{ "translatorID": "b2a735f3-11ac-4e9f-b22b-00e1b1d3c9f6", "label": "DrugBank.ca", "creator": "Tom Hodder ", "target": "^https?://(www\\.)?drugbank\\.ca/drugs/", "minVersion": "2.1.9", "maxVersion": "", "priority": 100, "inRepository": true, "translatorType": 4, "browserSupport": "gcsibv", "lastUpdated": "2017-01-01 16:52:59" } /*********************** BEGIN FRAMEWORK ***********************/ /** Copyright (c) 2010-2013, Erik Hetzner This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * Flatten a nested array; e.g., [[1], [2,3]] -> [1,2,3] */ function flatten(a) { var retval = new Array(); for (var i in a) { var entry = a[i]; if (entry instanceof Array) { retval = retval.concat(flatten(entry)); } else { retval.push(entry); } } return retval; } var FW = { _scrapers : new Array() }; FW._Base = function () { this.callHook = function (hookName, item, doc, url) { if (typeof this['hooks'] === 'object') { var hook = this['hooks'][hookName]; if (typeof hook === 'function') { hook(item, doc, url); } } }; this.evaluateThing = function(val, doc, url) { var valtype = typeof val; if (valtype === 'object') { if (val instanceof Array) { /* map over each array val */ /* this.evaluate gets out of scope */ var parentEval = this.evaluateThing; var retval = val.map ( function(i) { return parentEval (i, doc, url); } ); return flatten(retval); } else { return val.evaluate(doc, url); } } else if (valtype === 'function') { return val(doc, url); } else { return val; } }; /* * makeItems is the function that does the work of making an item. * doc: the doc tree for the item * url: the url for the item * attachments ... * eachItem: a function to be called for each item made, with the arguments (doc, url, ...) * ret: the function to call when you are done, with no args */ this.makeItems = function (doc, url, attachments, eachItem, ret) { ret(); } }; FW.Scraper = function (init) { FW._scrapers.push(new FW._Scraper(init)); }; FW._Scraper = function (init) { for (x in init) { this[x] = init[x]; } this._singleFieldNames = [ "abstractNote", "applicationNumber", "archive", "archiveLocation", "artworkMedium", "artworkSize", "assignee", "audioFileType", "audioRecordingType", "billNumber", "blogTitle", "bookTitle", "callNumber", "caseName", "code", "codeNumber", "codePages", "codeVolume", "committee", "company", "conferenceName", "country", "court", "date", "dateDecided", "dateEnacted", "dictionaryTitle", "distributor", "docketNumber", "documentNumber", "DOI", "edition", "encyclopediaTitle", "episodeNumber", "extra", "filingDate", "firstPage", "forumTitle", "genre", "history", "institution", "interviewMedium", "ISBN", "ISSN", "issue", "issueDate", "issuingAuthority", "journalAbbreviation", "label", "language", "legalStatus", "legislativeBody", "letterType", "libraryCatalog", "manuscriptType", "mapType", "medium", "meetingName", "nameOfAct", "network", "number", "numberOfVolumes", "numPages", "pages", "patentNumber", "place", "postType", "presentationType", "priorityNumbers", "proceedingsTitle", "programTitle", "programmingLanguage", "publicLawNumber", "publicationTitle", "publisher", "references", "reportNumber", "reportType", "reporter", "reporterVolume", "rights", "runningTime", "scale", "section", "series", "seriesNumber", "seriesText", "seriesTitle", "session", "shortTitle", "studio", "subject", "system", "thesisType", "title", "type", "university", "url", "version", "videoRecordingType", "volume", "websiteTitle", "websiteType" ]; this._makeAttachments = function(doc, url, config, item) { if (config instanceof Array) { config.forEach(function (child) { this._makeAttachments(doc, url, child, item); }, this); } else if (typeof config === 'object') { /* plural or singual */ var urlsFilter = config["urls"] || config["url"]; var typesFilter = config["types"] || config["type"]; var titlesFilter = config["titles"] || config["title"]; var snapshotsFilter = config["snapshots"] || config["snapshot"]; var attachUrls = this.evaluateThing(urlsFilter, doc, url); var attachTitles = this.evaluateThing(titlesFilter, doc, url); var attachTypes = this.evaluateThing(typesFilter, doc, url); var attachSnapshots = this.evaluateThing(snapshotsFilter, doc, url); if (!(attachUrls instanceof Array)) { attachUrls = [attachUrls]; } for (var k in attachUrls) { var attachUrl = attachUrls[k]; var attachType; var attachTitle; var attachSnapshot; if (attachTypes instanceof Array) { attachType = attachTypes[k]; } else { attachType = attachTypes; } if (attachTitles instanceof Array) { attachTitle = attachTitles[k]; } else { attachTitle = attachTitles; } if (attachSnapshots instanceof Array) { attachSnapshot = attachSnapshots[k]; } else { attachSnapshot = attachSnapshots; } item["attachments"].push({ url : attachUrl, title : attachTitle, mimeType : attachType, snapshot : attachSnapshot }); } } }; this.makeItems = function (doc, url, ignore, eachItem, ret) { var item = new Zotero.Item(this.itemType); item.url = url; for (var i in this._singleFieldNames) { var field = this._singleFieldNames[i]; if (this[field]) { var fieldVal = this.evaluateThing(this[field], doc, url); if (fieldVal instanceof Array) { item[field] = fieldVal[0]; } else { item[field] = fieldVal; } } } var multiFields = ["creators", "tags"]; for (var j in multiFields) { var key = multiFields[j]; var val = this.evaluateThing(this[key], doc, url); if (val) { for (var k in val) { item[key].push(val[k]); } } } this._makeAttachments(doc, url, this["attachments"], item); eachItem(item, this, doc, url); ret(); }; }; FW._Scraper.prototype = new FW._Base; FW.MultiScraper = function (init) { FW._scrapers.push(new FW._MultiScraper(init)); }; FW._MultiScraper = function (init) { for (x in init) { this[x] = init[x]; } this._mkSelectItems = function(titles, urls) { var items = new Object; for (var i in titles) { items[urls[i]] = titles[i]; } return items; }; this._selectItems = function(titles, urls, callback) { var items = new Array(); Zotero.selectItems(this._mkSelectItems(titles, urls), function (chosen) { for (var j in chosen) { items.push(j); } callback(items); }); }; this._mkAttachments = function(doc, url, urls) { var attachmentsArray = this.evaluateThing(this['attachments'], doc, url); var attachmentsDict = new Object(); if (attachmentsArray) { for (var i in urls) { attachmentsDict[urls[i]] = attachmentsArray[i]; } } return attachmentsDict; }; /* This logic is very similar to that used by _makeAttachments in * a normal scraper, but abstracting it out would not achieve much * and would complicate it. */ this._makeChoices = function(config, doc, url, choiceTitles, choiceUrls) { if (config instanceof Array) { config.forEach(function (child) { this._makeTitlesUrls(child, doc, url, choiceTitles, choiceUrls); }, this); } else if (typeof config === 'object') { /* plural or singual */ var urlsFilter = config["urls"] || config["url"]; var titlesFilter = config["titles"] || config["title"]; var urls = this.evaluateThing(urlsFilter, doc, url); var titles = this.evaluateThing(titlesFilter, doc, url); var titlesIsArray = (titles instanceof Array); if (!(urls instanceof Array)) { urls = [urls]; } for (var k in urls) { var myUrl = urls[k]; var myTitle; if (titlesIsArray) { myTitle = titles[k]; } else { myTitle = titles; } choiceUrls.push(myUrl); choiceTitles.push(myTitle); } } }; this.makeItems = function(doc, url, ignore, eachItem, ret) { if (this.beforeFilter) { var newurl = this.beforeFilter(doc, url); if (newurl != url) { this.makeItems(doc, newurl, ignore, eachItem, ret); return; } } var titles = []; var urls = []; this._makeChoices(this["choices"], doc, url, titles, urls); var attachments = this._mkAttachments(doc, url, urls); var parentItemTrans = this.itemTrans; this._selectItems(titles, urls, function (itemsToUse) { if(!itemsToUse) { ret(); } else { var cb = function (doc1) { var url1 = doc1.documentURI; var itemTrans = parentItemTrans; if (itemTrans === undefined) { itemTrans = FW.getScraper(doc1, url1); } if (itemTrans === undefined) { /* nothing to do */ } else { itemTrans.makeItems(doc1, url1, attachments[url1], eachItem, function() {}); } }; Zotero.Utilities.processDocuments(itemsToUse, cb, ret); } }); }; }; FW._MultiScraper.prototype = new FW._Base; FW.WebDelegateTranslator = function (init) { return new FW._WebDelegateTranslator(init); }; FW._WebDelegateTranslator = function (init) { for (x in init) { this[x] = init[x]; } this.makeItems = function(doc, url, attachments, eachItem, ret) { // need for scoping var parentThis = this; var translator = Zotero.loadTranslator("web"); translator.setHandler("itemDone", function(obj, item) { eachItem(item, parentThis, doc, url); }); translator.setDocument(doc); if (this.translatorId) { translator.setTranslator(this.translatorId); translator.translate(); } else { translator.setHandler("translators", function(obj, translators) { if (translators.length) { translator.setTranslator(translators[0]); translator.translate(); } }); translator.getTranslators(); } ret(); }; }; FW._WebDelegateTranslator.prototype = new FW._Base; FW._StringMagic = function () { this._filters = new Array(); this.addFilter = function(filter) { this._filters.push(filter); return this; }; this.split = function(re) { return this.addFilter(function(s) { return s.split(re).filter(function(e) { return (e != ""); }); }); }; this.replace = function(s1, s2, flags) { return this.addFilter(function(s) { if (s.match(s1)) { return s.replace(s1, s2, flags); } else { return s; } }); }; this.prepend = function(prefix) { return this.replace(/^/, prefix); }; this.append = function(postfix) { return this.replace(/$/, postfix); }; this.remove = function(toStrip, flags) { return this.replace(toStrip, '', flags); }; this.trim = function() { return this.addFilter(function(s) { return Zotero.Utilities.trim(s); }); }; this.trimInternal = function() { return this.addFilter(function(s) { return Zotero.Utilities.trimInternal(s); }); }; this.match = function(re, group) { if (!group) group = 0; return this.addFilter(function(s) { var m = s.match(re); if (m === undefined || m === null) { return undefined; } else { return m[group]; } }); }; this.cleanAuthor = function(type, useComma) { return this.addFilter(function(s) { return Zotero.Utilities.cleanAuthor(s, type, useComma); }); }; this.key = function(field) { return this.addFilter(function(n) { return n[field]; }); }; this.capitalizeTitle = function() { return this.addFilter(function(s) { return Zotero.Utilities.capitalizeTitle(s); }); }; this.unescapeHTML = function() { return this.addFilter(function(s) { return Zotero.Utilities.unescapeHTML(s); }); }; this.unescape = function() { return this.addFilter(function(s) { return unescape(s); }); }; this._applyFilters = function(a, doc1) { for (i in this._filters) { a = flatten(a); /* remove undefined or null array entries */ a = a.filter(function(x) { return ((x !== undefined) && (x !== null)); }); for (var j = 0 ; j < a.length ; j++) { try { if ((a[j] === undefined) || (a[j] === null)) { continue; } else { a[j] = this._filters[i](a[j], doc1); } } catch (x) { a[j] = undefined; Zotero.debug("Caught exception " + x + "on filter: " + this._filters[i]); } } /* remove undefined or null array entries */ /* need this twice because they could have become undefined or null along the way */ a = a.filter(function(x) { return ((x !== undefined) && (x !== null)); }); } return flatten(a); }; }; FW.PageText = function () { return new FW._PageText(); }; FW._PageText = function() { this._filters = new Array(); this.evaluate = function (doc) { var a = [doc.documentElement.innerHTML]; a = this._applyFilters(a, doc); if (a.length == 0) { return false; } else { return a; } }; }; FW._PageText.prototype = new FW._StringMagic(); FW.Url = function () { return new FW._Url(); }; FW._Url = function () { this._filters = new Array(); this.evaluate = function (doc, url) { var a = [url]; a = this._applyFilters(a, doc); if (a.length == 0) { return false; } else { return a; } }; }; FW._Url.prototype = new FW._StringMagic(); FW.Xpath = function (xpathExpr) { return new FW._Xpath(xpathExpr); }; FW._Xpath = function (_xpath) { this._xpath = _xpath; this._filters = new Array(); this.text = function() { var filter = function(n) { if (typeof n === 'object' && n.textContent) { return n.textContent; } else { return n; } }; this.addFilter(filter); return this; }; this.sub = function(xpath) { var filter = function(n, doc) { var result = doc.evaluate(xpath, n, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); if (result) { return result.iterateNext(); } else { return undefined; } }; this.addFilter(filter); return this; }; this.evaluate = function (doc) { var res = doc.evaluate(this._xpath, doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var resultType = res.resultType; var a = new Array(); if (resultType == XPathResult.STRING_TYPE) { a.push(res.stringValue); } else if (resultType == XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE) { a.push(res.booleanValue); } else if (resultType == XPathResult.NUMBER_TYPE) { a.push(res.numberValue); } else if (resultType == XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE || resultType == XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE) { var x; while ((x = res.iterateNext())) { a.push(x); } } a = this._applyFilters(a, doc); if (a.length == 0) { return false; } else { return a; } }; }; FW._Xpath.prototype = new FW._StringMagic(); FW.detectWeb = function (doc, url) { for (var i in FW._scrapers) { var scraper = FW._scrapers[i]; var itemType = scraper.evaluateThing(scraper['itemType'], doc, url); var v = scraper.evaluateThing(scraper['detect'], doc, url); if (v.length > 0 && v[0]) { return itemType; } } return undefined; }; FW.getScraper = function (doc, url) { var itemType = FW.detectWeb(doc, url); return FW._scrapers.filter(function(s) { return (s.evaluateThing(s['itemType'], doc, url) == itemType) && (s.evaluateThing(s['detect'], doc, url)); })[0]; }; FW.doWeb = function (doc, url) { var scraper = FW.getScraper(doc, url); scraper.makeItems(doc, url, [], function(item, scraper, doc, url) { scraper.callHook('scraperDone', item, doc, url); if (!item['title']) { item['title'] = ""; } item.complete(); }, function() { Zotero.done(); }); Zotero.wait(); }; /*********************** END FRAMEWORK ***********************/ /* Drugbank.ca Translator Copyright (C) 2012 Tom Hodder This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ function detectWeb(doc, url) { return FW.detectWeb(doc, url); } function doWeb(doc, url) { url = url.replace(/[#\?].*$/,""); return FW.doWeb(doc, url); } /** Articles */ FW.Scraper({ itemType: 'encyclopediaArticle', detect: FW.Url().match(/(\/drugs\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+)/), title: FW.Xpath('//tr/td[preceding-sibling::th[contains(text(), "Name")]]').text(), //.match(": (.*)",1), creators: function(){ return [{ "lastName":"DrugBank", "creatorType":"editor", "fieldMode":1 }] }, attachments: [ { url: FW.Url(), title: "Drugbank.ca Snapshot", type: "text/html" }, { url: FW.Url().append(".mol"), title: "MOL file", type: "chemical/x-mdl-molfile" }, { url: FW.Url().append(".sdf"), title: "SDF Molecule file", type: "chemical/x-mdl-sdfile" }, { url: FW.Url().append(".smiles"), title: "SMILE file", type: "chemical/x-daylight-smiles" }], abstractNote: FW.Xpath('//tr/td[preceding-sibling::*="Description"]').text(), date: FW.Xpath('//div[@id="drug-meta"]').text().match(/Drug created on ([a-zA-Z0-9 ,:]+) \/ Updated on ([a-zA-Z]+ [0-9]+, [0-9]{4,4}) /, 2), // tags: FW.Xpath('//div[@class="terms terms-inline"]/ul/li/a[@rel="tag"]').text(),` encyclopediaTitle: "DrugBank", // beforeFilter : function (doc, url) { // url = url.replace(/[#\?].*$/,""); // return url; // } }); /** BEGIN TEST CASES **/ var testCases = [ { "type": "web", "url": "https://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/DB00381", "items": [ { "itemType": "encyclopediaArticle", "title": "Amlodipine", "creators": [ { "lastName": "DrugBank", "creatorType": "editor", "fieldMode": 1 } ], "date": "June 06, 2017", "abstractNote": "Amlodipine is a long-acting 1,4-dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker. It acts primarily on vascular smooth muscle cells by stabilizing voltage-gated L-type calcium channels in their inactive conformation. By inhibiting the influx of calcium in smooth muscle cells, amlodipine prevents calcium-dependent myocyte contraction and vasoconstriction. A second proposed mechanism for the drug’s vasodilatory effects involves pH-dependent inhibition of calcium influx via inhibition of smooth muscle carbonic anhydrase. Some studies have shown that amlodipine also exerts inhibitory effects on voltage-gated N-type calcium channels. N-type calcium channels located in the central nervous system may be involved in nociceptive signaling and pain sensation. Amlodipine is used to treat hypertension and chronic stable angina.", "encyclopediaTitle": "DrugBank", "libraryCatalog": "DrugBank.ca", "url": "https://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/DB00381", "attachments": [ { "title": "Drugbank.ca Snapshot", "mimeType": "text/html" }, { "title": "MOL file", "mimeType": "chemical/x-mdl-molfile" }, { "title": "SDF Molecule file", "mimeType": "chemical/x-mdl-sdfile" }, { "title": "SMILE file", "mimeType": "chemical/x-daylight-smiles" } ], "tags": [], "notes": [], "seeAlso": [] } ] }, { "type": "web", "url": "https://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/DB00599#enzymes", "items": [ { "itemType": "encyclopediaArticle", "title": "Thiopental", "creators": [ { "lastName": "DrugBank", "creatorType": "editor", "fieldMode": 1 } ], "date": "May 19, 2017", "abstractNote": "A barbiturate that is administered intravenously for the induction of general anesthesia or for the production of complete anesthesia of short duration. It is also used for hypnosis and for the control of convulsive states. It has been used in neurosurgical patients to reduce increased intracranial pressure. It does not produce any excitation but has poor analgesic and muscle relaxant properties. Small doses have been shown to be anti-analgesic and lower the pain threshold. (From Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th ed, p920)", "encyclopediaTitle": "DrugBank", "libraryCatalog": "DrugBank.ca", "url": "https://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/DB00599", "attachments": [ { "title": "Drugbank.ca Snapshot", "mimeType": "text/html" }, { "title": "MOL file", "mimeType": "chemical/x-mdl-molfile" }, { "title": "SDF Molecule file", "mimeType": "chemical/x-mdl-sdfile" }, { "title": "SMILE file", "mimeType": "chemical/x-daylight-smiles" } ], "tags": [], "notes": [], "seeAlso": [] } ] }, { "type": "web", "url": "https://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/DB01323#pharmacoeconomics", "items": [ { "itemType": "encyclopediaArticle", "title": "St. John's Wort", "creators": [ { "lastName": "DrugBank", "creatorType": "editor", "fieldMode": 1 } ], "date": "February 24, 2017", "abstractNote": "Not Available", "encyclopediaTitle": "DrugBank", "libraryCatalog": "DrugBank.ca", "url": "https://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/DB01323", "attachments": [ { "title": "Drugbank.ca Snapshot", "mimeType": "text/html" }, { "title": "MOL file", "mimeType": "chemical/x-mdl-molfile" }, { "title": "SDF Molecule file", "mimeType": "chemical/x-mdl-sdfile" }, { "title": "SMILE file", "mimeType": "chemical/x-daylight-smiles" } ], "tags": [], "notes": [], "seeAlso": [] } ] } ] /** END TEST CASES **/