VRIL COMPENDIUM VOLUME 11 VRIL AND ELF DEVICES VASSILATOS 1995 VOLUME 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS . COMMENTARY VLF GENERATORS VLF ANTENNAS . MILITARY ELF SECTION 1 COMMENTARY For Victor and Mary night parties, starb9oks, ani rockets· you were kind to listen L L L L L VOLUME 11 VRIL AND ELF DEVICES 11.1 SPACE PERMEATING ARTICULATIONS The theme of this Compendium Volume is again to equate Vril dynamics with the historical development of technology. We will see that Vril dynamics, conscious and sensual in nature, appropriate the technologies which we develop ~or a mare fundamental process. Despite our own technological predilections and thematic fixations the Vril Matrix reveals its noumenous presence, projecting successive regimes of consciousness on beha lf of all biocrganisms. We have shown that the Matrix itself is the external conscious seat of wor ld experience. Technologies having antagonistic relationship with this Matrix are proliferated on a worldwide front. Their influence upon the Matrix and bioorganismic integrity stands in question. It is therefore of utmost importance that we first comprehend our place in the conscious Vril Matrix. Knowing this place, we may then begin undertaking better exploratory means through which to extend our experiential an d conscious range in that Matri x. Vril is the ground o~ be i ng. The Matrix is the articulate structure which Vril develops, the inhabitable domain in which bioorganismic generation is sustained. The Matrix is that region j, n which consc ioUE-ness e;-: i sts and car, be, received' The most direct way in which we conceive the world comes through our immediate experience. This immediate experience is ordinarily one which is location-limited. Immediate experience ~ocusses in distinct externally generated centers~ termed DIORAMAS. We can experience large portions of the whole world structure, gaining access to this experience through speci~ic Vril Axes. Normally however , our experience is the interblend between auric projections in a diorama. To honestly describe our world ~rom this vantage does not produce heliocentric models. Eidetic e~·:pet· ience does not t"eveal a heliocentr- ic li'JOt"ld. Eidntic experience reveals a geocentric world. Auric expansions determine our experience in any location. We perceive the deepest world experience through auric projections. These projections emerge from the Matrix and suf~use our being, our auric anatomy. They are eidetic suffusions of various ki nds, a conjugate procession. Receiving these highly densified eidetic suffusions gives us experience. We also reproject the suffusions which flow through us out into the world dioramas. We are thus thoroughly intermeshed within the Vril Matrix. Experience is a dynamic e xchange, a transaction between the Matrix and our own auric anatomy . Changes which begin in the Matrix are experienced immediately in sentient beings. Instrumentalities which effect modifications in the Matrix effect changes in every dist~ict-connected sentient being. Eidetic experience is gained through the aura. Eidetic experience is composed of distinct and related dioramas~ districts, and regions ••• in that order. Our own experiential range extends only when we connect with successive district permeating Vril Axes. Immediate experience therefo re begins with focalized dioramas . These experiential diora ma s orient and supply our being. Within the world dioramas we perceive parts, termed "gest<9.lten" by some eaxly r·ese.::.xcher·s . C:iest<:\l ten c":'lt'"l:? c:onsc: i ous ot· "conc~r:l'l:ual p o r·t i c:ms" 1r1h i c h~ ·fr·om in+anc:y~ help ~arm our experiential process. In the s ac cadic examinations o~ objects, we evidence our own conscious emergenc e through the shell of our inerti alized anatomy. Saccades reveal the! ma.nnet· in ~~hi ch . oLn- exter·na ll y <:1bsorbed consciousness makes its way~ in tht·ea.dy pr- o jections ~ thr·o ugh the iner-tial shl::.>ll. Ca.llec:l "visu.;d r·.:tys" by cer·tain Vic:tcr·ie:ln t·eseat·c: her·s. The deg r· e e to which our pure auric anatomy breaks through this physiological shell determines our success as sensitives . Gesta lten do not reveal that objects are made o~ parts. The pa r ts are observed by our minds onl y as our consciousness exam ines the ~unctional integrity of each whole created object. Dioramas are whole~ created whole in the externally conceived v isionary pro j e c tion . The whole nat ure o~ created things may be contrasted against our own partitial consc ious process in a simple personal experiment. By gazing at · any object. we will obse rve how that ob j e ct s eemingly "br· e.::\k s Llp" in discretely exa.mined pa1·· ts. I n this process~ consciousness co ntacts and fo cusses into speci~ic portions of objects. Th e ~low of ei d e tic information a lo ng t he v isual r a y fu l fills cer tain auric nutritive r e q uir eme nts o~ which we yet hav e little understanding. When that requir e d eidetic f l ow i s comp let ely absorbed~ t h e visua l ray quickl y moves t o examine yet another portion of t he ob ject. This visual ray movement man ife st as rapid sacca dic ocular movement s~ ea ch auric absorptio n tak i ng a small fraction o~ a second. In th is study o~ visual r ays~ t he th re ady au ric projections o~ our co ns ciousness, we will comprehend t he whole thes i s contained i n this Compendium Volume. One may gaze l ong at a ~ig u ri ne or statuette, watching t he cons tant f li c ker of awareness as it examines gest a lten. One sees~ ·+or examp le, a part i cular fea tur e int o whi ch we are sudde n ly a bsorbe d. During th is time pe ri od~ the ot h e r features of the figuri ne become blurred, as if somehow insig ni~i cant ~ Nevertheless thi s mome nt ary point abso rp t i o n ceases, and another · is quickly f ound. The process occurs unti l the mind has reac hed a sat ur a te e idetic potential~ a~te r which t ime we h ave success f ull y absorbed what e idetic nutrifive value we ca n receive t h rough the gazing act . In~ants p erform th is r udimenta r y ei det ic fu ncti o n t hroughout the many months of thei r p r eparation . It is fasc inati ng to note t hat the saccadic exami natio n of objects proc eeds among specif ic points i n the object, evi dencing that ge nerat i ve Vril threads p e ne trate objects along sp ec ific axes. When this remarkable f act . is understood from the generat ive vie w ~ one r·ec:og ni ~~es that objec ts "b 1 o ssom'' o t· e:-: pa n d out -f r·o m these ge ne rative points. Objects each reveal an intriguing and distinctive seri es of conscious foci, ident ical elements and s ubsta nces always showing very di ~fere nt po p u la ti ons and o rientations of the foc a l poi nts. It is wondrous to note how we are drawn into these mic roa lignme nts. Objects thus evide nce deeper-than-atomic existence, e merg i ng ~rom conscious fo0ndaiions. But these s£udies require closer examinations ~hich will be presented in a future Compendium Volume on Material Eidoactivity. Experiential dioramas are whole ·creations. Within these dioramas, we are able to identify certain forms, symmetries, and structures. Comparisons among dioramas reveal similarities and repetitions which evidence a fundamental compositional commonality, termed ARCHETYPES by certain conceptLtal ists. Vril sends the Archetypes. The archetypal composition of each diorama gives us insight into Vril itsel~, presenting something of the developmental history contained in contemporary Vril currents. Vril permutes. surmounting its previous states with unexpected new manifestations. Each successive Vril permutation contains within itself all the previous developmental aspects in amalgamated form. Archetypes are actually primal forms which demonstrate the permuted developments of Vril. These each began in the countless previous aeons o~ consciousness. Vril space is consciousness~ both continuously generating and projecting consciousness. Vril has external distributions which may be mapped. Vr il currents su~~use the ground ~rem archaeozoic depths which exceed geological scope, being metaphysical ~cundations. The world is founded on consciousness, not matter. Vril visionary experience reveals that metaphysical foundations. not inertial ones~ ~ou nd the ex periential topography in which we have our being. The blac k radiance is most power+ully concentrated in the ground; layers and strata of world generative Vril. Vril strata evidence mysterious pulsating tides throughout the seasons. The ancient geomancers were familiar with all o~ these realities~ a worldview gained ~rom direct visionary experience. The objective existence and continuance o~ the material world evidences an EXTERNAL CONSCIOUSNESS which is both generative and projective. Experience is ~undamentally EIDETIC in natun7!. Th i ~; e i d e t i c : f?l-:pe~·· it.~ nee wa·s oncE~ named "Ast:J·-a 1" e}·;peJ·-ience~ thr.~ t-esult o-t-= r.E:u-cep·tion in the "r:;stl·-al Space". Tl-,is external consciousness expresses a visionary thesaurus, images which we have come to recognize as our world. It is a supernal generator. Vril is the world domain in which metaphysical and physical find juncture. The Vril World~ the real World, cannot be discovered through any but direct means. Vril must su~~use the percipient, opening new consciousness . The world is not ~ounded on matter. The world is ~ounded an consciousness. As inertia l space is dissolved around a focussed Vril channel one suddenly experiences the ~l ood o~ ~onsciousnes & which is Vril Space~ a seething sea o~ eidetic treasures and organized thought process. In this manner we translate out of inertial space, the bound expression which academes prize~ and enter the image floods of Vril Space. In Vril Space, the articulate matrix o~ consciousness, we ~ind tne continual flood of th ose en·qJ(~"'·-U::-~nces tennecl "metaphysi-c<::l.l" ar1d "imaginal" . These 2•.1·-e t.he suppressed communications ~rom which the world is generated and sustained, a su++usive presence which upholds the exper1ential wr.::wld. In this i s c:ompn?hc.~ ndeti the wo~··ldview l-'!hi-ch the Ett!CU:'·~nts espqused, a world which con+essed that consciousness is more ~undament.al than matter. Ideation, emotion, thought , archetype, v ision, dream~ ~antasy, those currents which academes judge to u.nt· e.:d <:<.nrj intet· naL an:? all -Fow1d j.n i:he Vril Ma:b· i:·: . These comprise the +undamental modes by which children and sensitives e :·:pet"i!'.:nce wot·ld cornrm.lnion. It is the wot·ld ~'lhich childt·en t·ei.:ain ~or a few precious years before ine rti al space absorbs portions of their sense and mind, dulling them to the sparkling dreamtides which incessantly surge in the Vril Matrix. For the academe, thoughts are produced by neurochemicals . For them, consciousness is a familiar chemical pattern which is n?plete wl.th metaphys!<::.al "noise" . Taken in DLI.t" \'.Jell -founded worldview , it is obvio~s why their world assessment is so sharp, final, and limited. Their s is a science which makes observ~tion i n a capt ive inertial space; one whose dynamics are effects, completel y dependent upon primar y Vril dir e ctives . Th e assembled collection o~ dynamics which comprises acade mic physics is a study of the enveloped inertial space . Inerti a l space is not the whole of space. This i s evident ~rom common co n sciousness of common e x perience~ through which the material a~ the world is made known. BE~ ·Fc.H··e thf.-!•t"f.?. is matt e r thet· e is mind . Cnnsc:iclLr.sness n::~mains the door. What ac:ademes have successfully managed is a dialogue in which sense restrictive laws and the placement of conscious barriers is ~irst established. The second part o~ their dialogue e xamines the resultant e~fects of dividing human experience. Their divisions are completel y arbitrary~ lacking antagonists only because so few c a n sensitively discern such philosophical dist inctions. Those with whom they di-ffer are cast out o~ their consort ium, a pseudoreligious hierarchy of clever profiteers who opera t e through yesmanship . The consciousness by which academes c o nstructed their quantitative rules precedes thos e rules .•• and can disannul the arb it rary rules at any time. Bas ing th i s credo on ine rtial dyna mics however, academes are bound to sense t· estt·ictive t" Lt}I;~S IJy \•Jhich " t.:.lou.ndat·ies in e :·: pet·iencE=" at·e enforced. They insist on t heir worldview despite the selfannihil~ting results. The essence of academic refusal to engage purely subjective and qualitative world e xaminations is based on the arbitrary placement o+ boundaries in conscious experience. Ot herwise whole and undivided, our common world experience flows in conscious currents by which we are i n complete fusion with the e xternal. We have adequately discussed the simple means by wh ich personal consciousness can be proven to be the result of e xternal conscious dynamic s (\/,. 8 ) . I n this \Ale have seen tha·t per·sona.l consciousness is a process a+ RECEPTION, and not one of aut o nomous manu~acture. Personal consciousnes s shares i n the +lowing images and thoughtstreams of which the who l e externa l space is fundamentall y comprised. It is +rom this sea of eidet i c ene r gies that both the solid world a nd we our selves dr aw our being. The absolute fixed axes o+ the refere nt ial wo rld structure are discovered in world examinations made through conscious parameters alone. Inertial meters do not respond to these su+fusive energies, which require bioarticulate n:?ception. Biologica l organizations, neurosystems especially~ absor·b~ engage. e:-:per·ience. a.nd pa.r-ticip.::~te in the imagin~..l sea •.• the true space. Ultimately important in our discussion is the realization that both the world and the experience of the world are conscious emanations which proceed ~rom an EXTERNAL ag a r e the result o~ Vril penetratio ns through the inertial. space. At the core o~ each o~ these ph eno mena ~ one ~inds the +undamental black radiance. The u n~artunate schism which deranged scientific pursuits plac ed emphasis on t he wrong components o·f= phenomena.. F<:,:;.thet·. tha.n eNamining thE;! vit al qualities which su~~ use the world, science began seeking knowledge o+ the inertial detritus which accompan ies Vril expressions in the ter restrial environment. Academia thus c hose the st udy of quantitative rather than qualitative phenomena. With this revision came the re v ilement o~ human sensation, the preference of inert measu r ing tools over subjective eNp e rience. It was thus t hat the human sensor ium, our providential access into Vri l world realit y~ was reviled in favor of alienating mec: han ism~.;. Inertia i s the occ l usive and resistant medium which binds the f ree expression of Vril~ the bio dynamic generator. Whether naturally or deliberatel y, dissolved inertia releases magn ified conscious states to us . Th1s i s why it is imperative for us to learn more o+ the V~il nature; developing systems ~or the expressed purpose o+ di sso l vi ng the inettial occlus ions which occupy so much o+ our world . External consciousness is the eidetic sea ~ro m which the world i s generated~ and in wh i ch it i s sustained. One has only to close the eyes to recog nize that co nsciousness persists despite the removal o~ the world-probing se n ses . With the e yes closed~ one recognizes that all thought and ideational imag ery does not cease with the eradicatio n o~ external awareness. I n ~ ac t~ sensory deprivation results in an intensification o+ consciousness " r·· hizomG:·s" , r·(:: SClLtnding ~~.nd r··int;J:tng tone s.~~ ·floodf?d pla.ce!:;., wh e re these experiments were undertaken. Pythagoras discovered that s pe ci~ic groundpo1nts permitted es peciall y r apid and sustaine d entrances into these m ag ni~ied mind states, al ways the sacre d places wh ich were ancientl y revered. Hi s deve lopme n t o~ specia l theatrums h ad as its a im the lit era l conversion o~ conscious space on behal+ of a large participatory consortium. The s imple knowledge that our consciousness is an externally generated e ne rg y, one which i s absorbed into our being ~r om surrounding space was anciently revered as truth. Those exceptional rece ptio n s o~ idea and vis ion~ common to all se ntient beings, were observed with a ll reverence and devotion. The k nowl edge that space was suffused by a vas t consciousness was not consider ed a strange and derided notion. The v ery mention o+ s uch a singula r conception was not attended by bl asp he mous responses. Neve rtheless, thi s was the foundation on which ancient science stood. It chosr::? consciousness itsel-f as its +undamerYl.:al o bservational base. Ideas and ide$tional images were cons idere d div ine utterances (~aer ates). There was no debat e co ncerning the va lidit y c~ the mind. For the anc i e nts, t he mind could peer into matter and perc eive the archetyp es an d di v 1nel y ordained ~arms. Pyt hagor as c ame closest to the l o ng - +or gctt en truths concern in g consciou sness a nd the means ~or ac hie v ing m ag ni~ied mind states. It was recognized that philosop hi c discipline ~ an arduous and d emanding pe r sonal p rocess, was o b jectionable to most p ersons o~ moderate intelligence. P yt hagor as r ealiz ed that inst rumental mea ns cou ld e+fective l y and quickl y achiev e what t he ardu o u s di sc iplines cou l d not . Co ntinued satu r at ion in musica l energies br ought e levat ed min dstat es to lar ge numbers o+ individuals; ind i vidu als who yearned ~o r a ~reater world. Tho se perso ns move d Pythagoras with a s peci a l devotio n . He det e r mi ned to grant them some a id in their per sona l que st. It i~ obviou s that the year nin gs o f needy minds were ful~illed i n the met hod o~ P y thagoras, whose teac hings are repl ete with special know ledge concerning the world-structure . More imp ort a n t , the Pythagorean schoo l and method pl ace d re lia nce on the u ti liz ation o ~ INS TRUMENTS ~or di s solving i ne rtial s p ace a nd e n te ring the m ag ni ~ie d awa re ness thro ugh which came grati~ying communion wi t h the dee pest ac c essible +ounda tion. The use o~ inst~ um ental aid pe rmit te d the Pyt h a gorean Academy to r a p·idly ac hieve c onsc ious states which were o therwi se imposs i ble to r eac h. One ~ol lo ws the deve lopme n tal steps o~ anci e nt science throug h such knowledge with renewed vigor; recog niz ing the mark o~ consciousness mag ni ~ying INSTRUME NTS when examining a r c haeolog ical arti+acts a nd s ites . The later development a nd implementation a+ conductive instruments duri ng the Twentieth Centur y ev idenced the appearance of a new Vril p er mut atio n. Thi s estab l is h ed consciousness i n a new ve c tor~ a d irection o+ development s whic h l ed to Radioni c Science . Mind-pe rmeat ing s p ace topograph ies revea l t he external and suf~usive str uct u r e of the world. Th is struct u re ca n be dynamically modifi ed by the a pp licat i o n of specia l Ra dioni c instruments. Co ll ectively t he se i nstrumentaliti es~ and their spec ial components~ comp rise Vril Tec h no l o g y. 11 .2 VRIL AND TECHNOLOGY An cie n t sens iti ves recognized the ex i ste nc e o+ s p ac ial places where experi enc e a nd consciousness se eme d especia ll y heightene d. These b e~ame th e res~ r t o~ othe r s whose se nsitivities permitted extraordinary reali zations. the receptions o~ proj ective energies there ext an t . Suc h sacred spots we r e j u stly reve r ed as the natural o r ac l es, geo l og ic a l ve nt s ~rom whi c h di vi ne u tterance was p rolif i c. Evident in the pletho r a of r evelations stimulated in these locations a l one, pri est ly castes devel oped to serve the sac red s ites. .Thi s caste was net restr icted to gender . Eac h such pri estly cast e o bserves the noumenous sacred s pot s wit h especia l regard for the black radiant light wh ic h e me rges at the se loca tions. 'Typified thro ug hout the mytho logical treasuries o+ the a nci ent cult ur es EEgyptian~ Baby lonian, Greek, Persian, Chinese) i s the per s i stent mentio n of t he bl ack radia nc e. It is alw ays associated wit~ c r eative gener a tion and co n sciou s ness . It is the ground c~ being + rom which emerge all created things. Is it coincidental that we ~ind black radiant projections throughout nature. energies whieh stimulate the reception o~ externally generated ideations? Black radiance wa~ equated with the divine. Black radianee was equated with remarkable ~aver. It was the means by which the culture survived against the wildness and savagery o+ li+ekilling natural farces. It was ~or this reason that the black radiance was sought and revered. Cultures knew that their very survival depended on the reception o~ this creative and providential energy. Ancient sensitives discovered that their own visionary prowess enl~rged with repeated exposures to the black radiance~ being often infused in contact at their anciently established sacred spots. The creative black radiance was often recognized emerging through trees and other such organic transducers . During times o+ cultural excess, these sites became excessively ornamented and weighed down by needless liturgies and superstitious service, none o+ ~hich served to accelerate or enhance the naturally prol i+ ic ~lood o+ eidetic impressions received therein~ Those whose consciousness was suf~iciently raised to appreciate these simplistic realizations~ managed the continuous reception of ideas~ images, impressio ns, and revelations. At +irst, special groups of attendant individuals were employed to memorize and retell t he impressions received during such moments o~ magnified and clari~ied consciousness. In this means, cultures emerged from tribal groups. The implementation o+ ideas received reveals an intriguing process which is at w6rk in ever cultural group thus developed. The appearance of sudden new ideas is thus linked to the priestly caste, who in turn are linked to their sacred spots. The sacred spot is the constant feature in each cultural centre, the physical location from which metaphysical thesaurus springs on behalf of the culture. It wa sin this manner that w~iting ~irst appeared. The concept of equating written symbols with sounds or ideas was not the result c~ ~n ordinary thought process. With these developments, scribes were later employed to write down the impressions received by priest-sensitives. A sudden +load o~ impressions appears in each such culture~ impressions whose import brings knowledge of technology. But this renaissance o~ emerging ideations has a thematic content which exceeds th~ mere brancate development of writing, metallurgy, and stonecraft. The projection of these technological means are always historically linked to a massive cultural effort . . . a project in ' which the entire culture is consciously united. The ai m o~ the cultural project is not simply one which establishes and solidifies social castes. It is not focussed on dominations and masteries. The project is one which promises to elevate the culture in matters of the mind. Mind expansions. The emergence of mind expanding technologies marks the emerging culture as a civilization. Contact at speci~ic groundpoints with the emergent black radiance yet opens new awareness. The black radiance is the juncture o~ metaphysical and physical world. Black radiant sacred spots are the places from which consc1ousness actually emerges~ the external projective sources which supply the world mind. Adequately validatl ng "a nd explaining the wondrous prowess which archane visionaries demonstrated, ~irst techno log y was Vril technology . It was by several simple means. each der i ved throug h prog r essive revelatory images~ that magni~ied Vril energies were secured b y certain archa ne societ ies. The special technology~ given through Vril eidetic impressions, was the result o~ intimate personal contact with natural Vril currents. This was a technology whose components did nothing more than conduct and cla.t· i·f=y E:idet.ic Vt·il Imagf:.H-y. VJ·-il wa.s the f?neJ·-gy. {4n:ha.m:~ societies grew ultimat el y mo re sensitive with co ntinued Vril e l-: posut·es a.n•j s.r:<.tut·a.t ions. T h (~ concepi: o+ "wot· king ~L!nct ion" ~AJa.s~ exclusively de~ined as one having power to modi~y the mind. By t h is d e +initio n ~ o n l y those potent did not require the ir tech nol ogies to ma n1 +est behaviors whic h were o t herwise associate:·d !-'Ji th p un:?l y inet·tir.:d devices. Evi de nce o ·f "l~mt- kin<;_! f uncticm" •. • movements, 1·-otc.it.i.ons, a.nd sounds. · ·'-"Jr.ts thus complete l y biased in inertial parameters by those who designed 1'1ACHINES. The ma.chine:~, as commonly co ncei v ed, is not a Vr·il at·ti~ice. The primary and ~undamenta l domain in which Vril Technology operates, that for which it is alone designed, r ema ins entirely within the domain o~ eidetic currents. Vril instrumentalities convey eidetic e~periences to their operators, the most vital utility obtained throug h any technological art i fi ce. Vril instruments are passive conductors and transducers o+ Vril currents. Human operators receive the potent e~flux of these inst rumentalities, being effectively changed into more extensive a nd elevated conscious states. Vril components do not fluoresce, burn, vibrate, or move as inertial engines do. For this reason, nonsensitives derided Vril Technology as useless. Vril technologies project fluorescence , project heat, project cold, project sounds, proj ect ima gery, project levitations.. . indeed project and flood local spaces with any quality desired. When once adequate knowledge c+ these means are secured, Vril Technology can provide a +ar greater display o+ e~+ects than autonomous inertial machines can ever hope to achieve. The most ancient natural oracul~r site~ l ack the power wh ich is +ound in carved stone systems. These in turn lack the power which is obtained through Radionic arti+ice. Ancient systemclogies are not abandoned, but certainly do not represent the mast recent Vril express ions. They there+ore l ack the clari t y and power o+ Vril now. One must seek the most recent Vril expressi~ n~ in order to +ind the current Vril movement. Each Vril system expansion contains within itsel+ numerous stages and continual modi~ications; the evidence o~ a developing Vt· i 1 (_;j t·owth pr·ocess. Each devE?lopmen.tal stage c an catalyze the sudden appearance o~ some new p~rmutatio n. This is t h e aspiration of the greatest and most actualized Vril engineers. Our inve~tigation of these marvelous permutations began with discussions c6ncerning electrical science. This recent movement did not· divorce itself from the principles upon which the most ancient. Vril syst ems were based. But, n~t limited to their more at·c:haic forms~ the new systemologies feature de+ined components ; 'l:ht·ough which deeper a nd more clari+ied Vril conductions are Adequately validating and exp lai n i ng the wo ndrous prowess which a rchane visionaries demonstrated, fi rst technology was Vril technoloqy . It was by several simple means , each derived through progressive revelatory images. that magnified Vril energies were secured by cer tain archane societies. The special technology, given through Vril eidetic impressions, was the result of intimate personal contact with natural Vril currents. This was a technology whose components did nothing more than conduct and clarify Eidetic Vril Imagery. Vril was the energ y. Arc hane societies grew ultimately more sensitive with continued Vril (~:-:posiH.. es anti satLII··at ions. The concept c::.-f "war· king -Function" was exclusively defined as one having power to modify t he mind . By this de-finition~ only those potent did not require their technologies to manifest behaviors which were otherwise <3.ssocia.ted ~'lith pur·ely ine r·ti al devices. Evidence o-t-= "1-Joddng f;unction" •.. cnove-?ments~ r·otations~ e.nd sound:;; ..• was t:.hus completel y biased in inertial parameters by those who designed MACHINES. The machine, as commonly conceived~ i~ not a Vril ,::u·tifice. The primary and ~undamental domain in which Vri l Technology operates~ that ~or which i t is alone designed~ remains entirely within the domain o+ eidetic currents. Vril instrumentalities convey eidetic experiences to their operators~ the most vital utility obtai ned through any technological arti+ice. Vril instruments are passive conductors and transducers o~ Vril c u rrents. Human operators receive the potent e~~lux o~ these instrumentalities~ being e~~ectively changed into more extensive and elevated conscious states. Vril compone nt s do not ~luoresce~ burn, vibrate~ or move as i nertial eng1nes do. For this reason, nonsensitives derided Vril Technology as useless. Vril technologies project ~luorescence~ project heat~ project col cl, pr·oj ect sounds. p r·oject j_ m<::tger·y, p1··oj ect levitations •.• indeed project and ~ lood local spaces with any quality desired. When once adequa te knowledge o+ t hese means are secured, Vril Technolog y can prov ide a ~ar greater display of ef+ects t h an autonomous inertial machines can ever hope to achieve. The most ancient natural oracular sites lack the power which is found in carved stone systems. These in turn l ack the power which is obtai ned through Radionic artifice. Ancient systemologies are not abandoned, but certai nl y do not represent the most r e c ent Vril expressions. They there~ore lack the clarity and power o+ Vri l now. One must seek' the most recent Vril expressions in order to ~ind the current Vril movement. Each Vril system expansion contains within itsel~ numerous stages and continual modi+ications; the evidence o-f a developing Vril growth process. Eac h developmental st~ge can catalyze the sudden appearance o+ some new permutation. This is t he aspiration a~ the greatest and most actualized Vril engineers. Our investigation o~ these marvelous permutations began with discussions concerning electrical science . This r~cent movement did not divorce itself ~ r om the principles upon which the most ancient Vril systems were based. But, not limit ed to their more archaic -form s ~ the new s ystemologie s f ea ture defined component s ; through which deeper and more cl a rified Vril conduc tions are obtained, From its inception electri ca l science has been overshadowed by Vril. This persistent Vril pursuit can be marked throughout both the development and implementation o~ electrical systems as major social technology. At times antagonistic, at times con~ormant, electrical systemologies have been haunted by Vr il generated anomalies. These have also consistently hau nted scienti~ic dogma whenever that lexicon ~ails to acco un t ~or Vril and the phenomena which accompany the Vril Domain. The great number o~ contributors o~~ers staggering testimony to a massive t ec hnological onslaught in which human ity was enveloped ~rom the Mid-N ineteenth Century until the ea r l y Twentieth Century. The technological phenomenon which Vril stimulates in the world has never ceased. Those societies which ~orsook this power were eliminated ~ram the historical record thr ough extinctions. History itsel~ bears evidence that the overpowering Vril in~luence had drawn human consciousness to its cooperations, giving consciousness in ever elevated degrees. Having been so drawn, human agents recognized the providence at work in their discoveries. The energy which guided their e~~orts was giving them superior understanding and greatly magni~ied awareness. This remarkable e~~ects became the driving ~orce behind RADIONICS, the study o~ natural radiances and their effect on human experience. · The mass mobilizing power o+ this energetic guidance had once drawn whole societies into its wonder~ul cooperations throughout the p revious centuri es. Experimenters began again to identi~y the energetic currents res ponsible f or superior translations of mind. All this research began in the greatest universities~ a most opened expression of scientific c ur iosity. The topic areas were isolated, reject ed, and cast out o~ the university milieu. Suggesting that th is qualitat1 ve approach to the wot·ld ~·Jas somehow "it·t·a.tion<:d", academ i c science launc:hecl itself headlong into a frightening fall through objectivism. So deep di~ this process take the best scientific minds, that while aliene.ting themselves ft·om the e:·:pet·ime-nt.al pt· ocess, they imagined themselves in possession o~ greatest wisdom. Alienated, isolated, separated forever ~rom the nature upon which they were intently focussed~ only a very few managed t o sense the cold and inert mindstate o~ their new~ound poise. Nev ertheless, the process continued without the ac:ademes, selectively isolating them ~rom its wanders. Pr i vate researchers took u p the work~ fu nding their own laboratories and making h istory . Observed by archane sensitives, bla ck radiant Vri l su~fuses the natural world. It appears as a su~fusi v e and uni~orm glowing space of deepest black atop special ridges and in some valleys. Here it most certainly always rises from the ground at night, where it is bot h seen and ~e lt . Seeming very much to be a mysterious concentration of the winter's night s ky on earth, ancient people reverenced these appearances. F irst contact within this radiant blackness always brings v ital renewals. In human experience, these renewals span the gap be tween healings o~ body! mind, and soul~ as well as the impartation of exc~ted consciousness. Continued exposures in t he black suf~usions produce exceptional awareness. Such c lar ity o~ mind is yet obtained throug- h this natural aq.. ency tha"'t one recognizes in it an EXTERNAL distribution o~ consciousness t~roughout space. It was ancient l y observed that power~ul black radiant channels discharge between rock canyon walls, among boulders and trees, into and ~rom ce rt ain caverns, and +rom ground to spa ce. Poised among , within~ atop the ~atural places where such ene r gies pulsate, ancient sensitives received penetrating impressions and eidetic i mages. These primar y recept io ns ~armed the basis o~ a new mindraising technology. Modelled ~rom its natural mani~e s tations, ancient geomancers cons tructed dolmens and mounds ~or the expressed purpose o~ securing the permanence a~ a bl ack radiant presence. Structured in the grand scale c~ natural expressions , me g alithi c age technolog y e~~ectively obtained +or human tribes a new means •.• ~or permanently r aising~ maintaining~ and employing their new consciousness. Providing magni~ied ~orms o~ consciousness, Vril Technology has marked every major human endeavor. Raised consciousness was the survival o+ any human tribe. Tribe s became societies , societies became cultures~ a nd cultures became civilizations when black radiant energy was their source. Now constructed with deliberation~ the new mindraising tech nolo g y suppi ied humanit y wit:.h sLwvival at the most. -funde:\mental level. It is the sile-~nt. revolution pr e ceding eve r y mate rial advancement which -famed histories chronicle. Developing such technology worked with the supernal distributed intelligence. Archaic d eve loper s o -f bl ac k radiant technology r ebuilt the ~allen s it es where the glowing black radiance was naturally mani+ested. The purpose o~ t hese human -assi s ted developments was the world-magni~ication o-f conscious e nergy~ a thril l ing theme which returns as an echo among the a!.;~es. Whe n humanit y +allows the lead o -f VRIL, then new mindstates are achieved -fo r humanity. Wh e n humanity loses the Vril thread, it is nevertheless drawn along to a -future encounter with Vril realities. In this latter case~ technologies which were developed· ~or inertial employment manife s t a my ste r ious Vril +uncti on with very minor modi~ications.Ancient megal i ths~ dolmens, a nd mounds +armed the components o~ the archa ic mindreising t e chnolog y . Through certain r ediscovere d natural functions~ these st r uc t u res were e mpir ical l y established ~or the exchange o~ eidetic mess ages a mong the sens itives. While many of the access i ble rough-hewn r·oc f.:: components wer· e "ta J. king s tones " or· " seei n g stones" , a t~ ew selected structures had very special ~unctions. There mega liths m ec;~ alit.hic geomancers are those a r cha i c plazas, +rom which point . These centres~ these ~o ci lines~ e:u.. e indeed special. It lf\la s became astromancers. Built on natural a nd to which o+ radiating then? thc3.t sites where black radiant energy discharges into and +r om space, these were the stations where eidetic in-formation was i ntercepted among the worlds. In these centres~ during cert ain seasons~ ancient astt·o mancet· s, 1 itet·ally "sta.r- seEH-s" (a.si:l·· o--mantis) neceivecl steady receptions o-f exceptional c on sc ious states •• ~among the worlds. Black radiant energy surged, v igorously in~lecting the consciousness o~ se n s itives whe n ever special s tellar - planetary co n~igur atio ns conjoined in the nigh t s kies. These wer e t he events which they coll.:~.ted and observed with t-E?ligious devotion. Why such a moti vated zeal? For the acquisition o-f ne~>-! consciousness, new power over the elements. Later, in architectural marvels o-f stone and geometric proportion~ the black radiance carried strongly pe r meating eidetic in-formation into recipients who were ritualistically more prepared. Stone--frames discharged the eidetic in~ormation in solar and lunar energies with great power in the dolmens . Clustres of stars and planets did so with rare delicacy. Those who have stated that megalithic structures are calendars and astronomical observatories know nothing of the mindraising energy. Theirs is an academic concern, which necessarily attempts the invasion of evE?t-y unknown with t.he "known dogmatic". The ancients were not concerned with clocking and charting the skies ~o r the abstract quest~ If no experience was to be had, no communion with the skies. then the ancients would have abandoned the pursuit altogether. Tribal energies were never wasted for excessive rel igious concerns. Those who seem to have done so were the members of societies in the decadent phase; desperately attempting to n::?captu.n"? theit- own lost mindn:dsinq technology by "~ppea.sing " their ~alse gods. While the more overt astromantic aspects o~ these mounds have been stu died ~or centuries~ ~ew have comprehended the purpose ~or these mysteries. The space-e~~ected modi-fications always produced specially prized mindstates and awa renesses . The eidetic visions which wer e associated with these receptions were the prized arti~acts of an emerging priestly caste. Space-det-ived eidetic images wer-e the "tokens" t aken f:nJm the experience. These are portrayed in palaeozoic art expressions, and are most always misunderstood by those who examine them with academic preconceptions. Eidetic messages between ground an d space. In~ormation exchange betwee n other worlds. These themes are not new among the archetypes within which we respond. Without an expe ri entia l knowledg e o~ thes e energies~ one cannot comprehend the -function of any ancient arti-fact. I n fact, one cannot comprehend the modern expressions of technology apart from these black r a diant principles, the very purpose and function o-f the VRIL COMPENDIUM itself. We each respond to every inflection and surge in the Vril Matrix. It is the connective environment and communicative envelope in which we move and have our being. Our own inflections of Vril, when life-a~firming, effect a spreading impulse throughout the Matrix ~rom which all can benefit. Negative inflections reside entirely within the con~luent ine rti al space . We are each necessaril y interpenetrated by these discharges, the external sustenance o-f our being. The discovery of Vril in each society is attended by sudden a nd explos ive growths in consciousness. The conscious magnification due to these developments produces Vril Technology. Each society produces its own peculiar blend of components and systems, whose ~irst function . i s to maintai n the new conscious state . This requires a technological system which becomes fixed , to some degree~ through municipal mandate. Protecting the Vril Technology becomes the fi r st action of any t hr eate ned soc ie ty. More advanced Vril-oriented societies developed systems which were sel~-protecti ve. 0~ these, we must speak later. Most cultural group~ rarely reache~ those levels o f perfection. Recognizing that Vril Technology was the real core of their ow n survival, most ancient societies surrounded their Vril Systems with rich traditions and priesthoods. One would imagine t hat any society which discovers Vril and its wondrous consciousnessmagni~ying attributes would closely guard its secrets wi th such infallible safety measures. 11.3 VRIL TEMPLATES Vril permutes, surmounting its prev ious states with unexpecte d new mani~estations . Eac h success ive Vril pe rmutation contains within itself all the previous developmental aspects in amalgamated form. The process is one which spans the aeons. It is impossible to pierce this history beyond a certain range , the messages becoming too vast for mere human conscious ability to comprehend. Nevertheless, of the range which can be reached, we discove r remarkable facts. F irst, each Vril permutation is intimately linked with the appearance of NEW ELEMENTS. Specific elements have been equated with Vril Templates throughout history. The mem ory and awareness of these ep~chal changes is pt·eset·ved in myt t·lol ocJy and the "Golden Age" ot· the We l E'?arn o·f this prehistory through examination o+ each element with an eidetic sensitivit y. The deve lopment · o+ special r ad ionic instruments has permitted such eidetic exami nations o+ elements. Vril Archaeozoic permutations produced certain +undamental worldstat.es, materialized stages o+ development . . Each suc h stage has been elsewhere referred to as a VRIL TEMPLATE. Vril Templates remain +ixed, throughout the time that Vril is achieving its own intent. Templates permit the progressive development o+ new and unexpected technoloqies in which Vril currents alone are the dynamic agents. When Vril permutes, Templates change . Eac h Vril Template is a world state in which all previous Vril dy namics are incorporated and potentially active . These previ ous stages, these Templates, are represented today •.• in the ninety two natural material elements. Generating a nd surmounting the archetypes which it had previously projected, Vril dev elops and permutes into ever more articulate states . Each stage in its development produces a special a nd legendary VR IL TECHNOLOGY. Vril stimulates the development of technologies which enable humanity to powerfully appropriate its presence and providential suppl y. The i mplementat ion of the ninety two natura l elements +orms the basis of every Vril technology. The evocation of a new Vril Template can be achieved t hrough special technological means. These events occur when an i ntended climax has been wrought by Vril agents. It is then that we observe historical revolutions in archane science. During these times~ some once impossib le feats become possible. Ar chival study reveals a chronicle of discoveries havi ng to do with Vri l which is historical ly interrupted on sev eral counts. Human histor y i s a tragic panoply of both natural and huma n frailties , set on a broken stage. Disturbing is the interruption brought about by our world-condition . The natural enemies o+ storm, ~locd~ and other disasters are the horrid ~oes with wh1ch cultivated societies have to deal. But those enemies ~ b orn o~ human +olly ••• c~ ~ire and sword~ deceit, betrayal~ suppression, rage~ jealous greed, and ignorance ... especially o~ ignorance, thE'Se J.A.Iet·e the mc:ist disturbin~J c-H·rd lament·ab le C·::tuses by which glorious and legendary societies lost their place in the Vr i l Community. Such acts o+ pure sel+-destruction~ all because o~ the desire ~or absolute rule, were seen all too o~ten as the reason why societies lost their unique Vril Technologies. Yet~ o~ these obvious interruptions, the earnest student noticed another species; whose broken trail leads +rom ancient times well into the Twentieth Century. Unlike the +irst sad varieties, this interrupted path had a wondrous and graduated natu.r-e. In its ever---opening wc:•.ke ~·Je -Find ;.:.-!.}]. the hc:\llmat·ks. o·F Vril itsel+. This strange terraced path, linki ng Megalithic Technc•logies wit h Fi:_adionic:s. is one ~-!hose de:·ve lopments sut·mount each previous technological species by astounding and une xpected expansions. It i s indeed curious that the archane technologies gave su~~icient wondrous per~ormance to produce enduring mythical themes. The technological ruling ~arms and ~unctions reveal that Vril existed in a ~arm which is re l ativel y di~~erentiated as compared with its subsequent mani +estations through history. Dare we say that Vril, in its manner o~ organic growth~ pro g resses ~rom original states to ever more highly developed ones? The expansive nature o~ each Vril mani~estation reveals this remarkable phenomenon. The permutation a~ Vril Technologies requires a prim a ry permutation in Vril itsel+. One charts the surprising modi~ications in Vril Technology in sudden, complete leaps. This saccadic pattern is repeated throughout human history. One traces its ~lowering path, one whose blossoming development comes in ever new spec i es. Thus, we date the appearance o+ each Vril technological stage. Natural Vril technol og ies begin with the isolation o~ groundpoints, trees, valleys, caverns, pools, ridges; all termed sacred. Next, we watch the development o+ human organizations: o+ priesthoods and devotions to the places known as sacred. After this phase, one discovers the development o+ special ornamentations in such locales. These humanly c. ra+te d arti~ices were added to sac red grounds speci~ically to magni~y the Vril presence, securing ~or the tribal group an enduring access to magni~ied consciousness and its revelator y power. Next comes the phase in which royal edicts enunciate regional establishment o+ Vril systems . Here we see grand public works, involving the entire culture in Vril directives. Next comes the supreme moment when such a society becomes uni~ied in Vril Cul ture, the potential ~o r unlimited conscious growth being delivered in ~loads. We will not account +or the o~ten subs~quent degenerate phase, which appears to test the Vri l ~avored society 1 a possible tragic decline and di sso lution. Throughout this ~l ow o+ developments, each society is imbued with a singular Vril state. This state~ while being rec~pitul~ted through the centuries, permutes into newer mani~estati ons . Boulders, tooled rock, covered . rock ••• temples, a ltars, oracles ••• cathed ral s , r e liquar i es, +onts ..• ground rods, variable capacitors, inductors •• • the Vril ~unctions remain the same~ while being magni~ied in degree o~ endowed power with each such change. Archetypes are not the portable, autonomic engrams o+ genetic inheritance as some narrators have insisted. Archetypes are external and independent. They invade the blank receptacle o+ mind, being messaged into human experience as Vril currents. Black radiant Vril space, their external generator, develops living eidetic imagery throughout the aeons . What it projects, becomes. Vril currents supply - the archetypes which psychologists chart and which mythologies preserve. Rich in imagery, impression, instruction, and revelation, +irst Vril receptions are almost certainly those which encourage the establishment o+ Vril Technology. Imaginal +loads permeate the recipient o+ Vril currents in cohesive, orderly sequences which suggest instruction. When this step is actively engaged, societies mani+est sudden revolutions in consciousness. That which is called "c i vi 1 i zat ion" i s genet-ated .:":l.nd sLtppot-ted by Vt· i 1 cuTt·ents. First Vril receptions simply re-establish detailed articulations o~ lost wcrld-Vril conditions; world-states which prev i ous and -forgotten societies had lost. Those who are thus raised in awareness begin realizing new enlarged worldvision; by which it is possible to make seemingly outlandish declarations concerning world reality. The personal communion with the black radiance being the means through which to gain heightened mindstates without ne~ative e++ects~ such statements are nevertheless made with absolute conviction. The absolute conviction o+ which we ·read in ancient writings on the world- stt-uctun= . Civilization collapses when Vril technology is abandoned. The decadent society is one which devalues and derides traditionally established Vril Technology. Lost sensitivity to Vril eidetic imagery places emphasis on purely inertialistic technologies.To delve into the true mysteries o+ radioelectric communications. we must +irst comprehend its intimate interactions with the Vril Domain. The search +or some relevant technological starting point in th~se regards · produced an .;::~piph£ttTy in t~ICH.tght, typic<=l.l -few Vt·il investig<:\tions. Seeking technologies in which Vril was deliberately employed, one surely discovers a general and continuous sweep o+ developments. But, examinations o~ the speci+ic nature o~ Vril Technological advancements presents the skill+ul bibliomancer with a true and wonder+ul conundrum which +ew ever address. As centuries brought with them the accumulated ~orget+ulness. by which our race is usually accursed, all these wonders were lost. Vril does not cease in its continuity however, projecting and permuting the worldstate. New awareness of the interactions between matter and the Vril conscious continuum began again to in+luence human consciousness in the Seventeenth Century. The form o+ these new awakenings no longer required the massive stonework o+ Templer directed masons. In the experiments of Luigi Galvani, Maximilian von Hel, and Franz Anton Mesmer we see the emergence o+ a new Vril Template, a Vril Permutation in which the use c+ metals and articulate metal components +irst man i +ested. 5<::~1 va ni ~ Von Hel , a nd t1esmet· independently corro borated the ~act that the energetic e ma nations ~rom metal s were capab le o~ pr oducing s trong visce r al responses. The y each discovered the vitalizing interactions which occur between metals a nd human physiology. Ma x imilian von Hel p er-F orme d experiments with specially shaped magnets and metal -Forms. These were placed in contact with parts o+ the body which seemed in-F irm. The r esul t o~ these contacts was an amazing alleviation o+ symptoms in many cases where only pain and continuous debili tation was t he normal p t·og t·ess. Hearing a~ the se de ve lopments, Fran z Ant o n Mesmer sought a deeper understa nding o~ met als a nd thei r role in such healing process. He v~ish ed to d i sc o ve t· the "vis medicat.r·i>:''~ the enet·gy o+ heal ing, with a n aim to dev i se some accumul ator o+ this heal ing power. Notable a nci e nt European sacred spots became the site o+ -F ashionable spas a nd resorts +or t he rich nobility. Healing v irtues o-Ften emerged directly +rom certa in boulders and ot her s tone columns. Ov er the cen t uri es , sensitives had o rna mented these with artistic additions. Boul ders had become al tar s ~ columns had become pil l ars. Touch was all that was necessary in alleviating or even curing t he in+trm. Ther e was mut h mo re to these sacred spats than legend a n d t raditi on. Recognizing that a r eal energy was r espo ns i ble +or these cures, Mesmer o bse rved the geological structure inherent in most spas , see king s ome means to imitate nature. 1"1 esm€.'! t· developed hi s 11 bacquet 11 ~ a ~Jt·o u nde•d bat tet·y ~-.,h ose moistened multilayers o+ iron slag and organi c matter (seeds~ leaves, moss, peat) in s uc h an attempt. This barrel shaped composite pile was + i tted with a single iron pole which ran throughout the internal l ayers to t he ground . On -Fir st trial, the de sig n d id not h ing. Mesme r abandoned his bar r el shaped de s ign to t he nat ur a l -Forces . This natural exposure brou ght a cha ng e to the a pparatus t hrough the course of time . The bottom rotting through, layers were now s pill i ng s l ig htl y into the gr ound itse l -F. Contact was t hu s sec u red with the ground dir ectly. The l ayers ha d bec ome soaked through summer rain s . It was the n tha t a n ew mani+estat i on ma de itse l+ known . Approaching the barr e l, one sensed an upli f ting f orce, one in whi c h the e ntire torso responded . Touc hi ng the pole brought a s trong body-coursing ting le , a thrill s hock o~ gr e at stre ngt h . S l eep or even b l ackouts were t he r esult o~ suc h contact . Later sensit ive examination revea led a black radiance su~+using the immediate barrel su rroundings. Mesmer discovered that r emarkable responses surpassed the merely physio l ogical e++ects i n those who tou ched the pole. Pass ing out i n a light drea my sleep, person s who contacted his bacquet were ~requent l y hea l ed o~ li-felong emotional traumas . Later academic disapp r oval .::o.cc:u.sed l"ie smer· o·f liypnot. i sm, the ccunmcml y knf.w.m "!;:;u.~~gest.:i.on method" c· ~ cu.n::·. The C~.ssociai:ion o-f t h F~ hy pn otic m<;:thod ,·,;~. nd Mesmer were the result o~ an early campaign to discr edit the e merging Radion i c Science~ whose stupendous e+ficacies we r e t hre atening the ~ in a nci a l ba se of me dical practit ione rs. Ot her suc h ca mpaig ns reduc e d the Mesmer bac quet to e l ectrica l stimu l ation. Such a mul tilayered assembly o+ organic matter and metal s lag could never have produced any appreciable electrical current~ especially since the whole was e~~ect i vely s hun te d by the it-on pole. Independent experimentation with apparatus empirically ~ound to permeate and bene~icially modi-fy human physiology, proved that a new technology was emerging (V.8.9). Galvani was ~irst to postulate that metals emanated a power+ul and permeating natural radiance. Galvani was persistent in his assertions that metals wet·e su t· t·ou.nded and su-f-fused by an 11 atmosphet·e 11 o-f ema.n<='.t ions~ an invisi ble light whic h .flowed +rom them eternally. For Galvani, metals did not have to be in contact with physiologies in order td af-fect modifications. For Galvani, the invisible currents were capable o1- connectively transacting directly with physio logy ... at a distance. Galvani discovered that connections made between aeri al metal plates and meta l plates submerged in stone wells pt·odu.ce:! d pow€H"-ful 11 thJ··illing f.5hocks" dLn-ing -fait· ~~ Tesla accidentally discovered how to produce ELECTRIC RAYS. T h e di stinc t differe n ces between Rays and Waves st1mulated Tesla to r ecogn i ze the long lost discovery o~ Joseph Henr y , who first observed them. Henry accidental l y released these Rays when conducting experiments with Leyden Jar discharges <1842). Throu gh a bizarre arrangement o~ circuit parameters~ Henry accidentally foun d it possible to maqnetize steel needles several floors away from the apparat us. The duplication of these effects were accidentally arranged by Elihu Thomsen in 1872. Electric Rays had completely unexpected characteristics, being potent and piercing. Through them Tesl a felt body shocks~ though removed from hi s apparatus by several feet. He described the press ure effects of these rays in hi s conspicuously ig nored pc:.~pet· o-f 18'7'::: Javes. In the gen e r atio n~ radiation~ and reception o+ these special rayic energies~ we find all of Tesla~s statements and claims con~o rming to a new and unsuspected reality . Tesla•s v ision enveloped a glm-ious n;:~.'l ity~ 1: 1ood:Lng over- v..tith p~·o mi s t.= <'.:t n d po·tentia l. Tht? expansions o+ his primary discover y would have ru led the technological world. Tesla drew attention to the +act that these energetic emissions passed through metal shields with ease. These Rays were powerful, while waves were weak. Tesla realized why Henry and Thomson had produced Electrical Rays and not Waves. He also understood why He1··tz h2<.d only pt·odu.ced Electt· i'c.~ w-aves; The answet· lay in the circuit parameters. Very strict relationships were required in the Ray-releasing process, relationships which +ew observed. So great was his excitement over the find and its potential applications, he accepted the otherwise untimely invitation of the Royal Society within the same year. The energetic products of his Transfor mers were never duplicated by other designers. Even with regards to his smaller models, experimenters of the day failed to recognize the essential difference between magnetic induct ion and Tesla electrostatic induction. The two are completely dissimilar processes, producing completel y dissimilar results. Tesla extended his discovery of the ray energy spectrum. Distinct from those of longitudinal .lighf spect r a, these lightforms represented an unknown energetic region. Identifying his r ays as a form of "dad:: light", he developed new systems fot· th eit· pm~et··f=ul projection. Every phenomenon which Tesla described differed so radically from those obtained by conventional methods . Researchers who worked with electric waves never observed the Teslian phenomena. Tesla always dr ew a llus i on to the fact that these electric ray~ interacted with the natural environment i n an uncharacteristic manner . They seemed to self-intensi~y with p~ogres sive distance, a ~eat deemed impossible in the academic account of world phenomena. Neverthel e ss~ Tesla measured a strange consistency which hi s projected electric rays maintained when passing through space . Though aerial in their passage through the environment~ these e~fects were in all ways similar to those observed when telegraphic signals were applied to the ground n:.> pe t·-f=ec:ted by Lenat·d in 18~;>LJ.. In this r·esea.t·ch, Tesli:t was attempting to s hm~ t hat. aet het· st t· eams. maintained t he integrity o+ light, a +eat. otherwise impossible with elemental gases. Proposing o+ course that. aetheric streams consisted o~ ultimately indivisible particles~ an ultragas o+ incredible attributes~ Tesla believed that these streams should maintain the i ntegrity necessary for projecting whole images to greater distances without distortion. His aim was the development of television projection systems, ut ilizing the externalized cathode ray streams in an exact a nalogy to an ordinary magic lantern slide projector. With his own spec ial ly modi-fied breed o~ Lenard tubes~ Tesla discovered that it was possible to project image shadows o~ external targets through many hundreds of +eet. In addition, Tesla observed that these r ays penetrated through matter. It was possible +or him to inspect skeletal structures and material interiors through several hundred +eet. The use of phosphorescent scree ns , developed ~or his television system, enabled Tesla to +irst publish his -findings. Tes l a later modi-fied t. his system t :o be used in 1 ong di sta.n ce ranging and detection. Having di scovered the means whereby these very specia l rays cou l d be produced~ Tesla +ound it possible to develop st t·eams ~-1hich could be t·e+lected ·ft·om meta. ls. It is in this experimental description that we realize what Tes l a meant when re-ferring to his research on X-Rays and~ later, Cosmic· Rays. Tesla asserted that very special radiat~ons are aetheric streams, the absorption o+ which produced progressively l a rge r particul ate sequences. These di~~ered with target materials, becoming the da.ngen:>l::tsly massive varieties being t·-epar.·.t-eci ..-in cer- tain E,_tr· opean research laboratories. When honors +or discovery o~ X-Rays was bestowed upon Roentgen, Tesla observed striking di-f-ference·:; between his own -findings and those reported by the so- called discoverer. His own shadowgraphs did not require targets a t all ~ being released by targetless high vacuum tubes. Powered by his own high voltage impulse cLn-rents~ Tesla -found that: such stt-eams completely altered the state a+ metals e xternally distributed and distant from the tube. Tesla was always one experimenter whose re-fined investigations always permitted him a detailed understanding o~ natural phenomena. Whenever examining phenomena he explored e ver y -facet critical to the division o-f attributes which might harbor hidden conjugate energies, an aspect curiously absent in the process of modern researchers. The cur ious conjugate nature o+ his very special radiations with other anomalous energies became a singular -feature with which he had become accustomed. Tesla +ound that he was able to dup 1 i ce1.te the X- ~:ays o·f f':oentge-rr· on 1y by adding metal targets within his tubes. Increasing the target dimensions of surface area and thickness was matched only by va."t-ying the tat-g et metals. In this WC'.y Tesl.:.~ obtained a host oof: conventional X-Rays, the very first s pectr um o btained in the study. This is why he -forever ma intai ned that his awn radiant s;tt-pams wer·e "vet-y specj.a l r-adiations". Inde.'ed they wet-e. V.ihen the discussion o~ whether X-Rays could charge meta ls came into question, commercially re-fined X-Ray tubes could in no way charge metals. Attempts at polarizing these rays through e xternally applied electrical ~ields -failed with t he heav ier X-Ray species . Nevertheless, Tesla reported that emanat ions -from hi ghl y electrified tubes o+ equally high vacuum could su-f~ic i ently charge metals to the sparking point. Tesla expected .that ray-projected images could be directed into the eyes, b~en seen through contact. His theor y included the notion that the r-et. ina wa:; an ~;.d ect r- i c:a 1 . tenn ina 1 o~ g t-eat articulate detail. He thought that if the rays could be carefully chosen, they might reach the range a+ v isible sight. Requiring special impulse frequencies as well as special tubes , Tesla engaged the search with enthusiasm . But the aetheric streams proceeding -from these special tubes , contrar y to his o r igi nal suppos :it ion, fH d not convey im.:\ges C:•.t a 11. In +ac·t they wen? ~ound to have no such ability, producing only a grey and leaden sleep, a state not at all like that expected. The later horror o-f reading Tesla"s accounts concerning his e xposure to such very special radiations has a curious aspect. His detailed reports in these regards filled the academic journals of the day, bei ng adequate resources -from which to draw new information. His exposure to these beams is -followed by accounts in which Tesla describes the sensations produced by ''looking into the tube". An "i ntet- na 1 r-ae ket " with "successive shocks in the eye " being n:~por-tE)d; Tesla f:elt no other· ill e-f-fects ~r-om his t- e1.ys. The ef-fects of these very special radiations on Tesla seem not a t all similar to those one would expect were they composed o f ordinary X-Rays. being inc onsistent with the excessive age to which Tesl~ reached. While this practice is to be absolutely avoided, the tubes of Tesla were obviousl y also very special in theit~ char-acter-. In l ate r years, Dr. Thomas H. Moray developed discharge tubes which had similar vitalizing properties. Although their secret remains well concealed~ it has been reported that exposure to the ~lesh - permeating pink lig ht results in v ital states nat unlike those associated with vitamin injections. The light actual ly appears right through the hand, and exhibits curative properties. It is not possible to achieve these results with ordinary discharges~ a ~act corroborated by both Tesla and Moray. Deep insight being required to produce such radiant emissions~ the ability o~ most experimenters o~ the century•s turn did not succeed in duplica ting Teslian "ver·y special" r-adiances. These ene r·get ic emissions, most cer·tainly ·l"l·-E:l.Vi~ th~? ,:~ttr·ibu.t.e s o~ light, were claimed to yield e xcessively clear images. A gaseous stream o~ aether would necessarily give better de~inition than ordinary light , being theoretically mare re~ined than li g ht. This was the working hypothesi s on which Tesla based his original television system. It was known that the retina could be rendered phosphorescent , a condition observed with the production o~ special ultraviolet apparatus. Tesla did not ~ind in these very special ' radiations.a means ~or conveying imagery directly into the retina. Working with the idea that such streams did cause phosphorescence in mineral-coated screens, it was di~~icult to imagine why a simple adjustment o~ the streams themselves would not e~~ect a similar phosphorescence in ~he retinal sur~ace d irectl y. The streams caused a noticea bl e eradication o~ light and visual sense, not an intensi~ication or increased resolution o~ imagery as he supposed. For a while~ Tesla was ba+~led with the puzzle be+ore him. But it was not i n relationship with these energetic electrically stimulated streams that Tesla realized his most exceptional discovery in these regards. 11.5 VRIL AND GEOELECTRICITY From the ~irst days when researchers drove rods o+ copper, zi n c , or iron into the ground there have been strange e~+ects noted in e lec t t·i cc.d systems. In .:H1 ear· J.iet· time ~t- ame:, such locations were identi+ied by sens1tives and geomancers. Once termed as sacred spots, the impatience o~ the emerging communications industry brushed past all the ancient sensitivities with characteristic brusque disapproval. Nevertheless, these sites became the contemporary origin o+ numerous paranormal occurrences. Dowsers were employed by the Wester·n Union Telegr·aph Sy stem to locate "good gr·oLtnd". Th1;~se locations def: i€.~d theor.. etical concept·s o-f batter·y action, o-ften not being ~ound whet"e they "should be": near· lakes, swe.mps, and streams. Examination o~ the dep th in which the groundplates were buried did not adequately prove the role o-f ground water or water table in the phenomenon. These points D~ "good g r·oLm d " wer· e k nm-Jn to be per- ~ect -few the placement o+ telegraph terminal groundplates. Buried in these locations, telegraph systems were endowed with enormous "·electr·icalu n:sults. These points t·elee.sed pr-odigious amounts ot= an elecb·ical cun··ent into the teleg t·,:l.ph ste:1tion. Being unidirectional in nature , the power w~s u s ed by +rugal stations owners to oper a te thei r li nes +or decades ... wi thout batteries. These powerpaints cou l d not be pred icte d by theoretica l a nalysis. They could not be +ound, the r esult o + any grid system. One had need o+ employ ing natural sensitives +or the l ocation o+ such gt-oLlndpoints. Th ei t· . locati·o n o+ten t·equ i t· ed gt·eat skill a.nd patience ~ the +ocal diamet er o+ten be ing less t ha n a ya rd . It is yet possib le to +ind s uch points with a carbon rod probe. Carbon , inert when used in halide so luti on batter ies, a cts as a power+ul receiving materia l +or ground energies. Conduc ted during w inter ~ one +inds the persistence o+ g round currents desp ite the har d +rozen grounds. A iron rod is driven into the ice-hard ground and connected t o a sensitive g alvanometer. The other terminal is connected to the ine rt carbon rod. Probi ng the earth with the carbon r o d, the experimenter +i nds with amaz ement el ectri ca l regi strat ions whi c h can be identified in ver y precise groundpoints. Dramatic electrical rise can o+t en be foun d t o within a diameter o+ one inch when passing across the ground sur-face. These electrical touchpoints grow in power with time, dis appeari ng compl etely when th~ rods are withdrawn +or an instant. One perce ives that t he energy wh ich is draw n up to the ground sur-face can also quickl y wit hd raw. I n t his ~ we recogn ize bioresponsive dynamics. The astut e and sensit i ve investigator will o-ften -find that the c urrent s flood ove r i n eidetic disch arge s ~ being the literal exchange o-f eidetic messages between trees and ot her vegetation . A simple multilayer coil was buried at the roots o-f oak trees. Stubblefield noted that the weak electrolytic currents were gradually augmented by the appearance of currents ''having commercial value'' . Tesla corroborated the existence of these loci, and measured their vibrating outputs with accurate instt"uments. Some ·spots ~·Jen:::; found to be mor·e enet"g-etic: in theit· geoelectric output than others. This was thought due to geologically related ~actors. When geologists were later sent out in seat·ch o-f t.he:-: act:ive 01·· "good gr·ounds" , neithet· electt·ic,:\1 measuring devices nor geologic a l survey map could predict their location. This truth was as ba-f~ling as the ma ni-festation i tse l-f. 1~ no geological pattern could be discerned among these geoelectric points, what indeed caused the activity? Not every ore body released geoelectric phenomena~ nor did every watery gt·ound. The identi-fication o-f such stationary wave-release points represents much more than an untapped natural resource capable of eradicating the fuel cartels. Being natural wells where a host of conjugate energies simultaneously appear, these points represent a me a~s by which world-wide communications ca n be achieved i n way never before drea med. While most were thoroughly entrenched in electrical methodologies, the most fundamental manifestation o-f these loci were being discovered by a small group of independent medital researchers. The resultant science of RADIONICS prove that the permeating ef-fects o~ a highly organized and patternate nature actually rule all inertial +orces and their processes. 11.6 NATURAL ELF It is di-f+icult to discuss radioelectric VLF and ELF without a necessary survey o+ infrasound and its associated phenomena. Infrasonic components are generated in the environment through the application o+ ELF outputs . Radioelectric VLF and ELF sti mul ate massive vi brations through the tensions, torques, and stress~s which they induce in the iner tial component of matt er. Large mass ive objects r espond wit h powerful vibrations when conducting natural ELF. Large sections of the terrestrial ground mea s urable vibrate during episodes wh en geoelectric ELF surges are r e leased. Whil e geoelectric a nd solar e l ectric ELF stimulate a variety o+ effects, their primary force seems to produce two major components. The energetic complex f ormed by natural ELF energies in the physical environment is a biohazardous combination of radioelectric ELF and infrasound. Objects v ibrate until the shattering point during certain ELF episodes. Not much ELF amplitud e is required to produce such infrasonic ma terial stresses. Not much ELF Complex amplitude is required to produce physiological mal ady. Several researchers accidentally did themselves great har m when, by deliberate intent or accident, they succeeded in generating ELF v ibrations. Tesla used vibrating platfot·ms as a.n aid to vi ta. lit y . He delighted in " toning the bod y " with vibnational platfm·ms o+ his o vm design. t-1ounted on heav y rubber pads~ these pl a t for ms were v ibrated by simple motot·ized "eccentl-- ic" wheels. Theit· mild use, few a mir1L!te, could be pleasantly stimulating. The effects invigorated the whole body for hours thereafter. Excessive use would produce grave illness ho wever, excessive aggravations of the heart being the most dangerous as~ect of the v ib ra n t stimulation. The e ntire bo dy "t·ang" ·rot· ho•_ws with a.n e l eva.ted he.:a t·t t·ate and gt· ea.tly stimulated blood pr essure. The e~fects could be deadly. In. one hi stc:n·ic instance. - Sa.muel Clemens . Tesla.'s close ~riend~ re~used to descend from.the vibrating pl~tform. Tesla was sorry he had allowed him to mount it . A~ter repeated warni ngs, Tesla's conce~n was drowned ou t b y both the vi brating mac hine and Clemens• jubi l ant e xa ltations and praises. Sever al more seconds a nd Clemens ne ar l y soiled hi s white su it . The e~+ects o~ i n-f t·a sonic vibt·ation on the human body ~·Jas t h en "duly t·eco t· de"?d" . Tesla o-ften wen t to great leng t h s in describing the e~~e cts o+ in-f rasounds to newspaper reporter s who , behind his back ~ sc o~ -fed at the notion . t hat a "li ttle sound" could £~-f+c:.~ct suct-1 deva.stations . Yet~ it ~-~a:-:; pn;:-cisely wi th s uc ·h 21. "li ttle sound" that Tes l a nearl y brought down his laboratory on Houston -Street. Hi s compact in+rasonic impulse rs were terri bly e++icient. Tesla later designed and tested in-fras onic impulse weapons capable o+ wrec king buildings and wh ol e cities on command . It is not coincide nt al that Tesla investigated t he related e++ects of ELF radioimpulses and so nic impulses. Radioelectric impul ses c+ten produces sound. Ta ke +or e xample the loud humming sound s wh ich appliances o +ten em it . Loose coils and other components o+t e n radiate sixty-cycle AC tones o+ a remarkable penetrating nature. But the re are nat ural insta nces in whi ch both ELF radi opu lsations a n d their r el ate d comp lex o+ in+rasoun ds oc c ur . Ba rom etr-ic var iation s~ registered in the acoustic ELF r ange precede eart hquakes. The power o+ these pulsations is enormou s~ measur e d both in baro meters a nd in e l ectrometers s imultaneous l y . But t her e are i nstances in which no se i s mograph ic r eg i stration corresponds to the e normous barometric + luct uations . Such mysteriou s a nd s udd e n barometric variations in dicate that nat ur a l in+raso n ic generation has a much wider source t ha n the s ubterranean earth . Space project s groundward ELF Compl exes with enormou s pro+iciency . The years 1840 t hr ough 1 890 we r e abso lut e l y unprecedented in the numbers and intensities o+ s uch auroral storms. Auroras wer e seen a t atypical locatio ns in the daylight. A specia l group o+ observers were estab li s hed to monitor these a ur ora l a n d other cataclysmic co nd itions in the environment. The Carnegie I nsti t u te was o ne suc h l aborato r y where a host o+ environmental observatio n s were made on a cont inual basis. T he mo<:i iJ o+ thr:-: · tirnes ~A.I a. l·· t·ant e d this ~·mr· ld " w,?.tc h" , the ge n e t·a.l impr ess ion being t hat a world s ha k ing eve nt was a bout to b e unleas hed. Victorian investigators obser ved the erratic rotations o+ co mp ass needl es during each a ur or a l ep i so d e. These c omp ~:tss s ign a~ure s signalled the a r rival o+ an auroral ep i so d e in a {=ew hou r·s. Comprehend ing the nearl y i nstantaneou s mag n etic registration as a resul t o+ c o nnective -f i eld cur r e nts , Tesla wrote exte n s iv ely on the topic . With respect to the associate a nd conj ugate appearance o + ELF Comp l exes during the terres t rial rec e ption o~ so lar +la r es , there exis t .a primary and immediate ma ni +es tati o n with which Tesla was most a wa re. The r ecept i on o+ dielectric currents occurs with the ver y o nset o+ solar +la r es, being connected di r ectly with the gr ou nd. Speci+ i c locations seem especia ll y recep tive o+ so l ar em i ss ions. Ot he r l ocations, de+ined points in the topog rap hy . seem especially receptive o+ ot her as tf··oma nt.ic Pt·oject.ions. It v-1as in t h esE:~ t·eqa t·d s that: he-:· developed syst~ms +o r int e rpl a net a ry commun ication ~ . Hi s syste ms involved - the use of dielectric currents~ not particles . In more terrestrial applications. the auroras exhibited deleterious effects on communications and other electrotechnology. Telegraphic stations experienced astounding hazardous electrifications during this time, operators having been killed by the room-long discharges which crackled out of telegraph keys "swish~ ct·ackle~ si:·:zle!, and . .• thunder· ·" . Quantitative analysts cannot understand how these sounds can be "heat·cl" but not t· ec:or·ded. It i:;?t· " o·f th(:: nt. t he lit er·al "gt· o und 1ng of the aurora'' into an elevated radio tower was observed by a number of astounded witnesses . The on-duty radio e ngineer o+ the station s uddenly heat·d a ct.. ac:kling sound which came "t-::t-om eve t·yw het·e". Un a bl e to transmit a n y sig n al power. the radiosystem failed completely. Me an wh i l e ~ he felt completely electri~ied and smelled o zone everyw here. Not realizing what was happening all around him~ he believed that the transmitter had somehow gone awry. Hearing and feeling a deep humming sound aroused ~ear. Nume rou s witnesses who saw the event, describing the colored column o~ light which suffused the tower, ~eared he might have been killed by its ~rig ht ening permeations. The au.r-ot· al high pitched "sizzling" a.nd " s wishing" sounlis are augme nt ed by deep and ominous thrumming. The ELF combination o ~ electrical an d acoustic pulsations, deep a nd ~righteningl y power~ul tone s ~ s weep through the bodies o~ li s teners who are ~ortunate enough to survive the dangerous encounter. These permeations produce an ir rit ability and a dizzying nausea . The soL~ds associate d with these electrific at ions were always equated with evil by the Es kimaux. Their legends of the aurora are al ways fear - filled. The trademark o~ anxiety and dread highl y characteristic of ELF enerqi es. their tales also recount the "t.a.king" of soLtls by the -"gt"OLlnd wc<. lkin<;_~" aLwot·a. l\lumet-CJUS observers have reported that the aurora actuall y ''swept along the ground'' like a column descending ~rom the sky~ taking a multicolored appearance all along its meandering path. Others have watched the aurora descend and remain hovering over a meadow . Yet others have observed such auroras touch ground, and take on an uncharacteristic green coloration, spraying bright drops o~ light all around the column . Blasting through interplanetary space, solar flares assault the earth with an aperiodic barrage of stupendous proportion. Their disturbing effect on electrical systems is historically noted. The terrestrial effects of such sudden pulsations in outer space has resulted in large scale power outages , the amperage induced in pcwerlines and steel pipelines reaching dangerously extreme levels. Some 139 solar flares were r ecorded between 1980 and · 1983. There is a statistical 155 day per iodic ity in solar flares. a rhythm often violated by several interstitial flares . Principally used for predicting their expectable effect on radio communications, specific milita r y observers monitor solar flares with continued concern. The appearance of e lectrical power surges during solar +lare events has amounted to many hundreds or even thousands o+ amperes line- induced current. Northern lands design their power systems to accommodate these periodic mani+estations o+ great power . Oil lines in northern lands must be carefully grounded and insulated to prevent the continuous induction o+ Such harm+ul electrical surges. Standing arcs of brilliant blue current have been observed upon the surface o+ loose pipe joints during solar +lares and strong auroral episodes. Travelling at thousands o+ miles per hour and charged to enormous potentials, flare pressures aperiodically barrage the neutral atmosphere. These violent dielectric c ur rents do not stop at the atmospheric blanket. The explosive influence of vast electrostatic power s hocks the e nt1 re weather system through the very ground (Jacobs, Patel~ . Cahill). Electricall y active +lare di sturbances violently disrupt all atmospheric processes. The ve ry obvious outlines of flare contacts with the atmosphere can be traced as major pressure changes on weather maps. Solar flare impacts strike the earth like a bell. Auroras result~ and have been correlated with thunderstorm activities nlax ~"--i ncl<.::;, c::a n bE! SE'e n a~~ "C hl~·:~e:lni " patterns on weather maps and in cloud ~o rms. In these patterns~ constantly evidenced throughout aurora l a.nd atmosphet·ic act-ivities. we glimpse the tt·w:: causa.tive agency respon s ible ~or stimulating all q~ these mani~estaticns. Wherever biohazardous inert ia l states are encount e red. ther e we wil l see e vi dence that black radiant Vril is per -forming its an ta gonistic functions. In a inannet· which i s t.cd:a.lly tJiologi c al in t·e spons e ~ Vril threads actively dissolve inertial conc e nt rat io ns. When this occut-~3 ~ \.'Je obs~?t"V f:? "natut·al t?lect ric and ma<:_lnetic: d ispla y~;". T h e patternate core o~ these displays is net the result o+ ine r tial t·esponse. It i s the r·esult Clf a Vt·il action on inet·tial space. Iner·tial" r·esponse is chat·act.et·istically chaotic, incapable of producing, sustai ning , or conveyi ng any organi zation. Bl ack radiant Vril ma ni+est. s its el+ t hroug h out all these phenomena, being the generator o~ organization. · Both solar flares ~n d the normal thrummings of the solar wind exhibit a combined electrostatic and infrasonic pulsati o n througho u t t he a tmos phe re. The ELF and in ~ raso ni c shockwaves +rom the aurora are normal ly not heard , but definitely sensed. Measurements have registered a conti nual infrason ic background noiSE' 1evel. Tl'l is p n~ssun? ~'?nc~t··gy em;:;~.na.tes "-ft·om above" a tmospher ic strata, r ad iating downward in large patterns. Atmospheric ELF Complexes ar e most strongly meas ur ed during daytime hours, a clear indication of their source i n the intermittent expuls1ons o+ solar wind. Atmospheric ELF Comple xe s arrive at measuring stations with pi tch between .67 and 1. 5 cyc les . pet· S('?Ct::>nd. Theit· pitch c ont.inuous l y osci lla.tf~S b(et~'-lE?en .67 and .83 c ycles per second . These p r essure waves are powerful and massive~ like waves o f the ocean in whi c h o n e is helpless . These solar source d infrasonic:: impacts ver y defi n i te ly correlate with sudden swings in human beha vior~ having very obvi ous soci ological implications. In t he minds of invest igato r s such as Tesla and Keeley, the energetic content of at mospher ic ELF represented a vast and untapped potential. Buried steel spheres and their thi n copper tubes success-fully produced barometric pressures cap ab le of raising massive objects. Thomas Edison and ethers demonst r ate d the use of such sound in driving whee l s ~es . Physiology r ema ins p a r a l y z ed b y sho rt exposure to ELF Compl exes (Herin> . Phys i ology r ages antagoni s tically a fte r such b iohaza rdous e xpos ures, Vril fig ht ing to maintain b ioorganismic equilibrium. ELF Compl exes s ti mulate middl e ear disruptions, ruining organismic equilibrium. The effect is like severe and prolong e d seas ic k ness. ELF Complexes immobil i ze th e i r v ictims . Restoration to no rma l v italit y requires several hours, or even da ys. Expos ur e to mild ELF intensit ies produces illn ess~ bu t inc r eased inte nsities r esult in deat h. It is very ev ide nt that inerti a l impressment s can inf l uence behavi o r by di stor t ing visceral r esponses and consc ious perceptions . Devices which ac hi e ve t hese objectives, i nfernal machines, s ucceed o nl y in so e nraging Vril tha t it res p o nds with violent a n tago nism on behalf o~ bioorg a ni s ms to destroy the irrita nt. Anomalies observed at mili tary ELF stations s houl d suf~ic i e n tly wa rn thei r op erato r s o~ a n i mp ending per so n al doom. Alarming r esponses to ELF Complexes have been a ccu rat ely recorded by mi l ita r y me dic a l expe r ts . Sc hol a r s do n o t sp e cu l a te o n t h e agg r essive pu rs uit a~ these st u d i e s thr o u ghout t h e t we nty y ea rs following ~t-ltJ ~.aJ at· II. F'at"ticipants have nevr.:H- come ~o t"Wc. Such ELF triggered modi+ications are stored in restructured physiochemical form. Altered cardiac rhythms. with pulse rates rising to 40 percent of their rest va lues, are the precursors to other pre-lethal states . Coughing, severe sternal pressure ~ choking, excessive salivation, extreme swallowing pains , inability to breathe. headache, and abdominal pain is observed between 60 and 73 cps (Lotmar. Altmann, Weise). Cardiovascula r arrhythmia develops in long term ELF e xposure . Blood +lc•cc:ulation, st:dime n ta.tion. and coagulation, in VLF ranges o~ 10,000 cps . Long after their irritating presence has ceased , physiological reaction to EL F Comp le x es rem ains. Post e xp o su re · ~atigue is marked. Certain subject s continue to cough and vomit ~or hal+ an hour, while many continue the skin-+lush mani~estation ~ or up to four hours. Increased body weight and edema is a physiological response to mild ELF exposure , '-/LF t t·am.;missions m.:l ni·fe s .t..ed .::•. ma r·ked geodinz~ c t ic:m al it y. Despite thes e a nomalous a n d p a r anormal man i+est ations, t he longterm result s o+ such e nergetic applications were always deleterious . Controlling district integrity in +u ndame nta l eidetic parameters, the subterranea n Vri l Stratum began ac c umulating and mai nta in ing b1 o hazardous st at es . Later ae r ial radio pro duce d i ts stro ng er mo d i+icat i ons on the overlying Vril strat a in which bioorganisms had their p r i nc ip le habitat ion. When rad i oelectric current is app li e d to the ground, Vril bec om es enraged a nd over whel ming in its response . Necessary fo r t he ma int ena nce o+ bioorganismic integri t y, eidetic currents must never be irritated by any ext ernal means. We recall that d ouble ground elec tr i c a l systems grip the Vr il stratum whi c h unde r l ies districts. Applying power~ul irri tatio ns direct l y into this de nsi+ ied stratum o~ cu rrents, entire regio ns o+ ground become dangerous ly overactive and over inertialized. Applications o+ el ect ric a l irr itan ts cause eidetic currents t o s hi~t +rom i nse nsate states to s e nsat e states. Th i s convers ion proc ess res u l t s in a derangement in the normal inert i al d i s s olving process ~ with unus ual perceptual distortions the res ul t . Throughout the early Twent iet h Century, inventors sou ght methods and means for generating either alternatio ns , oscill ations, or · unid ir ecti o nal impu lses s pe ci~ically ~o r rad io communications systems . In e a c h s uch patent we +in d t he repetiti ve, pl agiari st ic trail which leads directly back to i ts s ource. Tes la had earliest patented all methods for mechanicall y and electrically generating all manner o f high powe r electrical discharge ; whethe r alternations. oscillations, or unidirect i onal. But Tesl a empl oyed onl y his own speci al unid i rec tio na l cur re nts o + h ig h volt a ge diel ectr icit y in the operation o~ these d esig ns , a principle whic h seemed to elude the very bes t invent ive minds o+ the day . The ~irst designs which Tesla rev eale d d id not and could not utilize electron currents. They utilized dielectric currents~ and h ave remained the bafflement of all electrical engineers to this date. Various VLF and ELF generating systems were developed by other designers after Tesla. systems which never equalled or duplicated results actually obtained by Tesla. The patents of Fritz Lowenstein. an assistant to Tesla . offer us serious insight into the secret work of Tesla himself. They are obvious misappropriations of Teslian developments . They indicate the Lowenstein himself did not grasp the most basic intentions of Tesla. Intent on achieving or surpassing Tesla, each designer strove along with Hertzian wa0es, using Tesla now-abandoned high frequency alternators to achieve their bombastic goals. Valdemar Poulsen produced very large versions of the original Tesla magnetic interrupter for use in Hertzian wave transmitters. These mammoth installations provided power for a host o~ improper applications. Marconi. insisting on the use o~ Hertzian waves For telecommunications, developed huge aerial radiosysteffis which employed Poulsen Arc ge nerator s . Throughout these years~ Tesla"s work was copied and adapted to the waste~ul wave transmitters. Tesla never required such energetic appl1cations~ patiently describing the high ef~iciency o~ care+ully designed impulse C i t"CU its • The progressive movement o~ radio~ from subterranean to aerial Vril strata. effected strong changes bn consciousness directly. ModiFica tions in the Vril strata which lie above ground e+~ect specific kinds o+ modulations in the aur1c environment. These energies~ being conducted through the aerial Vril stratum, a+Fect all bioorganisms directl y through the aura. When aerial radio shifted into shortwave energies, the most inaccessible aerial Vril strata were directly engaged. Touched by these inertial shortwave streams, the upper Vril Stratum responded with a downpour o~ highly collimated spacic Vril discharges . Normally discharged from astromantic sources into Fixed groundpoints, raybeam and wavebeam radiosystems helped rediscover what ancient astromancers had always known: columnar channels where space energies blend into the Vril matrix. Once so received into their groundpoints~ these astromantic currents modiFy and alter consciousness directly through auric connection. The antagonistic interaction of Vril with electrical generators . Recall that l'es la"s radioelectric pulsations did not employ Lodge harmonic resonance, and were not there~ore capable o+ stimulating Hertzian waves . Tesl i an impulse vib r atio ns are unidirectio nal. electrostatic components. They do net ride between ground-ionosphere wav eguides. Tesla made these ~acts per~ectl y clear in h is polemic on "The Tr·ue Wit"E?le ss " und", no . solar conditions , season , weather , and diu rnal hour pro duc e d over one gigawatt o+ pu l sed peak powet· ~ being multicavity ma.gn(,?·tt· ons of o-vet· one metet· in diameter. Osable tra nsverse RF energy was de l ivered along tight b eams in a ttempts at du plicating the e++ects described by Tesla. This er roneou s view ind icate d a tota l ignora n ce o~ Tesla's true discovery. Nevertheless~ the Russian militar y yet commands treme ndo u s radar power sources which can be uti l ized i n a n y n Ltmb et" o + tact i c: a 1 a p p 1"i c a ·t i on s . I t. i s c l ea t· t h a. t • i n a d d it i on t o t hese huge radar systems, stupendous power potentia l s a re available for delivering VLF and ELF pulsations to suitable aer ial st ructures. PROJECT SANGUINE,. of dubious function, has been promoted as a submarine communications system throughout t he publically accessible bibliography. Deeper still are those realizations by which we ~ecognize the hallmarks of weaponr y and deadl y systemologies. SANGUINE is billed as a system which needs not operate at high power ratings in order to reach submerged submarines. Disseminators of such disinformation suggest that the biological effects of PROJECT SANGUINE are so minuscule at thes e insi g nifi ca nt pow~r levels as to be ignore d. The power rati ngs they test and base their statements upon are indeed less than ten wa tts. But this placation fails under closer scrutiny. SANGUINE is constructed to accommodate megawatt pulses . Military and Gover nment-affiliated engineering researchers declare the regional effects which SANGU~NE ELF alte rnation s will produce when once the system reaches megawa tt amplitudes is stupendous. What then is this but a military weapon system? ~LF spreads out as it propagates. In a military scenario , the p rojection o+ ELF Complexes from such an exte ns ive l y dep loyed system would be strategically decisive. When once released into the environment~ the +ocal center o+ EL F Complexes could ne ve r be localized or eradicated. There are now a great number o+ individual SANGU INE sites. Together. these produce the composite ELF signal. An obvious +law in military public relations concerning PROJECT SANGUINE centers a round the location of trans+ormer a ntennas. One well might ask why a submarine communications system is ground-based so +ar inland. Might not a better conductive arrangement place the terminals dir ectly in the available seacoasts? I+ seacoasts are considered vul nerab l e" then there are any number o+ coastal sites +rom which ELF energies might well be introduced directly into the open seas . All o+ these obj~ctions and suggestions would be important i+ SANGUINE wer e truly a su bmari ne co mmunications system. There being no mil itary advantage to placing the transformer antennas i nland, we must suspect that the project has noth ing whatsoever to do with c ommunications at all. Numerous military-+unded invest igati ons have more recently been compiled to study the effects of strong VLF and ELF r adio impul ses o n huma n behavior. This is; u sually cotJc t1e d 21~; "c:once t- n ·Fot.. t r, e pt.t IJ 1 i c ttJe l·Fa r·· e u at· "stJ binar· i ne~ conHnLtn ic<:\t:ions syst:erns". These weak smokescreens are incommensurate with va rious recovered patents in which we see militar y applications a+ ELF pulse tec hnology clearly stating their objectives as both na tur al and behavior modi+i catio n systems. I+ military reports make an opened show of r.:onc:et·n ·few the "low lEo?vel ELF" whic:h could "lr:::ak into social ~~E?Cte gigantic~ though moving along a road which ran at a +ew hundred feet distance. Each o+ these e++ects occurred during the daytime • •• Iong after the Magni+ier had been deactivated: The lingering results of this operation was not at all taken to be the resu l t o+ continuous aetheric streams. In this report, Tesla a l so casually mentions the st ri k ing a nd noumenous presence o+ a su++usive a n d "ink y black" t·adi a nce a.ssocia.te d with moonlight. Tet~l.~. equ~.ted thi s inky blackness with the Crookes radiant dark space ••• an astounding equation. one which i s not coincide ntal. Previously mentioned by Tesla in connection with small laboratory tr ansmitter operations . he had once made re+erence to the +act t hat he cou ld draw cont inuous amounts of energy l ong after his transmitters were deactivated. Operating var ious devices with energ y +rom space~ his co nsistent observation that long silvery white and clingy t hreads could be drawn from objects throughout a demonstration space. This once convinced him that the continuous flowing energy was aet heric in nature, the result of e l ectrostatic coherence in the aetheric atmosphere. But these perceptual distortions · were not the result of aetheric streams. If the optical and experiential distortions were the result o~ light, diffracted b y dielectric distortions, they would n ever have been so prolonged in e++ect to continue into the day light hours. Dielectric lines straighten themselves from any externally app lied deformations at highest speeds. Though more highly defined than even the light particles, which he imagined to be the cause for visual continuity, Tesla could not account for these pur~ly eidetic effects . He recalled the effect of his vacuum tubes on perception and their lingering after-effects throughout the space of his demonstration hall. Recall what Tesla had discovered when experimenting with his vacuum projection tubes. Hoping to sight projected images directly. he succeeded only in being painfully occluded and barraged b y inertial energies. The eidetic flow occ~rred ~or hours after the exposures. a time period during which Vril was repairing damage done to both Tesla and the environment through ray exposures. It was clear that the application of elect ri cal e nergies brought only occlusions . The proB l em once again required new analysis. How to send images through space directly with electricity? The answers came +rom- unexp e cted sources much later . • . without the use of e l ectrical energy at all. Eidetic and inertial components remain separate, being mutually exclusive. Each realm produces experiential ef+ects which are mutually antagonistic. While body permeating ELF signals interact with neurophysiology. they do not interact with the aura. Auric anatomy is not electric in nature, and does not partake o+ electrical interactions however permeating. In all o+ this, later military analysts saw a powerful means +or modify ing the consciousness and phys iological states of dit~; tant. population~.;. In this ph<':l.se oi:: Tf2sl2.'' ~> wc:n-k~ govet-r-.rnent aligned researchers saw a new means for controlling behavior dinectly. The nev~ study wt:1S n.::~.me.•d "psychott·onics", one who:.e application had gained popularit y throughout the period between the World Wars . It was seen by independent researchers that changes in the Vril Matrix could e~~ect changes in the auric states of bioorganisms directly. Either through the air or into the ground, experiments in electrotechnology accidentall y realized the new r egion-modifyi ng technology by which defined changes in weather patterns could be effected . Working with those guidelines which Tesla outlined before the turn of the C~ntur y, certa in researchers developed shortwave radioelectric devices which e radicated disease states and raised physiological vitality :posL.we to t·adic)Ct.lt"n?.nt~;~ then? i s a. -t:inf~ ·eJr-· det· o-r:: detail v~hich is not much discussed in this regard . Exposure to radiowaves can stimu late healing responses in individuals CTesla, D'Arsonval~ Lahovsky~ Rife). How then can the same energies stimulat~ deg e nerati ve processes? Careful examination shows that the interactive antagonism which occurs between radioenergies and Vril response o~ten ~ equires the exile o~ bioorganisms from t he site. Hideousl y magnified sensate Vril has stimulated the rapid dissolution o~ inertial space, o ~ ten permeating bioorganisms beyond the nf..\tLwal abi 1 ity tc:• withstand. In n<::ttut·al at"f.?n<::~.s, me>st bicorganisms rapidl y vacate the area in order to escape the mag nified black radiance. Magnitudes of these levels accelerate the personal dissolution o~ absorbed inert ia~ a process which is Pf..~:i n·Ful. It is imperative that we comp r ehend our own personall y i n terblended state within the Matrix. E~~ects o~ tec hnolog y on exper ience spread rapidly throughout the experiential Matrix~ bringing either greatly magni~ied eidetic or inertial states to each recipient. Increased inertial states bl ock extensive free auric projecti v 1ty throughout the Vril Matrix . This produces very speci~ic occlusions in both sensation and consciousness, a biotoxic condition through which mos t auric sens iti vity is blocked within a determined experiential range. The utilization o~ ELF pulsati o ns e+fectivel y blocks the population ~ro m reaching ~ull consciousness through excessive auric resistance. Beyond the eidet i c occlusive e+~ects, it is entirel y possible to entrain recipients into +ixed behavioral modes. ELF impulses +low through physiology. coupling with bioneurology. Suc h regionally a pp lied electrical vibrations cannot be shielded out o+ experience by ordinary means, entering and in+iltrating grounded conductive +oundations . ELF vibrations enter physiology and ENTRAIN re s ponses in the autonomic ner vous system. Militar y st udi es wer e conducted to determine the exact e+~ects o+ ea ch vibratory range~ originally a Teslian objective. Inertial space occludes the auric a natomy, producing physiology. Phy sio logy shrouds the r eal so lids~ the ideal +or ms upon which material objects are each +ramed (Platen) . These ideal eidetic solids give each material object its peculiar qualities. Terrestrial matter has been contaminated by inertial occlusions. Matter abso rbs a certain degree o~ inertial space, acquiring this contamination. The idea l so lids, upon which material object s are each ~ramed, a~·e not "impLwe". t·1atet· ia.l objects axe a.ll eidetic pt·ojections . They are all generated by the external consciousness, by Vril. T here~or e ~ material obJects are each. to cer t ain degree~ in need o+ liberation +rom the inertia which they absorb. Wilhelm Reich observed the complete neutralization and reversal o+ radioactive materials under such articulate impressments. His +amed accumulator s and cloudbusters e++ectivel y demonstrated the dangerous interac tions occurring between Vril rich currents and radioactive ef+luxes. It had been ~ound t hat ground r adi onic instruments can neutra lize electrical energies. This neutrali zatio n takes the ~orm of an e++ect which gradually spreads and g~ows throughout the grounds into which radionic instrumentation is applied. With no more power than that taken ~rom the ground itsel~, pure Vril, one may re-patte rn the ground prevalent energies~ selectivel y raisi ng certain patterns and decreasing others. In the process o+ entuning the ground~ one recognizes that electrical systems are directl y impacted. Neutralization through radioni c app l ication has pr oduced remarkable e+fects in electrical systems . In c ertain cases electrical lighting systems were neutralized (Vogel), regional network power systems destroyed (Consta bl e), and local utility power boxes twice deadened CVassilatos>. I nertia l space in fact~ has no de f ense against such permeations of articu late Vril. Desp ite having potent inertial entrainment pot ent ials" impressments of inertial energy cannot resist Vril dissolution. When appropriatel y grounded inst r uments are employed against these onsla ughts ~ it has been experimentall y verif ied that they fail . Su rprisingl y small instruments have alrea dy been used to neutralize the lo cal e~fects which have bee n directly linked with the operation o+ bot h HAARP and SANGUINE. I t is possible to determine when HAARP is on line and active. The ordinary mean s o+ determining these are ~ound in th e physiological responses. Deep inaccess ible neuralgic p a in is experienced be~ore the entunement pro c edure. DAce this sl i ght procedur e has been completed, the pain and local mani~estations of increased inertia confirms the suspi cion. A periodic rhythm being established in procedure at sunset and sundown~ we are able to demonstrate the decisive r emoval of the merel y inertial ef~ects of both infernal weapons. Radionic articulations absolutely ru le inertial dynamics. It is in the natur e o+ Vril black radian ce to h ave the ~u nda me n ta l dominion over all inert ial species, by-products i n which radiotechnolog y now entirely operates . Beth designers and engineers attempted to forge their own autonomous technological path, completely ignoring the Vril manifestations which suffused their early devices. In doing this, they effecti ve ly separated themselves from the direct Vril empowerment of their systems . The very thought of grounding a blank tuning inst r ument +rem ground seems completely laughable. Ne vert heless ~ photograp hic emul sio ns a n d other mo re object1ve proof has shown the presence o+ a neutral black rad iant energy having astounding articulate properties. Of the more +undamental and subjective att ri but e s of this energy~ one need not bring objective proof. Th e greater mani+estations of Vril articulate threads ar e ~ound entirely in subjective parameters. and must be exp er ienced. Without the communal experience previously discussed, there is no knowledge o~ eidetic reality CV . 8) . The inim icable communal participation , by which Vril energies are distinguished f rom all other energetic manifestations~ prove them to be the world-fundamental infrastructure. Vril precedes all matter~ being the generative source from whi c h material real ities spring (V.9l. Vril penetrating eidetic currents cavitate inertial space in distinct threads. Dissolving along these threadlines~ inertial space relinquishes its hold on consc iousness~ emotionality, and physiology. Sensit i ve visionar ies rea l ized long ago that inertial space and all o~ its bio-resistant manifestations can indeed be eradicated. Powerful dissolut ion in the inertial agglumeration can b e secured by the appropriat e technological art1~ 1 ce~ one o~ t he Vril Tec hn o l o g y tenets. In this s ing ular t h e~is~ one recogniz es that a n y IMPRESSMENT o~ eidetic i mag es can be received anywhere. pro v ided t hat these ~u nd ame n tal pr i nc iples are In e rtial ~o r ces st imulate the e le c tromag netic phosphenes CVa l entinu zz i). Oc ul o -neurologic al e ++ ects, t h e res u lt of p eak geomagnet i c and geoelectric emissi ons , have been erroneously cited as the causati ve a gencies in ei detic receptions (Pe rsinger) . Phos phenes are typical patterns evidenc ed when Vril di ssolves ine rtial be a ms . T he Vril Matrix dissolves eac h densi+ication o+ inerti al space~ m a ni ~esting the spo ntaneous ap p earance o+ elect romag net ic field e ne rgy a nd a host o+ particul ate detritus . Any envi r o nme n t al i ncrease in either is evidence o+ ins ens ate Vril d y nam i c s. The spontaneous a nd excessive manifestat ion o f opti cal l y vis ible p atterns such as p hc sphenes mar k s Vr il d y namic events. These ocular pat t erns do not compr i se e idetic images. Eidetic image s are whol e, li vi ng sc e n es g r eatl y resembling t h e n a ture of remote views. Ei d etic i magery f orms the constant conscious background ~ normall y ignored a nd s upre ssed by socially established discipl1nes. The r e a re societies whi c h do not s uppress t he constant eidetic f l ood . Eidet ic imagery has been t·e l e<:~a. tc-?d t o the t.. ea.l m o f "imagi n .:d:io n "~ suqgesi: i ng th a.t t i'"H? Y h ave n o realit y apart from the per cipie nt . ne ve rthele ss ~ there a r e all too-numerous occure n ces in which f r ee-sta nding eidet i c im E1gt:~s havc'E ;:;.ppeax E:·d. T he +a. med " F.c:\tt:\ 1v1c.1t·ga n a " , f t·ee~ - ~;t<:\ndi ng li v ing l andscapes of extreme de t a i l, have been obser ved by noteworthy wit nesses t hroughout hi story. Thei r observation thro u ghout Victorian times i s especially relevant to cur discussio n vhich transfers electricity by means of o. the original becau~e of tiJe clamping of the 85 , 35 spark or by convection. oscillatiOns. If. at this time. t.he brnshes 6 This invention will be more fullv ex- again make con'tn.ct with a. p·air of studs, a pla.ined in connection with the drawing snclili the :hnrge the reso" - ,- -- '. f . I. t - - L. l. L. l L - ·-~~~ 1,~.!0~~ r ~-· -~\)),, Jmnt circu it. Sim:e in this cle set up in the tuned circuit, which 7lJ llHS lh•riees dq.H'mling upon u spark. Since will com;cquent ly iueren~e the loud upon the t·ontuct is llunle only at the peak of the ,-.,] t.- alternator 12, and therefore abo on the mo- n•re wn n.~. ~J1e gciw.rator will not act as a tor 11. But the efl'ect of this increase in 10 :,}~urt-t;in·uiL t hrse iuduct to nnc t es he re llli~.Y sonant be dis cil'l;uit1 pensed and wit.h. loud is, as :;tatcd l>eforc, to lower the c ffecti ,.c ,·oltage o,·cr its te.n uiuah;, and the speed 7:;, l n orciN· t ltut the operation 5h nll be satisfn.~J of the shaft will therefore tend to fall again wry, it is essential that the speed of the to its original value. On the other hand, if motor be such as to insur!:' contact of a brusl: the speed of the motor is decreased, the fre- • lt> with n. stud once every cycle, or at least once erery two or three cycles, so that the de- cre:u::e in amplitude of the voltage wave, due to dampin~shall not be sufficient to produce lJHellcy dc,·elopecl by the alternator will depart still more from that rerJuired :for reso- so nance, the load on the generator and motor will ·decrease, the ,·oltnge oYer its terminals - n spark. vue, ho,vever, to the fv,ct that will increase, and consequerltly the speed ~ 20 there is then practically no tendtncy to will tend to rise again to the correct value. spark in this device, the studs 4 .:.nay be "What i_... cla;,~led is: ::;pacetl at distances small compared with 1. In an ost;illation generator, the combi- t.hose distances usual in the devices of the nation of a source of electrornotiYe force, a 1. b~s mentioned in which disruptive d:is- complete oscillation circuit, means for pe- :!5 charge takes place. For this reason, al- riodically connecting said circuit to said though it is required that a l arge number of source and for periodically isolating said 90 studs shall pas:> each brush per second, still circujt from said sour'ce. it is not net:essary that excessive speeds of 2.. An oscillation generat or comprising an rotation shnll be employed. The problem oscillation circuit havi.I1;5 n constant natural 30 of securing sufficiently hig:t mechanical frequency, n. source of electromotive force, speeds in those devices in which disruptive meanG for :;upplying said circuit from .said 95 disc:-har&e is relied upon has, as is well source at times differing by integral multi- known, llecn a difftcult one to solve. ple::; of a natural period of soid circuit, and The ·remainder of the d rawing represents translat ing means associated with said cir- 35 a mcrtns which may be used with this device cuit. for insuring n.pproximate constancy of speed. 3..An oscillation ger1-.!rator comprising an 100 Here, 12 is an alternating current generator oscilJntion circuit having a constant natural -u I~ ri&ridly conner.t,ad to the shaft 3 or ada,pted to be positively driven by it. This ~enera40 tor supplies a tnned circuit comprismg resistance 15, condenser 14 and inductance 13, connection being made to it by means of the ~lip rings 16. This r esonant circuit may obYiously be induded in the armature of the 45 alternator itself, but is here shown outside for the s:, ke of clearness. I t •-vill be ob- ,·ious th:1 ·· ben thtl alternator is driYen at :frequency, n source of elecLromoth·e force, contact-making means for establishing a metallic connection between the terminals of the resonant circuit and the terminals of the 105 source of electromotin force n.t times differ- ( ing by integral multiples of a natural period of said oscillation circuit. and transln.ting means associated with.snid circuit. 4. An oscillation ·generator comprising an llC osclllntion circuit haYing n. constant no.tural - n ::;peed osponding to the resonant fre- frequency, a source of electromotive· force, quency of ..1e tuned circnit, the power dis- conto.ct-making means for establishing a me- 50 ~ipnted in ·.he resistance o£ that tuned cir- tallic connection betrreen the terminals of (:uit will~ ' maximum, since the current in s;\id circuit and oh;aid source. at those times 115 it will be n maximum. This fact is made at •vbich the potential difference betwee-:1 the usc of in securing ' speed regulation in the terminals of the-oscillation circuit and those mn1mer to be described lntc·r. The motor of the source of (!lectromotive f orce is rela- &5 11 is supplied from a source of constant voltage 17, nnd hns included in its armature tively nted w istmh aslml1dacnidrcutrnit..ns ln.t ing means associ- 120 . circuit n. resistance 18. Rccnlli11g thn.t the ef- ;). ,\11 o~c; ii ntion ~;cnerntor comprising ~~ · ! feet of such n. resistance upon the ,,perntion of l'l'H<>n:tHt eircuit h:: l't iHr n constttnt an turn~ I the dirrct cUL-rcnt motor is to lower the ef- 1~·o fective voltage o,·er the terminu.ls of the ! ~j latter as the loarl increases. the method of • maintaining constant speed will now be ap- frerptency. a source of electromotive fore!.' - is anrl a rotating r.ontact-makin!! means where- bt~yonc lflrror m( ' nst ui.d supplied by n1et.allic source to said circuit ~ctonthdon..c.~- ~ 125 ..~ A l ft J 1 parent. WS~ppose that the resonant ~ircui.t t1mes nt wh1eh the voltage over .:>ald con- ~ I ~ . · · - - - - · 13, 14, lo IS tuned· to a frequency shghtly tn.cts is rel.ntively small. . • ._.....-~ _.... • • ·.} ,.~ ·-'!i~ All r;~· - - 1,240,206 0 - 6. An oscillation generator comprisin~ a brushes being adapted to make metallic con- 1·csonant circuit , n sour('e of e!ectromotlve nection respecti"cly with a stud of each set, force , n rotntablo member carrying two sets and mcnns for rotating said member. 1"~ - of equally spaced contact studs, one of each In witness whereof, I hereunto subscribe 5 of said sets being connected respectively to a my name this 7th day of October .A. D. 1915. terminal of said source, two brushes con- llected with said resonant circuit, said RAYMOND A. REISING. I. Coplea of t."•s patent may be obtained tor ttve cents each, by addreuing the "Commlsaloner of Patents, Waahln~on, D. C." L - -I -l L L L L -L - ·.. 'I , CHUBB. ELECiRICA L TRANSfORMING AN D RECTifYING SYSTE M. APPLICATIOH f ilED f£8 , 10, 1916. 1,257,978. Patented Mar. 6, HH8. ·~ - /() II 17 18 /.9 .30 ! .- · -- .~ · .. I. I - ~··· I WITNESSES : INVENTOR ,-:rr·-·-..,. . . . II,. ~ , ~.,.. 1111 .,... ,~. .,...--~ -~ . . fJNITED STAT··-··E--S---P-.-i-\T- EXT OFFTC~8. LEWIS W. CHUDD. OF EDGEWCOD PARK rE~N8YLV /1 NT A. ASSrt:il"IOR TO WESTINGHOUSE li:L:ECTlUC AND MANV.l:'AQ'f.UlUN9 (:Qil'iJ>A.N'Y J\ (:<)lU'OJ.t.o\'fiON 01:' I'£1-fNSY LV/I.NJA ,. ELECTRICAL 'l.'RANSFOn:rrri:NG AND nEC'l'I!'YING SYSTEM. 1 ,2;T7.DiS. Ep~:clncatlon or Letters Pat~nt, Applicatlcn tiled Fcb:-uo.ry 10, 1910. Serf:t1 No. 'i1.4lG. ~ ~ r: To nll·u·lzom it may · IPnli:tl. th.! ,](•sir:•d ,.,.s•lli lt :l~ lJcol'l'lt•f(l;··· h:•t: ll oht:d1Jt•d by t'ltrplr•·in:z :11! : titl•J'II:IIill:,!~ r·titT•.·t•.t. lti;..dt-]H•:t·iti i;d t nlllsf..rn•• ·J' in {.'· l·l· IJill:il io11 \ritlt :1 n•i·t irit·t· ~Yit!t:lt. in J'l':l• ' ; i •··~· l::ts lH•vn. :d!l:o~-t \\ i! !: o11: '' ~'-''' )II i~JJJ, a !:~·.'· - Sy!-;!l•ms. of \\'hicb the following i.~ n ~l'c'·cifi. c:it:lllical ·,.l'di fiet ·. TlH• rlifli,·ll! tir ·s iu\·oht•d i~- . c,r .10 cat~iho·n.inwnt iou relntt•s t-o s\·~;l'c;nt~ n f r.•ll·•·•ri- in :-liiJjt•eiit:g- lll'.'~'l!nll!c:nl t't•t·l ili•·r!-' '" ~<·n· i···· condi riotts iJn,h· iu~ :-tll·l• iti:.dl·,·oll:•;.!•'S :lt't' cnl cii!Ztriltntion :tllrl L':>Jwc:i:illy to n'tt':tfls fr,:· . llllllll't'rJtfs ;IJ:d \\'t·ll l.:lltt\\' 11, :ut.l. as n )o.llh:ti- t1·:1nsfm·mittf! nn nlil'l'tt:tlittg cllrt'('llf a llllt,-~ltt'I'L'fot•.) Jli'O}IIISl' ill l'lll)llll_\' 1111 !1!-\JI'l· relatiHI,r ]0\\' potential ·nnd frL•qtwney inlr1 lllt'll'J<: r:ottdm·;ur ot· hot·•:::t!todc• C']t•C'Iroll . n high potPnt·int· rt>clifictl ut· ttrtitli n·t· tiollnl l'<'etir:r.•:· i11 c•oJJd•ill:P.ion with tilt• nitr•ndnnf· Hi Clll'I'C.Ilt Ilt:t (· 111:1,\' bt- Clll pl 0,\'L'd foJ• pt·n,J llci II,!! ei t•r·ttit :-: tn loc• cli:--t•io:-:r~d in (Itt• followiJt!! dr·- 70 elt!<:ll'~c.:ul tli~elt:ti'{.!P~ in' CIIH' din•c:liott ouly. :'<')'ipt ion. . · · :i\fo·t·c p:tl'l ienl:ll'l~·. ttl,\' inn'nlirrn.n·l'.P r~ t11 I.n tlil~ .~yslt•tn of !l11• pt't':-t'llt itt~'<'nlion. :l trnn!-ifot'lllillg nwans of tire nl>on•-tmiiL':tt«'rl SOil!'!.'<' ol p<•\H'I' ~ttppl\' of n•lnlt ''1'1\' low character·which tnn \' lw l'lltpln\'ed in t'lt•etri- ft '('!jl ll•t!C\' and low ~HTliiil in I i:-o <'lllplc·,\·t'd ill 20 ct1l systt.'ms· opcl'llt iti.g nt high \·nl t:tgl':'. :-;neh c:onm•c.:lit'Jil with a lti!!lt-ft·t•r)ttl'IH:\' di~;·lt:ll '!!c• 'i:'i ns ol.Jlain in (Itt~ syslr'lll~ entplo.r<•d l'ot· pt't\· eit·t·nit . whi<.'lt is lll ;l,!!lll'ticnlly 'i nlct·link;•d or cipitating fitll'ly d iridcd p:u·t it:h·~ of maltl'l' · witlt :tn ·:tll:-.:iliat·,· c.:in:uit: l'ntht~clritJ!! n: hot- originnll.v held in Sl1~)1t'IJSion itt IJOdit•s e:rtltodt~ ret:! ili<~l; or ::~·\'l!tll!l'll'ie' eo'nO tcntinl clcctricnl c.lis(:hargcs. SO 'For. tltu st•t·'·icc conditions in dict\i'ctl, an tl. poll'illi:ll. 'ltig-h-fn•qtiClley :llh·t·ti :tl in:.r (;llr· 80 l':'llls llllts p ro dnn•cl lo pfl'<•cl Clll'Qil:t rlist'htll'f:!t'S in oJtC' clin•t:t ion nnl\' from on!' (If tltt' t•lectrod<•s of nn <'lcctric:il pl'l'cipitntin~ riL·,·i<'e. .:\ga in . ihc hi.!!h-frcqll~'nc.'' cir,·nit is rt•::mwtcr.l with the an~ili:tt'.\· <:il·c11it ma:z- 85 - mot•e. cspecittlly. fol' S!'p:tr;ttin,!! Sll~j>Clldl'rl netically inlel·linl\c>rl tlH'rr.wi tlt. lhPrt•bv pJ•o- - pnrticlcs ft·om g-:1~cous bodicf;~ it is c.leRit•nblu rlllcin:.r 11 \'l't'Y t'nieient trnn~fm·mnti'nn f•t' I ~ to . opet·ntc nt . st.tch ,·oltngcs ns will insttl.'c the £orm :ition nf Plrctric:tl dischar,crt'~." · To S5 illustrnt.c. the most effc<:tire nH!!lHl(!'.for pre· · · .cipitnting clect·ricnJly ncccs~itates the prn. :. . clucti~ll .' Of-; ~ilent Cl<'ctricn} J101l·Lli~l'ltpti \'t~ . · clischnrgcl=r .or c'ot·ona l'llt:tnations. In nc· intet·i;hnn,cr~ nf ekctricnl rnc>t'!!Y. . Fot· the ncc0n1pli~·lunt:nt of' t hl':-intcd ont in the fol- . ::col'Clancc. with the principlt's rl isclost•d . prcfernl.,ly. :1t the sudnct• fmm f11t'ni shl·d \\:ith higlt-pott•ntialtlliidit·~·cticlll;ll 100 which the coroP.:t clischar!!cs cm:mntc :t 11 ri ('lll'l'l.'rlf· t ht·or:c:h I hl• eit'l'ttitl' 11 nnd · }~. the bc in!! of such n y.:tJue as t'o he in C'XCC!'=s of frli'I\:(•J' nf wlii~lt i!' s11ppli••ni iotwcl niH)\'<'. I hr sn1nke-precipitnt- IO!i lll!t.. ·• .·.: is .mnintnine<,l nt; n',:cr,v lligh nt•g:lti,:e (!lee:- ing dl'\·ice f'h~n,·n a~ 1 ntili~l'fi ltiglt-pntc>ntial • .. ,; tncnl poten ltnl 111 ol'cl~t· to prntl ncC' corona \'nlln!!'PS whtch \\'tll l'ffpct ckcit·•cnl dis- ·~·:: o,r sill!nt clcctdcnl lli~clwrges in one tlil'rc· .· ;Y.··. bon only. . . .• :_. 1111 ' Innsmuch nl' t t ts rlt Otcnh Io nC'C'otnp •..•r~h . ch:n·g.-~s in one direction onlY. Jt .is well lmow'n thnt ttrgntin~-cnrnnn rinnn:ttions nrc mot·c• c>lfccti\'c> in prt•ci pitnt.in;! SIIR)1l'tHlC'cl - .· - L L pnr1 i1:l•·::; lhnn po·dtir•··l!lll'lllHI \'IJJilll:llion:<. ,!:rt·Jlif J:! will lw i11 l')l'drit-:11 J'l'l'llli!IIJr.r wit11 - In lll'\'ll l'd:t ll!'<' (IJ,.J•pwitl• :1 l'l'llll·al •:olld n,·l•ll' ti•P hi;.!h·f'I·•••JII•'III'\' oli ::wll :tl'g'l' <·i['('llil I 1 "·lwu 2 of fh(• ~111nkt• Jli'Peipll:lltJI' if: P''".i••(•ftocl inl11 l! · t·i ll:ltinJJ'- :tl'!' f't;r llJl tiJ,•r:•i n J,y J·~:JJ.:nn of 1111• litH' ot· ~ tnck !I nnd i11:-.td:ll1'd tlH·J·,•t'r"Jil 1!11•. ~pa d.: d~:•(•ltal':,!•:.'> disrllptill:,! till• :dr ;tap o:· [J U\' Jlll'ltllS :\11 il l:->l!ln lill;! l:w.:hing ·1· :uul au :!I. fn thi .. lll::JIIwr·. :r n•r·y ld;th · fr·'''llrr·ut·~· ;u il1su1Ating ~npport :1. Tlu• rPntrally-di.:- nnd high- po~ll'lll i al O! r :llaf ion i"' pnulllt<'cl ill po~t•cl diH·h:rl'f.!l' Pll'!'! l'!!dt•. :! i~ :-;n I!ncircnit that it i~ sul•.it-d to n<'g':\tin• pott•n- lll'<'fl·cl t hnn:..!h a conduc:m· ~~ aucl :ulju~t­ t i:d n( a ll tim(',;:, and Ihe .'illlOke-!':\t:l <'k :l likl'· able ]Pad~ :1;"J to lhP l'"''' iii··~· 1::1. T!H• con- l!l wise is cont inna.lly chnr~Tcod to n poc;itin• pn.. rlnctnr :n i!" coniH'ctt•d ton rniu · poiut tap :!li 75 t.entinl. Till' stnck 3 is prm·icl<'tl wilh till on the ~;t•ct:lldnrY tr·:~~rsfor1ner wimliug :!:! inlei. G tlmmgh which tlll:! gn!il'OllS body tn nncl alw to t lw (Jischal'!!t> (•lf'drodc 2. Tllf• ''h be pt·C'cipitntC'•.l i<: admittt•cl nntl with nn ottt- l':lthotlc~ :!i· of tla' t~ctifit>:· 1:3 is connC'Ctcd. LY }c>t i t lll'Ollgh ich the gns<'niiS b1:dy. n ft(~t' Ill!'MIS 0 ( n cnndtlctOI' 2S. II) the ~:mokc.> ~t:tclt 15 h:n·ing its- :"ll!-:j)Cltrlco.d i)al'ticl<'s l'C'Il1\J\'C'cl !t It "ill hP apparent. thf'r~fol'c. tlrat :1 ,:r, thet'cfrnm. :s l'lll il tl'll. A~ mcntiOJl('(l nuo\'{', l't"lll'IJ'Ik•ti'•. ci!·t~lli t ror th e n•<:tifh•d Cllt'J•cnt is ...•. t lw (•l<'ctriuh• 2 c•mih; JW!!ntin~ eoJ•onn eli!= ~ r·stnhli~h,·d tlJJ·ough tht' r.oruluclillg !-'pace in- chat'gt•:; "'hich~. in f·urn.' impart t• l<'ctl'ical lt•t'lllt'dhte lhP di.-eh:tl'~t' Ph-elJ·tul~· '2 nnd tlw 20 chal'"C'.~ lo thP Jnll·t iciPs ln•ld in SIISJ><'ll!"io n iu t1w gn!-;t'Olli\ body to IH' pn•cipitntc•1l. Th,. iJJclnsing fltr<' . Jll't•cipitntOJ·. or· !"rn<:kC' ~l:1ek :~of rh<' .;;mokc. Jt \rill he nnlt•d thnt tlw r••cti- ~::. - pl'Cc t1litn tt•.d pn rtich'~ wi 11 dcpn~i t 11 pon t lw lic•r 13 i:o: cmuwetl•d to tlr~ :"\·CoJHinJ'\' 2:! of walls of the smoke-stack·~ · nnd will lw col- the trnnsfol'nlt'r 21} in th<'. I\SII:ll wnY.'thc two h•ctt•d in :t chnnllx•r S pro,·itlrd at tlw bot- anode·~ ':2!) thf'l't'of l1rinrr nlt"l'll:tb•J\· ·rhar·~,,tl tom of the pt'l'Cipitntor. · · nr-; flw 11i,g),.ft'NJII<'Ol'." 'n:o:elilnti••ll i'u tlw d1·· 1 ll nn l'll\:1· l'llit l~ . 1'~\'<'l'~<'S it;;: ~ ign . Thn pot·<'ntial. !10 nations 'ft'Oill thQ d i!!ch:ll'l.!P ell'ctr•otlc~ g, ~~ thet·rfm·c'. <'Xistin;.r hci\\'C'C'II tlw <'h•drotlc•:-: ~ sollr·ce (lf JHJ\\·c·r !"ltpply :-;iln\\'11 as ;, sinilc- uml !l of tlh' 1-'lllokt• lll'rcipitntm· 1 will lw phnsC' allt•rnnlor !), is connl'ctNl · thrnttgh n ''IJllrl] tn ~>11<'-harr of thC' JWnk v:dnr nf th,.. trnnsfonlrt'l' 1.0. n high-fl'l'IJliC'lJC.}' cii·cnit 11! \·.oltng-<' imlnc••d in tlw st'conrlnr·~· winding :!:2. 30 nnd an auxilinJ· \· eirr.uil' 12. l u n l'C'ct ifiN· l!l, :-;Jllee the t't:'cti- 105 of ·'"'l ;. IIIT<'nt. ns is welt' !mown in th~ na·t. . ue nction the condc>nSet' 30 1\l!lV U~ con- - dischat'ITC ::djnstnEJe csiprncruki~t!!1a1p, the Jnttcr compt·ising mcmlJeJ':i 18 and a pri- -sai~do(c'ricndtends b''l0'iitnhg-nsimmoiltonrr-tgoenthcmntt"oofrn~·tt'ht ·\-\w·hhcctcc-l mar·y \\'intling lO~of an ait·-corc transformer by the penk lonrl::- nrc fnmi.~hl'ssccl upon the colHl<'nscr 17 to effect n spnrli: dischnrgc ucroils the nir gap ao 21 o£ tl~e spa rk gnp mern bC'rs 1.8. By prop- cdy aclJIIsl tng thr t~lectricnl constnnts of the dcricr> 30' !';t!I'YC'$ lo mnintnin n r·onfltnnt flo"· of_cnf'l'~Y into the conuenser. lt is known thnt the ~moke Jll'ccipitntor 1 is ~>nhjC'rt I o bt'l'n k tlowns wlH•n thf' conre- trn rJsfOI:ITit't' primar·y "'intlin~ 10 ant1 th e lh1·ou~h HI'<' Ct!nsir!C'mbly nril'tl f1·om norcon_den~n·e t'C'nc t:mcc 1T: ''CI'Y h tgh-frNJIIC:ncy 1nnl. It is. cnnscqnt•ntl~·. i ttlpot·t nnt to pro- osctllntJOns mny be producccl in the hrgh · !Pet. tlw npp:n·:ttns in cil'(:uit from the 66 tr'NJIIcney cil·c!nit 11 whrn thr. 1']>11 rk ~:1p sfl'C'!'~l'!'; m· siJ•:Iins that mnv rt•::-nlt from ~lll'h l:.!r 21 ts rliHt·nplcd. \he com!C'Ill'if'l' 1i nnc.l the a hl'rak.cln~Yn. ~rhC'n n lirenk·rlown occ111-s, inducti,·c primnry winding lfl bcoing con- the potl•nfl:ll drtr<'rl'llCe bclwc·l'l\ th" dl'Cnccted in.r-;('rics. rl.'lnti0nshlp to form n tllnNl tt'tJih•s :2 :wrl ~3 will bC' snh~tnntinlh· t'Cc.hlcNl. or sori<'S l'C!"onnnt cil·cutt. A HC'cond:ll'\' r., :50 winding 2:2 of th11 nir-CO\'C tl'IIIHdOI'n1el' 20 j- 1 :·: placed in inductirC' rnnry winding 10. l'('lnti on Anothct' cwnnictlh~nlt'hiieYc pr·i rc- 1111... . . • · nctancc clement 23 is connectl'!l in shunt to I. IJJ IJ ~,.I_I ~?.5 the sccondnrv winclin,:r 22 nncl its constnnts nr; so adjusted that the el<.'ctric:\1 auxiliury ---I_.,...- .Alii......... ..-....:--...._I ----- I .a-.: :1nrl tlw l'<'!'onnllc<' nf flw nn~ili:in· ril·cuit s1tt!nuJ9Cpi'nwpi tilt' crwr·gy supplied to the 10 rectifier 1!3 will be limited in 4\lnount nnd jn~nllieirnt lo n:nint:rin the hr·<'nk down con- ditions pr·cviol1:-:1Y rstablishr.cl in the pre- cipit:rtor·. • Fror;r rlrt• foregoing- ch•scripti~m, it 'l'l'ill .bn 'lli · norecl that n tr:~·1~fo!'ll!t'l' o i~ lo~'wl'-rfpt'lcofy]eIcIlC~ illC=i\t'c1lth rgh-potentwl ITnnsfnt'lllC'l':-l ·hr.rll!! \'l'l'\' l'Xpen~l\·c to cnn!->tl'ltct. nnd nnrc· linbf1· in ;,prratinu bPe:ruse of the in~11lnl ing ~ 20 , dTwPi~hflli:.!! lhclr·nnsf.,rllH'l' !W wil It th!' ltig-li- ht•qucncy o:o:r:illation circuit 11, superior rc- 25 Rrllr~ u:av lw ob!nint'1l in c•ll'l'c:ting- high-po· t.r.nti:ll di~f'hnr·ges, By nssocit~tinf! the. recti- lrc•t' 1!.l wrlh thr. sc•cnndni'V \\'IIHllllg' :22 nnrl tlH• lr igh-fr·<'qnt•nc.v 11 ncl h'i,!!h-potcnt in I nux~ ilitu·_,. cireuil' 1~. r·cctifiNl ·cllt't'erHs of \'CI'Y 30 high pott•utinb mny be obtninccl fnt· opcrnt· ing the smniw pr·ccipitntor 1. Wllilc• T hn\'l! !-:hown twu hnt-f'nthntlc• <>lP('· 11'01\ I'Pt'l ific•rll tl~ l'IIIIIJII'i:.:ing I)H' l'l'l~l jfit'r 01' till' :t~\'lllllll'll'ic c·ortdnctot• fol' l'l't•li(viurr tlw :tl tc·r·n;ll i 11g Clll'l'l'lll, it will be uudt>r;tuod 3li llr:rt niiH!t; asvr:llllt'tt·ic collt<'m, th~ combination 40 with :t rc•l:tti\·cly Jow-pOl!'n ti:tf II no )OW· fJ':lllint;-cnncnt circuit~ u high- frpqucncy o~il !n t m:r circuit, :tnd mC'ans to l!ll'cct n trnnsfc:rmntion flf energy t!terl!be- l'wccn. of n ~cC'ond high- h dltumc\' ·hi;::h-po- 45 cc.nti:tl circuit that cotupriscs nn :ts\' IIUHetric r.ondw•tnr nrngn<.>ticalh• !:::~t>rlinl~<.>c.l with said first high:fl'I!lYlcltiicfnfitg>r·r;cr·r-y circuils tli'C ~nppl ictl to llisllll'bcd, Wht're• ~:titl t l'l\nslnting clr.\'lr.e nr;l\' l>t' Innllt•tl ton snfc \'llln~. In lc~t fnron~· whereof, 1 hn\'C hereunto subscribt•cl my nnm~ this 31st dny of Jnn. so I !llG. LEWIS ,V. ·CHUBD. Copies .ot this pnlent mc.y be obtnlned for 1\vc cenh c:nch, lly nd<1r~nlnr the "cemml;.loner ot P~te.,:b, Wo.ahinrt~~n, D. C." -r .- [ [ I - l ~-~~~---,_....4...~...~.-1111......~...~.._,___ l I I - Dec. 11 , 19.23. F. LOWENSTEIN 1,477,271 · MULT I FREQUENCY GENERATOR Original Filed Dec. 9 , 1918 -I I -- .- 701 J .sa r / :-iua- 2 . -I • .:za - j ' X Lowens"le"in, /k . {?,/~ ~ Clue....~ - Patented Dec. 11, 1923. UNITED STATES PATENT :FJliTZ LOW::SNSTEIN, O:F BltOOltLYN, NEW YORK; JO'HN C, WAIT ADMINISTRATOR OF SAID FRITZ LOWENSTEIN, DECEASED, ASSIGNOR TO WILLIAM DUBILIER, OF NEW YORX, N.Y. MULTIFRECUENCY GENERATOR. Application 1!led December 9, 19l8, Serial No. 265,930. Renewed September 13, 1923 . 1'o oll 'I.Uhorn ·it rnm; concern: fron1 the housing without disturbing the · Be it known tha't I, FmTz LowF.NSTEIN', sets of rotors n.nd ~ators. The sets of rotors I a citizen o:£ the United States, .residin_g at and their support, conE:rlered ns a. whole. Hrooldvn. in the county of Kings ariel State form what mu.y be descr·, ued as n genera)iy (! of Ne,~ York, have. invented certain ·new conical structure fitting within the comple- 6ll ancl nsef nl Improvements in Multirrequency mentarily disposeLl sets of stator. The Uenern.tors; nnd I do hereby declare the rotor structure is ·therefore axi:illv mo\·able follo,ving to be a full, clear, and exact de- into and out of the housing with a 'maximum • • fulZ scription of the invention, such ns will en- of ease and convenience. The construt:tion . 10 nble ot~ers skilled i n the nrt to which it t.hus. generally d.escri~ed n.nd .more Oli i ~ ·- np,rpehl:tn:ns to ~ake and usc dthe.sn.me. t. • heretm~ter explnmbed JS n. pnr.tJcu1o.rly n - oo 1s m vent10n re·1ntes· to ynamo. e1.ec nc. ~,.vn.n ageous one; ut to utto.m t11e snnw machines u.nd particufn'rly...to.. n multi-fre-· objects, other constructions mny provided quency generator especially suitnble !or use that, nevertheless, embody the J)rinciples of 1. 16 in connection with wireless telegraph np- my invention. It is to be \Ill erstood thnt 'j() paratus.· . the..principles of the invention cun be em- One object of my invention is to produce bodted in both motors o.nd gcnern.tors. 11- simple o.nd compnc.t generator from .which The objects o.nd novel features of my in- (·nrrerits li.t any one of severn.} clitferent fre~ vention will be nppn.l'ent irofh the followi"ng 20 .quencies mn.y be obtnincd selectively n.t n.ny description tnken in connection with ·the ;:, given speed. . · . . · dru.wing, illustrating a. tvpicn.l construction The field winding thnt pi'Oduces the mng- within the invention. w netizing flux in gen.erntors may, 11-t tin1es, b~ . lt'ig. ·1 is a. longitudinal t·cntrn.l sectional damaged by burn-out or otherwise; und it view of n. multi-frc.!qucncy hl"(•nerntor· em- 211 is therefore another objent of this invention · bodying my invention, n.nd Ill! to provide a generator construction ·in which. . Fig.' 2 is a. transverse sectionnl view of I - the field winding is supported in or on the the snme, tn.ken on ·the line 2-2 of Fig 1. enclosing gene_rntor frnme or housing in such sl~owing pnrts broken .out to more clenrly manner tliat 1t shall be rcudily removable d1sclose the constructton of the stators~ 30 and replil.ceable independently' of the other rotors, nnd magnetizing fie1d winding. 86 mnin elements of the machine und .'vithout Referring to the drnwings, the •renerntor disturbing such elements, whereby repair or frume or housing F comprises ; hollow rep~~cement of the winding is greatly su.bstuntinlly cyliiidricnl ·b;xly 10, provided fnc1htated . · w1th feet 11, and end shtelds or wnlls 12 6 Still another object of the . invention ·is n.nd 13, secured to the ends of the hod\' 10 U'J 1 I - to provide a construction in whtch the rotors nnd their supporting means nre of such :form by· ~he ·bbooltdsy1n01n.d · These walls O.r~ readily close the cnn t~gs c bea t'ltlLrs tnr: th: 1,>, 1a o., ; ' In- an espeCinlly desirable construction in ni·e held in .posit.im1 hv suitable bet\rin(l". rc· which the objects of my in\'ention are nt· tainers 16 and li! secured to the end shichls . · 4~ tained, I provide !L structure embodying: a. plurality of spaced stator s,. respectively by the bolts cured to the 18, ·end the ben shi('ld r1i~ngharYeitnaginnerce1ni trf:nel- 10\l conxinl 'vith rotors carried by n. shaft mount- opening therein through which one end o{ ed wHhin . the frame or housing of thn the shaft 14 projects, nnd is arrnng-ed to be dynamo electric mn.chirre. the remo~·nble end coupled to n device, such ns an eleCtric mo· wnll of which has n. boss .thnt projects n.xinlly tor, for driving the generntrir. Th!! innc•· 60 into the frnme nncl pnrtly houses the field rnces of the bnll benrin!!s 15. 15 nr·c ret:dtwd 105 • • winding which is monnted in coaxial rela- in position, nhutting shouldrr·s provi rl('rl nn tion to the sets of · rotors and stnto1'l'l, and ~haft 14~ by nuts 19. locked to the shnft 14 ~hl most ndvantal!eonslv adjacent snid end wall. ·by springs 20. . This m. nnner of mo'i.mtin.Q' the fi0ld winding The shaft 1+ cnrriP~ n rotn. r-snpporting .?ermits the removal of the ~inding axially sleeve or. hollow cylinder 21 keyed ther<.'to uo II ...... . , - . - . . . . - • • • · - - - - - - - • •. -- f L -l l L. l L - moi n.te n2t ht2et hnbencrdtetorinlnigmb-v·itreteldHtal iadngenarri~rnss1~t:7J edtl1sdpwoi~sectl move· w[th·· nnd u!.mttinl! cumfercuLial dies muy Ull l1c1n~e~dth,in soeultthina1t.rt!Jten.esa~meeethsizoer poics oJ the Yru·io!IS laminations from which ~ - :.w, ;)'(, ngninst the irinot' ct1ges of the inside l':tcm; ~ or the bt~l! bcarin~s .Iu. The c~d ~hield l:l tho ro~ot·s :u·e built. :fonr st,ators, -J 11 th~} lll'usunt iustJmCI!1 :3ti, auu 3U, :t:'>..! S(.'t!UI'eU 7U or . has nn mtegrnl m)vardly pt'OJcctm;; bo;.;s to the 1111\IH' stJe of th(l frame 10, the stators 24 provit1t>d with :t bore 25 thnt is suHi- being positioned opposite the rotors 28, Z!J~ cient diameter to receive the sleeve 21 the 30 :wd :31~ rcspcceivcly, nnd c:u:l1 stator being nir gap between the sleeve nnd shield being provided \\'ith the usual windings 40. This 10 :lS sinall ns possible. Thi~ outer surfac:e of coned or stPpped nrrangcme11t of the coop- T6 I -• ~ I I the boss 24 t:lpers imv:nc1ly to p:irtl:v en- cnse the annular 1ielu winding 2:)n which produces the roagneti:t.ing flux for nll tilL\ rotor-stator sets; . The winclin!! 25" is held 115 in pluce ngninst endwise movement in s:\jd housinrr by the cn · thlj lnminnJioils of the rotor-stutor sets A, brinu built np of luminations nnd constitnt· H. C nnd D , the frnme 10 und the end shield ing 'the rotntin,z clcmrnts of t:lw mtm·-stn- 13, should be of high permenbility in order tor sets A, B. C nnd D. The rnd rotot' 28 to pro,'idc ·lt pn.th of low relucto.nce for the oo 30 :tbut,; o.,rrninst the shonlclor 32 on the sleenl mngnetic flux. · . 98 21 and the othet· end rotcl!' ~lis held in plnco The operation of tlw.genemtor wHl un- lw n. nut :1!3 that i8 H~"Clll'ed on tlH\ flerew- clerstooc from the ron'going description. tl1ren<1crl i.·t,dneed cnc.l ~J+ of tl1e.rotot· sleeve. The shuft 14.b~ing l.lr:in~n"trt'5..suitnble speed Tho int<•rmcr.lin.tc rotors ~9 ' nnd 30 are nnnrrdliiln~·glby(.1 A clnmu.o-ed field windrem.oYed'"'by taking: off lOG frequencies be gcnern.tccl. In the pres- the end shield 13. nncl ~licling the winaing ent instance, the mnnber of .poles on the ro- ont ?f thnt ~ncl of the housing! \\"ithout dis- tors 28! 29. 30 and :n, are 18, 10. 20 nnd 21. tnrumg the rotor-st.ntor ell!ments nnd other -- i respectively, the range bein!-! small so thnt p:u·ts of the mn.chine. nnd similarly. the ro- i6 thn frequencies produced nt one speed. say -tm· Rets nncl ·their ~11pport can be.' readily 110 2700 r. p.m., are 810, 855, 900 nnd 945 cycles moved out of t.he other end n ftcr removin~ per second. for example, ant1, thcrei:ore. do ~hielrl .1.2 ~ a~ alrrndy expln.incd. These fea.- not differ verv g!'eatlv from Olw. n.noth<>r. lmt tures a.rc pnrticulnrly desirable in 1mic:hines afford n. nmnber of currents of cliffcrin.'.! used f.o1· wireless communic.'ltion, where 60 frequencies~ selectable ns clc•siJ·P.cl. ·The. sr\:_ prnctienll:r . llllintcrrupted . scr\"ice i.l-1 c~en· llo ernl different frequencies nrc simnltnnE'ously t.inJ. Thr !.!:rrwr:1~or illust.r:tlcrl ns a-n ex· produced nnd, therefore. current. a.t (lifTer- nmplc~ is of ~ kilowatt cn.pacity, being de- ent freqnencies may. if desin~cl. be supplied si!!n?d for u;;e with wirele~s !;_0.1e~rn.ph trnns- simultaneonsly from the gcneratDr. It is nnttmg· dt•nces nnc1 cleYclopJJlg 10 nmperes tl5 to be understood thnt it is not necess:tr;; :Jt :iQ Yolts. "·hen dl'iven n.t 2i00 rnvolutions 120 thnt the ,stated speetl of rotation n.nd pole pet· minntr.. Ho>''twer. the size :wet the up- hl d1 number be· ndhered to. innsmHch nF these plictttion of the. gener:ttor nrc not limited may be altered to suit vnrious conditions to those uiYen. ancl permit tht> ~enr.rntion of current::; of \Vhile. J hnw shown n.nd rlcscribcrl. the &a differcmt frequendc->;, ns desired . The ro-. r1Ynnmn electric: mnchin<' in cldnil. it will le;; - 1 tors nro progl'essivclr of grentl!r cxtorn1tl b(~ un(krslon·cl that various i:t'n.tnres t·hereot ____,........................-............ .-. j ~ · tdhianmfiestefraf~rhoem. stthreemroovtoedr 28 to from the the rotor :n ' winding mn t.he yspib~·(il f':mnonrdli ne pr d in witho c·iplPs ut: or depnrting- from my invention. .4 All :". •K 2?> .. . By. thts a.r1:1wgeur~nt. the teeth or po~es ... I I 8u on. the rotors may' be kept of the snme cir· I cln.tm: . . . . . 111.1 1. In a dynnmo-elcctnc machme1 the com· 130 llllil - I,. - B ~iml-tion :V it~1 n. pltll'!1-lity of st~tora arranged external . d.iu.r.noters cor resJ?Ond"ing to the In sets of d1fferont mtcrna~l du\.metard · the end wall. · other, . windings on snid stators,· a rotatable In testimony whereof I hereunto affix my shnft. mountea in snid fmme, a plurality of signature. Hets of rotors l'(~rno,· u.bly mounted. as u. struc- 20 tural unit on said sho.ft a.nd respectively dis- FRITZ LOWENSTEIN. posed ·concentrically t.o sn.id sets .of stators, Witness: ~- said sets of rotors being also of d ifferent . .t>. A. NEWMAN. -- I -~~.--...~~~1111~~~,...-- I. -r l' [. l [ L -l ~ l l l L - A. BRASCH E:T AL l~ 1,957,008 ~ IMPULSE GENERATOR I ~iled Sept. ll, 1931 ' ~ I ~ I ~ a. I. I , I '. r I ~ jT J rT 1 + I I FiJ. :3. 0 I I . I ~ ~ 1~ ~~'~1 _ _ _ _ _ __ ... ----I ---~I __._.I ..--..- 1 ,- m /1. Brc;sch, F.'Ic;ng-I~NiVJElN?.TZORbSh: I ~ .1111!:;; BY~~~ r~ '.~.~~ 11 ATTORNEYS. {,;. • .._..__ I.._..__ I..._--._ I .._~ .,..__ _ _ _ _ _ _...._ Jj ...... Patented May 1, 1934 1\ 1,957,008 \~ .~ ~ UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE r • 1,957,008 IMPULSE GENERATOR Arno Brasch, Fritz Lange, and Max Dahl, Berlin, Germany Application Se_ptcmber 11, 1931, Serial No. 562,406 In Germany September 11, 1930 14 Claims. (Cl. 171-97) As a very recent innovation in the art, an ever- Is for a very small interval of time much larger increasing tendency is making itself noticeable than the charging voltage. II, however, it is a to acquire the assistance of extremely high volt- question of several million volts. th ese apparatus, ages, if only by way of impulse or intermission, owing to the large amount of space required, will 5 for testing purposes in the trade, or for the pur- be capable of ~:-eduction only at very large ex- eo pose of scientific investigation.· In this connec- pense, so that the same are hardly available to tion reference may be made to the testing of open small institutions or undertakings, and more par- line insulators and the generation of traveling ticularly laboratories or medical institutions. !. waves, wherein the pri:l<-lpfl.l feature concerned It is, therefore, the primary object of the pres· 10 is the generation of voltages of approximately ·ent" Invention to provide a reliable and compen- 05 . that strength in which the same might occur as- dious type of apparatus for any desired voltage suming the line were struck .by lightning, i. e., such· as required for testing or atomic purposes. a strength 8.mounting to several million volts. Other objects and advantages of the invention l . It is also a fact. v__.t quite recently various prob- will become apparent is the description proceeds. 115 lems of an acute nature have cropped up, which It is well known that insulating liquids pos- 70 are con1itional on the generation and control of sess for a brief space of time a. very considerable high electrical potentials. Thus, for example, disruptive strength. Whereas, generally speak- with the assistance of these potentials, efforts ing, a disruptive strength of field amounting to have been made with the help of corpuscular rays 40,000 to 60,000 volts/em. is assumed in respect 20. accelerated ence on the in high vacuum tubes inner atomic structw·e to of exert influmatter, and of commercial oil, and one of 200,000 to 300,000 '15 volts/em. in respect of very pure oils. this value to produce conversion of elements. Particularly · when subjected to impulse action increases de- in experiments of this nature, in which merely pendent on the duration of the impulse (10-3- the average output constitutes the important fac- 10-8 sec.) to 500,000-1,300,000 volts per em. 215 tor, the impulse or intermission process is equiv- Numerous experiments conducted have shown 80 alent if not superior to continuous operation such that the disruptive value is approximately the as derived by the use of Tesla or alternating cur- same with all kin ds of oil, including very im- rent, as for short-time operations it is possible pure oil, and that it Is merely the duration of the to employ in the construction of these apparatus impulse which constitutes the decisive !actor, 30 materials having a much 1ower power tion, since for·brief spaces of time the of insularesistance so that operations may accordingly be performed 85 with cheap and impure oil. Since the final high ot more or less inferior insulating materials is voltage is only effective for an extremely brief · still extremely high. space of time, it is obviously the correct thing to Beyond this it is also possible to employ ex- embed impulse voltage sYstems of this kind in .,5 tremely high impulse voltages for medicinal pur- liquid insulating materials. However, the fact tlO " poses in such cases in which the desired object of the delay above referred to in the case of brief is the treatment in intensive form with rays re- periods of time also discloses that it is impossible sembling those of radium, i. e., channel and cath- to also allow the operation of the spark gap to ode rays, whereby, owing _to the considerable in- be initiated simultaneously under oil, as in this 40 tenslties concerned, the period of radiation nat- case an increase of voltage up to t en t imes the tl5 urally is required to be very short, a bundle of amount would be required. According, therefore channel rays of 1 milliampere and potential of to the invention, the spark gaps are located in several million volts being equivalent to the in- separate chambers containing gas under pressure, tensity of radiation of approximately 100 kilo- whereby, according to the tests made, a delay 45 grammes o! radium. which is capable of measurement does not take 100 The impulse apparatus used heretofore and place. This combination has the advantage that generally speaking constructed according to the the large ball gaps otherwise necessary in the method o! E. Marx, are operated exclusively in case of normal btpulse apparatus are entirely air by atmospheric pressure~ The Marx _device obviated, and the whole connection may be per- 50 consists of an a-rrangement whereby a plurality formed in small, handy chambers. It is well of condensers are charged in paral1el through known that the disruptive strength of gases in- resistors o! such a value that; when the charge creases up to about 70 atmospheres Jn proportion reaches a predetermined value the condensers with the prevalllng pressure. If, therefore, the are automatically discharged in series with a load spark distance in atmo~;pheric pressure amounts GG circUit, thereby securing n discharge voltn.ge which nt n. certain voltn.ge between points .to 10 em., 110 I~J IJ 1,957,008 I ' ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ' u p I , .~ , I 'f7 I ~ I n ' _I this distance at a pressure of 10 atmospheres voltage, while the second resistance is connected will amount to only 1 em. However, it is nat- with earth. In the container d there are aiso sit- urally quite possible to provide for any desired uated the spark gaps g, which by means of in- pressure in the small chambers. An additional sulated pipes i, which include a manometer k, 5 advantage resides in the fact that the regulation are connected with a compressed air source. A 80 of this gap in order to produce different voltag_es special series spark gap h is provided at the end is not, as heretofore, performed ·mechanically, of the gap u. The one ball of the gap h is In but may be effected simply by increased or de- accordance with Fig. 1 connected by the line i creased compression in the chambers, · and the with the reception pole of the impul&<1 generator, 10 pressure measured on a manometer. whereby this line i at the point where the same 85 In order to avoid creeping discharges at the is passed throUgh the Insulator c is insulated condensers the insulating liquid employed may he against the outer contain-er. Between the single placed under e. certain pressu·re to preclude any gaps there are situated the capacities or con- possibilities in this direction. In this manner the densers q, the armatures of which are connected 15 disruptive strength of the solid dielectric is at the on the one hand with the charging resistance, and 90 same time greatly increased. The tendency to on the other hand .with the particular poles. sliding discharge, which is produced by high By regulating the compressed air ·conducted frequency occurrences upon the cormection, may to the single spark gaps through the pipes i, in .._ _alsocbe .very__greatly diminished by the use of an which cormectlon the pressw·e may be read on 20 insulating liquid having a high _dielectric con- the manometer k, It is possible to graduate the o5 stant. manometer to constitute a voltmeter, and to em- To avoid large dimensions of the pressure con- ploy the same in this capacity. The voltage may, tainer, or to confine the use of high-quality in- therefore, be varied as desired within different ·sulating substances to a minimum, thls contaL11er limits, in accordance with the degree of pressure, 211 is made only of a sufficient size to just receive the condensers, and is placed in a second larger which like. may iJt! adjusted by means of valves. o r the 100 container. Since the liquid in this second con- The form of embodiment according to Fig. 2 tainer is a~ted upon only by the final impulse agrees in substance with that in Fig, 1. In this voltage, and not by the charging •:oltage acting case, however, there is introduced Into the con- so for some length of time, it is possible to employ tainer a ~he apparatus l which is. to be tested as lOS in this outer container relatively ·good conductive regards 1ts disruptive strength. . 1iquids, for example water. When using relative- In Fig. 2, therefore, there is shown an insu- ly _good conductive liquids it is then naturally lator applied directly to _the series spark gap h necessary to provide an additional spark gap, so 35 that the charging voltage is at no time in con- nectiO!l with the poor external resistance of the and tested in the apparatus itself. In place of the insulator l there may be fitted a discharge tube, so that the rays emanating from the dis- 1 io if liquid, but that on the other hand the high volt- charge tube pass directly from the interior o! ~ age impulses are connected with the liquid, via the apparatus towards the "outside on to the the gap, so that undesirable ruptures do not o·c- article or object under treatment. ·!0 cur at other points. 'Ibe very possibility of being able to employ .a cheap substance, such as In· the embodiment according to Fig. 2 spark gaps are located in chambers, which the are 115 water, as insulating liquid should permit of open towards the oil space of the outer container voltages of '50,000,000-100,000,000 volts. In order d, so that the oil is capable of penetrating in to avoid appreciable ruptures, impulse genera- part into the same. 'Ibe oil space itself is con- 45 tors of the kind described permit the placing of the articles to be tested, such as insulators or nected by means of a pipe either with a .compressed i, over a manometer k, air source or with an 120 discharge tubes, in the outer container, and ,to oil feed !1ipe, which may be maintained under be operated with high voltage. pressure as desired. In contradistinction to the The invention will now be described more fully form of embodiment in Fig. 1 the single air 50 with reference to the accompanying drawing, in which pipes communicating with bers are omitted in Fig. 2. the spark gap chamIn the latter embodi- 125 Fig. 1 shows diagrammatically a longitudinal ment the pressure is conveyed evenly by the oil section through an impulse generator. or other liquid, .so that all spark gaps are under Fig. 2 is a similar view of a modified fm:m of the same pressure. 55 embodiment. Fig. 3 shows on enlarged scale one of the spark 130. Fig. 3 is a longitudinal section on enlarged gaps employed in Fig. 2, In this figure m is the scale taken through the communicating pres- oil rising in the chamber under the pressure of sure spark gap employeJi in the impulse generator the oil, while n is the lead to a spark gap pole acC()rding to Fig. 2. p and o the lead to the second pole p. Referring now to the drawing, a is an outer container preferably composed oi metal and wholly or partially filled with insulating oil b. of poor quality. In place of the o!l it is also·possible to employ water. In Fig. lc is the .insulated ::m passage conducting the impulse to the desired ap- paratus, for example X-ray tube or other medici- It will be understood that no restriction is made to the specific forms of embodiment shown • n 5~ ,1,) in the drawing, and that various modifications ~ are quite possible within the meaning of the above description and the annexed claims with~ out departing from the spirit What we claim as new and of the desire invention. to secure by •,·0 .L k nal apparatus. There may also be connected Letters Patent is: · with ' the passage insulators or other apparatus · 1. A device for generating extremely high po- tor the purpose of testing the disruptive strength. tentials, comprising in substance a container. an ':~ Within the outer container a 'there is provided an inner container d, which is filled with oil e of insulating fluid ~ithin an impulse generator t he wi sa th i d s con hort t a dinisecr,haarngde_1'.l·i,..l a higher quality, or having a greater specific in- period in the said fluid, tl)e said impulse gen- ductive capacity respectively. -In this vessel d erator comprising a plurality of condensers, a. there arc furnished charging resistances f . The plurnllty o! resistances, R potential source con- .,,,. one reslstnnce Is joined ·up wi th the chnr~tlng nect.ed In pnrallcl with the s[l.!d condenser:: • r:n ,. .,.. ~ v- :07,008 )\ ~ through the medium of the said resistances. gas- uln.ble pressure exceeding atmospheric rn·essure, filled chambers, and a plurality of spark gaps and a plurality of spark gaps in the said cham- ~- m in the said chambers. the said condensers being bers, the said condensers being connected in se- connected in series throUgh the medium of the ries through the medium' of the said spark gaps f'. said spark gaps when the said spark gaps break when the said spark gaps break down. 80 down. 7. A device !or generating extremely high po- 2. A device for generating extremely high po- tentials, comprising in substance a container, an tentials, comprising in substance a container, an insulating fluid under pressure in the said con- insulating fluid of high specific inductive capac- tainer, and an impulse generator with short dis- i (' ity within. the said container, and an impulse charge period in the said fluid , the~aid impulse 85 r. generator with short discharge period in the generator comprising a plurality of coi)densers, said fluid, the said impulse generator comprising a plurality of resistances, a potential source con- a. plurality of condensers, a plurality of resist- nected in parallel with the said condensers ances, a potential source connected in parallel through the medium of the said resistances, gas- ;,0 with the said condensers through the medium o! filled chambers, and a plurality of spark gaps 90 the se.id resistances, gas-filled chambers, and a in the said chambers, the said condensers being plurality o! spark gaps in the said chambers, the connected in series through the medium of the said condensers being connected in series said spark gaps when the said spark gaps brenk through the medium of the said spark gaps when down. , . 20 the said spark gaps break down. 8. A device for generating extrerr..ely high po- 95 ~ 3. A device for generating extremely high po- tentials, comprising in substance a container, an tentials, comprising in substance a container, an insulating fluid of high specific inductive capac- insulating fluid within the said container, and ity under pressure in the said container, o.nd an an impulse generator with short discharge impulse generator with short discharge period in ~ 2G period in the said fluid , the said impulse gen- the said ft!';·~• the said impulse generator com- 100 erator comprising a plurality of condensers, a prising a plurality of condensers, a plurality of plurality of resistances, a potential source con- resistances, a potential source connected· in par- nected . in parallel with the so.id. condensers nllel with the said condensers through the me- ~ through the medium of the said resistances, dium of the said resistances, gas-filled chambers, 3c. chambers fllled with gas at a pressure exceeding atmospheric pressure, and a plurality .of spark and a plurality of spark gaps in the said chambers, the said condensers being connected in se- 105 gaps in the said ·chambers. the said condensers r ies through the medium of the sk..id spark gaps ~ being connected in series through the medium of when the said spark gaps break down. the said sp·ark gaps when the said spark· gaps 9. A device for generating extremely high po- 35 break down. tentials, comprising in substance a container, an 110 r I 4. /; device for generating extremely high po- insulating fluid under pressure in the said con- tentials, comprising in substance a container, ai1 tainer, and an impulse generator with short dis- insulating fluid of high specific inductive capac- charge period in the said fluid, the said impulse ity within the said container, and an impulse generator comprising a plurality of condensers. ~(' generator with short discharge period in the a plurality of resistances, a potential source con- 115 · said fluid, the said impulse generator comprising nected in parallel with the said condensers 7 r 1 1 . a plurality of condensers, a plurality of resistances, a potential source connected in parallel through the medium of the said resistances, chambers filled with gas at a pressure exceeding with the said condensers through ·the medium of atmospheric pressure , and a plurality of spark .if the said resistances, chambers filled with gas at gaps in the said chambers, the said condensers 120 1 a pressure exceeding atmospheric pressure, and being connected in series through the medium of I a plurality of spark gaps· in the said chambers, the said spark gaps when the said spark gaps the said condensers being connected L1 series break down. r through the medium of the said spark gaps when 10. A device for generating extremely high po- 5~ the said spark gaps break down. tentials, comprising in substance a container, an 120 5. A device for generating extremely high po- insulating fluid of high specific inductive capac- T • tentials, comprising in substance a container, ity under pressure in the said container, and an an insulating fluid within the said container, and impulse generator with short discharge period in an impulse generator with short discharge the said fluid, the said impulse generator com- o!' period in the said fluid, the said impulse gen- prising a pluramy of condensers, a plurality of 130 erator comprising a plurality of condensers, a resistances, a potential source connected in par- plurality of resistances, a potential source con- allel with the said condensers through the me- nected in parallel with the said condensers dium of the said resistances, chambers filled with through the medium of the said resista.nces, gas at a pressure exceeding atmospheric pressure, jc_ chambers filled with gas at a regulable pressure · and a plurality of spark gaps In the said cham- i35 r,. exceeding atmospheric ·pressure, and a plurality bers. the said condensers being connected in se- 1' of spark gaps in the said chambers, the said con- ries throi.tgh the medium of the said spark gaps densers being connected in series through the when the said spark gaps break down. a medlum o! the said spark gaps when the sale! 11. A device for gcnerntlng extremely high po- :.r spark gaps break doy.rn. tentlnl:;, comprising in substnnce container, an 110 6. A device for generating extremely high po- insulating fluid under precsure in the said con- tenti&.ls, comprising in substance a container, an . talner. and an impulse generator with short dis- insulating fluid of high specifi~ ind•lctive capac- charge period in the said fluid . the said impulse P - ity within the said container, and an impulse gen• generator comprising a plurality of condensers, :r erator with short discharge period in the said a plurality of resistances, a potential source con- 1vhich the following 1s a specifi.ca- Referring to Fig. 1, the sntem here shown 60 tion. comprises a relatively low-;·oltage generator 10 My invention relates to means for proclnc- 1 of any well-known type~ wh ich is associ- ina high voltages and it has special relation atecl .with. a rotatable charging apparatus 2 to~the production of high 1mirlirectional volt- that 1s clnven bv an electric motor 3 for the ages, such as are adapted for use in precipi- purpose .of charging nn energy-storing means 65 tating npp:n·atus, ozonizers, X -ray tubes, of relatively large cnpacit~· , such as a bank u I , I 115 radio communication, and the like. of parallel-connected condensers 4. A plu- In the prior art, various devices ha.Ye been rality.of seri~s-connectecl energy~storing and proposed embodying. a series of condenser restormg umts, such as condensers 5. are units and rotatable charging apparntus adapted, through the agency of the cha.q:?:ing 70 therefor, whereby a relatively low initial appnrntus 2, to be successh·eh· connect~.£1J:.Q I , 20 voltage may be converted to a desirably h_igh the storage means ·4. as subsequently. de- I value. Such apparatus has been of parttcu- scnbea rn-deta1r;tOimp ress and maimain ' rII J lnr value in connection with precipitating a relatively high undirectional Yoltage upon 1 apparatus. · However, one side of this type any desired consumption circuit, such as n 7o J of apparatus is usually grotmded and this precipitating apparatus 6. 26 fact has precluded the permissibility of a It will be noted that one terminal of the ground of either terminal of the initinl volt- generator 1 and also one terminal of the pre- nge-generatin~ · apparntus. Consequently, cipitating apparatus 6, nre grounded, as 1: such systems nave . often require·cl consider- indicated at 10. My present system is de- so I able maintenance, or have entailed material signed to permit of this nonl arrangement, I 30 loss through shut-clown. , One obfect of my invention, therefore, is since ~he generator 1 is nenr directly in circuit with the_p.r.£.cip!Fat.iug_gpparatus 6. to provide · a method and system of the ontfie other hand, the gener ator 1 cha.rges . above-indicated character, wh erein the gen- the storage means 4 and is then disconnected 85 1 . erator apparatus may be . permaneJ).tly therefrom ~~ stol-age means-Sti"C-" 36 grounded without danger to the apparatus cessively dischar,ges ~-oiiioiis ·arifs- energf I and without ~ffecting the reliability ther~of. · iJitOl.he seri~..::.9onnec ect co!lcl~n~"r uri[u; i• More ·spec1fi.cally stated, it is the obJect Consequently. altliough tfie storage mruw.lL4 .I ?f my invention to provide an energy-stor- ml1st be insulated from g!:.QliD.fL. the cost of go ~means of relative] lar e CRJ?..~lli· such_ such construchon, compared with the cost ' 0 ~s a hank of paralTei-connecte condensers,·_of .suitably insulating all coils and other whiCh is intermittent] connected toalow- ,-parts of the generator from ground, is com~ I VOlt e enera or n fter diSconnechon paratively small, and. I · am thus enabled to ..~. .. rom e .. ge"i1erator. ·the· stQra,ge .m.eallU..L provide· a relatively inexpensive,·~ although gs I I ~5 ~Setsosrlmvegl(9(f:G,Qn.t~U~J..rum:~ge_d u.ton"l. l.!.t:.&§~:.ie~§~. o9f..e n;_~ :,f.otrhtohrc.n1. g· hly. _·.r.e.l.i'a,,b.!..e,, .system · . of the cl~~s .set : ·· . , i ~ensers~ wnereby'.the desire'd high"·midirec: r ,• -The . rotatable·- charging apparatus' 2 is I ven!io~ w.i~,.b.ec.s. rotat ion being The contact segments 13 an d 14 arc pro- considered as clockwise: ns indicated hy the vided; at their confronting ends~ with later- arrow : 'Upon initial connection of the ally J;>l'ojecting spectiYely, for ltul~ges or ears purpo.se 17ofanedngl~Sg~.mrge:- brushes 11 and 12 w the contact se!rmei~t:S 13 ·a11d H, as illustrated . energy from the !10 in pairs, a plnrahty of smtable brnsh~s or generator 1 is trn.nsfenecL through the slip- terminal members 19 to 23, inclusive. T hese rings 26 and 27: to t he storage means -±~ and brushes are equa lly spaced around the pe- the chargi:!lg operation continues for a rel- r iphery of the disk 15: "·ith the except1on ativel:-r long period. depemling upon the that an nrcunte distance of double the leEgth selected length of the contact Se!!m.ents 13 15 between brushes, such as 10 and 20: is left and 14. The stor:::rre ;;1enns -1 1s tb.1s ns ~ gbee~t1weernetnorth-ceonbnr.ueschteeds 2b3ruasnhc~ls1U11, wa~1hcel re1b2y~1t1haey heaYilv churcred ns m:-.Y l:e desired. After the Erushc-s 1:!.' :mel 1:2 1H'.'::: be:come smtnbly functwn: as heremn.fter described disengaged frm:1 the contact !':egments 1:3 ·' ; in detail. and H, so that the generator 1 is no longer r . 120 .Althot•~·ecl for the complet e charging of the c>~h·ahrigche is supplied to the. storage means 4, charge is consecuti-.-eh· clistributecl 1~ ·~ ov~erheth.edecsmir1eddenhseigr hnnYitoslt5n.ge · may .·~; thus ·.be0.';:~ mnmtamecl by r eason o~ the continuous ~$ charging and discharging operations of the l~ storage means 4, and such operations ri.re :1 7 storage means 4. Since the elongated con- maintained without any danger by r eason . / tact segments 13 and )4. are ]ocntetl near of the permanent g ro unding of both the (Ten-'' 'J one edge of the disk. 16, while the la ternl erntor ::mel the precipitator circuit.. e- . :; :45 portions 17 nnd 18 are locn.ted n ea1· the othc>r Figs. 2, 3 and 4 pro.-ide n. m01:e accurate 11 ·edge of the disk, there is no interference be- idea. of the preferred 1·elath·ely compact . ~·:ve~n t.he delhrety' brti!3hes 19 t o 23, ·indu- form. of the. rotat)ve cha.rging ~pparat:us:_2. e& ~ ·srve, ·arid the elongated segments 13 and 14. The msulatmg chsk 15 Is proYicled. w1th a .;1 of )Tor. tli:e pnrpose . connecting the con - central hub or sleeve 35 which mn:v be rigidly l J 50 .·tact segnients 1'3 and 14 to the storage s~ur~d to the driving shaft 16: .The elon- 1 :4, · ·me:ins n: phir~lity o·f si1itable conductors .gated contact seg111ents 13 and 14 may .be -~ ·m, .: 2f ai1t1,_25 :~r~ connected. to s}~P:riligs .26 and ·resp~c:tt.v~ly, that are r1g1dly .mon.rtted : direct!y and 3 (,t c o onnected, by end-fac~ · annular members or pn ~o/ips gs 26 . . '~6 a~d 0 4-', :~ . ·t1J?o.t;, a.~:d iiis_ill.a.t~d fr~~' t}:le diiyinKShaft ~~~· .16.: .'.~~~}~t~~~e;bru~hes 2~ and 29 .bellr. lipon ...27 :that are lo~at~.d _?nth~ OJ?.I>~~~e .~~~es _or :f~ces .of the d,~sk ~_::>, the~.e r~gs ·:~ervm.g ~s 12 .to· tl\·e· •sllp-rings ''26 and 2r and are· connected ··shp-rmgs·upon 'whtch the ·brushes·28 and·29 'otli-e· ~e:riniilals . 'of the' ·Circmif .fncl).Igi~g . rii~y b.e~~· :rn·.t.h~s w.aY.;:a..r,e~~.ti~~{f,tO,iii.P~ctuJ;.: :,. ~o ~··th.~~ ~p~·~;1:i,af!it~~~lla:~9~ d?enl~~e,~~~~!eY~~-~r?~n~dh~~Hs.)e.1_sr~~}.!·?n:.~: ~.~c.:~_ed, :tl1:to\ign conductor 30, .t o ·.t he <:Orhmon left- .'·ap,roTo.ddtzuw:ce1~tlnwJtbbnlee.ossfte.,areynr,ect1tuha.r~hehvWe·b1.yyPrh~ot,Yvg~.h~meu~.ym.~d~u~~-l·.efL,c·~nt. ~;.1:-:0~-1·nt-e 1;~ ~,,..i~~~~fuli~~~:,?~f:!t#b':~f·~~~: ?;::~:t\?It~~~·~:~~ii~f4¥i~~:;~~~ ··, ~ ::?n~W···t~~~iiinii.l ,M t~e}~ri~~ ' c9rid~n,ser .:cfr- ;.'·~~~1~~~.l~-E:f~.:~r:~n~1•~-ol~f...st~h~·~~p. l~~ve.ec~~;pr~_t..lb!.rt1lO1ps.h. B·:~P3Pa.r1:astu.cs~::,n6-, · ::.~~n1n~g~·"~;??~:~tnpa~gg:e·g.T..eein~s·eo·x.t.·,.~na.:nt,~O&..}'~)ut:~:~!11-i,~ns.eeA~~.lhe:~sS!.~.tR,i·tr.~~"~P~t1-J~?:oe'~~Y~~~m~.qg~~q.~r~d~t.{;~_·-1~ - I ~· ~· ~· ~·-·~ ·~ ·~ ·~ I ~ u I I ,.,:I r , , 1,053,364 B which is alternately cha1·ged from the gene- said source and located near the other side rator and fractionally d1schnrged into the of said rotatable member, a plurality of seg- 55 circuit comprising the series-connected con- m~nts having portions adapted for engaging denser units 5. By this construction, per- stud contact members and subsequently en- .i manent ground~ of both the generator and gaging adjacent pairs of said terminal mem- the precipitating circuits may be maintained bers, an energy-storing device: and a plu· ·without affecting the operation of the sys- rality of slip-rings for connecting the re- 60 tem and to secure the previously-mentioned spective segments to the terminals of said other ach·antages. energy-stormg device. , 10 It should be noted that. while I hu ve 2. The combination with a low-voltage shown lllY apparatUS in a simplified form source and a high-voltage unidirectional con- for the sake of clearness, in practice it may sumrtion dnice, of a plnrality of energy- 65 be aclYisable to reduce the brush friction stormg and restoring tmits connected in load and thus decrease the necessary size of series relation, a rotatable member. a plu- IJ the drivin2' motor 3. rality of tel·minal members connected be- The onl}7 brushe~ bearing on the periphery tween said units and located near one side of the large disk 15 will be those correspond- of said rotatable member, a plurality of con- iO ing to the energv-storing deYice 4. All other tact members connected to the terminals of brushes "·ill make contact 'vith slip-rings of said source and located near the other side ' zo relath·elY · small diameter mounted on the of said rot.atable member, a :plurality of seg- shaft lG: thus mate1·ially reducing the driY- ments havmg elongated portwns adapted for ing friction in case a. large number of con- engaging said contact members and relati•e- 75 denser units 5 and corresponding: brushes ly short portions for subsequently ·engaging are used. The necessary electrical connec- adjacent pairs of said terminal members, an :!.i tions will be made by means of conductors! energy-storing device comprising a plurality connected between the various slip-rings and of parallel-connected elements, . and n. plu- suitable contact segments on the periphery rality of slip-rings for connecting the re- 80 of the disk 15 for co-operating with the spectiYe segments to the terminals of said brushes corresponding to the device 4. energy-storing device. ao Furthermore, by employing the arrange- 3. The ·combination with a low-voltage ment shown in mv copending application, source and a high-voltage unidirectional con- Serial No. 428;98( filed Dec. 7, 1920, it is sumption device, of a pluralitv of energy- 85 possible to use an alternating-current source stormg and restorinO' units con.nected in se- of energy in lieu of the illustrated genera- ries relation, a rotat:ilile member, a pluraJity :15 tor 1. · of terminal members connected between said I do not wish to be restricted to the speci- units and located near one side of said ro- fic circuit connections, structural details, or tatable member, a plurality of contact mem- 90 arrangement of parts herein set forth, as bers connected to the terminals of said source val·ious modifications thereof may be made and located near the other side of said ro- 40 without departing from the spirit and scope tatable member, a plurality of segments ha\- of my invention. I desire, therefore, that ing portions adapted for engaging said con- only such limitations shall be imposed as tact members and subsequently enga~ing ad- 95 are indicated in the apJ_Jendecl claims. jacent pairs o·f said terminal members, an I claim as my invent10n: energy-storing devi.ceh a plurality of slip- •1:3 1. The combination with a low-voltage rings for connecting t e respective segments source and a high-voltage unidirectional con- to the terminals of said energy-storing de- sumption device, of a plurality of energv- vice, and means for grounding one terminal 100 stormg and restoring units connected l.n of said source, and one terminal o£ the series series relation, a rotatable member, a plu- circuit of said tmits. l,o rality of terminal members connected be- In testimony whereof, I have hereunto tween said units and located near one side of subscribed my name this 11th day of J anu~ said rotatable member, a plurality of con- ary 1921. tact members connected to the terminals of LEWIS WARRINGTON CHUBB. :~ ~I · .·_-.. ~ . •. r·. :.·. ·- . . ·- . . W. S. LEMMON. . i. RESONANT CONVERTER•.· .· : r. I APPLICATION fiLED SEPT. 1~ 1916. I 1,?40,963. : PatentOO May _25, 1920. r . ~ ~ ~ ~ I rr r II r 7 k ·: . ,-~-f£INVENTfJR-- ~A . :~ . ~ BY ~~ ATTORNEYS ;~ --- ~ UNITED STATES PATENT OFFIC-E. WALTER S. LEMMON, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. B.ESONANT CONVERTER. ~ ;340,963. Spec1Acation of Letters'Patent. J>ateuted 1\Ia.y 25·, 1920. Application Aled September 1, 1916. serial No. .117,993. 'J'(J allll'hom it may concern. . puth abo provid~s tl sho1t circuit for the Bl! it known that I, WALTER S. LE)Drox, os<'illatorv cir(•uit n•siding in the dty, county, and l::itate of ::\e\\' York, have innonterl certain new und 5 mwfnl Impron~nwnts in Hesonnht Convertl't's: :t!H) 1 do hereby cledare the follo,ving to Ill' a full. rlenr, :mel ~:met dt•seription of tlw ifln•ntion. such ns will enable others With ti1e pnt'ts 'thus urrunged, a rotation of tht• eontt·oll~:>t' will perioclically interrupt nta• parallel path C'llUsincr the direct cilrrent 60 to be shuntt>cl into the ~her pnrnllel J)ath t·ontaining tht> intlut'tan('e nnd cnpnl'ity, t~t·t·t·.l>y st01·ing t>nergy in this portion uf the skillt:'d in the ·art to which it appertnins to Cll'CIIlt. "\Vhen the controller brush has 10 make ancl use the same. passetl owr the insnlntion st>gment nncl 65 The object of this im·erition is to proYitlc t•omes 11pon ~he .Iie~t roriclucting segmen.t, :: ~imple nnd inexpensin! appnrutm; for the the rlosccl t'll'('lllt IS t'Olll]lleted and tins pt·ucltwtion of os<'illations in r:ulio signal- !-.lort•cl <'nt>rgy will clisc·harge it!:>t>lf through ing systems. The nt'l':tngement eontem- tlw c·losed c:in·nit. ancl if the c·irc:uit thro11r rt'muine incluetanl'e antl cn1iacity in the tl•r whic·h. "·lwn rc:>ceivt>cf b'!; means of the c·in·uit. !!in• rist' th dampetl t>ledt·i~·:tl ost·i l- ordinat'.)' rutlio receidnl,! set 1nrlmlin" a tele- lations. I f. hnwen•r, the speed. of rotation I pltOnc receiwr, will produce in the telephone antl tlw i Hr n pure and ~asily d istin!!Hisht>•l ll tltSi<':ll tone. Tltl' nature of tht• innntion will be under!-,toot! from the nrcompnnying dra\\'ing, illns- th<' c·in·11it is nr:u le :mel brokt>n nt intt•tTals 75 w!Jic·h ('fll'l'esponds SllUStnntiall v to the natn- I rnl fl't'C'tt•tl substan tinllv without sparking and ~5 ing clt'St'l'iption. . nn nlternuting rnrrent of t•onstant nmpli- 80 In this ncling circmts of tL rncho ( 'onseHt.l~·, eneriLY in the form of :1 c·on- l"i!!naling syst<'m. in which a syndtT·onPtiH stant amplttn nientnlity of the tt·ansfot'J\It>r sei:onclary S, 85 f' makt> nnd brenk n clirect rnnPnt circuit. .whid1 mny bt> in<'ltHh•d in the ortlinan· spa rk In tlw urr1ingement of the figure tlw gap circ·ni"t of a ra clio signaJin., systein. I smtr<'t' of eontinnous .('l.lrrent indieat~cl by · The doseclrt>st'S DC is eonncctely nssociated · through the trnns- osl'illatory l'irtt!it contaming tlw rotary .eir- former T with the IJUtennn ~\.. In this cast>. 1 l'uit l'ontr oller C, inductance I. which 1s the n syn~hronons spark gap is.usetl in the sptlrk JH'itn:try of a trnnsformer, nncl the condenser gnp circuit. This npparntus mny hn\'e nny 40 L. It will be ohservecl thnt the .direct cur_. well -known form. nrid should be 1lri1·en in l/5 rc:>nt source is.so conneete(Ho the oscillntory synchronism witli the circuit controller : C. rircnit as. to ~pply the direc~ Cl_UTelit .energy B.Y way of example~ I hnve shown a· r<;>tnting to two etrcmts, one of "·lnrh contnms the chsk G mounted on the snme axle 'nth the drtnit controller G nntl the. other of which controller C antl cnrrying radially armngcd 45 rontnins the· inductance nnd capacity. In spnrk points coiiperuting with two fixed· 100 other words, the oscillatory circui_t is, in its spark points located nt extremities of n .di- . relation to the direct current source, mncle .nmeter :of the disk. The rotating disk G up of two pnra~lel pnths, one of ;rh~ch con- may hnYe t!te same nu·rnber of spark. points bining the inductance and cupnctty IS capa- ns the rotatmg controller C has pnirs of seg50 ble ~f nbs.oi·bing energy ·from the direct CUr- m ents and hence ,vp_e·re these b•t'O deyices ro- 105 . rent-source when the direct current through taie at the same. speed, only alternn.tmg half. the rotary controller is .interrupted; nncl the· . waves of the il.lternating <;urrent are used fot' ?the~· of whkh ·~ffords a verj ·row resistn~ce sparking. In prac~ice it is, unde.r certain :~ . path for ·the dtrect ~urrent when the c1r- circumstances,. destrnble that both · half t'llit t, l,lro.:u. g:h' t h.e : c. o n tro . ll er i!? closed, ·which . ·wav.es of the- alternating current' be utiliz.ed., ~ ~ ~ ~ r I 7 r r . 1;340,9_63 1.·····:.." th~reby prod~t~ing b\:QSjJ·arks p_er eyrie; nJ1d .ciI'Cllit _iulnp_tecl t·~ r aml to clisl'ha r~·<· the energv trans- ronilecting sai!l ond oscillatory circtiit circuit to suif the to 1;aid sotln·e· a1ul to perioJ other desired ratio, or, in fact, any other mately equal to %. of t he distance between 7 means for effecting the desired speed regula- said contact members, and means for contion o£ the driving shaft 12, may be em- necting said segments to the respective ter- ployed. · · minals of said alternating-current source. r 3ii j The present apparatus is adapted to deliver a variable frequency to the set of con- 3. The source o£ combination with alternating-current a a nlodw-avohltia~O'h'e­ oo 1 denser units 7. By adjusting the amount of voltttge unidirectional consumption devtee, active secondary resistance 53, the speed of of•a plurality of energy-storing and restor- 7 1 I 1 40 the driving shaft 12 may be regulated, as desired, between zero and the above-men- ing units connected in series relation; a plurality of sets of stationary contact members, Oll 1 .tioned synchronous speed. Such regulation said sets having their members connected be- results in making and breaking the contact tween successive pairs.of said energy-storing between the contn.ct segments 16 and 17 and units and disposed in sta~gered relation, a J the corresponding sets of brushes 24 and 25 plurality o£ rigidly asso~1ated contact seg- ' 45 at progressively different points in the volt- ments :for the. respectiYe sets, each segment 100 I' age wave. Consequently, the series of con- being approximately equal to % of the disdenser units will be supplied with a terminal tance between said contact members, a plu- 1 voltage of a frequency corresponding to that rality of slip-rings :for connecting said se~­ i of the driving shaft 12; that is, a frequency· ments to the respective terminals of sa1d 150 varying inversely with the degree of slip of source, and means for operating said seg- 105 I the induction .motor 50. ment at a predetermined speed. I I do not wish to be restricted to the ll~e- In testimony whereof I have hereunto sub- cific circuit connections, structural detalls, scribed my aam~ this 30th day of November, , ··or arrangement of parts herein set forth, as 1920. .. . . j ~5 various modification~ may be made therein LEWIS WARRINGTON CHUBB. I~ I. /~!} II I March 22, 1932. 1,850,689 . . I i OSCILLATION GENERATOR PROCESS AND APPARATUS Filed Aug. 13, 1928 FIEJ_l_ :1 I I II ~. ~ I· ~ I I I ~ \ ~ .rI , ' , I '. , I ~ FIEi_E_ ,r' ' • FI6~4- . INVENTOR. llorrJI E. R(ZdfZkt4r ~~ · A.TTORNEYS. ~l.latented Mar. 22, 1932 l\~ 1,850,689 ~ UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE RA.:B.BY E. REDEXEn, OF l'ALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA, ASSIGNOR TO FEDERAL TELEGRA.l'R COMPANY, OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, A CORl'OltATION OF CALIFORNIA OSCILLATION GENERATOR l'B.OCESS AND Al'PAB.ATUS Application Aled Auguat lS, 1928. Serial No. 299,245. This invention relntes to the generation of of the electrodes employed in the apparatus high frequency waves by oscillating arcs and uf Fig. 1. ~ has as its object to increase the frequency of Fig. 3 iH u cross sectional view taken along operation of such devices. the line 3-3 of Fig. 2. · ~ 6 In the past it has been common to utilize arc converters for the ~eneration of high fre- Fig. -! is u circuit ing atmos- lJl.)' providctl with passageway 16 within rr phere. Apparently the carbon 10nizes anl'ovision for nt- SIS i at which the ionizetl path cnn be de-ionized, taching thereto small quantities of the de- l as long as the element carbon is present, since !;iretl elcnll'nt. 1 have secures ~j exteucl supplyiug uranium wero exceptionally re- i1 for introJ.uction of n cooling fluid. mnrknble nnd unexpected. i c; With respect to the el<'mt•nts thut rnn be Insofnr us my obServations up to the prl·s- '10 i employed for thP generation of oscillntions ent date are concerned, I huve been unuble of relatively low wn vc lt.>ngths, I have dis- to muke my converter operate upon sho~·t I covered thctt. the t-lt•mt•nt~ titanium, zin:o- ·wan: lcngt!1s wlwn the clcsncnt ('llrbon 1!1; nium. thorium nml u;·unium aire cuch cficctive present in npprcdnble CJUUnlitil!s. Thws H I l!J to secure the results of my invention. These j mnterinls nrc preferably utilized in pow- the nn nitnmeortsphhytt•hrto•got•fnauhtmydorsopl~haerrbeoins.rcsnp ~->lll'h as to r<•ndPr it urnnituu, uppt•ar to hn\'<' pmdicully 11o t-IFe<'t 80 conductil"e. upon thl' arc. The atmospherl' within which th<' nrc is en- ·when it is desired to operate the nrc upon veloped is preferablv of an inert gas, such as thP 1-:hortest possible wave len~ths, the ·s i7.e hydrogen. The nii· or other acth·c gasl's mHl positioning of thP eledrocll•s should be 20 within the chumu!•r are prcfcrnbly exl111usted such us to proYiue n minimum amount of 85 I thrn tube 21 antl hydrogt•n introduc-ed thru eapncitance hetwe<>n thr- <>lectrodes. ~ tube 19. By means of suitable appamtus I claim: \vell known tn the prior art, I mnintnin the . 1. In a11 o,.;l·i llatillll g c•awt·atot• tompr1~111g hydrogen atmosphere within chamber 18 at as the :-;ollrl'(' of ost·illntions nn t-lt>C'tric nrc, 2;; n. compnrnti,•cly constunt pressure. prt'f<'ru- . the:> nwth!HI of incJ·en..;ing tht• ft·ectm•ncy of op- 90 hi\' below ntmosphl'ric. emtion of said nre which compris<'s eliminnt- 'rn Fig. 4 I have shO\vn n conYentional form ing t·aruon fronrthl' arc und supplying tlwre- of oscillation eirrn it nssociatt-d with my nrc to a ratlio arth·e snbstnnce. con-rerter. In this case the electrodes nrc 2. ln nn oseilln t io n gell<'t·atnr comprising f.O supplied with currPnt from u suitable sonrt'<' as tilt' soure<> of o~cillntions nn eleetric un·, such as the direct rnrrent gcnerntor 28. whill! th<' m•.>thod of increasing tlw frecpt<'nry of ., ~ i' 'jr7 I :-1 the oscillation circuit connected ncro;;s the operation crf sa itl arc whic·h eomprises elim- electrodes consists nf sl•ries connected mcluc- inntincr rnrbon from the nrc ancl ~->upplving tance nnrl cnpacitanc·e 29 an(l 31. . manil~m ther<•to. · · :J!i • When t_lw nrc c·ozn-e!·ter .described n~ov~ is !3. In nn oscillation l!elll'l'ntor <·omprising lOG m· operntwn, the lon~ptndmnl magnehc tiehl as t lw Eoun·e of osl'illatiolls nn elc•ctric nrc• causps the nrc formect. between the ~lectrolles in a longitnclinal , mngneti e fit·ld~ thP method to .gyrate about an. nx1s corrt>sporulmg to the nx!s of the mngnet.1c field; I hnve found that , 0 tlus arrange.ment 1s pnrtJculnrly adapted for the productiOn of short wnYe ll'ngths wlwn the nrc is bl;inl! suppliNl with one of th~ elements Jnf'ntloned nbo,·e. 'Vhen the nrc Is be- ing suppliecl with the t-lemcnt titanium. the ~·a con'"erter operates stably npon wnxe lengths of from 400 to f>OO meters. By a. spedrum of inen•nsing thl' f rl'quenc\· of opemtion of ::-:nid nrc which compl'i~cs Piiminuting carbon from thr- nrr and supplying ura11ium thereto. 10~ ..J:••\n nrc o:-;l'illution •r<'nemtor haYill" a c·athorh• rompt·isiug n racfio ac·tin• suhstnJ~el'. tocrether with :mother· ~11h•tam·e in n cnrlJOit fr~c atmosphere. th<' H'eond suhstnnc•(' nlone being inc:apnbl<' of pt'cl(11tcing nn oseillnting 111' are. analysis, I determined that. the titnninm :1• •\n n rl' o:-;l'illntion l!l' nPrnto r· ha ,·iug a which I <'Ill plnyccl eontnint><1 t1·act>s of cut hocle l'omp1·isi n~ n raclio :wt i n• ~uh!'t:Hwe hafnium. 'Vhen supplying the element zir- and c·oppt·r~ ~aitl rathotl<• opPrat illI! in a c·ar- liO conium in the nbsen<'e of other elements, ex- !JCm fret- atmosphere. 115 cept of course the copper of the elect.rod<'s~ In te~timony wlu•rt>of. I haYP lll'rt'ttnto s<'t the arc operated upon \VaYe lengths of from my Ita 11 rl. · 200 to 400 meters. ancl with the el<•Juent IL\TIRY E. TIEDEKER. thorium thl' nrc operated 11pon -wnYe lengths Iii> of from 150 to 350 meters. Best results were obtained howe\'er by supplying tlw elenll'nt uranium which made possible operation of the arc upon wave lengths as low ns 70 meters, although the nrc operated best upoh oo wave lengths of from 125 to 250 mPters. It 125 1-~,- will bl.' not<'rl that titanium·, zirconium, thoriurn and uranium are nearly electrically nentral in that they are situated near the center of the periodic table. Although nil of the ele- ~~'\lnnts stated enable~ Of>"rRtitm of tho ore AAA~~~ ~ ~~ - ·· No. 755,305. lJO .IIIODEL. PATENTED MAr.. 22, 1904.. D. MoP. MOORE. PEAKED WAVE WIRELESS'TRANrudl.SS.ION. APl'LlOA.'l'IOlJ flL}:D l"UlJE 14, l9oa. r • J'=t1L rr~4- f tO 7 J. ,- 10 ,-------=~ // ···- I --.... .. . ·-- . ( r:t:sli T. WITNESSES:. I .!i '. -~~ . INVENTOR. -Pont·) llf.C,l;rlgn l/l'bore, . I. ~~··,uBY(;:;RY;~ I l. No. 71S5,305. Pate.nted. Karch 22, 1904. DANIEL MoFARLAN MOORE, OF NEWARK, NE.W 'JERSEY. PEAKEP-WAVE WIBE~ESS TRANSMIS.SION. Fa SPECIFICATION f!l~in.g part o.f ~ettera tent No..71SIS,SOIS; dat.ed ll.larcll ~2, 1904. J Applloatlon tiled June 141 190~. Serial :lo,lll1691. ·qio model,) ·.. • · To all whom it may concern: Other~~e stated, th.e improved _.method de- I· B e .it known tpat I, DaNIEL McFARLAN : vised by m~ depends for its efiicacy upon the MooRE, a citizen of the United States, and- a sudden action of the primary ex:cit~ng cause resident of Newark; in the county of Essex upon- the surrounding ether or medium in s· and·'Sta~ of New Jersey; have invented cer- which the said waves propagate theiQ,Selves. 55 ·tain new_and U§!lful-Improvementsin Peaked- . Briefly stated, my invention consists in the .JVave- Wireless Transmission, of which the improved niethod of propagating such waves · following is a specification. by l)roducing changes of primary exciting Myinvention .relates to a method of setting electric potent~al or polarization which ·if ro up waves of radiant electric energy for propa- graphically described as ~ series of waves ·6o gation through space, as in systems of space wouldshow a seriesof waves of highly-peaked telegraphy or ·transm!ssio'n of power, or for form. Such changes of electrical polariza- other uses where it is desired to employ simi- tion or condition may be produced by var'ious lar wayes of radiant energy sometimes termed forms of apparatuS, some of which will be ' ~ rs "electromagnetic " or "Rertzian" waves or herein described. They may be produced; 6s I , simply electricwaves. It is known that waves among ·other ways imd with great effective- · · of this character ce.n be propagated through ness, by interrupting a charged circuit in a space or through the all-pervading ether by high vaculliii through simply bringi~ the changes of electri.c potential or qondition, and two electrodes or contacts of the circuit. into · 2o it bas heretofore been proposed to produce and out of contact with one another while in~ 70 i ~ such changes of'electric potential or condition eluded in the vacuum. - In this way said conby the breaking of electric circuits or the dis- tacts may serve practically the double pur- · cbarg~ of the same over a space between elec- . pose.of the ordinary make-11.nd-break device :zs trodes, as lator. · in · the well-known · Hertzian oscil· . heret<>fore employed in Hertzian wave telegraphy and the function also of the electrodes 75 HeretOfore in de~elopingHertzian waYesor of the oscillator or radiator .~eparated by a waves of radiant electric energy rio attention space over.whichthe discharges primarily pro- . bas be<::~ given to the form of the oscill.atOry duced by the vibrator take.place. By " high . waves or pulses of electric condition or po- vacuum " I mean one in which the· exhaustioa 30 tential which primarily excite or produce the has been carried to the highest practicable So . ether waves, most experimen~rs being satis~ . degree. The higher the vacuum ·the better fied .with the natural effects resu1ting from for the purposes o~ my invention. The a:p- ' '·~he electric discharge across an ~ir-gap. What paratus in this simple form suitab11~· for pro- . .r bave discovered and what seeins to bave been ducing the exciting w11:ves or pqlses. is the ' - 35 completely ignored ~0 far by all other workers same as that described in my prior lipplica- ·85 ·.. .in the w~reless field is that the shape of the ~ion filed December 16, 1898, Serial ·No." wave is a rpatter of great importance- that is, 699,4:23, of which the present applicatio~. is the shape of the wave of the circuit, which is as to that feature a continuation. · ' · · _. . the source of ether-radiating waves. · The essence of my invention consists in pro· 4° My present invention or discovery is ad- ducing in . auy manner changes of e.lectri~ .90 . dressed to 'the manner of primarily exciting condition or p otential for .the purpose of de- or producing the waves of radiant energy; veloping the free .electromagnetic wav.es ra.:. i and it consists, substantially, in sett.ing up or diated through space, by eausing changes of I · origin~ting in any proper way cbang.es of elec- electric potential -'or . eoiidition of prede~r­ j 45 trical condition or polarization which by r ea- mined form or rate of change which, graphic- 95, l 1 son of their high rate of change will be bet- ally represented, may be de.c;cribed as .a w'ave ; ter ·suited to ' produce radiating sphe.r es or or pulse of .extrem~ly peaked form, and 1 • lines of wa~e action that\vill propagat-- of the general character sbown in my prior rupter 2, composed of a glass receptacle or I· · patent, No. 678,191, dated J"uly 9, 1901. .receiver exhausted to as h1gh.adegreeas pos- 1 With an induction-coil using an open-air siblc and containing the Lwo contacts of an 1 ro break, due to the conductivity of·.the air and interrupter,(marked 3 and 4.) The lower one, ·75 1 · due to the necessarily longer time constant 4, is sealed in the glass body of the receiver, '1 of secondary coil, it is impossible to produce · while the upper one, 3, is attached to the ver- 1 a wave whose peakedness is at all comparabie tically-oscillating armature of an electromag- 1 with that produced by the vacuum break in net 5 above the glass extension in which the I 15 witich the best dielectric known-namely, an armature is guided and moved arid is included· Bo extremely high vacuum-inserts itself auto- in the circuit passing through the contaCts 3 ~ ~ rqatic:Lll.v in the electric circuit, and therefore and 4. This device is in its substanti.al me- -·· produces a complete interruption thereof in chanica) form the same 8S the one heretofore the minimum length of time. employed by me in vacuum-tube lighting and 2o As is \Veil known, it is desirable that the is capable of operation after the manner of Bs \. oscillations or vibrations which excite the elec- an automaticmake and break. Its action may ~ tromagtietic vibrations in the ether shalr con- be controlled by the key 7 in any obvious tinue as long as possible before they are way. To impro'l-·e the effects, antennre or ae- dampened out, and Maxwell and others have rial and ground wires 10 11, such as used in \ z5 shown that these oscillations would continue' ordinary form~ of wireless-transmission plant, 90 ~ for a maximum length of time and with a may be added. The closure of the key 7 per- - rapidity approximating that of light if the mits the vibrator t:o act and produce sudden .· apparatus from which they emanate were re- and rapid chapges Of electric condition which \ ~ duced to molecular proportions. It is phys- result in the transmission or radiation of the 30 ically impossible, of.course, to produce such electric waves or electromagnetic vibrations 95 frI7 an apparatus; but, as I have discovered, great propagated through space to any distant readvantage may be securef h T..~- C •;. :~~. ·..... -... · ~ ~ - L' . . Ft;y. z. Jl. . . . . r·,~~~ s~ ·.,- ...... ~ + ~Ha b ~J· c;-L ~ I .J?..,i. q.J. x '1 7 r a.~ 5 ,.,. ~·~ ~ tao£._I?~-L<, Jene .LO>~" . U'~. ":. ~. r' . ~. .~~AA-~~~~ · ~ ~ ~~~~-~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r, I f! 7~~.3015 ·a vices that ·may be employed for. generating breaking a circuit in a high vacuum 88 de- .the e~citing' electric potential which, eonsid- scribed,thereby subjecting the ~ther to a series ered as a wave or puik;e of exciting energy, of waves or pulsations of impressed energy 20 would be .of highly-peaked form. . · · or polarization which, graphically represent- · 5 What I .claim as my invention is- · ed, would be of highlY:·peaked form. ~- The herein-described metqod.of produc- 8. In the art of wireless· transmission of . ipg waves of radiant energy in space telegra- energy, the.improvement consisting in gener- phy or power tra.nsmis.Sion consisting in im- ating free electromagnetic waves or vibrations 2 5 pr~ing upon the ether repeated changes of by abruptly breaking a closed circuit in a I,..._,;· tl~ I high f l't'fllll' llr..v cnt·n•nt~. · t hP cltn t'ndl't' ,· r ;Ill :n·c· si tH'\' .so lnn;r n time 1t. ha~ hr•c• tJ lwrdnfot'l' propospcl to pt·n- Plnr~!'s lwtw\'1'11 thl' pa~<;:tgl' of sin;.ot from thP l'mhodiml'nts of tlH' in- n>ntion shown in tht' clmwing-. whl.'rrin Fig- 85 fi g'!'lll'l'ntm• " ·ith wltirh f l'N)ll('nr.it'S. hi!!lH't' lii'I'S 1 to il, inr\n~i\'e, show \'lll'iOIIS mmJifi. th nn tho~e prcdon~l." ohta inNl. r.n n ilf' pro- l'n t io ns of the c:irc·n it nrrnng<~llll'llt~ which l'l ll'l'Cl . :1 11tl with thi s obic•ct in Yil'W, tllC' in- tnny lw ns<•rl. but it is intf.'nrl<•d thnt snrh ,.t'ntion contt:'mplatl'~ ~h(· pro,·ision o f n pln- morlifications ancl C"mhorlinll'nts will -be rr- rnlitv of fll'C's \\'hic:h a n• ~o nl'l'aliUC'tl thnt .!!•l rrlt•cl ns clt·~wriptin• and not ns ..lim iting 90 n the ·cu rrent; impulses p:t!"!'i succl.'~sinl ,Y till' in\'cntion. · . ·· - thrn11g-h the nrcs. m: fnt· t•xnmplt•. whl'l'l' .\n l'Xnmpl<' of thP liS!' of two a rt ·!'~ or rlis~·· thrc!' nrcs lll' P tl;:Pcl onlY t':trh third C11l'l'Pnt. im pnl ~l.' pn~l't'!' thrnn!!h a !"in!!h• nre. nnd this nt·c tlwrPaf tC'T' t'l'lilnitt;: PXftn!!ni~ lwrl fn l' two entire period" whirh gi,·C'~ th<~ arr a c·hargc ~pnn•s a anrl h i~ shown i n Fi~." l. HPtwrl'n thr cath.·,clPs nnrl the ferd eomlnclor :tl't' ins!'t'tcrl ;:rlf indll('tions T.a nncl Lh 95 fwhidt a~ a y·nl<' h:n·(' thr• s:nm• \'nlTH•), :lnrl sn fficiPntly long time fnr lwin.!! eoolNl. Jf tlw ci rc·nit of \·ihratinn pt·oper· . is fornwcl th t> sh ift in.!!s of tlw nrc :ll't' JH'ntnptl,v timerl, by thP condl•nsrr C. tlH' incllll!tntH' I' L nml t his will not nff<'ct th0 l)('l'io1l of tho nltet·- tl1e rlH"o;;tat R in con ner.t ion with tlw jp. · . . _. nnting cnrrents wh ic~h paS."l'~ throngh the rlnct:ntcPs Lff. or Ll, , Th(' ywt·iorl is · the ''1'00 ri rcnit ront:tinill!! thc• inrlnclion L nncl th e s:nnl'. ,.i7.. 1' in hoHt r.nsl'"· ThP. ci rcuit of · r·onrlPn!-:1'1' (', Tn~l !'ncl of r·ltnn!!irt!! the nn: oscillation I inrl ira t..cl. tht• nsions heing altemnl<'l~· i•trltlrNl whirh <·nusr spnrks to jump l'ltl'Oll.!!'h t.]H• rlisr.hnr·gc> spn/j•~ n. nnr1 thf' · rlisdtnrgr sp:tf:·, 71. rrsp<>r.t.i\'(>·l.v. •· n nrrh:v stn 1'1 s thP di!"r·lt :tl'g'<'!" . prr.;.•t'r.: 80 .·. ThP ~tn rti ng SJ Ht r·l\!i follo,·,. <'ncli ntlH' r ·,'.' it h .''_,:~ ~ nn intrr\'nl of nhnu f nT. wh<'r<• T ns li~llnl': · · . inflirntPR th<> nntmnl prt·ioc1 o·f the osrilln- · .:. tion cirrnit. Al!':n nt t.hiH nrrnng<.>m('nt tlw· nnmhrr of rli~rhnr,!:<' spnc<'s i!': nrhit.rnr.\'. Hn·dna now Jia 1tir·nlnrlv rlcsf'rihecl n·n:i ascertnin'erl f·hc nntnre of n1Y !'::titl iuventini.\. o-··. nnd in whnt manner the same i~ to he pc:>1·- ·. . former1. I rlcclnre th:tt \'hn.t I chim is:-·.· :t;·: 1. A g-enern.tor for nigh frequency currents :··9:0.··. o{ comprising n. sin~h, oscillation circuit hnv- ·. . ·· ing a plurality discharge spaces there- -'', in. n.nfl mcnns for· cl irecting n high freC)nency . · current. t.hrough snid osclllat.ion circnit nncl . .. for snccessi>el:v n..-,-1 ..........iodicnlly directing 95 said cnrrent throug-h ~aifl spaces nt periods which are a simple mnltip]e of the high frequency rmrent pa~ing throng-h the oscil- lation circnit.. · ci 2. A generator for high freCfuencv cur- 100 rents comp risinQ' n sin rr1c o~r::ill n.ting rcnit haT"ing- n plmnjitv of c1ischnrge spnces con- ... nertn-=! in pnrn llel therein. nnd means fol' ..,. .: · dir<>ctiJ:;'" i! high frcrp~encv r.nrrent t.hrong-h .::: -::--; snirl osC'i.'lntion rircnit nn(l for snrressh·ely·.I-05 [_ nnn p~r JOnicnlly directing snid current · throng-h sniil spRrr.s ..~ p<>riorJs which nre n. <:im!'ll~, mnltipln of th<' h igh frerynP.ncv cnr:: . . I C·•n(; pll.SSlng thrnngh the OSrillntion ClTCllit., ,. Tn witnPss whr.rrnf. T h:t7r snbscriherl 116. I l. m>· !':i~ntnrc. in tht' nre.c;<'nce of. two wit- PRDBR OT.JTTF PRD'ERSEN; ...·' WitnrssP.s: l . Vrano nr.oM, VALDEMARCRlUSTENA. l. ;~, I ' I I I I i 1,214,214. ' . P. 0, PEDERSEN & V. POULSEN. GE ~~n r. OR Of HIGH fREQUENCY CURRENTS, APPLICATIOII f iLtO JA" · e, U 13, Patented Jan. 30, Hll7. I u l u \. e ! ~ ,II I ' " I I' I .. . ...... .' :: ...... .. ~ ,.... o·NIT~ED STATES PATENT OF].,ICE. r I PEDER OLUF PEDERSEN AND V :il.LDEMAR POULSEN, OF FREDERIKSBEEG, DENMARK, ASSIGNORS TO FEDERAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY, A CORPORATION OF CALIFORNIA. GENERATOR OF HIGH-FREQUENCY CURRENTS. Specification o! Letters Patent. J>atcnted Jan. 30, 1!>17. Application filed January G, 1913. Serial No. 740,542. 'l'o all·1chom it m.ay concern: ,5s 1.1.other difficulty nrises, for instnnce in the i I Be it kno·.. n that 've, PEDER Or-uF PEDEn- Poulse:1 generatol', which hns the peculiarity · ~.r·:x nnd V,\Lr>E:"IfAR PouLsEN, subjects of the thnt th e nppn!·ent resistance of the generator I I i I i I ;:; King of Denmnrk, residing nt FrederiksIJt'rg. D••nmark, hn\'(! in,·ented certain new :u HI usc. ~ .J lmpro,·cments in Generators of Ilip:h -F;·elj\lcnc.r Cnrl'l~nts. of which the fol- ?ecrenses \Yhen the intensity o,f ·the . cunent mcreases. If therefore for some rensbn or '· other an nnequn.l distribntion of tl,e high GO frequen cy cnrrent occms, n tendency will I.Jc. · .; I - I . I lowing is a full, clcnr, and exact description. present to n continuous increasing of the . I I ::\Iost gent"·ntors of the nrc or spark type snid inequality, so thnt finally the greatrr ·c~~ i 1u fo1· cmrents of n high frequency hnve the pe- part of the current will fnll to one of. t:1c · I I I culinri ty thnt undet· 'giYen circumstances, generators "·hereby it becomes lrss· efh.:ti,·e: G5 thus for a giYen wnn~lcngth, feed ing ten- while the other generator c,·cntually become,; ~ion. clamping, etc.! they nre only nble to currcntless. and the nim of the -:'lnnrctio:t · ''"ill yield up t o a certain high frequency effect, in pamllel thus not be nttninecL Thcre- 1'> and this limit is often lower than desirable. fore measures must be taken for securing lt hns l.·een attempted to oYercome thi's ditli- the equal distribution of the high frequency 70 1 I en lty by usc of n plnrality of generntors ar- currents over all of !.he gencl'ntors. ranged in series. This is possible in cnses The present inYenti.on \\·ill be fully cle- l 1 :!U in co uswithliccrhnblteherehsiigsthanfcree,qutheenciy1igchircfur~itquiesncoyf scribed by reference to the nnnexetl Clrnw- ing show.ing. schemntically an embodiment t currents in this case haYing only a propor- of the inYention, hv which a uniform dis- 7 5 I tionatcly low intensity so thnt no drawbacks tribution of the high frequcnc.v energy o,·el' 1 of any grc:\t importance appear by causing nll of the generators cnn be obtained. In the hi.!!h fref] ne ncy currents to pnss throngh the figure only two generators nrc shown, 25 ·all of the generators. But it is guite differ- but, as n matter of comse, three or more cnn ent when the high frequency circuit must be used if wanted without departing from so ncccssnrilY have n low resistance. Th;s is the spirit of the im·ention. · Jor in ~tance the case in lnrge stations for a and u indicate feeding t!!rminals, c nnd (l' ··· radio telegraphy and telephony working. with two Poulsen g enerators. c. nncl f rec1ncing. r . ;;o grc:tt "·ave-lengths nnd therefore hanng a rheostats, .r; and h renctio11 coils. k~ ni, n., o .. compnrati,·el:r !:'mall resistance of radiation. and JJ condensers, and 1 the self indnction of 85 l . Tn such cases. tu obtain a sufficient radiation, the vibration circnit. This latter consists as it is nr.ccssnry lo work with Yery strong high it will be seen, of the self induction coil q,. irl'•!Ucnc.r currents. I£ it is here necessary :;.j to Lli<:tribute the high frequency energy over the condem:er p comprising: the acnodndtehnesetwr o!.-, r>nrallel circnits the gcilerntcr c : . ·> , n,· a p1mality of generators, a connection in se- and the condenser and the condenser rn, ·.!JO ·• ries of these generators will be disachnn- the generator d nnd the conc1en~er o, rcspec- tageous. as tb·e strong high frequency cur- tively. The capacity of th e condensers 1.·, n, t·ents will decrease the elliciency of the gen- m and o (which ·will most freC)uently h:p;c ·10 erntors. .A connection in mnltiple, however, the same value) must for two t·e:1sons be will he highly c1esiraiJJe. The d ifficulty is rather s mall: firstlv thcv will contribu t e to 05 founcl in causing the separate hiB"h frequency forcing the h.igh frcquen"cy culTents J'ltnnirig generators to cooperate in the rtght manner, ,\·hether those generators comprise arcs, ·15 spnrk gaps or· the like. If the question is for ins~a nee of a Poulsen genemtor for continuous osc;}Jntions, proYisions must in the in the circuit of vi bra tion to •.listl'ibntc tht•tri- · sclYes more en~nly ont· the gcncrntot'S the smaller their .cnpacity is! ancT S!!Conclly the tcn1lency in the cir of cui tluf~crrhmcfct'ClfJbIIyClltCh:V~e C:lll"l't'nls n condenser kt·i,sitnh<~r 100 first place be taken to make all 0f the gen- generator c, the condensers n nnd o! the gen- erntors work . in the snme phns~. Even if crntor cl nnd the condt•nser m. will he the 50 the fre(jncnc:v was exactly the snme, it would smaller the smaller the capacitj• of the cnn- be necessary to take special mcnsures in order clcnser_s is. This is n ci•·cumstnnce nf very 105 ~ \1" rI to sccur~ the correct cc:.inciclence of phase. great Importance. If the enndcn<·c1·s !.·, n, n In cnnsir.g till of the g1:nernt.m·s to worlc in nntl m nre ton lnrgc. indPpendcnt high fr!.'- ~ IJd i" the sn