vol. 13, pp. 24-25; Encyclopedia of American Biography, 1974, pp. 1035-1036; P. L. Alger and C. D. Wagoner, “Charles Proteus Steinmetz,” IEEE SPECTRUM, pp. 82-95, Apr. 1%5; Steinmetz the Philosopher, compiled by Philip L. Algerand Ernest Caldecott (Schenectady, NY, 1%5); Ronald R. Kline,“Professionalismandthe Corporate Engineer:Charles P. Steinmetz and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers,” IEEE TRANS. EDUCATION, vol. E-23, pp. 144-150, Aug. 1980; Ronald R. Kline “Charles P. Steinmetz and the Development of Engineering Science,” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1983; James E. Brittain, “C.P. Steinmetz and E. P. W. Alexanderson: Creative Engineering in a Corporate Setting,” Proc. /€€E, vol. 6 4 , pp. 1413-1 41 7,1976. ON THE LAW OF HYSTERESIS. BY CHAS. PROTEUS STEINMETZ. In the number 137,of December 17th, 1890,-of theElectrical Engineer I published a short article under the title “Note on the Lawof Hysteresis,”where I showed that in a setof determinations of the lossof energydue to hysteresisby reversals of magnetism, for different magnetizations, made by Ewing, this loss of energy due to hysteresis can fairly well be expressed by the equation: H =VB’.~, where H istheenergy consumedbyhysteresisduringone magnetic cycle, in ergs per cubic centimetre,B the magnetiza- tion in lines of magnetic force per squarecentm i etre,and q(’) a numerical coefficienti,n this case = .002. Considering that even the simplelawofmagnetism-that is, the dependence of the magnetization B upon the magnet@ motive force F (for instance, in ampere turns per centimetre length of themagneticcircuit) has until now defied all attempts of mathematicalformulation, it appeared astrange feature that the apparently much more intricate phenomenon of hysteresis, or rather of theconsumption of energy by hysteresis,shouldyieldtoanalyticalformulation in such a simple way, to be directly proportional to the 1.6th power of the magnetization. At the samtieme the coincidenceof Ewing’s tests with the curve of the 1.6th power was near enough to be considered as something more than a mere incident, but at least as a clue to a law of hysteresis, the moreas this law held not only for low and medium magnetizatiobnu,t even for very high saturation, withoutshowing any kink at that point where the magnetic characteristicgoes over the bend or “knee” and thereby entirely changes its shape, nor any marked tendency of deviation of the extremest observed values from the calculated m e . Reprintedfromthe American lnstitute of ElecfricaEl ngineers Transactions, vol. 9, pp. 344,1892. Copyright 1892 by the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. ’If any quantity has a nght to be ded “magnetic resistance,” it is this coefficient 7 ; for 7 is the c&cient of conversion of magnetic energy into heat, while as “electric resistance” we define thecwfficent of conversion of electric energv into heat. The term generaIiy denoted ‘‘magnetic resistance”-that is, the inverse value ofmagneticconductivity,docsnotdeserve this name at all, but is &re properly caned “reluctance.” F 1.50 1.95 2.56 3.01 3.76 4.% 6.62 7.04 26.5 75.2 3,830 5,950 7,180 8,790 10,590 11,480 11.W 13,700 15,560 WLE I. H: 1160 2190 2940 3990 5560 6160 6590 8690 10,040 CalC 375 1082 2190 2956 4080 5510 6260 6690 8310 10,190 iT H - H:= calc +3o5bs + 58 ... - 16 -90 +so - 100 - 100 + 380 - -150 Av: i98 - s: + 8.5 + 5.0 ... - .5 -23 + .9 -1.7 - 1.5 + 4.4 -1.5 f2.6 In Fig. 1 and Table I, I give from the article referred to, the calculatedcurve of hystereticloss, as adrawnline,with Ewing’s tests marked as crosses, and in dotted line the curve of magnetomotiveforce F, c o r r v n - tothedifferent magnetizations, as abscsisae. In the table, I: F = the M.M.F.,in absolute units, B = the magnetization,in lines of magnetic forceper square centimetre, H = the observed values, and ObS STEINMETZ:ON THE LAW OF HYSTERESIS 197 H = the calculated valuesof hysteretic loss,in ergs per cubic centimetre, H - H = thedifference between both, in ergs and in calc obs percentages. To study morecompletely this phenomenon of hysteresis and of the energy consumption caused thereby, I endeavored to make a number of determinations with different magnetic circuits and at different magnetizations. To be enabled to carry out these experiments, I am highly obliged to Mr. Rudolph Eickemeyer, of Yonkers, N. Y.,who, being greatly interestedin the laws of the magnetic circuit and havingdoneconsiderablework himself in this branch of msa,l electrical science, not only put the large facilities of his well- known factory at my but also guided the experiments with his valuable advice. Apart of the instrumentsused in the tests are of Mr. Eickemeyer's invention and coveredby his patents. To beabletodealnotonlywiththesmallamounts of energy which the reversal of magnetism in a tiny bit of iron wire sends through the ballistic galvanometer, but to reduce the determinations to readings of considerable power-values, and where a much greater exactnesscan be reached, andat the same time to determine the dependence of the hysteretic loss of energy upon the velocity of the magnetic cycles, I decided to use alternatingcurrents, at least as far as this could be done, whereby the determination of the energy consumed by hysteresis is r e d u d to a simultauwus wattmeter, voltmeter, ammeter and speed reading. At the same time this electro-dynamometer method has the advantage that the magnetic cycle is completed in a steady, continuous motion,while in the ballistic method the magnetic cycle is completed by sudden changes in the magnetization, which jumps from point to point,to enable the productionof the induced current. This feature introduces an errorinto the ballistic method, for if a magnetic cycle is gone through by sudden changes, a larger amount of energy may be consumed than if the magnetization varies steadily in harmonic vibra- tion. Suppose, around a magnetic circuit, an alternating current of N complete periods per second is sent in n convolutions. Let C=the effective strength of the current, E =the effective E. bf. F. induced in the circuit by self-in- duction, after subtracting theE. M. F.'S induced by the self-induction of the instnunents, W =the energy consumed in the circuit, after subtracting the energy consumed by the electric resistance. Then, I beingthelength and s thecross-section of the magnetic circuit, allin centimetres, amperes,volts, watts, etc., Let B==themaximum magnetization in lines of magnetic force per squareamtimetre, H ==the loss of energy by hysteresis, in ergs per cycle and cubic centimetre;it is hence w = L ~ N Hx 10-7 H = - LWrN X 10+7 the hysteretic loss of energy, and hence E = f i m B N n X lo-' B= E X amNn the maximum magnetism. For higher frequencies, 80 to 200 periods per second, the alternating currentwas derived from a1H. P. 50 volt Westing- housedynamo. This was drivenbya 3 HP.. Eckemeyer continuouscurrentmotor. Byvarying theexcitation of the motor field and varying the E. M. F. supplied to the motor, the speed and therefore the frequency of the alternating current could be variedin wide limits.At the same time, supplied with constant E. M. F. andlikealtlheEickemeyermotors of unusually small armature reaction, this electromotor kept al- most absolutely constant speed under varying load, the more as it never ran with full load. For low frequencies, this bipolar continuous current motor wasused as abipolaralternatingdynamo, as shown in a patent of Mr. Stephen D. Field. On the continuous current commutator two sliding rings weremountedandconnected with opposite commutator bars. In the ordinary continuous current brushes a continuous current was sent in, which set themachine in motion as an electromotor,whilefromthe slidmgringsby two separatebrushes,alternatingcurrents were taken off. By varying the E. M. F. supplied to the motor, the E. M. F. of thealternatingcurrent wasvaried,while a variation of themotofrieldgavethevariations of the frequency. The curve of E. M. F. was very nearly a sine-wave, the ratio of maximum E. M. F. to effective E. M. F. found = 1.415,whilethesine-waverequires 1.414-ht is, essen- tially the same. To determinewhetherthechange of theshape of the alternating currentby varyingload and varying excitationhad any influenceupon the readmgs, the variationsof the alternat- ing E. M.F. were produced: 1. By varying the excitation of the field of the Westmghouse dynamo. 2. By running the Westmghouse dynamo fully excited feed- ing the secondaries of a bank of converters, feedmg from the fine wirecoils of these converters the fine wirceoils of another bank of converters, and taking current off from the secondariesof these converters, connected from onteo six in series. 3. Bychangmg the E. M. F. bymeans of a Westinghouse converter of variable ratio of transformation. 4.By loadmg the dynamo when small currents wereused for the tests. But afterhavingfound that allthesedifferentways of varying the alternating E. M. F. gave no perceptible difference whatever in the readmgs, I afterwards used the most conveni- ent way to vary the excitationof the dynamo field and, where higher E. M. F'S wereneeded,toincreasethe E. M. F. by an interchangeable converterw, hich gave the ratios:1:1,2,3,4,5. For thedetermination of thefrequency,adirect-reading speed indicator (horizontalball governor, actinugpon a spring) was used, which was carefully calibrated. For theelectricreadings,instruments of theelectro-dy- namometer type were used,zero-reading-that is, the movable coil was carried back by the torsion of a steel spring to zero position. *This formula holds rigidly only for the sine-wave, but as shown in the follow& the currents &LI in the tests were at least very near sim-waves. Besidegadeviationfromthcsiacshapewouldnotaltcrtherrsultsatall, but only slightly change the coefficient q. 198 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE. VOL. 72, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1984 These instruments were specially built for alternating cur- rents, with very low self-induction and low internal resistance, using bifilar german silver wire as additional resistance. In theammetertherange of readingswasfrom 3 to 40 amperes, the internal resistance = .011 o. Thenormalinductance (that is, E. M. F. of self-induction induced by one ampere alternating current, flowing through the instrument with a frequency of 100 complete periods per second): = ,045 o. In thevoltmetertherange ofrea-was from .5 volts upwards, but to avoid the necessity e: corrections for self-in- duction sufficient additional resistance was used to decrease the correction under1 per cent., and then the lowest readings were from 3 to 6 volts. The internal resistance of thevoltmeter is = 2.5 w , its normal inductance = 4.12 w . In the wattmeter the resistanceof the coarse wire coil (fixed coil) was = .026 o,is normal inductance = .073 u. The internal resistanceof the fine wire coil was = .25 o,its normal inductance = .33 a. In most of the readings sufficient additional resistance was used to make the correction for self-induction of the fine wire coil neghgible. Only in a few readings where it exceeded 1 per cent. it was taken in account. For small currents an Eickemeyer ammeter was used, which, while reading from .7 to 3 amperes, though built originally for continuous currents, had alreadbyeen used by me for alternat- ing currents and had been checked for its constancy of read- ings several times, and always found to give no perceptible difference in its readingsfor continuous currentsand for alternatingcurrentsupto over 200 complete.periods per second, the highest frequency I could reach Its internalresistance is = 1.1 o,its normalinductance = 2.03 o. Several sets of readings for different frequencies were taken on an old Westinghouse voltmeterconverter.Thefinewire coil and one of the 50 volt coils were left open.Into the other coarse wire coil an alternating current was sent, in series to ammeter and coarse wire coil of wattmeter, while the voltme- ter and the fine wire coil of the wattmeter were connected in shunt around the whole circuit. Hence a correction had to be applied for the self-induction of ammeter and coarse wire coil of the wattmeter and for the resistance of thecircuitO. nly in veryfew this correc- tion amounted to somewhat more than 10 per cent. Generally it was much smaller. Theinstruments were calibratedseveral timesandtheir constants found to remain constant. The speed indicator was calibrated carefully andits correc- tions added. Each r e a consisted of an ammeter readmg, a voltmeter reading, a wattmeter reading and aspeed readmg. Before and after each set of readings the zero positions of theinstruments weredetermined, and onlythose sets of rea- readings used where the zero positionhad remained constant. Before and after each set of alternating current a continuous currentwas sent into the circuit and faew readings for different currents taken. Voltmeter and ammeter readmgs combinedgavetheresistance of the circuit, andboth com- bined with the wattmeter readmg gave a checkfor the instru- ments,herebeing watts = volts X amperes. Only those sets were used againwhere an entireagreementwasfound,and with the alternating current firstreadings with small currents, then with large currents, and then again with small currents taken, so that I believe every possible care was exercised to avoid any errors in the tests. As beforesaid,thefirst sets of testsweremade on the magnetic circuit of a small Westinghouse converter. The constants of this converter, so far as they are of interest here, are: Mean length of magnetic circuit,21 cm. Mean cross-section of magnetic circuit,= 43.67 an.* Hence volume of iron, = 917. a d . Resistance of secondary coil, = .2 w . Further sets of readings were taken on a magnetic circuit, built up of very thin sheets of iron, alternately 8 in. x 1 in. and 3 in. X 1 in., in rectangular shape,very carefully insulated against eddy currents with layers of thin paper between the sheets. On the two long sides two coils of each 50 turns,very coarse wire (3 No. 10 in parallel), were wound and connected in series, thereby givingn = 100 turns of an internal resistance of .048 w . Here the mean lengthof the magnetic circuitwas I = 41 c m . The cross-section,s = 3.784 Thecircuitconsisted of 58 layers of sheet-iron of the thicknesss = .02577 t3) and the width o = 2.579. The whole volume of iron was = 155 c m . 3 The sheet-ironpieces were first freed from scales by dipping into dilute sulphuric acid. In one set of tests an open magnetic circuit was used, by leaving the short end pieces (3 in.x 1 in.)off, and using two pileseach of 66 pieces (8 in. X 1 in.) of thesame iron, the same pieces as used in the former closed circuit tests. In thesereadings,forthedetermination of thehysteretic loss, onlyvoltmeterandwattmeter,but no ammeter,were used,andtheconductivitycurvedeterminedseparatelyby voltmeter and ammeter. The calculation of the rea-was done in the following way: After applying the corrections for self-induction of instru- ments, resistance andspeed, the rea- were reduced to lines of magnetic force per@are centimetre B and consumptionof energy by hysteresis per magnetic cycleH , in ergs. Then the resultswere plotted on cross-section paper and if any valuewas foundto be verymuch out of thecurve connecting the other values, it was stricken out as evidently erroneous,not consideringit worth whileto determinewhether it was a wrongreading of anyone of the instnunents or a mistake in the calculation. Then from the other values of B and H , under the supposi- tion that H were proportional to anypower x of B: H = qBX this exponent x was determined. Thisvaluexwillbeseenalwaystobesonearto1.6that1.6 can be considered at least as first approximationto x. Then, under the assumption x = 1.6 hence H VB'.~ the coefficient q was calculated, and now the equation H =vB'.~ STEINMETZ: ON T H E LAW OF HYSTERESIS 199 plotted in a curve, as given in the figures, and the observed values of H drawn in and marked. Fromthe c w e were taken thecalculatedvalues of H , correspondingtotheobservedvalues of B, thedifference Hdc - Bobs determined, and expressed in per cents. of Hdc. These values are given in thetablesandshown in the curves. MAGNETIC CIRCUIT OF THE WESTINGHOUSCEONVERTER. FIG.2; TABLE1S1. MAGNEnC CRARACIERISIIC. F. = M. M. F., in ampere turns per centimetre length of magnetic circuit. B.= Magnetization, in lines of magnetic force per s q w e centimetre. TABLE II. (1) F. I: 8 9 10 B. F. 1500 y.o~~ 0 6800 %a, I I :: i! 11.750 20 1i8m 25 13,600 30 14,100 35 14,350 40 B. 15.080 15570 15,630 15.880 16;4m 16.950 172m 17,780 F. B. 18500 55 18,820 19,140 19,440 m 19,740 75 mom 80 85 2m,056w0 90 2o.m Coefficient of hysteresis: q = BO2315 hence, theoretical curve: H = BO2315 B’.6 TABLE II. (4) - Frequency: N = 137 complete periods per second: B. H. ObS H. calc cHa.k. - H. obs. % 4ooo 4670 5510 5760 5840 6690 E 12,430 13,7SO 1490 1818 2358 2482 2540 3285 3358 3374 8336 10.m 1410 1800 2350 2520 2580 3180 3290 3370 8610 10,1oO av: -80 - 18 -+ 8 38 +40 - 105 - 68 +-2744 +loo f 73.5 - 5.7 - 1.0 - .3 - 1.5 + 1.6 - 3.3 - 2.1 - .1 + 3.6 + 1.0 i-zb Exponent of power, derived fromtests: - X 1.5887 1.6 Coefficient of hysteresis: q = .002438 hence, theoretical curve. H = .002438B’.6 WSTERESSI. B.= Magnetization, in lines of magnetic force per square centimetre. H . = Loss of energy by hysteresis, in ergs percycle,and cubciecntimetre, = watt-second. TABLE II. (2) Freauencv: N.= 28 comlete Deriodsm second. 3510 -10,560 13,800 17,W 1178 6286 10286 15,357 110.180 15.600 E-1 ii 1 -106 + 243 PV: - Exponent of power, derived fromtests: X = 1.6111 1.6 TABLE II. ( 5 ) Frequency. N 5 205 complete periods per second. I B. I E. 1790 376 1990 463 2380 585 2620 735 3060 893 3390 1054 3660 1297 3710 1288 4620 1822 mm 2024 4990 2034 5910 2693 6100 2844 6550 3039 7290 3673 4341 H. - calc 400 460 610 720 920 1100 1240 1250 I1800 2070 2010 2620 27x1 4530 u60 % - + 24 + 6.0 -3 + 35 +-5..77 +-2175 +46 +-2.1 + 42..92 - 57 - 4.6 - 38 - 3.0 -22 - 1.2 +46 + 2.2 - 24 - 1.2 -73 -2 8 -96 -+31.5.3 - .9 _- -+- 1.0 2.1 2.2 -- f 2 7 Coefficient of hysteresis: q = .002410 hence, theoretical curve: Exponent of power, derived from tests: - x = 1.6012 1.6 Coefficient of hysteresis: H = .00241B’.6 q = .002434 TABLE! II.(3) Frequency: N = 36 complete periods persecond hence, theoretical curve. H = .002434B’.6 From these 4 sets of readings, we get the results: 7090 10,250 13,410 17,080 19,340 3333 5667 9694 14,417 16,111 3500 6310 9700 14,400 17,600 ++ 614637 + 17 + 1489 ~- Exponent of power, derived from tests: - X = 1.6476 1.6 + + 4.8 10.2 36 1. N = 28 4 m w :X =1.61117 =.002410 2. 5 ” 1.6476 BO2315 + + .1 .1 + 8.4 3. 137 10 ” 205 4. 18 ” 1.5887 BO2438 1.6012 .m34 f. Therefrom we derive the average, by giving to each value as - weight the number of readmgs, whereit is based upon: X = 1.60513 1.6 200 PROCEEDINGS OF T H E IEEE, VOL. 72, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1 9 6 4 = .0024164 Hence: H -- .0024164B'.6 This curve is used for calculating the values given as H&, and is plotted in Fig. 2 in drawn line. The observed values of H are drawn in Fig. 2: The magnetic characteristicis drawn in dotted lines. From this curve of hysteretic loss H = .0024164B'.6 we derive the values: TABLE II. (6) 1 B. I H. 1 B. H. 152 462 884 m 1400 2680 3430 4240 5130 6070 7070 8130 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000 17,000 18.000 19,000 20,000 25,000 3c4000 35,000 40,000 9230 lop00 11,610 12Im 14,180 15.550 16,970 18,uy) 26,290 35,210 45,060 55,800 11,160 II.-MAGNE~c CIRCUIT BUILTUP OF WELL INSULATELDAYERSOF VERYTHIN SHEET-IROFNI.G.3; TABLE1S11. MAGNElTC CHARACIERISTIC. F = M. M. F. in ampere tums per centimetrelength of magnetic circuit. B = magnetization in lines of magneticforce per square centimetre. TABLE III.(1) F. B. F. B. F. B. 2 1700 12 1137,7,50 2 45 3 4200 14 14260 50 17,wO 4 7400 16 14,600 55 lSf00 5 9200 18 14,900 60 18,650 6 10.400 20 15200 65 19,030 7 15,700 25 19,380 70 8 9 11,850 12,470 30 35 1169,2,70300 75 16,680 80 m,oso 10 13,070 40 17,050 85 m,m 90 20,750 HYsTmFSIs B = magnetization in lines of magneticforcepersquare centimetre. STEINMETZ: ON T H E LAW OF HYSTERESIS 201 H = loss of energy by hysteresis, in ergs per cycle and cubic centimetre, = 1 0 -w~att-seconds. CLOSED MAGNETIC CIRCUIT. Frequency: N = 85 complete periods per second. 4220 7690 10,470 7160 11,110 8370 14,030 12,600 14.890 13,730 ' 17,190 17,040 17,940 17,570 TABLE III.(2) H cak. 3140 4700 7700 8464 12280 13,540 17,040 - 18,240 av : H . - H.= cak. obs - 180 - 270 3420 +480 +540 +% - 320 - 190 + + ... 670 315 = s - 5.7 - 7.9 ++170..02 - + - 1.1 2.6 1.4 ... x + 3.7 Exponent of power, derived from tests: - X = 1.6041 1.6 Coefficient of hysteresis: 7 = .00285 hence, theoretical curve: H = .900285B'.6 TABLE III. (3) Frequency, N = 138 complete periods per second. B. 5220 5750 6540 7070 8210 8520 9570 10,450 11,990 14,570 14,aaO 16,770 17,970 19,320 H. obS. 3030 3620 4320 4830 5950 6090 7850 8780 11,060 15,840 16,160 20.350 20,620 23,180 H. calC. 3015 3550 4355 4890 6160 6530 7840 9040 11,230 15,340 15,580 19260 21,440 - 24,120 av: H. - H . = calc. obs. - 15 - 70 + 35 ++26100 +440 - 10 ++216700 + 3.4 I i+21:;.5 - 1090 - 5.6 - + 820 +940 f 371 + 3.9 + 3.8 Exponent of power, derived from tests: x = 1.6044 = 1.6 Coefficient of hysteresis: q = .00335 hence theoretical curve: H = .00335B'.6 TABLE III. (4) I I I 1 Frequency,N = 205 completeperiods per second: B. H. H. H -H.- ob% cak. cak obs 6360 I340 10.030 10,860 1WO 14,600 14,700 15,750 16,700 4440 5380 9510 9980 13,700 17,390 17,830 19,700 21,990 4660 5780 9510 l0,6X, 12,940 17,160 17.343 19560 21500 aV: +m +400 . .. + 690 - I60 -230 - 490 *--364900 425 + 4.8 + 6.9 ... +6.5 - 5.9 -- 1.3 2.8 - 1.7 r-n3.2 Exponent of power, derived from tests: x = 1.697 = 1.6 Coefficient of hysteresis: I) = .00373 hence theoretical curve: H = .00373B1.6 OPEN MAGNETIC CIRCUIT. - Twogapsof 4 cm. length. I 2. z.;;= 1 ", TABLE III. (5) Frequency, N = 138 complete periodsper second. B. H. obS. 3150 3640 4690 5490 6270 10.250 11,Ooo 12280 1570 1560 2110 2020 2930 2950 -90 + 20 4380 3780 3510 4690 ++237100 10,290 10,450 -160 I11,810 14250 11,520 13a,v7:40 I I -+4..47 ++76.26 -1.6 Exponent of power derived from tests: - X = 1.6040 1.6 Coefficient of hysteresis: q = .00394 hence theoretical curve: H = .00394B'.6 From these four sets of readings we get the results: N = 85 138 205 CLOSED MAGNETIC CIRCUIT. 9 readings: x = 1.6041 14 I' 1.6044 9 'I 1.6970 7 = .OO285 .00335 .00373 OPEN MAGNETIC CIRCUIT. N = 138 8 readings: x = 1.6040 q = .00393 Herefrom it seems that theconsumption of energyby hysteresipsemr agneticcycle increases with increashg frequency-that is, with increasing velocity of the magnetic change. The three values of three coefficients of hysteresis for closed circuit in their dependence upon the frequency N, can be expressed by the empirical formula: + 7 = (0017 .000016N - .00000003 N2) To compare the values of hysteretic loss for different fre- quencies, in Fig. 3 the curve of hysteretic loss for N = 100 complete periodsper second is plotted, giving: q100 = .003 hence H = .003 B'.6 and the observed values of H are not cllrectly drawn in, but the observed valuesof H multiplied withthe factor: 'Iloo I)&. to compare the differentfrequencieswith each other. These valuesare plotted for: 202 PROCEEDINGS OF T H E IEEE, VOC. 72, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1% 26.000,- a ] N-8 5wit 138 h the m a r k r+ closedmagcnirectuicit. 205 ‘1 ‘1 N = 138 with themark 0 ;Open magnetic circuit. From this m e of hysteretic loss, H = .003B1.’ we derive the values, for the frequency of N = 100 complete periods per second. TABLE III. (6) II1740 2490 3330 4260 4M 780oao0oQo0o 9oM) 6360 10.000 7530 11,000 w@Jo 8790 10.080 B. 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000 17,000 18,000 19,000 m2so;oaO,o 30,000 35,000 40,000 H. 11,460 15,990 17,610 19590 21,060 22.830 32340 43,680 55,950 a92m Especiallynoteworthy is thelastset ofreadings, an open magneticcircuit, in so far as it provesthefallacyofthe general opinion that the hysteretic lossof energy in the iron is smaller in the open magnetic circuit than in the closed circuit. For the coefficient of hysteresis observed on open magnetic circuit q = m393 is even greater than that for closed magnetic circuit, q = .00335 But this discrepancy is easily explained by the fact that in theclosedmagneticcircuitthemagnetization is nearly uniformthroughoutthewhole iron. But in the open magnetic circuit the magnetic field intensity differs considerably from point to point, bemg a maximum in the middle of the mag- netizing coils,a minimumat the ends of the iron sheets.Now, the values ofB given in the table,are the average vahaesof the magnetization, and the values H,the average valuesof hyster- etic loss. But the average valuoef the 1.6th powersof different quantitiesB is larger than the 1.6th powerof the average value of B. STEINMETZ: ON THE LAW OF HYSTERESIS 203 For instance, in acubic cm. of iron magnetized to B = 12,000 is H = 10,080; in a cubic cm. of iron magnetized to B = 6OOO is H = 3330; hence of these 2 cubic centimetres the - average magnetization is B = 9o00,and the averageH 6,705 ergs but to B = 9o00 c o r r q n h H = 6360 ergs; that is, about 5 per cent. less, and the difference becomes still greater, if the values B differ still more. Talung this into account,it seems that the loss of energy due to hysteresis depends onlyupon the intensityof magnetization, and perhaps upon the frequencyb,ut is independent of open or c l o d magnetic circuit, as is to be expected. III.-FIG. 4. TABLEISV. A third setof determinationsof the hystereticloss of energy is given in the following: Again a magnetic circuit was built upof 17 layers of a soft kind of sheet-iron, each layer consisting of two pieces of 20 cm.length, 2.54 cm. width, and two piecesof7.6 cm.length and 2.54 cm.width, of the thicknessS =i .M86cm., that is, of considerably greater thickness than in the former set of tests. Here evident proof of the inductionof eddy-aments in the iron was found. EspeQally perceptible was a decrease in the watts consumedby the iron, when a larger M. M. F. ofhigh frequency was leftacting upon the ironT. his decrease mustbe attributed to the increaseof the electricresistance of the iron, caused by its increasing temperature. To eliminate this source of error as far as possible, before eachset of tests an alternating ament ofhigh frequency ( N = 200) andconsiderablestrengthwassent through the magnetizing coils and left on for ten to fifteen minutes, and thenfirstreadingswith lowmagnetization,thenwithhigh, and thenagainwithlowmagnetizationweretakenB. ut, nevertheless, as was to be expected, in these tests the observed values agreedless with each other thanin the former readings. The method of determination, the apparatus, etc., were the same as in the second set of tests, only that ammeter, voltmeter, and wattmeter were used at the same time. In calculating these tests, the law of the 1.6th power was assumed as true, and the loss of energy in the iron expressed by the equation, + H = vB'.~ tNB2 where Hl = T B ' . ~ is the true hystereticloss per cycle and ad., which is indepen- dent of the frequency, and Hz = cNB2 is the lossofenergyby eddy-currents per cyclewhich is proportional to the frequency N. From this expression + H = H I Hz the coefficients 7 and c were calculated and the agreement or dsagreement of thex coefficients7 and c allow now to check the correctness or incorrectness of the law of the 1.6th power. These tests gave the following results: Fig. 4. MAGNmC CHARACIWSTICS. 1 1 F = M. M. F., in ampere turns percentimetrelength magnetic circuit. B = magnetization, in lines of magneticforceper centimetre. TABLE TV. (1) of B. B. F. B. 1.5 2,700 11,700 18 15,450 4,350 7,100 lZ,ZIIO 20 15,800 12,700 25 16,400 4 8,850 10 13,100 30 16,800 5 10.000 12 13,900 35 17,200 6 10,800 14 14,500 40 17,500 16 15,000 WsrmEslS. B = magnetization, in lines of magnetic force per -centimetre. H loss of energy by hysteresis,in ergs per cycle and a d . (= joules) = Hl + Hz Hl = v B ' . ~ = lossof energy by hysteresis proper, in ergs per cyclaend ad. (= joules). 204 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 72, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1 9 8 4 H2cNB2= loss of energy by eddy-currents,in ergs per cycle and ad.( = joules). TABLE IV.(2) Frequency, N = 78. q = .00331 c = .751 X B. 4171 58x) 9520 13,160 14,320 16,050 HI 2,060 3340 7,740 12,w 17280 HZ 1,080 12,720 15,900 H.(4) H. calc obs. 3,140 3,060 5,660 2,152,6040 13,340 51,630,4040 23,670 120,47,15040 1247,,86800 26,460 33,180 33,180 av: A + 80 + 20 - 100 - 870 -1140 .._ ( T::;} =% + + 2.6 .3 - .8 -3.7 +4.0 *1.9(+.4) B. 4880 6780 7720 10,200 12,080 TABLE IV.(3) Frequency, N = 140. q = .00331 c = .730 X HI 4.490 5,530 8,640 H 2 H. (4) H. A calc. obs. 2,720 2,650 9,760 6,830 11,940 5,280 5,297,4020 12,600 201400 - 5,36++0 80 340 2102,,53+8600124800 16,700 33,840 11,300 19,860 29,100 1573,2,000 2583,,07-+00100170000 =% +1.5 + 3.4 - 1.9 + .9 + 4.0 1.3 (T:::} av: +2.2(+.2) TABLE N.(4) Frequency, N = 207 q = .00336 c = .757 x 1 0 - 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 -670 1 1 I 2710 4720 7540 - I 1,030 5;320 - I calc. I obs. I I 1.290 2,340 2,32-0 20 - .8 Tf 6.480 6.430- 35.0910 2.510- .8 9;970 15390 l 5 & 0 12380 112,7603,80803,5080.5000 13200 1340,043,402.40,6000 +800 +1.8 L I I I I . I J Therefrom we get the results: N = 78, 6 readmgs, q = .00331 c = .751 x 140, 6 If .00331 .730 X 207, 5 " .00336 .757 x 1 0 - 6 Thevaluesfoundfor q are so nearlyalike that we can consider them as constant, and take theirmean value q = .00333 as the coefficient of hysteresis. Eventhevaluesfoundfor c are not much different from eachother,not more than was to be expectedfromthe unavoidable differences in the temperature of the iron, which because of thehighelectrictemperaturecoefficient of iron makes E rather variable. Taking the average of E, we derive c = .746 x and as formula of iron loss, + H = .00333B'.6 .I46 X 10-6NB2 4 H d is calculated by using for 7 the mean value 7 = ,00333, but for c the individual values, corresponding to the particular set ofobservations. In Fig. 4 are drawn the four curves, 1.True hysteretic loss, H = .00333 B'.6 2. Iron loss for N = 78 + .00333 B'.6 .oooO5856 B2 3. ' I 'I 140 .0001022 B2 4. If If 209 .0oO1567 B2 The observed valuesare plotted by crosses, + IV.-FIGS.5 AND 6;TABLEVS AND VI. Two other sets of determinations of the hysteretic lossof energy, for the frequency 170 complete periods per second, weremade on two laminated horse shoe magnetsw, ith laminated keeperor armature. The method of observation and of calculation was the same as in III., and the same precautions weretaken. The dimensions of the horse shoe magnets were: Mean length of magnetic circuit: 38 cm. " cross-section: 70 " volumeof iron: 2660 ~ m . ~ I' distance of keeper from magnet, in the first case: , .15 cm. ' I distance of keeper from magnet, in the second case: .08cm. eachmagnet consisting of 300 sheets well insulated iron, of the thickness .0405 cm. In the first set of readmgs, considerable eddy-currents were found; in the second set, only asmall amount of eddies. The magnetic conductivityof the iron was not determined, becausethereluctance of themagneticcircuitmainly con- sisted of that of the air gap between magnet and keeper. The results were, B =magnetization, in hes per Hobs.= observed loss of energy in the iron,in ergs per cycle anfodr N = 170. Hl =true hysteretic loss of energy. H2 =loss of energy by eddy-currents. + HdC.=whole calculated loss of energy, = Hl H2 TABLE V. Frequency, N = 170. 7-= .-w5 E = 1.16 X 670 1020 1100 1200 1310 1490 1930 2600 - Hl - H 2 51 23 68 34 108 59 132 78 150 90 178 111 210 138 293 208 345 234 392 290 436 343 539 445 820 742 1310 1280 - - H. H. calC. ObS. 74 70 102 102 166 166 210 219 240 234 289 300 348 333 501 524 579 549 682 695 779 795 984 985 1562 1547 2590 2670 - - av: Therefore we get the formula for theloss in the iron, + H = .0045B'.6 1.16N X 10-6B2 STEINMETZ: ON THE LAW OF HYSTERESIS 205 zation up to high saturation, while the tests in IV. cover the rangefrom 85 to 2600 lines per that is, frommedium down to very low magnetization. The law is found exactly the same, H = vB'.~+ ENB' and herewith proved for the full range from 85 lines per m 2 up to 19,340 lines, a ratio from 1 + 230. In Fig. 5 are shown 1. Thecurve of true hysteretic loss, Hl= .0045B'.6 2. Thecurveof the wholeloss in the iron, + H = HI H 2 with the observed values marked by crosses + TABLE VI. Frequency, N = 170 -1 = .00421 I B. - H1 I 2;. 85 5.2 .3 5.5 I82 17.3 1.3 18.6 211 22.0 1.7 23.7 560* 105 11 116 670 140 15 155 685 145 16 161 775 176 21 197 800 186 22 208 loo0 265 35 300 lorn 2% 41 337 1130 322 47 369 1250 319 56 435 1380 445 69 514 2200 940 170 1110 2420 -c = .2083 X H. - obs. 5.6 16.9 23.5 122 146 157 202 200 300 353 386 430 514 1130 1268 H. - H. calc. obs. - .1 + 1.7 + .2 -6 +9 +4 -5 +8 ... - 16 - 17 is - 26 - 20 + 30 + 38 - av : *-90 10 - =% - - 1.8 + 10.0 + + .9 5.0 6.1 + 2.6 - + 2.4 4.0 ... - 4.0 - 4.3 + 1.2 - 4.1 - 1.8 - + 2.4 + 21.2 - 24.6 +- 34 Therefore we get the formula for the lossin the iron, H = .00421B1.6+ .2083 X 10-6NB2 In Fig. 6 are shown, 1. The curve of true hysteretic loss, Hl= .00421B'.6 2. The curve of the whole loss in the iron, H HI + H 2 + with the observed values marked by c r o w Especially interesting are these two sets of readmgs in so far as they cover quite a different range of magnetization as the tests in I. to rn. In I. to m. the tests cover the range from 1790 to 19,340 lines ofmagnetic forceper that is, for mediummagneti- This seems not to agree with Ewing's theory of the molecular magnets. According to this theory, for very small magnetizationthehysteresisshould be expected to dmppear, or almost disappear, and thceycle be reversible. Thenfor medium magnetization, where the chains of molecular magnets break up and rearrange, hysteresis should increase very rapidly, and slowly again for saturation. Nothing of this is the case, but hysteresis seems to follow the same law over the whole range of magnetization, and is certainly not zero for even such a low magnetization as 85 lines per MAGNETOMETER TESTS. The method used in the foregoing has the great advantage that 1.It allowsthetaking of agreaternumber of readings, over a wide range of magnetization, in a short time, bmy erseimultaneouisnstrumenrteadingsa,nd thereby reduces the probable error by increasing the number of observations. 2. It allowsthe use of electro-dynamometers,as themost reliable electric measuring instruments. 3. It dealswithlargeramounts ofenergy, countingby wattsor even hundreds of watts,wherebyamuch greater accuracy can be reached than by the ballistic galvanometer. 4. It measures the hysteresisundertheinfluence of an harmonically, andnot suddenly varyingM.bi. F., that is underthe same conditions, where it becomes of importance for practical engineering. But it has the great disadvantagtehat it canbe used only for testing sheet-iron or other thoroughly laminated iron, where eddies are either inappreciableor can be calculated also. For M6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 72,N O . 2, FEBRUARY 1984 testing solidiron and steel pieces,this method cannotbe used, because of thetremendousamount of eddieswhichwould flow in a solid piece of iron. To determine.thehystereticloss ofenergy in steeland cast-iron the Eickemeyer differential magnetometer was used. Complete description of this instrument and its use is to be found in the Electrical Engineer, March 25th. 1891,wherefrom is taken apart of the following description. In Fig. 7 is shown this instrument, which I shall be gladto show in our factory to a n m y who is interested in it. In Figs. 8 and 9 are diagrams of its action. Theprinciple of this instrument resemblessomewhatthe principle of the well-known differential galvanometer, applied to the magnetic circuit. In Fig. 8, suppose F1 and F2 were two E. M. F.’S connected in series; forinstance, two cellsof a battery, x and y the two resistances which we want to compare. Either resistance x and y is shunted respectively by a conductor a and b of equalresistance,whichinfluencesa galvanometer needle G in opposite directions but with equal strength. Thenthezeroposition of theneedle G shows that the electric currentc,, flowing in u, is equal to the currenctb in b. But let the currentin x be c,, and iny, cy; then we must have + + ca cy = cb cx 0 Fre. 8 becausethecurrents c, and cy arethe two branches of the same integral currentas c b and c, Therefore, if c, = cb, then c, = cy But if c, = cb, and a = b, the difference of potential at the R e .9 ends of a (or,what is thesame thing, y ) is equal to the difference of potentialattheends of b or x and,therefore, or “number of lines ofmagneticforce;”insteadof“elec- the current in x and y , and the potential differences being thetromotiveforce”or “potential difference,”say “magneterne same, it follows that x = y . tive foinracsnetde;”ad of “elercetsrisctanscaey,” “reluc- That is, this method of connection allows us to compare an tance,” and we have the principle of this instrument. unknown resistance x with a standard resistancey . Its magnetic circuit consists of two pieces of best Norway Now, instead of “electric current,” say “magnetic current” iron, Ln shaped, shown in theillustration of thecomplete STEINMETZ: ON THE LAW OF HYSTERESIS 207 instrument, Fig. 7,and in the diagramFig. 9, at F~ and F2. The middle portion is surrounded by a magnetizing coil c. There- fore if coil c is traversed by an electric current, the frontpart s1 of the left iron piece becomes south, and the back part n north polarity.Thefront part of therightironpiece n be- comes north, and the back part south;and the lines of magnetic force travel in the front from the right to the left, from n 2 to s,; in the back the opposite way, from the left to the right, or from nl to sz, either through the air or, when n 2 and sl,or nl and s2, are connected by a piecoef magnetizable metal, through this and through the air. In the middle of the coil c stands a small soft iron needle with an aluminium indicator,which plays over a scale K, and is held in a vertical position by the lines of magnetic force of the coil c itself, deflected to the left by the lines of magnetic force traversing thefront part of the instrument fromn z to sl, deflected to the right by the lines traversing the back fromn, to s2. This needle shows byits zero position that the magnetic flowthroughthe air in front from n 2 to s1 hasthesame strength as themagneticflowinthebackfrom n1 to s2 through the air. Nowwe put apiece of soft iron x on thefront of the instrument. A large numberof lines go throughx , less through the air from n 2 to s,, but all theselinesgofrom nl to s2 throughthe air at theback part of themagnetometer,the front part and back part of the instrumentbeing connected in series in the magnetic circuit. Therefore the needisledeflected to the right by the magnetic flow in the back of the instru- ment. Now we put another piece of iron,y, on the backpart of the instrument. Then equilibriumwould be restoredas soon as the samenumber of lines of magneticforcegothrough x , as through y, because then also thesamenumber of lines go through air in the front as in the back. As will be noted, the air here takes the place of the resistancesa and b, influencing the galvanometer needle G, as in the diagram,Fig. 8. The operationof the instrument is exceedingly simple andis as follows: Into the coil c an electric current is sent which is measured by the ammeter A, and regulated by the resistance- switch R Then the needle which before hadno fixed position, points to zero. Now the magneticstandard,consistingof a cylindrical piece ofNorway iron of 4 cross-sectionand 20 cm. length is laid against the back of the instrument, with both ends fitted into holes in large blocks of Norway iron, A,, A , , which are laid against the poles S,N of the magnetometer, so that the transient resistance from pole-faceto iron is eliminated. The sample of iron that we wish to examine is turned off to exactly the same size, 4 cm.’ cross-section and 20 cm. length, and fitted into blocks A,A2 in front of themagnetometer. Then so many fractional standard-piecesof Norway iron are added in front, that theneedleof the instrument points to zero. This means that the 4 cm.’ Norway iron in the back, cany underthesamedifference of magneticpotential,the samemagnetism as the 4 of the examined sampleplus the x cm.’ of fractional standard, added in the front. Hence, 4 cm.’ of the examined sample are equal in magnetic Conduc- tivityto (4 - x ) cm.’ of Norwayiron,andthemagnetic conductivity of this sample is (4 - x)/4 x 100 per cent. of that of Norway iron,for that differenceof magnetic potential, viz., magnetization, that corresponds to themagnetometer current. To get absolute values, the instrument has been calibrated in the followingway: In the front and in the back the magnetic circuit of the instrument has been closed by 4 cm.’ Norway iron. Then another piece of iron, and of any desired size, has been addedin the front.Tbis piece, y, carrying some magnetism also, equilibrium was disturbed. Then through a coil of exactly 110turns,surrounding this piece y, an electric current i was sentandregulated so that equilibrium was restored. In this case no magnetism passed through y , or in other words, the M. FM..of the currenti 110 i ampere turns,is equal to thedifferences of magneticpotentialbetweenthe pole-faces of the instrument. In this way, for any strength of current in the maincoil C of the magnetometer, the difference of magnetic potential produced therebeytween the pole-faces of the instrument, was determined and plotted in a curve, for convenience in ampere turnsper cm. length. Now,theNorwayironstandardwascompared on the magnetometer with sheet-iron, of which, from tests with low frequency alternating currents, the magnetization correspond- ing to any M. M. F. wasknown, andtherefromderivedthe magneticcharacteristic of theNorway iron standard, and plotted in a curve also. In the way explained before, theiron sample that was to be determined, was balanced by themagnetometerbyNorway iron, thereby giving its magnetic conductivity.in per cent. of that of the Norway iron standard, the magnetometer current read, from the curves taking theM.M.F. corresponding thereto -denotedwithF-andthemagnetization of theNorway iron, corresponding to this m M. F., F, andfromthede- terminedpercentage of conductivity of theexamined sam- ple, the magnetization B of this sample correspondingto the M. M. F. F. With this instrument a numberof magnetic cyclesof differ- ent samples of steel and cast-iron were determined. First, a powerful alternating current was sent through the magnetometer and around all the iron pieces used, to destroy any trace of permanent or remanentmagnetism. Then the examined sample was laid against the front, the standard against the back of the magnetometer, balanced, and a larger number of magnetic cycles completed between given limits, for instance, +95 and -95 ampere turns M. M. F. per cm. length. Then readings were taken from maximum m m F. +95 down to zero, and again up to the maximum -95, down over zero and up to +95, thereby completing a whole mag- neticcycle, andthen of a secondmagneticcycle, a few readings were taken as check for the first one. In this way for different M. M. F.’s the curve of hysteresis was found, and by measuring its area the loss by hysteresis determined. The further calculation was done in a somewhat different way. Generally the number of cycles was not large enough to determine conveniently the exponent by analytical methcds. Therefore the law of the 1.6 M. power: H =vB’.~ wasassumed as true,andforeach cyclefrom the known values of H and B determined the co-efficientq. If fordifferent cycles the valuesof q agreed, this would provetheassumption,the correctness of thelaw of1.6th power, while a dtsagreement would disprove it. In the following fora number of samplesthemagnetic cycles are given: F=M.M.F.,inampereturnspercm.length. B, and Bd = theintensity of magnetization, in kilolines, corresponding to M. M. F. F,for the rising and the decreasing branch of the magnetic curve. The area of the looped curve, representing the loosfsenergy 208 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 7 2 , NO.2, FEBRUARY 1% by hysteresis is derivedby adding the values of B,, and subtractingtherefrom the s u m of thevalues B,,Bd and B,, being given from5 to 5 ampere turns,or .5 absolute units, the difference of the sums of Bd - B, just gives thelossby hysteresis, in ergs per cycle. CAST-STEEAL,NNEALEDAND HARDENED. FIG.10; TABLVEII. Of one kind of steel, two test pieces were cast, at the same casting, turned off to standard size and, by comparing them in the magnetometer, foundto be exactly alike. Then the one piece was hardened, the other left annealed. Magnetometer tests gave the following magnetic cycles: Herefrom as coefficient of hysteresis, was found T = .024941.025121.02490I.0079971.007%2, - - 7 = .024987 a- 1 = .007980 .025 .0080 Hence, when anneded, the hysteretic loss is when hardened H = .008 B'.6 H = .025B'.6 and calculated by means of these formulas, we derive H = 48,40707,501001,50304,73405,100 calc. - r -F. Br Bd 0 f 5.0 5 -4.4 + 5.6 10 -3.1 6.1 15 6-.25.7 20 0 6.9 25 63.9 7.3 30 5.5 1.6 35 6.1 8.0 40 7.1 8.3 45 8.5 50 (44.5.) 55 60 65 10 15 80 a5 90 9s 100 105 - 110 H- - Ibz r TABLEVII. Md. Br Bd * 1.0 -6.4 + 1.5 -5.6 1.9 -4.4 8.2 -1.9 8.6 +1.9 9.0 4.2 9.3 6.2 9.6 7.6 9.9 8.1 10.2 9.6 10.5 10.4 10.8 10.9 11.1 11.4 (64.5.) 77,800 Br Bd Br Bd f 1.8 f 6.6 -7.3 + 8.2 - 1.4 + 10.7 -6.8 8.6 C3.4 11.9 -5.6 8.9 128..54 -2.3 9.2 1120.8.9 +.4 9.5 12.2 13.1 2.5 9.8 13.0 13.4 4.2 10.1 13.5 13.7 5.8 10.4 13.9 14.0 1.2 10.1 14.1 8.4 11.0 9.6 11.2 10.4 11.5 10.9 11.8 11.4 12.0 11.9 12.3 12.2 12.5 12.5 12.7 12.98 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.4 (44.5.) 13.5 (108.0.) 101,100 Br Bd f -2.6 8.6 + 11.3 t3.7 12.3 8.4 12.7 10.8 13.0 12.0 13.3 12.1 13.6 13.2 13.9 13.5 14.2 13.8 14.5 14.1 14.1 14.4 15.0 14.7 15.2 15.0 15.4 15.3 15.6 15.6 15.8 15.8 16.0 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 (101,O.) 45,000 STEINMETZ: ON THE LAW OF HYSTERESIS 209 and H - H = +lo0 -300 +400 -70 +lo0 calc. obs. = per cent. of H + .2 - .4 + .4 - .2 + .2 calC. In Fig. 10 are drawn some of the magnetic curves for both samples. It is especially interesting to note that though the chemical constitution of both samples is exactly the same, their magnetic behavior is entirely different,so that the magnetic properties of iron seem to be determined much more byitsphysical than its chem'cd constitution. ANOTHER SAMPLEOF CAST-STEEOLF Low MAGNETIC CONDUCTMTY. FIG. 11. TABLE VIII. Br Bd Br bd Br Bd 10 * 2.5 + .6 4.1 k 2.8 - 1.9 + 3.6 - .4 4.3 f -2.1 3+.13.9 - 4.6 f -2.7 3+.44.2 -1.3 4.8 15 2.7 4.6 +2.7 4.9 +2.2 5.2 +2.3 5.4 3.9 5.1 4.0 5.5 4.2 5.8 5.93.8 5.64.7 4.9 6.0 5.1 6.2 4.8 6.4 6.0 5.5 30 5.6 6.4 5.7 6.6 5.5 6.7 35 6.63.2 6.2 6.7 6.1 6.9 7.16.0 40 6.38 6.6 7.0 7.26.6 7.46.5 45 (37.0) 7.0 7.3 7.57.0 7.7 .0 50 7.4 7.5 7.78.4 7.79.4 55 7.64 8.17.8 8.27.8 60 (52.0) 8.48.1 8.58.1 65 8.68.4 8.8 .4 70 8.7 8.8 8.7 9.0 75 9.928..095 80 (75.0) 9.59.3 85 9.5 9.6 90 I 95 9.8 9.8 14,600 19,900 4= ,0119 ,0122 - Average, TJ = .001195 .012 Herefrom, H = calc H-H calc. obs. = per cent. of H calc. H = .012B'.6 14,62019,52025,140 +20 -380 +140 +.l -1.9 +.6 30,020 +420 +1.4 With regard to hysteresis, this kind of cast-steel is 50 per cent. worse than the aunealed cast-steelNo. 1,but still twice as good as the hardened sample.But, magnetically,it is poor - -that is, oflow conductivity, giving for 40 ampere turns M. M. F. per centimetre length only 6600 lines of magnetic forcepersquarecentimetre,whilethe annealed steelgives - 14,OOO-that is, more than twice as many, and even the - hardened steelgives more, 8OOO. SOFTMACHINE STEELF. IG.12. TABLE E. I. III. 11. F Br Bd Br Bd Br Bd 0 5 +i8.3 -5.7 10.2 10 +l.2 11.6 15 18.017.72700 14.210.913.411.0 18.218.02755 14.812.413.812.6 30 13.5 14.2 35 40 14.8 18.8 45 (39.0) H- obs. 'I= ~,400 .w 5 -7.5 9+.611.2 -2.0 12.4 +7.2 1153..33 1114145. 164.07 1165.4.3 50 15.9 16.8 55 17.016.4 60 16.9 17.4 65 17.3 17.7 80 18.418.3 85 18.718.6 90 (90.0) 64.ooo ,00928 Average, TJ = .00936 hence H- calc A= -400 64,600 +600 = 2 1.0per cent. 21 0 PROCEEDINGS OF THE I E E E , VOL. 72, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1984 CAST-IRONFI.G.13. TABLE X. I _+ 2.5 * 3.5 - F 50 55 10 3.9- .6 15 4+.4 .9 -1.7 5-.2 .2 4.7 60 65 8.2 8.9 20 2.6 4.9 +1.6 5.7 70 8.6 9.2 25 6.1 3.83.0 5.4 75 9.0 9.4 30 6.5 4.64.0 5.8 80 9.4 9.7 35 5.24.9 6.1 6.8 85 9.1 9.9 40 5.8 6.47.2 5.5 90 10.0 10.1 6.3 45 7.6 6.1 6.6 95 50 6.8 (95.0) H = &IS. 7- (50.0) 22,300ergs I 42,000ergs ,01589 .01647 Average, 7 = .01616 H- CalC. H- H= Calc. obs. = per cent., 22,000 - 300 - 1.5 42,800 +800 + 1.9 MAGNETIC IRONORE.FIG.14; TABLEXI. In the following are given the magneticcurves of a piece of magnetic iron ore, apparently pureFe3 04,of the dimensions, 1 in.x 1in.x 2 3 in. TABLE XI. MAGNETIC CHARACTERISTIC. F = M. M. F., in ampere turnsper centimetrelength of magnetic circuit. B = magnetization, in lines of magnetic force per square centimetre. F F B F B 10 20 30 40 50 60 1 750 70 1510 80 2000 90 2320 100 2354670 0 110 2760 120 I 23973700 140 3309830 0 160 3220 180 3350 200 220 3580 240 1 4070 4200 4310 4400 IF 0 10 20 30 40 3410 & I TABLEXII. CYCLIC MAGNETIZATION. AdI&IF I 1 *m 37346041f0310020 0 + 1520 -200 + 1660 140 +1200 1920 +lo00 2020 150 1800 2280 160 2160 223m0 2117%50 2520 170 3440 3530 3280 3410 3530 3640 33783200 33820 3910 4050 4120 4190 4250 4320 4Mo 3900 3980 4110 4170 4230 4280 4uO 4370 (240.) H = 9,340 ergs 13,780 ergs obS. STEINMETZ:O N THE LAW OF HYSTERESIS 21 1 t) = .02.00429041 Average, t) = .02045 C w e of hysteresis, H = .02045 B'.6 H = 9,320er1g3s,810- calc. H - H = -2Oergs +30ergs calc. obs. + = - .2per cent. .2 per cent. As seen, thecoefficient of hysteresis of magnetic iron ore, t) = .020, ranges between that of cast-iron, t) = .016,and of hardened steel, 7 = ,025. The magnetic conductivity is approximately 20 per cent. of that of wrought-iron. In Fig. 15 is given a comparison of the hysteretic curves of Hardened steel, h e a e ld steel, cast-iroq Magnetic iron ore, inthesamesize. This figureshowsweltlhe three characteristicforms of 21 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 72, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1984 Flu. 15. TABLE XIII. H in ergspercycleand I H = vB’.~[+ d B in lines of magnetic R21 Zmel per I F i n ampere turnsper - cmI. Material. Hysteretic Coefficient. Magnetizationat the M.M. F. Residual MagnetismR./Coercitive ForceC - t C 9 F=lO =40 -90 F o r F - 4 0 =90 F o r F = 4 0 =90 F o r F = 4 0 =90 very soft iron wire @wing) ................... WestlngbwEe converter,s h e e t - i r o n ........... Very thin sheet-iron, standard ................. n i c k sbcet-iron.. ............................... Sheet-iron ....................................... Sheet-iron ....................................... Soft annealed cart-steel ........................ Soft machinc steel............................... Cast-steel of low mapetic conductivity ...... CaJt-iron ......................................... Hard& cast-steel ............................ Magnetic iron ore............................... ,0020 ,0024 .00” .00333t 00421$ .w509 .0080 .oow ,0120 ,0162 ,0250 ,02045 12800 14400 13100 13100 ... 251 m 1600 1200 750 14700 17800 17100 17m ... ... 14OOO 14800 6400 6100 8ooo 2320 16600 20800 20700 ... ... ... 1683200 18800 9800 10100 12903 3220 5100 8300 3300 4m (1.9) (1.5)1 (1.8) (2.0) (2.3) (2.8) (2.5) (3.1) (3.2) (3.9) (3.4) (4.2) 6.0 7.0.00114,00133 91M1).o1 9.1 .0.00100038*5*** 2600 9.1 11.6.00104,00132 21304000 10.4 15.2 .,0000110566.. 752030.5 19.0 ,00107,00132 900 10.0 Average .......0.0108,00132 .XI204 *, For N = 100. +,€ = .746 x 10-6. *,c = .2083 X *, c = 1.16 X II, This, and thefollowingvalues of this c o l u m n are derived as averageof risinganddecreasing characteristic, because at F = 10 the magnetism is still very unstable. ’,Computed by means of the averagevalues of f = .00132 and = .00108. L **, Left out by takingtheaverage of 3 . C branch of themagnetic chuyrvsteesr:etic 1. The hardened steel m e , of high coercitive force,has the bend or “knee” on the negutiue side, so that for zero M. M. F. the ‘‘remanent” magnetismis still in the satura- tion part of the curve-that is, in stable equilibrium; therefore permanently magnetizable. 2. The soft iron curve, with the bend on the positiue side, so that for zero M.M.F. the “remanent” magnetism, though still very htgh, is already below the range of saturation, STEINMETZ:ON T H E LAW OF HYSTERESIS 213 TABLE X I V . W = yH',6 Win watts per cubic inch an1d00complete periods per second. H in lirles of magnetic force per square inch. 7 Very soft iron wire @wing) ...................166 X IO-'' Watlnghousc convener, sheet-iron ........... 201 2.90 2V.4e9ry thin shee2t-.i1r1on .............1...7..4........... 249 2.77 'Thickk t -2i.r34o n . . .............1...9..4.............. 277 sheet-iron ...........................6..6..9........ 4.69350 4.07 sheet-iron ....................................... 374 7.17 8.88 7.73 6.63Soft a5n.6n0ealed4c.6a4st-sle3d.75.......2..9..3.......2...1.9.. 663 9.06 S7o.7f8t mac6h.5in7e ste5.e4l5......4....4.0.......3...4..4......2..5..7 778 Cast-steelof low magxtic conductivity ...... 994 Cast-iron........................................ I346 Hardened cast-steel .......................... .2077 H - 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,05000,06000,07000,000 1.66 3.50 2.96 2.45 1.918.15 1.55 5.02 4.36 3.75 3.17 1.23 2.612.66 5.62 4.39 3.28 14.6 11.7 39.8 9.18 27.8 6.85 24.2 8 0 , 0 0 0 90,010000,000 1.40 1.16 2.13.412.01 1.70 110,OOO 120,010500,000 13.9.148 2.23 269 3.84 2.12 '6.95 8.39 20.7 17.5 '9.94 11.6 ' 10.4 13.3 ' ~ 14.9 19.0 H = 25,000; alternate current transformer, American styl(ehighfrequency). H = 35,000; " " European " low " Only the values smaller than .25 W , can be of practical use; in those larger than 10 the iron gets at least red hot if in larger quantities. on the branchof unstable equilibre. Therefore the rema- nent magnetism is very unstable and easily destroyed, the more as the mcitive force is very small. 3. The cast-ironc w e , which has no marked knee at all, but a steady curvature of low remanent magnetization, but with regard to coercitive force ranging between1and 2. The curve of the magneticiron ore showsall the characteris- tics of a cast-iron curve. Havingderived,now,alargernumber of values of the hysteretic coefficient q for different kinds of iron and other material, we shall put them together for comparison in Table xIn. It is remarkable, in these results, that for several samplesof each set the quotientq / C gives almost exactly the same value, while other valuesdisagree therefrom. Fromthis average value of q/C are calculated the values of the coercitive force C of sheet-iron, given in the brackets. For convenience, in the following table are given the values W of consumption of energy in watts per cubic inch, for100 completeperiods(magneticcycles)persecond,andforthe magnetization of H lines of force per square inch, giving as coefficient of hysteresis the value 7 = 8.3 x 10-6q In Table XIV., I havegiven anumber of experimental values of the consumption of energy by hysteresis and believe to have shown that this consumption of energy can fairly well be expressed by the empirical formula, H = qBX where the exponent x is equal, or at least very nearly, to 1.6, and the coefficient q a constant of the material, which ranges from .002 up to .025 and more, and may possibly have aslight dependence upon the velocity wherewith the magnetic cycle is performed, as thesecondsetof alternate-ament readings seems to indicate. In the following table, I give the valuesof thehysteretic resistance TJ for some iron samples, subjected to a magnetic cycle between F = +190 and -190 ampere tums per centi- metre, calculated from Hopkinson's tests' by the assumption of the lawof hysteresis. q =the coefficientof hysteresis. B =the maximum magnetization in lines of magnetic force per square centimetre. 5From"Mender ftu Electrotechniker," by Uppenborn, &rlin, Germany. R =the remanent magnetization in lines of magnetic force per square centimetre. TABLEX V . Material. coaditiom - 1 B R wrought-iron ............ SoftBcJscmrstcel ...... Soft Wittworth steel ..... Annealed ........... ,00202 18,250 7250 .OM62 1 8 7,~860 ,00257 7,080 19,840 .00598 18,740 9,840 .a9 " .32 '' .00786 16,120 10,740 .00954 18,800 11,040 .89 " Siliconsteel ................ 3.44 " .01844 16,120 8,740 ,00937 11,070 15,150 3.44 " ,00784 14,700 8,150 3.44 It Manganevsteel ........... 4.73 8.74 12.36 I' ,01282 14,700 8,080 .05%3 ... 4,620 747 220 ... ... 310 ... 4.73 ,04146 10,580 5,850 8.74 '* .08184 1,985 540 4.73 I 8.74 Chrome-steel ............. .62 1.2 .62 '' " " " 1.2 " " " ,06706 ... 4,770 733 2,.1.6.0 ,01179 15,780 9,320 ,01851 14,680 7,570 ,00897 14,850 7370 ,01638 13,230 6,490 .62 " " Oil-hard. ,03958 13,960 8,600 1.2 " " " ,04442 12,870 7,890 Tungsf.=sf=l ............ ,01516 15,720 10,140 ,01435 16,Mo 11,010 ,04776 14,480 8,640 2.35 very hard Grey cast-iron............ 3.45 p. c. C.1.;7 p. c. Me .. White cast-iron........... 2.04 C.: .34 " " .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,05778 12,130 6,820 ,01826 9,150 3,160 ,01616 9,340 5,550 - ... 385 77 These valuesof the hysteretic resistancveary from .002up to 082,41 times the first value. But especially markedis, that q depends much lessupon the chemical constitutionof the iron sample, than upon its physi- cal condition, annealing decreasing, and hardening increasing the hysteresis very considerably. So far as the chemical constitution is concerned, the purer the iron the lower is its hysteresis, while any kind of foreign matter increases the hysteresis. Especiallymanganeseincreases the hysteretic loss enormously, much less wolfram and chre mium, least silicon and carbon. Comected with the increak of hysteresis is always a decrease in magnetic conductivity. I wish to adda few remarks on twoallegedphenomena connected with hysteresis, which have been talked about con- siderablyw, ithoutyetbeingmadeclear;thedecreaseof hysteresisfor open magneticcircuit,andthedecrease of hysteresis of a transformerwith increasing load. With regard to the first, as shown, actual tests do not show a smaller valueof hysteresis foropen than for closedmagnetic circuit. 21 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 72, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1964 And it can not be understood how that could be. For consider an iron moleculeof the magnetic circuit ex- posed to the harmonically varying M. M. F. and performing a magnetic cycle. Evidently it can make no difference for this iron molecule, whether some trillion of molecules distant the magneticcircuitendsin air, or is closedentirely in iron, supposing that the M. M. F. and the magnetism, and therefore also the magnetic reluctivity, are thseame in both cases. Neither can it make any difference whether the M. M. F. is causedonlybyonesine-wave of electriccurrent, or is the resultant of several M. M. F.’s,as in the loaded transformer. It is the same as with theelectriccurrent,wheretheenergy converted into heat in each molecule of the conductor does not depend either, whether the material of the conductor on some other point changes, or whether one or more E. M. F.’S are acting upon the circuit. Hence, until absolutely exact and undoubtable determina- tions of the hysteretic loss for fully loaded transformers araet hand, the assumptionof a decrease of hysteresis with increas- ing load must be rejected. That an apparent decreasewithincreasingloadhas been observedseveraltimesmay be conceded,forbesidesthe exceedingly great liability to errors in these tests, where the hysteretic loss comes out as the small difference of two large values, primary energy and secondary energy, and therefore is verymuchaffectedbytheslightest error in anyone of the components, it mustbeunderstoodthatthemainpossible errors in the determinations on fully loaded transformers all point this way. Neglect of secondary self-induction, decrease of magnetization with increasing load, slowing down of the dynamealternator, etc., all cause an apparent decrease in the hysteretic loss for increasing load. At least in one set of tests, those made by Prof. Ryan, at Cornell University, on a small Westinghouse converter, I was able to show in my “Elemen- tary GeometricalTheory of theAlternateCurrentTrans- former”6thattheobserveddecrease of thehystereticloss disappears by reducingthedifferentreadingstothesame magnetization and the samefreq~ency.~ If, indeed, the shape of the waveof M. MF..varies, then a certaindifference in thevalue of thehysteretic loss can be imagined.Compare it with amechanical or elasticcycle.A moving pendulum, or an oscillating spring, for instance, con- tinuouslyconvertspotentialenergy into kineticenergyand back; in each oscillation consuming, that is, converting into heat, a part of the energy by internal and external friction. Now, if this motion of spring or pendulumis truly harmonic, less energy is converted into heat than if the motion varies abruptly, is jerking, etc. S o , in a magnetic cycle, between the same limits of magnetizationthehystereticlossmight be smallest, when the cycle is entirely harmonid, but mght be larger if the M.M.F.varies abruptly; forinstance, when caused by an intermittent current. Now, in atransformer with open secondary the M. M. F. acting upon the iron is that of the primary current, and this current is rigidly determined in its shape by the E. M. F. of the d ~ and th~e E. M.oF. ofSelf-indUctiOn.But in a loaded transformer the secondary current is proportional to the changes of the magnetism, therefore increases very consider- ably in the moment of a sudden changeof magnetism. Hence, w - w 6 D e c 1891. Electrid Engineer, New Yoh 7~ latest tests of prov~that,in a traaJfm the lossbyhystacJisisnotsmaIkrthanforopensccondaycircrdt if a sudden and abrupt change in the primary current OCCUTS, just as suddenly the secondary current increases in the oppe site direction, and therebymakes a sudden changeof resulting M. M. F. andmagnetismimpossible, so that the fully loaded transformer compares with the elastic spring which oscillates freely, while the open-circuited transformer compares with a spring,wherethemotion is determinedbyarigidly-acting outside force. Hence, if the shape of thealternatingprimarycurrent differs considerably from the sine law, a certain decrease of the hysteretic lossfor increasing loadcan be expected, though certainly not such an enormous decreaseas some former tests seemed to point out.These tests must undoubtedlyhave given erroneous results, perhaps causedbytheneglectofthesecondary self-induction, which, even if very small and causing onlyaslighterror in thesecondaryenergy,mustcause an enormouserrorinthehystereticloss,thesmalldifference between the two large values-primary and secondary energy. That an electremagnet without keeper loses its magnetism quickerthanamagnetwithkeeper, or a closedmagnetized iron ring, is a phenomenon, which hasnothing whatever to do with this loss of energy by hysteresis, but is merely due to the demagnetizingforce of theremanentmagnetism. For the remanent magnetism in an open magnetic circuit causes between itspolesacertaindifference of magneticpotential, whichinthemomentof breaking the electric circuit acts as demagnetizingM. M. F., and, if the coercitive force is small,as in wrought-iron or annealed steeal,lmost entirely destroys the remanent magnetism, while in aniron of large coercitive force it affectsthepermanentmagnetismverylittle. In theclosed magnetic circuit the remanent magnetism causes no or very littledifference of magneticpotential,andtherefore no destruction of the remanent magnetism by its own demagnetizing M.M.F. takes place. But with the hysteretic loss of energy this phenomenon has nothingto do. To combine the results, whaIt believe to have proved isthat loss of energy in iron caused by reversals of magnetism can be expressed by the analytical formula: + H = v B ’ . ~ r N B 2 . where q =the cuefficient of hysteresis, e -the cuefficient of eddy currents, N =the frequency of the altemations of magnetism, qB’.6 =the loss of energy by hysteresis propero, r by molecularfriction, and eN, B2 =the loss of energy by eddy currents,per magnetic cycle andperproportional to thefrequency N. - n Pa 1 w 42 85 115 142 164 185 205 223 2u) 258 275 292 308 324 339 353 366 TABLEX V I . B 81.6 9ooo 2122 9500 2313 10.000 2.511 10,500 2.716 llp00 2.925 11,500 3.141 12.000 3.363 12,500 3.589 13,000 3.821 13,500 4.060 14,000 4.303 14Joo 4.580 15,000 4.807 15,500 5.062 16,000 5.329 16,500 5.598 pcr 1 w 378 389 400 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 m per 100 55 56 57 58 59 59 60 63 66 70 73 76 82 89 96 103 STEINMETZ: O N THE LAW OF HYSTERESIS 215 For convenience, I give in Table XVI, the values of the 1.6th powerof the numbers, from 500 to 50,OOO with the parts proportional, or the increaseof B’.6 for 100 lines of magnetic force. YonLca N.Y..Dmmber 7th 1891. DISCUSSION.* THECmuwm:-Gentlemen, thepoet has informed us that “better Gfty years of EuropethanacycleofCathay.” What he would have done had he met a cycle of magnetism, we can but conjecture. “he Institute has therefore good rea- son,I conceive, to congratulateitself that one of its members does not shrink from such a conflict. I am sure I shall but express the sentiments ofeverymember present, when I say that we are much obligedto Mr. Steinmea for his very elegant and exhaustive treatment of a subject whose title, to say the least,hasamostunpromisinganduninterestingsound-a subject d e d q with the causes of those indspositions of iron to change its magnetic conditionwhich in our old telegraphic days wewerewont to s u m up by theunscientificterm of “ residual magnetism.” Beforecallingforgeneral discussion, I wouldliketo ask Mr. Steinmetz whether, in his experiments and tests, he had determined whether or not there was any real foundation in factforthedistinction whichProfessor Ewing has drawn between the molecular friction, which hecalls “static hystere- sis,’’ andtherealtime-lag,whichhedenominated “viscous hysteresis.” MR. STEINMEIZ:--I. reallaym not yet prepared to answer the question whether viscous or time hysteresis exists or not. My tests in only one setof determinationsgave me an increase of hysteretic loss with increasing frequency, which seems to point to the existence of a viscous hysteresis. For if a viscous hysteresis exists,it would show byan apparent increaseof the coefficient of hysteresis, with increasing frequency. But most of the tests do not show this, but give the same coefficient of hysteresis for different hequencies. At any rate, if there exists such a time-hysteresis-which I shall try to find out-it follows the law of the 1.6th power also. But I think, only at much higher frequencies than those I have used in my tests, can we hope to meet with viscous hysteresis. I hope to be able at a future meetingto give more detailed informationon this and some other phenomena con- nected with the magnetic hysteresis. THE Cmmwm-Gentlemen, thesubject is beforeyou. While a fewof us were in the parlor, prior to the reading of the paper, I heard Mr. Steinmek condolmgwithhimself in relation to the weather and expressing the hope that there would still be a very considerable discussion.It is therefore to be hoped that any of us who may feel able to grapple with such a subject will not hesitate to do so. MR. CHAWSS. BRADLEY:-I do not feel able to discuss this paper, but I know it will prove very valuable to us. Our work of late has been upon transformers.I am connected with the Fort Wayne Electric Company, whose transformers now use about 2,000 lines of force to the square centimetre, andwe have been trying to increasethelines oforceW. e en- counteredthe veryphenomenatreated in this paper,and *Discussionby Messrs. Bradley, Kenuelly, Lochvood and Pupin. therefore it is very interesting to me, and I think that we ought to congratulateourselves upon havinga member who can tacklesuchasubject. It is veryseldom that in America, anything of this kind is taken up. We see it very often in Europe, but ourcommercialage will hardly permit us to devote our time to such experiments and carry them out as they should be. MR. JOSEPH WETZLER:-Agentlemanwho is present but who is not a member, has asked me to inquire of the author whetherhemadeany experiments on mitis iron and, if so, what his results were. MR. STEINMETZ:-m~ e r made any experiments with re- gard to hysteresis, on mitis iron-only on different kinds of cast-iron. MR. A. E. KENNELLyz-Mr. Pr&dent and gena- I think that we have to congratulate ourselvesupon a magnetic and physical treat in the paper that we have just listened to. Mr.Steinmekhasbeen,Ithink,thefirsttopointoutthis remarkablelawofhysteresis-thevariation of theenergy consumed per cycle, with the total flux per square centimetre that passes through it. I think that it is perhaps preferable to expresstheexponent in theequation as a vulgar fraction instead of as a decimal-not that it alters the factsin any way, but merely because it gives us a little more hope of being able to understand whatthe equation means,if not now, at least let us say in thefuture. If, instead of writing the energy- ~ rste.inmetz calls it H,as q ~ 1 . 6w, e write it q ~ fit, gives us some hopeof being able to transform that in a simpleher, which will give us thefundamental law concerned I think there is very little doubt that the law Mr. Steinmek giva is the true one. It is, first of aU, as he showed us some time ago, in accordance with the values observed by Professor Ewing, and so far as my own knowledge goesI am able to corroborate it, for I have observed the same law in the case of one sample of wrought-irontakenbyaballisticmethod, and another sample of wrought-irontakenbywattmetermethcd,both givingthe 9 power,although I do not knowwhat the exact value of the coefficient q was in those particular instances.It is very puzzling to understand what that peculiar fraction 9 means. It is rather too high andunwieldyafraction to be understood at a glance. But whatever its inner meaning may be, its outward and visible indications are clear enough, be- cause if you double the flux density in a piece of iron you will trebletheenergywhich is consumed init per cycle, by hysteresis, independentof the energythat is umsumed in it by eddy currents. Of course,if you have any m e which starts from the zero point andrises up in that way, and if you take arbitrary distances like thisin the formof u, u2, ua3n,d so on, then if you want to find out whether that curve follows any such law as Y - bX” you have only got to mark off the ordinates corresponding to those abscissae, and to see if with the powers ofu along Xyou have a constant ratio from one to another in the ordinates. If you do, thatratio will be un. In this case,if u is 2, un is almost exactly 3. For the 1.6thpower of 2 is 3.03, which means that if yoduoubltehe maximum magnetization in a piece of wrought-iron, youwill have 3.03 times the hysteresis loss, and this is a simple way of stating the resultswhich Mr. Steinmek has pointed out. MR. STEINMETZ:p-~ointed out by Mr. Kennelly, thislaw of hysteresis gives a very simple numericalmeaning. It means 21 6 P R O C E E D I N G S O FTHE IEEE, VOL. 72, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1% that by doubling the magnetization you approximately treble thehystereticloss and quadrupletheeddy loss. So if you make but two tests therefrom, you can find out the amountof energyconsumedbyeddiesandtheamountconsumedby hysteresis for any magnetization. And, in general, youwill see at once whether theratio of the iron lossfordoubledmagnetization is nearer to three, or rather 3.031, or to four, that is, whether hysteresis or eddies consume more energyin the iron. I would like to add a few remarks regarding the results of the tests given in the paper.This law of hysteresisis of interest from another pointof view: We all know,now, that energy is always the same and indestructible, and merely changes its form and appearance, so that a certain quantity of any kindof energy converted into any other kind of energy always gives an exactly determined amount of the other formof energy, which we call the law of conservation of energy. But this lawof conservation of energy needs a certain restrictionor,rather, addition, because everyconversionof one formof energy into another is not possible, but only those where the value of a certain integral, called by Clausius the "entropy," is positive or more correctly, is not negative, though the case, that the integralof entropy equals zero, hardly exists in nature otherwise but as mathematical fiction, or, in plain FJ1PljSh. only those conversions whereby the sum of the latent heat of the universe increases. Accordmg to this law of entropy, if the complete conversion of one form of energy into another is possible, the opposite conversion is notcompletelypossible. Or if we converta certain amount of one formof energy into another form of energy,and this back again into thefirstform ofenergy, whichwe call a cyclicconversionofenergy-we do not get back the origrnal amount of energy, but less, and a part of the energy has been lost;that means, converted into and dis- sipated as heat. Therefore no completecyclicconversionofenergyexists, but byanysuchcycletheamountofavailableenergy has decreased by that fraction that was converted into heat. Now, these cyclic conversionsof energy are of great impor- tance in nature. For instance, a moving pendulum, an osciuating spring, a discharging condenser completes cyclic processeIsn. the mov- ing pendulum, continuously kineticmechauical energy is con- verted into potential decal energy, when it moves from the vertical position into its greatest elongation, while when movingfromelongation into verticalposition its potential energy is reconverted into kinetic e n e r g y , thereby completing a cycle, so that in vertical position all the energy is kinetic, in elongation all the energy potential. In the same way, in the oscillating spring, a cycle is per- formed between potentialenergy of elasticity and kinetic energy of motion, in the discharging condenser between elec- trostatic and electrodynamic energy, and that the pendulum and the spring come to rest, and the condenser discharges, is due to the continuous lossof energy by dissipation as heat, caused by the law of entropy. Now, in none of these cyclic conversionsof energy, so far as I know, was the law known,which determinesand analy-hcally formulatesthe lossof energy by conversion into heat. The electromagneticcycle is thefirstone where in the lawof hysteresis, this law of dissipation of energy by heat, finds an analytical formulation. In the alternating electromagnetism wehave such a cyclic conversion of energy from electric into magnetic energy and back. Magnetism represents a certain amount of stored up or potential energy determined by the integral 1FdB Now, as long as the magnetism increases, electric energy is transferred from the electric curreanntd converted into poten- tial magnetic energy. While the magnetism decreases, potential magnetic energy is reumverted into electric energy, and ap- pears in the electric CirCUit aS E. M. F. But the full amount ofenergy is not givenback to the electric circuit, but less. Less by that amount that has been converted into heat by hysteresis. Hence the lawof hysteresisis the dependenceof the integral of entropy in the electromagnetic cycle, upon the intensity of magnetization, and thereforeof interest. DR M. 1. Pwnc-I agree fully with Mr. Steinmetz's last remarks that no process in nature is perfectly reversible and that the phenomenon of magnetic hysteresis is only a special case of theirreversibility of ~ ~proceasses. Ilt is onlya special case of the general law which was first announced by the late Professor Clausius, thelaw namely that the entropyof the universe is tending toward a maximum, that is, that there is a certainfunctionof the propertiesof matter of the universe which increases as the amount of heat energy increases in the universe. Now, as in every process thereis a certain amounotf energy convertedinto heat, the amountof heat in the universe is continually increasing. "herefore the entropy is continually increasing and thereforesteadilyapproaching its maximum. Professor Rankine made aguess as to how many years would elapse before the whole energy of the universe will be con- verted into heat, when there will be no life, no natural phe- nomena excepting heat vibrations.It is very far off yet. Closely connected with this magnetic hysteresis is, I think the so called electrestatic hysteresis. Of course experimental researches in this field have not been carried on far enough yet, to enable us to speak with any definiteness, but stin it is beyond all doubt that if youpolarizeadielectricandde- polarize it again, a certain amount of heat is developed. I think oneof the obstacles to the commercial introduction of the condenser,is its getting hot.Now some thinkit gets hot on account of the convection currents which are passing between the plates of the condenser by means of the air currents and the dust that is in the air; but if you use paraffine so that it will preventthoseconvectioncurrents,eventhenyou will 0bseri.e heat developed in the paraffine which must be attri- butedtothe same cause whichdevelopsheatwhen iron is magnetized and demagnetized; that is hysteresis. Polarization and depolarization of paraffine, and in fact any other dielec- tric, is not a perfectly reversible process. Allow me now to commentupon a few points broughtup in Mr. Steinmetz's paper. I always believed thoroughlyin Profes- sor Ewing's views with regard to the following experimentally well supported assumption, namely that in very low magneti- zationsthe actof magnetizing and demagnetizinigs practically reversible,and that when a high point of saturation,say 24,000 or 25,000 lines per square centimetre is reached, that after that the loss dueto hysteresis doesnot increase. I do not see why it should increase,because after that the iron does not receiveanystrongermagnetization.Theadditional lines of forceafterpassingthesaturationpointaredue to thein- STEINMETZ: ON THE LAW OF HYSTERESIS 21 7 creased magnetizationof the air itself, and that magnetization is practically re~ersible.I~see that Mr. Steinmetz has found out anincrease,independent of thedegree of saturation. There is a discrepancy, and I am inclined to side with Profes- sorEwing, until I am convincedby Mr. Steinmetzthathis method of measurement and observationcouldnot be ob- jected to in any particular whatever. Unfortunately Mr. Steinmetz has not discussed his method so that one can examine it critically. He has given the general idea, theinstru- ments employed, etc.,but there is no discussion of the theory of themethod,and also of theprobablepercentageof his errors of observation. I am sure that Mr. Steinmetz will do that at some future time. It would be very interesting andvery important indeed to knowwhetherthatdisagreement is in favor of Mr. Steinmetz orof Professor Ewing. There is on page 49 adiscussion of thevariation of the hysteresislosswiththeload." In that discussion Mr. Stein- metz says as long as the secondary currentis open, the form of the wave of the primary currentmay not be a sine curve;but that whenthesecondarycurrent is started, the waveof the magneto-motiveforce is forced into theshape of thesine curve on account of thereaction of thesecondarycurrent. Now I would beg to disagree withMr. Steinmetz; I think it is just theopposite. It doesnotmakeanydifferencewhatthe electromotiveforceis, as long as thereisaverylargeself- induction in the circuit,-as there certainly is in the primary circuit as long as thesecondary is open,the waveof the primary circuit is independent of the waveof the impressed electromotive force and is practically a sine wave.Butwhen the secondary circuit is closed, then the impressed electromo- tive force, being assisted by the electromotive forces in the secondary circuit, asserts itself and gives the primary current its own shape,andthestrongerthesecondarycurrent,the largerassistancetheprimaryimpressedelectromotiveforce getsfrom it. Thesecondarycurrent aids theprimaryim- pressed E. M. F. to assert itself and force the primary current into its shape, that is, the shapeof the impressed E. M. F. That can be proved very easily both from theoretical and practical standpoints. So that I do not see the force of Mr. Steinmetz's argument. MR. SnINMETz:-Themethod used in my tests was the well-known electredynamometer method, as explained in the paper, withsomeslightmodifications to insurethegreatest possible exactnessin the results. With regard to the difference between open circuited and fullyloadedtransformers,I think ProfessorPupin misun- derstood me. I didnotsaythatthe waveof theprimary crurenr in the transformer under full I d resembles the sine wavemore than with open circuit, for that wouldhave been wrong. WhatI said was that thewave of the magnetism and of the resulting M. M. F. in the transformer underfull load resem- blesmore the sine wave than it does in the open circuited transformer. Suppose theimpressed E. M. F. at the terminals of the transformer differs from the sineshape, differs even consider- ably. Then the primary current, which at open circuit repre- sents the resulting M. M. F., will differ much less from the sine Shape than the impressed E. M. F., Smoothed out and rounded off to a very great extent by the heavy self-induction of the open circuittransformer. For in themoment of any 9AE Kenwlly,on "Magnetic ReluaancC" W s c n o ~ svo,l viii.No. m. lli'kw%cnO~ vol ix, p. 49 (thisissuc p. 215). sudden rise of the impressed E. M. F., already a small rise of theprimarycurrentand,therefore, of themagnetism, will induce sufficient counter E. M. F. to make a rapid increase of the primary current impossible. Hence, in the open circuited transformer, the waveof the magnetism will resemble the sine wave more thanthe wave of impressed E. M. F. But, nevertheless, it must differ from the sine wave if theimpressed E. M. F. differsfromsineshape. For, as before said, the resulting or current producingE. M. F. and, therefore, the current, is rigidly determined by the small difference of impressed and induced E. M. F., and the induced E. M. F. must therefore have a shape very similar to the im- pressed E. M. F., hence differing from sine shape the more the impressed E. M. F. differs therefrom. Now, the induced E. M. F. is the diffexential quotient of the magnetism.Hence, if themagnetism is asinewave its dif- ferential quotient, the induced E. M. F., has to be a sine wave alsoand, on theother hand, themoretheinduced E. M. F. differs fromsine shape, the more its integralfunction,the magnetism, is forcedtodiffer.Indeed,themagnetismmay apparently differ, in its absolute value,lessfromsinusoidal form than the impressedE. M.F., for it is not the instantaneous values of the magnetism which are directly influenced by the shape of impressed E. M. F., but thegreatersteepness or flatness of the curve of magnetism which is directly caused by theimpressed E. M. F. But it is just this difference in the velocity of change, that is, in the quickness of rise or decrease of the magnetism, and not the magnetism itself which would have to account for an increased loss by hysteresis. Heintcies, really not the difference of the curve of magnetism, from sine shape, but that of thecurve of inducedand,therefore of impressed E. M.F.,which may possibly cause an increase in the loss by hysteresis. Qute different in the transformer at full load. Indeed, its apparent self-inductionis essentially decreased and the primary current will thereforeresemble the shape of theimpressed E. M. F., and differ from the sinusoidal form, much morethan for open circuit. But at fullloadthe waveofmagnetism and of resulting M. MF..is much more independent of that of primary current and primary E. M. F. It is caused by the combined action of the instautanmusvalues of primary andof secondary current, and thesecondarycurrent, again, is inducedbythemag- netism.Hencetheresult will be, if asudden changeof impressed E. M. F. occurs and produces a sudden change of primary current,just as suddenly as the opposite changeof the secondary currents will take place,so that the resultanMt. FM.. of both combined currents will not change perceptibly, but practically independent of tither current, will alternate freely in sinusoidal waves, in spite of anydifference in the wave shape of primary and secondary current from the sine law. And, indeed, a glance over the curves of instantaneous values of theelectricquantities in the transformer, as they have been determined, for instance+by ProfessorRyan, at Cornell University, and communicated to this Institute some time ago:' shows a considerable discrepancy at open circuit betweentheprimarycurrentandthesinewave,whileinthe loaded tranSfOlTtler the secondary E. M. P. and, therefore, the magnetism,almost universally resemblessine shape. With regard to Ewing's theory of the molecular magnets, I do not say that I disbelieve in it, wither that I believe in it. At thefirst view, this theory did not seem to agree with the 21 8 P R O C E E D I N G S O F T H EIEEE, VOL. 72, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1'3% results ofmy tests, as I said in my paper, but I did not take the time to think it over more completely whether this theory could be made to agree with the tests; my aim was to gather facts, being convincedthatbased upon alargenumber of facts, a theorywill be found in duetime to explain them. [ S e e appendix, p. 221.1 DR hrpIN:-hbgnetiC force is certainly a resultant of the primary and secondary currents. As long as the sewndary is open, the primary current wiU be a sine wave, practically. It does not make any difference what the impressed electromo- tive force is otfhe alternator,and therefore the magneto-motive force will be a sine wave and the magnetic inductionwill vary liksaeine wave. If you dose thseecondarcyircuit, the self-inductionin the primaryis reduced, and therefore the backelectromotiveforce in theprimary is smallerandthe impressed electromotive forcebegins to assert itself more and moreandgives to theprimarycurrent its ownshape.‘The shape of thesecondarycurrent, as long as thesecondary‘s resistance is very large and stheecondary current is small-that too is practically a sine wave, the primary current being also practically a sine wave, the resultant of the two-that is, the magneto-motive force-must also be a sine wave. But now, if you diminish the resistance in the secondary circuit, that is, increase the load, then thsehape of the primary currenbt egm to correspondtothe shape of theimpressedelectromotive force,and also theshape of secondarycurrentbeginsto correspond to theimpressedelectromotiveforce, and the resultant of the two, the magnetizing current, must also begin tocorrespondmoreandmore in shape to theimpressed electromotive force-that is, the magnetemotive force begins tocorrespondtothe shape of\,the impressedelectromotive force. The same is trueof the magnetic induction.We are not to forget that the secondary current does not depend on the rate of change of the primary current only. The relation is a little more complicated. ‘Thereis a differencein phase between theprimaryand secondary, varyinganywhere between 90 degreesand180degrees.Whenthedifference in phase is nearly180degrees, that is, at full load,thentheprimary current and the secondary current correspond to each other almostexactlyinshape,andhavethesame shape as the impressed electromotive force. MR. STEINMETZ:-I can not yet quite agree with Dr. Pupin. ‘Iheresultant Of two M. M.F.’S Of s h a p e , but different phase, need not have the same shape, but can have an entirely differentform. So forinstancetheresultant otfwovery ragged-looking waves can be acompletesinewave.Let us come down to numerical values. Take for instance a loo0 volt alternator, feeding into the primarycoil of a transformer. ‘The internal resistance of the primary coil is 20 o. The current flowing through theprimary, at open secondary circuit,a small fraction of an ampere. Hence, what I call the “resulting E. M. F.,” that is the E. M. F. which sends the current through the resistance, is only a few volts. But this “resulting E. M. F.,” is the difference of this instan- taneous values of primaryimpressed, and primaryinduced E. M. F. Thedifference is only a fewvolts,the primary im- pressed E. M. F. = loo0 volts,hencetheprimaryinduced E. M. F. must be almost like the impressed E. M. F., and must differ fromsine-shape,therefore, if theimpressed E. M. F. differs;and if thedifferentialquotient of magnetism,the induced E. M. F., is non-sinusoidal, the curve of magnetism is non-sinusoidal also. In the transformerat full load the current and therefore the differencebetweeninducedandimpressed E. M. F. is much greater, the induced E. M. F. is therefore much more indepen- dent of the impressed E. M. F., the more, the greater the load is, hence the curve of magnetism alternating freerthan at open circuit, and thereforemore approximating the harmonic vibra- tion of the sine-wave. DR.PUPIN:-It does not by anymeans follow that at every moment the difference between theimpressed E. M. F. and the back E. M. F. is smallwhenaveragevalueof thecurrent is small, and that is the pointin your argument. And evenif it is I do not see how that can prove that the shape of the current and the impressed E. M. F. are the same. MR. S ~ ~ : - Whavee seen that the effective value of the current, and therefore the effectivoer average value of the difference of primary impressed and primary induced E. M. F. must be small. This indeed does not prove that some of the instantaneous values of this difference may not be consider- able. But first, this couldbeonlythe case withveryfew values,because, if for anygreatlength of time thecurrent were considerable, this would show in the average or effective value,themore, as this is the averageof thesquares of instantaneous values. On the other hand, to make the current considerable only for a moment, while immediately before and after it is small, eithertheinduced E. M. F. mustsuddenlydecreaseenor- mously, and the next moment increjauset as suddenly-which is impossible, because it is the differential quotient ofmag- netism-or the primaryE. M. F. had to rise and decrease again verysuddenlya, ndsuchasudden rise, andimmediately afterwards decreaseof primary impressed E. M. F., not only is an electredynamic alternator unable to produce, but no elec- tric circuit would permit a current ofsuch enormously large value andshort duration topass. Hencewe canfrom thesmall value of effectiveprimarycurrent,conclude that also its instantaneous values without exception must be small. DR. F”IN:-I do not suppose that a wave which is not a sine, must neceSSarily be a wave that goes up and down with suddenvariations. I think that everygoodcommercialma- chine is constructedin such a way that the electromotive force is a perfectly smooth curve. There may be small comers, but even those comers are very nicely rounded. Generally speak- ing it is a sign of good construction of the machine when the impressedelectromotiveforce is asmoothcurve-certainly not a curve that haskinks in it. Kinks in the currentcurve are producedbyaharmonicallyvaryingresistance. It would be almost impossible to construct a machine so badly as to give kinks in the electromotive force curve. ‘Ihe current may run smoothly,but still be veryfar from a sine waveA. sine wave is not theonlysmoothlyrunningwave.Therearemanyother waves that arenice and smooth. The only possibilitoyf having such a currentas Mr. Steinmetz described, would be simply to introduce into the circuit a harmonically variable resistance. An arc light circuit represents a harmonically variable resis- tance, and introduces those complications, the kinks. An arc lightmachineviolatesmost of the well establishedrules in dynamoconstruction,but it does the workof the arc light circuit admirably, and it does it because it encourages kinks and other irregularities in the currenwt ave. I v l ~STEINMETZ-Ientirely agree withProfessorPupin, that there is really nowadays almost no possibility of getting suchsharppointed wavesof alternating E. M. F. that a dif- ference of the hysteretic loss between open circuit and closed circuit couldbe expected. And I did not believe myselfin this cause of the discrepancyof former testson transformers under full load and with open secondary circuit.I made this remark STEINMETZ: ON THE LAW OF HYSTERESIS 21 9 only to be absolutely just, and not entirely to reject as err* circuitanE.M.~.,E~isconsumed,whi~lagsonoquartcrofa neous, determinations made by others buatt least to point out phase, or 90 degrees, behind the current, and is proportional a cause which might produce, though not at all likely, a slight to the currentC , with a coefficient ofproportionality I , which difference between the values found under full load and with I callthe Inductance of the circuit: open circuit. Indeed, all our modern alternatorsproduce wavesvery E2 s= IC much resembhg sine curves, andtheonlyway to getfrom This inductance, I , is of equal dimension with the resistance them such rapidly changing E. M. F.’s is, as Dr. pupin pointed R,hencemeasuredinohmsalso. out, the introductionof variable resistances, as arc lamps, into This inductance, I , is proportional also to the frequency of the circuit. the alternatingcurrent. Hence, if I call the inductance for 100 But some of the older types of alternators, as, for instance, complete periods per second the N d inductunceI,, for any the Klimenko alternator at the Vienna exhibition,1882,’2 gave other frequencyN the inductance is simply evidently sharp pointed E. M. F.’S, as 1 found by drawing the curve of instantaneous values of E. M. F. of an alternator of a similar type, where induction was produced by making and breaking the magnetic circuitA.s you see,this is a verysimilar case to that referred to by Dr. Pupin, only that in this case a variablemagneticreluctanceandnotavariableelectrical Now, the “normal inductance”is a constant of the circuit just as well as the“resistance” or the “coefficient of selfinduction,” and only dependsupon the latter by the equation, resistance was introduced into the circuit. MR. KENNEuY:-It is unfair, perhaps, when we have such z, = 200rrL a good paper, to offercriticisms upon it, but when it is as likely as this is to become classical Ithink that in self defense resistance. onlythat“inductance” is measuredin ohms also, therefore most easily combined with the we ought to try to keep it as freefromallimperfections as Thecombination of theresistance-which determine the possible. I am taking the liberty of makmg a criticism on one E. M. F. of equal phase with the current-with the inductance, term Mr. Steinmetz has used. He has spoken of the normal which determines the E. M. F. lagging onequarter phase be- inductance of the coil of his ammeter as so many ohms, and I hind the current,is the “impedance,”or “apparentresistance.” would suggest that it would be preferable to employ the word Hence, impedance, instead of inductance, because an inductance is a henryandanimpedanceisanohm,andIthinkitisapityto + Impedance = {(Resistan~e)~ (Inductance)2 confuse the two ideas. MR. STEINMETZ:-I didnot use theterminductance as synonymous with coefficient of self-induction, where it would be expressed in henrys,but I used inductance in the verysense that Mr. Kennelly means with impehnce. Thequotient of inductance and resistance is theangleof difference of phase between current and impressed E. M. F. tancp = Inductance Resistance I intentionally used the term inductance, following a pro- You see, it is easyto make a person understand that he has position which I read once, I do not remember where, but in an alternatingcurrentcircuit two kinds of resistancesa which seemed to meso highly commendable, that I should like “resistance” which consumes energyand an “inductance” to see it introduced in practical engineering. which does not consume energy, and make him calculate the Indeed,the“coefficient of self-induction”givesallthe apparent resistance or “impedance” as the hypothenuse of a information needed for determining the electric phenomena in right-angled triangle, with resistance and inductanascecatheti; inductivecircuits.Buteverybcdy will concedethat it is a while the coefficientof self-induction will frighten the “practi- tedious, cumbersomeworkf,romthe“coefficientof self- calman” still for quite awhile. induction” to- calculate, for instance, the instrument correc- On the other hand, “inductance” is more convenient than tions for a whole set of tests made with somewhat differing “coefficient of self-induction,” because expressed in the same frequencies. Besides, I think it will be some time before the dimensions as resistance, in ohms. “practical electrician” will handle the “coefficient of self-in- I used the term “normal inductance,” because in reducing duction” just as easily as he now does ohms and amperes. the rea- I found it much more convenient than the use of Let us considersomewhatcloserthephenomena in an the “coefficient of self-induction,” and therefore recommend inductive circuit. If a sine waveof alternating current flows its use. through an inductive circuit, a certain E. kf. F. is consumed by Opposing E. M. F.’S. MR. WETzLER:-Before moving to adjourn, I would like to move a vote of thanks to Mr. Steinmetz for his admirable and First, by the electric resistance of the circuit, an E. M. F. E, interesting paper this evening. is consumed, which is proportional to the current C, with a THE Chmww:--Gentlemen, it is with fee@ of peculiar coefficientof proportionality, R , which is called the true or gratification that I put this motion. I was very glad indeed to ohmic resistance,or, in short,the Resirtance of the circuit. hear Mr. Bradley,in his initiatory remarks speak of the This E. M. F. is of equal (but opposite) phase with the cur- markedexcellences of the paper wehave heard read, and I rent C: was pleased also to hear him remark upon the rarity of such E1 = RC papers in America Mr. Bradley, I think,did our sister societies of Europe more thanjustice, becauseit is in but few of the Then by the action of the changing magnetic field of the societiesoverthere, and I am speaking of Englishspeaking countries of course, that we find such papers as this-leaving ‘2Aremarkabkfeaturewasthatitconsumcd4w.~.whcnmnning~~ outthePhysicalSociety and thatotherin which the most M load, but almost 6 R P. when runningM y excited but without taking m t off, that is, without load. distinguished member of our own profession now presides so 220 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 72, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1 9 6 4 ably (I mean the Royal Society), thereis none in which papers of this character are of high frequency. [A vote of thanks was carried and the meeting adjourned.] - APPENDIX [COMMUNICATED BY MR SEXNMXZ AFTER ADJOURNMENT.] Having had time in thelast fewdays to considermore deeply the relation of this law of hysteresis to Ewing's theory of magnetism, I found that this law of hysteresis agrees very nicelywith Ewing's theory, giving just thephenomena this theory leadsus to expect. According to Ewing's 'Iheory, for very low M. M. F.'s, forces too small to affecthechains of molecularmagnets,the magnetic cycle should be almost reversible, that is, the hys- teresis very small or almost nil. For medium M. M. F.'s, that is M. M. F.'S largeenough to break up the chainsof molecular magnets, the magnetic cycles mustbecomemarkedlyirreversiblea, ndthehysteresis as function of the M. M. F., must rapidly increase. For high M. M. F.'s, where the chains of molecular magnets are mostly broken by the superior outsidMe. M. F., the hyster- eticloss, as function of the M. M. F., should be expected to increase slower again and always slower. This is exactly thecase,when the hysteretic lossf,ollows the law of the 1.6th of the magnetizm'on B, as shown best by the affixed m e Fig. 16.13 In Fig.16the dorred m e gives themagnetization B, in lines of magnetic forceper cm.*,as function of theM. FM..F, in ampere turnsper cm. ?he drawn m e gives the hysteretic loss, in ergs per and cycle, calculated by the equation: H = .003507B1.6") but not plotted, as in the former curves, with the magnetiza- tions B as abscisste,but with theM. M. F.'s:F as ab&, that is in the form: H = f( F). - As seen,the hysteresis H for low M. M. F.'s,F = 0 1, is - verylow andalmost nil, increasesveryrapidly for medium M. M. F., F = 2 5, andthenincreasesslower again and always slower, just as Ewing's theory leads us to expect. Yonkers, N.Y.,February 7th,1892. curve corresponds to a set of tests n o t contained in the paper, being made after its completion. I chose this particular set of tests, because it covers a larger range of magnetization than any set of tests given in the Paper. STEINMETZ: ON THE LAW OF HYSTERESIS 221