{ "translatorID": "b56d756e-814e-4b46-bc58-d61dccc9f32f", "label": "Nagoya University OPAC", "creator": "Frank Bennett", "target": "^https?://opac\\.nul\\.nagoya-u\\.ac\\.jp/webopac/(catdbl\\.do|ctlsrh\\.do)", "minVersion": "2.0b7", "maxVersion": "", "priority": 100, "inRepository": true, "translatorType": 4, "browserSupport": "gcsibv", "lastUpdated": "2021-12-28 04:47:51" } // ####################### // ##### Sample URLs ##### // ####################### /* * The site is session-based, with page content negotiated * in POST calls. The starting point for an OPAC search is * the URL below. In testing, I tried the following: * * - A search listing of books * - A search listing of journals (no icon) * - A mixed search listing of books and journals * - A journal page (no icon) * - A book page */ // http://opac.nul.nagoya-u.ac.jp/webopac/catsrk.do // ##################### // ##### Constants ##### // ##################### /* * Strings corresponding to variables */ var pageStrings = { title: ['タイトル / 著者','Title / Author'], year: ['出版・頒布','Publication'], isbn: ['ISBN','ISBN'], authors: ['著者名リンク','Author link'], series: ['シリーズ情報','Series information'] }; var itemUrlBase = "http://opac.nul.nagoya-u.ac.jp/webopac/catdbl.do"; // ############################ // ##### String functions ##### // ############################ /* * Chop a semicolon-delimited string of authors out of a raw title string, * check it for Japanese characters, and save the raw string for each author * to an array. If no Japanese authors were found, save directly to the item * object. */ var parseRomanAuthors = function (item,data) { var datastring = data['title'][0]; // don't bother if there is no author info if ( ! datastring.match(/.*\/.*/) ) { return true; } // cut off the title datastring = datastring.replace(/.*\//, ""); // raise flag if there are japanese characters var japanese_check = datastring.match(/.*[^- &0-9()\[\];:,.a-zA-Z].*/); // replace comma with semicolon in certain cases, to prepare for split datastring = datastring.replace(/,(\s+[a-zA-Z]{3,})/, ";$1"); datastring = datastring.replace(/,(\s+[a-zA-Z]{1}[^a-zA-Z])/, ";$1"); datastring = datastring.replace(/(\s+and\s+)/, "; "); datastring = datastring.replace(/(\s+&\s+)/, "; "); // split the authors var authors = datastring.replace(/\|.*/, "").split(";"); // this is parsing the authors for a single work. if there is a special byline, we // assume that it applies to all subsequent entries until overridden. var authortype = 'author'; for (i in authors) { item.authorstrings.push(authors[i]); var authortypehint = authors[i].replace(/^([ ,.:a-z]*).*/, "$1"); if ( authortypehint.match(/.*(edit|organiz).*/) ) { authortype = "editor"; } else if ( authortypehint.match(/.*trans.*/) ) { authortype = "translator"; } var author = authors[i].replace(/^[ a-z]*/, "").replace( /\.\.\..*/, "" ); // need to test for length because the replacement of commas with semicolons // can cause a short split at the end of a byline that originally ended in a comma if ( ! japanese_check && author.length ) { item.creators.push(Zotero.Utilities.cleanAuthor(author, authortype)); } } return japanese_check; } /* * For each author link, attempt to find a hint that the person * is an editor or translator, first in the link text itself, then in * the list of raw author strings captured by parseRomanAuthors. * Clean out cruft, reverse the order of each name, and save * directly to the item object. */ var parseJapaneseAuthors = function (item, data) { var authortype = author; var authors = data['authors']; for (i in authors ) { if ( authors[i].match(/.*編.*/) ) { authortype = 'editor'; } else if ( authors[i].match(/.*訳.*/) ) { authortype = 'translator'; } else { authortype = 'author'; } var author = authors[i].replace(/[*]/g,"").replace(/[0-9<()|].*/, "").replace(/(.*?),(.*)/, "$2 $1"); // If we claim to be an author, double-check in the English entries for a translator hint. // This is an enormous pain, but the original records are a mess, with different conventions // for Japanese and foreign records, sometimes mixed up in the same entry. What are you // going to do. for ( x in item.authorstrings ) { var authorstring = item.authorstrings[x]; var name = author.split(" "); name.reverse(); if ( authorstring.indexOf( name[0] ) > -1 && authorstring.match(/.*(訳|譯|譯註)$/) ) { authortype = 'translator'; break; } else if ( authorstring.indexOf( name[0] ) > -1 && authorstring.match(/.*(編|編著)$/) ) { authortype = 'editor'; break; } } delete item.authorstrings; item.creators.push(Zotero.Utilities.cleanAuthor(author, authortype)); } } /* * Split extracted title field. This always starts as a single list item, * but can contain entries for several works, as in an omnibus volume of * translated works, for example. Such records separate the elements of * the omnibus with periods that have no trailing space, so we use that as * the split point. We discard the phonetic information appended to the end * of the string in Japanese records. */ function splitTitle(data) { // split in data array var titlestring = data['title'][0].replace(/\|.*/, ""); data['title'] = titlestring.split(" . "); } // ########################## // ##### Page functions ##### // ########################## /* * When getlist argument is nil, return a value when the target * index DOM contains at least one book entry, otherwise * return false. * * When getlist argument is true, return a list of * array items for book entries in the DOM. */ var sniffIndexPage = function(doc,getlist){ var check = doc.evaluate("//td[div[@class='lst_value' and contains(text(),'Books')]]/following-sibling::td", doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var node = check.iterateNext(); if (getlist){ var ret = new Object(); while (node){ var myitems = Zotero.Utilities.getItemArray( doc, node, "document\\.catsrhform\\.pkey.value="); for (var r in myitems){ ret[r] = myitems[r]; } node = check.iterateNext(); } return ret; } else { return node; } }; /* * Invoke sniffIndexPage to generate a list of book * items in the target DOM. */ var getBookItems = function(doc){ return sniffIndexPage(doc,true); }; /* * Extract data from the DOM using the var-string pairs in * pageStrings as a guide to navigation. */ var scrapePage = function(doc, spec) { var namespace = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI; var nsResolver = namespace ? function(prefix) { if (prefix == 'x') return namespace; else return null; } : null; var data = new Object(); for (key in spec) { var check = doc.evaluate("//th[div[contains(text(),'"+spec[key][0]+"') or contains(text(),'"+spec[key][1]+"')]]/following-sibling::td/div", doc, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var c = check.iterateNext(); while (c) { if (!data[key] ) { data[key] = new Array(); } data[key].push(Zotero.Utilities.trimInternal(c.textContent)); c = check.iterateNext(); } } return data; }; /* * Bring it all together. */ function scrapeAndParse(doc,url) { if (!detectWeb(doc,url)){ return false; } var item = new Zotero.Item("book"); item.authorstrings = new Array(); var data = scrapePage(doc, pageStrings); splitTitle(data); if (data['title']) { var titles = new Array(); for (i in data['title']) { titles.push( data['title'][i].replace(/\s+\/.*/, "") ); } item.title = titles.join(", "); var jse_authors = parseRomanAuthors( item, data ); if ( jse_authors ) { parseJapaneseAuthors( item, data ); } } if (data['year']) { // sometimes there are multiple "date" fields, some of which are filled // with other random information for (i in data['year']) { var year = data['year'][i]; if ( year.match(/.*[0-9]{3}.*/) ) { item.date = year.replace(/.*?([0-9][.0-9][0-9]+).*/, "$1"); item.place = year.replace(/:.*/, "").replace(/[\[\]]/g, ""); item.publisher = year.replace(/.*:(.*),.*/, "$1"); break; } } } if (data['series']) { item.series = data['series'][0].replace(/[/|<].*/, ""); } if (data['isbn']) { item.ISBN = data['isbn'][0].replace(/[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*/, "$1"); } item.complete(); } // ######################### // ##### API functions ##### // ######################### function detectWeb(doc, url) { if (url.match(/.*\/webopac\/catdbl.do/)) { var journal_test = doc.evaluate( '//th[div[contains(text(),"Frequency of publication") or contains(text(),"刊行頻度") or contains(text(),"巻号") or contains(text(),"Volumes")]]', doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext(); if (!journal_test) { return "book"; } } else if (url.match(/.*\/webopac\/ctlsrh.do/)){ if (sniffIndexPage(doc)){ return "multiple"; } } return false; } function doWeb(doc, url) { var format = detectWeb(doc, url); if (format == "multiple") { var items = {}; Zotero.selectItems( getBookItems(doc), function (items) { for (var u in items) { var m = u.match(/.*document\.catsrhform\.pkey\.value=\'([^\']+)\'.*/); items[itemUrlBase+"?pkey="+m[1]+"&initFlg=_RESULT_SET_NOTBIB"] = true; } var urls = []; for (var u in items){ urls.push(u); } ZU.processDocuments(u, scrapeAndParse); }); } else if (format == "book"){ scrapeAndParse(doc, url); } } /** BEGIN TEST CASES **/ var testCases = [ { "type": "web", "url": "http://opac.nul.nagoya-u.ac.jp/webopac/catdbl.do?pkey=TY50091937&initFlg=_RESULT_SET_NOTBIB", "items": [ { "itemType": "book", "creators": [ { "firstName": "Jeremy", "lastName": "Adelman", "creatorType": "author" } ], "notes": [], "tags": [], "seeAlso": [], "attachments": [], "authorstrings": " Jeremy Adelman", "title": "Frontier development : land, labour, and capital on the wheatlands of Argentina and Canada, 1890-1914", "date": "1994", "place": "Oxford", "publisher": "Clarendon Press", "series": "Oxford historical monographs", "ISBN": "0198204418", "libraryCatalog": "Nagoya University OPAC", "shortTitle": "Frontier development" } ] } ] /** END TEST CASES **/