(jMDIPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TITTlVLAJirN" SUPERINTENDENT GEODESY THE CALIFORMA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION BT Comi>utei-, XJ. S. Coast and G-eotietio Survey SPECIAL PUBLICATION No. 13 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1913 DEPABTMENT OF COMMERCE U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SUKVEY SUPERINTENDENT GEODESY THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION BY A- L. BA.r.TD'wnsr Computfr, XT. S. Coast and Greodotio Survey SPECIAL PUBLICATION No. 13 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE lOKi I<)I3 CONTENTS, fc*^ Ceierai statement rTogress of the triangulation : Season of 1903 Season of 1904 Season of 1905 Season of 1906 Methods of observing employed Program of occupation of stations Stations occupied: Seasonofl903 Season of 1904 Season of 1905 ! Season of 1906 Statement of costs Statement of adjustments Abstract of horizontal directions and elevations of telescope above the station mark Condition equations Accuracy as indicated by corrections to observed directions Table of corrections to observed directions Accuracy as indicated by corrections to angles and closures of triangles Table of triangles Accord of bases Accord of azimuths Twist in triangulation Explanation of positions, lengths, and azimuths and of the United States Standard Datum Table of positions Principal points Supplementary points Descriptions of stations Principal points Supplementary points Computation, adjustment, and accuracy of the elevations Thirty-ninth Parallel to Willamette base ,. Puget Sound to Tacoma base Willamette base net to Tacoma base Elevation of Mount Shasta Accuracy of vertical angle results in the United States Elevations Table of elevations: Thirty-ninth Parallel to Willamette base Willamette base net to Tacoma base Tacoma base to Puget Sound Sketches Index to positions, descriptions, sketches, and elevations ILLUSTRATIONS. 1. Index map 2. Index map 3. Thirty-ninth Parallel to Bally-Round 4. Bally-Round to Onion-Rust 5. Onion-Rust to Mary-Peterson 6. Mary-Peterson to Davis-Red 7. Davis-Red to Puget Sound Page. 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 15 18 18 19 20 29 30 30 31 33 34 37 42 43 '. 54 57 58 61 62 63 63 64 64 66 67 68 75 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 3 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. By A. L. Baldwin. Computer, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. GENERAL STATEMENT. In the spring of 1903 the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey began the reconnoissance for an arc of primary triangulation to extend from the primary triangulation in northern California to Puget Sound. The work of reconnoissance was not done continuously in any one season, but was done a little at a time, in order to interfere as little as possible with the observations. It was usually done slightly in advance of the triangulation, but at times simultaneously with it, and so the two can not be discussed separately. The observing was completed in four summer seasons, beginning in June, 1903, and ending in July, 1906. The length of the primary triangulation of this arc, along the axis of the scheme, is 577 miles (929 kilometers) and the length of the subsidiary schemes, secondary in character, is about 30 miles (48 kilometers). Fifty-seven stations constitute the main scheme. The mean latitude of the three old stations of the Thirty-ninth Parallel triangulation, from which the arc started, is 39 05', and the northernmost point lies in latitude 47 23'. The triangulation follows closely the meridian of 122 30'. The positions and descriptions were prepared for publication by Mr. C. H. Swick. The greater portion of the work of making the difficult least square adjustments was done by Mr. E. H. Bowen and Mr. M. H. Doolittle, the adjustment of the elevations from the vertical measures having been made by the latter. The engineer intent only upon securing the necessary information to enable him to extend his triangulation or to base other surveys upon it will find the information he desires on pages 31-78, commencing with the explanation of the table of positions, lengths, and azimuths. The index printed on pages 75=-78, used in connection with the sketches at the end of the publication, will enable him to find quickly the data for any given locality. There were used to control the lengths in this triangulation the Yolo base in California, the Willamette base, near Eugene, Oreg., and the Tacoma base, near Tacoma, Wash. The Yolo base was measured in 1881 by Assistant George Davidson, who published his report as Appendix No. 8 in the Report of the Coast and Geodetic Survey for 1882. The Willamette and Tacoma bases were measured by the party of Assistant O. B. French in 1906.* During this season of 1906 six primary bases were measured, the other four being a part of the Ninety-eighth Meridian triangulation. Complete measurements were made on each base with 50-meter steel tapes and also with invar tapes of the same length. PROGRESS OF THE TRIANGULATION. SEASON or 1903. Early in 1903 Assistant O. B. French was placed in charge of the field work and in April organized at Eugene, Oreg., a reconnoissance and building party, consisting of a foreman and four men, with a wagon and four horses. With this party Mr. French conducted a recon- ' See Appendix 4, V. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Report for 1907, " Six primary bases measured with steel and Invar tapes. 5 6 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. noissance through the Willamette Valley to connect with the triangulation of the Columbia River. By the latter part of May this was so far advanced that the observing could be started and a party, consisting of Mr. French, a recorder, and four other men, with two wagons and seven horses, started out from Eugene for the first station, Roman, leaving the first party to build signals. The work was pushed toward the Columbia River as far as the reconnoissance had been completed. Before the end of September both parties returned to Eugene, where a base and its connections with the main scheme were laid out and a part of the stations were occupied by the middle of October. Throughout the season the signal-building party was m always advance of the observing party, erecting signals, cutting lines, opening trails, and preparing camping grounds. The weather during the whole season was very disagreeable and uncertain and the cause of much lost time, especially by the observing party, as it was rare that all the signals to be observed at a station were visible at one time. There were frequent long intervals of many days when no observations could be made. Between the middle of October and the middle of November Mr. French and the foreman of the signal party made a reconnoissance southward to connect with the triangulation of the Thirty-ninth Parallel, developing the scheme that with few changes was carried out in 1904. SEASON OF 1904. In the season of 1904 the organization of the parties and the method of conducting the work were about the same as in 1903. Assistant J. S. Hill was also assigned to the work, thus enabling Assistant French to devote more time to reconnoissance without delaying the progress of the observing party. The parties were organized in AprU, when some additions were made to the reconnoissance to complete the scheme between the Thirty-ninth Parallel triangulation and the work of the previous season, and a few stations were prepared for obser- vations. The observing started at Marysville Butte soon after May 1 and the season's work closed about the middle of November. During this time the whole scheme between the old triangulation of the Thirty-ninth Parallel and the work of the previous season was completed. Between July 9 and August 10 Assistant French made a reconnoissance to connect the work of the Columbia River with that of Puget Sound, which practically settled the scheme of work for 1905. Many difficulties were encountered during the season. During April and May snow and very strong winds greatly delayed the work. At station Soda smoke delayed the party at one time for six weeks. Many stations were difficult of access. Five stations were reached by pack trains over distances from 10 to 25 miles and along difficult and dangerous trails. In each of two cases special trails had to be made for a distance of 4 miles and they were so steep that in one case two horses went over backwards and the outfit had to be packed by men. In order to reach station Mears it was necessary to use ladders and hand lines. SEASON OF 1905. During the season of 1905 the organization of the parties and method of conducting the work were the same as during the previous season. The field work began about the middle of April and closed about the middle of October. The region between the Columbia River and Puget Sound is a very difficult one through which to carry a primary triangulation. Many of the peaks that must be used are flat and heavily timbered and the roads and trails are almost impassable. It is also a region of very bad weather and this fact, together with the prevalence of forest fires, made the delays in observing very great. The scheme that was laid out the preceding season proved to be entirely too expensive, on account of the very high signals required and the great amount of cutting of timber necessary. Further reconnoissance was therefore required and both ])arties took part in it. About June 1 the observing party began work in Oregon, completing the occupation of four stations in the Willamette base net. This party then movel to the vicinity of the Tacoma base and was engaged the rest of the month in signal building. Observing was resumed on July 1. THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. 7 In spite of every effort the work connecting the Columbia River triangulation with that of Puget Sound was not completed during this season. Assistant French reported that the weather conditions during this season were the most unpropitious for such work that he had ever experienced. At three stations signals over 100 feet high were built, one being 130 feet high. At several stations the instrument was mounted on a high tree. In such cases the tree was guyed with iron wires and a staging was built about the tree. At one station over 200 trees 4 feet or more in diameter and 200 feet high, besides many smaller ones, were cut to open lines. Long and dangerous trails had to be constructed and several accidents happened on them, which fortunately were not serious except to the horses. At the last station the party was caught in the snow and had difficulty in getting out. SEASON OF 1906. During this season the work was in charge of Assistant J. S. HiU, who organized a party on June 11 and finished the last station on July 26, completing the primary' triangulation between the Columbia River and Puget Sound. He also made the connection between the primarj' triangulation and the Columbia River work. Between June 18 and July 26 the observing party occupied seven primary stations and incidentally traveled 250 miles by boat, 315 miles by wagon, and 130 miles by trail with pack animals. METHODS OF OBSERVING EMPLOYED. The observations for the primary horizontal angles were made in accordance with the General Instructions for Primary Triangulation, as given on pages 170-174 of Appendix 4, Report for 1911. AH the horizontal angle measures were made by the direction method, using the 12-inch (30-centimeter) theodolites made in the Instrument Division of the Survey. These instruments are described in Appendix 8, Report for 1904. The telescope usetl has a clear aperture of 61 millimeters and its focal length is 74 centimeters. The circle is graduated to five-minute spaces and is read by the micrometer microscopes to single seconds. PROGRAM OF OCCUPATION OF STATIONS. In the following three tables the primary stations occupied during the several seasons are arranged in the order of their occupation. The second column of each table intlicates the days on which primary horizontal observations were made, and the third column the number of such days. The letters (az.) after the name of a station indicates that observations for primary astronomic azimuth were made at that station. Stations occupied. Assistant O. B. French, chief of party and observer. SEASON OF 1903. . Station THE CALIFOKNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PRIMARY TBIANGULATION. Stations occupied Continued. Assistant O. B. French, chief of party and observer, and Assistant J. S. Hill, observer. SEASON OF 1804. ' station THE CALIFOENIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PRIMARY TKIANGULATION. Stations occupied Continued. Assistant J. S. Hill, chief of party and observer. SEASON OF 1906. station 10 THE CALIF0BNIA-WA8HINGT0N ABC OF PRIMARY TRUNOULATION. The horizontal directions are reduced to sea level. The correction expressed in seconds is given by ^h sin2ar cos'<^ p SUl I where e* = (o'-6) , A = height of station sighted, = /o the radius of curvature in a plane normal to the meridian, = the latitude, and a = the azimuth counted from the south westward. In the following table are also given the elevations of the telescope of the theodolite above the station mark at each of the primary stations. These elevations enable the reader to judge of the amount of building done and they permit the engineer or surveyor who uses the stations to form an estimate of the probable amount of building required to make any particular line clear. station occupied and elevation THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PRIMARY TBIANGULATION. 11 Station occupied and elevation 12 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PRIMABY TRUNGULATION. Station orcupied and elevation THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. 13 Station occupied and elevation 14 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PKIMABY TBIANGULATION. .station occupied and elevation THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PBIMARY TBIANGULATION. 15 station occupied and elevation 16 THE CALIFOBNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PBIMABY TBIANGULATION. Mo. 39. 0-+0.47-(93)4-(96)-(133)+(135)-(136)+(141) 40. 0= -1.79-0 15)+(U7)-(130)+(135)-(136)+(138) 41. 0=-0.14-(123)4-(126)-(131)+(135)-(136)+(139) 42. 0=+0.90-(114)+(115)-(13)+(140)-(142)+(146) 43. 0=+O.62-(93)+(94)-(140)+(141)+(142)-(148) 44. 0=-0.13-?134)4-(135)-(136)+(140)-(142)+(144) 45. 0=-0.36-(122)+(123)-(139)+(W0)-(142)+(147) 46. 0=-1.28-(132)+(134)-(144)+(145)-(150)+(152) 47. 0=-0.22-(137)+(140)-(142)+(145)-(150)+{151) 48. 0=+0.19-(94)+(97)-(145)+(148)-(149)+(150) 49. 0=+1.39-a22)+(124)-(145)+(147)+(150)-(153) 50. 0=-1.70-(106)4-(108)-(118)+(119)-(157)+(158) 51.0= 0.70-(106)+(107)-(156 +(158)-(160)+n61) 52. 0=-0.44-(119)+(120 -(156 +(157)-a59)+(16l) 53. 0= 0.67-(154)+ 156)-(161 +(162)-{172)+(173) 54. 0=+1.01-(154)+(l.55)-(165)+(166)-(17l)+n73) 55. 0=+0.53-(162)+(163)-(164)+(166)-(17l)+(172) 56. 0=-1.51-(166)+a67)-(170)+(17l)-(]81)+(182) 57. 0= 2.00-(169)+(170)+(179)-(182)-(187)+(188) 58. 0=+2.27-(167)+(168)-(174)+(175)-(180)+(181) 59. 0=-0.15-(175)+ 176)-(179)+(180)-(186)+(187) 60. 0=-1.74-(176)+(l78)-(185)+(186)-(189)+(190) 61. 0=+0.03-(176)+(177)-(184)+(186)-(202)+(203) 62. 0=+1.69-(184)+(185)-(190)+(I91)-(201)+(203) 63. 0=-0.30-(183)+(184)-(198H(199)+(200)-(203) 64. 0=+0.08- 191)+(192)-(197)+(198)-(200)+(20l) 65. 0=+1.70-(192)+(193)-(195)+a97)-(208)+(209) 66. 0=+3.20-(192)+(194)-(196)+(197)-(210)+(211) 67. 0=+5.26-(193)+(194)-(207)+(208)-(210)+(212) 68. 0=+1.01-(205)+(207)-(212)+(213)-(221)+(222) 69. 0=-0.82-(204)+(205)+(216)-(222)-(228)+(229) 70. 0=-1.79-(213)+(214)-(2]6)+(22])-(227)+(228) 71. 0=+1.70-(204)+(206)-(223)+(229)-(235)+(237) 72. 0=+5.62-(214)+(215)-(223)+(227)-(234)+(237) 73. 0=+2.22-(216)+(217)-(223)+(228)-(236)+(237) 74. 0=+0.34-(217)+(220)-(233)+(236)-(238)+(240) 75. 0=+1.49-(223)+(226)-(233 +(237)-(239)+(240) 76. 0=+0.11-(219)+(220)-(238)+(241)-(243)+(244) 77. 0=+1.59-(225)+(226)-(239)+(241)-(243)+(245) 78. 0=+1.31-(232)+(233)-(240)+(241)-(243)+(246) 79. 0=+2.11-(218)+(2]9)-(244)+(248)-(250)+(251) 80. 0=+0.H-(224)+(225)-(245)+(248)-(250)+(252) 81. 0=+0.73-(231)+(232)-(246)+(248)-(250)+(253) 82. 0=-0.94-(241)+(242)+(243)-(248)-(249)4-(250) 83. 0=-1.29-(230)+(231)-(253)+(254)-(255)+(258) 84. 0=-0.37-(247)+(248)-(2.50)+(254)-(2r)5) + (257) 85. 0=-1.04-(254)+(255)-(260)+(262)-(263)+(2G4) 86. 0=-0.50-(261)+(262)-(26;j)+(265)-(274)+(275) 87. 0=+0.48-(259)+(260)-(264)+(265)-(274)+(276) 88. 0=+0.69-(2ft5)+(268)-(273)+(274)-(277)+(278) 89. 0=+0.10-(267)+(268)-(277)+(280)-(281)+(282) . 90. 0=+0.37-(272)+(273)-(278)+(280)-(281)+(284) 91. 0=-0.44-(266)+(268)-(277)+(279)-(285)+(286) 92. 0=-0.19-(271)+(273)-(278)+(279)-(285)+(287) 93. 0=+0.01-(269)-l-(271)-(287)+(288)-(291)+(292) 94. 0=-1..53-(269)+(270)-(290)+(292)-(295)+(296) 95. 0=-1.80-(288)+(289)-(290)+(291)-(293)+(296) 96. 0=-0.33-(270)+(272)+(283)-(284)-(294)+(295)+(297)-(298) 97. 0= -641.3+207.1 (10)-254.9 (]9)+3.0 (20) 98. 0=4-6.5+2.83 (l)-2,37 (2)-0.46 (3)+1.15 (ll)-4.40 (12)+3.31 (13)+3.22 (16)-4.99 (17)+1.77 (18) 99. 0=-0.4-0.19 (6)-3.17 (7)+3.36 (8)+2.26 (]3)-4.54 (]4)+2.28 (15)+2.65 (21)-3.77 (22)+1.12 (23) + 100. 0= 18.7+2.76 (8)-6.55 (9)+3.79 (]0)-27.80 (31)+1.62 (32)+26.18 (33)+1.85 (40)-43.92 (4n+42.07 (42) 101. 0= -11.6+27.80 (31)-32.36 (.33)+4.56 (34)+1.88 (37)-8.01 (38)+6.13 (39)+43.92 (41)-46.26 (42)+2.34 (43) 102. 0= -2.6+5.32 (35)-6.83 (36)+1.51 (37)-0.19 (43)-4,91 (44)+5.10 (45)+1.28 (53)-1.17 (54)-0.11 (55) 103. 0=-1.4-0.43 (51)-1.92 (.52)+2.35 (53)+2.,33 (58)-7.79 (59)+5.46 (60)+4.65 (66)-4.77 (67)+0.12 (68) 104. 0= -3.8+2.95 (56) -3.40 (57)+0.45 (58)+2.70 (68)-5.58 (69)+2.88 (70) -0.14 (71)-3.09 (72)+3.23 (73) 105. 0= +6.0+2.92 (62)-2.96 (62a)+3.47 (73)-5.50 (74)+2.03 (75)+0.66 (80)-4.85 (80a)+4.19 (81)+0.04 (63) 106. 0=+3.5-4.05 (61)+7.01 (62)-2.96 (62a)-4.85 (80a)+8.29 (81)-3.44 (82)-2.56 (87)+7.68 (88)-5.02 (89) 107. 0=-7.9-4.17 (82)+8.07 (83)-3.90 (84)-1.19 (85)+2.47 (86)-1.28 (87)-0.93 (90)+2.44 (91)-1.51 (92) -3.49 (103)+6.59 (104) -3.10 (105) 108. 0=-l. 1-0.92 (92)+3.28 (95)-2.36 (98)-3.67 (100)+6.31 (101)-2.64 (103)-1.28 (108)+3.37 (110)-2.09 (HI) -3.22 (113)+5.23 (116)-2.01 (118) 109. 0=-68.8-0.74 (92) -105.90 (98)+106.64 (9)+12.90 (101)-16.65 (102)+3.75 (103)+53.87 (112)-56.84 (113) +2.97 (116) 110. 0=+78.7-2.26 (95)+105.90 (98)-103.64 (99)-4.45 (108)+7.66 (109)-3.21 (110)-56.43 (112)+56.74 (113) -0.31 (118) 111. 0= -228.6-213,7 (95)+216.0 (96)-2.3 (99)-1.0 (121)+7.0 (126)-6.0 (127)+102.2 (129)-3.4 (131)-98.8 (133) + 112. 0= 1.3+2.56 (112)-6.23 (117)+3.67 (118)+6.84 (126)-6.01 (127)-0.83 (128)+2.01 (129)+1.35 (130)-3.36 (131) THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. 17 No. 113. 0=+10.9+3.24(112)-5.80(115)4-2.56(117)+3.77(130)-3.27(131)-0.50(1.3.5)+2.75(136)-12.68(138)4-9.93(139) + 114. 0=+1.3-1.84 (93)4-1.86 (96)-0.02 (98)-6.55 (113)+12.50 (115)-5.95 {117) 1.93 (130)+3.57 (133)-5.50 (135) 115. 0= -319.8+106.34 (94)-108.15 (95)+1.8l (99)+7.10 (121)-10.25 (122)+3.15 (127)+86.15 (143)+3.05 (147) -89.20 (148) 116. 0=+219-;J-4.07 (114)+7.74 (117)-3.67 (118)+48.20 (129)-1.35 (130)-46.85 (134)-83.65 (143)+85.61 (144) -1.96 (146) 117. 0=-20.3-14.34 (94)+16.23 (96)-1.89 (98)-12.03 (113)+16.10 (114)-4.07 (117)+0.59 (130)+33.70 (133) 34.29 (134) 118. 0=+3.4'+9.87 (112)-25.03 (114)+15.16 (115)+12.48 (122)-8.74 (123)-3.74 (128)+12.68 (138)-17.24 (139) +4.56 (140)-2.33 (142)-13.16 (146)+15.49 (147) 119. 0=+7.8-2.40 (93)+9.47 (94)-7.07 (97)-2.84 (1371+5.48 (140)-2.64 (141)-8.31 (149)+11.58 (150)-3.27 (151) 120. 0=+26.5+16.23 (94)-29.24 (96)+13.01 (97)+6.27 (132)-39.97 (133)+33.70 (134)+5.84 (144)-2.31 (145) -3.53 (148)+8.31 (149)-5.97 (150)-2.34 (152) 121. 0=-2.8-5.41 (122)+10.17 (123)-4.76 (124)-7.28 (]37)+10.12 (139)-2.84 (140)+0.79 (142)+2.22 (145) -3.01 (147) 122. 0= -1.9-4.56 (106)+7.38 (107)-2.82 (108)-0.45 (118)+3.52 (119)-3.07 a20)-1.25 (156)+3.72 (157)-2.47 (158) -3.53 (159)+4.99 (160)-1.46 (161) 123. 0=+10.6-4.20 (154)+5.94 (155)-1.74 (156)-0.80 (161)+3.29 (162)-2.49 (163)-5.76 (164)+9.22 (165) -3.46 (166)-0.06 (171)+3.22 (172)-3.16 (173) 124. 0=+11.9-1.02 (166)+2.72 (167)-1.70 (168)-2.08 (169)+5.64 (170)-3.56 (171)-3.34 (174)+5.92 (175) -2.58 a76)-2.63 (186)+3.92 (187)-1.29 (188) 125. 0=+10.4-6.63 (176)+9.52 (177)-2.89 (178)-9.47 (184)+10.59 (185)-1.12 (186)-0.30 (189)+18.61 (190) -18.31 (191) 126. 0=+18.8+4.00 (183)-14.59 (184)+10.59 (185)+18.61 (190)-21.84 (191)+3.23 (192)+0.63 (197)-4.57 (198) +3.94 (199) 127. 0=-6.8-0.86 (192)+3.11 (193)-2.25 (194)-3.74 (195)+5.87 (196)-2.13 (197)-0.58 (207)+3.25 (208) -2.67 (209)-4.60 (210)+7.32 (211)-2.72 (212) 128. 0=-21.2+5.36 (204)-4.56 (205)-0.80 (207)+36.00 (212)-44.22 (213)+8.22 (214)+4.04 (227)-53.45 (228) +49.41 (229) 129. 0=-91.2-5.36 (204)+9.89 (205)-4.53 (206)+0.27 (223)+49.14 (228)-49.41 (229)-79.73 (235)+83.06 (236) -3.33 (237) 130. 0=+4.6-4.78 (212)+6.59 (214)-1.81 (215)+0.37 (223)+3.65 (227)-4.02 (229)-2.13 (234)+5.28 (235)-3.15 (237) 131. 0=+11.2-1.75 (216)+5.86 (217)-4.11 (220)-3.91 (223)+4.71 (226)-0.80 (228)-0.95 (233)+4.28 (236)-3.33 (237) -3.18 (238)+4.72 (239)-1.54 (240) 132. 0=-4.1-12.16 (223)+18.46 (225)-6.30 (226)-11.99 (232)+11.28 (233)+0.71 (237)-1.27 (239)+23.50 (240) -22.23 (241) 133. 0=-22.2-13.89 (217)+20.19 (219)-6.30 (220)-10.77 (232)+11.28 (233)-0.51 (236)+0.09 (238)+23.50 (240) -23.59 (241) 134. 0=-118.3-401.2 (218)+407.5 (219)-6.3 (220)+0.1 (238)+3.1 (241)-3.2 (242)-3.1 (249)+128.6 (250) -125.5 (251) 135. 0=-15.2+0.81 (231)-12.09 (232)+11.28 (233)+23.50 (240)-26.66 (241)+3.16 (242)+3.10 (249)-7.16 (250) +4.06 (253) 136. 0= +287. 5 -164. 9 (223)+178.06 (224)-13.16 (225)-0.81 (231)+0.10 (232)+0.71 (237)-1.14 (245)+1.38 (246) -0.24 (248) -4.38 (250)+73.49 (252) -69.11 (253) 137. 0= -85.5-3.16 (241)+3.16 (242)+0.85 (243)-7.45 (247)+6.60 (248)-47.27 (249)+47.27 (254)-59.42 (255) +63.30 (2.56) -3.88 (257) 138. 0=+26.6+0.09 (230)+11.19 (232)-11.28 (233)-23..50 (240)+23.50 (241)+3.49 (243)-3.49 (247)-8.98 (256) +14.88 (257) -5.90 (258) 139. 0=+2.5-5.49 (254)-1.78 (255)-0.52 (259)+2.30 (260)+8.38 (261)-2.89 (262)-0.64 (263)+3.02 (264)-2.38 (265) -3.75 (274)+6.98 (275)-3.23 (276) 140. 0=-5.0-2.32 (265)+4.54 (267)-2.22 (268)-2.45 (272)+5.49 (273)-3.04 (274)-1.24 (277)+371 (278)-2.47 (280) -2.84 (281)+3.94 (282) -1.10 (284) 141. 0=-3.2-2.77 (265)+4.63 (266)-1.86 (268)-1.86 (271)+4.90 (273)-3.04 (274)-1.24 (277)+4.01 (278)-2.77 (279) -3.04 (285)+4.28 (286)-1.24 (287) 142. 0=-1.4-2.30 (269)+4.12 (270)-1.82 (271)-2.42 (287)+4.38 (288)-1.96 (289)-1.55 (290)+3.50 (291)-1.95 (292) -2.28 (293)+5.11 (295) -2.83 (296) 143. 0=-5.7-0.46 (1)+1.42 (3)-0.96 (5)+0.19 (6)-0.21 (8)+0.02 (10)-1.15 (11)+1.15 (13)+2.28 (14) -2.28 (15) + +1.77 (17)-1.77 (18)+0.99 (20) 1.12 (21)-1.12 (23)-2.15 (24)+2.15 (25)+3.78 (26)-3.78 (27)-0.56 (29) +0.56 (30)+5.32 (35) -5.32 (36)+0.42 (37)-0.42 (39)-2.40 (40)+2.40 (41)-0.19 (43)+0.19 (45)-3.58 (46) +3.58 (47) -0.71 (48)+0.71 (.50)+1..53 (51)-1.53 (52)+0.11 (53)-0.11 (.55)+0.45 (56)-1.51 (58)+1.06 (60) +1.08 (61) -1.08 (62a)-1.03 (64)+1.03 (65)-4.77 (66)+4.77 (67)+2.88 (69)-2.88 (70)+0.14 (71)+0.33 (73) + -0.^7 (75) -1.81 (80)+1.81 (80a)+1.47 (82)-1.47 (84) 1.19 (8.5)-1.19 (86)-l.ll (87)+l.ll (89)-0.93 (90) +0.93(91)+1.32(93)-1.32(97)+0.83(100)-1.80(103)+0.97(105)+3.21(109)-5.31(110)+2.10(111)+3.24(121) -2.72 (124)-0.52(127)+2.28 (137)-2.84 (140)+0.56 (141)+0.79 (142)-0.79 (145)-0.75 (149)+0.75 (153) 144. 0=+10.9+1.32 (93)-2.26 (9.5)-1.32 (97)+2.26 (99)-1.14 (106)+1.14 (108)+3.21 (109)-3.21 (110)+0.31 (112) -0.31 (118) -3.07 (119)+3.07 (120)+2.72 (121) -2.72 (124) -0.65 (127)+0.65 (128)+2.28 (137) -2.84 (140) +0.56 (141)+0.79 (142)-0.79 (145)-0.75 (149)+0.75 (153)-0.48 (1.54)+0.48 (156)+2.47 (157)-2.47 (158) + +0.14 (159)-0.14 (161)-2.49 (162)+2.49 (163)+1.68 (164)-2.70 (166) 1.02 (167)-2.08 (169)+2.08 (170) +3.16 (172)-3.16 (173)+2.58 (175)-4.13 (176)+1.55 (178)+0.45 (179)-0.45 (180)+0.18 (181)-0.18 (182) -2.60 (183)+2.60 (185)+1.29 (187)-1.29 (188)+0..54 (189)-0..54 (190)-2.25 (193)+2.25 (194)-0.61 (195) + +0.18 (197)+0.43 (199)-2.01 (204)+2.01 (206)+2.67 (208)-2.67 (209) 1.10 (210)-2.91 (212)+1.8l (215) -4.28 (223)+3.91 (226)+0.37 (229)-0.81 (231)+0.81 (232)+2.13 (234)-2.13 (235)+1.54 (239)-4.16 (240) +2.62 (242)+0.24 (246)-0.24 (248)+1.14 (249)-1.14 (253) 145. 0=-5..55-(6)+(10)-(ll)+(15)+(18)-(40)+(43a) 146. 0=-5.92+ 4.5a)-(45b)-(46a) + (50)-(66)+(70)-(71)+(75)-(80)+(84)-(90)+(94) 147. 0=-0.10-(94)+(98)-(113)+(120)-(159)+(163)-(164)+(168)-(174)+(178)-(189)+(194)-(210)+(213)+(220) -(221)-(238)+(242)-(249)+(262)-(263)+(268)-(277)+(280)-(281)+(283) 77002 13 2 18 XHE CALIFOBNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. ACCURACY AS INDICATED BY CORRECTIONS TO OBSERVED DIRECTIONS. The corrections to observed directions resulting from the figure adjustments indicated by the preceding observation equations are as follows: Table of corrections to observed directions. Number of THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. 19 Table of corrections to observed directions Continued. Number of f* 20 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANOULATION. Table oftnan^a. station THE CALirOBNlA-WASHINGTON ABC OP PBIMABY TBIANGULATION. ai TcMe of triangles Continued. ^ station 22 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PRIMABV TBIANOULATION. Table of triangles Continued. station THE CALirORNIA-WASHINGTON AEC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATIOH". 23 Table of triangles^-Gontiaxx&A. station 24 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. Table of triangles Continued. Sutkm THE CALIFOBNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. 25 Table of triangles Continued. station 26 THE CALLFOBNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PRIMARY TBIANGULATION. Table of triangles Continued. Station THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON AKC OF PEIMARY TBIANGULATION. 27 Table of triangles Continued. station 28 THE CAUFOBNIA-WASHINGTON ABO OF PRIMABY TBIANGUUATION. Table of triangles Continued. station THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PKIMABY TBIANGULATION. 29 Table of triangles Continued. ^ station 30 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY THIANGULATION. Ill solving the normal equations in each section of the figure adjustment the length equation was, as usual, assigned to the last place, so that after all the conditions relating to triangle clo- sures and ratios of length had been satisfied the discrepancy in length became known. In the following table the discrepancies developed between bases are given in terms of the seventh place A of logarithms and are also expressed as ratios. plus sign before the discrepancy expressed in terms of logarithms means that the first base mentioned is longer as measured than as computed through the mtervening triangulation from the second base mentioned. Bases THE CALIFORNIA-WASHIKGXON ARC OF PRIMARY TBIANGULATION. * 31 an observed direction and the number of conditions and directions.' The amount actually developed was 10".l. In the California arc, of which the California-Washington arc is a continuation, the error in azimuth expected at its extremity, near San Diego, was 2".9, even though.the azimuth was carried through 1,250 miles (2,000 kilometers) in the transcontinental triangulation and 500 miles (800 kilometers) through the California arc. The actual accumulated error in azimuth found at San Diego was 8". 8. At San Diego the correction to reduce to liaplace or true azimuth was minus, whereas at Tacoma the required correction was plus. Confronted with these values for twist, the writer suggests that they may be caused by the unequal heating of the theodolite by the sun, even though the theodolite is protected from the direct rays. On triangulation extending in a north and south direction, as this arc does, where the observations were mainly made in the late afternoon, the west side of the instrument is undoubtedly warmer than the east side and the resulting angles opening to the west and to the east should be subject to systematic errors of opposite signs, and therefore twist would develop. If this theory is correct, an east and west arc should develop only a small amount of twist, well within the limits for the expected error. Arcs on which the observing was done at night should develop no twist exceeding that allowed by the probable error, for the temperatm-e of the east and west sides of the instrument would be equal. It is expected that this theory will be tested in the near future on all of the arcs of primary triangulation now existing in the United States. EXPLANATION OF POSITIONS, LENGTHS. AND AZIMUTHS, AND OF THE UNITED STATES STANDARD DATUM. The lengths, as already fully explained in connection with the adjustments, all depend upon the Yolo, Willamette, and Tacoma bases. The lengths as given are all reduced to sea level. If the actual length of a line simply reduced to the horizontal is desired, it may be obtained with all the accuracy ordinarily needed by adding to the sea-level length as given a correction = , , ,. . . Tmean elevation of the two ends of the line in meters"! ^m Oength of line as given) 6S70000 ' maxi- mum value of this correction does not exceed ^Ao for the length of any portion of the triangulation here published. The maximum error made in the use of the above approximate formula for the correction does not exceed o o^o o o ^Q^ the length of any portion of this triangulation. The positions that is, the latitudes, longitudes, and azimuths need special explanation. All of the positions and azimuths have been computed upon the Clarke spheroid of 1866, as expressed in meters, which has been in use in the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey for many years. After a spheroid has been adopted and all the angles and lengths in a triangulation have been fully fixed, it is still necessary, before the computation of latitudes, longitudes, and azimuths can be made, to adopt a standard latitude and longitude for a specified station and a standard azimuth of a line from that station. For convenience, the adopted standard position (latitude and longitude) of a given station, together with the adopted standard azimuth of a line from that station, is called the geodetic datum. The primary triangulation in the United States was commenced at various points and existed at first as a number of detached portions, in each of which the geodetic datum was neces- sarily dependent only upon the astronomic stations connected with that particular portion. As examples of such detached portions of triangulation there may be mentioned the early triangulation in New England and along the Atlantic coast, a detached portion of the transcon- tinental triangulation centering on St. Louis and another portion of the same triangulation in the Rocky Mountain region, and three separate portions of triangulation in California in the latitude of San Francisco, in the vicinity of Santa Barbara Channel, and in the vicinity of San Diego. With the lapse of time these separate pieces have expanded until they have touched or overlapped. See Figure ol the Earth and Isostasy from Measurements iu the United States, p. 120. 88 THE CALIFOBNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. The transcontinental triangulation, of which the office computation was completed in 1899, joins all of the detached portions mentioned and makes them one continuous triangulation. As soon as this took place the logical necessity existed of discarding the old geodetic data used in these various pieces and substituting one for the whole country, or at least for as much of the country as is covered by continuous triangulation. To do this is a very heavy piece of work and involved much preliminary study to determine the best datum to be adopted. On March 13, 1901, the superintendent adopted what is now known as the United States Standard Datum, and it was decided to reduce the positions to that datum as rapidly as possible. The datum adopted was that formerly in use in New England, and therefore its adoption did not affect the positions which had been used for geographic purposes in New England and along the Atlantic coast to North Carolina, nor those in the States of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. The adopted datum does not agree, however, with that used in The Transcontinental Triangulation and in The Eastern Oblique Arc of the United States, publications which deal primarily with the purely scientific problem of the determination of the figure of the earth and which were prepared for publication before the adoption of the new datum. As the adoption of such a standard datum is a matter of considerable importance, it is in order here to explain the desirability of this step more fully. The main objects to be attained by the geodetic operations of the United States Coast and Geodetic Siirvey are, first, the control of the charts published by the Survey; second, the furnishing of geographic positions (latitudes and longitudes), of accurately determined elevations, and of distances and azimuths, to officers connected with the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and to other organizations; third, the determination of the figure of the earth. For the first and second objects it is not necessary that the reference spheroid should be accurately that which most closely fits the geoid within the area covered, nor that the adopted geodetic datum should be absolutely the best that can be derived from the astronomic observations at hand. It is simply desirable that the reference spheroid and the geodetic datum adopted shall be, if possible, such a close approximation to the truth that any correction which may hereafter be derived from the observations which are now or may become avaUable shall not greatly exceed the probable errors of such corrections. It is, however, very desirable that one spheroid and one geodetic datum be used for the whole countrj'. In fact, this is absolutely necessary if a geodetic siu"vey is to perform fully the function of accurately coordinating all stirveys within the area which it covers. This is the most important function of a geodetic survey. To perform this function it is also highly desirable that when a certain spheroid and geodetic datum have been adopted for a country they be rigidly adhered to, without change, for all time, unless shown to be largely in error. In striving to attain the third object, the determination of the figure of the earth, the con- ditions are decidedly different. This problem concerns itself primarily with astronomic observations of latitude, longitude, and azimuth, and with the geodetic positions of the points at which the astronomic observations were made, but is not concerned with the geodetic positions of other points fLxed by the triangulations. The geodetic positions (latitudes and longitudes) of comparatively few points are therefore concerned in this problem. However, in marked contrast to the statements made in preceding paragraphs, it is desirable in dealing with this problem that, with each new important accession of data, a new spheroid fitting the geoid with the greatest possible accuracy, and new values of the geodetic latitudes, longitudes, and azimuths of the highest degree of accuracy, should be derived. The United States Standard Datum was adopted with reference to positions furnished for geographic purposes, but has no reference to the problem of the determination of the figure of the earth. It is adopted with reference to the engineer's problem of furnishing standard positions and does not affect the scientist's problem of the determination of the figure of the earth. The principles which guided in the selection of the datum to be adopted were: First, that the adopted datum should not differ widely from the ideal datum for which the sum of the station errors in latitude, longitude, and azimuth should each be zero; second, it was desirable that the adopted datum should produce minimum changes in the publications of the Survey, THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TBIANGULATION. 33 including its charts; and, third, it was desirable, other things being equal, to adopt that datum which allowed the maximum number of positions already in the office registers to remain unchanged, and therefore necessitated a minimum amount of new computation. These consid- erations, led to the adoption as the United States standard of the datum which had been in use for many years in the northeastern group of States and along the Atlantic coast as far as North CaroUna. An examination of the station errors available in 1903, on the United States Standard Datum, at 246 latitude stations, 76 longitude stations, and 152 azimuth stations, scattered widely over the United States from Maine to Louisiana and to California, indicated that this datum approaches closely the ideal with which the algebraic sum of the station errors of each class would be zero.' The adopted United States Standard Datum, upon which the positions and azimuths given in this publication depend, may be defined in terms of the jjosition of the station Meades Ranch as follows: ^ = 39 13 26.686 = >i 98 32 30.506 a to Waldo =75 28 14.52 Points are then said to be upon the United States Standard Datum when they are connected with the station Meades Ranch by a continuous triangulation, through which the cor- responding latitudes, longitudes, and azimuths have been computed on the Clarke spheroid of 1866, as expressed in meters, starting from the above data. The principal hsts of geographic positions heretofore pubhshed on the United States Standard Datum throughout the whole United States are contained in the following publications of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and of other organizations: Appendix 8 of the Report for 1885, positions in Massachusetts and Rhode Island; Appendix 8 of the Report for 1888, positions in Connecticut; Appendix 8 of the Report for 1893, positions in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland; Appendix 10 of the Report for 1894, positions in Massachusetts; Appendix 6 of the Report for 1901, positions in Kansas and Nebraska; Appendix 3 of the Report for 1902, positions in Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Colorado; Appendix 4 of the Report for 1903, positions in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas; Appendix 9 of m the Report for 1904, positions in California; Appendix 5 of the Report for 1905, positions Texas; Appendix 3 of the Report for 1907, positions in California; Appendix 5 of the Report for 1910, positions in California; Appendix 4 of the Report for 1911, positions in Nebraska, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota; Appendix 5 of the Report for 1911, positions in Texas; Appendix 6 of the Report for 1911, positions in Florida; Special Publication No. 11, positions in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California; in Appendix EEE, pages 2905-3031, Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers, 1902, positions of points on or near the Great Lakes; in the publications of the Massachusetts Harbor and Land Commission; and in various bulletins of the United States Geological Survey. TABLE OF POSITIONS. In the tables of positions the latitude and longitude of each point are given on the United States Standard Datum (see p. 31), also the length and azimuth of each line observed over, whether in one or both ways. Along with the latitude and longitude of each point the lengths and azimuths are given of lines from that point to other points of the triangulation. No lengths or azimuths are repeated, and for a given line the length and azimuth will generally be found opposite the position of the last mentioned of the two stations involved. For the convenience of the draftsman a column of "seconds in meters" is given, in which is placed the length (in meters) of each small arc of a meridian or parallel corresponding to the ' Thb Is further borne out in the reduction of 765 astronomic stations in connection with the "Supplementary investigation inl909oftlie figure of the earth and isostasj," bj- J. F. Hayford, published by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. 77002 13 3 84 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANOULATION. seconds of the given latitude or longitude. To facilitate further the use of the tables, a column is given of the logarithms of the lengths. It must be remembered that it is the logarithm which is derived first from the computation, the lengths given in this table being then derived from the corresponding logarithms. The rule followed in recent publications of this Office has been to give latitudes and longi- tudes to thousandths of seconds for all points the positions of which are fixed by fully adjusted triangulation. Points, the positions of which are given to hundredths of seconds only, are marked by footnotes as being without check (observed from only two stations) or checked by verticals only. In the columns giving azimuths, distances, and logarithms of distances, the accuracy is indicated to a certain extent by the number of decimal places given, it being understood that in each case two doubtful figures are given. In some cases there is verj' little doubt of the cor- rectness of the second figure from the right, while in a few cases some doubt may be cast on the third figure from the right. These tables may be conveniently consulted by using as finders the seven sketches at the end of this appendix, and the index on pages 75 to 78. In the third column of the index will be found for each point a reference to the page on which its description is given, in the fourth column the number of the sketch on which it appears, and in the fifth column the page on which its elevation above sea level will be found. For the convenience of those who wish to convert the distances given in this table or the elevations given later on from meters into feet the following conversion table is here inserted: Meters THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. 35 station se THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. Station THE CALIFOBNIA-WASHINGTON AHC OP PRIMAEY TRIANGULATION. 37 station 88 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. Statioa THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON AKC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. 39 Station 40 THE CAUFOBNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PKIMABY TBIAUGULATION. Station THE CALIFOKNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. 41 station 42 THE CALIFORNU-WASHINGTON ABC OF PRIMABY TBIANGULATION. Station THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. 43 & and has a polished center surrounded by the raised letters "U. S. C. G.S." and a raised flange around the edge. The shank is 25 mm. in diameter and 75 mm. long, with a slit at the lower end into which a wedge is inserted so that when it is driven into a drill hole in the rock, it will bulg^ at the bottom and so hold the mark securely in place. GENERAL NOTES IN REGARD TO STATION MARKS. A Note 1. three-eighths-inch copper bolt 3 inches long is cemented into a drill hole in the rock, and directly above the bolt in the same drill hole is cemented an old-type station mark, A described in the preceding paragraph. cross in the top of the copper bolt and another in the polished center of the disk mark the station. Note 2. This markmg is similar to that described in note 1, except that the copper bolt and the disk are in separate bowlders and the bowlder containing the bolt is at some distance beneath the surface. The cross on the disk is directly above the one on the bolt. The dimen- sions of the bowlders are given in the description of the station. Note 3. The station is marked by an old-type station mark, described above, cemented into a drill hole in the rock. No underground mark was used. REFERENCE MARK. Note 4. This mark is a drill or punch hole in the top of a three-eighths-inch copper bolt 3 inches long, which is leaded or cemented into a drill hole in a rock with the top of the bolt flush with the surface. PRINCIPAL POINTS. Mount HelerM (Napa County, Cal., W. E., 1876; 1908). On the summit of Mount Helena, about 12 miles to the northward of Calistoga. The station was originally marked by a fine drill hole and cross in the top of a one-half-inch copper bolt 5 inches long, which was cemented in a drill hole in bedrock, and by a brick pier 3 bricks square and 43 inches high, built over the bolt. When visited in 1908 it was found that the pier had been dynamited. Other instrument piers are at the following distances and directions from the station: Collimator pier, 2 bricks square and 61 inches high, 2.27 meters northwest; transit pier, 2 by 3 bricks and 39 inches high, 17.04 meters southwest; latitude pier, 2 by 2^ bricks and 36 inches high, 17.74 meters southwest of the station and 1.68 meters east of the transit pier; vertical angle pier, 2 bricks square and 44 inches high, 33.31 meters southwest of the station and 16.92 meters a little south A of east of the latitude pier. boundary mark between Lake and Napa Counties, a large drill hole in a basaltic rock, is 2.18 meters northwest of the station. Marysville Butte (Sutter County, Cal., W. E., 1876; 1904). About 15 miles west of Marys- ville on the southeastern summit of the south butte of the Marysville Buttes, about 6 meters northeast of the highest part of the summit, and near the steep on clifi^ the north side. The station is marked by an old-type station mark, described on page 42, set in a drill hole in a small rock embedded in the concrete that fills a depression in the solid rock. Below the concrete and directly under the station mark is a three-eighths-inch copper bolt 3 inches long set in a drill hole in the solid rock. Three reference nxarks, each of which is a tlu-ee-eighths-inch copper bolt 3 inches long set in a drill hole in the rock, are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 2.470 meters, 246 48'; 2.635 meters, 5 06'; and 2.915 meters, 103 07'. Snmo Mountain west (Glenn and Lake Counties, Cal., E. F. D., 1892; 1904). On the highest point of the southwest summit of Snow Mountain. The summit is about 300 meters long in a northwest and southeast direction and about 50 meters wide at the station and is covered with small broken stones. There are a few scrub pines just below the pitch of the ridge about 100 meters southeast of the station. The station is marked by a one-half-inch brass bolt 3 inches long in a drill hole in the solid outcropping rock, and by a concrete pier 12 inches square and 44 inches high having embedded in its top a brass bolt directly above the one in the solid rock. 44 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRUNGULATION. Snow Mmintain east (Glenn County, Cal., W. E., 1876; 1904). On the northernmost rock-croppings at the edge of the summit of the eastern peak of Snow Mountain, about 5 miles south of Mount St. John and near the corner of Lake, Colusa, and Glenn Counties. The sta- tion is marked by a half-inch copper bolt cemented in a drill hole in a hollow at about the middle of the highest point of rocks, with the top of the bolt about a half inch above the surface and marked by a cross. The reference marks are all drill holes in rocks, the first being distant 5.16 meters in azimuth 59 57', the second 3.33 meters in azimuth 165 39', and the third 6.89 meters in azimuth 248 38'. Kent (Tehama County, Cal., O. B. F., 1904). On a high ridge about 8 or 10 miles east by south from Mount Linn and about 18 miles by road in a northwesterly direction from Paskenta, on a peak locally known as Bald Rock, on a ledge on the east side of the summit and about 8 or 9 feet lower than its highest part. Four or five hundred feet to the westward of the station and about 50 or 60 feet lower is a large, prominent, rocky knob. The station is marked according to note 1.' The reference marks are described in note 4.' The first one is in a large rock distant 5.01 meters in azimuth 212 40', the second in a flat ledge distant 70.19 meters in azimuth 285 50', and the third on the largest part of the ledge distant 47.72 meters in azimuth 5 17'. Lyons (Tehama County, Cal., O. B. F., 1904). About 5 miles east of Lyonsville post ofiice on a ridge known locally as Bald Hill, about 300 yards from the summit of the ridge on the shoulder extending toward Lyonsville and in the middle of a large group of bowlders. A lone fir tree stands about 50 meters south by east from the station. The station is marked according to note 1.' Two reference marks described in note 4,' are in large rocks and at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 29.69 meters, 126 59'; and 20.22 meters, 332 22'. BaUy (Shasta County, Cal., O. B. F., 1904). On the northernmost of the two main peaks on the summit of Bally Mountain, a prominent and well-known mountain about 15 miles by road west of Redding. The station mark, described in note 1,' is in the top of a rock on the north side of the most prominent group of rocks on the peak and 5 or 6 feet below the top of the group. Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 4.29 meters, 247 07'; and 10.62 meters, 154 49'. Round (Shasta County, Cal., O. B. F., 1904). On the highest part of what is known as Round Mountain just north of the post office of the same name. The station mark, described in note 1,' is in a large bowlder which projects about 6 inches out of the ground. Two refer- ence marks, described in note 4,' are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 28.72 meters, 345 30'; and 6.43 meters, 57 13'. The south reference mark is in the most eastern rock of a prominent group of rocks near the south end of the summit. Sjmr (Siskiyou County, Cal., O. B. F., 1904). On the west slope of Mount Shasta at an elevation of about 9,100 feet, in a position best identified by approaching the summit from Igema, by the road leading through Kite Canyon. In ascending this route several prominent peaks are discerned ahead and from the right-hand one a narrow shoulder extends in a westerly direction, or toward Black Butte. The station is about 50 meters below an abrupt change of slope of the ridge of this shoulder, and about 1 mile from the jieak mentioned above. The station mark, described in note 1,' is in the top of a large rock flush with the ground. Two reference marks described in note 4,' are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 13.77 meters, 165 53'; and 8.10 meters, 228 47'. Mears (Shasta County, Cal., O. B. F., 1904). About 4 or 5 miles west by south from Castella and about southwest from Castle Crags, on the southern summit of the highest rocky peaks in the region known locally as Gray Rocks. The station is about 20 feet below the highest part of the peak and near the bluff on the south and east sides, with a ledge 3 or 4 feet higher about 10 feet distant toward the southeast. The peak was approached from the south and the 30-foot bluff near the station surmounted by means of ladders. The station 1 See p. 43. THE CALIFOKNIA-WASHINGTOlf ARC OF PRIMARY TRIAKGULATION. 45 is marked according to note 1.' Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are located as follows: The first in a bowlder near the trail to the station, and distant 7.92 meters in azimuth 70 50'; and the second, on a low bowlder east of a high pointed rock, and distant 17.77 metfys in azimuth 143 0.3'. Boliver (Siskiyou County, Cal., O. B. F., 1904). On the north side of a large group of bowlders about 60 yards northeast of the highest part of the summit of Mount Scott, known locally as Old Craggj- or Boliver, which is the high peak about 5 miles in a southerly direction from Callahan. The station is marked according to note 1.* Two reference jnarks, described in note 4,' are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 6.57 meters, 272 41'; and 9.88 meters, 107, 47'. Soda (Jackson County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1904). On a peak known locally as Old Baldy, in the Siskiyou range of mountains, about 20 miles by road and trail southeast of Ashland and 5 miles east by north from Pilot Rock, a prominent peak in the same range. The best approach is from Ashland via Soda Springs and Davis' ranch. The station mark, described in note 1,' is in a large rock whose upper surface is flush with the ground. Two reference marks, described ui note 4,' are in bowlders whose tops are but slightly above ground and at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 12.91 meters, 299 53'; and 23.95 meters, 35 36'. Gazelle astronomic station (Siskiyou County, Cal., O. B. F., 1904; 1908). About 250 yards north by east from the Gazelle railroad station near the center of the top of a very prom'ment knoll and about 40 feet northeast of the largest bowlder on the knoll. The station mark, described in note 1 } is in a rock below the surface of the ground. Three reference marks, described in note 4,' are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 19.20 meters, 290 12'; and 6.40 meters, 137 39'. Sterling (Jackson County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1904). In the Siskiyou range of mountains, about 25 miles southwest of Ashland and 2 miles west of Mount Sterling, on the northernmost summit of a ridge just south of tiie Silver I^'ork basin and at the western end of the long east-and-west valley which is just north of Mount Sterling. The station is about 80 or 90 meters southeast of the highest point of the summit in the center of a group of small bowlders. The station mark, described in note 1,' is in the top of a large rock. Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 34.85 meters, 18 13'; and 20.44 meters, 136 03'. Riist (Jackson Count}-, Oreg., O. B. F., 1904). On the highest summit of the peaks known locally as the Black Buttes (Rustler on U. S. Geological Survey maps), about 20 miles north of Mount Pitt and 26 miles by road and trail from Big Butte post office via Parker's ranch. The station is marked according to note 1.' Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 11.995 meters, 264 33'; and 10.12 meters, 337 53'. Onion (Douglas County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1904). On the highest part of the bare summit of Onion Springs Mountain, about 1 mile south of the Onion Sj^rings, and best reached from Glendale via Galesville and Gilpatrick's ranch. The station mark, described in note 1,^ is in a rocky ledge. Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are located as follows: One in a prominent ledge and 24.62 meters from the station in azimuth 91 50', and the other in an inconspicuous, low bowlder at the western edge of the summit and distant 47.22 meters in azimuth 182 47'. Blacic (Douglas County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1904). Near the northeast comer of the highest part of the summit of Black Rock, a high, prominent, rocky peak about 40 miles in a direct line east of Roseburg and north and northwest of some near-by higher wooded peaks. The station mark, described in note 1,' is in the solid rock of the summit. Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are also in solid rock and at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 13.78 meters, 4 55'; and 6.47 meters, 297 45'. ' See p. 43. 46 THE CALIFOBNU-WASHINGTON ABC OF PBIMABY TBIANGULATION. While (Douglas County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1904). On the highest part of the summit of White Rock, a prominent peak about 15 miles east of Rosebui^. The station mark, described A in note 1,' is in a large bowlder. reference mark, described in note 4,' is in a large bowlder just east of a prominent ledge and is 34.44 meters from the station, in azimuth 353 11'. Scott (Douglas County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1904). On the highest part of the summit of Mount Scott, about 20 miles northeast of Roseburg. The station mark, described in note 1,' is in a large bowlder. Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are located as follows: One in a white rock at about the middle of a prominent ledge and 32.71 meters from the station in azimuth 195 02'; and the other in a rocky ledge near the edge of the brush and 18.17 meters m distant azimuth 305 42'. Fairview (Lane County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1904). On the west side of the summit of Fair- view Peak in the Bohemia Mountains, about 25 miles southeast of Cottagegrove and 6 nules by road from Mineral post office. The station mark, described in note 1,' is in a bowlder. Three reference marks described in note 4,' are in rock ledges and at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 6.69 meters, 74 29'; 2.92 meters, 181 39'; and about 175 feet, 266 09'. Yellow (Douglas County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1904). On the highest summit of the timbered ridge about 10 miles west of Yoncalla. The station is marked according to note 2,' the subsurface mark in a bowlder 8 by 12 by 16 inches placed 18 inches beneath the surface, and the surface mark in a bowlder 10 by 20 by 30 inches, the top of which is flush with the surface of the ground. A reference mark, described in note 4,' is in a rock ledge and 22.62 meters from the station in azimuth 334 37'. Two other reference marks, consisting of three-sixteenths inch copper wires 3 inches long set in bowlders, are at the following distances and azimuths from the station : 21.04 meters, 197 31'; and 20.70 meters, 107 02'. Spencer (Lane County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1903). This station is near a United States Geological Survey station. It is on the south end and highest point of the summit of Spencer Butte, about 4 miles south of Eugene. Two trees used by the Geological Survey are at the north end of the summit, which is in the form of a ridge. The station is marked according to note 1 .' Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are in rocks near the station, one distant 5.338 meters in azimuth 175 02', and the other 4.570 meters in azimuth 328 51'. The Geological Survey station is 7.970 meters from the station in azimuth 176 12'. Roman (Douglas County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1903; 1908). On the most westerly of the two summits of the highest peak of the Coast Range, known as Roman Nose or Saddle Mountain, situated near the north line of Douglas County about 5 miles southwest of the junction of Wild Cat Creek with the Siuslaw River. It is on the highest point of the summit, about 6 feet from the southern edge of the bluff and 20 feet from the steep part of the slope east of the station. The peak is bare except for a few low shrubs, and has a steep bluff on the south side and a gentle grassy slope on the north side. The station is marked according to note 2,' the subsurface mark in a bowlder 12 by 12 by 24 inches, 18 inches below the surface, set with the axis east and west, and the surface mark in a bowlder measuring about a foot on each side. Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are located as follows: One in the nearest outcropping of the solid rock 14.760 meters from the station in azimuth 148 06', and the other in a projecting bowlder 6.775 meters from the station in azimuth 205 33'. Arrows pointing to the reference marks are cut in the rock near each mark. An old burned stump is about 5 feet from the station in azimuth 232. Mary (Benton County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1903; 1908). On the highest point of the grassy summit of Mary Peak, about south-southwest from CorvaUis. The station is marked according to note 2,' the subsurface mark in a flat stone 4 inches thick and 19 inches in diameter 22 mches below the surface, and the surface mark in a bowlder 16 by 18 by 30 inches, the top of which is flush with the surface of the ground. Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are in bowlders, and at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 13.77 meters, 326 22'; and 29.36 meters, 58 11'. I See p. 43. THE CALIFOENIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. 47 Peterson (Linn County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1903). About 4 miles southwest of Lebanon on the highest part of the most westerly of the two summits known as Peterson Butte. The station is marked according to note 1 .* Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are located us follows: One in the lower part of the northerly sloping face of the largest rock on the south side of the summit, and 4.645 meters from the station in azimuth 7 30'; and the other in the ledge just east of the largest rock on the north side of the summit, and 3.270 meters distant in azimuth 185 00'. Twin (Linn County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1905). On the farm of Mr. Gentry near the southwest comer of sec. 24, T. 14, R. 3 W., about 6 or 7 miles from Rowland. It is on the highest summit of a partly wooded ridge, the south slope being bare and the north slope wooded, and about 8 or 10 meters southeast of the highest point of the summit. The station is marked according to note 2,' the underground mark in a stone about 2 feet below the surface and the surface mark in a large stone about 6 inches below the surface. Three reference marks, described in note 4,' are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 6.66 meters, 314 42'; 6.39 meters, 53 57'; and 6.87 meters, 155 44'. The last^mentioned reference mark is near the highest point of the summit. Ridge (Lane County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1905). On the highest part of a ridge on land owned by Mr. J. J. Winn, about 1^ miles north of his residence, and about 10 miles by road in a north- westerly direction from Junction City. The station is marked accordmg to note 2,' with the subsurface mark 1.5 feet below the surface. Three reference marks, described in note 4,' are in inconspicuous bowlders flush with the surface of the ground, and at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 4.86 meters, 164 32'; 30.69 meters, 278 43'; and 9.73 meters, A 356 15'. triangular blaze in a large maple tree is 11.63 meters from the station in azimuth 92 16', and a similar blaze in a large fir tree is 8.45 meters distant in azimuth 213 33'. Ranch (Lane County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1903). About 12 miles west by south from Eugene, 2^ mUes southwest of Llewellyn post office and about one-haK mile west of the road leading from Llewellyn to Crow post office, on land belonging to Mrs. Frances Ranch. It is about 150 meters east of the summit on the north side of a sloping ridge about 300 feet higher than the valley through which the road runs, the first prominent ridge encountered in going from Llewel- lyn to CYow and the only ridge in the vicinity from which Willamette south base can be seen. The station is about 200 feet west of a point where the ridge becomes steeper. The station was marked according to note 2,' the undei^ound mark in a small flat stone 2 feet below the surface and the surface mark in a rock about 12 by 12 by 18 inches flush with the surface. Two refer- ence marks, described in note 4,' are located as follows: One in a rock 10 by 10 by 18 inches on the highest part of the ridge and 11.96 meters from the station in azimuth 286 02', and the other in a rock 6 by 8 by 14 inches distant 12.22 meters in azimuth 51 46'. Willamette south base (Lane County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1903; 1908). About 5 mQes from Eugene and 220 meters south of the Eugene-Elmira road on land belonging to William Nelson.. It is about 100 meters north of a large gravel pit, 78 meters from the line fence between William Nelson and M. Nelson, and about in line with the west face of the bam belonging to WiUiam Nelson which is 86.79 meters north of the station. The station is marked with old-type station mark described on page 42, placed in the center of a 6-inch drain tile and both embedded in a piUar of concrete 2 feet long, 36 inches in tliameter at the base, 18 inches in diameter at the top, and set in the ground so that the tops of the pillar and tile and station mark are all flush with the surface of the ground. Six inches below the foot of this pillar a cross in the top of a i-inch copper bolt, embedded in a block of concrete 10 by 24 by 24 inches, forms the subsur- face mark. In 1906 a concrete pillar 2^ feet high, 18 inches square at the base and 12 inches square at the top, with the letters ' ' U. S. C. S." on the south side, was set over the surface mark. The first reference mark is a ^-inch copper bolt in a concrete block 12 by 12 by 18 inches, the top of which is flush with the ground with a similar block and bolt directly beneath it as subsurface mark, distant 212.29 meters from the station in azimuth 177 32' 02". The second mark, similar to the first, is at the junction of the road fence and that dividing the farms of ' See p. 43. 48 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. William Nelson and M. Nelson, and 225.16 meters from the station ui azimuth 200 19' 30". The third reference mark, similar to the preceding two but with no subsurface mark, is in the line of the boundary fence 78.38 meters from the station in azimuth 265 16' 42". The fourth mark is a i-inch copper bolt leaded into a drill hole in a large stone in the southwest comer of the foundation of the main part of William Nelson's barn, and is 86.79 meters from the station in azimuth 181 30' 16". Willamette north hose (Lane County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1905; 1908). One and one-,half miles south and one-half mile west of Junction City in the east center of sec. 7, T. 16, R. 4 W., on land owned by Mr. William M. Pittney of Junction City. It is in the northeast comer of a field on the south side of the main east-and-west road, about 71 yards from the north-and- south fence to the east and 4 or 5 j-ards from the fence on the south side of the road, and almost opposite the main gate wliich leads into the barnyard corral of the farm across the road. The subsurface station mark is a three-eighths inch copper bolt 6 inches long, set in a block of concrete 3^ by 4 feet and 10 iaches deep, placed 3 feet below the surface. The surface mark is an old-type station mark described on page 42, set in the top of a concrete pier 3^ feet square at the base, 1^ feet square at the top, and 2 feet 5 inches deep, the top of which is flush with the surface of the ground. Surrounding the station mark and embedded in the concrete is an 8-inch drain tile 1 foot long with its rim about flush \ni\\ the top of the pier. Each of the three reference marks consists of two three-eighths inch copper bolts, 3 inches long, each set in the top of a concrete post 1 foot square, the subsurface post being 9 inches long and 2^ to 3 feet below the surface, and the surface mark about 2 feet long, with its top 4 inches below the surface, The first reference mark is 6 inches south of the fence on the south side of the road and about in the prolongation of the fence line on the west side of the corral mentioned above, and is 32.058 meters from the station in azimuth 97 10'. The second mark is in the corral across the road, mam about 10 inches from the road fence and 6 or 8 feet east of the east end of the road gate, and is 19.876 meters from the station in azimuth 186 24'. The third mark is on the south side of the main road, 12 or 15 feet from the road fence, and 6 inches west of the north-and-south fence, at a distance from the station of 65.076 meters in azimuth 271 26'. Seavies 2 (Lane County, Oreg., W.H. B., 1908). In the same locality as Seavies (U. S. 6. S.). (See p. 56.) It is on the south slope of the peak near the lower edge of the first timber from the top and almost in luxe witli Spencer (see p. 46) and the tangent line to the west bank of the McKensie River at the big curve in the flat below the station. The station is marked by a drill hole in the rock and by piles of rock around the tripod erected at the station. Pisgah (Lane County, Oreg., W. H. B., 1908). Located north and east from Goshen on a hill known as Mount Pisgah, about 200 feet southwest, or toward Spencer Butte, from the highest point of the liiU. The station is on top of a rock about 4 by 6 feet in area, projecting 16 inches above the ground, the largest one of a cluster of rocks and, with the exception of a large rock on the west slope about 175 feet to the north, the lai^est rock in the vicinity. Sta- tion is marked by a one-half inch drill hole 1 \ inches deep, 6 inches from the west edge of the rock and 23 inches from its south point. Eugene astronomic station (Lane County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1904; 1908). This station is identical with the United States Geological Survey station. It is on the east end of Skinners Butte, near Eugene, Oreg., just above the reservoir and north of the railroad station, on the site of the old observatory of Oregon State University. It was learned in 1908 that the land was to be converted into a park and that the station would be demolished, so two marble refer- ence stones, ])rojectlng 2 inches above the surface and bearing on the top the letters "U. S." with a cross between, were set to preserve the station. The first 5 by 5 by 18 inches is 18.294 m meters from the station in azimuth 119 59', and the second, 4 by 7 by 14 inches size is on A the south brow of the hill 12.211 meters from the station in azimuth 52 47'. large con- crete "O" on the brow of the hill overlooking the railroad station is in azimuth 2 from the station. The distance between the two reference marks is 17.625 meters, and from the first reference mark the Patterson School spire is in azimuth 315 28', and the spire of the Humphrey Memorial Methodist Cliurch is in azimuth 353 53'. THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATXON. 49 Yam (Polk County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1903; 1908). On the highest point of the highest of a group of hills about 12 miles northwest of Salem, and about 10 meters south of a wire fence A which passes over the summit. shghtly lower wooded hill is about a haK mile northwest of the staMon and a group of hiUs is about halfway between the station and Salem. The station is marked according to note 2,' the surface mark in a bowlder 15 by 18 by 18 inches with its top flush with the surface of the ground, and the subsurface mark in a bowlder 8 by 16 by 16 inches and 23 inches below the surface mark. Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are in bowlders about 14 by 18 by 18 inches with their tops flush with the surface of the ground, and with a few loose stones pded about them for identification. One is in the Une of the wire fence, 11.06 meters from the station in azimuth 197 10', and the other 8.59 meters from the station in azimuth 329 07'. Hult (Marion County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1903). On a prominent bare liill about 6 miles by road and 4 miles in a straight line southeast of Silverton, just south of the road from Silverton to Hult post office and on the farm of Ai Porter. It is on the northeast side of the hill and slightly lower than the summit, 17 feet from a hne fence on the west, and 8 feet from another fence on the south. The surface and undergrountl marks at tliis station are crosses cut in the tops of one-half inch copper bolts embedded in bowlders, the underground mark being in a bowlder about 12 by 14 by 14 inches, with its top 1.9 feet below the surface mark, which is in a bowlder about 14 by 18 by 24 inches, with its axis north and south. Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are located as follows: One in a bowlder about 14 by 16 by 16 inches, set in the fence line 5.79 meters from the station in azimuth 108 55', and the other in a bowlder about 14 by 16 by 24 inches, set in the fence line 7.125 meters from the station in azimuth 304 40'. Barnes (Multnomah County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1903). On a cleared hUl about 4 miles west of Portland, between the Barnes and Cornell roads, and just east of the highest hill in this range which hUl is still densely wooded. It is on the south edge of the hill about 100 feet southeast of a fir tree and some small maple trees, and close to the north side of a large stump. The station is marked according to note 2,' the surface mark in a stone 8 by 14 by 18 inches with its top flush with the surface of the ground, and the subsurface mark in a stone 6 by 12 by 18 inches IJ feet below the surface mark. Two reference marks, described in note 4,' and set at the roots of stumps on the sides facing the station are located as follows: One in a bowlder 15 inches in diameter, distant 15.80 meters from the station in azimuth 1.56 11'; and the other in a bowlder A 12 inches in diameter 7.02 meters from the station in azimuth 233 23'. third reference mark consists of a cross in the top of a bowlder 10 inches in diameter buried 15 inches beneath the surface and of a copper bolt directly above the cross, in a bowlder 14 by 14 by 18 inches set with its top flush with the surface of the ground. It is about 3 feet north of the main east-and-west fence line, about 30 feet east of where this fence crosses the highest part of the ridge, about 3 feet east of a fence extending northward from this fence and 44.95 meters from the station ia azimuth 184 35'. Larch (Multnomah County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1903). Southeast of Bridal Veil, a town on the Columbia River, on the highest peak of Larch Mountain and on the west point of a small rock ledge which is on the north end of a spur Irom the main summit. The ledge is about 20 feet higher than the spur of which it forms the end, and descends abruptly on the north in a cliff about 100 feet high. It can be reached either from Bridal Veil or Latourell via Donahue's logging camp. The station is marked according to note 1.' Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are in the east summit of the ledge, one in rather a low place 10.89 meters from the station in azimuth 298 51', and the other near the east end of the summit 15.01 meters from m the station azimuth 287 02'. Star (Clark County, Wash., J. S. H., 1906). On the most southerly of the two summits of Silver Star Mountain, on the line between Clark and Sl^amania Counties, about 35 mdes northeast of Vancouver. The station was marked according to note 3.* Two reference marks, described 77002 13 4 I See p. . 50 THE CALIFOBNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PBIMABY TRIANGULATION. in note 4,' are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 5.910 meters, 305 43'; and 5.160 meters, 26 11'. Davis (Cowlitz County, Wash., J. S. H., 1906). About 14 miles northeast of Woodland on the highest j)oint of a hill on a north-and-south ridge which may be reached from Woodland by following the road up the Lewis River to the Fisher place and packing from there. The station is marked according to note 3.* Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 5.61 meters, 15 02'; and 5.37 meters, 96 51'. Red (Skamania County, Wash., J. S. H., 1906). On the highest point of a bald, red hill near the sources of the Little White Salmon and Lewis Rivers and not far from Klickitat Pass. It is best reached from White Salmon on the Columbia River via Guler post office, Ice Cave, Peterson's prairie. Goose Lake, Steamboat Lake, and the Indian race track, being about 1 mile southwest from the last place and 1^ miles west of Steamboat Lake. The station is marked according to note 3.' Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 7.400 meters, 96 14'; and 5.422 meters, 188 46'. Warren (Columbia County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1903). ^About a mile southwest of Warren, a station on the Northern Pacific Railway, on a slight elevation or ridge near the west side of a pasture owned by Mr. E. Hames and about 250 meters north of an east-and-west road. The station is marked according to note 2,* the surface mark in a bowlder 8 by 24 by 24 inches with the letters "U. S." cut in the north side and the subsurface mark in a stone 6 by 12 by 18 inches buried 18 inches below the ground. Three reference marks, described in note 4,' are in the north-and-south fence line to the west of the station. The middle reference mark of the three is 246.7 meters north of the north road fence and the other two are each about 30 meters distant from the middle mark, one north and the other south. They are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 23.67 meters, 93 15'; 37.46 meters, 41 26'; and 37.95 meters, 142 46'. Lam (Cowlitz County, Wash., J. S. H., 1906). On the highest part of the heavily wooded summit of Elk Mountain, about 35 miles northeast of Woodland. The station is marked accord- ing to note 3.' Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 6.28 meters, 36 56'; and 10.84 meters, 319 02'. Len (Skamania County, Wash., J. S. H., 1906). In the northwestern part of Skamania County, about 10 miles north of Mount St. Helens and a short distance northeast of Spirit Lake. Spirit Lake can be reached by stage road from Castle Rock via Toutle and St. Helens, and from the south landing on this lake the peak on which the station is located appears as a rocky summit through a gap almost due north. The station is marked according to note 3.' Two reference marks, described in note 4,* are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 3.260 meters, 215 15'; and 12.220 meters, 138 04'. Toutle (Cowlitz County, Wash., O. B. F., 1905). On the top of a conical hill, the highest point of a long ridge, known locally as Gum Mountain, between the north and south forks of the Toutle River and about 20 miles east of Castle Rock. The summit was heavily timbered in 1905 and lines of sight were cleared. The station is reached from Castle Rock via Toutle and St. Helens and the main road left at a point about 2}4 miles east of St. Helens at Muniker's place, from where the station is about 3 miles distant in a southerly direction. The station is marked according to note 2,' the underground mark in a stone 12 inches in diameter 2 feet below the groimd and the surface mark in a bowlder 12 by 18 by 24 inches. The reference marks are cop])er bolts set in the center of triangular blazes on each of three stumps on the sides facing the station, the first being 9.24 meters from the station in azimuth 104 22', the second 9.13 meters, in azimuth 165 16', and the third 7.90 meters, in azimuth 345 34'. Two blazed trees are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 18.24 meters, 162 52'; and 26.44 meters, 257 50'. Huck (Lewis County, Wash., O. B. F., 1905). On a high, bald summit, known locally as Huckleberry Mountain, and about S miles northwest of the highest point of the Deschutes ' See p. 43. THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATJON. 51 Mountains in this region. The station is on a level place on the summit and about 60 feet north of a sharp rocky point of about the same height. The station is marked by a one-half inch drill hole 1 inch deep in the top of a bowlder 8 by 8 by 10 inches set flush with the surface of the gp-ound. The reference marks, three in number, are similar drill holes in soUd ledges along the west side of the ridge a Uttle below its top, and at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 13.65 meters, 40; 7.30 meters, 60; and 5.60 meters, 136. Bel (Pierce County, Wash., O. B. F., 1905). On a high rocky peak known as "Bel Jacket," about 10 or 12 miles a little south of west of Mount Tacoma, and about 9}4 miles by road from Ashford. From Ashford there is a wagon road leading to Messler's place about 5 miles distant, then a trail in the direction of Bald Rock ana Eagle Rock, which leads to a small lake from where the peak may be seen about one-half mile distant a little to the west of north. The station is marked according to note 3.' Three reference marks, described in note 4,' are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 7.26 meters, 328 46'; 5.24 meters, 16 22'; and 5.94 A meters, 188 29'. driU hole is 16.89 meters from the station in azimuth 15 01'. Hal (Lewis County, Wash., O. B. F., 1905). On the highest point of the most western one of the high, bald summits of the Deschutes Mountains near the northern line of Lewis County and due south of Tacoma. From the north the mountain appears as a symmetrical cone and is best approached from Yehn, a town on the Northern Pacific Railway, via Peter Stone's ranch, which is about 14 miles southeast of Yelm and a short distance north of the station. The station is near the south point of the hilltop and marked according to note 3.' Three reference marks, described in note 4,' are located as follows: The first in a large bowlder, 10.55 meters from the station in azimuth 166 24', the second in a broad sloping ledge 4.81 meters distant in azimuth 333 35', and the third in about the highest point of rocks 2.71 meters distant in azimuth 13 07'. Rain (Thurston County, Wash., O. B. F., 1905). About 10 meters northwest of the highest point of a prominent high hill about 4 miles south-southeast of the town of Rainier, about 1,200 feet above it, and just visible over the top of the timber from the town. It is prob- ably in sec. 33, T. 16, R. 1 E., and it is about a mUe west-northwest of the ranch on the top of the ridge owned by N. N. Bungard. The station is marked according to note 2,^ the subsurface mark in a bowlder about 10 by 12 by 12 inches and 15 inches below the surface of the ground, and the surface mark in a bowlder 12 by 20 by 20 inches. Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are located as follows: One in a large bowlder at the highest part of the hiU, 8.75 meters from the station in azimuth 8 54', and the other in a bowlder at some distance down the slope of the liill and 13.78 meters from the station in azimuth 218 42'. Hurst (Pierce County, Wash., O. B. F., 1905). ^Near the north end and highest part of the timbered hill about 400 meters slightly south of west from the railroad station at Hillhurst, a town on the Northern Pacific Railway, and about one-half mile southwest of the store and post office. The hill is across the road south from the Cottage Grove farm, owned by Mr. Bucholtz. The station is marked at the surface with an old-type station mark, described on page 42, set in a concrete block 12 inches square and 18 inches deep, and underground by a one-half inch copper bolt 4 inches long set in the solid ground or native cement 3 feet beneath the surface. There are two reference marks, one of which is a copper bolt set in the only large rock in the neighborhood, 40.34 meters from the station in azimuth 252 40', and the other is a similar copper bolt in a bowlder 10 by 12 by 12 inches flush with the surface of the ground, with a smaller bowlder 8 by 10 by 10 inches directly below it, and is 13.52 meters from the station in azimuth 150 41'. Pen (Pierce County, Wash., O. B. F., 1905). About one-half mile south of Graham, a station on the Tacoma Eastern Railroad, about one-half mile northwest of Mr. Hansen's house, and 75 or 100 meters to the westward of the highest part of a flat, partly cleared summit. The station is marked according to note 2.' Three reference marks, described in note 4,' are at tlie following distances and azimuths from the station: 18.93 ineters, 242 50'; 17.80 meters, 37 58'; and 23.15 meters, 160 53'. > Seep. 43. 52 THE CALIFOBNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PBIMABY TBIANGULATION. Tacoma south base (Pierce County, Wash., O. B. F., 1905). About 10 miles south of Tacoma and 2 miles south of Spanaway Lake, on land belonging to William Sekor, in the prolonga- tion of Pacific Avenue of Tacoma. From the top of the hill in South Tacoma this street is nearly a straight line and Tacoma base line lies along it. The station is on the highest bench near the south side of Sekor's property and near the highest point of the bench, being about 10 feet west of a small but prominent knoll. It is 178.5 meters from the fence on the south side of the field and 154.8 meters from the fence on the west side. The station is marked underground by a cross in the head of a one-half inch copper bolt 3 inches long set in a block of concrete 2 J feet square and 6 inches thick 3 feet beneath the surface, and at the surface by an old-type station mark, described on page 42, set in the top of a concrete cube 2 J feet on an edge which has a 4-inch drain tile 2 feet long at tlie center with its top flush with the surface of the con- crete. There are tliree reference marks, each consisting of a copper bolt set in a concrete block 18 inches square an See p. 43. THE CALIFOKNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PKIMABY TBUNGULATION. 53 Wash (Pierce County, Wash., O. B. F., 1905). In the northwestern part of Tacoma, near the middle of Twenty-fifth Street and about 5 yards east of the east Hne of Washington Street projected across Twenty-fifth Street at their intersection. The station is marked by an old-type station mark, described on page 42, in a bowlder 18 by 24 by 30 inches, which is buried with its top about 5 inches below the surface of the ground. Two reference marks, each consisting of a punch mark in the head of a copper slug in a stone 2 feet below the surface and of a similar slug in a stone directly above the lower mark and about 3 inches beneath the surface, are located as follows: One at the northeast intersection of Twenty-fifth and Washington Streets, about 1^ feet east of the east line of Washington Street, 1 foot north of the north line of Twenty-fifth Street and 9.634 meters from the station, in azimuth 153 20'; and the other at the southeast intersection of the same streets, about 3 feet from Washington Street, 1 foot south of the south line of Twenty-fifth Street and 17.713 meters from the station, in azimuth 12 22'. Bos (Pierce County, Wash., O. B. F., 1905). In the flat about 2 miles east of Tacoma and one-third of a mile south of the trestle leading from the city across the marsh to the mills on the east side of the valley. It is about 75 meters northeast of a small white house at the north end of the strip of fast land which extends farthest into the marsh and on a very slight elevation, clear of trees and buildings, on the edge of a slough. The station is marked according to note 2,' the lower mark in a small bowlder 15 inches below the surface and the upper mark in a bowlder about 10 inches in diameter projecting 3 inches above the surface of the ground. There are no reference marks, but a broken-topped fir tree is about 60 meters from the station, in azimuth 331 44', and the west comer of the small white house is 77.72 meters distant, in azimuth 13 54'. GuU (King County, Wash., J. J. G., 1891; 1905). On Commencement Bay, north of Tacoma, and about 1 mile southeast from Brown Point Lighthouse, on the bold bluff about 125 feet high, which is conspicuous on approaching the point from Tacoma. The station is about 15 feet from the edge of the bluff and in range with the tower of the Lowell School in Tacoma and the left tangent of the tall, dark, cylindrical building with a dome roof, which belongs to the Tacoma Lumber Co.'s mill, and bears about southwest from the station. The station is marked by a bottle buried 2^ feet below the surface and by a nail in a pine stub at the surface of the ground. Dron (King County, Wash., O. B. F., 1905). On Commencement Bay, about one-half mile southeast of Brown Point Lighthouse and about one-half mile west of station Gull. It is on the highest part of a bluff point about 60 feet above the water and 20 or 25 feet inland from the edge of the bluff, in a thicket of madrona trees, some of which were felled to clear the line to station NeiU. The station is marked according to note 2} Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 4.42 meters, 175 08'; and 5.01 meters 308 03'. Smelt (Pierce County, Wash., O. B. F., 1905). On a ridge in the extreme northwestern part of Tacoma just south of Point Defiance Park. To reach the station foUow the electric line, which runs to the smelter, to a point about 300 yards beyond where the cars make the last turn at Highland Park, and there take the road which leads toward the west, following it until the top of the ridge is reached. From there keep along the ridge toward the north until the Brown Point lighthouse and the left tangent to the second smelter chimney to the north of the 300-foot smelter stack are in range, then follow this range to within 5 or 10 yards of the edge of the plateau. The station is not far from the west end of the main ridge, considerably below the highest point, and at about the same elevation as a small knoll some 300 feet to the west. The station is marked according to note 2,' except that the subsurface mark is a one-haK inch drill hole in a stone 18 inches below the surface. The surface mark is in a bowlder 10 by 18 by 18 inches set flush with the surface of the ground. One reference mark consists of punch holes in the heads of copper slugs set in each of two stones, one 15 inches underground and the other at 1 See p. 43. 54 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OP PBIMABY TBIANGULATION. the surface, 28.55 meters from the station in azimuth 27 38'. The other reference mark is a copper slug set in a stone in place 53.16 meters from the station in azimuth 236 33'. NeUl 2 (Pierce County, Wash., O. B. F., 1905). On Neill Point at the southeast end of Vashon Island, about 6 or 8 feet above high-water mark and 15 feet inland from it. The station is marked only by a tack in the top of a pine stub. A Tacoma astronomic station (Pierce County, Wash., J. F. P., 1892; 1905). stone pier A near the north end of Wrights Park, Tacoma. brick pier 17 inches square and 5i feet long, used for latitude observations in 1894, is 12 feet 3 inches due east of the station. StJPPLEMENTAKY POINTS. Coming tower (Tehama County, Cal., O. B. F., 1904). The tower at the south end of the Maywood Colonization Building, a wood and plaster structure, just across the street from the Maywood Hotel and southwest from the railroad station. Comijig astronomic station (Tehama County, Cal., W. H. B., 1908). On the vacant lot just west of the Maywood Colonization Building at Coming. (See Coining tower, above.) The station is not marked but the following distances and azimuths to different parts of the Maywood Colonization Building were measured. Tower, 23.40 meters, 247 24'.2 northwest comer of the ; porch-like part of the building known as the Arcade, 31.40 meters, 207 55'.2-, and southwest corner of the same Arcade, 16.64 meters, 242 17'.8. Redding courthouse (Shasta County, Cal., O. B. F., 1904; 1908). The center of the top of the dome of the courthouse upon which stands the statue of justice. The statue is eccentric to A the center of the dome by about 1 ^ feet. triangle with a small hole at the center is cut in the floor of the dome directly below the center of the dome and may be used as the station. Redding astronomic station (Shasta County, Cal., O. B. F., 1904; 1908). On a prominent hill about three-fourths of a mile south by west from the railroad station at Redding. To reach the station follow the railroad track south to milepost 259, which is marked at present by a board nailed to a telegraph pole, where will be found a United States Geological Survey bench mark, a metal tube with a brass top, and from here the station is west about one-fourth of a mile. The station is on the brow of a hill somewhat toward the south edge and not quite at the highest A point. live oak about 6 inches in diameter is on the edge of the hiU just north of the line to the Geological Survey bench mark and a leaning pine tree about a quarter of a mile distant is in Ime with the Redding courthouse. The station is marked according to note 1,' in the top of a large bowlder projectmg 4 inches above the ground. Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 20.22 meters, 115 49' and 9.99 ; meters, 188 17'. Redding south base (Shasta County, Cal., W. H. B., 1908). About 15 feet east of the rail- road track at Redding and opposite a large steel oil tank. The station is marked oidy hj a nail in the top of a wooden stub and by the three instrument stubs. Redding north base (Shasta Count}', Cal., W. H. B., 1908) . Near the northwest corner of the cemetery south of the railroad station at Redding and about 15 feet east of the track. The station is marked oidy by a nail in a wooden stub and by the three instrument stubs around it. Hill (Shasta County, Cal., W. H. B., 1908). On the east brow of a ridge just north of the ridge on which Redding astronomic station is located (see above), and almost on the line between that station and the courthoiwe at Redding. The station is marked only by a wooden stub and the three instrument stubs surrounding it. Central Point astronomic station (Jackson County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1904; 1908). About 2 miles north of Central Point, near the intersection of the Southern Pacific Railway and the county road and in the northwest comer of the field which is just east of the county road and south of the private road leading to the house occupied by George Mims. The station is about 30 meters from the railroad. (See Central Point latitude station, below). The under- ground mark at the station is a three-fourths inch drill hole in the top of a triangular granite > See p. 43. THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. 55 rock, set in cement 15 inches below the surface of the ground. The surface mark is an old-type station mark, described on page 42, set in the top of a granite rock which projects 2 inches above the surface and which is embedded in a mass of concrete 30 inches square and 12 inches deep. The reference mark, a United States Geological Survey bench mark, is at the intersection of the railroad and the county road, just east of the rail on the east side of the road and 28.15 meters from the station in azimuth 31 55'. Central Point latitude station (Jackson County, Oreg., W. H. B., 1908). Near Central Point astr&nomic station (see above) and marked only by a wooden pier: The fbllowing distances and azimuths were measured: Astronomic station, 4.77 meters, 116 41'; United States Geological Survey bench mark (reference mark of astronomic station), 28.82 meters, 41 18'. The north and west fences of the field are, respectively, 6.18 meters and 15.55 meters from the station. Rose (Douglas County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1904). On the highest point of the highest bald summit of a ridge about IJ miles north of Roseburg. The station is marked according to note 2,' the underground mark in a mass of concrete 1 foot below the surface and the surface mark in a bowlder 9 by 14 b}- 18 inches flush with the surface of the ground. Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 16.71 meters, 12 24'; and 7.49 meters, 125 23'. Burg (Douglas County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1904). On a high, bald summit about 3 miles southeast of Roseburg. As seen from the iron bridge over the river just west of the railroad station, it is the highest and most distant peak visible up a small valley. The station is marked according to note 2,' the underground mark in a mass of concrete 13 inches below the surface, and the surface mark in a bowlder 10 by 12 bj' 14 inches set flush with the surface of the ground. The reference mark, described in note 4,' is in a bowlder just over the edge of the hill, 10.24 meters from the station in azimuth 112 45'. Roseburg latitude station (Douglas County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1904). On the point of a spur across the river from the town of Roseburg, about 100 feet west from the end of the bridge and 60 feet above it. The station is marked according to note 1,' set in a ledge of rock. Two reference marks, described in note 4,' are located as follows: One in a prominent ledge 18.18 meters from the station in azimuth 30 17', and tlie other in the side of a ledge flush with the ground, 32.30 meters from the station in azimuth 109 05'. Springfield Methodist Church (Lane County, Oreg., W. H. B., 1908). ^The lower and less prominent of the two churches at Springfield. Springfield Christian Church (Lane County, Oreg., W. H. B., 1908). The taller and more prominent of the two churches at Springfield. Deady Hall, west tower (Lane County, Oreg., W. H. B., 1908). Deady Hall is one of the two larger buildings of the University of Oregon at Eugene and has large square towers at both the east and west ends. Geary School spire, Eugene (Lane County, Oreg., W. H. B., 1908). The Geary School is the pubUc school located at West Fourth and Madison Streets, Eugene. United Brethren Church spire, Eugene (Lane County, Oreg.,- W. H. B., 1908). At East Eleventh and Ferry Streets, Eugene. Patterson School spire, Eugene (Lane County, Oreg., W. H. B., 1908). ^The public school located one block west of the southwest comer of the campus of the University of Oregon, at Eugene. Baptist Church spire, Eugene (Lane County, Oreg., W. H. B., 1908). At East Eighth and Pearl Streets, Eugene. W. 0. W. Hall spire, Eugene (Lane County, Oreg., W. H. B., 1908). The old Episcopal Church located at West Eighth and Lincoln Streets, Eugene, which is now being used as a hall by the Woodmen of tlie World. Courthouse flagpole (Lane County, Oreg., W. H. B., 1908). At East Eighth and Oak Streets, Eugene. ' See p. 43. 56 THE CALIFORNU-WASHINGTON ABC OF PRIMABY TBIANGULATIOX. Methodist Church spire (Lane County, Oreg., W. H. B., 1908). The Humphrey Memorial M. E. Church located at West Tenth and Willamette Streets, Eugene. Seavies ( V. S. G. S.) (Lane County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1904). Tliis station is identical with the United States Geological Survey station of the same name. It is on the most southern of the high liills, about 6 miles northeast of Eugene and about 30 or 40 feet southwest of and sliglitly lower than the highest part of the hill. The station is marked by a square stone 4 by 4 by 24 inches with its top a Uttle below the surface. The old Geological Survey signal was still standing in 1904, anchored in place by rocks, and was not disturbed. Monument, General Land Survey (Multnomah County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1903). The initial intersection of the First Standard Parallel and the Willamette Meridian, a short distance southeast of Barnes. (See p. 49.) The station is in a fence comer and is marked by a stone post projecting 1^ feet above the ground. River (Multnomali County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1903). Near the junction of the two suburbs of Portland known as Arbor Lodge and Peninsula, on the east bank of the Willamette River about a mile east of Columbia University. It is on a slight elevation, the highest in the vicinity, and in the fence line on the north side of the boulevard along the river bank. It was placed as far east as possible and still keep the Oregonian Building in view. The station is marked by crosses cut in the tops of two bowlders, one placed near the surface of the ground and the other directly beneath at a depth of 1.7 feet, each stone bearing the letters "U. S. C. " S. cut in the top. Oregonian (Multnomah County, Oreg., O. B. F., 1903). The tall iron pole at the southeast comer of the tower of the Oregonian Building at the northwest comer of Sixth and Adler Streets, Portland. Portland longitude station (Multnomah County, Oreg., C. H. S., 1887; 1905). This station has been destroyed. Portland latitude station (Multnomah County, Oreg., C. H. S., 1887; 1905). This station has been destroyed. Rocky Butte (Multnomah County, Oreg., C. R., 1889; 1903). On the north side of the highest part of the brush-covered summit of the butte, about 2 miles northeast of Montavilla. The station is marked by a hole drilled in a large round-topped bowlder. Harney (Clarke County, Wash., C. R., 1881; 1903). On the north bank of the Columbia River, about 1^ miles above the United States wharf at Vancouver, on the sloping bare bluff iimnediately above the road leading from Vancouver up the river. It is almost in front of the "Harney House," on land formerly owned by Gen. Harney, and about 80 meters east of the fence inclosing the race track. The underground mark consists of a glass bottle placed 3 feet below the surface, with the neck up, the center of the neck marking the station, and three other bottles placed on their sides at a depth of about 1 foot and at distances of about 6 feet from the center, with the necks of the bottles pointing toward the center. The surface mark is a small drill hole 2 inches deep in a basaltic bowlder, weighing about 350 pounds, placed with its top flush with the surface of the ground. The following bearings to the right of magnetic north were read at the station: East chimney of Harney House, 27 05'; triangle on tree 74 28'; wliite house on south side of river, 172 55'; ventilator on bam, 220 06'; and comer of race track fence, 276 47'. Batch (Multnomah County, Oreg., C. R., 1881; 1906). This station was occupied for azimuth in 1886. It is immediately northwest of the city limits of Portland, about a mile south of the Willamette River, on the first small level bench of the spur making out from the ridge west of the Cornell road, and about 255 feet above the road. The station is marked imderground by a broken-necked bottle placed neck up 2 feet below the surface, and by a cross in the toj) of a copper bolt set in concrete 6 inches above the bottle, and at the surface by a cross on an old-type station mark described on page 42, set in concrete, which is inscribed with the letters & "C. G. S." The reference marks are the remains of two brick piers built in line to the west of the station, with their foundation about 20 inches below the surface, the nearest edge of the first pier being about 1 meter west of the station. THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON AEC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. 67 Dash (King County, Wash., G. D., 1857; 1905). On the sand spit called Dash Point, about 1 mile northeast of Brown Point Lighthouse and 10 or 12 feet back from the high-water mark. The station is inclosed within a wall of old timbers to protect it from the washing of the waves, and is marked by a one-half inch drill hole 2 inches deep in a stone buried a foot beneatii the surface. Two reference marks, probably drill holes in bowlders, are at the follow- ing distances and azimuths from the station: 18.05 meters, 284 34'; and 37.32 meters, 352 A 21'. blazed fir tree is about 60 meters distant in azimuth 324 41'. Finer 2 (King County, Wash., O. B. F., 1905). On the southeast point of Maury Island, A about 25 feet above high tide and 30 or 40 feet inland from high-water mark. group of four ])iles is 30 or 40 meters east of the station, and a large rock, the largest in the vicinity, is in the water 50 or 60 meters south and a little west from the station. The station is marked by a three-fourths inch drill hole in a large stone set flush with the surface, and underground by a similar drill hole in a stone 2 feet below the surface of the ground. Two reference marks, each consisting of surface and subsurface stones, are at the following distances and azimuths from the station: 4.61 meters, 86 55'; and 4.65 meters, 167 45'. Robinson 2 (King County, Wash., J. S. L., 1867; 1905). On Robinson Point, on Maury Island, about 300 meters southwest of the scaffold light, on a bluff about 20 feet above high tide and 30 feet inland from high-water mark. The station is 95 meters southwest of the light keeper's dwelling, 42 meters southwest from the southeast comer of the light keeper's shed or bam, and about 2 meters west of the fence which extends southwest from the comer of the A shed. large madrona tree at the top of the bluff is 15 or 20 meters southwest of the station. The station is marked underground by a one-half inch drill hole in a stone buried 1 foot deep and at the surface by a similar hole in a stone, directly above the lower mark, set with its top flush with the surface of the ground. One reference mark is a one-half inch drill hole in a, solid stone which is in line with the fence ninning southwest from the shed, and is 2.93 meters from the station in azimuth 26 25'. The other reference mark consists of surface and subsurface stones, the lower one 1^ feet beneath the surface, and is 10.62 meters from the station in azimuth 185 06'. COMPUTATION, ADJUSTMENT, AND ACCURACY OF THE ELEVATIONS. The zenith distances directly observed at each station were first computed. These zenith distances were corrected for height of the object observed and of instrument so as to refer them all to the ground at each station or to the station marks. The difference of elevation of each pair of stations in the main scheme was then computed from the observations over the line joining them by the formula \~\ = sifm Vi + (C2-c.)[i+^^' y|^] in which h^ and /t, are elevations of the stations, (^^ and ^j are the measured zenith distances as corrected for height of instrument and of object observed, s is the horizontal distance between the stations, and p is the radius of curvature. As there are always two or more lines to each new station, many rigid conditions exist between the observed difference of elevation, even if the connections with the precise leveling were ignored, and the least square adjustment furnishes the readiest accurate means of deriving the required elevations. The elevations of the primary scheme throughout the arc from the stations of the Thirtyninth Parallel triangulation to Puget Sound were adjusted in three sets of equations. The first adjustment involved all stations of the primary scheme from the Thirty-ninth Parallel to the Willamette base. The second adjustment fixed the elevations of the primary stations connecting the Tacoma base with the Puget Sound triangulation. 58 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. The third adjustment fixed the elevations of the primary stations between the Willamette base net and the Tacoma base as well as the secondary stations connecting these with the Columbia River. In the first adjustment the elevations of stations Redding astronomic, Gazelle astronomic, Central Point astronomic, and Roseburg latitude were held fixed at 202.16, 848.28, 369.92, and 165.24 meters, respectively. These elevations were determined directly from the leveling of the United States Geological Survey. The precise leveling over the base and over a side line 1 kilometer in length connected the terminal marks of the Willamette base with the bench mark 4 miles north of Irving, also established in 1903 by the United States Geological Survey. The elevation published for this bench mark ' was increased by 0.286 foot (0.087 meter) and the elevations 101.36 and 116.59 meters adopted for the Willamette north base and south base, respectively. The elevations of Mount Helena and Snow Mountain West were held fixed by the adjustment published in Special Publication No. 4, page 279, as 1322.08 and 2145.66 meters, respectively. The zenith distances measured at these stations in 1876 and 1892 were used to fix the elevations of Snow Mountain East and Marysville Butte. They were first changed by eliminating all observations made near sunrise and sunset, as these have been proved unreliable. They were then treated as reciprocal observations in connection with the zenith distances measured in 1904 at the latter stations. The elevation of Snow Mountain East was held fixed at 2,150.56 meters as determined directly from Snow Mountain West, a line only 923 meters in length. The elevations of the 26 remaining stations connected by the observations are unknowns, to be determined by least squares from the 82 observed differences of elevation indicated below. In the following tabulation there are shown the observed differences of elevation treated in the first adjustment, together with their adjusted values. The weight p assigned to each observed difference of elevation is inversely proportional to the square of the length s of the line between stations in meters and was conveniently computed by the formula log />=10 2 log s. The observed difference of elevation is given the sign of the elevation of the second station named minus the elevation of the first. The quantity contained in the last column but one is the correction to be added to an observed difference of elevatiofi to obtain the adjusted difference of elevation. Adjustment of elevations Thirty-ninth Parallel to WUlamette base. THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. 59 Adjustment of elevations Thirty-ninth Parallel to Willamette hase Continued. 60 THE CAUF0RNIA-WA8HIN0T0N ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. The probable error of an observation of weight unity derived from the preceding adjustment is 1.08 meters. In other words, the reciprocal observations over a line 31.7 kilometers (19 miles) long,' this being the length of line corresponding to unit weight, determined the difference of elevation of two pouits with such a degree of accuracy that it is an even chance whether the error is greater or less than 1.08 meters. This probable error is unfair because of the fact that observations at the stations Roman and Spencer in June and July, 1903, were used in connection with those at Yellow and Fairview in October, 1904. The necessary assumption that the refraction is the same in the reciprocal observations was undoubtedly wrong in this case. The reason the four lines were retained in the adjustment was to connect the elevations of the two seasops. A rejection of the two lines, Yellow-Spencer and Yellow-Wliite, reduces the probable error of an observation of unit weight from 1 .08 to 0.77 meter. The latter is believed to represent more faithfully the value of the vertical angle results in this work. The probable errors for hnes of other than unit length were assumed to be proportional to their lengths. The probable errors of the elevations of the six stations fixed by the spirit leveling done by the United States Geological Survey are doubtless well within 0.3 meter. The probable error approaclies this value for stations adjacent to those fixed by the leveling and is greatest for tlie most remote stations. The probable error of the elevation of Mount Helena was computed as 0.62 meter and of Snow Mountain West as 1.14 meters.^ Snow Mountain West may be considered as the least accurately determined and this probable error, derived from the old work, 1.14 meters, may be assumed to be as large as for any station in the entire arc. The new elevation here computed for Marysville Butte, 638.0 meters, very properly supersedes that published on page 312 of Special Publication No. 4, which was determined solely from nonreciprocal observ^ations from which the early morning and late evening observations were not eliminated. The elevations of the stations of the main scheme from the Tacoma base to the connection with the Puget Sound triangulation were obtained from the second adjustment as shown in the tabulation below. The elevation of Tacoma City Hall, a bench mark of the United States Geological Survey, was held fixed at 33.518 meters, a publishetl elevation derived from tidal observations by this Survey. In addition to this the observed difference of elevation, 1.93 meters, between Tacoma north base and south base was superseded by the difference of elevation, 2.13 meters, from the precise levels run over the base line by the party measuring the base. There is, then, in this section one fixed elevation and one fixed difference of elevation. The elevations of the 13 remaining stations connected by the observations are the unknowns to be determined by least squares from the 34 differences of elevation indicated in the following tabulation. They are shown in the same form used for the first adjustment, except that the weight p assigned to each difference of elevation was computed by the fonnula log p = 9 2 log s. This Is the usual unit weight. A weight ten times as largo was used in the above table. "See p. 279, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Special Publication No. 4. THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. 61 Adjustment of elevations. Puget Sound to Tacoma base. 62 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OP PRIMARY TRIAXGUI-ATION. Adjustment of elevations Willamette base net to Tacoma hose. THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. 63 ELEVATION OF MOUNT SHASTA. One of the results of the vertical angle adjustments was a new elevation of Mount Shasta. This elevation was computed from reciprocal observations over six hnes varying from 38 to 97 kilometers in length. The first computation was made using a mean value of the coefficient, m, A of 0.066, and the results had a range of 14.6 meters. final computation was made using the value for the coefficient of refraction which was a mean of the values computed from the Unes radiating from the observing station, but corrected for the mean elevation of the line. The following are the values for the height of Mount Shasta : From Round From Bally FromMears From Boliver From Sterling From Soda 1043. 36+3272. 69=4316. 05 1892. 35+2424. 21=4316. 56 2174.00+2142.55=4316.55 2451. 45+ 1867. 28=4318. 73 2239. 03+2070. 00=4309. 03 1857. 11+2558. 37=4315. 48 p=2. 1.1 6.9 3. 7 1.3 1. 7 Weighted mean 4316. 5 meters (or 14162 feet). ACCURACY OF VERTICAL ANGLE RESULTS IN THE UNITED STATES. In the following table 25 sections of vertical angle results of triangulation in the United States having separate least square adjustments have been arranged in order of accuracy, the most accurate being placed first. The best test of accuracy is beheved to be the probable error of an observation of unit weight. Such an observation is here considered as the reciprocal nonsimultaneous observations over the length of line corresponding to unit weight, considered as .31.7 kilometers (19 miles). Sections of triangulation in order of accuracy. Section 64 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TBIANGULATION. It has been declared to be "useless to aim at a high degree of accuracy in vertical measures since the irr^^lar variation of the refraction from hour to hour and day to day produces changes_ in vertical angles which affect the tens of seconds and sometimes even the mmutes."' Should not this declaration be modified ? In considering the results in the above table it should be noted that the least accurate groups are those of the Transcontinental Arc where the observations extended over a great many days but at hours of the day when the refraction was great. The most accurate of the sections are the ones of the Ninety-eighth Meridian where the observations were confined to the hours nearest the time of minimum refraction, 11 a. m. to 3 p. m. The indiscriminate meaji of the probable errors, excluding the two least accurate sections, is 0.68 meter or an uncertainty of 4". 43 in the zenith distance. Zenith distances, which are affected by unusual refraction to the extent of "tens of seconds and sometimes minutes," would exceed 3^ times the probable error and would be subject to rejection. The sections where the lines are longest appear to have less accuracy, and this can be readily accounted for by the effect of the differences in the station errors between the ends of the line over which the zenith distances are observed. No effort has been made to correct the zenith A distances for this difference in station errors. second cause for the decrease in accuracy on the long Unes^is the necessarily longer interval between the observations at the ends of these lines allowing seasonal changes in the refraction to occur. In conclusion, the results would indicate that the aim should be for a few accurate measures of the zenith distances on more than one day and between 12 and 2 p. m. (or better, between 10 and 12 a. m. if the lines are near the coast), with no long interval of time between the observa- tions at the two ends of a line. JSee pages 253 to 256 of Special Publication No. 4^,for a dis- cussion of the times of maximum and minimum refraction at coast and interior stations.) ELEVATIONS The datum for all the elevations is mean sea level. The stations are ui three classes: First, those fixed directly by the spirit leveling, and of which the elevations are subject to a probable error varying from 0.15 to 0.3 meters; second, the stations in the main scheme fixed by reciprocal measures of vertical angles and which are subject to probable errors varymg from 0.2 to 1.1 meters, and, third, the mtersection stations, of which the elevations are fixed by measurements of vertical angles which are not reciprocal, the intersection stations not being occupied, and whose elevations are subject to probable errors which may be great as 3 meters in some cases. The accuracy with which each elevation in the main scheme is determined depends mainly upon the remoteness of that station from the nearest one of which the elevation is fixed by spirit levsling, as indicated in class 1 of the following table. Station Snow Mountam west is probably least accurately determined of all the stations in the main scheme. For a table to be used in converting feet to meters, or vice versa, see page 34. TABLE OF ELEVATIONS Thirty-ninth Parallel to Willamette base .station THE CALIFOBNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULAXION. 66 TABLE OF ELEVATIONS Continued. Thirty-ninth Parallel to Willamette lose Continued. station Point to wblcb elevation refers Elevation Class 2 Mount Helena Snow Mountain west Snow Mountain east MaryBville Butte Kent Lyons Bally Round Spur Boliver Mears Sterling Soda Onion Rust White Black Scott Burg Rose Fairview Yellow Roman Spencer Mary Peterson Twin Ridge Rauch CUmS Lassen Peak Mount Linn Mount St. John Bully Choop Crater Peak Saw Tooth Thompson Peak Russian Peak, north point Pilot Rock China Mountain Ashland Peak Marble Mountain Mount Eddy Mount Shasta Goose Nest Redding Courthouse Little Shasta Black Butte Preston Peak Greyback Siskiyou Wagner Kerby Mount Pitt Lost Peak Aspen Peak Mount Scott Liao Rock High Rock Union Peak Old Bailey Dodson (t. S. G. S.) Diamond Peak Quartz Mount Washington 77002 1.3- Station mark Top of pier Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Station mark Top Top Top Top Top Summit Top Highest summit Summit Summit Summit Summit Summit Top of peak Tree-top Tangent to roof Top of peak Top of cairn Top of peak Top of peak Top of peak Highest summit Top Summit Top Top Top of peak Top Top Top Top Top of peak Top of peak Top of peak Top of peak ifetert 1322. 1 2145. 7 2150.6 638.0 2032. 9 2031. 4 1892. 4 1043.4 2766. 9 2451. 5 2174. 1 2239. 3 1857. 4 1597. 1 1891. 2 1222. 7 1874. 1 1294. 6 608.7 453.3 1806. 3 746.3 872.3 626.2 1248. 8 437.2 389.8 36L0 202.2 3189. 9 2463. 8 2057. 6 2126. 8 2646.5 2717. 4 2555.0 2494. 3 1803. 9 2606.2 2296. 7 2533. 3 2754.8 4316. 3 2398. 5 198.2 2532. 9 1933. 8 2232. 2 2149. 5 2178. 4 2211.4 1689. 5 2893. 6 2446. 2 2502.0 2717. 7 2484. 1893. 8 2347. 9 2548.3 984.5 2679. 7 1686. 4 2368. 66 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TEIANGULATION. TABLE OF ELEVATIONS Continued Thirty-ninth Parallel to WiUiamette hose Continued station THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. 67 TABLE OF ELEVATIONS Continued WiHamette hose net to Tacoma base Continued station 68 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. o THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. 69 No. 2. i2?l izoT flFT O m I N I N OF CANADA Ifll Index Map. 70 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. I23T00' No. 3. THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON AEC OF PBIMARY TRIANGULATION. 71 IZ3130' Onion IZ3iOO' IZZ30' 122100 No. 4. -+ 'Mt.Pitt ihlX Herby I / eston Peak yi Goose Nest / ^^Little Shasta -+ Pussian PeokMpoipt^^-'-Vj ^-'<^ ' ' HHi Eddy /I' ' Russian Peakspoint -^ ' tSCBoliver -+ Lu ' Sow ToothC^ \ Thompson Peak \ "^'od Af30' itroo 72 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TBIANGULATION. No. 5. Onion-Kust to Mary-Peterson. THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. 73 No. 6. Mary-Petereon to Davis-Red. 74 THE CALIFORNU-WASHINGTON ABC OF PRIMABV TRIANGULATION. No. 7. Davis- Kcd to I'uget Sound. Index to positions, descriptions. sTcetches, and elevations station Albany courthouse cupola Alsea Peak, partly cleared, wooded Bummit Arquett, cairn Ashland Peak, cairn Aspen Peak Astronomic station : Central Point , Coming Eugene , Gazelle Redding , Tacoma , Balch Ball Butte Ballj; Baptist Church spire, Eugene Barnes Bel Bench mark, Portland ~. Black Black Butte, cairn Boliver (Cal.) Bos Brown Point Lighthouse Bully Choop Buig Btim Cannibal Peak, highest wooded summit Cem Central Point astronomic station Central Point latitude station Chemawa tank China Mountain (not the cairn) Christian Church spire, Springfield City Hall, Tacoma Coming astronomic station Coming tower Corv-allis, closed cupola Corvallis, open cupola Courthouse : Eugene, flagpole Redding Tacoma, cupola Crater Peak Dash Davis Deady Hall, west tower, Ei^ene Deschutes Peak Diaaiond Peak Dodson(U. S.G. 8.) Dron Eagle , cairn Eugene: Astronomic station Baptist Church spire Courthouse flagpole Deady Hall, west tower Geary School spire Methodist Church Patterson School spire United Brethren Church spire W. O. W. Hall spire 76 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ABC OF PBIMABY TRIANGULATION. Index to positions, descriptions, sketches, and elevations Continued. station Fairdale Peak Fairview Fir Forest Peak, tallest trees Gazelle astronomic station Geary Sch)l spire, Eugene Goat Mountain Goovse Nest, tall tree Greyback Gull Hal. Hamey Hayrick Herman Peak, wooded summil. . High R(x;k(Oreg.) High Rock (Wash.) Hill(Cal.) Hill(Oreg.) Huck , Hult Hurst Kent Kerby Kin Lam Larch Lassen Peak Latitude station : Central Point Portland Roseburg Lebanon, tall brick chimney Left Nipple Len Liao Rock Little Shasta Longitude station, Portland Lost Peak Lyons : butrble Mountain Marj' Marysville Butte Mears Methodist Church: Eugene Springfield, spire Middle Sister Min Mineral Peak Mitchell Monmouth Peak Monument, General Land Survey Mount A6ams Mount Eddy, cairn Mount Helena Mount Hood Mount Jefferson Mount Linn Mount Pitt Mount Rainier, bare summit Mount Rainier, high peak Mount St. Helens Mount St. John , Mount Scott Mount Shasta, top of , Mount Washington Mount Zion Nebo Neill2 Position Description Sketch Elevation Ptfe 41 35 41 40 35 39 42 38 38 36 36 41 40 40 38 42 37 41 36 36 36 34 38 36 36 36 37 38 41 39 40 40 36 38 38 41 38 34 38 35 34 35 39 39 40 42 42 41 40 41 41 37 34 41 40 37 38 42 42 41 37 38 37 40 39 40 37 Pttft 46 45 55 53 51 56 54 50 49 51 44 52 50 49 55 56 55 50 56 44 46 43 44 56 55 Nuviber 6 5 6 , 6 4 5 7 4 4 7 7 6 5 5 5 7 3 6 7 6 7 3 4 7 7 6 3 4 6 5 6 5 7 5 4 6 4 3 4 5,6 3 4 56 43 54 Paje 66 65 66 66 64 67 65 65 67 66 66 66 66 65 67 66 66 66 67 65 65 67 66 66 65 64 66 66 66 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 66 67 67 66 66 66 65 65 66 66 65 65 67 67 67 65 65 65 65 66 66 67 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. 77 Index to positions, descriptions, sketches, and elevations Continued. station North bSse; Redding Tacoma Willamette North Sister Old Bailey Onion Oregonian Patterson School spire, Eugene Pen Peterson Pilot Rock Piner2.., Pisgah Portland: Bench mark Ijatitude station Longitude station Prairie Peak, west tree Preston Peak Quartz Rain Ranch Red Redding: Astronomic station Courthouse North base South base ' Ridge River Robinson 2 Rocky Butte Roman Rose Roeeburg latitude station Round Round Peak Russian Church, crfiss Russian Peak, north point Russian Peak, south point Rust. St. Mary Butte Salem Capitol, dome Saw Tooth Scott Seavies (U. S. G. S.) Sea vies 2 Sharp Peak Shendan Peak, highest green tree Siskiyou Smelt Smelter stack, 300 feet high Snow Mountain east Snow Mountain west Soda South base: Redding .' Tacoma Willamette South Sister Spencer Springfield: Christian Church spire Methodist Church spire Spur Sqtiaw, cairn Star Sterling Table Rock, cairn j ^ Position Description Slretch Pane. 37 36 35 40 38 35 41 39 36 35 38 42 35 41 41 41 40 38 39 36 35 36 37 37 37 37 35 41 42 41 35 39 39 34 40 39 37 38 35 40 40 37 35 39 35 42 41 38 37 42 34 34 35 37 36 35 40 35 39 39 34 41 36 35 41 Page. 54 52 48 45 56 55 51 47 57 48 Number. 3 7 5 5 5 4,5 6 5 7 5,6 4 7 5 6 56 6 56 6 5 4 5 51 7 47 5 50 6,7 54 3 54 3 54 3 54 3 47 5 56 6 57 7 56 6 46 5 55 5 55 5 44 3.4 6 5 4 4 45 4,5 5 6 4 46 5 56 5 48 5 7 6 4 53 7 7 44 3 43 3 45 4 54 3 52 7 47 5 5 46 5 55 5 55 5 44 4 6 49 6 45 4 6 Pate. 67 64 66 65 65 66 66 65 65 67 66 65 65 66 65 66 64 65 65 66 66 65 65 64 65 66 65 '65 66 66 65 65 66 '67 66 65 67 67 65 65 65 67 64 66 65 65 66 66 65 66 78 THE CALIFORNIA-WASHINGTON ARC OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION. Index to positions, descriptigns, sketches, and elevations Continued. Station