A4 .,a er presented at tfle Eleventh General Meetizg of the Amee rican Institute of Electrical Eng-in eers, Philadelfhlia, May i8th, 1894, President Hcnston in the Choir' ON THE LAW OF HYSTERESIS (PART III.), AND THE THEORY OF FERRIC INDUCTANCES. BY CHARLES PROTEUS STEINMETZ. CHAPTER I.-COEFFICIENT OF MOLECUTLAR MAGNETIC FRICTION. In two former papers, of January 19 and September 2T, 1892, I have shown that the loss of energy by mnagnetic hysteresis, due to miolecular friction, can, with sufficient exactness, be expressed by the empirical formula- :I = a B16 where H = loss of energy per cm3. and per cycle, in ergs, B = amplitude of magnetic variation, coefficient of molecular friction, the loss of energy by eddy currents can be expressed by h _1N B2, where h = loss of energy per cm3. and per cycle, in ergs, z coefficient of eddy currents. Since then it has been shown by lMr. R. Arno. of Turiin, that the loss of energy by static dielectric hysteresis, i.e., the loss of energy in a dielectric in an electro-static field can be expressed by the same formula: H= aF where R = loss of energy per cycle, F = electro-static field intensity or initensity of dielectric stress in the material, a = coefficient of dielectric hysteresis. Here the exponent 2 was found approximately to = 1.6 at the low electro-static field intensities used. At the frequencies and electro-static field strengths met in 570 1894.] S'EINYMETZ ON HYSTERESIS. 571 condensers used in alternate current circuits, I found the loss of energy by dielectric hysteresis proportional to the square of the field strength. Watts -24,000- _ ___ _ _ _ __ ___ -2-2-7000-- -2-0 000- __ _. _ ___. _ --1 470000-0--,C -1-2-,00-0- 40-,000 8TOGO0 - _____--- -_ _ ____. __ ___-_- ____ -000- _ -4-,000 -- ___ -27-000--- Volts 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 Bradley/ & PoatZes, Enar'>s, N. Y. FIG. 1. Other observations made afterwards agreed with this result. With regard to magnetic hysteresis, essentially new discoveries 572 STEINMETZ ON HYSTERESIS. [May 18, have not been mnade sinTce, and the explanation of this exponent 1.6 is still unknown. In the calculation of the core losses in dynamo electrical ma- chinery and in transformers, the law of hysteresis has found its applicationa, and so far as it is not obscured by the superposition of eddy currents has been fully confirmied by practical experi- ence. % As anl instance is slhown in Fig. 1, the observed core loss of a high voltage 500 E. w. altornate current generator for power transmissioni. The curve is plotted with the core loss as abscisse and the ter-minal volts as ordinates. The observed values are marked by crosses, while the curve of 1.6 power is shown by the drawni line. The core loss is a very large and in alternators like the present machine, eveni the largest part of the total loss of ener,gy in the machine. With regard to the numnerical values of the coefficient of hysteresis, the observations up to the time of my last paper cover the range, 97X j03= Materials From Wrought iron,..... Sheet iron and sheet steel ...( 2.00 Cast iron .......... 11I3 Soft cast steel and mitis metal ....... .......... 3.18 Hard cast steel .............................27.9 Welded steel Magnetite . ................2........ . ....... eI4.745.1 20.4 Nickel .. 2.2 Cobalt .. .......... ...... "I.9 To 5.48 T6.2 6.o 12 0 23.5 38.5 Average. 3.0 to 3.3 T3.0 While no new materials lhave been investigated in the meantimue, for some, especially sheet iron and slheet steel, the range of observed value of i has been greatly extended, and, I am glad to state, mostly towards lower valuLe of -, that is, better iron. While at the time of my former paper, the value of hysteresis X 10' = 2.0, talen from Ewing's tests, was -unequaled, and the best material I could secure, a very soft Norway iron, gave d X l03- 2.275, now quite frequently vaiues, considerably better than Ewing's soft iron wire are found, as the following table shows, which gives the lowest and the highest values of hysteretic loss observed in sheet iron and sheet steel, intended for electrical maehiniery. 1894.] STEINMETZ ON HYSTERESIS. 573 The values are taken at random from the factory records of the General Electric Company. Values of X 10O. LIowest. 1.24 1.33 1.35 1.58 1.59 1.59 1.66 1.66 1.68 1.70 1.71 1.76 1.80 1.82 1.88 1.90 1.93 1.94 1.94 Highest. 5.30 5.15 5.12 4.78 4.77 4.72 4.58 4.55 4.27 As seen, all the values of the first column refer to iron superior in its quality eveni to the sample of Ewing ^q X 10 -- 2.0, unequaled before. The lowest valuie is ^ X 10' = 1.24, that is, 38 per cent. better than Ewing's iron. A sample of this iron I have here. As you see, it is very soft material. Its chemical analysis does not show anything special. The chemical constitution of the next best samnple j X 10 = 1.33 is almost exactly the same as the con- stitution of samples C X 103 = 4.77 and ^ X 103 - 3.22, show- ing quite conclusively that the chemical constitution has no direct influenice upon the hysteretic loss'. In consequence of this extenision of § towards lower values, the total range of C yet known in iron and steel is fromr C X 101 = 1.24 in best sheet iron to q X 10( = 74.8 in glass- hard steel, and a X 108 81.8 in manganese steel, giving a ratio of 1 to 66. With regard to the exponenit X in H=a B which I found to be approximnately = 1.6 over the whole range of magnetization, Ewing has investigated its variation, and found that it varies somnewhat at different magnetizationls, and that its variation corresponds to the shape of the magnetization curve, showing its three stages.' 1. J. A. Ewing, Philo8ophical Transaections of the Royal Society, London, Juine 15, 1893. 574 STE]NMETZ 0N HYSTERESIS. [May 18, Tests of the variation of the hysteretic loss per cvele as fune- tion of the temperature have been published by Dr. W. Kunz', for temnperatures from 20° and 800° Cent. They show that with rising temperature, the hysteretic loss decreases very greatly, and this decrease consists of two parts, one part, whieh disappears againi with the decrease of temiperature and is directly proportional to the increase of temperature, thus making the hysteretic loss a linear function of the temperature, anid another part, which has becomne permanent, anid seems to be due to a permanent ehange of the m-olecular structure produced by heating. This latter part is in soft iron, proportional to the temperature also, buit irregular in steel. CHAPTER II.--MOLECULAR FRICTION AND MAGNETiC HYSTERESIS. In an alternating magnetic circuit in iron and other magnetic material, energy is converted inito heat by molecular magnetic friction. The area of the hysteretic loop, with the AT. MI. F. as abscissse and the magnetization as ordinates, represents the energy expended by the M. I. F. during the cyclic ehange of magnetization. If energy is neitlher consumed nor applied outside of the magnetic circuit by any other souLrce, the area of the hysteretic loop, i. e., the energy consumed bv hysteresis, mneasures and represents the energy wasted by molecular magnetic friction. In general, however, the energy expended by the M. M. F.the area of the hysteretic loop-needs not to be equal to the molecular friction. In the armature of the dynamno machine, it probably is not, but, while the hysteretic loop more or less collapses under the influence of mechanical vibrationi, the loss of energy by molecular friction remains the sa-me, hence is no longer measured by the area of the hysteretic loop. Thus a sharp distinction is to be drawn between the phenomenon of 'magnetic hysteresis, which represents the expenditure of energy by the M. M. F., and the molecuilar friction. In stationary alternating current apparatus, as ferric induc- tances, hysteretic loss and inolecular magn-etic friction are generally idenrtical. In revolving machinery, the discrepancy between molecular friction and magnetic hysteresis may become very large, and the magnetic loop may even he overturhred and represent, not expen- 1. eUtroteohni8che Zeitschrift, Arril 5th, 1894. 1894.] STEINMETZ ON HYSTERESIS. 575 diture, but production of electrical energy from meebanical energy; or inversely, the magnetic loop may represent not only the electrical energy converted into heat by molecular friction, buLt also electrical energy converted into mechanical miotion. Two such cases are shown in Figs. 2 and 3 and in Figs. 4 and Z In these cases the magnetic reluctance and thus the induetance of the circuit was variable. That is, the magnetic circuit was opened and closed by the revolution of a shuttle-shaped armature. The curve s represenits the inductan-ces of the mnagnetic circuit _ E_ Bradley ~Poates, Enrs, N.Y. FiG. 2. as function of the position. The curve a, couLnter E. M. F. or, since the internal resistance is negligrible, the impressed E. M. F. and curve M -_ magnetismn. If the impressed -E. M. F., E iS a sine wave, the current c assumes a distorted wave shape, and the produict of current anid E. M. F_, W -C E represents the energy. As seen, in this case t-e total energy is not equal to -zero, i. e., the a. M. F. or self-induction E not wattless as usually supposed, but represe-nts production of electr'ical energy in the -first, conisumptlion in the second case. Thus, if the apparatus is driven by exterior power, it assumes the phase relation shown in 576 STEINMETZ ON HYSTERESIS. [May 18, Fig. 2, arid yields electrical energy as a self-exciting alternate current generator; if now the driving power is withdrawn it drops into the phase relation shown in Fig. 4, and then continues to revolve and to yield mechanical energy as a synchronous motor. The magnetic cycles or H-B curves, or rather for convenience,l the C-A curves, are shown in Figs. 3 and 5. As seen in Fig. 5, the magnetic loop is greatly increased in area and represents not only the energy consumed by molecular magnetic friction, but also the energy converted into mechaniical power, while the loop in Fig. 3 is overturned or negative, thus representing the electrical energy produced, minus loss by moleeular friction. : X_ -~~~~~ FIG. 3. This is the same apparatus, of which two hysteretic loops were shown in my last paper, an indicator-alternator of the "hhummning bird" type. Thus magnetic hysteresis is not identical with molecular magnetic friction, but is one of the phenomrena caused by it. CHAPTER III.-THEORY AND CALCULATION OF FERRJIC INDIUCTANCES. In the discussion of inductive circuits, generally the assump- tion is made, that the circuit contains no iron. Such non-ferric inductances are, however, of little interest, since inductances are almost always ironclad or ferric inductances, 1894.1 STEINMETZ ON HYSTERESIS. 5 With our present knowledge of the alternating magnetic cir- cuit, the ferric inductances can now be treated analytically with the same exactness and almost the same siimplicity as non-ferrie inductances. Before entering into the discussion of ferric inductances, some ternms will be introduced, which are of great value in simplify- ing the treatinent. Referrilig back to the continuous current circuit, it is known that, if in a continu-ous current circuit a number of resistances) __ __ __ _te __ __ __ _ _ _ A~~~~~~ ____ _X_7 \ FIG. 4. Bradley 'PoXates Engrs, N.Y.' ri, r2, 93 . . . . are connected in series, their joint resistance, R, is. the sum of the individual resistances: R= + r2 + r + * If, however, a number of resistances, rI r 3..r. , are connected in parallel, or in multiple, their joint resistance, R, can- not be expressed in a simple form, but is: Hence, in the latter case, it is preferable, instead of the tern 578 STEINMIETZ ON HYSTERESIS. [May 18, 4 resistance," to introduce its reciprocal, or inverse value, the terim conduetanee" p = . Theen we get: "If a number of conlductanices, pn P2, p3.. . are connected in parallel, their joined conductance is the sum of the inidividual conductances: p= P + P2 + p3 + When usilng the term conductance, tlhe joined conductance of t =XTtI+ /fI _-M FIG. 5. Bradley & Poates, EBgr', N. Y. a number of series connected conductances, Pl P2, p3 . .. becomes a complicated expression -P Pt P2 P's Hence the use of the termn "resistance" is preferable in the case of series connection, the use of the reciprocal term. conductance," in parallel connection, and we have thus: "The joined resistance of a number of series connected re- si ts ces is eqtal to the sum of the individual resistances, the Joined conductance of a number of parallel connected conductances is equal to the sum of the individual conductances." In alternating current circuits, in place of the term "resist- 1894.] STEINMETZ ON HYSTERESIS. 579 ance" we hiave the term "impedance,"' expressed in comnplex quantities by the symbol: U r-J8 with its two components, the "resistacie" r and the "reactae s, in the formula of Ohm's law: E= C U.' The resistance, r, gives the coefficient of the E. M. F. in phase with the current, or tlhe energy component of E. M. F., Cr; the reactance, s, gives the coefficient of the E. M. F. in quadrature with the current, or the wattless CoMponent of E. M. F., Cs, botl combined give the total E. M. F. CW= C Vr +s2 Thlis reactance, S, is positive as inductive reactance: s _ 2 wr Nl, or negative as capacity reactance: s 2 7r NK' where, N = frequency, I = coefficient of self-induction, in h-enrys, X = capacity, in farads. Since F. M. F.'s are combined by adding their complex expres- sions, we hlave: "'The joinied impedance of a numiiber of series connected im- pedances, is the sum of the individual impedances, when ex- pressed in complex quantities." In graphical representation, impedances have not to be added, but combined in their proper phase, by the law of parallelogram, like the 1.M. F.'S consumed by them. The termn '4 impedance " becornes inconvenienlt, hiowever, when dealinig with parallel connected circuits, or, in other words, when several currents are produced by the same E. M. F., in cases where Ohm's law is expressed in the form: It is preferable then, to introduce tlhe reciprocal of "impe- 1." Complex Quantities and their use in Electrical Engineering,'" a paper read before Section A of the Initernational Electrical Congress at Chicago, 1893. 580 STElNAETZ ON HYSTERESIS. [May 18, dance," which may be called the "admittance" of the circuit: F_1 As the reciprocal of the complex quantity U = r -j8, the admittanee is a complex quantity also: Y p +H-J consisting of the component, p, which represents the coefficient of current in phase with the E. M. F., or energy current, o E, in the equation of Ohm's law: C = YE(p+j a) E, and the component, CTwhich represents the coefficient of current in quadrature with the E. M. F., or wattless component of current, arE. p may be called the " condcetance," a the "suseeptance" of the eirculit. Hence the conductance, p, is the energy component, the susceptance, ?, the wattless component of the admnittance Yy +i n anid the nLmerical value of admittanee is: v= the resistance, r, is the energy component, the reactance, 8, the wattless component of the impedance U r --J 8r and the numerical value of impedance is u = t/r2 +e s8'l2. As seen, the term " admittance " means dissolving the current into two components, in phase and in quadrature with the E. M. F,, or the energy current and the wattless current; while the term "' impedance" means dissolving the F. M. F. into twp coimponents, in phase and in qluadrature with the curreint, or the energy E. M. F. and the wattless E. M. F. It must be understood, however, that the "conductance" is, not the reciprocal of the resistance, but depends upon the resist- ance as well as upon the reactance. Only when the reactance s - 0, or in continuous current circuits, is the conductance the reciprocal of resistance. Again, only in circuits with zero resistance =- 0, is the sus- 1894.] STEIN ETZ ON HYSTERESIS. 581 ceptance the reciprocal of reactance; otherwise the susceptance depends upon reactance and upon resistance. From the definition of the admnittance: Y =p +j a .as the reciprocal of the impedance: we get U= r-j8 Y1 or P +j - q = a1 or, multiplying on the right side numerator and denominator by !(r +js): hence, since +j (r-j 8) (r +j 8)' (r j s) (P +j 8) = r2 + 82 = 2: r 8 . S r+ S Y/+8S2 u2 + u78 or, P2 r+ - g and inversely: t_ P .. -2+ 2 v2 C _C S= 2 + ve2 By these equations, from resistanee and reactanee, the conduct- ane and susceptance can be calculated, and inversely. Multiplying the equations for p and r, we get: Pr tl?2arvp 2,1 hence, ,2 2 (r2 + 82) (p2 + ?) = 1 and 1 U= - 1 ; :582 STEINMETZ 0N HYSTERESIS. [May 18, the absolute value of impedance, iL 1 u 4 r2 + S2 the absolute value of admittance. The sign of " admittance " is always opposite to that of "im- pedance," that means, if the cuirrent lags behind the E. M. F., the E. M. F. leads the current, and inversely, as obvious. Thus we can express Ohm's law in the two forms: h' = U. and have C=E Y, "The joined impedance of a number of series connected im- pedlances is equal to the sum, of the individual impedances; the joined admittance of a number ofparallel connected admittances is eqlual to the sumn of the individual admittances, if expressed in complex quantities; in diagramm,natic representation, com- bination by the parallelogram law takes the_place of addition of the complex quantities." The resistance of an electric circuit is determined: 1. By direct comparison with a known resistance (Wheatstone bridge method, etc.). This method gives what may be called the truie ohinic resistance of the circuit. 2. By the ratio: Volts consuLmed in circuit Amperes in circuit In an alternating current circuit, this method gives not the re- sistance, but the impedance of the circuit. u/= V'r2+ s2 3. By the ratio: Power consumed - (E. M. .)2 (current)2 Power consumed' where, however, the "'power " and the " E. M. F." do not inelude the work done by the circuit, and the counter E. M. F.'S representing it, as for instance, the counter E. N. F. of a motor. In alternlating current circujits, this value of resistance is the energy coefficient of the E. N. F., and is: r Eniergy component of E. M. F. Total current 1894.] STEINMETZ ON HYSTERESIS. 583 It is called the " equivalent resistanc" of the circuit, and the energy coefficient of current: - Energy comnponent of current Total E, M. F. is called tlle " equivalent conductance" of the circuit. In the same way the valie: 8 = WattIess component of E. M. F. Total current is the "equivalent reactance," and Wattless comnponent of current Total E. M. F, is the "equivalent 8suceptance" of the circuit. While the true ohmic resistance represents the expenditnre of energy as heat, inside of the electric conductor, by a current of uniform deensity, the " equivalent resistance " represents the total expenditure of energy. Since in an alternating current circuit in general, energy is expended nlot only in the conductor, but also outside thereof, by hysteresis, secondary currents, etc., the equivalent resistance frequently differs from the true ohmic resistanee, in such way as to represent a larger expendituire of energy. In dealing with alternating current circuits, it is necessary, therefore, to substitute everywhere the values " equivalent resistance," "equivalent reactance," "equivalent conductance," "equivalent susceptance," to iiiake the calculation applicable to genaeral alternating current circuits, as ferric inductance, etc. While the true ohmic resistance is a conistant of the circuit, depending upon the temuperature only, but not upon the E. M. F.e etc., the "'equivalent resistance"- and "equivalent reactanee" is in general not a constant, but depends upon the E. M. F., cur- relt, etc. This depenidence is the cause of most of the difficulties mret in dealing analytically with alternating cuLrrent circuits containing iron. The foremost sources of energy loss in alternating current cir- cuits, oLutside of the true ohmic resistance loss, are: 1. Molecular friction, as: (a) magnietic hysteresis; (b) dielectric hysteresis. M84 STEINMETZ OJV HYSTERESIS. [May 18, 2. Primary electric currents, as: (a) leakage or escape of cuLrrent through the insulation, brush discharge; (b) eddy-eurrents in the conductor, or unequal current distribution. 3. Secondary or induced currents, as: (a) eddy or Foucault currents in surrounding miagnetic materials; (b) eddy or Foucault currents in surroundino, conducting materials; (e) secondary currents of mutual inductanlce in neighboring circuits. 4. Induced electric charges, electro-static influence. While all these losses can be included in the terms "1 equivalent -resistance," etc., only the magnetic hysteresis and the eddy-currents in the iron will form the object of the present paper. I.-Alfaynetic IJsteresi.S. To examinle this phenomenon, first a cireuit of very high inductanee, but negligible true ohmic resistance may be considered, that is, a circuit entirely surrounded by iron ; for iiistance, the primary circuit of an alternating current transformer with open secondary circuit. The wave of current produces in the iron an alternating mag- netic flux, which induces in the electric eireuit all . M. F., the ,counter E. M. F. of self-induction. If the ohmic resistance is negligible, the counter E. M. F. equals the impressed E. M. F., hence, if the impressed . M. F. is a sine-wave, the counter E. M. F., and therefore the magnetism which induces the counter F. M. F. must be sine-waves also. The alternating wave of current is not a sine-wave in this case, but is distorted by hysteresis. It is possible, however, to plot the current wave in this case from the hystereticeycle of magnetization. From the number of turns n of the electric circuit, the effective couniiter E. M. F. L and the frequenley X of the current, the maximum magnetic flux M1 is found by the formula: hence: E= 4/2NiXt X10; M4/2E7t1fl0NV 1894.] STEINYMETZ ON HYSTERESIS. 585 Maximum flux X1 anid magnetic cross-section S give the maximumn magnetic induction B 31 If the miagnetic induction varies periodically between + B and - B, the m. M. F. varies between the corresponding values + Fand -F and describes a looped curve, the cycle of hys- teresis. If the ordinates are given in lines of nmagnetic force, the ab- . r16,000 4-___ 14 00 04,000 _-E__ m--12-0- -- -- W -L -- - - - /--2 00 ,0 -- - B. __ ____ fC 2_10 IL /,040 +0 4- +10 .__ ____ ____ __ :L 14000 - 444--108 4_20 .1- Bradley 4 Poates, Bgr'e, N. Y. FIG. 6. Scissoe in tens of ampere-turns, the area of the loop equals the energy consumed by hysteresis, in ergs per cycle. From the h-ysteretic loop is found the instantaneous value of M. M. F. corresponding to an instantaneous value of magnetic flux, that is of induced E. M. F., and from the m. M. F., F, in amperetuLrns per unit lenigth of magnetic circuit, the length I of the magnetic circuit, and the number of turns n of the electric circuit, are found the iiistantaneons values of current c correspond- ing to a M. M. F. F, that is a magnetic induction B anld thus in- duiced E. M. F. e, as: n 586 STEINMETZ ON HYSTERESIS. [May 18, In Fig. 6 four magnetic cycles are plotted, with the maximumlh values of magnetic inlductions: B = 2,000, 6,000, 10,000 and 16,000, and the corresponding maximuM M. M. F.'S: F= 1.8, 2.8,, 4.3, 20.0. They show the well-known h-ysteretic loop, which be- conies pointed when magnetic saturation is approached. These magnetic cycles correspond to average good sheet iron or sheet steel of hysteretic coefficient: .0033, aind are given 0F B 2000 __ _____ 6a 00 i1=7i9 .8 \ X F 2.8 _1-W__ _.1 i. Ct~~-02.bl Bradley Poates, Engr'8, N.Y. with ampere-turns per cmi. as abscissoe and kilolinies of mnagnetic~ force as ordinates. In Figs. 7, 8, 9 and 10 the mnagnetism, or rather the magnetic, induction, as derived from the i-nduced 'E. M. F.1 is assumed as, sine-curve. For the ditfer-ent values of magnetic inductioni of' this sine-curve, the corresponding values of m. m. F.~hence of~ c-urrent, are taken from Fig. 6, a-nd plotted, givi-ng thius the excit'ing currenit required to produce the si-ne-wave of miagnetism; 1894.] STEINf2TETZ ON HYSTERESIS. 587 that is, the wave of current, which a sine-wave of impressed E. M. F. will send through the circuit. As seen fromn Figs. 4 to 10, these waves of alternating current F are not sine-waves, but are distorted by the superposition of higlher harmonies, that is, are complex harmonic waves. They reach their maxinmum value at the same tiimne with the maximum of magnetism, that is, 900 ahead of the naximum induced E. M. F., hence about 90° behind the maximum impressed E. M. F., but; pass the zero line considerably ahead of the zero valule of magnetismu: 42, .52, 50 and 41 degrees respectively. The general character of these curtrent waves is, that the maaximum point of thle wave coincides inL timne with the maximumn point of the sine-wave of mlagnetism, but the current wave is bulged out greatly at the risinlg; hollowed in at the decreasing side. With increasing mnagnetization, thle maxsimum of the current IX~ ~--388 STEINMETZ ON HYSTERESIS. [May 18, wave becomes more pointed, as the curve of Fig. 9, for B = 10,000 shows, and at still higher saturation a peak is formed at the max- imum point. as in the curve of Fig. 10, for B - 16,000. This is the case, when the cuarve of magnetization reaches within the range of magnetic saturation, since in the proximity of saturation --FiFiq. 11 - 1-\7 _ _ -_ 1< ~ /~ .~~t~l~~4 T W