the contact immeasurably. Telegraphic operators were in eidetic mutual contact constantly. Grounding and iron-wire connectivity strengthens the contact immeasurably. Telegraphic operators were in eidetic mutual contact constantly. Telegraph lines were not constantly electro-active during the day, beingleftwith switches opened a great deal of the time. Organic substances enable organismic partidpation in otherwise inertially concentrated volumes of experiential space. Awareness of earth and densiftcations ofground topographies became especially intensified during the latter 1800's. Increased human interactivity with space and space-oriented themes appeared when telephonic cables and ~tems were buried. Social alignments and metropolitan activities became increasingly and notably collimated along the converging telephone lines. This was very obvious where such aerial cablery cut aaoss dty avenues and found their ways toward the local main terminal. Special cables were developed in neural analogies (Hawley, Jacques). Spectally carbonaceous-laden cable were espedally Vril attractive. Cables were distinctively Vril accumulative aacques). Others combined cables and earth battery technology to produce "artiftcial ganglia" (Piggott). Special cable reactions induced galvanic acUons for self-powered transmissions aaoss long distances (Hawley). Chams of earth-batteries (Smith). Such process patents are often textboob on forgotten sdentiflc principles and theoreUcs (Kitsee). Certain inventors gave textbook descriptions of lost sdence. Some made distincUon between electric, electrical, galvanic, and even magnetic currents (Simpson). SECTION 2 VRIL TELEGRAPHY · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;~~MS~·~nn VRILLIC CORRESPONDENCE AND TELEGRAPHY ~ .... i" Rona/as rron• El~ct1-ic Telegrnple, im1111tetl·in 1816. tl&e Encyclopedia BritannU:s, itla ediliD11,~"f 662. ~ "M. Ca\"aello suggested the idea of conveying intelligence by passing a ,·,. given number o( ttparks through an iusuln.ted wire in given spRCe& of time; ~ and some GemlBll and ·American authors hn.ve proposed to collltruct galva- ,nic telegraphs by the decomposition of water. 1\fr. Ronalds, who bas devoted lmuch time to the consideration of this fonn of the telegraph, proposes to 1employ common electricity to convey intelligence alollg insuJn.ted and buried r wires, and be proved the pmcticnbility of such a scheme, by insulating eight ~ miles of wire on hislawn at Hammersmith. In this case the wire \Ya.s insula- §ted in the air by silk strings. But be also made the trial with 525 feet of bu- ~ ried wire ; with this view be dug a trench four feet deep, in which he laid a ~. trough of wood two inches square, well lined within and without with pitch ; ":and within this trough were placed thick glass tubes, duougb which the ~wire ran. The junction of the glass tubes was surrounded with !horter and ) wider tubes of glass, the ends of which were sealed up with soft wax. ,: "Mr. Ronalda now fixed a circular brass plate~ figure 37~ upon the second · ~ arbour of a clock 'vhich beat dead seconds. This plate was divided into ~·=~ali~~~:;;~~~~-~~ ~ twenty equal parts, each divi&ion being worked by a figure, a letter, and a ~~,....,.:y' , preparatory sign. The figures were divided into two series of the units, and ~ the letters were arranged alphabetically, omitting J, Q, U, ,V, X and Z. • 1n front of this was fixed anod1er brass plate a.s shown in figure 38, which J~ could be occasionally turned round by the hand, and which had an aperture ~SJr7.:;!~~~~~~l ~~-~~~~;,_~~~~~~2~~~_j like that shown in the ngure at V, which would just exhibit one of the . F1o. 38. " Dgures,}etten and preparatory signs, for exunple, 9, "'and ready. In front F of this plate was suspended a pith ball electrometer, B, C, 1igure 38, 1iom. 37 IG. • .:GJTA:;g;;~~...... .. '3. wire D, which was insulated, and "·hich communicated on one side with .a glass cylinder machine, and on the other side with the buried wire. At the further end of the buried wire, was an apparatus exactly the sa.me as .the one now described, and the clocks were adjusted to as perfect synchro· nism as possible. "Hence it is manifest, that when tl1e wire was cl1arged by tbe machine at either end, the electrometer!' at both ends dilJerged, and when it was discharged, they collapsed, at the same instant. Consequently, if it was discharged at the moment when a given letter, figure, and sign on the lower plate, figure 37, appeared through the aperture, figure 38, the sa~ne figure, letter and sign would appear also at the other clock ; so that by means of auch discharges at one station, and by marking down the letters, figures .nnd signs, seen at the other, any required words could be spelt. "An electricnl pistol was connected with the apparatus, by which a spark 1night pass tluough it when the sign prepare was made, in order that the explosion might excite the attention of the superintendent, and ob,·iate the nece~ty of close watching. "Preparatory sig1zs. A, prepare; V, ready; ~, repeat sentence; P, repeat word; N, finish ; L, annul sentence ; I, annul word ; G, note figures ; E, note letters; C, dictionary." l •~ ~~ A~ ~~ ~· -~ ·~ ·:~~ ,~. .l:r; ,.5 ~~:- -~~_..•.•..'.~,~....,o.a...· VRIL CORRESPONDENCE ~ THROUGH MAGNETIC NEEDLES . I • FORESHADOWING OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. ~ "Whatever draws me on, TRANSACTING MEANING AND MESSAGE Or sympathy, or some connatural force, Powerful at greatest distance to unite, DEPITE IMPRESSED INERTIAL With secret amity, things of like kind, By secretest conveyance." " Milton, PtWtulue IA.rt, x. 246. AMONGST the many flights of imagination, by which genius has often anticipated the achievements of her more deliberate and cautious sister, earth-walking reason, none, perhaps, is more striking than the story of the sympathetic needles, which was so prevalent in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries, and which so beautifully foreshadowed the invention of the electric telegraph.• This romantic tale had •. · • "In the dream of the Elector Fredmck of Saxony, in 1517, .the curious reader may like to discern another dim glimmering, a more shadowy foreshadowing, of the electric telegraph, whose hosts of iroa reference to a sort based on ~~lr~~~~ the sympathy which was supposed to exist between .....__.._. needles that had been touched by the same magnet, ., or loadstone, whereby an intercourse could be main- tained between distant friends, since every movement imparted to one needle would immediately induce,· by ~tilt!,_·'~4 sympathy, similar movements in the other. As a ?& history of telegraphy would be manifestly incom... plete without a reference to this fabulous contrivance, we propose to deal with it at some length in the ~ ,~ ;I~ ~::.. ~ present chapter. For the first suggestions of the sympathetic needle telegraph we must go back a very long way, probably ~~-· ~~~-"~,'~_·:·,I to the date of the discovery of the magnet's attraction for iron. At any rate, we believe that we have found r,.,..1 traces of it in the working of the oracles of pagan ~#~" Greece and Rome. Thus, we read in Maimbourg's ~ H£.rto£re de r A riani.r1ne (Paris, I686)•.- ~ ~. and copper • pens' reach to-day the farthest ends of the earth. In ~.,a•'J this strange dream Martin Luther appeare-d writing upon the door of the Palace Chapel at Wittemburg. The pen with which he wrote 'f!!!/11 10 a seemed so long that its feather end reached to Rome, and ran full tilt ~!.~ against the Pope's tiara, which his holiness was at the moment wearing. On seeing the danger, the cardinals :md princes of the State ran up to · support the tottering crown, and, one after another, tried to break the , ~ pen, but tried in vain. It crackled, as if made of iroa, and could not be broken. While all were wondering at its strength a loud cry arose, ~ J; ~ and from the monk's long pen issued a bust of others."-EI«tritity · and p. 59 t;lz1orE~Dl'aAt,uibcigTn~le~'gsr'Hapilslt,orbyyofDtlzr1. G«=arge Wilson, London, 1852, Rifo,,ation, chap. iv. book iii. ;'>) ;...] · · • English transJa~on ?f 1728, by the Rev. \V. Webster, chap. vi. ~/.J~· ._....~. .......-~ ~,..~...\.:~\:(tj ft~~t~\ •Whilst Valens [the Roman Emperor] was at lQ Antioch in his third consulship, in the year 370, . i~)aw. sheoverawl erpeagiannssoofgrdeiasttinrcetpiounta,twiointh the philosophers under Julian, not ~ being able to bear that the empire should continue ~ in the hands of the Christians, c_onsu~ted ~rivately the ~-;:·;-. demons, know th ebdyestthine ymoef a~nes of conJurations, 1n order emperor, and who should to be ~·~ hiS successor, persuading themselves that the oracle would name a person who should restore the worship ~ of the gods. For this purpose they made a three- :~llt. footed stool of laurel Delphos, upon which in imitation of the having laid a basin tripos at of divers ~S. metals they placed the twenty-four letters of the ~· alphabet round it; then one of these philosophers, who ~~.; ~4. was a magician, being wrapped up in a large mantle, and his head covered, holding in one hand vervain, ~ invo~e ~horrid ~~-i~'l and in the other a ring, which hung at the ~nd ~fa smali thread, pronounced some execrable conJurabons m order to the devils; at wh.ich the _three- . ~.~~~Jill!~~~ kind of death (he was subsequently burnt al.ive •~p ~ . footed stool t~mtng ro~nd, ~nd itselft and tumtng from one stde the nng moVIng of to the other over the W~ babyotuhte Goths]; after which the enchanted again over the letters, in order to ring turnmg express the ~ upo~ i ~~-.;:S;.. letters, it caused them to fall themselves near each other, whilstthethtaeblpee, rasnodnspwlahcoe ~' were present set down the like letters in their table- name of him who should succeed the first of all these three characters, havina added aD to form THEOD emperor, formed TH E 0 ; then the ring stopped, • ~ ~eli~er~d i~ he~oic :as ! books, till their answer was :verse, Jand not seen .to move any more; at which one of - which foretold them that thetr crtmJnal tnqutry would : the assistants cried out in a transport of joy, •We must . · cost them their lives, and that the Furies were ~aiting J not doubt any longer of it ; Theodorus is the person for the emperor at Mimas, where he was to dte of a whom the gods appoint for our emperor.'" If, as it must be admitted, the modus operandi is not here very clear, we can still carry back our subject to the same early date, in citing an experiment on mag- netic attractions which was certainly popular in the days of St. Augustine, 354-430. In his De Civitate Dei, which was written about 41 3, he tells us that, being one day on a visit to a l bishop named Severus, he saw him take a magnetic ·~~~~~~~;~~et~• stone and hold thrown a piece it under a silver plate, on which he had of iron, which followed exactly all the 11 movements of the hand in which the loadstone was held. He adds that, at the time of his writing, he had ' under his eyes a vessel filled with water, placed on a on cork, which he could move from _side to side accord- . ing to the movements of a magnetic stone held under . . ~~~!!I,.P-•;~~4~~~~ theLetaobnlae.r•d~ (Camillus), in his Speadum Lapidum, -~ = ~ 1 • Basile2, 1522, pp. 718-lg. •~~ ~.A J'~ ~~~ ··- •. - ~~ -~~---::~; .~. ~_;-::-..,.,· _'-;., r,....-_.::Na"-.. , ! &c., I 502, veroo MAGNES, refers to this experiment as one familiar to mariners, and Blasius de Vigenere, in his annotations of Livy, says that a letter might be read through a stone wall three feet thick, by guiding, by means of a loadstone or magnet, the needle of a compass over the letters of the alphabet written in the il!"iiii~ circumference. • From such experiments as these the sympathetic telegraph was but a step, involving only the supposi- 'fl~~!::_;~i tion that the same effects might be possible at a greater distance, but when, or by whom, this step was . first taken it is now difficult to say. It has been traced back to Baptista Porta, the celebrated NeaP.o- \- titan philosopher, and in all probability originated ~ with him ; for in the same book in which he announces J'¥. the conceit he describes the above experiment of a",l. St. Augustine, and other " wonders of the magnet " ; adding that the impostors of his time abused by these • means the credulity of the people, by arranging around a ~ basin of water, on which a magnet floated, certain .... words to serve as answers to the questions which . superstitious persons might put to them on the future.t He then concludes the 21st chapter with the. fo-llowing i~ "''1fiJ • ., •• ,._. .r.-u car..e. mu•r.r ~., _w . u a.Jl ~'?"t:/' 4 J..,..:n.~..l, 1316. • • • • Pan.s, 1576, vot • . 1. cot • words, which, so far as yet discovered~ contain the first clear enunciati~n of the sympath~tic needle . telegraph : '~' t Whtle st ts generally admitted that magnetiSm has conferred meal- - " Lastly, owtng to the convenience afforded by the .•:'~~·~· culable benefits on mankind (wituas only the mariner's compass), we have never yet seeq. it stated that it has at the same time contributed magnet, persons can converse together through long .(~~ 1~~ ph~cal a~ more to our bamboozlement than any other, we might almost say all, of the sciences. With the charl.atans in all and nations, its distances.'' • explicit, and In the edition of says in the preface I 589 he is even more to the seventh book · A:"'- mystenous powers have ever been fnutful sources of Imposture, some· • times harmless, sometimes not. Thus, from the iron crook of the " I do not fear that with a long absent friend, even ~.·'~.: :. ·· "" though he be confined by prison walls, we can com- ~ :.t.: .. municate what we wish by means of two compass needles circumscribed with an alphabet." --,··!)"!;:-..; The next person who mentions this curious notion was· Daniel Schwenter, who wrote under the assumed name of Johannes Hercules de Sunde. In his Stega- nologia et Steganographia, published at NUmberg in • I6oo, he says, p. 127 :-"Inasmuch as this is a .....,'--li;~Mii.;;: wonderful secret I have hitherto hesitated about ~ i divulging it, and for this reason disguised my remarks in the first edition of my book so as only to be under- -:: ~ ' Greek shepherd Magnes, and the magnetic mountains of the geo- ~ grapher Ptolemy, to the magnetic trains of early railway enthusiasts; ~ from the magnetically protected coffin of Confucius to the magnetically II suspended one of Mahomed ; from the magnetic powders and potions /llllj of the ancients, and the metal discs, rods, and unguents of the old ' maguetisers, to the magnetic belts of the new-the modem panacea ~~ for all the ills ~hat flesh is heir to ; from the magnetic telegraphs lies and impositions as there are words, and a crass ignorance of magnetic phenomena witl'iaL In their craving after something wonderful and unknown they have manufactured a secret by means of barbarous and high-sounding words and by imitating the forms of recondite science, with the result that even they themselves cannot understand their own words., • Many of the authors, who descn"be the sympathetic M!~~~~:!~ needle (dial) telegraph, speak also of another form, which seems to have been especially believed in by-···---· the Rosicrusians and Magnetisers of the Jast two centuries. It was supposed that a sympathetic alphabet could be marked on the flesh, by means of which \.. people could correspond with each other, and com- ~ municate all their ideas with the rapidity of volition, }'1 no matter how far asunder. From the arms, or hands, ~ of two persons intending to employ this method of ~ .~. correspondence a piece of flesh was cut, and mutually transplanted while still warm and bleeding. The ~ piece grew to the new arm, but still retained so close the message ; for whatever letter the one pricked, the .... a sympathy with its. native limb, that the latter was :same was instantly pained on the arm of the other.• - ~ always sen~ible of any injury done to it. Upon these ,. ' ~ transplanted pieces of flesh were tattooed the letters List of authors of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and .•_' J ~ of the alphabet, and. whenever a communication was eighteenth, centuries, who either describe the sym- ~t:~ to be made it was only necessary to prick with a pathetic needle and sympathetic fiesh telegraphs, or • ~ magnetic needle the letters upon the arm composing make a passing allusion to one o~ both of them; ~-· • Mt~pez, .riw til Arll Mt~pdi&a, book ii. part iY. chap. S· .. chiefly compiled from Mr. Latimer Clark's list of ~ books shown at the Paris Electrical Exhibition of - · 1881, and from the catalogues of the British Museum. ·)~~. As far as possible, only first editions quoted in full:- ,~ PollTA. (GIA.N B.). MagU:. Naturtdu, &t. Lwri IIII. ~ Svo. (See page go. Other editions : Antwerp, I s6r, ~~ Svo.; Lugduni, 1561, r6mo.; Venetia, 156o, Svo.; ,I.t..·, and 1665, 12mo.; Colonia=, 1562, 12mo.) Neapoli, 1558. PA.llACELSUS (i.e., Bombast Von Hohenheim). D1 S«rttu naturt~ mysttriis, &c. Svo. (Speaks only of sympathetic flesh telegraph. Numerous editions ,~,. ~ ,. , in British Museum.) VIGENERE (BLAISE DE). Trtli&tl du Basileae, 1570. Cniffrts,, ou 1;....:- S«rtta Maniwu tl'Escrirt. (Quoted in L'Ela· ~ tridm of Jan. 15, 1884t p. 95.) Paris, 1586. PollTA. (GrA.N B.). !lft~ritz Naturtdu, Cr-t. Li!Jri XX. Folio. (See preface to Book VII. for first clear mention of sympathetic needle telegraph. Other editions : Francofurti, 16o7, Svo.; Napoli, 1611, • Upon this delusion is founded Edmund About's curious novel, L -~ ~ Nn tl'u11 Nott1ir1, in which he relates the odd results of sympathy j4 between the notary's nose and the arm of the man from whom the Besh ~ was taken. But it is not in novels only, that we read of instances of the IW marvellous power of sympathy in these enlightened days ; witness the ~· story of Tlu Sympatlutie S114•1 Ttkgrt~pn of Messrs. Biat and Benoit, , which went the rounds of the newspapers forty years ago, and which ~ the curious-we were going to say sympathetic-reader will find fully · describ~ in Cnt11116~r~·~ £tlinlnwrn 711Urnt~l, for February 15, 1851. ; ·~---~ .... ---··- - - . a! .-:)~\a:~ ~~-~~r~ •; 4to.; Hmoviae, 1619, 8YO.; Lugduni,. 1644 and 1651, ·,,;., 12mo. ; London, 1658, 4to. ; and Amstelodami, 1664, ,~ 12mo.) Neapoli, 1589. 1599 PANCIB.OLLUS (G.). Rerum MnnwaiJi/ium, &c. Svo. • (See Book II. [Non. Reperta], chap. xi., Notes. ~~ This author refers to Scaliger [EzDiwleta"'"' aw· ~ c~, &c., exercit. 131], and Bodin [.M'ti.Ud'tu ~ ~4 ~~ till fl#ilml HistDritwu,., &c., chap. vii.], but they only speak of magnetic sympathy at great distances, without any reference to telegraphy. Other editions : ..,,, two Svo., Ambergae, 16o7 and 1612; four Franco- furti, 1622, 1629-31, 1646, and 166o; Lyon, 1617 ; • and London, 1715.) Amberge, 1599- J1 16oo DE SUNDE (J. H.) (i. ~., Daniel Schwenter). SiqtJntJ- r!A 14p d SuratUJptapiWI. Svo. (See p. 127. Janus ~ ~ Hercules de Sunde is an assumed name. Hiller in the preface to his My.rtwu• A':tis SltKfJ11tiKJ"Ilpnic• ~ 1682, says that it is a synonym for Daniel Schwenter ~ Noribergense; and again on p. 287, quoting Schwenter, ~. ~ ht? adds in parenthesis, "is est Hercules de Sunde." ;2+~ Other edition: Niimberg, 1650, 12mo.) Niimberg, 16oo. .:~~ 16o9 DE BooDT Hi.rtoria_, (ANSELMUS B.). Gtmmt:~"'"' d &c. 4to. (See Book II. Other eLdziptiiotinu~:• i,f~;~:,:' .:. ·'Z 1610 \_\tj Lugdun&. 1636, Svo. ; Lyon, 1644, Svo. ; and aga~n Lugduni, 1647, Svo.) Hanoviz, ARGOLUS {ANDREAS). Epi.rtllltatld'Dfl'IJitinll Falwitiu• 16o9- :J\.IiU.'~:;C;;=..~-..:-r;.l~~L.~~·.,;~~~~.~~·~··~''~~Ki'-'/'"' Frisium. (He made what he calls a "Stenographic ~~--~..J.I~~..- .· : ;"c;. ~~ ~~ ;~·-:- Compass," and held many agreeable conversations Lugduni, 1617, and 1627, sm. Svo.; Audomari, . ~~~ by its means with one of his friends.) 1619, 12mo.; Mediolani, 1626, I6mo.; Oxonire, I ~ In Ephemeridz Patavii, 1tbo. . 1631, Svo.; a.nd again Oxoniz, 1745, Svo.) Roma:, 1617. ~ " " 1610 AaLXNSIS (PETRUs), of Scudalupis. SymjlltAia 1624 VAN ETTEN (H.), (i. ~., Leurechon Jean). Lfl R&,~atitJn •. ~· S~tnn .Mtttdlorum, &c. Svo. (See chap. 2o This : AlathimalitJIN, &c. Svo. (See p. 94- This author • ~ writer, a noted astrologer and alchemist, was the )ii1~i friend and fellow·citiz.en of Porta, to whom he seems to attribute the first conception of the sympathetic ~~;, needle telegraph. His S)"njlltnita was first published ~ _at Rome, but immediately suppressed in order that is the Etten first to give was a 11om tic a dra.wing of plutM. See Ntohte~.rdiaa~Ltd' H. Van Qttn'V.r, .. JSt series, vol xi. p. 516. Other editions: Pa.ris, 1626; Lyon, 1627; a.nd three London, 1633, 1653, and 1674- To the two latter is added a work of ' . ~ ~ 1ts grand secrets might not become known. It next Oughtred, the editor, whose name is so conspicuous I -==~ appeared at Madrid in folio. The Paris ed. of 1610 was reissued at Hamburg in 1717.) Parisiis, 161o. ~ 1617 STRADA (FAMIANUS). Pl'olusiontl Actld'tmica, &c. on the title·page, that rapid cataloguers make him the author. Ozanam founded his Rt&l'tatio'u on Van Etten; Montucla made a new book of Ozanam f'. 8Yo. (See Lib. II., Prol. VI. Other editions : by large additions ; and Hutton did the same by Montucla., so that Hutton's well·known work is at r the end of a chain, of which Van Etten's is at the beginning. Notc1 tand Quwiu, 1St series, vol xi. p. . 504-) Pont·a-1\fousson, 1624. 1629 CABEUS (NICOLAS). P!Uiolophia lllllputi&ta, &c. Folio. (See p. 302.) Colonia:, 1629. 1630 HAKEWILt. (GEORGE). A~t Apologil 01' Dtrial'tzlion · of tlu PDWtr and P,witJe,u of God, &c. Folio. (Seep. 285. Tjps is second edition; a. first appeared ' in [?] 1627, and a third in 1635. London and Oxford, 1630. ~ 1630 MYDORGE (CLAUDE). Ezamm d'u /ivr1 dt.r R~crJa• fi'qtu Mathlmatiqttt.r, &c. 12mo. (See Problem 74. pp. 14o-44- This is a critically revised edition of Van Etten. Another edition, Paris, 1638.) Paris, 1630. 1631 KIRCHER. (ATHANASIUS). Ar.r Mllpusilz, &c. 4to. (See pp. 35 and 36.) Herbipoll, 1631. 1632 GALILEO (G.). Ditllop..r d't Systnnflll Mu11d'i, &c. 4to. (See p. 88. Editions innumerable in British Museum catalogue.) Fiorenza, 1632. 1636 SCHWENTER (DANIEL). Dtlicia PAy.ri&t~oMatlumati&a. (See p. 346. TI1is work is based on Van Etten's, .rufrt~. Two other 4to. editions appeared at Niim· berg, 1651-3 and 1677.) Niimberg, 1636. 1638 FLUDD (ROBERT). PIU/osophia MtJY.rai&ta, &c. Folio. (See Sec. II., Lib. IL, Memb. IL, Cap. V., and Sec. .4 II., Lib. III.,. pun'm. An edition in English " appeared in London, 1659.) Goudz, 1638. ~ ~. ."· ...·tV • .: A :-~~; -··~~.~.·~o~!:" i~'if:~ -~~ l,~~ ·»;.$=·-·.-~:-:-;~.4,.-2.~"'_, ,-~ ~-,,.;·~~.. HELVETIUS (J. F.)-:-Tn~trldi.m lftrrulis Triumpn· ~~~~ antis, &c. Svo. (See PP• II and rs.) Haye, r663· ~ GLANVILL (JOSF.I'H). s~tpsi.r Snmlifoll; w, Confat • lpwanc~ tlu lYtay to Sdmc~, &c. 4t0. (Seep. 150.) ~ London, 1665. 1641 KII.CHEll (ATHANASIUS). Mqpuz, nw til At"U Nq- tu/kll. Sm. 4tO. (See p. 382. Other editioDS: I Colonia, 1643. 4t0. ; and Rome, 1654. folio.). ~ Rome, 1641. WILXINS QoHN). Menury, w tlu s«f"d 111111 nllifl SCHOTT (GASPAR.). ScA11l11 Sl't'fnllgrt~#tic~~t &c. 4to. (See pp. 258-64- Description from De Sunde's, mjWa, with an elabora.te dra.\Ving ofthedial. Copper· 'IIUI.rmgw, .rJun#i,rAIItt 11 ,..,. 'lllitA Jrir!tlqllllllljiJiti "'IIJ' '""'""'""1114 Ai.t tluJurAt.r Ill 11 frimll Ill fitlY dUIIUUI. 12mo. (See P. 147• Allother edition in plnte title-page bears date 1665, printed title-page 1694-) London, 1641. dated I68o.) u.. Norimbergte, 1665. 1643 SB&VIUS (PETJt.US). .DU.rlrlllti4 til grut~U Af'1fiiJrill, 1676 HEIDEL (,V. E.). jolla""" Tritlumii, &c., SUgt~nographi11 que Hitnutpl : a ntmine i"tlll#lll; &c. 4to. Si p. w68.DTehiN s w~ork.Ais.rtUprfJinWteNdwiMn IRIIai.ttt.ra(yS'seeT~puatr~at. r6u5,, · ~ l (Seep. 358.) Mogunti:e, 1676. : &c., illfra.) Rome, 1643- ~ 1679 MA-XWELL (\VrLLIAI\1). D~ lffetiinn11 M11pmc11, lin. 1646 Ba.owN& (Sia THOMAS). Ps~ Ejit/nnie11, w . Lili.J/1. 12mo. (See chaps. u, 12, and 13-) ' Enpir:U.r.;,tll fltry ""'"Y r~eliwtl tmmt.r, tl1lll tD•· . ' Fnmco(urti, 1679- ' ""',uyfretu11Utl trwtA.r. 4to. (See p. 76. Numerous : r684 DE L\Nrs (FRANCISCt1S). Jlagi.rttrir4m NIIIUr• d editions in the British Museum.) Lo~adoD, 1646• .A.rtir, Optu Pl&,yzi&o-MatllnnaJim111. 3 vols. (See · · 1657 TURNB& (ROBT.). .Ar1 NDtlwill. n, Nilt1w7 .A.rlll,{ , · voL iii. p. 412.) Brixi~ 1684-96. SoltJ., .rlunlli11rtlueaiJIIIUIXIIl h.YII,{,.Pill IJIWG· .~ 1684 MARANA (G. P.) (or The Turkish Spy). L'Esfo,. tlu fi4m, &c. 18mo. (Seep. 136.) London, 1657.' Grant/ &ipnn-, &c. 12mo. (See voL i., 13th letter, 1657-9 SCHOTT (GASPA&). M11gill Ullirlw.tlllU Nllhw• d ~ d:!,ted Paris, 1639- Six other editions in British Museum.) . ? Paris, 1684, &c. .Artis, &c. 4 vols. 4to. (See voJ. iY. p. 49- Copied from De Sunde and Kircher. Other edition•: Bam· ~ · t~ \... 1689 BLAGB.AVE (JosErH). .A.stnlllgieal.l+aetke DfPhysick, berge, 1677, 4to.) · . . Herbipoli, 1657-9.~ ~. •689 &c. 12mo. (SeeP. 112.) DE RENNEFORT (SOUCHU). L'.A.im~~IIM)tltiiJW. London, 12mo. 1689- 1661 HENB.ION (DENIS) and MYDO&GE (CLAUDE). u1 RltrlatitJm MlltAbluztipn, awe riZII, rk Ill jW'II- '~~ ~ 1696 ~ _ ~ Paris, l689DE VALLEMONT (PIBI.I.E LE Lo<AIN). Ll PAysif}ue O~cull~, I1U traill ti~ Ill Bapttt~ DiuinattJir~, &c. umo. (See p. 32 of Appendix. Other editions : Paris and Amsterdam, 1693, umo.; and Amsterdam, fJDmn, &c. Premierement reveu par D. Henrion, :'\. depuis par M. Mydorge, Cinquieme et derniere ed. 12mo. (See Problem 74. pp. 158-61. This is only a revised edition of Mydorge's va,. Ettm, of 16JO.) Paris, 1661. 14.· 1696, 12mo.) Paris, 1696. 1661 GLANVILL Q.). Tlu Vani'ty tJj' DopiJIUi,.r,. t:UUl a11 ~ 1701-2 LE BI.UN (PIER&E). HUtoire Cntitpa tin I+alitJuu .AjtJitJgyfor PniltJsDpny. Svo. (Seep. 202.) London, r66r.l.·~ .... Suptrstiti~t~su. 2 vols. l:tmo. (See vol. i. P· 294- 1662 WESTEN (WYNANT VAN). Hd ~Wst~ .Dul """ tie ~ . Other editions: Amsterdam, 1733-36; and Paris, MlltlumatUelu Vtrmaeek, &c. 8vo. Three parts. Ll- I7So-I.) Rauen, 17°1- 2• (See p. us, Part L This is an enlarged Dutch ~ 1711-13 ADDISON (JosEPH). Tlu SfJ«tatw, ~o. 241, for edition of Van Etten's, mpra.) Arnhem, 1662. ~r.i: i I2ii ~ "' 1711. (SeeP· 206. for 1713.) See also T..U Guartlza~r, . NLoon.d1o1n9~, I7II-IJ. 1662 RATT&AY (SYLVJlliTER). Tlzttzirum Symjlltlutinu11 .A.uetum, tzni!Jmz VariD.r .A.ut!&wu tk Puhltrl Symj/1· ,~. 1718 Du PETIT ALBERT•. ~«nt.r Mnwil/nu tit Ia Afarr: ~ ':; Natt1rtlk d CaiJaliHtfJUI. (See p. 22~. Other ed1- tnetitD, &c. 4to. (See p. 546, see Petrus Sc::"us, ·~ . mpra.) Norimbergae, 166,• . ~' tions: Lyon, 1743 and 1762; and Pans, ISIS.) Lyon, 1718. ~'~¥&- - 'T'"'t~lllll·~-~-. .·~~!liiiii~~~~~f':~~ ~: r 7:a3 SANTANELLI (F.). Plu'lll.r11pAw Reetmtiit;z, nw Map• Mapdi&lz, &c. ~o. (See chap. xiv.) Colonie, 1723- ~~-~~~-,.:~~JII!~·~ 1730 B.uL&Y (NATHAN). .Dietitmlll"ii4111 Brila,,.it:u,., &c. Folio. See word "Loadstone." Another London edition of 1736.) London, 1730- .AlaNSIDit (MARK). Tlu Pl~tU~Wn 11/ Imagillfltill~r. (See Book IIL, verses 325-37.) London, 1744- ~'-".....,..., -~~~:~~~~~J175o-1 "MISOGR.APHOS.'' T..U ShN/mt i w, t..U Ozfwtl alld C~~t~~Dritlgt .Mo11t/Jy Mi.rttllllrry. 2 volL (See voL i. p. 354- A translation of Strada's verses.) Oxford, 175o-1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~ .~ 1762 DIDtkER.D.OitTiw. DMt. liii(iSJier.er. p.CW~718".njXJD11idtleanro11t,d Din*'IhWitslpl.leitntletrlitt.or Madame Volland o( 28th July, 1762, alludes to Comus [Ledru] and his supposed telegraph.) Paris, 1841. 1769 GUYOT. NDUWI!n RkrltztiD1U PAysipa d .MatAI- ttU#itJUU. 4 vols. Svo. (See vol i. p. 17. At p. 134 there is a full description, with illustrations, of what was probably Comus's apparatus. Two other Paris editions of 1786 and 1799.) Paris, 1769. 17!8 BARTHELEMY (JEAN JACQUES). Y"J'ttre tlu 7~t~t~~ .A.natllat'sis en Grk1, &c. 4to. (Quoted in 7Durna/ tJj' tAe SHidy of .A.rt.r, May 20, 1859, p. 472 : twelve other editions (of which three are English transla· tions} in the British Museum. See also CD1"'1"ujtm· tlam1 In/diu tlu Madame tiu .Diffantl, vol. ii. p. 99.) 1795 EDGEWORTH (RICHARD J..oVE:LL). Euq Dll t..U Paris, Art 1788. ~~~~lr.l.;;. "--: Dj Ct~!I'W.Yinr Saret.a.nd Swift Inttlligl!'ce. Published ~~~·': in the Tra11.rtutitJ11.r Df the RIIJ'III IrizA .A.eatinn1. (See vol. vi. p. 125.) Dublin, 1797• 1797 GAMBLE (].). .A.11 Eszay Dll the Difftrml MtJtin of CDmmunitatilm by Signals, &c. 4t0. (Seep. 57.) T ""rtnn T.,l'\., The Electric Telegraph had, properly speaking, no inventor. It grew little by little, each inventor adding his little to advance it towards perfection. About 1617, Famianus Strada of Rome claimed to have signalled without wires by means of two sympathetic compasses. Sparks of electricity were sent through wire in 1729 and t 730· About 1750, Mechanical Electricity was first suggested. 1753, it was proposed to send signals through insulated wires on poles. 1774, Lesage used 24 insulated wires and claimed to ha\·e contemplated for thirty years corresponding by electricity. ' 1787, Lomond used a single brass wire of some length. 1791, Samuel F. B. Morse was born. J794, Rieser used 36 wires. 1795, Cavello used a Leyden jar and about .zoo feet of copper wire. 1798, Salva successfully signalled 26 miles. 18o7, Alfred \'ail was born. 18o8, Chemical Electricity used for signalling by Von Soemmering of Munich. 1812, Schilting exploded powder mines by electricity across the river Ne\·a near St. Petersburg. 1816, Ronalds signalled through 8 miles of wire and his principle was successfully used by \Vheatstone, 1839, by House, 1846, and by Hughes in 1850, and in same year ( 1816) Dr. Coxe of Philadelphia suggested communication by electricity. 1820, Oersted also suggested the same means of communication, and Ampere discovered galvanic magnetism. 1823, Baron Schilling signalled by electricity. 1824, Peter Barlow signalled with a Sturgeon"s magnet and the Edinburg Philosophical Journal for January, tS:zs, published his conclusions as follows: "The details of this contrivance are so obvious and the principle on which it was founded so -:.v~/1 und~rstood that there was only one question which could he render the result doubtful, and this was 'is there any diminution of effect bv lengthening the wire'? Two hundred feet of wire so reduced the effect that gave it up." In 1828, Dyer, .an American, strung wires on poles, with glass insulators. 1828 to 1 Prof. h Henry sent electric signals at Albany, N. Y. .- ' .~._..':II.Ai~•.~~~~~~~,...~ ......,~----·~........~......~~ ' I I I F - , 0 . 7. . . . .~ - -:......... . - - ' 6 But it is time to tell you ' briefly in what my plan A.l"'lll-.""~11011 One can imagine a subterranean tube, of glazed earthenware, the inside of which is divided, at every fathom's length, by diaphragms, or partitions,~~~ a.:~T -.of glazed earthenware, or of glass, pierced by twenty-four holes, so as to give passage to as many .....~=- brass wires, which could in this way be supported and l:Sa~ .i kept apart. At each of the extremities of this tube, ..~•..,.-~~ the twenty-four wires are arranged horizontally, h1ce the keys of a harpsichord, each wire having suspended above it a letter of the alphabet, while immediately underneath, on a table, are pieces of gold leaf, or other bodies that can be as easily attracted, and are, at the same time, easily visible. " He, who wishes to signal anything, shall touch the --~- -.-" . . . ... ends of the wires with an excited glass tube, according -to the order of the letters composing the words ; while :.'t~!!:i~~~ iii~~-....~~~~ his correspondent writes down the characters under ~~..t.l·/~·~~...~JL::IIIIIi• Ao.--- which he sees the little gold leaves play. The other : details are easily supplied." ?liiii~!!t~t~ . Le Sage had an idea of offering his invention to flu., that to the wants and tastes of Frederick the Great, and drew up an introductory fothers ;·and this desire all the monarchs of the world,; note as follows :- !united, could not enable me to fully satisfy. It is ~ " • . To the King of Prussta. :not, then, to a patron who can give much, ·that I take jthe liberty of dedicating the following discovery, but "Sire,-My little fortune is not only sufficient for!to a patron who can do much with it, and who can all wants, but even for all my tastes-e:ccept one, udge for himself of its utility without having to refer it to his advisers." • Whether he ever carried out this idea or not is difficult to say, but it is certain that his plan was never l practically tried, and, like so many of its class, was 1 soon forgotten. 1787.-Lomond's Telegl'apA. The next plan that we have to notice was a decided l improvement, and had an actual existence, though on · a very small scale. Seeing, no doubt, the difficulty and expense of using many wires, Lomond of Paris reduced, at one sweep, the number to one, and thus produced a really serviceable telegraph. • Arthur . Young, the diligent writer on natural and industrial ! ~~fi~~!J! resources, saw this apparatus in action during his first · visit to Paris, and thus describes it in his journal, under date October I 6, I 787 : - , i • See Notict tk 14 vie II d's krits at G«~rp-.l.ouis u Sagt tit Gmiw, &c., par Pierre Prevost, 8vo., Geneve, 18o5, pp. 176-7. All writers on ' the Electric Telegraph, copying Moigno (Traitl tk Tl/~grapAit .._ _._.. _ _.....,.., Altctl"ipt, faris, 1S49 and 1852), say that Le Sage actually established ""~ his telegraph at Geneva in 1774-an assertion for which we have not ~ been able to find any authority. r ~---~~~ l:~c•s-~~~ "In the evening to .M. Lomond, a very ingenious and inventive .mechanic, who has made an improve- i ment of the jenny for spinning cotton ; common machines are said to make too hard a thread for certain fabrics, but this forms it loose and spongy. In electricity he has made a remarkable discovery. .. ~. You write two or three words on a paper; he takes "ii~~§;~~-~ it with him into a room and turns a ma'Chine enclosed in a cylindrical case, at the top of which is an electro- meter, a small fine pith-ban• ; a wire connects with a similar cylinder and electrometer in a distant apart- ment, and his wife, by remarking the corresponding iiiii.IW\.. . .. . . . . motions of the ball, writes down the words they-.-...............-..:..-. ._.-- indicate, from which it appears that he has formed an alphabet of motions. As the length of the wire makes no difference in the effect, a correspondence might be carried on at any distance; within and without a besieged town for instance, or for a purpose much more worthy, and a thousand times more harm- less-between two lovers prohibited, or prevented, from any better connection. Whatever the use may • Soon after the discovery of the Leyden jar the necessity of some 1 1 sufficient indicator of the presence and power of electricity began to be ; be, the invention is beautiful. fel~ and after some clumsy attempts a' an electro~eter by G~ath, made many other curious machines all the entire Ellicott, and others, the Abbe Nollet adopted the Slmple expedient of ' suspending two threads, which when electrified would separate by their ~work of his own hands. Mechanical invention seems 1 mutual repulsion. Waitz hung little leaden pellets from the threads for ~. to be in him a natural propensity,. greater steadiness, and Canton, in 1733, improved upon this by substi· • : • • · tuting two pith balls suspended in contact by fine wires-a contrivance As tn all systems where the stgnals were tndtca which is used to this day. The electrometer mentioned in the text was by electroscopes or electrometers their action would of in the kind 1772. known as the quadrant electrometer,; introduced by Henley ! contt.nue so long' as the charge co' mmuni.cated ~o the wires lasted, and, as during this time it would not be .. possible to make another signal, the authors must in some way have discharged the wires after every signal,,.~ so as to allow the balls, gold leaves, or other indicators,~~ ~~~~~~~ to resume have done, their either normal position. This they by touching the wires with the mfiingghetr~~ l -A.-,.-.;.w after the signal had been noted, or by· making the ~- ....~,..~:~~.oil.:/'. ~::t....._,.~.,. indicators themselves strike against some body that would convey their charges to earth. But, probably, _ .._.._.. there was no need for any such stratagem, as the ~·· insulation of the wires would be so imperfect, and the~ speed of signalling so slow, that the inconvenience · ·-... ~-··- ........ have ~----..·~~~~-- VRIL AND "GALVANIC FORCE" CAUSING THE POLARIZATION-EFFECTS COMMONLY CALLED MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC FORCE This must be taken for what it is Mojon's Experiment, according to barn. ..:.1. :· Preparatz'on. Arrange the horizontal rods a b, od ~ (Ftg. 9) so tha~ they may approach the magnetic bar ,.J oo, le~n.-u....... between them, in place of the knobs screw~ ',.,.. on little pincers which take hold of the magnetic bar .._. attach one pole of a pile to a, and the other to d, ~ completing the voltaic circuit through the length!:;. of the ma~et. ~-; 1 d -,...,. : • Es.tai Thlontpu Exjlrimmta/ m,. k Gal'flani.tiiU, Paris, 18o4,tc~ -~~~ . . . . . . . . .~ ~..~ ....... ;1.~ .. . - -~ . . -: ~ •• Effects. According to the observations of Roma- ~~acgcnoorsdi itnhge magnet to those experiences a declination, and of Mojon needles not previously ~ magn~tised acquire by this means a sort of magnetic . ~ ~ polanty." • In a paper read before the Royal Academy '...,..,.....,....::; of li·~ Munich, in May tSos, Ritter, a Bavarian philosopher, advanced some curious speculations, which, although ~ always quoted~ as suggestive of electro-magnetism, are ~ really as wide of the mark as the experiments of ·~ Romagnosi, Schweigger, and Mojon. We find them ftll5i.3:¥>-.7 ~ thus described in the Phi/Qsophica/ Magazine, for I8o6:t"The pile with which M. Ritter commonly performs ~.-~~i~iii~J'i~i~ ~~~~ his experiments consists of I oo pairs of plates of :fJ~C"'~~~-,~\J~SNWj S metal, two inches in diameter; the pieces of zinc have ~~~~~~Q~tilill~r.J~~~~ ~ ~j * Mr. Sabine appears to haTe studied Izarn, yet he writes thus, at ~·-~Lop.n2d3ono,f his HutDry aNi 1869:-11 After Progr~ss of tlu El«tm 1ikgrapA, explAining the way to prepare the 2nd edit., apparatus, ~ wllkA ct11Uitll simply in putting- a fr~tiy nupn1tl~d""'K"'i n«ti/1 ptzra/111 ,- .. · • ~:,"'~~·~ ·•..,_~~ ~ aNi cllls1 111 a swlligAI mdallic condwtor through which a galvanic cur- i a. rim to prevent the liquid pressed out fro1n fiowing ~ rent is circulating, he describes the efFects in the following words," The woids that we haTe it:ilicised are altogether misleading. &c.j • away, an d th e apparatus · 1S 1•nsu1ated bY severa1 P1ates~ ~ t Vol uiii. p. 51. 11 An ingenious and extraordinary man, from i of glass. who~ much. mig~t have. be~ expected, had n:1t~ permitted -the., "As he resides at present near Jena I have not had continuance of his scrutiny 1nto her secret operations. A prema· • • • • • ture· death deprived the world of one whose constitutional singu· an opportunity of see1ng exper1ments wtth h1S great larity of opinion, ardency of research, and originality of inTention, : battery of 2000 pieces or with his battery of 50 pieces rendered him at once systematic in eccentricity, inexhaustible in: • •• ' • • ' discovery, and ingenious even in error."-Donovan's Essay 011 11111 each thtrty·SlX tnches square, the actlon of wh1ch o,y;,, J'rDgras, and Pram/ Stat1 of Gal'llanism, Dublin, 1816, ! continues very perceptible for a fortnight. Neither P· J1o0h7a·nn Wilhelm Ritter was born December 16, 1776, and died at I have I .seen h"lS expen.ments W.lth the new battery Munich, January 23, 181o. l his invention, consisting of a single metal, and which he calls the cllllrgingpile.• "I have, however, seen him galvanise a louis d'or. He places it between two pieces of pasteboard thoroughly wetted, and keeps it six or eight minutes in the circuit of the pile. Thus it becomes charged, though not immediately in contact with the conduct- ing wires. · If applied to the recently bared crural nerves of a frog the usual contractions ensue. I put a louis d'or thus galvanised into my pocket, and Ritter tcld me, some minutes after, that I might discover it from the rest by trying them in succession upon the (r\lg. I made the trial, and actually distinguished, among several others, one in which only the exciting quality was evident. "The charge is retained in proportion to the time ~ d:i' that the coin has been in the circuit of the pile. Thus, • The charging pile, or, as we now call it, the secondary battery, was first described by Gautberot in 18o1. See Izam's Manw/ . Gal'llanimu, P~ 18o4. p. 250; also PIUI. Mag., for 18o6, TOL xxiv• ......._ · P• 185. ~~~~~~ ~~~~ -~~~ ·-~· of three different coins, which Ritter charged in my ' presence, none lost its charge under five minutes. I .. "A metal thus retaining the galvanic charge, though touched by the hand and other metals, shows that this .. communication of galvanic virtue has more affinity .:~ with. magnetism than with electricity, and assigns to the galvanic two. fluid an intermediate rank between the i!ii1~9 "Ritter can, in the way I have just described, charge at once any number of pieces. It is only necessary tthat the two extreme pieces of the number communi· cate with the pile through the intervention of wet ... pasteboards. It is with metallic discs charged in this manner, and placed upon one another, with. pieces wet pasteboard alternately interposed, that he con- structs his charging pile, which ought, in r-emembrance of its inventor, to be called the Ritterian.pile. The construction of this pile shows that each metal galvan- ised in this way acquires polarity, as the needle does when touched with a magnet.• . that the piece of gold galvanised by com- • • • • • • 1munication with the pile exerts at once the action of "After showing me his experiments on the different ;tw~ m~tals, or of ~ne ~l~ic couple, and that the face, contractibility of various muscles Ritter made me . whtch tn the voltatc ctrcutt was next the negative pole, ' ; became positive ; and the face towards the positive I' • We may here dispose of a paragraph which has hitherto puzzled f pole, negative. a good many writers, who have supposed it to refer to some kind ofJ magneto-electric machine. It occurs in Tile MontAly Magtuine, for • "H · • avtng d"tscovered a way to galvanise metals, as ;'- April 18o2, p. 268, and reads as follows : - · Iron 1s rendered magnetic, and having found that the · ~ ~;=a.r"pf'h#":i-,~- . mtght have been brought before electrtctans :- ·'ij "Is it to Oersted, or- to Romagnosi, ·that we should ~ ascribe the merit of having first observed the deviation ~ of the magnetic needle by the action of the galvanic current? " Had Oersted any knowledge of the experiment.,..~..,.~ of Romagnosi when he published his discovery of electro-magnetism ?• " Ha\o·e any other savants taken part in this dis-. ·-·-=--.l.........:~~~ covery?" Now, we should have thought that after the admir- ~~~~~~~iihl~r~~~~~ · able expos/ of Govi, to which we have just referred, no electrician would seriously put to himself these questions. But it appears that our Paris confrere does so, although, if he had only read carefully the facts on which he bases them, he would perceive that they have no relation whatever to electro-magnetic action, but are simply effects of ordinary electrical attraction and repulsion brought about by the static charge which is always accumulated at the poles of a strong voltaic pile-the form of battery used in Romagnosi's "·~··. ... .... - ~~.......,r;-.•...~ __•:.>~",".....~::.;k;;;'.N·r~.. experiments, and which, as is well known, exhibits . this phenomenon in a far more exalted degree than • the ordinary cell arrangement. f f We cannot establish better. the correctness of our conclusions than by quoting ill full the recital of r Romagnosi's experiment, as it originally appeared in the Gazzetta di Trento, of August 3, 1802: • - t • Dr. Hamel, for one, thought be had, and tries to prove it in his HutDriea/ AttDunt, &c., of 1859 (pp. 37-9 of W. F. Cooke's reprint). "Article on Galvanism. ( "The Counsellor, Gian Domenico de Romagnosi, ~ of this city, known to the republic of letters by his IS learned productions, hastens to communicate to the physicists of Europe an experiment showing the action of the galvanic fluid on magnetism. "Having constructed a voltaic pile, of thitr discs of f copper ~and zinc, separated by flannel soaked in a solution of sal-ammoniac, he attached to one of the f poles 9pe end of a silver chain, the other end of which ~Jij~~~~ pass~? ~ugh a short glass tube, and terminated in '- a si1~0.knob. This being done, he took an ordinary comp~~.....9x, placed it on a glass stand, ren1oved its ~~=ri~~!;::~ gl~~ c~i,ai~ and touched one end of the needle with the~·- ·· · knob, which he took care to hold by its JCA;~s:f~j!_~~rpe. After a few seconds' contact, the ~C~~e~~~;J)Dserved to take up a new position, where r" '.lt.~~eJn.-a,i;i~~~ even after the removal of the knob. A ~-aJ:,pliea,tion of the knob caused a still further at p. 8 of Govi's --~·~ eflection of the needle, which was always 0~..............~ ,..~~~ ~~~to remain in the pasition to which it was last deflected, ~as if its polarity were altogether destroyed. ~ FIG. 8. . ii3 !' ... Romagnosi's Experimeut, according to Govi. ~~ " In order to restore this polarity, Romagnosi took Ps .. the compass-box between his fingers and thumbs, and.,~· . ~,;: -~~..- !,·>.~-f~"'l: held. it steadily for some seconds. The needle then ~pole of the pile, and nevw speaks of tlu e:"rcuz."t !Jeing-. returned to its original position, not all at once, but closed-facts which show that his experiment has no ~ little by little, advancing like the minute or seconds , resemblance to that of Oersted. ,~ hand of a clock. ,_ The effects which he describes are, moreover, easily " These experiments were made in the month of' explainable on another hypothesis. The compass May, and repeated in the presence of a few spectators, needle, we may imagine, received a charge of static when the effect was obtained without trouble and at a electricity by contact with the charged pole ~f the 1 very sensible distance." Hen: it will be seen that Romagnosi uses only one pile.. Being charge, and, insulated, it consequently, could not as soon as part with this it had attained 1 : the same potential as the volta.ic pole, mutual repuls.ion IlI ensued. As the needle belonged to '' an ordinary compass-box," we may assume it was neither strongly magnetised, nor delicately suspended. Friction at the point of support, then, might more than.counter- balance the directive force of the earth, and so the needle would always remain in the position to which it had been last repelled. ; The" restoration of polarity," or the bringing back r of the needle to the magnetic meridian, by merely holding the compass-box steadily between the fingers i and thumbs, although savouring of legerdemain, was r really due to a" simple turn of the wrist." Roma- f ------- gnosi may have imagined that he held the compass- 1 box· steadio/, but there can be no doubt that his hands j ;."!!Il~· suffered a slight and imperceptible tremor, which, aided by the directive force of terrestrial ntagnetism, ~ sufficed to shake the needle into a north and south ~ . ' ~~~-- ~ ~aTnhde force is less so in that form more than as magnetism. as e!ectr1cu:v It is, therefore, pro- ~ bable that the electric force, when superposed, will Wexercise a less influence on magnetism than on gal- l vanism. In the galvanic pile, it is the electric state -::.. [tension] which it acquires that is affected by the ~~.~ approach of an excited glass rod; more, it is not that Iinterior distribution of forces constituting magnetism that we can change by electricity, but it is the electric state which· belongs to the magnet as to bodies in ~·~"i general. 1 "We do not pretend to decide anything in this f matter ; we only wish to clear up, as far as possible, a :very obscure subject, and, in a question of such im- portance, we shall be very well satisfied if we have made it apparent that the principal objection to the identity of the forces which produce electricity and magnetism is rather a difficulty of reconciling facts than of the facts themselves." Jl And again, on p. 2 38, he says :-" Steel when ~ heated loses its magnetism, showing that it becomes 1 a better conductor by the elevation of temperature, cc This experiment will not be made without ~ like electrical bodies. Magnetism, too, like electricity, culty, for the electrical actions will blend and rend 1 exists in all bodies in nature, as Brockmann and the observations very complicated. In Coulomb have shown. From this it seems that the the attractions on magnetic and non-magnetic bodies, j magnetic force is as general as the electric; and it Rsome data will probably be obtained." i ~ remains to b~ seen whethe~ electr~city in its most~ In trying experiments with a view to the illustration ' latent state [t. e., as galvan1sn1] w1ll not affect the of these hazy notions Oersted is said to have succ~eded ~.m;a!g·n:e~ti~c ~n·eedle as sttc~ h. .·=.'..~:1-:.;~~·r..~~~·-·<..~_~·. . in obtaining indications of the action of the conducting twahilerietnstleeoefdpletehrp;elbepuxiliten,tghdeu; rpainnhdgen.toihtmewepanasasnswoaegtreeti,lolaftaeffilterescrttrvrit.ceeiwptye,,antooentd•.~~·~ investigation that, in the winter of r8rg-2o, the real•( nature of the action was satisfactorily made out.• Even then Oersted seems not to have clearly under- stood the full significance of his. own experiment. Unlike Davy, who, when he first saw the fiery drops of potassium flow under the action of his battery, ......., _-._._..~·-=~· recorded his triumph in a few glowing words in his r~-4~~~~ laboratory journal,t Oersted took no immediate steps. ~ . • "Professor Forchhammer, the pupil and friend of Oersted, stat..- that, in 1818 and 1819, it was well known in Copenhagen that be was~. engaged in a special study of the coiUlection of magnetism and elec· ~ tricity. Yet we must ascribe it to a happy impulse -the result, no ~ doubt, of much. anxious thought-that, at a private lecture to a few~ ·-..,~ ..... JI advanced students in the winter of I819-20, he made the obsenation~ l#.iilllll=a.i::::lll. that ~.wire uniting the ends of a voltaic battery in a state of activity~ affected a magnet in its vicinity."-En&y. Brit., 8th eel., Dissertation vi.~ ~.,..--~.- P· 973· . . ~ t Oli:J6th October; 18o7, while investigating the compound nature~ ~'i ... .... ....... . of the alkalies'. On seeing the globules ofpotassium burst through thSI·•. crust of the potash, and take fire as they entered the atmosphere, he ) could not contain his joy, but danced about the room. in wild delight, '..:~~~·~~~--~·~ ~· ~ , ' ,~ " - ~ . . - .~ As the result of all these observations the Bavarian philosopher concluded that "electrical combinations, when not exhibiting their electric tension, were in a magnetic state ; and that there existed a kind of !11!!!1~~ electro-magnetic meridian depending on the electricity of the earth, and at right angles to the magnetic ...;..:.~~~~ •poles." • These speculations are, · as we see, sufficiently obscure, and, like those that we have hitherto described, failed to throw any light on the relation so anxiously sought after. Nor can we give Oersted credit at this period for ·--·r~ any more distinct apprehensions. In a work which • PAiL Nq., voL lviii. p. 43· It is carious to note that the English philosophers entirely neglected this study, being content to follow the brilliant lead of Sir Humphry Davy in another branch of the science. Indeed, it seems to have been the general opinion in this country, u late u the year 1818, that there wu nothing ~~~~~Q~rl-~l;~l:~~~ more to be discovered. Bostock, in his .lltttnl"t of t1u Bislf117 -~:.\'i~ l"'tl Prumt Stall of Galvanism, published in London in .that year, ~,...-ji.;VJ!r!:......u says:" Although it may be somewhat hazardous to form predictions • respecting the progress of science, I may remark that the impulse, which was given in the first instance by Galvani's original experiments, ~ . ·• _ I . . ' ' .• was revived by Volta's disco•ery of the pile~ and was carried to the he published in German in I 807 on the identity of highest pitch by position, seems Sir H. Davy's application of to have, in a great measure, it to chemical subsided. It decom· may be !chemtcal and electncal forces, he observes • - conjectured that we hn.ve carried the power of the instrument to th-e i "When a plate composed of several thin layers is I utmost extent of at present in the which it admits way of making ; and it does not appear that we are any important additions to our know· 1elect n"fi ed , an d the Iayers afterwardS separated, each ledge of its effects, or of obtaining any new light upon the theory of is found to possess an electric polarity, just as ea.ch its action" (p. 102). Napoleon did not hold these views. In the Fint Consul's letter to fira,:ment ~f a magnet possesses a ~agnet"lC po1art"tY· the Minister, Chaptal, founding two prizes to encourage .new researches There IS, however, one fact whtch would appear to in gal~anism,. h~• said:-" Galvanism, in my opinion, will lead to be opposed to the theGry of the identity of magnetism - .......-...~..d.iscovenes. and electrt·ct·ty. It 1•s that e1ectrified bod•t~ act upon magnetic bodies, as if they [? the magnetic bodiesJ were endowed with no force in particular. It would be very interesting to science to explain away this diffi· culty ; but the present state of physics will not enable us to do so. It is, meanwhile, only a difficulty, and not a fact absolutely opposed to theory ; for we see iil frictional electricity and in that of contact [galvanism~ analogous phenomena. Thus, we can alter the tensior. of the electric pile by bringing near it an excited glas~ rod, and yet not affect in any way the chemical action A long column of water, or a wetted thread of flax o ~:1iii1~a![fi wool, will also suffer a change in its electricity withou1 experiencing any chemical changes. "It ·would appear, then, that the forces can be super posed without interfering with each other when the} operate under forms of different activities. " The form of galvanic activity holds a middle plact bctwe~n those of magnetism and [static] electricity In studying the points of analogy between lightning . ........ and electricity, the great Franklin remarked that the ;--....·--~~ latter, like the former, had the power not merely of ~ destroying the magnetism of a needle, but of com- ,!IW pletely reversing its polarity. By discharging four ~ large Leyden jars through a common sewing needle, • he was able to impart to it such a degree of magnetism that, when floated on water, it placed itself in plane of the magnetic meridian. When the disch4ue:~• was sent through a steel wire perpendicular to •• ~~ ~ ll'!lliiiol.. ,,.,._Wii horizon it was permanently magnetised, with its end a North, and its upper end a South pole ; and, on.~~...... reversing the position of the wire and again transmit-fl.~~~~~~~-~;1(·~~.:'~~~ ting through it the discharge, the polarity was · ~ destroyed, or entirely reversed Franklin also found . ,. ~~~5ilj~:~.:~r.·..... ~~ii~fi~~~~~n~~ ~~ ~ that the polarity of the loadstone could be destroyed in a similar manner.• - Dalibard, about the same time, imagined that he had proved that the electric discharge gives a northern .....- ...._ From a review by himself made obfetawlletehnesIe7, 5a3n·da.n~o,dt~h:~Ilr7&.5F~~ -8b,s~.~ eB~e~~.c_r;~ ._t,c.lia·l~rk;'ir~-ae~-..~-.. polarity to that point of a steel bar at which it enters, came to the conclusion that the polarity of a needle and a southern polarity to that at which it makes its magnetised by electricity was invariably determined exit, while Wilcke, for his part, was equally satisfied by the direction in which the electric discharge was that an invariable connection existed between negative made to pass through it ; and as a consequence he electricity and northern polarity. ass~med the polarity acquired by ferruginous bodies wh1ch had been struck by lightning as a test of the kind of electricity with which the thunder-cloud was t.~ charged ~ ~pplying this criterion to the earth itself, Beccaria l1li conJectured that terrestrial magnetism was, like that the needle magnetised by Franklin and Dalibard, the mere ~ffect of perm~ne~t currents of natural electricity, esta~hshed and ma1nta1ned upon its surface by.various ph~stcal causes ; that, as a violent current, like that ..._ ~hich attends the exhibition of lightning, produces; Instantaneous and powerful magnetism in substances ~l!ilcapable of receiving that quality, so may a more ge~tle, regular, and constant circulation of the electric fiu1d upon the earth impress the same virtue on all ~;..:~~~$!such bodies as are capable of it. "Of such fluid thus » , ever present, observes Beccaria, " I think that some ~~~~:i~~IJJ4 portion is constantly passing through all bodies situate on the earth, especially those which are metallic and ferruginous ; and I imagine z't must !Je those &UN"mts .-;~Iii wk:<. impl"es~ on fire-irons, and otlur similar tkr:ngs, thl poww w,kzck tlzey al"e known to acquz.,e of dil"ectinr ~~~ tlumselves according to tlu magnetic nuridian tluy are properly !Ja/aneed." • Diderot, one of the editors of the celebrated "En- cyclopzdia," and whom the RI'IJUe des deuz M ondes t calls a " Darwinist a century before Darwin," was also, as early as 1;62, a firm belie\'er in the identity of ~---~ electricity and magnetism, and has left in his writings ~ some arguments in support of this hypothesis. ~ In his essay On tlu Intn"fretation of Nature he -~ says :-"There is great reason for supposing that ~'~~'i.""'!"~ magnetism and electricity depend on the same causes. ~ _._.;....~ Why may not these be the rotation of the earth, and the energy of the substances composing it, com- bined with the action of the moon? The ebb and ~~i~,~~~~ ftow of the tides, currents, winds, light, motion of ....'l-.....&'trl"' the free particles ·or the globe, perhaps even of the entire crust round its nucleus, produce, in an infinite ~~~~~Q~~-fl~r.l~~~~~~~ number of ways, continual friction. The effect of these causes, acting as they do sensibly and unceas- ~~. ,. ingly, must be, at the end of ages, very considerable. _ ~ ~~;-.~:~ The nucleus or kernel of the earth is a mass of glass, • • • ~f'.:;?~:.::. its ·surface is covered only with remains of glass- -electrictty be the result of all these frictions, e1ther~ sands and vitrifiable substances. Glass is, of all ~~t the external surface of the earth, or at that of its,(~ I " bodies, the one that yields most electricity on being llltnternal kernel ? rubbed. Why may not the sum total of terrestrial From this general cause it is presumable that we I I • Ampere's theory of electfO.magnetism, and likewise his new of ~can deduce, by experiments, a particular cause which terrestrial magnetism, are here distinctly foreshadowed by this most ~hall establish between two grand phenomena, 'IIi;., acute~ accurate obse"er. Fo~ ~full account of Beccaria's researches, the position of the aurora borealis and the direction see Priestley's Hizttw7 -.1 ~l«tridty, LoDdOD, 1767, pp. 340-352. la • • • • For December • of the magnet1c needle, a connection s1mdar to that which. is proved to exist between magnetism and " electricity by the fact that we can magnetise a needle • without a magnet and by means only of electricity. "These notions may be either true or false. They have no existence so far but in my imagination. It is for experience to give them solidity, and it is for the physicist to discover wherein the pheflomena differ, or how to establish their identity." • ... I In the year 1774. the following question was pro- f ~~~~lii~~DM posed by the Electoral Academy of Bavaria as the subject of a prize essay :-" Is there a real and phy- sical analogy between electric and magnetic forces, and, if such analogy exist, in what manner do these ~~~~~ ..-:::;;;......-~forces act upon the animal body?" ·The essays received on that occasion were collected and pub- . lished ten years later by Professor Van Swinden, of .... Franeker-the winner of one of the prizes.t ~.?a • The physicist has bem true to the trust. See Coll«titln Com;;;;;;, 7' da CEurwez PIUIIJMJjAipu, .LiitbtJi,.n, et D,.~ til DiiUI"ot, Svo., t... swis., LoD~ 1773t vol. ii. P· 28. . ~~-l'J~r"!~~~ t R«WU til NhwWn tuf'l.ANJ/ogil fit l'El«tridJI d till Mag111tistM, . ~ -'1~...-'~- &c., 3 vols., Svo., La Haye, 1784. ~~a ~~~~~~~~~~ This event in which Chappe's semaphore played so important a part caused much attention to be directed to the subject of telegraphy, and on the sth 1uly following we find the Bavarian mini~ter, Montgelas, requesting his friend, Dr. Sommerring, to bring the subject before the Academy of Sciences (of Munich), of which he was a distinguished member.• Sommerring at once gave the matter his attention, ~&.~L.,...., and soon it occurred to him to try whether the visible evolution ofgases from the decomposition of water by the voltaic current might not answer the purpose. He worked at this idea incessantly, and, before three ~~~~.... days had elapsed, had constructed his first apparatus, ~~~,~~r.J~·~·~~~~~-ti~~~~~ shown in Fig. 6. He took .five wires of silver, or -~~~ copper, and, insulating each with a thick coating of ~~~~~'>-"' sealing-wax, bound the whole up into a cable. These o, wires, at one end, ' terminated in five pins which ......... ~ penetrated a glass vessel containing acidulated water ; thereby indicate any of the five letters a, c, .d, e. ~ I and,··at nection the other, were capable of being put in conwith the poles of a pile of fifteen pairs of zinc .~Hhiamysienlgf thus shown the feasibility of to perfect his apparatus, and his project, he set worked at it with :,-. discs, and Brabant thalers, separated by felt soaked in hydrochloric acid. By touching any two of the wires :o t~e poles of the ~ile he was able to produce, l such a will that by the 6th of August it was com- ~ pleted. He wrote in his diary on that day :-" I have r tried the entirely finished apparatus whi~ completely at their distant ends, a disengagement of gases, and answers my expectations. It works qu1ckly through FIG. 6. . ~ The proposal that we have now to notice is one of great merit, and resembles in some respects Cooke · and Wheatstone's five-needle, or Hatcllmmt, telegraph of 1837· It is the invention of Professor Luigi Magrini, of Venice, and is described by him, at length, t""''IP'...;.,··:;··---·- in a brochure, which he published, at Venice, in 1838, entitled · Telegrafo Elettro-Magnetico, Praticabile · a Grandi Dirtanze. From an Appendix on pp. 8S-6, it appears that the first published account of this tele- graph is that contained in the Gusetta Privilqiata di Vmesia, No. 189, of 23rd August, 1837; • but, as far as we can discover, it was never tried on any extensive ~ scale. Had this been done, there can be no doubt ~ that it would have succeeded as well as the English .J}, one, and we should have had the curious result of ~ smeee~intg i.nthIetasliymaunltdanienoEusngalnanddinodfeepleenctdrein~tt~elsetgarbalpihssh,- _2i ~h1ch are not only based on. the ~arne pnnctples, but, lle:tt-nlanclea deflections of the second and third Jlflll 1n some.respects, are almost .tdenbcal. . needles ; ~ to strong deflections of the same needles, ~ ~ i The stgnal apparatus cons1sted of a honzontal table, lbut in the other, or right-handed direction; and so~ one metre long, and sixty centimetres broad, into on for the rest. ~~ which fitted three galvanometers as shown in the~ F ~'; ::-t~ Fig. 3r. By means of two batteries of different~~ s~rengths, and a commutator, each needle was suscep- ~ IG 31 • • ~ ·-..; · ·~ I ~.~~1~ j~ t1ble of four movements, one weak and one strong to the right, and one weak and one strong to the left. These four positions indicated for each needle a ~ ' ~ ~ ?~ ~ different letter which was suitably inscribed on the, ~1 :~••f..ibrosatrdg,aolvr atanbolme.eteTr hwuesr,ethAe,leBtt,erCs ,apDpe;rttahionsiengotfo tthhee~~ ~ ~ ~ second, I, L, M, N ; and those of the third, S, T, ~ ~~ t :~ ~ U~ V. In order to indicate all the othe~ !etters, the needles~ meMtaallgircinciirceumitps.loyAetdthseixselnidniengwsitraesti,onfotrhmeisnegdithprpeeed~~t ., ~ w~re employed, two and two at a ttme ; F, for exam-~ into troughs of mercury placed on a table, and a~ ~pie, corresponded i .~1 needles I and 2 ; to H, weak, right-handed deflections of~ to strong deflections of the same little above which on short supports. was laid the This board, cwohmicmhuftoartincgleabroneasrsd~~ I ~two needles, and in the same direction; 0, to weak, sake is shown in the Fig. 32, in a raised, or vertical, iJI. ~ Tl/lgrDfo~, March-A~ 1~8o, is~ .• In the Annllln .for p. '""'it position, carried, underneath, twenty-four glass rods, d J sad to date back to 1832; but this 1s probably a _DUSpnnt. in three rows of eight rods each. To the ends of each a rod were attached elastic strips of ~rass, t~rminating in ~ projecting pins of the same matertal, whtch could be pushed downwards (by means of a handle affixed to~ the centre of the rod and projecting through the top~ f face of the board) so as to dip into the mercury~ troughs. · 'The other ends of the el~stic strips ~v.ere permanently connected, the one wJth the pos1t1ve, ·. . . . .11.!-=:-:;_. .._.._~WII ~-~·~~'CV...&~ ~ :•\\( FIG. J2. ... ··-····i·bl,l•l•l•l•l•l•l•l ! ,.----~~l•l•i• A HISTORY OF I WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. / I FIRST PERIOD-THE POSSmLE. i1 ".A.whlle forbear, Nor acorn man's eJ!'orta at a natural growth, -;~:~_..~: ,~~~ Which in some distant age may hope to 1bul :Maturity, if not perfection."' ~ Joft me:=~R~ ==:::~&and t~ sympathetic- 1lesh telegraphs of the sixteenth and seven- -~~ ·1r; ~ teenth centuries, a full account of which will be found in ~~my we~~~~~~~~~~;~!~ ~;~~;J come'Htiostothrey oyfeaErle'1c7tr9i5c Tfoerlegthraep.hfiyrsttog1li8m3m7e' r(icnhgasp.ofi)t,elleg- raphy without wires. SalvO., who was an eminent Spanish i;!~~~~iij~-~~ ·~ !/~ physicist, and the inventor of the first electro-chemical tela- ·""--Ia.· .:1~~.~~~31 ~ graph, has the following bizarre passage in his paper " On "'..:•._......_.~~.,...w.; -~~~-: the Application of Electricity to Telegraphy," read before the seas, and the water usetl instead of return wires, he ~ \\';. ·~. ~the Academy of Sciences, Barcelona, December 16, 1795• . After showing how insulated wires may be laid under goes on to say: "If earthquakes be caused by electricity~ going from one point charged positively to another point ~ charged negatively, as Bertolon has shown in his ' Elec- ::;...·: • l E. & F. N. Spo.&n, London, 188'- · \ tricite des Meteores' (vol. i. p. 273), one does not even want?~., ~ ' a cable to send across the sea a signal arranged beforehand. ~e. ~ One could, for example, arrange at 1ttiallorca an area of 'ltiJ earth charged with electricity, and at .Alicante a similar -~ space charged with the opposite electricity, with a wire going to, and dipping into, the sea. On leading another wire from the sea-shore to the electrified spot at Mallorca, the commllnication betlveen the two charged surfaces would be complete, for the electric fluid would traverse tho sea, which is an excellent conductor, and indicate by the spark the dusiretl signau." 1 .., \ Another early telegraph inventor and eminent physi-: ologist, Sommerring of ~funicb, has an experiment which, ~· under more favourable conditions of observation, might~ J. easily have resulted in the suggestion at this early date of signalling through and by water alone. Dr Hamel 1 tells us that Sommerring, on the 5th of June 1811, and· at the suggestion of his friend, Baron Schilling, tried the · action of his telegraph whilst the two conducting cords were each interrupted by water contained in wooden tubs. The signals appeared just as well as if no water had been interposed, but they ceased as soon .~ the water in the tubs was connected by a wire, the current then returning by this aborter way. Now here we have, in petto, all the conditions necessary 1 Later on (p. 81 infm) we shall see that Salvd."s idea ia after :iJ;:j~rJ!!!JiltiaU not ao extravagant ae it seems. We now know that large apacea Si~Eill!l of t.he ear~h CGA be electrified, giving riae to the phenomenon of "bad earth,.. ao \Yell known to telegraph ofticiala. t ' Hiatorical Account of the Introduction of the Galvanic and Electro-magnetic Telegraph into England," Couke"a Reprint, p. 17. , .. . \ ~ . - -. t''l .... tu U.·acoa lnoe •••._ uwitoa& UUJdu o( MuuraphJ ..lopt...t lo U....u llritaiu. ' Aa Dr.l nf .,..., tlcwllthlla ltuliuat·a' ua 14!15 dlft'CI• tlaat !--,...., loal.. ur f!ll't& •II a. tlw warail•.r •PP"•b IJf tbo uf tlut •:nart~... la &DJ ......r; &n bala.., tha& da~ ant euaiatr lhdnd: aad r...ar bUott blula.r ltt."Pitlu t-.ela uthur, daa' tb• t•DUIJarw ill J(na& fUftt'." Tl~· carllt'll& w..n 4a•llhf'tl plaa ul tui••JCrDf•hic eu~~~•ulca&q ia &ha& of Ur. JCuburt ll•••ku, dncril•td bf lalla Ia a ,,.,..,,. til tlw ICuJal tkJCielf' ia IIIH-1, u•l t••blllliud Ia l'l'Jd ia llatrlaa•'• culla"t'lit.ID ue lUll I'Aii_,J.;,.,J J-jpe·riMWiela 11ml 11/,..ITfiiW... A aaa•ba·r ua IJaubl•l•ur ala•vlftll wttru ttl bat da.pla1ud oa u vl••atud r,....·wurk. M. ('laat•l"' uaucb ,......,..... oa tW.la 11U:J. A kiiMl of ..auiW t~:lrtcrapb wu Ia l':Uii ........ad ta 1- I........._ ala- •:o.rlaad ia tlau ftM thwera....a iiu ot trl....... fiUia Lue. dna '" llliYtrl', I& i• lla&el thaa lafolala&laa hlld ..._ ODDo ""''"' bf daia' Duv..r tG Ia ~~~Yea uf ettlll'lllt, wu ooiJ •••liable• Ia .:lnr w.!Mbw. : Ttale. .lw.utd, i& maJ • -""~"":1'110.. lllot·flll Itt bave tla"m n..•urtlt'd ila yttllr wide:ly R!ad IJat.er. 'l'lae ltt..a- 1 ICCilltit!d in Uulland, la ltHU, wu 11i&WWIII , ~tlaun cli:olaucr. fr-•ata.a river, cu wlaicb, a& bitch tide, &be •It ,_.,_,,_••., '"'I'I&A war..r )a.,l arr."M; hut iu wlaida, at luw tif:le, &be freah •li•s•l....-,-el tbt• ""'" wau~r. \\"bua rho lir•& wentiuo wu wad.. abo ..., '"'r! iru; ...., s•latt:Jtftf ' .... l(&l.-aaic ba&te•ry iaa &bet _,. ,•• t;;o,,,.,_l"'' ill urtloot tu l•~'•'llrt: &l'ttRM&Ill au:liiJII,I ('ttbl'l,iVL-d llae i•lea f•l throtwii&r a ntJ•swra~~tl a :&iac t•lau: iatu tla• riv..r,c..:b cella· • - · - - · - ......,.... witb.•l''"l*' wim~and ba\'iuaccnutlllt!h:d tla~ ~~ "ta•..."~'"••~,t.M•I·Iu't',,.a.watd r..aaua•·•·h..l tlll'ua willa tlw ~t•lvanumr&er ••• ••lllailll'tl wbic-b a....utifllll)" durt a • ..~ "' ....._ ... lll~iNI""" ita iat•·.,.i·y. ~·nliuar ttt du: dr,:n"' uf •hDtw nl tlw wat but ""'""' lwt·&lllt' A•·n•. \\'lae:n tlau t'ttl•t•r l•l&&e wu i r, • ~~~~ ,_,_, i11 a ffl!,..la wat•·r w..U iaa tla.. l'·ar ul tlatt lu•ullt", wbilu tllf" :&iW Jola&ao ft'llll&iUt11 in tlatr ..... Waataor, ..., U til laaYtt alllll• lt't~ With tw.. !itjlli•l• aUIJ & Jlltl'tlllt t'IIJa jtlaat t:ardaJ lw.&Welltlltl=iil'l~~ tl••· ,.,,,,..... waa ahlll~~tl 1111 ttlntDa: • wbaon a..ab a•latUII Wlfnt iuuu•·.;....a in ...... ".•,..,, atutwit.la•taudilltr .&lat.t s•la&t... Wetntuuw ..,.,.,.,.., lal&lltl,...l f,,.., •1•rt: tlai• l'"'"'"lltl'll&:lit·ally, &Ia uw, , .......... o·aarcla ....;.,.. linl~ttr .... n•lli:tl&lll'.. ,.. ·~lt"f'trie r.ur=r"· • r...., w••ll, ..,.&;6bli.W..l aiDt:t:. dau itaLflaolur.linu ttl tbtt elect ie 'l't••·j ..,,,., t••l•::rtsala. ••I ruri••ll•t variaciuta tlau f:XlM•ri•n.,lll, lattwev••r, Wall w .............,rtthal( , ... 1:0•1•1"'' ......~.. ,,, llllllal ri&f'-IIIIT iaa tlar fr ,.Ia w•·ll w•cer, uatl cia• •tlbt·r au lhtJ ,...,.ua walt:r ~ at lair.:Ia 1!1•1.. ct.e·ro· ,...,. a •''""" rurn•a&t, ..,. tho -h wale•r a~a!tl l~;il-~v "" 1hoi ....,.,...,; at lttw ti•J., llaf'r~ • • aau ·~urra•aat aL aU, ul~d1 i•'""'" wvre iD "'1"•1 rifi:ulllfOtwacee Ia fmttla watt:r. 1'&.., jdu. tr''"' •tl ""''"''"" "' at... rh·a·r wau·r wu lM!IlutUullr hatliC'att!tll"'..o~~&,!!oollr-._ ltytlaa• olt•d..raina. uf ala•; l(&lvaaatttll"t..r, .cuing fi'HJI aent, fur frao,.Ja:wader at ltaw ti•l.,, tu tlaH masiuaum al laigla tid•~ It)"· ..a..w •·laaeu...... iaa tie•· ,.,.,,.,.., uf at... J•l•l•·t~, httw••ver (ttrblf"i· \ttlttl~~· J*il! ill. tlaat t•ll""''"'l It,; the• llt'liuu ul llll' ,_..Jt Watt•rJ.'tJm rtail'liiiUII.... tlitl bill l'llfl\l:oJtiHatl t:VI'f)' d111 1 ... WIUt ·-·····l. t•• • 'l'lai11 '''-l"'rillll'lal J:""" rili4' •·ri•·• ••I iul•·n•:tting am ha ~trrue·tiv.. iiiYt'lliiJ(Iitiuu:t ,,.. .. •ua~aiJt,r ..·ale•, \\IU.·h l•·aua lai laly a..,,.,,.... r•···uaapmnwl tu all wlau waua& w "'"l"~aiuta"ll wi< tltu . . ..-.... .,h·o·tr.i•· IU'ti"n uf •lilltttl'la& litauial• ••• ru•·talt~, 11utl al-f of "'"! li•l'•i•l• ••11 lllata&bt·r. All dad i• wa11&tod vanuCiwleJ; anal 1111uac. !•late• uf alidvn:u& i• a IMftlllitiYtt gal:·S~. . . . ..., rnn•wniL\r'IIIU i~aftll&ioa hu btea I.Maadon. Tho nuul~l ro. . a tronglt lill..& wi&h water, oa an two copper pla&ee, tl•• one •1•1• bei~tK conneet..& wltla C'OIIIDit,llj.II. .ILrll batterr i aacl It I• rw. . wi,., tho electrici&7 , . _ ancl aaak.u ill(nale on the onllaar7 m•ner-the tla.. the copper plat• plde the tbe circul&." aLowe rr... ._ ,...,.It&. ••7 ...,11,.,.-, 1•-•·•n•• \"ork 11-. \\"hat a a1aa ... ceuw ....& . . IIIIIIDIIU ,~,-~~· tho'bri•7 ...., wlthel&& .... .... ... .....,,. cat.IM, lliaaftiJ ""• watu, .. the cnntiiiiCI~tft ...tbl•l 'fl•le ICfiM dllc...,. · ..... IMIIW"f'll"t not ........ ...,., ofllltWIItp ltt To Mr aer&ala k•wlllfp lt oltl, ...a •• kaew 110& hew Tlao ld...le l•pnedcable. . · On a Quantitative Method of Testing a • Telecraplr· Eanh," by W. E. Ayrton• TH:& method used up to the present time for tatiDc a tete-.· graph earth has been flllllitaliw ooly. As, however, the ~~~,. elecuical conditioa of every "earth" is of great practical im• portaoce, it is necessary tbat some ac:cwa.te tpMUIIiAUiw method should be devised, in order that nery tel~h office may. · ascertain whether the resiltance of their earth is higher or lower · than the maximum resistance allowed.• The principal di8icallf met with is that, if the resistance between two earths.1-,emcaaared successively with positive and negative curreats, the same raalt is not obtained. Cor~$C<~uently the ordiDuy law for a Wheat· stone's B11dgr, or DUFereutial Galvuaometer, would DOt hold . . . true. Tbia difficulty, howewer, hu been ud formula: are developed suitable for overcome iD this paper1 a Wbn•.,..'s Bridlf'•· · -·~--o::·~·~~,..;,~~··~:. a Dift'erenlial Galvanometer, or a Galvanomctu of wbich the· lil~~n~L- law of the deflections is known. The details of some experiments are also giYeD, and a ~ ticular- iDstance is mentioned in which a milch better "earth» wu obtained by b&ll}ing the plate in the uppel' stratlllllof soil ·a~~QI.Cicg~.­ .tbaa by burying it much deeper, on account of a bed of Sllldatone that esiHed at ~&bout fifteen feet below the aurface. ........,__.. .,,....,_ . ~,,.,., _.,......,~"*?_. .. ..,_..,._ --~~ ......dplt!"-"11-·.., -. .I .•_ ,_.,.-.~ A.' . . . .,..,.._~ ,._. A_,....,. ,.,tfl.tllt_.,.,._ _.,-,.,r.._!,_J:It.' .....-_,..,.........,.,_"·_.c.,•.-.-....-.",-M--~!~ ~l·'.t~ In"A.r-,."_.-..•_P ....._.. ~t_",I.,._.,.M•-.._ -.,~..,r-.11'-· ,.,,~,._,._,_,,. r.i) IR ( l.;ri.. 7") e(thc - (1 STRRN~L(iART) r.: .1.,. o ,,: r.-1.'; ~-:---r.!!..!:) (....-..--..._ .1. ·t.:} huohwtin.: iJr,h. hi~ ;,;...,...t;;;:tCounlrir•, 4-,,., "'·---~..~;,:,...,.5-# .·111-.N-.-,. 7';,; .-f/.:,.,.., :..V61; ..-•7,--~t.rln/- _!.l-.,,t're/./1&; !:17...-h/ • Kc...~ y?,,~,,..,,";..· ~.......;....~• .#..,,..,;.,. .11,:~. !....-:.. .!/:,,,/~ •-: .. .r........ ·S~ ..:~........... _,AY-,f· Z..II.I'IU C1,H.•r;:.u. c.:...,_ • ...J _.. .. ........._...,._........,......._....__.._.._.......,_,. ---··n....--·.-,-. ..,·----- .. .. ~-- -~--~.~ -,-.-.-- ...-.~ --- -~ ..- ..-~-~ ~ ...........- *+ .,..,~ ~TURPL DISTRI SUTIO\S CF VRIL fHREA[X..JAYS ARE ILLL.STRATED l\l.t£RO...S KINOS CF IEP IOTICN3 SENSITIVE VRIL CEFINITIO\IS AND DISCERNIBLE ROJTII\GS ' ~~ ~f -r ~~~7:•'"f• J• t.P~ •t ,J~" r-;_;l~-~· J '. •'~. ~·~~0-' :' • • .. • ' I .. 0 C f~ A~ RAILS AND L11\ES Fa-LG.ED RIVERS, RI OOES, PASSAGE ~ El.ASTED IN tn.NTAIN RCD< ..,.~.. TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCH CENTERS WERE NOUMENOUS SITES FLOODED WITH CONSTANT SOCIAL SOCIAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE VERY HIGHEST TENSION t"," DESIRES POURING FORTH MANAGED TO TRANSACT WITH DISTANT RELATIVES AND FRIENDS ~, TRANSCENDENC.E..~.. ALL IN HOPES, DREAMS, AND EARNEST WELL-EXPECTATIONS ;~ THE TELEGRAPHIC STATION WAS A NEW SOCIAL CENTRE OF SPECIAL AND SINGULAR TELEGRAPH OPERATORS EXPERIENCED THE EIDETIC POTENTIALS PROJECTED INTO THEM FROM DISTANT STATIONS ..• --.\ .. EXPERIENTIAL TR).u~SACTION WITH DISTAL SURROUNDINGS GAVE EXCEPTIONAL CLARITY -~ WHEN VRIL REQUIREMENTS WERE BEST MET ALONG THE LINE THE REVERIE OF THE RECIPIENT WAS TOTALLY &~SHED IN THE EIDETIC AURA -...,... ... - 1"""""""~~·~·-=}·-·----. ~ , THE T'~ELEGRAPH OPERATOR TENDED THE ARTIFICIAL FIRES OF BATTERIES NOT REALIZING THE SOURCE OF MEANINGS TRANSACTED THROUGH THE LINES ..• THE TELEGRAPHIC RECEIVING BLOCK IN THIS DEPICTION REVEALS A COLLIMATED VRIL ORIENTATION WHICH WOULD NECESSARILY BE HORIZONTAL AND RIGHTWARD BEAMING -·~~·J. EMERGE FROM COIL TOPS HUMAN CONTACT WITH THE TELEGRAPHIC KEY SENSITIVE OPERATORS INCLUDED MANY WOMEN AMONG THE TELEGRAPHIC IT WAS SAID THAT TELEGRAPHERS WERE POSSESSED OF SUCH RARE AND DELICATE SENSITIVITY THAT THE PERSONALITY, GENDER, AND MOOD OF A COMMUNICANT COULD COULD EASILY BE COMPREHENDED. i" EXAMINATION OF T~EGRAPHIC SIGNALLING DEVICES REVEALS THESE EMPATHIC SENSITIVITIES~ 'TO BE ENTIRELY ANOMALOUS FROM THE ELECTRICAL VIEWPOINT: Q . TELEGRAPHIC SIGNALLING APPARATUS. IS NOT TOUCH-SENSITIVE AT ALL. ~~ TOUCH SENSITIVITY DUE TO RESISTIVE EFFECTS ARE ELIMINATED BY PER!ODIC CLEANSING J~ ~· • • "4 - TELEGRAP·H·-IC--K-EY-S- ARE AURIC T~~SACTORS ... THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH Lever Circuit Closer Frame THE STRIATIONS OF THE HUl'1AN AURA ARE THE VRIL TERMINI! WHICH PROJECt THROUGH THE BODY INTO OBJECTS OF CONTACT. IT IS BY SUCH TR&~SACTION THAT WE SENSE AND EXPERIENCE ... TELEGRAPHIC KEY~ PRODUCE EIDETIC-EXPERIENTIAL TRANSACTION THROUGH THEIR K'-. · MATERIAL COMPOSITION AND S~1ETRIC DISPOSITION .. ~~-fwdl ~ ~~'I!IJ"':-r ::;~'~.;q..uu·..,.fO-..-r _ ,.,.;lfr'~.·JPf'fWtii!IP.~..IIIIII'IIIIr.mt"'UtKJ~ A Union telegrapher sends a message on a machine used by operators who did not know code. When they dialed a letter, a machi11e at tire other end registered the same selection. A rising businessman namedAndrew Carnegie helpedorganize tire army telegraphers. Some 40 years later, millionaire Carnegie pensioned more than 100 Civil War telegraphers or their widows. IN PRIMARY INFLUENCE ..• OPERATORS ARE DRAWN INTO THE TRANSACTION VIA PHYSICAL CONTACT •:; , CONTACT WITH THE HARD RUBBER KEY IS HIGHLY TRANSACTIVE AURIC STRIATIONS (ORGANISMIC VRIL THREADS) TRANSMERGE WITH SYST&~-CONDUCTED VRIL TO RELEASE EIDETIC IMAGERY AND EXPERIENTIAL BILOCATIONS ;a.-r..#ol~'" TELEGRAPHIC SOUNDERS ARE VRIL PROJECTORS IRON CORE Ai'ID FINE COPPER COILS ARE INTENSE VRIL TRANSACTORS: ~_,~........,~~·~~~• COLLIMATED VRIL THREAD BEAMS EMERGE FROM IRON CORES lA METE::. WlCTH CF' PA PE: :; l/:. ~~->·i. v•J::fGJ--.;' · 20 PQi_··~:: ..... LIJ\E CD\1\ECTICJ\IS GAVE VRIL IN lEGREE CF GRCl.J\JD a:N\ECTIQ\J AND LIJ\E ORIENTATIO\J OPERATORS PLIB\t'ENT IS RARE..Y r'ENTIO\ED W·HLE OPERATORS CF DISTANT STATI0\5 ASSL..r£0 FAVORITE OPERATIQ\R.. POISE DISTANT VIEW3 AND ~II\GS ARE BEST RECEIVED w-8\1 FPCII\G SPECIFIC DIRECTIO\J FERRUGINOUS MATTER DISSOLVES INERTIAL SPACE SPONTANEOUSLY IRON-RICH GLAZES AND OTHER METALLIC DEPOSITS PERMIT EXCEPTIONAL EIDETIC COLLIMATIONS WHICH SURMOUNT VRIL-DENSIFIED POLES AND TOWERS. INSULATORS Here are some of the maay forms of insulators used to support wires so the current will aot leak. ~ I~ 'IIIII ' ,. ~ ~ ~-~ TELEGRAA-iiC LORE FLOODED ll-E TRACE J'O..R\A...S CF ll-E DAY EMPIRICPLLY RECEIVED EXPERIEJ\CES IN PND AED.JT n-£ TELEGRAPHIC STATICl\1 ~ ~WAYS ACCEPTAELE EVII:E\rE CF MYSTERIO..S ~TIVE ACTIVITIES RECi...LAR AI\ECOOTES ARE EXTA"JT CF BJTH VISCERPL, EIDETIC, .. __ - ___ --·---·-·---·-· __ .... ----····-·--·--~----- .,.. , ___ ~ . ___. .. , The noise seemed like a jun~le of -;ound. It did not to the telegra- pher. howe\·er. His ears wc>re trained -;o deli<:ately that he could pick out the tone of his particular in'itnunent. S1Jn~e tJperators placed an empty tobacco tin behind the sounder •Jn the table. to gh·e the incoming dots and dashes a .distincth·e pitch. For many years the telegraphed messages that kept the busine~:i of .\meric:a nmning bounced off the stout &ock-(;oated figure of Prince .-\!bert on the front of a thousand bright red tobacco can~. .-\.lthough operators at opposite ends of a telegraph c.:ircuit could con,·erse only through clots and dashes. they heL'~l.me well acquainted ..... in this manner. Each operator had his own sign. usually one or two initials. with which he ended his me!:isages to :;how who tran~­ mitted them. Q might ne\·er meet CG. with whom he \vorked a ~~ wire. or even know his full name. but they felt that they knew ~ Jr•.l.llll~··>~~~ each other..-\. skilled operator had a personal touch 01~ the sending key with delkate variations in his dot and dash strokes. His work could be recognized by other veterans along the wire even before he sent his signature sign. The How of the telegrapher's code had nuances similar to those of the human voice. During gaps between commen:ial messages the operators chatted-told jokes in ~lorse code. exchanged personal opinions and gossip. Despite company ntles requiring use of gentlemanly language at all times, operators sometimes dropped in a few swear words. ~ot all operators were men. In the days when few women held jobs anywhere else, feminine telegraphers were seen frequently. Having proved their skill at sending and receiving, women often· took their places at the telegraphers' tables, even on the railroads. t Csually an experienced operator could tell when a woman was sending, by her light touch. ' ~ 'f DIFFERENTIATICJ\S PMl\6 SI~S ARE I\OT U\IITARY CD'ft..NICAT I0\5 SYST813 CEPEND CN TI-E tXl'1PCE IT IQ\1 CF COlE ••• ~D ~11\GU. TRANSPCTICN IN SEVERPL INSTAI\CES CF DISTORTIO\I COlE AND ~II'GU. CERTAIN TELEGRAPHIC RECEIVIJ\E a.OOuo~n o( his plans appear to have been gi,·eu to the public. Origit~ of Galvarainn. Galvanism takes its name from Galvani, Professor of Anntomy at Bologna, ~~...IlL who discovered it in theeyear 1790. As the account of the circumstances ~~~~~~l(j. .lllfiJ~~· attending the di...-covery of this useful and wonderful ngent, may not be uninteresting to the reader; we inert it here o.s related in the "Library of ~-~~~~~ Useful. K'IUJVJletlge." ~,~~·-l!!f...Z/:IIJ.:.....l. - "It happened in the year 1790, that his wife, being consumptive, \Vas ad- vised to tnke, as a nutritive article of diet, some soup made of the tlesh of frogs. Se\'eral of tbeae nnimnls, recently t~kinned for thnt purpose, were W ..~-~~~~;~~~ ~~~1!~13~~ lying on a table in the laborntory, close to an a pupil of the Professor wns amusing himself clectricnl machine, with in trying experiments. Wwhhiichle~~~~~!~~~---~ the machine \Vas in action, he chnnced to touch t.he bare nerve of the leg , of one of the frogs with the blade of the knife that he held in his hand;~~~~~,.., ' when suddenly the whole limb was thrown into violtnt convulsions. Gnl- vnni was not present when this occurred, but received the account from his~i#.~r;=--~~.IP!!Iiia~ lady who had witnessed, and hnd been struck wich the singulnrity of the appearance. He lost 11a ti111e i11 repeating tl1e experi111ent: in exami11ing-.-.....,..- minutely all the circumstances connected with it, and in detem1ining those on whictl ias succe...• depended. He ascertained that the convulsions took -·~.._-... plnce only o.t the moment when the spark was drawn from the prime con- ductor, and the knife was at the same time in contact with tbe nerve of the frog. He next found that other metnllic bodies might be substituted for the knife, nud very justly inferred that they owed this property of exciting mus- ~ .. eular CODflact.iODI to their being good conductors of electricity. being satisfied with having arrived at this conclusion, it only served to ~ IM~r&il ulate him to the farther investigation of this curious subject; and his pene· Terance wu at length rewarded by the discovery, that similar convulsicms ...:.l"llr-......::::tl''.:.. might be produced in a frog, independendy of the electrical machine, by forming a chain of conducting substances between the outaide of the mUle el• of the leg, and the erura1 nerve. Gah·ani had previously entertained ---~~~~~~ the idea, that the contractions of the museles of animals were in some way - - ..-........ dependent on electricity; and as these new experiments appeared strongly to favour this hypothesis, be with great ingenuity applied it to explain them. --~_ He compared the muscles of a living animal to a Leyden phial, charged by ~~,.....·.r.-!~1 the accumulation of electricity on ita surface, while he conceived that the ;,-~•r:..;._...~~~~~ nerve belonging to it, perfonned the function of the wire communicating ,' with the interior of the phial, which would, of course, be charged negatively . ...._.A. . . (~..-~iz~S In this state, \vhenever a communication \\"DS made by means of a sub- ~~~~'=- stance of high conducting power between the surface of the muscle and the i~~~~l!~~~~i nerve, the equilibrium would be instandy restored, and a sudden contraction ~.~~.._~:::;1~111"' ~ -~- of the fibres would be the consequence. -~-- .. - "Galvani was thus the first to discover tbe reason of that peculiar convul- ~~a_,~ ....4'11..;_.... .live etrect which we now obtain from the Galvanic battery, and he att.ribu..-_.--~,..,;__..P ted it to a modification of electricity. It was left to another to construct an instrument which would give a constant and increased effect, and develope ~~~~~~~~~ this extraordinary tluid. \Vhatever share accident may ha\·e had in the original discovery of Gal,·ani, it is certain that the invention of the Pile, an -.M~ ...~~~~r~A~~S.,.~ instrument which has most materially contributed to the extension of our knowledge in dtis branch of physical science, was purely the result of rea.- ·~~~~~i2 soning. "Professor Volta, of Pavia, in 1800, \vas led to the discovery of its pro-~r$~""r;.:-·~~~~F~~;~~ perties by deep meditation on the de¥elopements of electricity at the surface ~.....:~~~-~of contact of different metals. 'Ve may justly regard this discovery aa fonn- ing an epoch in the history of galvanism ; and since d1at period, the tenna, ~ Voltaism, or Voltaic electricity, have been often, in honour of this illustri..~....... ous philosopher, used to designate that particular form of electrical agency. "He had been led by theory to conceive that the effect of a single pair of ~~~~-~metallic plates might be increased, indefinitely, by multiplying their num- ber, and disposing them in pairs, with a. less perfect conducting substance~'~~~~~:~.Q/'~~s--'A ---~_.?6 between each pair. For this purpose he proYided an equal number of silver ~i._,'l:~~~~lllllliiiii~ coins, and of pieces of zinc, of the same form and dimensions, and also cir- 'k&'!!,.,_:..:.iF1~-...w cular discs of card, soaked in salt water, and of somewhat less diameter than the metallic plates. Of these he formed a pile or column as shown ·in figure 35, in which three substances; silver, zinc, and wet card, denoted. , ' .... '· t .._ . '·•.t ~~ '\ ~ilfii~ ' .•·. '" . . . . •. , -~, ., ~~ • .,' ..;·~~ ••. '\ lt!o ·-4>. :~.~:,...._,,~~~.;.1 ·.... .: •.. ·.1 \ ·~f ·~~.' i•·;.'~ ~' !',. . -~---"- ~· ;...~ .,.......,....,.ftl!t,·........~-..f!oilll!. .:mr. statement that an electric current must always have a complete circuit does not appeal very forcibly to many minds. I have seen people quite at sea in trying _ _.., to ammge a simple electric circuit, such as connecting up a bell, push, and battery. Thet-c need uot be the very ·slightest confusion if one clearly keeps in mind what is--.......-... taking pr8ce when a battery sends a current of electricity along a wire. All that the battery does is to cause an electric current to pass from its carbon plate to its com- panion zinc. We fix a short wire across from the one ~~-• 1'~~..~ plate to the other, and an electric eurrent passeS along -~~lli.,::t':.·~~~~,:O..". i-~.!'1=~~~......_ the wire on its way from the carbon to the zinc. · We may make the wire· a mile long, or as long as we please, · and the current must pass by this route on its way from the one plate to the other. If we carry the wire to ~d's End and back, then before from tbe carbon to. jts close neighbour the zinc plate, viti it is forced to travel Land's Eud. If the wire circuit __ is b1-oken at any place the current immediately ceases, as it has no path left ft·om the carbon to the zinc; if the ...,._ wires are touched together again, the current once more passes. 'rhe ordinary electric bell push is me1-ely a means of making and breaking the circuit..... If the wire of our imaginary Land's End circuit be cut at that distant place and the two free ends be joined to the two ends of the coil in a needle-telegraph instru- -~--fi?~U meut, then the current in going ft·om the carbon to the ~~ ~=~5~~~~~Ezingrcapihn the battery instrument, has as to its pass coil through this has become distant tele- ___.,...._....... ,_;:.._ part of the_......!,......_ circuit. .The necessity for a complete circuit is therefore ~~~~S~ . . . . ..-ucf.'lt.'~~~\~aft~~~~;~~ quite apparent (sec Fig. 5). W11ile fitting up a telegraph installation on a railway -. ,.:-... in 1838, Steinheil, of Munich, noticed that his return wire ~~~1~~~ was· broken, and the two ends were put into the earth ; ~~-..:~~~~~~·~'k .... ----· L the current passed just as though the wires were joined· .......__-cc_ together. It wus soon found that it did not matter how far distant these earth connections were, so that if a tele- graph is to be fitted up between London and John O'Groat's a wire is led from the carbon in the battery ~~~r..;~r:.:: at London all the way to that northern limit of the Scottish mainland and there counected to one end of the telegraph coil. Instead of now bringing a return wire •..._,,,~---- fron1 the other end of the coil 1·ight back to the zinc of rJI.~~• the London battery, a short wire is simply connected ...,..,~-::~---·-.~-.."' ·to the earth at the Scottish end, while at the London~•. ;.;,.· end another short wil-e is led from the earth to· the zinc in ·